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In this objective will be verifying the literature values for the loss of energy due to friction using the
relation ship that the loss of energy is equal to the change in pressure divided by the density of the
fluid. Each pipe is equipped with several barometers the pressures will be recorded from. The
measurement of the pressures through out the tubing and its change will be documented for the straight
pipes in the lab over the length between the barometers for the thin smooth pipe, the regular smooth
pipe, and the regular sized rough pipe. The loss of friction will then be compared to the literature value
for the expected friction loss given the pipe. The pressure difference will then be documented for the
change in the direction of pipe flow. Pressure drop will be observed for the smooth 90 bend, the sharp
90 degree bend, and the two sharp 45 degree angle bends. When determining pressure change for each
of the 6 friction loss systems as describe above will be taken at several different flow rates. This allows
there to be more data to see if deviations from the theoretical values are statistically significant. This
also allows us to test the correlation to be made between the energy lost due to friction.
To determine the theories accurately the flows but be either turbulent or laminar. This means that
Reynolds number must be either greater than 4000 or less than 2000. With 9982 kg/m^3 being the
density of water and 8.90*10^-4 Pa*s being the viscosity of water at 298 Kelvin, the velocity of fluid
times the diameter must be less than 1.783*10^-4 or greater than 3.566*10^-4. Flows will most likely
be turbulent since the velocity of the water would have to be very small to keep in the laminar range.
To see if the deviations are statistically significant, a null hypothesis test will be used with the
deviations from the expected energy loss from friction used as the data points. The null hypothesis for
deviations will be zero. All deviations will be calculated used the formula empirical measurement
calculated value. For example a positive value would be more friction loss then measured and a
negative value is less friction loss then expected. We are going to assume that the distributions of the
deviation have a normalized distribution and that 5 tests should be enough that a t-test may be used to
accurately get the mean of the deviations. A t test must be used since we are using empirical data and
not comparing percentages or probabilities. We will use a p value of less then or equal to .05 to
determine if there is a significant deviation.
The danger in this lab is minimal. The biggest factor for danger would be from slipping on the polished
concrete floor due to any moisture on the floor lubricating the surface. Slipping if a team mates head
hits a pipe, table side, or the floor could cause a concussion, abrasion of the skin, or fracturing of the
skull. Another factor could come from pipes suddenly busting or if a student over open a valve causing
a high pressure water damaging tissue. To avoid such circumstances all values will be open slowly, and
students will make sure they have firm footing while working at the station i.e no leaning over near the
lab station. In case of accident Mrs. Burrows or a TA will be notified immediately for steps on how to
deal with the injured team member.

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