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Volume 2010, Issue #3

May Day
Hail RunePebble Readers!
Welcome to the Walpurgisnacht/ May Day Edition!

This is a fascinating and wonderful time of year. The icy grip of winter finally surrenders to
the warmth of the season and gives itself completely to Spring with the greening of the
world. The seeds we planted in March are beginning to break through the soil and climb to-
wards the Sun. We see the recognition of these events in the celebrations of Sigrblot,
Walpurgisnacht and May Day. Within the grouping of these holidays lies the acknowledgment
of the dark as well as the joyous celebration of life.

Just as the plants grow so do we. This is the major theme associated with the celebration of
Sigrblot (April 28). This is a Blot to Odin to insure a successful journey through life and the
endeavors in which you invest yourself. This is a good time to remember that your life is an
adventure and that it is what you make of it. Where do you wish to sail? How will you gain
victory? Think on these things while creating the Viking daily planner listed in the activities
section. Gear the tasks you list towards achieving both your large and small goals.

Walpurgis Night (Night of April 30th) is a great time for introspection. It is a time of taking
honest stock of yourself and finding where your weaknesses lie as well. Since Sigrblot, you
have been thinking about what parts of this earthly experience do you want to grow. You’ve
been asking yourself who you want to be when you grow up not only in terms of career but
also in terms of spirit. Walpurgis night is a time to write down the things that you know hin-
der you from achieving them. This is also the perfect evening for tossing that list into a bon-
fire and letting go of it.

As the sun rises on May Day (May 1), the light of the bonfire replaced with the fire and heat
of the sun. It penetrates the soil and our skin and coaxes into life those little seeds of poten-
tial that we have carefully planted. Spend the day dancing and singing! Rejoice in the power
of the sun and rejoice in all living and growing things!
Book Reviews by Anthony

-By Joanne Harris

Runemarks tells the story of Maddy Smith, 500 years after Ragnarok in a world noth-
ing like our own. Goblins, magic, and faeries all play a leading role in a narrative
staring this young girl with a "ruinmark" on her hand, sent into "World Below" by
One-Eye to recover a relic from before the End of Time. All of this is easy except
that magic is outlawed, going into World Below is prohibited, and Maddy has the evil
forces of Order chasing her and all she seeks to save. Although this is a very large
book, over 500 pages, it is a great addition to your families Heathen Book collec-
tion. While the book does not explain all the reasons behind the mistrust amongst
the gods it does well explaining the gist of our cumulative lore in a way for young
adults to understand the story and motivates one to read through the Eddas
again. With summer vacation coming up I know parents will be looking for some-
thing productive for their kids to do, and why not read? Better still, why not read
Heathen fiction? For parents both looking to introduce the gods to kids and keep
them busy Runemarks will be a great book.

The first step is to acquire a pole and then attach equal numbers of colored rib-
bon to the top. You pole can be as big or little as you would like and can be
made of any solid material. Make sure the pole is secured firmly at its base.
Have the participants partner up and face each other. The couples then pass
each other on the left and come to face the next person. The second step the
two individuals pass each other on the Right and come to face the next individ-
ual. Together the ever switching partners continue this dance and weave around
each other alternating left and right steps, becoming a passing under and rais-
ing up of ribbons which wraps the ribbons up like shown above. To make this
event more powerful and intention filled, pick the color of your ribbons based on
their associations. See chart on the next page for some general color sugges-
Possible Ribbon Colors and Associations

Blue : Truth, tranquility, protection, hope, honor, change, psychic ability

Purple : Growth, self-esteem, psychic ability, insight, inspiration, spirituality, suc-

cess in business

Indigo : Insight, vision, change, flexibility, psychic abilities

Magenta : Intuition, change, spiritual healing, vitality

Pink : Compassion, tenderness, harmony, affection, love, romance, spiritual heal-


Violet : Success, intuition, self-improvement, spiritual awareness

Red : Lust, passion, fire, willpower, courage, energy, strength, anger

Orange : Courage, pride, ambition, enthusiasm, energy, friendship, communica-

tion, success, opportunities

Yellow : Joy, vitality, intelligence, study, persuasion, charm, creativity, communi-


Green : Abundance, growth, healing, prosperity, fertility, employment, luck, jeal-


Turquoise : Creativity, discipline, self-knowledge, honor, idealism

Silver : Spiritual truth, intuition, receptivity, psychic ability, stamina, balance

White : Cleansing, peace, protection, healing, truth, divination, tranquility (white

can be used in place of any color)

Brown : Stability, integrity, justice, sensuality, endurance, animals, concentration,


Gold : Vitality, strength, success, action, courage, confidence

Gray : Vision, neutrality, absorbs negativity

Make friends!
Improve writing and reading skills!
Trade stories and jokes! Build a stronger community!

Join the Pen Pal Program (all age levels and skills encouraged!)

Email or call me if you are interested in participating!

This publication is produced and edited by Victoria East aka “Vanir Vic” in service to
the Gods, The Ancestors and The Folk and is brought to you by the Asatru Folk

Asatru Folk Assembly

PO Box 445
Nevada City, CA 95959

Vanir Vic can be reached with Submissions,

Questions or Comments as follows:

Phone: 775-450-2109


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