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Major depressive disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as clinical

depression, major depression, unipolar depression,
or unipolar disorder; or as recurrent depression in the case
of repeated episodes) is a mental disorder characterized by a
pervasive and persistent low mood that is accompanied by
low self-esteem and by a loss of interest or pleasure in normally
enjoyable activities.

Major Depressive Episode

a single noteworthy happening in the course of a longer series of
events, such as one critical period of several during aprolonged ill

Maladaptive daydreaming
Maladaptive daydreaming or excessive daydreaming is a
psychological concept first introduced by Eli Somerto describe an
extensive fantasy activity that replaces human interaction and/or
interferes with academic, interpersonal, or vocational functioning.
It might be related to childhood emotional neglect or abuse that
motivates victims to divorce from the threatening world.

Male Erective Disorder

The persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain until co
mpletion of the sexual activity, an adequate erection. Thedisturban
ce causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. The difficulty
cannot be attributed to a medical condition,substance abuse, or me

Malingering, also called shamming illness or goldbricking, is the
false and fraudulent simulation or exaggeration of physical or
mental disease or defect, performed in order to obtain money or

drugs or to evade duty or criminal responsibility, or for other

reasons that may be readily understood by an objective observer
from the individual's circumstances, rather than from learning the
individual's psychology.

Manic Episode
A manic episode is characterized by period of at least 1 week
where an elevated, expansive or unusually irritable mood, as well
as notably persistent goal-directed activity is present.

Melancholia, formerly the psychological condition known
as depression. The term now refers to extreme features
of depression, especially the failure to take pleasure in activities.

Minor depressive disorder

Minor depressive disorder, also known as minor depression, is
a mood disorder that does not meet full criteria for major
depressive disorder but in which at least twodepressive
symptoms are present for two weeks. It is listed in the fourth
revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) as an example of aDepressive Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified.

Misophonia, literally "hatred of sound", is a purported disorder in
which negative emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions are
triggered by specific sounds. It is also called "soft sound
sensitivity syndrome," "select sound sensitivity syndrome" ("4S"),
"decreased sound tolerance", and "sound-rage".Misophonia is not
recognized as a disorder by standard diagnostic criteria, and there
is no evidence-based research on its prevalence or treatment.

Mixed Episode
A mixed episode (DSM-IV) is not a disorder itself, but rather is a
description of a component of a specific type of bipolar disorder.
A mixed episode is defined by meeting the diagnostic criteria for
both a manic episode as well as a major depressive
episode nearly every day for at least a full week.
A mixed episode (DSM-IV) is not a disorder itself, but rather is a
description of a component of a specific type of bipolar disorder.
A mixed episode is defined by meeting the diagnostic criteria for
both a manic episode as well as a major depressive
episode nearly every day for at least a full week.
Mood Disorder
Mood disorders are mental disorders characterized by periods of d
epression, sometimes alternating with periods ofelevated mood.

Morbid jealousy
Morbid jealousy, also known as Othello
syndrome or delusional jealousy, is a psychological disorder in
which a person is preoccupied with the thought that their spouse
or sexual partner is being unfaithful without having any real proof,
along with socially unacceptable or abnormal behaviour related to
these thoughts.[1] The most common cited forms of
psychopathology in morbid jealousy are delusions and obsessions.
It is considered a subtype of delusional disorder.

Munchausen Syndrome
Factitious disorder is a serious mental disorder in which someone
deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick, or
by self-injury. Factitious disorder symptoms can range from mild
(slight exaggeration of symptoms) to severe (previously called
Munchausen syndrome). The person may make up symptoms or

even tamper with medical tests to convince others that

treatment, such as high-risk surgery, is needed.
A factitious disorder is not the same as inventing medical
problems for practical benefit, such as getting out of work or
winning a lawsuit. Although people with factitious disorder know
they are causing their symptoms or illness, they may not
understand the reasons for their behavior.

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