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Names and surname of the Author: Henry Marcelino Aguilar Escobar

E-mail address of the Contact:

performed in order to analyze the main factors affecting the poor quality of service
delivery electricity to the users and their impact on profitability, since this issue
becomes one of the basic problems that prevent development organizations;
Whereas the quality of service is a culture, a way of being, living, acting and it
exists when members of an organization possess and exercise share a set of
values whose ultimate goal is the satisfaction of customer needs and that with
proper management of it by managers, is able to improve the service, a desire that
has always troubled companies and managers in essence have always sought to
meet the needs of the population.
This study has been framed for the periods 2013 and 2014, and for the
development of research, we defined our problem through the following general
questions : How does the quality of service affects the profitability of the Regional
Business Public Electricity - Electro Puno SAA in the period 2013 - 2014?
With the main objective; "Determining how service quality affects the
profitability of the Company Regional Public Electricity - Electro Puno SAA in the
period 2013 - 2014"

The results obtained as a result of the research work are reflected in our main

Quality, Efficiency, Electric Power, Public Member, Business and Client.

Under rules established by the School of Accounting and Administration of
the UNA - Puno; well I have to present this paper titled "Implications of the Quality
of Service on the profitability of the Company Regional Public Electricity - Electro
Puno SAA period 2013 - 2014 "which aims to analyze the main factors affecting the
poor quality of the service power supply leading to low profitability of the company,
considering that this issue is one of the problems that prevents the development of
the companies; The quality of service is the customer satisfaction with respect to
any services and is the real competitive advantage of an organization in a highly
demanding market where many users are dissatisfied with the service they receive,
and the constant in the service Quality is a reflection of the commitment of those
who make up a customer-oriented company.
Also, in practice we find many people and unwilling to provide quality
services companies , and they seem to always have ways of resisting to accept the
changes that quality means . And through this research we analyzed the quality of
service through the job performance of staff in the company Electro Puno SAA in
order to ensure that the supply of electricity and ancillary services are provided
with quality, reliability and timeliness , and can contribute to sustainable
development of the population and the environment and ultimately to the users , so
it is of utmost importance to the development of their staff is productive and
efficient , if not impact the quality of service.

For all of the above and the characteristics of research have developed the
following objective : To determine how service quality affects the profitability of the
Company Regional Public Electricity - Electro Puno SAA in the period 2013 - 2014;
And in order to develop research, we divided our work.


Scope of Study
The scope of study for the development of this research was the Regional Public
Service Company of electricity - Electro Puno SAA whose legal domicile is in
Mariano H. Cornejo Jr. No. 160 in the city of Puno.
Electro Puno S.A.A.
Electro Puno SAA is a concessionaire of Electricity Distribution in the Department
of Puno , created by cleavage of the equity block of the Regional Management Sub
Electro Sur Este SAA approved by resolution adopted by the General Meeting of
Shareholders of the latter Company dated July 9, 1999 , entered in the Jose Carlos
Mariategui Regional Registration Office - Office Puno , on October 28, 1999 in
Volume No. 74 , Seat No. 21742 and Sheet No. 1467, and began operations on
November 1, 1999 .
The Company bases its operation on the Law of Electric Concessions DL No.
25844 and its regulations S.D. 009-93 -EM, developing its activities in the field of
the Department of Puno , where their electromechanical installations of
distribution , transmission and generation are located ; implemented an
organizational structure with trained with the aim of having an efficient , agile and
modern management personnel, to provide customers with quality service.


Research Focus
The approach according to the nature of the investigation was mixed type ,
because the Qualitative and Quantitative approaches are combined, considering
that the characteristics of the research in this paper we have used variables that
lead to use both approaches.
Research design
The research design was type No experimental - transectional - Analytical , which
was performed without deliberately manipulate the variables of study, ie it was
observed and described the facts as they exist in their natural context and then
analyze them ; Through the analytical design transactional data collected at one
time in order to analyze the variables and their impact.
Investigation methodology
The research method used was deductive Hypothetically, with this method we
follow several steps: observation of the phenomenon or fact to study, creating
scenarios to analyze and explain these facts, deduction of consequences or more
elementary than the hypothesis own propositions, and verification or checking the
truth of the statements deduced by comparing them with the experience.
Information sources
The research was conducted with primary source data (observation, inquiry) and
Secondary (Documentary).

Techniques for Data Collection

Observacin.- interacted with reality through the senses .

Indagacin.- interacted with stakeholders.

Documental.- was obtained from sources such as books, magazines ,

financial statements of the company, and the internet Instrumentos.

Sheets observacin.- served to develop our conceptual framework.

Notebook Apuntes.- served for verification of data at the same venue of

the Regional Public Service Company of electricity - Electro Puno
SAAProcesamiento de datos.

For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used as the data collected were
tabulated and presented in statistical, described and analyzed each pictures for
better understanding.


With the data collected during the research , then we show the results obtained as
a result of field work , in order to respond to each of our questions raised and thus
achieve our objectives , then confirm or reject our hypotheses established.
The following tables are formulated according to the order of the specific
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1 : " Identify the main factors affecting the poor quality of
service benefits Regional electricity company Public Electricity - Electro Puno SAA"
The quality of service involves a change of attitude and mentality required to
exercise enduring values such as punctuality, reliability, honesty, responsibility and

establish a commitment to users and society. We can also indicate that the quality
of service required of persons working in the organization; more capacity, staff
training and dedication; Personal fitness is therefore an essential factor . All staff
should know their role and perform it correctly so that the customer does not have
to perform paperwork , long waits or suffer from poor care or despotism. In the
service quality the most important factor is the attitude of the staff must channel all
its efforts to achieve quality care.
OBJECTIVE 2: "Determining the level of profitability of benefits Regional electricity
company Public Electricity - Electro Puno S.A.A."
The profitability of a company becomes the expected return on investment
that is expressed in percentage terms and their study allows us to solve make final
sales or production decisions ; The profitability analysis , express the company
performance relative to their sales, assets or capital. It is important to know these
figures because the company needs to produce utility to exist.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3: "To propose alternatives that help improve the quality of
service of staff and profitability of the Company Regional Public Electricity - Electro
Puno S.A.A."
Having responded to each of our objectives in our research ; Here are some
alternatives to improve the provision of quality services and improving the
profitability of the company aims , and these are:


1. Increase the level of trained staff that has the company, in order
to better serve the user population.

2. Create awareness in the administration and staff about the

importance of quality of service and affordability factor based on
management policies and strategies to be implemented .
3. Raising rates of return through the provision of quality services
and seeking customer satisfaction.

Having discussed and analyzed our results and achieved the objectives and
contrasted with our hypotheses, the following are the conclusions that we have
arrived as a result of our research:
1. According to the results of our research presented in tables and graphs 1
to 13 3 to 15, it shows that 41% of workers were trained sporadically;
and 45% never received training on the part of the company; It also
shows that 45% of workers said they have a regular level of training and
consider it insufficient for the performance of their duties in the company
and 45% mentioned that they received no training in these periods;
Likewise it is shown that 23% of workers partially known instruments
company management and 50% do not know; 23% of workers partially
known strategies and company policy to improve the quality of service
and 45% are unaware; Finally we should note that 23% believe that the
allocated budget is insufficient and inadequate and does not allow new
knowledge and 23% considered that the company does not cover the
costs necessary for adequate training and 45% say they do not attend
trainings by the meager budget of the company. So, are the main factors
affecting low quality of service provided to users.
2. Referring to the profitability of the company have been shown in Tables
14 to 19 , from which it follows that, in the period 2013 return on equity
was 2.33 % , and in the period 2014 it decreased to 2.31 % , which
shows a very low level of performance expected by the company, which
translates into a growth of 2.33 % and 2.31 % per Nuevo Sol invested ;

In the period 2013 return on equity was 5.21 % , and in the period 2014 it
decreased to 4.64 %, which also shows a very low level of performance
for each invested Nuevo Sol ; Likewise , it shows that in the period 2013
return on assets of the company was 2.04 % , and in the period 2014 it
decreased to 1.92 %, which also shows a very low level of expected
return , which adversely affect the development of the company.

I express deep gratitude and appreciation to the management and staff of the
SAA, for their valuable contribution to the information provided , without which it
would not have been possible to develop this research.


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