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)V CO ^M

"The people which sat in darkness saw great light;.." Matt. 4:16
Japan Address
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

U.S. Address

"'Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer


West Elbert St.

Church Planting

1210 Kamikasuya,

Student Evangelism

Indianapolis, Indiana,

Literature Distribution

Bible Correspondence Course


Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

259-11 /
Tel. (^63) 96-1192

Tel. (517) 787-6755

Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, SprinK, 1990

Dear friends,
Probably you will excuse our delayed printing of this newsletter when we relate all the im
portant events that have happened.

We've been a bit busy.

Anticipating Hitoshi Nishiyama's coming to serve with us, the church has been saving every
yen toward their move. A pre-fab building has been renovated for his study. For their living
quarters a church member has offered an old house which everyone has been helping to refurbish.
This is just one mile east of the church. Bill Turner, Kathleen and ^ left in the middle of a
well-attended Spring Youth Camp to make it to the March 30th graduation at Osaka Bible Seminary.
Hitoshi was one of four graduating. Eleven from Sannobara Church attended the April 21st wed

ding at Koyoen where our family spent its first year in Japan, Aug. '58 - July 59. The bride,
Yuka Hosokawa, has been serving there as an assistant to Norihiko 'Nick' Saito the Kamizono
Church Minister. The neighborhood has changed and His church is thriving there.
The sixth of May we welcomed the newlyweds to our church and the following week's yearly
congregational meeting was an initiation for them. Without any delay Hitoshi was ordained into
the gospel ministry on May 20th. The following Sunday was set as their welcoming party and as
a wedding reception for local people who couldn't make the overnight trip to the wedding.
My brother, Emory, aged 61, had been suffering from myelo-fibrosis for nearly a year. Since
last year we have been monitoring his condition by phone and by letters. We were shocked on the
19th of April by the call from brother, George that informed us of his passing. We praise God
that he remained faithful to the conimittment we both made at our baptism, at the Vanderbilt, Pa.

Church in 19^2. Our hearts go out to his wife, Mary, their daughter Betsy and Bob Shultz, Bar
bara and Wendy. It was doubly hard for the Shultzs since Bob's mother had been laid to rest not
a week before as the result of an auto accident. "He has said. My grace is sufficient for you."
What a comfort it is to know that the separation is just 'till we meet again at Jesus' feet'.

Shinshu Christian Youth Camp, 1990

The Pratts, Hitoshi, Yuka, "Rie Saitos

Good news came to our ears through Bob Warrick's recent visit to Japan. He told of Bill

full recovery from leukemia.

Those of us who knew Bill when he served with the U.S.

Air Force have been praying for him since we heard of his illness. Certainly the Lord has other
plans for you, Bill. We praise God for his abundant gracei Bill and his family live at 193
Kesling Dr.,
K, Springboro, Ohio, 43066.
We baptized Son.ja Herbert when she was a primary student 42 years ago at the Branch Hill
Church, Loveland, Ohio. She is Mrs. Sonja Reiser, now and introduced us to her son who is aboard

a U.S. Aircraft Carrier based at Yokosuka, Japan. Darin and friend, Steve, returned our visit so
they would be able to remember the way to our door. We look forward to their coming again.
Please notice that

have adjusted our phone number in Japan to make it easier for

Stateside people to get through.

We have dropped the first 0.


In the U.S. that is not necess

ary since it calls up the operator which you do not need in 'direct dialing'.
I have served as a chaplain at Obirin for some time.

Aoyama University's Atsugi Campus is

is about fifteen minutes away from Isehara by car. On May 13th I was privileged to give my
first message at the chapel there. Rika Ogoshi, a member of the Machida Church of Christ and
graduate of Obirin High School attended. She is a sophomore and directs their chapel bell choir.
Wedding bells are ringing again.


This time they are for two former Obirin Christian Club

Masayuki was baptized at the Machida Church of Christ and is now in the States. Miwako

went there and they were married ^ the San Luis Obispo Church of Christ, Cal. on May 19th. We
wish them every happiness together and in their new life in the U.S.
A good friend of ours told us years ago, "I certainly hope you have all the financial sup
port you need. For you will have many other things to trouble you."

Thanks to her and to all of

you we have been blessed sufficiently that we needed not to worry. ^ this day we and the Mission
have lacked nothing for which we Praise Him.

The following was copied from the May 11, 1990 Yomiuri Newspaper. It is titled "Emperor
Still A Deity At Ise's Sacred Shrine" by Fred Hiatt. "The new Emperor is coming to the Grand
Shrine of Ise, where he is still worshipped as a god...The Emperor is an individual who ..em

bodies a divinity passed down through changing individuals from generation to generation...At
Ise, much is quite obviously unchanged. 'Some people will say that only before the war did
people think the Emperor was a god,' Nakanishi said. 'That is not so.' Before the Emperor visits
Ise next fall, he will copunune with Amaterasu in a mysterious nighttime ritual that will leave
him, by Shinto belief, a god. After a group of Christian-college presidents recently complained
that the government should not fund such a religious ceremony, one of the educators narrowly
missed death when someone fired two bullets through his bedroom window. The assailant is be

lieved to have been one of Japan's right-wing extremists who consider themselves protectors of
the Imperial faith."

Once again ^ are making plans for ^ two-month furlough in the States, July 13th through
Sept. 10th. We need some rest from the stress and strain and hope to make up for lost time in
visiting with our grandkids. But we will be available for speaking dates for those who request.
Contact us thru our Forwarding agent, Mrs. Harry Bauer whose address and telephone number are
listed on our letterhead.


igiglt Helen Ave.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46637

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Paul's Epistle

"The people which sat in darkness saw great light;.." Matt. 4:16
Japan Address



Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

Church Planting

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

1210 Kamikasuya,
Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

Student Evangelism

West Elbert St.

Indianapolis, Indiona,

Literature Distribution


Bible Correspondence Course

Tel. (463) 96-1192

Tel. (317) 787-6753

Vol. XXXIV, No. 5i Autumn, 1990

Dear friends,

Since our last 'Epistle' Hitoshi Ni^jyawa's ordinatiofr. into.-^t^ gospel ministry is history.
It happened as planned on May 20th. Missionary Bill Turner of Machida, who introduced Hitoshi
to Christ and Yukio Oka, elder of the Minato Church, Yokohama joined Paul in laying on of hands
and prayer. Yukiya Shiaokawa, trustee of the church presided and Mrs. Makiko Ishii sang "So
Send I You". The charge was presented by Kensei Yokomizo of the Yokosuka Church. Yuka Nishiyama, bride of the candidate provided musical accompaniment.

With our two-month furlough the young couple got a good initiation into the work. They
lead the congregation with a movie program for children, a youth camp, a V.B.S., by teaching

prospects and by taking a delegation to our ^Ist National Convention at Akashi City. Plans were
made for our church's Autumn Retreat and for hosting the Tokyo Area Fifth Sunday Rally. Prof.
Akira Oda from Osaka Bible Seminary will lead this year's retreat.

Many conversions in Japan are the result of team efforts. This was true with Miss Etsuko
Sekiguchi, grandaughter of the Maruyamas at the Zushi Church. Kathleen taught her 'Bible' at
Obirin Junior College and Bill and Betty Turner instructed her at the Campus House. Tim and
Lisa then guided her and she was baptized on June 10th at the Machida Church. Of course all
join together to praise God who "gives the increase".
Again there is "joy in the presence of the angels of God".

Mr. Tetsuo Yamagami, aged 52

and a long-time seeker repented of sin.and was baptized into Christ during the morning service
at Sannobara Church on September 25rd. Please pray for him as his battle is just beginning.
Our thanks to brother Ralph, and to Foster Sizemore and Southport Heights Christians who
helped us locate short wave 'ham' radio operators Stateside. In Japan, on August 20th, 'Isehara

Sam' (Kaoru lizuka) set up his antenna for the express purpose of contacting us while we were
there. We were able to talk via short wave on four different occasions.
are seekers studying the Bible toward being baptized in the near future.




Both he auid his wife,

Pray for them.

Mr. Yamagami was baptized Sept. 25, 1990

Belated congratulations to the Southview Church of

Christ in South Bend, Indiana. They marked their twentyfifth anniversary on August 19th. They have helped sponsor

our efforts during the greater part of t^at time. The Lord
has blessed the Japanese church thru their generosity.
Two months is such a short time for a Stateside visit."

However we thoroughly enjoyed being with family members and

especially the children and grandchildren. We spoke to
eight different groups of Christians, joined in the Cent
ral Japan Mission's yearly meeting, and enjoyed personal
visits with no less than 32 long-time friends. Our plane
touched down in Portland, Oregon. There I located Robert
Haldors name. We had had no contact since he was shipped

out of the Destroyer Base at San Diego ahead of me in the

fall of 19^5.

We talked by phone and then

Peterson, Pratt, Humphreys, Haldors

and his wife,

Freddie met us there at the airport on our way back to

Japan. We caught up on a lot of visiting in that one hour.
The yearly meeting of Central Japan Christian Mission

was held at Indianapolis, Ind. on August 25th with eight

members present. Paul and Kathleen gave a 'state of the
Mission' report. Harold Akers and Harry Bauer were both
re-elected to three-year terms as Trustee-Directors. Tim
and Lisa Turner previously listed as 'recruits' were in
stalled as 'Field Directors* with voting power along with
the other directors. Paul and Kathleen were given the
'green light' in their plans to bring five to seven stu

dents to the States during the summer of 1991 in HomeStay program.

ihose 01 you who heard our furlough messages real

Haldors and Pratt

ize the burden we feel for our people. We were challenged by Prof. James Strauss of Lincoln
Christian Seminary who addressed our June Missionary Convention at Nara. He informed us that so
many are enamored by the 'East' with its mystery religions, reincarnation , meditation etc. So

we determined to remind the brethren that the Creator of our universe is one, He lives, He has
spoken and that He moves and answers prayer in our world, "..praise the name of the Lord, His
name alone is exalted." Psalms 1^8:13

We are often asked, "When will you retire?"

Our usual answer is that we plan to remain

active ^ lo^^ God gives us good health. And then, whether we are on the'Tield o~not, the
responsibilities of the Mission, namely the loan repayment, assistance to the Onga Church and
Osaka Bible Seminary continue.
Yours in Christ,


1919^ Helen Ave.,

South Bend, Indiana, ^6637



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A Non-Profit Org,
South Bend, Ind,
Permit # 316

- life


1 S. Pr


Dear friends,

So much has happened since our last Epistle.


November 26th we received two telephone calls from In


dianapolis. The first brought the sad news of the pass

ing of Kathleen's older brother, Cecil and of Bobby's
being taken to emergency with difficulty in breathing.
Within an hour the call came telling us that he, too,

had passed away. Within the next 26 hours we were on our

way Stateside.

So we were able to make it for both the

funerals and to spend a week with family members. In

Japan, cash is presented as a condolence gift at such a
time as this. So, when we arrived back the church trea
surer presented Kathleen with sufficient funds to cover
her round trip ticket. How thankful we are to them.
Memorial Gifts were received from the following:

From Mr. 8f Mrs. Hubert Lusby and Mr. & Mrs. Rick Houp in
Memory of Cecil E. and Charles Robert Farr.

From Mr. & Mrs. James Johnston Jr.

Memory of James
Johnston Sr.
These along with ai gift from the Charles

Farr family were applied toward a new sign which was

placed at a nearby intersection announcing the location
of Sannobara Church. (Picture at the left)
We were saddened to learn that faithful minister.

E.M. Gallagher. Bradenton. Fla., had passed away on the

HIn Japan we often bow expres ing our

25th, too.

Sannobara Sign - Matt, 11:28

He was a true friend of C.J.C.M.



miss him. We pray for strength and comfort for his

wife, Margaret and for Mark and Linda.

thanks. During this past summer Kath

leen's brothers and sisters got together
for dinner about three times. The photo
at left was taken when we last got toget

her. Cecil picked up the check, and I

responded with a bow and "Domo arigato
Thank God for memories.
Our Japan missionary community, too,
suffered the loss of still another sol

Exie Fultz was "^called home'' on the

last day of this past year.

She came to

Japan in 1952 as a secretary with Chris

tian Radio Mission. When they moved over

at Denny's


to Korea, she remained in Japan to con

tinue English Bible classes and to work
with the Hyogo Church. She herself ent
ered into radio broadcasting and suppli
ed us with the weekly program "Calvary
Calls" in Kagoshima for six years. She
"being dead, yet speaks" through such

Sannobara's Christmas Choir

Our little "Miss Autumn"

fine young men as Preacher Norihiko Sal to, Banker Susumu Kojima and Economics Professor Etsuzo

Kishi, The Hyogo Church moved three times and is now the Kamizono Church in Nishinomiya City.
They dedicated their new building last November.

The Lord has given the increase.

Sannobara experienced a record number of attendees at church services this past Christmas.
A musical program sponsored by the Ishii family with all ages participating was a feature. We
also had children's singing and a drama by our junior high students for the candlelight service.
Cold rains cancelled our community caroling. Pray for new prospects who have been attending.

meeting of Tokyo area churches was held to salute Andrew and Betty Patton who are

retiring to the U.S. after serving in Japan for ^2 years. He served as head of Tokyo Bible Semi
nary for ten years, served with four different churches in addition to his ministry to U.S. Navy

men at Yokosuka. Since I985 they have done a fine job as Directors of the Shinshu Bible Camp.
"Well done, Betty and Andy". Living at Carl Junction,Mo. puts them near to all their children.

The Machida Church has been doing better lately. They keep the building warm for many Eng
lish and Bible classes each week. Tim and Lisa study the Japanese language each morning. We,
too, joined them during the New Year's holidays for what we call our Kanji (Chinese Character)
Seminar. Betty Turner leads it. Last year together we planned and had built a new portable
baptistry, much like the one Joe Garraan handles. We rejoice with them that a young housewife was
baptized on Christmas Day. She is a Filipino and her husband is Japanese. Many of you will re^
member that Betty, herself, served in the Philippines for several years.

The Spring Youth Camp is being planned for Shinshu Bible Camp March 27th to 30th. Tim TurI. have been asked to serve as deans. Our Theme is 'You Are Loved' and we have a'"good

line-up of teachers available. It will include junior high, high school and college-aged youth.
Since that is spring vacation time in Japan it is prime time for camping. Pray it succeeds.

Speaking of March 30th, that is the day of Hitofihi Nishiyama's (Csaika Bible Seminary) grad
uation. So we will be going down for that. Then he and Miss Yuka Hosokawa will be married at
the Kamizono Church, Saturday, April 21st. They will come to serve with us in May. Pray.
"God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him," Psalm 67:7


1919^ Helen Ave.,



South Bend, Indiana, ^6637




A Non-Profit Org.

South Bend,


Permit # 316
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mission services

Paul's Epistle
7fs -)V(D^


"The people which sat in darkness saw great light;..



Japan Address

U.^. Address
Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer
2^0 West Elbert St.

Church Planting

Mr. 8f Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

1210 Kamikasuya,

Student Evangelism

Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

Literature Distribution

Indianapolis. Indiana,



Tel. (Ott65) 96-1192

Tel. (517) 787-6753

Vol. XXXIV, No. k. Thanksgiving-Christmas Issue 1990

Dear friends,

Psalms 1^7:7,3,5

Little four-year old Taketora (Samurai Tiger) is thankful to be healthy again and out of the
hospital. Having had a bout with leukemia, he was hospitalized for tests. With a slight anemia
he was weak in battling a cold. When you pray for him, remember Yusuke Koizumi, the high school
boy who has a second soft tumor on the brain. He faces that second operation on November 19th,
the day before his l6th birthday.
Yoshiaki Kanno is thankful to be a 'son of God', and to be alive.

He is an elec-

tronics engineer. Three years ago, at

he gave up studying the Bible and returned
to the world, thinking he would live forever. Last year when his doctor recorded his

weight at 200 pounds and his blood pressure at over 200 he warned, "If you don't get

both of these down your life will be measured in days". First he returned to study the

Bible. Then began with the diet and now rides his bicycle to church and everywhere
for exercise. He was baptized into Christ on September 30th. He rejoices at having
many brothers and sisters in Christ cheering him on.

Miss Aki Muto is thankful to God for life, too.

Do you remember the news about

that crash-landing of United Airlines Flight 232 at Sioux City, Iowa on July 19, 1989?
She is one of the 186 survivors.

One hundred ten others were not so fortunate.


is a second year student at Sophia Junior College nearby. She was introduced to us


program. Aki said of her experience, "I wondered if this was the end for me. The

by Mrs. Diana Noll of Ft. Collins, Col. who was one of her hosts during a home stay

plane flipped over and I guess I was unconscious.

One of the male passengers woke

me and urged me to exit thru an opening with him. Hanging by my safety belt, Ihad
to get free.

He lead me out and we ran to safety.

Surely God was with us."

Speaking of Diana Noll, she and her husband Kent are carrying on a worthy service to




She taught Aki about Christ and then followed up with an international telephone call to

get in touch with us last summer. We were Stateside, so she traced us down there long distance.
She has another exchange student and wants to help her get in touch with Christians when she re

turns to Japan.

So, evangelistic opportunities are at our doorstep.

Let's pray God's guidance.

This is being written on the Day of Coronation for the new Emperor Heisei.
ceremonies and celebrations will continue for six days.


What various Christian and Buddhist

taxpayers (80,000 strong) have objected to is the outlay of billions of yen in public funds
toward Daijosai. This is a 'Great Thanksgiving Festival' which involves food offerings, re
ports to dead ancestors and to Shinto deities over a period of fifteen days.

# sword, and the gem. According to Nihon Shoki the three-legged raven is associa
Special treasures of the Emperor from antiquity have been the mirror, the

ted with these.

He is said to have 'dwelt in the sun and was sent down to the

earth as a god, to lead the people.' We here at Isehara are told that ^0 years
ago, when men were blazing the trail up 3^00 ft. Mt. Oyama this same three-leg
ged raven came to lead the way for them.
the Bible seem hard to believe?

Did someone say that the miracles of

Isn't it strange that so often the tall guy chooses a short girl, Jiro Iwasaki at 6'4"
was married to Yoko Seino who is not quite 5*4" at Sannobara Church on Sunday, November ^fth.

Both work at a book printing establishment in Tokyo, where they met. They did something very few

Japanese young persons do. They saved and budgeted for their own wedding. About 70 persons

attended the wedding at the church and 43 were present for the reception for families and close
friends at an inn- She is a Christian. He as yet has not made that decision.

"^enty-four adults attended Sannobara's Fall Retreat at an inn on Mt. Oyama. Professor Akira
0^ of Osaka Bible Seminary lead us. He challenged each of us to be 'Christ's Witnesses' with

the power He gives and the talents we possess in the place he has placed us. Thus the Body of
Christ, His church becomes His living witness.

you know that Sandi Patti and her husband were in Japan for a one-night evangelis
tic effort at Tokyo's Budo Hall on October Ist? . . that Mary Joyce Sawch, our youngest is ex^cting j^r second child in March? .. that Lydia Coyle, our older daughter, has been teaching
Elementary Japanese to American students at the University of Cincinnati? .. that Mark and
serving Japanese families through the Friendship Center at Bellefontaine, Ohio? 7T .
that Paul David, our oldest makes periodic visits to Washington, D.C. on business for the TRW
Company^where he works? . . that
Domen, the eldest sons of Hideko (YabikuTTnd

Tetsuo Do^ were married

August and are living and attending college in Hawaii. So Rebekah

and Kiki are living with them and attending school.


Emmanuel - Son of God - Prince of Peace - The Good Shepherd - The Door - The Way, and The Truth
and The Life - The Lamb of God - Jesus - King of Kings - Lord of Lords - The Resurrection -Savior

rf ?*!




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Gal. 4:4,5





John 1:12


o (b


Lord of the Sabbath - The"Word become Flesh - Alpha and Omega - The Bright and Morning Star - The
Lily of the Valley - The Christ - Messiah - Wonderful Counsellor - The Mighty God - Son of David Central Japan Christian Mission Inc.

19194 Helen St.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46637



U.S. Postage

A Non-Profit Org,
South Bend, Ind.
Permit # 316


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