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The practitioner, Jill H ayden, had a serious injury to her right arm from a fall and pulverized her hum erus bone resulting in a
disabled right arm from the shoulder to the hand w ith the arm curling up and pulling into the chest. This seem ed to be a perm anent
ane nt
problem . She spoke w ith half a dozen different professional physicians w hich all had a different opinion of w hat to do. O nly one w as
upfront on w hat further damage another operation could cause. N othing brought relief. She w anted to cut her arm off at the sh oulder.
oul der.
She finally found a retired massage therapist w ho had ow ned and operated her ow n massage school for 50 years. She had taken tthe he best
from all their techniques and used and taught the best. After the first treatment there w ere dramatic results. H er arm w as reconnecting
to the brain and the pain w as disappearing, she w as able to m ove again.
She w as convinced that these techniques could also help others so she took the course and learned it w ell. She had 11 years in
the medical field prior to this training and along w ith her intuitiveness for how the body w orks. She has had tremendous results
resu lts in
helping people w ith all sorts of problems. Some examples are: strokes, head injuries, manier, syndrome, TM J, multiple sclerosis, P arkin-
son’s disease, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, etc.
forr p roper
These techniques connect the brain to the muscle, releasing tight m uscles and strengthening w eak muscles w hich is required fo
stages of rehab. People have traveled from lots of different states to come and see her since many of them for decades have not been able
to find relief from their problem and have been very pleased to have found the practitioner Jill H ayden.
I had a file cabinet fall on m y head tw o years before I had seen Jill. I w as in loads of pain. I w as taking pain killers
kil lers around the
clock, plus seeing a chiropractor, but nothing w as helping. After 1 1/2 hours of treatm ent from head - to-
to - toe, learning exercises and having
m y TM J w orked on, I w as 90% better! After just one treatment!” – R obyn Glantz

I w as having chronic trouble w ith m y knee, and I asked if she could help m e. She said that she could. After just one treatm ent,
m y knee no longer had chronic pain. I guess you could say it w as almost a miracle. I w as so happy to have m et her, and w ill continue to
see her as a massage therapist w hen I have physical problems. I had fallen in my kitchen; this caused me further trouble w ith my neck.
After just one treatm ent, m y neck w as feeling so much better. The type of therapy that she performed superseded and surpassed w hat
m y chiropractor and another massage therapist w as able to do for me.” – Linda Forques

M y job requires that I must sit at the computer for long periods of time. I frequently experienced tension and pain pa in in my back,
w hich are compounded because I have scoliosis.
scoliosis . I have suffered w ith this condition for years. B ut, since m y initial sessions w ith Jill,
these problems have not reoccurred for months. M y sessions w ith Jill w ere invaluable.” – A nonymous

I w as buried in a mass of painful knots and stiffness. W hen I first met Jill H ayden I had alm ost convinced m yself that I
w ould never be the active, energetic, physically strong w om an I had been just a few years ago. I w oke up one m orning about 6 months mon ths
after the surgery and could barely w alk across the floor. M y w hole body, especially m y left side, had been taken over by painful
pain ful knots,
stiffness and tingling-
tingling - nerve type feelings. I felt like I w as 90 years old instead of 40. I w as dragging myself to w ork every day, and w as
ready for bed w hen I got home at 6 P.M . The numbness and tingling on m y left side w ouldn’t go aw ay for m onths. I did not have M S
or any other of the other countless illnesses they tested me for. I w as finally diagnosed w ith Fibrom yalgia. To make a very long story
short after my first session w ith Jill I slept better and stood taller. B y the third visit I decided that she w as helping m e more
mor e than any
of the m edications. I decided to detox m yself from all these m edications, w hich added up to 5 by now . I underw ent a tw o w eek period
per iod
of w ithdraw al that w as both painful and scared m e to death. I have been off all the medications now for a month. I see Jill oonce nce a
w eek and I am almost pain free. I stand taller, think clearer; I can feel m y mind and my body w orking together again. I am fr free,
ee, I can
w alk and I have been back in the gym w orking out. I can take care of my family again. I can smile and look the Fibro monster in the
face and say, “I am stronger than you!” I can do anything. I am alive and my body is balanced for the first tim e in years. Th ank you
Jill, for your healing touch and pow erful technique. It is such a w onderful feeling to be back living life & feeling joy. – V anessa
M cPherson

W hen receiving treatment for my aches and pains, I have held to the belief that the root cause of the problem needs to be found, instead
of treating the resulting symptoms. For that reason, I am thrilled to have found someone w ho has learned techniques that do just
jus t that.

I have a job that requires me to sit at a computer m ost of the day. As a result, my sciatic nerve w as irritated and caused m e pain w hen
sitting or w alking. I w ould stretch throughout the day w hich alleviated the pain and tightness temporarily. After tw o sessions w ith
Jill, I found I could w alk w ithout the pain in my leg and my shoulders w ere much more relaxed. After several sessions, I w as pain free
and only had to keep up w ith the prescribed exercises.

I am grateful to have a natural alternative to treat m y pain and w ill continue, as necessary, to go to Jill .

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