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1. 1. What is Peak Performance 2

2. Characteristic During Peak Performance
2.1 - Relaxed
2.2 - Confident
2.3 - Completely focused 3
2.4 - Effortless
2.5 - Automatic
2.6 - Fun
2.7 - In Control

3. Characteristic for Achieving Peak Performance
3.1 - Look after your health/diet and exercise
3.2 - Challenge yourself to learn 6
3.3 - Plan for peak performance
3.4 - Be comfortable with yourself

4. Conclusion 7

5. 5. Reference 8


Competitively, these performances are often results in a personal best. They are the
ultimate, the thrilling moment that athletes and coaches work for in the pursuit of excellent.
Unfortunately, they are relative rare and according to many athletes, non voluntary.
(Williams, 1993)

A prediction to peak performance is a certain level of physical conditioning and mastery

of physical involved in performance. The higher the level of physical skills and conditioning,
the more potential control the athlete has over his performance.

It’s that special feeling of playing like athletes can do no wrong and everything goes on it
way. Athletes are so involved in what they are doing that nothing else seems to matter
because they are so connected to their task. Unfortunately, these peak performances don’t
seem to happen often enough. In fact, every time it does happen, it is usually by chance, it
just happened to be a day when everything fell into place, clicked for athletes, and they got a
taste of what it’s like to be in their peak performance. It is kind of like getting the good life.
This occurrence will motivate athletes to do everything they can to have more peak

By implementing mental training skills and working effectively as a team, athletes can
increase the chances of this transpiring on a more consistent basis and they will be able to
be in the peak performance. Being in the peak performance means doing more than anyone
else thought possible, even superseding they own expectations at times. This peak
performance is the definitive reason why many people are motivated to participate in sports.

Most Athletes and coaches will acknowledge that least 50 percent to 90 percent of
success in sports is due to mental factors.


Athletes can work themselves into unique states of consciousness as the result
of their long hours of practice and their intense concentration during a contest. When
everything is going right for an athlete, the athlete may report an altered sense of
time and a feeling of effortless, highly competent performance. Self-consciousness is
diminished, as the individual becomes totally into the game. For this reason, such a
state is sometimes called playing unconscious.

By implementing mental training skills and working effectively as a team, you can
increase the chances of this transpiring on a more consistent basis and you will be
able to be in the zone as one harmonious unit. Being in the zone means doing more
than anyone else thought possible, even superseding your own expectations at
times. This zone is the definitive reason why many people are motivated to
participate in sports


The days of getting psyched up to play are over. Research has shown
over and over that the best performances occur when athletes are just
slightly above their normal state of arousal, not at the extreme end of the
spectrum as once thought. Athletes are energized, yet relaxed it’s a subtle
balance of quiet intensity. Athletes mind is calm and their body is ready to
go. Athletes feel relaxed, but they are able to move with great strength
and ease.


Not letting a lapse in performance undermine athletes belief in their overall
abilities is at the core of this characteristic. When you are playing well,
athletes feel confident that no matter what they are up against, they are
going to come out on top. Athletes just exude with confidence and pride,
and it is evident in your performance. There is no fear. Confidence on the
inside is outwardly shown by way of your presence, their walk and their
facial expressions. Athletes should expect to be successful, not hope or
wish to be successful. Athletes must adopt a confident, winning attitude. It
is trusting their instincts and intuition to do the right thing at the right time;
and if they are prepared, they can be confident that this will happen. This
complete faith allows they to just know that they are going to do
everything necessary to be successful without the conscious use of
reasoning or analyzing.

2.3.Completely focused:

Athletes are totally absorbed in the moment. Athletes have no memory of

the past and no qualms about the future they are here now. The only thing
they are concentrating on is the task at hand. Athletes are oblivious to
everything else going on around, consumed by the moment. Like a child
playing with his toys, athletes are so absorbed in the moment that nothing
outside can effect the athletes. Athletes have no real sense of time, and
before you know it, the game is over. The game seems to have flown by,
and at the same time, everything they did seemed to happen in a slowed-
down pace with great precision and concentration. Having the ability to
stay in the moment is a gift that all of peak performers have.


Things just sort of happen with little or no effort whatsoever. All athletes
moves are smooth and for that time, their sports seems like the easiest
thing in the world. Athletes are in a state of mind and body where they can
accomplish great things with little effort. Their mind and body are working
with one another in perfect unison. The grace and ease that they display
make everything they do seem like the simplest task in the world. Athletes have
a sense of finesse and grace, even when the task is very gruelling and
demanding. That sort of connectedness and moment of greatness is an
awesome thing to both witness and take part in.

2.5. Automatic:

There is no interference from athletes thoughts or emotions. Things are just

happening, both without protest and without consent. Athletes are on auto pilot -
just reacting to whatever comes their way. Their body just seems to know what to
do without any directive from they. There is no conscious thought involved they
are going strictly on your instincts. If athletes think less, they will achieve more.

2.6. Fun:

When athletes are in the flow, the enjoyment is incomparable to anything else.
Athletes feel like when athletes were a kid enjoying your sport with pure and
innocent delight. Anyone can see in their eyes the satisfaction and fulfilment the
sport gives. Athletes feel like their sport is giving they back something that they
can’t get from anyone or anything else. This is a key factor because if they don’t
enjoy their sport, their future in it will be limited.

2.7. In Control:

Athletes feel that no matter what, they are in control. What athletes think and
want to happen will. Athletes have ultimate command over their emotions as
well they are controlling them, not the other way around. When they are in

control, they are in charge. Athletes govern their own destiny. When they feel
this strong of a command over thier game, great things are sure to happen. The
authority is theirs, and no one else’s.


3.1 Look after your health/diet and exercise

This is one so many of us take for granted. I know I did for so many years. The sad but
true reality is if we don't have good health, the rest does not really matter because the other
steps of peak performance will not fall in place and we will not have an opportunity to enjoy
the rewards.
• See your doctor on a regular basis. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to share personal
details. I know for some of us it is uncomfortable at times, but don't mess around if
something is bothering you. Case in point, I went recently for a colon cancer
examination, not the greatest test to have to go through, if you have had one you will
know what I mean, but the peace of mind afterwards was worth a day of discomfort..
• Watch your diet. Educate yourself on eating right. There are lots of wonderful books
out there on the subject, or go and see a qualified dietician if you like. Drink lots of
water as well, 6-8 glasses a day at least. You will feel better and healthier for it and
for those of you watching your weight, it will definitely take those hunger pains away
in the afternoon and late at night.
• Exercise moderately. I have a treadmill in my basement, for years it just sat there and
collected dust, now I use it 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes, which fits in with my
lifestyle and schedule. Do what is right for you. Join a health club, walk, swim, play

tennis, golf. Exercising in moderation is wonderful not only for the body but also for
the mind.

3.2 Challenge yourself to learn.

Performers constantly challenge themselves in many areas. They regularly read

books, listen to motivational or business tapes to stay up to date. They are not afraid to be
wrong. They are inquisitive and ask lots of questions. They spend less time watching
television, and more time educating themselves.

3.3 Plan for peak performance

Peak Performers maximize their time. They prioritize, set goals for themselves,
analyze their performance, and constantly ask for feedback. They go the extra mile and are
single minded in their pursuit of excellence and success. They work hard, but they also work
smart and they save and spend quality time with their family and loved ones. Life and
balance sometimes gets lost with people who are obsessive about success, it is essential for
sustaining peak performance.

3.4 Be comfortable with yourself

Peak Performers are comfortable with who they are. They know that things will not
always go their way, that life is not always easy, that there will be sacrifices to be made. The
bottom line is that people who succeed in the business of life know this. They surround
themselves with a support system to help them, and they are comfortable enough with who
they are to know that ultimately they will get to where they want to be and they know what it
takes to stay there.


Success in sports requires your mind and your body and as an athlete it is very
important to have a clear mental picture of what it is you are striving for. By taking some
time to think about peak performances you have had in the past, it can aid you in making
sure they happen more often.


I. Richard H. Cox, (2007). Sport Psychology, Concept and Aplication – Sixth Edition
II. Notes : Understanding Peak Performance in Sport (Hj. Abdul Aziz Zakaria)

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