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VOL. 1 - NO. 5 February 15, 1943

•WILL AHEBIOA EVER BE BOBBED? hands of the Zone and Sector

Wardens for anyone who might have
With the war news from all fronts need of their services. Fixed
skewing such rapid, improvement, stations are also being set up iii
it is time, we think, that we at- case Control Center is bombed out.
tempt an honest and sincere answer
to. this most vital question, For Incident^ •OjCf ioer -Appointed'
ironically the OCD is perhaps the
one war organization whose morale After • several false starts, the
may quite possibly be hurt rather position of Incident Officer has
than helped by good news. . This finally been most satisfactorily
winter, we feel, presents a crit- filled by Doctor C.E.Pyle, former
ical period for the entire Civil- Deputy Zone Warden of Zone V. We
ian Defense effort. have no doubt that Doctor Pyle*s
knowledge and ability will show
Elmer Davis is almost daily stress- results. • -
ing the fact that the war is not
yet won, and that in both Germany Dim Out
and japart v/e have a sly,resource-
ful, ruthless enemy who is cap- Although there was initially a
able of any brutal, last minute good deal of misunderstanding
effort to hurt or maim. concerning this recent Army order
the citizens, spurred on by their
In the opinion of many authorita- local wardens, are beginning to
tive experts such an attempt will comply with this very :unportant
almost surely be made. reguD.ation. Progress is still
slower than if should be, • and
All Array and . Navy installations, sinoo the alternative to complete
in the local defense area are observance is total black-out, we
still kept on twenty-four hour suggest that all wardens and oth-
alert - the same-war alert which, er OCD officials bear down heavi-
if followed at_Pearl Harbor,would ly on local violators. This is
have told a very different story serious.
in December of forty-one. Let's
be fully prepared for the day How Cpiit r olJ^eirfae; r Works
which all of us hope will never
cornel Since Control Center is actually
the Headquarters and clearing
OCD'NEWS Am. NOTES house of .all Dofenso Units -activ-
ities, it lias been decided to
OOP Radio Cars dramatize its functions in a play
type" demonstration to be given
There .have now been posted at at the High School about the mid-
specific spots a number of two- dle of March. This dramatization
way radio cars which will be vised will present the events in, Con-
in the event of a full or partial trol Center' from the receipt of
break - down of cor.imunications. the "yellow" signal on the Police
Lists of these posts are in the teletype till the.moment the All-

Clear comes through. This one- A steady b3.ast of two minutes dur-
act play is planned as a part of ation will be sounded on the "blue
the general training program for signal." This means that there is
all units of Civilian Defense. possibility of enemy plane attack*
Lights in homes, office buildings
Air Raid...Wardens an-d mercantile establishments must
be blacked out on this alarm,.
Mrs.Norman White is doing an able Traffic will continue to move and
job as Deputy Chief Air Raid pedestrians will also be permitted
Warden, and plans to be at Head- to travel. Street lights and traf-
quarters a good part of the time. fic lights will also remain light-
In order for the Air Raid Wardens ed as will lights in essential war
Organization to function properly plants.
it is absolutely necessary that
Mrs. White be given complete When the "red" signal, indicating
records of Warden personnel. She the immediate proximity of enemy
asks that you please be prompt in planes, is received, a two-minute
sending her complete record cards warbling blast of sirens will be
and informing her at once of any sounded. This means that all traf-
changes in personnel or organisa- fic, with the exception of emer-
tion. gency vehicles, will cease, pedes-
trians seek shelter and all lights
The keeping of these records is a that were permitted to remain
full-time job in itself, and any- lighted when the first alarm was
thing you may do to help Mrs. sounded, must be extinguished.
White in this arduous task will
be greatly appreciated. Address All Divilian Defense forces will
all communications to the Chief mobilize on the first alarm and
Air Raid Warden, Defense Head- will aid pedestrians and others to
quarters, Millburn. seek shelter when the second alarm
is sounded. They will also see
New A irin Raid ^ Alarm J3ysteni that all lights are extinguished.
When the enemy pianos have moved
No general "all oloar" signal has away from the immediate proximity
as yet been devised to follow the the"blue"signal will again be giv-
new system of air raid alarms. en. This will again be the two-
Until such a signal is given off- minute steady blast on the siren.
icial approval, individual local- A "blue" signal will always follow
ities are forbidden to improvise a "red".Heretofore the "all-clear"
"all clear" .signals for purely signal has been given.
local use,for the reason that the
resulting confusion might well Mien the steady, two-minute blast
lead to a break-down of the is heard after the two-minute war-
whole alarm system. All OCD per- bling blast, street lights may go
sonnel will be informed, as soon on again; pedestrians and traffic
as word comes through from the cam move. Automobiles, however,
State OCD, In the meantime, here must use the lower down beam head-
is the present alarm system(with- lights* Homes,offices and business
out the "all clear1' signal) which places must await an "all clear"
shall bo in effect until further signal, which will come over the
notice: radio or by bells or by messenger
before turning on their lights* Since crop failures, this year
Householders are advised to leave will be more a matter of community
their radios turned on in order loss than of personal disappoint-
that they may receive word of the. ment, the Conraunity War Services
"all cloar". havo appointed a Victory Garden
Committee to arrange for the most
The profitable use of garden areas
and for the instruction of poten-
The Word "shelter" as used by the tial gardeners in the proper prep-
local OCD d$es not raeaiij as many aration of soil and the planting,
have.supposed,a place of security care and harvesting of the crops.
during an air raid* The Millburn
shelters have been .established Three types of gardens have been
for use as reception centers for planned, ' with a view to making
evacueos in the event of an emer- some ' land available to almost
gency. Their locations are as everyone who would like to become
follows: a war-time farmer. Largest are
the Community gardens, which'will
Section I be under the direction of Mr,R,C,
Millburn High School Craig, These several large areas
Hobart Avenue School will be divided into plots of
Button Country Day School fifty feet square, of which we
ore told there will be in the
Section II neighborhood of a hundred. If you
Racquets Club think you'll be able to devote
Glonwood School enough time this spring, summer,
St. Rose of Lima School and fall for the proper care of a
Short Hills Club garden of this size, you'd batter
'phone Mr. Craig at once. Appli-
Section III cations are already coming in and
Wyoming Church allocations are being made. You
Wyoming School may reach Mr. Craig at Millburn
Section IV
South Mountain School Victory Group Gardens are planned
St, Stephen's Church for those smaller areas of unused
land which are yet largo enough
C0HMQN1TX WAR SERVICES to be worked jointly by three or
four neighboring families, Mr.
Victory Gardens F.B,Fellows of Wellington Avenue
Short Hills, who is in charge of
The problem of producing enough this classification,requests that
food for our ariaod forces, our any neighborhood with, such a piece
allies, and ourselves, will grow of land in mind inform him of
increasingly difficult as the their purpose as soon as possible.
months go W» Shortages which
aro now limited-'to a few scattered The third classification is the
items, will in all likelihood ordinary variety; of backyard gar-
spread to many others. It is a den with which most of us havo so
sorious situation, but unlike long been familiar.This year there
many other war-time problems, it will be help and expert advice
is one in which aliuost every able available even for the smallest
bodied American can take an activo of backyard weed-fighters, for
and helpful part. Gardening has MrsoPercival "Howe, Western Drive,
ceased to bo luoroly a hobby and Short Hills, has accepted -'the
has become a war duty which must chairiuanship of this group and
not be shirked. will gladly consult with you on
any problem. aging progress in its various,
vitally important drives*
The series of gardening lectures
being currently given by Mr. Har- In the five scrap collections un-
man of the Essex County Agricul- dertaken to dato, there has beon
tural Bureau at Washington School collected and turned ovor to tho
are packed with an aprazing amount proper sources, a total of £20
of practical inforination of value tons of motal.
to the prospective gardener. If
you've missed the first two lec- An estimate raado February 10th
tures, we strongly recorxr.iend that showed that approximately soven-
you* make every effort to attend, toon and a half tons of tin cans
the last lecture on Wednesday had boon deposited in tho Shanty
evening of the twenty-fourth, at on Essex Street.
eight o'clock. Take steps to as-
sure yourself and famil3>" of an All collections cf any nature have
ample supply of fresh vegetables boon made by Township trucks and
this summer — - and a larder well in this C:ouncetion special commen-
stocked with home-canned products dation is duo Mr. 0"erry Gorow, of
to carry you Safely and comfort- tho Department of Sanitation, who
ably through the probably tough has for. many months consistontly
winter of '•13-M4. donated his afternoons off to tho
transportation of scrap. How
Don't forget that home processed many of us can offer a similar
foods aro exempt from rationing, record of personal sacrifice?
331 ock Loaders The Fandango Mills who have in tho
past months purchased six hundred
This group has been organized as- •and twenty tons of paper from lo-
a t_,v-m'•';.'1137- helpful service to cal residents, cannot accept any
hov/:,cry\\'\v-. They will aid in the more for tho prosont.
ir. ,.."•_, " .'P'r.Lon of the many com-
piioa •' IDstructIons (including Tin Can Collection.
p c: *21 ?:•": t:. 0 ling) b oing curroutly
Issued by various Government bur* A tin can collection will bo mado
ecu; , They are also prepared to March 3 and it is vi'tally Import-
g.ri'r/c you tips'on fat saving, tin ant that every family contribute
o a a picocGssingjnutrition and gar- to this drivo.
d^:;'.:;g0 Your Block Loader wants-
to D'o considered as your inform- All cans,as you know,must bo pro-
ation center for all Community cessed. Romovo both onds and
Weir Service activities. Tho Block label, Cloan can, stop on can and
L ardors will operate under tho flatten it. Can onds cannot bo
direction of Mr. "Victor Traub, 32 satisfactorily removed with the
Sleol© Torraco, Maplewoocl, who Is ordinary lover-typo can-oponor.
chairman of Community War Ser-
vices. If you do not have a'rotary typo,
wall-attachod opener, any clamp-
typo rotary opener, which can Too
bought for as little as 250, will
The Salvage Committee acting undor servo tho purpose.
tho direction of Mr. Ralph Trow-
bridge, Ghainuan, reports encour- To date, Mr. Trowbridge*s Salvage

CoMiiitteo lias turned over to tlio of 21 and 60 and havo never had
O.C.D. Special Fund, a total of tuberculosis or malaria, you aro
$3,074.64 - which is, wo believe, urgently requested to call Rod
a record to bo envied. Cross Headquarters,(Mi6-1188) for
an appointment. The Blood Bank
BLOOD DONORS VJANTED Unit will operate between tho
hours of 2 and 7 P. 3V1*
On Friday tlio 19th, at the Mill-
burn High School, a unit of tho Take advantage of this opportune*-
Rod Cross Blood Bank will bo pro- ty to donate tho blood, painless-
serjt to accopt blood donations ly and safoly, that may save the
from, the people of Millburn Town- life of a soldier, sailor or
ship. If you arc between tho ages marine.


Published Monthly by Tho Millburn Defense Council

Millburn, Now Jersey

Editor: Rogers Tcrrill

Advisory Editor: Iris N» Vcit
_/— , ; , .» _ _ . -.__ X

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