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Director Paterson Alabama WACS Preparing For WACS Celebrate

Announces First Service With U. S. Armed. Forces Second Birthday
Home Front Issue With Novel Rites
, May 15th marked the second an-
This the first issue of ALA- niversary of the Women's Army
BAMA HOME FRONT, proposes Corps,. and Alabama, Montgomery,
to tell of the fine jobs being done I
and the Military joined hands to
daily by the War Service Volun-
teers in Alabama Civilian De-
,Icelebrate. Full dress parades, lunch-
eons, and other activities were in-
fense. ~orporated in the daily military re:s-

We propose to issue this each Imen at Maxwell and Gunter Fields
month and are sure you will find to honor the organization's birth-
in it many instances of services . day. A dance at the City Audito-
and sacrifice that will inspire and rium brought the event to a fitting
help you to carryon. close.
Remember that what we do
At Maxwell Field, Air Wacs led
day by day on the Home Front
a parade of enlisted squadrons in
brings nearer the end of the War
review before Maj. Gen. William O.
and the writing of peace.
Butler, Commanding General of the
Hasten the Day!
AAF, Eastern Flying Training Com-
HAYGOOD PATERSON, mand. Among the dignataries in
State Director. the reviewing stand was Haygood
Paterson, Director of the State De-
fense Council.
News And Views . Governor Chauncey Sparks watch-
Of Other States ! ed WACS march impressively onto
! the parade ground at Gunter Field
OHIO : and later visited with them inform-
The Ohio State Salvage Commit- ally.
tee and State Defense Council have The Maxwell Air Wacs held a'buf-
thrown down the gauntlet to the Alabama's beautiful Capitol was again the scene of historic im- fet luncheon in the WAC area.,
other 47 states to beat its monthly portance as the first group of WAC Recruits in the State was in- which approached carnival gaiety,
ducte? into service. Alabama now leads the Southeast in WAC
per capita salvage .of waste paper re?rUltmg and State Defense Director Haygood Paterson is proud of and was climaxed by cutting the 9-
for the rest of the year. Here is thIS record. pound birthday cake with a sabre.
their challenge: "Ohio believes, in Dance orchestras from both fields
participating in the coming invasion played for the city auditorium dance
by doing our part here at home next Salvage Of Waste Jefferson County and an impressive floor show was
month and every month until this
War is won. Totals for Waste Pa- Paper Important Plants Receive presented with talent recruited from
both fields.
per, America's Number 1 critical sal-
Waste paper remains item number
National Award The State Defense Council took
vage Material must rise! Let's ex- a special interest in this unusual
change every assistance to swell the one on the must program of the
National Total-and beat us, if you salvage committees throughout the Director Haygood Paterson and birthday party as Director Paterson
can!" country, according to L. E. Creel, H. Burton Andrews, Chief of Civil- is Chairman of the WAC Recruit-
Executive Secretary, Alabama Sa1- ian Protection were guests of Jef- (Turn to page 4)
Ohio will have plenty of competi-
vage Committee, who says: ferson County Plants and Facilities
tion judging from the number of
States accepting the challenge. "The school pupils throughout the who received the National Security
country have done an excellent piece Award for outstanding efficiency in Fifth War Loan
of work collecting waste pap~r. Now Plant Protection Services at a cere-
GEORGIA that schools are closing it is goin'5 monial banquet at the TutWiler Ho-
Drive Challenges
Based on its own successful ex-
periences in organizing an effective
to be necessary for us to use all tel, April 26th. All Out Effort
means available or we shall a Mayor Cooper Green welcomed
Citizens Committee on Youth Prob- Director Paterson is again ap-
let-down in this important War the assemblage composed of two
1 ems, the Chatham-Savannah
work. Many schools have plans to hundred of the state's outstandin3 pealing to all County Defense
(Georgia) Defense Council has pre- Councils and Local Corps to pre-
continue the work right along. citizens. Jerome A. Connor, Region-
pared a mimeographed pamphlet,
However, some schools are not sit- al Director of the Office of Civilian pare for active participation in
which describes in comprehensive uated to continue and other means Defense presented the awards the FIFTH WAR LOAN CAM-
detail, the procedure .that was' fol-
of collecting must be found to avoid which were accepted by the Presi,: PAIGN, June 12th to July 8th.
lowed. (This would doubtless con- This, the most important of all
t.he falling off that must nClt occur dents of the various plants. The
tain valuable suggestions that may while the War goes on in Europe. flags, presented by Director Pater- 'War loan Drives is a challenge to
be utilized by other Councils).
"Waste paper collections in April, son were accepted by Plant Superin- every patriotic citizen-the Na-
were the largest in any month so tents;' Warren Whitney, PresidEmt of tional goal totalling $16,000,000,-
"Please, Colorado Citizens, start far reported, but even then we were the Allied Industries of Alabamg, OOll----'$6,000',000,000 of which must
that Victory Garden right away" short several thousand tons on ou~ making the acceptance ·speech. come from individuals.
quota. (Turn to page 3) County quotas when assigned
urges the Colorado Counselor, offi- will be announced by Chairmen
cial bulletin of the Colorado Coun- "We urge you to continue to save
of County Defense Councils.
cil of Defense. Colorado had a fine your paper until a system for col-
Victory Garden history last year. lecting can be worked out in your Every battleship contains 76 tons Let's plan ahead!
(Turn to page 2) community." of tin. Send every tin can to sea!

Wartirne Woofyness County Defense Councils Fill Bulletin Used To

Many Vital Community Needs Contact Workers
A new disease seems to be
MORGAN COUNTY "Civilian Recruit" is the name of
spreading over the country diag- i"an and a cash prize of $25 provided a four page bulletin issued by the
nosed as Wartime Woofyness and Mrs. Vera Hughes Austelle, Exec- by the county defense council. Montgomery County Citizen's Ser-
it is extremely contagious. When utive Secretary of the Morgan Two contests have already been vice Corps, for the purpose of con-
you get huffy in stores for slow County Defense Council is as busy held and the third will be held on veying messages to the six hundred
service and when you keep asking as the .traditional bee. She says June 4th. At each contest auxiliary Block Leaders, and the eleven hun-
for warbanned articles you can that each day at the office is full rescue squads will give exhibition dred Junior Service Corps mem-
rest assured the little bug has to overflowing. drills. Donald Smith, assistant chief bers, who serve as aides to the Block
bitten you. The cure is very "Right now," she states, "we are of auxiliary firemen has been in Leaders.
simple. First count 10 very slow- very busy with the clothes which charge at the contests and the traf- This bulletin has proven highly
ly thinking all the while of the are to be sent to Russia. A most fic officers will be furnished from successful and is taking the place,
Rrave help shortage 'merchants generous donation has been mad3 the wardens and auxiliary police. except during Bond Drives, of the
are faced with-then' think of and I am having the different Par- Mobile suburban communities may meetings formerly scheduled every
what our fighting men are giv- ent Teacher Associations in the City be represented by one company in few weeks.
ing us-take a deep breath .filled volunteer their services in assorting, the final contest. An important phase of the work,
with good nature and seasoned classifying and packing the articles. is the direction by the Block Lead-
with tolerance. Before you know "The schools have, this month, COLBERT COUNTY ers of the Juniors, who call on Sat-
it you will be out of quarantine made another drive for a car of
The Sheffield "I-Day" program urday at the home of the block
and will really be helping the paper. The last report I had was
will Pe held at the USO under the leader for instructions for the fol-
Civilian Defense effort. that '40,000 lbs. had been collected.
direction of the Citizens Defense lowing week's work.
-The Lake Forester. "I have had three rush calls for The Block Plan, whereby individ-
Corps, whose commander Jack S.
blood donors in the last week for lo- uals selected by block leaders, serve
Caruthers says: "This day, as you
cal people who were desperately ill, as neighborhood chairmen, creates
know, will be a solemn one for us
Volunteer Fire in the hospitals. Seven donors re-
sponded, and the patients are on
and we feel it is every American a tremendous net-work of volun-
citizen's duty to make it a day of teers spread out over the entire city.
Fighters Needed the road to recovery. I keep a rec-
prayer. If ever before in the history Months were required to assemble
ord o.f the type blood of each donor. these leaders and because there is,
of America we need to pray it is
J. M. stauffer, State Coordinator When a call comes, I refer to my for various reasons, a constant turn-
register and can tell just whom to now.
of· the Forest Fire Fighters Service over, the director and staff workers
in Alabama, in a' letter to Haygood call for that particular case. Blood "The "I-Day" program in Shef-
field will consist of Prayer, Sacred are kept busy keeping the ranks in
Paterson of the Alabama Council of plasma from "Decatur, Ala.," has order for regular line of duty and
Defense says that it is hoped to have peen used in Italy, so I saw in an and patriotic music and a most
touching War Reading. Dr. W. H. for emergencies. Block leaders are
from 1,500 to 2,000 qualified volun- article recently." .poised now for the 5th War Loan
teer fire fighters when the forest Saxon w'ill give a talk of interest to
every American citizen. Several vo- Drive. Their job will be to check
fire season begins in October. MONTGOMERY COUNTY every home in the city and place
cal selections will be heard as well
Already, according to Mr. Stauf- Montgomery's organization for the shields in the windows of all bond
as unison singing. A talk by a ser-
fer, the work is progressing rapidly Russian War Relief Committee is buyers.
vice man who has seen overseas
and many qualified forest fire fight- completed, and already a mountain As a result of this canvass in pre-
duty will be an outstanding feature
ers in the various counties are be- of clothing is graded and ready for vious War Bond Drives, many addi-
of the program.
ing given their certificates of merit. shipment. tional bonds were sold.
"Those boys are fighting and dy-
The forest fire fighters are vol- The committee believing that ing for us, and we all want to ex- During the 4th War Bond Drive
unteers who are doing a fine work "Many hands make light work," has press our full realization of the sac- thirty Block Leaders reported shields
during the war because one of the distributed the work among several rifice being made by every member in every home in the block. .
greatest, if not the greatest need organizations, instead of placing the of the armed forces in protecting Some additional activities of the
right now in the war effort, is wood, job entirely on the shoulders of the us and in preserving America. "1- block leaders are:
both for lumber and for paper. already over-burdened Par e n t Day" is a time to rededicate our- Victory Garden, Home Salvage,
Director Paterson expressed to Mr. Teacher's Association, as it has been selves. Do your share for him, he Recruiting of Volunteers, Bundles
Stauffer his gratification at the ex- done in many other sections of the is doing more than his part for you." For Russia, O. P. A. information
tent to which this service had grown country. to householders, Preparation for In-
and its bright future. The school children collected the vasion Day.
clothing from Montgomery homes.
The P.T.A. packed them in 500
Postwar Plans Montgomery Council was the first
in the State to consummate plans
CD Plays Unselfish' boxes.
City trucks delivered them to the Members of the Millbrook Men's
for the "Observance of Invasion
Role In Service warehouse. Club learned about plans for' Ala-
bama communities to provide a full- NEWS AND VIEWS J
Federated Women's Clubs, Ameri-
can Legion Auxiliary and individual er and better life for men and wo- (Continued from page 1)
The welding and holding together men returning to their homes after MISSOURI
groups of women are now preparing
of the vast volunteer Civilian De- the war, when Director Haygood Eighty-two neighborhood motion
fense organization is one of the for shipment" these boxes and all
clothing, sent in by the towns in Paterson addressed them at a meet- picture theatres in St. Louis and St.
greatest achievements of this nation ing recently. Louis County, Mo., aided the waste
the Montgomery district.
at war, Leonard Dreyfuss, Chairman In discussing postwar possibilities paper drive by a special Saturday
E. D. Emigh is Chairman.
of the East Coast Conference of for returning service men and wo- morning matinee, admission to
Mrs. J. Y. Brame, Director.
State Defense Directors, told a me- men Director Paterson emphasized which was a bundle of 10 lbs. or
Paul Fuller, Advisor.
. tropolitan radio audience. in an ad- opportunities in rural areas, point- more of waste paper. About 35,000
Mrs. Dan Winn, Miss Nellie Wil-
dress on the third anniversary of ing out need for livestock programs, children attended, turning in more
the .establishment of OCD. kinson, Chairman of packing and
shipping. soil conservation and projects of than 125 tons.
"enlightened self interest programs",
It takes two ordinary tin cans to MOBILE COUNTY whereby communities can better re-
A $100 War Bond was awarded
produce the tin used in making one The Mobile County Council of De- tain labor and payroll.
by the Philadelphia, Pa., Council of
syrette-a tiny thing,. gleaming like fense has set the way for other bod- W. O. Dobbins, Jr., Director of
Defense to Shirley Binder, 17-year
silver, about the size of the first ies in the state to stimulate the ac- the State Planning Board reviewed
old high school girl, for her winning
joint of your little finger. A twist tivities of volunteer defense firemen other postwar plans in which Ala-
entry in the Council's Anti-Blab
of the finger and the plastic cover- by inaugurating a contest that can bama communities are vitally in-
Slogan Contest. Her slogan was:
ing is removed exposing a sterilized be participated in by any auxiliary terested. "Don't - Talk Your Nation Out of
hypodermic needle. This little "An- truck company in Mobile. The win- Victory". It will be widely displayed
gel of Mercy" is helping save the ning company will receive a pla{lue Don't talk your Nation out of in the city to discourage leaks in
lives of thousands of American boys. contributed by the Firemen's divis- Victory. military information. .

Tallassee Corps Anniston Chairman Wi\. C Need Is Still Heavy Metal Drive
.Putting it Over Reviews Activities Great, Declares To Be Launched
B. G. Stumberg, Commander of Judge S. E. Boozer, Chairman of Gen. Joe N. Dalton In the very near future there will
the Elmore County Citizens Corps the Anniston Civilian Defense Coun- be instigated throughout the coun-
at Tallassee gives a few live notes cilpoints with pardonable pride to "In the womanpower of America try a special drive for heavy metal.
on War Activities in his County. the many notable achievements of rests the answer as to how mor~, This will be secured largely where
Civic Clubs, mill employees, indi- his organization. We are quoting and badly-needed, manpower can replenishments have been made in
vidual citizens-all are cooperating from a recent report: be provided for combat fronts," Maj. heavy machinery about the farms.
in "putting it over"; as you will see Mr. J. C. Stanley, Salvage Chair- Gen. Joe N. Dalton, USA, declared The inventory of heavy metal is the
from the following: man, states that the Boy Scouts of at a state-wide Women's Reserve lowest that it has been any time
****** Anniston have collected in the last rally in Raleigh, N. C., recently. since Pearl Harvor, and if we con-
The Tallassee Rotary Club, some four months 137 tons of waste pa- "It will take the combined effort tinue the use of heavy metal for a
time ago, built a large Board on the per, the Schools have Collected 24 of all of us," said General Dalton, very long period without replenish-
Main Street, on which the Honor tons 371 pounds, Mr. Stacks 96 tons. Director of Personnel for the Army ing the stock, we may reach a crit-
Roll showing names of men gone 1,000 pounds of silk stockings were Service Forces, "of every man and ical stage.
from this Community was placed. sent. 50,000 pounds tin cans have woman, to hasten America's ulti- All committees are urged by L.
The number has increased so that been shipped anci they are being mate day of ·victory. E. Creel, Secretary of the Salvage
it has become necessary to add two collected regularly. From 600 to 700 "The basic, the unanswerable, .rea- Committee, to be thinking and plan-
wings to this Board to take care of pounds of grease is collected per son for a woman to enlist in one of ning for this important drive which
the additional names. month. The money from the tin the services is that she is needed. will be made sometime in the near
cans has gone to beautify a public We must instill a feeling of individ- future.
****** ual responsibility in the minds of
The Tallassee Lions Club and park in Anniston and also String-'
fellow Hospital. $167.00 was con- those women who are eligible for JEFFERSON COUNTY
Tallassee and East Tallassee Boy
tributed by the Garden Club for enlistment. It follows logically that (Continued from page 1)
Scouts are cooperating in a contin-
salvage collected to an ambulance once this feeling of personal respon-
ual drive for gathering waste paper An inspirational address by Col.
which is now in Russia. sibility for the success of our war
and have already shipped several James P. Barnes, District Manager
effort is established, we shall come
tons to a Mobile paper mill. This of the War Production Board was
close to the goals which have been
work will be continued for some time State Represented set on the basis of our country's
an interesting feature of this excep-
tional ceremonial, significant for
to come. *****':' At Regional Meet ability to furnish needed woman-
presentation of the largest group of
awards ever made to one county in
The local Committees on Bond An important meeting of men, "The Women's Army Corps as well
the United States at one time.
Drives have been very active and who are making the supreme effort as its sister counterparts of the
The National Security Award was
all quotas in the past have been sold. on the Home Front will be held in other services, was created by the
established by the National Office of
The Fifth Loan Drive will open soon New Orleans, La., June 8th and 9th, realization on the part of our law-
Civilian Defense to be given to fa-
and there is no doubt but that the when a Conference on Community makers that the waging of total
cilities not entitled to receive the
local quota will be subscribed. Action and Civilian War Services for war is not solely man's responsibility. Army-Navy E, in recognition of the
****** Civilian Defense Regions Four and "We have an armed force that ex- effective manner in which they have
The employees of the Mills have Eight will bring together dignitaries ceeds ten and one-half million per-
prOVided for their own protection.
been buying Bonds systematically of more than a dozen Southern sons. Such a force, if it were com- The Jefferson County Plants re-
through the Payroll Savings Plan States. posed solely of combat troops, and
ceiving the award were: Airway
and 96% of the employees have Alabama will be represented by if it could be brought to bear on Communication Station-Municipal
been buying Bonds this way with Haygood Paterson, Director of the our several fronts at one time, might Airport, Alabama Power Company,
a deduction of about 12% of the State Defense Council, H Burton defeat our enemies by sheer weight American Cast Iron Pipe Company,
Total Payroll for Bonds. Andrews, Chief of Civilian Protec- of numters. Unfortunately, this ten Avondale Mills, Birmingham Gas
tion, and L. E. Creel, Executive Sec- and one-half million man force as
****** a tool for combat, does not exist.
Company, Chicago Bridge and Iron
Under the able leadership of Rob- retary of the State Salvage Com- Company, Connors Steel Company,
erts Blount the recent Red Cross mittee. "For every man who has the sat- McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company,
Drive went over the top as have all Purposes and scope of the civilian isfaction of sighting the Rising Sun National Cast Iron Pipe Company,
previous drives. war services and community par- through his bomb sight, for every United States Pipe and Foundry
****** ticipation will provide "meat" for doughboy who fires a shot and Company, Standard Oil Company,
The transportation Problem has discussion. Of special import will be watches a Nazi slump from view, for Birmingham Electric Company, In-
been one that caused much concern a dinner meeting for State Directors every gunner who extracts a hot galls Iron Works, Tennessee Coal,
for the employees of Tallassee Mills of Civilian Defense with the Na- shell case from his piece after a hit Iron and Railroad Company, and
which have been working on 80% tional Director. on an enemy raider, there are more Wofford Oil Company.
War orders. Previous to the gas men engaged in less exciting, less
rationing, these employees came in satisfying, but equally vital non-
private cars from both Tallassee A Prayer For D-Day combat tasks. Bar For Juniors
and East Tallassee and some as far "How, then, are we to arrive at
as 20 miles in the rural sections. "Almighty and most merciful a solution to provide more and badly The Standard Plastic Company,
The Mt. Vernon Transit Company God, Father of a.ll mankind, lover needed manpower for the combat 62 Water Street, Attleboro, Mass.,
was organized as a private enter- of every life, hear, we beseech fronts, ashor~, afloat, or in the air?has been licensed to manufacture
prise by Ed Ingram. He operates Thee, the cry of Thy children in a"plastic bar to be worn by members
this dark hour of conflict and "The answer rests in the wom:ln-
·about 15 buses, transporting about power of America. of the Junior Service Corps. It is
700 people daily. danger. . . . May it please Thee an attractive bar in imitation silver
this day to draw to Thyself the "In the Army alone, we have some with pin fastener and costs 16c.
hearts of those who struggle and 239 positions which can be and are All orders should be placed by
"I PLEDGE-" endure to the uttermost.... May being effectively filled by women. State Defense Councils directly with
Thy comfort be sufficient for all But there are a gre:lt many more the Standard Plastics Company.
Today, with the knowledge that
who suffer pain or who wait in vacancies than there are women who Free samples will be sent upon re-
our heroic men and women in the
the agony of uncertainty .... May have come forward to fill them. quel't. Orders of local councils
armed services are facing the su-
preme test, I hereby rededicate my- there arise a new order which should be placed with approval of
self to the cause for which we fight; shall endure because in it Thy Organization of approximately the appropriate State Councils.
the preservation of those rights and will shall be done in earth as it 2,000 members of the city's Auxil-
privileges which are ours by heri- is in heaven. . . . " iary Police Force, including those Don't bum waste paper. Salvage
tage, vigilance, sacrifice and hard -Bishop Henry St. George Tuck- who have completed advanced every bit!
work; so that no American in this er, President of the Federal training, into an official Reserve
conflict will die because I failed to Council of Churches of Christ Corps has been ordered by the Chief One hundred pounds of waste pa-
do my full measure of duty on the in America. of the Los Angeles, California Police per will make 115 boxes, each to
Home Front. Department. contain ten 20 mm. shells.

Alabama Planning
County War Chests
Thank You! Defense Heads Tour
i Avondale ~ills
I Personalities On
The Home Front
Alabama is the first State in the
Nation to inaugurate County War I theTheAvondale
Spring Inspection Tour of
Mills was a noteworthy
The Sheffield Citizens Defense
Corps has a member whom they
Chests and a surve'y is now under
way under the direction of Dr. Ros- I Council officials. Director Haygood
event, according to State Defens," have affectionately dubbed their
heroine. Miss Cora LaMarr Caru-
coe Martin of the University of I Paterson and Chief Burton Andrews thers. Miss Caruthers is the young-
Alabama with this in view. joined the trek at Lafayette, May er daughter of Jack J. Caruthers.
Director Haygood Paterson of the 3rd and conducted by. Hugh Comer Commander of the Defense Corps.
Alabama State Defense Council an- and mill superintendents made the She has been in the organization
nounced that Alex Pow in charge rounds. participating in a well plan- for two and a half years, serving
of the survey. upon its completion ned all day program. as the only member of the Clerical
will make recommendations to a This inspection tour. an annual Staff, and is doing a splendid job.
special committee. event to promote good will between At times. June Caruthers. her sister.
Governor Sparks is of the opinion employer and employees. presented helps her with the typing so that
that County War Chest organiza- an opportunity for Defense Council Cora can attend to other duties.
tions will contribute greatly to the officials to familiarize themselves Every member of the organization
Eatisfactory operation of the State with the Avondale Mills. with a likes Cora. who is always ready to
War Chest. view to determining eligibility for help any of them whether the job
National Security Award in accord- be big or small. She makes tele-
Send Clothing For ance with State War Inspection
phone calls for most of the mem-
bers. Cora is always ready to work.
Russians Promptly The all day affair included an ex- late or early. Her faith and loyalty
cellent lunch at LaFayette. dinner according to her fellow workers has
"Send us your clothing for the at the Alexander City Country Club proven her a real American. She
Russians as promptly as possible," and a program at Bevelle School prepared the entire "Invasion Day"
urges W. L. Spencer, Director. State featured by talks by veterans of the program.
Committee Russian War Relief. Inc. HAYGOOD PATERSON
South Pacific, now recuperating at A councii member declared.
Warehouses have been secured in the Hospital at Tuscaloosa. "We appreciate the interest of
some cases for only a limited time
and sorting and packing at the cen- We Thank You this young girl and we hope she will
set an example for our members and
ters are done by voluntary workers. And Welcome News Fire Fighting Aid citizens everywhere. As Cora says.
Director Spencer commends De- 'The most we can do is the least we
fense Councils throughout the State We wish to thank County and can do. Let·s get to work and show
for their cooperation and assistance Local Defense Councils who have To strengthen community fire
fighting facilities. it is the desire of the boys we are fighting for them
in the "SHARE YOUR CLOTHES contributed to this first issue of the on the home front·...
WITH THE RUSSIANS" campaign. HOME FRONT; also to request con- Fred Arn. Commander of the Citi-
The drive is off to a good start! tributions from other Councils. We zens' Defense Corps of Mobile Coun-
We wish to remind you that cloth- welcome news about your activities ty to have a Federal four-gallon Jr. Citizens Corps
ing may be brought to nine concen- and your personnel. Please send Hand Pump Fire Extinguisher in-
During the summer vacation
tration centers: items of interest to: stalled in every block throughout
months•. the work' of paper salvage,
Anniston: Alabama Gas Company. Haygood Paterson, Director the City of Mobile and Suburbs.
handled so ably in many communi-
12th & Noble Streets. Alabama State Defense Council These exting'uishers are given to
ties by the schools is threatened
Birmingham: 2203 Avenue C, P. O. Box 196 Fire Guards in every block with the
with' temporary stoppage. This
South. Montgomery, Alabama instruction that they be kept filled
would prove an extremely serious
Decatur: 519 Bank Street. with water and so located as to be
handicap to our War Effort and the
Dothan: Back of auditorium at available for use by neighbors at
WACS CELEBRATE all hours. State Defense Council is deeply con-
City Hall. (Continued from page 1) cerned with avoiding this hazard.
Gadsden: C & S Garage, 231-235 ing Campaign in Alabama and was An appeal is therefor being made
South 4th Street. responsible for setting up a commit- to Junior Citizens Corps in every
Mobile: 54 Dauphin Street. hazards of fire. accident. sabotage.
tee in each county in the State. and unauthorized entry at important county to assume an increased re-
Montgomery: 1020 Madison Ave- Lieut. Margaret E. Rainey. Liaison sponsibility in this matter and
industrial facilities.
nue. Officer cooperated with Defense County Executives are being urged
Sheffield: 319 Raleigh Avenue. Council personnel in making the Wllen the inspections are made of to find out from salvage committees
Tuscaloosa: Junior High School campaign in Alabama a success. the various plants by the volunteer to how great a degree their Corps
Gymnasium. at Queen City Avenue Alabama now leads the Southeast inspectors. reports will be made of can be of service.
& 10th Avenue. in WAC recruiting. Attractive Lieu- deficiencies in protective deVices. ar-
rangements. etc.. and these reports
tenant Rainey in her trim uniform
maintained a desk at Defense Coun- will be handled by the Evaluation Andalusia Pushes
Victory Gardens cil headquarters. where she worked Board which in turn will make rec-
ommendations to 'the Industrial Pro-
Waste Paper Drive
conscientiously for "the cause".
Feed AlabamiaRs tection Officer. The members of The waste paper salvage campaign
in Andalusia is under the sponsor-
the Evaluation Board are H. Bur-
The war service committee of ci-
Plant Protection ton Andrews, L. P. Goodwin. E. G. ship of the Junior Chamber of Com~
Darling, Harry Benton and Frank merce. The first car was shipped
vilian defense is assisting home The Plant Protection Program in on April 29th and weighed 14 and
demonstration agents, nutrition N. Julian.
Alabama is well under way, according Alabama is doing some of the best three-quarter tons.
councils. community clubs and oth- to Chief Burton Andrews. Through Some three to four tons have been
ers in the Victory garden campaign. work in the Nation in seeing to it
the cooperation of representatives that war necessary plants. as well collected toward filling a second car
Food authorities state that Vic- and is being jointly sponsored by
of the Fieldmen's Association and as plants making civilian goods, are
tory gardeners in Alabama raised the Alabama Inspection and Rating the Jaycees and Boy Scout Troop
fifty per cent of all ve~etables pro- up to the minute in fire protection
Bureau all plants turned over to the and in the protection of workers, 99. A city-wide collection of waste
duced last year. In spite of un- Office of Civilian Defense by the paper was planned for Saturday.
favorable weather conditions Victory etc.
Army will have been inspected by May 27th, and it is hoped enough
gardens this year are playing their will be collected on this date to fill
June 15th.
part in food production over the Another Bond Drive is coming. a second car.
Th," purpose of the Plant Protec-
entire State. Get ready! Andalusia plans to collect waste
tion Program is to maintain through
organization and training of proper paper as long as this item remains
Grease the skids for the Ax's 'plant personnel. adequate protective Every battleship contains 76 tons on the critical shortage list of the
Save used kitchen fats. measures against the continuing of tin. Sen()oevery tin
. ... .t
can to sea. government.

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