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Roy Tanner for U. S.


May 12, 2006

An Open Letter to Friends & Family:

Marking my personal transition into full-time public

service, today I filed a federal-office loyalty oath with the
Florida Department of State, Division of Elections, which enables
me to vie in the 2006 general election as a candidate for the
office of U.S. Senator from Florida.

Understanding the extraordinary odds that any independent candidate

for federal office faces when taking on the two-party system, I want to
assure you that my run for higher-office is about much more than "15-
minutes of fame." On the contrary, tapping into the populist discontent
now raging across the country (evidenced by the abysmal approval numbers of congressional
politicians), my candidacy will be exemplary of citizen-led initiatives that look to restore the
public's confidence in government through reformation.

Rather than just promote a new candidate, the centerpiece of my campaign will instead advocate a
new process. My candidacy also seeks to give hope and voice to the 60-million (now disillusioned)
traditional-value voters who in 2004 provided this administration with a second-term
conservative mandate that added to majorities in both houses of Congress. And after I'm
elected...this opening salvo will give rise to an activist ground swell dedicated to the ouster of
elitist politicians (who prize re- acquisition of power over the public good), in numbers sufficient
to countermand their legislative obstruction.

To be candid, the office of "United States Senator" is not an entry-level job. However, this once
esteemed post, awarded by popular support to a trusted leader, whose life's work demonstrated
integrity, superior intellect and a passion for exceptional public service, -- has since become the
bastion of candidates who are either bank-rolled by wealthy clans or owned outright by special-
interest money.

In stark contrast to this approach, I represent objective solutions arrived at through best practices
and coalition-building, leveraging over 25-years of expertise gained from serving Fortune 500
employers and leading my own private-sector corporation. My career achievements will also be
tempered by an abiding love of this country, and a determined passion to reinforce the two
foundations that have supported our nation’s ascendancy -- self-reliance and trust in God.

Roy Tanner for U.S. Senate

Campaign Headquarters
218 Velveteen Place, Oviedo, FL 32766
(407) 620-7589
Roy Tanner for U. S. Senate

There are enormous policy challenges (e.g. social, fiscal, foreign, etc.) facing this generation of
Americans. Chief among these concerns for many is the nation's fiscal exposure to accumulated
debt, which according to the GAO, now exceeds $46-trillion, with interest payments alone
comprising our third largest budget expenditure. In response to these imbalances, the Federal
Reserve must now act to either monetize the debt (with inflationary affect), or continue raising
interest rates (with recessionary result). Unfortunately, this is occurring at the same time that
"boomer" entitlements are growing, and the two-front "war on terror" continues unabated.

But rather than make unpopular calls for shared sacrifice or budget cuts, our "career" politicians
are more likely to be cited for graft or ethics violations. This week for example, the FBI reported
that there are over 2,000 cases currently being prosecuted involving the improprieties of public
officials. And yes, they'll go through the motions of hearings and plans for reform, but frankly,
asking these folks to police themselves is like assigning the "fox to watch the hen-house." And
most disillusioning of all, is the ongoing, partisan rancor that pervades D.C., betraying a
condition of myopia so acute that they endanger the very Union they're sworn to protect. In
short, while "career" politicians continue to "fiddle," Rome is burning all over again.

So how do we right our ship of state now that it's lost its way and is currently taking on water? I
proffer two ideas: first, remove the scoundrels that have mismanaged their charge of office
(reducing their ranks by 10% in each house of Congress) -- effectively replacing them with
anonymous, non-partisan public-servants, who will operate under term-limits free of special
interest influence; and second, engage America's best and brightest, as seen in our national think-
tanks, with the collaborative challenge of crafting policy initiatives, which could be championed
by political consensus -- facilitated through newly elected, independent public servants.

Bold initiatives of this nature though, represent a level of political reform that the entrenched
members of the ruling-class will surely resist. After all, our "career" politicians enjoy average
tenures of five-terms, financed by ludicrous campaign expenditures, keeping otherwise qualified
private-sector talent at bay. This prevailing practice, however, is a relatively recent phenomena
that constitutes an affront to the founder's original vision of engaging an "aristocracy of intellect"
to manage our affairs of state -- free of factional, elitist tyranny.

Now before your idealism wanes too much, let's remember that with governance by the
governed, it's the citizens of this great nation that hold the reins of power. And with our votes
this November we will put "career" politicians on notice, that this new American-century requires
new levels of sacrifice and vigilance, if we're to continue wearing the mantle of a nation
"exceptional" among nations. And God willing, like generations before us, we will be found equal
to these challenges, when independent citizens, whose disquiet over a nation adrift will only be
hushed -- by answering the call to public service.

Roy Tanner for U.S. Senate

Campaign Headquarters
218 Velveteen Place, Oviedo, FL 32766
(407) 620-7589
Roy Tanner for U. S. Senate

If you also long for: a return to civility amongst public officials, governance that's based on
principle versus pandering, and public policy that taps the best and brightest of America's
intellectual capacity – join us.

Join us on one of the most exhilarating citizen-led initiatives you'll ever be party to, as we embark
on a journey to free our two-party system from obstructionist “career” politicians, and in the
process, save this great nation…for our posterity's sake.

May God continue to bless these United States,

Roy Tanner
for U.S. Senate

Roy Tanner for U.S. Senate

Campaign Headquarters
218 Velveteen Place, Oviedo, FL 32766
(407) 620-7589

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