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Saving the Environment

Saving the environment is not an issue anymore. It is a

survival truth. Individuals, organizations and governments need to come together
and join hands to protect what is left of our planet so that the future is not wiped
out before its time for curtain call.

The pyramid of life is on very shaky ground. Experts say that proper handling of
waste materials, such as reusing or disposing of them properly, should constitute
an important part of the our efforts to preserve energy and protect the
environment. Countries worldwide should use less coal and more reusable power
like hydro or solar power.

Let us plan our cities according to water available and not avail water for too
many homes that have been crammed into development. Saving energy reduces
air pollution and greenhouse gases. The less we pollute our environment, the
more we prevent global warming. Let us check the seas from rising and
submerging our lands.

Increasing number of organizations is being formed to prevent the planet from

premature extinction. More and more corporates have joined the race to save the
planet. We can simply begin by buying recycled products for your office, home or
school. The greater the demand for recycled products, the more companies will
be encouraged to add recycled material to their products.

And we can begin right at home. Let us reuse what we would easily throw away
and conserve for a future. Recycle everything one can from newspapers, cans,
glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil, motor oil, to scrap metals. We should avoid
using electrical appliances for things one can easily do by hand, such as opening
cans. We should try and conserve electricity by turning off the lights, TV, or other
electrical appliances when not in use. Use cold water in the washer whenever

What we can recycle let us do so. What we cannot let us not use them. Buy less
disposable products. Buy paper products as they break down better in the
environment and don't deplete the ozone layer as much. Ban plastic. Buy recycled
goods. Its trendy! Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of
plastic bags. Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or
aluminum foil.

Keep cars tuned up. Buy a more fuel-efficient model (such as a hybrid or electric)
and recycle your engine oil. Use public transit whenever possible. Let us walk
more and drive less to conserve fuel and prevent auto-emission.

We should avoid littering our roads and highways. And prevent others from doing
so. Always dispose of your litter properly by saving trash and dispose of it at a rest
stop. Littering is not just bad for the environment, it is also an offence carrying
heavy fines.

We use more organic fertilizers. Compost and reduce waste which would
otherwise get buried and produces greenhouse gases as materials decompose.
Avoid burning dead leaves as burning creates air pollution, and putting them out
with the trash wastes landfill space. Instead we can compost the leaves and yard
debris, or take them to a yard debris recycler. It is simple to pull weeds instead of
using herbicides. Our farms need less pesticides and more organic methods.

Finally, lets teach our children to respect nature and the environment, and learn
in the process how we can hold on to the one planet which has a miracle called

Save the environment. Save Life.

Environmental Pollution and Its Effects

One of the greatest problems that the world is facing today is that of
environmental pollution, increasing with every passing year and causing grave
and irreparable damage to the earth. Environmental pollution consists of five
basic types of pollution, namely, air, water, soil, noise and light.

Air pollution is by far the most harmful form of pollution in our environment. Air
pollution is cause by the injurious smoke emitted by cars, buses, trucks, trains,
and factories, namely sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
Even smoke from burning leaves and cigarettes are harmful to the environment
causing a lot of damage to man and the atmosphere. Evidence of increasing air

pollution is seen in lung cancer, asthma, allergies, and various breathing problems
along with severe and irreparable damage to flora and fauna. Even the most
natural phenomenon of migratory birds has been hampered, with severe air
pollution preventing them from reaching their seasonal metropolitan destinations
of centuries.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), released from refrigerators, air-conditioners,

deodorants and insect repellents cause severe damage to the Earths
environment. This gas has slowly damaged the atmosphere and depleted the
ozone layer leading to global warming.

Water pollution caused industrial waste products released into lakes, rivers, and
other water bodies, has made marine life no longer hospitable. Humans pollute
water with large scale disposal of garbage, flowers, ashes and other household
waste. In many rural areas one can still find people bathing and cooking in the
same water, making it incredibly filthy. Acid rain further adds to water pollution in
the water. In addition to these, thermal pollution and the depletion of dissolved
oxygen aggravate the already worsened condition of the water bodies. Water
pollution can also indirectly occur as an offshoot of soil pollution through
surface runoff and leaching to groundwater.

Noise pollution, soil pollution and light pollution too are the damaging the
environment at an alarming rate. Noise pollution include aircraft noise, noise of
cars, buses, and trucks, vehicle horns, loudspeakers, and industry noise, as well as
high-intensity sonar effects which are extremely harmful for the environment.

Maximum noise pollution occurs due to one of modern

sciences best discoveries the motor vehicle, which is responsible for about
ninety percent of all unwanted noise worldwide.

Soil pollution, which can also be called soil contamination, is a result of acid rain,
polluted water, fertilizers etc., which leads to bad crops. Soil contamination
occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground storage tank leakage
which releases heavy contaminants into the soil. These may include
hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated

Light Pollution includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical


Reducing pollution
There are many things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment. If
we all use energy, transport and other goods and services more carefully, we can
reduce harmful emissions to our air, land and water. Everyday choices have the
power to make a difference, and help protect our environment for a clean and
sustainable future.

What We can do
Be a part of the solution to pollution.

The choices that we make every day can help to make a difference.

Here are some simple steps you can take:

1. Commute smart by walking or riding to work or the shops instead of driving.

Motor vehicle emissions remain the most significant source of most common air
2. Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle next time you are replacing your car. The
Green Vehicle Guide provides ratings on the environmental performance of new
vehicles sold in Australia.
3. Save energy, by turning off the television and make sure you flick the light
switch when you leave the room. Not only will you save money on your electricity
bill, you will be reducing emissions from coal-fired electricity plants.
4. Buy energy -efficient appliances. Check the energy rating label when buying
new or second hand electrical appliances. More stars mean less emissions. The
Energy Rating web site will help you select energy efficient appliances:

5. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Phosporus in detergents

increases nutrient loads in rivers and can cause excessive algal growth. Never
pour chemicals or fertilisers down the drain as they get washed into stormwater
drains and into rivers or the ocean.
These are just a few small changes you can make to reduce your household's
impact on the environment.

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