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Cooper Davis

Yoga Plus Journal Entries

Journal Entry #1
I feel like living in the present means not focusing on what has happened in your past, or
what may happen in your future, but instead focusing on what you are doing and can do
right now. I think that people who live in the present are happier people because they dont
let the things that happened in their past get in the way of their peacefulness as well as
the fact that they don't stress over what the future may or may not hold, they are content
with the life they have at that very second.
Journal Entry #2
I think that this quote is speaking on the topic of how there are some things in life that we
have no control over and never will have any control over. And to me it seems like people
get so focused on the things that they can't change to the point that they forget the things
that they do have control over. And as long as we remember to focus on the things that
we can actually change, our lives will be a lot happier than if we don't. I think in my own
personal experiences, I have had to learn this most significantly in high school, where it
seems like everything is stacked against you.
Journal Entry #3
1. Yoga can greatly improve depression and mood swings
2. Yoga helps people who have diabetes when it comes to the nerves throughout their
body, especially in their hands
3. Lowers blood sugar
4. Practicing yoga lowers stress and discomfort during cancer
5. Also it helps you lose weight
I would like yoga to help me with my asthma, relieve stress, and to relax

Journal Entry #4
1. Child Pose: Hips,
2. Warrior I: Shoulders, thighs and abs
3. Tree: core
Journal Entry #5
Mountain Pose:
Mountain pose is the foundation for all of the standing postures and
improves posture, groundedness, stability and confidence.

Journal Entry #6
Pyramid Pose: Pyramid pose deeply stretches the backs of the legs and improves balance,
mental functions and circulation.

Journal Entry #7
Side Angle Pose:
The pose name comes from the Sanskrit words utthita meaning
extended, parsva means side or flank, kona meaning angle, and asana meaning posture.
Utilizes all the muscles in the body
Wheel Pose:
Stretches the chest and lungs, arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and
spine. Counteracts depression and increases energy
Journal Entry #8
Warrior I:
Whats really being commemorated in this poses name, and held up as an ideal
for all practitioners, is the spiritual warrior, who bravely does battle with the universal
enemy, self-ignorance (
), the ultimate source of all our suffering.
Strengthens and
stretches the thighs, calves, and ankles

Journal Entry #9
10 Min Yoga Routine
Child Pose (hips)
Downward Dog
Upward Dog
Head to Knee
Reclined Butterfly
Journal Entry #10
I feel like our school would so benefit from having a program like this, everyone is always
so tired and stressed and I believe that that is not a good learning environment that
actually will create any good learning. I know from personal experience that their are
some days where I wonder why I even come to school because I learn as much as if I had
stayed home, that is how tired I am. And also I think that it would be very easy to
implement this because classes are way too long, teachers do not need as much time as
they are given to get the point across that they do each day

Journal Entry #11

I found this article very inspiring. It was really fascinating to see something that I
thought was so mundane have such an effect on a woman's life. This article really made
me believe in yoga more and got me more interested in it in the classroom but also outside

Journal Entry #12

I had a super crazy winter break, my family came over of course for the holidays and I got
to spend a lot of time with my grandma that I don't usually get too. I ate so much food I
think that I broke some kind of world record somewhere. I didn't make any new years
resolutions but I do want to get better grades in school and be a better person than I was
last year, my break was pretty normal
Journal Entry #13
The poses in the sun salution are mountain, upward salute, forward fold, halfway lift,
plank, downward dog, then back to mountain pose
In plank pose you work your abs, deltoids and your thighs
Three benefits from yoga are that it relieves stress, you lose weight, and increase
Journal Entry #14
Three muscles that you work in Warrior I would be your deltoids, trapezius, and your
femoris anterior
Three poses that focus on the lower back are the bow, upward dog, and bridge
Having a strong core is important because it gives strength to your whole body
Journal Entry #15
One balancing pose would be tree, and you are working your abdominals
Three poses you could do to help with relaxation would be corpse pose, child's pose, and
reclined butterfly
14-34 Seahawks win?

Journal Entry #16

Three poses that strengthen the deltoid muscle would be upward dog, forward fold and
bow pose
Three standing poses are Tree which targets your abdominals, dancer, which targets your
thighs, and Mountain which targets your posture/back
Advanced forward fold would be a straight back

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