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More articles available online

Less national news--I get that from major news organizations. Do investigative reporting...local issues.
Billing department
Prospector policies and procedures
Promoting Business in Nev Cnty"
nothing at this time
Would like to see The Union present both sides of issues instead of presenting a slant to one side or the other. It is just about
impossible to get news and information that is factual without political slant.
print article that may not be of the opinion of the union
Eliminate the Religion and Pets sections.
More positive coverage of local events, education and people.
Put a post and newspaper box? -Then I won,t get wet paper, probably will not have to ben over with my back?
nothing I can think of in particular
Can't think of anything to change.
Over all I like the Union. It would be nice if you offered a reduced subscription ......Like maybe Thursday - Saturday only option?
Very satisfied!
Allow weekend subscriptions without the rest of the week
Have more in depth reporting. Have more about music in our area and beyond, such as Auburn.
Return printing the paper to Grass Valley area
I know this sounds petty, but I really hate the grammatical errors and sloppy writing that sometimes appears in the Union. I also
get annoyed with "diatribes" on the editorial page going on about the same nonsense using the same language as some other
media outlet. I think this about both partisan predilections. I would really enjoy some more serious columnists who don't just
spout out the party line - biggest offenders are Amy Goodman and Byron York. Also, frequently the "Other Voices" columnists
are guilty of the same. It would be nice to learn about opinions on issues other than government conspiracies, partisan name
calling, abortion and religious ravings. These subjects are very tired and there is nothing new to say on them. Is there something
we can do to freshen up these offerings?
Be more objective and quit pandering to the Tea Party, State of Jefferson, and lot towers network.
Don't put comics and sudoku in the front section. I like to save these to use later and I pass on the front section to my father to
Nothing right now... keep up the good work you guys do!!!
Editing! The grammar/word usage, spelling, and punctuation errors are often appalling.
Use the front page for more regional news. I don't like opening the paper and being faced with this arrest and that arrest, and
that abduction etc. etc. Can you bury that someplace and if people want to read depressing news they can.
Run factual background tests on editorials being written by the lunatic fringe.

Quit advertising all of the Dr's with Dignity Health. I am not happy with this as they are not seeing new patients. Trust me, I have
tried. Sad that Nevada County Residents have to go to Auburn for health care. Just not right. That's what I would change in The
More current news on front page.
Only print factual information, especially in Other Voices and letters to the editor.
Keep the classified in one section and not combine it with the sports section
more local news
More F1 Racing coverage on Sports page because of local man in the series, Alexander Rossi!
More world news, even just headlines
Please edit some of your writers' articles. We notice grammatical errors.
I know you make your money on advertising, so you have all of those extra ad pages stuffed into the newspaper, especially on
Wednesday, but I just go through and through them out even before I read my newspaper--I wish there were a way not to have so
much paper waste.
Big auto section like you used to have years ago
no suggestions at this time
add a Sunday edition
More news & editorials
More national news
Nothing it's great
Nothing I can think of!
More articles about local human interests.
The Obituary column to be called "Lives Lived" as before the change.....I thought this was a very nice way to refer to the passing
of a Nevada County resident
More world news.
"I like it when the Union had a Sports section (not the back page)"
I can't think of any thing
Recognizing the truth and then helping to act upon it.
Cost of print newspaper
There needs to be better discretion as to what outside submissions are published. The Union seems to allow anyone with an ax to
grind to post personal attacks, incredible assertions of fact, and angry rhetoric. The nature of political and social dialogue
continues to degrade in our community and The Union is facilitating that change.
Do a better job of proofreading!
"less crime news on the front page.
2nd would be to include national news, even if just a series of brief stories all on one page"
Have more of a Social Media presence.

Better writing for both news and features.

up to date coverage of local emergencies like fire/ road closures/ accidents
stop printing the same story over and over
No more marijuana discussion
Make your website free for anyone to look at. Or at least after a few days make it available to read. Sometimes were are stories
worth sharing, but if someone is not subscribed to the paper is not able to read the articles.
larger print size
More unbiased writing on the mining issues. It seems like you're The Sierra Fund's lap dog. Very unprofessional.
Put weekly grocery ads online so I could cancel the print subscription.
Careful consideration to the editorial and op-ed articles it publishes. It is one thing to air opposing views, it is another to publish
absolute rubbish. If this continues, I am considering canceling my subscription.
"More news.
Rainfall total in Lake Wildwood would be interesting"
The Union content seems to be limited on many articles. The Sports pages should be on the first part of Section B. The paper
many times seems to be scrambled.
Better sports coverage, including more pictures. More on world travel.
Remove arrest mug shots/articles of druggies and other creeps from the front page. Doesn't give a good impression of our
community to others out of the area.
Add more information and classified so there would be more "paper" to read.
cover more environmental issues
Check more carefully for typos! Less drug-related bust stories, more positive news about young peoplethere are some awesome
kids and young adults in our community that need to be celebrated! Less sensationalism. Less focus on potwe all know it's here,
we don't like it let's not give them any more coverage.
No small pages.
That when there is corrections to be on front page
More in depth coverage of community issues, stories and opinions.
Do a better job of enabling us to participate in local events or take action on current affairs: Run stories about upcoming local
events 2-3 days in advance, instead of on the morning of, so we could actually plan to attend, instead of hearing about it after the
fact (when we read paper that evening); give venue addresses (which are almost never listed); list time, date, address
prominently in all articles, either at beginning or end of article. "Know & Go" sidebar is great, but not included in majority of
articles. Give information on how to get more information (url) and how to get involved (organization's contact info), when
running articles about citizen's efforts to improve life in Nevada County. There seems to be an assumption that all readers
already know where every venue is located or how to contact every organization. Please give the addresses!
"be delivered on my deck, not on the ground or stairs

get the marker numbers on the yard sales correct

accept Union plastic bags for recycle"
Please hire an editor. You list editors on your site, but they evidently do not actually do any work.
More Stock Market News
Make The Prospector a stand-alone print item for a price or an email for a small subscription price.
Lower prices for online only subscription"
Placing a classified ad was very difficult and not tied into the Union all access. I guess all access is all access except placing a
Just continue what it is doing
Stop people from stealing our newspaper in the morning
Stop printing criminals faces on the front page. Put that news with police blotter. Stop printing wedding announcements on the
same page as obituaries.
I'd like to hear more about what is good in the community-less crime, less talk of marajuana
Insure home delivery consistency.
More positive articles on the front page, don't give the criminals top billing.
can't think of anything
"Fire The Left wing Editor. That won't print anything
From The Right Also the Bums that use to deliver my
Paper. I stopped Taking the paper when I had to pick up my paper off the ground Two to Four Times a month When I had a
paper box for it. "
More International news.
Give equal time to conservative thought, and get rid of that freak Amy Goodman.
More intelligent articles and headlines.
Better coverage when parades, toy run, and car shows are held (ie when things are held in town).
Have more reviews of movies and dvds
More current Bay Area sports news
Stop helping Keith Royal get reelected by printing drug busts, etc.
It's LIBERAL staff!
"Improve the selection and quality of Letters to the editor.
I'd establish a board to review content."
I seem to be allergic to the newspaper print. If I rub my eye accidentally after handling it, my eye gets red and burns for hours.

Accurate Reporting. I find that you only print one side of each story a lot of the tom,
Do a better job of writing & editing stories; too often, they leave me confused about details.
Equal representation of conservative views in editorial policy.
"improve your online access and customer service"
Don't know of anything.
I've been impressed with the changes over the last years. Thank you.
The new login in method is clunky and I usually have to hit the back button to actually get into the paper. Make the login in
method more transparent to the reader. There is an unnecessary step in the process.
Make your online subscription service like the Sac bee. It looks is the published paper online and extremely easy to navigate.
Yours is very clunky and not user friendly. This is why I canceled my subscription.
A once a year publication of favorite recipes of local people, like the Union has published in years past. It was fun to see cooking
ideas of local people we know!
have your online publication be free
Focus on positive elements of community and do away with reporting the "stupid" events of police blotter. Who cares if a person
is yelling or arguing with a tree? Just proves being under in influence results in stupid actions. You are just stating the obvious.
Enough already
I like the new Union, it's publisher , active in the community, trying to connect people. Keep going in that direction
How about making the "comments" area on your online opinion page(s) more easily accessible, and visible when someone
READS the opinion piece, instead of them having to go to a separate page? Otherwise, I happen to think our local paper is pretty
"More videos, on line photos/videos, Big Thanks, great job!
NOt an easy job, but you guys are doing amazing work for the community.
Luv, Nikko"
Delete Al Cap-the drunken English cartoon strip. It's awful...
Start reporting the news here locally. Investigative journalism style. Kill the cronyism that makes the newspaper boring,
predictable, and lacking any kind of journalistic courage. We have no accountability here if the Union doesn't do its job. The
Nevada City Advocate is yet another "newspaper" that tries to be "positive". Yuba Net. None of you compete with one another.
KVMR. We remember Mike Thorton and Citizen Journalism and of course, KVMR killed this because we had the audacity to
start reporting news here. Yuba Net, KVMR, NCAdvocate, The Union--now you are all in bed with one another instead of
competing with one another to REPORT THE NEWS. It is juvenile and pathetic. Grow up, please. Find some backbone and do
some real reporting. The Union is like our old high school newspaper. It reports on this level. This is why we won't subscribe.
Quite simply, it's not worth it.
More stories about youth doing positive things, we need to celebrate good kids. More discussion about homeless problems.
include more in-depth columns re. politics, the world situation, foreign affairs, etc.

Improve delivery & customer service.

Proper journalism ethics! Better proof-reading! Balanced editorial content!
More Sports
Lower the subscription cost, or offer highly discounted subscription offers.
Price is too high for area
put the point spreads on all college and pro football games
"Print the information on an event at least two days before the event - NOT THE DAY OF THE EVENT!
It is frustrating not to be able to plan ahead so we miss quite a few events we'd attend if we knew about them in advance."
I love The complaints. Much better than the Auburn Journal.
No suggestions
Reduce the add-ons. Viewing on-line is slow to load and the advertisements linked to the Union make it worse.
I think that you are all doing a tremendous job keeping us informed. As a retired high school teacher, always wished senior
English teachers would require reading the newspaper every day not only so that we wouldn't lose print, but because students are
becoming less and less informed since social and entertainment media are the norm.
So sick of hearing about the homeless and the hospitality house.
I find it quite satisfactory...?
Dedicate front page county, state, national news to the front page and defer the repeated "drug arrests" and car violation arrests
taking up the front page right hand column to the back of the newspaper.
more out of state news
I can't think of any at this time.
Sports coverage to include freshman, JV high school sports (pee wee football and club sports are reported)
more actual news, issue reporting especially dismal education scene. (The marijuana articles of the past pro-con were
informative) election and BOS & candidate info would be good)
better sports info
For letters to the editor and other views, do NOT have all the negative people arguing back in forth and avoid non-local issues. It
seems as though its the same people saying the same thing and becomes irritating and tedious. I like The Union because it is a
local newspaper and that should be its focus.
can't think of anything right now
Reformat the front page and reduce the size of the main photo. Photos are out of proportion on the page. Accompanying stories
are often questionable, too. Not sure how they are chosen for the front, as most don't warrant that position.
As an online subscriber, more videos. My granddaughter and I replay Laura Mahaffy's videos of your fun outdoor activities.
Especially the videos with music!
Less "front page" articles about the local drug busts/criminals.
A bit more sports would be nice.
Improve the delivery of the TV guide. The local delivery person could not get it right

make online stories free, more stories on youth sports that is not high school football
Provide more science-based news on environment, drought, global warming from mainstream sources and respected science
More so. county coverage, including the so. county schools. Often overlooked.
the cost to advertise-get more info into the paper-be ontime with news, not 2 days later. Follow up on stories, you leave us
hanging over and over again.
Keep the t.v. guide going, maybe reduce the cost to $.50 an issue.
Make Nevada County's image less of the bad things, and more of the good. I know there's crime and all, but that doesn't balance
with the amazing things that people accomplish and share in this county.
Coverage I stated previously and look at positive aspects of Nevada County's productive citizens
offer online access for discounted price without purchasing the paper copy.
I'd like to read more actual news.
"The paper gets less and less to read, but the price goes up. I it goes up again I might just drop the paper."
Stop thinking that you need to give both sides of the climate-change issue equal time. The huge consensus of scientific evidence
and opinion is that YES, it's real. Don't be bullied by the small minority that will not be swayed by facts.
Include a little more coverage of state/national news in short 1 paragraph stories with links to more info online.
not sure
Better coverage of national and sports news
More sport coverage
More local events abs business involvement.
Do some minimal editing on opinion pieces that claim that the earth is cooling.
Communication between subscription service and paper delivery people----have continuous problem s w/ vacation temporary
the way crime is reported, don't publish names of people who are suspected of having committed a crime. And don't publish
yearly something called " the best of Police blotters", voting who is suffering the most is just unworthy of a civilized society.
Change my subscription to print and online. After I move there in a few months.
focus less on reporting individual crime activity; report more on the underlying socio economic and public health issues
Have a paper on Sunday
No changes
More fairness in reporting
Too many things to list but the top 2 are: revising editorial process to allow the Letters to the Editor and Other Voices to be
meaningful pieces of peoples positions rather than the rants, untruths and outright name calling. Many pieces do not serve to
enlighten or educate the reader but are uncivil exchanges. People are entitled to their opinions but facts are facts and the editorial
page is mostly untruths that repeatedly get published leading us to be very close to canceling our subscription. Secondly, too
much content is repeated. Often there is a minor update to a situation such as someone's legal situation and the whole story is

printed over and over and over. Also, often there is an article about an upcoming event and then the day after the event almost
the identical article is printed. Just this week an example was the veterans stand down event...just one example of many. The
paper mostly uninteresting because of the repeated information and the poor quality of the Opinion pages.
Do better reporting. Governmental issues are often not reported correctly due to the lack of understanding by the reporters.
Pricing. Get more bang for our buck. Honour past prices. Have specials.
Make NY Times Crossword Puzzle a little BIGGER! Add NHRA stories to sports. Add Sunday paper and better comics.
Add more personal interest articles
Add more national and international news.
Quality if articles
Better fire news ( maps). Updated info on precise road closures/ restrictions around GV & NC each day. The.
"1.) Improvethe Monday edition to include activities that occurred Friday through Sunday night, such as arrests, traffic
accidents etc., (If the is even logistically possible). "
more consistent on steps to place an ad.
Promote healthy, fact-based exchange of contrasting opinions and NOT publish letters or opinion pieces that name-call or cite
obviously erroneous information, especially that which is based in hate and prejudice. Free speech doesn't include hate speech or
seditious and disrespectful diatribes against government officials. You should NOT provide a public forum for people who want
to incite hate and anger in your readers.
Senior citizen discounts for subscriptions.
Better editing.
Improve home delivery service on line such as being able to stop saving papers on a vacation hold.
Keep local crime off the front page, or at least at the lower edges.
"l love the Union....
only one suggestion: get rid of Boardman as a weekly commentator. weekly is way too much of him...let him follow the same rules
for the Other Voices..articles...l find him condescending and irritating... unrelated to his political persuasion...just the overall
tenor of most of his columns.....insulting is another adjective that comes to mind."
Practice consistently responsible journalism. This includes checking sources, printing facts (i.e., do not print fiction as fact as in
the recent climate change "opinion" pieces - climate change is real), and printing only thoughtful, respectful, well-researched
opinion pieces.
I like it the way it is
Coordinate the weather forecast icons in both sections of paper so they agree. Clouds with rain in one section versus partly cloudy
with sun in the other?
Charging customers a fee for on line viewing when we take a hard copy of the newspaper. We should have the option of
subscribing to on line news in addition to home subscription. I am paying for a service I do not use.
improve proofreading effect.
Heavier plastic bags on rainy days. My paper gets thrown on the driveway and it gets soaked and unreadable.

The Machinery my paper always has a tare in it somewhere. and please have the delivery people put the paper in a plastic bag
when it is raining or sprinkling even though it is going into my Blue paper tube.
I like it the way it is
no opinion
Ease, user friendliness of online reading--I have wanted to look up past stories and cannot seem to access any of what I was
looking for. I would read it more often online, if it was easier to access. I visit CAL fire info daily during fire season from
"I really dislike some of the opinion writer's attitudes who come out strong socialist and anti Constitution, anti American, anti
free market. It seems that most of the columnists are of that mind set. I would like to see not one, but a panel of strong
American concept writing. Subjects could be covered as taking the Constitution and having its merits described and in some
cases, explained in easy to understand writing. I recently listened to the prime minister of England give a speech and he started
out by saying how much he loved England. How he loved the people and its people's energy. We need to have that philosophy
projected. I want more Americanism, more pride in America promoted and less criticism for it via the socilists who control the
writing of The Union"
Less bias in reporting
Increase state and national coverage
remove that annoying ad - folded over sheet on front page.
Here's an off-the-wall suggestion.... When front page stories are continued, how about putting the continuation on the back page
so readers don't have to search for the end of the piece but can simply turn the paper over?
More to read online
What does the future hold?
Quality: often articles don't seem to be proofread. Critical info is left out or hard to find, such as time or location. Case in point:
this survey; I read Brian Hamilton's editorial on the survey, but had to reread carefully to see the understated "including the
current survey available online" to get any indication what to do. The article should have ended with "go to, scroll
to the bottom and click on the 'take our survey' box " . Similarly I am frustrated by articles summarizing board and council
meetings without saying so in the headline, or sub headline. I may not be interested in the headline but am always interested in
what the county board and city councils are deciding. Please make it clear it is a government meeting summary.
"I have lived her for only 5 years and really enjoy reading The Union. I am a bleeding heart liberal and I very much appreciate
that The Union gives voice to everyone's views. I can't say I would change anything right now other than it might be nice to get
advance warning (more than Thursday) of events of interest going on in Truckee/Tahoe as those take a little more planning than
local events.
Thank you for all you do!"
Some articles do not answer the basic questions. Who what where and why and when. Drives us nuts! An article about an event
should always contain the location and time.
less violence

free online service

Articles need to be proofread and corrected before going to press
More follow up/outcomes to their articles
help solve community issues
R L Crabb is the greatest reason I subscribe !!!!!
Keep doing your job.
More positive front page news. Remove the police blotter.
Stay focused on local issues.
I am satisfied with the Union as it is. For a small town newspaper, it works just fine. My wife shops the food specials and I enjoy
the editorial page.
Lower your rates!
Sunday edition
not make me sign in repeatedly to read online when i'm already signed in
Proof read more of your articles before print. Some of your reporters have forgotten a lot about spelling and grammar.
Go back to having a fashion section
Put fewer ugly mug shots on the front page.
Sometimes I miss seeing major important newsstories of worldwide or national importance, they seemed to get tucked away,
never seeing the front page, I enjoy the local news, but give us ALL the news.
I really can't stand reading the opinions - we seem to have an extraordinary number of wing nuts in Western Nev. Co.; also, many
of the opinions presented just seem to be rants or unedited rambles. I've just completely given them up. I don't mind alternate
opinions, but I just don't have an interest in authors I've seen presented in The Union.
Better writing and reporting
Quality of paper used for printing.
Report more local stories timely and with pics...
Lower subscription rates.
Make NEWS content more current!
Create a searchable database of past Meet Your Merchant articles. Each article is very informative, and it would be great to be
able to look one up a year later when you could use it.
The on line story lineup. They stay the same many days in a row. It get challenging with my morning coffee
"More national news
Timely news"
i love this paper it can stay the way it is
Not require a Facebook page for access to comments. I, and a few of my friends, have issues that arose from Facebook and have
no intention of returning.

More news and less controversial opinions and persons in the community sniping at each other.
Bring back Jeff Ackerman
column on sustainable living
the paper could come without holes in it and smeared ink and i do not mean holes because of delivery. the paper has smeared ink
and holes in the inside pages alot
It should stay in the center of the road on politics and avoid the right wing.
Reduction of advertising inserts (counter-productive, I know), but I immediately extract and recycle them. I liked the larger
format previously used. Eliminate news and Ad in banner head; reinstate the "watery tree" logo; retain "founded in 1864 . . . ";
somehow, counteract the ongoing disparagement by Jeff PEE-line
Go back to delivering in the pm.
"More local news.
More health related subjects for healthy Tuesday."
More interesting front page
Use better quality newsprint paper - at least once a week I get a paper with one page partially torn.
Improve the Sports Section to be current so it is useful. Also to clean up the paper receptacles on my property for the entire
subdivision that were put there without my permission. They can be there, but at least they could be made presentable.
We're very pleased with our local paper!
Fix problems with layout/technology related to your web site.
The size of the print.
Take the mug shots off the front page. Don't edit my Letters to the Editor! Beefier paper - maybe run more
state/national/international news.
Tone down the crime reporting; expand state/national news; reduce sports coverage
Fix the website so it is not so clunky -- seems like I have to (sometimes) log on multiple times per visit. Related, allow me to
read/add comments without Facebook. That's another step, and an exposure I do not wish to risk.
More articles about local activities
Add more important regional and world news.
Go back to the other format to read the e edition of the news. The new format is too dificult to use. I like the old one I first used 3
years ago.
more national and global news and sports
More national news
More in-depth coverage of articles (don't you have any real reporters?) and less fluff pieces on merchants!!
Like to see insert ads on line.

So much information in today's media is skewed for political purposes. I'd like to see the Union do a fact check once a week on
one political hot topic, whether it's local, national or international. The check should be unbiased allowing the reader to come to
his/her own conclusions.
more senior info
Sunday paper
Get rid of State of Jefferson crap!
Don't print stories without researching first
Fair & Balance reporting on politics such as news media will dig up past on Trump or Ben Carson, nothing mention such as
Hillary and Bill stealing $200,000 from White House, ripping phones out of wall, damaging White House when they vacated on
and on
"1. Get a different printing company.
2. Better proofreading. Errors in most articles."
Add entertainment opportunities (Live theater etc) in Sac. area
Fewer ad inserts
More local news
Can't think of anything in particular, although the overall content is often a bit sparse.
improve journalism quality.
Cost for online subscriptions.
Make the paper edition available at a reasonable cost. Deliver paper earlier in morning.
Go back to the TV guide as previous. The paper seems to be having fewer pages all the time.
I like it pretty much just the way it is.
Make the login process more user friendly
Discontinue the Sports "back page" cover and place Sports sequentially. Doesn't make sense to land on the continued articles
before you reach the headline.
The Union is a fine local paper but I have to supplement with The Sacramento Bee or the LA Times for broader state coverage. I
am fine with that but thought you should know.
It is so hard to use your online edition and "My Account"
Delivering papers that don't get soaked before you can read them.
your doing a good job now
"More Sacramento and California news.
More in-depth, intellectually challenging articles."
Make the online version more user friendly.
More information about government services including police, highway patrol, road work, fire, etc.
The editorial page should be more balanced. It tends to lean to the far right.
I think the Union is a well-rounded small town paper - I'm happy!
More actual local news

Investigate local issues that don't fit your biases that are questioned by other local sources. Stop appealing mostly to old timers
and right wing views. Some of us are not part of that group and you need apposing views that are not written by idiots. FACTS
More information on Court Proceedings
Sunday paper
Pretty happy with The Union currently.
If rental property advertising was free, it would be interesting to see if you would become a source once again for "finding a
rental". This would increase readership. But I'm not sure if it's too late to turn that boat around. When I look online at rental
listings I see no photos. No one will look for a rental if they can't find a photo online in the listing.
Improve grammar, usage, editing.
Bring back the print shop and its employees
More pro sports Hockey
Run the outstanding stories of the day, no matter their content, on page one.
No-Fee coverage of upcoming non-profit events
make sure it is delivered to rural boxes every day early
Cartoon selections
More info for seniors including housing options.
I'd like to see more current events / news items.
More content to newspaper.
Be accurate
It's coverage of the news
Make the online subscription less of a pain to access.
"Ad PICKLES comic strip"
Fair pricing - allow your long-term customers the same pricing as new customers. I constantly consider cancelling because of
Make the paper free to read for those that can barely afford to live
Better sports coverage
the comics section, adding more current comics like bizarro
Better Journalism and more up-to-date stories.
Improve the quality of the writing. Copy editor needed!
Sunday edition.

Hollie's new column is one of the best improvements recently. More human interest stories needed. Please downplay the violence
in Nevada county. I read the paper to learn about our area and often to educate myself. Thanks for your efforts!
Stop selling the Tuesday health section to the hospital. 2. Stop running press releases as news articles - we refuse to read
anything "Submitted to The Union" in the news section. 3. Hire a decent copy editor.
more local discounts and coupons...and not expired by the time its printed in the newspaper
The way you open E-Reader
Free stories on important subjects.
more comics
I think the Union does a pretty good job of reflecting/fulfilling the beingness of the general populace, but to suit my taste it would
orient from the unified state of awareness/consciousness
Improve grammar and spelling in some areas.
"More objective and community friendly (needed) in depth investigative reporting on institutions
and our non profits and our community based systems
like the Sheriff's Dept. or GV police or our schools"
Some of the ridiculous reports in the Police Blotter. We've had things happen close to home and never saw them in there.
More national news, less local business promotions
"Give more time to your writers/reporters to write more thorough, longer articles with more truth.
Make your online free again :)"
More international news
Nothing it's a great newspaper
No suggestions
A better understandable TV guide
Editorial policy. Checking facts of guest editorials. Accuracy.
When reading the daily main stories, if I read story #3 then to return to #4, I must click back through numbers 1-3 until I reach
#4. It's annoying. The same with the obits.
. Color comics on saturday
Reduce subscription price for long time subscribers not only new ones.
Add more content
Teach your reporters the difference between lay and lie, rise and raise, sit and set, and other bits of proper grammar and spelling.
Years ago as a teacher, I considered using The Union in my classroom, but only so that my students could practice proofreading.
not charge for online services to view stories

Present more balanced political views

Nothing--you are on the right path.
Only one thing? You need a editor that edits!
I'd like to see the union include nutritional information with its' recipes. At least calories, carbs, fat, and salt.
would like to see a travel section
More free access online
Lower Yearly Subscription prices and/or include a Sunday paper with color Sunday Funnies included in the price of the
daily peanuts comics strip
much too conservative for me
keep the paper dry when it is delivered
No ideas
Hire an OCD English major fresh out of college to be your copy editor.
Become more internet user friendly
Home Delivery Price and make on-line subscription option out for lower price
continue to cover, but in more depth, the challenges this county faces ie. crime, drugs, poverty, housing, people making a
difference etc.
More critical analysis
The print edition of The Union is beautiful. If the website's home page were more like this, I bet subscriptions would increase
dramatically. The print edition lures you to read more. The website looks amateurish and cluttered. Too many moving ads ... very
More cartoons.
Use spell check, lots of errors!
Put back the national magazine In the Saturday edition
More national and international news.
forest management
Balanced political reporting
Put actual news on the front page and quit manufacturing stories about local businesses
"You guys do a fantastic job! I think the Union fits perfectly into our community. We really appreciate it.
Thanks Dave and Cindy "
I miss the daily photo & fire blotter.
I can't think of anything I'd change
"Eliminate Holli and Keri."

"Mr. Lowe's letters to the editor.

OK,OK, Just kidding!!"
I don't know.
More non-local news
Broaden its boundaries to include major news events from outside of Nevada County
Instead of reporting on crime, report on the good things that are happening in our community everyday. I really dislike seeing
crime stories on the front page and NEVER read them.
Improve sport & business coverage.
Ffewer negative. Crime. Stories
stop calling me every night to sell a subscription
stop giving climate change deniers a platform. Take a stand on it one way or the other (preferably agreeing that it is settled
More pet articles than once a month on a Thursday. There is lots of information available about alternative therapies for pets
and pet adoption.
Just don't get rid of the printed paper anytime soon, and keep up the good work!
Keep the good news above the fold...You're doing a good job!
"More of the old history for 100 year old Unions
Prowse and the great Bob Wyckoff"
Re the Police Blotter, you highlight the TIME for some reason - who cares! What we do care about is WHERE stuff is happening,
so please highlight the STREET so we can quickly scan all the entries and read just the ones in areas that are of interest. Thank
More news on Mondays and Tuesdays in the print edition.
have a Sunday paper
Have more interesting stories.
More sports, more recipes and more national news.
Quit sending out emails about old news.
Fact checking and copy editing. Less reliance on press releases and more real journalism.
Focus on local, don't try to be the one paper people get all their news from. I don't buy a subscription because most content is
duplicated elsewhere.
Cover more local farming and agriculture.
Jim: Please don't run the readers' polls for more than a week or two! (Not a big thing, but it annoys me.)
Giving space to people who say things that are not true, loose George Boardman, for example.

I think they are doing a great job now. Can't think of anything
more happy news
I wish there were a weekly (In Prospector probably) listing of music and spoken word events, including open mics. this would
include events (such as open mics) that do not advertise and we don't hear about but which contribute significantly to the arts in
this area. I'm thinking of a directory or grid format showing a week at a time. I know I would get to more of these events if I
could see and plan to go each week without having to check day by day.
Can't think of a thing
less crime on front page. More national news on page one.
I am happy with The Union's current directions. Cannot think of any big change to suggest.
Get the football results in on time so we can read it Saturday morning. Report on our local NU sports even when they are losing!
the sheriff
don't know
We read only online and pay for with a credit card. Always seem to have issues with paying and access to our subscription. It has
gotten better recently.
"More about pets.
Limit The Other Voices to be shorter
Get better reporters as they use poor sentence structure and don't report what the person really says."
Charging so much for online access
Whatever it takes to check the use of words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong way!!!!! (words that spell-check won't
detect as wrong)
Downplay the 'police action' ; upplay the Theatre opportunitities; Senior 'web/net', ie, cable, Roku; Internet connections /vs/ at
& t. ..We buy all that stuff but under-standing it and making choices // Dollar choices is really tough!
Please consider adding one story or essay from local writers.
Seems pretty good to me as it is.
Make sure reporters correctly refer to Nevada City City Council as such, rather than Nevada City Council!
Remember Democrats are now the majority in the county.
Just keep up the good work. This is a good community newspaper.
More good news.
Not having a membership in order to view online
Add another day for Club News, so more photos can be included in the paper with the Club News
list all clubs in the Nevada County area
Your paper is carrying less and less news. More coverage of state and local news.
Larger food section
I am happy with the Union; small paper, small budget, but a very good job. Thank you

more local news

a little more on the facts and eventual outcome of climate change, as well as what can be done to correct the problems. A little
more factual information, and a fewer manufactured, inaccurate claims.
You're doing well, keep it up.
Have not the foggiest idea on that questions as I like the Union as it is.. Easy to read, well put together.
Proof read your newspaper so that the grammar and typos are not quite so terrible and frequent.
Charging for online access.
Can't think of anything
Improve the core substance of the paper.
Longer time between entering password
Add a small section on travel to local sites within a one or two travel time and mileage.
Review of local resturants.
More politically balanced opinion section
Not charging exuberant prices for putting a obituary story!!!
Better carriers. I have had a nightmare in my neighborhood. Dave ended up great when he finally did home delivery, now he's
gone and papers are getting stolen from boxes continually. Not just mine but my neighbors as well.
Get more diversity in your local columnists - more women, more of those in moderate to left politically, more than old white men
More balanced reporting (politically)
I often have to logon three or four times in a row before the website considers me logged on. It is somewhat random. This is using
the same computer that hasn't been turned off since the last session or is using a different IP address. Very annoying.
Stop making me sign in so often.
More coverage of events for our young teenagers. Such as dances and events that they can have good clean fun together. More
positive stories about our community , mining history an pioneer families. We are so rich with this kind of history more people
need to know of the struggles these families had to go throu to survive an the courage to stay here for generations. (No to say you
don't do a good job just more)
Change Nothing. Just keep up the good work!
"Keep the fear based bad news OFF the front page!
Let people know they can find the stuff on what page!"
"Free For Sale classifieds
Follow up on main stories
Hire reliable deliverers who don't speed and burn out tires in the driveway"
Improve accuracy in reporting.

The news operation needs a makeover. Please add some life, human interest, creativity. Please appeal to a more sophisticated,
intelligent readership
More readable stories on_line without a subscription.
"Try to get revenue from advertisers like Auburn Journal's online edition."
"I wish, whenever possible, to list the names of all people in a Union photo: the old folks, the kids on a team, etc. Lately there
have been fewer and fewer names. It's kind of why I read the Union.
Also, there were not enough fire updates and fire news last month about all the northern CA fires. Do we always have to go to
I know you are trying hard in this downturn of ""paper"" times. Keep your chin up. We need you!"
Research the validity of letters to the editor and opinions.
Sunday paper
provide more non-local news. better sports coverage
"More international news & analysis:
More Sierra College articles : courses, cultural offerings, interesting teachers , etc."
Focus on local. AP stories are filler and available through better and more time sensitive forums. Differentiate by focusing on
local happenings and community.
It is frustrating to click on the Union E Edition and only get the Prospector.
I am very happy with the paper.
Make the online version free to everyone again. I used to read the Union daily. Now I very rarely read it.
Get rid of the repetitive, irrelevant stories about people who are arrested in the area. The same story is run multiple times each
time a person has a hearing. The stories are negative, not well written, and serve absolutely no purpose and surely have a
negative impact on peoples' lives. This is, after all, a small town. Keep the good aspects of a small area and get rid of the gossipy,
ugly stories.
Make the Online Version Free.
Delete letters to the editor that are completely ascinine and/or from deranged people.
Better proofreading, fact checking, spell checking. Pay attention to obituaries - don't put peoples pictures in sideways, etc.
It is OK for my needs as is.
I think that the papers are just getting smaller and smaller, it's like why print it!
More news, less sports. Sorry I think participating in sports is healthy but watching and obsessing about sports is unhealthy and
dumbs down our population. More REAL education and less sports.
Don't know
More letters to the editor.
The Editorial page has to be more intellectual and selective. Tourists look at this and it is a "turn-off".
Sunday delivery

More balanced approach to events. Sometimes you wait a few days to get the other side of the coin
Hire better reporters who have a fresh view on our beautiful county.
More free reading
The paper could include more local w/photos, statewide and national coverage.
I don't know.. I should look at it more..
Sunday paper
More national coverage that relates to issues of local interest.
How to unsubscribe online.
Too many police actions/arrest stories, child related incidents on on the front page. I want upbeat stories to jump out at me. SIck
of the homeless taking the limelight. They represent a small segment of our community. Why not focus on what our regular
community members accomplish and if we want to read about the homeless place the stories on the inside.
assure both sides of issues get full coverage
quit putting arrests on the front page. People from outside the area can get the wrong impression of our community when seeing
tooooo many arrests on the front page!
Get rid of Boardman
More news pertaining to our area concerns. for instance, there was not much information about the Valley or Butte fires. Since
fires are number one on our list of concerns, I would have appriciated more news on those events.
More content. Less detached advertising.
Rather than fan the flames of polarization, look for commonalities that benefit the community.
Price digital ssubscription reasonably for use on smart phone.
Add more in-depth articles on major issues like water, home robbery occurrence and prevention, etc.
Enlarge the crossword puzzle
More science reporting, especially as it relates to the environment and to religious belief systems--i.e., more coverage of the
humanist side of the faith spectrum.
Editorials on how regulations affect NC residents.
Deliver on time and with TV Guide (paid for)
More accurate reporting, you often misspell names & don't get your facts straight. I want National News.
I enjoy a newspaper and when we are in NC we purchase the Union.
Ease of use of it's online edition. I can never find an article that I'm looking for so I just use Google and find the same article in a
different publication.
Free TV guide
Pricing, both online and the paper
Balanced coverage of all issues

Try using Spellcheck

Spend less space on local crime information and stop putting it on the front page.
Later sports scores and stories
I don't know of anything
Get rid of religion section. Add more about our wineries
Use spell check
sorry,I am drawing a blank !
post scores to California teams
Log in to website is repetitive
Include more world news. Keep the criminals off the front page.
Nothing - I enjoy it
Stop printing articles and opinions about global warming.
Get Gene Lyons commentary weekly or regularly, and delete Amy Goodman
Open its eyes and see that they are limiting the paper to a Kane's customer while ignoring the fact that we are moving into a
Three Forks world - realize that younger, educated local readers do not take the paper seriously. You need to become more
inclusive and aware. It's a big world, and pandering primarily to climate change denying South County hermits renders you
increasingly irrelevant.
Less negative news.
"SPELLING For the past 32 years we have laughed over the spelling errors and misinformation from interviews personal knowledge!"
Stop print anti vaxer BS
The front page (as I said earlier) should be positive and upbeat rather than publishing negative stories that reflect on our
community - people involved in criminal acts are not representative of our overall population. Yes, some people like to know
about crime, but it should be put on another page. Also, there should be a growing emphasis on the environmental issues we all
face - we cannot sweep this under the rug - we need resourceful and inspiring stories in the Union about what individuals and
groups can actively do to preserve our beautiful environment. Thanks for this opportunity to express my feelings about the
Let's call it, "The Personal Spot"or something like that. Pick out a person daily, picture, what they do, what interests them. Not
necessarily business people only and include people of all generations, even the little ones. That would be interesting. I have been
living here since 1970. My family have lived here since 1932. I remember the days when you would see just about everyone you
know at the Fair. Now It is much less so. Let's get to know each other!
publish tv listings
More columns and articles, fewer ads.
Delivering the paper in the afternoon, so you haven't heard all the new already on TV. Local news is good but there is not enough
of it.

stop charging for online subscriptions and make your money with banner ads. The news is free now, adapt to the new world or go
away with the dinosaurs.
Printing the paper here in grass valley
increase the size of font for crosswords and place them on single sheet page
secure the paper boxes
Nothing. Doing great!
Eliminate the tiny coupon book. Go with the Auburn Journal's coupon magazine format instead
more cutting edge information, social conscience, anti gun, pro youth, more art
I do not have an opinion
More local news. Less international, covered by tv & radio. Most international news is late or incomplete. Need regional more
Allow unemployed free access to employment classifieds.
More responsive customer service.
More in-depth reporting of local news, such as, details around Terry Lamphier and the other involved in the situation besides
Include original investigative reporting
Don't know.
"1. Better cartoons-- some that are more topical, political/social, and actually funny. Many of the cartoons you run were outdated
40 years ago.
Better canned (syndicated) features--get rid of fluffy astrology and advice columns.
Get rid of that canned 1/2 pg weather report, and put something meaningful in its place--it's never correct anyway.
Less fluffy features about someones pet dog or weird ""artistic"" project.
More local news features, and topical, national and regional general features that relate to our community.
Just try and stay in the "neutral zone" when reporting.....hard to do today with the moronic PC police.
For me, I'm really looking for some hard news.
Love have a local source!
stop being a mouth piece for the Republicans and the tea party,you are one sided , do some real reporting around town for a
Major / world news on the front page and the local news / Meet Your Merchant elsewhere
Larger print on crosswords!
I would recommend a instant online report site regarding fires and were the fire is located.
MAKE THE ONLINE NEWS 100% FREE like all other websites! I'd be MUCH MORE INCLINED to make a POINT to buy or
even SUBSCRIBE to support if I saw the UNION being fair & equal access to all-- you make MONEY FROM ADVERTISERS, you
shouldn't gouge the online readers, the hard copy paper is already triple what is was just a few years ago... #SAD in small

Take down the pay wall.

Put the Sunday New York Tuimes crossword in the Prospector.
Probably not feasible - but I'd love to be able to check out your site when something is happening real time (like I
enjoy reading the paper and may get it online, but I'd miss my grocery adds. Still buy in town a few times a week. Usually
Wednesday & Saturday
"Sometime the length of Obituaries are a little long."
Expand coverage (regional news)
How the TV guide arrives. Too many weeks it arrives on a Monday or even Tuesday. When that happens we loose Sundays
listings. And they are important to us.
more local crime and local court coverage
Ensure mail delivery
In depth political reporting - without bias, based on facts - especially with the elections looming ahead...
More local news
Its very liberal
Timely, local in-depth news coverage. Less reliance on press releases to fill space.
Put important national news on the front page.
larger comic page, hard to read
I don't believe you need an entire section on religion.
Take a look at and see what you are missing.
I do like you to highlight young people who are doing good things in our area, and give less space to all the bad elements here.
Too many editorials and opinions. The sports page should be together and not on separate pages.
stop putting criminal's photos on the front page. if i was a tourist, i wouldn't want to come to Nevada County. Have you thought
of allowing 5-10 times to view the paper without subscribing, for people who might end up visiting Nevada County. Most papers
do that.
stop carriers from rolling papers towards inside of front can't read it unless you roll it the other way and tie a band
around it for awhile
I don't know. I enjoy what you give us. I feel that I have a pulse on what is happening in this community.
Cancel two comic strips: Sally Forth and Pearls before Swine.
More business coverage--it's been decreasing lately!
Lack of Editing and correcting many mistakes that are common. Report correctly or don't print it
More political cartoons!
I loved afternoon delivery.
nothing, you're doing a great job
Less about crime on the front 2 pages, more local news.
more free access online

I really don't know of one thing.

Can't think of anything
Provide more detail and stories on local education. Most of what we get does not provide the depth of coverage one needs to
better understand the issues.
More in-depth analysis and info in articles. Sometimes there is a story of something that is happening, but if you missed prior
stories, you aren't sure what happened in the past. A little more info sometimes.
Easier access to on line news
Keep it local.
Can't think of anything.
Allow more than one letter/opinion per month.
Skip National news, the Union should be a local news source
Earlier delivery
More national news
More news, but less about every pot bust and minor crime.
"Stop running columns that make claims without backup. Especially those by climate change deniers or those that belive in
Agenda 21 or other made up threats."
Less typos -better quality of writing!
Stop marketing via Union Direct. This has become the single largest polluter on our nearby streets. Most people don't even
bother to pick these up, they become ragged and dirty, and new ones keep being left even when there are old ones there
uncollected, an obvious sign they're not wanted.
ability to answer question to be able to read articles
Quality and quantity of non local news
Make sure that what your reporters cite as fact is truly vested in fact. I fell that they try to sound like experts in areas where they
are showing they don't know or have not researched enough.
Honor the editorial policy and stop preferencial treatment to Climate Change Deniers.
Reduce your online subscriber fee to $5.00 or less for people like myself that want to read an occasional paper
You should take out the current Astrograph. It seems to be written for working people exclusively, and I bet a large segment of
your readership is retired. Also, its tone is negative and heavy-handed.
I can't think of anything.
More investigative news stories. Eliminate pay for read articles online to boost advertising revenue
the paper is excellent and provides a lot of information that interests me.
Make the digital newspaper easier to read and use.
"More world news"
Less right wing columns
Lower the price!
no suggestion at this time

screen opinion pieces for blatant lies. Free speech is one thing, obvious lies are another.
I like the community poll on your website but it needs to have new polls more often. Perhaps every 3 days.
Decide - be liberal or conservative. As it is, trying to be all things to all people, you just frustrate all. Be the voice of one or the
other and be effective in it. And get a real editor!
Improve your Internet presence; innovate; treat the Web as a foundation for services such as searching past publication contents,
rather than just this week's. Become a community information resource.
Strip out all the non local news and only carry articles from external sources that have local relevance. In addition to the Union, I
read the Bee and a national paper as do many other people.
The Union needs to move away from the old guard. Taking a more progressive stand on local issues would be a start.
More national/international news, closer to the front. Fewer ugly felons photos on the front page!
No free print editions clogging up my mailbox please
When using web edition do not like having to sign so often in order to read full article.
The subscription price. I would love to take the paper on line
"Maintain a stable staff of reporters familiar with our community. Don't keep rotating their responsibilities. For example, give the
Education reporter time to get to know the schools and the contacts they come in touch with.
Proof the news to comply with grammar, etc. "
Care more about customers that cancel their subscriptions. When I cancelled no one asked why I was canceling or what would
make me stay
Do more serious, in-depth investigation and reporting
More USA news
The Editor's column
Go back to afternoon publishing and delivery
Better editing. Often there are typos, bad English or incorrect information provdied, such as in the sports log TV section.
fix typos
Less reporting of crimes on the front page
More Hollywood, movies, and information on actors.
The TV schedule is a little too intense.
"Quit hiring ""Tweekers"" to deliver newspapers
Make the paper it is printed on the same each day. One day it is like tissue, and the next it is almost card stock...Also no color on
R.L Crabbe cartoons
Keep adding articles highlighting the successes of local businesses, non-profits, artists, schools, and individuals.
As mentioned earlier, available affordable housing is at a crisis level! I think more attention should be paid to this issue.
Less crime on the front page
not sure

Better editing. Have others read an article before publication and ask them what questions they have that were not answered or
what was confusing.
Followup some stories. Better Grammar editing. Edit police blotter so that all entries make sense.
PLEASE ... don't change ANYTHING. I love the paper just the way it is
Start a realistic Cannabis coloumn
Definitely keep your local focus flavor and if possible increase it. I love reading about the local history and would love to see
more on this topic. Places people events with photographs and how to experience them.
available on iPad
more op-ed
Sunday delivery
Carry the crossword carried in the San Francisco paper and add a Sunday edition
less use of filler items such as "dog found in Boise"
Cover National News
Improve advertising for classifieds and allow artists to advertise in printed aspect prospector without having to pay..for the
calendar section. We used to be able to do that.
provide more state, national and world news
Allow access to online versions of paper to subscribers of the paper
more national news
More global news
Sunday delivery maybe???
Just keep me informed of local news, etc.
Not a change ...... But keep up the current local news!
I'm very pleased with the publication
Add a Sunday Edition
More discussions on the drug and homeless problems here. Geared toward some solutions.
Follow up on stories you run, keep the peope informed. Such as Mary did a horrible coverage about her......and
she is known by all in this community.......where is the followup on how she is doing? That's just one.............
cut out the lies in the Other Voices. Really drags the whole paper down.
I am appalled at how many typos, misspellings and incorrect grammar in The Union. This should change.
Keep obits listed on front page.
more local sports stories
Reporters, writers & editors need to be more aware of local community. One story mentioned waiting for permits from the city of
Penn Valley. The only cities in this county are Grass Valley and Nevada City. Truckee is an incorporated town.
Some of the letter writers are totally wacko
Get a sports editor who can get things right i.e. sports on TV. Also, more emphasis on local news; less AP news.
Offer a Sunday paper.

Make Jeff Pelline disappear

Make more of your site accessible. Put fewer articles behind a pay wall.
Sunday paper
More information in the Prospector. A number of restaurants have entertainment and I do not see that listed in the Prospector.
Don't charge for online subscription
Stop hosting events such as the chocolate, home show, etc and focus on sponsoring through advertising other events that benefit
the community as a whole. It seems the newspaper is trying to find a profit center that may actually take away business from
those that pay for advertising.
Stop delivering Union Direct. The papers create trash on the sidewalk. After a few days of them laying on the sidewalk, I will put
them in the trash.
Nothing. Very happy
Add Sunday paper and ads from Sacramento & Roseville areas. Its hard to know whats on sale when you don't get the ads in
Sunday's paper like the Sacramento Bee.
Get someone to proof read the copy. There are quite a few grammatical errors.
I am pretty happy with the Union.
Make the access (login) to work more smoothly for both pdf's and general reading. It has improved quite a bit but is
still tedious.
I strongly dislike the negative editorials; ie George Boardman. He comes across as naive and uninformed.
Clean up the edges of the paper
Stop promoting right wing articles
Make online version completely free but require tiny surveys or ad viewing to see articles... much like the Auburn Journal. You're
extremely expensive and it drives me crazy.
You're doing a great job. No need to change anything!
Fix the website!!! I stopped my subscription because it wouldn't let me stay logged in but required me to log-in every time and
wouldn't allow a simple log-in password. It became too annoying so I switched to the Sac Bee and yubanet for my local news
More real news;less personal interest.
get rid of George Boardman
Make it easy to subscribe online.
More in-depth news outside our local area -- national and international news.
It's focus on news which is only of interest to those under 30.
More updates online/text message.
The price of the paper. Too high for subscription.
Stop wasting newsprint on sports.
The way it puts together the wildwood independent. The paper doesn't look the same since it was purchased by the union. We
miss our small town newspaper
not at this time

Make your online edition free. I would be more likely to read the entire paper as my primary source of news.
keep it local, more stories about local merchants, local teachers, local park and trails
Stay local, can get national on line. Cover government, function and dysfunction objectively
Expand police blotted for all calls
Just about everything. You really aren't much of a newspaper and we will not be renewing our subscription.
Make the website more user friendly
Better proofreading
Less coverage from the "editorial board". Norm Sauer and his like get FAR FAR FAR too much editorial space.
local stores advertising special promotions and sales
better mapping on the yard sale map
Instead of creating the opinion pages to reflect the current readership, try reflecting the population. Most of the population of
this area do not deny climate science, they do vaccinate their children, they do not hate "Obamacare". Your readership is old,
antiquated and dying. When they die, no one will be interested in this right wing rag unless you introduce more progressive and
moderate opinions. Additionally the police blotter should never name business or school names.
put the good news on the front page and take off all the meth addicts that get busted that the "Union" considers to be news....get
real world news....reflect on what "news" really means...ask the question: "Is this news? really?" what kind of news do you want
to fill your mind with. Get back to real news!
I think The Union is a wonderful source of information to the community. Jim Hemig has done a lot with the community in the
short time that he's been the publisher. I do, however, think that paper is getting more and more thin as time passes. There
doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info in the paper. Maybe cover more of what's happening in California rather than JUST Nevada
County? Local news is great, but a lot of residents in the area have family outside of the area. There are huge stories that aren't
covered, and I'm not sure why. Also, why no tribute on 9/11 for the past couple years? I guess that goes back to covering more
than just local news. We can't be blinded by what's happening in the world just because it didn't happen in the 530 area.
We presently subscribe to the Sacramento Bee on Sunday only. Would you consider adding a Sunday edition?
More content and more broadbased statewide coverage
"On the opinion pages, the Union should refrain from printing material that is not backed up by facts. Printing opinions that
masquerade as fact is detrimental to informed discussion of the issues. As we are coming up on an election year, this will become
even more crucial.
Also, I'd like to see more writing by Brian Hamilton. There was a time When we were treated to opinion pieces by him, but now
Jim Hemig seems to have taken over that role. More balance would be appreciated. "
Add more Keno days
Put the police blotter in a less 'high real estate' section of the newspaper. As a newcomer to the area, this seems an odd focus in
such a prominent location.
Better epaper.....

In depth reporting on local government issues. Deep coverage; not just superficial public meeting coverage. Growth. Quality of
life. Abandoned mine legacy. Private roads and their complications (fire/vegetation clearances).
Better reporting
all free online news - but you don't make money that way.
Clean up letters to the editor
Investigative local reporting.
Lose the editorials/input from hard right (Rebane, Bessee, etc) and whacky left (Senum, Pelline). Neither represents the vast
majority of us and your full court coverage of these extremists makes them appear to be normal representatives of our
community. We are a lot more sane (probably more boring) than The Union makes us appear to be. They are the tail wagging the
dog and you are their willing enabler. YUBA NET has become the voice of our community. The Union has become the voice of the
shrill periphery.
Make an effort to become more of a respectable newspaper and less a community bulletin board. I realized that you have a policy
of publishing any letter to the editor, and even though I wish you were selective, I see the pros and cons there, but you also
publish articles that purport to offer information but in fact serve as advertisements for the local vendors who write them. Your
coverage of local news is highly variable, sometimes thorough and sometimes shallow. I don't subscribe because reading the
paper involves too much wincing, but I seem to read fairly often anyway.
Figure out how you can provide online access for free - using advertising, etc... I think so many more people would read your
product - but I understand you need to make money - just wish you could use advertising to support your online product.
Please stop your daily coverage of the drug induced crime stories. I read the Auburn Journal and Sac Bee every day and they have
no where near as many stories about marijuana and crime. It's tiresome and depressing and it doesn't deserve the coverage
you're giving it.
For the sake of redundancy, change the online availability to all residents. This will eventually increase the local economy (if you
are successful) at promoting online access to make more news, local ads, articles, crime all available online for residents to see.
Good Luck with that.
More free/unrestricted content. Be a community resource.
Showcase the modernization of our community, not the parts that demonstrate old world thinking.
Be corageous calling out the board of supervisors when they are out of touch with the citizens they claim to represent (outdoor
events ordinance, cannabis ordinance). Its shameful that the sheriff pulls the strings when it comes to making laws in our county.
Its his job to endore the law, not to make it!
More local school and after school sports scores.

PLEA$E determine a way to monitor flooding the paper with extremist letters about vaccinations and climate change. Scientific
ideas argued scientifically diminishes the integrity of the ideas being published. Do not become The National Inwuirer! At the
least, strive to publish both sides of an arguement simultaneously.
"more news of what the outside the box folks are doing; left wing politics, organic farming and why it keeps being subverted by
the big corps, the other side of the mandatory vaccine issue
Feature as mentioned before.
NO photos of people arrested but not convicted. Innocent until proven guilty! Policy hurts personal and business relationships
and is only salacious "yellow" journalism.
Grimaldi-Flores column should stop. It is such a waste of space
More reporting on social issues (also, both Nevada County Facebook weather guys are always more accurate than whatever
sources the Union uses--just sayin')
Put all major advertisements, ie: Rite Aid, K-Mart, CVS,etc.) together, as in the Sat. Union-like all the grocery ads on Wed.
drop the pay-wall! loss of views from non-subscribers is a great discouragement to online advertisers.
Later print deadline. Sport page is terrible. No home high school games, Kings, Giants or A s scores.
Great as it is!
I would like to see more coverage of the positive aspect of all of our schools and of the youth in our community.
Make arrangements to print the paper later so we can have the latest news when the paper arrives in the morning. I do read the
latest stories online if the story does not appear in the newspaper.
Give local youth in agriculture more prominent coverage.
More local news
The weather section is good for a laugh. I know that you do not forecast the weather but its accuracy is awful. Personally I would
like to see more conservative articles and writers in The Union.
Pushing the social agenda it believes in. I have almost cancelled my subscription more than once.
Stop all the AP propaganda articles and give us more balance.
"Stop highlighting articles about ranchers and farmers abuse of animals... Animal Place in particular has a practice of bad
mouthing farmers and ranchers.
Nevada County was made through its rich agriculture history a well as mining and timber.
Its ridiculous that Animal place is allowed to bad mouth our history"
Allow online readers read local news, police blotters without charge. Post on Facebook a larger copy of the Front of the paper.
Nevada City is my hometown and follow the news. Always buy copy of Newspaper when ever I visit. Offer special rates for low
income senior citizens.
If a picture is put in the paper of someone or something, it would be nice to get more then who and what in the text underneath.
The was a picture resently of a man retiring from the railroad museum and all the information we got was his name and he was
retiring after so many years who and a little what and when, but left out why and how.
More Funnies

Under Jim and Brian's direction, The Union has become more responsible in its non-sensational, non-reactionary reportage, and
more responsive, balanced and fair in its accessibility and coverage. Keep up the good work and we'll re-new in November.
Give up the animal save stuff and report on what is real life ag and lose the pot reports.
Upgrade focus on south county - more on supervisor race, Lake of the Pines, curriculum at Bear River HS, new dam, lousy county
The text messages is the way to go. But, I seem to notice that I find out what's going on first on Nevada County Peeps before I get
the text message from The Union. Maybe you could offer a daily deal through Peeps for business or even text messages. Spread
the love with non-profits. We have so many. Do your homework. If you nominate someone for an award make sure they earned
it. If they are making a profit while "Voulunteering" I think you should re-think the award. I also will find a national story in the
paper and then again the same story in a side column. I also think The Union needs to get out more and do stories from around
the community. I think the paper is lacking on stories happening around town.
Become a bonifide community newspaper, focusing on what happens here. Providing information, which has been researched,
not made up, and that can be substantiated and not debunked. Be a newspaper which people want to subscribe. Right now, The
Union isn't that paper.
"Quit putting petty crime stories on the front page!!!!!
That is not news!"
"Make your digital subscription more reasonable for the type of news/services you are providing. New York Times digital
subscription is $15/month (which I do get) which is more than your subscription but the quality, quantity, etc., etc of news,
commentary, special features, etc. far, far exceeds The Union. There is hardly a comparison. I would gladly subscribe if I
thought the rate was appropriate for what I get. By the way I donate money to Yubanet because what they provide exceeds my
expectations in many different ways.
"Less drug activity reports on front page - especially if it's a followup.
Advertising pays the bills, but I'm wishing there weren't so many pages that we need to discard without looking, i.e. classified.
How about moving the funnies and advice columns to the classified pages?
It could start running various series about people in our community who rarely if almost never are represented in our paper. I
would like to see articles about their lives from their perspective.
Become a dynamic vibrant newspaper with amazing articles that we want to read
More World News
I've only lived here three months but am already growing tired of the many, many, many, many articles on the homeless.
I would like to see the paper cover more events. Coverage of events/meetings often appears to be written based on submitted
add Doonesberry and Get Fuzzy
I feel the paper is fluff with no substance. You can read it in 5 minutes. I'm not interested in the majority of it which is why I don't
More investigation reporting, there are things going on in our community that you are ignoring.

It's focus on the dire events.

More focus on local public schools.
It would come back to life!
`Start writing about the real crisis in this county. METH. If we spent as much time on that as we do on pot then we would really
be getting to the reason crime is happening in our community
Get rid of the extreme right wing editorial board. Become a real newspaper. Look at the Durango Herald to see what a real
community paper looks like.
Elimination of publisher and editor domination of the editorial page replacing instead with additional political columnists. York
and Goodman are fine, but need other views too at both national, state, and local levels.
When letters/OVs are submitted it would be very nice to be told "This will be published within the next ___ days" OR "We
cannot publish this item". It seems as though letters are thrown into a black hole, and the writer does not know if it will be
published or not.
more booking photos
Put on night time staff to run a morning newspaper.
fair and/or balanced does not mean fringe ideology deserves equal coverage to mainstream beliefs especially in the area of
climate change. You are doing a disservice to the public by giving crackpot science and politics an equal voice as it gives the
impression of equal validity.
Once a month have a map showing the number of times the police have responded to various areas.
I love your paper!!!! I use it to guide purchases and entertainment selections.... Keep up the good work!
Allow free online subscriptions
Free web access to articles
PLEASE reduce the number of extremist opinion pieces. For example, the barrage of writings about climate change and
vaccinations diminishes the overall integrity of the paper---makes the paper seem wacky! I am not in favor of censorship, but
folks REPEATEDLY writing about science who are just blowing off personal steam make the paper seem more like the National
Inquirer. More balanced publishing ( pro and con viewpoints published side by side) would promote more thoughtful
Change to color comic strips!
Do not roll the newspapers into tight rolls when delivered. Too hard to read as the pages want to curl back into rolled position
Change slant of articles focusing on positive rather than negative - report only facts - no editorials in the news. (ie leaving out
facts to slant negative)
Add summaries of international news such as found on BBC
Reduce our homeless population. To strongly/legally encourage drug users to voluntarily attend free secession programs.
Be more positive about nevada county living
Fold the paper in half and not trying to make it look larger than it is. The paper was more attractive before it was printed at the
Bee. I hate the lopsided fold and it will be an issue if I choose to drop my subscription.
IMPROVE THE CLASSIFIEDS FOR JOB SEARCH!!! The online classifieds for job postings are useless.

More online access

more college sports coverage, less recreational sports coverage.
I often hear, and have personally experienced when I was working, how The Union doesn't report a story totally correctly. To
trust that was done in The Union would be great.
Enviromentalist , dump Iziy Martin articles,
Stop with the liberal slant/ one sided-ness of the local news stories. Reporters need to remember they're reporting and not giving
a narrative and need to report both sides. Also dump the wire services; the news is already two days old and even more slanted.
Better proofreading
More National news and sports news
More news more as a whole in the paper more features like columns and offers just make the Union bigger some days the paper
is so small. More up to date news like the Sac Bee for example more headlines and sports like more hockey news for example.
Moderate the liberal bent creeping into the paper.
add more human interest stories
Get a webcam.. Nevada City and Grass Vally
LTE policy, fact checking, not publishing unsubstantiated crap from either side, more balance on the editorial board. Stop
pandering to the lowest common denominator in our community!
Posting all college football scores by region on Mondays like it used to do.
Quality of print

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