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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
November 9, 2004

MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Feagle, Doug Everett, Alphonso Dowdell, Emily Weed Ketring

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Chester McAfee,
Rodney Lytle Bill Blue, June Byers and Annette Anderson

Mayor Feagle called the meeting to order at 5:40 p. m. Councilmember Dowdell led those attending
the meeting in prayer. Mayor Feagle led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The
secretary called the roll.
Councilmember Harris X
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X


After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Everett made a motion to adopt the minutes of
October 26, 2004, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Dowdell and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Harris ABSENT
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X


Ms. Pauline Crowder, 708 W. Church Street, addressed the Council regarding a concern about the city
sewer system. Ms. Crowder said the system backs up into her residence and this problem had cost her
a lot of money. Ms. Crowder said employees from the City had come and worked on it but the
problem was back after about three weeks.

Director of Public Works Barney Johnson said the blockage is on Ms. Crowder’s side of the line. Mr.
Johnson said the problem is grease clogging the line. Mayor Feagle informed Ms. Crowder if the
problem is on her side of the line, it would be her responsibility. Mr. Tony Bell stood with Ms.
Crowder and said the problem is coming from the main city line. Mr. Bell said the line has been
“snaked out” several times and the clog is from the city line. Mr. Bell said this problem has been
ongoing for about two years. Mr. Bell said he thinks the problem could be generated from Tom’s
Foods or from Dairy King.

Mr. Johnson said someone from the City would check on the problem again and make a full report
back to the City Council at the next meeting.
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Mr. Tony Bell, 185 W. Walnut Street requested speed bumps on Walnut Street. Mayor Feagle told Mr.
Bell the Council would be discussing speed bumps later in the meeting and requested he wait until that
time. Mr. Bell was agreeable to wait until this item would be discussed later in the meeting.



Mayor Feagle said she had requested this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. Mayor Feagle
said she would like for the Council to discuss and set some protocol for public input when disruption
of a meeting occurs. Mayor Feagle said she spoke with the city attorney about this issue. Mayor
Feagle said her thoughts are that when someone is being disruptive she, as Mayor, could tell them they
are being disruptive and ask that they not be disruptive again. If they become disruptive again, inform
them they would be asked to leave the meeting and if they are disruptive a third time they would be
asked to leave the meeting. Councilmember Dowdell asked what would be done if they do not leave
after the third time. Mayor Feagle said the law enforcement would have them leave. Councilmember
Dowdell said he doesn’t think such persons should get three chances and suggested having them leave
on the second time they had to be told. When asked by Councilmember Ketring, Mayor Feagle said
this pertain to those individuals in the audience speaking out of turn and disrupting the business of the
Council. Councilmember Everett and Councilmember Ketring also agreed the individual could be
given two chances.

City Attorney Bill Blue commented the Council is trying to decide on an informal policy about how to
handle situations when individuals become disruptive in the meetings. Mr. Blue said the general rule is
that no one has the right to be disruptive even once during a Council meeting. Mr. Blue said, as a
courtesy, the Council could warn such an individual once that they are being disruptive. Mayor Feagle
said it isn’t that an individual cannot speak but that they should wait and let the Council finish the
business and discussion of an item first. Councilmember Everett commented as long as an individual
didn’t get argumentative with anyone and was just stating their point or presentation he didn’t know
how you could put a time limit on citizen concerns. Councilmember Everett said some individuals
might have an issue where an exception might need to be made.

Mr. Tony Bell, who spoke earlier, suggested when there is an individual who has a lengthy issue, a staff
member could take that individual aside and discuss their concern. Councilmembers agreed this was a
good suggestion. Mayor Feagle said she would encourage the public to come to the meetings and
commented that everyone should have an opportunity to speak but to do so without being disruptive.



County Administrator Buddy Humphries gave a brief update on the Taylor County Sports Complex.
Discussing the proposed water line extension, Mr. Humphries said in submitting application to the

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Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for potable water the permit had to be submitted by
the City of Perry. Mr. Humphries said the County would pay the $500.00 permit fee.

Mr. Humphries told the Council the County had $1.4 million for Phase 1 of the project but faces a
$471,000 deficit for construction costs. Mr. Humphries said the County is asking the City to consider
providing the materials and installation of pipe for the water extension. Mr. Humphries said the plans
were that the County would build the sports complex and maintain it but turn the recreation program
over to the City of Perry. City Manager Bill Brynes asked Mr. Humphries what had changed in the last
two weeks when it was the County who would buy the materials and the City would provide the
installation. Mr. Humphries said the (dollar) numbers had changed. Mr. Humphries said there was
only so much money available and the contractors’ costs were higher than anticipated.

Mayor Feagle asked if the City were to extend water lines to the sports complex would residences in
that area be able to hook up to the city’s water system. Mr. Brynes said they could do so if they chose
to but since the County does not have a mandatory hookup requirement they would not have to hook
up. Councilmember Everett spoke about past discussion of this issue and the City’s intent to
participate in the project. Councilmember Everett said it is a different picture today and the Council
should discuss and address what the Council wants to do as far as its participation. Councilmember
Everett said he doesn’t think this should be done this meeting. Mr. Humphries told the Council the
County would be meeting to discuss the sports complex on Thursday, November 11, 2204 at 6:00 p. m.
invited and encouraged Councilmembers to attend this meeting.

Mr. Brynes asked Mr. Humphries if there would be any negotiation with the County on a jack and bore
project vs. cutting the road for the water line extension. Mr. Humphries said everything is negotiable
at this point. Mayor Feagle said she would like to see the City work with the County on the sports
complex, if possible, as it is important for the community. After discussion, Councilmember Everett
made a motion that the City move forward with the permit application process to the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) on behalf of the Taylor County Board of County Commissioners for
potable water to the Taylor County Sports Complex, with the County paying the permit fee. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Ketring and upon roll call vote was as follows:

Councilmember Harris ABSENT
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X



Mayor Feagle said she asked this be discussed again because her observation is that there appears to be
adequate parking in the downtown area. Mayor Feagle said she thinks it would be a waste of taxpayer
Page 4, November 9, 2004, Council Minutes – Regular Session
monies (estimated $60,000) to build a parking lot that would only yield about 11 parking spaces.
Mayor Feagle said she thinks there might be some question about this because a survey had not yet
been done.

Mr. Tom Gunter, Planet Video on S. Jefferson Street, said in response to the survey, it had been his
experience that (downtown) merchants have no parking and they park in front of their own building.
Mr. Gunter said County workers also park in these downtown parking spaces. Mr. Gunter said there
are spaces available at times; but, if customers cannot park in front of a business, most will go
somewhere else.

Mayor Feagle suggested businesses could put up signs that designate that parking is reserved for that
business only. Mr. Gunter commented this could work but noted also that the merchants need a place
to park. Mr. Gunter commented if the City were to purchase the property and build a parking lot
maybe the City could manage the lot and charge merchants to park there.

Councilmember Everett said the City should look to see how it could revitalize and help the downtown
merchants, noting the downtown retail area could “dry up” because of parking issues.

City resident Rachael Sapp said in creating the 11 parking spaces (parking lot) 4 spaces could be lost
on the street. Councilmember Everett said the City could possibly get 14 spaces in the lot if designed
right and only lose 1 to 2 parking spaces. Councilmember Ketring said a lot of people attending the
Council meeting are downtown merchants and they have discussed their concerns about parking.
Councilmember Ketring said she thinks the City should help these businesses and move forward with
the parking lot. Mayor Feagle said she is not anti-business and does want Perry to grow but she
doesn’t feel businesses are leaving the downtown area because there are no parking spaces. Mayor
Feagle said she just thinks it is a lot of money to spend on a parking lot.

Another business owner to address the Council in favor of the parking lot included, Sharon Dorman,
121 E. Green Street. Ms. Dorman said she is aware of one business that had moved because of the
lack of parking. City Attorney Bill Blue (city resident) commented it might be easier right now to
attract businesses downtown if there were more parking spaces. Mr. Blue said personally he would
like to see a multi-tier parking garage built but doesn’t see how the City could pay for it. Others in
attendance agreed. Councilmember Everett posed the question of what happens to the value of
existing property if the City made a choice to wait and then there was a growth in the downtown area.
One individual said the parking lot would help beautify the downtown area and could be used for
purposes other than parking, such as using the lot to hold fundraisers, festivals, etc.

Councilmember Dowdell said the (majority of the Council) had already agreed to purchase the lot and
construct a parking lot and should move forward with doing this. Mr. Blue informed the Council a
vote would be needed if they chose to undo their previous vote. Mayor Feagle said there would be no
changes and the parking lot project would go forward.
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Councilmember Everett said he talked with Mr. Jackson, owner of the property, regarding Mr.
Jackson’s discussion with Mr. Rick Breer, who said the property had been offered to Main Street at
$30,000. It was noted Mr. Jackson wants $45, 000 for the property. Councilmember Everett said back
when the motion was made to purchase the property for a parking lot, the motion was made in such a
way it was considered non-negotiable. Councilmember Everett said it is only fair to inform the
taxpayers that is why the purchase price is $45,000-that the motion was acted on based on the wording.
Councilmember Everett said previous minutes indicated instructions that the purchase price should be
negotiated with Mr. Jackson. Councilmember Everett said that did not happen and that is why the
price is at $45,000.

Attorney June Byers said legal counsel needs direction as to what to do. City Attorney Bill Blue
suggested if the Council moves forward to purchase the property, an appraisal, survey and title work
should be done. Mr. Brynes asked why an appraisal would be needed. Councilmember Ketring asked
if there was a law that would prevent the City from doing this. Mr. Blue said he would research this.
Mr. Blue said if there is nothing in the law that requires an appraisal counsel would move forward with
the purchase process and if there is a requirement an appraisal would be done. Mr. Blue said he would
speak with Mr. Jackson regarding the closing costs.

It was the consensus of the Council that the motion made September 28, 2004 to purchase the Jackson
property for additional downtown parking stand as voted upon.

Mr. Brynes suggested he could speak with adjacent property owners to see if they would provide an
easement to the City that could provide additional space without losing any parking spaces. It was the
consensus of the Council that Mr. Brynes could do this.



Ms. Miller was not present. The meeting continued with the next business item.




Councilmember Dowdell made a motion that Ordinance No. 799 be read by title only. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Ketring and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Harris ABSENT
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X

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The secretary read Ordinance No. 799 by title only. This ordinance to be brought back for public
hearing and final reading November 23, 2004.

In reference to the attorney’s billing statement to the City, Attorney June Byers informed the Council
she had spent a considerable amount of time on this issue and wanted to let the Council know.



Councilmember Ketring made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the Disaster Funding
Agreement related to Hurricane Jeanne. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dowdell and
upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Harris ABSENT
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X



Councilmember Ketring said she had received a call requesting speed bumps on these streets. Ms.
Annette Wright addressed the Council on behalf of her daughter and family who live on Alvarez Street.
Ms. Wright said she is requesting two speed bumps be installed on Alvarez Street before and after Page
Street and one be installed on Page Street. Ms. Wright told the Council the traffic had increased as
people are using these streets as a shortcut to Wal-Mart. Ms. Wright said speed limit signs and “Slow
Children” signs should be placed in the area also.

Councilmember Everett commented requests for speed bumps are a topic with the Council right now.
Councilmember Everett suggested making a three-way stop at this location instead of installing speed
bumps. There were comments that a three-way stop would not work. Councilmember Ketring asked
about the possibility of adding strobe lights to the signs. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson
said this would cost a lot of money. Councilmember Everett agreed installation of strobe lights would
not be feasible. Asked the cost of a speed bump, Mr. Johnson said it would cost approximately
$500.00. There was discussion of installing rumble strips instead of speed bumps. Mr. Johnson said
he would have to research the cost of rumble strips.

Councilmember Ketring said the Council should think about cheaper alternatives or set criteria because
the Council had been getting a lot of calls about installing speed bumps. Councilmember Ketring said
rumble strips in residential areas would be better than speed bumps. Commenting this seems to be a
real issue, Mayor Feagle suggested some protocol or criteria should be established as how to handle
these issues. Mayor Feagle said in this case it sounds warranted. Councilmember Everett agreed some
Page 7, November 9, 2004, Council Minutes – Regular Session

criteria should be discussed saying the City cannot afford to put speed bumps in every community.
Councilmember Everett said, in the past, other options were tried before considering speed bumps.
Mayor Feagle suggested the item of criteria for speed bumps be reagendaed and research gathered
from other cities as to what protocol they have regarding installation of speed bumps. Councilmember
Everett said he would like to see the City investigate the cost of rumble strips and if the rumble strips
are a reasonable price and it doesn’t violate the Charter, he would suggest installing one set of rumble
strips in this area. Councilmember Everett then made a motion that the City purchase and install a set
of rumble strips on Alvarez Street prior to Page Street from Highway 27 with a posted speed limit sign
of 25 mph and a “Slow Children” sign also to include reducing the speed limit on Page Street to 20
mph. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Ketring and upon roll call vote was as follows:

Councilmember Harris ABSENT
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X



Councilmember Ketring said she had requested this item of discussion be placed on the agenda. Mr.
Samuel “Buck” Sapp retired city employee addressed the Council and asked if the Council could help
with retiree health insurance costs.

Councilmember Ketring said she had talked with the city manager about this issue and had discussed
the possibility of extending the time period (currently five years) that retired employees receive a
supplement to their health insurance premium. Councilmember Ketring proposed extending the time
period an additional five years for a total of ten years retired employees could receive the supplement
on their health insurance premiums. Discussing the amount contributed, Councilmember Dowdell
asked if the City could do better by increasing the dollar amount. Mr. Brynes said that would depend
on what the Council wants to do and what the City could pay. Mr. Brynes said a situation could be
created where contributions (from the City and the State) could exceed the total premium amount.

Mr. Brynes said he doesn’t know that extending the time period an additional five years would have a
big effect on the City budget. Councilmember Ketring said this policy would pertain only to those
retired city employees who had health insurance through the City. Councilmember Ketring suggested
allowing those retirees who have already passed the five-year period to get an additional five years.
Councilmember Everett said he was agreeable as long as the supplement of the State and the City did
not exceed the cost of the premium. Councilmember Ketring said based on information provided by
the city manager that this would not have a big effect on the budget, she would make a motion that the
Page 8, November 9, 2004, Council Minutes – Regular Session

City continue the current retiree health insurance policy and just extend the time period an additional
five years for a total of ten years. Councilmember Everett seconded the motion and upon roll call vote
was as follows:
Councilmember Harris ABSENT
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X



Mayor Feagle said this item had been brought up for discussion before with Councilmember Ketring
saying her husband could donate the radios. Mayor Feagle said, according to Chief of Police Wayne
Putnal, providing radios to the school crossing guards might not be the best thing to do. Chief Putnal
explained doing this would actually be against Florida Statutes. Chief Putnal explained that only
police officers (law enforcement) could have radios with the police frequency. Chief Putnal said a
school crossing guard is not a law enforcement officer. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus
of the Council that school crossing guards not be allowed to have police radios.


Mr. Brynes said the Council’s desire has been that there would be only one City Council meeting in the
month of December, canceling the second meeting in December, due to the Christmas holiday. It was
the consensus of the Council that the City Council meet in regular session December 14, 2004, and
cancel the second meeting due to the Christmas holiday.

Mr. Brynes gave the Council an update on the possibility of paving Young Street. There was some
discussion about there having been a landfill in this area and unknown boundaries. Mr. Brynes said a
survey is currently being done and asked the Council if the survey shows the road could be paved
without problems, if the Council wants the road paved. Councilmember Everett said the only
considerations that could qualify other than the two residences on this road is the fact that there would
be connection to other roads and a planned development around the area. Mayor Feagle questioned
whether the paving of this road would enhance the business of Councilmember Ketring and her
husband. Councilmember Ketring answered there wouldn’t be a conflict. Councilmember Everett said
it would only be an enhancement to someone visiting this area. Mayor Feagle asked the City’s cost of
this project. Mr. Brynes said the City should get the survey done. It was estimated the cost could be
$45,000. Councilmember Everett asked if there was money in the paving funds to do this. Mr. Brynes
commented this isn’t known at this time, as there are a number of streets to be paved. Barney Johnson,
Director of Public, noted also that several streets had been added to the list. When asked by
Councilmember Everett if the cost to pave Young Street could be figured by same cost to pave other
streets, Mr. Johnson said because of drainage and other concerns, this could not necessarily be done.
Mr. Brynes said the decision of the Council was to pave these streets and this is what is being done.
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Mr. Brynes said if the Council wants Young Street paved, funding could be taken out of the City’s cash
reserves to pave it. Councilmember Everett commented he thinks it just makes better business sense to
know the cost. Councilmember Ketring asked how many people should live on a street for it to be
paved. Mr. Brynes said there had never been any criteria just whatever the Council chose to do.
Mayor Feagle commented several factors go into consideration of paving a street such as, traffic
patterns, residences on the street, potholes, etc. Councilmember Everett said if these criteria were
applied to Young Street it would be the top priority in the City. Councilmember Everett asked if the
paving costs were within $100,000 of the $1 million. Mr. Johnson said he would check on the costs.
Councilmember Everett commented he wouldn’t want to pave Young Street if this would put the City
$200,000 over its paving project costs. Councilmember Everett said this should be addressed from the
perspective of other things that need to be done in the City. Councilmember Ketring requested the
Council wait until Mr. Johnson brings back information as to whether there is funding available to
pave Young Street. The Council agreed.


Director of Community Development Billy LaValle said the City’s Code Enforcement Board would be
meeting soon to hear a code enforcement issue and the City ordinance and Florida Statues require the
meeting be audio taped. Mr. LaValle noted the City Council meeting room is not equipped with any
recording devices. Attorney June Byers said the meeting is schedule for the next week and suggested
the City could purchase a recording device for the Code Enforcement Board or hire a court reporter.
City Attorney Bill Blue suggested if the City were to purchase a recording device that it be digital so
information could be stored and used on DVD’s and computers. The Council discussed the possibility
of purchasing an audio/video recording system for use at the Council meetings. Councilmembers
requested the cost be researched and information brought back to the Council. Ms. Byers noted the
need for expediency in the Code Enforcement Board meeting. Chief of Police Wayne Putnal said the
City’s police department could provide the recording device for that meeting. It was the consensus of
the Council this be done.

For the Council’s information, City Attorney Bill Blue said under F. S. Chapter 166, which deals with
municipalities, appraisals for purchase of real property are exempt from public record and do not have
to be negotiated in public. Mr. Blue said once an option contract or an agreement is executed this then
becomes public information.


Councilmember Everett updated the Council on discussion with Waymon Carroll regarding use of
property on Saxon Street. Councilmember Everett said Mr. Waymon understands the City cannot
maintain his property.
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Councilmember Dowdell asked about the paving of Bryant Street. Mr. Johnson referred
Councilmember Dowdell to the county administrator Buddy Humphries. Mr. Humphries explained the
County had paved a portion of this street and had to stop due to a certain disagreement. Mr.
Humphries said the County is looking to resolve the issue.

Mayor Feagle said she had received a call from Reverend Lawry of the Episcopal Church regarding
log trucks in the area tearing up the street. Mayor Feagle said Reverend Lawry asked if there was
some way to inhibit the trucks being parked there. Director of Community Development Billy LaValle
said the area is zoned commercial intensive and there really isn’t anything that could be done.
Councilmember Everett said as long as the property owner gives permission for the trucks to park,
there is nothing that can be done.

Mayor Feagle reminded the Council of the Suwannee River League of Cities meeting in White


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:15 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Pam Feagle, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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