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stable, some Nvidia users may experience a weird strobing effect

// (some series of outdated nvidia drivers remove this affect)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------yhc xjncvAzujjkzukzujaujazuzmukuazkzmujMy

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Bear in mind that these are disabled on war servers due to `sv_pure 2'
anyway, so if you play competitive TF2, this won't help you.

// Disable sprays
cl_playerspraydisable 1hyn yhxyh A
r_spray_lifetime 0



// Enable sprays -- uncomment this section if you want these settings

//cl_playerspraydisable 0
//r_spray_lifetime 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Shadows
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Disable shadows
mat_shadowstate 0
r_shadowmaxrendered 0
r_shadowrendertotexture 0
r_shadows 0
// Enable shadows -- I highly recommend keeping them off if you're frequently ne
ar or below the refresh rate of your monitor as you'll lose about 15-20% of your
mat_shadowstate 1
r_shadowmaxrendered 9
r_shadowrendertotexture 1 // Non-blobby shadows. Sometimes turned on by
// competitive TF2 players to see opponents standing
// near the other side of a wall. You may see some
// performance loss from setting this to `1'.
r_shadows 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Facial features
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Disable facial features
r_eyes 0
r_flex 0
r_lod 2
r_rootlod 2
r_teeth 0
// Enable facial features -- turning them on lowers framerate by 5ish%
//r_eyes 1
//r_flex 1
//r_lod 1 // Needs to be set to 1, otherwise they will still be disabled.
//r_rootlod 1
//r_teeth 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------------------------------------You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce ragdolls.

// Disable ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0
// Enable ragdolls -- lowers by 10ish%
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 15
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 0
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100
ragdoll_sleepaftertime "5.0f"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce gibs.

// Disable gibs
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
props_break_max_pieces 0
r_propsmaxdist 1
violence_agibs 0
violence_hgibs 0
// Enable gibs -- 6-7% less framerate
//cl_phys_props_enable 1
//cl_phys_props_max 128
//props_break_max_pieces -1
//r_propsmaxdist 1000
violence_agibs 1
violence_hgibs 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Graphical
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Now we come to the main brunt of the config. You probably don't want to mess
// with this.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0 // adds another hud element -3% frames
fov_desired 90 // seriously everyone should use this.
mat_phong 0 // some people don't like this on I prefer it on for sniper though
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0
cl_detaildist 0
cl_detailfade 0
cl_drawmonitors 0
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0 // Turns off jigglebones
cl_new_impact_effects 0
cl_show_splashes 0

func_break_max_pieces 0
glow_outline_effect_enable 0 // Cart glow effect.
lod_transitiondist 0
mat_antialias 0
mat_bumpmap 0 // Controls bumpmapping. Setting this to 0 on dx9 will cause
// a strange `shine' effect to appear on all players. - Chris
// In the past I wasn't able to prove that disabling t
his was significant,
// it effects fps by about 1% after several checks - C
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0
mat_colorcorrection 0
mat_disable_bloom 1
mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
mat_disable_lightwarp 1
mat_envmapsize 8
mat_envmaptgasize 8
mat_filterlightmaps 1
mat_filtertextures 1
mat_forceaniso 0
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 512
mat_monitorgamma 2.2 // Controls brightness, try 1.8 to make it brighter or 2.2
// to get it darker. Only works in fullscreen.
mat_parallaxmap 0
mat_picmip 2 // Higher = more mipmapping. Without `sv_cheats 1', you're looking
// at a range from -1 to 2, -1 being the best quality, 2 being the
// worst. - Doesn't really matter much what you set this too if you
're cpu bound
mat_reducefillrate 1
mat_reduceparticles 1
mat_specular 1 // Controls specularity. Setting this to 0 will make ubers
// non-shiny, and will remove some specular effects from in-game
// entities which support it. - Setting this to 0 while trilinear
is off lowers framerate for reasons I don't understand
mat_trilinear 1
mat_viewportscale 1 // Almost no performance gain from viewport upscaling.
mat_viewportupscale 1
mat_wateroverlaysize 1
mp_decals 9 // - Just keep this below 60ish and you shouldn't notice much differ
ent at all maybe .5 average fps for every 30-40 decals
r_3dsky 0
r_ambientboost 0
r_ambientfactor 0
r_ambientmin 0
r_avglight 0
r_cheapwaterend 1
r_cheapwaterstart 1
r_decals 9
r_maxmodeldecal 9
r_decalstaticprops 0
r_decal_cullsize 15
r_drawdetailprops 0
r_drawmodeldecals 0
r_drawflecks 0
r_dynamic 0
r_flashlightdepthtexture 0
r_forcewaterleaf 1
r_lightaverage 0
r_maxnewsamples 0

r_maxsampledist 1
r_occlusion 0 // disables ambient occlusion. 2% FPS boost
r_pixelfog 1
r_propsmaxdist 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_staticprop_lod 4
r_waterdrawreflection 0
r_waterdrawrefraction 1
r_waterforceexpensive 0
r_waterforcereflectentities 0
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 // should give a small fps boost in 1st person
rope_averagelight 0
rope_collide 0
rope_rendersolid 0
rope_shake 0
rope_smooth 0
rope_subdiv 0
rope_wind_dist 0
tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting
// it, for example, setting this to `1'
// disables rain effects on *_sawmill.
tracer_extra 0
violence_ablood 1 // framerates on -most- pcs are higher with these on
violence_hblood 1
mat_motion_blur_enabled 0 // just incase anyone has this added before loading m
y cfg
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 0
mat_motion_blur_strength 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Misc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------in_usekeyboardsampletime 0
mat_clipz 1 // FX card users should set this to 0
mat_forcehardwaresync 0
mat_levelflush 1
m_rawinput 0 // Turn on raw mouse input. Commented out by default due to
// silly incompatibility with the Xfire overlay. You should use
// it if you can! - WHO USES XFIRE ANYMORE?
mat_vsync 0 // Turn off vsync to avoid nasty I/O latency.
r_fastzreject -1 // Values >1 enable a fast Z rejection algorithm, to be
// performed on the GPU (as opposed to on the CPU). The
// value `-1' autodetects hardware support for this
// feature, which is safer than forcing it.
ai_expression_optimization 1
fast_fogvolume 1
host_thread_mode 0 // Not exactly stable
mod_load_anims_async 1
mod_load_mesh_async 1
mod_load_vcollide_async 1

---------------------------------------------------------------------------I'd be hesitant to say that you would see a great deal of performance
improvement from lowering the sound quality, but in my experience as a
competitive TF2 player, lowering the sound quality makes determination of
directionality and distance that much easier. You may see a small FPS gain
with these settings, or you may not, either way will likely have a

// negligible effect on performance.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------dsp_enhance_stereo 0
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_async_fullyasync 1 // Having the sound run fully asynchronous has been
// helpful in the past, as it seems to (for whatever
// reason) reduce the number of TDRs experienced during
// gameplay. There's some pretty good information on
// TDRs (nerds only) here:
snd_pitchquality 1
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0
snd_mixahead .07 // Delay in sound from weapons below .05 has been known to be u
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Threading
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------mat_queue_mode 2 // mat_queue mode is another frequently asked about cvar, it
// defines the threading method to be used by the material
// system. It has been unstable to use in the past, but
// nowadays it's generally okay.
// Here are the possible values:
-2 legacy default
-1 default
0 synchronous single thread
1 queued single thread
2 queued multithreaded
// If you have problems with the value `2', try setting it to
// `-1'.
// As an aside, there are quite a few bugs in the demo system
// that occur when mat_queue_mode is set to a value that is
// not `-1'. If you intend to do work with the demo system,
// maybe you should change this.
//After immense testing I've found that default
works perfectly
//fine with setting your Thread usage. It autom
atically set me
//to 2 every time. I'd say it's safer and likel
y less buggy to
//leave this at -1 than it is at 2.
//As a side not I've noticed micro stutters wit
h mat_queue_mode 2
//at 1000+ fps where mat_queue_mode 1 did not s
tutter at 1000+ fps
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 // WARNING if you don't have a Quad-Core CPU or better
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0 // DO NOT ENABLE cause crashes to desktop withi
n 4-5 minutes of gameplay 4/18 2014
r_queued_decals 0 // lessens the impact of higher decal limits.
r_queued_ropes 1
r_queued_post_processing 1 // kind of pointless because it's disabled above but
if you do like post processing effects keeping this on should lessen the impact

on framerate
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1
net_queue_trace 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// HUD
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------hud_saytext_time 2 //Default is 12 and measured in seconds, this is the amount o
f time chat stays on your screen
voice_enable 0 //Default is 1, This is the voice chat in the game 1 = on, 0 = of
hud_deathnotice_time 5 // Default is 6, This the the death notices that usually
appear at the top right of the screen
hud_achievement_glowtime 0 // Default is 2.5, not 100% what this is about a 1.5%
fps boost.
hud_achievement_count 0 //Default is 8, Max number of achievements that can be s
hown on the HUD
hud_achievement_tracker 0 // Default is 1, Show or hide the achievement tracker
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Test Shit
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_localnetworkbackdoor 1 //Network optimizations for Singleplayer, disabling ha
s about a 1-2% fps boost
cl_cloud_settings 0 // I believe this disables cloud syncing of CFGs but not 100
% sure
//cl_notifications_show_ingame 0 // Pretty sure this disables Trade/Duel Notific
sys_minidumpspewlines 500 // Basically the number of lines saved to a log file f
rom console. No FPS boost but 15% lower FPS variance
cl_loadondemand_default 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Misc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_forcepreload 1 // Force preloading
cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out "1"
cl_ask_favorite_opt_out "1"
sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning "1"
tf_explanations_backpackpanel "1"
tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel "1"
tf_explanations_charinfopanel "1"
tf_explanations_craftingpanel "1"
tf_explanations_discardpanel "1"
tf_explanations_store "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_options "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_training "1"
//net_graph 1 // keeping this on actually lowers your framerate by 3-6% dependin
g on the level of net_graph you have it at
// net_graph 1,2,3,4,5
hud_fastswitch 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Print to console
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Comanglia' frames config loaded. Inspired by Chris config"
echo "---------------------------------------// Unexplained crashes? Try changing mat_queue_mode to `-1'.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Comanglia' Potato / Toaster config inspired by chris, designed to get you a l
arge performance boost
// v0.1beta | 15 May 2015 |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Launch options:
// You should remove -dxlevel xx from the launch options for superior stability
// ALT+Tabbing
// Fullscreen: -dxlevel 81 -full -w WIDTH -h HEIGHT -console -novid
// Windowed: -dxlevel 81 -sw -w WIDTH -h HEIGHT -console -noborder -novid
// -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd // All of these are outdated and
don't matter anymore
// DX Levels
// -dxlevel 80, -dxlevel 81, -dxlevel 90, -dxlevel 91, -dxlevel 95, -dxlevel 98
// if you can use -dxlevel 81 USE IT your fps will be significantly more stable,
some Nvidia users may experience a weird strobing effect (some series of outdat
ed nvidia drivers remove this affect)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// FPS cap
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// The primary benefit of an FPS cap is to make the FPS more stable, other than
// that, it doesn't do a lot. A moderate, consistent framerate is much more
// desirable than a variable but sometimes high framerate. A common
// misconception is that if any more frames are generated than your monitor can
// display, they are useless. This is wrong -- frames are used for much more
// than mere display, and affect the way the game feels well past your
// refresh rate.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_showfps 0 // Turning this FPS meter on actually decreases fps by about 3%-4%
fps_max 0 // fps caps on PCs that consistently meet that cap causes horrible inp
ut lag when attempting to turn/aim
//fps_max 132 // I'm leaving this in here though because some PCs (usually lapto
ps) tend to overheat and have microstutters without frame caps.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Net settings
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Whilst net settings perhaps aren't an integral part of an FPS config, they
are a fact of life in competitive TF2, and as such, they are included here.
A common question I am asked -- what defines whether a good connection is
good or bad? Mostly personal preference. If you're not willing to make the
choice, try both and see which is better for you.
Generally, meeting both of the following conditions would classify it as a
good connection:
- Ping of <80 to the average server you join
- Generally no/negligible choke/loss (can be checked with `net_graph')
There's some pretty good documentation on this here:

// Uncomment (remove the `//' from) one of the groups if you want to use them.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Good connection
cl_cmdrate 67 // The tricks to get 1.4ms lerp are placebo you're still forced to
cl_interp .033 // change to whatever you like for certain classes projectiles/po
pping uber/flames = .0152 hitscan = .031 on bad connections = .062
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 67 // The tricks to get 1.4ms lerp are placebo you're still forced
to .0152
rate 60000 // anything above 62,000 is completely useless, anything above 48,000
ish is useless in HL
// Competitive connection // Very few servers will have these settings
//cl_cmdrate 128
//cl_interp .007 // this will likely have to be user defined .007 should be roug
hly the lowest interp, hit scan might do well at .0152 for this
//cl_interp_ratio 1
//cl_lagcompensation 1
//cl_pred_optimize 2
//cl_smooth 0
//cl_smoothtime 0.01
//cl_updaterate 128
//rate 90000 // With higher tick rates you have more bandwidth being used
// Bad connection
//cl_cmdrate 40
//cl_interp 0
//cl_interp_ratio 2
//cl_lagcompensation 1
//cl_pred_optimize 2
//cl_smooth 0
//cl_smoothtime 0.01
//cl_updaterate 40
//rate 35000

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Bear in mind that these are disabled on war servers due to `sv_pure 2'
anyway, so if you play competitive TF2, this won't help you.

// Disable sprays
cl_playerspraydisable 1
r_spray_lifetime 0
// Enable sprays -- uncomment this section if you want these settings
//cl_playerspraydisable 0
//r_spray_lifetime 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Shadows

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Disable shadows

mat_shadowstate 0
r_shadowmaxrendered 0
r_shadowrendertotexture 0
r_shadows 0
// Enable shadows -- I highly recommend keeping them off if you're frequently ne
ar or below the refresh rate of your monitor as you'll lose about 15-20% of your
//mat_shadowstate 1
//r_shadowmaxrendered 11
//r_shadowrendertotexture 1 // Non-blobby shadows. Sometimes turned on by
// competitive TF2 players to see opponents standing
// near the other side of a wall. You may see some
// performance loss from setting this to `1'.
//r_shadows 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Facial features
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Disable facial features
r_eyes 0
r_flex 0
r_lod 2
r_rootlod 2
r_teeth 0
// Enable facial features -- turning them on lowers framerate by 5ish%
//r_eyes 1
//r_flex 1
//r_lod 1 // Needs to be set to 1, otherwise they will still be disabled.
//r_rootlod 1
//r_teeth 1

---------------------------------------------------------------------------You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce ragdolls.

// Disable ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0
// Enable ragdolls -- lowers by 10ish%
//cl_ragdoll_fade_time 15
//cl_ragdoll_forcefade 0
//cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1
//g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600
//g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100
//ragdoll_sleepaftertime "5.0f"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------------------------------------You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce gibs.

// Disable gibs
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
props_break_max_pieces 0
r_propsmaxdist 1
violence_agibs 0
violence_hgibs 0
// Enable gibs -- 6-7% less framerate
cl_phys_props_enable 1
cl_phys_props_max 4
props_break_max_pieces 2
r_propsmaxdist 100
//violence_agibs 1
//violence_hgibs 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Graphical
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Now we come to the main brunt of the config. You probably don't want to mess
// with this.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------sv_cheats 1 // Disabled at the end of this, may or may not do anything lol
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0 // adds another hud element -3% frames
mat_phong 0 // some people don't like this on I prefer it on for sniper though
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0
cl_detaildist 0
cl_detailfade 0
cl_drawmonitors 0
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0 // Turns off jigglebones
cl_new_impact_effects 0
cl_show_splashes 0
func_break_max_pieces 0
glow_outline_effect_enable 0 // Cart glow effect.
lod_transitiondist 0
mat_antialias 0
mat_bumpmap 0 // Controls bumpmapping. Setting this to 0 on dx9 will cause
// a strange `shine' effect to appear on all players. - Chris
// In the past I wasn't able to prove that disabling t
his was significant,
// it effects fps by about 1% after several checks - C
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0
mat_colorcorrection 0
mat_disable_bloom 1
mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
mat_disable_lightwarp 1
mat_envmapsize 8
mat_envmaptgasize 8
mat_filterlightmaps 0
mat_filtertextures 0
mat_forceaniso 0
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 512

mat_monitorgamma 2.2 // Controls brightness, try 1.8 to make it brighter or 2.2

// to get it darker. Only works in fullscreen.
mat_motion_blur_enabled 0
mat_parallaxmap 0
mat_picmip 4 // Higher = more mipmapping. Without `sv_cheats 1', you're looking
// at a range from -1 to 2, -1 being the best quality, 2 being the
// worst. - Doesn't really matter much what you set this too if you
're cpu bound
mat_reducefillrate 1
mat_reduceparticles 1
mat_specular 0 // Controls specularity. Setting this to 0 will make ubers
// non-shiny, and will remove some specular effects from in-game
// entities which support it. - Setting this to 0 while trilinear
is off lowers framerate for reasons I don't understand
mat_trilinear 0
mat_wateroverlaysize 1
mp_decals 9 // - Just keep this below 60ish and you shouldn't notice much differ
ent at all maybe .5 average fps for every 30-40 decals
r_3dsky 0
r_ambientboost 0
r_ambientfactor 0
r_ambientmin 0
r_avglight 0
r_cheapwaterend 1
r_cheapwaterstart 1
r_decals 9
r_maxmodeldecal 9
r_decalstaticprops 0
r_decal_cullsize 15
r_drawdetailprops 0
r_drawmodeldecals 0
r_drawflecks 0
r_dynamic 0
r_flashlightdepthtexture 0
r_forcewaterleaf 1
r_lightaverage 0
r_maxnewsamples 0
r_maxsampledist 1
r_occlusion 0 // disables ambient occlusion. 2% FPS boost
r_propsmaxdist 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_staticprop_lod 4
r_waterdrawreflection 0
r_waterdrawrefraction 1
r_waterforceexpensive 0
r_waterforcereflectentities 0
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 // should give a small fps boost in 1st person
rope_averagelight 0
rope_collide 0
rope_rendersolid 0
rope_shake 0
rope_smooth 0
rope_subdiv 0
rope_wind_dist 0
tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting
// it, for example, setting this to `1'
// disables rain effects on *_sawmill.
tracer_extra 0
violence_ablood 1 // framerates on -most- pcs are higher with these on
violence_hblood 1

sv_cheats 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Misc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------in_usekeyboardsampletime 0
mat_clipz 1 // FX card users should set this to 0
mat_forcehardwaresync 0
mat_levelflush 1
//m_rawinput 0 // Turn on raw mouse input. Commented out by default due to
// silly incompatibility with the Xfire overlay. You should use
// it if you can! - WHO USES XFIRE ANYMORE?
mat_vsync 0 // Turn off vsync to avoid nasty I/O latency.
r_fastzreject -1 // Values >1 enable a fast Z rejection algorithm, to be
// performed on the GPU (as opposed to on the CPU). The
// value `-1' autodetects hardware support for this
// feature, which is safer than forcing it.
ai_expression_optimization 1
fast_fogvolume 1
host_thread_mode 0 // Not exactly stable
mod_load_anims_async 1
mod_load_mesh_async 1
mod_load_vcollide_async 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Sound
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// I'd be hesitant to say that you would see a great deal of performance
// improvement from lowering the sound quality, but in my experience as a
// competitive TF2 player, lowering the sound quality makes determination of
// directionality and distance that much easier. You may see a small FPS gain
// with these settings, or you may not, either way will likely have a
// negligible effect on performance.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------dsp_enhance_stereo 0
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_async_fullyasync 1 // Having the sound run fully asynchronous has been
// helpful in the past, as it seems to (for whatever
// reason) reduce the number of TDRs experienced during
// gameplay. There's some pretty good information on
// TDRs (nerds only) here:
snd_pitchquality 0
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1
snd_mixahead .06 // Delay in sound from weapons below .05 has been known to be u
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Threading
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------mat_queue_mode 2 // mat_queue mode is another frequently asked about cvar, it
// defines the threading method to be used by the material
// system. It has been unstable to use in the past, but
// nowadays it's generally okay.
// Here are the possible values:
-2 legacy default
-1 default
0 synchronous single thread


1 queued single thread

2 queued multithreaded
If you have problems with the value `2', try setting it to
As an aside, there are quite a few bugs in the demo system
that occur when mat_queue_mode is set to a value that is
not `-1'. If you intend to do work with the demo system,
maybe you should change this.
//After immense testing I've found that default

works perfectly
//fine with setting your Thread usage. It autom
atically set me
//to 2 every time. I'd say it's safer and likel
y less buggy to
//leave this at -1 than it is at 2.
//As a side not I've noticed micro stutters wit
h mat_queue_mode 2
//at 1000+ fps where mat_queue_mode 1 did not s
tutter at 1000+ fps
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 // WARNING if you don't have a Quad-Core CPU or better
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0 // DO NOT ENABLE cause crashes to desktop withi
n 4-5 minutes of gameplay 4/18 2014
r_queued_decals 1 // lessens the impact of higher decal limits.
r_queued_ropes 1
r_queued_post_processing 1 // kind of pointless because it's disabled above but
if you do like post processing effects keeping this on should lessen the impact
on framerate
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1
net_queue_trace 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// HUD
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------hud_saytext_time 2 //Default is 12 and measured in seconds, this is the amount o
f time chat stays on your screen
voice_enable 0 //Default is 1, This is the voice chat in the game 1 = on, 0 = of
hud_deathnotice_time 5 // Default is 6, This the the death notices that usually
appear at the top right of the screen
hud_achievement_glowtime 0 // Default is 2.5, not 100% what this is about a 1.5%
fps boost.
hud_achievement_count 0 //Default is 8, Max number of achievements that can be s
hown on the HUD
hud_achievement_tracker 0 // Default is 1, Show or hide the achievement tracker
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Test Shit
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_localnetworkbackdoor 1 //Network optimizations for Singleplayer, disabling ha
s about a 1-2% fps boost, disabling seems to cause minor jitter.
cl_cloud_settings 0 // I believe this disables cloud syncing of CFGs but not 100

% sure
//cl_notifications_show_ingame 0 // Pretty sure this disables Trade/Duel Notific
sys_minidumpspewlines 500 // Basically the number of lines saved to a log file f
rom console. No FPS boost but 15% lower FPS variance
cl_loadondemand_default 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Misc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_forcepreload 1 // Force preloading
cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out "1"
cl_ask_favorite_opt_out "1"
sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning "1"
tf_explanations_backpackpanel "1"
tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel "1"
tf_explanations_charinfopanel "1"
tf_explanations_craftingpanel "1"
tf_explanations_discardpanel "1"
tf_explanations_store "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_options "1"
tf_training_has_prompted_for_training "1"
//net_graph 1 // keeping this on actually lowers your framerate by 3-6% dependin
g on the level of net_graph you have it at
// net_graph 1,2,3,4,5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Print to console
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Comanglia' Potato / Toaster config loaded. Inspired by Chris config"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
//*************** Stabby's Changes: ***************
violence_agibs 1
violence_hgibs 1
ion between corpses on(1)/off(0)
to "1" then cl_ragdoll_forcefade is used
time in seconds of corpses 0 => No Corpse

// def. "0"

# Collis

// def. "0"

# If set

// def. "15"

# Fading

// def. "1"

# Ragdol

lsystem for the corpses on(1)/off(0) | off meens corpses standing around with no
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100
ragdoll_sleepaftertime "5.0f"
mat_shadowstate 1
r_shadowmaxrendered 9
r_shadowrendertotexture 1 // Non-blobby shadows. Sometimes turned on by
// competitive TF2 players to see opponents standing
// near the other side of a wall. You may see some
// performance loss from setting this to `1'.
r_shadows 1
cl_show_splashes 1
// def. "1"
gh, 0 = Low
// def. "" was "2"
# 1 = High, 0 = Low
// def. ""
ount of rendered Shadow [TF2-VideoConfigMenu: 0=min 32=High]
"r_flashlightupdatedepth" = "0"
r_flashlightrenderworld 0
r_flashlightscissor 0
r_flashlightdepthres 1
nb_shadow_dist = "200"

# 1 = Hi

# Max. c

snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0
snd_surround_speakers 7
snd_disable_mixer_duck 0
snd_pitchquality 1
windows_speaker_config 7
snd_mixahead .07
hud_saytext_time 2 //Default is 12 and measured in seconds, this is the amount o
f time chat stays on your screen
voice_enable 0 //Default is 1, This is the voice chat in the game 1 = on, 0 = of
cl_phys_props_enable 1
cl_phys_props_max 4
props_break_max_pieces 2
r_propsmaxdist 100
con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text_out Compact freed
exec protect.cfg
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
cl_loadondemand_default 0
r_WaterDrawRefraction 0
fps_max 0
sv_cheats 1

hud_combattext_batching 1
hud_combattext_batching_window 2.0
viewmodel_fov_demo 75
r_staticprop_lod 3
dsp_water 0
cl_show_splashes 1
cl_hud_playerclass_playermodel_showed_confirm_dialog "1"
m_yaw 0.022000
m_pitch 0.022000
fov_desired 90

cl_showerror 0
cl_showfps 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 1
host_thread_mode "2"
studio_queue_mode 1
mp_usehwmmodels "-1"
mp_usehwmvcds "-1"
cl_updaterate 66.666666
cl_cmdrate 66.666666
cl_interp_ratio 1.000000
cl_interp 0.152
rate 62000.000000
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1
cl_pred_optimize "2"
violence_agibs 1
violence_hgibs 1
tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1
bind tab "+scoreboard"
alias +scoreboard "+showscores;cl_showfps 1;net_graph 4;developer 1;cl_showerror
1;mat_filterlightmaps 1;mat_filtertextures 1;cl_detailfade 1;cl_detaildist 1;me
alias -scoreboard "-showscores;cl_showfps 0;net_graph 0;developer 0;cl_showerror
0;mat_filterlightmaps 0;mat_filtertextures 0;mem_compact"
bind "[KEY]" "togglemute"
alias togglemute "togglemuteb"
alias togglemuteb "volume 0;alias togglemute togglemuter"
alias togglemuter "volume .q;alias togglemute togglemuteb"
// Ding sound
play "hitsound.wav"
//name of the file you want to use.
This pre-caches the sound.
tf_dingalingaling "1"
tf_dingaling_wav_override "hitsound.wav"
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg "150"
//higher pitch for high damage
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg "50" //lower pitch for less damage

// Movement Options

bind "w" +fw
alias +fw "+forward;dotxhaircolor"
alias -fw "-forward;dotxhaircolor"

// bind "s" +bw

// alias +bw "+back;dotxhaircolor"
// alias -bw "-back;dotxhaircolor"
// bind "d" +mr
// alias +mr "+moveright;dotxhaircolor"
// alias -mr "-moveright;dotxhaircolor"
// bind "a" +ml
// alias +ml "+moveleft;dotxhaircolor"
// alias -ml "-moveleft;dotxhaircolor"
// Null-cancelling movement script
// (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop


+mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward;dotxhaircolor"
+mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back;dotxhaircolor"
+mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft;dotxhaircolor"
+mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright;dotxhaircolor"
-mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none;dotxhaircolor"
-mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none;dotxhaircolor"
-mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none;dotxhaircolor"
-mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none;dotxhaircolor"
checkfwd none
checkback none
checkleft none
checkright none
none ""

mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking

mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice +
motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark re
ctangle over light materials
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_antialias 0
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
mat_colorcorrection 0
// For transparent viewmodels
// mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract mask
ing on
// mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choic
e + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking

//mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark

rectangle over light materials
m_Rawinput 1 // set to "0" for RInput use
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1
Garry Kimovich Kasparov (Russian: ????? ??????? ????????, Russian pronunciation: ['
gar?? 'k?im?v??t? k?'spar?f]; born Garik Kimovich Weinstein,[1] 13 April 1963) i
s a Russian (formerly Soviet) chess Grandmaster, former World Chess Champion, wr
iter, and political activist, considered by many to be the greatest chess player
of all time.[2] From 1986 until his retirement in 2005, Kasparov was ranked wor
ld No. 1 for 225 out of 228 months. His peak rating of 2851,[3] achieved in 1999
, was the highest recorded until being passed by Magnus Carlsen in 2013. Kasparo
v also holds records for consecutive professional tournament victories (15) and
Chess Oscars (11).
Kasparov became the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion in 1985 at age
22 by defeating then-champion Anatoly Karpov.[4] He held the official FIDE worl
d title until 1993, when a dispute with FIDE led him to set up a rival organizat
ion, the Professional Chess Association. In 1997 he became the first world champ
ion to lose a match to a computer under standard time controls, when he lost to
the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in a highly publicized match. He continued to ho
ld the "Classical" World Chess Championship until his defeat by Vladimir Kramnik
in 2000.
Kasparov announced his retirement from professional chess on 10 March 2005, afte
r which he devoted his time to politics and writing. He formed the United Civil
Front movement, and joined as a member of The Other Russia, a coalition opposing
the administration and policies of Vladimir Putin. In 2008, he announced an int
ention to run as a candidate in the 2008 Russian presidential race, but failure
to find a sufficiently large rental space to assemble the number of supporters t
hat is legally required to endorse such a candidacy led him to withdraw. Kasparo
v blamed "official obstruction" for the lack of available space.[5] Although he
is widely regarded in the West as a symbol of opposition to Putin,[6] he was bar
red from the presidential ballot.[5] The political climate in Russia reportedly
makes it difficult for opposition candidates to organize.[7][8] He is currently
chairman for the Human Rights Foundation and chairs its International Council. I
n 2014 he obtained Croatian citizenship.

Early career
Toward the top
1984 World Championship
World Champion
Break with and ejection from FIDE
Losing the title and aftermath
Retirement from chess
7.1 Post-retirement chess
7.1.1 Candidate for FIDE presidency
8 Head-to-head record versus selected grandmasters
9 Politics
9.1 Central committee member of Komsomol
9.2 Keeper of the Flame award
9.3 Democratic Party of Russia and Choice of Russia bloc
9.3.1 Unwitting board member of award organization

9.4 United Civil Front

9.5 The Other Russia
9.5.1 Attacked
9.6 Saint Petersburg Dissenters' March
9.7 Arrest in Moscow and questioning by FSB
9.8 KGB general says Kasparov's life in danger
9.9 2007 presidential bid
9.9.1 Detention at rally
9.9.2 Forced to quit campaign
9.10 "Putin must go"
9.11 Human Rights Foundation
9.12 Arrest and beating at Pussy Riot trial
9.13 Miscellaneous
9.14 Allegation of FSB non-disclosure of Boston marathon bombing suspect




9.15 On the Navalny trial

9.16 On the Syrian civil war
9.17 Croatia connections
9.18 Sochi Olympics
9.19 Access to website blocked
Chess ratings achievements
Playing style
Olympiads and other major team events
Other records
Books and other writings
14.1 Early writings
14.2 My Great Predecessors series
14.3 Modern Chess series
14.4 Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov series
14.5 Other post-retirement writing
Chess against computers
15.1 32 simultaneous computers, 1985
15.2 Deep Thought, 1989
15.3 Deep Blue, 1996
15.4 Deep Blue, 1997
15.5 Deep Junior, 2003
15.6 X3D Fritz, 2003
See also
Further reading
External links

Early career
Kasparov at age 11, Vilnius, 1974
Kasparov was born Garik Kimovich Weinstein (Russian: ????? ?????????) in Baku, A
zerbaijan SSR (now Azerbaijan), Soviet Union. His father, Kim Moiseyevich Weinst
ein, was Russian Jewish, and his mother, Klara Gasparian, was Armenian.[9][10][1
1][12] Kasparov has described himself as a "self-appointed Christian", although
"very indifferent".[13]
Kasparov first began the serious study of chess after he came across a chess pro
blem set up by his parents and proposed a solution.[14] His father died of leuke
mia when Garry was seven years old.[15] At the age of twelve, Garry adopted his
mother's Armenian surname, Gasparian, modifying it to a more Russified version,
From age 7, Kasparov attended the Young Pioneer Palace in Baku and, at 10 began
training at Mikhail Botvinnik's chess school under noted coach Vladimir Makogono

v. Makogonov helped develop Kasparov's positional skills and taught him to play
the Caro-Kann Defence and the Tartakower System of the Queen's Gambit Declined.[
17] Kasparov won the Soviet Junior Championship in Tbilisi in 1976, scoring 7 po
ints of 9, at age 13. He repeated the feat the following year, winning with a sc
ore of 8 of 9. He was being trained by Alexander Shakarov during this time.
In 1978, Kasparov participated in the Sokolsky Memorial tournament in Minsk. He
had been invited as an exception but took first place and became a chess master.
Kasparov has repeatedly said that this event was a turning point in his life, a
nd that it convinced him to choose chess as his career. "I will remember the Sok
olsky Memorial as long as I live", he wrote. He has also said that after the vic
tory, he thought he had a very good shot at the World Championship.[18]
He first qualified for the Soviet Chess Championship at age 15 in 1978, the youn
gest ever player at that level. He won the 64-player Swiss system tournament at
Daugavpils on tiebreak over Igor V. Ivanov to capture the sole qualifying place.
Kasparov rose quickly through the World Chess Federation rankings. Starting with
an oversight by the Russian Chess Federation, he participated in a grandmaster
tournament in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (then part of Yugoslavia), in 1
979 while still unrated (he was a replacement for Viktor Korchnoi who was origin
ally invited but withdrew due to threat of boycott from the Soviets). Kasparov w
on this high-class tournament, emerging with a provisional rating of 2595, enoug
h to catapult him to the top group of chess players (at the time, number 15 in t
he world)[19]). The next year, 1980, he won the World Junior Chess Championship
in Dortmund, West Germany. Later that year, he made his debut as second reserve
for the Soviet Union at the Chess Olympiad at Valletta, Malta, and became a Gran
Toward the top
Kasparov becomes World Junior Champion at Dortmund in 1980
As a teenager, Kasparov tied for first place in the USSR Chess Championship in 1
981 82. His first win in a superclass-level international tournament was scored at
Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1982. He earned a place in the 1982 Moscow I
nterzonal tournament, which he won, to qualify for the Candidates Tournament.[20
] At age 19, he was the youngest Candidate since Bobby Fischer, who was 15 when
he qualified in 1958. At this stage, he was already the No. 2-rated player in th
e world, trailing only World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov on the January 1983 l
Kasparov's first (quarter-final) Candidates match was against Alexander Beliavsk
y, whom he defeated 6 3 (four wins, one loss).[21] Politics threatened Kasparov's
semi-final against Viktor Korchnoi, which was scheduled to be played in Pasadena
, California. Korchnoi had defected from the Soviet Union in 1976, and was at th
at time the strongest active non-Soviet player. Various political maneuvers prev
ented Kasparov from playing Korchnoi, and Kasparov forfeited the match. This was
resolved by Korchnoi allowing the match to be replayed in London, along with th
e previously scheduled match between Vasily Smyslov and Zoltn Ribli. The Kasparov
-Korchnoi match was put together on short notice by Raymond Keene. Kasparov lost
the first game but won the match 7 4 (four wins, one loss).
In January 1984, Kasparov became the No. 1 ranked player in the world, with a FI
DE rating of 2710. He became the youngest ever world No. 1, a record that lasted
12 years until being broken by Vladimir Kramnik in January 1996; the record is
currently held by Magnus Carlsen, a former pupil of Kasparov.
Later in 1984, he won the Candidates' final 8 4 (four wins, no losses) against the r
esurgent former world champion Vasily Smyslov, at Vilnius, thus qualifying to pl
ay Anatoly Karpov for the World Championship. That year he joined the Communist
Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), as a member of which he was elected to the Cen

tral Committee of Komsomol in 1987.

1984 World Championship
Main article: World Chess Championship 1984
The World Chess Championship 1984 match between Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparo
v had many ups and downs, and a very controversial finish. Karpov started in ver
y good form, and after nine games Kasparov was down 4 0 in a "first to six wins" m
atch. Fellow players predicted he would be whitewashed 6 0 within 18 games.[22]
In an unexpected turn of events, there followed a series of 17 successive draws,
some relatively short, and others drawn in unsettled positions. Kasparov lost g
ame 27, then fought back with another series of draws until game 32, his first-e
ver win against the World Champion. Another 14 successive draws followed, throug
h game 46; the previous record length for a world title match had been 34 games,
the match of Jos Ral Capablanca vs. Alexander Alekhine in 1927.
Kasparov won games 47 and 48 to bring the scores to 5 3 in Karpov's favour. Then t
he match was ended without result by Florencio Campomanes, the President of Fdrati
on Internationale des checs (FIDE), and a new match was announced to start a few
months later. The termination was controversial, as both players stated that the
y preferred the match to continue. Announcing his decision at a press conference
, Campomanes cited the health of the players, which had been strained by the len
gth of the match.
The match became the first, and so far only, world championship match to be aban
doned without result. Kasparov's relations with Campomanes and FIDE were greatly
strained, and the feud between them finally came to a head in 1993 with Kasparo
v's complete break-away from FIDE.
World Champion
Kasparov after winning the FIDE World Championship title in 1985
The second Karpov-Kasparov match in 1985 was organized in Moscow as the best of
24 games where the first player to win 12 points would claim the World Champion t
itle. The scores from the terminated match would not carry over. But in the even
t of a 12 12 draw, the title would remain with Karpov. On 9 November 1985, Kasparo
v secured the title by a score of 13 11, winning the 24th game with Black, using a
Sicilian defense. He was 22 years old at the time, making him the youngest ever
World Champion,[23] and breaking the record held by Mikhail Tal for over 20 yea
rs.[24] Kasparov's win as Black in the 16th game has been recognized as one of t
he all-time masterpieces in chess history.
As part of the arrangements following the aborted 1984 match, Karpov had been gr
anted (in the event of his defeat) a right to rematch. Another match took place
in 1986, hosted jointly in London and Leningrad, with each city hosting 12 games
. At one point in the match, Kasparov opened a three-point lead and looked well
on his way to a decisive match victory. But Karpov fought back by winning three
consecutive games to level the score late in the match. At this point, Kasparov
dismissed one of his seconds, grandmaster Evgeny Vladimirov, accusing him of sel
ling his opening preparation to the Karpov team (as described in Kasparov's auto
biography Unlimited Challenge, chapter Stab in the Back). Kasparov scored one mo
re win and kept his title by a final score of 12 11.
A fourth match for the world title took place in 1987 in Seville, as Karpov had
qualified through the Candidates' Matches to again become the official challenge
r. This match was very close, with neither player holding more than a one-point
lead at any time during the contest. Kasparov was down one full point at the tim
e of the final game, and needed a win to draw the match and retain his title. A
long tense game ensued in which Karpov blundered away a pawn just before the fir
st time control, and Kasparov eventually won a long ending. Kasparov retained hi
s title as the match was drawn by a score of 12 12. (All this meant that Kasparov

had played Karpov four times in the period 1984 87, a statistic unprecedented in c
hess. Matches organized by FIDE had taken place every three years since 1948, an
d only Botvinnik had a right to a rematch before Karpov.)
A fifth match between Kasparov and Karpov was held in New York and Lyon in 1990,
with each city hosting 12 games. Again, the result was a close one with Kasparo
v winning by a margin of 12 11. In their five world championship matches, Kasparov h
ad 21 wins, 19 losses, and 104 draws in 144 games.
Break with and ejection from FIDE
Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand in a publicity photo on top of the World Trade Ce
nter in New York
With the World Champion title in hand, Kasparov began opposing FIDE. Beginning i
n 1986, he created the Grandmasters Association (GMA), an organization to repres
ent professional chess players and give them more say in FIDE's activities. Kasp
arov assumed a leadership role. GMA's major achievement was in organizing a seri
es of six World Cup tournaments for the world's top players. A somewhat uneasy r
elationship developed with FIDE, and a sort of truce was brokered by Bessel Kok,
a Dutch businessman.
This stand-off lasted until 1993, by which time a new challenger had qualified t
hrough the Candidates cycle for Kasparov's next World Championship defense: Nige
l Short, a British grandmaster who had defeated Anatoly Karpov in a qualifying m
atch, and then Jan Timman in the finals held in early 1993. After a confusing an
d compressed bidding process produced lower financial estimates than expected,[2
5] the world champion and his challenger decided to play outside FIDE's jurisdic
tion, under another organization created by Kasparov called the Professional Che
ss Association (PCA). This is where a great fracture occurred in the lineage of
the FIDE version of the World Champions tradition.
In an interview in 2007, Kasparov called the break with FIDE the worst mistake o
f his career, as it hurt the game in the long run.[26]
Kasparov and Short were ejected from FIDE, and played their well-sponsored match
in London. Kasparov won convincingly by a score of 12 7. The match considerably rai
sed the profile of chess in the UK, with an unprecedented level of coverage on C
hannel 4. Meanwhile, FIDE organized a World Championship match between Jan Timma
n (the defeated Candidates finalist) and former World Champion Karpov (a defeate
d Candidates semifinalist), which Karpov won.
FIDE removed Kasparov and Short from the FIDE rating lists. Thus, till this was
in effect, there was a parallel rating list presented by PCA which featured all
world top players, regardless of their relation to FIDE.
There were now two World Champions: PCA champion Kasparov, and FIDE champion Kar
pov. The title remained split for 13 years.
Kasparov defended his title in a 1995 match against Viswanathan Anand at the Wor
ld Trade Center in New York City. Kasparov won the match by four wins to one, wi
th thirteen draws. It was the last World Championship to be held under the auspi
ces of the PCA, which collapsed when Intel, one of its major backers, withdrew i
ts sponsorship in retaliation for Kasparov's choice to play a 1996 match against
Deep Blue, which augmented the profile of IBM, one of Intel's chief rivals.[27]
Kasparov tried to organize another World Championship match, under another organ
ization, the World Chess Association (WCA) with Linares organizer Luis Rentero.
Alexei Shirov and Vladimir Kramnik played a candidates match to decide the chall
enger, which Shirov won in a surprising upset. But when Rentero admitted that th
e funds required and promised had never materialized, the WCA collapsed.

This left Kasparov stranded, and yet another organization stepped in
m, headed by Raymond Keene. No match against Shirov was arranged, and talks with
Anand collapsed, so a match was instead arranged against Kramnik.
During this period, Kasparov was approached by Oakham School in the United Kingd
om, at the time the only school in the country with a full-time chess coach,[28]
and developed an interest in the use of chess in education. In 1997, Kasparov s
upported a scholarship programme at the school.[29] Kasparov also won the Marca
Leyenda trophy that year.
Losing the title and aftermath
Kasparov playing against Vladimir Kramnik in the Botvinnik Memorial match in Mos
cow, 2001
The Kasparov-Kramnik match took place in London during the latter half of 2000.
Kramnik had been a student of Kasparov's at the famous Botvinnik/Kasparov chess
school in Russia, and had served on Kasparov's team for the 1995 match against V
iswanathan Anand.
The better-prepared Kramnik won game 2 against Kasparov's Grnfeld Defence and ach
ieved winning positions in Games 4 and 6, although Kasparov held the draw in bot
h games. Kasparov made a critical error in Game 10 with the Nimzo-Indian Defence
, which Kramnik exploited to win in 25 moves. As White, Kasparov could not crack
the passive but solid Berlin Defence in the Ruy Lopez, and Kramnik successfully
drew all his games as Black. Kramnik won the match 8 6. Kasparov became the first p
layer to lose a world championship match without winning a game since Emanuel La
sker lost to Jos Ral Capablanca in 1921.
After losing the title, Kasparov won a series of major tournaments, and remained
the top rated player in the world, ahead of both Kramnik and the FIDE World Cha
mpions. In 2001 he refused an invitation to the 2002 Dortmund Candidates Tournam
ent for the Classical title, claiming his results had earned him a rematch with
Kasparov and Karpov played a four-game match with rapid time controls over two d
ays in December 2002 in New York City. Karpov surprised the experts and emerged
victoriously, winning two games and drawing one.[31]
Due to Kasparov's continuing strong results, and status as world No. 1 in much o
f the public eye, he was included in the so-called "Prague Agreement", mastermin
ded by Yasser Seirawan and intended to reunite the two World Championships. Kasp
arov was to play a match against the FIDE World Champion Ruslan Ponomariov in Se
ptember 2003. But this match was called off after Ponomariov refused to sign his
contract for it without reservation. In its place, there were plans for a match
against Rustam Kasimdzhanov, winner of the FIDE World Chess Championship 2004,
to be held in January 2005 in the United Arab Emirates. These also fell through
due to lack of funding. Plans to hold the match in Turkey instead came too late.
Kasparov announced in January 2005 that he was tired of waiting for FIDE to org
anize a match and so had decided to stop all efforts to regain the World Champio
nship title.
Retirement from chess
After winning the prestigious Linares tournament for the ninth time, Kasparov an
nounced on 10 March 2005 that he would retire from serious competitive chess. He
cited as the reason a lack of personal goals in the chess world (he commented w
hen winning the Russian championship in 2004 that it had been the last major tit
le he had never won outright) and expressed frustration at the failure to reunif
y the world championship.
Kasparov said he may play in some rapid chess events for fun, but intends to spe
nd more time on his books, including both the My Great Predecessors series (see

below) and a work on the links between decision-making in chess and in other are
as of life, and will continue to involve himself in Russian politics, which he v
iews as "headed down the wrong path".
Kasparov has been married three times: to Masha, with whom he had a daughter bef
ore divorcing; to Yulia, with whom he had a son before their 2005 divorce; and t
o Daria (Dasha), with whom he has two children.[32][33]
Post-retirement chess
On 22 August 2006, in his first public chess games since his retirement, Kasparo
v played in the Lichthof Chess Champions Tournament, a blitz event played at the
time control of 5 minutes per side and 3 second increments per move. Kasparov t
ied for first with Anatoly Karpov, scoring 4/6.[34]
Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov played a 12-game match from 21 24 September 2009
, in Valencia, Spain. It consisted of four rapid (or semi rapid) games, in which
Kasparov won 3 1, and eight blitz games, in which Kasparov won 6 2, winning the mat
ch with total result 9 3. The event took place exactly 25 years after the two play
ers' legendary encounter at World Chess Championship 1984.[35]
Kasparov actively coached Magnus Carlsen for approximately one year beginning in
February 2009. The collaboration remained secret until September 2009.[36] Unde
r Kasparov's tutelage, Carlsen in October 2009 became the youngest ever to achie
ve a FIDE rating higher than 2800, and rose from world number four to world numb
er one. While the pair initially planned to work together throughout 2010,[37] i
n March of that year it was announced that Carlsen had split from Kasparov and w
ould no longer be using him as a trainer.[38] According to an interview with the
German magazine Der Spiegel, Carlsen indicated that he would remain in contact
and that he would continue to attend training sessions with Kasparov,[39] but in
fact no further training sessions were held and the cooperation gradually fizzl
ed over the course of the spring.[40]
In May 2010 it was revealed that Kasparov had aided Viswanathan Anand in prepara
tion for the World Chess Championship 2010 against challenger Veselin Topalov. A
nand won the match 6 5 to retain the title.[41]
Also in May 2010 he played 30 games simultaneously, winning each one, against pl
ayers at Tel-Aviv University in Israel.[42]
In January 2011, Kasparov began training the American grandmaster Hikaru Nakamur
a. The first of several training sessions was held in New York just prior to Nak
amura's participation in the Tata Steel Chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee, the Ne
therlands.[43] In December 2011, it was announced that the cooperation had come
to an end.[44]
Kasparov played two blitz exhibition matches in the autumn of 2011. The first, i
n September against French grandmaster Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, in Clichy (France
), which Kasparov won 1 . The second was a longer match consisting of eight blitz ga
mes played on 9 October, against English grandmaster Nigel Short. Kasparov won a
gain by a score of 4 3.
On April 25 and 26, 2015, Kasparov played a mini-match against Nigel Short. The
match consisted of two rapid games and eight blitz games. Kasparov won the match
decisively with a score of 8 1, winning all five games on the second day.[45]
Candidate for FIDE presidency
On 7 October 2013 Kasparov announced his candidacy for World Chess Federation pr
esident during a reception in Tallinn, Estonia, where the 84th FIDE Congress too
k place.[46] Kasparov's candidacy was supported by his former student, reigning
World Chess Champion and FIDE #1 ranked player Magnus Carlsen.[47]

Head-to-head record versus selected grandmasters

(Rapid, blitz and blindfold games not included; listed as +wins -losses =draws a
s of 2 May 2014.)[48]
Players who have been undisputed World Champions in boldface
England Michael Adams +10-0=8
India Viswanathan Anand +15-5=31
New Zealand Murray Chandler +0-2=0
Israel Boris Gelfand +13-0=8
United States Boris Gulko +1-3=3
Ukraine Vassily Ivanchuk +11-4=22
Russia Anatoly Karpov +28-21=129
Russia Victor Korchnoi +16-1=23
Russia Vladimir Kramnik +4-5=40
Russia Alexander Morozevich +3-0=4
Latvia Alexei Shirov +15-0=14
England Nigel Short +28-2=26
Russia Peter Svidler +6-2=4
Bulgaria Veselin Topalov +10-3=14
Central committee member of Komsomol
Kasparov joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1984, which wa
s mandatory at the time, and in 1987 was elected to the Central Committee of Kom
somol. But in 1990 he left the party and together with his family fled from Baku
to Moscow on a chartered plane[49] when pogroms against Armenians in Baku took
place forcing thousands of ethnic Armenians to flee Azerbaijan.[50]
Keeper of the Flame award
In 1991, Kasparov received the Keeper of the Flame award from the Center for Sec
urity Policy for "propagation of democracy and the respect for individual rights
throughout the world". In his acceptance speech Kasparov lauded the defeat of c
ommunism while also urging the United States to give no financial assistance to
central Soviet leaders.[33][51][52][53][54]
Democratic Party of Russia and Choice of Russia bloc
In May Kasparov took part in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia, whi
ch at first was a liberal anti-communist party, later shifted to centrism. Kaspa
rov was in June 1993 involved with the creation of the "Choice of Russia" bloc o
f parties and in 1996 took part in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. In 20
01 he voiced his support for the Russian television channel NTV.[11]
Unwitting board member of award organization
In April 2007, it was asserted[55] that Kasparov was a board member of the Natio
nal Security Advisory Council of Center for Security Policy,[51] a "non-profit,
non-partisan national security organization [in Washington, DC] that specializes
in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American
security".[52] Kasparov confirmed this and added that he was removed shortly af
ter he became aware of it. He noted that he did not know about the membership an
d suggested he was included in the board by accident because he received the 199
1 Keeper of the Flame award from this organization.[53][54] But Kasparov maintai
ned his association with the leadership by giving speeches at think tanks such a
s the Hoover Institution.[33]
United Civil Front
After his retirement from chess in 2005, Kasparov turned to politics and created
the United Civil Front, a social movement whose main goal is to "work to preser
ve electoral democracy in Russia".[56] He has vowed to "restore democracy" to Ru

ssia by restoring the rule of law.[57][58][59]

The Other Russia
Kasparov was instrumental in setting up The Other Russia, a coalition which oppo
ses Putin's government. The Other Russia has been boycotted by the leaders of Ru
ssia's mainstream opposition parties, Yabloko and Union of Rightist Forces due t
o its inclusion of nationalist and radical groups. Kasparov has criticized these
groups as being secretly under the auspices of the Kremlin.[60]
On 10 April 2005, Kasparov was in Moscow at a promotional event when he was stru
ck over the head with a chessboard he had just signed. The assailant was reporte
d to have said "I admired you as a chess player, but you gave that up for politi
cs" immediately before the attack.[61] Kasparov has been the subject of a number
of other episodes since, including police brutality and allegedly the Russian s
ecret service.[62][63]
Saint Petersburg Dissenters' March
Kasparov at the third Dissenters March in Saint Petersburg on 9 June 2007
Kasparov helped organize the Saint Petersburg Dissenters' March on 3 March 2007
and The March of the Dissenters on 24 March 2007, both involving several thousan
d people rallying against Putin and Saint Petersburg Governor Valentina Matviyen
ko's policies.[64][65]
Arrest in Moscow and questioning by FSB
On 14 April 2007, Kasparov led a pro-democracy demonstration in Moscow. Soon aft
er the demonstration's start, however, over 9,000 police descended on the group
and seized almost everyone. Kasparov, who was briefly arrested by the Moscow pol
ice, was warned by the prosecution office on the eve of the march that anyone pa
rticipating risked being detained. He was held for some 10 hours and then fined
and released.[66] He was later summoned by the FSB for violations of Russian ant
i-extremism laws.[67]
KGB general says Kasparov's life in danger
Speaking about Kasparov, former KGB general Oleg Kalugin in 2007 remarked, "I do
not talk in details people who knew them are all dead now because they were vocal
, they were open. I am quiet. There is only one man who is vocal and he may be i
n trouble: [former] world chess champion [Garry] Kasparov. He has been very outs
poken in his attacks on Putin and I believe that he is probably next on the list
2007 presidential bid
On 30 September 2007, Kasparov entered the Russian Presidential race, receiving
379 of 498 votes at a congress held in Moscow by The Other Russia.[69]
In October 2007, Kasparov announced his intention of standing for the Russian pr
esidency as the candidate of the "Other Russia" coalition and vowed to fight for
a "democratic and just Russia". Later that month he traveled to the United Stat
es, where he appeared on several popular television programs, which were hosted
by Stephen Colbert, Wolf Blitzer, Bill Maher, and Chris Matthews.
Detention at rally
On 24 November 2007, Kasparov and other protesters were detained by police at an
Other Russia rally in Moscow. 3,000 demonstrators arrived to protest the seemin
gly rigged elections, since most of the candidates would be running unopposed. F
ollowing an attempt by about 100 protesters to march through police lines to the
electoral commission, which had barred Other Russia candidates from parliamenta
ry elections, arrests were made. The Russian authorities stated a rally had been
approved but not any marches, resulting in several detained demonstrators.[70]
He was subsequently charged with resisting arrest and organizing an unauthorized

protest and given a jail sentence of five days. Kasparov appealed the charges,
citing that he had been following orders given by the police, although it was de
nied. He was released from jail on 29 November.[71] Putin criticized Kasparov at
the rally for his use of English when speaking rather than Russian.[72]
Forced to quit campaign
On 12 December 2007, Kasparov announced that he had to withdraw his presidential
candidacy due to inability to rent a meeting hall where at least 500 of his sup
porters could assemble. With the deadline expiring on that date, he explained it
was impossible for him to run. Russian election laws required sufficient meetin
g hall space for assembling supporters. Kasparov's spokeswoman accused the gover
nment of using pressure to deter anyone from renting a hall for the gathering an
d said that the electoral commission had rejected a proposal that would have all
owed for smaller gathering sizes rather than one large gathering at a meeting ha
"Putin must go"
Kasparov was among the 34 first signatories and a key organizer of the online an
ti-Putin campaign "Putin must go", started on 10 March 2010. The campaign was be
gun by a coalition of opposition to Putin who regard his rule as lacking any rul
e of law. Within the text is a call to Russian law enforcement to ignore Putin's
orders. By June of 2011 there were 90,000 signatures. While the identity of the
petition author remained anonymous, there was wide speculation that it was inde
ed Kasparov.[74][75][76][77]
Human Rights Foundation
Kasparov was named Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation in 2011, succeeding t
he recently deceased author, activist, and former Czech president Vclav Havel.[78
] On 31 January 2012 Kasparov hosted a meeting of opposition leaders planning a
mass march on 4 February 2012, the third major opposition rally held since the d
isputed State Duma elections of December 2011. Among other opposition leaders at
tending were Alexey Navalny and Yevgenia Chirikova.[79]
Arrest and beating at Pussy Riot trial
On 17 August 2012 Kasparov was arrested and beaten outside of the Moscow court w
hile attending the verdict reading in the case involving the all-female punk ban
d Pussy Riot.[80] On 24 August he was cleared of charges that he took part in an
unauthorized protest against the conviction of three members of Pussy Riot. Jud
ge Yekaterina Veklich said there were "no grounds to believe the testimony of th
e police". He could still face criminal charges over a police officer's claims t
hat the opposition leader bit his finger while he was being detained.[81] He lat
er thanked all the bloggers and reporters who provided video evidence that contr
adicted the testimony of the police.[citation needed]
Kasparov wrote in February 2013 that "fascism has come to Russia....Project Puti
n, just like the old Project Hitler, is but the fruit of a conspiracy by the rul
ing elite. Fascist rule was never the result of the free will of the people. It
was always the fruit of a conspiracy by the ruling elites!"[82]
In April
ing that
ee "came

2013, Kasparov joined in an HRF condemnation of Kanye West for having p

for the leader of Kazakhstan in exchange for a $3 million paycheck, say
West "has entertained a brutal killer and his entourage" and that his f
from the loot stolen from the Kazakhstan treasury."[83]

Kasparov denied rumors in April 2013 that he planned to leave Russia for good. "
I found these rumors to be deeply saddening and, moreover, surprising," he wrote
. "I was unable to respond immediately because I was in such a state of shock th
at such an incredibly inaccurate statement, the likes of which is constantly dis
tributed by the Kremlin s propagandists, came this time from Ilya Yashin, a fellow

member of the Opposition Coordination Council (KSO) and my former colleague fro
m the Solidarity movement."[84]
In an April 2013 op-ed piece, Kasparov accused prominent Russian journalist Vlad
imir Posner of failing to stand up to Putin and to earlier Russian and Soviet le
Kasparov was presented with the Morris B. Abram Human Rights Award, UN Watch's a
nnual human-rights prize, in 2013. The organization praised him as "not only one
of the world s smartest men" but "also among its bravest."[86]
At the 2013 Women in the World conference, Kasparov told the Daily Beast's Micha
el Moynihan that democracy no longer existed in what he called Russia's "dictato
Kasparov said at a press conference in June 2013 that if he returned to Russia h
e doubted he would be allowed to leave again, given Putin's ongoing crackdown ag
ainst dissenters. "So for the time being," he said, "I refrain from returning to
Russia." He explained shortly thereafter in an article for the Daily Beast that
this had not been intended as "a declaration of leaving my home country, perman
ently or otherwise," but merely an expression of "the dark reality of the situat
ion in Russia today, where nearly half the members of the opposition s Coordinatin
g Council are under criminal investigation on concocted charges." He noted that
the Moscow prosecutor s office was "opening an investigation that would limit my a
bility to travel," making it impossible for him to fulfill "professional speakin
g engagements" and hindering his "work for the nonprofit Kasparov Chess Foundati
on, which has centers in New York City, Brussels, and Johannesburg to promote ch
ess in education."[87]
Kasparov further wrote in his June 2013 Daily Beast article that the mass protes
ts in Moscow 18 months earlier against fraudulent Russian elections had been "a
proud moment for me." He recalled that after joining the opposition movement in
March 2005, he had been criticized for seeking to unite "every anti-Putin elemen
t in the country to march together regardless of ideology." Therefore, the sight
of "hundreds of flags representing every group from liberals to nationalists al
l marching together for 'Russia Without Putin' was the fulfillment of a dream."
Yet most Russians, he lamented, had continued to "slumber" even as Putin had "ta
ken off the flimsy mask of democracy to reveal himself in full as the would-be K
GB dictator he has always been."[88]
Kasparov responded with several sardonic Twitter postings to a September 2013 Ne
w York Times op-ed by Putin. "I hope Putin has taken adequate protections," he t
weeted. "Now that he is a Russian journalist his life may be in grave danger!" A
lso: "Now we can expect NY Times op-eds by Mugabe on fair elections, Castro on f
ree speech, & Kim Jong-un on prison reform. The Axis of Hypocrisy."[89]
Allegation of FSB non-disclosure of Boston marathon bombing suspects
In a 12 May 2013, op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, Kasparov questioned reports
that the Russian security agency, the FSB, had fully cooperated with the FBI in
the matter of the Boston bombers. He noted that the elder bomber, Tamerlan Tsar
naev, had reportedly met in Russia with two known jihadists who "were killed in
Dagestan by the Russian military just days before Tamerlan left Russia for the U
.S." Kasparov argued, "If no intelligence was sent from Moscow to Washington" ab
out this meeting, "all this talk of FSB cooperation cannot be taken seriously."
He further observed, "This would not be the first time Russian security forces s
eemed strangely impotent in the face of an impending terror attack," pointing ou
t that in both the 2002 Moscow theater siege and the 2004 Beslan school attack,
"there were FSB informants in both terror groups yet the attacks went ahead unimpe
ded." Given this history, he wrote, "it is impossible to overlook that the Bosto
n bombing took place just days after the U.S. Magnitsky List was published, crea

ting the first serious external threat to the Putin power structure by penalizin
g Russian officials complicit in human-rights crimes." In sum, Putin's "dubious
record on counterterrorism and its continued support of terror sponsors Iran and
Syria mean only one thing: common ground zero."[90]
On the Navalny trial
Kasparov wrote in July 2013 about the trial in Kirov of fellow opposition leader
Alexei Navalny, who had been convicted "on concocted embezzlement charges," onl
y to see the prosecutor, surprisingly, ask for his release the next day pending
appeal. "The judicial process and the democratic process in Russia," wrote Kaspa
rov, "are both elaborate mockeries created to distract the citizenry at home and
to help Western leaders avoid confronting the awkward fact that Russia has retu
rned to a police state." Still, Kasparov felt that whatever had caused the Kirov
prosecutor's about-face, "my optimism tells me it was a positive sign. After mo
re than 13 years of predictable repression under Putin, anything different is go
On the Syrian civil war
Kasparov wrote in Time Magazine on 18 September 2013 that he considered the "che
ss metaphors thrown around during the world s response to the civil war in Syria"
to be "trite" and rejected what he called "all the nonsense about 'Putin is play
ing chess and Obama is playing checkers,' or tic-tac-toe or whatever." Putin, ar
gued Kasparov, "did not have to outplay or outthink anyone. He and Bashar Assad
won by forfeit when President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron and the rest of the
so-called leaders of the free world walked away from the table." There is, he la
mented, "a new game at the negotiating table where Putin and Assad set the rules
and will run the show under the protection of the U.N."[92] Kasparov said in Se
ptember 2013 that Russia was now a dictatorship.[93] In the same month he told a
n interviewer that "Obama going to Russia now is dead wrong, morally and politic
ally," because Putin's regime "is behind Assad."[94]
Croatia connections
Kasparov maintains a summer home in the Croatian city of Makarska. In early Febr
uary 2014, Kasparov applied for citizenship by naturalisation in Croatia, adding
that he was finding it increasingly difficult to live in Russia. According to a
n article in The Guardian, Kasparov is "widely perceived" as having been a vocal
supporter of Croatian independence during the early 1990s. On 28 February 2014,
his application for naturalisation was approved, and he is now a Croatian passp
ort holder.[95]
Sochi Olympics
Kasparov spoke out several times about Putin's antigay laws and the proposed Soc
hi Olympics boycott. He explained in August 2013 that he had opposed Russia s bid
from the outset, since hosting the Olympics would "allow Vladimir Putin s cronies
to embezzle hundreds of millions of dollars" and "lend prestige to Putin s authori
tarian regime." Kasparov added that Putin's anti-gay law was "only the most rece
nt encroachment on the freedom of speech and association of Russia s citizens," wh
ich the international community had largely ignored. Instead of supporting a gam
es boycott, which would "unfairly punish athletes," Kasparov called for athletes
and others to "transform Putin s self-congratulatory pet project into a spotlight
that exposes his authoritarian rule for the entire world to see."[96] In Septem
ber, Kasparov expanded on his remarks, saying that "forcing athletes to play a p
olitical role against their will is not fair" and that politicians should not "h
ide behind athletes." Instead of boycotting Sochi, he suggested, politicians sho
uld refuse to attend the games and the public should "put pressure on the sponso
rs and the media." Coca-Cola, for example, could put "a rainbow flag on each Coc
a-Cola can" and NBC could "do interviews with Russian gay activists or with Russ
ian political activists." Kasparov also emphasized that although he was "still a
Russian citizen," he had "good reason to be concerned about my ability to leave
Russia if I returned to Moscow."[97]

Access to website blocked

Kasparov's website was blocked by the Russian federative regulator, Roskomnadzor
, at the behest of the public prosecutor, allegedly due to Kasparov's opinions o
f the Crimean crisis. Kasparov's block was made in unison with several other not
able Russian sites that were accused of inciting public outrage. Reportedly, sev
eral of the blocked sites received an affidavit noting their violations. However
, Kasparov stated that his site had received no such notice of violations after
its block.[98]
Chess ratings achievements
Kasparov holds the record for the longest time as the No. 1 rated player in
the world from 1986 to 2005 (Vladimir Kramnik shared the No. 1 ranking with him on
ce, in the January 1996 FIDE rating list).[99] He was also briefly ejected from
the list following his split from FIDE in 1993, but during that time he headed t
he rating list of the rival PCA. At the time of his retirement, he was still ran
ked No. 1 in the world, with a rating of 2812. His rating has fallen inactive si
nce the January 2006 rating list.[100]
In January 1990 Kasparov achieved the (then) highest FIDE rating ever, passi
ng 2800 and breaking Bobby Fischer's old record of 2785. On the July 1999 and Ja
nuary 2000 FIDE rating lists Kasparov reached a 2851 Elo rating, at that time th
e highest rating ever achieved.[101] He held that record for the highest rating
ever achieved until Magnus Carlsen attained a new record high rating of 2861 in
January, 2013.
There was a time in the early 1990s when Kasparov was over 2800 and the only
person in the 2700s was Anatoly Karpov.
According to the unofficial Chessmetrics calculations, Kasparov was the high
est rated player in the world continuously from February 1985 until October 2004
.[102] He also holds the highest all-time average rating over a 2 (2877) to 20 (
2856) year period and is second to only Bobby Fischer's (2881 vs 2879) over a on
e-year period.
Playing style
Kasparov's style of play has been compared by many to Alekhine's.[103][104] Kasp
arov himself has described his style as being influenced chiefly by Alekhine, Ta
l and Fischer.[105] Kramnik has opined that "[Kasparov's] capacity for study is
second to none", and said "There is nothing in chess he has been unable to deal
with."[106] Carlsen, whom Kasparov coached from 2009 to 2010, said of Kasparov,
"I've never seen someone with such a feel for dynamics in complex positions."[10
7] Kasparov was known for his extensive opening preparation and aggressive play
in the opening.[108][109]
Olympiads and other major team events
Kasparov at Valletta in 1980
Kasparov played in a total of eight Chess Olympiads. He represented the Soviet U
nion four times and Russia four times, following the breakup of the Soviet Union
in 1991. In his 1980 Olympiad debut, he became, at age 17, the youngest player
to represent the Soviet Union or Russia at that level, a record which was broken
by Vladimir Kramnik in 1992. In 82 games, he has scored (+50 -3 =29), for 78.7%
and won a total of 19 medals, including team gold medals all eight times he com
peted. For the 1994 Moscow Olympiad, he had a significant organizational role, i
n helping to put together the event on short notice, after Thessaloniki canceled
its offer to host, a few weeks before the scheduled dates. Kasparov's detailed
Olympiad record[110] follows:
Valletta 1980, USSR 2nd reserve, 9/12 (+8 -1 =3), team gold, board bronze;
Lucerne 1982, USSR 2nd board, 8/11 (+6 -0 =5), team gold, board bronze;
Dubai 1986, USSR 1st board, 8/11 (+7 -1 =3), team gold, board gold, performan
ce gold;

Thessaloniki 1988, USSR 1st board, 8/10 (+7 -0 =3), team gold, board gold, pe
rformance gold;
Manila 1992, Russia board 1, 8/10 (+7 -0 =3), team gold, board gold, performa
nce silver;
Moscow 1994, Russia board 1, 6/10 (+4 -1 =5), team gold;
Yerevan 1996, Russia board 1, 7/9 (+5 -0 =4), team gold, board gold, perform
ance silver;
Bled 2002, Russia board 1, 7/9 (+6 -0 =3), team gold, board gold.
Kasparov made his international teams debut for the USSR at age 16 in the 1980 E
uropean Team Championship and played for Russia in the 1992 edition of that cham
pionship. He won a total of five medals. His detailed Euroteams record, from,[11
1] follows.
Skara 1980, USSR 2nd reserve, 5/6 (+5 -0 =1), team gold, board gold;
Debrecen 1992, Russia board 1, 6/8 (+4 -0 =4), team gold, board gold, perfor
mance silver.
Kasparov also represented the USSR once in Youth Olympiad competition, but the d
etailed data at Olimpbase is incomplete; the Chessmetrics Garry Kasparov player
file has his individual score from that event.
Graz 1981, USSR board 1, 9/10 (+8 -0 =2), team gold.
Other records
Kasparov holds the record for most consecutive professional tournament victories
, placing first or equal first in 15 individual tournaments from 1981 to 1990.[c
itation needed] The streak was broken by Vasily Ivanchuk at Linares 1991, where
Kasparov placed 2nd, half a point behind him. The details of this record winning
streak follow:[20]
Frunze 1981, USSR Championship, 12/17, tie for 1st;
Bugojno 1982, 9/13, 1st;
Moscow 1982, Interzonal, 10/13, 1st;
Nik ic 1983, 11/14, 1st;
Brussels OHRA 1986, 7/10, 1st;
Brussels SWIFT 1987, 8/11, tie for 1st;
Amsterdam Optiebeurs 1988, 9/12, 1st;
Belfort (World Cup) 1988, 11/15, 1st;
Moscow 1988, USSR Championship, 11/17, tie for 1st;
Reykjavk (World Cup) 1988, 11/17, 1st;
Barcelona (World Cup) 1989, 11/16, tie for 1st;
Skellefte (World Cup) 1989, 9/15, tie for 1st;
Tilburg 1989, 12/14, 1st;
Belgrade (Investbank) 1989, 9/11, 1st;
Linares 1990, 8/11, 1st.
Kasparov won the Chess Oscar a record eleven times.
Books and other writings
Early writings
Kasparov has written books on chess. He published a controversial[112] autobiogr
aphy when still in his early 20s, originally titled Child of Change, later retit
led Unlimited Challenge. This book was subsequently updated several times after
he became World Champion. Its content is mainly literary, with a small chess com
ponent of key unannotated games. He published an annotated games collection in 1
985: Fighting Chess: My Games and Career[113] and this book has also been update
d several times in further editions. He also wrote a book annotating the games f
rom his World Chess Championship 1985 victory, World Chess Championship Match: M

oscow, 1985.
He has annotated his own games extensively for the Yugoslav Chess Informant seri
es and for other chess publications. In 1982, he co-authored Batsford Chess Open
ings with British grandmaster Raymond Keene and this book was an enormous seller
. It was updated into a second edition in 1989. He also co-authored two opening
books with his trainer Alexander Nikitin in the 1980s for British publisher Bats
ford on the Classical Variation of the Caro-Kann Defence and on the Scheveningen V
ariation of the Sicilian Defence. Kasparov has also contributed extensively to t
he five-volume openings series Encyclopedia of Chess Openings.
In 2000, Kasparov co-authored Kasparov Against the World: The Story of the Great
est Online Challenge[114] with grandmaster Daniel King. The 202-page book analyz
es the 1999 Kasparov versus the World game, and holds the record for the longest
analysis devoted to a single chess game.[115]
Kasparov has written in support of New Chronology (Fomenko), although with some
My Great Predecessors series
Main article: My Great Predecessors
In 2003, the first volume of his five-volume work Garry Kasparov on My Great Pre
decessors was published. This volume, which deals with the world chess champions
Wilhelm Steinitz, Emanuel Lasker, Jos Ral Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine, and som
e of their strong contemporaries, has received lavish praise from some reviewers
(including Nigel Short), while attracting criticism from others for historical
inaccuracies and analysis of games directly copied from unattributed sources. Th
rough suggestions on the book's website, most of these shortcomings were correct
ed in following editions and translations. Despite this, the first volume won th
e British Chess Federation's Book of the Year award in 2003. Volume two, coverin
g Max Euwe, Mikhail Botvinnik, Vasily Smyslov and Mikhail Tal appeared later in
2003. Volume three, covering Tigran Petrosian and Boris Spassky appeared in earl
y 2004. In December 2004, Kasparov released volume four, which covers Samuel Res
hevsky, Miguel Najdorf, and Bent Larsen (none of these three were World Champion
s), but focuses primarily on Bobby Fischer. The fifth volume, devoted to the che
ss careers of World Champion Anatoly Karpov and challenger Viktor Korchnoi, was
published in March 2006.
Modern Chess series
Main article: My Great Predecessors Modern Chess
His book Revolution in the 70s (published in March 2007) covers "the openings re
volution of the 1970s 1980s" and is the first book in a new series called "Modern
Chess Series", which intends to cover his matches with Karpov and selected games
. The book "Revolution in the 70s" concerns the revolution in opening theory tha
t was witnessed in that decade. Such systems as the controversial (at the time)
"Hedgehog" opening plan of passively developing the pieces no further than the f
irst three ranks are examined in great detail. Kasparov also analyzes some of th
e most notable games played in that period. In a section at the end of the book,
top opening theoreticians provide their own "take" on the progress made in open
ing theory in the 1980s.
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov series
Main article: My Great Predecessors Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov
Kasparov is publishing three volumes of his games.
Other post-retirement writing
In 2007 he wrote How Life Imitates Chess, an examination of the parallels betwee
n decision-making in chess and in the business world.
In 2008 Kasparov published a sympathetic obituary for Bobby Fischer, writing: "I

am often asked if I ever met or played Bobby Fischer. The answer is no, I never
had that opportunity. But even though he saw me as a member of the evil chess e
stablishment that he felt had robbed and cheated him, I am sorry I never had a c
hance to thank him personally for what he did for our sport."[117]
He is the chief advisor for the book publisher Everyman Chess.
Kasparov works closely with Mig Greengard and his comments can often be found on
Greengard's blog (apparently no longer active).
Kasparov collaborated with Max Levchin and Peter Thiel on The Blueprint, a book
calling for a revival of world innovation, released in March 2013 from W. W. Nor
ton & Company.
In October of 2015, Kasparov published a book titled Winter Is Coming: Why Vladi
mir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must Be Stopped. The book describes,
in Kasparov's opinion, the growing need for the west to oppose Putin sooner, ra
ther than appeasing him and postponing the eventual confrontation. In his book K
asparov compares Putin to the character Tywin Lannister from the popular HBO ser
ies Game of Thrones television series due to their supposed similar style of rul
Chess against computers
32 simultaneous computers, 1985
Kasparov played against thirty-two different chess computers in Hamburg, winning
all games, but with some difficulty.[119]
Deep Thought, 1989
Kasparov defeated the chess computer Deep Thought in both games of a two-game ma
tch in 1989.[120]
Deep Blue, 1996
In February 1996, IBM's chess computer Deep Blue defeated Kasparov in one game u
sing normal time controls, in Deep Blue - Kasparov, 1996, Game 1. Kasparov gaine
d three wins and two draws and won the match 4 2.
Deep Blue, 1997
Main article: Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov
In May 1997, an updated version of Deep Blue defeated Kasparov 3 2 in a highly publi
cized six-game match. The match was even after five games but Kasparov lost quic
kly in Game 6. This was the first time a computer had ever defeated a world cham
pion in match play. A documentary film was made about this famous matchup entitl
ed Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine.
Kasparov claimed that several factors weighed against him in this match. In part
icular, he was denied access to Deep Blue's recent games, in contrast to the com
puter's team, which could study hundreds of Kasparov's.
After the loss Kasparov said that he sometimes saw deep intelligence and creativ
ity in the machine's moves, suggesting that during the second game, human chess
players, in contravention of the rules, intervened. IBM denied that it cheated,
saying the only human intervention occurred between games. The rules provided fo
r the developers to modify the program between games, an opportunity they said t
hey used to shore up weaknesses in the computer's play revealed during the cours
e of the match. Kasparov requested printouts of the machine's log files but IBM
refused, although the company later published the logs on the Internet.[121] Alt
hough Kasparov wanted another rematch, IBM declined and ended their Deep Blue pr
Kasparov's loss to Deep Blue inspired the creation of the game Arimaa.[122]

Deep Junior, 2003

Kasparov wore 3D glasses in his match against the program X3D Fritz.
In January 2003, he engaged in a six-game classical time control match with a $1
million prize fund which was billed as the FIDE "Man vs. Machine" World Champio
nship, against Deep Junior.[123] The engine evaluated three million positions pe
r second.[124] After one win each and three draws, it was all up to the final ga
me. After reaching a decent position Kasparov offered a draw, which was soon acc
epted by the Deep Junior team. Asked why he offered the draw, Kasparov said he f
eared making a blunder.[125] Originally planned as an annual event, the match wa
s not repeated.
Deep Junior was the first machine to beat Kasparov with black and at a standard
time control.[126]
X3D Fritz, 2003
In November 2003, he engaged in a four-game match against the computer program X
3D Fritz, using a virtual board, 3D glasses and a speech recognition system. Aft
er two draws and one win apiece, the X3D Man Machine match ended in a draw. Kaspar
ov received $175,000 for the result and took home the golden trophy. Kasparov co
ntinued to criticize the blunder in the second game that cost him a crucial poin
t. He felt that he had outplayed the machine overall and played well. "I only ma
de one mistake but unfortunately that one mistake lost the game."[127]
Kasparov Teaches Chess (1984 85, Sport in the USSR Magazine; 1986, First Colli
er Books)
The Test of Time (Russian Chess) (1986, Pergamon Pr)
World Chess Championship Match: Moscow, 1985 (1986, Everyman Chess)
Child of Change: An Autobiography (1987, Hutchinson)
London Leningrad Championship Games (1987, Everyman Chess)
Unlimited Challenge (1990, Grove Pr)
The Sicilian Scheveningen (1991, B.T. Batsford Ltd)
The Queen's Indian Defence: Kasparov System (1991, B.T. Batsford Ltd)
Kasparov Versus Karpov, 1990 (1991, Everyman Chess)
Kasparov on the King's Indian (1993, B.T. Batsford Ltd)
Garry Kasparov's Chess Challenge (1996, Everyman Chess)
Lessons in Chess (1997, Everyman Chess)
Kasparov Against the World: The Story of the Greatest Online Challenge (2000
, Kasparov Chess Online)
My Great Predecessors Part I (2003, Everyman Chess)
My Great Predecessors Part II (2003, Everyman Chess)
Checkmate!: My First Chess Book (2004, Everyman Mindsports)
My Great Predecessors Part III (2004, Everyman Chess)
My Great Predecessors Part IV (2004, Everyman Chess)
My Great Predecessors Part V (2006, Everyman Chess)
How Life Imitates Chess (2007, William Heinemann Ltd.)
Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part I: Revolution in the 70s (2007, Everyma
n Chess)
Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part II: Kasparov vs Karpov 1975 1985 (2008, E
veryman Chess)
Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part III: Kasparov vs Karpov 1986 1987 (2009,
Everyman Chess)
Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part IV: Kasparov vs Karpov 1988 2009 (2010, E
veryman Chess)
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, part I (2011, Everyman Chess)
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, part II (2013, Everyman Chess)
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, part III (2014, Everyman Chess)
The Blueprint: Reviving Innovation, Rediscovering Risk, and Rescuing the Fre
e Market (2013, W. W. Norton & Co)

Winter Is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must
Be Stopped (2015, Public Affairs)
See also
Portal icon
Portal icon

Chess portal
Biography portal

Kasparov versus the World

List of chess games between Kasparov and Kramnik
Committee 2008
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, part I, 2011, ISBN 978-1-85744-672-2, pp. 16 17
"Most experts place [Bobby Fischer] the second or third best ever, behind Kaspar
ov but probably ahead of Karpov." Obituary of Bobby Fischer, Leonard Barden, The
Guardian, 19 January 2008
"Who is the Strongest Chess Player?". Bill Wall. 27 October 2008. Ret
rieved 2 March 2009.
Ruslan Ponomariov won the disputed FIDE title, at the age of 18, when the world
title was split
Conor Sweeney, Chris Baldwin, Putin "heir" on course to win Russia election: pol
Eli Lake (17 June 2012). "Chessmaster Garry Kasparov Is Determined to Checkmate
Vladimir Putin". The Daily Beast.
Gessen, Masha (2012). The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Puti
n. New York: Riverhead Books. pp. 196 197. ISBN 978-1-59448-842-9. Gessen describe
s some of the obstacles Kasparov encountered during the attempt to build his cam
paign: his chartered plane was refused airport access; hotels were advised not t
o house him; event attendees and organizers were threatened; secret police were
a constant presence; a "total television blackout" was enforced. These measures,
Gessen concludes, kept the Kasparov movement from growing.
Demirjian, Karoun (2014-09-13). "Moscow city elections leave little room for Rus
sian opposition". Washington Post. Retrieved 2014-09-28."Independent opposition
candidates faced many obstacles. In February, Putin signed a law requiring all i
ndependent candidates to collect signatures from 3 percent of their constituents
. The city didn t finalize the boundaries of the districts
which expanded from 35
to 45
until April. Then in May, two of the original 'For Moscow' members were sl
apped with fraud charges, effectively ending their campaigns.[paragraph break] T
he remaining would-be candidates had a few weeks in the summer to collect approx
imately 5,000 signatures. It proved an elusive goal for most coalition members."
Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is Russia's Great Red Hope
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov: "I am absolutely sure that the Garry Kasparov,
who became leader of the chess world, professed the same values as Garik Weinst
ein, who once, following the example of his father, became fascinated by chess..
Biography on site (Russian)
White King and Red Queen by Daniel Johnson, ISBN 1-84354-609-4
"Transcript: Kasparov to Start Campaign Promoting 'Values of Democracy'". Fox Ne
ws. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
Unlimited Challenge, an autobiography by Garry Kasparov with Donald Trelford, IS
BN 0-00-637358-5
Kasparov: The World's Chess Champion, by Anne Kressler, From Azerbaijan Internat
ional (3.3) Autumn 1995. (Retrieved 31 March 2008)
Hooper, David & Whyld, Kenneth (1996). Oxford Companion To Chess. Oxford Univers
ity Press. ISBN 0-19-280049-3. OCLC 34618196.
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ieved 11 August 2001.
Anatoly Karpov wins X3D Rapid Match, ChessBase News, 21 December 2002
Emma Cowing, "Kasparov makes his first political move on Putin", The Scotsman, 1
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David Remnick (1 October 2007). "The Tsar's Opponent: Garry Kasparov takes aim a
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Rivkin, Amanda (July 2007). "Seven Questions: A Little KGB Training Goes a Long
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"Kasparov seized by Russian Police". London: BBC News. 24 November 2007. Retriev
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Misha Japaridze (28 November 2007). "Kasparov released from Moscow jail". Associ
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A Bible, But No E-mail Time magazine
Andrew E. Kramer, "Kasparov Says He Was Forced to End Bid for Presidency", The N
ew York Times, 13 December 2007.
"????? ????????. ????????? ?? ????, ??????... "??", 6 April 2010". Retrie
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"Protest Organizers Meet to Settle on Demands". The Moscow Times. 1 February 201
2. pp. 12 27. Retrieved 3 February 2012.
"ChessBase News | Breaking news: Kasparov arrested and beaten at Pussy Riot tria
l". 17 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
"Putin Critic Kasparov Acquitted Over Pussy Riot Protest". Moscow: RIA Novosti.
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Kasparov, Garry (6 February 2013). "Fascism in Our Own Backyard". The Official W
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"Rights Group Slams Kanye West for Gig in Kazakhstan". RIA Novosti. 6 September
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Kasparov, Garry (7 April 2013). "Don't You Worry, I'm Not Leaving". The Official
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Kasparov, Garry (24 April 2013). "The Doubling of VVP". The Official Website of

Garry Kasparov. Retrieved 7 November 2013.

"Russian Dissident & Chess Champion Wins Human Rights Award". UN Watch. Retrieve
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Kasparov, Garry (20 June 2013). "I Will Not Return to the Dark Reality of Putin'
s Russia". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 14 November 2013.
Kasparov, Garry (20 June 2013). "I Will Not Return to the Dark Reality of Putin'
s Russia". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 18 November 2013.
"Checkmate: Garry Kasparov rips apart pathetic NYT for providing Putin a platform
for condescending propaganda ". Twitchy. 11 September 2013. Retrieved 5 December 20
Kasparov, Garry (12 May 2013). "A Shared Enemy Does Not Mean Shared Values". The
Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 9 November 2013.
Kasparov, Garry (26 July 2013). "Kasparov: Why cracks are starting to appear in
Putin's Russia". CNN. Retrieved 27 November 2013.
Kasparov, Garry (18 September 2013). "Putin s Pawn: Forget Chess or Checkers
Forfeited Read more: Putin s Pawn: Forget Chess or Checkers
Obama Forfeited | TIM
a-forfeited/#ixzz2mBOJP2Hg". Time Ideas. Retrieved 1 December 2013. External lin
k in |title= (help)
"'Russia is a Dictatorship Now:' Kasparov". Bloomberg TV. 2013. Retrieved 1 Dece
mber 2013.
Keating, Joshua. "Garry Kasparov: "Obama Going to Russia Now Is Dead Wrong". Sla
te. Retrieved 1 December 2013.
"Chess champion Garry Kasparov granted Croatian citizenship". 28
February 2014. Retrieved 18 April 2014.
Portwood, Jerry (28 August 2013). "Garry Kasparov:Let's Boycott Putin at the Soc
hi Olympics". Out. Retrieved 2 December 2013. "The 'homosexual propaganda' law i
s only the most recent encroachment on the freedom of speech and association of
Russia s citizens. Yet, the European Union and other governments have largely igno
red the fact that Russia has signed various international conventions that categ
orically forbid this sort of discrimination. In the face of silent complicity by
governments, it is up to artists, activists, and individuals like us to speak u
p against Putin s human rights abuses."
Keating, Joshua. "Garry Kasparov: "Obama Going to Russia Now Is Dead Wrong"". Sl
ate. Retrieved 2 December 2013.
"? ?????? ????????????? ????????? ????????-??? ? ???? ??????? ?????????? - ?????
?.Ru | ????????". 17 June 2013. Retrieved 17 March 2014.
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"FIDE Archive: Top 100 Players July 2005". World Chess Federation. 18 April 2007
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"Poll Picks Bobby Fischer As Favorite Player - Sun Sentinel". Articles.sun-senti 6 February 2000. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
"CHESS 25 Jul 1986 The Spectator Archive". 25 July 1986
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Kasparov, Garry (2003). My Great Predecessors, part I. Everyman Chess. ISBN 1-85
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"The most important interviews by GM Vladimir Kramnik, World Chess Champion 2000
-2007". Retrieved 20 October 2013.
"Magnus Carlsen
'I don't quite fit into the usual schemes'". ChessBase News. 22
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Byrne, Robert (5 November 2000). "CHESS; How Kramnik Kept Kasparov Off His Game"
. New York Times.
"Game 4: Ibm, Kasparov Draw - Sun Sentinel". 8 May 19
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"Kasparov, Garry".
"Kasparov, Garry".
Kasparov's Child of Change by Edward Winter
ISBN 0-7855-0863-5

ISBN 0-9704813-0-6
Winter, Edward "Chess Records" Chess Notes
Winter, Edward "Garry Kasparov and New Chronology" Chess Notes
The Chessman, TIME, 26 January 2008
Lozada, Carlos (Jan 28, 2015). "Garry Kasparov on his next book
and why Putin is
like Tywin Lannister". Washington Post.
"The Chess Master and the Computer by Garry Kasparov". Retrieved 2
May 2015.
Hsu, Feng-hsiung (2002). "Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated
the World Chess Champion". Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-09065-3.
Kasparov versus Deep Blue Replay the Games, IBM Research Website
Gary Stix, Frederik Joelving and Melinda Wenner (6 November 2009). "MIND Reviews
: Brainy Gifts". Scientific American. Retrieved 12 May 2012.
"Kasparov vs Deep Junior in January 2003". ChessBase. Retrieved 11 August 2007.
"Kasparov: "Intuition versus the brute force of calculation"". CNN. 10 February
2003. Retrieved 11 August 2007.
Shabazz, Damian. "Kasparov & Deep Junior fight 3 3 to draw!". The Chess Drum. Retr
ieved 11 August 2007.
"Kasparov knows more about Deep Junior than we do". ChessBase. 15 February 2003.
Retrieved 27 August 2013.
"Kasparov vs X3D Fritz match finishes 2 2 after game four draw". ChessBase. 19
November 2003. Retrieved 19 November 2009.
Further reading
Borik, Otto (1991). Kasparov's Chess Openings: A World Champion's Repertoire
. Trafalgar Square Pub. ISBN 0-943955-39-4.
Stohl, Igor (2005). Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Games, Volume 1. Gambit
Publications. ISBN 1-904600-32-8.
Stohl, Igor (2006). Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Games, Volume 2. Gambit
Publications. ISBN 1-904600-43-3.
Krolyi, Tibor; Aplin, Nick (2007). Kasparov's Fighting Chess 1993 1998. Batsfor
d. ISBN 0-7134-8994-4.
Krolyi, Tibor; Aplin, Nick (2007). Kasparov's Fighting Chess 1999 2005. Batsfor
d. ISBN 978-0-7134-8984-2.
Krolyi, Tibor; Aplin, Nick (2009). Kasparov: How His Predecessors Misled Him
About Chess. Batsford. ISBN 978-1-906388-26-3.
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Edward Winter, List of Books About Fischer and Kasparov
Appearances on C-SPAN
Sporting positions
Preceded by
Anatoly Karpov FIDE World Chess Champion
1985 93
Succeeded by
Anatoly Karpov
Classical World Chess Champion

1985 2000
Succeeded by
Vladimir Kramnik
Preceded by
Peter Svidler Russian Chess Champion
Succeeded by
Sergei Rublevsky
Preceded by
Anatoly Karpov
Anatoly Karpov
Vladimir Kramnik
World No. 1
1 January 1984
30 June 1985
1 January 1986 31 December 1995
1 July 1996
31 March 2006
Succeeded by
Anatoly Karpov
Vladimir Kramnik
Veselin Topalov
v t e
World Chess Championships
List of World Chess Championships Candidates Tournament Chess World Cup FIDE
Grand Prix Development Interzonal Interregnum Knockout format (1998 2004)
1886, 1889, 1891, 1892 (Steinitz) 1894, 1897, 1907, 1908, 1910 (Jan Feb), 1910
(Nov Dec) (Lasker) 1921 (Capablanca) 1927, 1929, 1934 (Alekhine) 1935 (Euwe) 1937
1948, 1951, 1954 (Botvinnik) 1957 (Smyslov) 1958 (Botvinnik) 1960 (Tal) 1961
(Botvinnik) 1963, 1966 (Petrosian) 1969 (Spassky) 1972 (Fischer) 1975, 1978, 19
81, 1984 (Karpov) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990 (Kasparov)
Split title
1993, 1995 (Kasparov) 2000, 2004 (Kramnik)
1993, 1996, 1998 (Karpov) 1999 (Khalifman) 2000 (Anand) 2002 (Ponomariov) 20
04 (Kasimdzhanov) 2005 (Topalov)
2006 (Kramnik) 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 (Anand) 2013, 2014 (Carlsen) 2016
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