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Ok, since i've joined this section of ragezone forum, about 4-5 days ago, i saw so many
people asking for help and always the same 2-3 people trying to help.
Well, i hope to help everyone who still doesn't know how to run a server with this guide.

First of all, you will require some files.

MySQL 5.0.41 Essenitals
SQLyog Comunity 6.02
Antrix Core rev290
TerraNet DB rev4
2.1.0 Maps
2.1.0 DBC
(You can also use newer or older versions, but i can't guarantee the compatibility with
this guide, so try at your own risk.)

NOTE: To make everything easier, i've made a TerraNet DB rev4 ready to use, wich
already includes all missing tables and fixes released by Angel of TerraNet Staff. I hope
that TerraNet Staff won't kick my ass for this, in case i'll remove the link

Ok, now that you have all the necessary files, let's begin! :)

1) Extract the files in your Antrix folder

Extract Antrix Core rev290, 2.1.0 Maps, 2.1.0 DBC and TerraNet DB rev4 in the same
folder. Put the database in a sub folder called "sql".
Keep this structure - (click to see the image)

2) Install MySQL 5.0.41 Essentials

As already described in Karnage's guide, you will need to use all typical settings. So:
a) Open the MySQL 5.0.41 Essentials installer and click "Next" - (click to see the image)
b) Choose "Typical" and click "Next" - (click to see the image)
c) Click "Install" - (click to see the image)
d) After installation, click "Next" twice, till the last tab of this wizard.
e) Check the option "Configure the MySQL Server now" and click "Finish" - (click to see
the image)
f) Just click "Next" - (click to see the image)
g) Choose "Standard Configuration" and click "Next" - (click to see the image)
h) Check the options "Install As Windows Service" and "Launche the MySQL Service
automatically", then click "Next" - (click to see the image)
i) Check "Modify Security Settings" and fill the root password cells, then click "Next" -
(click to see the image)
j) Just click "Execute" - (click to see the image]
k) Check that everything gone well and then click "Finish" - (click to see the image)

3) Install SQLyog Comunity 6.02

a) Start the SQLyog Comunity 6.02 installer and click "Next" - (click to see the image)
b) Check "I accept the terms in the License Agreement", then click "Next" - (click to see
the image)
c) Select your favorite options, then click "Next" - (click to see the image)
d) Choose a folder, then click "Install" - (click to see the image)
e) Wait until the setup is completed succesfully, then click "Next" - (click to see the
f) Check "Run SQLyog Comunity 6.02" and click "Finish" - (click to see the image)
g) Just click "Continue..." - (click to see the image)
h) Fill the Password cell with your MySQL root password (the password is the one you
used during MySQL 5.0.41 Essentials configuration), then click "Connct" - (click to see
the image)
i) Agree and save your password in SQLyog connection manager - (click to see the
j) Right click on "root@localhost" and select "Create Database..." - (click to see the
k) Put "antrix" (without quotes) anc click "Create" - (click to see the image)
l) Right click on "antrix" and select "Restore From SQL Dump..." - (click to see the
m) Browse your "sql" folder and select the databse "TerraNet rev4 RTU.sql". Click
"Open" then "Execute" - (click to see the image)
NOTE: This operation could take a LONG time, depending on your settings
and your machine. Anyway with default settings and a mediium machine it
required 36 minutes to me.
n) When the import is completed succesfully, click "Close" - (click to see the image)
o) Click on "Refresh Object Browser" (the upper icon with a red circle), then select
"accounts" table in your "antrix" databse. Now click on "Table Data" (the icon with a red
ellipse) and you will see your "accounts" table data - (click to see the image)
p) Fill the cells like in the image then click "Save Changes" (the red circled icon) - (click
to see the image)
q) Go to "Tools"->"User Manager"->"Add User..." - (click to see the image)
r) Fill username and password cells, then check "Select", "Insert", "Update", Delete".
Click on "Create" - (click to see the image)
s) Just click "OK" in the confirmation window - (click the image)
t) Close SQLyog Comunity 6.02

4) CONF Files
# Antrix Configuration File
# Last updated at revision 236
# Database Section
# Database.Host - The hostname that the database is located on
# Database.username - The username used for the mysql connection
# Database.Password - The password used for the mysql connection
# Database.Name - The database name
# Database.Port - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
# Database.Type - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3
= Oracle 10g

Database.Hostname = localhost
Database.username = USERNAME OF SQLyog ADDED USER
Database.Password = PASSWORD OF SQLyog ADDED USER
Database.Name = antrix
Database.Port = 3306
Database.Type = 1

# Host Directive
# This is the address that the server will listen on.
# To listen on all addresses, set it to
# Default: (localhost)

Host =

# World Server Listen Port Directive

# This is the port that the world server listens on.
# It has to be the same as what is specified in the
# realms table in the LogonDatabase.
# Default: 8129

WorldServerPort = 8129

# Server console logging level

# This directive controls how much output the server will
# display in it's console. Set to 0 for none, or -1 to disable.
# -1 = Disabled; 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 =
# Default: 3

LogLevel.Screen = 0
LogLevel.File = -1

# World server packet logging feature

# If this directive is turned on, a file called `world.log`
# will be created in the server's directory and all packets
# sent and received by clients will be dumped here in bfg
# format.
# Default: 0

LogWorld = 0

# Session Limit
# This directive controls the amount of sessions that will be
# accepted by the server before it starts to add people to
# the server queue.
# Default: 100

PlayerLimit = 100

# Message Of The Day (MOTD)

# This message will be displayed by the server in the chat
# box every time any user logs on. Colors can be used in the
# standard WoW format.
# Default: "No MOTD specified"

Motd = "No MOTD specified."

# Send Build On Join

# This directive controls whether the server's internal revision
# will be sent to clients upon entering the world. Use it to help
# testers report bugs.

SendBuildOnJoin = 1

# Send Stats On Join

# This directive controls whether the server will send the online
# count to a cilent when it enters the world.

SendStatsOnJoin = 1

# Power regeneration multiplier setup

# These directives set up the multiplier in which regen values
will be
# multiplied by every 2 seconds.
# Powers:
# Power1 = Mana, Power2 = Rage, Power3 = Energy
# Reputation:
# Kill = Rep gained on kill, Quest = rep gained from quests
# Honor:
# Honor = multiplier used to calculate honor per-kill.
# PvP:
# PvPTimer = in ms, the timeout for pvp after turning it off.
default: 5mins (300000)

Rate.Health = 1
Rate.Power1 = 1
Rate.Power2 = 1
Rate.Power3 = 1
Rate.QuestReputation = 1
Rate.KillReputation = 1
Rate.Honor = 1
Rate.PvPTimer = 300000

# XP (Experience) Rate setup

# The xp that a player receives from killing a creature will be
# by this value in order to get his xp gain.
# Default: 1

Rate.XP = 1
Rate.QuestXP = 1

# Rest XP Rate
# Value is the amount of rest XP a player will recieve per minute
of rest time.
# Default: 1

Rate.RestXP = 1

# Drop Rate
# This value will be multiplied by any gold looted and the drop
percentages of the
# items for creatures will also be multiplied for this to determine
which items
# to drop.
# Default: 1

Rate.Drop = 1
Rate.DropMoney = 1

# Player save rate

# Value in milliseconds (ms) that will be between player autosaves.
# Default: 300000 (5 minutes)

Rate.Save = 300000

# Compression rate
# Value is from 1-9, the compression level passed to zlib to
# update packets. A higher value will consume less bandwidth but
more cpu cycles.
# Default: 1 (Best Speed)

Rate.Compression = 1

# Queue Update Rate

# This directive controls how many milliseconds (ms) between the
# that the queued players receieve telling them their position in
the queue.
# Default: 5000 (5 seconds).

Network.QueueUpdateInterval = 5000

# Update Distance
# This directive controls the distance (internal yards) that the
player can "see" up to
# and receieve updates for. For smaller servers, you can probably
increase this number.
# Increasing this number will also increase the servers bandwidth
consumption and CPU usage.
# Default: 80

PlrUpdateDistance = 80

# Level Cap
# This variable controls the level that stats will be generated up
to internally.
# Beyond this level players can still see a higher level visually
but their stats won't
# increase beyond this point.

LevelCap = 70

# GM Client Channel
# This should be set to 'gm_sync_channel' for the My_Master addon
to work.
# Default: gm_sync_channel

GmClientChannel = "gm_sync_channel"

# Seperate Channels Control

# This directive controls whether horde and alliance chats will be
seperated across channels.
# Set to 1 for blizzlike seperated channels, or 0 to allow
horde/alliance to speak to each other
# across channels.
# Default: 0

SeperateChatChannels = 0

# Terrain Configuration
# Set the path to the map_xx.bin files and whether unloading should
be enabled for the main world
# maps here. Unloading the main world maps when they go idle can
save a great amount of memory if
# the cells aren't being activated/idled often. Instance/Non-main
maps will not be unloaded ever.
# Default:
# MapPath = "maps"
# UnloadMaps = 1

MapPath = "maps"
UnloadMaps = 1

# Breathing Setup
# If the breathing code is causing problems or you want to run a
fun server, you can disable
# water checks by enabling this directive.
# Default: 1

EnableBreathing = 1

# Speedhack detection
# If this directive is turned on, speedhack detection will be
activated and speedhackers
# will be warned / kicked.
# Default: 0

SpeedhackProtection = 0

# Cheat log setup

# These two directives set up the cheater logging file, if turned
on any cheat / packet
# exploit / speedhack attempts will be logged here.
# Default: off

LogCheaters = 0

# GM log setup
# These two directives set up the GM command logging fie. If turned
on, most gm commands
# will be logged for this file for abuse investigation, etc.
# Default: off

LogGMCommands = 0

# Mail System Setup

# These directives control the limits and behaviour of the ingame
mail system.
# All options must have Mail prefixed before them.
# ReloadDelay - Controls the delay at which the
database is "refreshed". Use it if you're
# inserting mail from an external
source, such as a web-based interface.
# 0 turns it off.
# Default: 0
# DisablePostageCostsForGM - Enables/disables the postage costs
for GM's. DisablePostageCosts overrides this.
# Default: 1
# DisablePostageCosts - Disables postage costs for all
# Default: 0
# DisablePostageDelayItems - Disables the one hour wait time
when sending mail with items attached.
# Default: 1
# DisableMessageExpiry - Turns off the 30 day / 3 day after
read message expiry time.
# WARNING: A mailbox still cannot
show more than 50 items at once
# (stupid limitation in client).
# Default: 0
# EnableInterfactionMail - Removes the faction limitation for
sending mail messages. Applies to all players.
# Default: 1
# EnableInterfactionMailForGM - Removes the faction limitation for
sending mail messages, but only applies
# to GM's. EnableInterfactionMail
overrides this.
# Default: 1

Mail.ReloadDelay = 0
Mail.DisablePostageCostsForGM = 1
Mail.DisablePostageCosts = 0
Mail.DisablePostageDelayItems = 1
Mail.DisableMessageExpiry = 0
Mail.EnableInterfactionMail = 1
Mail.EnableInterfactionMailForGM = 1

# Compression Threshold
# This directive controls the limit when update packets will be
compressed using deflate.
# For lower-bandwidth servers use a lower value at the cost of cpu
# Default: 1000

CompressionThreshold = 1000

# Status Dumper Config

# These directives set up the status dumper plugin. Filename is an
absolute or relative
# path to the server binary. Interval is the time that the stats
will be dumped to xml.
# Default: stats.xml / 120000 (2 minutes)

StatDumper.FileName = "stats.xml"
StatDumper.Interval = 120000

# Connection Timeout
# This directive specifies the amount of seconds that the client
will be disconnected
# after if no ping packet is sent. It is advised to leave it at the
# Default: 180

ConnectionTimeout = 180

# MapMgr Preloading
# This directive controls whether the entire world will be spawned
at server startup
# or on demand. It is advised to leave it disabled unless you are
a developer doing
# testing.
# Default: off

MapMgr.Preloading = 0

# Background Loot Loading

# This directive controls whether loot will be loaded
progressively during startup
# or in the background in a seperate thread. Turning it on will
result in much
# faster startup times.
# Default: on

Startup.BackgroundLootLoading = 1

# Multithreaded Startup
# This controls whether the server will spawn multiple worker
threads to use for
# loading the database and starting the server. Turning it on
increases the speed
# at which it starts up for each additional cpu in your computer.
# Default: on

Startup.EnableMultithreadedLoading = 1

# Guild Setup
# This directive controls whether the full 10 signatures will be
required in order
# to turn in a petition. Smaller servers would be better off
having it turned off.
# Default: off

Guild.RequireAllSignatures = 0

# LogonServer Setup
# This directive controls whether pings will be sent to the
logonserver to check
# if the connection is still "alive". Expect problems if it is
# Default: on

DisablePings = 0

# LogonServer Setup
# This directive controls the password used to authenticate with
the logonserver.
# It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your
server will
# not register.
# Default: "change_me_world"

LogonServer.RemotePassword = "LOGON PASSWORD"

# Antrix Configuration File (Logon)
# Last updated at revision 236

# LogonDatabase Section
# These directives are the location of the `realms` and `accounts`
# tables.
# LogonDatabase.Host - The hostname that the database is
located on
# LogonDatabase.Username - The username used for the mysql
# LogonDatabase.Password - The password used for the mysql
# LogonDatabase.Name - The database name
# LogonDatabase.Port - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually
# LogonDatabase.Type - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 =
PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

LogonDatabase.Hostname = localhost
LogonDatabase.Username = USERNAME OF SLQyog ADDED USER
LogonDatabase.Password = PASSWORD OF SLQyog ADDED USER
LogonDatabase.Name = antrix
LogonDatabase.Port = 3306
LogonDatabase.Type = 1

# Host Directive
# This is the address that the realmlist will listen on.
# To listen on all addresses, set it to
# Default: (localhost)
# Note: ISHost is the interserver communication listener.

Host =
ISHost =

# Realm List Listen Port Directive

# This is the port that the realm list listens on.
# Unless you have modded the clients, this will
# always be 3724.
# Default: 3724

RealmListPort = 3724
# Server console logging level
# This directive controls how much output the server will
# display in it's console. Set to 0 for none.
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 3

LogLevel = 0

# Account Refresh Time

# This controls on which time interval accounts gets
# refreshed. (In seconds)
# Default = 600

AccountRefresh = 600

# Accepted Build Range Setup

# These two directives set up which clients will be
# allowed to authenticate with the realm list.
# Set these to the same builds that the server was
# compiled for.
# As of the last update, version 2.1.1 was build 6739.

MinClientBuild = 6739
MaxClientBuild = 6739

# WorldServer Setup
# This directive controls the password used to authenticate with
the worldserver.
# It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your
server will
# not register.
# Default: "change_me_logon"

LogonServer.RemotePassword = "LOGON PASSWORD"

# Realms Configuration File
# Last updated at revision 1259

# Logon Server Setup

# Logon servers are the old "realmlist" or "auth" servers.
# At the moment, you can only set up one. This will be changed in the
# future.
# LogonServerCount = Number of servers
# LogonServer[x].Address = The address (no port) of the server.
# LogonServer[x].Port = The port on which the logon server
# LogonServer[x].Name = Not really relavant, but name the logon.

LogonServerCount = 1

LogonServer1.Address = ""
LogonServer1.Port = 8093
LogonServer1.Name = "Default Logon"

# Realm Setup
# This is the realms that will be added to the list for this instance
# of the server. You can have multiple realms (e.g. one for LAN,
# RealmCount = The number of servers.
# Realm[x].Name = The name of the realm.
# Realm[x].Address = The address (and port) of that realm.
# Realm[x].Icon = The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
# Realm[x].Colour = Realm colour in realm list display.
# Realm[x].TimeZone = Time zone the realm is in.
# Realm[x].Population = (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)

RealmCount = 1

Realm1.Name = "Test Realm"

Realm1.Address = "YOUR EXTERNAL IP:8129"
Realm1.Icon = "PVP"
Realm1.Colour = 1
Realm1.Population = 1.0
Realm1.TimeZone = 1

5) Run the server

a) If you have any router or firewall, be sure to foreward the following ports:
3306, 3724, 8093 and 8129.
I'm not sure about all of them, so i suggest to foreward them both in TCP and UDP.
b) Run Logonserver.exe
c) Run Antrix.exe

If you did everything correctly, you will see this:

Ok, now the server is running... but we must try it, so don't close it (of course) and open
your client!
Hope that could help someone :)
Antrix Core rev290:
Antri Project and Antrix Project comunity, wich also helps as much as possible on the
development of always better cores.

TerraNet DB rev4: Onemore (quest fixes), Resinate (range fixex, size fixes, a lot of
others), ollee (for submitting bunch of fixes), Project Silvermoon (support and fixes),
Antrix Project (for spending a good time there), TerraNet WoW Comunity (for everything
you see here)

Maps: Karnage (oh well, i've downloaded this maps from Karnage's guide, he/she didn't
gave credits to anyone else, so i guess it is his/her work)

DBC: Same as above, thanks Karnage

Last edited by ATTILA888 : 06-17-2007 at 01:07 PM. Reason: Added credits for files


Ok i saw this when i was looking on google for antrix or ascent

repacks, here it is, the server was made by JulianX but most of the
guide was made by me: tell me if there is any flaws

Download easyPHP Beta here:

Download SQLyog here:
Download the SQLyog MySQL GUI - Community Edition

Download JulianX's Repack for wow version 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 or 2.1.3 here:

Install EasyPHP, open EasyPHP, open the folder you installed easyphp in
and then drag a folder called phpmyadmin into a folder called www and
then open firefox or w/e you use and then type localhost at the top and
press enter and then click on phpmyadmin on the link, then click on
privildges and then you should see:
root@localhost using password NO or YES and then on the right click on
the little guy or the picture, then scroll down until you see the
option of changing your password but ONLY your password and then make a
password you can remember, and then click GO, Once that is done you
have set a SQL password. JulianX's repack, extract the
folder to your desktop or where ever and then follow the rest of the
guide, i didnt make the rest: BTW Credit goes to JulianX

###Step 2: Setting up SQLyog###

1) Start the SQLyog Comunity 6.04 installer and click "Next"-Image
2) Check "I accept the terms in the License Agreement", then click
3) Select your favorite options, then click "Next"-Image
4)Choose a folder, then click "Install"-Image
5)Wait until the setup is completed succesfully, then click "Next"-Image
6) Check "Run SQLyog Comunity 6.04" and click "Finish"-Image
7)Just click "Continue..."-Image
8)Fill the Password cell with your MySQL root password (the password is
the one you used during MySQL 5.0.41 Essentials configuration), then
click "Connect"-Image
9)Agree and save your password in SQLyog connection manager-Image
10)Right click on "root@localhost" and select "Create Database..."-Image
11) Put "ascent" (without quotes) and click "Create"
12)Right click on "ascent" and select "Restore From SQL Dump..."-Image
13) Browse your "sql" folder and select the database "TNDB8". Click
"Open" then "Execute" (you will have to extract the DB from the RAR
NOTE: This will not take as long as other DB's it will be ready in 1-3
minutes tops.
14) Again, Right click on "root@localhost" and select "Create
15) Put "ascentlogon" (without quotes) and click "Create"
16) Right click on "ascentlogon" and select "Restore From SQL Dump..."
17) Browse your "sql" folder and select the file"Character &
Logonserver Tables". Click "open" then "Execute" (you will have to
extract the file from the RAR file)
18) When the import is completed successfully, click "Close"-Image
19) Click on "Refresh Object Browser" , then select "accounts" table in
your "ascentlogon" database. Now click on "Table Data" and you will see
your "accounts" table data.
20) Fill the cells to whatever you want your acct to be. To make TBC go
to very end of cells and change the flags to "8". To make self GM enter
"az" into the GM cell. then click "Save Changes"-Image
21) Close SQLyog Comunity 6.04-Image

this part is made by me:

Setting up your server part. Open up Ascent.conf in Notepad, edit these
lines in your copy of Ascent.conf to match your information:

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "" Username = "root" Password =

"MySQL Pass" Name = "Name of Main Database" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "" Username = "root" Password =
"MySQL Pass" Name = "Name of Logonserver Database" Port = "3306" Type =

<die msg="I am a newb who didn't even read half my config file!">
(btw about the die message, just delete the whole line)

LogonServer DisablePings = "0"

RemotePassword = "Put anything you want">

<die2 msg="I read nearly all my config file, but not the whole thing!">
(delete that line aswell)

OK once that is done save and close this document, now open
Logonserver.conf in Notepad, edit the following lines to match your

Password = "MySQL Pass"

Name = "Name of Logonserver Database"

<Client MinBuild = "6739"

MaxBuild = "6898">

change the MaxBuild on yours because this has been corrected

<LogonServer RemotePassword = "Same as Ascent Remote Pass">

Save and close this document and open Realms.conf in notepad, edit the
following lines to match your configurations:

<Realm1 Name = "Your Relam Name"

Address = "External IP:8129"

For the External IP just put so it should look like this:
Address = ""

Save and close this document, Now the last thing to do( i think ) open
your worldofwarcraft folder and then open a file called
it should look like this
set realmlist or setrealmlist (i forget which) set realmlist, change it to set realmlist SAVE
AND CLOSE, NOW open Logonserver.exe located in JulianX's repack and
then open Ascent.exe and once Ascent.exe is done loading, Open
worldofwarcraft and the username and password is what ever you set in
SQLyog, scroll up if you forgot...

Originally Posted by Thorz @ Ac-Web

Part One:

1. Visit DynDNS.Com and Create an account.

2. Log in and click "Services" on the menu.
3. Under DNS Services there will be an option called Dynamic DNS. Click
4. Click on "Create Host."
5. Fill out the required fields, don't forget to check the box "Enable
6. Click "Add Host" and your done with this portion of the guide.

Part Two:

1. Open C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts.file
2. At the end of the File add the following.
Code: (Dynamic DNS)
(Internal IP) (Dynamic DNS)
(External IP) (Dynamic DNS)
Dynamic DNS = The DNS you just created at DynDNS.Com
Internal IP = Your ip of the computer you are on, This can be found by
going to start, then run. Typing in cmd, once the Windows command
Prompt opens type in "ipconfig". You will get a readout the one you are
looking for is "Ip Address" it normally starts with 192.

External IP = You outbound ip assigned by your ISP. You can find this
by visiting -

Part Three:

1. Open your Realms.conf file in the Antrix folder.

2. Change at the bottom of your realms.conf to look like this.

RealmCount = 2

Realm1.Name = "YOUR REALM NAME"

Realm1.Address = "YOUR EXTERNAL IP:8129"
Realm1.Icon = "PVP"
Realm1.Colour = 1
Realm1.Population = 0
Realm1.TimeZone = 1

Realm2.Name = "YOUR REALM NAME;Local"

Realm2.Address = "YOUR INTERNAL IP:8129"
Realm2.Icon = "PVP"
Realm2.Colour = 1
Realm2.Population = 0
Realm2.TimeZone = 1
3. Save and exit. You are now done with this part of the guide.

Part Four:

1. Connect to your router. This can normally be done by typing in If your not sure what it is, then go to Start- Run- Type
cmd- Type ipconfig. You should see the ip address like above, change
the last sequence in it to a 1 and it should work. If you are still
having issues consult your routers website on how to login to your

2. Now, It's time to forward the ports. Go into your port forwarding
section under your router and forward;

3724 - 3724
80 - 80
3306 - 3306
8129 - 8129
8093 -8093
6112 - 6112
3036 - 3036
8050 -8050
3. If you have a Firewall disable it if you don't know how to set
exceptions with it.

Part Five:

This next part is for how you connect.

1. Go into your World of Warcraft game directory.

2. Open realmlist.WTF in Notepad.
3. Replace everything in it with "set realmlist"

Note: I suggest you make a copy of the realmlist before changing the
info so you can still connect to the Live WoW servers.

Part Six:

Getting a friend to connect.

1. Follow the above steps, except when in realmlist. WTF have them
change it to "set realmlist (Dynamic DNS or your External IP)"

If everything is done correctly you should have a public server with

out Hamachi, and you and your friends can have all the fun you want. If
you are confused or need help please feel free to post your confusion.
Also, Please let us know how well this tutorial works out for you, so
we can improve it.


# After, run realmd.exe. Have that finish and then finally run
mangosd.exe. (note realmd and mangosd should stay open) once all those
are done, in the mangosd window, type \"create USERNAME PASSWORD\"
where USERNAME is the username you want, and PASSWORD is the password
you want for your account. To set GM type in \"setgm USERNAME #\" where
USERNAME is the username you want to give privileges to and # is the
number 0,1, 2, or 3, where 0=normal player, 1=moderator, 2=game master,
and 3=administrator. To enable all TBC features, type in \"setbc
USERNAME #\" where USERNAME is the username u want to give tbc to and #
is 1 or 0 where 1 enables TBC and 0 is normal wow. After you have an
account, start wow, login and enjoy!

MaNGOS 2.1.3 Private Server

These extract taken from different websites and not done by one person only.

Essential websites : to compile new script -to get new information on core -to get new db - get item numbers (look in address)  Same as above turtoise donwload for updating svn mangos svn checlout svn checkout for scriptdev2

How to create VMAPS, MAPS AND DBC

Extract Client .dbc and map Files

Extract map files

• Place ad.exe into the client's root directory. ("C:\World of Warcraft")

• Create a subdirectory called 'maps'. ("C:\World of Warcraft\maps")
• Launch ad.exe. This will begin the extraction of map files. (This can take a long
time depending on your system.)
• When ad.exe has finished, copy the folder "C:\World of Warcraft\maps" and place
it in your ManGOS server directory ("C:\MaNGOS"). So you should now have a
"C:\MaNGOS\maps" directory containing numerous (2400+) .map files.
• You may now safely delete the directory "C:\World of Warcraft\maps".

Extract *.dbc files

• Create a directory for your .dbc files in the MaNGOS server directory.
• Extract all the files of the mpqe archive into your clients data\language directory.
(ex "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enUS" or "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enGB")
• Open up your dos command window. (Start->Run, type "cmd" then enter.)
• Change your directory to "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enUS". (type cd "C:\World
of Warcraft\data\enUS")
• Type in the following:


mpqe /p locale-enUS.MPQ DBFilesClient\*.dbc

• mpqe will now extract the dbc files to a new directory in your client's data\lang
directory called ...\enUS\MPQOUT\DBFilesClient. ("C:\World of
o You should see it reference three files: "patch-enUS-2.MPQ", "patch-
enUS.MPQ", and "locale-enUS.MPQ".
• When mpqe has completed, copy the content all of the .dbc files from the output
directory listed in the previous step to your server's dbc directory.
("C:\MaNGOS\dbc") You should have 175 .dbc files.
• You may now delete the client output directory ("C:\World of
Warcraft\data\MPQOUT") if you wish.

Build the Vmap Files

Recently vmaps have been utilized to assist with "Line of Sight" issues.

• Find the batch file"makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat" ("C:\MaNGOS\Vmap")

• Double Click. Depending on your system, this step may take quite some time.
o Alternately you could run "make vmaps.bat" instead, but additional
prompts will come up in the process.
o As this process is improved upon, you may need to rebuild these files
more than once. Pay attention to future release notes.
• Move the "C:\MaNGOS\Vmap\vmaps\" directory into the root of the MaNGOS
directory ("C:\MaNGOS\vmaps")

Guide Creating a MaNGOS 2.1.3 Private Server

Hi there, well, you've seen LOADS of different servers that are version 2.0.12, but of
course you want one too! If so, I suggest you use this guide
Note: This guide was specifically made to be as noob friendly as possible, I freakin put images
for MySQL configuration, if you can't follow this, your IQ is below 20 or you have ADD.

Let's get started shall we?

Tools you will be needed

• A copy of World of Warcraft 1.12.1 either enUS or enGB, other versions are
not supported
• MaNGOS Bins (Rev 3200 + MCH) -> Click me!
• SDB 0.6.1 -> Click me!
• The map extracting tool ad.exe -> Click me!
• The *.dbc extraction tool mpqe.exe -> Click me
• MySQL -> Click me!
• A MySQL admin tool, such as Navicat or SQLyog, in this guide I will be using
SQLyog because it is free and is almost the same as Navicat -> Click me!

• WAMP PHP5 Apache MySQL (For your website) -> Click me!

Step 1: Creating your Workspace + Installing your files

Extracting MaNGOS Bins

1. Download and extract your MaNGOS bins wherever you want, but this is
where your server files will be placed. I will be referring to this as the
MaNGOS directory. Please make sure that once you open that folder, there
is no folder inside, so when you open your MaNGOS Dir. you will see the batch
files mangosd.exe and realmd.exe, and other files. If you do not see these,
cut the files and put them in the correct folder.

Installing tools

1. After downloading, double click the MySQL installation tool and begin
installing your files. You don't need to sign up to use this, but you can do this
later (I think it's free). After skipping the sign up, pick whatever dir. you want
to install it (feel free to leave it as default), and then beginning installing.
After it's completely, make sure that "Configure my MySQL Server Now" is
checked off and then click Finish.

Configuring your MySQL Server

1. Once the window pops up introducing you to the config wizard, click next
2. Choose standard configuration then click next

3. Then choose to Install As Windows Service then click next

4. In the two empty dialog boxes, type in the password you wish to use for the
MySQL root (aka Administrator) account. This is the most important account
on MySQL and has full access to all databases and functionality. It's
recommended you use a very strong password to prevent access to your
MySQL server instance. Also, if you want to make your server public, check
off "Enable root access from remote machines". Then click next

5. In this new window you should see 4 white bullets, and below a button called
Execute. Click that button and wait for it to finish, it should then say below
those 4 buttons in black that you have succesfully configured your MySQL
server. That's when you click finish.

Getting Maps + DBCs


1. Copy your ad.exe folder to your 1.12.1 enUS/enGB WoW Directory.

2. Create a folder called maps in your 1.12.1 enUS/enGB WoW Directory
3. Double click the ad.exe tool. Wait till it has finished extracting the map files.
4. Once completely copy&paste or cut&paste the "maps" folder which should
have 2400+ map files / 700mb of space to your Mangos Directory. Your
Mangos Directory should now have the folders "maps" and "sql".

DBC's[list=1][*]Download this: Click Me![*]Extract the folder into your Mangos Directory

Step 2: Setting up your Database

Connecting to your MySQL Server
1. Open up SQLyog. Please make sure it looks something like this:

The difference would be that firstly, the "password" you put was the one in
step 4 for MySQL configuration, aka, your MySQL root password. [b]Make
sure that at the bottom it has the 2 databases: realmd;mangos (not

Creating Empty Databases

1. Click connect.
2. On the left there is a tab called root@localhost. To create your databases.
Right click that and click "Create new database" Name it "mangos"
3. Repeat this step but name it this time "realmd"
4. If the databases are already there, then you can skip these steps

Creating Spawned Databases

I suggest you close your SQLyog and open it again so you can see the new databases, which
should look like this on the left tab:

If it looks like this, then we can move onto the next step, if it doesn't then it sux2beu (or I
suggest you re-do EVERYTHING).

1. Right click Realmd and click Restore from SQL Dump. This will open a new
window. At the top there is a white bar, to the right there is a button with "..."
inside, click that button, then go to your Mangos Directory, click the "sql"
folder, and double click realmd. It should take you back to that window, now
you can click execute. After it finishes, close the window.
2. Right click mangos and click Restore from SQL Dump. This will open a new
window. At the top there is a white bar, to the right there is a button with "..."
inside, click that button, then look for where you extracted SDB (if you
haven't do so now and then refresh the folder). Double click the SQL file and
click Execute. Wait till it finishes loading (this may take a while depending on
your CPU). After it's finished entirely, close the window.

Configuring MaNGOS!
Alright, so you have set up all your files, and you have gotten everything in tip top shape :) So
then one last step until you are ready to starting up your MaNGOS LAN Server.

1. Open up your MaNGOS Directory

2. Right click on realmd.conf and open as Notepad, Textpad, anything with "pad"
at the end :P
3. Find


LoginDatabaseInfo =" Change it to "LoginDatabaseInfo =


Your password should be the MySQL Root Password and then everything
else should look like what's in the code. After edited, save and close

4. Right click on mangos.conf and open as Notepad or Textpad

5. Open mangosd.conf in notepad. It should be in your root server directory
6. Find these lines and set as shown:
o DataDir = "."
o WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;[password];mangos"
o LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;[password];realmd"
7. Save and close file.



Connecting to your MaNGOS Server

1. Go to your MaNGOS Directory
2. Double click on realmd.exe
3. Double click on mangos.exe
4. While it's loading, go to your WoW Directory, open up the realmlist, and
change the contents to:


set realmlist

5. Start up your WoW.exe
6. Wait for the "beep" which indicates that MaNGOS has loaded and you can
connect. Then log in with the following sample info (for maximum


user: administrator
pass: administrator
Voila! Create your characters and screw around!

Upcoming Guides:
Creating an Account Creation Page
Making your Server Public
Creating Custom Content
Editing stuff in your Server
Latest Bins
Updating your MaNGOS


Please do not leech this guide without asking me first, provide a link from where you got it
from (!) and say thanks!

How to backup your character :

Backup the fallowing tables from mangos db :

pet _spell* new
pet_spell_cooldown* new

Backup the fallowing tables from realmd:

- realmcharacters

Compiling Mangos :
(Before proceeding, please make sure you have read this, and this

Required Software:


• A Windows Operating System

• A version of MS Visual C++:
o Visual Studio 6 (Version 7/2003)
o Visual Studio 2005 (Version 8/2005) + SP1
o Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (Version 8/2005). Available here for one
year for free.
o Possibly this patch for SP-1, especially if you are on Vista.
• TortoiseSVN - a freeware source sharing application available here.
Install MS Visual C++:


• Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition

o You must also install and configure Platform SDK to use Visual C++ 2005
Express Edition. Carefully follow the instructions here. Follow the first
4 steps completely and the first half of step 5! DO NOT just download
and install. Follow the instructions or you will not be able to compile.
Need help? See this
o SP-1 is recommended.

• Visual Studio 2005

o You must install SP-1 for VS 2005. (The old "functional" file update is no
longer needed with SP-1.)

Install TortoiseSVN and Set Up SVN Folders:


• Install Tortoise SVN

• Create a directory on your hard drive. For example: "C:\sources\mangos\"
• Right click on the folder "\mangos\" and select "SVN Checkout"
o On the top line where it says "URL of Repository" put in the url
o Do not change any other options, then press ok. This will download the
most current source code.
• (Note: If you will be using scripting (i.e. scriptdev) you will need to retrieve and
prep it in a similar manner at this point. Consult your preferred source for scripts
for instructions on how to include scripts in a MaNGOS compilation. DO NOT
ask for assistance with scripts on this forum.)

Updating Your Source Files (Only for updates, not first time compilations. Skip this
section if you are a compile virgin.)


• Right click on the "C:\sources\mangos\" folder and select update.

• If an update is available it will be immediately downloaded to this directory
replacing any previous files. You will see a list of the files being added and/or
updated as the process completes.
• Once the update is complete you will see a dialog such as "Completed At
revision: ####". That is your new revision number.
• From here you can select the "show log..." button to get a listing of what was
added or updated or press ok to exit.
• From this point simply continue to the compilation process as listed below.
• IMPORTANT: Anytime you update this directory check to see if either of the
* files were updated. MaNGOS will not function if you do not have the
current .conf files. (If they were not updated, then you can continue using your
existing .conf files.)
• IMPORTANT: Also make sure to always check the
"C:\sources\mangos\sql\updates\" directory for new files. This directory contains
SQL queries that modify the database structure and are critical for the core to
function. If you get a new revision make sure that all the SQL updates with
numbers <= your current revision number have been loaded in your database.
These files only need to be loaded once.
• Suggestion: Learn as much as you can about TortoiseSVN through it's help files
and web site. It's an outstanding tool for source sharing. The more you learn about
it the more you will be able to do with the MaNGOS source code. (Like custom or
pre-release code patches you might see on the forums!)

Compile MaNGOS:


• Browse your computer to "C:\sources\mangos\win\" and double-click (open) the

.sln file for your VC++ version
o mangosdVC71.sln - Version 7/2003 (Visual Studio 6)
o mangosdVC80.sln - Version 8/2005 (Visual Studio 2005/VC++ Express)
• In your VC++ application window select Build->Configuration Manager from the
o Select "Release" in the drop down for "Active Solution Configuration"
o "Active Solution Platform" should default to "Win32". Do not change this.
o Close the dialog.
• Now select Build->Build Solution from the menu. (Note: If you had an error or
are having problems with the build you can select Build->Clean Solution to
"reset" the compilation.)
• Your MaNGOS application will now begin compiling.
o This may take quite some time depending on the speed of your processor.
o You WILL get various warning messages. This is expected and should not
alarm you.
o When the process is complete you should see a message like "Build: 8
succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped". The key is to make sure that
failed = 0. (If you are doing an update of an existing build you may get a
message like "Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 6 up-to-date, 0 skipped".
Again, no failures so you are in good shape.)
• Occasionally you will get this error: "error LNK1181: cannot open input file
'mangosd.lib'". In order to fix this iussue you can do these steps (once):
o Right-click on "Solution 'mangosdVC80' (8 projects)" in solution explorer.
o Select "Project Build Order..."
o Click on the "Dependencies" tab.
o In the "Projects:" drop down list, select "script" and check "mangosd" and
hit OK.
o Build Solution.

Credits to rusty.

Congratulations! MaNGOS is now compiled!

The files needed to run MaNGOS are now in your "C:\sources\mangos\bin\release\"

directory. You will need to copy any *.exe and *.dll files you find in this directory and
place them in the directory where you plan on running MaNGOS. (i.e. "C:\MaNGOS")

You will also need to retrieve the files from "C:\sources\mangos\src\mangosd\"
and "C:\sources\mangos\src\realmd\" and rename them both by removing the ".in" from
the filenames.

You still must configure MaNGOS before running the server.

This guide only covers compiling the binaries to create the application.

If you have any questions or run into problems with these procedures please post your
issues as a response to this thread and someone will attempt to help you through it. That
is, if we can tell you did what the procedures said to do.

ScriptDev compile
To download the latest ScriptDev revision and use it with mangos you need to do the

1) Create a folder for this example we will use “ScriptDev” right click it and select “SVN
Checkout” at “URL Repository” enter hxxps://
now press OK and it will download the latest ScriptDev.
2) Once this is done you have to right click the folder again select “TortoiseSVN” and
select “Export” now browse to the location where you want to export it (create a new
folder and export it there) and now press OK. This will export your ScriptDev to the new
created folder.

3) Now go to that folder and from that folder copy (sql, src, win) to you mangos folder
(the folder where all your mangos revisions are downloaded too) replace all and that’s
about it. Now when you compile mangos it will be compiled with the latest script dev

Important: Follow this steps every time a new ScriptDev revision comes out!!!

Mangos commands (to do in chat window)

Note: How to create auction house : Make a new account on navicat in realmd. Enter
mangos Create a new player doesn’t matter what race. Enter realmd, then check with
navicat in mangos and character table and see what guid was assigned to that character.
Once you have the account number from realmd and the guid from mangos write that
info in the mangosd.cong at the bottom u ll hav to fuilds to complete. That it it will create
items in the auction house make sure u change the max time to 2 and the min time to 1
and the number of items you want. That’s it  Enjoy!!!

Auction house commands :

ahexpire <house id> <player GUID>

ahdelete <house id> <player GUID>

ahexpire will expire all the auctions in the requested auction house with the player GUID
as the owner.
ahdelete will delete all the auctions in the requested auction house with the player GUID
as the owner.

The real difference between them is that 'ahexpire' will actually deliver the auction if
some has bid on it, and ahdelete will just delete the auction regardless if someone has bid
on it or not.

The auction house IDs are:

2 - Alliance
6 - Horde
7 - Neutral

Example, if my auction house bot character's GUID is 42, and I want to clear out all their
auctions from the neutral auction house, I would run the following:
ahdelete 7 42
Extra commands : .modify money 300 (where 300 = 3 silver)
.tele (location) will telemort to wanted location
.learn all_myclass will learn all for your class (buggy and might have to unlearn)
.changelevel 40 to level pet to level 40

Skills: (Write .learnsk "id" "Min level" "Max level" in game to learn)
Example: .learnsk 43 300 300 <---- you learn swords and you have 300 in skill

43 Swords
173 Daggers
44 Axes
54 Maces
55 Two-Handed Swords
160 Two-Handed Maces
172 Two-Handed Axes
473 Fist Weapons
433 Shield
413 Mail
414 Leather
45 Bows
229 Polearms
293 Plate Mail
46 Guns
415 Cloth
176 Thrown
162 Unarmed
118 Dual Wield
136 Staves
226 Crossbows
228 Wands
95 Defense
38 Combat
762 Riding
Languages: (write .learnsk and the id and min / max level )

137 Language: Thalassian

140 Language: Titan
109 Language: Orcish
315 Language: Troll
139 Language: Demon Tongue
98 Language: Common
111 Language: Dwarven
113 Language: Darnassian
115 Language: Taurahe
138 Language: Draconic
141 Language: Old Tongue
673 Language: Gutterspeak
313 Language: Gnomish
Proffesions: (Write .learnsk and id then skill min and max)

393 Skinning
165 Leatherworking
373 Enhancement
164 Blacksmithing
633 Lockpicking
197 Tailoring
755 Jewell Crafting
333 Enchanting
186 Mining
202 Engineering
356 Fishing
171 Alchemy
182 Herbalism
129 First Aid
185 Cooking
[color="Red"]Spells: (Write .learn "id" to learn the spell)
Remember! Ignore the train= just write .learn id instead of .learn train=id <--wont work.


train=1381 //Shadow Bolt Rank 2

train=1382 //Shadow Bolt Rank 3
train=1406 //Shadow Bolt Rank 4
train=1407 //Shadow Bolt Rank 5
train=7642 //Shadow Bolt Rank 6
train=11662 //Shadow Bolt Rank 7
train=11663 //Shadow Bolt Rank 8
train=11664 //Shadow Bolt Rank 9
train=1374 //Immolate Rank 1
train=1375 //Immolate Rank 2
train=1376 //Immolate Rank 3
train=2942 //Immolate Rank 4
train=11666 //Immolate Rank 5
train=11669 //Immolate Rank 6
train=11670 //Immolate Rank 7
train=6221 //Corruption Rank 1
train=6224 //Corruption Rank 2
train=6225 //Corruption Rank 3
train=7649 //Corruption Rank 4
train=11673 //Corruption Rank 5
train=11674 //Corruption Rank 6
train=7662 //Drain Soul Rank 1
train=8290 //Drain Soul Rank 2
train=8291 //Drain Soul Rank 3
train=11676 //Drain Soul Rank 4
train=5741 //Rain of Fire Rank 1
train=6220 //Rain of Fire Rank 2
train=11679 //Rain of Fire Rank 3
train=11680 //Rain of Fire Rank 4
train=5709 //Hellfire Rank 1
train=11685 //Hellfire Rank 2
train=11686 //Hellfire Rank 3
train=1476 //Life Tap Rank 1
train=1477 //Life Tap Rank 2
train=1478 //Life Tap Rank 3
train=11690 //Life Tap Rank 4
train=11691 //Life Tap Rank 5
train=11692 //Life Tap Rank 6
train=3704 //Health Funnel Rank 1
train=3705 //Health Funnel Rank 2
train=3706 //Health Funnel Rank 3
train=3707 //Health Funnel Rank 4
train=11696 //Health Funnel Rank 5
train=11697 //Health Funnel Rank 6
train=11698 //Health Funnel Rank 7
train=1367 //Drain Life Rank 1
train=1368 //Drain Life Rank 2
train=1369 //Drain Life Rank 3
train=7652 //Drain Life Rank 4
train=11701 //Drain Life Rank 5
train=11702 //Drain Life Rank 6
train=5139 //Drain Mana Rank 1
train=6227 //Drain Mana Rank 2
train=11705 //Drain Mana Rank 3
train=11706 //Drain Mana Rank 4
train=1393 //Curse of Weakness Rank 1
train=1394 //Curse of Weakness Rank 2
train=6206 //Curse of Weakness Rank 3
train=7647 //Curse of Weakness Rank 4
train=11709 //Curse of Weakness Rank 5
train=11710 //Curse of Weakness Rank 6
train=1296 //Curse of Agony Rank 1
train=1297 //Curse of Agony Rank 2
train=6218 //Curse of Agony Rank 3
train=11714 //Curse of Agony Rank 4
train=11715 //Curse of Agony Rank 5
train=11716 //Curse of Agony Rank 6
train=7650 //Curse of Recklessness Rank 1
train=7660 //Curse of Recklessness Rank 2
train=7661 //Curse of Recklessness Rank 3
train=11718 //Curse of Recklessness Rank 4
train=5736 //Curse of Tongues Rank 1
train=11720 //Curse of Tongues Rank 2
train=7666 //Curse of the Elements Rank 1
train=11723 //Curse of the Elements Rank 2
train=11724 //Curse of the Elements Rank 3
train=7665 //Enslave Demon Rank 1
train=11727 //Enslave Demon Rank 2
train=11728 //Enslave Demon Rank 3
train=6203 //Create Healthstone (Minor)
train=6204 //Create Healthstone (Lesser)
train=5700 //Create Healthstone
train=5702 //Create Healthstone (Greater)
train=11731 //Create Healthstone (Major)
train=1383 //Demon Skin Rank 2
train=1384 //Demon Armor Rank 1
train=1404 //Demon Armor Rank 2
train=11736 //Demon Armor Rank 3
train=11737 //Demon Armor Rank 4
train=11738 //Demon Armor Rank 5
train=6232 //Shadow Ward Rank 1
train=11741 //Shadow Ward Rank 3
train=11742 //Shadow Ward Rank 3
train=2971 //Detect Lesser Invisibility
train=2972 //Detect Invisibility
train=11788 //Detect Greater Invisibility
train=1413 //Inferno Summon
train=1571 //Soul Fire Rank 1
train=18160 //Soul Fire Rank 2
train=6485 //Create Spellstone
train=17732 //Create Spellstone (Greater)
train=17733 //Create Spellstone (Major)
train=17865 //Curse of Shadow Rank 1
train=17938 //Curse of Shadow Rank 2
train=2945 //Searing Pain Rank 1
train=18154 //Searing Pain Rank 2
train=18155 //Searing Pain Rank 3
train=18156 //Searing Pain Rank 4
train=18157 //Searing Pain Rank 5
train=18158 //Searing Pain Rank 6
train=1572 //Death Coil Rank 1
train=18161 //Death Coil Rank 2
train=18162 //Death Coil Rank 3
train=5486 //Howl of Terror Rank 1
train=18169 //Howl of Terror Rank 2
train=1197 //Create Firestone (Lesser)
train=607 //Create Firestone
train=18170 //Create Firestone (Greater)
train=18171 //Create Firestone (Major)
train=7664 //Banish Rank 1
train=18648 //Banish Rank 2
train=18753 //Curse of Doom
train=18872 //Shadowburn Rank 2
train=18875 //Shadowburn Rank 3
train=18876 //Shadowburn Rank 4
train=18877 //Shadowburn Rank 5
train=18878 //Shadowburn Rank 6
train=18927 //Siphon Life Rank 2
train=18928 //Siphon Life Rank 3
train=18929 //Siphon Life Rank 4
train=18933 //Conflagrate Rank 2
train=18934 //Conflagrate Rank 3
train=18935 //Conflagrate Rank 4
train=18939 //Dark Pact Rank 2
train=18940 //Dark Pact Rank 3
train=20700 //Ritual of Doom
train=1377 //Create Soulstone (Minor)
train=20766 //Create Soulstone (Lesser)
train=20767 //Create Soulstone
train=20768 //Create Soulstone (Greater)
train=20769 //Create Soulstone (Major)
train=5783 //Fear Rank 1
train=6214 //Fear Rank 2
train=6216 //Fear Rank 3
train=7763 //Summon Imp
train=11520 //Summon Voidwalker
//train=7663 //Ritual of Summoning Can't be Traind
train=11519 //Summon Succubus
train=6228 //Eye of Kilrogg
train=5501 //Sense Demons
train=1373 //Summon Felhunter
train=1710 //Summon Felsteed
train=23160 //Summon Dreadsteed

train=1255 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 1

train=2056 //Lesser Heal Rank 2
train=1258 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 1
train=1275 //Smite Rank 2
train=2851 //Power Word: Shield Rank 1
train=6073 //Renew Rank 1
train=1265 //Fade Rank 1
train=19338 //Desperate Prayer Rank 1
train=2013 //Resurrection Rank 1
train=2057 //Lesser Heal Rank 3
train=8093 //Mind Blast Rank 1
train=19318 //Touch of Weakness Rank 1
train=19325 //Hex of Weakness Rank 1
train=1259 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 2
train=19350 //Starshards Rank 1
train=1277 //Power Word: Shield Rank 2
train=1256 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 2
train=1252 //Inner Fire Rank 1
train=6079 //Renew Rank 2
train=1268 //Cure Disease
train=1276 //Smite Rank 3
train=8123 //Psychic Scream Rank 1
train=2058 //Heal Rank 1
train=8107 //Mind Blast Rank 2
train=19339 //Desperate Prayer Rank 2
train=1260 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 3
train=1283 //Dispel Magic Rank 1
train=19351 //Starshards Rank 2
train=1278 //Power Word: Shield Rank 3
train=6080 //Renew Rank 3
train=19337 //Fear Ward
train=2066 //Flash Heal Rank 1
train=8126 //Mind Soothe Rank 1
train=19326 //Hex of Weakness Rank 2
train=19320 //Touch of Weakness Rank 2
train=19331 //Shadowguard Rank 1
train=2946 //Devouring Plague Rank 1
train=9580 //Fade Rank 2
train=1425 //Shackle Undead Rank 1
train=19345 //Feedback Rank 1
train=19357 //Elune's Grace Rank 1
train=7130 //Inner Fire Rank 2
train=2016 //Resurrection Rank 2
train=1300 //Smite Rank 4
train=2059 //Heal Rank 2
train=8108 //Mind Blast Rank 3
train=2097 //Mind Vision Rank 1
train=15452 //Holy Fire Rank 2
train=8130 //Mana Burn Rank 1
train=1257 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 3
train=1298 //Power Word: Shield Rank 4
train=6081 //Renew Rank 4
train=19340 //Desperate Prayer Rank 3
train=9475 //Flash Heal Rank 2
train=1261 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 4
train=19352 //Starshards Rank 3
train=6071 //Heal Rank 3
train=8125 //Psychic Scream Rank 2
train=8109 //Mind Blast Rank 4
train=19332 //Shadowguard Rank 2
train=19313 //Devouring Plague Rank 2
train=7378 //Mind Flay Rank 2
train=15454 //Holy Fire Rank 3
train=1287 //Prayer of Healing Rank 1
train=1301 //Smite Rank 5
train=1279 //Shadow Protection Rank 1
train=19327 //Hex of Weakness Rank 3
train=19321 //Touch of Weakness Rank 3
train=9581 //Fade Rank 3
train=1293 //Mind Control Rank 1
train=19346 //Feedback Rank 2
train=19358 //Elune's Grace Rank 2
train=2793 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 4
train=6067 //Power Word: Shield Rank 5
train=1253 //Inner Fire Rank 3
train=6082 //Renew Rank 5
train=9476 //Flash Heal Rank 3
train=1269 //Abolish Disease
train=8132 //Mana Burn Rank 2
train=6072 //Heal Rank 4
train=19341 //Desperate Prayer Rank 4
train=10882 //Resurrection Rank 3
train=2799 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 5
train=8100 //Mind Blast Rank 5
train=19353 //Starshards Rank 4
train=6492 //Levitate
train=15455 //Holy Fire Rank 4
train=8193 //Mind Soothe Rank 2
train=19314 //Devouring Plague Rank 3
train=19333 //Shadowguard Rank 3
train=17316 //Mind Flay Rank 3
train=1284 //Dispel Magic Rank 2
train=6068 //Power Word: Shield Rank 6
train=2973 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 4
train=9477 //Flash Heal Rank 4
train=6083 //Renew Rank 6
train=6062 //Smite Rank 6
train=1288 //Prayer of Healing Rank 2
train=2065 //Greater Heal Rank 1
train=8111 //Mind Blast Rank 6
train=19322 //Touch of Weakness Rank 4
train=9593 //Fade Rank 4
train=9486 //Shackle Undead Rank 2
train=19359 //Elune's Grace Rank 3
train=19347 //Feedback Rank 3
train=10877 //Mana Burn Rank 3
train=1254 //Inner Fire Rank 4
train=19342 //Desperate Prayer Rank 5
train=15457 //Holy Fire Rank 5
train=10895 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 6
train=10889 //Psychic Scream Rank 3
train=1280 //Shadow Protection Rank 2
train=19354 //Starshards Rank 5
train=6386 //Divine Spirit Rank 2
train=10902 //Power Word: Shield Rank 7
train=10930 //Renew Rank 7
train=10918 //Flash Heal Rank 5
train=19315 //Devouring Plague Rank 4
train=17317 //Mind Flay Rank 4
train=10913 //Mind Control Rank 2
train=10910 //Mind Vision Rank 2
train=10935 //Smite Rank 7
train=2069 //Greater Heal Rank 2
train=10883 //Resurrection Rank 4
train=10948 //Mind Blast Rank 7
train=15459 //Holy Fire Rank 6
train=10878 //Mana Burn Rank 4
train=10903 //Power Word: Shield Rank 8
train=10939 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 5
train=2049 //Prayer of Healing Rank 3
train=10931 //Renew Rank 8
train=19343 //Desperate Prayer Rank 6
train=10919 //Flash Heal Rank 6
train=3046 //Holy Nova Rank 2
train=19329 //Hex of Weakness Rank 5
train=19323 //Touch of Weakness Rank 5
train=10943 //Fade Rank 5
train=10896 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 7
train=19355 //Starshards Rank 6
train=19360 //Elune's Grace Rank 4
train=19348 //Feedback Rank 4
train=11025 //Inner Fire Rank 5
train=2067 //Greater Heal Rank 3
train=19316 //Devouring Plague Rank 5
train=19335 //Shadowguard Rank 5
train=17318 //Mind Flay Rank 5
train=10954 //Mind Soothe Rank 3
train=10949 //Mind Blast Rank 8
train=10936 //Smite Rank 8
train=15460 //Holy Fire Rank 7
train=14820 //Divine Spirit Rank 3
train=10904 //Power Word: Shield Rank 9
train=10932 //Renew Rank 9
train=10920 //Flash Heal Rank 7
train=10891 //Psychic Scream Rank 4
train=10959 //Shadow Protection Rank 3
train=10879 //Mana Burn Rank 5
train=2068 //Greater Heal Rank 4
train=19344 //Desperate Prayer Rank 7
train=20771 //Resurrection Rank 5
train=15434 //Holy Nova Rank 3
train=10914 //Mind Control Rank 3
train=10950 //Mind Blast Rank 9
train=10897 //Shadow Word: Pain Rank 8
train=19356 //Starshards Rank 7
train=18806 //Holy Fire Rank 8
train=10962 //Prayer of Healing Rank 4
train=19330 //Hex of Weakness Rank 6
train=19317 //Devouring Plague Rank 6
train=19324 //Touch of Weakness Rank 6
train=18808 //Mind Flay Rank 6
train=19336 //Shadowguard Rank 6
train=10944 //Fade Rank 6
train=10956 //Shackle Undead Rank 3
train=19361 //Elune's Grace Rank 5
train=19349 //Feedback Rank 5
train=21569 //Prayer of Fortitude Rank 2
train=10940 //Power Word: Fortitude Rank 6
train=11026 //Inner Fire Rank 6
train=10905 //Power Word: Shield Rank 10
train=8110 //Mind Blast Rank 5
train=21562 //Prayer of Fortitude Rank 1


train=1780 //Gouge Rank 1

train=1781 //Gouge Rank 2
train=8630 //Gouge Rank 3
train=11287 //Gouge Rank 4
train=11288 //Gouge Rank 5
train=1761 //Sinister Strike Rank 1
train=1762 //Sinister Strike Rank 2
train=1763 //Sinister Strike Rank 3
train=1764 //Sinister Strike Rank 4
train=1765 //Sinister Strike Rank 5
train=8622 //Sinister Strike Rank 6
train=11295 //Sinister Strike Rank 7
train=11296 //Sinister Strike Rank 8
train=6734 //Feint Rank 1
train=6769 //Feint Rank 2
train=8638 //Feint Rank 3
train=11304 //Feint Rank 4
train=1771 //Kick Rank 1
train=1772 //Kick Rank 2
train=1773 //Kick Rank 3
train=1774 //Kick Rank 4
train=1789 //Stealth Rank 1
train=1790 //Stealth Rank 2
train=1791 //Stealth Rank 3
train=1792 //Stealth Rank 4
train=2592 //Backstab Rank 1
train=2593 //Backstab Rank 2
train=2594 //Backstab Rank 3
train=2595 //Backstab Rank 4
train=8723 //Backstab Rank 5
train=11282 //Backstab Rank 6
train=11283 //Backstab Rank 7
train=11284 //Backstab Rank 8
train=2984 //Sprint Rank 1
train=8697 //Sprint Rank 2
train=11318 //Sprint Rank 3
train=5167 //Pick Pocket Rank 1
train=5175 //Slice and Dice Rank 1
train=6775 //Slice and Dice Rank 2
train=652 //Sap Rank 1
train=6771 //Sap Rank 2
train=11298 //Sap Rank 3
train=6712 //Eviscerate Rank 1
train=6763 //Eviscerate Rank 2
train=6764 //Eviscerate Rank 3
train=6765 //Eviscerate Rank 4
train=8625 //Eviscerate Rank 5
train=8626 //Eviscerate Rank 6
train=11301 //Eviscerate Rank 7
train=11302 //Eviscerate Rank 8
train=6735 //Kidney Shot Rank 1
train=8644 //Kidney Shot Rank 2
train=8648 //Expose Armor Rank 1
train=8651 //Expose Armor Rank 2
train=8652 //Expose Armor Rank 3
train=11199 //Expose Armor Rank 4
train=11200 //Expose Armor Rank 5
train=8678 //Ambush Rank 1
train=8727 //Ambush Rank 2
train=8728 //Ambush Rank 3
train=11270 //Ambush Rank 4
train=11271 //Ambush Rank 5
train=11272 //Ambush Rank 6
train=6736 //Rupture Rank 1
train=8641 //Rupture Rank 2
train=8642 //Rupture Rank 3
train=11276 //Rupture Rank 4
train=11277 //Rupture Rank 5
train=11278 //Rupture Rank 6
train=6737 //Garrote Rank 1
train=8634 //Garrote Rank 2
train=8635 //Garrote Rank 3
train=8636 //Garrote Rank 4
train=11291 //Garrote Rank 5
train=11292 //Garrote Rank 6
train=8700 //Instant Poison Rank 1
train=8701 //Instant Poison Rank 2
train=8810 //Instant Poison Rank 3
train=11344 //Instant Poison Rank 4
train=11345 //Instant Poison Rank 5
train=11346 //Instant Poison Rank 6
train=2843 //Deadly Poison Rank 1
train=2844 //Deadly Poison Rank 2
train=11360 //Deadly Poison Rank 3
train=11361 //Deadly Poison Rank 4
train=5768 //Mind-numbing Poison Rank 1
train=8695 //Mind-numbing Poison Rank 2
train=11401 //Mind-numbing Poison Rank 3
train=6185 //Hemorrhage Rank 2
train=13027 //Hemorrhage Rank 3
train=1858 //Vanish Rank 1
train=1859 //Vanish Rank 2
train=3422 //Crippling Poison Rank 1
train=3423 //Crippling Poison Rank 2
train=1809 //Lockpicking Apprentice
train=1810 //Lockpicking Journeyman
train=6460 //Lockpicking Expert
train=1838 //Cheap Shot
train=5278 //Evasion
train=1845 //Disarm Trap
train=1846 //Detect Traps
train=6480 //Pick Lock
train=6505 //Blind
train=1728 //Distract
train=6511 //Blinding Powder
train=2995 //Poisons
train=1862 //Safe Fall Passive
train=1424 //Dual Wield
train=3128 //Parry
train=8738 //Mail


train=6121 // Mage Armor Rank 1

train=22784 // Mage Armor Rank 2
train=22785 // Mage Armor Rank 3
train=1173 // Fireball Rank 2
train=1198 // Fireball Rank 3
train=3142 // Fireball Rank 4
train=8403 // Fireball Rank 5
train=8404 // Fireball Rank 6
train=8405 // Fireball Rank 7
train=10152 // Fireball Rank 8
train=10153 // Fireball Rank 9
train=10154 // Fireball Rank 10
train=10155 // Fireball Rank 11
train=2141 // Fire Blast Rank 1
train=2142 // Fire Blast Rank 2
train=2143 // Fire Blast Rank 3
train=8414 // Fire Blast Rank 4
train=8415 // Fire Blast Rank 5
train=10198 // Fire Blast Rank 6
train=10200 // Fire Blast Rank 7
train=1830 // Pyroblast Rank 2 (Talent)
train=13011 // Pyroblast Rank 3 (Talent)
train=13012 // Pyroblast Rank 4 (Talent)
train=13014 // Pyroblast Rank 5 (Talent)
train=13015 // Pyroblast Rank 6 (Talent)
train=13016 // Pyroblast Rank 7 (Talent)
train=13017 // Pyroblast Rank 8 (Talent)
train=13023 // Blast Wave Rank 2 (Talent)
train=13024 // Blast Wave Rank 3 (Talent)
train=13025 // Blast Wave Rank 4 (Talent)
train=13026 // Blast Wave Rank 5 (Talent)
train=13037 // Ice Barrier Rank 2 (Talent)
train=13038 // Ice Barrier Rank 3 (Talent)
train=13039 // Ice Barrier Rank 4 (Talent)
train=2124 // Flamestrike Rank 1
train=2125 // Flamestrike Rank 2
train=8425 // Flamestrike Rank 3
train=8426 // Flamestrike Rank 4
train=10217 // Flamestrike Rank 5
train=10218 // Flamestrike Rank 6
train=1811 // Scorch Rank 1
train=8447 // Scorch Rank 2
train=8448 // Scorch Rank 3
train=8449 // Scorch Rank 4
train=10208 // Scorch Rank 5
train=10209 // Scorch Rank 6
train=10210 // Scorch Rank 7
train=1035 // Fire Ward Rank 1
train=8459 // Fire Ward Rank 2
train=8460 // Fire Ward Rank 3
train=10224 // Fire Ward Rank 4
train=10226 // Fire Ward Rank 5
train=1142 // Frostbolt Rank 1
train=1191 // Frostbolt Rank 2
train=1211 // Frostbolt Rank 3
train=7323 // Frostbolt Rank 4
train=8409 // Frostbolt Rank 5
train=8410 // Frostbolt Rank 6
train=8411 // Frostbolt Rank 7
train=10182 // Frostbolt Rank 8
train=10183 // Frostbolt Rank 9
train=10184 // Frostbolt Rank 10
train=1174 // Frost Armor Rank 2
train=1200 // Frost Armor Rank 3
train=1214 // Ice Armor Rank 1
train=1228 // Ice Armor Rank 2
train=10221 // Ice Armor Rank 3
train=10222 // Ice Armor Rank 4
train=1194 // Frost Nova Rank 1
train=1225 // Frost Nova Rank 2
train=6132 // Frost Nova Rank 3
train=10231 // Frost Nova Rank 4
train=1196 // Blizzard Rank 1
train=6142 // Blizzard Rank 2
train=8428 // Blizzard Rank 3
train=10188 // Blizzard Rank 4
train=10189 // Blizzard Rank 5
train=10190 // Blizzard Rank 6
train=1241 // Cone of Cold Rank 1
train=8493 // Cone of Cold Rank 2
train=10162 // Cone of Cold Rank 3
train=10163 // Cone of Cold Rank 4
train=10164 // Cone of Cold Rank 5
train=6144 // Frost Ward Rank 1
train=8463 // Frost Ward Rank 2
train=8464 // Frost Ward Rank 3
train=10178 // Frost Ward Rank 4
train=1472 // Arcane Intellect Rank 1
train=1473 // Arcane Intellect Rank 2
train=1474 // Arcane Intellect Rank 3
train=1475 // Arcane Intellect Rank 4
train=16876 // Arcane Intellect Rank 5
train=5507 // Conjure Water Rank 1
train=5565 // Conjure Water Rank 2
train=5566 // Conjure Water Rank 3
train=6128 // Conjure Water Rank 4
train=10141 // Conjure Water Rank 5
train=10142 // Conjure Water Rank 6
train=1249 // Conjure Food Rank 1
train=1250 // Conjure Food Rank 2
train=1251 // Conjure Food Rank 3
train=6130 // Conjure Food Rank 4
train=10146 // Conjure Food Rank 5
train=10147 // Conjure Food Rank 6
train=5146 // Arcane Missiles Rank 1
train=5147 // Arcane Missiles Rank 2
train=5148 // Arcane Missiles Rank 3
train=8420 // Arcane Missiles Rank 4
train=8421 // Arcane Missiles Rank 5
train=10213 // Arcane Missiles Rank 6
train=10214 // Arcane Missiles Rank 7
train=1467 // Arcane Explosion Rank 1
train=8440 // Arcane Explosion Rank 2
train=8441 // Arcane Explosion Rank 3
train=8442 // Arcane Explosion Rank 4
train=10203 // Arcane Explosion Rank 5
train=10204 // Arcane Explosion Rank 6
train=1168 // Polymorph Rank 1
train=12827 // Polymorph Rank 2
train=12828 // Polymorph Rank 3
train=12829 // Polymorph Rank 4
train=1266 // Dampen Magic Rank 1
train=8452 // Dampen Magic Rank 2
train=8453 // Dampen Magic Rank 3
train=10175 // Dampen Magic Rank 4
train=10176 // Dampen Magic Rank 5
train=1267 // Amplify Magic Rank 1
train=8456 // Amplify Magic Rank 2
train=10171 // Amplify Magic Rank 3
train=10172 // Amplify Magic Rank 4
train=1481 // Mana Shield Rank 1
train=8496 // Mana Shield Rank 2
train=8497 // Mana Shield Rank 3
train=10194 // Mana Shield Rank 4
train=10195 // Mana Shield Rank 5
train=10196 // Mana Shield Rank 6
train=1210 // Conjure Mana Agate
train=3553 // Conjure Mana Jade
train=10055 // Conjure Mana Citrine
train=10056 // Conjure Mana Ruby
train=1176 // Remove Lesser Curse
train=2858 // Detect Magic
train=3576 // Counterspell
train=5499 // Blink
train=6493 // Slow Fall
train=3577 // Teleport: Undercity
train=665 // Teleport: Stormwind
train=3580 // Teleport: Orgrimmar
train=3581 // Teleport: Ironforge
train=3579 // Teleport: Thunder Bluff
train=3578 // Teleport: Darnassus
train=11420 // Portal: Thunder Bluff
train=11422 // Portal: Darnassus
train=11425 // Portal: Undercity
train=1851 // Portal: Stormwind
train=11423 // Portal: Orgrimmar
train=11421 // Portal: Ironforge

train=6674 // Battle Shout Rank 1
train=5243 // Battle Shout Rank 2
train=6193 // Battle Shout Rank 3
train=6543 // Battle Shout Rank 4
train=11552 // Battle Shout Rank 5
train=11553 // Battle Shout Rank 6
train=1738 // Charge Rank 1
train=6180 // Charge Rank 2
train=11579 // Charge Rank 3
train=797 // Cleave Rank 1
train=3433 // Cleave Rank 2
train=3434 // Cleave Rank 3
train=3435 // Cleave Rank 4
train=20571 // Cleave Rank 5
train=1065 // Demoralizing Shout Rank 1
train=6191 // Demoralizing Shout Rank 2
train=11557 // Demoralizing Shout Rank 3
train=11558 // Demoralizing Shout Rank 4
train=11559 // Demoralizing Shout Rank 5
train=5283 // Execute Rank 1
train=6176 // Execute Rank 2
train=6177 // Execute Rank 3
train=20703 // Execute Rank 4
train=20704 // Execute Rank 5
train=1716 // Hamstring Rank 1
train=7374 // Hamstring Rank 2
train=7375 // Hamstring Rank 3
train=1605 // Heroic Strike Rank 1
train=1606 // Heroic Strike Rank 2
train=1607 // Heroic Strike Rank 3
train=1610 // Heroic Strike Rank 4
train=1611 // Heroic Strike Rank 5
train=6158 // Heroic Strike Rank 6
train=11570 // Heroic Strike Rank 7
train=11571 // Heroic Strike Rank 8
train=20611 // Intercept Rank 1
train=20621 // Intercept Rank 2
train=20622 // Intercept Rank 3
train=7382 // Mocking Blow Rank 1
train=7401 // Mocking Blow Rank 2
train=7403 // Mocking Blow Rank 3
train=20561 // Mocking Blow Rank 4
train=20562 // Mocking Blow Rank 5
train=7385 // Overpower Rank 1
train=7889 // Overpower Rank 2
train=11586 // Overpower Rank 3
train=11587 // Overpower Rank 4
train=6553 // Pummel Rank 1
train=6556 // Pummel Rank 2
train=6557 // Pummel Rank 3
train=1423 // Rend Rank 1
train=6549 // Rend Rank 2
train=6550 // Rend Rank 3
train=6551 // Rend Rank 4
train=11575 // Rend Rank 5
train=11576 // Rend Rank 6
train=11577 // Rend Rank 7
train=6573 // Revenge Rank 1
train=6575 // Revenge Rank 2
train=7380 // Revenge Rank 3
train=11602 // Revenge Rank 4
train=11603 // Revenge Rank 5
train=1675 // Shield Bash Rank 1
train=1676 // Shield Bash Rank 2
train=1677 // Shield Bash Rank 3
train=1482 // Slam Rank 1
train=8821 // Slam Rank 2
train=11606 // Slam Rank 3
train=11607 // Slam Rank 4
train=7404 // Sunder Armor Rank 1
train=7406 // Sunder Armor Rank 2
train=8381 // Sunder Armor Rank 3
train=11598 // Sunder Armor Rank 4
train=11599 // Sunder Armor Rank 5
train=1343 // Thunder Clap Rank 1
train=1344 // Thunder Clap Rank 2
train=8206 // Thunder Clap Rank 3
train=8207 // Thunder Clap Rank 4
train=11582 // Thunder Clap Rank 5
train=11583 // Thunder Clap Rank 6
train=3196 // Taunt Rank 1
train=18556 // Berserker Rage
train=1646 // Disarm
train=2467 // Battle Stance
train=1612 // Defensive Stance
train=1055 // Shield Wall
train=2570 // Shield Block
train=1722 // Recklessness
train=5247 // Intimidating Shout
train=2468 // Berserker Stance
train=2688 // Bloodrage
train=798 // Challenging Shout
train=1685 // Whirlwind
train=1424 // Dual Wield
train=21555 // Mortal Strike Rank 2
train=21557 // Mortal Strike Rank 3
train=21558 // Mortal Strike Rank 4
train=3128 // Parry


train=5231 // Mark of the Wild Rank 1

train=5233 // Mark of the Wild Rank 2
train=5235 // Mark of the Wild Rank 3
train=6782 // Mark of the Wild Rank 4
train=8908 // Mark of the Wild Rank 5
train=9886 // Mark of the Wild Rank 6
train=9887 // Mark of the Wild Rank 7
train=6806 // Wrath Rank 1
train=5181 // Wrath Rank 2
train=5182 // Wrath Rank 3
train=5183 // Wrath Rank 4
train=5184 // Wrath Rank 5
train=6781 // Wrath Rank 6
train=8906 // Wrath Rank 7
train=9911 // Wrath Rank 8
train=5191 // Healing Touch Rank 1
train=5190 // Healing Touch Rank 2
train=5192 // Healing Touch Rank 3
train=5193 // Healing Touch Rank 4
train=5194 // Healing Touch Rank 5
train=6779 // Healing Touch Rank 6
train=8904 // Healing Touch Rank 7
train=9759 // Healing Touch Rank 8
train=9890 // Healing Touch Rank 9
train=9891 // Healing Touch Rank 10
train=1428 // Rejuvenation Rank 1
train=1429 // Rejuvenation Rank 2
train=1431 // Rejuvenation Rank 3
train=2092 // Rejuvenation Rank 4
train=2093 // Rejuvenation Rank 5
train=3628 // Rejuvenation Rank 6
train=8911 // Rejuvenation Rank 7
train=9842 // Rejuvenation Rank 8
train=9843 // Rejuvenation Rank 9
train=9844 // Rejuvenation Rank 10
train=8937 // Regrowth Rank 1
train=8942 // Regrowth Rank 2
train=8943 // Regrowth Rank 3
train=8944 // Regrowth Rank 4
train=8945 // Regrowth Rank 5
train=9751 // Regrowth Rank 6
train=9859 // Regrowth Rank 7
train=9860 // Regrowth Rank 8
train=9861 // Regrowth Rank 9
train=8922 // Moonfire Rank 1
train=8930 // Moonfire Rank 2
train=8931 // Moonfire Rank 3
train=8932 // Moonfire Rank 4
train=8933 // Moonfire Rank 5
train=8934 // Moonfire Rank 6
train=8935 // Moonfire Rank 7
train=9836 // Moonfire Rank 8
train=9837 // Moonfire Rank 9
train=9838 // Moonfire Rank 10
train=1420 // Thorns Rank 1
train=1421 // Thorns Rank 2
train=1422 // Thorns Rank 3
train=8915 // Thorns Rank 4
train=9757 // Thorns Rank 5
train=10343 // Thorns Rank 6
train=1435 // Entangling Roots Rank 1
train=1436 // Entangling Roots Rank 2
train=2919 // Entangling Roots Rank 3
train=2920 // Entangling Roots Rank 4
train=9854 // Entangling Roots Rank 5
train=9855 // Entangling Roots Rank 6
train=5230 // Nature's Grasp Rank 2
train=17373 // Nature's Grasp Rank 3
train=17374 // Nature's Grasp Rank 4
train=17375 // Nature's Grasp Rank 5
train=17376 // Nature's Grasp Rank 6
train=2914 // Starfire Rank 1
train=8952 // Starfire Rank 2
train=8953 // Starfire Rank 3
train=8954 // Starfire Rank 4
train=9877 // Starfire Rank 5
train=9878 // Starfire Rank 6
//train=21851 // Gift of the Wild Rank 1 Can't be Traind
//train=21852 // Gift of the Wild Rank 2 Can't be Traind (becose of Gift of the Wild
Rank 1)
//train=16915 // Hurricane Rank 2 (Talent) I don't know where to find the talent
Huricane rank 1
//train=17406 // Hurricane Rank 3 (Talent)
train=1414 // Faerie Fire Rank 1
train=1415 // Faerie Fire Rank 2
train=1416 // Faerie Fire Rank 3
train=2889 // Faerie Fire Rank 4
train=3739 // Faerie Fire (Cat) Rank 2
train=17396 // Faerie Fire (Cat) Rank 3
train=17397 // Faerie Fire (Cat) Rank 4
train=3061 // Faerie Fire (Bear) Rank 2
train=17394 // Faerie Fire (Bear) Rank 3
train=17395 // Faerie Fire (Bear) Rank 4
train=1736 // Demoralizing Roar Rank 1
train=1737 // Demoralizing Roar Rank 2
train=9491 // Demoralizing Roar Rank 3
train=9748 // Demoralizing Roar Rank 4
train=9899 // Demoralizing Roar Rank 5
train=6810 // Maul Rank 1
train=6811 // Maul Rank 2
train=6812 // Maul Rank 3
train=8973 // Maul Rank 4
train=9746 // Maul Rank 5
train=9882 // Maul Rank 6
train=9883 // Maul Rank 7
train=5212 // Bash Rank 1
train=6799 // Bash Rank 2
train=8984 // Bash Rank 3
train=3139 // Swipe Rank 1
train=1432 // Swipe Rank 2
train=1433 // Swipe Rank 3
train=9755 // Swipe Rank 4
train=9909 // Swipe Rank 5
train=5299 // Hibernate Rank 1
train=18659 // Hibernate Rank 2
train=18660 // Hibernate Rank 3
train=22894 // Frenzied Regeneration Rank 1
train=22897 // Frenzied Regeneration Rank 2
train=22898 // Frenzied Regeneration Rank 3
train=22569 // Ferocious Bite Rank 1
train=22830 // Ferocious Bite Rank 2
train=22831 // Ferocious Bite Rank 3
train=22832 // Ferocious Bite Rank 4
train=1445 // Rip Rank 1
train=9494 // Rip Rank 2
train=9495 // Rip Rank 3
train=9753 // Rip Rank 4
train=9895 // Rip Rank 5
train=9897 // Rip Rank 6
train=5216 // Prowl Rank 1
train=6784 // Prowl Rank 2
train=9914 // Prowl Rank 3
train=1448 // Claw Rank 1
train=3030 // Claw Rank 2
train=5203 // Claw Rank 3
train=5204 // Claw Rank 4
train=9851 // Claw Rank 5
train=20485 // Rebirth Rank 1
train=20744 // Rebirth Rank 2
train=20745 // Rebirth Rank 3
train=20749 // Rebirth Rank 4
train=20750 // Rebirth Rank 5
train=5222 // Shred Rank 1
train=6801 // Shred Rank 2
train=8993 // Shred Rank 3
train=9831 // Shred Rank 4
train=9832 // Shred Rank 5
train=2910 // Soothe Animal Rank 1
train=8956 // Soothe Animal Rank 2
train=9902 // Soothe Animal Rank 3
train=1827 // Rake Rank 1
train=1828 // Rake Rank 2
train=1829 // Rake Rank 3
train=9905 // Rake Rank 4
train=5218 // Tiger's Fury Rank 1
train=6794 // Tiger's Fury Rank 2
train=9847 // Tiger's Fury Rank 3
train=9848 // Tiger's Fury Rank 4
train=1151 // Dash Rank 1
train=9822 // Dash Rank 2
train=8999 // Cower Rank 1
train=9001 // Cower Rank 2
train=9893 // Cower Rank 3
train=6786 // Ravage Rank 1
train=6790 // Ravage Rank 2
train=9868 // Ravage Rank 3
train=9869 // Ravage Rank 4
train=1439 // Tranquility Rank 1
train=8920 // Tranquility Rank 2
train=9864 // Tranquility Rank 3
train=9865 // Tranquility Rank 4
train=9006 // Pounce Rank 1
train=9825 // Pounce Rank 2
train=9828 // Pounce Rank 3
train=5210 // Challenging Roar Rank 1
train=20722 // Feline Grace
train=8947 // Cure Poison Rank 1
train=22826 // Barkskin
train=5226 // Track Humanoid
train=2897 // Abolish Poison
train=2788 // Remove Curse
train=5228 // Enrage
train=499 // Cat Form Shapeshift
train=5488 // Bear Form Shapeshift
train=1446 // Aquatic Form Shapeshift
train=1441 // Travel Form Shapeshift
train=11594 // Dire Bear Form

train=2014 // Ancestral Spirit Rank 1

train=20778 // Ancestral Spirit Rank 2
train=20779 // Ancestral Spirit Rank 3
train=20780 // Ancestral Spirit Rank 4
train=20781 // Ancestral Spirit Rank 5
train=1444 // Chain Heal Rank 1
train=10624 // Chain Heal Rank 2
train=10625 // Chain Heal Rank 3
train=1339 // Chain Lightning Rank 1
train=1340 // Chain Lightning Rank 2
train=2862 // Chain Lightning Rank 3
train=2863 // Chain Lightning Rank 4
train=8043 // Earth Shock Rank 1
train=8047 // Earth Shock Rank 2
train=8048 // Earth Shock Rank 3
train=8049 // Earth Shock Rank 4
train=10415 // Earth Shock Rank 5
train=10416 // Earth Shock Rank 6
train=10417 // Earth Shock Rank 7
train=8086 // Fire Nova Totem Rank 1
train=8500 // Fire Nova Totem Rank 2
train=8501 // Fire Nova Totem Rank 3
train=11316 // Fire Nova Totem Rank 4
train=11317 // Fire Nova Totem Rank 5
train=8186 // Fire Resistance Totem Rank 1
train=10540 // Fire Resistance Totem Rank 2
train=10541 // Fire Resistance Totem Rank 3
train=8051 // Flame Shock Rank 1
train=8054 // Flame Shock Rank 2
train=8055 // Flame Shock Rank 3
train=10449 // Flame Shock Rank 4
train=10450 // Flame Shock Rank 5
train=8231 // Flametongue Totem Rank 1
train=8252 // Flametongue Totem Rank 2
train=10528 // Flametongue Totem Rank 3
train=16394 // Flametongue Totem Rank 4
train=8025 // Flametongue Weapon Rank 1
train=8031 // Flametongue Weapon Rank 2
train=8032 // Flametongue Weapon Rank 3
train=10446 // Flametongue Weapon Rank 4
train=16347 // Flametongue Weapon Rank 5
train=16348 // Flametongue Weapon Rank 6
train=8183 // Frost Resistance Totem Rank 1
train=10480 // Frost Resistance Totem Rank 2
train=10481 // Frost Resistance Totem Rank 3
train=8057 // Frost Shock Rank 1
train=8059 // Frost Shock Rank 2
train=10474 // Frost Shock Rank 3
train=10475 // Frost Shock Rank 4
train=8035 // Frostbrand Weapon Rank 1
train=8039 // Frostbrand Weapon Rank 2
train=10457 // Frostbrand Weapon Rank 3
train=16357 // Frostbrand Weapon Rank 4
train=16358 // Frostbrand Weapon Rank 5
train=8837 // Grace of Air Totem Rank 1
train=10628 // Grace of Air Totem Rank 2
train=5396 // Healing Stream Totem Rank 1
train=6383 // Healing Stream Totem Rank 2
train=6384 // Healing Stream Totem Rank 3
train=10464 // Healing Stream Totem Rank 4
train=10465 // Healing Stream Totem Rank 5
train=1326 // Healing Wave Rank 2
train=1327 // Healing Wave Rank 3
train=1354 // Healing Wave Rank 4
train=1355 // Healing Wave Rank 5
train=1356 // Healing Wave Rank 6
train=8006 // Healing Wave Rank 7
train=10397 // Healing Wave Rank 8
train=10398 // Healing Wave Rank 9
train=8007 // Lesser Healing Wave Rank 1
train=8009 // Lesser Healing Wave Rank 2
train=8011 // Lesser Healing Wave Rank 3
train=10469 // Lesser Healing Wave Rank 4
train=10470 // Lesser Healing Wave Rank 5
train=10471 // Lesser Healing Wave Rank 6
train=1324 // Lightning Bolt Rank 2
train=1325 // Lightning Bolt Rank 3
train=1357 // Lightning Bolt Rank 4
train=1358 // Lightning Bolt Rank 5
train=6043 // Lightning Bolt Rank 6
train=10393 // Lightning Bolt Rank 7
train=10394 // Lightning Bolt Rank 8
train=15209 // Lightning Bolt Rank 9
train=15210 // Lightning Bolt Rank 10
train=1303 // Lightning Shield Rank 1
train=1304 // Lightning Shield Rank 2
train=1305 // Lightning Shield Rank 3
train=1363 // Lightning Shield Rank 4
train=8135 // Lightning Shield Rank 5
train=10433 // Lightning Shield Rank 6
train=10434 // Lightning Shield Rank 7
train=8189 // Magma Totem Rank 1
train=10588 // Magma Totem Rank 2
train=10589 // Magma Totem Rank 3
train=10590 // Magma Totem Rank 4
train=5678 // Mana Spring Totem Rank 1
train=10512 // Mana Spring Totem Rank 2
train=10514 // Mana Spring Totem Rank 3
train=10515 // Mana Spring Totem Rank 4
train=17362 // Mana Tide Totem Rank 2
train=17363 // Mana Tide Totem Rank 3
train=10597 // Nature Resistance Totem Rank 1
train=10602 // Nature Resistance Totem Rank 2
train=10603 // Nature Resistance Totem Rank 3
train=1333 // Purge Rank 1
train=8013 // Purge Rank 2
train=8020 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 1
train=8021 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 2
train=8022 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 3
train=10401 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 4
train=10402 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 5
train=16317 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 6
train=16318 // Rockbiter Weapon Rank 7
train=2075 // Searing Totem Rank 1
train=6379 // Searing Totem Rank 2
train=6380 // Searing Totem Rank 3
train=6381 // Searing Totem Rank 4
train=10439 // Searing Totem Rank 5
train=10440 // Searing Totem Rank 6
train=5731 // Stoneclaw Totem Rank 1
train=6400 // Stoneclaw Totem Rank 2
train=6401 // Stoneclaw Totem Rank 3
train=6402 // Stoneclaw Totem Rank 4
train=10429 // Stoneclaw Totem Rank 5
train=10430 // Stoneclaw Totem Rank 6
train=8073 // Stoneskin Totem Rank 1
train=8158 // Stoneskin Totem Rank 2
train=8159 // Stoneskin Totem Rank 3
train=10409 // Stoneskin Totem Rank 4
train=10410 // Stoneskin Totem Rank 5
train=10411 // Stoneskin Totem Rank 6
train=8077 // Strength of Earth Totem Rank 1
train=8164 // Strength of Earth Totem Rank 2
train=8165 // Strength of Earth Totem Rank 3
train=10443 // Strength of Earth Totem Rank 4
train=8513 // Windfury Totem Rank 1
train=10615 // Windfury Totem Rank 2
train=10616 // Windfury Totem Rank 3
train=8234 // Windfury Weapon Rank 1
train=8237 // Windfury Weapon Rank 2
train=10488 // Windfury Weapon Rank 3
train=16363 // Windfury Weapon Rank 4
train=15113 // Windwall Totem Rank 1
train=15115 // Windwall Totem Rank 2
train=15116 // Windwall Totem Rank 3
train=8173 // Disease Cleansing Totem
train=8169 // Poison Cleansing Totem
train=6496 // Sentry Totem
train=8144 // Tremor Totem
train=8180 // Grounding Totem
train=2076 // Earthbind Totem
train=2874 // Cure Disease
train=1315 // Cure Poison
train=5386 // Water Breathing
train=1338 // Water Walking
train=20613 // Reincarnation
train=5387 // Ghost Wolf
train=1345 // Far Sight
train=1352 // Astral Recall
train=8738 // Mail


train=1875 // Devotion Aura Rank 1

train=10294 // Devotion Aura Rank 2
train=1876 // Devotion Aura Rank 3
train=10295 // Devotion Aura Rank 4
train=1877 // Devotion Aura Rank 5
train=10296 // Devotion Aura Rank 6
train=10297 // Devotion Aura Rank 7
train=7296 // Retribution Aura Rank 1
train=10302 // Retribution Aura Rank 2
train=10303 // Retribution Aura Rank 3
train=10304 // Retribution Aura Rank 4
train=10305 // Retribution Aura Rank 5
train=19892 // Shadow Resistance Aura Rank 1
train=19904 // Shadow Resistance Aura Rank 2
train=19905 // Shadow Resistance Aura Rank 3
train=19893 // Frost Resistance Aura Rank 1
train=19906 // Frost Resistance Aura Rank 2
train=19907 // Frost Resistance Aura Rank 3
train=19894 // Fire Resistance Aura Rank 1
train=19908 // Fire Resistance Aura Rank 2
train=19909 // Fire Resistance Aura Rank 3
train=1872 // Holy Light Rank 1
train=1873 // Holy Light Rank 2
train=1874 // Holy Light Rank 3
train=1913 // Holy Light Rank 4
train=1914 // Holy Light Rank 5
train=3473 // Holy Light Rank 6
train=10330 // Holy Light Rank 7
train=10331 // Holy Light Rank 8
train=19751 // Flash of Light Rank 1
train=19944 // Flash of Light Rank 2
train=19945 // Flash of Light Rank 3
train=19946 // Flash of Light Rank 4
train=19947 // Flash of Light Rank 5
train=19948 // Flash of Light Rank 6
train=1878 // Lay on Hands Rank 1
train=2804 // Lay on Hands Rank 2
train=10311 // Lay on Hands Rank 3
train=7329 // Redemption Rank 1
train=10323 // Redemption Rank 2
train=10325 // Redemption Rank 3
train=20774 // Redemption Rank 4
train=20775 // Redemption Rank 5
train=5253 // Turn Undead Rank 1
train=5629 // Turn Undead Rank 2
train=10327 // Turn Undead Rank 3
train=685 // Holy Wrath Rank 1
train=10320 // Holy Wrath Rank 2
train=5613 // Exorcism Rank 1
train=5616 // Exorcism Rank 2
train=5617 // Exorcism Rank 3
train=10315 // Exorcism Rank 4
train=10316 // Exorcism Rank 5
train=10317 // Exorcism Rank 6
train=21085 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 1
train=20437 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 2
train=20438 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 3
train=20439 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 4
train=20440 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 5
train=20441 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 6
train=20442 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 7
train=20443 // Seal of Righteousness Rank 8
train=21083 // Seal of the Crusader Rank 1
train=20444 // Seal of the Crusader Rank 2
train=20445 // Seal of the Crusader Rank 3
train=20446 // Seal of the Crusader Rank 4
train=20447 // Seal of the Crusader Rank 5
train=20448 // Seal of the Crusader Rank 6
train=20450 // Seal of Fury Rank 1
train=20451 // Seal of Fury Rank 2
train=20452 // Seal of Fury Rank 3
train=20453 // Seal of Fury Rank 4
train=20454 // Seal of Fury Rank 5
train=20455 // Seal of Light Rank 1
train=20456 // Seal of Light Rank 2
train=20457 // Seal of Light Rank 3
train=20458 // Seal of Light Rank 4
train=20459 // Seal of Wisdom Rank 1
train=20460 // Seal of Wisdom Rank 2
train=20461 // Seal of Wisdom Rank 3
train=19741 // Blessing of Might Rank 1
train=19839 // Blessing of Might Rank 2
train=19840 // Blessing of Might Rank 3
train=19841 // Blessing of Might Rank 4
train=19842 // Blessing of Might Rank 5
train=19843 // Blessing of Might Rank 6
train=1911 // Blessing of Protection Rank 1
train=5600 // Blessing of Protection Rank 2
train=10279 // Blessing of Protection Rank 3
train=19743 // Blessing of Wisdom Rank 1
train=19855 // Blessing of Wisdom Rank 2
train=19856 // Blessing of Wisdom Rank 3
train=19857 // Blessing of Wisdom Rank 4
train=19858 // Blessing of Wisdom Rank 5
train=19995 // Blessing of Light Rank 1
train=19996 // Blessing of Light Rank 2
train=19997 // Blessing of Light Rank 3
train=6941 // Blessing of Sacrifice Rank 1
train=20730 // Blessing of Sacrifice Rank 2
train=5572 // Divine Protection Rank 1
train=5574 // Divine Protection Rank 2
train=1897 // Divine Shield Rank 1
train=1898 // Divine Shield Rank 2
train=5584 // Hammer of Justice Rank 1
train=5590 // Hammer of Justice Rank 2
train=5591 // Hammer of Justice Rank 3
train=10309 // Hammer of Justice Rank 4
train=20958 //Holy Shock Rank 2 (Talent)
train=20960 //Holy Shock Rank 3 (Talent)
train=1912 // Blessing of Salvation Rank 1
train=1909 // Blessing of Freedom
train=20462 // Seal of Justice
train=5503 // Sense Undead
train=1937 // Purify
train=10321 // Judgement
train=13820 // Summon Warhorse
train=19747 // Concentration Aura
train=19754 // Divine Intervention
train=4990 // Cleanse
train=3128 // Parry

Mangos commands (to do in chat window)


Syntax: Checks Your Account Gm Level.
Syntax: Shows All The Availble Commands You May Use.
Syntax: Dismounts You From Your Mount. NOTE* Must Be On A Munt To Work.
Syntax: Shows Gm's Online
.help [Command]
Syntax: Shows Help for the selected Command.
Syntax: Saves Character
Syntax: Teleports To Where Your Hearthstone Is Set

++ LEVEL 1 COMMANDS (Offical Member) ++
Syntax: Checks Your Account Gm Level.
Syntax: Shows All The Availble Commands You May Use.
Syntax: Dismounts You From Your Mount.
NOTE* Must Be On A Munt To Work.
Syntax: Shows Gm's Online
.help [Command]
Syntax: Shows Help for the selected Command.
Syntax: Saves Character.
Syntax: Teleports To Where Your Hearthstone Is Set.


.announce [message]
Syntax: Broadcast a System Wide Message Viewed By All Players.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty Off. Players And Mobs Can Now Attack You.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty On. Players And Mobs Cant Attack You.
You Are Now Visible In .Gmlist
.goname [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport Staright To The Selected Player.
.namego [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport The Selected Player To You.
Syntax: Display the position information for a selected character or creature.
Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id
.learnsk [Skill ID]
Syntax: Learns a skill for the selected player ingame.
.lookuptele [Location]
Syntax: Looks up the coordinates for the location selected.
.modify [Hp|Energy|Mana|Rage]
Syntax: Modify the selected players Hp, Energy, Mana, Rage.
.modify [Speed|Swim|Scale|
Syntax: Modify speed and swim rate from scale 0-10.
Modify Scale (Size) For Selected player from scale 0.01-3.
.money [# Amount]
Syntax: Give Money In Copper To Selected Player
Syntax: Teleport Playername or selected player to the place where he has been
before last use of a teleportation command.
If no Playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you.
Syntax: Saves All Players In Game
.Visible [0 or 1]
Syntax: Output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for
other players.

++ LEVEL 2 COMMANDS ( V.I.P ) ++
Syntax: Checks Your Account Gm Level.
Syntax: Shows All The Availble Commands You May Use.
Syntax: Dismounts You From Your Mount.
NOTE* Must Be On A Munt To Work.
Syntax: Shows Gm's Online
.help [Command]
Syntax: Shows Help for the selected Command.
Syntax: Saves Character.
Syntax: Teleports To Where Your Hearthstone Is Set.


.announce [message]
Syntax: Broadcast a System Wide Message Viewed By All Players.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty Off. Players And Mobs Can Now Attack You.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty On. Players And Mobs Cant Attack You.
You Are Now Visible In .Gmlist
.goname [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport Staright To The Selected Player.
.namego [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport The Selected Player To You.
Syntax: Display the position information for a selected character or creature.
Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id
.learnsk [Skill ID]
Syntax: Learns a skill for the selected player ingame.
.lookuptele [Location]
Syntax: Looks up the coordinates for the location selected.
.modify [Hp|Energy|Mana|Rage]
Syntax: Modify the selected players Hp, Energy, Mana, Rage.
.modify [Speed|Swim|Scale|
Syntax: Modify speed and swim rate from scale 0-10.
Modify Scale (Size) For Selected player from scale 0.01-3.
.money [# Amount]
Syntax: Give Money In Copper To Selected Player
Syntax: Teleport Playername or selected player to the place where he has been
before last use of a teleportation command.
If no Playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you.
Syntax: Saves All Players In Game
.Visible [0 or 1]
Syntax: Output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for
other players.


.addmove [#creature_guid] {#waittime}

Syntax: Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid
#creature_guid. And optional add wait time.
.addspw [Creature I.D]
Syntax: Spawns Creature To The Location You Are Standing.
.changelevel [0-73]
Syntax: Changes level of Selected Mob Or NPC.
Syntax: Delete Selected Creature From World
Syntax: Delete gameobject with gameobject guid.
Syntax: .delticket [all]
.delticket [#num]
.delticket [character name]
[all] to delete all tickets at server, [character name] to delete ticket of this character,
[#num] to delete ticket [#num].
Syntax: Demorph Selected Player
Syntax: Change the model id of the selected creature to
Syntax: Teleport your character to creature with guid
.kick [Char Name]
Syntax: Kick Char name of the server.
.pinfo [Char Name]
Syntax: Get Info on char's Account
Syntax: Teleports You To Programmer Island
.spawndist #dist
Syntax: Adjust spawndistance of selected creature to dist.
Syntax: Locate the nearst game object.
.ticket [on|off]
Syntax: [on] Show new tickets, [off] Dont show new tickets.


Syntax: Checks Your Account Gm Level.
Syntax: Shows All The Availble Commands You May Use.
Syntax: Dismounts You From Your Mount.
NOTE* Must Be On A Munt To Work.
Syntax: Shows Gm's Online
.help [Command]
Syntax: Shows Help for the selected Command.
Syntax: Saves Character.
Syntax: Teleports To Where Your Hearthstone Is Set.


.announce [message]
Syntax: Broadcast a System Wide Message Viewed By All Players.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty Off. Players And Mobs Can Now Attack You.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty On. Players And Mobs Cant Attack You.
You Are Now Visible In .Gmlist
.goname [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport Staright To The Selected Player.
.namego [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport The Selected Player To You.
Syntax: Display the position information for a selected character or creature.
Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id
.learnsk [Skill ID]
Syntax: Learns a skill for the selected player ingame.
.lookuptele [Location]
Syntax: Looks up the coordinates for the location selected.
.modify [Hp|Energy|Mana|Rage]
Syntax: Modify the selected players Hp, Energy, Mana, Rage.
.modify [Speed|Swim|Scale|
Syntax: Modify speed and swim rate from scale 0-10.
Modify Scale (Size) For Selected player from scale 0.01-3.
.money [# Amount]
Syntax: Give Money In Copper To Selected Player
Syntax: Teleport Playername or selected player to the place where he has been
before last use of a teleportation command.
If no Playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you.
Syntax: Saves All Players In Game
.Visible [0 or 1]
Syntax: Output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for
other players.


.addmove [#creature_guid] {#waittime}

Syntax: Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid
#creature_guid. And optional add wait time.
.addspw [Creature I.D]
Syntax: Spawns Creature To The Location You Are Standing.
.changelevel [0-73]
Syntax: Changes level of Selected Mob Or NPC.
Syntax: Delete Selected Creature From World
Syntax: Delete gameobject with gameobject guid.
Syntax: .delticket [all]
.delticket [#num]
.delticket [character name]
[all] to delete all tickets at server, [character name] to delete ticket of this character,
[#num] to delete ticket [#num].
Syntax: Demorph Selected Player
Syntax: Change the model id of the selected creature to
Syntax: Teleport your character to creature with guid
.kick [Char Name]
Syntax: Kick Char name of the server.
.pinfo [Char Name]
Syntax: Get Info on char's Account
Syntax: Teleports You To Programmer Island
.spawndist #dist
Syntax: Adjust spawndistance of selected creature to dist.
Syntax: Locate the nearst game object.
.ticket [on|off]
Syntax: [on] Show new tickets, [off] Dont show new tickets.
.addgo [Game Object #I.D]
Syntax. Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current
location using the #I.D.
.additem [Item #I.D] [#amount]
Syntax: Add a item from items template to your bag or selected players bag. Also
Add Amount #
.additemset [#itemsetid]
Syntax: Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character
Will add by one example each item from itemset.
Syntax: Enable or Disable Movement For Each Creature
Syntax: Show your bank
.banaccount [Account Name]
Syntax: Ban account name (can be viewed by players by using the .pinfo command)
and kick affected players currently logged in.
.banip [#ip]
Syntax: Bans logging into the server from computers with the provided IP address,
and kicks all affected players.
.createguild [Guild Name] [Guild Leader Char Name]
Syntax: Create a guild named Guild Name with the player Guild Leader Char
Name as leader.
Syntax: Cancels Shutdown
Syntax: Does What it Says.
.gameobject [#I.D]
Syntax: Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current
position using the [#I.D]
.go [#position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid]
Syntax: Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.
Syntax: Hover Your Character
.idleshutdown [#delay|cancel]
Syntax: Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are
present (no players) or cancel the shutdown if cancel value is used.
Syntax: .learn all
.learn all_myclass
.learn all_lang
All learns all spells for gm's, all_myclass learns all spells for your class, all_lang
learns all languages.
.levelup [1-69]
Syntax: Level Up Your Char With Selected #. To Down levels: .levelup -#
.lookupcreature [name of creature]
Syntax: Looks up a creature by nameofcreature, and returns all matches with their
creature ID's.
.lookupitem [item name]
Syntax: Looks up an item by Item name, and returns all matches with their Item
.lookupobject [object name]
Syntax: Looks up an gameobject by object name, and returns all matches with their
Gameobject ID's.
.lookupskill [name]
Syntax: Looks up a skill by name, and returns all matches with their skill ID's.
.lookupspell name
Syntax: Looks up a spell by name, and returns all matches with their spell ID's.
Syntax: Max's All Skills You Have Learned.
.morph [#display I.D]
Syntax: Change your current model id to #display I.D.
Syntax: Respawns All Dead And Alive NPC's, Mobs
Syntax: Revives Selected Player (Brings Back to Life)


Syntax: Checks Your Account Gm Level.
Syntax: Shows All The Availble Commands You May Use.
Syntax: Dismounts You From Your Mount.
NOTE* Must Be On A Munt To Work.
Syntax: Shows Gm's Online
.help [Command]
Syntax: Shows Help for the selected Command.
Syntax: Saves Character.
Syntax: Teleports To Where Your Hearthstone Is Set.

.announce [message]
Syntax: Broadcast a System Wide Message Viewed By All Players.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty Off. Players And Mobs Can Now Attack You.
Syntax: Turn Gm Visibilty On. Players And Mobs Cant Attack You.
You Are Now Visible In .Gmlist
.goname [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport Staright To The Selected Player.
.namego [Char Name]
Syntax: Teleport The Selected Player To You.
Syntax: Display the position information for a selected character or creature.
Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id
.learnsk [Skill ID]
Syntax: Learns a skill for the selected player ingame.
.lookuptele [Location]
Syntax: Looks up the coordinates for the location selected.
.modify [Hp|Energy|Mana|Rage]
Syntax: Modify the selected players Hp, Energy, Mana, Rage.
.modify [Speed|Swim|Scale|
Syntax: Modify speed and swim rate from scale 0-10.
Modify Scale (Size) For Selected player from scale 0.01-3.
.money [# Amount]
Syntax: Give Money In Copper To Selected Player
Syntax: Teleport Playername or selected player to the place where he has been
before last use of a teleportation command.
If no Playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you.
Syntax: Saves All Players In Game
.Visible [0 or 1]
Syntax: Output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for
other players.


.addmove [#creature_guid] {#waittime}

Syntax: Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid
#creature_guid. And optional add wait time.
.addspw [Creature I.D]
Syntax: Spawns Creature To The Location You Are Standing.
.changelevel [0-73]
Syntax: Changes level of Selected Mob Or NPC.
Syntax: Delete Selected Creature From World
Syntax: Delete gameobject with gameobject guid.
Syntax: .delticket [all]
.delticket [#num]
.delticket [character name]
[all] to delete all tickets at server, [character name] to delete ticket of this character,
[#num] to delete ticket [#num].
Syntax: Demorph Selected Player
Syntax: Change the model id of the selected creature to
Syntax: Teleport your character to creature with guid
.kick [Char Name]
Syntax: Kick Char name of the server.
.pinfo [Char Name]
Syntax: Get Info on char's Account
Syntax: Teleports You To Programmer Island
.spawndist #dist
Syntax: Adjust spawndistance of selected creature to dist.
Syntax: Locate the nearst game object.
.ticket [on|off]
Syntax: [on] Show new tickets, [off] Dont show new tickets.
.addgo [Game Object #I.D]
Syntax. Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current
location using the #I.D.
.additem [Item #I.D] [#amount]
Syntax: Add a item from items template to your bag or selected players bag. Also
Add Amount #
.additemset [#itemsetid]
Syntax: Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character
Will add by one example each item from itemset.
Syntax: Enable or Disable Movement For Each Creature
Syntax: Show your bank
.banaccount [Account Name]
Syntax: Ban account name (can be viewed by players by using the .pinfo command)
and kick affected players currently logged in.
.banip [#ip]
Syntax: Bans logging into the server from computers with the provided IP address,
and kicks all affected players.
.createguild [Guild Name] [Guild Leader Char Name]
Syntax: Create a guild named Guild Name with the player Guild Leader Char
Name as leader.
Syntax: Cancels Shutdown
Syntax: Does What it Says.
.gameobject [#I.D]
Syntax: Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current
position using the [#I.D]
.go [#position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid]
Syntax: Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.
Syntax: Hover Your Character
.idleshutdown [#delay|cancel]
Syntax: Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are
present (no players) or cancel the shutdown if cancel value is used.
Syntax: .learn all
.learn all_myclass
.learn all_lang
All learns all spells for gm's, all_myclass learns all spells for your class, all_lang
learns all languages.
.levelup [1-69]
Syntax: Level Up Your Char With Selected #. To Down levels: .levelup -#
.lookupcreature [name of creature]
Syntax: Looks up a creature by nameofcreature, and returns all matches with their
creature ID's.
.lookupitem [item name]
Syntax: Looks up an item by Item name, and returns all matches with their Item
.lookupobject [object name]
Syntax: Looks up an gameobject by object name, and returns all matches with their
Gameobject ID's.
.lookupskill [name]
Syntax: Looks up a skill by name, and returns all matches with their skill ID's.
.lookupspell name
Syntax: Looks up a spell by name, and returns all matches with their spell ID's.
Syntax: Max's All Skills You Have Learned.
.morph [#display I.D]
Syntax: Change your current model id to #display I.D.
Syntax: Respawns All Dead And Alive NPC's, Mobs
Syntax: Revives Selected Player (Brings Back to Life)


.shutdown #seconds
Syntax: Shutdown server
.Security [Player name] [#level]
Syntax: Set the security level of player Player name to a level of #level.
#level may range from 0 to 4.
.wchange [#weathertype] [#status]
Syntax: Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensity of #status.
#weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand. #status can be 0 for
disabled, and 1 for enabled.
.flymode [on|off]
Syntax: Lets You fly In mid air, to enable type on or to disable type off.

Command: .learnsk [skill id]

ID Number | Name

754 Racial - Human

393 Skinning
109 Language: Orcish
124 Tauren Racial
433 Shield
137 Language: Thalassian
473 Fist Weapons
140 Language: Titan
160 Two-Handed Maces
253 Assassination
313 Language: Gnomish
613 Discipline
653 Pet - Bat
413 Mail
414 Leather
45 Bows
229 Polearms
593 Destruction
573 Restoration
251 Pet - Turtle
257 Protection
293 Plate Mail
8 Fire
46 Guns
270 Pet - Generic
98 Language: Common
125 Orc Racial
315 Language: Troll
139 Language: Demon Tongue
354 Demonology
355 Affliction
165 Leatherworking
134 Feral Combat
373 Enhancement
374 Restoration
375 Elemental Combat
415 Cloth
236 Pet - Scorpid
176 Thrown
6 Frost
26 Arms
38 Combat
39 Subtlety
44 Axes
50 Beast Mastery
51 Survival
56 Holy
78 Shadow Magic
101 Dwarven Racial
111 Language: Dwarven
113 Language: Darnassian
115 Language: Taurahe
118 Dual Wield
136 Staves
138 Language: Draconic
141 Language: Old Tongue
142 Survival
155 Swimming
163 Marksmanship
164 Blacksmithing
172 Two-Handed Axes
173 Daggers
184 Retribution
189 Pet - Felhunter
197 Tailoring
204 Pet - Voidwalker
205 Pet - Succubus
206 Pet - Infernal
208 Pet - Wolf
209 Pet - Cat
210 Pet - Bear
211 Pet - Boar
212 Pet - Crocilisk
213 Pet - Carrion Bird
214 Pet - Crab
217 Pet - Raptor
218 Pet - Tallstrider
220 Racial - Undead
226 Crossbows
228 Wands
574 Balance
256 Fury
594 Holy
633 Lockpicking
654 Pet - Hyena
655 Pet - Owl
656 Pet - Wind Serpent
673 Language: Gutterspeak
95 Defense
333 Enchanting
186 Mining
43 Swords
55 Two-Handed Swords
733 Racial - Troll
753 Racial - Gnome
188 Pet - Imp
203 Pet - Spider
207 Pet - Doomguard
215 Pet - Gorilla
202 Engineering
356 Fishing
171 Alchemy
54 Maces
182 Herbalism
129 First Aid
185 Cooking
126 Night Elf Racial
237 Arcane
261 Beast Training
267 Protection
40 Poisons
162 Unarmed
762 Riding

Skill ids for riding mounts

Command: .additem [#item Idea]
8586 Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor
8588 Whistle of the Emerald Raptor
8589 Old Whistle of the Ivory Raptor
8590 Old Whistle of the Obsidian Raptor
8591 Whistle of the Turquoise Raptor
8592 Whistle of the Violet Raptor
13317 Whistle of the Ivory Raptor
18246 Whistle of the Black War Raptor
18788 Swift Blue Raptor
18789 Swift Olive Raptor
18790 Swift Orange Raptor
19872 Swift Razzashi Raptor
29472 Whistle of the Black War Raptor

1041 Horn of the Black Wolf
1132 Horn of the Timber Wolf
1133 Horn of the Winter Wolf
1134 Horn of the Gray Wolf
5663 Horn of the Red Wolf
5665 Horn of the Dire Wolf
5668 Horn of the Brown Wolf
12330 Horn of the Red Wolf
12351 Horn of the Arctic Wolf
18245 Horn of the Black War Wolf
18796 Horn of the Swift Brown Wolf
18797 Horn of the Swift Timber Wolf
18798 Horn of the Swift Gray Wolf
19029 Horn of the Frostwolf Howler
29469 Horn of the Black War Wolf

5656 Brown Horse Bridle
13331 Red Skeletal Horse
13332 Blue Skeletal Horse
13333 Brown Skeletal Horse
13334 Green Skeletal Warhorse
18248 Red Skeletal Warhorse
18791 Purple Skeletal Warhorse
29470 Red Skeletal Warhorse
30480 Fiery Warhorse's Reins

5864 Gray Ram
5872 Brown Ram
5873 White Ram
5874 Harness: Black Ram
5875 Harness: Blue Ram
13328 Black Ram
13329 Frost Ram
18244 Black War Ram
18785 Swift White Ram
18786 Swift Brown Ram
18787 Swift Gray Ram
29467 Black War Ram

14062 Kodo Mount
15277 Gray Kodo
15290 Brown Kodo
15292 Green Kodo
15293 Teal Kodo
18247 Black War Kodo
18793 Great White Kodo
18794 Great Brown Kodo
18795 Great Gray Kodo
29466 Black War Kodo

18766 Reins of the Purple Hawkstrider
18767 Reins of the Purple Hawkstrider
28936 Swift Pink Hawkstrider
29220 Blue Hawkstrider
29221 Black Hawkstrider
29222 Purple Hawkstrider
29223 Swift Green Hawkstrider
29224 Swift Purple Hawkstrider

8627 Reins of the Night saber
8628 Reins of the Spotted Nightsaber
8629 Reins of the Striped Nightsaber
8631 Reins of the Striped Frostsaber
8632 Reins of the Spotted Frostsaber
12302 Reins of the Frostsaber
12303 Reins of the Nightsaber
13086 Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber
18902 Reins of the Swift Stormsaber

25470 Golden Gryphon
25471 Ebon Gryphon
25472 Snowy Gryphon
25473 Swift Blue Gryphon
25527 Swift Red Gryphon
25528 Swift Green Gryphon
25529 Swift Purple Gryphon

33338 Peep The Phoenix (GM ONLY)

Spell Id’s listing :

Command: .learnsp [#id]

ID Number | Name

1 Word of Recall (OLD)

3 Word of Mass Recall (OLD)
4 Word of Recall Other
5 Death Touch
7 Suicide
10 Blizzard (Rank 1)
11 Swiftness
12 Hot Foot (TEST)
13 Swim Speed (TEST)
14 Mana Drain
15 Leech (TEST)
16 Fear (NYI)
17 Power Word: Shield (Rank 1)
18 Heal Self (TEST)
22 Super Food (TEST)
24 Major Heal Self (TEST)
25 Stun
26 Bind Self (TEST)
27 Goldshire Portal
31 Teleport Goldshire
33 Teleport Westfall
34 Teleport Duskwood
35 Teleport Elwynn
43 Berserk (Racial)
45 War Stomp
47 Sprint (TEST)
49 Healing Touch (TEST)
50 Zone Recall (OLD)
53 Backstab (Rank 1)
56 Stun
58 Magic Missile (TEST)
59 Normal bow shot (TEST)
60 Long bow shot (TEST)
61 Really Long bow shot (TEST)
65 Haste
66 Lesser Invisibility
67 Vindication (Rank 1)
68 Editor Test Spell
71 Defensive Stance
72 Shield Bash (Rank 1)
75 Auto Shot
77 Turtle's Shell
78 Heroic Strike (Rank 1)
81 Dodge (Passive)
84 Low Health
89 Cripple (Rank 1)
91 Savage Assault
96 Dismember
99 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 1)
100 Charge (Rank 1)
101 Trip (Rank 1)
107 Block (Passive)
108 Evade (DND)
110 Spell Deflection (NYI)
111 Time Step
112 Reflect Magic (TEST)
113 Chains of Ice (Rank 1)
116 Frostbolt (Rank 1)
118 Polymorph (Rank 1)
120 Cone of Cold (Rank 1)
122 Frost Nova (Rank 1)
126 Eye of Kilrogg (Summon)
128 Spellstone
130 Slow Fall
131 Water Breathing
132 Detect Lesser Invisibility
133 Fireball (Rank 1)
134 Fire Shield
136 Mend Pet (Rank 1)
139 Renew (Rank 1)
142 New Magic Missile (Test)
143 Fireball (Rank 2)
145 Fireball (Rank 3)
168 Frost Armor (Rank 1)
172 Corruption (Rank 1)
184 Fire Shield II
196 One-Handed Axes
197 Two-Handed Axes
198 One-Handed Maces
199 Two-Handed Maces
200 Polearms
201 One-Handed Swords
202 Two-Handed Swords
203 Unarmed
204 Defense
205 Frostbolt (Rank 2)
227 Staves
228 Polymorph: Chicken (Rank 2)
246 Slow (Rank 1)
260 Charm (TEST)
261 Summon Skeleton
264 Bows
265 Area Death (TEST)
266 Guns
269 Walk of Fire Trigger (DNC)
271 Call of the Void
284 Heroic Strike (Rank 2)
285 Heroic Strike (Rank 3)
302 Savage Assault II
324 Lightning Shield (Rank 1)
325 Lightning Shield (Rank 2)
331 Healing Wave (Rank 1)
332 Healing Wave (Rank 2)
339 Entangling Roots (Rank 1)
348 Immolate (Rank 1)
355 Taunt
370 Purge (Rank 1)
379 Bloodlust
403 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
408 Kidney Shot (Rank 1)
409 Shadowskin
410 Shadowskin II
411 Shadowskin III
421 Chain Lightning (Rank 1)
427 Teleport Monastery
428 Teleport Moonbrook
430 Drink
431 Drink
432 Drink
433 Food
434 Food
435 Food
436 Restore Mana
437 Restore Mana
438 Restore Mana
439 Healing Potion
440 Healing Potion
441 Healing Potion
442 Teleport Northshire Abbey
443 Teleport Barracks
444 Teleport Lighthouse
445 Teleport Darkshire
446 Teleport Cemetary
447 Teleport Treant
448 Editor test spell 2
450 Fast Cast (NYI)
453 Mind Soothe (Rank 1)
454 Gallop (TEST)
455 Replenish Spirit
457 Feeblemind
458 Brown Horse
459 Gray Wolf
461 Righteous Flame On
463 Aura Overlap TEST 1
464 Aura Overlap TEST 2
465 Devotion Aura (Rank 1)
467 Thorns (Rank 1)
468 White Stallion
470 Black Stallion
471 Palamino Stallion
472 Pinto Horse
474 Fumble
475 Remove Lesser Curse
476 Frost Shield (Rank 1)
477 Polymorph: Pig (Rank 1)
478 Frostbolt (Rank 1)
479 Beast Claws
481 Water Elemental (Rank 2)
482 Reset
483 Fireball (Rank 2)
484 Frost Armor (Rank 2)
485 Chains of Ice (Rank 1)
486 Remove Curse (Rank 1)
487 Slow (Rank 1)
488 Water Breathing (Rank 1)
490 Frost Shield (Rank 2)
491 Khadgar's Unlocking (Rank 1)
493 Khadgar's Unlocking (Rank 1)
494 Frostbolt (Rank 2)
495 Polymorph: Sheep (Rank 3)
496 Drain Mana (Rank 1)
497 Frost Nova (Rank 1)
498 Divine Protection (Rank 1)
499 Cat Form (Shapeshift)
502 Fireball (Rank 3)
504 Seal of Protection (Rank 2)
506 Ice Armor (Rank 1)
507 Fumble II
509 Feeblemind II
512 Chains of Ice (Rank 2)
513 Earth Elemental
514 Wyatt Test
515 Lesser Invisibility (Rank 1)
517 Blink (Rank 1)
518 Summon Worm
519 Ghost Wolf (Rank 2)
520 Chains of Ice (Rank 2)
521 Moonfire (Rank 7)
526 Cure Poison
527 Dispel Magic (Rank 1)
528 Cure Disease
529 Lightning Bolt (Rank 2)
530 Charm (Possess)
531 Lightning Bolt (Rank 2)
532 Lightning Shield (Rank 1)
533 Unyielding Will (Rank 1)
534 Molten Blast (Rank 1)
535 Shadow Ward (Rank 1)
536 Cure Poison (Rank 1)
537 Undying Strength (Rank 1)
538 Healing Wave (Rank 2)
539 Moonfire (Rank 2)
540 Nullify Disease (Rank 1)
541 Fire Resistance (Rank 1)
543 Fire Ward (Rank 1)
546 Water Walking
547 Healing Wave (Rank 3)
548 Lightning Bolt (Rank 3)
550 Nullify Poison (Rank 1)
552 Abolish Disease
553 Bloodlust II
555 Feral Spirit
556 Astral Recall
557 Lightning Shield (Rank 2)
558 Purge (Rank 1)
559 Exorcism (Rank 3)
560 Spirit Armor (Rank 2)
561 Molten Blast (Rank 2)
562 Water Walking (Rank 1)
563 Moonfire (Rank 6)
565 Healing Wave (Rank 3)
566 Lightning Bolt (Rank 3)
567 Undying Strength (Rank 2)
568 Arcane Burst
569 Nullify Poison (Rank 2)
570 Far Sight (Rank 1)
571 Nullify Disease (Rank 2)
573 Moonfire (Rank 3)
574 Redemption (Rank 1)
575 Unyielding Will (Rank 2)
577 Astral Recall (Rank 1)
578 Black Wolf
579 Red Wolf
580 Large Timber Wolf
581 Winter Wolf
585 Smite (Rank 1)
586 Fade (Rank 1)
587 Conjure Food (Rank 1)
588 Inner Fire (Rank 1)
589 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 1)
591 Smite (Rank 2)
592 Power Word: Shield (Rank 2)
594 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 2)
595 Prayer of Protection
596 Prayer of Healing (Rank 1)
597 Conjure Food (Rank 2)
598 Smite (Rank 3)
600 Power Word: Shield (Rank 3)
601 Sword Mastery (Rank 1)
602 Inner Fire (Rank 3)
603 Curse of Doom
604 Dampen Magic (Rank 1)
605 Mind Control (Rank 1)
606 Mind Rot (Rank 1)
607 Create Firestone
608 Conjure Food (Rank 1)
609 Inner Fire (Rank 1)
610 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 1)
611 Seal of Sacrifice (Rank 1)
612 Holy Smite (Rank 2)
613 Lesser Heal (Rank 2)
614 Shadow Word: Fumble (Rank 1)
615 Dispel Magic (Rank 1)
616 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 2)
618 Prayer of Healing (Rank 1)
619 Conjure Food (Rank 2)
620 Holy Smite (Rank 3)
622 Lesser Heal (Rank 3)
624 Inner Fire (Rank 3)
625 Curse of Archimonde (Rank 1)
626 Seal of Might (Rank 3)
627 Mind Control (Rank 1)
628 Mind Rot (Rank 1)
633 Lay on Hands (Rank 1)
635 Holy Light (Rank 1)
639 Holy Light (Rank 2)
642 Divine Shield (Rank 1)
643 Devotion Aura (Rank 3)
647 Holy Light (Rank 3)
650 Blood Boil (Rank 1)
651 Holy Word: Shield (Rank 5)
652 Sap (Rank 1)
653 Seal of Might (Rank 1)
654 Fear (Rank 2)
655 Blood Boil (Rank 2)
656 Holy Light (Rank 2)
657 Create Greater Healthstone (Rank 4)
659 Divine Shield (Rank 1)
661 Blood Boil (Rank 3)
662 Seal of Might (Rank 2)
663 Fear (Rank 3)
664 Holy Light (Rank 3)
665 Teleport: Stormwind
668 Language Common
669 Language Orcish
670 Language Taurahe
671 Language Darnassian
672 Language Dwarven
673 Lesser Armor
674 Dual Wield (Passive)
676 Disarm
685 Holy Wrath (Rank 1)
686 Shadow Bolt (Rank 1)
687 Demon Skin (Rank 1)
688 Summon Imp (Summon)
689 Drain Life (Rank 1)
690 Firebolt II
691 Summon Felhunter (Summon)
692 Terror (TEST)
693 Create Soulstone (Minor)
694 Mocking Blow (Rank 1)
695 Shadow Bolt (Rank 2)
696 Demon Skin (Rank 2)
697 Summon Voidwalker (Summon)
698 Ritual of Summoning
699 Drain Life (Rank 2)
700 Sleep (Rank 1)
701 Firebolt
702 Curse of Weakness (Rank 1)
703 Garrote (Rank 1)
704 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 1)
705 Shadow Bolt (Rank 3)
706 Demon Armor (Rank 1)
707 Immolate (Rank 2)
709 Drain Life (Rank 3)
710 Banish (Rank 1)
711 Hellfire
712 Summon Succubus (Summon)
713 Turn Undead (Rank 2)
714 Drain Life (Rank 1)
719 Create Soulstone (Rank 1)
720 Entangle
721 Shadow Bolt (Rank 2)
722 Demon Skin (Rank 2)
724 Lightwell (Rank 1)
725 Drain Life (Rank 2)
726 Sleep (Rank 1)
727 Cripple (Rank 1)
729 Curse of Weakness (Rank 1)
730 Health Funnel (Rank 1)
731 Entangle
732 Shadow Bolt (Rank 3)
733 Demon Armor (Rank 1)
734 Immolate (Rank 2)
735 Divine Protection (Rank 2)
736 Drain Life (Rank 3)
739 Debuff Fire Resist (TEST)
740 Tranquility (Rank 1)
741 Dwarven
742 Pulverize
743 Shadowmeld (Racial)
744 Poison
745 Web
746 First Aid (Rank 1)
747 Summon Images
748 Staff Strike II (Disabled)
749 Firestaff
750 Plate Mail
751 Staff Strike (Disabled)
752 Staff Strike IV (Disabled)
753 Firestaff II
755 Health Funnel (Rank 1)
758 Firestone Passive (Rank 1)
759 Conjure Mana Agate
766 Water Elemental (Rank 1)
768 Cat Form (Shapeshift)
769 Swipe (Rank 3)
770 Faerie Fire (Rank 1)
772 Rend (Rank 1)
774 Rejuvenation (Rank 1)
775 Tree Form (Shapeshift)
776 Abolish Magic (Rank 1)
778 Faerie Fire (Rank 2)
779 Swipe (Rank 1)
780 Swipe (Rank 2)
781 Disengage (Rank 1)
782 Thorns (Rank 2)
783 Travel Form (Shapeshift)
784 Faerie Fire (Rank 1)
785 True Fulfillment
786 Thorns (Rank 1)
788 Rejuvenation (Rank 1)
789 Divine Escape (Rank 1)
790 Entangling Roots (Rank 1)
791 Abolish Magic (Rank 1)
792 Tranquility (Rank 1)
793 Faerie Fire (Rank 2)
794 Initialize Images
795 Thorns (Rank 2)
796 Mend Pet (Rank 2)
797 Cleave (Rank 1)
798 Challenging Shout
799 Twin Teleport
800 Twin Teleport
802 Mutate Bug
804 Explode Bug
806 Fervor
812 Periodic Mana Burn
813 Language Thalassian (NYI)
814 Language Draconic (NYI)
815 Language Demon Tongue
816 Language Titan (NYI)
817 Language Old Tongue (NYI)
818 Basic Campfire
819 Toughness (Rank 1)
820 Regeneration (Rank 1)
821 Meditation (Rank 1)
822 Magic Resistance
823 Natural Resistance
824 Horse Riding (Passive)
825 Wolf Riding (Passive)
826 Ram Riding (Passive)
827 Nightmare Riding
828 Tiger Riding (Passive)
829 Thickskull
830 Fearless
831 Swimming (NYI)
833 Green Tea
834 Lesser Armor
835 Tidal Charm
837 Frostbolt (Rank 3)
838 Frostbolt (Rank 3)
839 Haste II
842 Ethereal Form (Rank 2)
844 Ice Armor (Rank 2)
845 Cleave (Rank 1)
846 Flamestrike (Rank 1)
848 Nature Resistance (Rank 1)
849 Elemental Armor
850 Savage Pummel (Rank 1)
851 Polymorph: Sheep (Rank 3)
852 Polymorph: Chicken (Rank 2)
853 Hammer of Justice (Rank 1)
854 Fireball (Rank 4)
855 Feeblemind III
857 Khadgar's Unlocking (Rank 2)
858 Khadgar's Unlocking (Rank 2)
860 Renew (Rank 6)
862 Drain Mana (Rank 2)
863 Blur III
864 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1)
865 Frost Nova (Rank 2)
866 Frost Nova (Rank 2)
867 Fumble III
870 Renew (Rank 4)
871 Shield Wall
872 Flamestrike (Rank 2)
874 Fire Ward (Rank 1)
877 Elemental Fury
879 Exorcism (Rank 1)
880 Moonfire (Rank 5)
882 Holy Smite (Rank 6)
883 Call Pet
885 Invisibility
886 Invisibility (Rank 2)
890 Renew (Rank 5)
894 Blink (Rank 2)
895 Fire Elemental
897 Summon Angry Programmer
898 Create Fervor Potion
900 Molten Blast (Rank 3)
902 Spirit Armor (Rank 3)
905 Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
906 Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
908 Thunderbolt (Rank 1)
910 Unyielding Will (Rank 3)
913 Healing Wave (Rank 4)
914 Healing Wave (Rank 4)
915 Lightning Bolt (Rank 4)
918 Create Spellstone (Rank 1)
920 Chain Lightning (Rank 1)
921 Pick Pocket
922 Sense Undead (Rank 1)
924 Molten Blast (Rank 4)
926 Thunderclap (Rank 2)
928 Eye of Kilrogg (Rank 1)
930 Chain Lightning (Rank 2)
931 Exorcism (Rank 2)
932 Replenish Spirit II
935 Spirit Armor (Rank 4)
936 Holy Ward (Rank 1)
939 Healing Wave (Rank 5)
940 Greater Healing Wave (Rank 1)
943 Lightning Bolt (Rank 5)
944 Lightning Bolt (Rank 5)
945 Lightning Shield (Rank 4)
946 Lightning Shield (Rank 4)
950 Mind Bomb (Rank 1)
952 Molten Blast (Rank 5)
956 Curse of Tongues (Rank 1)
959 Healing Wave (Rank 6)
960 Greater Healing Wave (Rank 2)
962 Moonfire (Rank 4)
964 Heal (Rank 3)
967 Group Astral Recall (Rank 1)
968 Feral Spirit II
970 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 3)
971 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 3)
973 Holy Protection (Rank 1)
974 zzDONOTREUSE (Rank 1)
976 Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
977 Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
979 Corruption (Rank 3)
980 Curse of Agony (Rank 1)
981 Curse of Agony (Rank 1)
982 Revive Pet
983 Heal (Rank 4)
984 Smite (Rank 4)
985 Holy Smite (Rank 4)
988 Dispel Magic (Rank 2)
989 Dispel Magic (Rank 2)
990 Conjure Food (Rank 3)
991 Conjure Food (Rank 3)
992 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 4)
993 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 4)
994 Prayer of Protection II
996 Prayer of Healing (Rank 2)
997 Prayer of Healing (Rank 2)
999 Shadow Word: Fumble (Rank 2)
1002 Eyes of the Beast
1003 Shadow Word: Befuddle (Rank 2)
1004 Smite (Rank 5)
1005 Holy Smite (Rank 5)
1006 Inner Fire (Rank 4)
1007 Inner Fire (Rank 4)
1008 Amplify Magic (Rank 1)
1009 Savage Pummel (Rank 1)
1010 Curse of Idiocy (Rank 1)
1011 Turn Undead (Rank 1)
1012 Sword Mastery (Rank 1)
1013 Heroic Strength (Rank 1)
1014 Curse of Agony (Rank 2)
1015 Curse of Agony (Rank 2)
1017 Sense Demons (Rank 1)
1020 Divine Shield (Rank 2)
1021 Divine Shield (Rank 2)
1022 Blessing of Protection (Rank 1)
1023 Seal of Protection (Rank 1)
1025 Corruption (Rank 2)
1026 Holy Light (Rank 4)
1027 Holy Light (Rank 4)
1029 Curse of Agony (Rank 3)
1031 Curse of Weakness (Rank 3)
1032 Devotion Aura (Rank 5)
1033 Fire Shot (Rank 1)
1035 Fire Ward (Rank 1)
1037 Seal of Fury (Rank 1)
1038 Blessing of Salvation
1039 Seal of Salvation (Rank 1)
1042 Holy Light (Rank 5)
1043 Holy Light (Rank 5)
1044 Blessing of Freedom
1045 Fear (Rank 1)
1049 Create Healthstone (Rank 3)
1050 Sacrifice
1053 Counterspell (Rank 1)
1054 Lesser Firestone Effect
1055 Shield Wall
1056 Slow Poison II
1058 Rejuvenation (Rank 2)
1059 Rejuvenation (Rank 2)
1062 Entangling Roots (Rank 2)
1063 Entangling Roots (Rank 2)
1064 Chain Heal (Rank 1)
1065 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 1)
1066 Aquatic Form (Shapeshift)
1070 Faerie Fire (Rank 3)
1075 Thorns (Rank 3)
1076 Thorns (Rank 3)
1079 Rip (Rank 1)
1082 Claw (Rank 1)
1084 Firebolt III
1086 Demon Armor (Rank 2)
1087 Demon Armor (Rank 2)
1088 Shadow Bolt (Rank 4)
1089 Shadow Bolt (Rank 4)
1090 Sleep (Rank 2)
1091 Sleep (Rank 2)
1094 Immolate (Rank 3)
1095 Immolate (Rank 3)
1096 Firebolt IV
1098 Enslave Demon (Rank 1)
1101 Mana Funnel (Rank 1)
1105 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 3)
1106 Shadow Bolt (Rank 5)
1107 Corruption (Rank 1)
1108 Curse of Weakness (Rank 2)
1109 Curse of Weakness (Rank 2)
1112 Shadow Nova II
1114 Dodge Mastery (Rank 1)
1116 Chaos Shield
1117 Mend Pet (Rank 1)
1120 Drain Soul (Rank 1)
1121 Entangle
1122 Inferno (Summon)
1123 Ritual of Doom
1124 Hellfire II
1126 Mark of the Wild (Rank 1)
1127 Food
1129 Food
1130 Hunter's Mark (Rank 1)
1131 Food
1132 Critical Strike
1133 Drink
1135 Drink
1136 zzOLDBlessing of Reckoning Effect (Rank 1)
1137 Drink
1138 Crystal Protection
1139 Cold Eye
1140 Blur
1141 Brilliance Aura
1142 Frostbolt (Rank 1)
1146 Regeneration (Rank 1)
1147 Regeneration (Rank 2)
1148 Regeneration (Rank 3)
1149 Regeneration (Rank 4)
1150 Mind Vision (Rank 1)
1151 Dash (Rank 1)
1152 Purify
1153 Heal (Rank 2)
1159 First Aid (Rank 2)
1160 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 1)
1161 Challenging Shout
1163 Toughness (Rank 1)
1164 Toughness (Rank 2)
1165 Toughness (Rank 3)
1166 Toughness (Rank 4)
1167 Fire Shield
1168 Polymorph (Rank 1)
1169 Feeblemind
1171 Fumble
1172 Conjure: Torch
1173 Fireball (Rank 2)
1174 Frost Armor (Rank 2)
1175 Chains of Ice (Rank 1)
1176 Remove Lesser Curse
1177 Twin Empathy
1178 Bear Form (Passive) (Passive)
1179 Beast Claws
1180 Daggers
1181 Regeneration (Rank 2)
1182 Regeneration (Rank 3)
1183 Regeneration (Rank 4)
1185 Resist Fire (Rank 1)
1186 Conjure: Lockpick
1187 Haste
1188 Fire Shield II
1189 Shadow Resist (Rank 1)
1191 Frostbolt (Rank 2)
1192 Polymorph (Rank 2)
1193 Shadow Word: Silence (Rank 1)
1194 Frost Nova (Rank 1)
1195 Brilliance Aura II
1196 Blizzard (Rank 1)
1197 Create Firestone (Lesser)
1198 Fireball (Rank 3)
1199 Blur II
1200 Frost Armor (Rank 3)
1201 Fumble II
1203 Feeblemind II
1206 Swiftness
1208 Chains of Ice (Rank 2)
1210 Conjure Mana Agate
1211 Frostbolt (Rank 3)
1212 Haste II
1213 Resist Fire (Rank 2)
1214 Ice Armor (Rank 1)
1217 Resist Frost (Rank 2)
1218 Elemental Armor
1219 Polymorph (Rank 3)
1220 Brilliance Aura III
1223 Shadow Word: Silence (Rank 2)
1224 Blur III
1225 Frost Nova (Rank 2)
1226 Earth Elemental
1227 Fumble III
1228 Ice Armor (Rank 2)
1229 Elemental Fury
1231 Feeblemind III
1233 Ice Storm II
1234 Brilliance Aura IV
1236 Revive Pet
1241 Cone of Cold (Rank 1)
1242 Fire Elemental
1243 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 1)
1244 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 2)
1245 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 3)
1246 Holy Word: Might (Rank 1)
1247 Holy Word: Might (Rank 2)
1248 Holy Word: Might (Rank 3)
1249 Conjure Food (Rank 1)
1250 Conjure Food (Rank 2)
1251 Conjure Food (Rank 3)
1252 Inner Fire (Rank 1)
1253 Inner Fire (Rank 3)
1254 Inner Fire (Rank 4)
1255 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 1)
1256 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 2)
1257 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 3)
1258 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 1)
1259 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 2)
1260 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 3)
1261 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 4)
1262 Holy Word: Protect (Rank 1)
1263 Holy Word: Protect (Rank 2)
1264 Holy Word: Protect (Rank 3)
1265 Fade (Rank 1)
1266 Dampen Magic (Rank 1)
1267 Amplify Magic (Rank 1)
1268 Cure Disease
1269 Abolish Disease
1275 Smite (Rank 2)
1276 Smite (Rank 3)
1277 Power Word: Shield (Rank 2)
1278 Power Word: Shield (Rank 3)
1279 Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
1280 Shadow Protection (Rank 2)
1281 Shadow Word: Fumble (Rank 1)
1282 Shadow Word: Fumble (Rank 2)
1283 Dispel Magic (Rank 1)
1284 Dispel Magic (Rank 2)
1285 Prayer of Protection
1286 Prayer of Protection II
1287 Prayer of Healing (Rank 1)
1288 Prayer of Healing (Rank 2)
1290 Basic Campfire
1291 Curse of Archimonde (Rank 1)
1292 Curse of Idiocy (Rank 1)
1293 Mind Control (Rank 1)
1295 Mind Rot
1296 Curse of Agony (Rank 1)
1297 Curse of Agony (Rank 2)
1298 Power Word: Shield (Rank 4)
1299 Frost Resist (Rank 1)
1300 Smite (Rank 4)
1301 Smite (Rank 5)
1302 Damage Immunity Test
1303 Lightning Shield (Rank 1)
1304 Lightning Shield (Rank 2)
1305 Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
1306 Unyielding Will (Rank 1)
1307 Unyielding Will (Rank 2)
1308 Unyielding Will (Rank 3)
1312 Spirit Armor (Rank 1)
1313 Spirit Armor (Rank 2)
1314 Spirit Armor (Rank 3)
1315 Cure Poison
1316 Nullify Poison (Rank 1)
1318 Undying Strength (Rank 1)
1319 Undying Strength (Rank 2)
1320 Undying Strength (Rank 3)
1321 Spirit Burn
1322 Spirit Burn II
1323 Spirit Burn III
1324 Lightning Bolt (Rank 2)
1325 Lightning Bolt (Rank 3)
1326 Healing Wave (Rank 2)
1327 Healing Wave (Rank 3)
1328 Bloodlust
1329 Bloodlust II
1330 Bloodlust III
1331 Nature Resistance (Rank 1)
1332 Resist Nature II
1333 Purge (Rank 1)
1336 Chant of Regeneration
1337 Chant of Regeneration II
1338 Water Walking
1339 Chain Lightning (Rank 1)
1340 Chain Lightning (Rank 2)
1341 Replenish Spirit
1342 Replenish Spirit II
1343 Thunder Clap (Rank 1)
1344 Thunder Clap (Rank 2)
1345 Far Sight
1348 Earthquake
1349 Earthquake II
1350 Feral Spirit
1351 Feral Spirit II
1352 Astral Recall
1353 Group Astral Recall
1354 Healing Wave (Rank 4)
1355 Healing Wave (Rank 5)
1356 Healing Wave (Rank 6)
1357 Lightning Bolt (Rank 4)
1358 Lightning Bolt (Rank 5)
1361 Spirit Burn IV
1362 Spirit Burn V
1363 Lightning Shield (Rank 4)
1364 Unyielding Will (Rank 4)
1365 Undying Strength (Rank 4)
1366 Summon Imp (Summon)
1367 Drain Life (Rank 1)
1368 Drain Life (Rank 2)
1369 Drain Life (Rank 3)
1370 Firebolt
1371 Firebolt II
1372 Firebolt III
1373 Teach Summon Felhunter (Summon)
1374 Immolate (Rank 1)
1375 Immolate (Rank 2)
1376 Immolate (Rank 3)
1377 Create Soulstone (Minor)
1378 Unholy Armor
1379 Unholy Armor II
1380 Unholy Armor III
1381 Shadow Bolt (Rank 2)
1382 Shadow Bolt (Rank 3)
1383 Demon Skin (Rank 2)
1384 Demon Armor (Rank 1)
1385 Summon Voidwalker (Summon)
1387 Unholy Frenzy II
1388 Unholy Frenzy III
1391 Cripple (Rank 1)
1393 Curse of Weakness (Rank 1)
1394 Curse of Weakness (Rank 2)
1395 Shadow Nova
1396 Shadow Nova II
1397 Fear
1398 Fear II
1399 Anti-Magic (Rank 1)
1401 Hellfire
1402 Hellfire II
1403 Summon Succubus (Summon)
1404 Demon Armor (Rank 2)
1406 Shadow Bolt (Rank 4)
1407 Shadow Bolt (Rank 5)
1408 Sunder Soul
1409 Sunder Soul II
1410 Firebolt IV
1411 Firebolt V
1412 Chaos Shield
1413 Inferno (Summon)
1414 Faerie Fire (Rank 1)
1415 Faerie Fire (Rank 2)
1416 Faerie Fire (Rank 3)
1417 Slumber
1418 Slumber II
1419 Slumber III
1420 Thorns (Rank 1)
1421 Thorns (Rank 2)
1422 Thorns (Rank 3)
1423 Rend (Rank 1)
1424 Dual Wield
1425 Shackle Undead (Rank 1)
1426 Slow Poison
1427 Slow Poison II
1428 Rejuvenation (Rank 1)
1429 Rejuvenation (Rank 2)
1430 Rejuvenation (Rank 3)
1431 Rejuvenation (Rank 3)
1432 Swipe (Rank 2)
1433 Swipe (Rank 3)
1434 Tree Form (Rank 1)
1435 Entangling Roots (Rank 1)
1436 Entangling Roots (Rank 2)
1437 Abolish Magic (Rank 1)
1439 Tranquility (Rank 1)
1441 Travel Form (Shapeshift)
1444 Chain Heal (Rank 1)
1445 Rip (Rank 1)
1446 Aquatic Form (Shapeshift)
1448 Claw (Rank 1)
1449 Arcane Explosion (Rank 1)
1450 Arcane Spirit II
1451 Arcane Spirit III
1452 Arcane Spirit IV
1453 Arcane Spirit V
1454 Life Tap (Rank 1)
1455 Life Tap (Rank 2)
1456 Life Tap (Rank 3)
1459 Arcane Intellect (Rank 1)
1460 Arcane Intellect (Rank 2)
1461 Arcane Intellect (Rank 3)
1462 Beast Lore
1463 Mana Shield (Rank 1)
1464 Slam (Rank 1)
1467 Arcane Explosion (Rank 1)
1468 Arcane Spirit II
1469 Arcane Spirit III
1470 Arcane Spirit IV
1471 Arcane Spirit V
1472 Arcane Intellect (Rank 1)
1473 Arcane Intellect (Rank 2)
1474 Arcane Intellect (Rank 3)
1475 Arcane Intellect (Rank 4)
1476 Life Tap (Rank 1)
1477 Life Tap (Rank 2)
1478 Life Tap (Rank 3)
1479 Burning Spirit (Rank 4)
1481 Mana Shield (Rank 1)
1482 Slam (Rank 1)
1483 Burning Intellect III
1484 Burning Intellect IV
1490 Curse of the Elements (Rank 1)
1494 Track Beasts
1495 Mongoose Bite (Rank 1)
1499 Freezing Trap (Rank 1)
1510 Volley (Rank 1)
1513 Scare Beast (Rank 1)
1515 Tame Beast
1516 Quick Shot (Rank 1)
1522 Pet Upgrade (NYI)
1523 Pet Upgrade II (NYI)
1524 Pet Upgrade III (NYI)
1525 Major Pet Upgrade (NYI)
1526 Major Pet Upgrade II (NYI)
1527 Major Pet Upgrade III (NYI)
1528 Free Master (Rank 1)
1535 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 1)
1536 Longshot II
1538 Charging
1539 Feed Pet Effect
1540 Volley
1543 Flare
1544 Critical Shot (Rank 1)
1545 Critical Shot (Rank 2)
1547 Track Beasts
1549 Mongoose Bite (Rank 1)
1552 Freezing Trap (Rank 1)
1557 Full Speed
1558 Wounding Shot II
1559 Wounding Shot III
1560 Wounding Shot IV
1561 Wounding Shot V
1563 Trueshot Aura (Rank 2)
1564 Volley (Rank 1)
1567 Scare Beast (Rank 1)
1568 Free Master (Rank 1)
1571 Soul Fire (Rank 1)
1572 Death Coil (Rank 1)
1573 Entangle
1579 Tame Beast
1580 Quick Shot (Rank 1)
1581 Quick Shot (Rank 2)
1582 Quick Shot (Rank 3)
1583 Auto Shot
1584 Feed Pet
1588 Pet Upgrade
1589 Pet Upgrade II
1590 Pet Upgrade III
1591 Major Pet Upgrade I
1592 Major Pet Upgrade II
1593 Major Pet Upgrade III
1598 Volley
1599 Fire Resist (Rank 1)
1602 Hunter's Will
1603 Flare
1604 Dazed
1605 Heroic Strike (Rank 1)
1606 Heroic Strike (Rank 2)
1607 Heroic Strike (Rank 3)
1608 Heroic Strike (Rank 4)
1610 Heroic Strike (Rank 4)
1611 Heroic Strike (Rank 5)
1612 Defensive Stance
1630 Two-Hand Strike
1631 Two-Hand Strike II
1632 Two-Hand Strike IV
1633 Two-Hand Strike V
1634 Two-Hand Strike III
1640 Enrage (Rank 1)
1646 Disarm
1647 Slowing Strike II
1650 Slowing Strike III
1663 Savage Assault III
1664 Savage Assault IV
1665 Savage Assault V
1666 Savage Assault
1667 Savage Assault II
1668 Savage Assault III
1669 Savage Assault IV
1670 Savage Assault V
1671 Shield Bash (Rank 2)
1672 Shield Bash (Rank 3)
1675 Shield Bash (Rank 1)
1676 Shield Bash (Rank 2)
1677 Shield Bash (Rank 3)
1680 Whirlwind
1685 Whirlwind
1698 Shockwave (Rank 1)
1702 Shockwave (Rank 1)
1706 Levitate
1708 Mighty Blow III
1709 Mighty Blow IV
1710 Summon Felsteed (Summon)
1711 Mighty Blow II
1712 Mighty Blow III
1713 Mighty Blow IV
1714 Curse of Tongues (Rank 1)
1715 Hamstring (Rank 1)
1716 Hamstring (Rank 1)
1719 Recklessness
1722 Recklessness
1725 Distract
1728 Distract
1731 Defensive Strike
1732 Defensive Strike II
1733 Defensive Strike
1734 Defensive Strike II
1735 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 2)
1736 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 1)
1737 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 2)
1738 Charge (Rank 1)
1739 Morale Boost (NYI)
1740 Morale Boost
1741 Rally Troops
1742 Cower (Rank 1)
1747 Cower (Rank 1)
1748 Cower (Rank 2)
1749 Cower (Rank 3)
1750 Cower (Rank 4)
1751 Cower (Rank 5)
1752 Sinister Strike (Rank 1)
1753 Cower (Rank 2)
1754 Cower (Rank 3)
1755 Cower (Rank 4)
1756 Cower (Rank 5)
1757 Sinister Strike (Rank 2)
1758 Sinister Strike (Rank 3)
1759 Sinister Strike (Rank 4)
1760 Sinister Strike (Rank 5)
1761 Sinister Strike (Rank 1)
1762 Sinister Strike (Rank 2)
1763 Sinister Strike (Rank 3)
1764 Sinister Strike (Rank 4)
1765 Sinister Strike (Rank 5)
1766 Kick (Rank 1)
1767 Kick (Rank 2)
1768 Kick (Rank 3)
1769 Kick (Rank 4)
1771 Kick (Rank 1)
1772 Kick (Rank 2)
1773 Kick (Rank 3)
1774 Kick (Rank 4)
1775 Kick (Rank 5)
1776 Gouge (Rank 1)
1777 Gouge (Rank 2)
1780 Gouge (Rank 1)
1781 Gouge (Rank 2)
1784 Stealth (Rank 1)
1785 Stealth (Rank 2)
1786 Stealth (Rank 3)
1787 Stealth (Rank 4)
1789 Stealth (Rank 1)
1790 Stealth (Rank 2)
1791 Stealth (Rank 3)
1792 Stealth (Rank 4)
1794 Disheartening Blow
1795 Disheartening Blow II
1796 Disheartening Blow III
1797 Disheartening Blow IV
1798 Disheartening Blow V
1799 Disheartening Blow
1800 Disheartening Blow II
1801 Disheartening Blow III
1802 Disheartening Blow IV
1803 Disheartening Blow V
1804 Pick Lock
1809 Lockpicking (Apprentice)
1810 Lockpicking (Journeyman)
1811 Scorch (Rank 1)
1817 Evasive Slash
1818 Evasive Slash II
1819 Evasive Slash III
1820 Evasive Slash IV
1821 Evasive Slash V
1822 Rake (Rank 1)
1823 Rake (Rank 2)
1824 Rake (Rank 3)
1825 Lend Pet (NYI)
1826 Judgement of Wisdom Intermediate
1827 Rake (Rank 1)
1828 Rake (Rank 2)
1829 Rake (Rank 3)
1830 Pyroblast (Rank 2)
1831 Blast Wave (Rank 1)
1833 Cheap Shot
1834 Gathering Speed
1837 Holy Resist (Rank 1)
1838 Cheap Shot
1842 Disarm Trap
1845 Disarm Trap
1846 Detect Traps
1847 One-Handed Swords
1848 Divining Chant
1849 Beast Claws II
1850 Dash (Rank 1)
1851 Portal: Stormwind
1852 Silenced
1853 Growl (Rank 1)
1856 Vanish (Rank 1)
1857 Vanish (Rank 2)
1858 Vanish (Rank 1)
1859 Vanish (Rank 2)
1860 Safe Fall (Passive)
1862 Safe Fall (Passive)
1864 Torpor (Racial)
1865 Torpor (Racial)
1872 Holy Light (Rank 1)
1873 Holy Light (Rank 2)
1874 Holy Light (Rank 3)
1875 Devotion Aura (Rank 1)
1876 Devotion Aura (Rank 3)
1877 Devotion Aura (Rank 5)
1878 Lay on Hands (Rank 1)
1881 Summon Hive'Zara Hatchling
1885 Seal of Fortitude (NSE)
1886 Seal of Fortitude II (NSE)
1887 Seal of Fortitude III (NSE)
1893 Seal of Shadow
1894 Seal of Shadow II
1895 Seal of Fire * (NSE)
1896 Seal of Fire II * (NSE)
1897 Divine Shield (Rank 1)
1898 Divine Shield (Rank 2)
1900 Holy Flurry
1901 Holy Flurry II
1902 Holy Flurry IV
1904 Holy Flurry III
1905 Share Powers
1906 Debilitating Charge
1907 Righteous Aura III
1908 Uber Heal Over Time
1909 Blessing of Freedom
1911 Blessing of Protection (Rank 1)
1912 Blessing of Salvation
1913 Holy Light (Rank 4)
1914 Holy Light (Rank 5)
1916 Sacrifice (NSE)
1918 Staff Strike III (Disabled)
1920 Firestaff III
1921 Firestaff IV
1922 Firestaff V
1923 Firestaff
1924 Firestaff II
1925 Firestaff III
1926 Firestaff IV
1927 Firestaff V
1928 Staff Strike
1929 Staff Strike II
1930 Staff Strike III
1931 Staff Strike IV
1932 Staff Strike V
1933 Twirling Novastrike II
1934 Twirling Novastrike
1935 Twirling Novastrike II
1936 Teleport Anvilmar
1937 Purify
1938 Strength of the Bear
1940 Rocket Blast
1942 Fire Imp
1943 Rupture (Rank 1)
1944 Shadow Imp
1946 Greater Imp
1948 Greater Fire Imp
1949 Hellfire (Rank 1)
1950 Greater Shadow Imp
1952 Nether Imp
1953 Blink
1954 Greater Nether Imp
1966 Feint (Rank 1)
1978 Serpent Sting (Rank 1)
1980 Bombard
1981 Fire II
1982 Fire III
1983 Fire IV
1984 Fire V
1985 Sniper Shot (Rank 1)
1988 Scatter Shot
1989 Scatter Shot II
1990 Scatter Shot III
1991 Scatter Shot IV
1992 Scatter Shot V
1993 Dizzy Shot
1994 Dizzy Shot II
1995 Dizzy Shot III
1996 Hip Shot
1997 Hip Shot II
1998 Hip Shot III
2000 Head Shot
2001 Head Shot II
2002 Head Shot III
2003 Serpent Sting (Rank 1)
2004 Silencing Shot (Rank 1)
2005 Bombard
2006 Resurrection (Rank 1)
2008 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 1)
2010 Resurrection (Rank 2)
2013 Resurrection (Rank 1)
2014 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 1)
2016 Resurrection (Rank 2)
2018 Blacksmithing (Apprentice)
2020 Apprentice Blacksmith
2021 Journeyman Blacksmith
2023 Restore Mana
2024 Healing Potion
2049 Prayer of Healing (Rank 3)
2050 Lesser Heal (Rank 1)
2051 Lesser Heal (Rank 1)
2052 Lesser Heal (Rank 2)
2053 Lesser Heal (Rank 3)
2054 Heal (Rank 1)
2055 Heal (Rank 2)
2056 Lesser Heal (Rank 2)
2057 Lesser Heal (Rank 3)
2058 Heal (Rank 1)
2059 Heal (Rank 2)
2060 Greater Heal (Rank 1)
2061 Flash Heal (Rank 1)
2065 Greater Heal (Rank 1)
2066 Flash Heal (Rank 1)
2067 Greater Heal (Rank 3)
2068 Greater Heal (Rank 4)
2069 Greater Heal (Rank 2)
2070 Sap (Rank 2)
2075 Searing Totem (Rank 1)
2076 Earthbind Totem
2090 Rejuvenation (Rank 4)
2091 Rejuvenation (Rank 5)
2092 Rejuvenation (Rank 4)
2093 Rejuvenation (Rank 5)
2094 Blind
2095 Stance Rage (+3 Off/Def)
2096 Mind Vision (Rank 1)
2097 Mind Vision (Rank 1)
2098 Eviscerate (Rank 1)
2108 Leatherworking (Apprentice)
2115 Meditation (Rank 1)
2116 Magic Resist (Rank 1)
2117 Parry Mastery (Rank 1)
2118 Dodge Mastery (Rank 1)
2119 Nature Resist (Rank 1)
2120 Flamestrike (Rank 1)
2121 Flamestrike (Rank 2)
2123 Holy Affinity (Rank 1)
2124 Flamestrike (Rank 1)
2125 Flamestrike (Rank 2)
2132 Freeze
2133 Freeze II
2134 Freeze III
2135 Freeze IV
2136 Fire Blast (Rank 1)
2137 Fire Blast (Rank 2)
2138 Fire Blast (Rank 3)
2139 Counterspell
2140 Stasis Effect (Rank 1)
2141 Fire Blast (Rank 1)
2142 Fire Blast (Rank 2)
2143 Fire Blast (Rank 3)
2147 Mending
2148 Periodic Shadow Storm
2149 Handstitched Leather Boots
2152 Light Armor Kit
2153 Handstitched Leather Pants
2154 Journeyman Leatherworking
2155 Apprentice Leatherworking
2156 Light Winter Cloak
2157 Light Winter Boots
2158 Fine Leather Boots
2159 Fine Leather Cloak
2160 Embossed Leather Vest
2161 Embossed Leather Boots
2162 Embossed Leather Cloak
2163 White Leather Jerkin
2164 Fine Leather Gloves
2165 Medium Armor Kit
2166 Toughened Leather Armor
2167 Dark Leather Boots
2168 Dark Leather Cloak
2169 Dark Leather Tunic
2171 Pattern: Light Winter Cloak
2172 Pattern: Light Winter Boots
2173 Pattern: Fine Leather Boots
2174 Pattern: White Leather Jerkin
2175 Pattern: Fine Leather Gloves
2176 Pattern: Dark Leather Tunic
2177 Embossed Leather Boots
2178 Embossed Leather Cloak
2179 Dark Leather Cloak
2180 Toughened Leather Armor
2181 Dark Leather Boots
2259 Alchemy (Apprentice)
2275 Apprentice Alchemist
2280 Journeyman Alchemist
2313 True Fulfillment
2329 Elixir of Lion's Strength
2330 Minor Healing Potion
2331 Minor Mana Potion
2332 Minor Rejuvenation Potion
2333 Elixir of Lesser Agility
2334 Elixir of Minor Fortitude
2335 Swiftness Potion
2336 Elixir of Tongues
2337 Lesser Healing Potion
2338 Handstitched Leather Pants
2339 Minor Mana Potion
2340 Minor Rejuvenation Potion
2341 Lesser Healing Potion
2342 Recipe: Elixir of Minor Agility
2351 Sanctuary
2353 Sanctuary II
2354 Sanctuary III
2355 Sanctuary
2356 Sanctuary II
2357 Sanctuary III
2358 Shadowskin
2359 Shadowskin II
2360 Shadowskin III
2361 Tracking (TEST)
2362 Create Spellstone
2363 Recipe: Elixir of Minor Fortitude
2364 Recipe: Swiftness Potion
2365 Recipe: Elixir of Tongues
2366 Herb Gathering (Apprentice)
2367 Lesser Strength
2368 Herb Gathering (Journeyman)
2369 Herb Gathering
2370 Rejuvenation Potion
2371 Herb Gathering
2372 Apprentice Herbalist
2373 Journeyman Herbalist
2374 Lesser Agility
2376 Lesser Intellect
2378 Health
2379 Speed
2380 Resistance
2381 Resistance (OLD)
2382 Generic
2383 Find Herbs
2385 Brown Linen Vest
2386 Linen Boots
2387 Linen Cloak
2389 Red Linen Robe
2392 Red Linen Shirt
2393 White Linen Shirt
2394 Blue Linen Shirt
2395 Barbaric Linen Vest
2396 Green Linen Shirt
2397 Reinforced Linen Cape
2399 Green Woolen Vest
2400 Transfer Power
2401 Woolen Boots
2402 Woolen Cape
2403 Gray Woolen Robe
2406 Gray Woolen Shirt
2408 Pattern: Red Linen Robe
2411 Pattern: Gray Woolen Robe
2414 Red Linen Shirt
2415 White Linen Shirt
2416 Blue Linen Shirt
2417 Barbaric Linen Vest
2418 Green Linen Shirt
2419 Reinforced Linen Cape
2421 Green Woolen Vest
2422 Woolen Boots
2423 Woolen Cape
2424 Gray Woolen Shirt
2425 Spotted
2426 Base Stealth
2432 Numbing Strike
2433 Numbing Strike II
2434 Numbing Strike III
2435 Numbing Strike IV
2436 Numbing Strike V
2442 Smashing Blow
2443 Smashing Blow II
2444 Smashing Blow III
2445 Smashing Blow IV
2446 Smashing Blow V
2452 Reckless Assault
2453 Reckless Assault II
2454 Reckless Assault III
2455 Reckless Assault IV
2456 Reckless Assault V
2457 Battle Stance
2458 Berserker Stance
2467 Battle Stance
2468 Berserker Stance
2469 Offensive Stance (Rank 2)
2470 Offensive Stance (Rank 3)
2473 Power Stance II
2479 Honorless Target
2480 Shoot Bow
2481 Find Treasure (Racial)
2484 Earthbind Totem
2507 Stunning Smash
2508 Stunning Smash II
2509 Stunning Smash III
2510 Stunning Smash IV
2511 Stunning Smash V
2512 Divine Strike (Rank 1)
2513 Divine Strike (Rank 2)
2514 Divine Strike (Rank 3)
2515 Divine Strike (Rank 4)
2516 Divine Strike (Rank 5)
2537 Crusader Strike (Rank 1)
2538 Charred Wolf Meat
2539 Spiced Wolf Meat
2540 Roasted Boar Meat
2541 Coyote Steak
2542 Goretusk Liver Pie
2543 Westfall Stew
2544 Crab Cake
2545 Cooked Crab Claw
2546 Dry Pork Ribs
2547 Redridge Goulash
2548 Succulent Pork Ribs
2549 Seasoned Wolf Kabob
2550 Cooking (Apprentice)
2551 Apprentice Cook
2552 Expert Cook
2553 Recipe: Goretusk Liver Pie
2554 Recipe: Westfall Stew
2555 Recipe: Cooked Crab Claw
2556 Recipe: Redridge Goulash
2557 Recipe: Succulent Pork Ribs
2558 Recipe: Seasoned Wolf Kabob
2559 Spiced Wolf Meat
2561 Coyote Steak
2562 Crab Cake
2563 Dry Pork Ribs
2564 Dodge!
2565 Shield Block
2567 Thrown
2568 Dodge!
2569 Parry!
2570 Shield Block
2575 Mining (Apprentice)
2576 Mining (Journeyman)
2577 Mining
2578 Mining
2579 Mining
2580 Find Minerals
2581 Apprentice Miner
2582 Journeyman Miner
2584 Waiting to Resurrect
2585 Eye of Kilrogg Passive (DND) (Rank 1)
2589 Backstab (Rank 2)
2590 Backstab (Rank 3)
2591 Backstab (Rank 4)
2592 Backstab (Rank 1)
2593 Backstab (Rank 2)
2594 Backstab (Rank 3)
2595 Backstab (Rank 4)
2596 Touch of the Black Claw
2597 Rejuvenation Potion
2598 Rejuvenation (OLD)
2599 Rejuvenation Potion
2600 Rejuvenation Potion
2601 Fire Shield III
2602 Fire Shield IV
2603 Fire Shield III
2604 Fire Shield IV
2605 Sharpen Blade
2606 Shock (Rank 2)
2607 Shock (Rank 1)
2608 Shock (Rank 3)
2609 Shock (Rank 4)
2610 Shock (Rank 5)
2611 Shock (Rank 1)
2612 Shock (Rank 2)
2613 Shock (Rank 3)
2614 Shock (Rank 4)
2615 Shock (Rank 5)
2620 Lightning Storm (Rank 1)
2621 Lightning Storm (Rank 2)
2626 Lightning Bolt Proc V
2627 Dagger Strike (Disabled)
2628 Dagger Strike II (Disabled)
2629 Dagger Strike III (Disabled)
2630 Dagger Strike IV (Disabled)
2631 Dagger Strike
2632 Dagger Strike II
2633 Dagger Strike III
2634 Dagger Strike IV
2635 Beast Slayer (Rank 1)
2636 Dagger Strike V
2637 Hibernate (Rank 1)
2639 Food
2641 Dismiss Pet
2643 Multi-Shot (Rank 1)
2645 Ghost Wolf
2647 Freeze III PROC
2649 Growl (Rank 1)
2650 Tame Pet (TEST)
2651 Elune's Grace (Rank 1)
2652 Touch of Weakness (Rank 1)
2653 Damage 100 (TEST)
2654 Summon Tamed (TEST)
2656 Smelting
2657 Smelt Copper
2658 Smelt Silver
2659 Smelt Bronze
2660 Rough Sharpening Stone
2661 Copper Chain Belt
2662 Copper Chain Pants
2663 Copper Bracers
2664 Runed Copper Bracers
2665 Coarse Sharpening Stone
2666 Runed Copper Belt
2667 Runed Copper Breastplate
2668 Rough Bronze Leggings
2670 Rough Bronze Cuirass
2671 Rough Bronze Bracers
2672 Patterned Bronze Bracers
2673 Silvered Bronze Breastplate
2674 Heavy Sharpening Stone
2675 Shining Silver Breastplate
2676 Pulverize
2678 Holy Smash (Rank 1)
2683 Holy Smash (Rank 2)
2684 Holy Smash (Rank 3)
2685 Holy Smash (Rank 4)
2686 Holy Smash (Rank 5)
2687 Bloodrage
2688 Bloodrage
2689 Soul Steal
2690 Soul Steal Effect
2691 Mana Burn
2692 Heroic Strength (Rank 1)
2693 Holy Staff II
2694 Holy Staff III
2695 Holy Staff IV
2696 Holy Staff V
2698 Smash (Rank 1)
2703 Smash (Rank 2)
2704 Smash (Rank 3)
2705 Smash (Rank 4)
2706 Smash (Rank 5)
2708 Spirit Staff
2713 Spirit Staff II
2714 Spirit Staff III
2715 Spirit Staff IV
2716 Spirit Staff V
2718 Shadow Dagger
2723 Shadow Dagger II
2724 Shadow Dagger III
2725 Shadow Dagger IV
2726 Shadow Dagger V
2732 Shadow Staff
2733 Shadow Staff II
2734 Shadow Staff III
2735 Shadow Staff IV
2736 Shadow Staff V
2737 Copper Mace
2738 Copper Axe
2739 Copper Shortsword
2740 Bronze Mace
2741 Bronze Axe
2742 Bronze Shortsword
2743 Copper Chain Pants
2744 Copper Chain Belt
2745 Runed Copper Bracers
2746 Coarse Sharpening Stone
2747 Runed Copper Belt
2749 Rough Bronze Leggings
2750 Rough Bronze Cuirass
2751 Patterned Bronze Bracers
2752 Heavy Sharpening Stone
2753 Shining Silver Breastplate
2754 Copper Mace
2755 Copper Axe
2756 Copper Shortsword
2757 Bronze Mace
2758 Bronze Axe
2759 Bronze Shortsword
2760 Plans: Runed Copper Breastplate
2761 Plans: Rough Bronze Bracers
2762 Plans: Silvered Bronze Breastplate
2764 Throw
2767 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 5)
2769 Holy Word: Might (Rank 4)
2772 Holy Word: Protect (Rank 4)
2773 Holy Word: Protect (Rank 5)
2782 Remove Curse
2786 Remove Curse (Rank 2)
2788 Remove Curse
2791 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 4)
2793 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 4)
2795 Beer Basted Boar Ribs
2796 Recipe: Beer Basted Boar Ribs
2797 Mind Bomb Effect (Rank 1)
2798 Mind Rot II
2799 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 5)
2800 Lay on Hands (Rank 2)
2804 Lay on Hands (Rank 2)
2810 Seal of Frost
2811 Seal of Frost II
2812 Holy Wrath (Rank 1)
2816 Bark of Doom
2817 Teach Bark of Doom
2818 Deadly Poison (Rank 1)
2819 Deadly Poison II (Rank 2)
2823 Deadly Poison (Rank 1)
2824 Deadly Poison II (Rank 2)
2828 Sharpen Blade (Rank 1)
2829 Sharpen Blade II
2830 Sharpen Blade III
2831 Armor +8
2832 Armor +16
2833 Armor +24
2834 Periodic Thunderclap
2835 Deadly Poison (Rank 1)
2836 Detect Traps
2837 Deadly Poison II (Rank 2)
2838 Creeping Pain
2840 Creeping Anguish
2841 Creeping Torment
2842 Poisons
2843 Deadly Poison (Rank 1)
2844 Deadly Poison (Rank 2)
2845 Creeping Pain
2846 Creeping Anguish
2847 Creeping Torment
2848 Dodge!
2850 Parry!
2851 Power Word: Shield (Rank 1)
2855 Detect Magic
2857 Chant of Regeneration III
2858 Detect Magic
2859 Chant of Regeneration V
2860 Chain Lightning (Rank 3)
2862 Chain Lightning (Rank 3)
2863 Chain Lightning (Rank 4)
2865 Spirit Armor (Rank 5)
2868 Fire Resistance (Rank 1)
2869 Resist Fire II
2870 Cure Disease
2871 Nullify Disease (Rank 1)
2874 Cure Disease
2875 Nullify Disease (Rank 1)

2878 Turn Undead (Rank 1)

2879 Earthquake III
2880 Stun
2881 Light Leather
2882 Bear Form (PT) (NYI)
2883 Embossed Leather Vest
2884 Medium Armor Kit
2886 Fine Leather Cloak
2889 Faerie Fire (Rank 4)
2890 Ice Barrier (Rank 1)
2893 Abolish Poison
2897 Abolish Poison
2898 Viper Sting (Rank 1)
2899 Eyes of the Beast
2908 Soothe Animal (Rank 1)
2910 Soothe Animal (Rank 1)
2912 Starfire (Rank 1)
2914 Starfire (Rank 1)
2916 (OLD) Magic Focus (Rank 1)
2919 Entangling Roots (Rank 3)
2920 Entangling Roots (Rank 4)
2923 Rooting Attack
2927 Rooting Attack II
2928 Rooting Attack III
2929 Rooting Attack IV
2941 Immolate (Rank 4)
2942 Immolate (Rank 4)
2943 Touch of Weakness (Rank 1)
2944 Devouring Plague (Rank 1)
2945 Searing Pain (Rank 1)
2946 Devouring Plague (Rank 1)
2947 Fire Shield (Rank 1)
2948 Scorch (Rank 1)
2949 Fire Shield (Rank 1)
2950 Anti-Holy (Rank 2)
2951 Hellfire III
2952 Hellfire III
2963 Bolt of Linen Cloth
2964 Bolt of Woolen Cloth
2965 Shadow Bolt (Rank 1)
2966 Bolt of Woolen Cloth
2967 Linen Boots
2969 Aura Leech (PT)
2970 Detect Invisibility
2971 Detect Lesser Invisibility
2972 Detect Invisibility
2973 Raptor Strike (Rank 1)
2974 Wing Clip (Rank 1)
2975 Claw (Rank 5)
2976 Claw (Rank 6)
2977 Claw (Rank 7)
2978 Raptor Strike (Rank 1)
2979 Wing Clip (Rank 1)
2980 Claw (Rank 1)
2981 Claw (Rank 2)
2982 Claw (Rank 3)
2983 Sprint (Rank 1)
2984 Sprint (Rank 1)
2995 Poisons
2996 Brown Linen Vest
3006 Head Shot IV
3007 Longshot III
3009 Claw (Rank 8)
3010 Claw (Rank 7)
3011 Fire Shot (Rank 1)
3013 Volley II
3014 Volley II
3015 Bombard II
3016 Bombard II
3017 Immune Effect (TEST)
3018 Shoot (TEST)
3019 Berserk
3023 Debuff Nature (TEST)
3025 Cat Form (Passive) (Passive)
3026 Use Soulstone
3029 Claw (Rank 2)
3030 Claw (Rank 2)
3031 Feline Quickness
3033 Scout Form
3034 Viper Sting (Rank 1)
3039 Trueshot (Rank 1)
3040 Trueshot (Rank 2)
3041 Trueshot (Rank 3)
3042 Trueshot (Rank 4)
3043 Scorpid Sting (Rank 1)
3044 Arcane Shot (Rank 1)
3045 Rapid Fire
3046 Holy Nova (Rank 2)
3047 Scorpid Sting (Rank 1)
3048 Arcane Shot (Rank 1)
3049 Rapid Fire
3050 Detect
3052 Fire Shield Effect
3053 Fire Shield Effect II
3054 Fire Shield Effect III
3055 Fire Shield Effect IV
3062 Rejuvenation (Rank 3)
3063 Rejuvenation (Rank 4)
3064 Holy Word: Shield (Rank 6)
3065 Arcane Intellect (Rank 2)
3066 Arcane Intellect (Rank 3)
3067 Blizzard (Rank 1)
3068 Blizzard (Rank 2)
3069 Sleep (Rank 3)
3070 Renew (Rank 1)
3071 Renew (Rank 2)
3072 Renew (Rank 3)
3073 Fire Blast (Rank 1)
3074 Fire Blast (Rank 2)
3075 Fire Blast (Rank 3)
3079 Holy Word: Fortitude (Rank 2)
3080 Holy Word: Fortitude (Rank 3)
3081 Holy Word: Fortitude (Rank 4)
3082 Holy Word: Shield (Rank 1)
3083 Holy Word: Shield (Rank 2)
3084 Holy Word: Shield (Rank 3)
3085 Greater Heal (Rank 1)
3086 Shadow Word: Befuddle (Rank 1)
3087 Lightning Storm (Rank 1)
3088 Lightning Storm (Rank 2)
3089 Lightning Bolt (Rank 4)
3090 Shock (Rank 1)
3091 Shock (Rank 2)
3092 Shock (Rank 3)
3093 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 2)
3094 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 3)
3095 Life Tap (Rank 1)
3096 Life Tap (Rank 2)
3097 Life Tap (Rank 3)
3099 Detect Lesser Invisibility (Rank 1)
3100 Blacksmithing (Journeyman)
3101 Alchemy (Journeyman)
3102 Cooking (Journeyman)
3104 Leatherworking (Journeyman)
3105 Curse of Stalvan
3106 Aura of Rot
3107 Summon Eliza's Guard
3108 Touch of Death
3109 Presence of Death
3110 Firebolt (Rank 1)
3111 Mend Pet (Rank 2)
3112 Enhance Blunt Weapon
3113 Enhance Blunt Weapon II
3114 Enhance Blunt Weapon III
3115 Rough Weightstone
3116 Coarse Weightstone
3117 Heavy Weightstone
3118 Coarse Weightstone
3119 Heavy Weightstone
3120 Sol L
3121 Kev
3122 Tree Form (Passive) (Passive)
3124 Parry
3126 Parry
3127 Parry (Passive)
3128 Parry
3129 Frost Breath
3130 Ice Claw
3131 Frost Breath
3132 Chilling Breath
3133 Beast Claws III
3134 Beast Claws II
3135 Beast Claws III
3136 Frenzied Command
3137 Abolish Poison Effect
3138 Beast Rage II
3139 Swipe (Rank 1)
3140 Fireball (Rank 4)
3141 Feather Fall (Rank 1)
3142 Fireball (Rank 4)
3143 Glacial Roar
3145 Icy Grasp
3146 Daunting Growl
3147 Rend Flesh
3148 Head Crack
3149 Furious Howl
3150 Rabies
3151 Crazed Hunger
3157 Lesser Agility
3158 Lesser Agility
3159 Agility
3160 Agility
3161 Lesser Strength
3162 Lesser Strength
3163 Strength
3164 Strength
3165 Lesser Intellect
3166 Lesser Intellect
3167 Intellect
3168 Intellect
3169 Invulnerability
3170 Weak Troll's Blood Potion
3171 Elixir of Wisdom
3172 Minor Magic Resistance Potion
3173 Lesser Mana Potion
3174 Elixir of Poison Resistance
3175 Limited Invulnerability Potion
3176 Strong Troll's Blood Potion
3177 Elixir of Defense
3178 Elixir of Fortitude
3179 Elixir of Wisdom
3180 Recipe: Minor Magic Resistance Potion
3181 Lesser Mana Potion
3182 Recipe: Elixir of Poison Resistance
3183 Recipe: Limited Invulnerability Potion
3184 Weak Troll's Blood Potion
3185 Strong Troll's Blood Potion
3186 Elixir of Defense
3187 Recipe: Elixir of Lesser Agility
3188 Elixir of Ogre's Strength
3189 Recipe: Elixir of Ogre's Strength
3196 Taunt (Rank 1)
3204 Sapper Explode
3205 Sol M
3206 Sol H
3207 Sol U
3210 Nullify Disease (Rank 1)
3211 Nullify Disease (Rank 2)
3212 Cure Poison (Rank 1)
3214 Lightning Storm (Rank 3)
3215 Resurrection (Rank 1)
3216 Resurrection (Rank 2)
3217 Call Spirit (Rank 1)
3218 Call Spirit (Rank 2)
3219 Regeneration
3220 Armor
3221 Regeneration
3222 Regeneration
3223 Regeneration
3229 Quick Bloodlust
3230 Elixir of Minor Agility
3231 zzOLDWhirlwind Effect (Rank 1)
3232 Gouge Stun Test
3233 Evil Eye
3234 Disease Touch
3235 Rancid Blood
3237 Curse of Thule
3238 Nimble Reflexes
3240 Bloody Explosion
3242 Ravage
3243 Life Harvest
3245 Chicken
3246 Chicken Other
3247 Agonizing Pain
3248 Improved Blocking
3252 Shred
3256 Plague Cloud
3258 Savage Rage
3260 Violent Shield Effect
3261 Ignite
3263 Touch of Ravenclaw
3264 Blood Howl
3267 First Aid (Rank 3)
3268 First Aid (Rank 4)
3269 Blessing of Thule
3271 Fatigued
3273 First Aid (Apprentice)
3274 First Aid (Journeyman)
3275 Linen Bandage
3276 Heavy Linen Bandage
3277 Wool Bandage
3278 Heavy Wool Bandage
3279 Apprentice First Aid
3280 Journeyman First Aid
3281 Heavy Linen Bandage
3282 Wool Bandage
3283 Heavy Wool Bandage
3284 Violent Shield
3286 Bind
3287 Ghoul Form
3288 Moss Hide
3292 Heavy Copper Broadsword
3293 Copper Battle Axe
3294 Thick War Axe
3295 Deadly Bronze Poniard
3296 Heavy Bronze Mace
3297 Mighty Iron Hammer
3298 Heavy Copper Broadsword
3299 Copper Battle Axe
3300 Thick War Axe
3301 Heavy Bronze Mace
3302 Plans: Deadly Bronze Poniard
3303 Plans: Mighty Iron Hammer
3304 Smelt Tin
3307 Smelt Iron
3308 Smelt Gold
3313 Smelt Tin
3314 Smelt Bronze
3315 Smelt Gold
3316 Smelt Iron
3317 Smelt Silver
3319 Copper Chain Boots
3320 Rough Grinding Stone
3321 Copper Chain Vest
3322 Rancid Blood
3323 Runed Copper Gauntlets
3324 Runed Copper Pants
3325 Gemmed Copper Gauntlets
3326 Coarse Grinding Stone
3328 Rough Bronze Shoulders
3329 Creature - Frog Form
3330 Silvered Bronze Shoulders
3331 Silvered Bronze Boots
3332 Slow Poison
3333 Silvered Bronze Gauntlets
3334 Green Iron Boots
3335 Dark Sludge
3336 Green Iron Gauntlets
3337 Heavy Grinding Stone
3338 Rancid Ooze
3339 Rancid Ooze Effect
3340 Copper Chain Boots
3341 Rough Grinding Stone
3342 Runed Copper Gauntlets
3343 Runed Copper Pants
3344 Coarse Grinding Stone
3345 Rough Bronze Shoulders
3346 Silvered Bronze Boots
3347 Silvered Bronze Gauntlets
3348 Heavy Grinding Stone
3349 Plans: Copper Chain Vest
3350 Plans: Gemmed Copper Gauntlets
3351 Plans: Silvered Bronze Shoulders
3352 Plans: Green Iron Boots
3353 Plans: Green Iron Gauntlets
3354 Rain of Fire (Rank 1)
3355 Freezing Trap Effect (Rank 1)
3356 Flame Lash
3358 Leech Poison
3359 Drink Potion
3360 Curse of the Eye
3361 Dummy NPC Summon
3362 Dire Wolf (TEST)
3363 Summon Riding Gryphon
3364 Remove Curse (Rank 1)
3365 Opening
3366 Opening
3368 Drink Minor Potion
3369 Potion Strength II
3370 Crocolisk Steak
3371 Blood Sausage
3372 Murloc Fin Soup
3373 Crocolisk Gumbo
3376 Curiously Tasty Omelet
3377 Gooey Spider Cake
3378 Recipe: Gooey Spider Cake
3379 Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet
3380 Recipe: Crocolisk Gumbo
3381 Recipe: Murloc Fin Soup
3382 Recipe: Blood Sausage
3383 Recipe: Barbecued Buzzard Wing
3385 Boar Charge
3386 Spears
3387 Rage of Thule
3388 Deadly Leech Poison
3389 Ward of the Eye
3390 Helcular's Spawn
3391 Thrash
3393 Consume Flesh
3394 Consume Flesh
3396 Corrosive Poison
3397 Big Bear Steak
3398 Hot Lion Chops
3399 Tasty Lion Steak
3400 Soothing Turtle Bisque
3401 Recipe: Big Bear Steak
3402 Recipe: Hot Lion Chops
3403 Recipe: Tasty Lion Steak
3404 Recipe: Soothing Turtle Bisque
3405 Soul Rend
3407 Rune of Opening
3408 Crippling Poison (Rank 1)
3409 Crippling Poison (Rank 1)
3412 Journeyman Cook
3413 Cooking (Expert)
3416 Fiend Fury
3417 Thrash
3418 Improved Blocking
3419 Improved Blocking
3420 Crippling Poison (Rank 1)
3421 Crippling Poison II (Rank 2)
3422 Crippling Poison (Rank 1)
3423 Crippling Poison (Rank 2)
3424 Tainted Howl
3427 Infected Wound
3428 Summon Flesh Eating Worms
3429 Plague Mind
3433 Cleave (Rank 2)
3434 Cleave (Rank 3)
3435 Cleave (Rank 4)
3436 Wandering Plague
3439 Wandering Plague
3442 Enslave
3443 Enchanted Quickness
3446 Ravage
3447 Healing Potion
3448 Lesser Invisibility Potion
3449 Shadow Oil
3450 Elixir of Fortitude
3451 Mighty Troll's Blood Potion
3452 Mana Potion
3453 Elixir of Detect Lesser Invisibility
3454 Frost Oil
3455 Recipe: Elixir of Fortitude
3456 Recipe: Mighty Troll's Blood Potion
3457 Recipe: Elixir of Detect Lesser Invisibility
3458 Healing Potion
3459 Lesser Invisibility Potion
3460 Shadow Oil
3461 Mana Potion
3463 Frost Oil
3464 Alchemy (Expert)
3465 Expert Alchemist
3467 Kick (Rank 6)
3472 Holy Light (Rank 6)
3473 Holy Light (Rank 6)
3474 Holy Light (Rank 6)
3477 Spirit Steal
3485 Wail of Nightlash
3488 Felstrom Resurrection
3490 Frenzied Rage
3491 Big Bronze Knife
3492 Hardened Iron Shortsword
3493 Jade Serpentblade
3494 Solid Iron Maul
3495 Golden Iron Destroyer
3496 Moonsteel Broadsword
3497 Frost Tiger Blade
3498 Massive Iron Axe
3499 Summon Sloth
3500 Shadow Crescent Axe
3501 Green Iron Bracers
3502 Green Iron Helm
3503 Golden Scale Coif
3504 Green Iron Shoulders
3505 Golden Scale Shoulders
3506 Green Iron Leggings
3507 Golden Scale Leggings
3508 Green Iron Hauberk
3509 Sloth Passive
3510 Sloth Effect
3511 Golden Scale Cuirass
3512 Sludge Passive
3513 Polished Steel Boots
3514 Sludge
3515 Golden Scale Boots
3516 Big Bronze Knife
3517 Hardened Iron Shortsword
3518 Solid Iron Maul
3519 Moonsteel Broadsword
3520 Massive Iron Axe
3521 Green Iron Bracers
3522 Green Iron Helm
3524 Green Iron Leggings
3525 Green Iron Hauberk
3526 Plans: Jade Serpentblade
3527 Summon Sludge
3528 Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer
3529 Plans: Frost Tiger Blade
3530 Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe
3531 Plans: Green Iron Shoulders
3532 Plans: Golden Scale Shoulders
3533 Plans: Golden Scale Leggings
3534 Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass
3535 Plans: Polished Steel Boots
3536 Plans: Golden Scale Boots
3537 Minions of Malathrom
3538 Blacksmithing (Expert)
3539 Expert Blacksmith
3542 Naraxis Web
3547 Enraging Memories
3551 Skull Crack
3552 Conjure Mana Jade
3553 Conjure Mana Jade
3559 Ethereal Form (Rank 1)
3560 Resist Frost (Rank 1)
3561 Teleport: Stormwind
3562 Teleport: Ironforge
3563 Teleport: Undercity
3564 Mining (Expert)
3565 Teleport: Darnassus
3566 Teleport: Thunder Bluff
3567 Teleport: Orgrimmar
3568 Expert Miner
3569 Smelt Steel
3570 Herb Gathering (Expert)
3571 Expert Herbalist
3574 Skin of Rock
3576 Counterspell
3577 Teleport: Undercity
3578 Teleport: Darnassus
3579 Teleport: Thunder Bluff
3580 Teleport: Orgrimmar
3581 Teleport: Ironforge
3582 Torch Burst
3583 Deadly Poison
3584 Volatile Infection
3585 Volatile Infection
3586 Volatile Infection
3587 Volatile Infection
3589 Deafening Screech
3591 Blessing of the Holy Spring
3592 Cure Ailments
3593 Health II
3594 Shadow Oil
3595 Frost Oil
3596 Smelt Steel
3598 Smash (Rank 6)
3599 Searing Totem (Rank 1)
3600 Earthbind
3602 Torch Burst
3603 Distracting Pain
3604 Tendon Rip
3605 Summon Remote-Controlled Golem
3606 Attack (Rank 1)
3607 Yenniku's Release
3609 Paralyzing Poison
3611 Minion of Morganth
3612 Bloodscalp Pet
3615 Summon Dalaran Serpent
3616 Poison Proc
3617 Quiet Suicide
3618 Self Stun
3621 Skullsplitter Pet
3627 Rejuvenation (Rank 6)
3628 Rejuvenation (Rank 6)
3630 Beast Rage III
3631 Battle Fury
3635 Crystal Gaze
3636 Crystalline Slumber
3637 Improved Blocking III
3639 Improved Blocking
3644 Speak with Heads
3648 Phase Out
3650 Sling Mud
3651 Shield of Reflection
3652 Summon Spirit of Old
3653 Spirit of Old
3655 Summon Shield Guard
3657 Summon Spell Guard
3658 Summon Theurgist
3659 Mage Sight
3660 Create Soul Gem
3661 Mend Pet (Rank 3)
3662 Mend Pet (Rank 4)
3663 Mend Pet (Rank 3)
3664 Mend Pet (Rank 4)
3666 Claw (Rank 8)
3667 Claw (Rank 4)
3669 Trueshot (Rank 5)
3670 Unlock Maury's Foot
3671 Cracking Stone
3672 Crumbling Stone
3673 Reduced to Rubble
3674 Black Arrow (Rank 1)
3675 Black Arrow (Rank 1)
3678 Focusing
3680 Lesser Invisibility
3682 Slow (Rank 2)
3684 Judgement (Rank 1)
3686 Immolate (Rank 4)
3688 Fireball (Rank 1)
3690 Exorcism (Rank 1)
3691 Ghost Wolf (Rank 1)
3692 Detect Invisibility (Rank 2)
3693 Burning Spirit (Rank 4)
3694 Seal of Reckoning (Rank 1)
3695 Seal of Reckoning (Rank 2)
3696 Conjure Water (Rank 2)
3697 Divine Protection (Rank 1)
3698 Health Funnel (Rank 2)
3699 Health Funnel (Rank 3)
3700 Health Funnel (Rank 4)
3701 Health Funnel (Rank 2)
3702 Health Funnel (Rank 3)
3703 Health Funnel (Rank 4)
3704 Health Funnel (Rank 1)
3705 Health Funnel (Rank 2)
3706 Health Funnel (Rank 3)
3707 Health Funnel (Rank 4)
3710 Mana Funnel (Rank 1)
3713 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 2)
3714 Dark Ritual
3715 Dark Ritual II
3716 Torment (Rank 1)
3718 Syndicate Bomb
3719 Debuff Holy Resist (TEST)
3720 Throw Syndicate Bomb
3721 Teleport Altar of the Tides
3722 Summon Syndicate Spectre
3723 Frost Ward (Rank 1)
3724 Conjure Mana Gem (Rank 1)
3725 Purify
3726 Thunder Clap (Rank 1)
3728 Shock (Rank 4)
3729 Shock (Rank 5)
3730 Initialize Image
3732 Hellfire (Rank 1)
3733 Demon Breath (Rank 1)
3734 Regrowth (Rank 1)
3735 Healing Touch (Rank 1)
3737 Wrath (Rank 1)
3739 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 2)
3741 Holy Resist (Rank 1)
3742 Static Electricity
3744 Holy Smash (Rank 6)
3745 Levitate (Rank 1)
3747 Power Word: Shield (Rank 4)
3748 Holy Word: Shield (Rank 4)
3750 Remove Curse (Rank 2)
3751 Rain of Fire (Rank 2)
3752 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 5)
3753 Handstitched Leather Belt
3755 Linen Bag
3756 Embossed Leather Gloves
3757 Woolen Bag
3758 Green Woolen Bag
3759 Embossed Leather Pants
3760 Hillman's Cloak
3761 Fine Leather Tunic
3762 Hillman's Leather Vest
3763 Fine Leather Belt
3764 Hillman's Leather Gloves
3765 Dark Leather Gloves
3766 Dark Leather Belt
3767 Hillman's Belt
3768 Hillman's Shoulders
3769 Dark Leather Shoulders
3770 Toughened Leather Gloves
3771 Barbaric Gloves
3772 Green Leather Armor
3773 Guardian Armor
3774 Green Leather Belt
3775 Guardian Belt
3776 Green Leather Bracers
3777 Guardian Leather Bracers
3778 Gem-studded Leather Belt
3779 Barbaric Belt
3780 Heavy Armor Kit
3781 Heavy Armor Kit
3782 Handstitched Leather Belt
3783 Linen Bag
3784 Embossed Leather Gloves
3785 Woolen Bag
3786 Embossed Leather Pants
3787 Hillman's Cloak
3788 Fine Leather Tunic
3789 Fine Leather Belt
3790 Hillman's Leather Gloves
3792 Dark Leather Belt
3793 Hillman's Shoulders
3794 Toughened Leather Gloves
3795 Green Leather Belt
3796 Green Leather Armor
3797 Green Leather Bracers
3798 Gem-studded Leather Belt
3799 Pattern: Green Woolen Bag
3800 Pattern: Hillman's Leather Vest
3801 Pattern: Guardian Cloak
3802 Pattern: Hillman's Belt
3803 Pattern: Dark Leather Shoulders
3804 Pattern: Barbaric Gloves
3805 Pattern: Guardian Armor
3806 Pattern: Guardian Belt
3807 Pattern: Guardian Leather Bracers
3808 Pattern: Barbaric Belt
3810 Heal (Rank 1)
3811 Leatherworking (Expert)
3812 Expert Leatherworking
3813 Small Silk Pack
3814 Small Silk Pack
3815 Poison Cloud
3816 Cured Light Hide
3817 Cured Medium Hide
3818 Cured Heavy Hide
3819 Cured Medium Hide
3820 Cured Heavy Hide
3821 Cured Light Hide
3822 Proximity Bomb Explode
3823 Throw Proximity Bomb
3825 Ward of Laze Passive
3826 Ward of Laze effect
3827 Ward of Laze
3837 Beast Slayer (Rank 1)
3839 Bolt of Silk Cloth
3840 Heavy Linen Gloves
3841 Green Linen Bracers
3842 Handstitched Linen Britches
3843 Heavy Woolen Gloves
3844 Heavy Woolen Cloak
3845 Soft-soled Linen Boots
3847 Red Woolen Boots
3848 Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders
3849 Reinforced Woolen Shoulders
3850 Heavy Woolen Pants
3851 Phoenix Pants
3852 Gloves of Meditation
3854 Azure Silk Gloves
3855 Spidersilk Boots
3856 Spider Silk Slippers
3857 Enchanter's Cowl
3858 Shadow Hood
3859 Azure Silk Vest
3860 Boots of the Enchanter
3861 Long Silken Cloak
3862 Icy Cloak
3863 Spider Belt
3864 Star Belt
3865 Bolt of Mageweave
3866 Stylish Red Shirt
3868 Phoenix Gloves
3869 Bright Yellow Shirt
3870 Dark Silk Shirt
3871 Formal White Shirt
3872 Rich Purple Silk Shirt
3873 Black Swashbuckler's Shirt
3874 Bolt of Silk
3875 Bolt of Mageweave
3876 Heavy Linen Gloves
3877 Green Linen Bracers
3878 Handstitched Linen Britches
3879 Heavy Woolen Gloves
3880 Soft-soled Linen Boots
3881 Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders
3882 Heavy Woolen Pants
3884 Gloves of Meditation
3885 Azure Silk Gloves
3886 Spidersilk Boots
3887 Enchanter's Cowl
3888 Azure Silk Vest
3889 Long Silken Cloak
3890 Stylish Red Shirt
3891 Bright Yellow Shirt
3892 Dark Silk Shirt
3893 Formal White Shirt
3894 Black Swashbuckler's Shirt
3895 Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak
3896 Pattern: Red Woolen Boots
3897 Pattern: Reinforced Woolen Shoulders
3898 Pattern: Phoenix Pants
3899 Pattern: Spider Silk Slippers
3900 Pattern: Shadow Hood
3901 Pattern: Boots of the Enchanter
3902 Pattern: Icy Cloak
3903 Pattern: Spider Belt
3904 Pattern: Star Belt
3905 Pattern: Phoenix Gloves
3906 Pattern: Robes of Arcana
3908 Tailoring (Apprentice)
3909 Tailoring (Journeyman)
3910 Tailoring (Expert)
3911 Apprentice Tailor
3912 Journeyman Tailor
3913 Expert Tailor
3914 Brown Linen Pants
3915 Brown Linen Shirt
3916 Brown Linen Pants
3917 Brown Linen Shirt
3918 Rough Blasting Powder
3919 Rough Dynamite
3920 Crafted Light Shot
3921 Deprecated Solid Shot
3922 Handful of Copper Bolts
3923 Rough Copper Bomb
3924 Copper Tube
3925 Rough Boomstick
3926 Copper Modulator
3928 Mechanical Squirrel
3929 Coarse Blasting Powder
3930 Crafted Heavy Shot
3931 Coarse Dynamite
3932 Target Dummy
3933 Small Seaforium Charge
3934 Flying Tiger Goggles
3936 Deadly Blunderbuss
3937 Large Copper Bomb
3938 Bronze Tube
3939 Lovingly Crafted Boomstick
3940 Shadow Goggles
3941 Small Bronze Bomb
3942 Whirring Bronze Gizmo
3944 Flame Deflector
3945 Heavy Blasting Powder
3946 Heavy Dynamite
3947 Crafted Solid Shot
3949 Silver-plated Shotgun
3950 Big Bronze Bomb
3952 Minor Recombobulator
3953 Bronze Framework
3954 Moonsight Rifle
3955 Explosive Sheep
3956 Green Tinted Goggles
3957 Ice Deflector
3958 Iron Strut
3959 Discombobulator Ray
3960 Portable Bronze Mortar
3961 Gyrochronatom
3962 Iron Grenade
3963 Compact Harvest Reaper Kit
3964 Deprecated BKP "Impact" Shot
3965 Advanced Target Dummy
3966 Craftsman's Monocle
3967 Big Iron Bomb
3968 Goblin Land Mine
3969 Mechanical Dragonling
3971 Gnomish Cloaking Device
3972 Large Seaforium Charge
3973 Silver Contact
3974 Crude Scope
3975 Standard Scope
3976 Accurate Scope
3977 Crude Scope
3978 Standard Scope
3979 Accurate Scope
3980 Rough Blasting Powder
3981 Rough Dynamite
3982 Crafted Light Shot
3983 Solid Shot
3984 Handful of Copper Bolts
3985 Rough Copper Bomb
3986 Copper Tube
3987 Rough Boomstick
3988 Crude Scope
3990 Silver Contact
3991 Copper Modulator
3992 Coarse Blasting Powder
3993 Crafted Heavy Shot
3994 Coarse Dynamite
3995 Target Dummy
3997 Flying Tiger Goggles
3998 Deadly Blunderbuss
3999 Large Copper Bomb
4000 Bronze Tube
4001 Standard Scope
4002 Lovingly Crafted Boomstick
4003 Small Bronze Bomb
4005 Whirring Bronze Gizmo
4006 Heavy Blasting Powder
4007 Heavy Dynamite
4008 Crafted Solid Shot
4009 Silver-plated Shotgun
4010 Big Bronze Bomb
4011 Minor Recombobulator
4012 Bronze Framework
4013 Explosive Sheep
4014 Green Tinted Goggles
4015 Ice Deflector
4016 Iron Strut
4017 Gyrochronatom
4018 Iron Grenade
4019 Compact Harvest Reaper Kit
4020 BKP "Impact" Shot
4021 Accurate Scope
4022 Advanced Target Dummy
4023 Big Iron Bomb
4024 Mechanical Dragonling
4025 Gnomish Cloaking Device
4026 Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel
4027 Schematic: Small Seaforium Charge
4028 Schematic: Shadow Goggles
4029 Schematic: Flame Deflector
4030 Schematic: Moonsight Rifle
4031 Schematic: Discombobulator Ray
4032 Schematic: Portable Bronze Mortar
4033 Schematic: Craftsman's Monocle
4034 Schematic: Goblin Land Mine
4035 Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge
4036 Engineering (Apprentice)
4037 Engineering (Journeyman)
4038 Engineering (Expert)
4039 Apprentice Engineer
4040 Journeyman Engineer
4041 Expert Engineer
4042 Healing Potion
4043 Detonation
4044 Target Dummy Passive
4045 Target Dummy Effect
4048 Advanced Target Dummy Passive
4049 Advanced Target Dummy
4050 Explosive Sheep
4051 Explosive Sheep Passive
4052 Summon Explosive Sheep
4054 Rough Dynamite
4055 Mechanical Squirrel
4056 Small Seaforium Charge
4057 Fire Resistance
4058 Reverse Transformation
4060 Discombobulate
4061 Coarse Dynamite
4062 Heavy Dynamite
4063 Argus Shadow Mage Transform
4064 Rough Copper Bomb
4065 Large Copper Bomb
4066 Small Bronze Bomb
4067 Big Bronze Bomb
4068 Iron Grenade
4069 Big Iron Bomb
4070 Guardian
4071 Target Dummy
4072 Advanced Target Dummy
4073 Mechanical Dragonling
4074 Explosive Sheep
4075 Large Seaforium Charge
4077 Frost Resistance
4078 Compact Harvest Reaper
4079 Cloaking
4080 Frost Resistance (Racial)
4081 Nature Resistance (Racial)
4083 Bull Rush (Racial)
4084 Shadow Resistance (Racial)
4085 Holy Affinity (Rank 1)
4086 Evasion
4089 Curse of Frailty
4090 Life Tap
4091 Mana Burn
4092 Advanced Target Dummy Spawn Effect
4093 Reconstruction
4094 Barbecued Buzzard Wing
4095 Barbecued Buzzard Wing
4096 Raptor Hide Harness
4097 Raptor Hide Belt
4098 Raptor Hide Belt
4099 Raptor Hide Harness
4100 Goblin Land Mine
4101 Enraging Bite
4102 Gore
4104 Flight of the Peregrine
4105 Rapid Gallop
4107 Tough Shell (Rank 1)
4108 Tough Shell (Rank 2)
4109 Tough Shell (Rank 3)
4111 Tough Shell (Rank 4)
4112 Tough Shell (Rank 1)
4113 Tough Shell (Rank 2)
4114 Tough Shell (Rank 4)
4115 Tough Shell (Rank 3)
4116 Heroic Strength (Rank 2)
4117 Heroic Strength (Rank 3)
4118 Heroic Strength (Rank 4)
4119 Heroic Strength (Rank 5)
4120 Heroic Strength (Rank 6)
4121 Heroic Strength (Rank 7)
4122 Heroic Strength (Rank 8)
4123 Heroic Strength (Rank 2)
4124 Heroic Strength (Rank 3)
4125 Heroic Strength (Rank 4)
4126 Heroic Strength (Rank 5)
4127 Heroic Strength (Rank 6)
4128 Heroic Strength (Rank 7)
4129 Heroic Strength (Rank 8)
4130 Banish Burning Exile
4131 Banish Cresting Exile
4132 Banish Thundering Exile
4133 Bruise
4134 Bruise
4135 Bruise
4136 Bruise
4137 Bruise
4138 Bruise
4139 Bruise
4140 Bruise
4141 Summon Myzrael
4142 Feast of Prey
4143 Feast of Prey
4144 Spider Poison
4146 Enraged Howl
4147 Enraged Howl
4148 Growl of Fortitude
4149 Toughen Hide
4150 Eye Peck
4152 Detect Elven Gems
4153 Guile of the Raptor
4154 Ferocity
4159 Tight Pinch
4160 Quick Snap
4161 Quick Snap
4164 Throw Rock
4165 Throw Rock II
4166 Vulnerable
4167 Web
4168 Web II
4169 Web III
4170 Cannon Ball
4171 Cat's Agility (Rank 1)
4172 Cat's Agility (Rank 2)
4173 Cat's Agility (Rank 3)
4174 Cat's Agility (Rank 4)
4175 Cat's Agility (Rank 5)
4176 Cat's Agility (Rank 6)
4177 Cat's Agility (Rank 7)
4178 Cat's Agility (Rank 8)
4179 Cat's Agility (Rank 1)
4180 Cat's Agility (Rank 2)
4181 Cat's Agility (Rank 3)
4182 Cat's Agility (Rank 4)
4183 Cat's Agility (Rank 5)
4184 Cat's Agility (Rank 6)
4185 Cat's Agility (Rank 7)
4186 Cat's Agility (Rank 8)
4187 Great Stamina (Rank 1)
4188 Great Stamina (Rank 2)
4189 Great Stamina (Rank 3)
4190 Great Stamina (Rank 4)
4191 Great Stamina (Rank 5)
4192 Great Stamina (Rank 6)
4193 Great Stamina (Rank 7)
4194 Great Stamina (Rank 8)
4195 Great Stamina (Rank 1)
4196 Great Stamina (Rank 2)
4197 Great Stamina (Rank 3)
4198 Great Stamina (Rank 4)
4199 Great Stamina (Rank 5)
4200 Great Stamina (Rank 6)
4201 Great Stamina (Rank 7)
4202 Great Stamina (Rank 8)
4204 Mighty Intellect (Rank 1)
4205 Mighty Intellect (Rank 2)
4206 Mighty Intellect (Rank 3)
4207 Mighty Intellect (Rank 4)
4208 Mighty Intellect (Rank 5)
4209 Healing Tongue
4210 Mighty Intellect (Rank 6)
4211 Mighty Intellect (Rank 7)
4212 Mighty Intellect (Rank 8)
4213 Mighty Intellect (Rank 1)
4214 Mighty Intellect (Rank 2)
4215 Mighty Intellect (Rank 3)
4216 Mighty Intellect (Rank 4)
4217 Mighty Intellect (Rank 5)
4218 Mighty Intellect (Rank 6)
4219 Mighty Intellect (Rank 7)
4220 Mighty Intellect (Rank 8)
4221 Healing Tongue II
4222 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 1)
4223 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 2)
4224 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 3)
4225 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 4)
4226 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 5)
4227 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 6)
4228 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 7)
4229 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 8)
4230 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 1)
4231 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 2)
4232 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 3)
4233 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 4)
4234 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 5)
4235 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 6)
4236 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 7)
4237 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 8)
4238 Roar of Fortitude
4239 Activating Defenses
4240 Vital Wound
4241 Vital Wound
4242 Pester
4243 Pester Effect
4244 Open Wound Effect
4245 Open Wound
4246 Clenched Pinchers
4247 Physical Prowess (Rank 1)
4248 Physical Prowess (Rank 2)
4249 Physical Prowess (Rank 3)
4250 Physical Prowess (Rank 4)
4251 Physical Prowess (Rank 5)
4252 Physical Prowess (Rank 6)
4253 Physical Prowess (Rank 7)
4254 OLDPhysical Prowess (Rank 8)
4255 Physical Prowess (Rank 1)
4256 Physical Prowess (Rank 2)
4257 Physical Prowess (Rank 3)
4258 Physical Prowess (Rank 4)
4259 Physical Prowess (Rank 5)
4260 Physical Prowess (Rank 6)
4261 Physical Prowess (Rank 7)
4262 Physical Prowess (Rank 8)
4263 Mental Acuity (Rank 1)
4264 Mental Acuity (Rank 2)
4265 Mental Acuity (Rank 3)
4266 Mental Acuity (Rank 4)
4267 Mental Acuity (Rank 5)
4268 Mental Acuity (Rank 6)
4269 Mental Acuity (Rank 7)
4270 Mental Acuity (Rank 8)
4271 Mental Acuity (Rank 1)
4272 Mental Acuity (Rank 2)
4273 Mental Acuity (Rank 3)
4274 Mental Acuity (Rank 4)
4275 Mental Acuity (Rank 5)
4276 Mental Acuity (Rank 6)
4277 Mental Acuity (Rank 7)
4278 Mental Acuity (Rank 8)
4279 Consume Flesh
4280 Consume Flesh
4281 Quickness
4282 Stomp
4283 Stomp
4284 Tendon Slice
4285 Tendon Slice
4286 Poisonous Spit
4287 Sword Mastery (Rank 2)
4288 Sword Mastery (Rank 2)
4289 Axe Mastery (Rank 1)
4290 Axe Mastery (Rank 2)
4291 Axe Mastery (Rank 1)
4292 Axe Mastery (Rank 2)
4293 Mace Mastery (Rank 1)
4294 Mace Mastery (Rank 2)
4295 Mace Mastery (Rank 1)
4296 Mace Mastery (Rank 2)
4297 Dagger Mastery (Rank 1)
4298 Dagger Mastery (Rank 2)
4299 Dagger Mastery (Rank 1)
4300 Dagger Mastery (Rank 2)
4301 Sword Finesse (Rank 1)
4302 Sword Finesse (Rank 2)
4303 Sword Finesse (Rank 3)
4304 Sword Finesse (Rank 1)
4305 Sword Finesse (Rank 2)
4306 Sword Finesse (Rank 3)
4307 Axe Finesse (Rank 1)
4308 Axe Finesse (Rank 2)
4309 Axe Finesse (Rank 3)
4310 Axe Finesse (Rank 1)
4311 Axe Finesse (Rank 2)
4312 Strider Presence
4313 Axe Finesse (Rank 3)
4315 Rabid Maw
4316 Rabid Maw
4317 Eye Peck
4318 Guile of the Raptor
4319 Enchant Azure Agate
4320 Trelane's Freezing Touch
4321 Stasis Test
4328 Mace Finesse (Rank 1)
4329 Mace Finesse (Rank 2)
4330 Mace Finesse (Rank 3)
4331 Mace Finesse (Rank 1)
4332 Mace Finesse (Rank 2)
4333 Mace Finesse (Rank 3)
4334 Axe Specialization (Rank 1)
4335 Axe Specialization (Rank 2)
4336 Axe Specialization (Rank 3)
4337 Axe Specialization (Rank 1)
4338 Axe Specialization (Rank 4)
4339 Axe Specialization (Rank 5)
4340 Axe Specialization (Rank 6)
4341 Axe Specialization (Rank 7)
4342 Axe Specialization (Rank 8)
4343 Axe Specialization (Rank 2)
4344 Axe Specialization (Rank 3)
4345 Axe Specialization (Rank 4)
4346 Axe Specialization (Rank 5)
4347 Axe Specialization (Rank 6)
4348 Axe Specialization (Rank 7)
4349 Axe Specialization (Rank 8)
4350 Sword Specialization (Rank 1)
4351 Sword Specialization (Rank 2)
4352 Sword Specialization (Rank 3)
4353 Sword Specialization (Rank 4)
4354 Sword Specialization (Rank 5)
4355 Sword Specialization (Rank 6)
4356 Sword Specialization (Rank 7)
4357 Sword Specialization (Rank 8)
4358 Sword Specialization (Rank 1)
4359 Sword Specialization (Rank 2)
4360 Sword Specialization (Rank 3)
4361 Sword Specialization (Rank 4)
4362 Sword Specialization (Rank 5)
4363 Sword Specialization (Rank 6)
4364 Sword Specialization (Rank 7)
4365 Sword Specialization (Rank 8)
4366 Mace Specialization (Rank 1)
4367 Mace Specialization (Rank 1)
4368 Mace Specialization (Rank 2)
4369 Mace Specialization (Rank 3)
4370 Mace Specialization (Rank 4)
4371 Mace Specialization (Rank 5)
4372 Mace Specialization (Rank 6)
4373 Mace Specialization (Rank 7)
4374 Mace Specialization (Rank 8)
4375 Mace Specialization (Rank 2)
4376 Mace Specialization (Rank 3)
4377 Mace Specialization (Rank 4)
4378 Mace Specialization (Rank 5)
4379 Mace Specialization (Rank 6)
4380 Mace Specialization (Rank 7)
4381 Mace Specialization (Rank 8)
4382 Dagger Specialization (Rank 1)
4383 Dagger Specialization (Rank 1)
4384 Dagger Specialization (Rank 2)
4385 Dagger Specialization (Rank 3)
4386 Dagger Specialization (Rank 4)
4387 Dagger Specialization (Rank 5)
4388 Dagger Specialization (Rank 6)
4389 Dagger Specialization (Rank 7)
4390 Dagger Specialization (Rank 8)
4391 Dagger Specialization (Rank 2)
4392 Dagger Specialization (Rank 3)
4393 Dagger Specialization (Rank 4)
4394 Dagger Specialization (Rank 5)
4395 Dagger Specialization (Rank 6)
4396 Dagger Specialization (Rank 7)
4397 Dagger Specialization (Rank 8)
4398 2H Axe Mastery (Rank 1)
4399 2H Axe Mastery (Rank 1)
4400 2H Axe Mastery (Rank 2)
4401 2H Axe Mastery (Rank 2)
4402 2H Mace Mastery (Rank 1)
4403 2H Mace Mastery (Rank 1)
4404 2H Mace Mastery (Rank 2)
4405 2H Mace Mastery (Rank 2)

4406 2H Sword Mastery (Rank 1)

4407 2H Sword Mastery (Rank 1)
4408 2H Sword Mastery (Rank 2)
4409 2H Sword Mastery (Rank 2)
4410 Staff Mastery (Rank 1)
4411 Staff Mastery (Rank 1)
4412 Staff Mastery (Rank 2)
4413 Staff Mastery (Rank 2)
4414 2H Axe Finesse (Rank 1)
4415 2H Axe Finesse (Rank 1)
4416 2H Axe Finesse (Rank 2)
4417 2H Axe Finesse (Rank 3)
4418 2H Sword Power (Rank 1)
4419 2H Sword Power (Rank 1)
4420 2H Sword Power (Rank 2)
4421 2H Sword Power (Rank 3)
4422 2H Sword Power (Rank 2)
4423 2H Sword Power (Rank 3)
4424 2H Axe Finesse (Rank 2)
4425 Spider Poison (Spider)
4426 2H Mace Finesse (Rank 1)
4427 2H Mace Finesse (Rank 1)
4428 2H Mace Finesse (Rank 2)
4429 2H Mace Finesse (Rank 3)
4430 2H Mace Finesse (Rank 2)
4431 2H Mace Finesse (Rank 3)
4433 Melee Finesse (Rank 1)
4434 Melee Finesse (Rank 1)
4435 Melee Finesse (Rank 2)
4436 Immolation
4437 Melee Finesse (Rank 3)
4438 Melee Finesse (Rank 2)
4439 Melee Finesse (Rank 3)
4440 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 1)
4441 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 1)
4442 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 2)
4443 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 3)
4444 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 4)
4445 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 5)
4446 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 6)
4447 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 7)
4448 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 8)
4449 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 2)
4450 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 3)
4451 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 4)
4452 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 5)
4453 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 6)
4454 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 7)
4455 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 8)
4456 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 1)
4457 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 1)
4458 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 2)
4459 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 3)
4460 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 4)
4461 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 5)
4462 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 6)
4463 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 7)
4464 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 8)
4465 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 2)
4466 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 3)
4467 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 4)
4468 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 5)
4469 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 6)
4470 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 7)
4471 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 8)
4472 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 1)
4473 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 1)
4474 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 2)
4475 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 3)
4476 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 4)
4477 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 5)
4478 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 6)
4479 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 7)
4480 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 8)
4481 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 2)
4482 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 3)
4483 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 4)
4484 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 5)
4485 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 6)
4486 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 7)
4487 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 8)
4488 Staff Specialization (Rank 1)
4489 Staff Specialization (Rank 1)
4490 Staff Specialization (Rank 2)
4491 Staff Specialization (Rank 3)
4492 Staff Specialization (Rank 4)
4493 Staff Specialization (Rank 5)
4494 Staff Specialization (Rank 6)
4495 Staff Specialization (Rank 7)
4496 Staff Specialization (Rank 8)
4497 Staff Specialization (Rank 2)
4498 Staff Specialization (Rank 3)
4499 Staff Specialization (Rank 4)
4500 Staff Specialization (Rank 5)
4501 Staff Specialization (Rank 6)
4502 Staff Specialization (Rank 7)
4503 Staff Specialization (Rank 8)
4504 Jeff Dummy 1
4505 Jeff Dummy 2
4507 Target Dummy Spawn Effect
4508 Discolored Healing Potion
4509 Recipe: Discolored Healing Potion
4511 Phase Shift
4514 Consuming Rage
4517 Meditation (Rank 2)
4518 Meditation (Rank 3)
4519 Meditation (Rank 4)
4520 Wide Sweep
4521 Meditation (Rank 2)
4522 Meditation (Rank 3)
4523 Meditation (Rank 4)
4524 Demonic Immolation
4525 Demonic Immolation Passive
4526 Mass Dispell
4527 Toughness (Rank 2)
4528 Toughness (Rank 3)
4529 Toughness (Rank 4)
4530 Toughness (Rank 5)
4531 Toughness (Rank 6)
4532 Toughness (Rank 7)
4533 Toughness (Rank 8)
4534 Toughness (Rank 5)
4535 Toughness (Rank 6)
4536 Toughness (Rank 7)
4537 Toughness (Rank 8)
4538 Extract Essence
4539 Strength of the Ages
4540 Holy Resist (Rank 2)
4541 Holy Resist (Rank 3)
4542 Holy Resist (Rank 4)
4543 Holy Resist (Rank 5)
4544 Holy Resist (Rank 6)
4545 Holy Resist (Rank 7)
4546 Holy Resist (Rank 8)
4547 Fire Resist (Rank 1)
4548 Nature Resist (Rank 1)
4549 Frost Resist (Rank 1)
4550 Shadow Resist (Rank 1)
4551 Fire Resist (Rank 2)
4552 Fire Resist (Rank 3)
4553 Fire Resist (Rank 4)
4554 Fire Resist (Rank 5)
4555 Fire Resist (Rank 6)
4556 Fire Resist (Rank 7)
4557 Fire Resist (Rank 8)
4558 Nature Resist (Rank 2)
4559 Nature Resist (Rank 3)
4560 Nature Resist (Rank 4)
4561 Nature Resist (Rank 5)
4562 Nature Resist (Rank 6)
4563 Nature Resist (Rank 7)
4564 Nature Resist (Rank 8)
4565 Frost Resist (Rank 2)
4566 Frost Resist (Rank 3)
4567 Frost Resist (Rank 4)
4568 Frost Resist (Rank 5)
4569 Frost Resist (Rank 6)
4570 Frost Resist (Rank 7)
4571 Frost Resist (Rank 8)
4572 Shadow Resist (Rank 2)
4573 Shadow Resist (Rank 3)
4574 Shadow Resist (Rank 4)
4575 Shadow Resist (Rank 5)
4576 Shadow Resist (Rank 6)
4577 Shadow Resist (Rank 7)
4578 Shadow Resist (Rank 8)
4579 Magic Resist (Rank 1)
4580 Magic Resist (Rank 2)
4581 Magic Resist (Rank 3)
4582 Magic Resist (Rank 4)
4583 Magic Resist (Rank 5)
4584 Magic Resist (Rank 6)
4585 Magic Resist (Rank 7)
4586 Magic Resist (Rank 8)
4587 Magic Resist (Rank 2)
4588 Magic Resist (Rank 3)
4589 Magic Resist (Rank 4)
4590 Magic Resist (Rank 5)
4591 Magic Resist (Rank 6)
4592 Magic Resist (Rank 7)
4593 Magic Resist (Rank 8)
4594 Holy Resist (Rank 2)
4595 Holy Resist (Rank 3)
4596 Holy Resist (Rank 4)
4597 Holy Resist (Rank 5)
4598 Holy Resist (Rank 6)
4599 Holy Resist (Rank 7)
4600 Holy Resist (Rank 8)
4601 Fire Resist (Rank 2)
4602 Fire Resist (Rank 3)
4603 Fire Resist (Rank 4)
4604 Fire Resist (Rank 5)
4605 Fire Resist (Rank 6)
4606 Fire Resist (Rank 7)
4607 Fire Resist (Rank 8)
4608 Nature Resist (Rank 2)
4609 Nature Resist (Rank 3)
4610 Nature Resist (Rank 4)
4611 Nature Resist (Rank 5)
4612 Nature Resist (Rank 6)
4613 Nature Resist (Rank 7)
4614 Nature Resist (Rank 8)
4615 Frost Resist (Rank 2)
4616 Frost Resist (Rank 3)
4617 Frost Resist (Rank 4)
4618 Frost Resist (Rank 5)
4619 Frost Resist (Rank 6)
4620 Frost Resist (Rank 7)
4621 Frost Resist (Rank 8)
4622 Shadow Resist (Rank 2)
4623 Shadow Resist (Rank 3)
4624 Shadow Resist (Rank 4)
4625 Shadow Resist (Rank 5)
4626 Shadow Resist (Rank 6)
4627 Shadow Resist (Rank 7)
4628 Shadow Resist (Rank 8)
4629 Rain of Fire
4630 Phase Shift
4631 Beast Slayer (Rank 2)
4632 Beast Slayer (Rank 3)
4633 Beast Slayer (Rank 4)
4634 Beast Slayer (Rank 5)
4635 Beast Slayer (Rank 6)
4636 Beast Slayer (Rank 7)
4637 Beast Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4638 Beast Slayer (Rank 2)
4639 Beast Slayer (Rank 3)
4640 Beast Slayer (Rank 4)
4641 Beast Slayer (Rank 5)
4642 Beast Slayer (Rank 6)
4643 Beast Slayer (Rank 7)
4644 Beast Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4645 Demon Slayer (Rank 1)
4646 Demon Slayer (Rank 2)
4647 Demon Slayer (Rank 3)
4648 Demon Slayer (Rank 4)
4649 Demon Slayer (Rank 5)
4650 Demon Slayer (Rank 6)
4651 Demon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4652 Demon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4653 Demon Slayer (Rank 1)
4654 Demon Slayer (Rank 2)
4655 Demon Slayer (Rank 3)
4656 Demon Slayer (Rank 4)
4657 Demon Slayer (Rank 5)
4658 Demon Slayer (Rank 6)
4659 Demon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4660 Demon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4661 Dragon Slayer (Rank 1)
4662 Dragon Slayer (Rank 2)
4663 Dragon Slayer (Rank 3)
4664 Dragon Slayer (Rank 4)
4665 Dragon Slayer (Rank 5)
4666 Dragon Slayer (Rank 6)
4667 Dragon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4668 Dragon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4669 Dragon Slayer (Rank 1)
4670 Dragon Slayer (Rank 2)
4671 Dragon Slayer (Rank 3)
4672 Dragon Slayer (Rank 4)
4673 Dragon Slayer (Rank 5)
4674 Dragon Slayer (Rank 6)
4675 Dragon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4676 Dragon Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4678 Elemental Slayer (Rank 1)
4679 Elemental Slayer (Rank 1)
4680 Elemental Slayer (Rank 2)
4681 Elemental Slayer (Rank 3)
4683 Elemental Slayer (Rank 4)
4684 Elemental Slayer (Rank 5)
4685 Elemental Slayer (Rank 6)
4687 Elemental Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4688 Elemental Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4689 Elemental Slayer (Rank 2)
4690 Elemental Slayer (Rank 3)
4691 Elemental Slayer (Rank 4)
4692 Elemental Slayer (Rank 5)
4693 Elemental Slayer (Rank 6)
4694 Elemental Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4695 Elemental Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4697 Giant Slayer (Rank 1)
4698 Giant Slayer (Rank 1)
4699 Giant Slayer (Rank 2)
4700 Giant Slayer (Rank 3)
4701 Giant Slayer (Rank 4)
4702 Giant Slayer (Rank 5)
4703 Giant Slayer (Rank 6)
4705 Giant Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4706 Giant Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4707 Giant Slayer (Rank 2)
4708 Giant Slayer (Rank 3)
4709 Giant Slayer (Rank 4)
4710 Giant Slayer (Rank 5)
4711 Giant Slayer (Rank 6)
4712 Giant Slayer (OLD) (Rank 7)
4713 Giant Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4714 Undead Slayer (Rank 1)
4715 Growl of Fortitude (Bear)
4716 Undead Slayer (Rank 1)
4717 Undead Slayer (Rank 2)
4718 Undead Slayer (Rank 3)
4719 Undead Slayer (Rank 4)
4720 Undead Slayer (Rank 5)
4721 Undead Slayer (Rank 6)
4722 Undead Slayer (Rank 7)
4723 Undead Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4724 Undead Slayer (Rank 2)
4725 Undead Slayer (Rank 3)
4726 Undead Slayer (Rank 4)
4727 Undead Slayer (Rank 5)
4728 Undead Slayer (Rank 6)
4729 Undead Slayer (Rank 7)
4730 Undead Slayer (OLD) (Rank 8)
4731 Enraging Bite (Bear)
4732 Roar of Fortitude (Bear)
4733 Gore (Boar)
4734 Toughen Hide (Boar)
4735 Vital Wound (Boar)
4736 Flight of the Peregrine (Bird)
4737 Eye Peck (Bird)
4739 Pester (Bird)
4740 Ferocity (Cat)
4741 Open Wound (Cat)
4742 Tough Shell (Crab - Rank 1)
4743 Tough Shell (Crab)
4744 Tough Shell (Crab - Rank 3)
4745 Tough Shell (Crab - Rank 4)
4746 Tight Pinch (Crab)
4747 Clenched Pinchers (Crab)
4748 Quick Snap (Crocilisk)
4750 Consume Flesh (Crocilisk)
4751 Dodge Mastery (Rank 2)
4752 Dodge Mastery (Rank 3)
4753 Dodge Mastery (Rank 2)
4754 Dodge Mastery (Rank 3)
4758 Parry Mastery (Rank 2)
4759 Parry Mastery (Rank 3)
4760 Shield Blocking (Rank 1)
4761 Shield Blocking (Rank 1)
4762 Shield Blocking (Rank 2)
4763 Shield Blocking (Rank 3)
4764 Shield Blocking (Rank 2)
4765 Shield Blocking (Rank 3)
4766 Rapid Gallop (Horse)
4767 Stomp (Horse)
4768 Feast of Prey (Raptor)
4769 Vulnerable (Raptor)
4770 Tendon Slice (Raptor)
4771 Bruise (Gorilla - Rank 1)
4772 Bruise (Gorilla - Rank 2)
4773 Bruise (Gorilla - Rank 3)
4774 Bruise (Gorilla - Rank 4)
4775 Throw Rock (Gorilla - Rank 1)
4776 Throw Rock (Gorilla - Rank 2)
4777 Quickness (Gorilla)
4778 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 1)
4779 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 1)
4780 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 2)
4781 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 2)
4782 Web (Spider - Rank 1)
4783 Web (Spider - Rank 2)
4785 Web (Spider - Rank 3)
4786 Holy Affinity (Rank 2)
4787 Holy Affinity (Rank 2)
4788 Fire Affinity (Rank 1)
4789 Fire Affinity (Rank 1)
4790 Fire Affinity (Rank 2)
4791 Fire Affinity (Rank 2)
4792 Nature Affinity (Rank 1)
4793 Nature Affinity (Rank 1)
4794 Nature Affinity (Rank 2)
4795 Nature Affinity (Rank 2)
4796 Frost Affinity (Rank 1)
4797 Frost Affinity (Rank 1)
4798 Frost Affinity (Rank 2)
4799 Frost Affinity (Rank 2)
4801 Teleport
4804 Poisonous Spit (Spider)
4805 Distracting Spit
4806 Distracting Spit (Tall Strider)
4807 Healing Tongue (Tall Strider - Rank 1)
4808 Healing Tongue (Tall Strider - Rank 2)
4809 Magic Focus (Rank 1)
4810 (OLD) Magic Focus (Rank 2)
4811 (Old) Magic Focus (Rank 3)
4812 Magic Focus (Rank 2)
4813 Magic Focus (Rank 3)
4814 Strider Presence (Tall Strider)
4815 Enraged Howl (Wolf)
4816 Rabid Maw (Wolf)
4832 Fire Specialization (Rank 1)
4833 Fire Specialization (Rank 1)
4834 Fire Specialization (Rank 2)
4835 Fire Specialization (Rank 3)
4836 Fire Specialization (Rank 4)
4837 Fire Specialization (Rank 5)
4838 Fire Specialization (Rank 6)
4839 Fire Specialization (Rank 7)
4840 Fire Specialization (Rank 8)
4841 Fire Specialization (Rank 2)
4842 Fire Specialization (Rank 3)
4843 Fire Specialization (Rank 4)
4844 Fire Specialization (Rank 5)
4845 Fire Specialization (Rank 6)
4846 Fire Specialization (Rank 7)
4847 Fire Specialization (Rank 8)
4848 Nature Specialization (Rank 1)
4849 Nature Specialization (Rank 1)
4850 Nature Specialization (Rank 2)
4851 Nature Specialization (Rank 3)
4852 Nature Specialization (Rank 4)
4853 Nature Specialization (Rank 5)
4854 Nature Specialization (Rank 6)
4855 Nature Specialization (Rank 7)
4856 Nature Specialization (Rank 8)
4857 Nature Specialization (Rank 2)
4858 Nature Specialization (Rank 3)
4859 Nature Specialization (Rank 4)
4860 Nature Specialization (Rank 5)
4861 Nature Specialization (Rank 6)
4862 Nature Specialization (Rank 7)
4863 Nature Specialization (Rank 8)
4864 Frost Specialization (Rank 1)
4865 Frost Specialization (Rank 1)
4866 Frost Specialization (Rank 2)
4867 Frost Specialization (Rank 3)
4868 Frost Specialization (Rank 4)
4869 Frost Specialization (Rank 5)
4870 Frost Specialization (Rank 6)
4871 Frost Specialization (Rank 7)
4872 Frost Specialization (Rank 8)
4873 Frost Specialization (Rank 2)
4874 Frost Specialization (Rank 3)
4875 Frost Specialization (Rank 4)
4876 Frost Specialization (Rank 5)
4877 Frost Specialization (Rank 6)
4878 Frost Specialization (Rank 7)
4879 Frost Specialization (Rank 8)
4880 Shadow Specialization (Rank 1)
4881 Shadow Specialization (Rank 1)
4882 Shadow Specialization (Rank 2)
4883 Shadow Specialization (Rank 3)
4884 Shadow Specialization (Rank 4)
4885 Shadow Specialization (Rank 5)
4886 Shadow Specialization (Rank 6)
4887 Shadow Specialization (Rank 7)
4888 Shadow Specialization (Rank 8)
4889 Shadow Specialization (Rank 2)
4890 Shadow Specialization (Rank 3)
4891 Shadow Specialization (Rank 4)
4892 Shadow Specialization (Rank 5)
4893 Shadow Specialization (Rank 6)
4894 Shadow Specialization (Rank 7)
4895 Shadow Specialization (Rank 8)
4896 Bow Mastery (Rank 1)
4897 Bow Mastery (Rank 2)
4898 Bow Mastery (Rank 1)
4899 Bow Mastery (Rank 2)
4900 Gun Mastery (Rank 1)
4901 Gun Mastery (Rank 1)
4902 Gun Mastery (Rank 2)
4903 Gun Mastery (Rank 2)
4904 Thrown Mastery (Rank 1)
4905 Thrown Mastery (Rank 1)
4906 Thrown Mastery (Rank 2)
4907 Thrown Mastery (Rank 2)
4909 Thrown Finesse
4910 Thrown Finesse
4911 Thrown Finesse II
4912 Thrown Finesse III
4913 Thrown Finesse II
4914 Thrown Finesse III
4915 Bow Power (Rank 1)
4916 Bow Power (Rank 1)
4917 Bow Power (Rank 2)
4918 Bow Power (Rank 3)
4919 Bow Power (Rank 2)
4920 Bow Power (Rank 3)
4921 Gun Power (Rank 1)
4922 Gun Power (Rank 1)
4923 Gun Power (Rank 2)
4924 Gun Power (Rank 3)
4925 Gun Power (Rank 2)
4926 Gun Power (Rank 3)
4928 Summon Cresting Exile
4929 Summon Burning Exile
4930 Summon Thundering Exile
4931 Summon Rumbling Exile
4932 Ward of Myzrael
4933 Prismatic Form: Fire
4934 Prismatic Form: Earth
4935 Prismatic Form: Water
4936 Prismatic Form: Thunder
4937 Summon Prismatic Exiles
4938 Myzrael Earthquake
4940 Spider Poison
4941 Stoneshield
4942 Lesser Stoneshield Potion
4943 Recipe: Lesser Stoneshield Potion
4945 Summon Dagun
4946 Summon Tamed Wolf
4947 Magic Backlash
4948 Kinelory's Bear Form
4950 Summon Helcular's Puppets
4951 Helcular's Puppets Passive
4952 Helcular's Ward
4954 Break Tool
4955 Fist of Stone
4960 Create Fervor Potion (New)
4961 Resupply
4962 Encasing Webs
4970 Draw from the Earth
4971 Healing Ward
4972 Healing Ward V Passive
4974 Wither Touch
4975 Cleanse Winterhoof Well
4976 Filling
4977 Cleanse Thunderhorn Well
4978 Cleanse Wildmane Well
4979 Quick Flame Ward
4980 Quick Frost Ward
4981 Inducing Vision
4982 Pillar Delving
4983 Create Cleansing Totem
4984 Hammertoe's Sacrifice
4985 Summon Hammertoe's Spirit
4986 Unseen
4987 Cleanse
4990 Cleanse
4993 Cleanse
4996 [PH] Teleport to Orgrimmar
4997 [PH] Teleport to Booty Bay
4998 [PH] Teleport to Grom'Gol
4999 [PH] Teleport to Ratchet
5000 [PH] Teleport to Undercity
5001 Lotwil's Summoning
5002 Lotwil's Summon Complete
5003 Bunyanize
5004 Food
5005 Food
5006 Food
5007 Food
5009 Wands
5010 Scorch Breath
5011 Crossbows
5012 Rhinag's Poison
5016 Healing Aura
5017 Divining Trance
5019 Shoot
5020 Stormstout
5021 Trogg Ale
5024 Flee
5025 Test Tickle
5026 Create Water of the Seers
5027 Heroic Strength (Rank 9)
5028 Heroic Strength (Rank 10)
5029 Heroic Strength (Rank 11)
5030 Heroic Strength (Rank 12)
5034 Heroic Strength (Rank 9)
5035 Heroic Strength (Rank 10)
5036 Heroic Strength (Rank 11)
5037 Heroic Strength (Rank 12)
5041 Great Stamina (Rank 9)
5042 Great Stamina (Rank 10)
5048 Great Stamina (Rank 9)
5049 Great Stamina (Rank 10)
5055 Cat's Agility (Rank 9)
5056 Cat's Agility (Rank 10)
5057 Cat's Agility (Rank 11)
5058 Cat's Agility (Rank 12)
5059 Cat's Agility (Rank 13)
5060 Cat's Agility (Rank 14)
5061 Cat's Agility (Rank 15)
5062 Cat's Agility (Rank 9)
5063 Cat's Agility (Rank 11)
5064 Cat's Agility (Rank 12)
5065 Cat's Agility (Rank 13)
5066 Cat's Agility (Rank 14)
5067 Cat's Agility (Rank 15)
5068 Cat's Agility (Rank 10)
5069 Mighty Intellect (Rank 9)
5070 Mighty Intellect (Rank 10)
5071 Mighty Intellect (Rank 11)
5072 Mighty Intellect (Rank 12)
5073 Mighty Intellect (Rank 13)
5074 Mighty Intellect (Rank 14)
5075 Mighty Intellect (Rank 15)
5076 Mighty Intellect (Rank 9)
5077 Mighty Intellect (Rank 10)
5078 Mighty Intellect (Rank 11)
5079 Mighty Intellect (Rank 12)
5080 Mighty Intellect (Rank 13)
5081 Mighty Intellect (Rank 14)
5082 Mighty Intellect (Rank 15)
5084 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 9)
5085 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 10)
5086 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 11)
5087 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 12)
5088 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 13)
5089 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 14)
5090 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 15)
5091 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 9)
5092 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 10)
5093 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 11)
5094 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 12)
5095 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 13)
5096 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 14)
5097 Indomitable Spirit (Rank 15)
5099 Disruption
5100 Spore Burst
5101 Dazed
5102 Absorb Blow (Rank 1)
5103 Trigger Test (PT)
5104 Minor Scorpion Venom
5105 Minor Scorpion Venom Effect
5106 Crystal Flash
5107 Opening Booty Chest
5108 Voidwalker
5110 Summon Living Flame
5111 Living Flame Passive
5113 Living Flames
5115 Battle Command
5116 Concussive Shot
5117 Concussive Shot
5118 Aspect of the Cheetah
5119 Beast Tracking
5120 Undead Tracker (Rank 1)
5121 Giant Tracker (Rank 1)
5122 Demon Tracker (Rank 1)
5123 Dragon Tracker (Rank 1)
5124 Elemental Tracker (Rank 1)
5125 Beast Tracker (Rank 1)
5126 Demon Tracker (Rank 1)
5127 Undead Tracker (Rank 1)
5128 Elemental Tracker (Rank 1)
5129 Dragon Tracker (Rank 1)
5130 Giant Tracker (Rank 1)
5131 Aspect of the Cheetah
5133 Interrupt (PT)
5134 Flash Bomb
5137 Call of the Grave
5138 Drain Mana (Rank 1)
5139 Drain Mana (Rank 1)
5140 Detonate
5141 Eject Sneed
5142 Trogg Form
5143 Arcane Missiles (Rank 1)
5144 Arcane Missiles (Rank 2)
5145 Arcane Missiles (Rank 3)
5146 Arcane Missiles (Rank 1)
5147 Arcane Missiles (Rank 2)
5148 Arcane Missiles (Rank 3)
5149 Beast Training
5150 Gore
5159 Melt Ore
5161 Revive Dig Rat
5162 Self Explosion
5164 Knockdown
5165 Knockdown /Stun (TEST)
5166 Harvest Silithid Egg
5167 Pick Pocket (Rank 1)
5169 Defias Disguise
5170 Disguise
5171 Slice and Dice (Rank 1)
5172 Bloodsail Companion
5174 Cookie's Cooking (Rank 4)
5175 Slice and Dice (Rank 1)
5176 Wrath (Rank 1)
5177 Wrath (Rank 2)
5178 Wrath (Rank 3)
5179 Wrath (Rank 4)
5180 Wrath (Rank 5)
5181 Wrath (Rank 2)
5182 Wrath (Rank 3)
5183 Wrath (Rank 4)
5184 Wrath (Rank 5)
5185 Healing Touch (Rank 1)
5186 Healing Touch (Rank 2)
5187 Healing Touch (Rank 3)
5188 Healing Touch (Rank 4)
5189 Healing Touch (Rank 5)
5190 Healing Touch (Rank 2)
5191 Healing Touch (Rank 1)
5192 Healing Touch (Rank 3)
5193 Healing Touch (Rank 4)
5194 Healing Touch (Rank 5)
5195 Entangling Roots (Rank 3)
5196 Entangling Roots (Rank 4)
5197 Cyclone (Rank 1)
5199 Cyclone (Rank 2)
5200 VanCleef's Allies
5201 Claw (Rank 3)
5202 MHTest01
5203 Claw (Rank 3)
5204 Claw (Rank 4)
5205 Test - Warrior 40
5206 Plant Seeds
5208 Poisoned Harpoon
5209 Challenging Roar
5210 Challenging Roar (Rank 1)
5211 Bash (Rank 1)
5212 Bash (Rank 1)
5213 Molten Metal
5214 Bear Hug (Rank 1)
5215 Prowl (Rank 1)
5216 Prowl (Rank 1)
5217 Tiger's Fury (Rank 1)
5218 Tiger's Fury (Rank 1)
5219 Draw of Thistlenettle
5220 Frenzied Capo the Mean
5221 Shred (Rank 1)
5222 Shred (Rank 1)
5224 Play Dead (Rank 1)
5225 Track Humanoids
5226 Track Humanoid
5227 Underwater Breathing (Racial Passive)
5228 Enrage
5229 Enrage
5230 Nature's Grasp (Rank 2)
5231 Mark of the Wild (Rank 1)
5232 Mark of the Wild (Rank 2)
5233 Mark of the Wild (Rank 2)
5234 Mark of the Wild (Rank 4)
5235 Mark of the Wild (Rank 3)
5237 Riposte (Rank 1)
5239 Spell Break (Rank 1)
5241 Spell Break (Rank 2)
5242 Battle Shout (Rank 2)
5243 Battle Shout (Rank 2)
5244 Kodo Hide Bag
5245 Pattern: Kodo Hide Bag
5246 Intimidating Shout
5247 Intimidating Shout
5248 Inner Rage (Rank 1)
5249 Ice Lock
5250 Stromgarde Militia Call
5251 Stromgarde Militia Call Effect
5252 Voidwalker Guardian
5253 Turn Undead (Rank 1)
5254 Polymorph (TEST) (TEST)
5255 Explosion
5256 Claw Cover
5257 Thunderbrew Lager
5259 Disarm (TEST)
5260 Distract (TEST)

5262 Fanatic Blade

5263 Fanatic Blade Effect
5264 South Seas Pirate Disguise
5265 Stonesplinter Trogg Disguise
5266 Syndicate Disguise
5267 Dalaran Wizard Disguise
5268 Dark Iron Dwarf Disguise
5269 Defias Disguise (Rank 1)
5270 Stonesplinter Disguise (Rank 1)
5271 Cursed Blade
5272 Dalaran Wizard Disguise (Rank 1)
5273 Dark Iron Dwarf Disguise (Rank 1)
5274 Syndicate Disguise (Rank 1)
5275 South Seas Pirate Disguise (Rank 1)
5276 Freeze
5277 Evasion
5278 Evasion
5280 Razor Mane (Rank 1)
5281 zzOLDBlessing of Reckoning Effect (Rank 2)
5283 Execute (Rank 1)
5285 Mark of the Wild (Rank 1)
5286 Mark of the Wild (Rank 2)
5287 Mark of the Wild (Rank 3)
5289 Wrath (Rank 2)
5290 Wrath (Rank 3)
5291 Wrath (Rank 4)
5292 Wrath (Rank 5)
5294 Healing Touch (Rank 2)
5295 Healing Touch (Rank 3)
5296 Healing Touch (Rank 4)
5297 Healing Touch (Rank 5)
5298 Hunter's Mark (Rank 1)
5299 Hibernate (Rank 1)
5300 Beast Training
5301 Defensive State (DND)
5302 Defensive State
5305 Dampen Magic (Rank 1)
5306 ImmuneSleep (JEFFTEST) (Rank 1)
5307 Moonfire (Rank 1)
5308 Execute (Rank 1)
5309 Entangling Roots (Rank 3)
5310 Mark of the Wild (Rank 1)
5316 Raptor Feather
5320 Echeyakee's Grace (Rank 1)
5321 Ishamuhale's Rage (Rank 1)
5322 Lakota'mani's Thunder (Rank 1)
5323 Speed of Owatanka (Rank 1)
5324 Washte Pawne's Resolve (Rank 1)
5325 Strength of Isha Awak (Rank 1)
5334 Starburst
5335 Beast Call
5337 Wither Strike
5338 Multi-Shot (Rank 1)
5340 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 9)
5341 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 10)
5342 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 11)
5343 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 12)
5344 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 13)
5345 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 14)
5346 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 15)
5348 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 9)
5349 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 10)
5350 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 11)
5351 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 12)
5352 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 13)
5353 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 14)
5354 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 15)
5355 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 9)
5356 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 10)
5357 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 11)
5358 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 12)
5359 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 13)
5360 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 14)
5361 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 15)
5363 Thick Skin (Rank 1)
5364 Thick Skin (Rank 1)
5365 Thick Skin (Rank 2)
5366 Thick Skin (Rank 3)
5367 Thick Skin (Rank 4)
5368 Thick Skin (Rank 2)
5369 Thick Skin (Rank 3)
5370 Thick Skin (Rank 4)
5373 Judgement of Light Intermediate
5376 Hand Snap
5377 Hand Snap
5378 Thick Skin (Turtle - Rank 1)
5380 Thick Skin (Turtle - Rank 2)
5381 Thick Skin (Turtle - Rank 3)
5382 Thick Skin (Turtle - Rank 4)
5383 Hand Snap (Turtle)
5384 Feign Death
5385 Feign Death
5386 Water Breathing
5387 Ghost Wolf
5389 Ghost Wolf (Rank 2)
5390 Ethereal Form (Rank 1)
5392 Ethereal Form (Rank 2)
5394 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 1)
5395 Death Capsule
5396 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 1)
5397 Death Capsule
5398 Claw Cover (Scorpion)
5399 Minor Scorpion Venom (Scorpion)
5401 Lizard Bolt
5402 Gazban Transform
5403 Crash of Waves
5404 Gazban Water Form
5405 Replenish Mana (Rank 1)
5406 Replenish Mana II
5407 Segra Darkthorn Effect
5408 Quest - Sergra Darkthorn Spell
5409 Quest - Sergra Darkthorn Spell
5412 Balance of Nature Failure
5413 Noxious Catalyst
5414 Balance of Nature
5416 Venom Sting
5419 Travel Form (Passive) (Passive)
5420 Tree Form (Passive) 2 (Passive)
5421 Aquatic Form (Passive) (Passive)
5422 Lacerate
5424 Claw Grasp
5426 Quick Sidestep
5427 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 16)
5428 Axe Specialization (Rank 9)
5429 Axe Specialization (Rank 10)
5430 Axe Specialization (Rank 11)
5431 Axe Specialization (Rank 12)
5432 Axe Specialization (Rank 13)
5433 Axe Specialization (Rank 14)
5448 Sword Specialization (Rank 9)
5449 Sword Specialization (Rank 10)
5450 Sword Specialization (Rank 11)
5451 Sword Specialization (Rank 12)
5452 Sword Specialization (Rank 13)
5453 Sword Specialization (Rank 14)
5454 2H Sword Finesse (Rank 1)
5455 2H Sword Finesse (Rank 2)
5456 2H Sword Finesse (Rank 3)
5457 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 9)
5458 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 10)
5459 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 11)
5460 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 12)
5461 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 13)
5462 2H Sword Specialization (Rank 14)
5463 2H Sword Finesse (Rank 1)
5464 2H Sword Finesse (Rank 2)
5465 2H Sword Finesse (Rank 3)
5466 2H Axe Power (Rank 1)
5467 2H Axe Power (Rank 2)
5468 2H Axe Power (Rank 3)
5469 2H Axe Finesse (Rank 3)
5470 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 9)
5471 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 10)
5472 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 11)
5473 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 12)
5474 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 13)
5475 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 14)
5476 2H Axe Specialization (Rank 15)
5477 2H Axe Power (Rank 1)
5478 2H Axe Power (Rank 2)
5479 2H Axe Power (Rank 3)
5480 Cleave Armor (Rank 2)
5481 Sword Power (Rank 1)
5482 Sword Power (Rank 2)
5483 Sword Power (Rank 3)
5484 Howl of Terror (Rank 1)
5486 Howl of Terror (Rank 1)
5487 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
5488 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
5489 Sword Specialization (Rank 9)
5490 Sword Specialization (Rank 10)
5491 Sword Specialization (Rank 11)
5492 Sword Specialization (Rank 12)
5493 Sword Specialization (Rank 13)
5494 Sword Specialization (Rank 14)
5496 Sword Power (Rank 1)
5497 Sword Power (Rank 2)
5498 Sword Power (Rank 3)
5499 Blink
5500 Sense Demons
5501 Sense Demons
5502 Sense Undead
5503 Sense Undead
5504 Conjure Water (Rank 1)
5505 Conjure Water (Rank 2)
5506 Conjure Water (Rank 3)
5507 Conjure Water (Rank 1)
5508 Cleave Armor (Rank 1)
5509 Axe Power (Rank 1)
5510 Axe Power (Rank 2)
5511 Axe Power (Rank 3)
5512 Fill Phial
5513 Axe Specialization (Rank 15)
5514 Darken Vision
5515 Savagery
5516 Axe Specialization (Rank 9)
5517 Axe Specialization (Rank 10)
5518 Axe Specialization (Rank 11)
5519 Axe Specialization (Rank 12)
5520 Axe Specialization (Rank 13)
5521 Axe Specialization (Rank 14)
5522 Axe Specialization (Rank 15)
5524 Axe Power (Rank 1)
5525 Axe Power (Rank 2)
5526 Axe Power (Rank 3)
5527 2H Mace Power (Rank 1)
5528 2H Mace Power (Rank 2)
5529 2H Mace Power (Rank 3)
5530 Mace Stun Effect (Rank 1)
5532 Cleave
5533 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 9)
5534 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 10)
5535 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 11)
5536 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 12)
5537 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 13)
5538 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 14)
5539 2H Mace Specialization (Rank 15)
5540 2H Mace Power (Rank 1)
5541 2H Mace Power (Rank 2)
5542 2H Mace Power (Rank 3)
5543 Fade Out
5545 Mace Power (Rank 1)
5546 Mace Power (Rank 2)
5547 Mace Power (Rank 3)
5548 Mace Specialization (Rank 9)
5549 Mace Specialization (Rank 10)
5550 Mace Specialization (Rank 11)
5551 Mace Specialization (Rank 12)
5552 Mace Specialization (Rank 13)
5553 Mace Specialization (Rank 14)
5554 Mace Specialization (Rank 15)
5555 Mace Power (Rank 1)
5556 Mace Power (Rank 2)
5557 Mace Power (Rank 3)
5558 Mace Specialization (Rank 9)
5559 Mace Specialization (Rank 10)
5560 Mace Specialization (Rank 11)
5561 Mace Specialization (Rank 12)
5562 Mace Specialization (Rank 13)
5563 Mace Specialization (Rank 14)
5564 Mace Specialization (Rank 15)
5565 Conjure Water (Rank 2)
5566 Conjure Water (Rank 3)
5567 Miring Mud
5568 Trample
5570 Insect Swarm (Rank 1)
5572 Divine Protection (Rank 1)
5573 Divine Protection (Rank 2)
5574 Divine Protection (Rank 2)
5576 zzOLDBlessing of Reckoning Effect (Rank 3)
5578 zzOLDBlessing of Reckoning Effect (Rank 4)
5579 Immune Root/Snare/Stun
5581 Script Test
5583 Glimpse of Instincts
5584 Hammer of Justice (Rank 1)
5585 Dagger Power (Rank 1)
5586 Dagger Power (Rank 2)
5587 Dagger Power (Rank 3)
5588 Hammer of Justice (Rank 2)
5589 Hammer of Justice (Rank 3)
5590 Hammer of Justice (Rank 2)
5591 Hammer of Justice (Rank 3)
5594 Dagger Power (Rank 1)
5595 Dagger Power (Rank 2)
5596 Dagger Power (Rank 3)
5597 Serious Wound (Rank 1)
5598 Serious Wound (Rank 2)
5599 Blessing of Protection (Rank 2)
5600 Blessing of Protection (Rank 2)
5605 Healing Ward
5607 Healing Aura
5608 Healing Ward Passive
5610 Choose Power
5613 Exorcism (Rank 1)
5614 Exorcism (Rank 2)
5615 Exorcism (Rank 3)
5616 Exorcism (Rank 2)
5617 Exorcism (Rank 3)
5626 Gun Specialization (Rank 1)
5627 Turn Undead (Rank 2)
5628 Gnarlpine Vengeance
5629 Turn Undead (Rank 2)
5630 Gun Specialization (Rank 2)
5631 Gun Specialization (Rank 3)
5632 Gun Specialization (Rank 4)
5633 Gun Specialization (Rank 5)
5634 Gun Specialization (Rank 6)
5635 Gun Specialization (Rank 7)
5636 Gun Specialization (Rank 8)
5637 Gun Specialization (Rank 9)
5638 Gun Specialization (Rank 10)
5639 Gun Specialization (Rank 11)
5640 Gun Specialization (Rank 12)
5641 Gun Specialization (Rank 13)
5642 Gun Specialization (Rank 14)
5643 Gun Specialization (Rank 15)
5644 Wisdom Aura (Rank 2)
5647 Wisdom Aura (Rank 3)
5648 Stunning Blast (Rank 1)
5649 Stunning Blast (Rank 2)
5650 Gun Specialization (Rank 1)
5651 Gun Specialization (Rank 2)
5652 Gun Specialization (Rank 3)
5653 Gun Specialization (Rank 4)
5654 Gun Specialization (Rank 5)
5655 Gun Specialization (Rank 6)
5656 Gun Specialization (Rank 7)
5657 Gun Specialization (Rank 8)
5658 Gun Specialization (Rank 9)
5659 Gun Specialization (Rank 10)
5660 Gun Specialization (Rank 11)
5661 Gun Specialization (Rank 12)
5662 Gun Specialization (Rank 13)
5663 Gun Specialization (Rank 14)
5664 Gun Specialization (Rank 15)
5665 Fury of the Bogling
5666 Summon Timberling
5667 Bogling Passive
5668 Peasant Disguise
5669 Peon Disguise
5670 Disguise (Rank 1)
5671 Disguise (Rank 1)
5672 Healing Stream (Rank 1)
5675 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 1)
5676 Searing Pain (Rank 1)
5677 Mana Spring (Rank 1)
5678 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 1)
5679 Torch Burn
5680 Torch Burn
5682 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 3)
5683 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 4)
5684 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 5)
5685 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 6)
5686 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 7)
5687 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 8)
5688 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 3)
5689 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 4)
5690 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 5)
5691 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 6)
5692 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 7)
5693 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 8)
5696 Charge (TEST) (Rank 1)
5697 Unending Breath
5698 Unending Breath
5699 Create Healthstone
5700 Create Healthstone
5702 Create Healthstone (Greater)
5703 Stunning Strike (Rank 1)
5705 Shadow Word: Befuddle (Rank 1)
5707 Lifestone Regeneration
5708 Swoop
5709 Hellfire (Rank 1)
5715 Staff Power (Rank 1)
5716 Staff Power (Rank 2)
5717 Staff Power (Rank 3)
5720 Healthstone
5722 Staff Power (Rank 1)
5723 Greater Healthstone
5724 Staff Power (Rank 2)
5725 Staff Power (Rank 3)
5726 Stunning Blow (Rank 1)
5727 Stunning Blow (Rank 2)
5728 Stoneclaw Totem Passive (Rank 1)
5729 Stoneclaw Totem Effect (Rank 1)
5730 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 1)
5731 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 1)
5736 Curse of Tongues (Rank 1)
5738 Crippling Curse (Rank 1)
5740 Rain of Fire (Rank 1)
5741 Rain of Fire (Rank 1)
5742 Bow Specialization (Rank 1)
5743 Bow Specialization (Rank 2)
5744 Bow Specialization (Rank 3)
5745 Bow Specialization (Rank 4)
5746 Bow Specialization (Rank 5)
5747 Bow Specialization (Rank 6)
5748 Bow Specialization (Rank 7)
5749 Bow Specialization (Rank 8)
5750 Bow Specialization (Rank 9)
5751 Bow Specialization (Rank 10)
5752 Bow Specialization (Rank 11)
5753 Bow Specialization (Rank 12)
5754 Bow Specialization (Rank 13)
5755 Bow Specialization (Rank 14)
5756 Bow Specialization (Rank 15)
5757 Crossbow Mastery (Rank 1)
5758 Crossbow Mastery (Rank 2)
5759 Cat Form
5760 Mind-numbing Poison (Rank 1)
5761 Mind-numbing Poison (Rank 1)
5762 Crossbow Mastery (Rank 1)
5763 Mind-numbing Poison (Rank 1)
5764 Crossbow Mastery (Rank 2)
5765 Bow Specialization (Rank 1)
5766 Bow Specialization (Rank 2)
5767 Bow Specialization (Rank 3)
5768 Mind-numbing Poison (Rank 1)
5769 Bow Specialization (Rank 4)
5770 Bow Specialization (Rank 5)
5771 Bow Specialization (Rank 6)
5772 Bow Specialization (Rank 7)
5773 Bow Specialization (Rank 8)
5774 Bow Specialization (Rank 9)
5775 Bow Specialization (Rank 10)
5776 Bow Specialization (Rank 11)
5777 Bow Specialization (Rank 12)
5778 Bow Specialization (Rank 13)
5779 Bow Specialization (Rank 14)
5780 Bow Specialization (Rank 15)
5781 Threatening Growl
5782 Fear (Rank 1)
5783 Fear (Rank 1)
5784 Summon Felsteed (Summon)
5785 Teach Summon Felsteed (Summon)
5786 Shield Defense (Rank 1)
5787 Shield Defense (Rank 2)
5788 Shield Defense (Rank 3)
5789 Shield Defense (Rank 4)
5790 Shield Defense (Rank 5)
5791 Shield Defense (Rank 6)
5792 OLDShield Defense (Rank 7)
5793 OLDShield Defense (Rank 8)
5794 Shield Blocking (Rank 4)
5795 Shield Blocking (Rank 5)
5796 Shield Blocking (Rank 6)
5797 Shield Blocking (Rank 4)
5798 Shield Blocking (Rank 5)
5799 Shield Blocking (Rank 6)
5800 Shield Defense (Rank 1)
5801 Shield Defense (Rank 2)
5802 Shield Defense (Rank 3)
5803 Shield Defense (Rank 4)
5804 Shield Defense (Rank 5)
5805 Shield Defense (Rank 6)
5806 Shield Defense (Rank 7)
5807 Shield Defense (Rank 8)
5809 Create Scrying Bowl
5810 Stone Skin
5811 Stone Skin Passive
5812 Nature Power (Rank 1)
5813 Nature Power (Rank 2)
5814 Nature Power (Rank 3)
5815 Nature Power (Rank 4)
5816 Nature Focus (Rank 1)
5817 Nature Focus (Rank 2)
5818 Nature Focus (Rank 3)
5819 Nature Affinity (Rank 3)
5820 Nature Specialization (Rank 9)
5821 Nature Specialization (Rank 10)
5822 Nature Affinity (Rank 4)
5823 Nature Specialization (Rank 9)
5824 Nature Specialization (Rank 10)
5825 Nature Affinity (Rank 3)
5826 Nature Affinity (Rank 4)
5827 Nature Power (Rank 1)
5828 Nature Power (Rank 2)
5829 Nature Power (Rank 3)
5830 Nature Power (Rank 4)
5831 Nature Focus (Rank 1)
5832 Nature Focus (Rank 2)
5833 Nature Focus (Rank 3)
5834 Fire Focus (Rank 1)
5835 Fire Power (Rank 1)
5837 Fire Focus (Rank 2)
5838 Fire Focus (Rank 3)
5839 Fire Power (Rank 2)
5840 Fire Power (Rank 3)
5841 Fire Power (Rank 4)
5842 Fire Affinity (Rank 3)
5843 Fire Affinity (Rank 4)
5844 Fire Specialization (Rank 9)
5845 Fire Specialization (Rank 10)
5846 Fire Specialization (Rank 9)
5847 Fire Specialization (Rank 10)
5848 Fire Power (Rank 1)
5849 Fire Focus (Rank 1)
5850 Fire Focus (Rank 2)
5851 Fire Focus (Rank 3)
5852 Fire Power (Rank 2)
5853 Fire Power (Rank 3)
5854 Fire Power (Rank 4)
5855 Fire Affinity (Rank 3)
5856 Fire Affinity (Rank 4)
5857 Hellfire Effect (Rank 1)
5858 Dryad Camouflage
5862 Blessing of Aman
5865 Frost Focus (Rank 1)
5866 Frost Power (Rank 1)
5867 Frost Focus (Rank 2)
5868 Frost Focus (Rank 3)
5869 Frost Power (Rank 2)
5870 Frost Power (Rank 3)
5871 Frost Power (Rank 4)
5872 Frost Affinity (Rank 3)
5873 Frost Affinity (Rank 4)
5874 Frost Specialization (Rank 9)
5875 Frost Specialization (Rank 10)
5876 Frost Specialization (Rank 10)
5877 Frost Specialization (Rank 9)
5878 Frost Affinity (Rank 3)
5879 Frost Affinity (Rank 4)
5880 Frost Power (Rank 1)
5881 Frost Focus (Rank 1)
5882 Frost Focus (Rank 2)
5883 Frost Focus (Rank 3)
5884 Banshee Curse
5885 Frost Power (Rank 2)
5886 Frost Power (Rank 3)
5887 Frost Power (Rank 4)
5888 Darkshore Frenzy
5891 Shadow Specialization (Rank 9)
5892 Shadow Specialization (Rank 10)
5896 Shadow Power (Rank 1)
5898 Shadow Power (Rank 2)
5899 Shadow Power (Rank 3)
5900 Shadow Power (Rank 4)
5903 Shadow Specialization (Rank 9)
5904 Shadow Specialization (Rank 10)
5907 Shadow Power (Rank 1)
5909 Watered-down Beer
5910 Shadow Power (Rank 2)
5911 Shadow Power (Rank 3)
5912 Shadow Power (Rank 4)
5915 Crazed
5916 Shadowstalker Stealth (Rank 1)
5917 Fumble (Rank 1)
5918 Shadowstalker Stab (Rank 1)
5919 Holy Affinity (Rank 3)
5920 Holy Affinity (Rank 4)
5923 Holy Power (Rank 1)
5924 Holy Power (Rank 2)
5925 Holy Power (Rank 3)
5926 Holy Power (Rank 4)
5927 Holy Focus (Rank 1)
5928 Holy Focus (Rank 2)
5929 Holy Focus (Rank 3)
5930 Holy Affinity (Rank 3)
5931 Holy Affinity (Rank 4)
5934 Flourish (Rank 1)
5935 Holy Focus (Rank 1)
5936 Holy Focus (Rank 2)
5937 Holy Focus (Rank 3)
5938 Spell - Reuse 5938
5939 Spell - Reuse 5939
5940 Spell - Reuse 5940
5941 Evade (Rank 1)
5942 Evade (Rank 2)
5943 Evade (Rank 3)
5944 Evade (OLD) (Rank 4)
5945 Evade (Rank 1)
5946 Evade (Rank 2)
5947 Evade (Rank 3)
5948 Evade (OLD) (Rank 4)
5949 Toughen Hide
5950 Vital Wound
5951 Knockdown
5952 Throwing Specialization (Rank 1)
5953 Throwing Specialization (Rank 2)
5954 Throwing Specialization (Rank 3)
5955 Throwing Specialization (Rank 4)
5956 Throwing Specialization (Rank 5)
5957 Throwing Specialization (Rank 6)
5958 Throwing Specialization (Rank 7)
5959 Throwing Specialization (Rank 1)
5960 Throwing Specialization (Rank 2)
5961 Throwing Specialization (Rank 3)
5962 Throwing Specialization (Rank 4)
5963 Throwing Specialization (Rank 5)
5964 Throwing Specialization (Rank 6)
5965 Throwing Specialization (Rank 7)
5967 Pickpocket (PT)
5968 Summon Ghost Saber
5969 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 1)
5970 Crossbow Power (Rank 1)
5971 Crossbow Power (Rank 2)
5972 Crossbow Power (Rank 3)
5973 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 2)
5974 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 3)
5975 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 4)
5976 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 5)
5977 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 6)
5978 rf
5979 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 7)
5980 Crossbow Power (Rank 1)
5981 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 1)
5982 Crossbow Power (Rank 2)
5983 Crossbow Power (Rank 3)
5984 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 2)
5985 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 3)
5986 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 4)
5987 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 5)
5988 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 6)
5989 Crossbow Specialization (Rank 7)
5990 Nimble Reflexes
5993 Enraging Bite
5994 Growl of Fortitude
5995 Roar of Fortitude
5996 Flight of the Peregrine
5997 Eye Peck
5998 Pester
5999 Ferocity
6000 Open Wound
6001 Tough Shell (Rank 1)
6002 Tough Shell (Rank 2)
6003 Tough Shell (Rank 3)
6004 Tough Shell (Rank 4)
6005 Tight Pinch
6006 Clenched Pinchers
6007 Quick Snap
6008 Consume Flesh
6009 Bruise (Rank 1)
6010 Bruise (Rank 2)
6011 Bruise (Rank 3)
6012 Bruise (Rank 4)
6013 Throw Rock (Rank 1)
6014 Throw Rock (Rank 2)
6015 Quickness
6016 Pierce Armor
6017 Rapid Gallop
6019 Stomp
6020 Feast of Prey
6021 Vulnerable
6022 Tendon Slice
6023 Minor Scorpion Venom
6024 Claw Cover
6025 Spider Poison
6026 Web (Rank 1)
6027 Web (Rank 2)
6028 Web (Rank 3)
6029 Poisonous Spit
6030 Distracting Spit
6031 Healing Tongue (Rank 1)
6032 Healing Tongue (Rank 2)
6033 Strider Presence
6034 Thick Skin (Rank 1)
6035 Thick Skin (Rank 2)
6036 Thick Skin (Rank 3)
6037 Thick Skin (Rank 4)
6038 Hand Snap (Rank 1)
6039 Enraged Howl
6040 Rabid Maw
6041 Lightning Bolt (Rank 6)
6042 Create Lesser Healthstone (Rank 2)
6043 Lightning Bolt (Rank 6)
6057 Wand Specialization (Rank 1)
6059 Lightning Storm (Rank 3)
6060 Smite (Rank 6)
6062 Smite (Rank 6)
6063 Heal (Rank 3)
6064 Heal (Rank 4)
6065 Power Word: Shield (Rank 5)
6066 Power Word: Shield (Rank 6)
6067 Power Word: Shield (Rank 5)
6068 Power Word: Shield (Rank 6)
6070 Shadow Word: Befuddle (Rank 2)
6071 Heal (Rank 3)
6072 Heal (Rank 4)
6073 Renew (Rank 1)
6074 Renew (Rank 2)
6075 Renew (Rank 3)
6076 Renew (Rank 4)
6077 Renew (Rank 5)
6078 Renew (Rank 6)
6079 Renew (Rank 2)
6080 Renew (Rank 3)
6081 Renew (Rank 4)
6082 Renew (Rank 5)
6083 Renew (Rank 6)
6084 Summon Ghost Saber
6085 Wand Specialization (Rank 2)
6086 Wand Specialization (Rank 3)
6087 Wand Specialization (Rank 4)
6088 Wand Specialization (Rank 5)
6089 Wand Specialization (Rank 6)
6090 Wand Specialization (Rank 7)
6091 Wand Specialization (Rank 8)
6092 Wand Specialization (Rank 9)
6093 Wand Specialization (Rank 10)
6094 Wand Power (Rank 1)
6095 Wand Mastery (Rank 1)
6096 Wand Mastery (Rank 2)
6097 Wand Power (Rank 2)
6098 Wand Power (Rank 3)
6099 Wand Mastery (Rank 1)
6100 Wand Power (Rank 1)
6101 Wand Specialization (Rank 1)
6102 Wand Specialization (Rank 2)
6103 Wand Specialization (Rank 3)
6104 Wand Specialization (Rank 4)
6105 Wand Specialization (Rank 5)
6106 Wand Specialization (Rank 6)
6107 Wand Specialization (Rank 7)
6108 Wand Specialization (Rank 8)
6109 Wand Specialization (Rank 10)
6110 Wand Mastery (Rank 2)
6111 Wand Power (Rank 2)
6112 Wand Power (Rank 3)
6113 Wand Specialization (Rank 9)
6114 Raptor Punch
6115 Far Sight (PT)
6116 Frost Armor (Rank 1)
6117 Mage Armor (Rank 1)
6119 Combat Swap (DND)
6121 Mage Armor (Rank 1)
6122 Summon Vekniss Borer
6123 Combat Swap (DND)
6127 Conjure Water (Rank 4)
6128 Conjure Water (Rank 4)
6129 Conjure Food (Rank 4)
6130 Conjure Food (Rank 4)
6131 Frost Nova (Rank 3)
6132 Frost Nova (Rank 3)
6136 Chilled (Rank 1)
6141 Blizzard (Rank 2)
6142 Blizzard (Rank 2)
6143 Frost Ward (Rank 1)
6144 Frost Ward (Rank 1)
6145 Eagle Eye (PT)
6146 Slow (Rank 2)
6150 Quick Shots
6151 Sneaky (Rank 1)
6153 Sneaky (Rank 2)
6155 Sneaky (Rank 3)
6156 Sneaky (Rank 4)
6157 Sneaky (Rank 5)
6158 Heroic Strike (Rank 6)
6163 Sneaky (Rank 1)
6164 Perceptive (Rank 1)
6165 Sneaky (Rank 2)
6166 Sneaky (Rank 3)
6167 Sneaky (Rank 4)
6169 Sneaky (Rank 5)
6170 Perceptive (Rank 2)
6171 Perceptive (Rank 3)
6172 Perceptive (Rank 4)
6173 Perceptive (Rank 5)
6176 Execute (Rank 2)
6177 Execute (Rank 3)
6178 Charge (Rank 2)
6180 Charge (Rank 2)
6185 Hemorrhage (Rank 2)
6187 Riposte (Rank 2)
6190 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 2)
6191 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 2)
6192 Battle Shout (Rank 3)
6193 Battle Shout (Rank 3)
6195 Serpentbloom Snake
6196 Far Sight
6197 Eagle Eye
6198 Eagle Eye
6199 Nostalgia
6201 Create Healthstone (Minor)
6202 Create Healthstone (Lesser)
6203 Create Healthstone (Minor)
6204 Create Healthstone (Lesser)
6205 Curse of Weakness (Rank 3)
6206 Curse of Weakness (Rank 3)
6210 Blood Boil (Rank 1)
6211 Blood Boil (Rank 2)
6212 Blood Boil (Rank 3)
6213 Fear (Rank 2)
6214 Fear (Rank 2)
6215 Fear (Rank 3)
6216 Fear (Rank 3)
6217 Curse of Agony (Rank 3)
6218 Curse of Agony (Rank 3)
6219 Rain of Fire (Rank 2)
6220 Rain of Fire (Rank 2)
6221 Corruption (Rank 1)
6222 Corruption (Rank 2)
6223 Corruption (Rank 3)
6224 Corruption (Rank 2)
6225 Corruption (Rank 3)
6226 Drain Mana (Rank 2)
6227 Drain Mana (Rank 2)
6228 Eye of Kilrogg (Summon)
6229 Shadow Ward (Rank 1)
6231 Holy Ward (Rank 1)
6232 Shadow Ward (Rank 1)
6233 Closing
6234 Incineration
6235 Wisp Summon
6236 Form of the Moonstalker
6237 Wisp Detonate
6238 Speak with Animals
6239 Bloodtooth's Totum
6240 Dispell Bloodtooth
6243 Serpentbloom Snake Passive
6245 Force Target - Salute
6246 Closing
6247 Opening
6249 Opening
6250 Fire Cannon
6251 Summon Crimson Cannon
6252 Southsea Cannon Fire
6253 Backhand
6254 Chained Bolt
6255 Lizard Bolt
6257 Torch Toss
6262 Minor Healthstone
6263 Lesser Healthstone
6264 Nimble Reflexes
6266 Kodo Stomp
6268 Rushing Charge (Rank 1)
6270 Serpentine Cleansing
6271 Naralex's Awakening
6272 Eye of Yesmur (PT)
6273 Force Target - Talk
6274 Healing Ward
6275 Healing Aura
6276 Healing Ward IV Passive
6277 Bind Sight (PT)
6278 Creeping Mold
6280 Pet Hardiness (Rank 1)
6281 Pet Hardiness (Rank 2)
6282 Pet Hardiness (Rank 3)
6283 Pet Hardiness (Rank 4)
6284 Pet Hardiness (Any Pet - Rank 1)
6285 Pet Hardiness (Rank 1)
6286 Pet Hardiness (Rank 5)
6287 Pet Hardiness (Any Pet - Rank 2)
6288 Pet Hardiness (Any Pet - Rank 3)
6289 Pet Hardiness (Any Pet - Rank 4)
6290 Pet Hardiness (Any Pet - Rank 5)
6291 Pet Hardiness (Rank 2)
6292 Pet Hardiness (Rank 3)
6293 Pet Hardiness (Rank 4)
6294 Pet Hardiness (Rank 5)
6295 Fiery Enchantment
6296 Enchant: Fiery Blaze
6297 Fiery Blaze
6298 Form of the Moonstalker
6304 Rhahk'Zor Slam
6305 Flame Burst
6306 Acid Splash
6307 Blood Pact (Rank 1)
6310 Divining Scroll Spell
6311 Pet Aggression (Rank 1)
6312 Pet Aggression (Any Pet - Rank 1)
6313 Pet Aggression (Rank 1)
6314 Pet Aggression (Rank 2)
6315 Pet Aggression (Rank 3)
6316 Pet Aggression (Rank 4)
6317 Pet Aggression (Rank 5)
6318 Pet Aggression (Any Pet - Rank 2)
6319 Pet Aggression (Any Pet - Rank 3)
6320 Pet Aggression (Any Pet - Rank 4)
6321 Pet Aggression (Any Pet - Rank 5)
6322 Pet Aggression (Rank 2)
6323 Pet Aggression (Rank 3)
6324 Pet Aggression (Rank 4)
6325 Pet Aggression (Rank 5)
6327 Mana Feed
6328 Pet Recovery (Rank 1)
6329 Pet Recovery (Any Pet - Rank 1)
6330 Pet Recovery (Rank 1)
6331 Pet Recovery (Rank 2)
6332 Pet Recovery (Rank 3)
6333 Pet Recovery (Rank 4)
6334 Pet Recovery (Rank 5)
6335 Pet Recovery (Any Pet - Rank 2)
6336 Pet Recovery (Any Pet - Rank 3)
6337 Pet Recovery (Any Pet - Rank 4)
6338 Pet Recovery (Any Pet - Rank 5)
6339 Pet Recovery (Rank 2)
6340 Pet Recovery (Rank 3)
6341 Pet Recovery (Rank 4)
6342 Pet Recovery (Rank 5)
6343 Thunder Clap (Rank 1)
6346 Fear Ward
6347 Feedback (Rank 1)
6348 [PH] Teleport to Menethil Harbor
6349 [PH] Teleport to Auberdine
6350 Attack (Rank 2)
6351 Attack (Rank 3)
6352 Attack (Rank 4)
6353 Soul Fire (Rank 1)
6354 Venom's Bane
6355 Drink Disease Bottle
6356 Spell Immunity
6357 Spell Immunity
6358 Seduction
6359 Seduction
6360 Soothing Kiss (Rank 1)
6362 Soothing Kiss (Rank 1)
6363 Searing Totem (Rank 2)
6364 Searing Totem (Rank 3)
6365 Searing Totem (Rank 4)
6366 Create Firestone (Lesser)
6371 Healing Stream (Rank 2)
6372 Healing Stream (Rank 3)
6375 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 2)
6377 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 3)
6379 Searing Totem (Rank 2)
6380 Searing Totem (Rank 3)
6381 Searing Totem (Rank 4)
6383 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 2)
6384 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 3)
6385 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 1)
6386 Divine Spirit (Rank 2)
6390 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 2)
6391 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 3)
6392 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 4)
6393 Stoneclaw Totem Effect (Rank 2)
6394 Stoneclaw Totem Effect (Rank 3)
6395 Stoneclaw Totem Effect (Rank 4)
6397 Stoneclaw Totem Passive (Rank 2)
6398 Stoneclaw Totem Passive (Rank 3)
6399 Stoneclaw Totem Passive (Rank 4)
6400 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 2)
6401 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 3)
6402 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 4)
6403 Thunderbolt
6405 Furbolg Form
6408 Faded
6409 Cheap Shot (Rank 1)
6410 Food
6411 Scorpid Poison
6412 Kaldorei Spider Kabob
6413 Scorpid Surprise
6414 Roasted Kodo Meat
6415 Fillet of Frenzy
6416 Strider Stew
6417 Dig Rat Stew
6418 Crispy Lizard Tail
6419 Lean Venison
6421 Ashcrombe's Unlock
6422 Ashcrombe's Teleport (Rank 1)
6423 Recipe: Kaldorei Spider Kabob
6424 Recipe: Scorpid Surprise
6425 Recipe: Roasted Kodo Meat
6426 Recipe: Fillet of Frenzy
6427 Recipe: Strider Stew
6428 Recipe: Dig Rat Stew
6429 Recipe: Crispy Lizard Tail
6430 Recipe: Lean Venison
6431 Self Visual - Sleep 30s (DND)
6432 Smite Stomp
6433 Nimble Reflexes III
6434 Slice and Dice (Rank 1)
6435 Smite Slam
6436 Smite's Hammer
6440 Smite's Dual Wield Passive
6441 Explosive Shells
6442 Explosive Shells
6443 Pet Resistance (Rank 1)
6444 Pet Resistance (Rank 2)
6445 Pet Resistance (Rank 3)
6446 Pet Resistance (Rank 4)
6447 Pet Resistance (Rank 5)
6448 Pet Resistance (Any Pet - Rank 1)
6449 Pet Resistance (Rank 1)
6450 Pet Resistance (Any Pet - Rank 2)
6451 Pet Resistance (Any Pet - Rank 3)
6452 Pet Resistance (Any Pet - Rank 4)
6453 Pet Resistance (Any Pet - Rank 5)
6454 Pet Resistance (Rank 2)
6455 Pet Resistance (Rank 3)
6456 Pet Resistance (Rank 4)
6457 Pet Resistance (Rank 5)
6458 Ornate Spyglass
6459 Ornate Spyglass
6460 Lockpicking (Expert)
6461 Pick Lock (Journeyman)
6462 Pacified
6463 Pick Lock (Expert)
6464 Summon Rusty Chest
6465 Trapped Chest
6466 Axe Toss
6467 Unarmed Woodcutter
6468 Skeletal Miner Berserk
6469 Skeletal Miner Explode
6470 Tiny Bronze Key
6471 Tiny Iron Key
6472 Tiny Bronze Key
6473 Tiny Iron Key
6474 Earthbind Totem Passive
6477 Opening
6478 Opening
6479 Razormane Wolf
6480 Pick Lock
6481 Lockpicking (Journeyman)
6482 Lockpicking (Expert)
6483 [PH] Teleport to Felwood
6484 [PH] Teleport to Balthule
6485 Create Spellstone
6487 Ilkrud's Guardians
6488 Sarilus's Elementals Passive
6490 Sarilus's Elementals
6492 Levitate
6493 Slow Fall
6494 Mind Bomb (Rank 1)
6495 Sentry Totem
6496 Sentry Totem
6497 Feed Sarilus Effect
6498 Feed Sarilus Passive
6499 Boiled Clams
6500 Goblin Deviled Clams
6501 Clam Chowder
6502 Boiled Clams
6503 Goblin Deviled Clams
6504 Recipe: Clam Chowder
6505 Blind
6507 Battle Roar (Rank 1)
6509 Opening
6510 Blinding Powder
6511 Blinding Powder
6512 Detect Lesser Invisibility
6513 Resist Poison (Rank 1)
6514 Sharp Weapon +2 (Rank 1)
6515 Sharp Weapon +3 (Rank 1)
6516 Sharp Weapon +5 (Rank 1)
6517 Pearl-handled Dagger
6518 Iridescent Hammer
6519 Plans: Iridescent Hammer
6520 Pearl-handled Dagger
6521 Pearl-clasped Cloak
6522 Pearl-clasped Cloak
6523 Phase Out Passive
6524 Ground Tremor
6527 Unlocking
6528 Quest - Purge Visual
6529 Open Benedict's Chest
6530 Sling Dirt
6531 Overseer's Poison
6533 Net
6534 Recipe: Crocolisk Steak
6535 Lightning Cloud
6536 Summon Deepmoss Matriarch
6537 Call of the Forest
6538 Dig Trap
6539 Dig Trap (Scorpion)
6540 Dig Trap
6543 Battle Shout (Rank 4)
6545 Heroic Leap (Rank 1)
6546 Rend (Rank 2)
6547 Rend (Rank 3)
6548 Rend (Rank 4)
6549 Rend (Rank 2)
6550 Rend (Rank 3)
6551 Rend (Rank 4)
6552 Pummel (Rank 1)
6553 Pummel (Rank 1)
6554 Pummel (Rank 2)
6556 Pummel (Rank 2)
6558 Debuff (Rank 1)
6559 Decisive Strike (Rank 1)
6560 LeCraft Test Spell
6563 Decisive Strike (Rank 3)
6565 Savage Blow (Rank 1)
6567 Savage Blow (Rank 2)
6569 Riposte (Rank 3)
6571 Sunder (Rank 1)
6572 Revenge (Rank 1)
6573 Revenge (Rank 1)
6574 Revenge (Rank 2)
6575 Revenge (Rank 2)
6576 Intimidating Growl
6577 Intimidating Growl (Wolf)
6579 Intimidating Growl
6580 Pierce Ankle
6581 Pierce Ankle
6582 Pierce Ankle (Crocilisk)
6583 Pierce Ankle
6584 Jin'Zil's Curse
6587 Silithid Creeper Egg
6588 Summon Silithid Grub
6589 Silithid Swarm
6590 Silithid Swarm Passive
6591 Stance Rage Effect (+3)
6592 Stance Rage (+5 Def)
6593 Stance Rage (+5 Off)
6594 Stance Rage Effect (+5)
6595 Exploit Weakness
6598 Savannah Cub
6600 Salt Flats Racer Speed
6601 Salt Flats Racer Slow
6602 Salt Flats Racer Normal
6603 Attack
6605 Terrifying Screech
6606 Self Visual - Sleep Until Cancelled (DND)
6607 Lash
6608 Dropped Weapon
6609 Filling
6610 Filling
6611 Filling
6612 Rage
6613 Great Rage
6614 Cowardly Flight
6615 Free Action
6617 Rage Potion
6618 Great Rage Potion
6619 Cowardly Flight Potion
6620 Place Toxic Fogger
6621 Recipe: Rage Potion
6622 Recipe: Great Rage Potion
6623 Recipe: Cowardly Flight Potion
6624 Free Action Potion
6625 Recipe: Free Action Potion
6626 Set NG-5 Charge (Blue)
6627 Remote Detonate
6629 Summon Deepmoss Baby
6630 Set NG-5 Charge (Red)
6631 Arcane Missiles (Rank 1)
6632 Arcane Missiles (Rank 2)
6634 Phasing Stealth
6635 Conjure Water (Rank 1)
6636 Wagon Explode
6637 Arcane Missiles (Rank 3)
6638 Conjure Water (Rank 3)
6639 Conjure Water (Rank 4)
6641 Conjure Food (Rank 4)
6642 Frost Shield (Rank 3)
6643 Frost Armor (Rank 3)
6644 Frost Nova (Rank 3)
6645 Snare Poison
6647 Fast Acting Poison (Rank 1)
6648 Chestnut Mare
6650 Instant Toxin
6651 Instant Toxin (Rank 1)
6652 Recipe: Instant Toxin
6653 Dire Wolf
6654 Brown Wolf
6655 Force Target - Bow
6656 Remote Detonate
6657 Summon Serpent Messenger
6658 Opening
6659 Healing Touch (Rank 1)
6660 Shoot
6661 Barbaric Harness
6662 Barbaric Harness
6664 Survival Instinct
6666 Survival Instinct (Cat)
6667 Survival Instinct
6668 Red Firework
6669 Survival Instinct
6671 Create Scroll
6672 Toxic Contagion
6673 Battle Shout (Rank 1)
6674 Battle Shout (Rank 1)
6677 Silithid Swarm Call
6681 Immunity: Disease
6685 Piercing Shot
6686 Red Linen Bag
6687 Pattern: Red Linen Bag
6688 Red Woolen Bag
6689 Pattern: Red Woolen Bag
6690 Lesser Wizard's Robe
6691 Lesser Wizard's Robe
6692 Robes of Arcana
6693 Green Silk Pack
6694 Pattern: Green Silk Pack
6695 Black Silk Pack
6696 Pattern: Black Silk Pack
6700 Dimensional Portal
6701 Pattern: Rich Purple Silk Shirt
6702 Murloc Scale Belt
6703 Murloc Scale Breastplate
6704 Thick Murloc Armor
6705 Murloc Scale Bracers
6706 Pattern: Murloc Scale Belt
6707 Pattern: Murloc Scale Breastplate
6708 Pattern: Thick Murloc Armor
6709 Pattern: Murloc Scale Bracers
6711 Pathfinding (Rank 1)
6712 Eviscerate (Rank 1)
6713 Disarm
6714 Test of Faith
6716 Test of Faith
6717 Place Lion Carcass
6718 Phasing Stealth
6719 [PH] Teleport to Theramore
6724 Light of Elune (Rank 1)
6725 Flame Spike
6726 Silence
6727 Poison Mushroom
6728 Enveloping Winds (Rank 1)
6730 Head Butt
6733 Trip (Rank 1)
6734 Feint (Rank 1)
6735 Kidney Shot (Rank 1)
6736 Rupture (Rank 1)
6737 Garrote (Rank 1)
6741 Identify Brood
6742 Bloodlust
6743 Horse Riding
6744 Ram Riding
6745 Tiger Riding
6746 Wolf Riding
6747 Test Combo
6748 Test Finishing
6749 Wide Swipe
6750 Wide Swipe Passive
6751 Weak Poison
6752 Weak Poison Proc
6753 Backhand
6754 Slap!
6755 Tell Joke
6756 Mark of the Wild (Rank 3)
6757 Create House (TEST)
6758 Party Fever
6759 Party Fever Effect
6760 Eviscerate (Rank 2)
6761 Eviscerate (Rank 3)
6762 Eviscerate (Rank 4)
6763 Eviscerate (Rank 2)
6764 Eviscerate (Rank 3)
6765 Eviscerate (Rank 4)
6766 Test of Lore
6767 Mark of Shame
6768 Feint (Rank 2)
6769 Feint (Rank 2)
6770 Sap (Rank 1)
6771 Sap (Rank 2)
6772 Trip (Rank 2)
6773 Trip (Rank 2)
6774 Slice and Dice (Rank 2)
6775 Slice and Dice (Rank 2)
6777 Gray Ram
6778 Healing Touch (Rank 6)
6779 Healing Touch (Rank 6)
6780 Wrath (Rank 6)
6781 Wrath (Rank 6)
6782 Mark of the Wild (Rank 4)
6783 Prowl (Rank 2)
6784 Prowl (Rank 2)
6785 Ravage (Rank 1)
6786 Ravage (Rank 1)
6787 Ravage (Rank 2)
6788 Weakened Soul
6789 Death Coil (Rank 1)
6790 Ravage (Rank 2)
6791 Disengage (Rank 1)
6792 Beast Lore
6793 Tiger's Fury (Rank 2)
6794 Tiger's Fury (Rank 2)
6795 Growl
6796 Growl
6798 Bash (Rank 2)
6799 Bash (Rank 2)
6800 Shred (Rank 2)
6801 Shred (Rank 2)
6802 Opening
6803 Filling
6805 Dousing
6806 Wrath (Rank 1)
6807 Maul (Rank 1)
6808 Maul (Rank 2)
6809 Maul (Rank 3)
6810 Maul (Rank 1)
6811 Maul (Rank 2)
6812 Maul (Rank 3)
6813 Coat of Thistlefur
6814 Sludge Toxin
6816 Corrupted Strength
6817 Corrupted Agility
6818 Corrupted Intellect
6819 Corrupted Stamina
6820 Corrupted Agility Passive
6821 Corrupted Strength Passive
6822 Corrupted Stamina Passive
6823 Corrupted Intellect Passive
6844 Self Visual - Stun 10s (DND)
6864 Strength of Stone
6866 Moss Covered Hands
6867 Moss Covered Hands Proc
6869 Fall down
6870 Moss Covered Feet
6871 Moss Covered Feet Proc
6873 Foul Chill
6894 Death Bed
6896 Black Ram
6897 Blue Ram
6898 White Ram
6899 Brown Ram
6900 Create Tuber
6902 Sneezing Fit
6903 Krazek's Drug
6905 Summon Illusionary Nightmare
6907 Diseased Slime
6909 Curse of Thorns
6910 Curse of Thorns
6913 Force of Nature
6917 Venom Spit
6918 Summon Snufflenose
6920 Hide (Rank 2)
6921 Shadowhorn Charge (Rank 1)
6922 Curse of the Shadowhorn
6923 Growl of Fortitude Proc
6924 Remove Polymorph
6925 Gift of the Xavian
6927 Shadowstalker Slash (Rank 1)
6940 Blessing of Sacrifice (Rank 1)
6941 Blessing of Sacrifice (Rank 1)
6942 Overwhelming Stench
6945 Chest Pains
6946 Curse of the Bleakheart
6947 Curse of the Bleakheart Proc
6949 Weak Frostbolt (Rank 1)
6950 Faerie Fire
6951 Decayed Strength
6954 Nalpak (TEST)
6955 Gnome Car Camera
6957 Frostmane Strength (Rank 1)
6958 Blood Leech
6960 Lightning Barrier (Rank 1)
6961 Knockdown Proc
6969 Free Master (Rank 2)
6970 Free Master (Rank 2)
6973 Charm Beast
6974 Gnome Camera Connection
6978 Quick Shot (Rank 4)
6979 Fire Shot (Rank 2)
6980 Fire Shot (Rank 3)
6981 Fire Shot (Rank 2)
6982 Gust of Wind
6983 Fire Shot (Rank 3)
6984 Frost Shot (Rank 2)
6985 Frost Shot (Rank 3)
6986 Frost Shot (Rank 2)
6987 Frost Shot (Rank 3)
6991 Feed Pet
6992 Stalking (Rank 2)
6993 Feinting Strike (Rank 1)
6995 Feinting Strike (Rank 2)
6997 Explosive Shot (Rank 2)
6999 Multi-Shot (Rank 2)
7000 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
7001 Lightwell Renew (Rank 1)
7020 Stoneform
7022 Goblin Car Camera
7023 Goblin Camera Connection
7030 Sniper Shot (Rank 2)
7031 Sniper Shot (Rank 3)
7032 Sniper Shot (Rank 4)
7033 Charm+ (TEST)
7035 Goblin Racer Cheer
7036 Gnome Racer Cheer
7038 Forsaken Skill: Swords
7039 Forsaken Skill: Axes
7040 Forsaken Skill: Daggers
7041 Forsaken Skill: Maces
7042 Forsaken Skill: Staves
7043 Forsaken Skill: Bows
7044 Forsaken Skill: Guns
7045 Forsaken Skill: 2H Axes
7046 Forsaken Skill: 2H Maces
7047 Forsaken Skill: 2H Swords
7048 Forsaken Skill: Defense
7049 Forsaken Skill: Fire
7050 Forsaken Skill: Frost
7051 Forsaken Skill: Holy
7053 Forsaken Skill: Shadow
7054 Forsaken Skills
7056 Pacified
7057 Haunting Spirits
7067 Summon Haunting Spirit
7068 Veil of Shadow
7069 Enraging Aura
7072 Wild Rage
7074 Screams of the Past
7076 Summon Tervosh's Minion
7077 Simple Teleport
7078 Simple Teleport Group
7079 Simple Teleport Other
7081 Encage
7082 Barrel Explode
7083 Quillboar Channeling
7084 Damage Car
7090 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
7092 Maul
7093 Intimidation
7095 Knockdown Proc
7098 Curse of Mending
7099 Curse of Mending
7101 Flame Blast (Rank 3)
7102 Contagion of Rot
7103 Contagion of Rot
7104 Sneak
7105 Fake Shot (Rank 1)
7106 Dark Restore
7107 Summon Wolfguard Worg
7108 Moist Towelette (Rank 1)
7109 Plate Mail
7120 Proudmoore's Defense
7121 Anti-Magic Shield
7122 Blood Tap
7124 Arugal's Gift
7125 Toxic Saliva
7126 Handstitched Leather Vest
7127 Wavering Will
7128 Inner Fire (Rank 2)
7129 Inner Fire (Rank 2)
7130 Inner Fire (Rank 2)
7131 Illusion Passive
7132 Summon Lupine Delusions
7133 Fine Leather Pants
7134 Pattern: Fine Leather Pants
7135 Dark Leather Pants
7136 Shadow Port
7137 Shadow Charge (Rank 1)
7139 Fel Stomp
7140 Expose Weakness
7141 Simple Teleport
7143 Simple Teleport Group
7144 Stone Slumber
7145 Diving Sweep
7146 Dark Leather Pants
7147 Guardian Pants
7148 Guardian Pants
7149 Barbaric Leggings
7150 Pattern: Barbaric Leggings
7151 Barbaric Shoulders
7152 Barbaric Shoulders
7153 Guardian Cloak
7154 Dark Offering
7155 CreatureSpecial
7156 Guardian Gloves
7157 Guardian Gloves
7159 Backstab
7160 Execute
7162 First Aid (Rank 1)
7164 Defensive Stance
7165 Battle Stance (Rank 1)
7178 Water Breathing (Rank 1)
7179 Elixir of Water Breathing
7180 Elixir of Water Breathing
7181 Greater Healing Potion
7182 Greater Healing Potion
7183 Elixir of Minor Defense
7184 Lost Control
7198 Meditation (Rank 5)
7199 Meditation (Rank 5)
7200 Regeneration (Rank 5)
7201 Regeneration (Rank 5)
7203 Sneaky (Rank 6)
7204 Sneaky (Rank 7)
7205 Sneaky (Rank 8)
7206 Sneaky (Rank 9)
7207 Sneaky (Rank 6)
7208 Sneaky (Rank 7)
7209 Sneaky (Rank 8)
7210 Sneaky (Rank 9)
7211 Devilsaur Barb
7212 Perceptive (Rank 6)
7213 Giant Clam Scorcho
7214 Recipe: Giant Clam Scorcho
7215 Mithril Spurs
7216 Iron Shield Spike
7217 Weapon Counterweight
7218 Weapon Counterweight
7219 Immune to Disarm
7220 Weapon Chain
7221 Iron Shield Spike
7222 Iron Counterweight
7223 Golden Scale Bracers
7224 Steel Weapon Chain
7225 Golden Scale Bracers
7226 Plans: Iron Shield Spike
7227 Plans: Iron Counterweight
7228 Plans: Steel Weapon Chain
7229 Plans: Golden Scale Coif
7230 Fire Protection (Rank 1)
7231 Fire Protection (Rank 2)
7232 Fire Protection (Rank 3)
7233 Fire Protection (Rank 4)
7234 Fire Protection (Rank 5)
7235 Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
7236 Frost Protection (Rank 2)
7237 Frost Protection (Rank 4)
7238 Frost Protection (Rank 3)
7239 Frost Protection (Rank 5)
7240 Frost Protection (Rank 1)
7241 Shadow Protection (Rank 2)
7242 Shadow Protection (Rank 3)
7243 Shadow Protection (Rank 4)
7244 Shadow Protection (Rank 5)
7245 Holy Protection (Rank 1)
7246 Holy Protection (Rank 2)
7247 Holy Protection (Rank 3)
7248 Holy Protection (Rank 4)
7249 Holy Protection (Rank 5)
7250 Nature Protection (Rank 1)
7251 Nature Protection (Rank 2)
7252 Nature Protection (Rank 3)
7253 Nature Protection (Rank 4)
7254 Nature Protection (Rank 5)
7255 Holy Protection Potion
7256 Shadow Protection Potion
7257 Fire Protection Potion
7258 Frost Protection Potion
7259 Nature Protection Potion
7260 Recipe: Holy Protection Potion
7261 Recipe: Shadow Protection Potion
7262 Recipe: Fire Protection Potion
7263 Recipe: Frost Protection Potion
7264 Recipe: Nature Protection Potion
7266 Duel
7267 Grovel
7268 Arcane Missile (Rank 1)
7269 Arcane Missiles (Rank 2)
7270 Arcane Missiles (Rank 3)
7272 Dust Cloud
7273 Lightning Hide (Rank 1)
7276 Poison Proc
7277 Harvest Swarm
7278 Summon Harvester Swarm
7279 Black Sludge
7280 Recipe: Shadow Oil
7285 Blow Maraudine Horn
7288 Immolate Cumulative (TEST) (Rank 1)
7289 Shrink
7290 Soul Siphon (Rank 1)
7291 Food (TEST)
7293 Zombie Form
7294 Retribution Aura (Rank 1)
7295 Soul Drain
7296 Retribution Aura (Rank 1)
7297 Crusader Strike (Rank 1)
7300 Frost Armor (Rank 2)
7301 Frost Armor (Rank 3)
7302 Ice Armor (Rank 1)
7320 Ice Armor (Rank 2)
7321 Chilled (Rank 1)
7322 Frostbolt (Rank 4)
7323 Frostbolt (Rank 4)
7324 Frostbolt (Rank 4)
7326 Wisdom Aura (Rank 1)
7327 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 1)
7328 Redemption (Rank 1)
7329 Redemption (Rank 1)
7330 Resurrection (Rank 1)
7331 Healing Aura (TEST) (Rank 1)
7336 Food Idle
7337 Food Idle
7338 Food Idle
7339 Food Idle
7340 Language Gnomish
7341 Language Troll
7342 Wide Slash (Rank 1)
7344 Recombobulate
7353 Cozy Fire
7355 Stuck
7356 Guard Call
7357 Poisonous Stab
7358 Cozy Fire
7359 Bright Campfire
7361 Bright Campfire
7363 Fire's Glow (Rank 1)
7364 Light Torch
7365 Bottle of Poison
7366 Berserker Stance (Rank 1)
7367 Infected Bite
7369 Cleave (Rank 2)
7370 Charge (Rank 1)
7371 Charge (Rank 1)
7372 Hamstring (Rank 2)
7373 Hamstring (Rank 3)
7374 Hamstring (Rank 2)
7375 Hamstring (Rank 3)
7376 Defensive Stance Passive
7378 Mind Flay (Rank 2)
7379 Revenge (Rank 3)
7380 Revenge (Rank 3)
7381 Berserker Stance Passive
7382 Mocking Blow (Rank 1)
7383 Water Bubble
7384 Overpower (Rank 1)
7385 Overpower (Rank 1)
7386 Sunder Armor (Rank 1)
7389 Attack
7392 Find Brother
7393 Heal Brother
7394 Spinning Slash (Rank 1)
7395 Deadmines Dynamite
7396 Fishliver Oil
7398 Birth
7399 Terrify
7400 Mocking Blow (Rank 2)
7401 Mocking Blow (Rank 2)
7402 Mocking Blow (Rank 3)
7403 Mocking Blow (Rank 3)
7404 Sunder Armor (Rank 1)
7405 Sunder Armor (Rank 2)
7406 Sunder Armor (Rank 2)
7407 Test Sharpen Blade (Rank 1)
7408 Heavy Copper Maul
7409 Heavy Copper Maul
7411 Enchanting (Apprentice)
7412 Enchanting (Journeyman)
7413 Enchanting (Expert)
7414 Apprentice Enchanting
7415 Journeyman Enchanting
7416 Expert Enchanting
7418 Enchant Bracer - Minor Health
7419 Minor Health
7420 Enchant Chest - Minor Health
7421 Runed Copper Rod
7422 Enchant Chest - Minor Health
7423 Minor Absorption
7426 Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption
7427 Minor Deflection
7428 Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflect
7429 Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflection
7430 Arclight Spanner
7431 Arclight Spanner
7433 Minor Beast Slayer
7434 Imbue Weapon - Beastslayer
7436 Imbue Weapon - Beastslayer
7437 Break Stuff
7438 Minor Resistance
7439 Imbue Cloak - Minor Resistance
7441 Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance
7442 Minor Mana
7443 Enchant Chest - Minor Mana
7444 Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana
7445 Minor Absorption
7446 Lesser Absorption
7447 Lesser Absorption
7448 Imbue Chest - Lesser Absorb
7449 Imbue Chest - Lesser Absorption
7450 Minor Spirit
7451 Imbue Chest - Minor Spirit
7452 Minor Resistance
7454 Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance
7455 Minor Stamina
7456 Minor Spirit
7457 Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina
7459 Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina
7461 Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection
7462 Formula: Imbue Chest - Minor Spirit
7464 Increased Strength 01
7465 Increased Strength 02
7466 Increased Strength 03
7468 Increased Intellect 01
7469 Increased Intellect 02
7470 Increased Intellect 03
7471 Increased Agility 01
7472 Increased Agility 02
7473 Increased Agility 03
7474 Increased Spirit 01
7475 Increased Spirit 02
7476 Increased Spirit 03
7477 Increased Stamina 01
7478 Increased Stamina 02
7479 Increased Stamina 03
7481 Howling Rage
7482 dmg
7483 Howling Rage
7484 Howling Rage
7485 Butcher Drain
7486 Butcher Drain
7487 Call Bleak Worg
7488 Call Slavering Worg
7489 Call Lupine Horror
7490 Increased Agility 04
7491 Increased Agility 05
7492 Increased Agility 06
7493 Increased Agility 07
7494 Increased Intellect 04
7495 Increased Intellect 05
7496 Increased Intellect 06
7497 Increased Intellect 07
7498 Increased Spirit 04
7499 Increased Spirit 05
7500 Increased Spirit 06
7501 Increased Spirit 07
7502 Increased Stamina 04
7503 Increased Stamina 05
7504 Increased Stamina 06
7505 Increased Stamina 07
7506 Increased Strength 04
7507 Increased Strength 05
7508 Increased Strength 06
7509 Increased Strength 07
7511 Increased Defense
7513 Increased Defense
7514 Increased Defense
7515 Increased Defense
7516 Increased Defense
7517 Increased Defense
7518 Increased Defense
7520 Increased 1H Sword
7523 Increased 1H Sword
7525 Increased 1H Sword
7527 Increased 1H Sword
7529 Increased 2H Sword
7532 Increased 1H Mace
7533 Increased 2H Mace
7534 Increased Dagger
7535 Increased Bow
7536 Increased Gun
7538 Increased 1H Axe
7540 Increased 1H Axe
7544 Increased 1H Mace
7546 Increased 1H Mace
7548 Increased 1H Mace
7549 Increased 2H Axe
7550 Increased 2H Axe
7552 Increased 2H Axe
7554 Increased 2H Axe
7556 Increased 2H Mace
7558 Increased 2H Mace
7560 Increased 2H Mace
7562 Increased 2H Sword
7564 Increased 2H Sword
7566 Increased 2H Sword
7568 Increased Bow
7569 Increased Bow
7570 Increased Bow
7571 Increased Bow
7572 Increased Bow
7573 Increased Dagger
7574 Increased Dagger
7576 Increased Dagger
7578 Increased Dagger
7579 Increased Gun
7580 Increased Gun
7581 Increased Gun
7582 Increased Gun
7583 Increased Gun
7584 Increased Gun
7586 Shadow Port
7587 Shadow Port
7588 Void Bolt
7590 Increased Damage - Beast 02
7591 Increased Damage - Beast 04
7592 Increased Damage - Beast 06
7593 Increased Damage - Beast 08
7594 Increased Damage - Beast 10
7595 Increased Damage - Beast 12
7596 Increased Damage - Beast 14
7597 Increased Critical 1
7598 Increased Critical 2
7599 Increased Critical 3
7600 Increased Critical 4
7617 Shadow Bolt
7619 Shadow Bolt
7620 Fishing (Apprentice)
7621 Arugal's Curse
7623 Brown Linen Robe
7624 White Linen Robe
7626 Brown Linen Robe
7627 White Linen Robe
7629 Red Linen Vest
7630 Blue Linen Vest
7631 Pattern: Red Linen Vest
7632 Pattern: Blue Linen Vest
7633 Blue Linen Robe
7635 Pattern: Blue Linen Robe
7636 Green Woolen Robe
7637 Pattern: Green Woolen Robe
7638 Potion Toss
7639 Blue Overalls
7640 Pattern: Blue Overalls
7641 Shadow Bolt (Rank 6)
7642 Shadow Bolt (Rank 6)
7643 Greater Adept's Robe
7644 Pattern: Greater Adept's Robe
7645 Dominate Mind
7646 Curse of Weakness (Rank 4)
7647 Curse of Weakness (Rank 4)
7648 Corruption (Rank 4)
7649 Corruption (Rank 4)
7650 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 1)
7651 Drain Life (Rank 4)
7652 Drain Life (Rank 4)
7653 Drain Life (Rank 4)
7655 Hex of Ravenclaw
7656 Hex of Ravenclaw
7657 Hex of Ravenclaw
7658 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 2)
7659 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 3)
7660 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 2)
7661 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 3)
7662 Drain Soul (Rank 1)
7663 Ritual of Summoning
7664 Banish (Rank 1)
7665 Enslave Demon (Rank 1)
7666 Curse of the Elements (Rank 1)
7667 Foul Odor
7668 Foul Odor
7669 Bethor's Potion
7670 Explode
7671 Transformation
7673 Nether Gem
7675 Increase Healing 2
7676 Increase Healing 4
7677 Increase Healing 7
7678 Increase Healing 9
7679 Increase Healing 11
7680 Increase Healing 13
7681 Increase Healing 15
7683 Increase Fire Dam 1
7684 Increase Fire Dam 3
7685 Increase Fire Dam 4
7686 Increase Fire Dam 6
7687 Increase Fire Dam 7
7688 Increase Fire Dam 9
7689 Increase Fire Dam 10
7690 Increase Nature Dam 1
7691 Increase Nature Dam 3
7692 Increase Nature Dam 4
7693 Increase Nature Dam 6
7694 Increase Nature Dam 7
7695 Increase Nature Dam 9
7696 Increase Nature Dam 10
7697 Increase Frost Dam 1
7698 Increase Frost Dam 3
7699 Increase Frost Dam 4
7700 Increase Frost Dam 6
7701 Increase Frost Dam 7
7702 Increase Frost Dam 9
7703 Increase Frost Dam 10
7704 Increase Shadow Dam 1
7705 Increase Shadow Dam 3
7706 Increase Shadow Dam 4
7707 Increase Shadow Dam 6
7708 Increase Shadow Dam 7
7709 Increase Shadow Dam 10
7710 Increase Shadow Dam 9
7711 Add Fire Dam - Weap 02
7712 Fire Strike
7713 Wailing Dead
7714 Fire Strike
7715 Fire Strike
7716 Fire Strike
7717 Fire Strike
7718 Fire Strike
7719 Fire Strike
7720 Ritual of Summoning Effect
7721 Add Fire Dam - Weap 04
7722 Add Fire Dam - Weap 06
7723 Add Fire Dam - Weap 08
7724 Add Fire Dam - Weap 10
7725 Add Fire Dam - Weap 12
7726 Add Fire Dam - Weap 14
7728 Summon Voidwalker (Rank 1)
7729 Summon Succubus (Rank 1)
7731 Fishing (Journeyman)
7732 Fishing (Expert)
7733 Apprentice Fishing
7734 Journeyman Fishing
7736 Expert Fishing
7737 Food
7738 Fishing Poles
7739 Inferno Shell
7741 Summoned Demon
7742 Frost Visual State
7743 Immunity: Shadow
7744 Will of the Forsaken (Racial)
7745 Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact
7746 Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact
7747 Lesser Health
7748 Enchant Chest - Lesser Health
7749 Enchant Chest - Lesser Health
7750 Consuming Rage
7751 Brilliant Smallfish
7752 Slitherskin Mackerel
7753 Longjaw Mud Snapper
7754 Loch Frenzy Delight
7755 Bristle Whisker Catfish
7756 Recipe: Brilliant Smallfish
7757 Recipe: Slitherskin Mackerel
7758 Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper
7759 Recipe: Loch Frenzy Delight
7760 Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish
7761 Shared Bonds
7762 Summon Gunther's Visage
7763 Teach Summon Imp (Summon)
7764 Wisdom of Agamaggan (Rank 1)
7765 Projection
7766 Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit
7767 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit
7768 Lesser Wisdom
7769 Imbue Bracers - Minor Wisdom OLD
7770 Imbue Bracer - Minor Wisdom
7771 Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection
7772 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection
7773 Lesser Mana
7776 Enchant Chest - Lesser Mana
7777 Formula: Enchant Chest - Lesser Mana
7778 Minor Agility
7779 Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility
7780 Minor Strength
7782 Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength
7783 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength
7784 Beastslayer
7786 Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer
7787 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Beastslayer
7788 Enchant Weapon - Minor Striking
7789 Enchant Weapon - Minor Striking
7791 Teleport
7792 Minor Intellect
7793 Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect
7794 Teleport
7795 Runed Silver Rod
7796 Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility
7797 Runed Silver Rod
7798 Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Intellect
7799 Firebolt (Rank 2)
7800 Firebolt (Rank 3)
7801 Firebolt (Rank 4)
7802 Firebolt (Rank 5)
7803 Thundershock
7804 Blood Pact (Rank 2)
7805 Blood Pact (Rank 3)
7806 Flameblade (Rank 1)
7807 Flameblade (Rank 2)
7808 Flameblade (Rank 3)
7809 Torment (Rank 2)
7810 Torment (Rank 3)
7811 Torment (Rank 4)
7812 Sacrifice (Rank 1)
7813 Soothing Kiss (Rank 2)
7814 Lash of Pain (Rank 1)
7815 Lash of Pain (Rank 2)
7816 Lash of Pain (Rank 3)
7817 Rough Bronze Boots
7818 Silver Rod
7819 Rough Bronze Boots
7820 Silver Rod
7821 Transform Victim
7823 Fishing Skill +5
7824 Blacksmithing Skill +10
7825 Fishing Skill +15
7826 Fishing Skill +20
7827 Rainbow Fin Albacore
7828 Rockscale Cod
7829 Flameblade (Rank 1)
7830 Recipe: Rainbow Fin Albacore
7831 Recipe: Rockscale Cod
7832 Firebolt (Rank 2)
7833 Firebolt (Rank 3)
7834 Firebolt (Rank 4)
7835 Firebolt (Rank 5)
7836 Blackmouth Oil
7837 Fire Oil
7838 Blackmouth Oil
7839 Fire Oil
7840 Swim Speed
7841 Swim Speed Potion
7842 Swim Speed Potion
7843 Fire Damage Bonus
7844 Fire Power
7845 Elixir of Firepower
7846 Elixir of Firepower
7847 Lesser Spirit
7848 Absorption
7849 Absorption
7850 Health
7851 Lesser Spirit
7852 Lesser Resistance - Fire
7853 Imbue Chest - Lesser Spirit
7854 Imbue Chest - Lesser Spirit
7855 Imbue Chest - Absorb
7856 Imbue Chest - Absorption
7857 Enchant Chest - Health
7858 Enchant Chest - Health
7859 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit
7860 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit
7861 Enchant Cloak - Lesser Fire Resistance
7862 Enchant Cloak - Lesser Fire Resistance
7863 Enchant Boots - Minor Stamina
7864 Formula: Enchant Boots - Minor Stamina
7865 Imbue Cloak - Lesser Protection
7866 Imbue Cloak - Lesser Protection
7867 Enchant Boots - Minor Agility
7868 Formula: Enchant Boots - Minor Agility
7870 Lesser Invisibility
7871 Blood Pact (Rank 1)
7872 Blood Pact (Rank 2)
7873 Blood Pact (Rank 3)
7874 Flameblade (Rank 2)
7875 Flameblade (Rank 3)
7876 Lash of Pain (Rank 1)
7877 Lash of Pain (Rank 2)
7878 Lash of Pain (Rank 3)
7879 Soothing Kiss (Rank 2)
7880 Lesser Invisibility
7881 Torment (Rank 1)
7882 Torment (Rank 2)
7883 Torment (Rank 3)
7884 Torment (Rank 4)
7885 Sacrifice (Rank 1)
7886 Firebolt (Rank 1)
7887 Overpower (Rank 2)
7889 Overpower (Rank 2)
7891 Gift of Ragnaros
7892 Stylish Blue Shirt
7893 Stylish Green Shirt
7894 Pattern: Stylish Blue Shirt
7895 Pattern: Stylish Green Shirt
7896 Exploding Shot
7897 Flames
7898 Pattern: Dark Silk Shirt
7901 Decayed Agility
7902 heat
7903 Summon Tamed Bear
7904 Summon Tamed Bird
7905 Summon Tamed Boar
7906 Summon Tamed Cat
7907 Summon Tamed Crab
7908 Summon Tamed Crocilisk
7909 Summon Tamed Gorilla
7910 Summon Tamed Raptor
7911 Summon Tamed Scorpid
7912 Summon Tamed Spider
7913 Summon Tamed Tallstrider
7914 Capture Spirit
7915 Summon Tamed Turtle
7916 Summon Tamed Zhevra
7918 Shoot Gun
7919 Shoot Crossbow
7920 Mebok Smart Drink
7922 Charge Stun
7923 Flight Visual State
7924 First Aid (Expert)
7925 Expert First Aid
7926 First Aid (Rank 5)
7927 First Aid (Rank 6)
7928 Silk Bandage
7929 Heavy Silk Bandage
7930 Silk Bandage
7931 Heavy Silk Bandage
7932 Anti-Venom (Rank 1)
7933 Strong Anti-Venom (Rank 1)
7934 Anti-Venom
7935 Strong Anti-Venom
7936 Anti-Venom
7937 Formula: Strong Anti-Venom
7938 Fatal Bite
7939 Sneak (Rank 1)
7940 Immunity: Frost
7941 Immunity: Nature
7942 Immunity: Fire
7943 Evolving Ectoplasm (Red)
7944 Evolving Ectoplasm (Blue)
7945 Evolving Ectoplasm (Green)
7946 Evolving Ectoplasm (Black)
7947 Localized Toxin
7948 Wild Regeneration
7949 Summon Viper
7950 Pause
7951 Toxic Spit
7952 Clone
7953 Deviate Scale Cloak
7954 Deviate Scale Gloves
7955 Deviate Scale Belt
7956 Pattern: Deviate Scale Cloak
7957 Pattern: Deviate Scale Gloves
7958 Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt
7960 Scry on Azrethoc (Rank 1)
7961 Azrethoc's Stomp
7962 Break Big Stuff
7964 Smoke Bomb
7965 Cobrahn Serpent Form
7966 Thorns Aura
7967 Naralex's Nightmare
7968 Summon Evolving Ectoplasm
7969 Summon Nightmare Ectoplasm
7970 Summon Deviate Shambler
7971 Summon Deviate Dreadfang
7972 Summon Deviate Venomwing
7973 Summon Deviate Viper
7974 Azrethoc's Flight (Rank 1)
7975 Summon Party Bot
7976 Summon Party Bot - summon effect
7977 Party Bot Message - DANCE
7978 Throw Dynamite
7979 Compact Harvest Reaper
7992 Slowing Poison
7993 Summon Treant Ally
7994 Nullify Mana
7997 Sap Might
7998 Soot Covering
7999 Soot Covering
8000 Area Burn (Rank 1)
8001 Placing Pendant
8004 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 1)
8005 Healing Wave (Rank 7)
8006 Healing Wave (Rank 7)
8007 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 1)
8008 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 2)
8009 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 2)
8010 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 3)
8011 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 3)
8012 Purge (Rank 2)
8013 Purge (Rank 2)
8014 Tetanus
8016 Spirit Decay
8017 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 1)
8018 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 2)
8019 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 3)
8020 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 1)
8021 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 2)
8022 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 3)
8024 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 1)
8025 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 1)
8026 Flametongue Weapon Proc (Rank 1)
8027 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 2)
8028 Flametongue Weapon Proc (Rank 2)
8029 Flametongue Weapon Proc (Rank 3)
8030 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 3)
8031 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 2)
8032 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 3)
8033 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 1)
8034 Frostbrand Attack (Rank 1)
8035 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 1)
8037 Frostbrand Attack (Rank 2)
8038 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 2)
8039 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 2)
8040 Druid's Slumber
8041 Serpent Form (Shapeshift)
8042 Earth Shock (Rank 1)
8043 Earth Shock (Rank 1)
8044 Earth Shock (Rank 2)
8045 Earth Shock (Rank 3)
8046 Earth Shock (Rank 4)
8047 Earth Shock (Rank 2)
8048 Earth Shock (Rank 3)
8049 Earth Shock (Rank 4)
8050 Flame Shock (Rank 1)
8051 Flame Shock (Rank 1)
8052 Flame Shock (Rank 2)
8053 Flame Shock (Rank 3)
8054 Flame Shock (Rank 2)
8055 Flame Shock (Rank 3)
8056 Frost Shock (Rank 1)
8057 Frost Shock (Rank 1)
8058 Frost Shock (Rank 2)
8059 Frost Shock (Rank 2)
8061 Lightning Shock (Rank 1)
8063 Deviate Fish
8064 Sleepy
8065 Invigorate (Rank 2)
8066 Shrink
8067 Party Time!
8068 Healthy Spirit
8070 Rejuvenation (Rank 1)
8071 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 1)
8072 Stoneskin (Rank 1)
8073 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 1)
8075 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 1)
8076 Strength of Earth (Rank 1)
8077 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 1)
8078 Thunderclap
8082 Fishing Skill +25
8083 Fishing Skill +50
8084 Fishing Skill +75
8085 Fishing Skill +100
8086 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 1)
8087 Shiny Bauble
8088 Nightcrawlers
8089 Aquadynamic Fish Attractor
8090 Bright Baubles
8091 Armor (Rank 1)
8092 Mind Blast (Rank 1)
8093 Mind Blast (Rank 1)
8094 Armor (Rank 2)
8095 Armor (Rank 3)
8096 Intellect (Rank 1)
8097 Intellect (Rank 2)
8098 Intellect (Rank 3)
8099 Stamina (Level 1)
8100 Stamina (Level 2)
8101 Stamina (Level 3)
8102 Mind Blast (Rank 2)
8103 Mind Blast (Rank 3)
8104 Mind Blast (Rank 4)
8105 Mind Blast (Rank 5)
8106 Mind Blast (Rank 6)
8107 Mind Blast (Rank 2)
8108 Mind Blast (Rank 3)
8109 Mind Blast (Rank 4)
8110 Mind Blast (Rank 5)
8111 Mind Blast (Rank 6)
8112 Spirit (Rank 1)
8113 Spirit (Rank 2)
8114 Spirit (Rank 3)
8115 Agility (Rank 1)
8116 Agility (Rank 2)
8117 Agility (Rank 3)
8118 Strength (Rank 1)
8119 Strength (Rank 2)
8120 Strength (Rank 3)
8121 Path of Defense (Rank 1)
8122 Psychic Scream (Rank 1)
8123 Psychic Scream (Rank 1)
8124 Psychic Scream (Rank 2)
8125 Psychic Scream (Rank 2)
8126 Mind Soothe (Rank 1)
8129 Mana Burn (Rank 1)
8130 Mana Burn (Rank 1)
8131 Mana Burn (Rank 2)
8132 Mana Burn (Rank 2)
8133 Taunt (Rank 1)
8134 Lightning Shield (Rank 5)
8135 Lightning Shield (Rank 5)
8136 Naralex's Awakening
8137 Silithid Pox
8138 Mirkfallon Fungus
8139 Fevered Fatigue
8140 Befuddlement (Rank 1)
8141 Druid's Potion
8142 Grasping Vines
8143 Tremor Totem
8144 Tremor Totem
8145 Tremor Totem Passive
8146 Tremor Totem Effect
8147 Thunderclap (Rank 1)
8148 Thorns Aura
8149 Super Invis
8150 Thundercrack (Rank 1)
8151 Surprise Attack (Rank 1)
8152 Prowl (Rank 1)
8153 Owl Form (Shapeshift)
8154 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 2)
8155 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 3)
8156 Stoneskin (Rank 2)
8157 Stoneskin (Rank 3)
8158 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 2)
8159 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 3)
8160 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 2)
8161 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 3)
8162 Strength of Earth (Rank 2)
8163 Strength of Earth (Rank 3)
8164 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 2)
8165 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 3)
8166 Poison Cleansing Totem
8167 Poison Cleansing Totem Passive
8168 Poison Cleansing Totem Effect
8169 Poison Cleansing Totem
8170 Disease Cleansing Totem
8171 Disease Cleansing Totem Effect
8172 Disease Cleansing Totem Passive
8173 Disease Cleansing Totem
8176 Summon Felhunter (Summon)
8177 Grounding Totem
8178 Grounding Totem Effect (Rank 1)
8179 Grounding Totem Passive
8180 Grounding Totem
8181 Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 1)
8182 Frost Resistance (Rank 1)
8183 Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 1)
8184 Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 1)
8185 Fire Resistance (Rank 1)
8186 Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 1)
8187 Magma Totem (Rank 1)
8188 Magma Totem Passive (Rank 1)
8189 Magma Totem (Rank 1)
8190 Magma Totem (Rank 1)
8191 Zeal (Rank 1)
8192 Mind Soothe (Rank 2)
8193 Mind Soothe (Rank 2)
8195 Teleport
8198 Thunder Clap (Rank 2)
8202 Sapta Sight
8203 Elemental Spirit Invisibility
8204 Thunder Clap (Rank 3)
8205 Thunder Clap (Rank 4)
8206 Thunder Clap (Rank 3)
8207 Thunder Clap (Rank 4)
8208 Backhand
8209 Explosive Sheep
8210 Savannah Cubs
8211 Chain Burn (Rank 1)
8212 Enlarge
8213 Cooked Deviate Fish
8215 Rapid Cast
8217 Owl Companion
8218 Sneak
8219 Flip Out
8220 Flip Out
8221 Yaaarrrr
8222 Yaaarrrr
8223 Oops!
8224 Cowardice
8225 Run Away!
8226 Fake Death
8227 Flametongue Totem (Rank 1)
8229 Flametongue Totem Passive (Rank 1)
8230 Flametongue Totem Effect (Rank 1)
8231 Flametongue Totem (Rank 1)
8232 Windfury Weapon (Rank 1)
8233 Windfury Attack (Rank 1)
8234 Windfury Weapon (Rank 1)
8235 Windfury Weapon (Rank 2)
8236 Windfury Attack (Rank 2)
8237 Windfury Weapon (Rank 2)
8238 Savory Deviate Delight
8239 Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight
8240 Elixir of Giant Growth
8241 Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth
8242 Shield Slam
8243 Flash Bomb
8244 Schematic: Flash Bomb
8245 Corrosive Acid
8246 Lightning Bolt (Rank 4)
8247 Wandering Plague
8248 Flametongue Totem Proc (Rank 2)
8249 Flametongue Totem (Rank 2)
8250 Flametongue Totem Effect (Rank 2)
8251 Flametongue Totem Passive (Rank 2)
8252 Flametongue Totem (Rank 2)
8253 Flametongue Totem Proc (Rank 1)
8255 Strong Cleave (Rank 4)
8256 Lethal Toxin
8257 Venom Sting
8258 Devotion Aura
8259 Whirling Barrage
8260 Rushing Charge (Rank 1)
8262 Elemental Protection Totem (Rank 1)
8263 Elemental Protection Totem Aura (Rank 1)
8264 Lava Spout Totem (Rank 1)
8265 Lava Spout Totem (Rank 1)
8266 Lava Spout Totem Passive (Rank 1)
8267 Cursed Blood
8268 Cursed Blood
8269 Enrage
8270 Summon Earth Rumbler
8271 Summon Wind Howler
8272 Mind Tremor
8273 Bonus Dodge
8274 Summon Tamed Battleboar
8275 Poisoned Shot
8276 Summon Tamed Hyena
8277 Voodoo Hex (Rank 1)
8278 Invisibility Detection
8279 Stealth Detection
8281 Sonic Burst
8282 Curse of Blood
8283 Snufflenose Command
8285 Rampage
8286 Summon Boar Spirit
8288 Drain Soul (Rank 2)
8289 Drain Soul (Rank 3)
8290 Drain Soul (Rank 2)
8291 Drain Soul (Rank 3)
8292 Chain Bolt (Rank 1)
8293 Lightning Cloud
8295 dmg2
8296 Mass Smelt Copper OLD
8298 Mass Smelt Copper OLD
8299 Perm. Illusion Slime
8312 Trap
8313 Poison
8314 Rock Skin
8315 Perm. Illusion Succubus
8316 Fire Shield (Rank 2)
8317 Fire Shield (Rank 3)
8318 Fire Shield (Rank 2)
8319 Fire Shield (Rank 3)
8320 Hex of Ravenclaw Removal
8321 Perm. Illusion Dreadlord
8322 Moonglow Vest
8324 Perm. Illusion HE Hunter
8325 Pattern: Moonglow Vest
8326 Ghost
8327 Suicide
8328 Suicide
8329 Suicide
8331 Ez-Thro Dynamite
8332 Ez-Thro Dynamite Backfire
8333 Coarse Dynamite
8334 Practice Lock
8336 Practice Lock
8338 Defibrillated!
8339 EZ-Thro Dynamite
8341 Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite
8342 Defibrillate
8344 Universal Remote
8345 Control Machine
8346 Mobility Malfunction
8347 Target Lock
8348 Julie's Blessing (Rank 1)
8349 Fire Nova (Rank 1)
8350 Fire Nova (Rank 1)
8351 Fire Nova (Rank 1)
8352 Adjust Attitude
8353 Calm Hostility
8354 Incite Hostility
8355 Exploit Weakness
8356 TEST - JESSE (afsadf)
8357 Perm. Illusion Shade
8358 Mana Spike
8359 Left for Dead
8360 Perm. Illusion Dreaming Whelp
8361 Purity
8362 Renew
8363 Parasite
8364 Blizzard
8365 Enlarge
8366 Ironforge Chain
8367 Ironforge Breastplate
8368 Ironforge Gauntlets
8369 Ironforge Chain
8370 Ironforge Breastplate
8371 Ironforge Gauntlets
8372 Summon Aqua Guardian
8373 Mana Shield (PT)
8374 Arcing Smash
8376 Earthgrab Totem
8377 Earthgrab
8378 Earthgrab Totem
8379 Disarm
8380 Sunder Armor (Rank 3)
8381 Sunder Armor (Rank 3)
8382 Leech Poison
8383 Burning Tenacity
8384 Pure Water
8385 Swift Wind
8386 Attacking
8387 Find Herbs (Rank 2)
8388 Find Minerals (Rank 2)
8389 Find Minerals (Rank 2)
8390 Find Herbs (Rank 2)
8391 Ravage
8392 Hyper Coward
8393 Barbs
8394 Striped Frostsaber
8395 Emerald Raptor
8396 Summon Ivory Tallstrider
8397 Uther's Light (Rank 1)
8398 Frostbolt Volley
8399 Sleep
8400 Fireball (Rank 5)
8401 Fireball (Rank 6)
8402 Fireball (Rank 7)
8403 Fireball (Rank 5)
8404 Fireball (Rank 6)
8405 Fireball (Rank 7)
8406 Frostbolt (Rank 5)
8407 Frostbolt (Rank 6)
8408 Frostbolt (Rank 7)
8409 Frostbolt (Rank 5)
8410 Frostbolt (Rank 6)
8411 Frostbolt (Rank 7)
8412 Fire Blast (Rank 4)
8413 Fire Blast (Rank 5)
8414 Fire Blast (Rank 4)
8415 Fire Blast (Rank 5)
8416 Arcane Missiles (Rank 4)
8417 Arcane Missiles (Rank 5)
8418 Arcane Missiles (Rank 5)
8419 Arcane Missiles (Rank 4)
8420 Arcane Missiles (Rank 4)
8421 Arcane Missiles (Rank 5)
8422 Flamestrike (Rank 3)
8423 Flamestrike (Rank 4)
8425 Flamestrike (Rank 3)
8426 Flamestrike (Rank 4)
8427 Blizzard (Rank 3)
8428 Blizzard (Rank 3)
8433 Leech Pulse
8434 Leech Pulse
8435 Forked Lightning (Rank 1)
8437 Arcane Explosion (Rank 2)
8438 Arcane Explosion (Rank 3)
8439 Arcane Explosion (Rank 4)
8440 Arcane Explosion (Rank 2)
8441 Arcane Explosion (Rank 3)
8442 Arcane Explosion (Rank 4)
8443 Fire Nova (Rank 1)
8444 Scorch (Rank 2)
8445 Scorch (Rank 3)
8446 Scorch (Rank 4)
8447 Scorch (Rank 2)
8448 Scorch (Rank 3)
8449 Scorch (Rank 4)
8450 Dampen Magic (Rank 2)
8451 Dampen Magic (Rank 3)
8452 Dampen Magic (Rank 2)
8453 Dampen Magic (Rank 3)
8455 Amplify Magic (Rank 2)
8456 Amplify Magic (Rank 2)
8457 Fire Ward (Rank 2)
8458 Fire Ward (Rank 3)
8459 Fire Ward (Rank 2)
8460 Fire Ward (Rank 3)
8461 Frost Ward (Rank 2)
8462 Frost Ward (Rank 3)
8463 Frost Ward (Rank 2)
8464 Frost Ward (Rank 3)
8465 Simple Dress
8466 Simple Dress
8467 White Woolen Dress
8468 White Woolen Dress
8483 White Swashbuckler's Shirt
8489 Red Swashbuckler's Shirt
8490 White Swashbuckler's Shirt
8491 Red Swashbuckler's Shirt
8492 Cone of Cold (Rank 2)
8493 Cone of Cold (Rank 2)
8494 Mana Shield (Rank 2)
8495 Mana Shield (Rank 3)
8496 Mana Shield (Rank 2)
8497 Mana Shield (Rank 3)
8498 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 2)
8499 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 3)
8500 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 2)
8501 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 3)
8502 Fire Nova (Rank 2)
8503 Fire Nova (Rank 3)
8504 Fire Nova (Rank 2)
8505 Fire Nova (Rank 3)
8506 Fire Nova (Rank 2)
8507 Fire Nova (Rank 3)
8508 Fire Nova (Rank 2)
8509 Fire Nova (Rank 3)
8510 Large Seaforium Backfire
8511 Small Seaforium Backfire
8512 Windfury Totem (Rank 1)
8513 Windfury Totem (Rank 1)
8514 Windfury Totem Effect (Rank 1)
8515 Windfury Totem Passive (Rank 1)
8516 Windfury Attack (Rank 1)
8517 Opening Strongbox
8532 Aquadynamic Fish Lens
8552 Curse of Weakness
8553 Barleybrew Scalder
8554 Drinking Barleybrew Scalder
8555 Left for Dead
8593 Symbol of Life (Rank 1)
8594 Summon Moonstalker Runt
8595 Healing Tongue
8596 Heal Visual (DND) (Rank 1)
8598 Lightning Blast (Rank 3)
8599 Enrage
8600 Fevered Plague
8601 Slowing Poison
8602 Vengeance
8603 Thistlefur Death
8604 Herb Baked Egg
8605 Recipe: Herb Baked Egg
8606 Summon Cyclonian
8607 Smoked Bear Meat
8608 Recipe: Smoked Bear Meat
8609 Cyclone Visual Spawn (DND)
8611 Phase Shift
8612 Phase Shift
8613 Skinning (Apprentice)
8615 Apprentice Skinning
8616 Path of the Berserker (Rank 1)
8617 Skinning (Journeyman)
8618 Skinning (Expert)
8619 Journeyman Skinning
8620 Expert Skinning
8621 Sinister Strike (Rank 6)
8622 Sinister Strike (Rank 6)
8623 Eviscerate (Rank 5)
8624 Eviscerate (Rank 6)
8625 Eviscerate (Rank 5)
8626 Eviscerate (Rank 6)
8627 Backstab (TEST) (Rank 1)
8629 Gouge (Rank 3)
8630 Gouge (Rank 3)
8631 Garrote (Rank 2)
8632 Garrote (Rank 3)
8633 Garrote (Rank 4)
8634 Garrote (Rank 2)
8635 Garrote (Rank 3)
8636 Garrote (Rank 4)
8637 Feint (Rank 3)
8638 Feint (Rank 3)
8639 Rupture (Rank 2)
8640 Rupture (Rank 3)
8641 Rupture (Rank 2)
8642 Rupture (Rank 3)
8643 Kidney Shot (Rank 2)
8644 Kidney Shot (Rank 2)
8645 Send Fray Combatant
8646 Snap Kick
8647 Expose Armor (Rank 1)
8648 Expose Armor (Rank 1)
8649 Expose Armor (Rank 2)
8650 Expose Armor (Rank 3)
8651 Expose Armor (Rank 2)
8652 Expose Armor (Rank 3)
8654 Fray Spectator Converse
8655 Riverpaw Death
8656 Summon Crawler
8672 Challenger is Dazed
8673 Gain Whirlwind Weapon
8674 Summon Succubus (Rank 1)
8675 Warlock Channeling
8676 Ambush (Rank 1)
8677 Summon Effect
8678 Ambush (Rank 1)
8679 Instant Poison (Rank 1)
8680 Instant Poison (Rank 1)
8681 Instant Poison (Rank 1)
8682 Fake Shot (Rank 1)
8685 Instant Poison II (Rank 2)
8686 Instant Poison II (Rank 2)
8687 Instant Poison II (Rank 2)
8688 Instant Poison III (Rank 3)
8689 Instant Poison III (Rank 3)
8690 Hearthstone
8691 Instant Poison III (Rank 3)
8692 Mind-numbing Poison II (Rank 2)
8693 Mind-numbing Poison II (Rank 2)
8694 Mind-numbing Poison II (Rank 2)
8695 Mind-numbing Poison (Rank 2)
8696 Sprint (Rank 2)
8697 Sprint (Rank 2)
8699 Unholy Frenzy
8700 Instant Poison (Rank 1)
8701 Instant Poison (Rank 2)
8712 Summon Felhunter (Rank 1)
8713 Overwhelming Musk
8714 Overwhelming Musk
8715 Terrifying Howl
8716 Low Swipe
8717 Summon Felhunter (Summon)
8721 Backstab (Rank 5)
8722 Summon Succubus
8723 Backstab (Rank 5)
8724 Ambush (Rank 2)
8725 Ambush (Rank 3)
8727 Ambush (Rank 2)
8728 Ambush (Rank 3)
8732 Thunderclap
8733 Blessing of Blackfathom
8734 Blackfathom Channeling
8735 Blackfathom Teleport
8736 Conjure Food (Rank 1)
8737 Mail
8738 Mail
8747 Swimming Speed
8758 Azure Silk Pants
8759 Azure Silk Pants
8760 Azure Silk Hood
8761 Azure Silk Hood
8762 Silk Headband
8763 Silk Headband
8764 Earthen Vest
8765 Earthen Vest
8766 Azure Silk Belt
8767 Azure Silk Belt
8768 Iron Buckle
8769 Iron Buckle
8770 Robe of Power
8771 Robe of Power
8772 Crimson Silk Belt
8773 Crimson Silk Belt
8774 Green Silken Shoulders
8775 Green Silken Shoulders
8776 Linen Belt
8777 Linen Belt
8778 Boots of Darkness
8779 Pattern: Boots of Darkness
8780 Hands of Darkness
8781 Pattern: Hands of Darkness
8782 Truefaith Gloves
8783 Pattern: Truefaith Gloves
8784 Green Silk Armor
8785 Pattern: Green Silk Armor
8786 Azure Silk Cloak
8787 Pattern: Azure Silk Cloak
8788 Lightning Shield (Rank 4)
8789 Crimson Silk Cloak
8790 Pattern: Crimson Silk Cloak
8791 Crimson Silk Vest
8793 Crimson Silk Shoulders
8794 Pattern: Crimson Silk Shoulders
8795 Azure Shoulders
8796 Pattern: Azure Shoulders
8797 Earthen Silk Belt
8798 Pattern: Earthen Silk Belt
8799 Crimson Silk Pantaloons
8800 Dynamite
8801 Crimson Silk Pantaloons
8802 Crimson Silk Robe
8803 Pattern: Crimson Silk Robe
8804 Crimson Silk Gloves
8805 Crimson Silk Gloves
8806 Poisoned Shot
8807 Crimson Silk Vest
8809 Slave Drain
8810 Instant Poison (Rank 3)
8812 Heal (Rank 4)
8813 Summon Kurzen Mindslave
8814 Flame Spike
8816 Summon Panthers
8817 Smoke Bomb
8818 Garrote (Rank 4)
8820 Slam (Rank 2)
8821 Slam (Rank 2)
8822 Stealth
8823 Crusader Strike (Rank 2)
8824 Crusader Strike (Rank 3)
8825 Crusader Strike (Rank 2)
8826 Crusader Strike (Rank 3)
8832 Ward of Zanzil
8833 Ward of Zanzil Passive
8834 Ward of Zanzil Effect
8835 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 1)
8836 Grace of Air (Rank 1)
8837 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 1)
8838 Azure Silk Gloves
8852 Moss Hide
8853 Summon Skeleton
8854 Bending Shinbone
8855 Bending Shinbone
8856 Bending Shinbone
8857 Summon Fen Dweller
8858 Bomb
8872 Perm. Illusion FelGuard
8873 Flame Breath
8874 Stealth (TEST) (Rank 1)
8875 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
8876 Thrash
8880 Copper Dagger
8881 Copper Dagger
8892 Goblin Rocket Boots
8893 Rocket Boots Malfunction
8894 Stromgarde Death
8895 Goblin Rocket Boots
8896 Schematic: Goblin Rocket Boots
8897 Destroy Rocket Boots
8898 Sapta Sight
8899 Sapta Sight
8900 Sapta Sight
8901 Gas Bomb
8902 Gas Bomb
8903 Healing Touch (Rank 7)
8904 Healing Touch (Rank 7)
8905 Wrath (Rank 7)
8906 Wrath (Rank 7)
8907 Mark of the Wild (Rank 5)
8908 Mark of the Wild (Rank 5)
8909 Unholy Shield
8910 Rejuvenation (Rank 7)
8911 Rejuvenation (Rank 7)
8912 Forge Verigan's Fist
8913 Sacred Cleansing
8914 Thorns (Rank 4)
8915 Thorns (Rank 4)
8916 Remove Unholy Shield
8917 Opening
8918 Tranquility (Rank 2)
8919 Fill Jennea's Flask
8920 Tranquility (Rank 2)
8921 Moonfire (Rank 1)
8922 Moonfire (Rank 1)
8924 Moonfire (Rank 2)
8925 Moonfire (Rank 3)
8926 Moonfire (Rank 4)
8927 Moonfire (Rank 5)
8928 Moonfire (Rank 6)
8929 Moonfire (Rank 7)
8930 Moonfire (Rank 2)
8931 Moonfire (Rank 3)
8932 Moonfire (Rank 4)
8933 Moonfire (Rank 5)
8934 Moonfire (Rank 6)
8935 Moonfire (Rank 7)
8936 Regrowth (Rank 1)
8937 Regrowth (Rank 1)
8938 Regrowth (Rank 2)
8939 Regrowth (Rank 3)
8940 Regrowth (Rank 4)
8941 Regrowth (Rank 5)
8942 Regrowth (Rank 2)
8943 Regrowth (Rank 3)
8944 Regrowth (Rank 4)
8945 Regrowth (Rank 5)
8946 Cure Poison
8947 Cure Poison
8949 Starfire (Rank 2)
8950 Starfire (Rank 3)
8951 Starfire (Rank 4)
8952 Starfire (Rank 2)
8953 Starfire (Rank 3)
8954 Starfire (Rank 4)
8955 Soothe Animal (Rank 2)
8956 Soothe Animal (Rank 2)
8972 Maul (Rank 4)
8973 Maul (Rank 4)
8980 Skeletal Horse
8981 Immolate
8983 Bash (Rank 3)
8984 Bash (Rank 3)
8985 Summon Fire Elemental
8986 Summon Illusionary Phantasm
8988 Silence (Rank 1)
8989 Whirlwind (Rank 1)
8990 Retribution Aura (Rank 1)
8992 Shred (Rank 3)
8993 Shred (Rank 3)
8994 Banish
8995 Shoot (Rank 1)
8996 Shoot (Rank 1)
8997 Shoot (Rank 1)
8998 Cower (Rank 1)
8999 Cower (Rank 1)
9000 Cower (Rank 2)
9001 Cower (Rank 2)
9002 Coarse Dynamite
9003 Coarse Dynamite
9004 Coarse Dynamite
9005 Pounce (Rank 1)
9006 Pounce (Rank 1)
9007 Pounce Bleed (Rank 1)
9008 Shoot (Rank 1)
9009 Coarse Dynamite
9010 Create Filled Containment Coffer
9012 Attract Rift Spawn
9032 Self Stun - 30 seconds
9033 Shapeshift Form Effect
9034 Immolate
9035 Hex of Weakness (Rank 1)
9036 Ghost
9052 Fill Deino's Flask
9053 Fireball
9055 Create Witherbark Totem Bundle
9056 Bolt Charge Bramble
9057 Firebolt (Rank 1)
9058 Handstitched Leather Cloak
9059 Handstitched Leather Bracers
9060 Light Leather Quiver
9061 Light Leather Quiver
9062 Small Leather Ammo Pouch
9063 Small Leather Ammo Pouch
9064 Rugged Leather Pants
9065 Light Leather Bracers
9066 Light Leather Bracers
9067 Rugged Leather Pants
9068 Light Leather Pants
9069 Light Leather Pants
9070 Black Whelp Cloak
9071 Black Whelp Cloak
9072 Red Whelp Gloves
9073 Red Whelp Gloves
9074 Nimble Leather Gloves
9075 Nimble Leather Gloves
9077 Leather
9078 Cloth
9079 Create Rift
9080 Hamstring
9081 Shadow Bolt Volley
9082 Create Containment Coffer
9084 Magic Stone Helmet
9092 Flesh Eating Worm
9093 Rift Spawn Invisibility
9095 Cantation of Manifestation
9096 Rift Spawn Manifestation
9097 Summon Demon of the Orb
9098 Increased Agility 08
9099 Increased Agility 09
9100 Increased Agility 10
9101 Increased Agility 11
9102 Increased Agility 12
9103 Increased Strength 08
9104 Increased Intellect 08
9105 Increased Intellect 09
9106 Increased Intellect 10
9107 Increased Intellect 11
9108 Increased Intellect 12
9109 Increased Spirit 08
9110 Increased Spirit 09
9111 Increased Spirit 10
9112 Increased Spirit 11
9113 Increased Spirit 12
9114 Increased Stamina 08
9115 Increased Stamina 09
9116 Shield
9117 Increased Stamina 10
9118 Increased Stamina 11
9119 Increased Stamina 12
9120 Increased Strength 09
9121 Increased Strength 10
9122 Increased Strength 11
9123 Increased Strength 12
9124 Buckler
9125 Generic
9127 Transform: Peasant w/ wood
9128 Battle Shout
9132 Increased Critical 1 (Rank 1)
9133 Lockpicking 5
9134 Herbalism
9135 Choose Random Powers
9136 Attack Power 02
9137 Attack Power 04
9138 Attack Power 06
9139 Attack Power 08
9140 Attack Power 10
9141 Attack Power 12
9142 Attack Power 14
9143 Bomb
9144 Crushridge Death
9145 Fletcher's Gloves
9146 Herbalist's Gloves
9147 Earthen Leather Shoulders
9148 Pilferer's Gloves
9149 Heavy Earthen Gloves
9150 Fletcher's Gloves
9151 Pattern: Herbalist's Gloves
9152 Pattern: Earthen Leather Shoulders
9153 Pattern: Pilferer's Gloves
9154 Pattern: Heavy Earthen Gloves
9155 Pattern: Dark Leather Gloves
9156 Create Mage's Orb
9157 Create Mage's Robe
9159 Sleep
9160 Sleep
9162 zzOLDFrost Shield
9163 Heal Self
9172 Lift Seal
9173 Anubisath Guardian AOE
9174 Rage
9175 Running Speed
9176 Holy Sunder
9177 Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream
9178 Brain Freeze
9179 Stun
9192 "Plucky" Resumes Human Form (Shapeshift)
9193 Heavy Quiver
9194 Heavy Leather Ammo Pouch
9195 Dusky Leather Leggings
9196 Dusky Leather Armor
9197 Green Whelp Armor
9198 Frost Leather Cloak
9199 Attack Power %
9200 Create Sapta (Rank 1)
9201 Dusky Bracers
9202 Green Whelp Bracers
9204 Hate to Zero
9205 Hate to Zero
9206 Dusky Belt
9207 Dusky Boots
9208 Swift Boots
9209 Heavy Quiver
9210 Heavy Leather Ammo Pouch
9211 Dusky Leather Armor
9212 Frost Leather Cloak
9213 Dusky Bracers
9214 Dusky Belt
9215 Pattern: Dusky Leather Leggings
9216 Pattern: Green Whelp Armor
9217 Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers
9218 Pattern: Dusky Boots
9219 Pattern: Swift Boots
9220 "Plucky" Resumes Chicken Form (Shapeshift)
9221 Summon Voidwalker (Rank 1)
9222 Summon Voidwalker (Rank 1)
9223 Summon Succubus (Rank 1)
9224 Summon Succubus (Rank 1)
9232 Scarlet Resurrection
9233 Firebolt
9234 Armor Debuff (TEST) (Rank 1)
9235 Scarlet Resurrected
9252 Replenish Mana I
9253 Replenish Mana II
9256 Deep Sleep
9257 Lay on Hands (Rank 2)
9258 Increased Agility 13
9259 Increased Agility 14
9260 Increased Intellect 13
9261 Increased Intellect 14
9262 Increased Spirit 13
9263 Increased Spirit 14
9264 Increased Stamina 13
9265 Increased Stamina 14
9266 Increased Strength 13
9267 Increased Strength 14
9268 Teleport to Darnassus - Event
9269 Gnomish Universal Remote
9270 Schematic: Gnomish Universal Remote
9271 Aquadynamic Fish Attractor
9272 Aquadynamic Fish Attractor
9273 Goblin Jumper Cables
9274 Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables
9275 Immolate
9276 Immolate
9294 Increase Fire Dam 16
9295 Increase Fire Dam 17
9296 Increase Fire Dam 19
9297 Increase Fire Dam 20
9298 Increase Fire Dam 21
9304 Increase Frost Dam 16
9305 Increase Frost Dam 17
9306 Increase Frost Dam 19
9307 Increase Frost Dam 20
9308 Increase Frost Dam 21
9314 Increase Healing 24
9315 Increase Healing 26
9316 Increase Healing 29
9317 Increase Healing 31
9318 Increase Healing 33
9324 Increase Shadow Dam 16
9325 Increase Shadow Dam 17
9326 Increase Shadow Dam 19
9327 Increase Shadow Dam 20
9328 Increase Shadow Dam 21
9329 Attack Power 16
9330 Attack Power 18
9331 Attack Power 20
9332 Attack Power 22
9333 Attack Power 48
9334 Attack Power 26
9335 Attack Power 28
9336 Attack Power 30
9342 Increase Spell Dam 13
9343 Increase Spell Dam 14
9344 Increase Spell Dam 15
9345 Increase Spell Dam 16
9346 Increase Spell Dam 18
9347 Mortal Strike
9357 Increase Nature Dam 16
9358 Increase Nature Dam 17
9359 Increase Nature Dam 19
9360 Increase Nature Dam 20
9361 Increase Nature Dam 21
9372 Bear Enters Auberdine
9373 Soul Siphon
9392 Increase Spell Dam 1
9393 Increase Spell Dam 2
9394 Increase Spell Dam 4
9395 Increase Spell Dam 5
9396 Increase Spell Dam 6
9397 Increase Spell Dam 7
9398 Increase Spell Dam 8
9399 Increase Fire Dam 11
9400 Increase Fire Dam 13
9401 Increase Fire Dam 14
9402 Increase Frost Dam 11
9403 Increase Frost Dam 13
9404 Increase Frost Dam 14
9405 Increased Critical 5
9406 Increase Healing 18
9407 Increase Healing 20
9408 Increase Healing 22
9409 Increase Nature Dam 11
9410 Increase Nature Dam 13
9411 Increase Nature Dam 14
9412 Increase Shadow Dam 11
9413 Increase Shadow Dam 13
9414 Increase Shadow Dam 14
9415 Increase Spell Dam 9
9416 Increase Spell Dam 11
9417 Increase Spell Dam 12
9433 Arcane Explosion (Rank 4)
9435 Detonation
9436 Invisibility Detection
9437 Placing Bear Trap
9438 Arcane Bubble
9439 Bear Captured in Trap
9440 Pattern: Green Leather Armor
9452 Vindication (Rank 1)
9453 Unyielding Faith (Rank 1)
9454 Freeze
9455 Thistle Bear Death Touch
9456 Tharnariun Cure 1
9457 Tharnariun's Heal
9458 Smoke Cloud
9459 Corrosive Ooze
9460 Corrosive Ooze
9461 Summon Swamp Ooze
9462 Mirefin Fungus
9463 Mirefin Fungus
9464 Barbs
9472 Flash Heal (Rank 2)
9473 Flash Heal (Rank 3)
9474 Flash Heal (Rank 4)
9475 Flash Heal (Rank 2)
9476 Flash Heal (Rank 3)
9477 Flash Heal (Rank 4)
9478 Invis Placing Bear Trap
9481 Holy Smite (Rank 6)
9482 Amplify Flames
9483 Boulder
9484 Shackle Undead (Rank 1)
9485 Shackle Undead (Rank 2)
9486 Shackle Undead (Rank 2)
9487 Fireball
9488 Fireball
9489 Create Scrying Bowl
9490 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 3)
9491 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 3)
9492 Rip (Rank 2)
9493 Rip (Rank 3)
9494 Rip (Rank 2)
9495 Rip (Rank 3)
9512 Restore Energy
9513 Thistle Tea
9514 Recipe: Thistle Tea
9515 Summon Tracking Hound
9532 Lightning Bolt
9552 Searing Flames
9572 Onin's Camouflage
9573 Flame Breath
9574 Flame Buffet
9575 Self Detonation
9576 Lock Down
9577 Uldaman Key Staff
9578 Fade (Rank 2)
9579 Fade (Rank 3)
9580 Fade (Rank 2)
9581 Fade (Rank 3)
9582 Filling
9583 Water Sample
9584 Water Sample
9586 Water Sample
9587 Magic Potion
9590 Stealth 1
9591 Acid Spit
9592 Fade (Rank 4)
9593 Fade (Rank 4)
9594 Attach Medallion to Shaft
9595 Attach Shaft to Medallion
9596 Schematic: Gnomish Cloaking Device
9612 Ink Spray
9613 Shadow Bolt
9614 Rift Beacon
9615 Summon Rift Traveler
9616 Wild Regeneration
9617 Ghost Visual
9632 Bladestorm (Rank 1)
9633 Whirlwind (Rank 1)
9634 Dire Bear Form (Shapeshift)
9635 Dire Bear Form (Passive) (Passive)
9636 Summon Swamp Spirit
9653 Summon Gelkis Rumbler
9654 Jumping Lightning
9657 Shadow Shell
9658 Flame Buffet
9672 Frostbolt
9712 Thaumaturgy Channel
9733 Arantir's Anger (Rank 1)
9734 Holy Smite
9735 Sapta Sight
9736 Arantir's Deception (Rank 1)
9737 Arantir's Anger Effect (Rank 1)
9738 Rift Spawn Becomes Visible
9739 Wrath
9740 Arantir's Deception (Rank 1)
9741 Arantir's Rage (Rank 1)
9743 Delete Me
9744 Jarkal's Translation
9745 Maul (Rank 5)
9746 Maul (Rank 5)
9747 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 4)
9748 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 4)
9749 Faerie Fire (Rank 3)
9750 Regrowth (Rank 6)
9751 Regrowth (Rank 6)
9752 Rip (Rank 4)
9753 Rip (Rank 4)
9754 Swipe (Rank 4)
9755 Swipe (Rank 4)
9756 Thorns (Rank 5)
9757 Thorns (Rank 5)
9758 Healing Touch (Rank 8)
9759 Healing Touch (Rank 8)
9760 Increased Armor 10
9761 Increased Armor 20
9762 Increased Armor 30
9763 Increased Armor 40
9764 Increased Armor 50
9765 Increased Armor 60
9766 Increased Armor 70
9767 Increased Armor 80
9768 Increased Armor 90
9769 Radiation
9770 Radiation
9771 Radiation Bolt
9772 Defias Tower I
9773 Defias Tower II
9774 Immune Root
9775 Irradiated
9776 Irradiated
9777 Self Healing
9778 Proc Self Heal 22
9779 Defias Tower III
9781 Mithril Shield Spike
9782 Mithril Shield Spike
9783 Mithril Spurs
9784 Iron Shield Spike
9785 Blacksmithing (Artisan)
9786 Artisan Blacksmith
9787 Weaponsmith (Artisan)
9788 Armorsmith (Artisan)
9789 Artisan Weaponsmith
9790 Artisan Armorsmith
9791 Head Crack
9795 Talvash's Necklace Repair
9796 Blight
9798 Radiation
9799 Eye for an Eye (Rank 1)
9800 Holy Shield
9806 Phantom Strike
9810 Touch of Zanzil
9811 Barbaric Iron Shoulders
9812 Plans: Barbaric Iron Shoulders
9813 Barbaric Iron Breastplate
9814 Barbaric Iron Helm
9815 Plans: Barbaric Iron Helm
9817 Plans: Barbaric Iron Breastplate
9818 Barbaric Iron Boots
9819 Plans: Barbaric Iron Boots
9820 Barbaric Iron Gloves
9821 Dash (Rank 2)
9822 Dash (Rank 2)
9823 Pounce (Rank 2)
9824 Pounce Bleed (Rank 2)
9825 Pounce (Rank 2)
9826 Pounce Bleed (Rank 3)
9827 Pounce (Rank 3)
9828 Pounce (Rank 3)
9829 Shred (Rank 4)
9830 Shred (Rank 5)
9831 Shred (Rank 4)
9832 Shred (Rank 5)
9833 Moonfire (Rank 8)
9834 Moonfire (Rank 9)
9835 Moonfire (Rank 10)
9836 Moonfire (Rank 8)
9837 Moonfire (Rank 9)
9838 Moonfire (Rank 10)
9839 Rejuvenation (Rank 8)
9840 Rejuvenation (Rank 9)
9841 Rejuvenation (Rank 10)
9842 Rejuvenation (Rank 8)
9843 Rejuvenation (Rank 9)
9844 Rejuvenation (Rank 10)
9845 Tiger's Fury (Rank 3)
9846 Tiger's Fury (Rank 4)
9847 Tiger's Fury (Rank 3)
9848 Tiger's Fury (Rank 4)
9849 Claw (Rank 4)
9850 Claw (Rank 5)
9851 Claw (Rank 5)
9852 Entangling Roots (Rank 5)
9853 Entangling Roots (Rank 6)
9854 Entangling Roots (Rank 5)
9855 Entangling Roots (Rank 6)
9856 Regrowth (Rank 7)
9857 Regrowth (Rank 8)
9858 Regrowth (Rank 9)
9859 Regrowth (Rank 7)
9860 Regrowth (Rank 8)
9861 Regrowth (Rank 9)
9862 Tranquility (Rank 3)
9863 Tranquility (Rank 4)
9864 Tranquility (Rank 3)
9865 Tranquility (Rank 4)
9866 Ravage (Rank 3)
9867 Ravage (Rank 4)
9868 Ravage (Rank 3)
9869 Ravage (Rank 4)
9874 Self Destruct
9875 Starfire (Rank 5)
9876 Starfire (Rank 6)
9877 Starfire (Rank 5)
9878 Starfire (Rank 6)
9879 Self Destruct
9880 Maul (Rank 6)
9881 Maul (Rank 7)
9882 Maul (Rank 6)
9883 Maul (Rank 7)
9884 Mark of the Wild (Rank 6)
9885 Mark of the Wild (Rank 7)
9886 Mark of the Wild (Rank 6)
9887 Mark of the Wild (Rank 7)
9888 Healing Touch (Rank 9)
9889 Healing Touch (Rank 10)
9890 Healing Touch (Rank 9)
9891 Healing Touch (Rank 10)
9892 Cower (Rank 3)
9893 Cower (Rank 3)
9894 Rip (Rank 5)
9895 Rip (Rank 5)
9896 Rip (Rank 6)
9897 Rip (Rank 6)
9898 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 5)
9899 Demoralizing Roar (Rank 5)
9900 Sharpen Blade IV
9901 Soothe Animal (Rank 3)
9902 Soothe Animal (Rank 3)
9903 Enhance Blunt Weapon IV
9904 Rake (Rank 4)
9905 Rake (Rank 4)
9906 Reflection
9907 Faerie Fire (Rank 4)
9908 Swipe (Rank 5)
9909 Swipe (Rank 5)
9910 Thorns (Rank 6)
9911 Wrath (Rank 8)
9912 Wrath (Rank 8)
9913 Prowl (Rank 3)
9914 Prowl (Rank 3)
9915 Frost Nova (Rank 3)
9916 Steel Breastplate
9917 Steel Breastplate
9918 Solid Sharpening Stone
9920 Solid Grinding Stone
9921 Solid Weightstone
9922 Solid Grinding Stone
9924 Solid Sharpening Stone
9925 Solid Weightstone
9926 Heavy Mithril Shoulder
9927 Heavy Mithril Shoulder
9928 Heavy Mithril Gauntlet
9929 Heavy Mithril Gauntlet
9930 Empathy of Stone
9931 Mithril Scale Pants
9932 Mithril Scale Pants
9933 Heavy Mithril Pants
9934 Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants
9935 Steel Plate Helm
9936 Steel Plate Helm
9937 Mithril Scale Bracers
9938 Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers
9939 Mithril Shield Spike
9940 Plans: Mithril Shield Spike
9941 Spell Reflection
9942 Mithril Scale Gloves
9943 Spell Reflection
9944 Plans: Mithril Scale Gloves
9945 Ornate Mithril Pants
9946 Plans: Ornate Mithril Pants
9949 Thieves' Tool Rack Conjure
9950 Ornate Mithril Gloves
9951 Plans: Ornate Mithril Gloves
9952 Ornate Mithril Shoulders
9953 Plans: Ornate Mithril Shoulders
9954 Truesilver Gauntlets
9955 Truesilver Gauntlets
9956 Drink Potion
9957 Orcish War Leggings
9958 Plans: Orcish War Leggings
9959 Heavy Mithril Breastplate
9960 Heavy Mithril Breastplate
9961 Mithril Coif
9962 Mithril Coif
9964 Mithril Spurs
9965 Plans: Mithril Spurs
9966 Mithril Scale Shoulders
9967 Plans: Mithril Scale Shoulders
9968 Heavy Mithril Boots
9969 Heavy Mithril Boots
9970 Heavy Mithril Helm
9971 Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm
9972 Ornate Mithril Breastplate
9973 Plans: Ornate Mithril Breastplate
9974 Truesilver Breastplate
9976 Polly Eats the E.C.A.C. (Rank 1)
9977 Conjure E.C.A.C
9978 Truesilver Breastplate
9979 Ornate Mithril Boots
9980 Ornate Mithril Helm
9981 Plans: Ornate Mithril Boots
9982 Plans: Ornate Mithril Helm
9983 Copper Claymore
9984 Copper Claymore
9985 Bronze Warhammer
9986 Bronze Greatsword
9987 Bronze Battle Axe
9988 Bronze Warhammer
9989 Bronze Greatsword
9990 Bronze Battle Axe
9991 Touch of Zanzil
9992 Dizzy
9993 Heavy Mithril Axe
9994 Heavy Mithril Axe
9995 Blue Glittering Axe
9996 Plans: Blue Glittering Axe
9997 Wicked Mithril Blade
9998 Summon Polly Jr.
9999 Touch of Zanzil Cure
10000 Plans: Wicked Mithril Blade
10001 Big Black Mace
10002 Big Black Mace
10003 The Shatterer
10004 The Shatterer
10005 Dazzling Mithril Rapier
10006 Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier
10007 Phantom Blade
10008 Phantom Blade
10009 Runed Mithril Hammer
10010 Plans: Runed Mithril Hammer
10011 Blight
10012 Blight
10013 Ebon Shiv
10014 Plans: Ebon Shiv
10015 Truesilver Champion
10016 Truesilver Champion
10017 Frost Hold (Rank 3)
10018 Rat Nova (Rank 3)
10019 Barbaric Iron Breastplate
10020 Plans: Barbaric Iron Gloves
10021 100% Block
10022 Deadly Poison
10032 Uber Stealth
10052 Replenish Mana (Rank 2)
10053 Conjure Mana Citrine
10054 Conjure Mana Ruby
10055 Conjure Mana Citrine
10056 Conjure Mana Ruby
10057 Replenish Mana (Rank 3)
10058 Replenish Mana (Rank 4)
10059 Portal: Stormwind
10060 Power Infusion
10061 Summon Obsidian Shard
10072 Splintered Obsidian
10073 dmg3
10074 Spell Reflection
10092 Sand Storm
10093 Harsh Winds
10094 Sand Storms
10095 Hate to Zero
10096 Shrink
10097 Smelt Mithril
10098 Smelt Truesilver
10099 Smelt Mithril
10100 Smelt Truesilver
10101 Knock Away
10113 Flare
10132 Sand Storms
10134 Sand Storm
10136 Magenta Cap Sickness
10137 Fizzule's Folly
10138 Conjure Water (Rank 5)
10139 Conjure Water (Rank 6)
10140 Conjure Water (Rank 7)
10141 Conjure Water (Rank 5)
10142 Conjure Water (Rank 6)
10143 Conjure Water (Rank 7)
10144 Conjure Food (Rank 5)
10145 Conjure Food (Rank 6)
10146 Conjure Food (Rank 5)
10147 Conjure Food (Rank 6)
10148 Fireball (Rank 8)
10149 Fireball (Rank 9)
10150 Fireball (Rank 10)
10151 Fireball (Rank 11)
10152 Fireball (Rank 8)
10153 Fireball (Rank 9)
10154 Fireball (Rank 10)
10155 Fireball (Rank 11)
10156 Arcane Intellect (Rank 4)
10157 Arcane Intellect (Rank 5)
10158 Arcane Intellect (Rank 5)
10159 Cone of Cold (Rank 3)
10160 Cone of Cold (Rank 4)
10161 Cone of Cold (Rank 5)
10162 Cone of Cold (Rank 3)
10163 Cone of Cold (Rank 4)
10164 Cone of Cold (Rank 5)
10165 Khadgar's Unlocking (Rank 3)
10166 Khadgar's Unlocking (Rank 4)
10169 Amplify Magic (Rank 3)
10170 Amplify Magic (Rank 4)
10171 Amplify Magic (Rank 3)
10172 Amplify Magic (Rank 4)
10173 Dampen Magic (Rank 4)
10174 Dampen Magic (Rank 5)
10175 Dampen Magic (Rank 4)
10176 Dampen Magic (Rank 5)
10177 Frost Ward (Rank 4)
10178 Frost Ward (Rank 4)
10179 Frostbolt (Rank 8)
10180 Frostbolt (Rank 9)
10181 Frostbolt (Rank 10)
10182 Frostbolt (Rank 8)
10183 Frostbolt (Rank 9)
10184 Frostbolt (Rank 10)
10185 Blizzard (Rank 4)
10186 Blizzard (Rank 5)
10187 Blizzard (Rank 6)
10188 Blizzard (Rank 4)
10189 Blizzard (Rank 5)
10190 Blizzard (Rank 6)
10191 Mana Shield (Rank 4)
10192 Mana Shield (Rank 5)
10193 Mana Shield (Rank 6)
10194 Mana Shield (Rank 4)
10195 Mana Shield (Rank 5)
10196 Mana Shield (Rank 6)
10197 Fire Blast (Rank 6)
10198 Fire Blast (Rank 6)
10199 Fire Blast (Rank 7)
10200 Fire Blast (Rank 7)
10201 Arcane Explosion (Rank 5)
10202 Arcane Explosion (Rank 6)
10203 Arcane Explosion (Rank 5)
10204 Arcane Explosion (Rank 6)
10205 Scorch (Rank 5)
10206 Scorch (Rank 6)
10207 Scorch (Rank 7)
10208 Scorch (Rank 5)
10209 Scorch (Rank 6)
10210 Scorch (Rank 7)
10211 Arcane Missiles (Rank 6)
10212 Arcane Missiles (Rank 7)
10213 Arcane Missiles (Rank 6)
10214 Arcane Missiles (Rank 7)
10215 Flamestrike (Rank 5)
10216 Flamestrike (Rank 6)
10217 Flamestrike (Rank 5)
10218 Flamestrike (Rank 6)
10219 Ice Armor (Rank 3)
10220 Ice Armor (Rank 4)
10221 Ice Armor (Rank 3)
10222 Ice Armor (Rank 4)
10223 Fire Ward (Rank 4)
10224 Fire Ward (Rank 4)
10225 Fire Ward (Rank 5)
10226 Fire Ward (Rank 5)
10227 Beast Tracking
10228 Greater Invisibility
10230 Frost Nova (Rank 4)
10231 Frost Nova (Rank 4)
10236 Humanoid Tracking
10237 Humanoid Tracking
10238 Demon Tracking
10239 Demon Tracking
10240 Undead Tracking
10241 Dragon Tracking
10242 Elemental Tracking
10244 Dragon Tracking
10245 Elemental Tracking
10246 Undead Tracking
10247 Summon Zul'Farrak Zombies
10248 Mining (Artisan)
10249 Artisan Miner
10250 Drink
10251 Biletoad Infection
10252 Awaken Earthen Guardians
10253 Chemical Peel
10254 Stone Dwarf Awaken Visual
10255 Stoned
10256 Food
10257 Food
10258 Awaken Vault Warder
10259 Awaken Earthen Dwarf
10260 Reconstruct
10263 Self Visual - Sleep 90s (DND)
10264 Archaedas Dies
10265 Juggler Vein Rupture
10266 Lung Puncture
10267 Slush
10268 Decimate
10273 Arcane Missiles (Rank 6)
10274 Arcane Missiles (Rank 7)
10276 Wisdom Aura (Rank 4)
10277 Throw
10278 Blessing of Protection (Rank 3)
10279 Blessing of Protection (Rank 3)
10290 Devotion Aura (Rank 2)
10291 Devotion Aura (Rank 4)
10292 Devotion Aura (Rank 6)
10293 Devotion Aura (Rank 7)
10294 Devotion Aura (Rank 2)
10295 Devotion Aura (Rank 4)
10296 Devotion Aura (Rank 6)
10297 Devotion Aura (Rank 7)
10298 Retribution Aura (Rank 2)
10299 Retribution Aura (Rank 3)
10300 Retribution Aura (Rank 4)
10301 Retribution Aura (Rank 5)
10302 Retribution Aura (Rank 2)
10303 Retribution Aura (Rank 3)
10304 Retribution Aura (Rank 4)
10305 Retribution Aura (Rank 5)
10308 Hammer of Justice (Rank 4)
10309 Hammer of Justice (Rank 4)
10310 Lay on Hands (Rank 3)
10311 Lay on Hands (Rank 3)
10312 Exorcism (Rank 4)
10313 Exorcism (Rank 5)
10314 Exorcism (Rank 6)
10315 Exorcism (Rank 4)
10316 Exorcism (Rank 5)
10317 Exorcism (Rank 6)
10318 Holy Wrath (Rank 2)
10320 Holy Wrath (Rank 2)
10321 Judgement
10322 Redemption (Rank 2)
10323 Redemption (Rank 2)
10324 Redemption (Rank 3)
10325 Redemption (Rank 3)
10326 Turn Undead (Rank 3)
10327 Turn Undead (Rank 3)
10328 Holy Light (Rank 7)
10329 Holy Light (Rank 8)
10330 Holy Light (Rank 7)
10331 Holy Light (Rank 8)
10336 Crusader Strike (Rank 4)
10337 Crusader Strike (Rank 5)
10338 Crusader Strike (Rank 4)
10339 Crusader Strike (Rank 5)
10340 Uldaman Boss Agro
10341 Radiation Cloud
10342 Guardian Effect
10343 Thorns (Rank 6)
10344 Armor +32
10345 Rebuild
10346 Machine Gun
10347 Archaedas Awaken Visual (DND)
10348 Tune Up
10351 Basilisk Skin
10368 Uther's Light Effect (Rank 1)
10369 Scooby Snack Effect
10370 Lacerations
10371 Slow
10373 Fatal Wound
10387 Lightning Surge
10388 Summon Prismatic Exile
10389 Spawn Smoke
10390 Gate Failure
10391 Lightning Bolt (Rank 7)
10392 Lightning Bolt (Rank 8)
10393 Lightning Bolt (Rank 7)
10394 Lightning Bolt (Rank 8)
10395 Healing Wave (Rank 8)
10396 Healing Wave (Rank 9)
10397 Healing Wave (Rank 8)
10398 Healing Wave (Rank 9)
10399 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 4)
10400 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 1)
10401 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 4)
10402 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 5)
10403 Stoneskin (Rank 4)
10404 Stoneskin (Rank 5)
10405 Stoneskin (Rank 6)
10406 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 4)
10407 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 5)
10408 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 6)
10409 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 4)
10410 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 5)
10411 Stoneskin Totem (Rank 6)
10412 Earth Shock (Rank 5)
10413 Earth Shock (Rank 6)
10414 Earth Shock (Rank 7)
10415 Earth Shock (Rank 5)
10416 Earth Shock (Rank 6)
10417 Earth Shock (Rank 7)
10418 Arugal spawn-in spell
10423 Stoneclaw Totem Effect (Rank 5)
10424 Stoneclaw Totem Effect (Rank 6)
10425 Stoneclaw Totem Passive (Rank 5)
10426 Stoneclaw Totem Passive (Rank 6)
10427 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 5)
10428 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 6)
10429 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 5)
10430 Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 6)
10431 Lightning Shield (Rank 6)
10432 Lightning Shield (Rank 7)
10433 Lightning Shield (Rank 6)
10434 Lightning Shield (Rank 7)
10435 Attack (Rank 5)
10436 Attack (Rank 6)
10437 Searing Totem (Rank 5)
10438 Searing Totem (Rank 6)
10439 Searing Totem (Rank 5)
10440 Searing Totem (Rank 6)
10441 Strength of Earth (Rank 4)
10442 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 4)
10443 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 4)
10444 Flametongue Attack
10445 Flametongue Weapon Proc (Rank 4)
10446 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 4)
10447 Flame Shock (Rank 4)
10448 Flame Shock (Rank 5)
10449 Flame Shock (Rank 4)
10450 Flame Shock (Rank 5)
10451 Implosion
10452 Flame Buffet
10454 Into the Rift
10455 Minor Tremor
10456 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 3)
10457 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 3)
10458 Frostbrand Attack (Rank 3)
10459 Sacrifice Spinneret
10460 Healing Stream (Rank 4)
10461 Healing Stream (Rank 5)
10462 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 4)
10463 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)
10464 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 4)
10465 Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)
10466 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 4)
10467 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 5)
10468 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 6)
10469 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 4)
10470 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 5)
10471 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 6)
10472 Frost Shock (Rank 3)
10473 Frost Shock (Rank 4)
10474 Frost Shock (Rank 3)
10475 Frost Shock (Rank 4)
10476 Frost Resistance (Rank 2)
10477 Frost Resistance (Rank 3)
10478 Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 2)
10479 Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 3)
10480 Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 2)
10481 Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 3)
10482 Cured Thick Hide
10484 Windfury Attack (Rank 3)
10485 Cured Thick Hide
10486 Windfury Weapon (Rank 3)
10487 Thick Armor Kit
10488 Windfury Weapon (Rank 3)
10490 Comfortable Leather Hat
10491 Mana Spring (Rank 2)
10492 Pattern: Comfortable Leather Hat
10493 Mana Spring (Rank 3)
10494 Mana Spring (Rank 4)
10495 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 2)
10496 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 3)
10497 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 4)
10499 Nightscape Tunic
10500 Nightscape Tunic
10507 Nightscape Headband
10508 Nightscape Headband
10509 Turtle Scale Gloves
10510 Pattern: Turtle Scale Gloves
10511 Turtle Scale Breastplate
10512 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 2)
10513 Turtle Scale Breastplate
10514 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 3)
10515 Mana Spring Totem (Rank 4)
10516 Nightscape Shoulders
10517 Pattern: Nightscape Shoulders
10518 Turtle Scale Bracers
10519 Turtle Scale Bracers
10520 Big Voodoo Robe
10521 Flametongue Totem Effect (Rank 3)
10522 Pattern: Big Voodoo Robe
10523 Flametongue Totem Proc (Rank 3)
10524 Flametongue Totem Passive (Rank 3)
10525 Tough Scorpid Breastplate
10526 Flametongue Totem (Rank 3)
10527 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Breastplate
10528 Flametongue Totem (Rank 3)
10529 Wild Leather Shoulders
10530 Pattern: Wild Leather Shoulders
10531 Big Voodoo Mask
10532 Pattern: Big Voodoo Mask
10533 Tough Scorpid Bracers
10534 Fire Resistance (Rank 2)
10535 Fire Resistance (Rank 3)
10536 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Bracers
10537 Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 2)
10538 Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 3)
10540 Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 2)
10541 Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 3)
10542 Tough Scorpid Gloves
10543 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Gloves
10544 Wild Leather Vest
10545 Pattern: Wild Leather Vest
10546 Wild Leather Helmet
10547 Pattern: Wild Leather Helmet
10548 Nightscape Pants
10549 Nightscape Pants
10550 Nightscape Cloak
10551 Nightscape Cloak
10552 Turtle Scale Helm
10553 Turtle Scale Helm
10554 Tough Scorpid Boots
10555 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Boots
10556 Turtle Scale Leggings
10557 Turtle Scale Leggings
10558 Nightscape Boots
10559 Nightscape Boots
10560 Big Voodoo Pants
10561 Pattern: Big Voodoo Pants
10562 Big Voodoo Cloak
10563 Pattern: Big Voodoo Cloak
10564 Tough Scorpid Shoulders
10565 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Shoulders
10566 Wild Leather Boots
10567 Pattern: Wild Leather Boots
10568 Tough Scorpid Leggings
10569 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Leggings
10570 Tough Scorpid Helm
10571 Pattern: Tough Scorpid Helm
10572 Wild Leather Leggings
10573 Pattern: Wild Leather Leggings
10574 Wild Leather Cloak
10575 Pattern: Wild Leather Cloak
10576 Piercing Howl
10577 Heal
10578 Fireball
10579 Magma Totem (Rank 2)
10580 Magma Totem (Rank 3)
10581 Magma Totem (Rank 4)
10582 Magma Totem Passive (Rank 2)
10583 Magma Totem Passive (Rank 3)
10584 Magma Totem Passive (Rank 4)
10585 Magma Totem (Rank 2)
10586 Magma Totem (Rank 3)
10587 Magma Totem (Rank 4)
10588 Magma Totem (Rank 2)
10589 Magma Totem (Rank 3)
10590 Magma Totem (Rank 4)
10593 Lightning Shock (Rank 2)
10594 Lightning Shock (Rank 3)
10595 Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 1)
10596 Nature Resistance (Rank 1)
10597 Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 1)
10598 Nature Resistance (Rank 2)
10599 Nature Resistance (Rank 3)
10600 Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 2)
10601 Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 3)
10602 Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 2)
10603 Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 3)
10604 Destroy Earthen Guards
10605 Chain Lightning (Rank 4)
10607 Windfury Totem Effect (Rank 2)
10608 Windfury Attack (Rank 2)
10609 Windfury Totem Passive (Rank 2)
10610 Windfury Attack (Rank 3)
10611 Windfury Totem Effect (Rank 3)
10612 Windfury Totem Passive (Rank 3)
10613 Windfury Totem (Rank 2)
10614 Windfury Totem (Rank 3)
10615 Windfury Totem (Rank 2)
10616 Windfury Totem (Rank 3)
10617 Release Rageclaw
10618 Elemental Protection
10619 Dragonscale Gauntlets
10620 Dragonscale Gauntlets
10621 Wolfshead Helm
10622 Chain Heal (Rank 2)
10623 Chain Heal (Rank 3)
10624 Chain Heal (Rank 2)
10625 Chain Heal (Rank 3)
10626 Grace of Air (Rank 2)
10627 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 2)
10628 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 2)
10629 Wolfshead Helm
10630 Gauntlets of the Sea
10631 Gauntlets of the Sea
10632 Helm of Fire
10633 Helm of Fire
10647 Feathered Breastplate
10648 Feathered Breastplate
10650 Dragonscale Breastplate
10651 Curse of the Eye
10652 Dragonscale Breastplate
10653 Curse of the Eye
10655 Thick Armor Kit
10656 Dragonscale Leatherworking
10657 Dragonscale Leatherworking
10658 Elemental Leatherworking
10659 Elemental Leatherworking
10660 Tribal Leatherworking
10661 Tribal Leatherworking
10662 Leatherworking (Artisan)
10663 Artisan Leatherworking
10664 Pattern: Nightscape Cloak
10665 Water Walk
10666 Earthen Guards Destroyed
10667 Rage of Ages
10668 Spirit of Boar
10669 Strike of the Scorpok
10670 Rage of Ages
10671 Spirit of Boar
10672 Strike of the Scorpok
10673 Summon Bombay
10674 Summon Cornish Rex
10675 Summon Maine Coon
10676 Summon Orange Tabby
10677 Summon Siamese
10678 Summon Silver Tabby
10679 Summon White Kitten
10680 Summon Cockatiel
10681 Summon Cockatoo
10682 Summon Hyacinth Macaw
10683 Summon Green Wing Macaw
10684 Summon Senegal
10685 Summon Ancona
10686 Summon Prairie Chicken
10687 Summon White Plymouth Rock
10688 Summon Cockroach
10689 Knockback
10690 Infallible Mind
10691 Spiritual Domination
10692 Infallible Mind
10693 Spiritual Domination
10694 Disenchant (PT)
10695 Summon Dark Whelpling
10696 Summon Azure Whelpling
10697 Summon Crimson Whelpling
10698 Summon Emerald Whelpling
10699 Summon Bronze Whelpling
10700 Summon Faeling
10701 Summon Dart Frog
10702 Summon Island Frog
10703 Summon Wood Frog
10704 Summon Tree Frog
10705 Summon Eagle Owl
10706 Summon Hawk Owl
10707 Summon Great Horned Owl
10708 Summon Snowy Owl
10709 Summon Prairie Dog
10710 Summon Cottontail Rabbit
10711 Summon Snowshoe Rabbit
10712 Summon Spotted Rabbit
10713 Summon Albino Snake
10714 Summon Black Kingsnake
10715 Summon Blue Racer
10716 Summon Brown Snake
10717 Summon Crimson Snake
10718 Summon Green Water Snake
10719 Summon Ribbon Snake
10720 Summon Scarlet Snake
10721 Summon Elven Wisp
10722 Silithid Swarm
10723 Touch of Zanzil Cure
10727 Ball
10729 Feather Fall
10730 Pacify
10731 Awaken Zul'Farrak Zombie
10732 Supercharge
10733 Flame Spray
10734 Hail Storm
10737 Hail Storm
10738 Unlocking
10747 Announce Zul'Farrak Zombie
10767 Rising Spirit
10768 Skinning (Artisan)
10769 Artisan Skinning
10770 Create Weegli's Barrel
10771 Soul Shatter
10772 Create Weegli's Barrel
10787 Panther
10788 Leopard
10789 Spotted Frostsaber
10790 Tiger
10792 Spotted Panther
10793 Striped Nightsaber
10794 Spirit Shock
10795 Ivory Raptor
10796 Turquoise Raptor
10797 Starshards (Rank 1)
10798 Obsidian Raptor
10799 Violet Raptor
10800 Summon Brown Tallstrider
10801 Summon Gray Tallstrider
10802 Summon Pink Tallstrider
10803 Summon Purple Tallstrider
10804 Summon Turquoise Tallstrider
10805 Shackle Shatter
10807 Ghost Dance
10828 Soul Explosion
10829 Mechano-Frostwalker Revert
10830 Mechano-Frostwalker Revert Passive
10831 Reflection Field
10832 Mass Nullify
10833 Arcane Blast
10834 Shackle Shatter
10835 Shackle Shatter
10836 Shackle Shatter
10837 Goblin Land Mine
10838 First Aid (Rank 7)
10839 First Aid (Rank 8)
10840 Mageweave Bandage
10841 Heavy Mageweave Bandage
10842 Mageweave Bandage
10843 Heavy Mageweave Bandage
10844 Powerful Smelling Salts
10845 Powerful Smelling Salts
10846 First Aid (Artisan)
10847 Artisan First Aid
10848 Shroud of Death
10849 Form of the Moonstalker (no invis)
10850 Powerful Smelling Salts
10851 Grab Weapon
10852 Battle Net
10853 Spirit of Kirith
10854 Flames of Chaos
10855 Lag
10856 Link Dead
10857 Flames of Chaos
10858 Summon Dupe Bug
10859 Create Divino-matic Rod
10860 Patch
10861 Raptor Riding (Passive)
10863 Raptor Riding
10864 Razelikh's Tear I
10865 Call of Ilifar
10866 Razelikh's Tear II
10867 Call of Felcular
10868 Frost Vulnerable
10869 Summon Embers
10870 Summon Burning Servant
10872 Abolish Disease Effect
10873 Red Mechanostrider
10874 Mana Burn (Rank 3)
10875 Mana Burn (Rank 4)
10876 Mana Burn (Rank 5)
10877 Mana Burn (Rank 3)
10878 Mana Burn (Rank 4)
10879 Mana Burn (Rank 5)
10880 Resurrection (Rank 3)
10881 Resurrection (Rank 4)
10882 Resurrection (Rank 3)
10883 Resurrection (Rank 4)
10887 Crowd Pummel (Rank 3)
10888 Psychic Scream (Rank 3)
10889 Psychic Scream (Rank 3)
10890 Psychic Scream (Rank 4)
10891 Psychic Scream (Rank 4)
10892 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 6)
10893 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 7)
10894 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 8)
10895 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 6)
10896 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 7)
10897 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 8)
10898 Power Word: Shield (Rank 7)
10899 Power Word: Shield (Rank 8)
10900 Power Word: Shield (Rank 9)
10901 Power Word: Shield (Rank 10)
10902 Power Word: Shield (Rank 7)
10903 Power Word: Shield (Rank 8)
10904 Power Word: Shield (Rank 9)
10905 Power Word: Shield (Rank 10)
10906 Undead Horsemanship (Passive)
10907 Mechanostrider Piloting (Passive)
10908 Mechanostrider Piloting
10909 Mind Vision (Rank 2)
10910 Mind Vision (Rank 2)
10911 Mind Control (Rank 2)
10912 Mind Control (Rank 3)
10913 Mind Control (Rank 2)
10914 Mind Control (Rank 3)
10915 Flash Heal (Rank 5)
10916 Flash Heal (Rank 6)
10917 Flash Heal (Rank 7)
10918 Flash Heal (Rank 5)
10919 Flash Heal (Rank 6)
10920 Flash Heal (Rank 7)
10921 Skeletal Horse Riding
10927 Renew (Rank 7)
10928 Renew (Rank 8)
10929 Renew (Rank 9)
10930 Renew (Rank 7)
10931 Renew (Rank 8)
10932 Renew (Rank 9)
10933 Smite (Rank 7)
10934 Smite (Rank 8)
10935 Smite (Rank 7)
10936 Smite (Rank 8)
10937 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 5)
10938 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 6)
10939 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 5)
10940 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 6)
10941 Fade (Rank 5)
10942 Fade (Rank 6)
10943 Fade (Rank 5)
10944 Fade (Rank 6)
10945 Mind Blast (Rank 7)
10946 Mind Blast (Rank 8)
10947 Mind Blast (Rank 9)
10948 Mind Blast (Rank 7)
10949 Mind Blast (Rank 8)
10950 Mind Blast (Rank 9)
10951 Inner Fire (Rank 5)
10952 Inner Fire (Rank 6)
10953 Mind Soothe (Rank 3)
10954 Mind Soothe (Rank 3)
10955 Shackle Undead (Rank 3)
10956 Shackle Undead (Rank 3)
10957 Shadow Protection (Rank 2)
10958 Shadow Protection (Rank 3)
10959 Shadow Protection (Rank 3)
10960 Prayer of Healing (Rank 3)
10961 Prayer of Healing (Rank 4)
10962 Prayer of Healing (Rank 4)
10963 Greater Heal (Rank 2)
10964 Greater Heal (Rank 3)
10965 Greater Heal (Rank 4)
10966 Uppercut
10967 Echoing Roar
10968 Demoralizing Roar
10969 Blue Mechanostrider
10987 Geyser
11007 Weak Alcohol
11008 Standard Alcohol
11009 Strong Alcohol
11010 Hover
11011 Stone Watcher of Norgannon Passive
11012 Stone Watcher of Norgannon Spawn
11013 Sneak
11014 Flow of the Northspring
11015 Blood Leech
11016 Soul Bite
11017 Summon Witherbark Felhunter
11018 Summon Witherbark Bloodlings
11019 Wing Flap
11020 Petrify
11021 Flamespit
11023 Summon Hazzali Parasites
11024 Call of Thund
11025 Inner Fire (Rank 5)
11026 Inner Fire (Rank 6)
11027 Knockback 500
11048 Perm. Illusion Bishop Tyriona
11067 Perm. Illusion Tyrion
11068 Frost Focus (Rank 1)
11069 Improved Fireball (Rank 1)
11070 Improved Frostbolt (Rank 1)
11071 Frostbite (Rank 1)
11078 Improved Fire Blast (Rank 1)
11080 Improved Fire Blast (Rank 2)
11082 Megavolt
11083 Burning Soul (Rank 1)
11084 Shock
11085 Chain Bolt (Rank 1)
11086 Ward of Zum'rah
11087 Ward of Zum'rah Passive
11088 Ward of Zum'rah
11089 Theka Transform
11094 Improved Fire Ward (Rank 1)
11095 Improved Scorch (Rank 1)
11100 Flame Throwing (Rank 1)
11103 Impact (Rank 1)
11108 Improved Flamestrike (Rank 1)
11113 Blast Wave (Rank 1)
11115 Critical Mass (Rank 1)
11119 Ignite (Rank 1)
11120 Ignite (Rank 2)
11124 Fire Power (Rank 1)
11129 Combustion
11130 Knock Away
11131 Icicle
11132 Teach Orcish War Leggings
11147 Blessed Anvil
11151 Piercing Ice (Rank 1)
11160 Frost Channeling (Rank 1)
11165 Improved Frost Nova (Rank 1)
11170 Shatter (Rank 1)
11175 Permafrost (Rank 1)
11180 Winter's Chill (Rank 1)
11185 Improved Blizzard (Rank 1)
11189 Improved Frost Ward
11190 Improved Cone of Cold (Rank 1)
11195 Blow Zul'Farrak Door
11196 Recently Bandaged
11197 Expose Armor (Rank 4)
11198 Expose Armor (Rank 5)
11199 Expose Armor (Rank 4)
11200 Expose Armor (Rank 5)
11201 Crippling Poison (Rank 2)
11202 Crippling Poison (Rank 2)
11203 Teach Ornate Mithril Helm
11204 Teach Ornate Mithril Boots
11205 Teach Ornate Mithril Breastplate
11206 Uldaman Boss Object Visual
11207 Ice Shards (Rank 1)
11209 Summon Smithing Hammer (Rank 1)
11210 Arcane Subtlety (Rank 1)
11213 Arcane Concentration (Rank 1)
11222 Arcane Focus (Rank 1)
11232 Arcane Mind (Rank 1)
11237 Improved Arcane Missiles (Rank 1)
11242 Improved Arcane Explosion (Rank 1)
11247 Improved Dampen Magic (Rank 1)
11252 Improved Mana Shield (Rank 1)
11255 Improved Counterspell (Rank 1)
11262 Improved Blink (Rank 1)
11264 Ice Blast
11267 Ambush (Rank 4)
11268 Ambush (Rank 5)
11269 Ambush (Rank 6)
11270 Ambush (Rank 4)
11271 Ambush (Rank 5)
11272 Ambush (Rank 6)
11273 Rupture (Rank 4)
11274 Rupture (Rank 5)
11275 Rupture (Rank 6)
11276 Rupture (Rank 4)
11277 Rupture (Rank 5)
11278 Rupture (Rank 6)
11279 Backstab (Rank 6)
11280 Backstab (Rank 7)
11281 Backstab (Rank 8)
11282 Backstab (Rank 6)
11283 Backstab (Rank 7)
11284 Backstab (Rank 8)
11285 Gouge (Rank 4)
11286 Gouge (Rank 5)
11287 Gouge (Rank 4)
11288 Gouge (Rank 5)
11289 Garrote (Rank 5)
11290 Garrote (Rank 6)
11291 Garrote (Rank 5)
11292 Garrote (Rank 6)
11293 Sinister Strike (Rank 7)
11294 Sinister Strike (Rank 8)
11295 Sinister Strike (Rank 7)
11296 Sinister Strike (Rank 8)
11297 Sap (Rank 3)
11298 Sap (Rank 3)
11299 Eviscerate (Rank 7)
11300 Eviscerate (Rank 8)
11301 Eviscerate (Rank 7)
11302 Eviscerate (Rank 8)
11303 Feint (Rank 4)
11304 Feint (Rank 4)
11305 Sprint (Rank 3)
11306 Fire Nova (Rank 4)
11307 Fire Nova (Rank 5)
11308 Fire Nova (Rank 4)
11309 Fire Nova (Rank 5)
11310 Fire Nova (Rank 4)
11311 Fire Nova (Rank 5)
11312 Fire Nova (Rank 4)
11313 Fire Nova (Rank 5)
11314 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 4)
11315 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 5)
11316 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 4)
11317 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 5)
11318 Sprint (Rank 3)
11319 Water Walking
11327 Vanish (Rank 1)
11328 Agility
11329 Vanish (Rank 2)
11330 Agility
11331 Strength
11332 Great Strength
11333 Greater Agility
11334 Greater Agility
11335 Instant Poison IV (Rank 4)
11336 Instant Poison V (Rank 5)
11337 Instant Poison VI (Rank 6)
11338 Instant Poison IV (Rank 4)
11339 Instant Poison V (Rank 5)
11340 Instant Poison VI (Rank 6)
11341 Instant Poison IV (Rank 4)
11342 Instant Poison V (Rank 5)
11343 Instant Poison VI (Rank 6)
11344 Instant Poison (Rank 4)
11345 Instant Poison (Rank 5)
11346 Instant Poison (Rank 6)
11348 Greater Armor
11349 Armor
11350 Fire Shield
11351 Fire Shield
11352 Red Firework for trap
11353 Deadly Poison III (Rank 3)
11354 Deadly Poison IV (Rank 4)
11355 Deadly Poison III (Rank 3)
11356 Deadly Poison IV (Rank 4)
11357 Deadly Poison III (Rank 3)
11358 Deadly Poison IV (Rank 4)
11359 Restoration (Rank 1)
11360 Deadly Poison (Rank 3)
11361 Deadly Poison (Rank 4)
11362 Teleport to Gnomeregan
11363 Resistance
11364 Resistance
11365 Bly's Band's Escape
11366 Pyroblast (Rank 1)
11367 Critical Mass (Rank 2)
11368 Critical Mass (Rank 3)
11369 Critical Mass (Rank 4)
11370 Critical Mass (Rank 5)
11371 Gift of Arthas (Rank 1)
11374 Gift of Arthas
11387 Wildvine Potion
11389 Detect Undead
11390 Arcane Elixir
11391 Roach Shift
11392 Invisibility
11393 Intellect
11394 Greater Intellect
11395 Greater Intellect
11396 Greater Intellect
11397 Diseased Shot
11398 Mind-numbing Poison III (Rank 3)
11399 Mind-numbing Poison III (Rank 3)
11400 Mind-numbing Poison III (Rank 3)
11401 Mind-numbing Poison (Rank 3)
11402 Shay's Bell
11403 Dream Vision (Summon)
11404 Great Strength
11405 Elixir of the Giants
11406 Elixir of Demonslaying
11407 Detect Demon
11409 Teleport to Booty Bay
11410 Whirling Barrage
11416 Portal: Ironforge
11417 Portal: Orgrimmar
11418 Portal: Undercity
11419 Portal: Darnassus
11420 Portal: Thunder Bluff
11421 Portal: Ironforge
11422 Portal: Darnassus
11423 Portal: Orgrimmar
11424 Portal: Thunder Bluff
11425 Portal: Undercity
11426 Ice Barrier (Rank 1)
11427 Cleave
11428 Knockdown
11430 Slam
11431 Healing Touch
11433 Death & Decay
11434 Gong Zul'Farrak Gong
11435 Create Mallet of Zul'Farrak
11436 Slow
11437 Opening Chest
11438 Join Map Fragments
11440 Quest - Blow Pirate Ship
11441 Withered Touch
11442 Withered Touch
11443 Cripple
11444 Shackle Undead
11445 Bone Armor
11446 Mind Control
11447 Elixir of Waterwalking
11448 Greater Mana Potion
11449 Elixir of Agility
11450 Elixir of Greater Defense
11451 Oil of Immolation
11452 Restorative Potion
11453 Magic Resistance Potion
11454 Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
11456 Goblin Rocket Fuel
11457 Superior Healing Potion
11458 Wildvine Potion
11459 Philosophers' Stone
11460 Elixir of Detect Undead
11461 Arcane Elixir
11462 Summon Pirate Treasure and Trigger Mob
11463 Summon Treasure Hunting Pirate
11464 Invisibility Potion
11465 Elixir of Greater Intellect
11466 Gift of Arthas
11467 Elixir of Greater Agility
11468 Elixir of Dream Vision
11469 Deadly Toxin IV (Rank 4)
11470 Deadly Toxin III (Rank 3)
11471 Deadly Toxin II (Rank 2)
11472 Elixir of Giants
11473 Ghost Dye
11474 Shadow Power
11475 Summon Stormwind City Guard
11476 Elixir of Shadow Power
11477 Elixir of Demonslaying
11478 Elixir of Detect Demon
11479 Transmute: Iron to Gold
11480 Transmute: Mithril to Truesilver
11481 TWEEP
11482 Elixir of Waterwalking
11483 Elixir of Agility
11484 Elixir of Greater Defense
11485 Summon Treasure Hunting Bucanneer
11486 Oil of Immolation
11487 Summon Treasure Hunting Swashbuckler
11488 Greater Mana Potion
11490 Goblin Rocket Fuel
11491 Superior Healing Potion
11492 Philosophers' Stone
11493 Transmute: Iron to Gold
11494 Transmute: Mithril to Truesilver
11495 Elixir of Detect Undead
11496 Arcane Elixir
11497 Elixir of Greater Intellect
11498 Elixir of Greater Agility
11499 Ghost Dye
11500 Elixir of Shadow Power
11501 Elixir of Detect Demon
11503 Recipe: Magic Resistance Potion
11504 Walking Bomb Effect
11505 Recipe: Wildvine
11506 Recipe: Invisibility Potion
11507 Recipe: Gift of Arthas
11508 Recipe: Elixir of Dream Vision
11509 Recipe: Elixir of Giants
11510 Recipe: Elixir of Demonslaying
11511 Activate Bomb A
11512 Create Yellow Punch Card
11513 Empty Phial
11515 Test cancel aura
11518 Activate Bomb 01
11519 Teach Summon Succubus (Summon)
11520 Teach Summon Voidwalker (Summon)
11521 Activate Bomb 02
11522 Restorative Potion
11523 Activate Bomb 03
11524 Activate Bomb 04
11525 Create Blue Punch Card
11526 Activate Bomb 05
11527 Activate Bomb 06
11528 Create Red Punch Card
11529 Recipe: Philosophers' Stone
11530 Recipe: Ghost Dye
11531 Recipe: Elixir of Shadow Power
11532 Recipe: Transmute Iron to Gold
11533 Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Truesilver
11534 Leper Cure!
11535 Opening Safe
11536 Elixir of Minor Fortitude
11537 Charge Stave of Equinex
11538 Frostbolt
11539 Deadly Toxin (Rank 1)
11540 Blue Firework
11541 Green Firework
11542 Red Streaks Firework
11543 Red, White and Blue Firework
11544 Yellow Rose Firework
11545 Create Prismatic Punch Card
11547 Drive Nimboya's Laden Pike
11548 Summon Spider God
11549 Battle Shout (Rank 4)
11550 Battle Shout (Rank 5)
11551 Battle Shout (Rank 6)
11552 Battle Shout (Rank 5)
11553 Battle Shout (Rank 6)
11554 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 3)
11555 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 4)
11556 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 5)
11557 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 3)
11558 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 4)
11559 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 5)
11562 Inner Rage (Rank 2)
11563 Inner Rage (Rank 3)
11564 Heroic Strike (Rank 5)
11565 Heroic Strike (Rank 6)
11566 Heroic Strike (Rank 7)
11567 Heroic Strike (Rank 8)
11568 Uldaman Sub-Boss Agro
11570 Heroic Strike (Rank 7)
11571 Heroic Strike (Rank 8)
11572 Rend (Rank 5)
11573 Rend (Rank 6)
11574 Rend (Rank 7)
11575 Rend (Rank 5)
11576 Rend (Rank 6)
11577 Rend (Rank 7)
11578 Charge (Rank 3)
11579 Charge (Rank 3)
11580 Thunder Clap (Rank 5)
11581 Thunder Clap (Rank 6)
11582 Thunder Clap (Rank 5)
11583 Thunder Clap (Rank 6)
11584 Overpower (Rank 3)
11585 Overpower (Rank 4)
11586 Overpower (Rank 3)
11587 Overpower (Rank 4)
11591 Share Twin Information
11592 Twin Empathy
11593 Wyatt Test
11594 Dire Bear Form (Shapeshift)
11595 Discombobulator Ray
11596 Sunder Armor (Rank 4)
11597 Sunder Armor (Rank 5)
11598 Sunder Armor (Rank 4)
11599 Sunder Armor (Rank 5)
11600 Revenge (Rank 4)
11601 Revenge (Rank 5)
11602 Revenge (Rank 4)
11603 Revenge (Rank 5)
11604 Slam (Rank 3)
11605 Slam (Rank 4)
11606 Slam (Rank 3)
11607 Slam (Rank 4)
11608 Cleave (Rank 3)
11609 Cleave (Rank 4)
11610 Gammerita Turtle Camera
11611 Alchemy (Artisan)
11612 Artisan Alchemist
11629 Potent Alcohol
11632 Summon Orgrimmar Grunt
11633 Summon Thunderbluff Brave
11634 Summon Darnassus Sentinel
11635 Summon Ironforge Mountaineer
11636 Summon Undercity Deathguard
11637 Empty Heavy Phial
11638 Radiation Poisoning
11639 Shadow Word: Pain
11640 Renew
11641 Hex
11642 Heal
11643 Golden Scale Gauntlets
11644 Plans: Golden Scale Gauntlets
11645 Summon Mulgore Protector
11647 Power Word: Shield
11649 Detect Invisibility
11650 Head Butt
11654 Call of Sul'thraze
11657 Jang'thraze
11658 Sul'thraze
11659 Shadow Bolt (Rank 7)
11660 Shadow Bolt (Rank 8)
11661 Shadow Bolt (Rank 9)
11662 Shadow Bolt (Rank 7)
11663 Shadow Bolt (Rank 8)
11664 Shadow Bolt (Rank 9)
11665 Immolate (Rank 5)
11666 Immolate (Rank 5)
11667 Immolate (Rank 6)
11668 Immolate (Rank 7)
11669 Immolate (Rank 6)
11670 Immolate (Rank 7)
11671 Corruption (Rank 5)
11672 Corruption (Rank 6)
11673 Corruption (Rank 5)
11674 Corruption (Rank 6)
11675 Drain Soul (Rank 4)
11676 Drain Soul (Rank 4)
11677 Rain of Fire (Rank 3)
11678 Rain of Fire (Rank 4)
11679 Rain of Fire (Rank 3)
11680 Rain of Fire (Rank 4)
11681 Hellfire Effect (Rank 2)
11682 Hellfire Effect (Rank 3)
11683 Hellfire (Rank 2)
11684 Hellfire (Rank 3)
11685 Hellfire (Rank 2)
11686 Hellfire (Rank 3)
11687 Life Tap (Rank 4)
11688 Life Tap (Rank 5)
11689 Life Tap (Rank 6)
11690 Life Tap (Rank 4)
11691 Life Tap (Rank 5)
11692 Life Tap (Rank 6)
11693 Health Funnel (Rank 5)
11694 Health Funnel (Rank 6)
11695 Health Funnel (Rank 7)
11696 Health Funnel (Rank 5)
11697 Health Funnel (Rank 6)
11698 Health Funnel (Rank 7)
11699 Drain Life (Rank 5)
11700 Drain Life (Rank 6)
11701 Drain Life (Rank 5)
11702 Drain Life (Rank 6)
11703 Drain Mana (Rank 3)
11704 Drain Mana (Rank 4)
11705 Drain Mana (Rank 3)
11706 Drain Mana (Rank 4)
11707 Curse of Weakness (Rank 5)
11708 Curse of Weakness (Rank 6)
11709 Curse of Weakness (Rank 5)
11710 Curse of Weakness (Rank 6)
11711 Curse of Agony (Rank 4)
11712 Curse of Agony (Rank 5)
11713 Curse of Agony (Rank 6)
11714 Curse of Agony (Rank 4)
11715 Curse of Agony (Rank 5)
11716 Curse of Agony (Rank 6)
11717 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 4)
11718 Curse of Recklessness (Rank 4)
11719 Curse of Tongues (Rank 2)
11720 Curse of Tongues (Rank 2)
11721 Curse of the Elements (Rank 2)
11722 Curse of the Elements (Rank 3)
11723 Curse of the Elements (Rank 2)
11724 Curse of the Elements (Rank 3)
11725 Enslave Demon (Rank 2)
11726 Enslave Demon (Rank 3)
11727 Enslave Demon (Rank 2)
11728 Enslave Demon (Rank 3)
11729 Create Healthstone (Greater)
11730 Create Healthstone (Major)
11731 Create Healthstone (Major)
11732 Major Healthstone
11733 Demon Armor (Rank 3)
11734 Demon Armor (Rank 4)
11735 Demon Armor (Rank 5)
11736 Demon Armor (Rank 3)
11737 Demon Armor (Rank 4)
11738 Demon Armor (Rank 5)
11739 Shadow Ward (Rank 2)
11740 Shadow Ward (Rank 3)
11741 Shadow Ward (Rank 2)
11742 Shadow Ward (Rank 3)
11743 Detect Greater Invisibility
11755 Summon Sen'jin Guardian
11756 Summon Gordunni chest (COBALT)
11757 Digging for Cobalt
11758 Dowsing
11759 Basilisk Sample
11760 Hyena Sample
11761 Scorpid Sample
11762 Firebolt (Rank 6)
11763 Firebolt (Rank 7)
11764 Firebolt (Rank 6)
11765 Firebolt (Rank 7)
11766 Blood Pact (Rank 4)
11767 Blood Pact (Rank 5)
11768 Blood Pact (Rank 4)
11769 Blood Pact (Rank 5)
11770 Fire Shield (Rank 4)
11771 Fire Shield (Rank 5)
11772 Fire Shield (Rank 4)
11773 Fire Shield (Rank 5)
11774 Torment (Rank 5)
11775 Torment (Rank 6)
11776 Torment (Rank 5)
11777 Torment (Rank 6)
11778 Lash of Pain (Rank 4)
11779 Lash of Pain (Rank 5)
11780 Lash of Pain (Rank 6)
11781 Lash of Pain (Rank 4)
11782 Lash of Pain (Rank 5)
11783 Lash of Pain (Rank 6)
11784 Soothing Kiss (Rank 3)
11785 Soothing Kiss (Rank 4)
11786 Soothing Kiss (Rank 3)
11787 Soothing Kiss (Rank 4)
11788 Detect Greater Invisibility
11789 Water Breathing
11790 Poison Cloud
11791 Puncture Armor
11792 Opening Cage
11794 Summon Horde Guard
11795 Activate Bomb B
11796 Activate Bomb 01B
11797 Activate Bomb 02B
11798 Activate Bomb 03B
11799 Activate Bomb 04B
11800 Activate Bomb 05B
11801 Activate Bomb 06B
11802 Dark Iron Land Mine
11803 Summon Astranaar Sentinel
11804 Summon Auberdine Sentinel
11815 Detonation
11816 Land Mine Arming
11817 Land Mine Arming
11818 Spell Reflection
11819 Summon Mechanized Sentries
11820 Electrified Net
11821 dmg4
11822 Summon Silverpine Deathguard
11823 Summon Thelsamar Mountaineer
11824 Shock
11825 Electrified Net
11826 Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator
11828 Forked Lighting
11829 Flamestrike
11830 Walking Bomb Passive Proc (100%)
11831 Frost Nova
11835 Power Word: Shield
11836 Freeze Solid
11837 Wide Slash (Rank 1)
11838 Hate to Zero
11839 Fireball
11840 Summon Edana Hatetalon
11841 Static Barrier
11855 Summon Protector of the People
11876 War Stomp
11877 Capture Treant
11878 Capture Treant Despawn
11879 Disarm
11884 Create Treant Muisak
11885 Capture Treant
11886 Capture Wildkin
11887 Capture Hippogryph
11888 Capture Faerie Dragon
11889 Capture Mountain Giant
11890 Antu'sul's Salvation
11891 Antu'sul Blast
11892 Shrink
11893 Warder Despawn
11894 Antu'sul's Minion
11895 Healing Wave of Antu'sul
11898 Blood Leech
11899 Healing Ward
11900 Healing Aura
11901 Healing Ward V Passive
11902 Gahz'rilla Slam
11903 Restore Mana
11904 Summon Sandfury Slave
11918 Poison
11919 Poison Proc
11920 Net Guard
11921 Fireball
11922 Entangling Roots
11923 Repair the Blade of Heroes
11939 Summon Imp
11958 Ice Block
11959 Poison Proc
11960 Curse of the Dreadmaul
11961 Curse of the Dreadmaul
11962 Immolate
11963 Enfeeble
11964 Fevered Fatigue
11966 Fire Shield
11968 Fire Shield
11969 Fire Nova
11970 Fire Nova
11971 Sunder Armor
11972 Shield Bash
11974 Power Word: Shield
11975 Arcane Explosion
11976 Strike
11977 Rend
11978 Kick
11980 Curse of Weakness
11981 Mana Burn
11983 Steam Jet
11984 Immolate
11985 Fireball
11986 Healing Wave
11988 Fireball Volley
11989 Fireball Volley
11990 Rain of Fire
11992 Detect Gahz'ridian
11993 Herb Gathering (Artisan)
11994 Artisan Herbalist
11998 Strike
12001 Plague Cloud
12002 Plague Cloud
12018 Summon Oozeling
12019 Increase Spell Dam 18 Random
12020 Call of the Grave
12021 Fixate
12022 Admiral's Hat
12023 Web
12024 Net
12038 Dark Plague
12039 Heal
12040 Shadow Shield
12042 Arcane Power
12043 Presence of Mind
12044 Simple Linen Pants
12045 Simple Linen Boots
12046 Simple Kilt
12047 Colorful Kilt
12048 Black Mageweave Vest
12049 Black Mageweave Leggings
12050 Black Mageweave Robe
12051 Evocation
12052 Shadoweave Pants
12053 Black Mageweave Gloves
12054 Rend
12055 Shadoweave Robe
12056 Red Mageweave Vest
12057 Strike
12058 Chain Lightning
12059 White Bandit Mask
12060 Red Mageweave Pants
12061 Orange Mageweave Shirt
12062 Stormcloth Pants
12063 Stormcloth Gloves
12064 Orange Martial Shirt
12065 Mageweave Bag
12066 Red Mageweave Gloves
12067 Dreamweave Gloves
12068 Stormcloth Vest
12069 Cindercloth Robe
12070 Dreamweave Vest
12071 Shadoweave Gloves
12072 Black Mageweave Headband
12073 Black Mageweave Boots
12074 Black Mageweave Shoulders
12075 Lavender Mageweave Shirt
12076 Shadoweave Shoulders
12077 Simple Black Dress
12078 Red Mageweave Shoulders
12079 Red Mageweave Bag
12080 Pink Mageweave Shirt
12081 Admiral's Hat
12082 Shadoweave Boots
12083 Stormcloth Headband
12084 Red Mageweave Headband
12085 Tuxedo Shirt
12086 Shadoweave Mask
12087 Stormcloth Shoulders
12088 Cindercloth Boots
12089 Tuxedo Pants
12090 Stormcloth Boots
12091 White Wedding Dress
12092 Dreamweave Circlet
12093 Tuxedo Jacket
12094 Volatile Infection
12095 Summon Atal'ai Deathwalker's Spirit
12096 Fear
12097 Pierce Armor
12098 Sleep
12099 Shield Spike
12100 Black Mageweave Vest
12101 Black Mageweave Leggings
12102 Black Mageweave Robe
12103 Shadoweave Pants
12104 Black Mageweave Gloves
12105 Shadoweave Robe
12106 Orange Mageweave Shirt
12109 Orange Martial Shirt
12110 Mageweave Bag
12111 Dreamweave Gloves
12112 Cindercloth Robe
12113 Dreamweave Vest
12114 Shadoweave Gloves
12115 Black Mageweave Headband
12116 Black Mageweave Boots
12117 Black Mageweave Shoulders
12118 Simple Linen Pants
12119 Simple Linen Boots
12120 Simple Kilt
12121 Shadoweave Shoulders
12122 Simple Black Dress
12123 Red Mageweave Bag
12124 Pink Mageweave Shirt
12125 Admiral's Hat
12126 Shadoweave Boots
12127 Tuxedo Shirt
12128 Shadoweave Mask
12129 Cindercloth Boots
12130 Tuxedo Pants
12131 White Wedding Dress
12132 Dreamweave Circlet
12133 Lavender Mageweave Shirt
12134 Atal'ai Corpse Eat
12135 Tuxedo Jacket
12136 Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest
12137 Pattern: White Bandit Mask
12138 Pattern: Red Mageweave Pants
12139 Consume Corpse
12140 Pattern: Stormcloth Pants
12141 Pattern: Stormcloth Gloves
12142 Pattern: Colorful Kilt
12143 Pattern: Red Mageweave Gloves
12145 Pattern: Stormcloth Vest
12146 Pattern: Red Mageweave Shoulders
12147 Pattern: Stormcloth Headband
12148 Pattern: Red Mageweave Headband
12149 Copy of Pattern: Stormcloth Shoulders
12150 Pattern: Stormcloth Boots
12151 Summon Atal'ai Skeleton
12158 Explosion
12159 Explosion
12160 Rejuvenation
12161 Maul
12162 Deep Wounds (Rank 1)
12163 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
12165 Polearm Specialization (Rank 1)
12166 Muscle Tear
12167 Lightning Bolt
12168 Dark Iron Steelshifter Surprise
12169 Shield Block
12170 Revenge
12171 Pattern: Orange Martial Shirt
12172 Pattern: Lavender Mageweave Shirt
12173 Pattern: Pink Mageweave Shirt
12174 Agility (Rank 4)
12175 Armor (Rank 4)
12176 Intellect (Rank 4)
12177 Spirit (Rank 4)
12178 Stamina (Level 4)
12179 Strength (Rank 4)
12180 Tailoring (Artisan)
12181 Artisan Tailor
12182 Pattern: Admiral's Hat
12183 Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt
12184 Pattern: Tuxedo Pants
12185 Pattern: White Wedding Dress
12186 Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket
12187 Disease Cloud
12188 Disease Cloud
12189 Summon Echeyakee
12198 Marksman Hit (Rank 1)
12199 Summon Ishamuhale
12218 Man Down!
12241 Twin Colossals Teleport
12242 Twin Colossals Teleport
12243 Summon Mechanical Chicken
12244 Poof
12245 Infected Spine
12246 Infected Spine
12248 Amplify Damage
12250 Summon Oozeling
12251 Virulent Poison
12252 Web Spray
12253 Dowse Eternal Flame
12254 Virulent Poison Proc
12255 Curse of Tuten'kash
12256 Add Moogly Radius (PT)
12257 Breath of Fire
12258 Summon Shadowcaster
12259 Silvered Bronze Leggings
12260 Rough Copper Vest
12261 Plans: Silvered Bronze Leggings
12278 Breath of Fire
12279 Curse of Blood
12280 Acid of Hakkar
12281 Sword Specialization (Rank 1)
12282 Improved Heroic Strike (Rank 1)
12283 Xiggs Signal Flare
12284 Mace Specialization (Rank 1)
12285 Improved Charge (Rank 1)
12286 Improved Rend (Rank 1)
12287 Improved Thunder Clap (Rank 1)
12288 Improved Pummel (Rank 1)
12289 Improved Hamstring (Rank 1)
12290 Improved Overpower (Rank 1)
12292 Sweeping Strikes
12294 Mortal Strike (Rank 1)
12295 Tactical Mastery (Rank 1)
12296 Anger Management
12297 Anticipation (Rank 1)
12298 Shield Specialization (Rank 1)
12299 Toughness (Rank 1)
12300 Iron Will (Rank 1)
12301 Improved Bloodrage (Rank 1)
12302 Improved Taunt (Rank 1)
12303 Defiance (Rank 1)
12304 Drawing Kit
12307 Improved Shield Block (Rank 2)
12308 Improved Sunder Armor (Rank 1)
12310 Combat Endurance
12311 Improved Shield Bash (Rank 1)
12312 Improved Shield Wall (Rank 1)
12313 Improved Disarm (Rank 1)
12317 Enrage (Rank 1)
12318 Improved Battle Shout (Rank 1)
12319 Flurry (Rank 1)
12320 Cruelty (Rank 1)
12321 Booming Voice (Rank 1)
12322 Unbridled Wrath (Rank 1)
12323 Piercing Howl
12324 Improved Demoralizing Shout (Rank 1)
12325 Improved Inner Rage (Rank 1)
12326 Improved Intimidating Shout (Rank 1)
12327 Improved Challenging Shout (Rank 1)
12328 Death Wish
12329 Improved Cleave (Rank 1)
12330 Improved Slam (Rank 2)
12331 Bloodthirst
12332 Lathoric the Black
12338 Improved Fireball (Rank 2)
12339 Improved Fireball (Rank 3)
12340 Improved Fireball (Rank 4)
12341 Improved Fireball (Rank 5)
12342 Improved Fire Blast (Rank 3)
12343 Improved Fire Blast (Rank 4)
12344 Improved Fire Blast (Rank 5)
12345 Pattern: Shadoweave Mask
12346 Awaken the Soulflayer
12347 Raze Attack
12348 Atal'ai Altar Light Visual (DND)
12349 Improved Flamestrike (Rank 2)
12350 Improved Flamestrike (Rank 3)
12351 Burning Soul (Rank 2)
12352 Burning Soul (Rank 3)
12353 Flame Throwing (Rank 2)
12354 Flame of Hakkar
12355 Impact (Rank 1)
12357 Impact (Rank 2)
12358 Impact (Rank 3)
12359 Impact (Rank 4)
12360 Impact (Rank 5)
12378 Fire Power (Rank 2)
12379 Scorch Talent Test (PT)
12380 Shadow Channeling
12398 Fire Power (Rank 3)
12399 Fire Power (Rank 4)
12400 Fire Power (Rank 5)
12418 Stealth Detection
12419 Solid Dynamite
12420 Summon Skeletal Servant
12421 Mithril Frag Bomb
12438 Slow Fall
12458 Evil God Counterspell
12459 Deadly Scope
12460 Sniper Scope
12461 Backhand
12463 Improved Arcane Missiles (Rank 2)
12464 Improved Arcane Missiles (Rank 3)
12466 Fireball
12467 Improved Arcane Explosion (Rank 2)
12468 Flamestrike
12469 Improved Arcane Explosion (Rank 3)
12470 Fire Nova
12471 Shadow Bolt
12472 Cold Snap
12473 Improved Frostbolt (Rank 2)
12475 Improved Frost Nova (Rank 2)
12479 Hex of Jammal'an
12480 Hex of Jammal'an
12483 Hex of Jammal'an
12484 Chilled (Rank 1)
12485 Chilled (Rank 2)
12486 Chilled (Rank 3)
12487 Improved Blizzard (Rank 2)
12488 Improved Blizzard (Rank 3)
12489 Improved Cone of Cold (Rank 2)
12490 Improved Cone of Cold (Rank 3)
12491 Healing Wave
12492 Healing Wave
12493 Curse of Weakness
12494 Frostbite (Rank 1)
12495 Eranikus the Chained Invisiibility
12496 Frostbite (Rank 2)
12497 Frostbite (Rank 3)
12498 Frostbite (Rank 4)
12499 Frostbite (Rank 5)
12500 Arcane Mind (Rank 2)
12501 Arcane Mind (Rank 3)
12502 Arcane Mind (Rank 4)
12503 Arcane Mind (Rank 5)
12504 Summon Atal'ai Skeleton
12505 Pyroblast (Rank 2)
12506 Atal'ai Skeleton Totem
12507 Atal'ai Skeleton Totem
12508 Water Channeling
12509 Teleport to Azshara Tower
12510 Teleport to Azshara Tower
12511 Torch Combine
12512 Kalaran Conjures Torch
12518 Frost Channeling (Rank 2)
12519 Frost Channeling (Rank 3)
12520 Teleport from Azshara Tower
12521 Teleport from Azshara Tower
12522 Pyroblast (Rank 3)
12523 Pyroblast (Rank 4)
12524 Pyroblast (Rank 5)
12525 Pyroblast (Rank 6)
12526 Pyroblast (Rank 7)
12528 Silence
12529 Chilling Touch
12530 Frailty
12531 Chilling Touch
12533 Acid Breath
12534 Flames of Retribution
12535 Shade of Eranikus Passive Visual
12536 Clearcasting
12537 Quest - Summon Treant
12538 Ravenous Claw
12539 Ghoul Rot
12540 Gouge
12541 Ghoul Rot
12542 Fear
12543 Hi-Explosive Bomb
12544 Frost Armor
12545 Spitelash
12546 Spitelash
12548 Frost Shock
12549 Forked Lightning
12550 Lightning Shield
12551 Frost Shot
12552 Cripple
12553 Shock
12554 Summon Treasure Horde
12555 Pummel
12556 Frost Armor
12557 Cone of Cold
12559 Improved Fire Ward
12560 Mining
12561 Fire Protection (Rank 1)
12562 The Big One
12564 Summon Treasure Horde Visual
12565 Wyatt Test
12566 Plainsrunning
12567 Plainsrunning
12568 Plainsrunning
12569 Permafrost (Rank 2)
12570 Permafrost (Rank 4)
12571 Permafrost (Rank 3)
12573 Permafrost (Rank 5)
12574 Arcane Concentration (Rank 2)
12575 Arcane Concentration (Rank 3)
12576 Arcane Concentration (Rank 4)
12577 Arcane Concentration (Rank 5)
12578 Create Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight
12579 Winter's Chill (Rank 2)
12580 Winter's Chill (Rank 3)
12584 Gold Power Core
12585 Solid Blasting Powder
12586 Solid Dynamite
12587 Bright-Eye Goggles
12589 Mithril Tube
12590 Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor
12591 Unstable Trigger
12592 Arcane Subtlety (Rank 2)
12593 Arcane Subtlety (Rank 3)
12594 Fire Goggles
12595 Mithril Blunderbuss
12596 Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs
12597 Deadly Scope
12598 Improved Counterspell (Rank 2)
12599 Mithril Casing
12600 Improved Counterspell (Rank 3)
12601 Improved Counterspell (Rank 4)
12602 Improved Counterspell (Rank 5)
12603 Mithril Frag Bomb
12604 Improved Blink (Rank 2)
12605 Improved Mana Shield (Rank 2)
12606 Improved Dampen Magic (Rank 2)
12607 Catseye Ultra Goggles
12608 Stealth Detection
12609 Catseye Elixir
12610 Catseye Elixir
12611 Cone of Cold
12612 Stomp
12613 Dark Iron Taskmaster Death
12614 Mithril Heavy-bore Rifle
12615 Spellpower Goggles Xtreme
12616 Parachute Cloak
12617 Deepdive Helmet
12618 Rose Colored Goggles
12619 Hi-Explosive Bomb
12620 Sniper Scope
12621 Mithril Gyro-Shot
12622 Green Lens
12623 Suppression
12624 Mithril Mechanical Dragonling
12625 Disease Cloud
12626 Disease Cloud
12627 Disease Cloud
12628 Gold Power Core
12629 Solid Blasting Powder
12630 Solid Dynamite
12631 Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor
12632 Mithril Tube
12633 Unstable Trigger
12634 Fire Goggles
12635 Mithril Blunderbuss
12636 Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs
12637 Mithril Casing
12638 Mithril Frag Bomb
12639 Summon Hakkar
12640 Rose Colored Goggles
12641 Hi-Explosive Bomb
12642 Summon Frost Spectres
12643 Mithril Gyro-Shot
12644 Green Lens
12645 Schematic: Bright-Eye Goggles
12646 Schematic: Deadly Scope
12647 Schematic: Catseye Ultra Goggles
12648 Schematic: Mithril Heavy-bore Rifle
12649 Schematic: Spellpower Goggles Xtreme
12650 Schematic: Parachute Cloak
12651 Schematic: Deepdive Helmet
12652 Schematic: Sniper Scope
12653 Schematic: Mithril Mechanical Dragonling
12654 Ignite
12655 Enlightenment
12656 Engineering (Artisan)
12657 Artisan Engineer
12658 Improved Rend (Rank 2)
12659 Improved Rend (Rank 3)
12660 Banish Frost Spectres
12663 Improved Heroic Strike (Rank 2)
12664 Improved Heroic Strike (Rank 3)
12665 Improved Thunder Clap (Rank 2)
12666 Improved Thunder Clap (Rank 3)
12667 Soul Consumption
12668 Improved Hamstring (Rank 2)
12670 Summon Frost Spectres
12671 Summon Frost Spectres
12672 Ice Shards (Rank 2)
12674 Frost Nova
12675 Frostbolt
12676 Tactical Mastery (Rank 2)
12677 Tactical Mastery (Rank 3)
12678 Tactical Mastery (Rank 4)
12679 Tactical Mastery (Rank 5)
12680 Journeyman Gemology
12681 Gemology - Copper (DND)
12682 Gemology - Tin (DND)
12683 Journeyman Gemologist
12684 Kadrak's Flag
12685 Fade
12686 Enrage
12687 Expert Gemology
12688 Expert Gemologist
12689 Gemology - Iron (DND)
12690 Gemology - Mithril (DND)
12691 Artisan Gemology
12692 Artisan Gemologist
12693 Drain Life
12694 Idol Room Spawn A
12695 Charge Rage Bonus Effect (Rank 1)
12696 Charge Rage Bonus Effect (Rank 2)
12697 Improved Charge (Rank 2)
12699 Summon Screecher Spirit
12700 Axe Specialization (Rank 1)
12701 Mace Specialization (Rank 2)
12702 Mace Specialization (Rank 3)
12703 Mace Specialization (Rank 4)
12704 Mace Specialization (Rank 5)
12705 Long Daze (Rank 1)
12706 Recipe: Goblin Rocket Fuel
12707 Improved Pummel (Rank 2)
12708 Improved Pummel (Rank 3)
12709 Collecting Fallout
12710 Gem Explosion
12711 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
12712 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 3)
12713 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 4)
12714 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 5)
12715 Goblin Rocket Fuel Recipe
12716 Goblin Mortar
12717 Goblin Mining Helmet
12718 Goblin Construction Helmet
12719 Explosive Arrow
12720 Goblin "Boom" Box
12721 Deep Wound
12722 Goblin Radio
12723 Sweeping Strikes (Rank 1)
12724 Shield Specialization (Rank 2)
12725 Shield Specialization (Rank 3)
12726 Shield Specialization (Rank 4)
12727 Shield Specialization (Rank 5)
12728 Belnistrasz Dummy
12730 Intimidating Shout
12731 Strength of Stone
12732 Shard of Afrasa
12733 Fearless
12734 Ground Smash
12735 Fill the Egg of Hakkar
12736 Summon Mithril Dragonling
12737 Frostbolt
12738 Amplify Damage
12739 Shadow Bolt
12740 Summon Infernal Servant
12741 Curse of Weakness
12742 Immolate
12743 Immolation
12744 Immolation
12745 Mana Burn
12746 Summon Voidwalker
12747 Entangling Roots
12748 Frost Nova
12749 Mithril Mechanical Dragonling
12750 Anticipation (Rank 2)
12751 Anticipation (Rank 3)
12752 Anticipation (Rank 4)
12753 Anticipation (Rank 5)
12754 The Big One
12755 Goblin Bomb Dispenser
12758 Goblin Rocket Helmet
12759 Gnomish Death Ray
12760 Goblin Sapper Charge
12761 Toughness (Rank 2)
12762 Toughness (Rank 3)
12763 Toughness (Rank 4)
12764 Toughness (Rank 5)
12765 Improved Taunt (Rank 2)
12766 Poison Cloud
12767 Goblin Rocket Fuel Recipe
12768 Goblin Mortar
12769 Goblin Mining Helmet
12770 Goblin Construction Helmet
12771 Goblin Sapper Charge
12772 Explosive Arrow
12773 Goblin "Boom" Box
12774 (DND) Belnistrasz Idol Shutdown Visual
12775 Goblin Radio
12776 Goblin Rocket Boots
12777 Goblin Bomb Dispenser
12778 The Big One
12779 Gnomish Death Ray
12780 Goblin Rocket Helmet
12781 Axe Specialization (Rank 2)
12782 Shield Spike
12783 Axe Specialization (Rank 3)
12784 Axe Specialization (Rank 4)
12785 Axe Specialization (Rank 5)
12787 Thrash
12788 Defiance (Rank 2)
12789 Defiance (Rank 3)
12790 Hukku's Guardians
12791 Defiance (Rank 4)
12792 Defiance (Rank 5)
12795 Enrage
12796 Flames
12797 Improved Revenge (Rank 1)
12798 Revenge Stun (Rank 1)
12799 Improved Revenge (Rank 2)
12800 Improved Revenge (Rank 3)
12802 Getting Tide Pool Sample #1
12803 Improved Shield Wall (Rank 2)
12804 Improved Disarm (Rank 2)
12805 Getting Tide Pool Sample #2
12806 Getting Tide Pool Sample #3
12807 Improved Disarm (Rank 3)
12808 Getting Tide Pool Sample #4
12809 Concussion Blow
12810 Improved Sunder Armor (Rank 2)
12811 Improved Sunder Armor (Rank 3)
12812 Sword Specialization (Rank 2)
12813 Sword Specialization (Rank 3)
12814 Sword Specialization (Rank 4)
12815 Sword Specialization (Rank 5)
12816 Idom Rool Camera Shake
12818 Improved Bloodrage (Rank 2)
12821 Plainsrunning (Rank 1)
12822 Demon Slaying 18
12823 Demon Slaying 36
12824 Polymorph (Rank 2)
12825 Polymorph (Rank 3)
12826 Polymorph (Rank 4)
12827 Polymorph (Rank 2)
12828 Polymorph (Rank 3)
12829 Polymorph (Rank 4)
12830 Polearm Specialization (Rank 2)
12831 Polearm Specialization (Rank 3)
12832 Polearm Specialization (Rank 4)
12833 Polearm Specialization (Rank 5)
12834 Deep Wounds (Rank 1)
12835 Booming Voice (Rank 2)
12836 Booming Voice (Rank 3)
12837 Booming Voice (Rank 4)
12838 Booming Voice (Rank 5)
12839 Arcane Focus (Rank 2)
12840 Arcane Focus (Rank 3)
12841 Arcane Focus (Rank 4)
12842 Arcane Focus (Rank 5)
12843 Mordresh's Shield
12844 Remove All Effects
12845 Lesser Invisibility
12846 Ignite (Rank 3)
12847 Ignite (Rank 4)
12848 Ignite (Rank 5)
12849 Deep Wounds (Rank 2)
12850 Deep Wounds (Rank 2)
12851 Release the Hounds
12852 Cruelty (Rank 2)
12853 Cruelty (Rank 3)
12854 Spell Focus (Rank 1)
12855 Cruelty (Rank 4)
12856 Cruelty (Rank 5)
12857 Improved Battle Shout (Rank 2)
12858 Improved Battle Shout (Rank 3)
12860 Improved Battle Shout (Rank 4)
12861 Improved Battle Shout (Rank 5)
12862 Improved Slam (Rank 1)
12863 Improved Inner Rage (Rank 2)
12864 Improved Inner Rage (Rank 3)
12865 Improved Inner Rage (Rank 4)
12866 Improved Inner Rage (Rank 5)
12867 Deep Wounds (Rank 3)
12868 Deep Wounds (Rank 3)
12872 Improved Scorch (Rank 2)
12873 Improved Scorch (Rank 3)
12874 Improved Scorch (Rank 4)
12875 Improved Scorch (Rank 5)
12876 Improved Demoralizing Shout (Rank 2)
12877 Improved Demoralizing Shout (Rank 3)
12878 Improved Demoralizing Shout (Rank 4)
12879 Improved Demoralizing Shout (Rank 5)
12880 Enrage (Rank 1)
12881 Poison State
12882 Wing Flap
12883 Longsight
12884 Acid Breath
12885 Teleport to Razelikh
12886 Improved Challenging Shout (Rank 2)
12887 Sweeping Slam
12888 Cause Insanity
12889 Curse of Tongues
12890 Deep Slumber
12891 Acid Breath
12894 Recipe: Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
12895 Inlaid Mithril Cylinder Plans
12896 Helboar
12897 Gnomish Goggles
12898 Smoke Aura Visual
12899 Gnomish Shrink Ray
12900 Mobile Alarm
12901 Pattern: Black Swashbucklers Shirt
12902 Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector
12903 Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt
12904 Gnomish Ham Radio
12905 Gnomish Rocket Boots
12906 Gnomish Battle Chicken
12907 Gnomish Mind Control Cap
12908 Goblin Dragon Gun
12909 Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
12910 Gnomish Goggles
12911 Gnomish Shrink Ray
12912 Mobile Alarm
12913 Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector
12914 Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt
12915 Gnomish Ham Radio
12916 Gnomish Rocket Boots
12917 Gnomish Battle Chicken
12918 Gnomish Mind Control Cap
12919 Goblin Dragon Gun
12938 Fel Curse
12939 Polymorph Heal Effect
12941 Fel Curse Effect
12942 Fell Curse Effect
12943 Fell Curse Effect
12944 Improved Shield Block (Rank 3)
12945 Improved Shield Block (Rank 1)
12946 Putrid Stench
12947 Withered Touch
12948 Avatar of Hakkar is summoned
12949 Idol Room Spawn End Boss
12950 Improved Cleave (Rank 2)
12952 Piercing Ice (Rank 2)
12953 Piercing Ice (Rank 3)
12954 Piercing Ice (Rank 4)
12956 Demon Armor (Rank 1)
12957 Piercing Ice (Rank 5)
12958 Improved Shield Bash (Rank 2)
12959 Iron Will (Rank 2)
12960 Iron Will (Rank 3)
12961 Iron Will (Rank 4)
12962 Iron Will (Rank 5)
12963 Improved Overpower (Rank 2)
12964 Unbridled Wrath Effect (Rank 1)
12966 Flurry (Rank 1)
12967 Flurry (Rank 2)
12968 Flurry (Rank 3)
12969 Flurry (Rank 4)
12970 Flurry (Rank 5)
12971 Flurry (Rank 2)
12972 Flurry (Rank 3)
12973 Flurry (Rank 4)
12974 Flurry (Rank 5)
12975 Last Stand
12976 Last Stand
12980 Simple Teleport
12981 Undead Slayer 39
12982 Shatter (Rank 2)
12983 Shatter (Rank 3)
12984 Shatter (Rank 4)
12985 Shatter (Rank 5)
12998 Create Yeh'kinya's Scroll
12999 Unbridled Wrath (Rank 2)
13000 Unbridled Wrath (Rank 3)
13001 Unbridled Wrath (Rank 4)
13002 Unbridled Wrath (Rank 5)
13003 Shrink Ray
13004 Grow
13005 Hammer of Justice
13006 Shrink Ray
13007 Divine Protection
13008 Retribution Aura
13009 Amnennar's Wrath
13010 Shrink
13011 Pyroblast (Rank 3)
13012 Pyroblast (Rank 4)
13013 Dissolve Armor
13014 Pyroblast (Rank 5)
13015 Pyroblast (Rank 6)
13016 Pyroblast (Rank 7)
13017 Pyroblast (Rank 8)
13018 Blast Wave (Rank 2)
13019 Blast Wave (Rank 3)
13020 Blast Wave (Rank 4)
13021 Blast Wave (Rank 5)
13022 Fire and Arcane Reflect
13023 Blast Wave (Rank 2)
13024 Blast Wave (Rank 3)
13025 Blast Wave (Rank 4)
13026 Blast Wave (Rank 5)
13027 Hemorrhage (Rank 3)
13028 Goldthorn Tea
13029 Goldthorn Tea
13030 Mighty Troll's Blood Potion
13031 Ice Barrier (Rank 2)
13032 Ice Barrier (Rank 3)
13033 Ice Barrier (Rank 4)
13037 Ice Barrier (Rank 2)
13038 Ice Barrier (Rank 3)
13039 Ice Barrier (Rank 4)
13043 Improved Fire Ward (Rank 2)
13044 Teleport to Ground
13045 Enrage (Rank 2)
13046 Enrage (Rank 3)
13047 Enrage (Rank 4)
13048 Enrage (Rank 5)
13049 Dragon's Call
13058 Improved Intimidating Shout (Rank 2)
13059 Improved Intimidating Shout (Rank 3)
13078 Bloodthirst (Rank 1)
13099 Net-o-Matic
13119 Net-o-Matic
13120 Net-o-Matic
13138 Net-o-Matic
13139 Net-o-Matic
13140 Fireball
13141 Gnomish Rocket Boots
13142 Teleport to Razelikh
13143 Summon Razelikh
13158 Rocket Boots Malfunction
13159 Aspect of the Pack
13160 Aspect of the Pack
13161 Aspect of the Beast
13162 Aspect of the Beast
13163 Aspect of the Monkey
13164 Aspect of the Monkey
13165 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 1)
13166 Battle Chicken
13167 Suicide
13168 Chicken Fury
13169 Plans: Solid Iron Maul
13180 Gnomish Mind Control Cap
13181 Gnomish Mind Control Cap
13183 Goblin Dragon Gun
13184 Goblin Dragon Gun
13198 Increased Strength 15
13218 Wound Poison (Rank 1)
13219 Wound Poison (Rank 1)
13220 Wound Poison (Rank 1)
13221 Wound Poison (Rank 1)
13222 Wound Poison (Rank 2)
13223 Wound Poison (Rank 3)
13224 Wound Poison (Rank 4)
13225 Wound Poison (Rank 2)
13226 Wound Poison (Rank 3)
13227 Wound Poison (Rank 4)
13228 Wound Poison II (Rank 2)
13229 Wound Poison III (Rank 3)
13230 Wound Poison IV (Rank 4)
13231 Wound Poison (Rank 2)
13232 Wound Poison (Rank 3)
13233 Wound Poison (Rank 4)
13234 Harm Prevention Belt
13235 Forcefield Collapse
13236 Nature Channeling
13237 Goblin Mortar
13238 Goblin Mortar
13239 Reload Explode
13240 The Mortar: Reloaded
13241 Goblin Sapper Charge
13258 Summon Goblin Bomb
13259 Explosion
13260 Pet Bomb Passive
13261 Malfunction Explosion
13262 Disenchant
13278 Gnomish Death Ray
13279 Gnomish Death Ray
13280 Gnomish Death Ray
13281 Earth Shock
13298 Poison
13299 Poison Proc
13318 Rend
13319 Malfunction
13320 Malfunction
13321 Mana Burn
13322 Frostbolt
13323 Polymorph
13325 Transponder Summon
13326 Arcane Intellect
13327 Reckless Charge
13338 Curse of Tongues
13339 Fire Blast
13340 Fire Blast
13341 Fire Blast
13342 Fire Blast
13358 Defensive State (DND)
13360 Knockdown
13361 Greater Magic Essence
13362 Lesser Magic Essence
13363 Lesser Intellect
13364 Lesser Agility
13365 Agility
13366 Intellect
13368 Spirit
13369 Lesser Stamina
13370 Stamina
13371 Lesser Strength
13372 Strength
13373 Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption
13374 Fire Blast
13375 Fireball
13376 Fire Shield
13377 Fire Shield
13378 Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina
13380 Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit
13381 Torch
13382 Torch
13383 Increased Defense
13384 Increased Defense
13385 Increased Defense
13386 Increased Defense
13387 Increased Defense
13388 Increased Defense
13389 Increased Defense
13390 Increased Defense
13391 Enchant Boots - Minor Stamina
13392 Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina
13393 Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Spirit
13398 Throw Wrench
13399 Cultivate Packet of Seeds
13418 Minor Stealth
13419 Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility
13420 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility
13421 Enchant Cloak - Lesser Protection
13422 Enchant Cloak - Lesser Protection
13424 Faerie Fire (Rank 1)
13438 Fireball
13439 Frostbolt
13440 Shadow Bolt
13441 Firebolt
13442 Firebolt
13443 Rend
13444 Sunder Armor
13445 Rend
13446 Strike
13459 Decimate
13461 Go Home
13462 Minor Blocking
13463 Summon Bloodpetal Mini Pests
13464 Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection
13465 Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection
13466 Goblin Dragon Gun
13478 Open Relic Coffer
13479 Goblin Dragon Gun
13480 Shadow Bolt
13481 Tame Beast
13482 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
13483 Wither Touch
13484 Plant Gor'tesh Head
13485 Enchant Shield - Lesser Spirit
13486 Wound
13487 Create Relic Coffer Chest
13488 Firegut Fear Storm
13489 Burning Spirit
13490 Howling Blade (Rank 1)
13491 Pummel (Rank 1)
13492 Beast Slaying 63
13493 Gnomish Death Ray
13494 Haste
13496 Dazed
13497 Greater Astral Essence
13498 Lesser Astral Essence
13499 Enchant Shield - Lesser Spirit
13500 Increased 1H Axe
13501 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina
13502 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina
13503 Enchant Weapon - Lesser Striking
13504 Enchant Weapon - Lesser Striking
13518 Poison
13519 Holy Smite
13520 Quiet Suicide (Frost)
13522 Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance
13523 Lesser Resistance - Shadow
13524 Curse of Stalvan
13525 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance
13526 Corrosive Poison
13527 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
13528 Decayed Strength
13529 Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Impact
13530 Corruption
13531 Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Impact
13532 Thunder Clap (Rank 1)
13533 Haste
13534 Disarm
13535 Tame Beast
13536 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength
13537 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength
13538 Enchant Chest - Lesser Absorption
13539 Enchant Chest - Lesser Absorption
13540 Green Channeling
13541 Knockback 500 Triggers
13542 Mend Pet (Rank 5)
13543 Mend Pet (Rank 6)
13544 Mend Pet (Rank 7)
13545 Mend Pet (Rank 5)
13546 Mend Pet (Rank 6)
13547 Mend Pet (Rank 7)
13548 Summon Farm Chicken
13549 Serpent Sting (Rank 2)
13550 Serpent Sting (Rank 3)
13551 Serpent Sting (Rank 4)
13552 Serpent Sting (Rank 5)
13553 Serpent Sting (Rank 6)
13554 Serpent Sting (Rank 7)
13555 Serpent Sting (Rank 8)
13556 Serpent Sting (Rank 2)
13557 Serpent Sting (Rank 3)
13558 Serpent Sting (Rank 4)
13559 Serpent Sting (Rank 5)
13560 Serpent Sting (Rank 6)
13561 Serpent Sting (Rank 7)
13562 Serpent Sting (Rank 8)
13563 Summon Chicken Egg
13564 Open Dark Keeper Coffer
13565 Open Secure Safe
13566 Knockback 500 Triggers
13567 Dummy Trigger
13578 Jadefire
13579 Gouge
13582 Deadly Poison
13583 Curse of the Deadwood
13584 Strike
13585 Lightning Shield
13586 Aqua Jet
13587 Mount Speed
13589 Haste Aura
13590 Increase Arcane Dam 1
13591 Increase Arcane Dam 3
13592 Increase Arcane Dam 4
13593 Increase Arcane Dam 6
13594 Increase Arcane Dam 7
13595 Increase Arcane Dam 9
13596 Increase Arcane Dam 10
13597 Increase Arcane Dam 11
13598 Increase Arcane Dam 13
13599 Increase Arcane Dam 14
13601 Increase Arcane Dam 16
13602 Increase Arcane Dam 17
13603 Increase Arcane Dam 19
13604 Increase Arcane Dam 20
13605 Increase Arcane Dam 21
13606 Mana
13607 Enchant Chest - Mana
13608 Hooked Net
13609 Enchant Chest - Mana
13611 Mining
13612 Enchant Gloves - Mining
13613 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Mining
13614 Herbalism
13615 Fishing
13616 Wracking Pains Proc
13617 Enchant Gloves - Herbalism
13618 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Herbalism
13619 Wracking Pains
13620 Enchant Gloves - Fishing
13621 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fishing
13622 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Intellect
13623 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Intellect
13624 Minor Stats
13625 Lesser Stats
13626 Enchant Chest - Minor Stats
13627 Enchant Chest - Minor Stats
13628 Runed Golden Rod
13629 Runed Golden Rod
13630 Scraping
13631 Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina
13632 Greater Mystic Essence
13633 Lesser Mystic Essence
13634 Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina
13635 Enchant Cloak - Defense
13636 Enchant Cloak - Defense
13637 Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility
13638 Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility
13639 Greater Health
13640 Enchant Chest - Greater Health
13641 Enchant Chest - Greater Health
13642 Enchant Bracer - Spirit
13643 Enchant Bracer - Spirit
13644 Enchant Boots - Lesser Stamina
13645 Enchant Boots - Lesser Stamina
13646 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Deflection
13647 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Deflection
13648 Enchant Bracer - Stamina
13649 Enchant Bracer - Stamina
13650 Lesser Beast Slayer
13651 Lesser Elemental Slayer
13652 Resistance - Fire
13653 Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer
13654 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer
13655 Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer
13656 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer
13657 Enchant Cloak - Fire Resistance
13658 Enchant Cloak - Fire Resistance
13659 Enchant Shield - Spirit
13660 Enchant Shield - Spirit
13661 Enchant Bracer - Strength
13662 Enchant Bracer - Strength
13663 Enchant Chest - Greater Mana
13664 Greater Mana
13665 Increased Parry 1
13666 Enchant Chest - Greater Mana
13667 Increased Parry 2
13668 Increased Parry 3
13669 Increased Dodge 1
13670 Increased Dodge 2
13671 Increased Dodge 3
13672 Increased Dodge 4
13673 Increased Dodge 5
13674 Increased Block 1
13675 Increased Block 2
13676 Increased Block 3
13677 Increased Block 4
13678 Increased Block 6
13687 Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit
13688 Formula: Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit
13689 Enchant Shield - Lesser Block
13690 Lesser Blocking
13691 Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Blocking
13692 Dire Growl
13693 Enchant Weapon - Striking
13694 Enchant Weapon - Striking
13695 Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
13696 Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
13697 Skinning
13698 Enchant Gloves - Skinning
13699 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Skinning
13700 Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats
13701 Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats
13702 Runed Truesilver Rod
13703 Runed Truesilver Rod
13704 Psychic Scream
13705 Precision (Rank 1)
13706 Dagger Specialization (Rank 1)
13707 Fist Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
13709 Mace Specialization (Rank 1)
13710 Throwing Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
13712 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 1)
13713 Deflection (Rank 1)
13714 Create Samophlange Manual
13715 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 1)
13716 AOD
13727 Break Samophlange
13728 Earth Shock
13729 Flame Shock
13730 Demoralizing Shout
13732 Improved Sinister Strike (Rank 1)
13733 Improved Backstab (Rank 1)
13735 Increased Agility 15
13736 Whirlwind
13737 Mortal Strike
13738 Rend
13739 Greater Nether Essence
13740 Lesser Nether Essence
13741 Improved Gouge (Rank 1)
13742 Improved Evasion (Rank 1)
13743 Improved Sprint (Rank 1)
13744 Blazing Emblem (Rank 1)
13745 Arcane Explosion
13746 Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense
13747 Slow
13748 Arcane Bolt
13749 Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense
13750 Adrenaline Rush
13752 Faerie Fire (Rank 2)
13754 Improved Kick (Rank 1)
13767 Hate to Zero
13787 Demon Armor
13788 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 2)
13789 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 3)
13790 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 4)
13791 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 5)
13792 Improved Gouge (Rank 3)
13793 Improved Gouge (Rank 2)
13794 Enchant Cloak - Resistance
13795 Immolation Trap (Rank 1)
13796 Resistance
13797 Immolation Trap Effect (Rank 1)
13798 Enchant Cloak - Resistance
13799 Immolation Trap (Rank 1)
13800 Mace Specialization (Rank 2)
13801 Mace Specialization (Rank 3)
13802 Mace Specialization (Rank 4)
13803 Mace Specialization (Rank 5)
13804 Dagger Specialization (Rank 2)
13805 Dagger Specialization (Rank 3)
13806 Dagger Specialization (Rank 4)
13807 Dagger Specialization (Rank 5)
13808 M73 Frag Grenade
13809 Frost Trap
13810 Frost Trap Aura
13811 Frost Trap
13812 Explosive Trap Effect (Rank 1)
13813 Explosive Trap (Rank 1)
13814 Explosive Trap (Rank 1)
13815 Enchant Gloves - Agility
13816 Enchant Gloves - Agility
13817 Enchant Shield - Stamina
13818 Formula: Enchant Shield - Stamina
13819 Summon Warhorse (Summon)
13820 Summon Warhorse (Summon)
13821 Goblin Rocket Helmet
13822 Enchant Bracer - Intellect
13823 Greater Agility
13824 Stats
13825 Greater Intellect
13826 Greater Spirit
13827 Greater Stamina
13828 Greater Strength
13829 Enchant Bracer - Intellect
13830 Increase Fire Dam 29
13831 Increase Frost Dam 29
13832 Precision (Rank 2)
13835 Unkillable Off (Rank 1)
13836 Enchant Boots - Stamina
13837 Enchant Boots - Stamina
13838 Advanced Mining
13839 Advanced Herbalism
13840 Lesser Stealth
13841 Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining
13842 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining
13843 Precision (Rank 3)
13844 Precision (Rank 4)
13845 Precision (Rank 5)
13846 Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit
13847 Recklessness
13848 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 2)
13849 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 3)
13850 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit
13851 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 4)
13852 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 5)
13853 Deflection (Rank 2)
13854 Deflection (Rank 3)
13855 Deflection (Rank 4)
13856 Deflection (Rank 5)
13857 Prayer of Healing
13858 Enchant Chest - Superior Health
13859 Throwing Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
13860 Mind Blast
13861 Enchant Chest - Superior Health
13862 Superior Health
13863 Improved Sinister Strike (Rank 2)
13864 Power Word: Fortitude
13865 Improved Backstab (Rank 2)
13866 Improved Backstab (Rank 3)
13867 Improved Kick (Rank 2)
13868 Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism
13869 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism
13872 Improved Evasion (Rank 2)
13874 Divine Shield
13875 Improved Sprint (Rank 2)
13876 Improved Sprint (Rank 3)
13877 Blade Flurry
13878 Scorch
13879 Magma Splash
13880 Magma Splash
13881 Increase Spell Dam 29
13882 Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
13883 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
13884 Withering Poison
13886 Withering Poison Proc
13887 Enchant Gloves - Strength
13888 Enchant Gloves - Strength
13889 Minor Speed
13890 Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
13891 Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
13895 Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar
13896 Feedback (Rank 1)
13897 Fiery Weapon
13898 Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon
13899 Fire Storm
13900 Fiery Burst
13901 Arcane Bolt
13902 Fist of Ragnaros
13903 Seal of Sacrifice
13904 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon
13905 Enchant Shield - Greater Spirit
13906 Enchant Shield - Greater Spirit
13907 Smite Demon
13908 Desperate Prayer (Rank 1)
13909 Create Elemental Totem
13910 Force Create Elemental Totem
13912 Princess Summons Portal
13913 Blazerunner's Aura
13914 Blazerunner's Aura
13915 Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying
13916 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying
13917 Enchant Chest - Superior Mana
13918 Superior Mana
13919 Enchant Chest - Superior Mana
13920 Enchanting (Artisan)
13921 Artisan Enchanting
13922 Deflection
13923 Frost Resistance
13927 Minor Mount Speed
13928 Minor Haste
13930 Lesser Deflection
13931 Enchant Bracer - Deflection
13932 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Deflection
13933 Enchant Shield - Frost Resistance
13934 Formula: Enchant Shield - Frost Resistance
13935 Enchant Boots - Agility
13936 Enchant Boots - Agility
13937 Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Impact
13938 Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Impact
13939 Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength
13940 Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength
13941 Enchant Chest - Stats
13942 Enchant Chest - Stats
13943 Enchant Weapon - Greater Striking
13944 Enchant Weapon - Greater Striking
13945 Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina
13946 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina
13947 Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill
13948 Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste
13949 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Minor Riding
13950 Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste
13951 Rebuild
13952 Holy Light
13953 Holy Strike
13958 Master of Deception (Rank 1)
13959 Electrostatic Charge
13960 Sword Specialization (Rank 1)
13961 Sword Specialization (Rank 2)
13962 Sword Specialization (Rank 3)
13963 Sword Specialization (Rank 4)
13964 Sword Specialization (Rank 5)
13965 Create Krom'zar's Banner
13966 Fist Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
13967 Fist Weapon Specialization (Rank 3)
13968 Fist Weapon Specialization (Rank 4)
13969 Fist Weapon Specialization (Rank 5)
13970 Master of Deception (Rank 2)
13971 Master of Deception (Rank 3)
13972 Master of Deception (Rank 4)
13973 Master of Deception (Rank 5)
13974 Rapid Concealment (Rank 1)
13975 Camouflage (Rank 1)
13976 Initiative (Rank 1)
13977 Initiative (Rank 1)
13978 Summon Aquementas
13979 Initiative (Rank 2)
13980 Initiative (Rank 3)
13981 Elusiveness (Rank 1)
13982 Bael'Gar's Fiery Essence
13983 Setup (Rank 1)
14008 Miblon's Bait
14027 Attack Power 24
14030 Hooked Net
14032 Shadow Word: Pain
14033 Mana Burn
14034 Fireball
14047 Increase Spell Dam 23
14048 Increased 1H Axe
14049 Attack Power 40
14050 Quest Suicide
14051 Increased Dagger
14052 Attack Power 60
14053 Heal
14054 Increase Spell Dam 27
14055 Increase Spell Dam 35
14056 Attack Power 50
14057 Opportunity (Rank 1)
14058 Rapid Concealment (Rank 2)
14059 Rapid Concealment (Rank 3)
14060 Rapid Concealment (Rank 4)
14061 Rapid Concealment (Rank 5)
14062 Camouflage (Rank 2)
14063 Camouflage (Rank 3)
14064 Camouflage (Rank 4)
14065 Camouflage (Rank 5)
14066 Elusiveness (Rank 2)
14067 Elusiveness (Rank 3)
14068 Elusiveness (Rank 4)
14069 Elusiveness (Rank 5)
14070 Setup (Rank 2)
14071 Setup (Rank 3)
14072 Opportunity (Rank 2)
14073 Opportunity (Rank 3)
14074 Opportunity (Rank 4)
14075 Opportunity (Rank 5)
14076 Improved Sap (Rank 1)
14077 Improved Garrote (Rank 1)
14078 Improved Garrote (Rank 2)
14079 Improved Ambush (Rank 1)
14080 Improved Ambush (Rank 2)
14081 Improved Ambush (Rank 3)
14082 Improved Cheap Shot (Rank 1)
14083 Improved Cheap Shot (Rank 2)
14084 Improved Distract (Rank 1)
14085 Improved Distract (Rank 2)
14087 Rend
14088 Improved Vanish (Rank 1)
14089 Attack Power 36
14091 Improved Vanish (Rank 2)
14092 Improved Vanish (Rank 3)
14093 Vanished (Rank 1)
14094 Improved Sap (Rank 2)
14095 Improved Sap (Rank 3)
14097 Demon Slaying 45
14098 Demon Slaying 117
14099 Mighty Blow
14100 Terrifying Roar
14102 Head Smash
14103 Firebolt
14104 Spikes
14105 Frost Blast
14106 Shadow Bolt
14108 Venomhide Poison
14109 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
14110 Bloodpetal Poison
14111 Bloodpetal Poison Proc
14112 Flaying Vine
14113 Improved Instant Poison (Rank 1)
14114 Improved Instant Poison (Rank 2)
14115 Improved Instant Poison (Rank 3)
14116 Improved Instant Poison (Rank 4)
14117 Improved Instant Poison (Rank 5)
14118 Rend
14119 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
14120 Tunneler Acid
14121 Increased 1H Sword
14122 Shadow Bolt
14124 Increased 2H Mace
14125 Open Secret Safe
14126 Wound
14127 Increase Spell Dam 28
14128 Lethality (Rank 1)
14129 Item - Purify
14130 Muculent Fever
14132 Lethality (Rank 2)
14133 Muculent Fever Proc
14134 Item - Purify
14135 Lethality (Rank 3)
14136 Lethality (Rank 4)
14137 Lethality (Rank 5)
14138 Malice (Rank 1)
14139 Malice (Rank 2)
14140 Malice (Rank 3)
14141 Malice (Rank 4)
14142 Malice (Rank 5)
14143 Remorseless (Rank 1)
14144 Remorseless Attacks (Rank 1)
14145 Fire Blast
14146 Clone
14147 Acid Slime
14148 Remorseless Attacks (Rank 2)
14149 Remorseless (Rank 2)
14150 Remorseless Attacks (Rank 3)
14151 Remorseless (Rank 3)
14152 Remorseless Attacks (Rank 4)
14153 Remorseless (Rank 4)
14154 Remorseless Attacks (Rank 5)
14155 Remorseless (Rank 5)
14156 Ruthlessness (Rank 1)
14157 Ruthlessness (Rank 1)
14158 Murder (Rank 1)
14159 Murder (Rank 2)
14160 Ruthlessness (Rank 2)
14161 Ruthlessness (Rank 3)
14162 Improved Eviscerate (Rank 1)
14163 Improved Eviscerate (Rank 2)
14164 Improved Eviscerate (Rank 3)
14165 Improved Slice and Dice (Rank 1)
14166 Improved Slice and Dice (Rank 2)
14167 Improved Slice and Dice (Rank 3)
14168 Improved Expose Armor (Rank 1)
14169 Improved Expose Armor (Rank 2)
14170 Improved Expose Armor (Rank 3)
14171 Improved Rupture (Rank 1)
14172 Improved Rupture (Rank 2)
14173 Improved Rupture (Rank 3)
14174 Improved Kidney Shot (Rank 1)
14175 Improved Kidney Shot (Rank 2)
14176 Improved Kidney Shot (Rank 3)
14177 Cold Blood
14178 Sticky Tar
14179 Relentless Strikes
14180 Sticky Tar
14181 Relentless Strikes Effect (Rank 1)
14183 Premeditation
14185 Preparation
14186 Seal Fate (Rank 1)
14189 Seal Fate
14190 Seal Fate (Rank 2)
14193 Seal Fate (Rank 3)
14194 Seal Fate (Rank 4)
14195 Seal Fate (Rank 5)
14198 Beast Slaying 27
14199 Create Samophlange Manual
14200 Chained Bolt
14201 Enrage (Rank 2)
14202 Enrage (Rank 3)
14203 Enrage (Rank 4)
14204 Enrage (Rank 5)
14205 Gorishi Egg
14206 Summon Gorishi Grub
14207 Frost Trap Effect
14208 JD Explosion
14209 Signing
14210 Signing
14227 Signing
14247 Blazerunner Dispel
14248 Increase Spell Dam 21
14249 Increased Defense
14250 Capture Grark
14251 Riposte
14252 Summon Enraged Felbat
14253 Abolish Poison (Rank 1)
14254 Increase Spell Dam 19
14255 Improved Deadly Poison (Rank 1)
14256 Improved Deadly Poison (Rank 2)
14257 Improved Deadly Poison (Rank 3)
14258 Improved Deadly Poison (Rank 4)
14259 Improved Deadly Poison (Rank 5)
14260 Raptor Strike (Rank 2)
14261 Raptor Strike (Rank 3)
14262 Raptor Strike (Rank 4)
14263 Raptor Strike (Rank 5)
14264 Raptor Strike (Rank 6)
14265 Raptor Strike (Rank 7)
14266 Raptor Strike (Rank 8)
14267 Wing Clip (Rank 2)
14268 Wing Clip (Rank 3)
14269 Mongoose Bite (Rank 2)
14270 Mongoose Bite (Rank 3)
14271 Mongoose Bite (Rank 4)
14272 Disengage (Rank 2)
14273 Disengage (Rank 3)
14274 Distracting Shot (Rank 2)
14275 Scorpid Sting (Rank 2)
14276 Scorpid Sting (Rank 3)
14277 Scorpid Sting (Rank 4)
14278 Ghostly Strike
14279 Viper Sting (Rank 2)
14280 Viper Sting (Rank 3)
14281 Arcane Shot (Rank 2)
14282 Arcane Shot (Rank 3)
14283 Arcane Shot (Rank 4)
14284 Arcane Shot (Rank 5)
14285 Arcane Shot (Rank 6)
14286 Arcane Shot (Rank 7)
14287 Arcane Shot (Rank 8)
14288 Multi-Shot (Rank 2)
14289 Multi-Shot (Rank 3)
14290 Multi-Shot (Rank 4)
14291 Anubisath Guardian Targeted
14292 Fling Torch
14293 Lesser Magic Wand
14294 Volley (Rank 2)
14295 Volley (Rank 3)
14296 Black Arrow (Rank 2)
14297 Shadow Storm
14298 Immolation Trap Effect (Rank 2)
14299 Immolation Trap Effect (Rank 3)
14300 Immolation Trap Effect (Rank 4)
14301 Immolation Trap Effect (Rank 5)
14302 Immolation Trap (Rank 2)
14303 Immolation Trap (Rank 3)
14304 Immolation Trap (Rank 4)
14305 Immolation Trap (Rank 5)
14307 Summon Enraged Wyvern
14308 Freezing Trap Effect (Rank 2)
14309 Freezing Trap Effect (Rank 3)
14310 Freezing Trap (Rank 2)
14311 Freezing Trap (Rank 3)
14313 Summon Enraged Gryphon
14314 Explosive Trap Effect (Rank 2)
14315 Explosive Trap Effect (Rank 3)
14316 Explosive Trap (Rank 2)
14317 Explosive Trap (Rank 3)
14318 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 2)
14319 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 3)
14320 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 4)
14321 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 5)
14322 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 6)
14323 Hunter's Mark (Rank 2)
14324 Hunter's Mark (Rank 3)
14325 Hunter's Mark (Rank 4)
14326 Scare Beast (Rank 2)
14327 Scare Beast (Rank 3)
14329 Summon Enraged Hippogryph
14330 Increased Agility 16
14331 Vicious Rend
14332 Raptor Strike (Rank 2)
14333 Raptor Strike (Rank 3)
14334 Raptor Strike (Rank 4)
14335 Raptor Strike (Rank 5)
14336 Raptor Strike (Rank 6)
14337 Raptor Strike (Rank 7)
14338 Raptor Strike (Rank 8)
14339 Wing Clip (Rank 2)
14340 Wing Clip (Rank 3)
14341 Mongoose Bite (Rank 2)
14342 Mongoose Bite (Rank 3)
14343 Mongoose Bite (Rank 4)
14344 Disengage (Rank 2)
14345 Disengage (Rank 3)
14346 Distracting Shot (Rank 2)
14347 Scorpid Sting (Rank 2)
14348 Scorpid Sting (Rank 3)
14349 Scorpid Sting (Rank 4)
14350 Viper Sting (Rank 2)
14351 Viper Sting (Rank 3)
14352 Arcane Shot (Rank 2)
14353 Arcane Shot (Rank 3)
14354 Arcane Shot (Rank 4)
14355 Arcane Shot (Rank 5)
14356 Arcane Shot (Rank 6)
14357 Arcane Shot (Rank 7)
14358 Arcane Shot (Rank 8)
14359 Multi-Shot (Rank 3)
14360 Multi-Shot (Rank 4)
14361 Volley (Rank 2)
14362 Volley (Rank 3)
14363 Black Arrow (Rank 2)
14364 Immolation Trap (Rank 2)
14365 Immolation Trap (Rank 3)
14366 Immolation Trap (Rank 4)
14367 Immolation Trap (Rank 5)
14368 Freezing Trap (Rank 2)
14369 Increased Agility 17
14370 Freezing Trap (Rank 3)
14371 Increased Agility 18
14372 Explosive Trap (Rank 2)
14373 Explosive Trap (Rank 3)
14374 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 2)
14375 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 3)
14376 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 4)
14377 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 5)
14378 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 6)
14379 Golden Rod
14380 Truesilver Rod
14381 Golden Rod
14382 Truesilver Rod
14383 Increased Agility 19
14384 Increased Agility 20
14385 Increased Agility 21
14386 Increased Agility 22
14387 Increased Agility 23
14388 Increased Agility 24
14389 Increased Agility 25
14390 Increased Agility 26
14391 Increased Agility 27
14392 Increased Agility 28
14393 Increased Agility 29
14394 Increased Agility 30
14395 Increased Agility 31
14396 Increased Agility 32
14397 Increased Agility 33
14398 Increased Agility 34
14399 Increased Agility 35
14400 Increased Agility 36
14401 Increased Agility 37
14402 Increased Agility 38
14403 Increased Agility 39
14404 Increased Agility 40
14405 Increased Intellect 15
14406 Increased Intellect 16
14407 Increased Intellect 17
14408 Increased Intellect 18
14409 Increased Intellect 19
14410 Increased Intellect 20
14411 Increased Intellect 21
14412 Increased Intellect 22
14413 Increased Intellect 23
14414 Increased Intellect 24
14415 Increased Intellect 25
14416 Increased Intellect 26
14417 Increased Intellect 27
14418 Increased Intellect 28
14419 Increased Intellect 29
14420 Increased Intellect 30
14421 Increased Intellect 31
14422 Increased Intellect 32
14423 Increased Intellect 33
14424 Increased Intellect 34
14425 Increased Intellect 35
14426 Increased Intellect 36
14427 Increased Intellect 37
14428 Increased Intellect 38
14429 Increased Intellect 39
14430 Increased Intellect 40
14431 Hunter's Mark (Rank 2)
14432 Hunter's Mark (Rank 3)
14433 Increased Spirit 15
14434 Hunter's Mark (Rank 4)
14435 Increased Spirit 16
14436 Increased Spirit 17
14437 Increased Spirit 18
14438 Increased Spirit 19
14439 Increased Spirit 20
14440 Increased Spirit 21
14441 Increased Spirit 22
14442 Increased Spirit 23
14443 Multi-Shot
14444 Increased Spirit 24
14445 Scare Beast (Rank 2)
14446 Scare Beast (Rank 3)
14447 Increased Spirit 25
14448 Increased Spirit 26
14449 Increased Spirit 27
14450 Increased Spirit 28
14451 Increased Spirit 29
14452 Increased Spirit 30
14453 Increased Spirit 31
14454 Increased Spirit 32
14455 Increased Spirit 33
14456 Increased Spirit 34
14457 Increased Spirit 36
14458 Increased Spirit 37
14459 Increased Spirit 38
14460 Increased Spirit 39
14461 Increased Spirit 40
14462 Increased Stamina 15
14463 Increased Stamina 16
14464 Increased Stamina 17
14465 Increased Stamina 18
14466 Increased Stamina 19
14467 Increased Stamina 20
14468 Increased Stamina 21
14469 Increased Stamina 22
14470 Increased Stamina 23
14471 Increased Stamina 24
14472 Increased Stamina 25
14473 Increased Stamina 26
14474 Increased Stamina 27
14475 Increased Stamina 28
14476 Increased Stamina 29
14477 Increased Stamina 30
14478 Increased Stamina 31
14479 Increased Stamina 32
14480 Increased Stamina 33
14481 Increased Stamina 34
14482 Increased Stamina 35
14483 Increased Stamina 36
14484 Increased Stamina 37
14485 Increased Stamina 38
14486 Increased Stamina 39
14487 Increased Stamina 40
14488 Increased Strength 16
14489 Increased Strength 17
14490 Increased Strength 18
14491 Increased Strength 19
14492 Increased Strength 20
14493 Increased Strength 21
14494 Increased Strength 22
14495 Increased Strength 23
14496 Increased Strength 24
14497 Increased Strength 25
14498 Increased Strength 26
14499 Increased Strength 27
14500 Increased Strength 28
14501 Increased Strength 29
14502 Increased Strength 30
14503 Increased Strength 31
14504 Increased Strength 32
14505 Increased Strength 33
14506 Increased Strength 34
14507 Increased Strength 35
14508 Increased Strength 36
14509 Increased Strength 37
14510 Increased Strength 38
14511 Increased Strength 39
14512 Increased Strength 40
14514 Blink
14515 Dominate Mind
14516 Strike
14517 Crusader Strike
14518 Crusader Strike
14520 Mental Agility (Rank 1)
14521 Meditation (Rank 1)
14522 Unbreakable Will (Rank 1)
14523 Silent Resolve (Rank 1)
14524 Wand Specialization (Rank 1)
14525 Wand Specialization (Rank 2)
14526 Wand Specialization (Rank 3)
14527 Wand Specialization (Rank 4)
14528 Wand Specialization (Rank 5)
14530 Speed
14531 Martyrdom (Rank 1)
14532 Creeper Venom
14533 Disjunction
14534 Barbed Sting
14535 Dredge Sickness
14537 Six Demon Bag
14538 Aural Shock
14539 Putrid Enzyme
14540 Increased Fire Resist 01
14541 Increased Frost Resist 01
14542 Increased Frost Resist 02
14543 Increased Frost Resist 06
14544 Increased Frost Resist 03
14545 Increased Frost Resist 04
14546 Increased Frost Resist 05
14547 Increased Frost Resist 07
14548 Increased Frost Resist 08
14549 Increased Frost Resist 09
14550 Increased Frost Resist 10
14551 Increased Frost Resist 11
14552 Increased Frost Resist 12
14553 Increased Frost Resist 14
14554 Increased Frost Resist 13
14555 Increased Frost Resist 15
14556 Increased Frost Resist 16
14557 Increased Frost Resist 17
14558 Increased Frost Resist 19
14559 Increased Frost Resist 20
14560 Increased Frost Resist 21
14561 Increased Frost Resist 22
14562 Increased Frost Resist 23
14563 Increased Frost Resist 25
14564 Increased Frost Resist 26
14565 Beast Slaying 30
14566 Increased Frost Resist 27
14567 Increased Frost Resist 28
14568 Increased Frost Resist 29
14569 Increased Frost Resist 30
14570 Increased Frost Resist 31
14571 Increased Frost Resist 32
14572 Increased Frost Resist 33
14573 Increased Frost Resist 34
14574 Increased Frost Resist 35
14575 Increased Frost Resist 36
14576 Increased Frost Resist 37
14577 Increased Frost Resist 38
14578 Increased Frost Resist 39
14579 Increased Frost Resist 40
14580 Increased Frost Resist 18
14581 Increased Frost Resist 24
14582 Increased Fire Resist 02
14583 Increased Fire Resist 03
14584 Increased Fire Resist 04
14585 Increased Fire Resist 05
14586 Increased Fire Resist 06
14587 Increased Fire Resist 07
14588 Increased Fire Resist 08
14589 Increased Fire Resist 09
14590 Increased Fire Resist 10
14591 Increased Fire Resist 11
14592 Increased Fire Resist 12
14593 Increased Fire Resist 13
14594 Increased Fire Resist 14
14595 Increased Fire Resist 15
14596 Increased Fire Resist 16
14597 Increased Fire Resist 17
14598 Increased Fire Resist 18
14599 Increased Fire Resist 19
14600 Increased Fire Resist 20
14601 Increased Fire Resist 21
14602 Increased Fire Resist 22
14603 Increased Fire Resist 23
14604 Increased Fire Resist 24
14605 Increased Fire Resist 25
14606 Increased Fire Resist 26
14607 Increased Fire Resist 27
14608 Increased Fire Resist 28
14609 Increased Fire Resist 29
14610 Increased Fire Resist 30
14611 Increased Fire Resist 31
14612 Increased Fire Resist 32
14613 Increased Fire Resist 33
14614 Increased Fire Resist 34
14615 Increased Fire Resist 35
14616 Increased Fire Resist 36
14617 Increased Fire Resist 37
14618 Increased Fire Resist 38
14619 Increased Fire Resist 39
14620 Increased Fire Resist 40
14621 Polymorph
14622 Increased Nature Resist 01
14623 Increased Nature Resist 02
14624 Increased Nature Resist 03
14625 Increased Nature Resist 04
14626 Increased Nature Resist 05
14627 Increased Nature Resist 07
14628 Increased Nature Resist 08
14629 Increased Nature Resist 09
14630 Increased Nature Resist 10
14631 Increased Nature Resist 06
14632 Increased Nature Resist 11
14633 Increased Nature Resist 12
14634 Increased Nature Resist 13
14635 Increased Nature Resist 14
14636 Increased Nature Resist 15
14637 Increased Nature Resist 16
14638 Increased Nature Resist 17
14639 Increased Nature Resist 18
14640 Increased Nature Resist 19
14641 Increased Nature Resist 20
14642 Summon Felhound Minion
14643 Increased Nature Resist 21
14644 Increased Nature Resist 22
14645 Increased Nature Resist 23
14646 Increased Nature Resist 24
14647 Increased Nature Resist 25
14648 Increased Nature Resist 26
14649 Increased Nature Resist 27
14650 Increased Nature Resist 28
14651 Increased Nature Resist 29
14652 Increased Nature Resist 30
14653 Increased Nature Resist 31
14654 Increased Nature Resist 32
14655 Increased Nature Resist 33
14656 Increased Nature Resist 34
14657 Increased Nature Resist 35
14658 Increased Nature Resist 36
14659 Increased Nature Resist 37
14660 Increased Nature Resist 38
14661 Increased Nature Resist 39
14662 Increased Nature Resist 40
14663 Increased Shadow Resist 01
14664 Increased Arcane Resist 01
14665 Increased Shadow Resist 02
14666 Increased Shadow Resist 03
14667 Increased Shadow Resist 04
14668 Increased Shadow Resist 05
14669 Increased Shadow Resist 06
14670 Increased Shadow Resist 07
14671 Increased Shadow Resist 08
14672 Increased Shadow Resist 09
14673 Increased Shadow Resist 10
14674 Increased Shadow Resist 11
14675 Increased Shadow Resist 12
14676 Increased Shadow Resist 13
14677 Increased Shadow Resist 14
14678 Increased Shadow Resist 15
14679 Increased Shadow Resist 16
14680 Increased Shadow Resist 17
14681 Increased Shadow Resist 18
14682 Increased Shadow Resist 19
14683 Increased Shadow Resist 20
14684 Increased Shadow Resist 21
14685 Increased Shadow Resist 22
14686 Increased Shadow Resist 23
14687 Increased Shadow Resist 24
14688 Increased Shadow Resist 25
14689 Increased Shadow Resist 26
14690 Increased Shadow Resist 27
14691 Increased Shadow Resist 28
14692 Increased Shadow Resist 29
14693 Increased Shadow Resist 30
14694 Increased Shadow Resist 31
14695 Increased Shadow Resist 32
14696 Increased Shadow Resist 33
14697 Increased Shadow Resist 35
14698 Increased Shadow Resist 36
14699 Increased Shadow Resist 37
14700 Increased Shadow Resist 38
14701 Increased Shadow Resist 39
14702 Increased Shadow Resist 40
14703 Increased Shadow Resist 34
14704 Increased Arcane Resist 02
14705 Increased Arcane Resist 03
14706 Increased Arcane Resist 04
14707 Increased Arcane Resist 05
14708 Increased Arcane Resist 06
14709 Increased Arcane Resist 07
14710 Increased Arcane Resist 08
14711 Increased Arcane Resist 09
14712 Increased Arcane Resist 10
14713 Increased Arcane Resist 11
14714 Increased Arcane Resist 12
14715 Increased Arcane Resist 13
14716 Increased Arcane Resist 14
14717 Increased Arcane Resist 15
14718 Increased Arcane Resist 16
14719 Increased Arcane Resist 17
14720 Increased Arcane Resist 18
14721 Increased Arcane Resist 19
14722 Increased Arcane Resist 20
14723 Increased Arcane Resist 21
14724 Increased Arcane Resist 22
14725 Increased Arcane Resist 23
14726 Increased Arcane Resist 24
14727 Increased Arcane Resist 25
14728 Increased Arcane Resist 26
14729 Increased Arcane Resist 27
14730 Increased Arcane Resist 28
14731 Increased Arcane Resist 29
14732 Increased Arcane Resist 30
14733 Increased Arcane Resist 31
14734 Increased Arcane Resist 32
14735 Increased Arcane Resist 33
14736 Increased Arcane Resist 34
14737 Increased Arcane Resist 35
14738 Increased Arcane Resist 36
14739 Increased Arcane Resist 37
14740 Increased Arcane Resist 38
14741 Increased Arcane Resist 39
14742 Increased Arcane Resist 40
14743 Focused Casting (Rank 1)
14744 Burning Spirit
14747 Improved Inner Fire (Rank 1)
14748 Improved Power Word: Shield (Rank 1)
14749 Improved Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 1)
14750 Improved Mana Burn (Rank 1)
14751 Inner Focus
14752 Divine Spirit (Rank 1)
14767 Improved Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 2)
14768 Improved Power Word: Shield (Rank 2)
14769 Improved Power Word: Shield (Rank 3)
14770 Improved Inner Fire (Rank 2)
14771 Improved Inner Fire (Rank 3)
14772 Improved Mana Burn (Rank 2)
14774 Martyrdom (Rank 2)
14775 Stilled
14776 Meditation (Rank 2)
14777 Meditation (Rank 3)
14780 Mental Agility (Rank 2)
14781 Mental Agility (Rank 3)
14782 Mental Agility (Rank 4)
14783 Mental Agility (Rank 5)
14784 Silent Resolve (Rank 2)
14785 Silent Resolve (Rank 3)
14786 Silent Resolve (Rank 4)
14787 Silent Resolve (Rank 5)
14788 Unbreakable Will (Rank 2)
14789 Unbreakable Will (Rank 3)
14790 Unbreakable Will (Rank 4)
14791 Unbreakable Will (Rank 5)
14792 Venomhide Poison
14793 Increase Shadow Dam 23
14794 Increase Shadow Dam 24
14795 Venomhide Poison
14796 Burning Tar
14797 Burning Tar
14798 Increase Spell Dam 30
14799 Increase Spell Dam 20
14801 Idol Room Spawn C
14802 Idol Room Spawn B
14803 Increased Armor 200
14804 Copy of Release Rageclaw
14805 Lesser Magic Wand
14806 Bloodpetal Zapper
14807 Greater Magic Wand
14808 Greater Magic Wand
14809 Lesser Mystic Wand
14810 Greater Mystic Wand
14811 Lesser Mystic Wand
14812 Greater Mystic Wand
14813 Dark Iron Drunk Mug
14814 Throw Dark Iron Ale
14816 Empathy
14817 Increased 2H Axe
14818 Divine Spirit (Rank 2)
14819 Divine Spirit (Rank 3)
14820 Divine Spirit (Rank 3)
14821 Self Stun - 15 seconds
14822 Drunken Rage
14823 Drinking
14824 Haste
14825 Haste
14826 Haste
14827 Haste
14828 Haste
14829 Haste
14847 Test Enchant Fire Weapon
14867 Untalent Visual Effect
14868 Curse of Agony
14869 Drunken Stupor
14870 Drunken Stupor
14871 Shadow Bolt Misfire
14872 Drunken Rage
14873 Sinister Strike
14874 Rupture
14875 Curse of Agony
14887 Shadow Bolt Volley
14888 Arei Transform
14889 Holy Specialization (Rank 1)
14890 Dismounting Blow
14891 Smelt Dark Iron
14892 Inspiration (Rank 1)
14893 Inspiration (Rank 1)
14894 Smelt Dark Iron
14895 Overpower
14897 Slowing Poison
14898 Spiritual Healing (Rank 1)
14900 Chain Heal
14901 Spiritual Guidance (Rank 1)
14902 Cheap Shot
14903 Rupture
14904 Master Healer (Rank 1)
14907 Frost Nova
14908 Improved Renew (Rank 1)
14909 Searing Light (Rank 1)
14911 Improved Prayer of Healing (Rank 1)
14912 Improved Healing (Rank 1)
14913 Healing Focus (Rank 1)
14914 Holy Fire (Rank 1)
14915 Self Visual - Sleep Until Cancelled (DND)
14916 Growl (Rank 2)
14917 Growl (Rank 3)
14918 Growl (Rank 4)
14919 Growl (Rank 5)
14920 Growl (Rank 6)
14921 Growl (Rank 7)
14922 Growl (Rank 2)
14923 Growl (Rank 3)
14924 Growl (Rank 4)
14925 Growl (Rank 5)
14926 Growl (Rank 6)
14927 Growl (Rank 7)
14928 Nagmara's Love Potion
14929 Fill Nagmara's Vial
14930 Quickdraw Quiver
14931 Quickdraw Quiver
14932 Thick Leather Ammo Pouch
14933 Thick Leather Ammo Pouch
14934 Increased Spirit 35
14935 Increased Agility 41
14936 Increased Agility 42
14937 Increased Agility 43
14938 Increased Agility 44
14939 Increased Agility 45
14940 Increased Agility 46
14941 Increased Intellect 41
14942 Increased Intellect 42
14943 Increased Intellect 43
14944 Increased Intellect 44
14945 Increased Intellect 45
14946 Increased Intellect 46
14947 Increased Spirit 41
14948 Increased Spirit 42
14949 Increased Spirit 43
14950 Increased Spirit 44
14951 Increased Spirit 45
14952 Increased Spirit 46
14953 Increased Stamina 41
14954 Increased Stamina 42
14955 Increased Stamina 43
14956 Increased Stamina 44
14957 Increased Stamina 45
14958 Increased Stamina 46
14959 Increased Strength 41
14960 Increased Strength 42
14961 Increased Strength 43
14962 Increased Strength 44
14963 Increased Strength 45
14964 Increased Strength 46
14965 Increased Arcane Resist 41
14966 Increased Arcane Resist 42
14967 Increased Arcane Resist 43
14968 Increased Arcane Resist 44
14969 Increased Arcane Resist 45
14970 Increased Arcane Resist 46
14971 Increased Fire Resist 41
14972 Increased Fire Resist 42
14973 Increased Fire Resist 43
14974 Increased Fire Resist 44
14975 Increased Fire Resist 45
14976 Increased Fire Resist 46
14977 Increased Frost Resist 41
14978 Increased Frost Resist 42
14979 Increased Frost Resist 43
14980 Increased Frost Resist 44
14981 Increased Frost Resist 45
14982 Increased Frost Resist 46
14983 Vigor
14984 Increased Nature Resist 41
14985 Increased Nature Resist 42
14986 Increased Nature Resist 43
14987 Increased Nature Resist 44
14988 Increased Nature Resist 45
14989 Increased Nature Resist 46
14990 Increased Shadow Resist 41
14991 Increased Shadow Resist 42
14992 Increased Shadow Resist 43
14993 Increased Shadow Resist 44
14994 Increased Shadow Resist 45
14995 Increased Shadow Resist 46
15007 Resurrection Sickness
15008 Holy Specialization (Rank 2)
15009 Holy Specialization (Rank 3)
15010 Holy Specialization (Rank 4)
15011 Holy Specialization (Rank 5)
15012 Improved Flash Heal (Rank 2)
15013 Improved Healing (Rank 2)
15014 Improved Healing (Rank 3)
15017 Searing Light (Rank 2)
15018 Improved Prayer of Healing (Rank 2)
15019 Improved Prayer of Healing (Rank 3)
15020 Improved Renew (Rank 2)
15024 Master Healer (Rank 2)
15025 Master Healer (Rank 3)
15026 Master Healer (Rank 4)
15027 Master Healer (Rank 5)
15028 Spiritual Guidance (Rank 2)
15029 Spiritual Guidance (Rank 3)
15030 Spiritual Guidance (Rank 4)
15031 Spiritual Guidance (Rank 5)
15033 Summon Ancient Spirits
15036 Flametongue Totem Effect (Rank 4)
15037 Attack
15038 Scorching Totem
15039 Flame Shock
15040 Molten Blast
15041 Fire Ward
15042 Curse of Blood
15043 Frostbolt
15044 Frost Ward
15047 Ice Shards (Rank 3)
15048 Summon Bomb
15049 Summon Robot
15050 Psychometry
15051 Distract Move
15052 Ice Shards (Rank 4)
15053 Ice Shards (Rank 5)
15054 Distract Test
15055 Distract Test
15056 Distract Move
15057 Mechanical Patch Kit
15058 Arcane Instability (Rank 1)
15059 Arcane Instability (Rank 2)
15060 Arcane Instability (Rank 3)
15061 Enrage
15062 Shield Wall
15063 Frost Nova
15064 Nagmara + Rocknot
15065 Create Tablet Transcript
15066 Create PX83-Enigmatron
15067 Summon Sprite Darter Hatchling
15068 TEST Heal Self
15087 Evasion
15088 Flurry
15089 Frost Shock
15090 Dispel Magic
15091 Blast Wave
15092 Summon Voidwalkers
15093 Summon Voidwalkers
15094 Summon Voidwalkers
15095 Molten Blast
15096 Flame Shock
15097 Enrage
15107 Windwall Totem (Rank 1)
15108 Windwall (Rank 1)
15109 Windwall (Rank 2)
15110 Windwall (Rank 3)
15111 Windwall Totem (Rank 2)
15112 Windwall Totem (Rank 3)
15113 Windwall Totem (Rank 1)
15114 Summon Illusionary Dreamwatchers
15115 Windwall Totem (Rank 2)
15116 Windwall Totem (Rank 3)
15117 Chain Lightning
15118 Place Threshadon Carcass
15119 Apply Seduction Gland
15120 Cenarion Beacon
15122 Counterspell
15123 Resist Fire
15124 Arcane Bolt
15125 Scarshield Portal
15126 Summon Burning Imp
15127 Summon Burning Imp
15128 Mark of Flames
15147 Growl (Rank 3)
15148 Growl (Rank 4)
15149 Growl (Rank 5)
15150 Growl (Rank 6)
15151 Growl (Rank 7)
15167 Windsor's Frenzy
15187 Create Sparkling Stone
15207 Lightning Bolt (Rank 9)
15208 Lightning Bolt (Rank 10)
15209 Lightning Bolt (Rank 9)
15210 Lightning Bolt (Rank 10)
15211 Create Pylon User's Manual
15228 Fireball
15229 Crystal Restore
15230 Arcane Bolt
15231 Crystal Force
15232 Shadow Bolt
15233 Crystal Ward
15234 Lightning Bolt
15235 Crystal Yield
15236 Shock
15237 Holy Nova (Rank 1)
15238 Holy Smite
15239 Crystal Charge
15241 Scorch
15242 Fireball
15243 Fireball Volley
15244 Cone of Cold
15245 Shadow Bolt Volley
15247 Conjure Fel Salve
15248 Shank
15249 Machine Gun
15250 Setup
15252 Keg Trap
15253 Arcane Explosion
15254 Arcane Bolt
15255 Mechanical Repair Kit
15256 Mechanical Repair Kit
15257 Shadow Weaving (Rank 1)
15258 Shadow Vulnerability (Rank 1)
15259 Darkness (Rank 1)
15260 Shadow Focus (Rank 1)
15261 Holy Fire (Rank 8)
15262 Holy Fire (Rank 2)
15263 Holy Fire (Rank 3)
15264 Holy Fire (Rank 4)
15265 Holy Fire (Rank 5)
15266 Holy Fire (Rank 6)
15267 Holy Fire (Rank 7)
15268 Blackout (Rank 1)
15269 Blackout (Rank 1)
15270 Spirit Tap (Rank 1)
15271 Spirit Tap (Rank 1)
15272 Shadow Affinity (Rank 2)
15273 Improved Mind Blast (Rank 1)
15274 Improved Fade (Rank 1)
15275 Improved Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 1)
15276 Open Bar Door
15277 Seal of Reckoning
15278 Seal of Reckoning Effect
15279 Crystal Spire
15280 Cleave Armor
15281 Encage Emberseer
15282 Encaged Emberseer
15283 Stunning Blow
15284 Cleave
15285 Fireball Volley
15286 Vampiric Embrace
15288 Fury of Ragnaros
15290 Vampiric Embrace
15292 Dark Iron Pulverizer
15293 Dark Iron Mail
15294 Dark Iron Sunderer
15295 Dark Iron Shoulders
15296 Dark Iron Plate
15297 Plans: Dark Iron Pulverizer
15298 Plans: Dark Iron Sunderer
15299 Plans: Dark Iron Plate
15301 Plans: Dark Iron Mail
15302 Plans: Dark Iron Shoulders
15303 DEBUG Create Samophlange Manual
15304 DEBUG Create Samophlange Manual
15305 Chain Lightning
15306 Shock
15307 Darkness (Rank 2)
15308 Darkness (Rank 3)
15309 Darkness (Rank 4)
15310 Darkness (Rank 5)
15311 Improved Fade (Rank 2)
15312 Improved Mind Blast (Rank 2)
15313 Improved Mind Blast (Rank 3)
15314 Improved Mind Blast (Rank 4)
15316 Improved Mind Blast (Rank 5)
15317 Improved Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 2)
15318 Shadow Affinity (Rank 1)
15320 Shadow Affinity (Rank 3)
15323 Blackout (Rank 2)
15324 Blackout (Rank 3)
15325 Blackout (Rank 4)
15326 Blackout (Rank 5)
15327 Shadow Focus (Rank 2)
15328 Shadow Focus (Rank 3)
15329 Shadow Focus (Rank 4)
15330 Shadow Focus (Rank 5)
15331 Shadow Weaving (Rank 2)
15332 Shadow Weaving (Rank 3)
15333 Shadow Weaving (Rank 4)
15334 Shadow Weaving (Rank 5)
15335 Spirit Tap (Rank 2)
15336 Spirit Tap (Rank 3)
15337 Spirit Tap (Rank 4)
15338 Spirit Tap (Rank 5)
15340 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15341 Nagmara's Vanish
15342 Create Windblossom Berries
15343 Create Whipper Root Tubers
15344 Create Night Dragon's Breath
15345 Item +Mana Leg R1
15346 Seal of Reckoning
15347 Seal of Reckoning Effect
15349 Spiritual Healing (Rank 2)
15354 Spiritual Healing (Rank 3)
15355 Spiritual Healing (Rank 4)
15356 Spiritual Healing (Rank 5)
15357 Inspiration (Rank 2)
15359 Inspiration (Rank 3)
15360 zzOLDInspiration (Rank 4)
15361 zzOLDInspiration (Rank 5)
15362 Inspiration (Rank 2)
15363 Inspiration (Rank 3)
15366 Songflower Serenade
15367 Increased Armor 130
15388 Item +HP Leg R1
15389 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15390 Item +AC Leg R1
15391 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15392 Improved Psychic Scream (Rank 1)
15393 Item +FR Leg R1
15394 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15396 Item +STR Leg R1
15397 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15398 Psychic Scream
15399 Item +STA Leg R1
15400 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15401 Item +AGI Leg R1
15402 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15403 Item +INT Leg R1
15404 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15405 Item +SPI Leg R1
15406 Lesser Arcane Amalgamation
15407 Mind Flay (Rank 1)
15408 Item +MANA/FR Leg R2
15427 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15428 Item +HP/FR Leg R2
15429 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15430 Holy Nova (Rank 2)
15431 Holy Nova (Rank 3)
15434 Holy Nova (Rank 3)
15437 Item +AC/FR Leg R2
15438 Thorns (Rank 1)
15439 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15440 Item +STR/FR Leg R2
15441 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15442 Item +STA/FR Leg R2
15444 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15445 Item +AGI/FR Leg R2
15446 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15447 Item +INT/FR Leg R2
15448 Improved Psychic Scream (Rank 2)
15449 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15450 Improved Psychic Scream (Rank 3)
15451 Arcane Bolt
15452 Holy Fire (Rank 2)
15453 Arcane Explosion
15454 Holy Fire (Rank 3)
15455 Holy Fire (Rank 4)
15456 Item +SPI/FR Leg R2
15457 Holy Fire (Rank 5)
15458 Greater Arcane Amalgamation
15459 Holy Fire (Rank 6)
15460 Holy Fire (Rank 7)
15461 Item +STR/STA Leg R3
15462 Item +AC/FR Leg R3
15463 Legendary Arcane Amalgamation
15464 Increased Hit Chance 1
15465 Increased Hit Chance 2
15466 Increased Hit Chance 3
15467 Increased Hit Chance 4
15468 Increased Hit Chance 5
15470 Curse of Tongues
15471 Enveloping Web
15472 Shadow Bolt
15473 Shadowform
15474 Web Explosion
15475 Baneful Poison
15487 Silence
15488 Item +MANA/FR Leg R3
15489 Item +INT/SPI Leg R3
15490 Legendary Arcane Amalgamation
15491 Collect Blessed Water
15493 Holy Light
15494 Fury of Forgewright
15495 Explosive Shot
15496 Cleave
15497 Frostbolt
15498 Holy Smite
15499 Frost Shock
15500 Shock
15501 Earth Shock
15502 Sunder Armor
15503 Drink Healing Potion
15504 Drink Healing Potion
15505 Immolate
15506 Immolate
15507 Lightning Shield
15508 Increased Armor 120
15529 Gout of Flame
15530 Frostbolt
15531 Frost Nova
15532 Frost Nova
15533 Stoned - Channel Cast Visual
15534 Polymorph
15535 Enveloping Winds (Rank 1)
15536 Fireball
15537 Shadow Bolt
15538 Gout of Flame
15539 Conjure Staff of Command
15547 Shoot
15548 Thunderclap
15549 Chained Bolt
15550 Trample
15567 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 2)
15568 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 3)
15569 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 4)
15570 Immolate
15571 Dazed
15572 Sunder Armor
15573 Fire Blast
15574 Fire Blast
15575 Flame Cannon
15576 Whirlwind
15577 Whirlwind
15578 Whirlwind
15579 Cleave
15580 Strike
15581 Sinister Strike
15582 Backstab
15583 Rupture
15584 Cleave
15585 Prayer of Healing
15586 Heal
15587 Mind Blast
15588 Thunderclap
15589 Whirlwind
15590 Fist Weapons
15591 Revive Ringo
15592 Firebolt
15593 War Stomp
15594 Force of Will
15595 Force of Will
15596 Smoking Heart of the Mountain
15597 Formula: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
15598 Firebolt (Rank 1)
15599 Firebolt
15600 Hand of Justice
15601 Hand of Justice
15602 Lord General's Sword
15604 Second Wind
15605 Shock
15607 Throw
15608 Ravenous Claw
15609 Hooked Net
15610 Kick
15611 Lizard Bolt
15612 Lizard Bolt
15613 Cleave
15614 Kick
15615 Pummel
15616 Flame Shock
15617 Shank
15618 Snap Kick
15619 Throw Wrench
15620 Shoot
15621 Skull Crack
15622 Cleave
15623 Cleave
15627 Applying the Lure
15628 Pet Bombling
15629 Distracting Shot (Rank 3)
15630 Distracting Shot (Rank 4)
15631 Distracting Shot (Rank 5)
15632 Distracting Shot (Rank 6)
15633 Lil' Smoky
15634 Schematic: Pet Bombling
15635 Schematic: Lil' Smoky
15636 Avatar of Flame
15637 Distracting Shot (Rank 3)
15638 Distracting Shot (Rank 4)
15639 Distracting Shot (Rank 5)
15640 Distracting Shot (Rank 6)
15641 Ironfoe
15642 Ironfoe
15643 Flames
15646 Burst of Knowledge (Rank 1)
15647 Summon Common Kitten
15648 Summon Corrupted Kitten
15649 Collect Corrupted Water
15650 Flame Attack Visual
15651 Flame Attack Visual Effect
15652 Head Smash
15653 Acid Spit
15654 Shadow Word: Pain
15655 Shield Slam
15656 Poisonous Stab
15657 Backstab
15658 Wake Up Princess
15659 Chain Lightning
15660 Princess Saved
15661 Immolate
15662 Fireball
15663 Cleave
15664 Venom Spit
15665 Fireball
15666 Increased Armor 100
15667 Sinister Strike
15668 Fiery Burst
15687 Increased Armor 250
15688 Beast Slaying 42
15689 Beast Slaying 105
15690 Mind Control
15691 Eviscerate
15692 Eviscerate
15693 Increased Armor 150
15694 Increased 1H Mace
15695 Mana Drain
15696 Increase Healing 53
15698 Filling Empty Jar
15699 Filling Empty Jar
15700 Whipper Root Tuber
15701 Night Dragon's Breath
15702 Filling Empty Jar
15708 Mortal Strike
15709 Cowardice
15710 Summon Flamekin Torcher
15711 Summon Flamekin Rager
15712 Linken's Boomerang
15713 Boomerang
15714 Increase Spell Dam 22
15715 Increase Spell Dam 25
15716 Enrage
15717 Increased Dagger
15727 Demoralizing Roar
15728 Plague Cloud
15729 Remove Curse
15730 Curse of Mending
15731 Curse of Mending
15732 Immolate
15733 Immolate
15734 Summon
15735 Arcane Missiles
15736 Arcane Missiles
15737 Arena Flash
15739 Arena Flash
15740 Arena Flash
15741 Arena Flash
15742 Ashcrombe's Teleport (Rank 1)
15743 Flamecrack
15744 Blast Wave
15745 Summon Rookery Whelp
15746 Disturb Rookery Egg
15748 Freeze Rookery Egg
15749 Shield Charge
15750 Rookery Whelp Spawn-in Spell
15752 Disarm
15753 Knockdown
15754 Cleave
15755 Plans: Hardened Iron Shortsword
15756 Plans: Moonsteel Broadsword
15757 Plans: Massive Iron Axe
15758 Increased 1H Axe
15759 Increased 1H Axe
15760 Increased 1H Mace
15761 Increased 1H Mace
15762 Increased 1H Mace
15763 Increased 1H Sword
15764 Increased 1H Sword
15765 Increased 1H Sword
15766 Increased 2H Axe
15767 Increased 2H Axe
15768 Increased 2H Axe
15769 Increased 2H Sword
15770 Increased 2H Sword
15771 Increased 2H Sword
15772 Increased 2H Sword
15773 Increased 2H Mace
15774 Increased 2H Mace
15775 Increased 2H Mace
15776 Increased Dagger
15777 Increased Dagger
15778 Increased Dagger
15779 White Mechanostrider
15780 Green Mechanostrider
15781 Steel Mechanostrider
15782 Frostsaber Cub Death
15783 Blizzard
15784 Frost Armor
15785 Mana Burn
15786 Earthbind Totem
15787 Moonflare Totem
15788 Moonflare
15789 Moonflare
15790 Arcane Missiles
15791 Arcane Missiles
15792 Summon Blackhand Veteran
15793 Maul
15794 Summon Blackhand Dreadweaver
15795 Throw
15797 Lightning Breath
15798 Moonfire
15799 Chain Heal
15800 Mana Burn
15801 Lightning Bolt
15802 Shrink
15804 Increased Defense
15805 Increased Armor 1000
15806 Attack Power 34
15807 Attack Power 32
15808 Attack Power 38
15809 Attack Power 42
15810 Attack Power 44
15811 Attack Power 46
15812 Attack Power 52
15813 Attack Power 54
15814 Attack Power 56
15815 Attack Power 58
15816 Attack Power 62
15817 Attack Power 64
15818 Attack Power 66
15819 Attack Power 68
15820 Attack Power 70
15821 Attack Power 72
15822 Dreamless Sleep
15823 Attack Power 74
15824 Attack Power 76
15825 Attack Power 78
15826 Attack Power 80
15827 Attack Power 82
15828 Attack Power 84
15829 Attack Power 86
15830 Attack Power 88
15831 Attack Power 90
15832 Attack Power 92
15833 Dreamless Sleep Potion
15834 Dreamless Sleep Potion
15847 Tail Sweep
15848 Festering Rash
15849 Chill Wind
15850 Chilled
15851 Dragonbreath Chili
15852 Dragonbreath Chili
15853 Lean Wolf Steak
15854 Recipe: Lean Wolf Steak
15855 Roast Raptor
15856 Hot Wolf Ribs
15857 Recipe: Roast Raptor
15858 Recipe: Hot Wolf Ribs
15859 Dominate Mind
15860 Impale
15861 Jungle Stew
15862 Recipe: Jungle Stew
15863 Carrion Surprise
15864 Recipe: Carrion Surprise
15865 Mystery Stew
15866 Recipe: Mystery Stew
15867 Flame Buffet Totem
15869 Superior Healing Ward
15870 Healing Aura
15871 Increased 1H Axe
15872 Superior Healing Ward Passive
15873 Increased 1H Axe
15874 Increased 1H Axe
15875 Increased 1H Axe
15876 Ice Blast
15877 Increased 1H Axe
15878 Ice Blast
15879 Increased 1H Axe
15880 Increased 1H Axe
15881 Increased 1H Axe
15882 Increased 1H Axe
15883 Increased 1H Axe
15884 Increased 1H Axe
15885 Increased 1H Axe
15886 Increased 1H Mace
15887 Increased 1H Mace
15888 Increased 1H Mace
15889 Increased 1H Mace
15890 Increased 1H Mace
15891 Increased 1H Mace
15892 Increased 1H Mace
15893 Increased 1H Mace
15894 Increased 1H Mace
15895 Increased 1H Mace
15896 Increased 1H Sword
15897 Increased 1H Sword
15898 Increased 1H Sword
15899 Increased 1H Sword
15900 Increased 1H Sword
15901 Increased 1H Sword
15902 Increased 1H Sword
15903 Increased 1H Sword
15904 Increased 1H Sword
15905 Increased 1H Sword
15906 Dragonbreath Chili
15907 Increased 2H Axe
15908 Recipe: Dragonbreath Chili
15909 Increased 2H Axe
15910 Heavy Kodo Stew
15911 Recipe: Heavy Kodo Stew
15912 Increased 2H Axe
15913 Increased 2H Axe
15914 Increased 2H Axe
15915 Spiced Chili Crab
15916 Increased 2H Axe
15917 Increased 2H Axe
15918 Spiced Chili Crab
15919 Increased 2H Axe
15920 Increased 2H Axe
15921 Increased 2H Axe
15922 Increased 2H Mace
15923 Increased 2H Mace
15924 Increased 2H Mace
15925 Increased 2H Mace
15926 Increased 2H Mace
15927 Increased 2H Mace
15928 Increased 2H Mace
15929 Increased 2H Mace
15930 Increased 2H Mace
15931 Increased 2H Mace
15933 Monster Omelet
15934 Monster Omelet
15935 Crispy Bat Wing
15936 Recipe: Crispy Bat Wing
15937 Increased 2H Sword
15938 Increased 2H Sword
15939 Increased 2H Sword
15940 Increased 2H Sword
15941 Increased 2H Sword
15942 Increased 2H Sword
15943 Increased 2H Sword
15944 Increased 2H Sword
15945 Increased 2H Sword
15946 Increased 2H Sword
15947 Increased Bow
15948 Increased Dagger
15949 Increased Dagger
15950 Increased Dagger
15951 Increased Dagger
15952 Increased Dagger
15953 Increased Dagger
15954 Increased Dagger
15955 Increased Dagger
15956 Fishing Skill +3
15957 Increased Armor 300
15958 Collect Rookery Egg
15967 Increased Magic Resist 10
15968 Lash of Pain
15969 Lash of Pain
15970 Sleep
15971 Demoralizing Roar
15972 Glinting Steel Dagger
15973 Searing Golden Blade
15974 Glinting Steel Dagger
15975 Plans: Searing Golden Blade
15976 Puncture
15978 Puncture
15979 Arcane Bolt
15980 Mana Burn
15981 Rejuvenation
15982 Healing Wave
15983 Two-Handed Swords
15984 One-Handed Axes
15985 Two-Handed Axes
15986 One-Handed Maces
15987 Two-Handed Maces
15988 Daggers
15989 Staves
15990 Spears
15991 Polearms
15992 Fist Weapons
15993 Bijou Vanish
15994 Bows
15995 Crossbows
15996 Guns
15997 Thrown
15998 Capture Worg Pup
15999 Summon Worg Pup
16000 Throw
16001 Impale
16002 Summon Burning Felhound
16003 Immolate Visual Passive
16004 Summon Burning Felguard
16005 Rain of Fire
16006 Chain Lightning
16007 Draco-Incarcinatrix 900
16027 Create Broodling Essence
16028 Freeze Rookery Egg - Prototype
16029 Create Eggscilliscope
16031 Releasing Corrupt Ooze
16032 Merging Oozes
16033 Chain Lightning
16034 Shock
16035 Concussion (Rank 1)
16036 Improved Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
16037 Mind Probe
16038 Call of Flame (Rank 1)
16039 Convection (Rank 1)
16040 Reverberation (Rank 1)
16041 Call of Thunder (Rank 1)
16043 Improved Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 1)
16044 Cleave
16045 Encage
16046 Blast Wave
16047 Emberseer Full Strength
16048 Emberseer Growing
16049 Emberseer Growing
16050 Slowing Ooze
16051 Barrier of Light
16052 Emberseer Transform
16053 Dominion of Soul
16054 Flames of the Black Flight
16055 Nightsaber
16056 Frostsaber
16057 Place Unforged Seal
16058 Primal Leopard
16059 Tawny Sabercat
16060 Golden Sabercat
16067 Arcane Blast
16068 Encage
16069 Nefarius Attack 001
16070 Nefarius Attack 000
16071 Curse of the Firebrand
16072 Purify and Place Food
16073 Filling
16074 Burning Felguard Spawn
16075 Throw Axe
16076 War Master Voone Unarmed Passive
16077 Filling
16078 Emberseer Despawn
16079 Fire Nova
16080 Red Wolf
16081 Arctic Wolf
16082 Palomino Stallion
16083 White Stallion
16084 Mottled Red Raptor
16085 Improved Searing Totem (Rank 1)
16086 Improved Fire Nova Totem (Rank 1)
16088 Improved Magma Totem (Rank 1)
16089 Elemental Fury
16090 Improved Chain Lightning (Rank 1)
16092 Defensive State (DND)
16093 Self Visual - Sleep Until Cancelled (DND)
16094 Frost Breath
16095 Vicious Rend
16096 Cowering Roar
16097 Hex
16098 Curse of Blood
16099 Frost Breath
16100 Shoot
16101 Fireball
16102 Flamestrike
16103 Summon Spire Spiderling
16104 Crystallize
16105 Concussion (Rank 2)
16106 Concussion (Rank 3)
16107 Concussion (Rank 4)
16108 Concussion (Rank 5)
16109 Convection (Rank 2)
16110 Convection (Rank 3)
16111 Convection (Rank 4)
16112 Convection (Rank 5)
16113 Reverberation (Rank 2)
16114 Reverberation (Rank 3)
16115 Reverberation (Rank 4)
16116 Reverberation (Rank 5)
16117 Call of Thunder (Rank 2)
16118 Call of Thunder (Rank 3)
16119 Call of Thunder (Rank 4)
16120 Call of Thunder (Rank 5)
16121 Phasing
16122 Phasing
16123 Improved Chain Lightning (Rank 2)
16127 Improved Searing Totem (Rank 2)
16128 Infected Bite
16129 Improved Magma Totem (Rank 2)
16130 Improved Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 2)
16131 Improved Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 3)
16132 Improved Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 4)
16133 Improved Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 5)
16134 Blackhand Summoner Presummon Emote
16135 Blackhand Summoner Presummon Emote
16136 Summoning Portal
16138 Sharpen Blade V
16139 Summoning Portal
16140 Exploding Cadaver
16141 Exploding Cadaver
16142 Cadaver Worms
16143 Cadaver Worms
16144 Fire Blast
16145 Sunder Armor
16146 Burning Ravaged Cadaver
16147 Burning Flesh
16153 Smelt Thorium
16154 Smelt Thorium
16156 Improved Lightning Bolt (Rank 2)
16157 Improved Lightning Bolt (Rank 3)
16158 Improved Lightning Bolt (Rank 4)
16159 Improved Lightning Bolt (Rank 5)
16160 Call of Flame (Rank 2)
16161 Call of Flame (Rank 3)
16162 Call of Flame (Rank 4)
16163 Call of Flame (Rank 5)
16164 Elemental Focus
16166 Elemental Mastery
16167 Rend Blackhand Mounts
16168 Flame Buffet
16169 Arcing Smash
16170 Bloodlust
16171 Empower Will
16172 Head Crack
16173 Totemic Focus (Rank 1)
16176 Ancestral Healing (Rank 1)
16177 Ancestral Fortitude (Rank 1)
16178 Purification (Rank 1)
16179 Tidal Focus (Rank 1)
16180 Eventide (Rank 1)
16181 Improved Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 1)
16182 Improved Healing Wave (Rank 1)
16183 Improved Chain Heal (Rank 1)
16184 Improved Reincarnation (Rank 1)
16185 Improved Healing Stream Totem (Rank 1)
16186 Fevered Plague
16187 Improved Mana Spring Totem (Rank 1)
16188 Nature's Swiftness
16189 Combat Endurance
16190 Mana Tide Totem (Rank 1)
16191 Mana Tide (Rank 1)
16192 Mana Tide (Rank 1)
16193 Mana Tide (Rank 1)
16194 Tidal Mastery (Rank 1)
16195 Create Knucklebone Pouch
16196 Eventide (Rank 2)
16197 Empty Charm Pouch
16198 Eventide (Rank 3)
16199 Eventide (Rank 4)
16200 Eventide (Rank 5)
16201 Improved Healing Stream Totem (Rank 2)
16202 Improved Healing Stream Totem (Rank 3)
16203 Improved Healing Stream Totem (Rank 4)
16204 Improved Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)
16205 Improved Mana Spring Totem (Rank 2)
16206 Improved Mana Spring Totem (Rank 3)
16207 Improved Mana Spring Totem (Rank 4)
16208 Improved Mana Spring Totem (Rank 5)
16209 Improved Reincarnation (Rank 2)
16210 Purification (Rank 2)
16211 Purification (Rank 3)
16212 Purification (Rank 4)
16213 Purification (Rank 5)
16214 Tidal Focus (Rank 2)
16215 Tidal Focus (Rank 3)
16216 Tidal Focus (Rank 4)
16217 Tidal Focus (Rank 5)
16218 Tidal Mastery (Rank 2)
16219 Tidal Mastery (Rank 3)
16220 Tidal Mastery (Rank 4)
16221 Tidal Mastery (Rank 5)
16222 Totemic Focus (Rank 2)
16223 Totemic Focus (Rank 3)
16224 Totemic Focus (Rank 4)
16225 Totemic Focus (Rank 5)
16226 Improved Healing Wave (Rank 2)
16227 Improved Healing Wave (Rank 3)
16228 Improved Healing Wave (Rank 4)
16229 Improved Healing Wave (Rank 5)
16230 Improved Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 2)
16231 Curse of Recklessness
16232 Improved Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 3)
16233 Improved Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 4)
16234 Improved Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 5)
16235 Ancestral Healing (Rank 2)
16236 Ancestral Fortitude (Rank 2)
16237 Ancestral Fortitude (Rank 3)
16238 Ancestral Fortitude (Rank 4)
16239 Ancestral Fortitude (Rank 5)
16240 Ancestral Healing (Rank 3)
16241 Ancestral Healing (Rank 4)
16242 Ancestral Healing (Rank 5)
16243 Ribbon of Souls
16244 Demoralizing Shout
16245 Freeze Anim
16246 Clearcasting
16247 Curse of Thorns
16248 Curse of Thorns
16249 Frostbolt
16250 Fireball Volley
16251 Totemic Wrath (Rank 1)
16252 Toughness (Rank 1)
16253 Shield Specialization (Rank 1)
16254 Anticipation (Rank 1)
16255 Thundering Strikes (Rank 1)
16256 Flurry (Rank 1)
16257 Flurry (Rank 1)
16258 Improved Stoneskin Totem (Rank 1)
16259 Improved Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 1)
16260 Improved Grace of Air Totem (Rank 1)
16261 Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 1)
16262 Improved Ghost Wolf (Rank 1)
16263 Improved Flametongue Weapon (Rank 1)
16264 Improved Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 1)
16265 Improved Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 1)
16266 Improved Windfury Weapon (Rank 1)
16268 Parry
16269 Two-Handed Axes and Maces
16271 Anticipation (Rank 2)
16272 Anticipation (Rank 3)
16273 Anticipation (Rank 4)
16274 Anticipation (Rank 5)
16277 Flurry (Rank 2)
16278 Flurry (Rank 3)
16279 Flurry (Rank 4)
16280 Flurry (Rank 5)
16281 Flurry (Rank 2)
16282 Flurry (Rank 3)
16283 Flurry (Rank 4)
16284 Flurry (Rank 5)
16285 Improved Flametongue Weapon (Rank 2)
16286 Improved Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 2)
16287 Improved Ghost Wolf (Rank 2)
16288 Improved Grace of Air Totem (Rank 2)
16289 Improved Grace of Air Totem (Rank 3)
16290 Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 2)
16291 Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
16292 Improved Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 2)
16293 Improved Stoneskin Totem (Rank 2)
16294 Improved Stoneskin Totem (Rank 3)
16295 Improved Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 2)
16296 Improved Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 3)
16297 Improved Windfury Weapon (Rank 2)
16298 Shield Specialization (Rank 2)
16299 Shield Specialization (Rank 3)
16300 Shield Specialization (Rank 4)
16301 Shield Specialization (Rank 5)
16302 Thundering Strikes (Rank 2)
16303 Thundering Strikes (Rank 3)
16304 Thundering Strikes (Rank 4)
16305 Thundering Strikes (Rank 5)
16306 Toughness (Rank 2)
16307 Toughness (Rank 3)
16308 Toughness (Rank 4)
16309 Toughness (Rank 5)
16310 Cadaver Stun
16311 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 5)
16312 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 6)
16313 Rockbiter Weapon (Passive) (Rank 7)
16314 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 5)
16315 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 6)
16316 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 7)
16317 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 6)
16318 Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 7)
16319 Touch of Vaelastrasz
16320 Plate Mail
16321 Juju Escape
16322 Juju Flurry
16323 Juju Power
16324 Summon Broken Cadaver
16325 Juju Chill
16326 Juju Ember
16327 Juju Guile
16328 Summon Rend Blackhand
16329 Juju Might
16331 Incorporeal Defense
16332 Divine Touch of Vaelastrasz
16333 Debilitating Touch
16334 Summon Spiteful Phantom
16335 Summon Wrath Phantom
16336 Haunting Phantoms
16337 Chromatic Chaos
16339 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 4)
16340 Frost Breath
16341 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 5)
16342 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 6)
16343 Flametongue Weapon Proc (Rank 5)
16344 Flametongue Weapon Proc (Rank 6)
16345 Disease Cloud
16346 Disease Cloud
16347 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 5)
16348 Flametongue Weapon (Rank 6)
16349 Call of Vaelastrasz
16350 Freeze
16351 Create Cache of Mau'ari
16352 Frostbrand Attack (Rank 4)
16353 Frostbrand Attack (Rank 5)
16354 Vaelastrasz Spawn
16355 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 4)
16356 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 5)
16357 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 4)
16358 Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 5)
16359 Corrosive Acid Breath
16361 Windfury Attack (Rank 4)
16362 Windfury Weapon (Rank 4)
16363 Windfury Weapon (Rank 4)
16364 Rend Calls For Buff
16365 Rend Calls For Buff
16366 Enlarge
16367 Chain Heal
16368 Flametongue Attack
16369 Bugs
16370 Maggots
16371 Rats
16372 Chromatic Protection
16373 Chromatic Protection: Fire
16375 Drain Life
16378 Temperature Reading
16379 Ozzie Explodes
16380 Greater Invisibility
16381 Summon Rockwing Gargoyles
16387 Flametongue Totem (Rank 4)
16388 Flametongue Totem Passive (Rank 4)
16389 Flametongue Totem Proc (Rank 4)
16390 Flame Breath
16391 Chromatic Protection: Nature
16392 Chromatic Protection: Frost
16393 Rend
16394 Flametongue Totem (Rank 4)
16395 Totemic Wrath (Rank 2)
16396 Flame Breath
16397 Totemic Wrath (Rank 3)
16398 Totemic Wrath (Rank 4)
16399 Totemic Wrath (Rank 5)
16400 Poison
16401 Poison
16402 Corruption
16403 Rend
16404 Banishment of Scale
16405 Wound
16406 Rend
16407 Frost Blast
16408 Shadow Bolt
16409 Shadow Bolt
16410 Shadow Bolt
16411 Fatal Wound
16412 Fireball
16413 Fireball
16414 Drain Life
16415 Fireball
16416 Summon Spire Spiderling
16418 Crypt Scarabs
16419 Flamestrike
16420 Crypt Scarab Confuse
16421 Vaelastrasz Dragon Form
16423 Crypt Scarab Suicide Passive
16424 Crypt Scarab Suicide
16426 Alien kill Sire
16427 Virulent Poison
16428 Virulent Poison Proc
16429 Piercing Shadow
16430 Soul Tap
16431 Bone Armor
16432 Plague Mist
16433 Wound
16447 Spawn Challenge to Urok
16448 Black Rot
16449 Maggot Slime
16450 Summon Smolderweb
16451 Judge's Gavel
16452 Kill Urok Minion
16453 Summon Spire Spiderling
16454 Searing Blast
16455 Lava
16456 Slime
16457 Call Friends
16458 Ghoul Plague
16459 Sword Specialization
16460 Festering Bites
16461 Slime Dysentery
16462 Deflection (Rank 1)
16463 Deflection (Rank 2)
16464 Deflection (Rank 3)
16465 Deflection (Rank 4)
16466 Deflection (Rank 5)
16467 Kirtonos Transform
16468 Mother's Milk
16469 Web Explosion
16470 Gift of Stone
16472 Wicked Milking
16473 Summoned Urok
16474 Create Rookery Spawner
16487 Blood Craze (Rank 1)
16488 Blood Craze
16489 Blood Craze (Rank 2)
16490 Blood Craze
16491 Blood Craze
16492 Blood Craze (Rank 3)
16493 Impale (Rank 1)
16494 Impale (Rank 2)
16495 Fatal Bite
16496 Shoot
16497 Stun Bomb
16498 Faerie Fire
16499 Thistle Kinship
16502 Release Winna's Kitten
16503 Initiative (Rank 4)
16504 Initiative (Rank 5)
16507 Corrupted Saber Trap
16508 Intimidating Roar
16509 Rend
16510 Corrupted Saber Visual (DND)
16511 Hemorrhage (Rank 1)
16513 Vile Poisons (Rank 1)
16514 Vile Poisons (Rank 2)
16515 Vile Poisons (Rank 3)
16527 Worg Sentry
16528 Numbing Pain
16529 Destroy Totems (PT)
16530 Smolderweb Protection
16531 Summon Frail Skeleton
16532 Emberseer Object Visual
16533 Emberseer Start
16534 Emberseer Bonus Damage
16536 Flame Buffet
16537 Immature Venom Sac
16538 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
16539 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
16540 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 3)
16541 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 4)
16542 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 5)
16544 Improved Fire Nova Totem (Rank 2)
16546 Improved Grounding Totem (Rank 1)
16547 Improved Grounding Totem (Rank 2)
16548 Goretooth's Orders
16549 Wound
16550 Bonespike (Rank 1)
16551 Felstriker
16552 Venom Spit
16553 Ravenous Claw
16554 Toxic Bolt
16555 Drowning Death
16556 Disturb Rookery Egg (FAST)
16557 Destroy Spear
16558 Destroy Spear
16559 Flame Wrath
16560 Flame Wrath
16561 Regrowth
16562 Urok Minions Vanish
16563 Drowning Death
16564 Gargoyle Strike
16565 Banshee Wail
16566 Net-o-Matic
16567 Tainted Mind
16568 Mind Flay
16569 Health Funnel
16570 Charged Arcane Bolt
16572 Shoot (Rank 1)
16573 Putrid Bile
16574 Putrid Bile
16575 Putrid Bile
16576 Piercing Screech
16577 Disease Cloud
16578 Lightning Mastery (Rank 1)
16579 Lightning Mastery (Rank 2)
16580 Lightning Mastery (Rank 3)
16581 Lightning Mastery (Rank 4)
16582 Lightning Mastery (Rank 5)
16583 Shadow Shock
16587 Dark Whispers
16588 Dark Mending
16589 Noggenfogger Elixir
16590 Summon Zombie
16591 Noggenfogger Elixir
16592 Shadowform
16593 Noggenfogger Elixir
16594 Crypt Scarabs
16595 Noggenfogger Elixir
16596 Flames of Shahram
16597 Curse of Shahram
16598 Will of Shahram
16599 Blessing of Shahram
16600 Might of Shahram
16601 Fist of Shahram
16602 Shahram
16603 Demonfork (Rank 1)
16604 Shahram
16606 Shahram
16608 Drain Life
16609 Warchief's Blessing
16610 Razorhide
16611 Demon Forged Breastplate
16612 Agamaggan's Strength
16613 Displacing Temporal Rift
16614 Lightning Strike
16615 Add Lightning Dam - Weap 03
16617 Lionheart (Rank 1)
16618 Spirit of the Wind
16619 Quest - Temporal Parasite Death Summon
16620 Proc Self Invulnerability
16621 Self Invulnerability
16622 Enhance Blunt Weapon V
16623 Thorium Shield Spike
16624 Thorium Shield Spike
16627 Capture Felhound Spirit
16628 Capture Infernal Spirit
16629 Attuned Dampener
16630 Quest - Temporal Parasite Summon #2
16631 Quest - Temporal Parasite Summon #3
16633 Create Item Visual (DND)
16634 Vaelan Spawns
16635 Fire Nova
16636 Berserker Charge
16637 Mend Dragon
16638 Increase Nature Dam 34
16639 Dense Grinding Stone
16640 Dense Weightstone
16641 Dense Sharpening Stone
16642 Thorium Armor
16643 Thorium Belt
16644 Thorium Bracers
16645 Radiant Belt
16646 Imperial Plate Shoulders
16647 Imperial Plate Belt
16648 Radiant Breastplate
16649 Imperial Plate Bracers
16650 Wildthorn Mail
16651 Thorium Shield Spike
16652 Thorium Boots
16653 Thorium Helm
16654 Radiant Gloves
16655 Fiery Plate Gauntlets
16656 Radiant Boots
16657 Imperial Plate Boots
16658 Imperial Plate Helm
16659 Radiant Circlet
16660 Dawnbringer Shoulders
16661 Storm Gauntlets
16662 Thorium Leggings
16663 Imperial Plate Chest
16664 Runic Plate Shoulders
16665 Runic Plate Boots
16666 Demonic Rune
16667 Demon Forged Breastplate
16668 Dense Grinding Stone
16669 Dense Sharpening Stone
16670 Dense Weightstone
16671 Plans: Thorium Armor
16672 Plans: Thorium Belt
16673 Plans: Thorium Bracers
16674 Plans: Radiant Belt
16675 Plans: Imperial Plate Shoulders
16676 Plans: Imperial Plate Belt
16677 Plans: Radiant Breastplate
16678 Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers
16679 Plans: Wildthorn Mail
16680 Plans: Thorium Shield Spike
16681 Plans: Thorium Boots
16682 Plans: Thorium Helm
16683 Plans: Radiant Gloves
16684 Plans: Demon Forged Breastplate
16685 Plans: Radiant Boots
16686 Plans: Dawnbringer Shoulders
16687 Plans: Fiery Plate Gauntlets
16688 Plans: Imperial Plate Boots
16689 Nature's Grasp (Rank 1)
16690 Plans: Imperial Plate Helm
16691 Plans: Radiant Circlet
16692 Plans: Storm Gauntlets
16693 Plans: Thorium Leggings
16694 Plans: Imperial Plate Chest
16695 Plans: Runic Plate Shoulders
16696 Plans: Runic Plate Boots
16697 Cower (Rank 6)
16698 Cower (Rank 6)
16707 Hex
16708 Hex
16709 Hex
16710 Finkle is Einhorn
16711 Grow
16712 Special Brew
16713 Ghostly
16714 Smokey
16715 Smokey
16716 Launch
16717 Launch
16718 Finkle's Skinner
16719 Vile Poisons (Rank 4)
16720 Vile Poisons (Rank 5)
16721 Summon Finkle Generator
16722 Durability Damage (PT)
16723 Hold Rifle (Rank 1)
16724 Whitesoul Helm
16725 Radiant Leggings
16726 Runic Plate Helm
16727 War Stomp
16728 Helm of the Great Chief
16729 Lionheart Helm
16730 Imperial Plate Leggings
16731 Runic Breastplate
16732 Runic Plate Leggings
16734 Arcane Mastery (Rank 1)
16735 Arcane Mastery (Rank 2)
16736 Arcane Mastery (Rank 3)
16737 Arcane Mastery (Rank 4)
16738 Arcane Mastery (Rank 5)
16739 Orb of Deception
16740 War Stomp
16741 Stronghold Gauntlets
16742 Enchanted Thorium Helm
16743 Finkle Questgiver On
16744 Enchanted Thorium Leggings
16745 Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
16746 Invulnerable Mail
16747 Plans: Whitesoul Helm
16748 Plans: Radiant Leggings
16749 Plans: Runic Plate Helm
16750 Plans: Helm of the Great Chief
16751 Plans: Lionheart Helm
16752 Plans: Imperial Plate Leggings
16753 Plans: Runic Breastplate
16754 Plans: Runic Plate Leggings
16755 Plans: Stronghold Gauntlets
16756 Unsheathe Rifle (Rank 1)
16757 Arctic Reach (Rank 1)
16758 Arctic Reach (Rank 2)
16759 Plans: Enchanted Thorium Helm
16760 Plans: Enchanted Thorium Leggings
16761 Plans: Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
16762 Plans: Invulnerable Mail
16763 Improved Frostbolt (Rank 3)
16765 Improved Frostbolt (Rank 4)
16766 Improved Frostbolt (Rank 5)
16767 Shoot (Rank 1)
16768 Shoot (Rank 1)
16769 Improved Arcane Missiles (Rank 4)
16770 Improved Arcane Missiles (Rank 5)
16771 Warosh Tickle
16772 Shoot (Rank 1)
16775 Shoot (Rank 1)
16776 Shoot (Rank 1)
16777 Shoot (Rank 1)
16778 Shoot (Rank 1)
16779 Shoot (Rank 1)
16780 Shoot (Rank 1)
16781 Combining Charms
16782 Lightning Bolt
16783 Shadow Bolt
16784 Shadow Bolt
16785 Flamebreak
16786 Mortar Shot
16787 Warosh's Teleport
16788 Fireball
16789 Rage
16790 Knockdown
16791 Furious Anger
16792 Furious Anger
16793 Draining Blow
16794 Transformation
16795 Crypt Scarabs
16796 Summon Shy-Rotam
16798 Enchanting Lullaby
16799 Frostbolt
16800 Ghoul Rot
16801 Warosh's Transform
16803 Flash Freeze
16804 Flame Shock
16805 Conflagration
16806 Conflagration
16807 Copy of Simple Teleport
16809 Spawn Bile Slime
16810 Nature's Grasp (Rank 2)
16811 Nature's Grasp (Rank 3)
16812 Nature's Grasp (Rank 4)
16813 Nature's Grasp (Rank 5)
16814 Improved Wrath (Rank 1)
16815 Improved Wrath (Rank 2)
16816 Improved Wrath (Rank 3)
16817 Improved Wrath (Rank 4)
16818 Improved Wrath (Rank 5)
16819 Nature's Reach (Rank 1)
16820 Nature's Reach (Rank 2)
16821 Improved Moonfire (Rank 1)
16822 Improved Moonfire (Rank 2)
16823 Improved Moonfire (Rank 3)
16824 Improved Moonfire (Rank 4)
16825 Improved Moonfire (Rank 5)
16827 Claw (Rank 1)
16828 Claw (Rank 2)
16829 Claw (Rank 3)
16830 Claw (Rank 4)
16831 Claw (Rank 5)
16832 Claw (Rank 6)
16833 Natural Shapeshifter (Rank 1)
16834 Natural Shapeshifter (Rank 2)
16835 Natural Shapeshifter (Rank 3)
16836 Improved Thorns (Rank 1)
16838 Banshee Shriek
16839 Improved Thorns (Rank 2)
16840 Improved Thorns (Rank 3)
16843 Crimson Fury
16844 Crimson Fury
16845 Moonglow (Rank 1)
16846 Moonglow (Rank 2)
16847 Moonglow (Rank 3)
16850 Improved Starfire (Rank 1)
16856 Mortal Strike
16857 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 1)
16858 Feral Aggression (Rank 1)
16859 Feral Aggression (Rank 2)
16860 Feral Aggression (Rank 3)
16861 Feral Aggression (Rank 4)
16862 Feral Aggression (Rank 5)
16864 Omen of Clarity
16865 Spawn Bile Slimes
16866 Venom Spit
16867 Banshee Curse
16868 Banshee Wail
16869 Ice Tomb
16870 Clearcasting
16871 Bleakwood Curse
16872 Raid Buffs
16873 Holy Word: Fortitude (Rank 6)
16874 Shadow Protection (Rank 3)
16875 Divine Spirit (Rank 3)
16876 Arcane Intellect (Rank 5)
16877 Thorns (Rank 6)
16878 Mark of the Wild (Rank 7)
16880 Nature's Grace
16881 Water Breathing
16882 Detect Greater Invisibility
16883 Elixir of the Giants
16884 Health II
16885 Agility VIII
16886 Nature's Grace
16887 Armor IV
16888 Intellect IX
16889 Greater Arcane Elixir
16890 Regeneration IV
16891 Shadow Protection (Rank 3)
16892 Holy Protection (Rank 1)
16893 Nature Protection (Rank 5)
16894 Fire Protection (Rank 4)
16895 Frost Protection (Rank 5)
16896 Moonfury (Rank 1)
16897 Moonfury (Rank 2)
16898 Blaze
16899 Moonfury (Rank 3)
16900 Moonfury (Rank 4)
16901 Moonfury (Rank 5)
16902 Natural Weapons (Rank 1)
16903 Natural Weapons (Rank 2)
16904 Natural Weapons (Rank 3)
16905 Natural Weapons (Rank 4)
16906 Natural Weapons (Rank 5)
16908 Dispel Magic
16909 Vengeance (Rank 1)
16910 Vengeance (Rank 2)
16911 Vengeance (Rank 3)
16912 Vengeance (Rank 4)
16913 Vengeance (Rank 5)
16914 Hurricane (Rank 1)
16915 Hurricane (Rank 2)
16916 Strength of the Champion
16918 Improved Entangling Roots (Rank 1)
16919 Improved Entangling Roots (Rank 2)
16920 Improved Entangling Roots (Rank 3)
16921 Chain Lightning
16922 Starfire Stun
16923 Improved Starfire (Rank 2)
16924 Improved Starfire (Rank 3)
16925 Improved Starfire (Rank 4)
16926 Improved Starfire (Rank 5)
16927 Chilled
16928 Armor Shatter
16929 Thick Hide (Rank 1)
16930 Thick Hide (Rank 2)
16931 Thick Hide (Rank 3)
16932 Thick Hide (Rank 4)
16933 Thick Hide (Rank 5)
16934 Ferocity (Rank 1)
16935 Ferocity (Rank 2)
16936 Ferocity (Rank 3)
16937 Ferocity (Rank 4)
16938 Ferocity (Rank 5)
16939 Ancestor's Vengeance
16940 Brutal Impact (Rank 1)
16941 Brutal Impact (Rank 2)
16942 Sharpened Claws (Rank 1)
16943 Sharpened Claws (Rank 2)
16944 Sharpened Claws (Rank 3)
16947 Feral Instinct (Rank 1)
16948 Feral Instinct (Rank 2)
16949 Feral Instinct (Rank 3)
16950 Feral Instinct (Rank 4)
16951 Feral Instinct (Rank 5)
16952 Blood Frenzy (Rank 1)
16953 Blood Frenzy
16954 Blood Frenzy (Rank 2)
16958 Primal Fury (Rank 1)
16959 Primal Fury (Rank 1)
16960 Thorium Greatsword
16961 Primal Fury (Rank 2)
16965 Bleakwood Hew
16966 Improved Shred (Rank 1)
16967 Inlaid Thorium Hammer
16968 Improved Shred (Rank 2)
16969 Ornate Thorium Handaxe
16970 Dawn's Edge
16971 Huge Thorium Battleaxe
16972 Predatory Strikes (Rank 1)
16973 Enchanted Battlehammer
16974 Predatory Strikes (Rank 2)
16975 Predatory Strikes (Rank 3)
16978 Blazing Rapier
16979 Feral Charge
16980 Rune Edge
16982 Orb of Fire (Rank 1)
16983 Serenity
16984 Volcanic Hammer
16985 Corruption
16986 Blood Talon
16987 Darkspear
16988 Hammer of the Titans
16989 Planting Banner
16990 Arcanite Champion
16991 Annihilator
16992 Frostguard
16993 Masterwork Stormhammer
16994 Arcanite Reaper
16995 Heartseeker
16996 Incendia Powder
16997 Gargoyle Strike
16998 Savage Fury (Rank 1)
16999 Savage Fury (Rank 2)
17002 Feline Swiftness
17003 Heart of the Wild (Rank 1)
17004 Heart of the Wild (Rank 2)
17005 Heart of the Wild (Rank 3)
17006 Heart of the Wild (Rank 4)
17007 Leader of the Pack
17008 Drain Mana
17009 Voodoo
17010 Freezing Claw
17011 Freezing Claw
17012 Devour Magic
17013 Agamaggan's Agility
17014 Bone Shards
17015 Destroy Tent
17016 Placing Beacon Torch
17017 Plans: Thorium Greatsword
17018 Plans: Bleakwood Hew
17019 Plans: Inlaid Thorium Hammer
17020 Plans: Ornate Thorium Handaxe
17021 Plans: Dawn's Edge
17022 Plans: Huge Thorium Battleaxe
17023 Plans: Enchanted Battlehammer
17024 Plans: Blazing Rapier
17025 Plans: Rune Edge
17026 Plans: Serenity
17027 Plans: Volcanic Hammer
17028 Plans: Corruption
17029 Plans: Blood Talon
17030 Plans: Darkspear
17031 Plans: Hammer of the Titans
17032 Plans: Arcanite Champion
17033 Plans: Annihilator
17034 Plans: Frostguard
17035 Plans: Masterwork Stormhammer
17036 Plans: Arcanite Reaper
17037 Plans: Heartseeker
17038 Winterfall Firewater
17039 Master Swordsmith
17040 Master Hammersmith
17041 Master Axesmith
17042 Master Swordsmith
17043 Master Axesmith
17044 Master Hammersmith
17045 Dawn's Gambit
17047 Increase Reputation
17048 Soul Claim
17050 Improved Mark of the Wild (Rank 1)
17051 Improved Mark of the Wild (Rank 2)
17052 Decay
17053 Improved Mark of the Wild (Rank 3)
17054 Improved Mark of the Wild (Rank 4)
17055 Improved Mark of the Wild (Rank 5)
17056 Furor (Rank 1)
17057 Furor
17058 Furor (Rank 2)
17059 Furor (Rank 3)
17060 Furor (Rank 4)
17061 Furor (Rank 5)
17063 Nature's Focus (Rank 1)
17064 Summon Rotting Worms
17065 Nature's Focus (Rank 2)
17066 Nature's Focus (Rank 3)
17067 Nature's Focus (Rank 4)
17068 Nature's Focus (Rank 5)
17069 Improved Healing Touch (Rank 1)
17070 Improved Healing Touch (Rank 2)
17071 Improved Healing Touch (Rank 3)
17072 Improved Healing Touch (Rank 4)
17073 Improved Healing Touch (Rank 5)
17074 Improved Regrowth (Rank 1)
17075 Improved Regrowth (Rank 2)
17076 Improved Regrowth (Rank 3)
17077 Improved Regrowth (Rank 4)
17078 Improved Regrowth (Rank 5)
17079 Improved Enrage (Rank 1)
17080 Improved Enrage (Rank 1)
17081 Improved Enrage (Rank 2)
17082 Improved Enrage (Rank 2)
17085 Player Released Thistle Bear
17086 Breath
17087 Breath
17088 Breath
17089 Breath
17090 Breath
17091 Breath
17092 Breath
17093 Breath
17094 Breath
17095 Breath
17097 Breath
17099 Furor
17104 Gift of Nature (Rank 1)
17105 Banshee Curse
17106 Reflection (Rank 1)
17107 Reflection (Rank 2)
17108 Reflection (Rank 3)
17111 Improved Rejuvenation (Rank 1)
17112 Improved Rejuvenation (Rank 2)
17113 Improved Rejuvenation (Rank 3)
17114 Improved Rejuvenation (Rank 4)
17115 Improved Rejuvenation (Rank 5)
17116 Nature's Swiftness
17117 Magatha Incendia Powder
17118 Subtlety (Rank 1)
17119 Subtlety (Rank 2)
17120 Subtlety (Rank 3)
17121 Subtlety (Rank 4)
17122 Subtlety (Rank 5)
17123 Improved Tranquility (Rank 1)
17124 Improved Tranquility (Rank 2)
17131 Hover
17132 Pamela's Doll Trap
17133 Create Pamela's Doll
17134 Musty Tome Trap
17136 Onyxia Trans
17137 Flash Heal
17138 Flash Heal
17139 Power Word: Shield
17140 Holy Fire
17141 Holy Fire
17142 Holy Fire
17143 Holy Strike
17144 Wrath
17145 Blast Wave
17146 Shadow Word: Pain
17147 Exorcism
17148 Brain Hacker
17149 Exorcism
17150 Arcane Might
17151 Shadow Barrier
17152 Destiny
17153 Rend
17154 The Green Tower (Rank 1)
17155 Sprinkling Purified Water
17156 Maul
17157 Lightning Breath
17158 Venom Spit
17159 Port to Haleh
17160 Port to Mazthoril
17161 Taking Moon Well Sample
17162 Summon Water Elemental
17163 Unsummon Mechanical Yeti
17164 Summon Scarlet Hound
17165 Mind Flay
17166 Release Umi's Yeti
17167 Blue Flight
17168 Haleh's Will
17169 Summon Carrion Scarab
17170 Fatal Sting
17171 Shadow Shot
17172 Hex
17173 Drain Life
17174 Concussive Shot
17175 Resist Arcane
17176 Panther Cage Key
17177 Seal of Protection
17178 Alex's Audacity
17179 Boon of Life
17180 Enchanted Thorium
17181 Enchanted Leather
17182 Enchanted Leather
17183 Poison
17184 Enchanted Thorium
17186 Ras Becomes a Boy!
17187 Transmute: Arcanite
17188 Recipe: Transmute Arcanite
17189 Frostwhisper's Lifeblood
17190 Ras Frostwhisper Visual Dummy
17191 Improved Renew (Rank 3)
17194 Mind Blast
17195 Scorch
17196 Seeping Willow
17197 Maggot Goo
17198 Overpower
17199 Fire Cannon
17200 Call of the Hero
17201 Dispel Magic
17202 Avenge
17203 Fireball Volley
17204 Summon Skeleton
17205 Winterfall Firewater
17206 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17207 Whirlwind
17208 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17209 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17210 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17211 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17212 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17213 Curse of Vengeance
17214 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17215 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17216 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17217 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17218 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17219 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17220 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17221 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17222 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17223 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
17224 Upgrade Zigguraut
17225 Upgrade Zigguraut
17226 Upgrade Zigguraut
17227 Curse of Weakness
17228 Shadow Bolt Volley
17229 Winterspring Frostsaber
17230 Infected Wound
17231 Summon Illusory Wraith
17232 Devotion Aura
17233 Lay on Hands (Rank 1)
17234 Shadow Shock
17235 Raise Undead Scarab
17236 Upgrade Zigguraut
17237 Upgrade Zigguraut
17238 Drain Life
17239 Upgrade Zigguraut
17240 Upgrade Zigguraut
17241 Upgrade Zigguraut
17242 Upgrade Zigguraut
17243 Drain Mana
17244 Possess
17245 Improved Nature's Grasp (Rank 1)
17246 Possessed
17247 Improved Nature's Grasp (Rank 2)
17248 Improved Nature's Grasp (Rank 3)
17249 Improved Nature's Grasp (Rank 4)
17250 Possess
17251 Spirit Healer Res
17252 Mark of the Dragon Lord
17253 Bite (Rank 1)
17254 Bite (Rank 1)
17255 Bite (Rank 2)
17256 Bite (Rank 3)
17257 Bite (Rank 4)
17258 Bite (Rank 5)
17259 Bite (Rank 6)
17260 Bite (Rank 7)
17261 Bite (Rank 8)
17262 Bite (Rank 2)
17263 Bite (Rank 3)
17264 Bite (Rank 4)
17265 Bite (Rank 5)
17266 Bite (Rank 6)
17267 Bite (Rank 7)
17268 Bite (Rank 8)
17269 Create Resonating Skull
17270 Create Bone Dust
17271 Test Fetid Skull
17272 Summon
17273 Pyroblast
17274 Pyroblast
17275 Heart of the Scale
17276 Scald
17277 Blast Wave
17278 Cannon Fire
17279 Summon Crimson Rifleman
17280 Increase Spell Dam 43
17281 Crusader Strike
17283 Smokey's Lighter
17284 Holy Strike
17285 Enchant Annals of Darrowshire
17286 Crusader's Hammer
17287 Mind Blast
17288 Balnazzar Transform
17289 Shadow Shock
17290 Fireball
17291 Stratholme Holy Water
17292 Poison
17293 Burning Winds
17294 Flame Breath
17307 Knockout
17308 Stun
17310 Summon Darrowshire Spirit
17311 Mind Flay (Rank 2)
17312 Mind Flay (Rank 3)
17313 Mind Flay (Rank 4)
17314 Mind Flay (Rank 5)
17315 Puncture Armor
17316 Mind Flay (Rank 3)
17317 Mind Flay (Rank 4)
17318 Mind Flay (Rank 5)
17319 Undead Slayer 81
17320 Increase Healing 84
17321 Spirit Spawn-in
17322 Shadow Reach (Rank 1)
17323 Shadow Reach (Rank 2)
17324 Beast Slaying 132
17325 Shadow Reach (Rank 3)
17327 Spirit Particles
17328 Aura of Penitence
17329 Nature's Grasp (Rank 6)
17330 Poison
17331 Fang of the Crystal Spider
17332 Spider's Kiss
17333 Spider's Kiss (Rank 1)
17334 Portal Effect: Stormwind
17347 Hemorrhage (Rank 2)
17348 Hemorrhage (Rank 3)
17350 Argent Dawn
17351 Argent Dawn (Rank 1)
17352 Argent Avenger
17353 Shoot
17354 Mana Tide Totem (Rank 2)
17355 Mana Tide (Rank 2)
17356 Mana Tide (Rank 2)
17357 Mana Tide (Rank 2)
17358 Mana Tide (Rank 3)
17359 Mana Tide Totem (Rank 3)
17360 Mana Tide (Rank 3)
17361 Mana Tide (Rank 3)
17362 Mana Tide Totem (Rank 2)
17363 Mana Tide Totem (Rank 3)
17364 Stormstrike (Rank 1)
17366 Fire Nova
17367 Increase Spell Dam 32
17368 Egan's Blaster
17369 Increased Bow
17370 Soul Freed
17371 Increase Healing 44
17372 Egan's Blaster Effect
17373 Nature's Grasp (Rank 3)
17374 Nature's Grasp (Rank 4)
17375 Nature's Grasp (Rank 5)
17376 Nature's Grasp (Rank 6)
17390 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 2)
17391 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 3)
17392 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 4)
17393 Shadow Bolt
17396 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 3)
17397 Faerie Fire (Feral) (Rank 4)
17398 Balnazzar Transform Stun
17399 Shadow Shock
17400 Perm. Illusion DeathKnight
17401 Hurricane (Rank 2)
17402 Hurricane (Rank 3)
17403 Pattern: Raptor Hide Belt
17404 Pattern: Raptor Hide Belt
17405 Domination
17406 Hurricane (Rank 3)
17407 Wound
17408 Summon Freed Soul
17427 Combat Endurance (Rank 1)
17428 Combat Endurance (Rank 2)
17429 Combat Endurance (Rank 3)
17430 Summon Anubisath Swarmguard
17431 Summon Anubisath Warrior
17432 Open Stratholme Postbox
17433 Schematic: Lovingly Crafted Boomstick
17434 Shadow Bolt
17435 Shadow Bolt
17436 Schematic: Ice Deflector
17437 Schematic: Accurate Scope
17438 Schematic: Mechanical Dragonling
17439 Shadow Shock
17441 Air Bubbles
17442 Air Bubbles
17443 Air Bubbles
17445 Bone Smelt
17446 The Black Sleep
17447 Circle of Flame
17448 Testament of Hope
17449 Summon Oracle Sphere
17450 Ivory Raptor
17451 Reputation - Armorsmithing
17452 Reputation - Weaponsmithing
17453 Green Mechanostrider
17454 Unpainted Mechanostrider
17455 Purple Mechanostrider
17456 Red & Blue Mechanostrider
17457 Undead Slayer 75
17458 Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider
17459 Icy Blue Mechanostrider
17460 Frost Ram
17461 Black Ram
17462 Red Skeletal Horse
17463 Blue Skeletal Horse
17464 Brown Skeletal Horse
17465 Green Skeletal Warhorse
17466 Unholy Aura
17467 Unholy Aura
17468 Pet Fish
17469 Pet Stone
17470 Ravenous Claw
17471 Death Pact
17472 Death Pact
17473 Raise Dead
17474 Find Relic Fragment
17475 Raise Dead
17476 Raise Dead
17477 Raise Dead
17478 Raise Dead
17479 Raise Dead
17480 Raise Dead
17481 Deathcharger
17482 Beast Slaying 48
17483 Shadow Bolt
17484 Skullforge Brand
17485 Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 1)
17486 Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 2)
17487 Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 3)
17488 Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 4)
17489 Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 5)
17490 Summon Skeleton
17492 Hand of Thaurissan
17493 Increase Spell Dam 44
17494 Slavedriver's Cane
17495 Crest of Retribution
17496 Crest of Retribution
17498 Speed
17499 Surge of Strength
17500 Malown's Slam
17501 Cannon Fire
17503 Frostbolt
17504 Rend
17505 Curse of Timmy
17506 Soul Breaker
17507 Passive Root
17508 Undead Slayer 108
17509 Shadow Bolt
17510 Corruption
17511 Poison
17512 Piccolo of the Flaming Fire
17513 Increased Defense
17527 Mighty Rage Potion
17528 Mighty Rage
17529 Vitreous Focuser
17530 Restore Mana
17531 Restore Mana
17533 Perm. Illusion Pig
17534 Healing Potion
17535 Elixir of the Sages
17536 Awaken Kerlonian
17537 Elixir of Brute Force
17538 Elixir of the Mongoose
17539 Greater Arcane Elixir
17540 Greater Stoneshield
17543 Fire Protection
17544 Frost Protection
17545 Holy Protection (Rank 6)
17546 Nature Protection
17547 Mortal Strike
17548 Shadow Protection
17549 Arcane Protection
17550 Purification
17551 Stonescale Oil
17552 Mighty Rage Potion
17553 Superior Mana Potion
17554 Elixir of Superior Defense
17555 Elixir of the Sages
17556 Major Healing Potion
17557 Elixir of Brute Force
17559 Transmute: Air to Fire
17560 Transmute: Fire to Earth
17561 Transmute: Earth to Water
17562 Transmute: Water to Air
17563 Transmute: Undeath to Water
17564 Transmute: Water to Undeath
17565 Transmute: Life to Earth
17566 Transmute: Earth to Life
17567 Summon Blood Parrot
17570 Greater Stoneshield Potion
17571 Elixir of the Mongoose
17572 Purification Potion
17573 Greater Arcane Elixir
17574 Greater Fire Protection Potion
17575 Greater Frost Protection Potion
17576 Greater Nature Protection Potion
17577 Greater Arcane Protection Potion
17578 Greater Shadow Protection Potion
17579 Greater Holy Protection Potion
17580 Major Mana Potion
17581 Stonescale Oil
17582 Recipe: Mighty Rage Potion
17583 Recipe: Superior Mana Potion
17584 Recipe: Elixir of Superior Defense
17585 Recipe: Elixir of the Sages
17586 Recipe: Major Healing Potion
17587 Recipe: Elixir of Brute Force
17588 Recipe: Transmute Air to Fire
17589 Recipe: Transmute Fire to Earth
17590 Recipe: Transmute Earth to Water
17591 Recipe: Transmute Water to Air
17592 Recipe: Transmute Undeath to Water
17593 Recipe: Transmute Water to Undeath
17594 Recipe: Transmute Life to Earth
17595 Recipe: Transmute Earth to Life
17596 Recipe: Greater Stoneshield Potion
17597 Recipe: Elixir of the Mongoose
17598 Recipe: Purification Potion
17599 Recipe: Greater Arcane Elixir
17600 Recipe: Greater Fire Protection Potion
17601 Recipe: Greater Frost Protection Potion
17602 Recipe: Greater Nature Protection Potion
17603 Recipe: Greater Arcane Protection Potion
17604 Recipe: Greater Shadow Protection Potion
17605 Recipe: Greater Holy Protection Potion
17606 Recipe: Major Mana Potion
17607 Portal Effect: Ironforge
17608 Portal Effect: Darnassus
17609 Portal Effect: Orgrimmar
17610 Portal Effect: Thunder Bluff
17611 Portal Effect: Undercity
17613 Dark Mending
17615 Mana Burn
17616 Corpse Explosion
17617 Increased Armor 400
17618 Summon Risen Lackey
17619 Alchemists Stone
17620 Drain Life
17621 Reputation - Caer Darrow
17622 Caer Darrow Ghosts
17623 Visions of the Past
17624 Petrification
17625 Unholy Aura
17626 Flask of the Titans
17627 Distilled Wisdom
17628 Supreme Power
17629 Chromatic Resistance
17630 Mana Burn
17631 Wail of Souls
17632 Alchemist's Stone
17633 Arcane Focus
17634 Flask of Petrification
17635 Flask of the Titans
17636 Flask of Distilled Wisdom
17637 Flask of Supreme Power
17638 Flask of Chromatic Resistance
17639 Wail of the Banshee
17640 Recipe: Alchemist's Stone
17641 Recipe: Flask of Petrification
17642 Recipe: Flask of the Titans
17643 Recipe: Flask of Distilled Wisdom
17644 Recipe: Flask of Supreme Power
17645 Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Resistance
17646 Summon Onyxia Whelp
17647 Create Onyxia Spawner
17648 Surrender
17649 Accept Surrender
17650 Altered Cauldron Toxin
17651 Image Projection
17652 Image Projection
17653 Summon Spectral Projections
17667 Light On Fire
17668 Ramstein's Lightning Bolts
17669 Ramstein's Lightning Bolts
17670 Argent Dawn Commission
17671 Mortar Disturb
17672 Summon Spectral Essence
17673 Shade Form Visual
17674 Immune: Physical
17675 Lava Trap 1
17676 Lava Trap 3
17677 Lava Trap 4
17678 Despawn Spectral Combatants
17679 Shellfish Trap
17680 Spirit Spawn-out
17681 Reputation - Caer Darrow
17682 Drain Mana
17683 Full Heal
17684 Increase Fire Dam 39
17685 Cleave
17686 Deadly Acid
17687 Flurry
17688 Deadly Acid
17689 Disease Burst
17690 Disease Burst
17691 Time Out
17692 Marduk's Curse
17694 Summon Darrowshire Poltergeist (DND)
17695 Defiling Aura
17697 Defiling Aura
17698 Death Pact
17707 Summon Panda
17708 Summon Diablo
17709 Summon Zergling
17710 Dark Iron Mail
17711 Dark Iron Shoulders
17712 Lifestone Healing
17713 Increased Critical 10
17715 Consuming Shadows
17716 Consuming Shadows
17727 Create Spellstone (Greater)
17728 Create Spellstone (Major)
17729 Greater Spellstone
17730 Major Spellstone
17731 Eruption
17732 Create Spellstone (Greater)
17733 Create Spellstone (Major)
17734 Fool's Curse
17735 Suffering (Rank 1)
17736 Suffering (Rank 1)
17737 Language Gutterspeak
17738 Curse of the Plague Rat
17739 Disease
17740 Mana Shield
17741 Mana Shield
17742 Cloud of Disease
17743 Peon Sleeping
17744 Force Target - Kick
17745 Diseased Spit
17746 Stealth 5
17747 Increase Fire Dam 23
17748 Kick Peon
17749 Kick Peon Prologue
17750 Suffering (Rank 2)
17751 Suffering (Rank 3)
17752 Suffering (Rank 4)
17753 Suffering (Rank 2)
17754 Suffering (Rank 3)
17755 Suffering (Rank 4)
17767 Consume Shadows (Rank 1)
17768 Wolfshead Helm
17769 Wolfshead Helm Rage
17770 Wolfshead Helm Energy
17771 Curse of Agony
17772 Spread
17773 Summon Illusions
17774 Spread
17775 Air Bubbles
17776 Consume Shadows (Rank 1)
17777 Create Commission
17778 Cataclysm (Rank 1)
17779 Cataclysm (Rank 2)
17780 Cataclysm (Rank 3)
17781 Cataclysm (Rank 4)
17782 Cataclysm (Rank 5)
17783 Fel Concentration (Rank 1)
17784 Fel Concentration (Rank 2)
17785 Fel Concentration (Rank 3)
17786 Fel Concentration (Rank 4)
17787 Fel Concentration (Rank 5)
17788 Bane (Rank 1)
17789 Bane (Rank 2)
17790 Bane (Rank 3)
17791 Bane (Rank 4)
17792 Bane (Rank 5)
17793 Improved Shadow Bolt (Rank 1)
17794 Shadow Vulnerability
17796 Improved Shadow Bolt (Rank 2)
17797 Shadow Vulnerability
17798 Shadow Vulnerability
17799 Shadow Vulnerability
17800 Shadow Vulnerability
17801 Improved Shadow Bolt (Rank 3)
17802 Improved Shadow Bolt (Rank 4)
17803 Improved Shadow Bolt (Rank 5)
17804 Improved Drain Life (Rank 1)
17805 Improved Drain Life (Rank 2)
17806 Improved Drain Life (Rank 3)
17807 Improved Drain Life (Rank 4)
17808 Improved Drain Life (Rank 5)
17809 Lesser Firestone Attack
17810 Improved Corruption (Rank 1)
17811 Improved Corruption (Rank 2)
17812 Improved Corruption (Rank 3)
17813 Improved Corruption (Rank 4)
17814 Improved Corruption (Rank 5)
17815 Improved Immolate (Rank 1)
17816 Sharp Dresser
17818 Increased Bow
17819 Increase Nature Dam 29
17820 Veil of Shadow
17821 Increase Arcane Dam 23
17822 Increase Arcane Dam 24
17823 Increase Arcane Dam 26
17824 Increase Arcane Dam 27
17825 Increase Arcane Dam 29
17826 Increase Arcane Dam 30
17827 Increase Arcane Dam 31
17828 Increase Arcane Dam 33
17829 Increase Arcane Dam 34
17830 Increase Arcane Dam 36
17831 Call of the Grave
17832 Increase Arcane Dam 37
17833 Improved Immolate (Rank 2)
17834 Improved Immolate (Rank 3)
17835 Improved Immolate (Rank 4)
17836 Improved Immolate (Rank 5)
17837 Increase Arcane Dam 39
17838 Increase Arcane Dam 40
17839 Increase Arcane Dam 41
17840 Increase Arcane Dam 43
17841 Increase Arcane Dam 44
17842 Increase Arcane Dam 46
17843 Flash Heal
17844 Increase Arcane Dam 47
17845 Increase Arcane Dam 49
17846 Increase Arcane Dam 50
17847 Increase Arcane Dam 51
17848 Increase Arcane Dam 53
17849 Increase Arcane Dam 54
17850 Consume Shadows (Rank 2)
17851 Consume Shadows (Rank 3)
17852 Consume Shadows (Rank 4)
17853 Consume Shadows (Rank 5)
17854 Consume Shadows (Rank 6)
17855 Consume Shadows (Rank 2)
17856 Consume Shadows (Rank 3)
17857 Consume Shadows (Rank 4)
17859 Consume Shadows (Rank 5)
17860 Consume Shadows (Rank 6)
17862 Curse of Shadow (Rank 1)
17863 Shadow Portal
17864 Improved Drain Mana (Rank 1)
17865 Curse of Shadow (Rank 1)
17866 Increase Fire Dam 24
17867 Increase Fire Dam 26
17868 Increase Fire Dam 27
17869 Increase Fire Dam 30
17870 Increase Fire Dam 31
17871 Increase Fire Dam 33
17872 Increase Fire Dam 34
17873 Increase Fire Dam 36
17874 Increase Fire Dam 37
17875 Increase Fire Dam 40
17876 Increase Fire Dam 41
17877 Shadowburn (Rank 1)
17878 Increase Fire Dam 43
17879 Increase Fire Dam 44
17880 Increase Fire Dam 46
17881 Increase Fire Dam 47
17882 Increase Fire Dam 49
17883 Immolate
17884 Increase Fire Dam 50
17885 Increase Fire Dam 51
17886 Increase Fire Dam 53
17887 Increase Fire Dam 54
17889 Increase Frost Dam 23
17890 Increase Frost Dam 24
17891 Increase Frost Dam 26
17892 Increase Frost Dam 27
17893 Increase Frost Dam 30
17894 Increase Frost Dam 31
17895 Increase Frost Dam 33
17896 Increase Frost Dam 34
17897 Increase Frost Dam 36
17898 Increase Frost Dam 37
17899 Increase Frost Dam 39
17900 Increase Frost Dam 40
17901 Increase Frost Dam 41
17902 Increase Frost Dam 43
17903 Increase Frost Dam 44
17904 Decrease Mana Cost - Fire
17905 Increase Frost Dam 46
17906 Increase Frost Dam 47
17907 Increase Frost Dam 49
17908 Increase Frost Dam 50
17909 Increase Frost Dam 51
17910 Increase Frost Dam 53
17911 Increase Frost Dam 54
17912 Decrease Mana Cost - Shadow
17913 Decrease Mana Cost - Nature
17914 Decrease Mana Cost - Frost
17915 Decrease Mana Cost - Arcane
17916 Decrease Mana Cost - Shadow
17917 Destructive Reach (Rank 1)
17918 Destructive Reach (Rank 2)
17919 Searing Pain (Rank 2)
17920 Searing Pain (Rank 3)
17921 Searing Pain (Rank 4)
17922 Searing Pain (Rank 5)
17923 Searing Pain (Rank 6)
17924 Soul Fire (Rank 2)
17925 Death Coil (Rank 2)
17926 Death Coil (Rank 3)
17927 Improved Searing Pain (Rank 1)
17928 Howl of Terror (Rank 2)
17929 Improved Searing Pain (Rank 2)
17930 Improved Searing Pain (Rank 3)
17931 Improved Searing Pain (Rank 4)
17932 Improved Searing Pain (Rank 5)
17933 Firestone Attack
17934 Greater Firestone Attack
17935 Major Firestone Attack
17936 Firestone Effect
17937 Curse of Shadow (Rank 2)
17938 Curse of Shadow (Rank 2)
17939 Shadow Portal
17940 Greater Firestone Effect
17941 Shadow Trance
17942 Major Firestone Effect
17943 Shadow Portal
17944 Shadow Portal
17945 Firestone Passive (Rank 2)
17946 Shadow Portal
17947 Firestone Passive (Rank 3)
17948 Shadow Portal
17949 Firestone Passive (Rank 4)
17950 Shadow Portal
17951 Create Firestone
17952 Create Firestone (Greater)
17953 Create Firestone (Major)
17954 Emberstorm (Rank 1)
17955 Emberstorm (Rank 2)
17956 Emberstorm (Rank 3)
17957 Emberstorm (Rank 4)
17958 Emberstorm (Rank 5)
17959 Ruin (Rank 1)
17960 Kodo Bones Trap
17961 Scarlet Illusion
17962 Conflagrate (Rank 1)
17963 Sundering Cleave
17987 Increase Nature Dam 23
17988 Increase Nature Dam 24
17989 Increase Nature Dam 26
17990 Increase Nature Dam 27
17991 Increase Nature Dam 30
17992 Increase Nature Dam 31
17993 Increase Nature Dam 33
17994 Increase Nature Dam 36
17995 Increase Nature Dam 37
17996 Increase Nature Dam 39
17997 Increase Nature Dam 40
17998 Increase Nature Dam 41
17999 Increase Nature Dam 43
18000 Increase Nature Dam 44
18001 Increase Nature Dam 46
18002 Increase Nature Dam 47
18003 Increase Nature Dam 49
18004 Increase Nature Dam 50
18005 Increase Nature Dam 51
18006 Increase Nature Dam 53
18007 Increase Nature Dam 54
18008 Increase Shadow Dam 26
18009 Increase Shadow Dam 27
18010 Increase Shadow Dam 29
18011 Increase Shadow Dam 30
18012 Increase Shadow Dam 31
18013 Increase Shadow Dam 33
18014 Increase Shadow Dam 34
18015 Increase Shadow Dam 36
18016 Increase Shadow Dam 37
18017 Increase Shadow Dam 39
18018 Increase Shadow Dam 40
18019 Increase Shadow Dam 41
18020 Increase Shadow Dam 43
18021 Increase Shadow Dam 44
18022 Increase Shadow Dam 46
18023 Increase Shadow Dam 47
18024 Increase Shadow Dam 49
18025 Increase Shadow Dam 50
18026 Increase Shadow Dam 51
18027 Increase Shadow Dam 53
18028 Increase Shadow Dam 54
18029 Increase Healing 35
18030 Increase Healing 37
18031 Increase Healing 40
18032 Increase Healing 42
18033 Increase Healing 46
18034 Increase Healing 48
18035 Increase Healing 51
18036 Increase Healing 55
18037 Increase Healing 57
18038 Increase Healing 59
18039 Increase Healing 62
18040 Increase Healing 64
18041 Increase Healing 66
18042 Increase Healing 68
18043 Increase Healing 70
18044 Increase Healing 73
18045 Increase Healing 75
18046 Increase Healing 77
18047 Increase Healing 79
18048 Increase Healing 81
18049 Increase Spell Dam 26
18050 Increase Spell Dam 33
18052 Increase Spell Dam 34
18053 Increase Spell Dam 36
18054 Increase Spell Dam 37
18055 Increase Spell Dam 39
18056 Increase Spell Dam 40
18057 Increase Spell Dam 41
18058 Increase Spell Dam 42
18060 Attack Power 200
18061 Increased 1H Sword
18062 Increased Dodge 8
18063 Increased Parry 5
18064 Increased Block 20
18066 Increased Hit Chance 10
18067 Beast Slaying 45
18068 Increased Armor 270
18069 Increased Armor 160
18070 Earthborer Acid
18071 Enriched Manna Biscuit
18072 Uppercut
18073 Pyroclasm (Rank 2)
18074 Undead Slayer 30
18075 Rend
18076 Beast Slaying 72
18077 Poison
18078 Rend
18079 Demon Slaying 33
18080 Beast Slaying 21
18081 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
18082 Fireball
18083 Firebolt
18084 Drain Life
18085 Frost Blast
18086 Firebolt
18087 Demon Slaying 78
18088 Corruption
18089 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
18090 Wound
18091 Arcane Blast
18092 Frost Blast
18093 Pyroclasm
18094 Nightfall (Rank 1)
18095 Nightfall (Rank 2)
18096 Pyroclasm (Rank 1)
18097 The Green Tower
18098 Undead Slayer 45
18099 Chill Nova
18100 Frost Armor
18101 Chilled (Rank 1)
18103 Backhand
18104 Wrath
18105 Fireball
18106 Rend
18107 Wound
18108 Fireball
18109 Beast Slaying 39
18110 Transform Viewing Room Students
18111 Shadow Bolt
18112 Firebolt
18113 Manifestation Cleansing
18114 Resist All
18115 Viewing Room Student Transform - Effect
18116 Kirtonos Gargoyle Passive
18118 Aftermath
18119 Aftermath (Rank 1)
18120 Aftermath (Rank 2)
18121 Aftermath (Rank 3)
18122 Aftermath (Rank 4)
18123 Aftermath (Rank 5)
18124 Blessed Sunfruit
18125 Blessed Sunfruit
18126 Improved Firebolt (Rank 1)
18127 Improved Firebolt (Rank 2)
18128 Improved Lash of Pain (Rank 1)
18129 Improved Lash of Pain (Rank 2)
18130 Devastation (Rank 1)
18131 Devastation (Rank 2)
18132 Devastation (Rank 3)
18133 Devastation (Rank 4)
18134 Devastation (Rank 5)
18135 Intensity (Rank 1)
18136 Intensity (Rank 2)
18137 Shadowguard (Rank 1)
18138 Shadow Bolt
18140 Blessed Sunfruit Juice
18141 Blessed Sunfruit Juice
18142 Peasant Transform
18144 Swoop
18145 Force Target - Kick with impact
18146 Chilling Touch
18147 Static Field
18148 Static Field
18149 Volatile Infection
18150 Volatile Infection
18151 Noxious Catalyst
18152 Draining Touch
18153 Kodo Kombobulator
18154 Searing Pain (Rank 2)
18155 Searing Pain (Rank 3)
18156 Searing Pain (Rank 4)
18157 Searing Pain (Rank 5)
18158 Searing Pain (Rank 6)
18159 Curse of the Fallen Magram
18160 Soul Fire (Rank 2)
18161 Death Coil (Rank 2)
18162 Death Coil (Rank 3)
18163 Strength of Arko'narin
18164 Shadow Bolt
18165 Holy Fire
18166 Summon Magram Ravager
18167 Holy Fire
18169 Howl of Terror (Rank 2)
18170 Create Firestone (Greater)
18171 Create Firestone (Major)
18172 Kodo Kombobulator
18173 Burning Adrenaline
18174 Suppression (Rank 1)
18175 Suppression (Rank 2)
18176 Suppression (Rank 3)
18177 Suppression (Rank 4)
18178 Suppression (Rank 5)
18179 Improved Curse of Weakness (Rank 1)
18180 Improved Curse of Weakness (Rank 2)
18181 Improved Curse of Weakness (Rank 3)
18182 Improved Life Tap (Rank 1)
18183 Improved Life Tap (Rank 2)
18184 Sire's Suicide
18185 Increased Defense
18186 Firebolt
18187 Firebolt (Rank 1)
18188 Increased Armor 180
18189 TEST Arcane Concentration (Rank 5)
18190 Increased Armor 140
18191 Increased Stamina
18192 Increased Agility
18193 Increased Spirit
18194 Mana Regeneration
18195 Increased Armor 220
18196 Increased Defense
18197 Poison
18198 Undead Slayer 66
18199 Fireball
18200 Rend
18201 Beast Slaying 24
18202 Rend
18203 Poison
18204 Frost Blast
18205 Shadow Bolt
18206 Fatal Wound
18207 Beast Slaying 60
18208 Poison
18209 Test Grow
18210 Test Shrink
18211 Shadow Bolt
18212 Demon Slaying 99
18213 Improved Drain Soul (Rank 1)
18214 Shadow Bolt
18217 Shadow Bolt
18218 Grim Reach (Rank 1)
18219 Grim Reach (Rank 2)
18220 Dark Pact (Rank 1)
18222 Health Regeneration
18223 Curse of Exhaustion
18229 Food
18230 Food
18231 Food
18232 Food
18233 Food
18234 Food
18238 Spotted Yellowtail
18239 Cooked Glossy Mightfish
18240 Grilled Squid
18241 Filet of Redgill
18242 Hot Smoked Bass
18243 Nightfin Soup
18244 Poached Sunscale Salmon
18245 Lobster Stew
18246 Mightfish Steak
18247 Baked Salmon
18248 Fishing (Artisan)
18249 Artisan Fishing
18250 Recipe: Spotted Yellowtail
18251 Recipe: Cooked Glossy Mightfish
18252 Recipe: Filet of Redgill
18253 Recipe: Grilled Squid
18254 Recipe: Hot Smoked Bass
18255 Recipe: Nightfin Soup
18256 Recipe: Poached Sunscale Salmon
18257 Recipe: Lobster Stew
18258 Recipe: Mightfish Steak
18259 Recipe: Baked Salmon
18260 Cooking (Artisan)
18261 Artisan Cook
18262 Call Bloodshot
18264 Headmaster's Charge
18265 Siphon Life (Rank 1)
18266 Curse of Agony
18267 Curse of Weakness
18268 Fire Shield
18269 Kodo Kombobulator
18270 Dark Plague
18271 Shadow Mastery (Rank 1)
18272 Shadow Mastery (Rank 2)
18273 Shadow Mastery (Rank 3)
18274 Shadow Mastery (Rank 4)
18275 Shadow Mastery (Rank 5)
18276 Frost Blast
18277 Curse of Agony
18278 Silence (Rank 1)
18280 Curse of Agony Dummy (Rank 1)
18281 Increased Armor 210
18282 Dummy Spell
18288 Amplify Curse
18289 Creeping Mold
18307 Death by Peasant
18308 Death by Peasant
18309 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
18310 Improved Curse of Exhaustion (Rank 1)
18311 Improved Curse of Exhaustion (Rank 2)
18312 Improved Curse of Exhaustion (Rank 3)
18313 Improved Curse of Exhaustion (Rank 4)
18327 Silence
18328 Incapacitating Shout
18347 Haunted
18348 Poltergeist Periodic Schedule (DND)
18349 Poltergeist Periodic (DND)
18350 Dummy Trigger
18351 Breath
18352 Breath
18353 Breath
18354 Breath
18355 Breath
18356 Breath
18357 Breath
18358 Breath
18359 Breath
18360 Breath
18361 Breath
18362 Kodo Kombobulator
18363 Riding Kodo
18364 Cloak of Fire
18367 Create Dawn's Gambit
18368 Strike
18369 Increased Defense
18371 Soul Siphon
18372 Improved Drain Soul (Rank 2)
18373 Aynasha's Root
18374 Cloak of Fire
18375 Aynasha's Arrow
18376 Corruption
18377 Kodo Kombobulator
18378 Increased Mana Regen
18379 Increased Mana Regen
18380 Poltergeist Despawn (DND)
18381 Cripple (Rank 1)
18382 Increased Critical Spell
18383 Poltergeist Despawn Schedule (DND)
18384 Increased Critical Spell
18385 Replenish Mana
18386 Heal Pet
18387 Onyxia
18388 Quick Fade
18389 dmg5
18390 dmg6
18391 Speed Burst
18392 Fireball
18393 Improved Drain Mana (Rank 2)
18394 Drain Mana (Rank 1)
18395 Dismounting Shot
18396 Dismounting Blast
18397 Filling
18398 Frost Blast
18399 Flamestrike
18400 Piccolo of the Flaming Fire
18401 Bolt of Runecloth
18402 Runecloth Belt
18403 Frostweave Tunic
18404 Frostweave Robe
18405 Runecloth Bag
18406 Runecloth Robe
18407 Runecloth Tunic
18408 Cindercloth Vest
18409 Runecloth Cloak
18410 Ghostweave Belt
18411 Frostweave Gloves
18412 Cindercloth Gloves
18413 Ghostweave Gloves
18414 Brightcloth Robe
18415 Brightcloth Gloves
18416 Ghostweave Vest
18417 Runecloth Gloves
18418 Cindercloth Cloak
18419 Felcloth Pants
18420 Brightcloth Cloak
18421 Wizardweave Leggings
18422 Cloak of Fire
18423 Runecloth Boots
18424 Frostweave Pants
18425 Kick - Silenced
18427 Aggression (Rank 1)
18428 Aggression (Rank 2)
18429 Aggression (Rank 3)
18430 Onyxia Hover
18431 Bellowing Roar
18432 Fire Nova
18433 Dummy Trigger 2
18434 Cindercloth Pants
18435 Flame Breath
18436 Robe of Winter Night
18437 Felcloth Boots
18438 Runecloth Pants
18439 Brightcloth Pants
18440 Mooncloth Leggings
18441 Ghostweave Pants
18442 Felcloth Hood
18443 Safe Fall
18444 Runecloth Headband
18445 Mooncloth Bag
18446 Wizardweave Robe
18447 Mooncloth Vest
18448 Mooncloth Shoulders
18449 Runecloth Shoulders
18450 Wizardweave Turban
18451 Felcloth Robe
18452 Mooncloth Circlet
18453 Felcloth Shoulders
18454 Gloves of Spell Mastery
18455 Bottomless Bag
18456 Truefaith Vestments
18457 Robe of the Archmage
18458 Robe of the Void
18459 Incinerate (Rank 1)
18460 Incinerate (Rank 2)
18461 Vanish Purge
18462 Arcane Meditation (Rank 1)
18463 Arcane Meditation (Rank 2)
18464 Arcane Meditation (Rank 3)
18465 Arcane Meditation (Rank 4)
18466 Arcane Meditation (Rank 5)
18467 Improved Arcane Explosion (Rank 4)
18468 Improved Arcane Explosion (Rank 5)
18469 Counterspell - Silenced
18470 Bolt of Runecloth
18471 Runecloth Belt
18472 Pattern: Frostweave Tunic
18473 Pattern: Frostweave Robe
18474 Pattern: Runecloth Bag
18475 Pattern: Runecloth Robe
18476 Summon Minion
18477 Pattern: Runecloth Tunic
18478 Pattern: Cindercloth Vest
18479 Pattern: Runecloth Cloak
18480 Pattern: Ghostweave Belt
18481 Pattern: Frostweave Gloves
18482 Pattern: Cindercloth Gloves
18487 Pattern: Ghostweave Gloves
18488 Pattern: Brightcloth Robe
18489 Pattern: Brightcloth Gloves
18490 Pattern: Ghostweave Vest
18491 Pattern: Runecloth Gloves
18492 Pattern: Cindercloth Cloak
18493 Pattern: Felcloth Pants
18494 Pattern: Brightcloth Cloak
18495 Pattern: Wizardweave Leggings
18496 Pattern: Cloak of Fire
18497 Pattern: Runecloth Boots
18498 Shield Bash - Silenced
18499 Berserker Rage
18500 Wing Buffet
18501 Enrage
18502 Curse of Hakkar
18503 Hex
18507 Pattern: Frostweave Pants
18508 Pattern: Cindercloth Pants
18509 Pattern: Robe of Winter Night
18510 Pattern: Felcloth Boots
18511 Pattern: Runecloth Pants
18512 Pattern: Brightcloth Pants
18513 Pattern: Mooncloth Leggings
18514 Pattern: Ghostweave Pants
18515 Pattern: Felcloth Hood
18516 Pattern: Runecloth Headband
18517 Pattern: Mooncloth Bag
18518 Pattern: Wizardweave Robe
18519 Pattern: Mooncloth Vest
18520 Charisma
18521 Pattern: Mooncloth Shoulders
18522 Pattern: Runecloth Shoulders
18524 Pattern: Wizardweave Turban
18525 Pattern: Felcloth Robe
18526 Pattern: Mooncloth Circlet
18527 Pattern: Felcloth Shoulders
18528 Pattern: Gloves of Spell Mastery
18529 Pattern: Bottomless Bag
18530 Divine Fury (Rank 1)
18531 Divine Fury (Rank 2)
18532 Pattern: Truefaith Vestments
18533 Divine Fury (Rank 3)
18534 Divine Fury (Rank 4)
18535 Divine Fury (Rank 5)
18536 Pattern: Robe of the Archmage
18537 Pattern: Robe of the Void
18540 Ritual of Doom
18541 Ritual of Doom Effect
18542 Immolate
18543 Flame Lash
18544 Force of Will (Rank 1)
18545 Scorpid Sting
18546 Overdrive
18547 Force of Will (Rank 2)
18548 Force of Will (Rank 3)
18549 Force of Will (Rank 4)
18550 Force of Will (Rank 5)
18551 Mental Strength (Rank 1)
18552 Mental Strength (Rank 2)
18553 Mental Strength (Rank 3)
18554 Mental Strength (Rank 4)
18555 Mental Strength (Rank 5)
18556 Berserker Rage
18557 Drain Life
18559 Demon Pick
18560 Mooncloth
18561 Shoot
18562 Innervate
18563 Ritual: Mooncloth
18564 Breath
18565 Breath
18566 Breath
18567 Breath
18568 Breath
18569 Breath
18570 Breath
18571 Breath
18572 Breath
18573 Breath
18574 Breath
18575 Breath
18576 Breath
18578 Breath
18579 Breath
18580 Breath
18581 Breath
18582 Breath
18583 Breath
18584 Breath
18585 Breath
18586 Breath
18587 Breath
18588 Breath
18589 Breath
18590 Breath
18591 Breath
18592 Breath
18593 Breath
18594 Breath
18595 Breath
18596 Breath
18597 Breath
18598 Breath
18599 Breath
18600 Breath
18601 Breath
18602 Breath
18603 Breath
18604 Breath
18605 Breath
18606 Breath
18607 Breath
18608 First Aid (Rank 9)
18609 Breath
18610 First Aid (Rank 10)
18611 Breath
18612 Breath
18613 Breath
18614 Breath
18615 Breath
18616 Breath
18617 Breath
18618 Breath
18619 Breath
18620 Breath
18621 Breath
18622 Breath
18623 Breath
18624 Breath
18625 Breath
18626 Breath
18627 Breath
18628 Breath
18629 Runecloth Bandage
18630 Heavy Runecloth Bandage
18631 Runecloth Bandage
18632 Heavy Runecloth Bandage
18633 Weakening Disease
18634 Target Dummy - Event 001
18647 Banish (Rank 2)
18648 Banish (Rank 2)
18649 Shadow Shot
18650 Summon Marduk the Black
18651 Multi-Shot
18652 Siphon Health
18653 Siphon Health
18654 Siphon Health
18655 Mortar Animate
18656 Corruption
18657 Hibernate (Rank 2)
18658 Hibernate (Rank 3)
18659 Hibernate (Rank 2)
18660 Hibernate (Rank 3)
18661 Araj's Phylactery
18662 Curse of Doom Effect
18663 Shadow Shock
18664 Pattern: Bright Yellow Shirt
18665 Pattern: Enchanter's Cowl
18666 Corrupt Redpath
18667 Recipe: Frost Oil
18668 Pattern: Gem-studded Leather Belt
18669 Schematic: Minor Recombobulator
18670 Knock Away
18671 Curse of Agony
18672 Increased All Resist 01
18673 Increased All Resist 02
18674 Increased All Resist 03
18675 Increased All Resist 04
18676 Increased All Resist 05
18677 Increased All Resist 06
18678 Increased All Resist 07
18679 Increased All Resist 08
18680 Increased All Resist 09
18681 Increased All Resist 10
18682 Increased All Resist 11
18683 Increased All Resist 12
18684 Increased All Resist 13
18685 Increased All Resist 14
18686 Increased All Resist 15
18687 Increased All Resist 16
18688 Increased All Resist 17
18689 Increased All Resist 18
18690 Increased All Resist 19
18691 Increased All Resist 20
18692 Improved Healthstone (Rank 1)
18693 Improved Healthstone (Rank 2)
18694 Improved Imp (Rank 1)
18695 Improved Imp (Rank 2)
18696 Improved Imp (Rank 3)
18697 Demonic Embrace (Rank 1)
18698 Demonic Embrace (Rank 2)
18699 Demonic Embrace (Rank 3)
18700 Demonic Embrace (Rank 4)
18701 Demonic Embrace (Rank 5)
18702 Curse of the Darkmaster
18703 Improved Health Funnel (Rank 1)
18704 Improved Health Funnel (Rank 2)
18705 Improved Voidwalker (Rank 1)
18706 Improved Voidwalker (Rank 2)
18707 Improved Voidwalker (Rank 3)
18708 Fel Domination
18709 Master Summoner (Rank 1)
18710 Master Summoner (Rank 2)
18711 Forging
18727 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18728 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18729 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18730 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18731 Fel Intellect (Rank 1)
18733 Air Bubbles
18735 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18736 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18737 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18738 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18739 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18740 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18741 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18742 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
18743 Fel Intellect (Rank 2)
18744 Fel Intellect (Rank 3)
18745 Fel Intellect (Rank 4)
18746 Fel Intellect (Rank 5)
18747 Blue Dragon Immunity (PT)
18748 Fel Stamina (Rank 1)
18749 Fel Stamina (Rank 2)
18750 Fel Stamina (Rank 3)
18751 Fel Stamina (Rank 4)
18752 Fel Stamina (Rank 5)
18753 Curse of Doom
18754 Improved Succubus (Rank 1)
18755 Improved Succubus (Rank 2)
18756 Improved Succubus (Rank 3)
18757 Master Conjuror (Rank 1)
18758 Master Conjuror (Rank 2)
18759 Swallow Soul
18761 Swallow Soul
18762 Hand of Iruxos
18763 Freeze
18764 Fungal Regrowth (Rank 1)
18765 Sweeping Strikes
18767 Improved Firestone (Rank 1)
18768 Improved Firestone (Rank 2)
18769 Unholy Power (Rank 1)
18770 Unholy Power (Rank 2)
18771 Unholy Power (Rank 3)
18772 Unholy Power (Rank 4)
18773 Unholy Power (Rank 5)
18774 Improved Spellstone (Rank 1)
18775 Improved Spellstone (Rank 2)
18787 Heaven's Blessing
18788 Demonic Sacrifice
18789 Burning Wish
18790 Fel Stamina
18791 Touch of Shadow
18792 Fel Energy
18793 Kodo Kombobulator
18794 Young Tirion
18795 Peon Sleeping (Stun emote)
18796 Fireball
18797 Flurry Axe
18798 Freeze
18799 Freeze
18800 Light Test
18801 TESTT
18802 Frost Shot
18803 Focus
18804 Eruption
18805 Recombobulate
18806 Holy Fire (Rank 8)
18807 Mind Flay (Rank 6)
18808 Mind Flay (Rank 6)
18809 Pyroblast (Rank 8)
18810 Taelan's Suffering
18811 Taelan's Suffering Effect
18812 Knockdown
18813 Knock Away
18814 Soul Link
18815 Drain Life
18816 Flamestrike
18817 Drain Life
18818 Flamestrike
18819 Holy Cleave
18820 Insight
18821 Improved Enslave Demon (Rank 1)
18822 Improved Enslave Demon (Rank 2)
18823 Improved Enslave Demon (Rank 3)
18824 Improved Enslave Demon (Rank 4)
18825 Improved Enslave Demon (Rank 5)
18826 Savior's Sacrifice
18827 Improved Curse of Agony (Rank 1)
18828 Bone Armor
18829 Improved Curse of Agony (Rank 2)
18830 Improved Curse of Agony (Rank 3)
18831 Conjure Lily Root (Rank 1)
18832 Lily Root
18833 Firebolt
18847 Fevered Fatigue
18848 Parry (Passive)
18849 Parry
18867 Shadowburn (Rank 2)
18868 Shadowburn (Rank 3)
18869 Shadowburn (Rank 4)
18870 Shadowburn (Rank 5)
18871 Shadowburn (Rank 6)
18872 Shadowburn (Rank 2)
18873 Diablo
18874 Diablo
18875 Shadowburn (Rank 3)
18876 Shadowburn (Rank 4)
18877 Shadowburn (Rank 5)
18878 Shadowburn (Rank 6)
18879 Siphon Life (Rank 2)
18880 Siphon Life (Rank 3)
18881 Siphon Life (Rank 4)
18887 Create Nimboya's Laden Pike
18907 Target Dummy - Event 002
18908 Dissipate Sand Storm
18927 Siphon Life (Rank 2)
18928 Siphon Life (Rank 3)
18929 Siphon Life (Rank 4)
18930 Conflagrate (Rank 2)
18931 Conflagrate (Rank 3)
18932 Conflagrate (Rank 4)
18933 Conflagrate (Rank 2)
18934 Conflagrate (Rank 3)
18935 Conflagrate (Rank 4)
18936 Trigger Silithid
18937 Dark Pact (Rank 2)
18938 Dark Pact (Rank 3)
18939 Dark Pact (Rank 2)
18940 Dark Pact (Rank 3)
18941 Double Attack
18942 Fire Protection
18943 Double Attack
18944 Smash
18945 Knock Away
18946 The Lion Horn of Stormwind
18947 Inferno Dummy Effect
18948 Dark Energy
18949 Atal'ai Poison
18950 Invisibility and Stealth Detection
18951 Spirit Particles (green)
18952 Opening Termite Barrel
18953 Ranshalla Waiting
18954 Ranshalla Despawn
18955 Ranshalla's Torch Trap
18956 Restore Life
18957 Restore Life
18958 Flame Lash
18959 Rat Aggro Clear
18960 Teleport: Moonglade
18967 Rat Aggro Clear
18968 Fire Shield
18969 Taelan Death
18970 Self Stun - (Visual only)
18971 Message to Grand Inquisitor
18972 Slow
18973 Tirion Message to Isillien
18974 Summon Lunaclaw
18975 Summon Ice Totem
18976 Self Resurrection
18977 Frost
18978 Ice Totem
18979 Lightning
18980 Lightning (Rank 1)
18983 Heal on Kill
18984 Heal on Kill (Rank 1)
18985 Resist Silence (Rank 1)
18986 Lunaclaw Spirit
18987 Create Relic Bundle
18988 Create Relic Bundle
18989 Gray Kodo
18990 Brown Kodo
18991 Green Kodo
18992 Teal Kodo
18993 Ranshalla's Altar Trap
18994 Ranshalla - Bind Wildkin
18995 Kodo Riding (Passive)
18996 Kodo Riding
18997 Tirion Message to Isillien 002
19007 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19027 Teleport: Moonglade
19028 Soul Link
19029 Create Coagulated Rot
19030 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
19031 Summon Human Skull
19032 Throw Human Skull
19033 Blighthound Call
19047 Cured Rugged Hide
19048 Heavy Scorpid Bracers
19049 Wicked Leather Gauntlets
19050 Green Dragonscale Breastplate
19051 Heavy Scorpid Vest
19052 Wicked Leather Bracers
19053 Chimeric Gloves
19054 Red Dragonscale Breastplate
19055 Runic Leather Gauntlets
19057 Armor +40
19058 Rugged Armor Kit
19059 Volcanic Leggings
19060 Green Dragonscale Leggings
19061 Living Shoulders
19062 Ironfeather Shoulders
19063 Chimeric Boots
19064 Heavy Scorpid Gauntlets
19065 Runic Leather Bracers
19066 Frostsaber Boots
19067 Stormshroud Pants
19068 Warbear Harness
19069 Plant Magic Beans
19070 Heavy Scorpid Belt
19071 Wicked Leather Headband
19072 Runic Leather Belt
19073 Chimeric Leggings
19074 Frostsaber Leggings
19075 Heavy Scorpid Leggings
19076 Volcanic Breastplate
19077 Blue Dragonscale Breastplate
19078 Living Leggings
19079 Stormshroud Armor
19080 Warbear Woolies
19081 Chimeric Vest
19082 Runic Leather Headband
19083 Wicked Leather Pants
19084 Devilsaur Gauntlets
19085 Black Dragonscale Breastplate
19086 Ironfeather Breastplate
19087 Frostsaber Gloves
19088 Heavy Scorpid Helm
19089 Blue Dragonscale Shoulders
19090 Stormshroud Shoulders
19091 Runic Leather Pants
19092 Wicked Leather Belt
19093 Onyxia Scale Cloak
19094 Black Dragonscale Shoulders
19095 Living Breastplate
19096 Summon Conquered Soul
19097 Devilsaur Leggings
19098 Wicked Leather Armor
19099 Blizzard
19100 Heavy Scorpid Shoulders
19101 Volcanic Shoulders
19102 Runic Leather Armor
19103 Runic Leather Shoulders
19104 Frostsaber Tunic
19105 MHTest01 Effect
19106 Onyxia Scale Breastplate
19107 Black Dragonscale Leggings
19108 MHTest02
19109 MHTest02 Effect
19127 Xabraxxis Demon Bag
19128 Knockdown
19129 Massive Tremor
19130 Revenge
19131 Shield Charge
19132 Mighty Blow
19133 Frost Shock
19134 Intimidating Shout
19135 Avatar
19136 Stormbolt
19137 Slow
19138 Summon Lunaclaw
19147 Cured Rugged Hide
19148 Rugged Armor Kit
19149 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Bracers
19150 Musty Tome Trap
19151 Humanoid Slaying (Rank 1)
19152 Humanoid Slaying (Rank 2)
19153 Humanoid Slaying (Rank 3)
19156 Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets
19157 Pattern: Green Dragonscale Breastplate
19158 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Vest
19159 Savage Strikes (Rank 1)
19160 Savage Strikes (Rank 2)
19161 Pattern: Wicked Leather Bracers
19164 Pattern: Chimeric Gloves
19166 Pattern: Red Dragonscale Breastplate
19167 Pattern: Runic Leather Gauntlets
19168 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 1)
19169 Pattern: Volcanic Leggings
19170 Pattern: Green Dragonscale Leggings
19171 Pattern: Living Shoulders
19172 Pattern: Ironfeather Shoulders
19173 Pattern: Chimeric Boots
19174 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Gauntlets
19175 Pattern: Runic Leather Bracers
19176 Pattern: Frostsaber Boots
19177 Pattern: Stormshroud Pants
19178 Pattern: Warbear Harness
19179 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
19180 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 2)
19181 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 3)
19184 Entrapment (Rank 1)
19185 Entrapment
19186 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Belt
19187 Pattern: Wicked Leather Headband
19188 Pattern: Runic Leather Belt
19189 Pattern: Chimeric Leggings
19190 Pattern: Frostsaber Leggings
19191 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Leggings
19192 Pattern: Volcanic Breastplate
19193 Pattern: Blue Dragonscale Breastplate
19194 Double Attack
19195 Hate to 90%
19196 Surge
19197 Pattern: Living Leggings
19198 Pattern: Stormshroud Armor
19199 Tea with Sugar
19200 Pattern: Warbear Woolies
19201 Pattern: Chimeric Vest
19202 Pattern: Runic Leather Headband
19203 Pattern: Wicked Leather Pants
19204 Pattern: Devilsaur Gauntlets
19205 Pattern: Black Dragonscale Breastplate
19206 Pattern: Ironfeather Breastplate
19207 Pattern: Frostsaber Gloves
19208 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Helm
19209 Pattern: Blue Dragonscale Shoulders
19210 Pattern: Stormshroud Shoulders
19211 Pattern: Runic Leather Pants
19212 Pattern: Wicked Leather Belt
19213 Pattern: Onyxia Scale Cloak
19214 Pattern: Black Dragonscale Shoulders
19215 Pattern: Living Breastplate
19216 Pattern: Devilsaur Leggings
19217 Pattern: Wicked Leather Armor
19218 Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Shoulders
19219 Pattern: Volcanic Shoulders
19220 Pattern: Runic Leather Armor
19221 Pattern: Runic Leather Shoulders
19222 Pattern: Frostsaber Tunic
19223 Surge 2
19224 Pattern: Onyxia Scale Breastplate
19225 Pattern: Black Dragonscale Leggings
19226 Zergling
19227 Zergling
19228 Improved Wing Clip (Rank 1)
19229 Improved Wing Clip
19230 Panda
19231 Panda
19232 Improved Wing Clip (Rank 2)
19233 Improved Wing Clip (Rank 3)
19234 Improved Wing Clip (Rank 4)
19235 Improved Wing Clip (Rank 5)
19236 Desperate Prayer (Rank 2)
19237 Smokey's Explosion
19238 Desperate Prayer (Rank 3)
19239 Clever Traps (Rank 1)
19240 Desperate Prayer (Rank 4)
19241 Desperate Prayer (Rank 5)
19242 Desperate Prayer (Rank 6)
19243 Desperate Prayer (Rank 7)
19244 Spell Lock (Rank 1)
19245 Clever Traps (Rank 2)
19249 Touch of Weakness (Rank 2)
19250 Placing Smokey's Explosives
19251 Touch of Weakness (Rank 3)
19252 Touch of Weakness (Rank 4)
19253 Touch of Weakness (Rank 5)
19254 Touch of Weakness (Rank 6)
19255 Survivalist (Rank 1)
19256 Survivalist (Rank 2)
19257 Survivalist (Rank 3)
19258 Survivalist (Rank 4)
19259 Survivalist (Rank 5)
19260 Frost Blast
19261 Touch of Weakness (Rank 2)
19262 Touch of Weakness (Rank 3)
19263 Deterrence
19264 Touch of Weakness (Rank 4)
19265 Touch of Weakness (Rank 5)
19266 Touch of Weakness (Rank 6)
19267 Feedback (Rank 2)
19268 Feedback (Rank 3)
19269 Feedback (Rank 4)
19270 Feedback (Rank 5)
19271 Feedback (Rank 2)
19272 Lava Breath
19273 Feedback (Rank 3)
19274 Feedback (Rank 4)
19275 Feedback (Rank 5)
19276 Devouring Plague (Rank 2)
19277 Devouring Plague (Rank 3)
19278 Devouring Plague (Rank 4)
19279 Devouring Plague (Rank 5)
19280 Devouring Plague (Rank 6)
19281 Hex of Weakness (Rank 2)
19282 Hex of Weakness (Rank 3)
19283 Hex of Weakness (Rank 4)
19284 Hex of Weakness (Rank 5)
19285 Hex of Weakness (Rank 6)
19286 Improved Feign Death (Rank 1)
19287 Improved Feign Death (Rank 2)
19289 Elune's Grace (Rank 2)
19290 Surefooted (Rank 1)
19291 Elune's Grace (Rank 3)
19292 Elune's Grace (Rank 4)
19293 Elune's Grace (Rank 5)
19294 Surefooted (Rank 2)
19295 Deflection (Rank 1)
19296 Starshards (Rank 2)
19297 Deflection (Rank 2)
19298 Deflection (Rank 3)
19299 Starshards (Rank 3)
19300 Deflection (Rank 5)
19301 Deflection (Rank 4)
19302 Starshards (Rank 4)
19303 Starshards (Rank 5)
19304 Starshards (Rank 6)
19305 Starshards (Rank 7)
19306 Counterattack (Rank 1)
19307 Crystal of Zin-Malor
19308 Shadowguard (Rank 2)
19309 Shadowguard (Rank 3)
19310 Shadowguard (Rank 4)
19311 Shadowguard (Rank 5)
19312 Shadowguard (Rank 6)
19313 Devouring Plague (Rank 2)
19314 Devouring Plague (Rank 3)
19315 Devouring Plague (Rank 4)
19316 Devouring Plague (Rank 5)
19317 Devouring Plague (Rank 6)
19318 Touch of Weakness (Rank 1)
19319 Vicious Bite
19320 Touch of Weakness (Rank 2)
19321 Touch of Weakness (Rank 3)
19322 Touch of Weakness (Rank 4)
19323 Touch of Weakness (Rank 5)
19324 Touch of Weakness (Rank 6)
19325 Hex of Weakness (Rank 1)
19326 Hex of Weakness (Rank 2)
19327 Hex of Weakness (Rank 3)
19328 Hex of Weakness (Rank 4)
19329 Hex of Weakness (Rank 5)
19330 Hex of Weakness (Rank 6)
19331 Shadowguard (Rank 1)
19332 Shadowguard (Rank 2)
19333 Shadowguard (Rank 3)
19334 Shadowguard (Rank 4)
19335 Shadowguard (Rank 5)
19336 Shadowguard (Rank 6)
19337 Fear Ward
19338 Desperate Prayer (Rank 1)
19339 Desperate Prayer (Rank 2)
19340 Desperate Prayer (Rank 3)
19341 Desperate Prayer (Rank 4)
19342 Desperate Prayer (Rank 5)
19343 Desperate Prayer (Rank 6)
19344 Desperate Prayer (Rank 7)
19345 Feedback (Rank 1)
19346 Feedback (Rank 2)
19347 Feedback (Rank 3)
19348 Feedback (Rank 4)
19349 Feedback (Rank 5)
19350 Starshards (Rank 1)
19351 Starshards (Rank 2)
19352 Starshards (Rank 3)
19353 Starshards (Rank 4)
19354 Starshards (Rank 5)
19355 Starshards (Rank 6)
19356 Starshards (Rank 7)
19357 Elune's Grace (Rank 1)
19358 Elune's Grace (Rank 2)
19359 Elune's Grace (Rank 3)
19360 Elune's Grace (Rank 4)
19361 Elune's Grace (Rank 5)
19362 MHTest03
19363 Summon Mechanical Yeti
19364 Ground Stomp
19365 Ancient Dread
19366 Cauterizing Flames
19367 Withering Heat
19368 Summon Infected Mossflayer
19369 Ancient Despair
19370 Killer Instinct (Rank 1)
19371 Killer Instinct (Rank 2)
19372 Ancient Hysteria
19373 Killer Instinct (Rank 3)
19376 Trap Mastery (Rank 1)
19377 Trap Mastery (Rank 2)
19380 Beast Slaying 33
19381 Melee Specialization (Rank 1)
19382 Melee Specialization (Rank 2)
19383 Melee Specialization (Rank 3)
19384 Melee Specialization (Rank 4)
19385 Melee Specialization (Rank 5)
19386 Wyvern Sting (Rank 1)
19387 Entrapment (Rank 2)
19388 Entrapment (Rank 3)
19389 Entrapment (Rank 4)
19390 Entrapment (Rank 5)
19391 Fireball
19392 Summon Lava Spawn
19393 Soul Burn
19394 Summon Gordunni chest (JUNK)
19395 Gordunni Trap
19396 Incinerate
19397 Incinerate
19407 Improved Concussive Shot (Rank 1)
19408 Panic
19409 Bone Armor
19410 Improved Concussive Shot
19411 Lava Bomb
19412 Improved Concussive Shot (Rank 2)
19413 Improved Concussive Shot (Rank 3)
19414 Improved Concussive Shot (Rank 4)
19415 Improved Concussive Shot (Rank 5)
19416 Efficiency (Rank 1)
19417 Efficiency (Rank 2)
19418 Efficiency (Rank 3)
19419 Efficiency (Rank 4)
19420 Efficiency (Rank 5)
19421 Improved Hunter's Mark (Rank 1)
19422 Improved Hunter's Mark (Rank 2)
19423 Improved Hunter's Mark (Rank 3)
19424 Improved Hunter's Mark (Rank 4)
19425 Improved Hunter's Mark (Rank 5)
19426 Lethal Shots (Rank 1)
19427 Lethal Shots (Rank 2)
19428 Conflagration
19429 Lethal Shots (Rank 3)
19430 Lethal Shots (Rank 4)
19431 Lethal Shots (Rank 5)
19432 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19433 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19434 Aimed Shot (Rank 1)
19435 Mooncloth Boots
19436 Lava Bomb Despawn
19437 Mooncloth Boots
19438 Sacrifice (Rank 2)
19439 Sacrifice (Rank 2)
19440 Sacrifice (Rank 3)
19441 Sacrifice (Rank 4)
19442 Sacrifice (Rank 5)
19443 Sacrifice (Rank 6)
19444 Sacrifice (Rank 3)
19445 Sacrifice (Rank 4)
19446 Sacrifice (Rank 5)
19447 Sacrifice (Rank 6)
19448 Poison
19449 Magma Spit
19450 Magma Spit
19451 Frenzy
19452 Toxic Spit
19453 Hive'Zora Egg
19454 Improved Arcane Shot (Rank 1)
19455 Improved Arcane Shot (Rank 2)
19456 Improved Arcane Shot (Rank 3)
19457 Improved Arcane Shot (Rank 4)
19458 Improved Arcane Shot (Rank 5)
19459 Hive'Zora Wasp
19460 Shadow Shock
19461 Barrage (Rank 1)
19462 Barrage (Rank 2)
19463 Corrosive Acid Spit
19464 Improved Serpent Sting (Rank 1)
19465 Improved Serpent Sting (Rank 2)
19466 Improved Serpent Sting (Rank 3)
19467 Improved Serpent Sting (Rank 4)
19468 Improved Serpent Sting (Rank 5)
19469 Poison Mind
19470 Gem of the Serpent
19471 Berserker Charge
19472 Sinister Strike
19473 Naga Statue Spell
19474 Rain of Fire (Rank 1)
19475 Rain of Fire (Rank 1)
19476 Dispel Magic (Rank 1)
19477 Dispel Magic (Rank 1)
19478 Tainted Blood (Rank 1)
19479 Tainted Blood Effect (Rank 1)
19480 Paranoia
19481 Paranoia
19482 War Stomp (Rank 1)
19483 Immolation (Rank 1)
19484 Majordomo Teleport Visual
19485 Mortal Shots (Rank 1)
19486 Improved Scorpid Sting
19487 Mortal Shots (Rank 2)
19488 Mortal Shots (Rank 3)
19489 Mortal Shots (Rank 4)
19490 Mortal Shots (Rank 5)
19491 Improved Scorpid Sting (Rank 1)
19492 Antimagic Pulse
19493 Improved Scorpid Sting (Rank 2)
19494 Improved Scorpid Sting (Rank 3)
19496 Magma Shackles
19497 Eruption
19498 Hawk Eye (Rank 1)
19499 Hawk Eye (Rank 2)
19500 Hawk Eye (Rank 3)
19502 Sickly Critter Aura
19503 Scatter Shot
19505 Devour Magic (Rank 1)
19506 Trueshot Aura (Rank 1)
19507 Ranged Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
19508 Ranged Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
19509 Ranged Weapon Specialization (Rank 3)
19510 Ranged Weapon Specialization (Rank 4)
19511 Ranged Weapon Specialization (Rank 5)
19512 Apply Salve
19513 Lightning Cloud
19514 Lightning Shield
19515 Enrage Trigger
19516 Enrage
19527 Majordomo Teleport
19548 Tame Ice Claw Bear
19549 Improved Aspect of the Monkey (Rank 1)
19550 Improved Aspect of the Monkey (Rank 2)
19551 Improved Aspect of the Monkey (Rank 3)
19552 Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 1)
19553 Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 2)
19554 Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 3)
19555 Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 4)
19556 Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 5)
19557 Improved Eyes of the Beast (Rank 1)
19558 Improved Eyes of the Beast (Rank 2)
19559 Pathfinding (Rank 1)
19560 Pathfinding (Rank 2)
19561 Summon Gnashjaw
19564 Draw Water Sample
19565 Draw Water Sample
19566 Salt Shaker
19567 Salt Shaker
19568 Salt Shaker
19569 Split
19570 Split
19571 Destroy Ghost Magnet
19572 Improved Mend Pet (Rank 1)
19573 Improved Mend Pet (Rank 2)
19574 Bestial Wrath
19575 Improved Revive Pet (Rank 2)
19577 Intimidation
19578 Spirit Bond (Rank 1)
19579 Spirit Bond (Rank 1)
19580 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19581 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19582 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19583 Endurance Training (Rank 1)
19584 Endurance Training (Rank 2)
19585 Endurance Training (Rank 3)
19586 Endurance Training (Rank 4)
19587 Endurance Training (Rank 5)
19588 Place Ghost Magnet
19589 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19590 Bestial Discipline (Rank 1)
19591 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
19592 Bestial Discipline (Rank 2)
19593 Egg Explosion
19594 Plague Effect
19595 Shadow and Frost Reflect
19596 Bestial Swiftness
19597 Tame Ice Claw Bear
19598 Ferocity (Rank 1)
19599 Ferocity (Rank 2)
19600 Ferocity (Rank 3)
19601 Ferocity (Rank 4)
19602 Ferocity (Rank 5)
19603 Bestial Fury (Rank 1)
19604 Bestial Fury Effect
19605 Bestial Fury (Rank 2)
19606 Bestial Fury (Rank 3)
19607 Bestial Fury (Rank 4)
19608 Bestial Fury (Rank 5)
19609 Thick Hide (Rank 1)
19610 Thick Hide (Rank 2)
19612 Thick Hide (Rank 3)
19614 Despawn Caster
19615 Frenzy Effect (Rank 1)
19616 Unleashed Fury (Rank 1)
19617 Unleashed Fury (Rank 2)
19618 Unleashed Fury (Rank 3)
19619 Unleashed Fury (Rank 4)
19620 Unleashed Fury (Rank 5)
19621 Frenzy (Rank 1)
19622 Frenzy (Rank 2)
19623 Frenzy (Rank 3)
19624 Frenzy (Rank 4)
19625 Frenzy (Rank 5)
19626 Fire Shield
19627 Fire Shield
19628 Flames
19629 Summon Flames
19630 Cone of Fire
19631 Melt Armor
19632 Cleave
19633 Knock Away
19634 Mana Rejuvenation
19635 Incite Flames
19636 Fire Blossom
19637 Fire Blossom
19638 Prismstone
19639 Pummel
19640 Pummel
19641 Pyroclast Barrage
19642 Cleave
19643 Mortal Strike
19644 Strike
19645 Anti-Magic Shield
19646 Silver Skeleton Key
19647 Spell Lock (Rank 2)
19648 Spell Lock (Rank 1)
19649 Golden Skeleton Key
19650 Spell Lock (Rank 2)
19651 Truesilver Skeleton Key
19652 Tainted Blood Effect (Rank 2)
19653 Tainted Blood Effect (Rank 3)
19654 Tainted Blood Effect (Rank 4)
19655 Tainted Blood (Rank 2)
19656 Tainted Blood (Rank 3)
19657 Arcanite Skeleton Key
19658 Devour Magic Effect (Rank 1)
19659 Ignite Mana
19660 Tainted Blood (Rank 4)
19661 Tainted Blood (Rank 1)
19662 Tainted Blood (Rank 2)
19663 Tainted Blood (Rank 3)
19664 Tainted Blood (Rank 4)
19665 Ignite Mana
19666 Silver Skeleton Key
19667 Golden Skeleton Key
19668 Truesilver Skeleton Key
19669 Arcanite Skeleton Key
19670 Silver Skeleton Key
19671 Golden Skeleton Key
19672 Truesilver Skeleton Key
19673 Arcanite Skeleton Key
19674 Tame Large Crag Boar
19675 Feral Charge Effect
19676 Tame Snow Leopard
19677 Tame Large Crag Boar
19678 Tame Adult Plainstrider
19679 Tame Prairie Stalker
19680 Tame Swoop
19681 Tame Dire Mottled Boar
19682 Tame Surf Crawler
19683 Tame Armored Scorpid
19684 Tame Webwood Lurker
19685 Tame Nightsaber Stalker
19686 Tame Strigid Screecher
19687 Tame Snow Leopard
19688 Tame Adult Plainstrider
19689 Tame Prairie Stalker
19690 Scarlet Illusion
19691 Beast Slaying 18
19692 Tame Swoop
19693 Tame Webwood Lurker
19694 Tame Dire Mottled Boar
19695 Inferno
19696 Tame Surf Crawler
19697 Tame Armored Scorpid
19698 Inferno
19699 Tame Nightsaber Stalker
19700 Tame Strigid Screecher
19701 Boulder
19702 Impending Doom
19703 Lucifron's Curse
19704 Summon Earth Elemental
19705 Well Fed
19706 Well Fed
19707 Hate to 50%
19708 Well Fed
19709 Well Fed
19710 Well Fed
19711 Well Fed
19712 Arcane Explosion
19713 Shazzrah's Curse
19714 Deaden Magic
19715 Counterspell
19716 Gehennas' Curse
19717 Rain of Fire
19718 zzOLDRiposte
19719 Use Bauble
19720 Combine Pendants
19721 Resurrect Trooper
19722 Summon Scarlet Trooper
19723 Advanced Target Dummy - Event 003
19725 Turn Undead
19726 Resistance Aura
19727 Aquatic Miasma
19728 Shadow Bolt
19729 Shadow Bolt
19730 Strike
19731 Devour Magic (Rank 2)
19732 Devour Magic Effect (Rank 2)
19733 Devour Magic Effect (Rank 3)
19734 Devour Magic (Rank 3)
19735 Devour Magic Effect (Rank 4)
19736 Devour Magic (Rank 4)
19737 Devour Magic (Rank 2)
19738 Devour Magic (Rank 3)
19739 Devour Magic (Rank 4)
19740 Blessing of Might (Rank 1)
19741 Blessing of Might (Rank 1)
19742 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 1)
19743 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 1)
19746 Concentration Aura
19747 Concentration Aura
19748 Charismatic Aura
19749 Trooper Ping
19750 Flash of Light (Rank 1)
19751 Flash of Light (Rank 1)
19752 Divine Intervention
19753 Divine Intervention
19754 Divine Intervention
19755 Frightalon
19767 Aynasha's Bow
19768 Gizelton Caravan
19769 Thorium Grenade
19770 Gizelton Caravan
19771 Serrated Bite
19772 Summon Lifelike Toad
19773 Elemental Fire
19774 Summon Ragnaros
19775 Dark Mending
19776 Shadow Word: Pain
19777 Dark Strike
19778 Demoralizing Shout
19779 Inspire
19780 Hand of Ragnaros
19781 Flame Spear
19784 Dark Iron Bomb
19785 Throw
19786 Resist Silence
19787 Increased Armor 110
19788 Dense Blasting Powder
19790 Thorium Grenade
19791 Thorium Widget
19792 Thorium Rifle
19793 Lifelike Mechanical Toad
19794 Spellpower Goggles Xtreme Plus
19795 Thorium Tube
19796 Dark Iron Rifle
19797 Conjure Torch of Retribution
19798 Earthquake
19799 Dark Iron Bomb
19800 Thorium Shells
19801 Tranquilizing Shot
19802 Summon Arcanite Dragonling
19804 Arcanite Dragonling
19805 Masterwork Target Dummy
19806 Injure Self
19808 Masterwork Target Dummy Effect
19809 Masterwork Target Dummy Passive
19810 Injure Self on Spawn
19811 Annihilate
19812 Frenzy
19813 Knockback
19814 Masterwork Target Dummy
19815 Delicate Arcanite Converter
19816 Fireball
19817 Double Attack
19818 Double Attack
19819 Voice Amplification Modulator
19820 Mangle
19821 Arcane Bomb
19822 Play Dead
19823 Fire Nova Visual
19824 Summon Blackwing Legionnaires
19825 Master Engineer's Goggles
19826 Summon Blackwing Legionnaire
19827 Summon Blackwing Mage
19828 Summon Death Talon Dragonspawn
19829 Summon Guardian of Nefarian
19830 Arcanite Dragonling
19831 Arcane Bomb
19832 Possess
19833 Flawless Arcanite Rifle
19834 Blessing of Might (Rank 2)
19835 Blessing of Might (Rank 3)
19836 Blessing of Might (Rank 4)
19837 Blessing of Might (Rank 5)
19838 Blessing of Might (Rank 6)
19839 Blessing of Might (Rank 2)
19840 Blessing of Might (Rank 3)
19841 Blessing of Might (Rank 4)
19842 Blessing of Might (Rank 5)
19843 Blessing of Might (Rank 6)
19844 Dense Blasting Powder
19845 Schematic: Thorium Grenade
19846 Schematic: Thorium Widget
19847 Schematic: Thorium Rifle
19848 Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad
19849 Schematic: Spellpower Goggles Xtreme Plus
19850 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 2)
19851 Schematic: Masterwork Target Dummy
19852 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 3)
19853 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 4)
19854 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 5)
19855 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 2)
19856 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 3)
19857 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 4)
19858 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 5)
19859 Schematic: Thorium Tube
19860 Schematic: Dark Iron Rifle
19861 Schematic: Dark Iron Bomb
19862 Schematic: Thorium Shells
19863 Schematic: Delicate Arcanite Converter
19864 Schematic: Voice Amplification Modulator
19865 Schematic: Master Engineer's Goggles
19866 Schematic: Arcanite Dragonling
19867 Schematic: Arcane Bomb
19868 Schematic: Flawless Arcanite Rifle
19869 Dragon Orb
19870 Improved Intimidating Shout (Rank 1)
19871 Improved Intimidating Shout (Rank 2)
19872 Calm Dragonkin
19873 Destroy Egg
19874 Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
19876 Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 1)
19877 Tranquilizing Shot
19878 Track Demons
19879 Track Dragonkin
19880 Track Elementals
19881 Shoot (TEST)
19882 Track Giants
19883 Track Humanoids
19884 Track Undead
19885 Track Hidden
19886 Expert Cook
19887 Artisan Cook
19888 Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 1)
19889 Expert Fishing
19890 Artisan Fishing
19891 Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 1)
19892 Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 1)
19893 Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 1)
19894 Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 1)
19895 Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 2)
19896 Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 3)
19897 Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 2)
19898 Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 3)
19899 Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 2)
19900 Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 3)
19901 dmg7
19902 Artisan First Aid
19903 Expert First Aid
19904 Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 2)
19905 Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 3)
19906 Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 2)
19907 Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 3)
19908 Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 2)
19909 Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 3)
19927 Test Enchant Weapon Flame
19932 Test Enchhelp Cloak - Fire Resistance
19937 Illusion: Black Dragonkin
19938 Awaken Peon
19939 Flash of Light (Rank 2)
19940 Flash of Light (Rank 3)
19941 Flash of Light (Rank 4)
19942 Flash of Light (Rank 5)
19943 Flash of Light (Rank 6)
19944 Flash of Light (Rank 2)
19945 Flash of Light (Rank 3)
19946 Flash of Light (Rank 4)
19947 Flash of Light (Rank 5)
19948 Flash of Light (Rank 6)
19949 Recipe: Spiced Chili Crab
19950 Recipe: Monster Omelet
19951 Pacify Self
19952 Heal Ragnaros
19953 Enrage
19968 Holy Light
19970 Entangling Roots (Rank 6)
19971 Entangling Roots (Rank 5)
19972 Entangling Roots (Rank 4)
19973 Entangling Roots (Rank 3)
19974 Entangling Roots (Rank 2)
19975 Entangling Roots (Rank 1)
19977 Blessing of Light (Rank 1)
19978 Blessing of Light (Rank 2)
19979 Blessing of Light (Rank 3)
19980 Holy Light
19981 Holy Light
19982 Holy Light
19983 Cleave
19984 Superior Strength
19985 Superior Stamina
19986 Superior Spirit
19987 Superior Intellect
19988 Greater Stats
19989 Superior Agility
19990 Major Health
19991 Major Mana
19992 Greater Resistance
19993 Flash of Light
19995 Blessing of Light (Rank 1)
19996 Blessing of Light (Rank 2)
19997 Blessing of Light (Rank 3)
20000 Windsor Dismisses Horse DND
20001 Mercutio Horse Dummy DND
20002 Intellect 15
20003 Spirit 15
20004 Life Steal
20005 Chilled
20006 Unholy Curse
20007 Holy Strength
20008 Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
20009 Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit
20010 Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
20011 Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina
20012 Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
20013 Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength
20014 Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance
20015 Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense
20016 Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit
20017 Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina
20018 Create Healthstone (Major)
20019 Engulfing Flames
20020 Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina
20021 Engulfing Flames
20022 Create Soulstone
20023 Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
20024 Enchant Boots - Spirit
20025 Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
20026 Enchant Chest - Major Health
20027 Immune Effect: Taunt
20028 Enchant Chest - Major Mana
20029 Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill
20030 Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior Impact
20031 Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking
20032 Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing
20033 Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
20034 Enchant Weapon - Crusader
20035 Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit
20036 Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect
20037 Explode Orb Effect
20038 Explosion
20039 Greater Eternal Essence
20040 Lesser Eternal Essence
20041 Tammra Sapling
20042 Improved Blessing of Might (Rank 1)
20043 Aspect of the Wild (Rank 1)
20044 Aspect of the Wild (Rank 1)
20045 Improved Blessing of Might (Rank 2)
20046 Improved Blessing of Might (Rank 3)
20047 Improved Blessing of Might (Rank 4)
20048 Improved Blessing of Might (Rank 5)
20049 Vengeance (Rank 1)
20050 Vengeance
20051 Runed Arcanite Rod
20052 Vengeance
20053 Vengeance
20054 Vengeance
20055 Vengeance
20056 Vengeance (Rank 2)
20057 Vengeance (Rank 3)
20058 Vengeance (Rank 4)
20059 Vengeance (Rank 5)
20060 Deflection (Rank 1)
20061 Deflection (Rank 2)
20062 Deflection (Rank 3)
20063 Deflection (Rank 4)
20064 Deflection (Rank 5)
20065 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
20066 Repentance
20067 Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina
20068 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance
20069 Formula: Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina
20070 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit
20071 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
20072 Formula: Enchant Boots - Spirit
20073 Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health
20074 Formula: Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit
20075 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill
20076 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense
20077 Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Mana
20078 Formula: Runed Arcanite Rod
20079 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength
20080 Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
20081 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
20082 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Superior Impact
20083 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Unholy
20084 Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect
20085 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking
20086 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina
20087 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader
20088 Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
20089 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealer
20090 Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit
20091 Improved Retribution Aura (Rank 1)
20092 Improved Retribution Aura (Rank 2)
20096 Anticipation (Rank 1)
20097 Anticipation (Rank 2)
20098 Anticipation (Rank 3)
20099 Anticipation (Rank 4)
20100 Anticipation (Rank 5)
20101 Benediction (Rank 1)
20102 Benediction (Rank 2)
20103 Benediction (Rank 3)
20104 Benediction (Rank 4)
20105 Benediction (Rank 5)
20111 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
20112 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
20113 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 3)
20116 Consecration (Rank 2)
20117 Conviction (Rank 1)
20118 Conviction (Rank 2)
20119 Conviction (Rank 3)
20120 Conviction (Rank 4)
20121 Conviction (Rank 5)
20127 Redoubt (Rank 1)
20128 Redoubt
20130 Redoubt (Rank 2)
20131 Redoubt
20132 Redoubt
20133 Redoubt
20134 Redoubt
20135 Redoubt (Rank 3)
20136 Redoubt (Rank 4)
20137 Redoubt (Rank 5)
20138 Improved Devotion Aura (Rank 1)
20139 Improved Devotion Aura (Rank 2)
20140 Improved Devotion Aura (Rank 3)
20141 Improved Devotion Aura (Rank 4)
20142 Improved Devotion Aura (Rank 5)
20143 Toughness (Rank 1)
20144 Toughness (Rank 2)
20145 Toughness (Rank 3)
20146 Toughness (Rank 4)
20147 Toughness (Rank 5)
20148 Shield Specialization (Rank 1)
20149 Shield Specialization (Rank 2)
20150 Shield Specialization (Rank 3)
20153 Immolation (Rank 1)
20154 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1)
20155 Track Demons
20156 Track Dragonkin
20157 Track Elementals
20158 Track Giants
20159 Track Hidden
20160 Track Humanoids
20161 Track Undead
20162 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 2)
20164 Seal of Justice
20165 Seal of Light (Rank 1)
20166 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 1)
20167 Seal of Light (Rank 1)
20168 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 1)
20170 Stun (Rank 1)
20171 Summon Onyxian Whelps
20172 Summon Onyxian Whelp
20173 Raid Buff Fire
20174 Guardian's Favor (Rank 1)
20175 Guardian's Favor (Rank 2)
20177 Reckoning (Rank 1)
20178 Reckoning
20179 Reckoning (Rank 2)
20180 Reckoning (Rank 4)
20181 Reckoning (Rank 3)
20182 Reckoning (Rank 5)
20183 zzOLDJudgement of Fury (Rank 1)
20184 Judgement of Justice (Rank 1)
20185 Judgement of Light (Rank 1)
20186 Judgement of Wisdom (Rank 1)
20187 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 1)
20188 Judgement of the Crusader (Rank 2)
20189 Precision (Rank 1)
20190 Aspect of the Wild (Rank 2)
20191 Aspect of the Wild (Rank 2)
20192 Precision (Rank 2)
20193 Precision (Rank 3)
20194 Improved Blessing of Salvation (Rank 1)
20195 Improved Blessing of Salvation (Rank 2)
20196 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 1)
20197 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 2)
20198 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 3)
20199 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 4)
20200 One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Rank 5)
20201 Arcanite Rod
20202 Arcanite Rod
20203 Fire Nova
20205 Spiritual Focus (Rank 1)
20206 Spiritual Focus (Rank 2)
20207 Spiritual Focus (Rank 3)
20208 Spiritual Focus (Rank 5)
20209 Spiritual Focus (Rank 4)
20210 Illumination (Rank 1)
20211 Illumination Effect
20212 Illumination (Rank 2)
20213 Illumination (Rank 3)
20214 Illumination (Rank 4)
20215 Illumination (Rank 5)
20216 Divine Favor
20217 Blessing of Kings
20218 Sanctity Aura
20219 Gnomish Engineer
20220 Gnomish Engineering
20221 Goblin Engineering
20222 Goblin Engineer
20223 Magic Reflection
20224 Improved Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1)
20225 Improved Seal of Righteousness (Rank 2)
20226 Aggro
20228 Pyroblast
20229 Blast Wave
20230 Retaliation
20233 Lay on Hands (Rank 1)
20234 Improved Lay on Hands (Rank 1)
20235 Improved Lay on Hands (Rank 2)
20236 Lay on Hands (Rank 2)
20237 Healing Light (Rank 1)
20238 Healing Light (Rank 2)
20239 Healing Light (Rank 3)
20240 Retaliation
20243 Devastate (Rank 1)
20244 Improved Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 1)
20245 Improved Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 2)
20249 Improved Flash of Light (Rank 1)
20250 Improved Flash of Light (Rank 2)
20251 Improved Flash of Light (Rank 3)
20252 Intercept (Rank 1)
20253 Intercept Stun (Rank 1)
20254 Improved Concentration Aura (Rank 1)
20255 Improved Concentration Aura (Rank 2)
20256 Improved Concentration Aura (Rank 3)
20257 Divine Intellect (Rank 1)
20258 Divine Intellect (Rank 2)
20259 Divine Intellect (Rank 3)
20260 Divine Intellect (Rank 4)
20261 Divine Intellect (Rank 5)
20262 Divine Strength (Rank 1)
20263 Divine Strength (Rank 2)
20264 Divine Strength (Rank 3)
20265 Divine Strength (Rank 4)
20266 Divine Strength (Rank 5)
20267 Judgement of Light (Rank 1)
20268 Judgement of Wisdom (Rank 1)
20269 Enchanted Gaea Seed
20270 Firebolt (Rank 2)
20271 Judgement
20272 Illumination
20273 Windsor's Inspriation DND
20274 Capturing Termites
20275 Windsor's Inspiration Effect DND
20276 Knockdown
20277 Fist of Ragnaros
20279 Summon Player
20280 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 2)
20281 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 3)
20282 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 4)
20283 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 5)
20284 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 6)
20285 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 7)
20286 Judgement of Righteousness (Rank 8)
20287 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 2)
20288 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 3)
20289 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 4)
20290 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 5)
20291 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 6)
20292 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 7)
20293 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 8)
20294 Immolate
20295 Lightning Bolt
20296 Flamestrike
20297 Frostbolt
20298 Shadow Bolt
20299 Forked Lightning
20300 Judgement of the Crusader (Rank 3)
20301 Judgement of the Crusader (Rank 4)
20302 Judgement of the Crusader (Rank 5)
20303 Judgement of the Crusader (Rank 6)
20304 zzOLDJudgement of the Crusader (Rank 6)
20305 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 3)
20306 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 4)
20307 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 5)
20308 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 6)
20310 Stun
20311 Summon Player
20312 Firebolt (Rank 3)
20313 Firebolt (Rank 4)
20314 Firebolt (Rank 5)
20315 Firebolt (Rank 6)
20316 Firebolt (Rank 7)
20317 Torment (Rank 2)
20318 Blood Pact (Rank 2)
20319 Blood Pact (Rank 3)
20320 Blood Pact (Rank 4)
20321 Blood Pact (Rank 5)
20322 Fire Shield (Rank 1)
20323 Fire Shield (Rank 2)
20324 Fire Shield (Rank 3)
20326 Fire Shield (Rank 4)
20327 Fire Shield (Rank 5)
20329 Phase Shift
20330 Improved Seal of Righteousness (Rank 3)
20331 Improved Seal of Righteousness (Rank 4)
20332 Improved Seal of Righteousness (Rank 5)
20333 Seal of Light (Rank 2)
20334 Seal of Light (Rank 3)
20335 Improved Seal of the Crusader (Rank 1)
20336 Improved Seal of the Crusader (Rank 2)
20337 Improved Seal of the Crusader (Rank 3)
20340 Seal of Light (Rank 4)
20341 Judgement of Light (Rank 2)
20342 Judgement of Light (Rank 3)
20343 Judgement of Light (Rank 4)
20344 Judgement of Light (Rank 2)
20345 Judgement of Light (Rank 3)
20346 Judgement of Light (Rank 4)
20347 Seal of Light (Rank 2)
20348 Seal of Light (Rank 3)
20349 Seal of Light (Rank 4)
20350 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 2)
20351 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 3)
20352 Judgement of Wisdom (Rank 2)
20353 Judgement of Wisdom (Rank 3)
20354 Judgement of Wisdom (Rank 2)
20355 Judgement of Wisdom (Rank 3)
20356 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 2)
20357 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 3)
20358 Windsor Reading Tablets DND
20359 Lasting Judgement (Rank 1)
20360 Lasting Judgement (Rank 2)
20361 Lasting Judgement (Rank 3)
20364 Bury Samuel's Remains
20367 Tag: Purple Cloud
20368 Tag: Red Skulls
20369 Tag: Purple Ball
20370 Tag: Red Glow
20371 Tag: Green Glow
20372 Tag: Hearts
20373 Tag: Sleep
20374 Tag: Arrow
20375 Seal of Command (Rank 1)
20376 Reduced Frost Cost
20377 Torment (Rank 3)
20378 Torment (Rank 4)
20379 Torment (Rank 5)
20380 Torment (Rank 6)
20381 Sacrifice (Rank 1)
20382 Sacrifice (Rank 2)
20383 Sacrifice (Rank 3)
20384 Sacrifice (Rank 4)
20385 Sacrifice (Rank 5)
20386 Sacrifice (Rank 6)
20387 Consume Shadows (Rank 1)
20388 Consume Shadows (Rank 2)
20389 Consume Shadows (Rank 3)
20390 Consume Shadows (Rank 4)
20391 Consume Shadows (Rank 5)
20392 Consume Shadows (Rank 6)
20393 Suffering (Rank 1)
20394 Suffering (Rank 2)
20395 Suffering (Rank 3)
20396 Suffering (Rank 4)
20397 Blood Pact (Rank 1)
20398 Lash of Pain (Rank 2)
20399 Lash of Pain (Rank 3)
20400 Lash of Pain (Rank 4)
20401 Lash of Pain (Rank 5)
20402 Lash of Pain (Rank 6)
20403 Soothing Kiss (Rank 1)
20404 Soothing Kiss (Rank 2)
20405 Soothing Kiss (Rank 3)
20406 Soothing Kiss (Rank 4)
20407 Seduction
20408 Lesser Invisibility
20409 Lady Prestor Transforms DND
20410 Tag: Clear
20411 zzOLDJudgement of Fury (Rank 2)
20412 zzOLDJudgement of Fury (Rank 3)
20413 zzOLDJudgement of Fury (Rank 4)
20414 zzOLDJudgement of Fury (Rank 5)
20420 Fireball
20424 Seal of Command
20425 Judgement of Command (Rank 1)
20426 Devour Magic (Rank 2)
20427 Devour Magic (Rank 3)
20428 Devour Magic (Rank 4)
20429 Tainted Blood (Rank 1)
20430 Tainted Blood (Rank 2)
20431 Tainted Blood (Rank 3)
20432 Tainted Blood (Rank 4)
20433 Spell Lock (Rank 1)
20434 Spell Lock (Rank 2)
20435 Paranoia
20436 Drunken Pit Crew
20437 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 2)
20438 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 3)
20439 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 4)
20440 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 5)
20441 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 6)
20442 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 7)
20443 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 8)
20444 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 2)
20445 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 3)
20446 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 4)
20447 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 5)
20448 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 6)
20449 Teleport
20450 Righteous Fury
20451 Seal of Fury (Rank 2)
20452 Seal of Fury (Rank 3)
20453 Seal of Fury (Rank 4)
20454 Seal of Fury (Rank 5)
20455 Seal of Light (Rank 1)
20456 Seal of Light (Rank 2)
20457 Seal of Light (Rank 3)
20458 Seal of Light (Rank 4)
20459 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 1)
20460 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 2)
20461 Seal of Wisdom (Rank 3)
20462 Seal of Justice
20463 Shoot
20464 Summon Skeleton
20465 Windsor Death DND
20466 Lady Prestor Despawns DND
20467 Judgement of Command (Rank 1)
20468 Improved Righteous Fury (Rank 1)
20469 Improved Righteous Fury (Rank 2)
20470 Improved Righteous Fury (Rank 3)
20473 Holy Shock (Rank 1)
20474 Lava Bomb
20475 Living Bomb
20476 Explosion
20477 Summon Player
20478 Armageddon
20479 Armageddon
20480 Birth
20481 Garr Armor Debuff
20482 Firesworn Eruption Trigger
20483 Massive Eruption
20484 Rebirth (Rank 1)
20485 Rebirth (Rank 1)
20487 Improved Hammer of Justice (Rank 1)
20488 Improved Hammer of Justice (Rank 2)
20489 Improved Hammer of Justice (Rank 3)
20492 Resonite Crystal
20493 Ritual of Doom Trigger Effect
20494 Summon Lava Bomb 1
20495 Summon Lava Bomb 2
20496 Improved Cleave (Rank 3)
20497 Improved Slam (Rank 3)
20498 Improved Slam (Rank 4)
20499 Improved Slam (Rank 5)
20500 Improved Berserker Rage (Rank 1)
20501 Improved Berserker Rage (Rank 2)
20502 Improved Execute (Rank 1)
20503 Improved Execute (Rank 2)
20504 Improved Intercept (Rank 1)
20505 Improved Intercept (Rank 2)
20506 Summon Magmakin
20507 Magmakin Confuse
20508 Charge
20511 Intimidating Shout
20512 Creeping Plague
20513 Enchanted Resonite Crystal
20514 Ruul Snowhoof Shapechange (DND)
20527 Eruption
20528 Mor'rogal Enchant
20529 Bind Chapter 1
20530 Bind Chapter 2
20531 Bind Chapter 3
20532 Intense Heat
20533 Intense Heat
20534 Teleport
20535 Lightning Breath
20536 Lightning Breath
20537 Counterspell
20538 Hate to Zero
20539 Fatal Bite
20540 Ashenvale Outrunner Sneak (Rank 1)
20541 Fetch!
20542 Static Conduit
20543 Lightning Breath
20544 Attract Rager
20545 Lightning Shield
20546 Infernal Spawn Trigger
20547 Fun Bomb
20548 Root Self
20549 War Stomp (Racial)
20550 Endurance (Racial Passive)
20551 Nature Resistance (Racial Passive)
20552 Cultivation (Racial Passive)
20553 Golemagg's Trust
20554 Berserking (Racial)
20555 Regeneration (Racial Passive)
20556 Golemagg's Trust
20557 Beast Slaying (Racial Passive)
20558 Throwing Specialization (Racial Passive)
20559 Mocking Blow (Rank 4)
20560 Mocking Blow (Rank 5)
20561 Mocking Blow (Rank 4)
20562 Mocking Blow (Rank 5)
20563 Elemental Fire
20564 Elemental Fire
20565 Magma Blast
20566 Wrath of Ragnaros
20567 Ragnaros Submerge Visual
20568 Ragnaros Emerge
20569 Cleave (Rank 5)
20570 Superheated Flames
20571 Cleave (Rank 5)
20572 Blood Fury (Racial)
20573 Hardiness (Racial Passive)
20574 Axe Specialization (Racial Passive)
20575 Command (Racial Passive)
20576 Command (Racial Passive)
20577 Cannibalize (Racial)
20578 Cannibalize
20579 Shadow Resistance (Racial Passive)
20580 Shadowmeld (Racial)
20582 Quickness (Racial Passive)
20583 Nature Resistance (Racial Passive)
20584 Ghost
20585 Wisp Spirit (Racial Passive)
20586 Windreaper
20587 Ragged John's Neverending Cup
20589 Escape Artist (Racial)
20590 Ragged John's Neverending Cup
20591 Expansive Mind (Racial Passive)
20592 Arcane Resistance (Racial Passive)
20593 Engineering Specialization (Racial Passive)
20594 Stoneform (Racial)
20595 Gun Specialization (Racial Passive)
20596 Frost Resistance (Racial Passive)
20597 Sword Specialization (Racial Passive)
20598 The Human Spirit (Racial Passive)
20599 Diplomacy (Racial Passive)
20600 Perception (Racial)
20602 Fire Nova
20603 Shadow Shock
20604 Dominate Mind
20605 Cleave
20606 Undead Slayer 15
20607 Increased Staff
20608 Reincarnation (Passive)
20609 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 2)
20610 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 3)
20611 Intercept (Rank 1)
20612 Stoneform
20613 Reincarnation
20614 Intercept Stun (Rank 2)
20615 Intercept Stun (Rank 3)
20616 Intercept (Rank 2)
20617 Intercept (Rank 3)
20618 Teleport
20619 Magic Reflection
20620 Aegis of Ragnaros
20621 Intercept (Rank 2)
20622 Intercept (Rank 3)
20623 Fire Blast
20624 Test Mod Water Breathing (PT)
20625 Ritual of Doom Sacrifice
20626 Undermine Clam Chowder
20627 Lightning Breath
20628 Recipe: Undermine Clam Chowder
20629 Corrosive Venom Spit
20630 Lightning Breath
20631 Furbolg Medicine Pouch (Rank 1)
20647 Execute
20648 Medium Leather
20649 Heavy Leather
20650 Thick Leather
20651 Medium Leather
20652 Heavy Leather
20653 Thick Leather
20654 Entangling Roots
20655 Barkskin
20656 Faerie Fire
20657 Acid Spit
20658 Execute (Rank 2)
20660 Execute (Rank 3)
20661 Execute (Rank 4)
20662 Execute (Rank 5)
20663 Sleep
20664 Rejuvenation
20665 Regrowth
20666 Cleave
20667 Corrosive Acid Breath
20668 Sleepwalk
20669 Sleep
20671 Summon Phantim Illusion
20672 Fade
20676 Intense Heat
20677 Cleave
20678 Fireball
20679 Fire Blast
20680 Blizzard
20681 Summon Water Elementals
20682 Teleport
20683 Highlord's Justice
20684 Cleave
20685 Storm Bolt
20686 Knock Away
20687 Starfall
20688 Searing Arrow
20690 Moonfire
20691 Cleave
20692 Fireball
20693 Summon Lost Amulet
20694 Holy Nova
20695 Holy Smite
20696 Holy Smite
20697 Power Word: Shield
20698 Wrath
20699 Entangling Roots
20700 Ritual of Doom
20701 Rejuvenation
20702 Summon Treant Allies
20703 Execute (Rank 4)
20704 Execute (Rank 5)
20705 Power Shield 500
20706 Power Word: Shield 500 (Rank 7)
20707 Soulstone Resurrection
20708 Emote State Ready
20709 Arcanite Skeleton Key
20710 Inner Courage 20
20711 Spirit of Redemption
20712 Flame Breath
20713 ZZOLDSpirit of Redemption
20714 Fireball
20715 Emote - SpellCastOmni
20716 Sand Breath
20717 Sand Breath
20718 Emote - SpellCastDirected
20719 Feline Grace (Passive)
20720 Arcane Bolt
20721 ZZOLDSpirit of Redemption
20722 Feline Grace (Passive)
20723 ZZOLDSpirit of Redemption
20724 Retaliation
20725 Greater Dragon Slayer 25
20726 Greater Dragon Slayer 25
20729 Blessing of Sacrifice (Rank 2)
20730 Blessing of Sacrifice (Rank 2)
20731 Beast Slaying 15
20732 Attack Power 15
20733 Black Arrow
20734 Black Arrow
20735 Multi-Shot
20736 Distracting Shot (Rank 1)
20737 Summon Karang's Banner
20738 Distracting Shot (Rank 1)
20739 Rebirth (Rank 2)
20740 Dominate Mind
20741 Shadow Bolt Volley
20742 Rebirth (Rank 3)
20743 Drain Life
20744 Rebirth (Rank 2)
20745 Rebirth (Rank 3)
20746 Summon Karang's Banner Aura
20747 Rebirth (Rank 4)
20748 Rebirth (Rank 5)
20749 Rebirth (Rank 4)
20750 Rebirth (Rank 5)
20751 Maul
20752 Create Soulstone (Lesser)
20753 Demoralizing Roar
20754 Rain of Fire
20755 Create Soulstone
20756 Create Soulstone (Greater)
20757 Create Soulstone (Major)
20758 Use Soulstone
20759 Use Soulstone
20760 Use Soulstone
20761 Use Soulstone
20762 Soulstone Resurrection
20763 Soulstone Resurrection
20764 Soulstone Resurrection
20765 Soulstone Resurrection
20766 Create Soulstone (Lesser)
20767 Create Soulstone
20768 Create Soulstone (Greater)
20769 Create Soulstone (Major)
20770 Resurrection (Rank 5)
20771 Resurrection (Rank 5)
20772 Redemption (Rank 4)
20773 Redemption (Rank 5)
20774 Redemption (Rank 4)
20775 Redemption (Rank 5)
20776 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 4)
20777 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 5)
20778 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 2)
20779 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 3)
20780 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 4)
20781 Ancestral Spirit (Rank 5)
20782 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
20783 Destroy Karang's Banner
20784 Tamed Pet Passive (DND)
20785 Charm Tolerance (DND)
20786 Destroy Karang's Banner
20787 Immolate
20788 Counterspell
20789 Detonate
20790 Healing Touch
20791 Shadow Bolt
20792 Frostbolt
20793 Fireball
20794 Flamestrike
20795 Fire Blast
20797 Fireball
20798 Demon Skin
20799 Inferno (Rank 1)
20800 Immolate
20801 Firebolt
20802 Lightning Bolt
20804 Triage
20805 Lightning Bolt
20806 Frostbolt
20807 Shadow Bolt
20808 Fireball
20809 Vampiric Aura
20810 Vampiric Aura
20811 Fireball
20812 Cripple
20813 Flamestrike
20814 Collect Dire Water
20815 Fireball
20816 Shadow Bolt
20817 Mana Burn
20818 Summon Foulweald Totem Basket
20819 Frostbolt
20820 Holy Smite
20821 Acid Spit
20822 Frostbolt
20823 Fireball
20824 Lightning Bolt
20825 Shadow Bolt
20826 Immolate
20827 Flamestrike
20828 Cone of Cold
20829 Arcane Bolt
20830 Mind Blast
20831 Chain Lightning
20832 Fire Blast
20847 The Lion Horn of Stormwind
20848 Flarecore Mantle
20849 Flarecore Gloves
20850 Pattern: Flarecore Mantle
20851 Pattern: Flarecore Gloves
20852 Pattern: Corehound Boots
20853 Corehound Boots
20854 Molten Helm
20855 Black Dragonscale Boots
20856 Pattern: Molten Helm
20857 Pattern: Black Dragonscale Boots
20858 Demon Slaying 30
20859 Rockbiter Weapon Taunt
20860 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 1)
20861 Muglash Waiting
20862 Muglash Despawn
20863 Muglash's Brazier Trap
20864 Mace Specialization (Racial Passive)
20865 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 2)
20866 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 3)
20867 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 4)
20868 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 5)
20869 Frost Blast
20870 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 6)
20871 Rockbiter Weapon Proc (Rank 7)
20872 Fiery Chain Girdle
20873 Fiery Chain Shoulders
20874 Dark Iron Bracers
20875 Rumsey Rum
20876 Dark Iron Leggings
20877 Beast Slaying 15
20878 Plans: Fiery Chain Girdle
20879 Plans: Fiery Chain Shoulders
20880 Plans: Dark Iron Bracers
20881 Plans: Dark Iron Leggings
20882 Enslave Demon
20883 Arcane Blast
20884 Stun 1% for 1 sec
20885 Vitality (Rank 1)
20886 Thorns Dmg +3 (Rank 1)
20887 Thorns Dmg +2 (Rank 1)
20888 Thorns Dmg +1 (Rank 1)
20889 Thorns Dmg +4 (Rank 1)
20890 Dark Iron Reaver
20891 Greater Beast Slayer 25
20893 Greater Beast Slayer 25
20894 zzOLDSpirit Bond Effect (Rank 3)
20895 Spirit Bond (Rank 2)
20897 Dark Iron Destroyer
20898 Plans: Dark Iron Reaver
20899 Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer
20900 Aimed Shot (Rank 2)
20901 Aimed Shot (Rank 3)
20902 Aimed Shot (Rank 4)
20903 Aimed Shot (Rank 5)
20904 Aimed Shot (Rank 6)
20905 Trueshot Aura (Rank 2)
20906 Trueshot Aura (Rank 3)
20909 Counterattack (Rank 2)
20910 Counterattack (Rank 3)
20911 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 1)
20912 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 2)
20913 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 3)
20914 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 4)
20915 Seal of Command (Rank 2)
20916 Mithril Headed Trout
20917 Spirit Bond (Rank 2)
20918 Seal of Command (Rank 3)
20919 Seal of Command (Rank 4)
20920 Seal of Command (Rank 5)
20921 Recipe: Mithril Head Trout
20922 Consecration (Rank 3)
20923 Consecration (Rank 4)
20924 Consecration (Rank 5)
20925 Holy Shield (Rank 1)
20926 Spirit Bond (Rank 3)
20927 Holy Shield (Rank 2)
20928 Holy Shield (Rank 3)
20929 Holy Shock (Rank 2)
20930 Holy Shock (Rank 3)
20931 Aimed Shot (Rank 2)
20932 Aimed Shot (Rank 3)
20933 Aimed Shot (Rank 4)
20934 Aimed Shot (Rank 5)
20935 Aimed Shot (Rank 6)
20936 Spirit of Greater Healing
20937 Hyper Resurrection 4 sec
20938 Trueshot Aura (Rank 3)
20939 Undying Soul
20940 Wyvern Sting (Rank 2)
20941 Wyvern Sting (Rank 3)
20942 Counterattack (Rank 2)
20943 Counterattack (Rank 3)
20944 Seal of Command (Rank 2)
20945 Seal of Command (Rank 3)
20946 Seal of Command (Rank 4)
20947 Seal of Command (Rank 5)
20948 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 1)
20949 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 2)
20950 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 4)
20951 Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 4)
20952 Consecration (Rank 3)
20953 Consecration (Rank 3)
20954 Consecration (Rank 5)
20955 Holy Shield (Rank 2)
20956 Holy Shield (Rank 3)
20957 Holy Shield (Rank 3)
20958 Holy Shock (Rank 2)
20959 Increased Mana Regen
20960 Holy Shock (Rank 3)
20961 Judgement of Command (Rank 3)
20962 Judgement of Command (Rank 2)
20963 Judgement of Command (Rank 2)
20964 Judgement of Command (Rank 3)
20965 Judgement of Command (Rank 4)
20966 Judgement of Command (Rank 5)
20967 Judgement of Command (Rank 4)
20968 Judgement of Command (Rank 5)
20969 Vitality (Rank 1)
20987 Giantstalker A
20988 Nature's Ally
20989 Sleep
21007 Curse of Weakness
21008 Mocking Blow
21009 Shadowmeld Passive (Racial Passive)
21010 Increase Spell Dam Undead 14
21011 Increase Spell Dam Demons 14
21012 Increased Offhand Damage 10
21013 Attack Power Ranged 60
21014 ZZOLDIncreased Critical Spell Nature
21027 Spark
21029 Thaumaturgy Channel
21030 Frost Shock
21047 Corrosive Acid Spit
21048 Curse of the Tribes
21049 Bloodlust
21050 Melodious Rapture
21051 Melodious Rapture Visual (DND)
21052 Monty Bashes Rats (DND)
21053 Capture Soul
21054 Capture Soul
21055 Crush Armor
21056 Mark of Kazzak
21057 Summon Theradrim Shardling
21058 Mark of Kazzak
21059 Acid Spit
21060 Blind
21061 Putrid Breath
21062 Putrid Breath
21063 Twisted Reflection
21064 Twisted Reflection
21066 Void Bolt
21067 Poison Bolt
21068 Corruption
21069 Larva Goo
21070 Noxious Cloud
21071 Boulder
21072 Fireball
21073 Arcane Explosion
21074 Test NPC Resurrection (Rank 1)
21075 Damage Shield
21076 Dispel Magic
21077 Shadow Bolt
21078 Conjure Milton (DND)
21079 Echo of Archimonde
21080 Putrid Breath
21081 Sunder Armor
21082 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 1)
21083 Seal of the Crusader (Rank 1)
21084 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1)
21085 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1)
21086 Encouragement
21087 Immunity
21088 Improved Arcane Intellect
21089 Retributive Smite
21090 Champion
21091 Retributive Smite
21092 Increased Critical Holy
21093 Improved Fortitude
21094 Separation Anxiety
21095 Separation Anxiety
21096 Blizzard
21097 Manastorm
21098 Chill
21099 Frost Breath
21100 Conjure Elegant Letter
21107 Ragnaros Submerge Fade
21108 Summon Sons of Flame
21109 Vitality (Rank 1)
21110 Summon Son of Flame B
21111 Summon Son of Flame C
21112 Summon Son of Flame D
21113 Summon Son of Flame E
21114 Summon Son of Flame F
21115 Summon Son of Flame G
21116 Summon Son of Flame H
21117 Summon Son of Flame A
21118 Spell Reflection
21127 Maraudon Portal
21128 Maraudon Portal Effect
21129 Aura of Battle
21130 Grip of Command
21131 Breath
21132 Breath
21133 Breath
21134 Will of Ragnaros
21135 Breath
21136 Breath
21137 Breath
21138 Breath
21139 Breath
21140 Fatal Wound
21141 Shadow Bolt
21142 Immolation
21143 Gingerbread Cookie
21144 Egg Nog
21145 Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie
21146 Recipe: Egg Nog
21147 Arcane Vacuum
21149 Egg Nog
21150 Summon Player
21151 Gutgore Ripper
21152 Earthshaker
21153 Bonereaver's Edge
21154 Might of Ragnaros
21155 Intense Heat
21156 Battle Stance Passive
21157 Dark Channeling
21158 Lava Burst
21159 Fireball
21160 Eye of Sulfuras
21161 Sulfuron Hammer
21162 Fireball
21163 Polished Armor (Rank 1)
21164 Sulfuron Hammer
21165 Haste
21167 Snowball
21168 Vitality (Rank 1)
21169 Reincarnation
21170 Drain Life
21171 Ryson's Eye in the Sky
21172 Grip of Command
21173 Aerie Gryphon Hover
21174 Aura of Battle
21175 Spider Sausage
21176 Spider Sausage
21178 Bear Form (Passive2) (Passive)
21179 Chain Lightning
21180 Summon Thunderstrike
21181 Summon Shadowstrike
21183 Judgement of the Crusader (Rank 1)
21184 Rogue Passive (DND)
21185 Spinal Reaper
21186 Spinal Reaper (Rank 1)
21187 Stormpike Reputation +5
21188 Stun Bomb Attack
21189 Gryphon Wing Flap
21190 Aerie Gryphon Speed Buff
21207 Tailoring Pattern - Mooncloth Boots
21227 Fire & Ice Channeling
21228 Arcane Missiles +1
21229 Frostbolt, Improved
21230 Fireball, Improved DoT
21247 ZZOLDImproved Polymorph Duration
21248 Opening
21249 Call of the Nether
21267 Conjure Altar of Summoning
21268 Conjure Altar of Summoning Effect DND
21287 Conjure Lokholar the Usurper DND
21288 Opening
21307 Swell of Souls
21327 Summon Hive'Ashi Drones
21330 Corrupted Fear
21331 Entangling Roots
21332 Aspect of Neptulon
21333 Lava Breath
21334 Reactive Mana
21335 Thorns
21336 Discordant Surge Visual
21337 Thorns
21338 Conjure Furis Felsteed DUMMY DND
21339 Improved Prayer of Healing
21340 Frenzy
21341 Shadow Bolt Volley
21342 Mistletoe Test
21343 Snowball
21345 Vitality (Rank 1)
21346 Vitality (Rank 1)
21347 Vitality (Rank 1)
21348 Vitality (Rank 1)
21349 Vitality (Rank 1)
21350 Vitality (Rank 1)
21351 Increased Stun Resist 01
21352 Decreased Parry 1
21353 Mount Speed Buff DND
21354 Snowball Resistant
21355 Planting Guse's Beacon
21356 Conjure Guse's Beacon DND
21357 Create Aqual Quintessence
21358 Aqual Quintessence - Dowse Molten Core Rune
21359 Increased Mana Regen
21360 Increased Mana Regen
21361 Increased Mana Regen
21362 Increased Mana Regen
21363 Increased Mana Regen
21364 Increased Mana Regen
21365 Increased Mana Regen
21366 Increased Mana Regen
21367 Blizzard
21368 Conjure Jeztor's Beacon DND
21369 Frostbolt
21370 Planting Jeztor's Beacon
21371 Planting Mulverick's Beacon
21372 Conjure Mulverick's Beacon DND
21387 Melt Weapon
21388 Melt Weapon
21389 Fire Channeling
21390 Multi-Shot
21391 Syndicate Tracker (MURP) DND
21392 Fire Channeling
21393 Healing Draught
21394 Healing Draught
21395 Restore Mana
21396 Restore Mana
21397 Syndicate Tracker (MURP) DND
21398 Create Stormpike Assault Order (DND)
21399 Alchemists' Stone
21400 Alchemists' Stone
21401 Frost Shock
21402 Fireball
21403 Ryson's All Seeing Eye
21407 Increased Defense
21408 Increased Defense
21409 Increased Defense
21410 Increased Defense
21411 Increased Defense
21412 Increased Defense
21413 Increased Defense
21414 Increased Defense
21415 Increased Defense
21416 Increased Defense
21417 Increased Defense
21418 Increased Defense
21419 Increased Defense
21420 Increased Defense
21421 Increased Defense
21422 Increased Defense
21423 Increased Defense
21424 Increased Defense
21425 Ryson's Eye in the Sky
21426 Attack Power Ranged 2
21427 Attack Power Ranged 5
21428 Attack Power Ranged 7
21429 Attack Power Ranged 10
21430 Attack Power Ranged 12
21431 Attack Power Ranged 14
21432 Attack Power Ranged 17
21433 Attack Power Ranged 19
21434 Attack Power Ranged 22
21435 Attack Power Ranged 24
21436 Attack Power Ranged 26
21437 Attack Power Ranged 29
21438 Attack Power Ranged 31
21439 Attack Power Ranged 34
21440 Attack Power Ranged 36
21441 Attack Power Ranged 38
21442 Attack Power Ranged 41
21443 Attack Power Ranged 43
21444 Attack Power Ranged 46
21445 Attack Power Ranged 48
21446 Attack Power Ranged 50
21447 Attack Power Ranged 53
21448 Attack Power Ranged 55
21449 Attack Power Ranged 58
21450 Attack Power Ranged 62
21451 Attack Power Ranged 65
21452 Attack Power Ranged 67
21453 Attack Power Ranged 70
21454 Attack Power Ranged 72
21455 Attack Power Ranged 74
21456 Attack Power Ranged 77
21457 Attack Power Ranged 79
21458 Attack Power Ranged 82
21459 Attack Power Ranged 84
21460 Attack Power Ranged 86
21461 Attack Power Ranged 89
21462 Attack Power Ranged 91
21463 Teleport to Player
21464 Conjure Ryson's Beacon (Horde) DND
21465 Conjure Ryson's Beacon (Alliance) DND
21466 Increased Block 1
21467 Increased Block 1
21468 Increased Block 1
21469 Increased Block 1
21470 Increased Block 1
21471 Increased Block 2
21472 Increased Block 2
21473 Increased Block 2
21474 Increased Block 2
21475 Increased Block 3
21476 Increased Block 3
21477 Increased Block 3
21478 Increased Block 4
21479 Increased Block 4
21480 Increased Block 4
21481 Increased Block 4
21482 Increased Block 5
21483 Increased Block 5
21484 Increased Block 5
21485 Increased Block 5
21486 Increased Block 6
21487 Increased Block 6
21488 Increased Block 6
21489 Increased Block 6
21490 Increased Block 7
21491 Increased Block 7
21492 Increased Block 7
21493 Increased Block 7
21494 Increased Block 8
21495 Increased Block 8
21496 Increased Block 8
21497 Increased Block 8
21498 Increased Block 8
21499 Increase Holy Dam 1
21500 Increase Holy Dam 3
21501 Increase Holy Dam 4
21502 Increase Holy Dam 6
21503 Increase Holy Dam 7
21504 Increase Holy Dam 9
21505 Increase Holy Dam 10
21506 Increase Holy Dam 11
21507 Increase Holy Dam 13
21508 Increase Holy Dam 14
21509 Increase Holy Dam 16
21510 Increase Holy Dam 17
21511 Increase Holy Dam 19
21512 Increase Holy Dam 20
21513 Increase Holy Dam 21
21514 Increase Holy Dam 23
21515 Increase Holy Dam 24
21516 Increase Holy Dam 26
21517 Increase Holy Dam 27
21518 Increase Holy Dam 29
21519 Increase Holy Dam 30
21520 Increase Holy Dam 31
21521 Increase Holy Dam 33
21522 Increase Holy Dam 34
21523 Increase Holy Dam 36
21524 Increase Holy Dam 37
21525 Increase Holy Dam 39
21526 Increase Holy Dam 40
21527 Increase Holy Dam 41
21528 Increase Holy Dam 43
21529 Increase Holy Dam 44
21530 Increase Holy Dam 46
21531 Increase Holy Dam 47
21532 Increase Holy Dam 49
21533 Increase Holy Dam 50
21534 Increase Holy Dam 51
21535 Increase Holy Dam 53
21536 Increase Holy Dam 54
21537 Planting Ryson's Beacon
21538 Planting Ryson's Beacon
21539 Block Value 02
21540 Improved Block Value
21541 Conjure Scrying Scope (Horde) DND
21542 Conjure Scrying Scope (Alliance) DND
21543 Teleport to Player
21544 Create Shredder
21545 Conjure Ryson's All Seeing Eye DND
21546 Ryson's All Seeing Eye
21547 Spore Cloud
21548 Spore Trees
21549 Fireball
21551 Mortal Strike (Rank 2)
21552 Mortal Strike (Rank 3)
21553 Mortal Strike (Rank 4)
21554 Ryson's All Seeing Eye
21555 Mortal Strike (Rank 2)
21556 Control Shredder
21557 Mortal Strike (Rank 3)
21558 Mortal Strike (Rank 4)
21559 Shredder Armor Melt
21561 Healer Champion
21562 Prayer of Fortitude (Rank 1)
21563 Command (Racial Passive)
21564 Prayer of Fortitude (Rank 2)
21565 Create Shredder
21566 Control Shredder
21568 Prayer of Fortitude (Rank 1)
21569 Prayer of Fortitude (Rank 2)
21587 Vitality (Rank 1)
21588 Vitality (Rank 1)
21589 Vitality (Rank 1)
21590 Vitality (Rank 1)
21592 Vitality (Rank 1)
21593 Vitality (Rank 1)
21594 Vitality (Rank 1)
21595 Vitality (Rank 1)
21596 Vitality (Rank 1)
21597 Vitality (Rank 1)
21598 Vitality (Rank 1)
21599 Vitality (Rank 1)
21600 Vitality (Rank 1)
21601 Vitality (Rank 1)
21602 Vitality (Rank 1)
21603 Vitality (Rank 1)
21604 Vitality (Rank 1)
21605 Vitality (Rank 1)
21606 Vitality (Rank 1)
21607 Vitality (Rank 1)
21608 Vitality (Rank 1)
21609 Vitality (Rank 1)
21610 Vitality (Rank 1)
21611 Vitality (Rank 1)
21612 Vitality (Rank 1)
21613 Vitality (Rank 1)
21614 Vitality (Rank 1)
21615 Vitality (Rank 1)
21616 Vitality (Rank 1)
21617 Vitality (Rank 1)
21618 Increased Mana Regen
21619 Increased Mana Regen
21620 Increased Mana Regen
21621 Increased Mana Regen
21622 Increased Mana Regen
21623 Increased Mana Regen
21624 Increased Mana Regen
21625 Increased Mana Regen
21626 Increased Mana Regen
21627 Increased Mana Regen
21628 Increased Mana Regen
21629 Increased Mana Regen
21630 Increased Mana Regen
21631 Increased Mana Regen
21632 Increased Mana Regen
21633 Increased Mana Regen
21634 Increased Mana Regen
21635 Increased Mana Regen
21636 Increased Mana Regen
21637 Increased Mana Regen
21638 Increased Mana Regen
21639 Increased Mana Regen
21640 Increased Mana Regen
21641 Increased Mana Regen
21642 Increased Mana Regen
21643 Increased Mana Regen
21644 Increased Mana Regen
21645 Virulent Poison Proc
21646 Conjure Circle of Calling
21647 Frostwolf Reputation +5
21648 Call to Ivus
21649 Ivus Teleport Visual DND
21650 Building Fire
21651 Opening
21652 Closing
21653 Vipore Cat Form DND
21654 Create Frostwolf Assault Order (DND)
21655 Blink
21667 Wrath
21668 Starfire
21669 Moonfire
21670 Faerie Fire
21687 Toxic Volley
21688 Goblin Land Mine
21707 Summon Noxxion's Spawns
21708 Summon Noxxion's Spawns
21709 Spore Tree
21727 Summon Player
21728 Planting Ichman's Beacon
21729 Planting Slidore's Beacon
21730 Planting Vipore's Beacon
21731 Conjure Ichman's Beacon DND
21732 Conjure Slidore's Beacon DND
21733 Spore Tree Trigger
21734 Conjure Vipore's Beacon DND
21735 Conjure Vipore's Beacon DND
21736 Winterax Wisdom
21737 Periodic Knock Away
21740 Demonic Ally
21741 Demonic Ally
21744 Spirit of Blessing
21745 ZZOLDImproved Blessings
21747 Lawbringer
21748 Thorn Volley
21749 Thorn Volley
21751 Perm. Illusion Skeleton
21767 Kill Trees
21787 Deadly Poison
21788 Deadly Poison
21789 Hate to Half
21790 Aqua Jet
21791 Tranquility
21793 Twisted Tranquility
21794 Frostwolf Muzzle DND
21795 Frostwolf Muzzle Effect DND
21807 Wrath
21808 Summon Shardlings
21809 Summon Theradrim Shardling
21827 Frostwolf Aura DND
21828 Frostwolf Aura Dummy Dispel
21829 Stormpike Reputation +2
21830 Frostwolf Despawn Spell
21831 Improved Rend (Rank 3)
21832 Boulder
21833 Goblin Dragon Gun
21834 Gizlock's Dummy
21835 Gizlock's Dummy Charm Effect
21836 Gizlock's Dummy Charm
21837 Gizlock's Dummy Effect
21838 Unbridled Wrath
21840 Battlegear of Might
21841 Battlegear of Might
21847 Snowman
21848 Snowman
21849 Gift of the Wild (Rank 1)
21850 Gift of the Wild (Rank 2)
21851 Gift of the Wild (Rank 1)
21852 Gift of the Wild (Rank 2)
21853 Reactive Fade
21854 ZZOLDRapid Enslavement
21855 ZZOLDImproved Seals
21856 Threatening Strikes
21857 Lava Shield
21858 Lava Shield
21859 Ragnaros Submerge Effect
21860 Gizlock's Dummy Taunt Effect
21861 Gizlock's Dummy Taunt
21862 Radiation
21863 Alterac Ram Aura DND
21864 Alterac Ram Aura Dummy Dispel DND
21865 Alterac Ram Despawn Spell
21866 Alterac Ram Collar DND
21867 Alterac Ram Collar Effect DND
21868 Dust Field
21869 Repulsive Gaze
21870 Increased Critical Nature
21871 Increased Rejuvenation Duration
21872 Faster Regrowth Cast
21873 Cheaper Druid Shapeshifting
21874 Improved Vanish
21878 Evasion TEST
21879 Friendly Nukes
21880 Improved Rupture
21881 Improved Poisons
21882 Judgement Smite
21883 Summon Healed Celebrian Vine
21884 Collect Orange Crystal Liquid
21885 Heal Vylestem Vine
21886 Summon Lava Burst A
21887 Warrior's Wrath
21889 Judgement Smite
21890 Warrior's Wrath
21891 Earthfury Stat Totem
21892 Arcane Protection
21893 Arcane Protection
21894 Meditation
21895 Increased Totem Radius
21896 Zaetar's Release (DND)
21897 Warlock Terror
21898 Warlock Terror
21899 Improved Chain Heal
21900 Summon Lava Burst B
21901 Summon Lava Burst C
21902 Summon Lava Burst D
21903 Summon Lava Burst E
21904 Summon Lava Burst F
21905 Summon Lava Burst G
21906 Summon Lava Burst H
21907 Summon Lava Burst I
21908 Lava Burst Randomizer
21909 Dust Field
21910 Goblin Dragon Gun
21911 Puncture
21912 Dummy Nuke
21913 Edge of Winter
21914 Celebras Quit Escort
21915 Plans: Edge of Winter
21916 Celebras Waiting
21917 Celebras Stone Trap
21919 Thrash
21920 Frost Power
21921 Demonic Ally
21922 Demonic Ally
21923 Elixir of Frost Power
21924 Recipe: Elixir of Frost Power
21925 Nature's Ally
21926 Nature's Ally
21927 Nature's Ally
21928 Nature's Ally
21929 Giantstalker
21930 Winter's Might
21931 Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might
21932 Giantstalker
21933 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might
21934 Gizlock's Dummy Despawn
21935 SnowMaster 9000
21936 Reindeer
21937 Giantstalker B
21938 Nature's Ally
21939 Create Scepter of Celebras
21940 SnowMaster 9000
21941 Schematic: Snowmaster 9000
21942 Hunter Giant Stalker
21943 Gloves of the Greatfather
21944 Pattern: Gloves of the Greatfather
21945 Green Holiday Shirt
21946 Pattern: Green Holiday Shirt
21949 Rend
21950 Recite Words of Celebras
21951 Fist of Stone
21952 Poison
21953 The Feast of Winter Veil
21954 Dispel Poison
21955 Razorlash Root
21956 Physical Protection
21957 Create Amulet of Union
21958 Stout Heart (Rank 1)
21959 Reactive Mana
21960 Manifest Spirit
21961 Wound
21962 Force of Nature
21963 Force of Nature
21964 Force of Nature
21965 Manifestation Ends
21966 Dragonstalker B
21967 Dragonstalker A
21968 Corrupt Forces of Nature
21969 Mark of the Chosen (Rank 1)
21970 Mark of the Chosen Effect (Rank 1)
21971 Poison Bolt
21972 Improved Thorns Duration
21973 Prophecy Flash Heal Bonus
21975 Vigor
21976 Reactive Fade
21977 Warrior's Wrath
21978 Engulfing Shadows
21979 Create The Pariah's Instructions
21980 Snowman
21987 Lash of Pain
21988 Summon Dun Garok Soldiers
21989 Waiting to Resurrect
21990 Tornado
21991 Talisman of Binding (Rank 1)
21992 Thunderfury
22007 Netherwind Focus
22008 Netherwind Focus
22009 Greater Heal
22010 Greater Heal Renew
22011 Spirit Heal Channel
22012 Spirit Heal
22027 Remove Insignia
22047 Testing Totem (Rank 1)
22048 Attack (Rank 1)
22049 Testing Totem Passive (Rank 1)
22050 Testing Totem Dummy (Rank 1)
22051 Test Enchhelp Bracer - Superior Strength
22052 Test Enchhelp Bracer - Superior Stamina
22053 Test Enchhelp Bracer - Superior Spirit
22054 Test Enchhelp Bracer - Greater Intellect
22067 Reflection
22068 rfo
22088 Fireball
22089 Test Enchhelp Chest - Major Health
22090 Test Enchhelp Chest - Major Mana
22091 Test Enchhelp Cloak - Greater Resistance
22092 Test Enchhelp Cloak - Superior Defense
22093 Test Enchhelp Weapon - Winter's Might
22094 Test Enchhelp 2H Weapon - Superior Impact
22095 Test Enchhelp Weapon - Superior Striking
22096 Test Enchhelp 2H Weapon - Major Intellect
22097 Test Enchhelp Shield - Greater Spirit
22098 Test Enchhelp Shield - Greater Stamina
22099 Test Enchhelp Shield - Frost Resistance
22100 Test Enchhelp Shield - Superior Spirit
22101 Test Enchhelp Boots - Greater Agility
22102 Test Enchhelp Boots - Spirit
22103 Test Enchhelp Boots - Greater Stamina
22104 Test Enchhelp Gloves - Greater Strength
22105 Test Enchhelp Gloves - Greater Agility
22106 Test Enchhelp Gloves - Minor Haste
22108 Conjure Frostwolf Rank 1 Insignia DND
22109 Conjure Frostwolf Rank 2 Insignia DND
22110 Conjure Frostwolf Rank 3 Insignia DND
22111 Conjure Frostwolf Rank 4 Insignia DND
22112 Conjure Frostwolf Rank 5 Insignia DND
22113 Conjure Frostwolf Rank 6 Insignia DND
22114 Conjure Stormpike Rank 1 Insignia DND
22115 Conjure Stormpike Rank 2 Insignia DND
22116 Conjure Stormpike Rank 3 Insignia DND
22117 Conjure Stormpike Rank 4 Insignia DND
22118 Conjure Stormpike Rank 5 Insignia DND
22119 Conjure Stormpike Rank 6 Insignia DND
22120 Charge
22121 Shoot
22127 Entangling Roots
22128 Thorns
22167 Heal
22168 Renew
22187 Power Word: Shield
22188 Increased Crossbow
22189 Mana Burn
22190 Summon Flare Gun DND
22191 Heated Ground
22192 Heated Ground
22193 Heated Ground
22194 Heated Ground
22195 Heated Ground
22196 Heated Ground
22197 Heated Ground
22198 Heated Ground
22199 Heated Ground
22200 Heated Ground
22201 Heated Ground
22202 Heated Ground
22203 Blue Beam
22205 Trigger Blue Beam
22206 Moonfire
22207 Summon Drakefire Amulet DND
22208 Create Chapter 1 DND
22209 Create Chapter 2 DND
22210 Create Chapter 3 DND
22211 Create Chapter 4 DND
22227 Create Dartol's Rod
22247 Suppression Aura
22267 Breath
22268 Breath
22269 Injured
22270 Divine Intervention (NEWTEST)
22271 Arcane Explosion
22272 Arcane Missiles
22273 Arcane Missiles
22274 Greater Polymorph
22275 Flamestrike
22276 Elemental Shield
22277 Elemental Shield
22278 Elemental Shield
22279 Elemental Shield
22280 Elemental Shield
22281 Elemental Shield
22282 Brood Power
22283 Brood Power: Red
22284 Brood Power: Red
22285 Brood Power: Blue
22286 Brood Power: Bronze
22287 Brood Power: Black
22288 Brood Power: Green
22289 Brood Power: Green
22290 Brood Power: Blue
22291 Brood Power: Bronze
22311 Brood Power: Bronze
22312 Brood Power: Black
22313 Purple Hands
22331 Rugged Leather
22332 Rugged Leather
22334 Bomb
22335 Bottle of Poison
22336 Shadow Bolt
22351 Thorns
22352 Phase Lasher (Fire)
22353 Phase Lasher (Nature)
22354 Phase Lasher (Arcane)
22355 Chain Lightning
22356 Slow
22357 Icebolt
22371 Curse of Impotence
22372 Demon Portal
22373 Regrowth
22391 Demon Portal
22392 Summon Enraged Felguard
22393 Enraged Felguard Spawn
22411 Shoot
22412 Virulent Poison
22413 Virulent Poison Proc
22414 Lightning Bolt
22415 Entangling Roots
22416 Backstab
22417 Shadow Shield
22418 Chaotic Focus
22419 Riptide
22420 Submersion
22421 Massive Geyser
22422 Water
22423 Flame Shock
22424 Blast Wave
22425 Fireball Volley
22426 Crush Armor
22427 Concussion Blow
22428 Frenzy
22429 Tag: Bubbles
22430 Refined Scale of Onyxia
22431 Tag: Bubbles
22432 Refined Scale of Onyxia
22433 Flame Buffet
22434 Charged Scale of Onyxia
22435 Charged Scale of Onyxia
22436 Aura of Flames
22438 Mark of Detonation
22439 Mark of Detonation
22440 Commanding Shout
22441 Growing Flames
22442 Growing Flames
22458 Healing Circle
22459 Summon RaidMageArcaneFR
22460 Arcane Explosion
22478 Intense Pain
22479 Frost Breath
22480 Tender Wolf Steak
22481 Recipe: Tender Wolf Steak
22482 Blade Flurry (Rank 1)
22483 PvP Herald Alpha Transform (DND)
22498 Land Mine Impact
22518 Glowy (Red)
22519 Ice Nova
22520 Phase Lasher (Frost)
22538 Nef Trans
22539 Shadow Flame
22540 Cleave
22558 Brood Power: Red
22559 Brood Power: Blue
22560 Brood Power: Black
22561 Brood Power: Green
22562 Fill Amethyst Phial
22563 Recall
22564 Recall
22565 Create Bloodpetal Zapper
22566 Hex
22567 Summon Ar'lia
22568 Ferocious Bite (Rank 1)
22569 Ferocious Bite (Rank 1)
22570 Mangle (Rank 1)
22571 Mangle (Rank 1)
22572 Bruising Blow
22573 Furor's Anti-Zerg Cantrip
22574 Dark Strike
22575 Shadow Shock
22576 Glowy (Blue)
22577 Glowy (Green)
22578 Glowy (Black)
22579 Glowy (Orange)
22580 Glowy (Yellow)
22581 Glowy (Purple)
22582 Frost Shock
22586 5% speed bonus
22587 8% speed bonus
22588 10% speed bonus
22589 13% speed bonus
22590 15% speed bonus
22591 Strike
22592 Knockdown
22593 Flame Mantle of the Dawn
22594 Frost Mantle of the Dawn
22595 Poison Shock
22596 Shadow Mantle of the Dawn
22597 Nature Mantle of the Dawn
22598 Arcane Mantle of the Dawn
22599 Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
22600 Force Reactive Disk
22618 Force Reactive Disk
22619 Force Reactive Disk
22620 Force Reactive Disk
22638 Poison Shock
22639 Eskhandar's Rake
22640 Eskhandar's Rage
22641 Reckless Charge
22642 Brood Power: Bronze
22643 Frostbolt Volley
22644 Blood Leech
22645 Frost Nova
22646 Reckless Charge
22647 Empower Pet
22648 Call of Eskhandar
22649 Summon Eskhandar
22650 Ghost Visual
22651 Sacrifice
22652 Drakonid Spawner
22653 Drakonid Spawner
22654 Spawn Black Drakonid
22655 Spawn Red Drakonid
22656 Spawn Green Drakonid
22657 Spawn Bronze Drakonid
22658 Spawn Blue Drakonid
22659 Spawn Drakonid
22660 Dire Wolf Form
22661 Enervate
22662 Wither
22663 Nefarian's Barrier
22664 Shadowblink
22665 Shadow Bolt Volley
22666 Silence
22667 Shadow Command
22668 Shadowblink
22669 Shadowblink
22670 Shadowblink
22671 Shadowblink
22672 Shadowblink
22673 Shadowblink
22674 Shadowblink
22675 Shadowblink
22676 Shadowblink
22677 Shadow Bolt
22678 Fear
22679 Prismatic Drakonid Spawner
22680 Spawn Chromatic Drakonid
22681 Shadowblink
22682 Shadow Flame
22683 Onyxia Scale Cloak
22684 Onyxia Scale Cloak
22685 Defense TEST
22686 Bellowing Roar
22687 Veil of Shadow
22688 Tree Form
22689 Mangle
22690 Test Charge
22691 Disarm
22692 Petrify
22693 Harden Skin
22694 Apo Mekhanes Theos
22695 Regrowth
22696 Thorns
22697 Arcane Elemental
22699 Inferno
22700 Field Repair Bot 74A
22701 Aggro
22703 Inferno Effect
22704 Field Repair Bot 74A
22705 Schematic: Field Repair Bot 74A
22707 Root
22709 Void Bolt
22710 Enlarge
22711 Shadowskin Gloves
22712 Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves
22713 Flame Buffet
22714 Summon Hydroling
22715 Hydrojet
22716 Hydrojet
22717 Black War Steed
22718 Black War Kodo
22719 Black Battlestrider
22720 Black War Ram
22721 Black War Raptor
22722 Red Skeletal Warhorse
22723 Black War Tiger
22724 Black War Wolf
22725 Defense +3
22727 Core Armor Kit
22728 Pattern: Core Armor Kit
22729 Rejuvenation Potion
22730 Increased Intellect
22731 Food
22732 Major Rejuvenation Potion
22733 Recipe: Major Rejuvenation Potion
22734 Drink
22735 Spirit of Runn Tum
22736 Gordok Ogre Suit
22737 Gordok Ogre Suit
22738 Intercept Cooldown Reduction (Rank 1)
22739 Goblin Dragon Gun
22741 Goblin Dragon Gun
22742 Super Shrink Ray
22743 Ribbon of Souls
22744 Chains of Ice
22745 Chains of Ice
22746 Cone of Cold
22747 Increase Spell Dam 30
22748 Increase Healing 55
22749 Enchant Weapon - Spell Power
22750 Enchant Weapon - Healing Power
22751 Fury of the Frostwolf
22752 Fevered Exhaustion
22753 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spell Power
22754 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Healing Power
22755 Critical Weapon +2
22756 Sharpen Weapon - Critical
22757 Elemental Sharpening Stone
22758 Plans: Elemental Sharpening Stone
22759 Flarecore Wraps
22760 Pattern: Flarecore Wraps
22761 Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
22762 Recipe: Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
22764 Aggro
22765 Aggro
22766 Sneak (Rank 1)
22767 Increased Root Resist 01
22778 Hamstring Rage Reduction (Rank 1)
22779 Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope
22780 Ranged Hit Bonus +3
22781 Thornling
22782 Mage Armor (Rank 2)
22783 Mage Armor (Rank 3)
22784 Mage Armor (Rank 2)
22785 Mage Armor (Rank 3)
22786 Irritating Spores
22787 Irritating Spores
22788 Grow
22789 Gordok Green Grog
22790 Kreeg's Stout Beatdown
22792 Plant Thornling
22793 Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope
22794 Schematic: Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope
22795 Core Marksman Rifle
22796 Schematic: Core Marksman Rifle
22797 Force Reactive Disk
22798 Schematic: Force Reactive Disk
22799 King of the Gordok
22800 Entangling Roots
22801 Ghost Wolf Speed (Rank 1)
22802 Choking Spores
22803 Dire Maul Trap - Summon
22804 Shaman Shock Crit Bonus (Rank 1)
22805 r-h
22806 r-h
22807 Greater Water Breathing
22808 Elixir of Greater Water Breathing
22809 Elixir of Greater Water Breathing
22810 Opening - No Text
22811 Increased Crossbow
22812 Barkskin
22813 Gordok Ogre Suit
22814 Gordok Ogre Suit
22815 Gordok Ogre Suit
22816 Gordok Ogre Suit
22817 Fengus' Ferocity
22818 Mol'dar's Moxie
22820 Slip'kik's Savvy
22821 Warpwood Spores
22822 Starshards
22823 Starshards
22825 Summon Cadaverous Worm
22826 Barkskin
22827 Ferocious Bite (Rank 2)
22828 Ferocious Bite (Rank 3)
22829 Ferocious Bite (Rank 4)
22830 Ferocious Bite (Rank 2)
22831 Ferocious Bite (Rank 3)
22832 Ferocious Bite (Rank 4)
22833 Booze Spit
22835 Drunken Rage
22836 Elemental Slaying 36
22837 Conjure Tharnariun's Hope
22838 Alterac Ram Aura Dummy Dispel DND
22839 Barkskin Effect (DND)
22840 Arcanum of Rapidity
22841 Arcanum of Rapidity
22842 Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 1)
22843 Arcanum of Focus
22844 Arcanum of Focus
22845 Frenzied Regeneration
22846 Arcanum of Protection
22847 Arcanum of Protection
22848 Force Reactive Disk Visual
22849 Increase Spell Dam Undead 35
22850 Sanctuary
22851 Ferocious Bite (Rank 1)
22852 Block Value 23
22853 Ferocious Bite (Rank 2)
22854 Increased Hunter Pet Damage
22855 Increased Imp Firebolt Damage
22856 Ice Lock
22857 Retaliation
22858 Retaliation
22859 Mortal Cleave
22860 Call Reavers
22861 Ferocious Bite (Rank 3)
22862 Ferocious Bite (Rank 4)
22863 Speed
22864 Field Repair Bot 74A
22865 Summon Doomguard
22866 Belt of the Archmage
22867 Felcloth Gloves
22868 Inferno Gloves
22869 Mooncloth Gloves
22870 Cloak of Warding
22871 Pattern: Belt of the Archmage
22872 Pattern: Felcloth Gloves
22873 Pattern: Inferno Gloves
22874 Pattern: Mooncloth Gloves
22875 Pattern: Cloak of Warding
22876 Summon Netherwalker
22877 Attunement to the Core
22878 Shadow Bolt Volley
22879 Cho'Rush Random
22880 Cho'Rush Random Effect (Priest)
22881 Cho'Rush Random Effect (Shaman)
22882 Cho'Rush Random Effect (Mage)
22883 Heal
22884 Psychic Scream
22885 Earth Shock
22886 Berserker Charge
22887 Throw
22888 Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer
22890 Undo Crowd Control
22891 Undo Crowd Control Rogue
22893 Arcane Blast
22894 Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 1)
22895 Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 2)
22896 Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 3)
22897 Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 2)
22898 Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 3)
22899 Eye of Immol'thar
22900 Body Switch
22901 Body Switch
22902 Mooncloth Robe
22903 Pattern: Mooncloth Robe
22904 Heated Blade DND
22905 Place Unfired Blade
22906 Plunging Blade into Onyxia
22907 Shoot
22908 Volley
22909 Eye of Immol'thar
22910 Immolation Trap
22911 Charge
22912 Block Value 18
22913 Random Aggro
22914 Concussive Shot
22915 Improved Concussive Shot
22916 Uppercut
22917 Shadowform
22919 Mind Flay
22920 Arcane Blast
22921 Girdle of Insight
22922 Mongoose Boots
22923 Swift Flight Bracers
22924 Grasping Vines
22925 Conjure Dull Flat Elven Blade DND
22926 Chromatic Cloak
22927 Hide of the Wild
22928 Shifting Cloak
22929 Pattern: Girdle of Insight
22930 Pattern: Mongoose Boots
22931 Pattern: Swift Flight Bracers
22932 Pattern: Chromatic Cloak
22933 Pattern: Hide of the Wild
22934 Pattern: Shifting Cloak
22935 Planted
22936 Mana Burn
22937 Poison Bolt
22938 Arcane Explosion
22939 Summon Mana Bursts
22940 Arcane Blast
22941 Player Lost Shackles DND
22942 Player Lost Apple DND
22943 Player Lost Eau d' Mixilpixil DND
22944 Player Lost Hinot's OilDND
22945 Forked Lightning
22946 Lightning Cloud
22947 Mana Burn
22948 Spore Cloud
22949 Seal Felvine Shard
22950 Portal of Immol'thar
22951 Summon Player
22958 Summon Vessel of Rebirth DND
22959 Fire Vulnerability
22965 Curse of Agony
22966 Curse of Agony
22967 Smelt Elementium
22968 Smelt Elementium
22969 Quest - Kodo Fade Out (DND)
22970 Kodo Despawn
22971 NefTest
22972 Shadow Flame
22975 Shadow Flame
22976 Shadow Flame
22977 Shadow Flame
22978 Shadow Flame
22979 Shadow Flame
22980 Shadow Flame
22981 Shadow Flame
22982 Shadow Flame
22983 Shadow Flame
22984 Shadow Flame
22985 Shadow Flame
22986 Shadow Flame
22987 Warlock Doomguard Tap
22988 Illidan's Fury
22989 The Breaking
22990 The Forming
22991 The Breaking Left Blade DND
22992 Shadow Flame
22993 Shadow Flame
22994 Entangle
22995 Summon
22996 Battle Standard
22997 Plague
22998 Battle Standard
22999 Defibrillate
23000 Ez-Thro Dynamite
23001 Ez-Thro Dynamite Backfire
23002 Alarm-o-bot
23003 Alarm-o-bot
23004 Summon Alarm-o-Bot
23005 Battle Standard
23006 Battle Standard
23007 Plans: Sulfuron Hammer
23008 Powerful Seaforium Charge
23009 Tendrils of Air
23010 Tendrils of Air
23011 Tears of the Wind Seeker
23012 Summon Orphan
23013 Summon Orphan
23014 Possess
23015 Crystal Prison
23016 Lash of Submission
23017 Arcane Channeling
23018 Use Dragon Orb
23019 Crystal Prison Dummy DND
23020 Crystal Imprisonment
23021 Dragon Orb
23022 Crystal Prison Conjure DND
23023 Conflagration
23024 Fireball
23025 Blink Cooldown Reduction (Rank 1)
23028 Arcane Brilliance (Rank 1)
23030 Arcane Brilliance (Rank 1)
23031 Cancel Bob Possession
23032 Nefarian's Troops Flee
23033 Battle Standard
23034 Battle Standard
23035 Battle Standard
23036 Battle Standard
23037 Mana Shield Absorb Increase
23038 Flame Shock
23039 Blast Wave
23040 Warming Flames
23041 Call Anathema
23042 Call Benediction
23043 Mind Blast Cast Pushback Reduction
23044 Psychic Scream Duration Increase
23046 Searing Pain Cast Pushback Reduction
23047 Immolate Cast Time Reduction
23048 Gouge Cooldown Reduction
23049 Sprint Duration Increase
23050 Mithril Mechanical Dragonling
23051 Mechanical Dragonling
23052 Arcanite Dragonling
23053 Infernal Conjure Dummy DND
23054 Igniting Kroshius
23055 Defibrillated!
23056 Call Infernal Destroyer
23057 Summon Mob Spawn Circle (DND)
23058 Fix Ritual Bell (DND)
23059 Create Thorium Brotherhood Contract DND
23060 Battle Squawk
23061 Fix Ritual Node
23062 Fix Ritual Candle (DND)
23063 Dense Dynamite
23064 Recombobulate
23065 Throw Rock
23066 Red Firework
23067 Blue Firework
23068 Green Firework
23069 EZ-Thro Dynamite II
23070 Dense Dynamite
23071 Truesilver Transformer
23072 Seething Plague
23073 Shoot
23074 Arcanite Dragonling
23075 Mithril Mechanical Dragonling
23076 Mechanical Dragonling
23077 Gyrofreeze Ice Deflector
23078 Goblin Jumper Cables XL
23079 Major Recombobulator
23080 Powerful Seaforium Charge
23081 Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector
23082 Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector
23083 Schematic: Red Firework
23084 Schematic: Blue Firework
23085 Schematic: Green Firework
23086 Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite II
23087 Copy of Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite II
23088 Schematic: Truesilver Transformer
23089 Schematic: Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector
23090 Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cable XL
23091 Schematic: Major Recombobulator
23092 Schematic: Powerful Seaforium Charge
23093 Schematic: Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector
23094 Schematic: Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector
23095 Dense Dynamite
23096 Alarm-O-Bot
23097 Fire Reflector
23098 Schematic: Alarm-O-Bot
23099 Dash (Rank 1)
23100 Dash (Rank 1)
23101 Eye of Divinity
23102 Frostbolt
23103 Enveloping Winds (Rank 1)
23104 Shock
23105 Lightning Cloud
23106 Chain Lightning
23107 Enter the Light DND
23108 Blessing of Nordrassil
23109 Dash (Rank 2)
23110 Dash (Rank 3)
23111 Dash (Rank 2)
23112 Dash (Rank 3)
23113 Blast Wave
23114 Earth Shock
23115 Frost Shock
23116 Vertex Color: Light Blue
23117 Ritual Bell Aura
23118 Conjure Scourge Footsoldier DND
23119 Conjure Peasant DND
23120 Black March Blessing
23121 Conjure Peasant DND
23122 Jaina's Autograph
23123 Cairne's Hoofprint
23124 Human Orphan Whistle
23125 Orcish Orphan Whistle
23126 World Enlarger
23127 Death's Door
23128 Frenzy
23129 World Enlarger
23130 Schematic: World Enlarger
23131 Frost Reflector
23132 Shadow Reflector
23133 Gnomish Battle Chicken
23134 Goblin Bomb
23135 Heavy Leather Ball
23136 Release J'eevee
23137 Priest Event Despawner DND
23138 Gate of Shazzrah
23139 Gate of Shazzrah
23140 J'eevee summons object
23141 Test Enchhelp Weapon - Crusader
23142 Test Enchhelp Weapon - Icy Chill
23143 Test Enchhelp Weapon - Spell Power
23144 Test Enchhelp Weapon - Healing Power
23145 Dive (Rank 1)
23146 Dive (Rank 1)
23147 Dive (Rank 2)
23148 Dive (Rank 3)
23149 Dive (Rank 2)
23150 Dive (Rank 3)
23151 Balance of Light and Shadow
23152 Summon Xorothian Dreadsteed
23153 Brood Affliction: Blue
23154 Brood Affliction: Black
23155 Brood Affliction: Red
23156 Peasant Event Anti-Cheat DND
23157 Arcane Shot Mana Reduction
23158 Concussive Shot Cooldown Reduction
23159 Summon Dreadsteed Spirit (DND)
23160 Teach Summon Dreadsteed (Summon)
23161 Summon Dreadsteed (Summon)
23162 Harass (Rank 1)
23163 Harass (Rank 1)
23164 Harass (Rank 2)
23165 Harass (Rank 3)
23166 Harass (Rank 2)
23167 Harass (Rank 3)
23168 Brood Affliction: Red
23169 Brood Affliction: Green
23170 Brood Affliction: Bronze
23171 Time Stop
23172 Block Value 10
23173 Brood Affliction
23174 Chromatic Mutation
23175 Chromatic Mutation
23176 Summon Pirate Booty (DND)
23177 Chromatic Mutation
23179 Taint of Shadow
23180 Release Imp
23181 Block Value 24
23182 Mark of Frost
23183 Mark of Frost
23184 Mark of Frost
23185 Aura of Frost
23186 Aura of Frost
23187 Frost Burn
23188 trans
23189 Frost Burn
23190 Heavy Leather Ball
23191 Pattern: Heavy Leather Ball
23192 Forming Rhok'delar
23193 Forming Lok'delar
23194 Forming Rhok'delar
23195 Dragondog Breath Selection
23196 Quest Invisibility
23197 Copy of Visions of the Past
23198 Avoidance
23199 See Priest Invis
23200 Precious Transform to Felhound DND
23201 Hunter Epic Anti-Cheat DND
23202 Torch
23203 Block Value 15
23204 Place Scryer
23205 Temptress' Kiss
23206 Chain Lightning
23207 Silence
23208 Exorcise Spirits
23209 Terrordale Haunting Spirit #2
23210 Vitality (Rank 1)
23211 Copy of Increased Mana Regen
23212 Increased Mana Regen
23213 Increase Spell Dam 57
23214 Summon Charger (Summon)
23215 Summon Charger (Summon)
23217 Stealth Detection
23218 Feral Move Speed Increase
23219 Swift Mistsaber
23220 Swift Dawnsaber
23221 Swift Frostsaber
23222 Swift Yellow Mechanostrider
23223 Swift White Mechanostrider
23224 Veil of Shadow
23225 Swift Green Mechanostrider
23226 Ritual Candle Aura
23227 Swift Palomino
23228 Swift White Steed
23229 Swift Brown Steed
23230 Blood Fury (Racial)
23231 Binding Volume I
23232 Binding Volume II
23233 Binding Volume III
23234 Blood Fury (Racial)
23235 Battle Standard Spawn
23236 Benediction
23237 Anathema
23238 Swift Brown Ram
23239 Swift Gray Ram
23240 Swift White Ram
23241 Swift Blue Raptor
23242 Swift Olive Raptor
23243 Swift Orange Raptor
23244 Corrupted Stamina
23245 Corrupted Stamina Passive
23246 Purple Skeletal Warhorse
23247 Great White Kodo
23248 Great Gray Kodo
23249 Great Brown Kodo
23250 Swift Brown Wolf
23251 Swift Timber Wolf
23252 Swift Gray Wolf
23253 Terrordale Haunting Spirit #3
23254 Redeeming the Soul
23255 Deep Wounds
23256 Deep Wounds
23257 Demonic Frenzy
23258 Demonic Frenzy Cleanse DND
23260 Entropic Sting
23261 Summon Darkreaver's Fallen Charger
23262 Demoralize
23264 Increase Healing 106
23265 Increase Shadow Dam 69
23266 Fiery Aura (Rank 1)
23267 Firebolt
23268 Shadow Word: Pain
23269 Holy Blast
23270 Berserking (Racial)
23271 Ephemeral Power
23272 Soul Flame
23273 Immune Charm/Fear/Polymorph
23274 Immune Fear/Polymorph/Snare
23275 Dreadful Fright
23276 Immune Fear/Polymorph/Stun
23277 Immune Charm/Fear/Stun
23278 Shadow Scythe
23279 Crippling Clip
23298 Demonic Doom
23299 Stinging Trauma
23300 Seal of the Crusader Judgement Increase
23301 Berserking
23302 Hammer of Justice Cooldown Reduction
23303 Berserking
23304 Manna-Enriched Horse Feed
23305 Copy of Shadow Bolt
23306 Copy of Electrostatic Charge
23307 Possess
23308 Incinerate
23309 Incinerate
23310 Time Lapse
23311 Time Lapse
23312 Time Lapse
23313 Corrosive Acid
23314 Corrosive Acid
23315 Ignite Flesh
23316 Ignite Flesh
23317 Dragondog Breath Selection (L1)
23318 Dragondog Breath Selection (L2)
23319 Dragondog Breath Selection (L3)
23320 Dragondog Breath Selection (L4)
23321 Dragondog Breath Selection (L5)
23322 Dragondog Breath Selection (R1)
23323 Dragondog Breath Selection (R2)
23324 Dragondog Breath Selection (R3)
23325 Dragondog Breath Selection (R4)
23326 Dragondog Breath Selection (R5)
23327 Trigger Trap
23328 Trigger Trap
23329 Heal Max Health
23330 No Stealth Detection
23331 Blast Wave
23332 trans2
23333 Warsong Flag
23334 Horde Flag Drop
23335 Silverwing Flag
23336 Alliance Flag Drop
23337 Shoot
23338 Swift Stormsaber
23339 Wing Buffet
23340 Shadow of Ebonroc
23341 Flame Buffet
23342 Frenzy
23343 Nefarian Tunnel Selection
23344 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (L1)
23345 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (L2)
23346 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (L3)
23347 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (L4)
23348 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (L5)
23349 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (R1)
23350 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (R2)
23351 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (R3)
23352 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (R4)
23353 Nefarian Tunnel Selection (R5)
23354 Feed Pet (Quest Test)
23355 Feed Pet Effect (Quest Test)
23356 Taming Lesson
23357 Training Lesson
23359 Transmogrify!
23360 Trigger Trap2
23361 Raise Undead Drakonid
23362 Raise Drakonids
23363 Summon Drakonid Corpse Trigger
23364 Tail Lash
23365 Dropped Weapon
23378 Magma Splash
23379 Magma Splash
23380 Moonfire
23381 Healing Touch
23382 Knock Away
23383 Alliance Flag Click
23384 Horde Flag Click
23385 Alliance Flag Returns (Event)
23386 Horde Flag Returns (Event)
23387 Alliance Flag Capture Test
23388 Horde Flag Capture Test
23389 Alliance Flag Capture
23390 Horde Flag Capture
23391 Boulder
23392 Boulder
23393 Brood Affliction: Blue
23394 Shadow of Ebonroc
23396 Restoration (Rank 1)
23397 Berserk
23398 Involuntary Transformation
23399 Barbaric Bracers
23400 Pattern: Barbaric Bracers
23401 Corrupted Healing
23402 Corrupted Healing
23405 Alliance Reset Teleport
23406 Horde Reset Teleport
23407 Reset Teleport
23408 Drop Pillow DND
23409 Soft Landin'
23410 Wild Magic
23411 Fireball
23412 Frostbolt
23413 Arcane Explosion
23414 Paralyze
23415 Improved Blessing of Protection
23416 Pillow Fight
23417 Smother
23418 Siphon Blessing
23419 Corrupted Fire Nova Totem
23420 Corrupted Stoneskin Totem
23422 Corrupted Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)
23423 Corrupted Windfury Totem
23424 Corrupted Totems
23425 Corrupted Totems
23426 Summon Infernals
23427 Summon Infernals
23428 Summon Albino Snapjaw
23429 Summon Loggerhead Snapjaw
23430 Summon Olive Snapjaw
23431 Summon Leatherback Snapjaw
23432 Summon Hawksbill Snapjaw
23433 Increased Critical Spell
23434 Increased Critical Spell
23435 Increased Holy Criticals
23436 Corrupt Weapon
23437 Corrupt Weapon
23438 Corrupt Weapon
23439 Corruption
23440 Increased Critical Spell Shadow
23441 Gadgetzan Transporter
23442 Everlook Transporter
23443 Increased Critical Spell Shadow
23444 Transporter Malfunction
23445 Evil Twin
23446 Gadgetzan Transporter Failure
23447 Transporter Malfunction
23448 Transporter Arrival

23449 Transporter Malfunction

23450 Transporter Arrival
23451 Speed
23452 Invisibility
23453 Gnomish Transporter
23454 Stun
23455 Holy Nova (Rank 1)
23456 Transporter Malfunction
23457 Transporter Malfunction
23458 Holy Nova (Rank 2)
23459 Holy Nova (Rank 3)
23460 Teleport to Blackwing Lair DND
23461 Flame Breath
23462 Fire Nova
23464 Create Soul Shard
23466 Tower Buff
23467 Tower Buff
23468 Minor Healthstone
23469 Minor Healthstone
23470 Lesser Healthstone
23471 Lesser Healthstone
23472 Healthstone
23473 Healthstone
23474 Greater Healthstone
23475 Greater Healthstone
23476 Major Healthstone
23477 Major Healthstone
23478 Burning Adrenaline
23479 Remove Bones
23480 Increase Fire Dam 10 (Rank 1)
23481 Increase Fire Dam 14 (Rank 2)
23482 Increase Fire Dam 17 (Rank 3)
23483 Increase Fire Dam 21 (Rank 4)
23484 Dispel Drakonids
23485 Big Bonfire Damage
23486 Dimensional Ripper - Everlook
23487 Separation Anxiety
23488 Spirit Hammer
23489 Ultrasafe Transporter - Gadgetzan
23490 Dimension Ripper - Everlook
23491 Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan
23492 Separation Anxiety
23493 Restoration
23498 Call Pet
23499 Revive Pet
23500 Summon Felhunter
23501 Summon Voidwalker
23502 Summon Succubus
23503 Summon Imp
23504 Fool's Plight
23505 Berserking
23506 Aura of Protection
23507 Snake Burst Firework
23508 Schematic: Snake Burst Firework
23509 Frostwolf Howler
23510 Stormpike Battle Charger
23511 Demoralizing Shout
23512 Fireball Volley
23513 Essence of the Red
23514 Placing Message to the Wildhammer
23515 Block Value 14
23516 Block Value 27
23517 Create Healthstone (Minor)
23518 Create Healthstone (Minor)
23519 Create Healthstone (Minor)
23520 Create Healthstone (Lesser)
23521 Create Healthstone (Lesser)
23522 Create Healthstone (Lesser)
23523 Alliance Warsong CTF Flag
23524 Alliance Warsong CTF Win
23525 Horde Warsong CTF Flag
23526 Horde Warsong CTF Win
23527 Alliance Alterac Valley
23528 Horde Alterac Valley
23529 Horde Alterac Valley
23530 Summon Tiny Red Dragon
23531 Summon Tiny Green Dragon
23532 Horde Alterac Valley
23533 Horde Alterac Valley
23534 Alliance Alterac Valley
23535 Alliance Alterac Valley
23536 Alliance Alterac Valley
23537 Enrage
23538 Battle Standard
23539 Battle Standard
23540 Warsong Gulch Enriched Ration
23541 Warsong Gulch Iron Ration
23542 Warsong Gulch Field Ration
23544 Healing Circle
23545 Subtlety
23546 ZZOLDImproved Wards
23547 Parry
23548 Parry
23549 Increased Area
23550 Increased Prayer of Healing Criticals
23551 Lightning Shield
23552 Lightning Shield
23553 Shadow Cost Reduction
23554 Improved Drain Life
23555 Decreased Destruction Threat
23556 Decreased Tranquility and Hurricane Cooldown
23557 Improved Thorns Damage
23558 Improved Feint
23559 Improved Aspect of the Hawk
23560 Improved Mend Pet
23561 Enhanced Sunder Armor
23562 Block Value 30
23563 Enhanced Battle Shout
23564 Improved Judgement of Light
23565 Increased Aura Radii
23566 Improved Volley and Multishot
23567 First Aid (Rank 10)
23568 First Aid (Rank 8)
23569 First Aid (Rank 6)
23570 Increased Critical Spell Nature
23571 Mana Surge
23572 Mana Surge
23573 Chain Healing Wave
23574 Battle Standard
23575 TEST Spell - Reuse 23575
23576 Battle Standard
23577 Expose Weakness
23578 Expose Weakness
23579 TEST Spell - Reuse 23579
23580 Bloodfang
23581 Bloodfang
23582 Clean Escape
23583 Clean Escape
23584 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 1)
23585 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 2)
23586 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 3)
23587 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 4)
23588 Dual Wield Specialization (Rank 5)
23589 Creeping Doom
23590 Judgement
23591 Judgement
23592 Lightning Bolt
23593 Increase Healing 92
23594 Increase Shadow Dam 64
23595 Luffa
23598 Ritual of Summoning
23600 Piercing Howl
23601 Scatter Shot
23602 Shield Specialization Effect (Rank 1)
23603 Wild Polymorph
23604 Reduce Threat
23605 Spell Vulnerability
23618 scaler test
23619 Burning Adrenaline
23620 Burning Adrenaline
23621 Wild Leather Boots
23622 Wild Leather Cloak
23623 Wild Leather Helmet
23625 Wild Leather Leggings
23626 Wild Leather Shoulders
23627 Wild Leather Vest
23628 Heavy Timbermaw Belt
23629 Heavy Timbermaw Boots
23630 Plans: Heavy Timbermaw Belt
23631 Plans: Heavy Timbermaw Boots
23632 Girdle of the Dawn
23633 Gloves of the Dawn
23634 Plans: Girdle of the Dawn
23635 Plans: Gloves of the Dawn
23636 Dark Iron Helm
23637 Dark Iron Gauntlets
23638 Black Amnesty
23639 Blackfury
23640 Plans: Black Amnesty
23641 Plans: Blackfury
23642 Corruption
23644 Burning Adrenaline
23645 Hourglass Sand
23646 Elemental Shield
23647 Avoidance
23648 Alliance Flag Captured
23649 Horde Flag Captured
23650 Ebon Hand
23651 Plans: Ebon Hand
23652 Blackguard
23653 Nightfall
23654 Plans: Blackguard
23655 Plans: Nightfall
23656 Plans: Dark Iron Helm
23657 Plans: Dark Iron Gauntlets
23658 Complete Alterac Valley quest
23659 Complete Warsong Gulch Quest
23660 Complete Warsong Gulch Quest
23661 Create Silverwing Talisman of Merit
23662 Wisdom of the Timbermaw
23663 Mantle of the Timbermaw
23664 Argent Boots
23665 Argent Shoulders
23666 Flarecore Robe
23667 Flarecore Leggings
23668 Pattern: Wisdom of the Timbermaw
23669 Pattern: Mantle of the Timbermaw
23670 Pattern: Argent Boots
23671 Pattern: Argent Shoulders
23672 Pattern: Flarecore Robe
23673 Pattern: Flarecore Leggings
23674 Test Eng Haste
23675 Minigun
23676 Minigun
23677 Beasts Deck
23678 Warlord Deck
23679 Elementals Deck
23680 Portals Deck
23681 Clear Essence of the Red
23682 Heroism
23683 Twisting Nether
23684 Aura of the Blue Dragon
23685 Sam's Test Spell
23686 Lightning Strike
23687 Lightning Strike
23688 Aura of the Blue Dragon
23689 Heroism
23690 Berserker Rage Effect
23691 Berserker Rage Effect
23692 Alterac Manna Biscuit
23693 Stormpike's Salvation
23694 Improved Hamstring
23695 Improved Hamstring (Rank 3)
23696 First Aid (Rank 10)
23697 Alterac Spring Water
23698 Alterac Spring Water
23699 Unstoppable Force
23700 Twisting Nether
23701 Twisting Nether
23702 Create Warsong Mark of Honor
23703 Might of the Timbermaw
23704 Timbermaw Brawlers
23705 Dawn Treaders
23706 Golden Mantle of the Dawn
23707 Lava Belt
23708 Chromatic Gauntlets
23709 Corehound Belt
23710 Molten Belt
23711 Pattern: Might of the Timbermaw
23712 Pattern: Dawn Treaders
23713 Pattern: Timbermaw Brawlers
23714 Pattern: Golden Mantle of the Dawn
23715 Pattern: Lava Belt
23716 Pattern: Chromatic Gauntlets
23717 Pattern: Corehound Belt
23718 Pattern: Molten Belt
23719 Untamed Fury
23720 Blessing of the Black Book
23721 Arcane Infused
23722 Arcane Detonation
23723 Mind Quickening
23724 Metamorphosis Rune
23725 Gift of Life
23726 Venemous Totem
23727 Increased Spell Hit Chance 1
23728 Increase Spell Dam 84
23729 Increased Spell Hit Chance 2
23730 Increase Spell Dam 64
23731 Block Value 19
23732 Increase Spell Dam 56
23733 Blinding Light
23734 Nature Aligned
23735 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Strength
23736 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Agility
23737 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Stamina
23738 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Spirit
23758 Speak Draconic
23759 Master Demonologist
23760 Master Demonologist
23761 Master Demonologist
23762 Master Demonologist
23763 Despawn Silverwing Flag
23764 Despawn Horde Flag
23765 Darkmoon Faire Fortune
23766 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence
23767 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor
23768 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage
23769 Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance
23770 Sayge's Carnie Buff
23771 Wracking Pains Proc
23772 Wilt
23773 Suffering of Sanity
23774 System Shock
23775 Stun Forever
23776 Clear Possess
23777 Zero Mana/Full Health DND
23779 Resurgence DND
23780 Aegis of Preservation
23781 Aegis Heal
23782 Gift of Life
23783 Gift of Life
23784 Master Demonologist
23785 Master Demonologist
23786 Powerful Anti-Venom
23787 Powerful Anti-Venom
23788 Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom
23789 Stoneclaw Totem TEST
23790 Stoneclaw Totem Effect TEST
23792 Stoneclaw Totem Passive TEST
23793 Strength
23794 Agility +15
23795 Increased Mana Regen
23796 Increase Healing 24
23797 Spirit
23798 Intellect
23799 Enchant Weapon - Strength
23800 Enchant Weapon - Agility
23801 Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration
23802 Enchant Bracer - Healing Power
23803 Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit
23804 Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect
23805 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength
23806 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Agility
23807 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration
23808 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Healing
23809 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit
23810 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect
23811 Summon Jubling
23813 Create Healthstone
23814 Create Healthstone
23815 Create Healthstone
23816 Create Healthstone (Greater)
23817 Create Healthstone (Greater)
23818 Create Healthstone (Greater)
23819 Create Healthstone (Major)
23820 Create Healthstone (Major)
23821 Create Healthstone (Major)
23822 Master Demonologist
23823 Master Demonologist
23824 Master Demonologist
23825 Master Demonologist
23826 Master Demonologist
23827 Master Demonologist
23828 Master Demonologist
23829 Master Demonologist
23830 Master Demonologist
23831 Master Demonologist
23832 Master Demonologist
23833 Master Demonologist
23834 Master Demonologist
23835 Master Demonologist
23836 Master Demonologist
23837 Master Demonologist
23838 Master Demonologist
23839 Master Demonologist
23840 Master Demonologist
23841 Master Demonologist
23842 Master Demonologist
23843 Master Demonologist
23844 Master Demonologist
23845 Attract Jubjub
23848 Test Strike W50 (Rank 4)
23849 Venoxis Transform
23850 Test Strike W35 (Rank 4)
23851 Hatch Egg
23852 Jubling Cooldown
23853 Jubling Cooldown
23858 Holy Nova
23859 Dispel Magic
23860 Holy Fire
23861 Poison Cloud
23862 Venom Spit
23863 Revitalize
23864 Revitalize
23865 Parasitic Serpent
23866 Summon Parasitic Serpent
23867 Parasitic Serpent
23878 Random Aggro
23880 Bloodthirst
23881 Bloodthirst (Rank 1)
23885 Bloodthirst
23886 Bloodthirst
23887 Bloodthirst
23888 Bloodthirst
23889 Bloodthirst
23890 Bloodthirst
23891 Bloodthirst
23892 Bloodthirst (Rank 2)
23893 Bloodthirst (Rank 3)
23894 Bloodthirst (Rank 4)
23895 Renew
23896 Alliance Flag Taken From Base (Event)
23897 Horde Flag Taken From Base (Event)
23898 Bloodthirst (Rank 2)
23899 Bloodthirst (Rank 3)
23900 Bloodthirst (Rank 4)
23918 Sonic Burst
23919 Swoop
23920 Shield Reflection
23921 Shield Reflection
23922 Shield Slam (Rank 1)
23923 Shield Slam (Rank 2)
23924 Shield Slam (Rank 3)
23925 Shield Slam (Rank 4)
23926 Shield Slam (Rank 2)
23927 Shield Slam (Rank 3)
23928 Shield Slam (Rank 4)
23929 Increase Spell Dam 71
23930 Seal of the Dawn
23931 Thunderclap
23932 A-Mid Trigger
23933 A-Mid Horde
23934 A-Mid Alliance
23935 H-Mid Trigger
23936 Mid Trigger
23937 ALT -N Trigger
23938 ALT -S Trigger
23939 ALT -N Alliance
23940 ALT -N Horde
23941 ALT -S Alliance
23942 ALT -S Horde
23943 H-Mid Alliance
23944 H-Mid Horde
23945 Mid Alliance
23946 Mid Horde
23947 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 5)
23948 Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 6)
23949 Exzhal Calls Circle of Binding DND
23950 Exzhal Searches for Wild Gods DND
23951 Bloodlust
23952 Shadow Word: Pain
23953 Mind Flay
23954 Great Heal
23958 Mind Exhaustion
23959 Test Stab R50 (Rank 8)
23960 Test Strike R50 (Rank 8)
23961 Frostwolf Reputation +1
23962 Stormpike Reputation +1
23963 Frostwolf Reputation +2
23964 Bloodrager's Requiem
23965 Instant Heal
23966 Jeklik Transform
23967 Dragonbane
23968 Throw Liquid Fire
23969 Throw Liquid Fire
23970 Throw Liquid Fire
23971 Summon Liquid Fire
23972 Blaze
23973 Root Self
23974 Summon Frenzied Bloodseeker Bats
23975 Create iCoke Prize Voucher
23978 Speed
23979 Holy Wrath
23989 Readiness
23990 Item - Minor Run Speed
23991 Damage Absorb
23992 Fire Resistance (Rank 1)
23998 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WAR R1 DND
23999 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WAR R2 DND
24000 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WAR R3 DND
24001 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WAR R4 DND
24002 Tranquilizing Poison
24003 Tranquilizing Poison
24004 Sleep
24005 Food
24006 Bounty of the Harvest
24007 Zul'Gurub Talisman PAL R1 DND
24008 Zul'Gurub Talisman PAL R2 DND
24009 Zul'Gurub Talisman PAL R3 DND
24010 Zul'Gurub Talisman PAL R4 DND
24011 Venom Spit
24012 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman PRT R1 DND
24013 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman PRT R2 DND
24014 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman PRT R3 DND
24015 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman PRT R4 DND
24016 Exploit Weakness
24017 Create Arathi Resource Crate
24018 Axe Flurry
24019 Axe Flurry
24020 Axe Flurry
24021 Anti-Magic Shield
24022 Cleanse Nova
24023 Charge
24024 Unstable Concoction
24038 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman MAG R1 DND
24039 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman MAG R2 DND
24040 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman MAG R3 DND
24041 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman MAG R4 DND
24042 Test Maul (Rank 4)
24043 Test Fury (Rank 4)
24044 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WLK R1 DND
24045 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WLK R2 DND
24046 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WLK R3 DND
24047 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman WLK R4 DND
24048 Whirling Trip
24049 Impale
24050 Spirit Burst
24051 Spirit Burst
24052 Summon Voodoo Spirit
24053 Hex
24054 Shrink
24055 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman DRU R1 DND
24056 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman DRU R2 DND
24057 Confused
24058 Release Toads
24059 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman DRU R3 DND
24060 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman DRU R4 DND
24061 Complete Arathi Basin quest, 4 bases
24062 Toad Explode
24063 Disease Cloud
24064 Complete Arathi Basin quest, 5 bases
24065 Toad Explode
24066 Toad Explode
24067 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman SHM R1 DND
24068 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman SHM R2 DND
24069 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman SHM R3 DND
24070 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman SHM R4 DND
24071 Axe Flurry
24072 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman ROG R1 DND
24073 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman ROG R2 DND
24074 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman ROG R3 DND
24075 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman ROG R4 DND
24076 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman HUN R1 DND
24077 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman HUN R2 DND
24078 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman HUN R3 DND
24079 Create Zul'Gurub Talisman HUN R4 DND
24080 Death Touch Copy
24081 Summon Spawn of Mar'li
24082 Hatch Spider Egg
24083 Hatch Eggs
24084 Mar'li Transform
24085 Transform Visual
24086 Growth
24087 Growth
24088 Full Grown
24089 Full Grown
24090 Minor Movement Speed
24091 Bloodvine Vest
24092 Bloodvine Leggings
24093 Bloodvine Boots
24094 Pattern: Bloodvine Vest
24095 Pattern: Bloodvine Leggings
24096 Pattern: Bloodvine Boots
24097 Poison
24098 Copy of Bind
24099 Poison Bolt Volley
24100 Life Steal
24101 Grom's Troll Tribute
24102 Grom's Tauren Tribute
24103 Grom's Forsaken Tribute
24104 Grom's Orc Tribute
24105 Uther's Human Tribute
24106 Uther's Gnome Tribute
24107 Uther's Dwarf Tribute
24108 Uther's Night Elf Tribute
24109 Enlarge
24110 Enveloping Webs
24111 Corrosive Poison
24112 Poison Shock
24121 Primal Batskin Jerkin
24122 Primal Batskin Gloves
24123 Primal Batskin Bracers
24124 Blood Tiger Breastplate
24125 Blood Tiger Shoulders
24126 Pattern: Primal Batskin Jerkin
24127 Pattern: Primal Batskin Gloves
24128 Pattern: Primal Batskin Bracers
24129 Pattern: Blood Tiger Breastplate
24130 Pattern: Blood Tiger Shoulders
24131 Wyvern Sting (Rank 1)
24132 Wyvern Sting (Rank 2)
24133 Wyvern Sting (Rank 3)
24134 Wyvern Sting (Rank 2)
24135 Wyvern Sting (Rank 3)
24136 Bloodsoul Breastplate
24137 Bloodsoul Shoulders
24138 Bloodsoul Gauntlets
24139 Darksoul Breastplate
24140 Darksoul Leggings
24141 Darksoul Shoulders
24142 Plans: Bloodsoul Breastplate
24143 Plans: Bloodsoul Shoulders
24144 Plans: Bloodsoul Gauntlets
24145 Plans: Darksoul Breastplate
24146 Plans: Darksoul Leggings
24147 Plans: Darksoul Shoulders
24148 Presence of Might
24149 Presence of Might
24150 Stinger Charge Primer
24151 Syncretist's Sigil
24152 Whipweed Roots
24153 Death's Embrace
24154 Falcon's Call
24155 Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace
24156 Presence of Sight
24157 Hoodoo Hex
24158 Prophetic Aura
24159 Animist's Caress
24160 Syncretist's Sigil
24161 Death's Embrace
24162 Falcon's Call
24163 Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace
24164 Presence of Sight
24165 Hoodoo Hex
24167 Prophetic Aura
24168 Animist's Caress
24169 Thekal Transform
24170 Whipweed Entangle (Trap)
24171 Resurrection Impact Visual
24172 Thekal Trigger
24173 Resurrection
24178 Will of Hakkar
24179 Create Seal of the Dawn
24180 Quest - Polymorph Impact
24181 Horde Arathi Basin
24182 Alliance Arathi Basin
24183 Summon Zulian Guardians
24184 Servant of Hakkar DND
24185 Bloodlust
24186 Create Zul's Aura
24187 Claw
24188 Improved Hammer of Justice
24189 Force Punch
24190 Arlokk Transform
24191 Improved Power Word: Shield
24192 Speed Slash
24193 Charge
24194 Uther's Tribute
24195 Grom's Tribute
24196 Increase Spell Dam 47
24197 Increase Spell Dam Undead 48
24198 Rune of the Dawn
24199 Knockback 35
24201 Create Rune of the Dawn
24202 Create Heart of Hakkar Rift
24203 Heart of Hakkar Banning
24204 Heart of Hakkar Implode
24205 Half Heal
24206 Half Heal Effect
24207 Hellfire Cast Visual
24208 Great Heal
24209 Great Heal
24210 Mark of Arlokk
24211 Mark of Arlokk
24212 Shadow Word: Pain
24213 Ravage
24214 Heart of Hakkar - Molthor chucks the heart
24215 Create Heart of Hakkar Explosion
24217 Quest - Heart of Hakkar, Ritual Cast Visual
24218 Test Power Bonus (Cat)
24219 Test Critical Bonus
24221 Quest - Teleport Spawn-out
24222 Vanish Visual
24223 Vanish
24224 spell - reuse (Rank 1)
24225 Exhaustion
24226 Increase Reputation
24228 Vanish
24229 Vanish
24230 Vanish
24231 Vanish
24232 Vanish
24233 Vanish
24235 Super Invis
24236 Whirlwind
24237 Graveyard Teleport
24238 Test Rip (Rank 6)
24239 Hammer of Wrath (Rank 3)
24240 Spawn - Red Lightning
24241 Decapitate
24242 Swift Razzashi Raptor
24243 Increase Spell Dam 840
24244 Grow
24245 String Together Heads
24246 Summon Zulian Prowler
24247 Summon Zulian Prowlers
24248 Copy of Ferocious Bite (Rank 4)
24249 Summon Zulian Stalkers
24250 Summon Zulian Stalker
24251 Zulian Slice
24252 Swift Zulian Tiger
24253 Graveyard Teleport Test
24254 Serpent's Hiss
24255 Primal Blessing
24256 Primal Blessing Trigger DND
24257 Jeklik's Crushing Blow
24258 Quest - Troll Hero Summon Visual
24259 Spell Lock
24261 Brain Wash
24262 Summon Brain Wash Totem
24263 UNUSED Quest - Create Empowered Mojo Bundle
24264 Extinguish
24265 Killer Bees!
24266 Gurubashi Mojo Madness
24267 Gurubashi Mojo Madness
24268 Mar'li's Brain Boost
24274 Hammer of Wrath (Rank 2)
24275 Hammer of Wrath (Rank 1)
24276 Hammer of Wrath (Rank 1)
24277 Hammer of Wrath (Rank 2)
24278 Hammer of Wrath (Rank 3)
24279 Punctured Voodoo Doll DRU DND
24280 Punctured Voodoo Doll HUN DND
24281 Punctured Voodoo Doll ROG DND
24282 Punctured Voodoo Doll MAG DND
24283 Surefooted (Rank 3)
24284 Punctured Voodoo Doll PRT DND
24285 Punctured Voodoo Doll PAL DND
24288 Punctured Voodoo Doll SHM DND
24289 Punctured Voodoo Doll WAR DND
24290 Punctured Voodoo Doll WLK DND
24291 Dragon Slaying 48
24292 Dragon Slaying 117
24293 Monster Slaying (Rank 1)
24294 Monster Slaying (Rank 2)
24295 Monster Slaying (Rank 3)
24296 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 4)
24297 Lightning Reflexes (Rank 5)
24300 Drain Life
24301 Fishing Skill +35
24302 Eternium Fishing Line
24303 Fishing
24304 Quest - Create Mudskunk Lure
24306 Delusions of Jin'do
24307 Shade of Jin'do Passive
24308 Summon Shade of Jin'Do
24309 Powerful Healing Ward
24310 Powerful Healing Ward
24311 Powerful Healing Ward
24312 Level Up
24313 Shade Visual
24314 Threatening Gaze
24315 Charge
24316 Guillotine
24317 Sunder Armor
24318 Enrage
24319 Summon Poison Cloud
24320 Poisonous Blood
24321 Poisonous Blood
24322 Blood Siphon
24323 Blood Siphon
24324 Blood Siphon
24325 Pagle's Point Cast - Create Mudskunk Lure
24326 Gahz'ranka Slam
24327 Cause Insanity
24328 Corrupted Blood
24331 Rake
24332 Rake
24333 Ravage
24334 Acid Spit
24335 Wyvern Sting
24336 Wyvern Sting
24337 Ambush
24339 Infected Bite
24340 Meteor
24341 Revive
24342 Despawn Chained Spirits
24343 Call Chained Spirit
24344 Bloodlord's Aura
24345 Bloodlord's Aura
24346 Copy of Master Angler
24347 Master Angler
24348 Cheetah Sprint
24349 Summon Bloodlord's Raptor
24350 Safe Fall
24351 Fear Resistance 4 (Passive)
24352 Devilsaur Fury
24353 Primal Instinct
24354 Prayer Beads Blessing
24355 Drink
24356 Bloodvine Goggles
24357 Bloodvine Lens
24358 Schematic: Bloodvine Goggles
24359 Schematic: Bloodvine Lens
24360 Greater Dreamless Sleep
24361 Regeneration
24362 Increased 1H Fist Weapons
24363 Mana Regeneration
24364 Living Free Action
24365 Mageblood Potion
24366 Greater Dreamless Sleep Potion
24367 Living Action Potion
24368 Major Troll's Blood Potion
24369 Recipe: Mageblood Potion
24370 Recipe: Greater Dreamless Sleep Potion
24372 Recipe: Living Action Potion
24373 Recipe: Major Troll's Blood Potion
24374 Fireball
24375 War Stomp
24376 Open Azure Bag
24377 Destroy Bijou
24378 Berserking
24379 Restoration
24382 Spirit of Zanza
24383 Swiftness of Zanza
24384 Essence Mango
24386 Improved Aspect of the Monkey (Rank 4)
24387 Improved Aspect of the Monkey (Rank 5)
24388 Brain Damage
24389 Chaos Fire
24390 Opening
24391 Opening
24392 Frosty Zap
24393 Test Strike
24394 Intimidation
24395 Bestial Wrath
24396 Bestial Wrath
24397 Bestial Wrath
24399 Dark Iron Boots
24400 Plans: Dark Iron Boots
24401 Test Pet Passive
24402 Deafened
24405 Icy Energy
24406 Improved Mend Pet (Rank 1)
24407 Overpower
24408 Charge
24409 Arathi Basin Field Ration
24410 Arathi Basin Iron Ration
24411 Arathi Basin Enriched Ration
24412 First Aid (Rank 6)
24413 First Aid (Rank 8)
24414 First Aid (Rank 10)
24415 Slow
24416 Superior Aspects (Rank 1)
24417 Sheen of Zanza
24418 Heavy Crocolisk Stew
24419 Recipe: Heavy Crocilisk Stew
24420 Zandalar Signet of Serenity
24421 Zandalar Signet of Mojo
24422 Zandalar Signet of Might
24423 Screech (Rank 1)
24424 Screech (Rank 1)
24425 Spirit of Zandalar
24426 Increased Critical Holy Spells
24427 Diamond Flask
24428 Improved Hamstring
24429 Improved Counterspell
24430 Improved Rain of Fire/Hellfire
24431 Improved Whirlwind
24432 Improved Feign Death
24433 Improved Wrath/Starfire
24434 Improved Kick
24435 Drain Life
24436 Copy of Improved Mana/Health Totems
24437 Blood Leech
24438 Battle Shout
24439 Fire Resistance (Rank 2)
24440 Fire Resistance (Rank 1)
24441 Fire Resistance (Rank 2)
24442 Fire Resistance (Rank 1)
24443 Improved Revive Pet (Rank 1)
24444 Fire Resistance (Rank 3)
24445 Fire Resistance (Rank 4)
24446 Frost Resistance (Rank 1)
24447 Frost Resistance (Rank 2)
24448 Frost Resistance (Rank 3)
24449 Frost Resistance (Rank 4)
24450 Prowl (Rank 1)
24451 Prowl (Rank 1)
24452 Prowl (Rank 2)
24453 Prowl (Rank 3)
24454 Prowl (Rank 2)
24455 Prowl (Rank 3)
24456 Improved Intimidating Shout
24457 Improved Holy Light
24458 Shadow Shock
24459 Shadow Shock
24460 Improved Blessings
24461 Improved Frost Shock
24462 Improved Lightning Bolt
24463 Fire Resistance (Rank 3)
24464 Fire Resistance (Rank 4)
24465 Improved Concussive Shot
24466 Banish
24467 Improved Serpent Sting
24468 Fire Resistance (Rank 2)
24469 Improved Blind
24470 Fire Resistance (Rank 3)
24471 Improved Eviscerate and Rupture
24472 Fire Resistance (Rank 4)
24473 Frost Resistance (Rank 1)
24474 Destroy Wards
24475 Frost Resistance (Rank 1)
24476 Frost Resistance (Rank 2)
24477 Frost Resistance (Rank 3)
24478 Frost Resistance (Rank 4)
24479 Improved Faerie Fire
24480 Improved Starfire
24481 Frost Resistance (Rank 2)
24482 Improved Smite and Holy Fire
24483 Improved Mind Control
24484 Frost Resistance (Rank 3)
24485 Frost Resistance (Rank 4)
24486 Improved Corruption
24487 Improved Death Coil
24488 Shadow Resistance (Rank 1)
24489 Improved Arcane Intellect
24490 Shadow Resistance (Rank 1)
24491 Improved Flamestrike
24492 Nature Resistance (Rank 1)
24493 Arcane Resistance (Rank 1)
24494 Nature Resistance (Rank 1)
24495 Arcane Resistance (Rank 1)
24497 Arcane Resistance (Rank 2)
24498 Brilliant Light
24499 Energized Shield
24500 Arcane Resistance (Rank 3)
24501 Arcane Resistance (Rank 4)
24502 Nature Resistance (Rank 2)
24503 Nature Resistance (Rank 3)
24504 Nature Resistance (Rank 4)
24505 Shadow Resistance (Rank 2)
24506 Shadow Resistance (Rank 3)
24507 Shadow Resistance (Rank 4)
24508 Arcane Resistance (Rank 2)
24509 Arcane Resistance (Rank 3)
24510 Arcane Resistance (Rank 4)
24511 Nature Resistance (Rank 2)
24512 Nature Resistance (Rank 3)
24513 Nature Resistance (Rank 4)
24514 Shadow Resistance (Rank 2)
24515 Shadow Resistance (Rank 3)
24516 Shadow Resistance (Rank 4)
24517 Nature Resistance (Rank 1)
24518 Shadow Resistance (Rank 1)
24519 Arcane Resistance (Rank 1)
24520 Arcane Resistance (Rank 2)
24521 Arcane Resistance (Rank 3)
24522 Arcane Resistance (Rank 4)
24523 Nature Resistance (Rank 2)
24524 Nature Resistance (Rank 3)
24525 Nature Resistance (Rank 4)
24526 Shadow Resistance (Rank 2)
24527 Shadow Resistance (Rank 3)
24528 Shadow Resistance (Rank 4)
24529 Spirit Bond (Rank 2)
24530 Felfire
24531 Refocus
24532 Burst of Energy
24533 Great Stamina (Rank 1)
24534 Great Stamina (Rank 2)
24535 Great Stamina (Rank 3)
24536 Great Stamina (Rank 4)
24537 Great Stamina (Rank 5)
24538 Great Stamina (Rank 6)
24539 Great Stamina (Rank 7)
24540 Great Stamina (Rank 8)
24541 Great Stamina (Rank 9)
24542 Nimble Healing Touch
24543 Massive Destruction
24544 Arcane Potency
24545 Natural Armor (Rank 1)
24546 Rapid Healing
24547 Natural Armor (Rank 1)
24548 Natural Armor (Rank 1)
24549 Natural Armor (Rank 2)
24550 Natural Armor (Rank 3)
24551 Natural Armor (Rank 4)
24552 Natural Armor (Rank 5)
24553 Natural Armor (Rank 6)
24554 Natural Armor (Rank 7)
24555 Natural Armor (Rank 8)
24556 Natural Armor (Rank 2)
24557 Natural Armor (Rank 3)
24558 Natural Armor (Rank 4)
24559 Natural Armor (Rank 5)
24560 Natural Armor (Rank 6)
24561 Natural Armor (Rank 7)
24562 Natural Armor (Rank 8)
24563 Natural Armor (Rank 2)
24565 Natural Armor (Rank 3)
24566 Natural Armor (Rank 4)
24567 Natural Armor (Rank 5)
24568 Natural Armor (Rank 6)
24569 Natural Armor (Rank 7)
24570 Natural Armor (Rank 8)
24571 Blood Fury
24573 Mortal Strike
24574 Brittle Armor
24575 Brittle Armor
24576 Chromatic Mount
24577 Screech (Rank 2)
24578 Screech (Rank 3)
24579 Screech (Rank 4)
24580 Screech (Rank 2)
24581 Screech (Rank 3)
24582 Screech (Rank 4)
24583 Scorpid Poison (Rank 2)
24584 Scorpid Poison (Rank 2)
24585 Drain Life
24586 Scorpid Poison (Rank 3)
24587 Scorpid Poison (Rank 4)
24588 Scorpid Poison (Rank 3)
24589 Scorpid Poison (Rank 4)
24590 Brittle Armor
24591 Improved Skinning
24592 Spirit Bond
24593 Pagle's Point Cast - Create Splash and Quake
24594 Mesmerize
24595 Increase Spell Dam 24
24596 Intoxicating Venom
24597 Furious Howl (Rank 4)
24598 Summon Razzashi Skitterer
24599 Furious Howl (Rank 4)
24600 Web Spin
24601 Increased Mana Regen
24602 Create Heart of Hakkar Summon Circle
24603 Furious Howl (Rank 3)
24604 Furious Howl (Rank 1)
24605 Furious Howl (Rank 2)
24607 Furious Howl (Rank 3)
24608 Furious Howl (Rank 2)
24609 Furious Howl (Rank 1)
24610 Pagle's Broken Reel
24611 Fireball
24612 Flamestrike
24614 Consuming Shadows
24615 Consuming Shadows
24616 Shadow Shock
24617 Blood Funnel
24618 Drain Life
24619 Soul Tap
24620 Portal of Madness
24621 Portal of Madness
24622 Summon Mad Voidwalkers
24623 Summon Van'Cleef
24624 Summon Mutanus the Devourer
24625 Summon Aku'mai
24626 Summon Cannon Master Willey
24627 Summon Postmaster Malown
24628 Summon Amnennar the Coldbringer
24629 Natural Armor (Rank 9)
24630 Natural Armor (Rank 10)
24631 Natural Armor (Rank 9)
24632 Natural Armor (Rank 10)
24633 Natural Armor (Rank 9)
24634 Natural Armor (Rank 10)
24635 Sober Up
24636 Great Stamina (Rank 10)
24637 Create Warsong Gulch Consolation Ribbon
24638 Horde Warsong CTF Flag
24639 Alliance Warsong CTF Flag
24640 Scorpid Poison (Rank 1)
24641 Scorpid Poison (Rank 1)
24642 Horde Alterac Valley
24643 Alliance Alterac Valley
24644 Alliance Alterac Valley
24645 Horde Alterac Valley
24646 Avatar
24647 Stun
24648 Entangling Roots
24649 Thousand Blades
24650 Darnassus Reputation
24651 Alliance Alterac Valley
24652 Horde Alterac Valley
24653 TEST 100 STR DND
24654 Blue Dragonscale Leggings
24655 Green Dragonscale Gauntlets
24656 Blue Dragonscale Leggings
24657 Green Dragonscale Gauntlets
24658 Unstable Power
24659 Unstable Power
24661 Restless Strength
24662 Restless Strength
24664 Sleep
24666 Increase Frost Dam 132
24667 Increase Frost Dam 72
24668 Shadow Bolt
24669 Rain of Fire
24670 Inferno
24671 Snap Kick
24672 Unholy Frenzy
24673 Curse of Blood
24674 Veil of Shadow
24675 BM OFF
24676 BM ON
24677 GY Mid Trigger
24678 GY Mid Alliance
24679 GY Mid Horde
24680 Chain Lightning
24681 Summon Nightmare Illusions
24682 Forked Lightning (Rank 1)
24683 Lightning Cloud
24684 Chain Burn (Rank 1)
24685 Earth Shock
24686 Aspect of Mar'li
24687 Aspect of Jeklik
24688 Aspect of Venoxis
24689 Aspect of Thekal
24690 Aspect of Arlokk
24691 Barrage (Rank 3)
24692 Hakkar Power
24693 Hakkar Power Down
24694 Attack Power - Feral (+574)
24696 Summon Murky
24697 Attack Power - Feral (+280)
24698 Gouge
24699 Vanish
24700 Vanish
24701 Burning Adrenaline
24702 Hallow's End Aura
24703 Dreamscale Breastplate
24704 Pattern: Dreamscale Breastplate
24705 Invocation of the Wickerman
24706 Toss Stink Bomb
24707 Food
24708 Pirate Costume
24709 Pirate Costume
24710 Ninja Costume
24711 Ninja Costume
24712 Leper Gnome Costume
24713 Leper Gnome Costume
24714 Trick
24715 Treat
24716 Happy Pet
24717 Pirate Costume
24718 Ninja Costume
24719 Leper Gnome Costume
24720 Random Costume
24721 Buru Transform
24722 Happy Pet
24723 Skeleton Costume
24724 Skeleton Costume
24725 Debilitate
24726 Deputize Agent of Nozdormu
24727 Lost Badge Agent of Nozdormu DND
24728 Summon Nightmare Illusions
24729 Summon Nightmare Illusions
24730 Cannon Prep
24731 Fire Cannon
24732 Bat Costume
24733 Bat Costume
24734 Summon Templar Random
24735 Ghost Costume
24736 Ghost Costume
24737 Ghost Costume
24740 Wisp Costume
24741 Wisp Costume
24742 Magic Wings
24743 Cannon Prep
24744 Summon Templar
24745 Summon Templar, Trigger
24746 Twilight Cultist Disguise
24747 Summon Templar Fire, Trigger
24748 Twilight Cultist Disguise
24750 Trick
24751 Trick or Treat
24752 Mark of the Wild (Rank 7)
24753 Trick
24754 Cannon Prep
24755 Tricked or Treated
24756 Summon Templar
24757 Summon Templar Air, Trigger
24758 Summon Templar
24759 Summon Templar Earth, Trigger
24760 Summon Templar
24761 Summon Templar Water, Trigger
24762 Summon Duke,Trigger
24763 Summon Duke Random
24765 Summon Duke
24766 Summon Duke Fire, Trigger
24767 Thousand Blades
24768 Summon Duke
24769 Summon Duke Air, Trigger
24770 Summon Duke
24771 Summon Duke Earth, Trigger
24772 Summon Duke
24773 Summon Duke Water, Trigger
24774 Increased Defense
24775 Increased Defense
24776 Summon Player
24777 Dream Fog
24778 Sleep
24779 Dream Fog
24780 Dream Fog
24781 Dream Fog
24782 Twilight Cultist Disguise
24783 Copy of Summon Duke
24784 Summon Royal Random
24785 Summon Royal, Trigger
24786 Summon Royal
24787 Summon Royal Fire, Trigger
24788 Summon Royal
24789 Summon Royal
24790 Summon Royal
24791 Summon Royal Air, Trigger
24792 Summon Royal Earth, Trigger
24793 Summon Royal Water, Trigger
24795 Summon Demented Druid Spirit
24796 Summon Demented Druid Spirit
24798 Copy of Well Fed
24799 Well Fed
24800 Food
24801 Smoked Desert Dumplings
24802 Smoked Desert Dumplings
24803 Abyssal Punishment
24804 Dark Offering
24805 Create Hive'Zora Rubbing DND
24806 Create Hive'Ashi Rubbing DND
24807 Create Hive'Regal Rubbing DND
24809 Spirit Shade Visual
24810 Summon Spirit Shade
24811 Draw Spirit
24813 Seeping Fog
24814 Seeping Fog
24815 Draw Ancient Glyphs
24818 Noxious Breath
24819 Lightning Wave
24820 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24821 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24822 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24823 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24826 Infernal Fire
24827 Create Soul Shard
24828 Shatter Soul Gem
24831 Cannon Prep
24832 Cannon Prep
24833 Holy Mightstone
24834 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24835 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24836 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24837 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24838 Shadow Bolt Whirl
24839 Acid Breath
24840 Poison Cloud
24841 Summon Shade of Taerar
24842 Summon Shade of Taerar
24843 Summon Shade of Taerar
24844 Lightning Breath (Rank 1)
24845 Lightning Breath (Rank 1)
24846 Spitfire Bracers
24847 Spitfire Gauntlets
24848 Spitfire Breastplate
24849 Sandstalker Bracers
24850 Sandstalker Gauntlets
24851 Sandstalker Breastplate
24852 Increased Nature Criticals
24853 Mana Spring
24854 Mana Spring Totem
24855 Pattern: Spitfire Bracers
24856 Pattern: Spitfire Gauntlets
24857 Arcane Blast
24858 Moonkin Form (Shapeshift)
24859 Pattern: Spitfire Breastplate
24860 Pattern: Sandstalker Bracers
24861 Pattern: Sandstalker Gauntlets
24862 Pattern: Sandstalker Breastplate
24863 Create BlizzCon Prize
24864 Feline Swiftness Passive 2a
24865 Sanctified Orb
24866 Feline Swiftness
24867 Feline Swiftness Passive 1a
24868 Predatory Strikes
24869 Food
24870 Well Fed
24871 Spore Cloud
24872 Create Hunter Epic Staff DND
24873 Create Hunter Epic Bow DND
24874 Create Crest of Beckoning: Fire
24875 Undercity Mint
24883 Self Stun
24884 Earthen Sigil
24885 Create Crest of Beckoning: Air
24886 Despawn Shades of Taerar
24887 Create Crest of Beckoning: Earth
24888 Create Crest of Beckoning: Water
24889 Create Signet of Beckoning: Fire
24890 Create Signet of Beckoning: Air
24891 Create Signet of Beckoning: Earth
24892 Create Signet of Beckoning: Water
24893 Black Sapphire
24894 Heart of the Wild (Rank 5)
24895 Create Scepter of Beckoning: Fire
24896 Create Scepter of Beckoning: Air
24897 Create Scepter of Beckoning: Earth
24898 Create Scepter of Beckoning: Water
24899 Heart of the Wild Bear Effect (Rank 1)
24900 Heart of the Wild Cat Effect (Rank 1)
24901 Runed Stygian Leggings
24902 Runed Stygian Belt
24903 Runed Stygian Boots
24904 Summon Putrid Mushroom
24905 Moonkin Form (Passive) (Passive)
24906 Emeriss Aura
24907 Moonkin Aura
24908 Pattern: Runed Stygian Leggings
24909 Pattern: Runed Stygian Belt
24910 Corruption of the Earth
24911 Pattern: Runed Stygian Boots
24912 Darkrune Gauntlets
24913 Darkrune Helm
24914 Darkrune Breastplate
24915 Plans: Darkrune Gauntlets
24916 Plans: Darkrune Helm
24917 Plans: Darkrune Breastplate
24918 Stink Trap
24919 Nauseous
24920 Flag Guard
24921 Increased Staff
24922 Hurricane (Rank 1)
24923 Honor Points +398
24924 Hallow's End Candy
24925 Hallow's End Candy
24926 Hallow's End Candy
24927 Hallow's End Candy
24928 Volatile Infection
24929 Volatile Infection
24930 Hallow's End Candy
24931 100 Health
24932 Leader of the Pack
24933 Cannon
24934 Summon RC Tank
24935 Summon RC Tank
24936 RC Tank Control
24937 Using Control Console
24938 Close Control Console
24939 Summon Murky
24940 Black Whelp Tunic
24941 Pattern: Black Whelp Tunic
24942 Frostbolt
24943 Gift of Nature (Rank 2)
24944 Gift of Nature (Rank 3)
24945 Gift of Nature (Rank 4)
24946 Gift of Nature (Rank 5)
24947 Heal
24948 Defensive State 2
24949 Defensive State 2 (DND)
24950 Create Warsong Mark of Honor (Loser)
24951 Create Warsong Mark of Honor (WInner)
24952 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor (Loser)
24953 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor (Winner)
24954 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor (Loser)
24955 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor (Winner)
24956 Dream Fog
24957 Moonfire
24958 Despawn Putrid Mushrooms
24959 500 Health
24960 Honor Points +50
24961 Honor Points +82
24962 Honor Points +138
24963 Honor Points +228
24964 Honor Points +378
24965 Honor Points +398
24966 Honor Points +2388
24967 Gong
24968 Tranquil Spirit (Rank 1)
24969 Tranquil Spirit (Rank 2)
24970 Tranquil Spirit (Rank 3)
24971 Tranquil Spirit (Rank 4)
24972 Tranquil Spirit (Rank 5)
24973 Clean Up Stink Bomb
24974 Insect Swarm (Rank 2)
24975 Insect Swarm (Rank 3)
24976 Insect Swarm (Rank 4)
24977 Insect Swarm (Rank 5)
24978 Insect Swarm (Rank 2)
24979 Insect Swarm (Rank 3)
24980 Insect Swarm (Rank 4)
24981 Insect Swarm (Rank 5)
24982 Remove Trick or Treat
24983 Baby Murloc Passive
24984 Baby Murloc
24985 Summon Baby Murloc (Blue)
24986 Summon Baby Murloc (Green)
24987 Summon Baby Murloc (Orange)
24988 Summon Baby Murloc (White)
24989 Summon Baby Murloc (Pink)
24990 Summon Baby Murloc (Purple)
24991 Elemental Slayer
24992 Demonic Transformation
24993 Acid Blast
24994 Attack Power - Feral (+154)
24995 Pyroblast
24997 Greater Dispel
24998 Healing of the Ages
24999 Malfurion's Shade
25000 Spirit Totem
25001 Spirit Totem
25002 Spirit Disruption
25003 Mortar
25004 Throw Nightmare Object
25005 Summon RC Blimp
25006 Summon RC Blimp
25007 Wickerman Guardian Ember
25008 Lightning Breath (Rank 2)
25009 Lightning Breath (Rank 3)
25010 Lightning Breath (Rank 4)
25011 Lightning Breath (Rank 5)
25012 Lightning Breath (Rank 6)
25013 Lightning Breath (Rank 2)
25014 Lightning Breath (Rank 3)
25015 Lightning Breath (Rank 4)
25016 Lightning Breath (Rank 5)
25017 Lightning Breath (Rank 6)
25018 Summon Murki
25019 Blizzard
25020 Lightning Shield
25021 Chain Lightning
25022 Hallow's End Fright
25023 Hallow's End Fright
25024 Drop Mine
25025 Earth Shock
25026 Activate MG Turret
25027 Flamethrower
25028 Fire Blast
25029 Flamethrower
25030 Shoot Rocket
25031 Shoot Missile
25032 Machine Gun
25033 Lightning Cloud
25034 Forked Lightning
25035 Elemental Spawn-in
25036 Block Value 12
25037 Rumsey Rum Light
25039 Green Ghost Visual
25040 Mark of Nature
25041 Mark of Nature
25042 Mark of Nature
25043 Aura of Nature
25044 Aura of Nature
25049 Blast Wave
25050 Mark of Flames
25051 Sunder Armor
25052 Acid Spit
25053 Venom Spit
25054 Holy Smite
25055 Arcane Bolt
25056 Stomp
25057 Dropped Weapon
25058 Renew
25059 Dmg Shield
25060 Updraft
25063 Increase Threat
25064 Increase Shadow Dam 20
25065 Increase Fire Dam 20
25066 Increase Ice Dam 20
25067 Increase Healing 30
25068 Resistance - Greater Fire Resistance
25069 Resistance - Greater Nature Resistance
25070 Decrease Threat
25071 Dodge
25072 Enchant Gloves - Threat
25073 Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power
25074 Enchant Gloves - Frost Power
25076 Cobra Reflexes (Rank 1)
25077 Cobra Reflexes (Rank 1)
25078 Enchant Gloves - Fire Power
25079 Enchant Gloves - Healing Power
25080 Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility
25081 Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance
25082 Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance
25083 Enchant Cloak - Stealth
25084 Enchant Cloak - Subtlety
25085 Bright Campfire
25086 Enchant Cloak - Dodge
25087 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat
25088 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power
25089 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Frost Power
25090 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fire Power
25091 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Healing Power
25092 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility
25093 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance
25094 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance
25095 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth
25096 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety
25097 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge
25098 Transform Hero
25099 Detonation
25100 Untransform Hero
25101 Battle Shout
25102 Water Mastery
25104 Summon Player
25105 Green Dragon Transform DND
25106 Red Dragon Transform DND
25107 Blue Dragon Transform DND
25108 Bronze Dragon Transform DND
25109 Increase Spell Dam 8
25110 Increase Spell Dam 16
25111 Increase Spell Dam 24
25112 Summon Voidwalker (Summon)
25113 Increase Spell Dam 36 and 1% Crit
25114 Increased Mana Regen
25115 Increased Mana Regen
25116 Increased Mana Regen & Healing
25117 Minor Wizard Oil
25118 Minor Mana Oil
25119 Lesser Wizard Oil
25120 Lesser Mana Oil
25121 Wizard Oil
25122 Brilliant Wizard Oil
25123 Brilliant Mana Oil
25124 Minor Wizard Oil
25125 Minor Mana Oil
25126 Lesser Wizard Oil
25127 Lesser Mana Oil
25128 Wizard Oil
25129 Brilliant Wizard Oil
25130 Brilliant Mana Oil
25132 Formula: Minor Wizard Oil
25133 Formula: Minor Mana Oil
25134 Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil
25135 Formula: Lesser Mana Oil
25136 Formula: Wizard Oil
25137 Formula: Brilliant Wizard Oil
25138 Formula: Brilliant Mana Oil
25139 Teleport to Molten Core DND
25141 Copy of Heart of the Wild Bear Effect (Rank 1)
25142 Heart of the Wild Bear Effect 2
25145 Merithra's Wake
25146 Transmute: Elemental Fire
25147 Recipe: Transmute Elemental Fire
25148 Sleep Visual DND
25149 Arygos's Vengeance
25150 Molten Rain
25151 Summon Vekniss Drone
25152 Agro Drones
25153 Agro Drones Effect
25155 Quest - Self Healing from resurrect
25157 Quest - Self Drain Mana
25158 Time Stop
25159 Call Prismatic Barrier
25160 Sand Storm
25161 Harsh Winds
25162 Summon Disgusting Oozeling
25163 Oozeling's Disgusting Aura
25164 Vengeance
25165 Baby Murloc Dance
25166 Call Glyphs of Warding
25167 Call Ancients
25168 Frost Tomb
25169 Fiery Justice
25170 Fiery Death DND
25171 Time Stop Visual DND
25172 Merithra's Wake Visual DND
25174 Sundering Cleave
25175 Triple Attack
25176 Strength of Ossirian
25177 Fire Weakness
25178 Frost Weakness
25180 Nature Weakness
25181 Arcane Weakness
25182 Staghelm Shatters Hammer DND
25183 Shadow Weakness
25184 Speed Burst
25185 Itch
25186 Super Crystal
25187 Hive'Zara Catalyst
25188 War Stomp
25189 Enveloping Winds
25190 Stinger Charge
25191 Stinger Charge
25192 Summon Ossirian Crystal
25193 Despawn Ossirian Crystal
25194 Despawn Adds
25195 Curse of Tongues
25198 Poison Cloud
25199 Frog Self (TEST)
25200 Shoot Silithus Rifleman No Range
25201 Anachronos Quest Credit DND
25228 Soul Link
25247 Longsight
25260 Wings of Despair
25262 Abomination Spit
25263 Holy Light
25282 Shield of Rajaxx
25286 Heroic Strike (Rank 9)
25288 Revenge (Rank 6)
25289 Battle Shout (Rank 7)
25290 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 6)
25291 Blessing of Might (Rank 7)
25292 Holy Light (Rank 9)
25294 Multi-Shot (Rank 5)
25295 Serpent Sting (Rank 9)
25296 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 7)
25297 Healing Touch (Rank 11)
25298 Starfire (Rank 7)
25299 Rejuvenation (Rank 11)
25300 Backstab (Rank 9)
25302 Feint (Rank 5)
25304 Frostbolt (Rank 11)
25306 Fireball (Rank 12)
25307 Shadow Bolt (Rank 10)
25309 Immolate (Rank 8)
25311 Corruption (Rank 7)
25314 Greater Heal (Rank 5)
25315 Renew (Rank 10)
25316 Prayer of Healing (Rank 5)
25322 Sweeping Slam
25345 Arcane Missiles (Rank 8)
25346 Arcane Missiles (Rank 8)
25347 Deadly Poison V (Rank 5)
25348 Copy of Deadly Poison IV (Rank 4)
25349 Deadly Poison V (Rank 5)
25350 Greater Heal (Rank 5)
25351 Deadly Poison V (Rank 5)
25352 Renew (Rank 10)
25353 Prayer of Healing (Rank 5)
25354 Heroic Strike (Rank 9)
25355 Revenge (Rank 6)
25356 Battle Shout (Rank 7)
25357 Healing Wave (Rank 10)
25359 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 3)
25360 Grace of Air (Rank 3)
25361 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 5)
25362 Strength of Earth (Rank 5)
25371 Consume
25373 Consume
25374 Consume
25378 Consume
25383 Spit Out
25398 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 6)
25399 Blessing of Might (Rank 7)
25400 Holy Light (Rank 9)
25401 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 3)
25402 Healing Wave (Rank 10)
25403 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 5)
25404 Multi-Shot (Rank 5)
25405 Serpent Sting (Rank 9)
25406 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 7)
25407 Healing Touch (Rank 11)
25408 Starfire (Rank 7)
25409 Rejuvenation (Rank 11)
25410 Consume
25411 Backstab (Rank 9)
25412 Deadly Poison (Rank 5)
25413 Feint (Rank 5)
25414 Frostbolt (Rank 11)
25415 Fireball (Rank 12)
25416 Arcane Missiles (Rank 8)
25417 Shadow Bolt (Rank 10)
25418 Immolate (Rank 8)
25419 Corruption (Rank 7)
25424 Poison Bolt
25425 Shockwave
25462 Enlarge
25465 Firework
25471 Attack Order
25473 Attack Order
25495 Firework Effect, Lunar Festival Minion
25497 Venom Spit
25503 Enrage
25514 Flash of Light
25515 Bash
25516 Aura of Command
25565 ClearAll
25586 Shadow Bolt Volley
25592 Hate to Zero
25595 Savage Pummel (Rank 1)
25598 Thundercrash
25599 Thundercrash
25600 Idol of Neptulon DND
25604 Hate to Second
25605 Poison
25640 Thorns
25645 Poison
25646 Mortal Wound
25648 Sand Trap
25651 Flame Buffet
25653 Copy of Tail Sweep
25654 Tail Lash
25655 Dropped Weapon
25656 Sand Trap
25657 Random Aggro
25658 Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
25659 Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
25660 Food
25661 Increased Stamina
25662 Copy of Nightfin Soup
25663 Recipe: TEST
25666 Recipe: DIRGE TEST LEARN
25668 Flame Buffet
25669 Decapitate
25671 Drain Mana
25672 Arcane Eruption
25673 Teach Lesser Draconic
25674 Lesser Draconic (Language)
25675 Reindeer
25676 Drain Mana
25677 Snowball
25678 Siren's Song
25679 Arcane Explosion
25680 Random Aggro
25681 Summon Mana Fiend
25682 Summon Mana Fiend
25683 Summon Mana Fiend
25684 Summon Mana Fiends
25685 Energize
25686 Super Snowball
25687 Super Snowball
25688 Narain!
25690 Brain Food
25691 Brain Food
25692 Brain Food
25693 Brain Food
25694 Well Fed
25695 Food
25696 Drink
25697 Old Enriched Manna Biscuit
25698 Explode
25699 Explode
25700 Food
25701 Brain Food
25702 Food
25703 Brain Food
25704 Smoked Sagefish
25705 Recipe: Smoked Sagefish
25708 Summon Hive'Zara Swarmer
25709 Hive'Zara Swarmer Teleport
25710 Heroic Strike
25711 Hive'Zara Swarmer Start Loop
25712 Heroic Strike (Rank 3)
25713 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 8)
25716 Force Self - Bow
25717 Spell Penetration
25718 Spell Penetration
25719 Bind Draconic For Dummies
25720 Place Loot
25721 Feed
25722 Rumsey Rum Dark
25724 Hive'Zara Larva Aggro Effect
25725 Paralyze
25726 Hive'Zara Larva Fear Effect
25735 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 7)
25736 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 6)
25737 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 5)
25738 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 4)
25739 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 3)
25740 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 2)
25741 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1.5)
25742 Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1)
25743 Dark Water
25744 Rampage
25746 Damage Absorb
25747 Damage Absorb
25748 Poison Stinger
25749 Stinger Spray
25750 Damage Absorb
25751 Copy of Judgement of Light (Rank 4)
25752 Judgement of Light
25753 Judgement of Light
25754 Drain Mana
25755 Drain Mana
25756 Purge
25757 Judgement of Wisdom
25758 Judgement of Wisdom
25763 Draconic For Dummies 7 DND
25764 Draconic For Dummies 5 DND
25765 Draconic For Dummies 4 DND
25766 Spell Penetration
25767 Mystical Disjunction
25768 Mystical Disjunction
25769 Consume
25770 Bloody Death
25771 Forbearance
25772 Mental Domination
25773 Will of Weavil
25774 Mind Shatter
25775 Consume
25777 Thorns
25778 Knock Away
25779 Mana Burn
25780 Righteous Fury
25781 Righteous Fury
25782 Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 1)
25783 Place Arcanite Buoy
25784 Summon Narain's Special Bag DND
25785 Summon Arcanite Buoy DND
25786 Toxic Vapors
25787 Surge
25788 Head Butt
25789 Summon Yauj Brood
25790 Vengeance
25791 Xandivious Demon Bag
25792 Despawn Brood
25793 Demon Summoning Torch
25794 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Melee - 20)
25795 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Melee - 40)
25796 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Melee - 60)
25797 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Caster - 20)
25798 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Caster - 40)
25799 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Caster - 60)
25800 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Trigger - 20)
25801 Frenzy Aura
25802 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Trigger - 40)
25803 Ahn'Qiraj Reward Buff (Trigger - 60)
25804 Rumsey Rum Black Label
25805 Soul Corruption
25806 Creature of Nightmare
25807 Great Heal
25808 Dispel
25809 Crippling Poison (Rank 1)
25810 Mind-numbing Poison
25811 Poison Bolt
25812 Toxic Volley
25813 Conjure Dream Rift
25814 Wide Slash (Rank 1)
25815 Frightening Shriek
25816 Hex of Weakness (Rank 6)
25817 Tranquility
25818 Aura of Rot
25819 Aura of Rot
25820 Aura of Fear
25821 Charge
25822 Firecrackers
25823 Spotlight
25824 Spotlight
25825 Hive'Zara Swarmer Teleport
25826 Hive'Zara Swarmer Teleport
25827 Hive'Zara Swarmer Teleport
25828 Hive'Zara Swarmer Teleport
25829 Holy Power (Rank 5)
25830 Hive'Zara Swarmer Teleport Trigger
25831 Summon Worm
25832 Summon Worm
25833 Hive'Zara Swarmer Loop 1
25834 Hive'Zara Swarmer Loop 2
25835 Hive'Zara Swarmer Loop 3
25836 Unyielding Faith (Rank 2)
25838 Smothering Sands
25839 Mass Healing
25840 Full Heal
25841 Prayer of Elune
25842 Despawn Swarmers
25843 Create Hive'Zora Scout Report
25844 Hive'Zara Swarmers Swarm
25845 Create Hive'Ashi Scout Report
25846 Eranikus Night Elf DND
25847 Create Hive'Regal Scout Report
25848 Test Enemy Crit Bonus - 10%
25849 Summon Baby Shark
25850 Drain Festive Mug
25851 Lightheaded
25852 Lash
25853 Empty Festive Mug
25854 Create Filled Festive Mug
25855 Filling
25856 Create Filled Festive Mug
25858 Reindeer
25859 Reindeer
25860 Reindeer Transformation
25861 Call Scepter DND
25862 Copy of Summon Skeletal Servant
25863 Summon Black Qiraji Battle Tank
25864 Will Drain Festive Mug
25865 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25866 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25867 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25868 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25869 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25870 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25871 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25872 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25873 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25874 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25875 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25876 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25877 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25878 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25879 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25880 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25881 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25882 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25883 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25884 Summon Glob of Viscidus
25885 Summon Globs of Viscidus
25886 Food
25887 Brain Food
25888 Food
25889 Brain Food
25890 Greater Blessing of Light (Rank 1)
25891 Earthstrike
25892 Grace of Earth
25893 Viscidus Shrinks
25894 Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 1)
25895 Greater Blessing of Salvation
25896 Rejoin Viscidus
25897 Viscidus Grows
25898 Greater Blessing of Kings
25899 Greater Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 1)
25900 Stun Self
25901 Weapon Damage 04
25902 Holy Shock (Rank 3)
25903 Holy Shock (Rank 3)
25904 Viscidus Teleport
25905 Invis Self
25906 Spell Blasting
25907 Spell Blasting
25908 Tranquil Air Totem
25909 Tranquil Air (Rank 1)
25910 Tranquil Air Totem
25911 Holy Shock (Rank 2)
25912 Holy Shock (Rank 1)
25913 Holy Shock (Rank 2)
25914 Holy Shock (Rank 1)
25915 Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 1)
25916 Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 2)
25917 Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 2)
25918 Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 2)
25919 Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 1)
25920 Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 2)
25921 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight CASTER R1 DND
25922 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight CASTER R2 DND
25923 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight CASTER R3 DND
25924 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight CASTER R4 DND
25925 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight CASTER R5 DND
25926 Viscidus Frost Weakness
25927 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight DPS R1 DND
25928 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight DPS R2 DND
25929 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight DPS R3 DND
25930 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight DPS R4 DND
25931 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight DPS R5 DND
25932 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight TANK R1 DND
25933 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight TANK R2 DND
25934 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight TANK R3 DND
25935 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight TANK R4 DND
25936 Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight TANK R5 DND
25937 Viscidus Freeze
25938 Viscidus Explode Trigger
25939 Greater Blessing of Salvation
25940 Frostbolt (Rank 11)
25941 Well Fed
25942 Judgement of the Crusader
25943 Judgement of the Crusader
25944 Judgement of Justice
25945 Judgement of Justice
25946 Greater Blessing of Kings
25947 Infatuation
25948 Greater Blessing of Light (Rank 1)
25951 Greater Blessing of Sanctuary (Rank 1)
25952 Reindeer Dust Effect
25953 Summon Blue Qiraji Battle Tank
25954 Sagefish Delight
25955 Recipe: Sagefish Delight
25956 Improved Judgement (Rank 1)
25957 Improved Judgement (Rank 2)
25958 Heroic Strike (Rank 9)
25959 Battle Shout (Rank 7)
25960 Revenge (Rank 6)
25961 Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 6)
25962 Blessing of Might (Rank 7)
25963 Holy Light (Rank 9)
25964 Healing Wave (Rank 10)
25965 Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 5)
25966 Grace of Air Totem (Rank 3)
25967 Multi-Shot (Rank 5)
25968 Serpent Sting (Rank 9)
25969 Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 7)
25970 Healing Touch (Rank 11)
25971 Starfire (Rank 7)
25972 Rejuvenation (Rank 11)
25973 Backstab (Rank 9)
25974 Deadly Poison (Rank 5)
25975 Increased Spell Penetration 10
25976 Feint (Rank 5)
25977 Frostbolt (Rank 11)
25978 Fireball (Rank 12)
25979 Arcane Missiles (Rank 8)
25980 Shadow Bolt (Rank 10)
25981 Immolate (Rank 8)
25982 Corruption (Rank 7)
25983 Greater Heal (Rank 5)
25984 Renew (Rank 10)
25985 Prayer of Healing (Rank 5)
25988 Eye for an Eye (Rank 2)
25989 Toxin
25990 Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake
25991 Poison Bolt Volley
25992 Brood of Nozdormu Factoin +1000
25993 Poison Shock
25994 Membrane of Viscidus
25995 Snowball Visual Test
25996 Snowball Lasting Visual
25997 Eye for an Eye (Rank 1)
25998 Veknis Guardian Call
25999 Boar Charge
26000 Snowball Cloud
26001 Reputation - Ahn'Qiraj Temple Boss
26002 Suicide
26003 Viscidus Suicide Trigger
26004 Mistletoe
26005 Mistletoe Response
26006 Shadow Bolt
26007 Uppercut
26008 Toast
26009 Rotate 360
26010 Summon Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
26011 Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
26012 Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
26013 Deserter
26014 In Battleground
26015 Ended Battleground
26016 Vindication (Rank 2)
26017 Vindication (Rank 2)
26018 Vindication (Rank 3)
26021 Vindication (Rank 3)
26022 Pursuit of Justice (Rank 1)
26023 Pursuit of Justice (Rank 2)
26025 Impale
26027 Knockback
26029 Dark Glare
26030 Windblossom Berries
26034 Viscidus Slowed
26035 Celebrate Good Times!
26036 Viscidus Slowed More
26038 Whirlwind
26041 Frenzy
26042 Psychic Scream
26043 Battle Shout
26044 Mind Flay
26045 Summon Snowman
26046 Mana Burn
26047 Birth
26048 Mind Blast
26049 Mana Burn
26050 Acid Spit
26051 Frenzy
26052 Poison Bolt
26053 Noxious Poison
26054 Summon Red Qiraji Battle Tank
26055 Summon Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank
26056 Summon Green Qiraji Battle Tank
26057 Pop Dirt Mounds
26058 Summon Ouro Mounds
26059 Explode
26060 Summon Ouro Scarabs
26061 Summon Ouro
26062 Birth Cast
26063 Ouro Submerge Visual
26064 Shell Shield (Rank 1)
26065 Shell Shield (Rank 1)
26066 Defender of the Timbermaw
26067 Summon Mechanical Greench
26068 Berserk
26069 Silence (Rank 1)
26070 Fear
26071 Entangling Roots
26072 Dust Cloud
26073 Fire Nova
26074 Holiday Cheer
26075 Set Ouro Health
26076 Save Ouro Health
26077 Itch
26078 Vekniss Catalyst
26079 Cause Insanity
26080 Stinger Charge Primer
26081 Stinger Charge
26082 Stinger Charge
26083 Whirlwind
26084 Whirlwind
26085 Soul Pouch
26086 Felcloth Bag
26087 Core Felcoth Bag
26088 Pattern: Soul Pouch
26089 Pattern: Felcloth Bag
26090 Thunderstomp (Rank 1)
26091 Pattern: Core Felcloth Bag
26092 Dirt Mound Passive
26093 Quake
26094 Thunderstomp (Rank 1)
26095 Felcloth Bag
26096 Jandice Drops Journal DND
26097 Healing Wave
26098 Lightning Bolt
26099 Battle Shout
26100 Ground Rupture
26101 Ground Rupture
26102 Sand Blast
26103 Sweep
26104 Ouro Submerge Trigger
26105 Glare
26106 Genesis Rebirth Bonus
26107 Symbols of Unending Life Finisher Bonus
26108 Glimpse of Madness
26109 Conqueror Shout Bonus
26110 Conqueror Thunder Clap Bonus
26111 Battlegear of Unyielding Strength Intercept Bonus
26112 Deathdealer Evasion Bonus
26113 Deathdealer Eviscerate Bonus
26114 Emblems of Veiled Shadows Slice and Dice Bonus
26115 Bruiser Sleeping
26116 Doomcaller Immolate Bonus
26117 Doomcaller Reduced Shadow Bolt Cost
26118 Implements of Unspoken Names Pet Bonus
26119 Stormcaller Spelldamage Bonus
26120 Copy of Increase Nature Dam 50
26121 Stormcaller's Wrath
26122 Stormcaller Chain Heal Bonus
26123 Gift of the Gathering Storm Chain Lightning Bonus
26125 Horde Reputation
26126 Alliance Reputation
26127 Enigma Blizzard Bonus
26128 Enigma Resist Bonus
26129 Enigma's Answer
26130 Avenger Judgment Bonus
26131 Trappings of Vaulted Secrets Mana Shield Bonus
26132 Enigma's Solitude
26133 Summon Sandworm Base
26134 Eye Beam
26135 Battlegear of Eternal Justice
26136 Rotate -360
26137 Rotate Trigger
26139 Ground Rupture
26140 Summon Hook Tentacle
26141 Hamstring
26142 Increase Spell Dam 53
26143 Mind Flay
26144 Summon Eye Tentacle
26145 Summon Eye Tentacle
26146 Summon Eye Tentacle
26147 Summon Eye Tentacle
26148 Summon Eye Tentacle
26149 Summon Eye Tentacle
26150 Summon Eye Tentacle
26151 Summon Eye Tentacle
26152 Summon Eye Tentacles
26153 Attack Power - Feral (+140)
26154 Increase Healing 90
26155 Increase Spell Dam 59
26156 Carapace of C'Thun
26157 PX-238 Winter Wondervolt
26158 Increase Spell Dam 60
26159 Gnomeregan Reputation
26160 Ironforge Reputation
26161 Stormwind Reputation
26162 Orgrimmar Reputation
26163 Darkspear Reputation
26164 Undercity Reputation
26165 Thunder Bluff Reputation
26166 Obsidian Insight
26167 Colossal Smash
26168 Chitinous Spikes
26169 Oracle Healing Bonus
26170 Oracular Heal
26171 Increased Renew Duration
26172 Infinite Wisdom Shadow Word: Pain Bonus
26173 Striker's Arcane Shot Bonus
26174 Striker's Rapid Fire Bonus
26175 Increased Spell Penetration 38
26176 Unseen Path Pet Bonus
26177 Charge (Rank 2)
26178 Charge (Rank 3)
26179 Charge (Rank 4)
26180 Wyvern Sting
26181 Strike
26182 Burrow
26183 Burrow
26184 Charge (Rank 2)
26185 Charge (Rank 3)
26186 Charge (Rank 4)
26187 Thunderstomp (Rank 2)
26188 Thunderstomp (Rank 3)
26189 Thunderstomp (Rank 2)
26190 Thunderstomp (Rank 3)
26191 Teleport Giant Hook Tentacle
26192 Arcane Explosion
26193 Consume
26194 Earth Shock
26195 Whisperings of C'Thun
26196 Consume
26197 Whisperings of C'Thun
26198 Whisperings of C'Thun
26199 Darkmaster Gandling Christmas Disguise
26200 Christmas Darkmaster Gandling
26201 Charge (Rank 5)
26202 Charge (Rank 5)
26203 Spell Penetration 150 Fire Resist
26204 Spell Penetration 150 Frost Resist
26205 Teleport Giant Hook Tentacle Trigger
26206 Create Mistletoe
26207 Create Fresh Holly
26208 Resist Silence
26209 Christmas Cannon Master Willey
26210 Christmas Prince Tortheldrin
26211 Hamstring
26212 Christmas Emperor Dagran Thaurissan
26213 Summon Giant Hook Tentacles
26214 Christmas Warchief Rend Blackhand
26215 Christmas War Master Voone
26216 Summon Giant Hook Tentacles
26217 Summon Giant Hook Tentacles
26218 Mistletoe
26220 Digestive Acid
26221 Exit Stomach
26222 Super Invis
26224 Exit Stomach
26225 Increase Healing 106
26226 Widow Bite (Rank 1)
26227 Increase Spell Dam 68
26228 Increase Healing 121
26229 Summon Player
26230 Exit Stomach
26231 Christmas Goraluk Anvilcrack
26232 Transform C'Thun -> Phase 2
26233 Wyvern Sting
26234 Submerge Visual
26235 Cthun Vulnerable
26236 Summon Mouth Tentacles
26237 Summon Mouth Tentacles
26239 Winter Reveler - Human Male
26240 Winter Reveler - Human Female
26241 Winter Reveler - Dwarf Male
26242 Winter Reveler - Dwarf Female
26243 Winter Reveler - Goblin Female
26244 Winter Reveler - Goblin Male
26245 Winter Reveler - Night Elf Female
26246 Winter Reveler - Night Elf Male
26247 Winter Reveler - Orc Female
26248 Winter Reveler - Orc Male
26249 Winter Reveler - Tauren Female
26250 Winter Reveler - Tauren Male
26251 Winter Reveler - Troll Female
26252 Winter Reveler - Troll Male
26253 Winter Reveler - Undead Female
26254 .Winter Reveler - Undead Male
26255 Check Reset
26256 Check Reset
26257 Check Reset
26258 Whisperings of C'Thun
26259 Whisperings of C'Thun
26260 Food
26261 Drink
26262 Birth
26263 Dim Sum
26264 Despawn
26265 Create Elune Stone
26268 Despawn Self
26270 Despawn Self
26271 Rocky Ground Impact
26272 PX-238 Winter Wondervolt
26273 PX-238 Winter Wondervolt
26274 PX-238 Winter Wondervolt
26275 PX-238 Winter Wondervolt TRAP
26276 Greater Firepower
26277 Elixir of Greater Firepower
26278 Recipe: Elixir of Greater Firepower
26279 Stormshroud Gloves
26280 Pattern: Stormshroud Gloves
26281 Taunt
26282 Shoot Tauren Rifleman
26283 Increased Spell Penetration 20
26284 Summon Ouro Trigger
26285 Teleport Ouro Trigger
26286 Small Red Rocket
26287 Summon Rocky Base
26290 Bow Specialization (Racial Passive)
26291 Small Blue Rocket
26292 Small Green Rocket
26293 Small Purple Rocket
26294 Small White Rocket
26295 Small Yellow Rocket
26296 Berserking (Racial)
26297 Berserking (Racial)
26298 Create Firework Rocket Launcher
26299 Create Cluster Rocket Launcher
26300 Cluster Rocket, BLUE - N
26301 Cluster Rocket, BLUE - D
26302 Cluster Rocket, BLUE - SE
26303 Cluster Rocket, BLUE - SW
26304 Blue Firework Cluster
26305 Cluster Rocket, RED - D
26306 Cluster Rocket, RED - N
26307 Cluster Rocket, RED - SE
26308 Cluster Rocket, RED - SW
26309 Cluster Rocket, GREEN - D
26310 Cluster Rocket, GREEN - N
26311 Cluster Rocket, GREEN - SE
26312 Cluster Rocket, GREEN - SW
26313 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE - D
26314 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE - N
26315 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE - SE
26316 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE - SW
26317 Cluster Rocket, WHITE - D
26318 Cluster Rocket, WHITE - N
26319 Cluster Rocket, WHITE - SE
26320 Cluster Rocket, WHITE - SW
26321 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW - D
26322 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW - N
26323 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW - SE
26324 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW - SW
26325 Green Firework Cluster
26326 Purple Firework Cluster
26327 Red Firework Cluster
26328 White Firework Cluster
26329 Yellow Firework Cluster
26331 Vengeance
26332 Summon Mouth Tentacle
26333 Large Blue Rocket
26334 Large Green Rocket
26335 Large Purple Rocket
26336 Large Red Rocket
26337 Large White Rocket
26338 Large Yellow Rocket
26339 Saurfang's Rage
26340 Despawn Kaldorei Elite
26341 Saurfang's Rage
26342 Rajaxx Event - Bonus Cenarion Faction
26344 Rocket, BLUE
26345 Rocket, GREEN
26346 Rocket, PURPLE
26347 Rocket, RED
26348 Rocket, WHITE
26349 Rocket, YELLOW
26350 Cleave
26351 Rocket, BLUE BIG
26352 Rocket, GREEN BIG
26353 Rocket, PURPLE BIG
26354 Rocket, RED BIG
26355 Rocket, WHITE BIG
26356 Rocket, YELLOW BIG
26357 Cluster Rocket, BLUE - U
26358 Cluster Rocket, GREEN - U
26359 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE - U
26360 Cluster Rocket, RED - U
26361 Cluster Rocket, WHITE - U
26362 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW - U
26363 Lightning Shield (Rank 7)
26364 Lightning Shield (Rank 1)
26365 Lightning Shield (Rank 2)
26366 Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
26367 Lightning Shield (Rank 4)
26368 ClearAllo
26369 Lightning Shield (Rank 5)
26370 Lightning Shield (Rank 6)
26373 Lunar Invititation
26374 Elune's Candle
26375 Create Lunar Festival Invitation
26376 Combo PROC Test
26377 My Little PROC (Rank 1)
26378 Copy of Piercing Screech
26379 Piercing Shriek
26381 Burrow
26382 Burrow
26383 Night Elf Harbinger
26384 Night Elf Lunar Festival Vendor
26385 Shadowburn
26386 Copy of Moonfire
26387 Copy of Hallow's End Candy
26388 Glowy (NoColor)
26389 Moonglow Alcohol
26390 Glowy (NoColor)
26391 Tentacle Call
26392 Omen's Moonlight
26393 Elune's Blessing
26394 Elune's Blessing (quest credit)
26395 Increase Spell Dam 72
26396 Summon Portal Ground State
26397 Summon Hook Tentacles
26398 Summon Hook Tentacles
26399 Despawn Tentacles
26400 Arcane Shroud
26401 Food
26402 Drink
26403 Festive Red Dress
26404 Despawn Tent Port
26405 Increase Fire Dam 57
26406 Holiday - Lunar Teleport Cap: Stormwind
26407 Festive Red Pant Suit
26408 Holiday - Lunar Teleport Cap: Ironforge
26409 Holiday - Lunar Teleport Cap: Darnassus
26410 Holiday - Lunar Teleport Cap: Undercity
26411 Pattern: Festive Red Dress
26412 Holiday - Lunar Teleport Cap: Thunderbluff
26413 Pattern: Festive Red Pant Suit
26414 Holiday - Lunar Teleport Cap: Orgrimmar
26415 Shock
26416 Small Blue Rocket
26417 Small Green Rocket
26418 Small Red Rocket
26419 Acid Spray
26420 Large Blue Rocket
26421 Large Green Rocket
26422 Large Red Rocket
26423 Blue Rocket Cluster
26424 Green Rocket Cluster
26425 Red Rocket Cluster
26426 Large Blue Rocket Cluster
26427 Large Green Rocket Cluster
26428 Large Red Rocket Cluster
26429 Schematic: Small Blue Rocket
26430 Schematic: Small Green Rocket
26431 Schematic: Small Red Rocket
26432 Schematic: Large Blue Rocket
26433 Schematic: Large Green Rocket
26434 Schematic: Large Red Rocket
26435 Schematic: Blue Rocket Cluster
26436 Schematic: Green Rocket Cluster
26437 Schematic: Red Rocket Cluster
26438 Schematic: Large Blue Rocket Cluster
26439 Schematic: Large Green Rocket Cluster
26440 Schematic: Large Red Rocket Cluster
26442 Firework Launcher
26443 Cluster Launcher
26444 Schematic: Firework Launcher
26445 Schematic: Cluster Launcher
26446 Summon Player
26447 Despawn Hive'Zara Hornets
26448 Holiday - Teleport: Moonglade
26450 Holiday - Lunar Teleport: Darnassus
26451 Holiday - Teleport: Moonglade (self)
26452 Holiday - Lunar Teleport: Ironforge
26453 Holiday - Lunar Teleport: Orgrimmar
26454 Holiday - Lunar Teleport: Stormwind
26455 Holiday - Lunar Teleport: Thunderbluff
26456 Holiday - Lunar Teleport: Undercity
26457 Drain Mana
26458 Shock Blast
26459 Increase Spell Dam 80
26460 Increase Spell Dam 76
26461 Increase Healing 143
26462 Festival Fortune!
26463 Mercurial Shield
26464 Mercurial Shield
26465 Mercurial Shield
26467 Persistent Shield
26468 Summon Snowman
26469 Summon Snowman
26470 Persistent Shield
26471 Lunar Festival Port Error
26472 Food
26473 Drink
26474 Food
26475 Drink
26476 Digestive Acid
26477 Summon Giant Portal Ground State
26478 Ground Rupture
26479 Digestive Acid
26480 Badge of the Swarmguard
26481 Insight of the Qiraji
26483 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - D
26484 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - N
26485 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - SE
26486 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - SW
26487 Cluster Rocket, BLUE BIG - U
26488 Large Blue Firework Cluster
26489 Entering Battleground
26490 Large Green Firework Cluster
26491 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - D
26492 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - N
26493 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - SE
26494 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - SW
26495 Cluster Rocket, GREEN BIG - U
26496 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - D
26497 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - N
26498 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - SE
26499 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - SW
26500 Cluster Rocket, PURPLE BIG - U
26501 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - D
26502 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - N
26503 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - SE
26504 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - SW
26505 Cluster Rocket, RED BIG - U
26506 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - D
26507 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - N
26508 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - SE
26509 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - SW
26510 Cluster Rocket, WHITE BIG - U
26511 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - D
26512 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - N
26513 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - SE
26514 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - SW
26515 Cluster Rocket, YELLOW BIG - U
26516 Large Purple Firework Cluster
26517 Large Red Firework Cluster
26518 Large White Firework Cluster
26519 Large Yellow Firework Cluster
26520 Night Elf Lunar Festival Emissary
26521 Lucky Lunar Rocket
26522 Lunar Fortune
26523 Rajaxx Event - Bonus Cenarion Faction
26524 Sand Trap
26525 True Fulfillment
26526 True Fulfillment
26527 Enrage
26528 Summon Reindeer
26529 Summon Reindeer
26530 Summon Reindeer
26531 Copy of Summon Snowman
26532 Summon Helper
26533 Summon Helper
26534 Summon Helper
26536 Summon Helper
26537 Summon Helper
26538 Summon Hive'Zara Larva
26539 Summon Hive'Zara Larva
26540 Starfall
26541 Summon Helper
26542 Sprint
26543 Sprint
26544 Omen, self damage
26545 Lightning Shield
26546 Shadow Storm
26548 Impale
26550 Lightning Cloud
26552 Nullify
26553 Choose Random Powers
26554 Thunderclap
26555 Shadow Storm
26556 Plague
26557 Plague Effect
26558 Meteor
26559 Drain Mana
26561 Berserker Charge
26564 Summon Viscidus Trigger
26565 Heal Brethren
26569 Hate to Zero
26570 Prophet Skeram Death
26573 Consecration (Rank 1)
26574 Consecration (Rank 2)
26575 Toxin
26577 Summon Toxic Slime
26580 Fear
26584 Summon Toxic Slime
26585 Despawn Toxic Slimes
26586 Birth
26587 Open Scarab Coffer
26588 Open Greater Scarab Coffer
26589 Cancel True Fulfillment
26590 Summon Poison Cloud
26591 Teleport Image
26592 Bestial Wrath
26594 Despawn Base
26601 Poison Bolt
26602 Immune Effect: Taunt & AttackMe
26603 Initialize Twin
26604 Hallucination Invisibility
26607 Blizzard
26608 Despawn Globs
26613 Unbalancing Strike
26615 Berserk
26616 Boulder
26617 Summon Ouro Mound
26618 Despawn Worms
26619 Summon Ouro Scarabs Periodic
26622 Elune's Candle
26623 Elune's Candle
26624 Elune's Candle
26625 Elune's Candle
26626 Mana Burn Area
26627 Suicide
26628 Twin Suicide
26629 Berserk
26630 Spawn Vekniss Hatchlings
26631 Spawn Vekniss Hatchlings
26632 Spawn Vekniss Hatchlings
26633 Glob Speed
26634 Glob Speed
26635 Berserking (Racial)
26636 Elune's Candle
26637 Hate to Zero
26638 Twin Teleport Visual
26639 Drain Mana
26641 Aura of Fear
26642 Summon Ouro
26643 Arcane Explosion
26644 Port Out Stomach
26646 Buru Egg Trigger Effect
26647 Increased Mana Regen
26648 Port Out Stomach Effect
26649 Elune's Candle
26650 Blessing of Light
26651 Execute
26652 Copy of Mortal Strike (Rank 1)
26653 Copy of Sweeping Strikes (Rank 1)
26654 Sweeping Strikes (Rank 1)
26655 Summon Black Qiraji Battle Tank
26656 Summon Black Qiraji Battle Tank
26658 Threat
26659 Sam's Test Aura
26662 Enrage
26663 Valentine
26664 The Power of Friendship
26665 Receive Object of Affection
26668 Create Heart Candy
26670 Create Heart Candy
26671 Create Heart Candy
26672 Create Heart Candy
26673 Create Heart Candy
26674 Create Heart Candy
26675 Create Heart Candy
26676 Create Heart Candy
26677 Cure Poison
26678 Create Heart Candy
26680 Adored
26681 Cologne
26682 Perfume
26683 Get Gosssip, Test
26684 Get Gossip, Male
26685 Get Gossip, Female
26686 Whirlwind
26687 Revall
26690 Increase Healing 110
26693 Drain Life
26694 Increase Fire Dam 59
26695 Increase Fire Dam 60
26696 Increase Fire Dam 61
26697 Increase Fire Dam 63
26698 Increase Fire Dam 64
26699 Increase Fire Dam 66
26700 Increase Fire Dam 67
26701 Increase Fire Dam 69
26702 Increase Fire Dam 70
26703 Increase Fire Dam 72
26704 Increase Arcane Dam 56
26705 Increase Arcane Dam 57
26706 Increase Arcane Dam 59
26707 Increase Arcane Dam 60
26708 Increase Arcane Dam 61
26709 Increase Arcane Dam 63
26710 Increase Arcane Dam 64
26711 Increase Arcane Dam 66
26712 Increase Arcane Dam 67
26713 Increase Arcane Dam 69
26714 Increase Arcane Dam 70
26715 Increase Arcane Dam 72
26716 Increase Frost Dam 56
26717 Increase Frost Dam 57
26718 Increase Frost Dam 59
26719 Increase Frost Dam 60
26720 Increase Frost Dam 61
26721 Increase Frost Dam 63
26722 Increase Frost Dam 64
26723 Increase Frost Dam 66
26724 Increase Frost Dam 67
26725 Increase Frost Dam 69
26726 Increase Frost Dam 70
26727 Increase Frost Dam 72
26728 Increase Shadow Dam 56
26729 Increase Shadow Dam 57
26730 Increase Shadow Dam 59
26731 Increase Shadow Dam 60
26732 Increase Shadow Dam 61
26733 Increase Shadow Dam 63
26734 Increase Shadow Dam 66
26735 Increase Shadow Dam 67
26736 Increase Shadow Dam 70
26737 Increase Shadow Dam 72
26740 Gnomish Mind Control Cap
26743 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon +20 Spirit
26744 Poisonous Blood
26748 Wyvern Sting (Rank 1)
26766 Summon Giant Eye Tentacles
26767 Summon Giant Eye Tentacles
26768 Summon Giant Eye Tentacles
26769 Summon Eye Tentacles
26787 Nullify
26789 Shard of the Fallen Star
26792 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon +15 Agility
26793 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon +22 Intellect
26802 Detect Amore
26814 Increase Healing 187
26837 Summon InCombat Trigger
26838 Despawn InCombat Trigger
26846 Picnic Blanket
26868 Opening
26869 Amorous
26870 Amorous Timer, Standard Test
26879 Remove Amorous
26886 Hate to 75%
26898 Heartbroken
26899 Give Friendship Bracelet
26901 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Common, Darnassus
26921 Cancel Heartbroken, Create Bracelet
26923 Valentine
26924 Valentine
26972 Summon Panda Cub
26973 Create BlizzCon Prize (Euro)
26974 Create Korea Invitational Prize
26975 Battlegear of Eternal Justice
26976 Symbols of Unending Life
26977 Curse of the Elemental Lord
27027 Cancel Creeping Plague
27035 Sword Specialization (OLD)
27037 Stealth +8
27038 Increased Pet Health +3%
27039 Increased Pet Health +3%
27042 Increased Pet Crit +2%
27043 Increased Pet Crit +2%
27057 Test Black Diamond
27058 Test Black Diamond AGAIN
27059 Test Black Diamond Debug
27093 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon +15 Strength
27098 Copy of Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
27100 Copy of Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
27102 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon Unholy Weapon
27104 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon Lifestealing
27105 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant 2H Weapon Superior Impact
27106 Copy of Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking
27107 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Chest Greater Stats
27108 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Frost Power
27109 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Fire Power
27110 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Shadow Power
27111 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Healing Power
27112 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Superior Agility
27113 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Threat
27114 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Gloves Skinning
27115 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Bracer Mana Regeneration
27116 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Bracer Healing Power
27117 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Shield Lesser Block
27118 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Greater Fire Resistance
27119 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Greater Nature Resistance
27120 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Stealth
27121 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Subtlety
27122 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Cloak Dodge
27123 Test Enchhelp QARaid Enchant Weapon Superior Striking
27146 Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27177 Defile
27178 Defile
27183 Defile
27184 Summon Mor Grayhoof DND
27190 Summon Isalien DND
27191 Summon Jarien and Sothos DND
27192 Defile
27193 Defile
27194 Defile
27195 Defile
27196 Defile
27197 Defile
27198 Defile
27199 Defile
27200 Defile
27201 Summon Kormok DND
27202 Summon Lord Valthalak DND
27203 Summon Various DND
27204 QADebug Instant Cast
27205 Increased Pet Damage +3%
27206 Increased Pet Damage +3%
27208 Increased Pet Armor +10%
27225 Increased Pet Armor +10%
27241 Summon Gurky
27242 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Stormwind Guard
27244 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Ironforge Guard
27245 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Darnassus Guard
27246 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Undercity Guard
27247 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Orgrimmar Guard
27248 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Thunder Bluff Guard
27249 Summon Spectral Assassin
27254 dmg8
27255 dmg9
27258 dmg10
27261 dmg11
27286 Shadow Wrath
27287 Energy Siphon
27288 Energy Siphon
27289 Energy Siphon
27290 Increase Reputation
27291 Summon Magic Staff
27338 Shadow Staff
27360 Instill Lord Valthalak's Spirit DND
27382 Shadow Bolt Volley
27383 Shadow Bolt Volley
27418 Warrior's Resolve
27419 Warrior's Resolve
27420 Ectoplasmic Distiller
27429 Copy of Summon Party Bot
27433 Ectoplasmic Distiller
27498 Crusader's Wrath
27499 Crusader's Wrath
27503 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Common, Ironforge
27504 Receive Quest Object, Darnassus Guard
27505 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Common, Orgrimmar
27506 Receive Quest Object, Ironforge Guard
27507 Receive Quest Object, Orgrimmar Guard
27509 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Common, Stormwind
27510 Receive Quest Object, Stormwind Guard
27511 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Common, Thunder Bluff
27512 Receive Reward AND Quest Object, Common, Undercity
27513 Receive Quest Object, Thunder Bluff Guard
27514 Mana Reduction 3%
27515 Receive Quest Object, Undercity Guard
27516 Increased Spell Penetration 6
27517 Summon Thelrin DND
27518 Spell Damage Reduction
27519 Receive Quest Object, Common, Darnassus
27520 Receive Quest Object, Common, Ironforge
27521 Copy of Aura of the Blue Dragon
27522 Mana Drain Trigger
27523 Receive Quest Object, Common, Orgrimmar
27524 Receive Quest Object, Common, Thunder Bluff
27525 Receive Quest Object, Common, Stormwind
27526 Mana Drain
27527 Healing Touch
27529 Receive Quest Object, Common, Undercity
27530 Hurricane
27532 Rejuvenation
27533 Fire Resistance
27534 Frost Resistance
27535 Shadow Resistance
27536 Holy Resistance
27537 Create Replacement Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27538 Nature Resistance
27539 Obsidian Armor
27540 Arcane Resistance
27541 Valentine
27542 Create Replacement Top Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27543 Bear Form (Shapeshift)
27544 Create Replacement Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27545 Cat Form (Shapeshift)
27546 Faerie Dragon Form
27547 Valentine
27548 Valentine
27549 Valentine
27550 Valentine
27551 Demoralizing Roar
27552 Cupid's Arrow
27553 Maul
27554 Swipe
27555 Shred
27556 Rake
27557 Ferocious Bite
27558 Create Replacement Isalien's Brazier of Beckoning
27559 Silence
27560 Create Replacement Mor Grayhoof's Brazier of Beckoning
27561 Silence Trigger
27562 Create Replacement Kormok's Brazier of Beckoning
27563 Create Replacement Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Beckoning
27564 Reflection
27565 Banish
27566 Create Replacement Lord Valthalak's Brazier of Beckoning
27567 Chain Lightning
27568 Picnic Blanket Effect
27569 Flower Shower
27570 Summon Peddlefeet
27571 Cascade of Roses
27572 Smitten
27573 Picnic Feast
27575 Picnic Feast Channel
27577 Intercept (Rank 3)
27578 Battle Shout (Rank 6)
27579 Demoralizing Shout (Rank 5)
27580 Mortal Strike (Rank 4)
27581 Disarm
27582 Dirk's Rememberin' Poison
27583 Dirk's Rememberin' Poison Effect DND
27584 Hamstring (Rank 3)
27585 Heavy Obsidian Belt
27586 Jagged Obsidian Shield
27587 Thick Obsidian Breastplate
27588 Light Obsidian Belt
27589 Black Grasp of the Destroyer
27590 Obsidian Mail Tunic
27591 Plans: Heavy Obsidian Belt
27592 Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield
27593 Plans: Thick Obsidian Breastplate
27594 Plans: Light Obsidian Belt
27595 Plans: Black Grasp of the Destroyer
27596 Plans: Obsidian Mail Tunic
27597 Teleport: Ironforge
27598 Teleport: Undercity
27600 Teleport: IF/UC
27601 Teleport: IF/UC
27602 Summon Arcanite Dragonling
27603 Goblin Dragon Gun
27604 Goblin Dragon Gun
27605 Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 8)
27606 Renew (Rank 9)
27607 Power Word: Shield (Rank 10)
27608 Flash Heal (Rank 7)
27609 Dispel Magic (Rank 2)
27610 Psychic Scream (Rank 4)
27611 Eviscerate
27613 Kick
27614 Dungeon Set 2.0 Ghosts
27615 Kidney Shot (Rank 2)
27616 Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer
27617 Vanish (Rank 2)
27618 Blizzard (Rank 6)
27619 Ice Block
27620 Snap Kick
27621 Windfury Totem (Rank 3)
27623 Fire Nova Totem (Rank 5)
27624 Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 6)
27626 Purge (Rank 2)
27627 Drop Obsidian
27628 Drop Obsidian
27629 Drop Obsidian
27630 Drop Obsidian
27631 Drop Obsidian
27632 Aimed Shot (Rank 6)
27633 Wing Clip (Rank 3)
27634 Concussive Shot
27635 Lightning Shield
27636 Starshards
27637 Regrowth
27638 Rake
27639 Call Pet
27640 Baron Rivendare's Soul Drain
27641 Fear
27642 Copy of Increase Reputation
27643 Summon Spirit of Jarien
27644 Summon Spirit of Sothos
27645 Summon Jarien/Sothos Winner Box
27646 Shadow Bolt Volley
27648 Thunderfury
27650 Vengeance
27651 Picnic Blanket Ritual Effect
27652 Elixir of Resistance
27653 Elixir of Dodging
27654 Love is in the Air Test
27655 Flame Lash
27656 Flame Lash
27657 Check end, Valentine
27658 Enchanted Mageweave Pouch
27659 Enchanted Runecloth Bag
27660 Big Bag of Enchantment
27661 Love Fool
27662 Throw Cupid's Dart
27663 Holiday - Valentine, gift given
27664 Stormwind Gift of Friendship
27665 Ironforge Gift of Friendship
27666 Darnassus Gift of Friendship
27667 Create Alliance Gift Collection
27668 Create Horde Gift Collection
27669 Orgrimmar Gift of Friendship
27670 Thunder Bluff Gift of Friendship
27671 Undercity Gift of Friendship
27672 Initiate Secret Technique
27673 Five Fat Finger Exploding Heart Technique
27674 Threat
27675 Chromatic Infusion
27676 Exploding Heart
27677 Recombobulate
27678 Reevaluate Targets
27679 Improved Frost Ward
27680 Enrage
27681 Prayer of Spirit (Rank 1)
27682 Prayer of Spirit (Rank 1)
27683 Prayer of Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
27684 Prayer of Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
27685 Charge (Rank 6)
27686 Teleport to Razelikh (GROUP)
27687 Summon Bone Minions
27688 Bone Shield
27689 Bloodlust
27690 Summon Bone Minion
27691 Summon Bone Minion
27692 Summon Bone Minion
27693 Summon Bone Minion
27694 Teleport to Razelikh (GROUP)
27695 Summon Bone Mages
27696 Summon Bone Mage
27697 Summon Bone Mage
27698 Summon Bone Mage
27699 Summon Bone Mage
27700 Create Stormwind Sack of Homemade Bread
27701 Create Stormwind Bundle of Cards
27702 Create Stormwind Pledges of Loyalty
27703 Create Ironforge Parcel of Cards
27704 Create Ironforge Pledges of Loyalty
27705 Copy of Create Stormwind Sack of Homemade Bread
27706 Create Ironforge Case of Homebrew
27707 Copy of Create Ironforge Case of Homebrew
27708 Create Darnassus Box of Woodcrafts
27709 Create Darnassus Stack of Cards
27710 Create Darnassus Pledges of Loyalty
27711 Create Orgrimmar Package of Cards
27712 Create Orgrimmar Box of Fresh Pies
27713 Create Orgrimmar Pledges of Loyalty
27714 Create Thunder Bluff Basket of Flowers
27715 Create Thunder Bluff Satchel of Cards
27716 Create Thunder Bluff Pledges of Loyalty
27717 Create Undercity Book of Romantic Poetry
27718 Create Undercity Sheaf of Cards
27719 Create Undercity Pledges of Loyalty
27720 Buttermilk Delight
27721 Very Berry Cream
27722 Sweet Surprise
27723 Dark Desire
27724 Cenarion Herb Bag
27725 Satchel of Cenarius
27726 Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch
27727 Pattern: Enchanted Runecloth Bag
27728 Pattern: Big Bag of Enchantment
27729 Pattern: Cenarion Herb Bag
27730 Pattern: Satchel of Cenarius
27731 ZZOLDJudgement
27733 Ironweave Battlesuit
27735 Create Replacement Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27736 Copy of Improved Concentration Aura (Rank 2)
27737 Moonfire
27738 Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27739 Top Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
27740 Reincarnation
27741 Love is in the Air
27742 Amorous Timer, Standard

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