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Want to get lean? Want to get ripped? Then
join U.S. Marine Corps' Irvin Ward in this hard
core, fat-blasting, muscle-building intense
boot camp style workout! BY IRVIN WARD
IF YOUR GOAL is to burn fat and transform your physique,
your heart rate is key. Its the speedometer to your body.
Incorporating intense periods of exercise with short
recovery time, interval training will help give maximum
intensity while maintaining exercise form to keep your
body burning fat all day long.
The following workouts will push your body way past
your comfort zone. Cardio workouts combined with
strength routines will get your heart rate to spike and
fre up your metabolism, helping you lose the weight
you want, and gain the physique you dream of.

WORKOUT 1: Rope Training
Do all four rope exercise for 15 seconds each, then
rest 60 seconds. Do 4 sets.
Alternate Arm Waves
Arm Waves
Arm Circles
Side Throws
WORKOUT 2: Circuit Training
Box Jumps
4 sets of 10, both feet
4 sets of 10, single-foot
3 sets, 8-12 reps
Push Press
3 sets, 8 reps
Lateral Raises
3 sets of 10, 15, 20 reps
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 20 reps
Drop weight every set
WORKOUT 3: Sled Push
Do 8 sprints pushing sled 50 yards, resting
30-60 seconds between sprints
Do 10 sets of sled pushes, for 25 yards, add 25-50
pounds every 50 yards
Set 1-2: 25 lbs
Set 7-8: 100 lbs
Set 3-4: 50 lbs
Set 9-10: 125 lbs
Set 5-6: 75 lbs
Note: Incorporate these workouts into your training schedule.
Exercise descriptions are listed on the following pages.


Rope Training
For Arm Waves, grip each end of
the rope frmly with both hands
and start swinging your arms up
and down at the same time to
create parallel movements that are
going up and down like wavelike
motions with the rope. For Arm
Circles, swing ropes out to your
sides in wide circles. For Alternate
Arm Waves, swing one arm up
frst and then the other. For Side
Throws, keep feet grounded
and pivot side to side, throwing
ropes over to the side of you.
Note: Maintain the velocity
and fow of the waves for
entire interval no matter how
bad it burns. Heavy rope
exercises are a way to
increase your cardio and
build your core.


Box Jumps

Stand in front of the box with feet directly under the hips
and hands by your sides. Lower yourself into the jumping
position by bending at the knees and hips. Keep your
head up and back straight. Explosively jump from the
crouched position while swinging your arms. Land
softly on the center of the platform absorbing the
impact with your legs, preferably your heels. Stand
tall after landing on the box. Return to starting
position by either jumping backwards off the
box, or by stepping down and repeating the
movement. This exercise will develop lower
body strength, as well as increase your
vertical jump.


Starting the pull, the

bar should be centered
over your feet. Feet
should be at least hipwidth apart. Pull the
weight off the foor by
straightening your legs
and keeping your back
sstraight and fat. Keep the
a close to your body at
all times, with your arms
straight as well. Keep in
mind that your shoulders
and hips must come up
at the same time. Dont let
your hips come up before your
shoulders move. You want to act as if
you're pushing your feet through the foor as youre standing
up. As soon as the bar gets over your knees, keep a straight
back. Squeeze your glutes as soon as your legs approach



full extension (you are squeezing your

glutes so that you can drive your hips
forward as you raise your torso back
to the standing straight position). You
really want to concentrate on pulling
with your hips and not your arms when
fully raising your torso. When you have
reached the upright position, without
locking your knees, keep your legs
straight and dont lean back at the end
of your lift. Keep your chest out and
your shoulders rolled back at all times
while holding an arch in your lower
back. The Deadlift is a compound
movement. It builds core strength,
but it also pertains to other
muscles like the lower back and

Push Press

Make sure youre exhaling through the

upward movement and inhaling during
the downward movement.
Upward Movement Phase:
Slightly fex the hips and knees, keeping
torso erect. Immediately follow with an
explosive push upward by extending the
knees. Keep torso erect and tensed. At
maximum hip and knee extension, shift
body weight to balls of feet and extend
ankle joints. At maximum plantar
fexion, push bar from the shoulders.
Push the bar with the arms to a fully
extended elbow position overhead.
Downward Movement Phase:
Lower bar to shoulders. Flex hips and
knees slightly as bar touches shoulders.
Straighten the hips and knees before
the upward movement phase begins

Lateral Raises

Grasp dumbbells in front of thighs with

elbows slightly bent. Bend over slightly
with hips and knees bent slightly. Raise
upper arms to sides until elbows are
shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height
above or equal to wrists. Lower and
repeat. Keep elbows pointed high while
maintaining slight bend through elbows
throughout the movement. At top of
movement, elbows should be directly
lateral to shoulders.

Sled Push

Load sled with desired amount of

weight. Lean into the sled, with arms
extended and grab the polls. While in
an athletic posture, began to push the
sled as fast as you can, while focusing
on extending your knees and hips.




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