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Dietary changes that may be helpful for Diabetes

The relationship between eating carbohydrates and type 2 diabetes is complex. While eating carbohydrates increases
the need for insulin to keep blood sugar normal, diets high in total carbohydrates do not necessarily increase the risk of
type 2 diabetes.2 3 Researchers have found that diets very high in sugar may worsen glucose tolerance in nondiabetic
animals and humans.4 5 However, the amount of sugar used in these studies in proportion to other foods was much
larger than is typically found in human diets.
Eating carbohydrate-containing foods, whether high in sugar or high in starch (such as bread, potatoes, processed
breakfast cereals, and rice), temporarily raises blood sugar and insulin levels. 6 The blood sugarraising effect of a food,
called its glycemic index, depends on how rapidly its carbohydrate is absorbed. Many starchy foods have a glycemic
index similar to table sugar (sucrose).7 People eating large amounts of foods with high glycemic indexes have been
reported to be at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 8 9 On the other hand, eating a diet high in carbohydrate-rich foods
with low glycemic indexes is associated with a low risk of type 2 diabetes. 10 11 12 Beans, peas, fruit, and oats have low
glycemic indexes, despite their high carbohydrate content, due mostly to the health-promoting effects of soluble fiber.
Diabetes disrupts the mechanisms by which the body controls blood sugar. Until recently, health professionals have
recommended sugar restriction to people with diabetes, even though short-term high-sugar diets have been shown, in
some studies, not to cause blood sugar problems in people with diabetes. 13 14 15 Currently, the American Diabetic
Association (ADA) guidelines do not prohibit the use of moderate amounts of sugar, 16 as long as blood levels of
glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol are maintained within normal levels.
Most doctors recommend that people with diabetes to reduce the amount of sugar eaten in snacks and processed
foods, and replace these foods with high-fiber, whole foods. This tends to lower the glycemic index of the overall diet
and has the additional benefit of increasing vitamin, mineral, and fiber intake. Other authorities also recommend
lowering the glycemic index of the diet to improve the control of diabetes. 17
A high-fiber diet has been shown to work better in controlling diabetes than the diet recommended by the ADA, and
may control blood sugar levels as well as oral diabetes drugs. 18 In this study, the increase in dietary fiber was
accomplished exclusively by eating foods naturally high in fibersuch as leafy green vegetables, granola, and fruitto
a level beyond that recommended by the ADA. No fiber supplements were given. All participants received both the ADA
diet (providing 24 grams of fiber per day) and the high-fiber diet (providing 50 grams of fiber per day) for a period of six
weeks. After six weeks of following each diet, tests were performed to determine blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol,
triglyceride, and other values. When glucose levels were monitored over a 24-hour period, participants eating the highfiber diet had an average glucose level that was 10% lower than participants eating the ADA diet. Insulin levels were
12% lower in the group eating the high-fiber diet compared to the group eating the ADA diet, indicating a beneficial
increase in the bodys sensitivity to insulin. Moreover, people eating the high-fiber diet experienced significant
reductions in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol compared with those eating the ADA diet. They
also had slight decreases (improvements) in glycosylated hemoglobin levels, a measure of long-term blood glucose
High-fiber supplements, such as psyllium,19 guar gum (found in cluster beans),20 pectin (from fruit),21 oat bran,22 and
glucomannan,23 24 have improved glucose tolerance in some studies. Positive results have also been reported with the
consumption of 1 to 3 ounces of powdered fenugreek seeds per day.25 26 A review of the research revealed that the
extent to which moderate amounts of fiber help people with diabetes in the long term is still unknown, and the lack of
many long-term studies has led some researchers to question the importance of fiber in improving diabetes. 27
Nonetheless, most doctors advise people with diabetes to eat a diet high in fiber. Focus should be placed on fruits,
vegetables, seeds, oats, and whole-grain products.
Eating fish also may afford some protection from diabetes. 28 Incorporating a fish meal into a weight-loss regimen was
more effective than either measure alone at improving glucose and insulin metabolism and high cholesterol. 29
Vegetarians have been reported to have a low risk of type 2 diabetes. 30 When people with diabetic nerve damage
switch to a vegan diet (no meat, dairy, or eggs), improvements have been reported after several days. 31 In one trial,

pain completely disappeared in 17 of 21 people.32 Fats from meat and dairy may also contribute to heart disease, the
leading killer of people with diabetes.
Vegetarians also eat less protein than do meat eaters. Reducing protein in the diet has lowered kidney damage caused
by diabetes and may also improve glucose tolerance. 33 34 and may also improve glucose tolerance.35 However, in a
group of 13 obese males with high blood-insulin levels (as is often seen in diabetes), a high-protein, low-carbohydrate
diet resulted in greater weight loss and control of insulin levels, compared with a high-carbohydrate diet. 36 Switching to
either a high- or low-protein diet should be discussed with a doctor.
Diets high in fat, especially saturated fat, worsen glucose tolerance and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, 37 38 39 40 an
effect that is not simply the result of weight gain caused by eating high-fat foods. Saturated fat is found primarily in
meat, dairy fat, and the dark meat and skins of poultry. In contrast, glucose intolerance has been improved by diets
high in monounsaturated oils,41 42 which may be good for people with diabetes.43 The best way to incorporate
monounsaturates into the diet is to use olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, which has high antioxidant values.
Lifestyle changes that may be helpful
Most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. 44 Excess abdominal weight does not stop insulin formation, 45 but it
does make the body less sensitive to insulin.46 Excess weight can even make healthy people prediabetic, 47 though
weight loss can reverse this problem.48 In most studies, type 2 diabetes has improved with weight loss. 49 50 51
Exercise helps decrease body fat and improve insulin sensitivity. 52 53 People who exercise are less likely to develop
type 2 diabetes than those who do not.54 However, exercise can induce low blood sugar in diabetics taking blood
sugarlowering medications, or even occasionally increased blood sugar.(55 Therefore, people with diabetes should
never begin an intensive exercise program without consulting a healthcare professional.
Moderate alcohol drinking in healthy people improves glucose tolerance.56 57 58 59 However, alcohol has been reported
to worsen glucose tolerance in the elderly and in people with diabetes in some studies. 60 61 People with diabetes who
drink have also been reported to have a high risk for eye and nerve damage. 62 63
Questions remain about where the line should be drawn regarding alcohol intake. For healthy people, light drinking will
not increase the risk of diabetes, and may even reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes; 64 however, heavy
drinking does increase the risk of developing diabetes and should be avoided. 65 People with diabetes should limit
alcohol intake to two drinks per day. Total avoidance of alcohol in people with diabetes who are not suffering from
alcoholism, liver disease (e.g., cirrhosis), gastritis, ulcers, and other conditions made worse by alcohol might actually
be counterproductive. In one report, older people with type 2 diabetes who drank daily, but moderately, had a
dramatically lower incidence of deaths from heart disease compared with nondrinkers.66 This outcome is not surprising
since moderate alcohol intake is associated with protection from heart disease in most other reports. This finding may
be of particular importance because heart disease is the leading killer of people with diabetes. In another study,
nondrinkers had a higher incidence of type 2 diabetes than did moderate drinkers. 67
People with diabetes who smoke are at higher risk for kidney damage, 68 heart disease,69 and other diabetes-linked
problems. Smokers are also more likely to develop diabetes, 70 so it's important for diabetic smokers to quit.
Although most healthcare professionals agree on the necessity of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) by people
with type 1 diabetes, disagreement exists within the medical community regarding the efficacy and necessity of SMBG
by people with type 2 diabetes. A controlled clinical trial found that home glucose monitoring strips did not affect the
management of type 2 diabetes.71 Moreover, a review of available literature concluded that the efficacy of SMBG in
people with type 2 diabetes is questionable and should be tested in a rigorous high-quality trial. 72 Advocates of SMBG,
such as the ADA, have observed that SMBG by people with diabetes has revolutionized management of the disease,
enabling them to achieve and maintain specific goals. 73 These observations are well-supported in the medical
literature.74 Detractors point out that indiscriminate use of self-monitoring is of questionable value and adds enormously
to healthcare costs.75 The ADA acknowledges that accuracy of SMBG is instrument- and technique-dependent. Errors
in technique and inadequate use of control procedures have been shown to lead to inaccurate test results. 76

Nevertheless, it is likely that self-monitoring of blood glucose, if used properly, can have a positive effect by increasing
a person's involvement in overall diabetes care.77 Pharmacists and healthcare practitioners can teach people with
diabetes certain skills that will enhance their ability to properly self-manage blood glucose.
Vitamins that may be helpful
A variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other supplements may help with symptoms and deficiencies
associated with diabetes.
Multiple VitaminMineral Supplement
In a double-blind study, supplementation of middle-aged and elderly diabetics with a multiple vitamin and mineral
preparation for one year reduced the risk of infection by more than 80%, compared with a placebo. 78
Medical reports dating back to 1853, as well as modern research, indicate that chromium-rich brewers yeast (9 grams
per day) can be useful in treating type 2 diabetes. 79 80 In recent years, chromium has been shown to improve glucose
levels and related variables in people with glucose intolerance and type 2, gestational, and steroid-induced diabetes. 81
Improved glucose tolerance with lower or similar levels of insulin have been reported in more than ten trials of
chromium supplementation in people with varying degrees of glucose intolerance. 83 Chromium supplements improve
glucose tolerance in people with type 2 diabetes,84 apparently by increasing sensitivity to insulin.85 Chromium improves
the processing of glucose in people with prediabetic glucose intolerance and in women with diabetes associated with
pregnancy.86 87 Chromium even helps healthy people,88 although one such report found chromium useful only when
accompanied by 100 mg of niacin per day.89 Chromium may also lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and
triglycerides (risk factors in heart disease).90 91
A few trials have reported no beneficial effects from chromium supplementation. 92 93 94 All of these trials used 200 mcg
or less of supplemental chromium, which is often not adequate for people with diabetes, especially if it is in a form that
is poorly absorbed. The typical amount of chromium used in research trials is 200 mcg per day, although as much as
1,000 mcg per day has been used.95 Many doctors recommend up to 1,000 mcg per day for people with diabetes. 96
Supplementation with chromium or brewers yeast could potentially enhance the effects of drugs used for diabetes
(e.g., insulin or other blood sugar-lowering agents) and possibly lead to hypoglycemia. Therefore, people with diabetes
taking these medications should supplement with chromium or brewers yeast only under the supervision of a doctor.
People with type 2 diabetes tend to have low magnesium levels. 97 Double-blind research indicates that supplementing
with magnesium overcomes this problem.98 Magnesium supplementation has improved insulin production in elderly
people with type 2 diabetes.99 However, one double-blind trial found no effect from 500 mg magnesium per day in
people with type 2 diabetes, although twice that amount led to some improvement. 100 Elders without diabetes can also
produce more insulin as a result of magnesium supplements, according to some, 101 but not all, trials.102 However, in
people with type 2 diabetes who nonetheless require insulin, Dutch researchers have reported no improvement in
blood sugar levels from magnesium supplementation.103 The American Diabetes Association acknowledges strong
associations between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance but has not said magnesium deficiency is a risk
factor104 Many doctors, however, recommend that people with diabetes and normal kidney function supplement with
200 to 600 mg of magnesium per day.
Diabetes-induced damage to the eyes is more likely to occur in magnesium-deficient people with type 1 diabetes. 105 In
magnesium-deficient pregnant women with type 1 diabetes, the lack of magnesium may even account for the high rate
of spontaneous abortion and birth defects associated with type 1 diabetes.106 The American Diabetes Association
admits strong associations...between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance but will not say magnesium
deficiency is a risk factor.107 Many doctors, however, recommend that people with diabetes and normal kidney function
supplement with 200600 mg of magnesium per day.

Alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful natural antioxidant. Preliminary and double-blind trials have found that supplementing
600 to 1,200 mg of lipoic acid per day improves insulin sensitivity and the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. 108 109 110 111
112 113 114 115
In a preliminary study, supplementing with 600 mg of alpha lipoic acid per day for 18 months slowed the
progression of kidney damage in patients with type 2 diabetes. 116
Evening primrose oil
Supplementing with 4 grams of evening primrose oil per day for six months has been found in double-blind research to
improve nerve function and to relieve pain symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. 117
Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber derived from konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac)that delays stomach
emptying, leading to a more gradual absorption of dietary sugar. This effect can reduce the elevation of blood sugar
levels that is typical after a meal. 118 After-meal blood sugar levels are lower in people with diabetes given glucomannan
in their food, 119 and overall diabetic control is improved with glucomannan-enriched diets, according to preliminary and
controlled clinical trials. 120 121 122 One preliminary report suggested that glucomannan may also be helpful in pregnancyrelated diabetes. 123 For controlling blood sugar, 500 to 700 mg of glucomannan per 100 calories in the diet has been
used successfully in controlled research.
Vitamin E
People with low blood levels of vitamin E are more likely to develop type 1 and type 2 diabetes. 124 125 Vitamin E
supplementation has improved glucose tolerance in people with type 2 diabetes in most, 126 127 128 but not all,129 doubleblind trials. Vitamin E has also improved glucose tolerance in elderly people without diabetes. 130 131 Three months or
more of at least 900 IU of vitamin E per day may be required for benefits to become apparent.
In one of the few trials to find vitamin E supplementation ineffective for glucose intolerance in people with type 2
diabetes, damage to nerves caused by the diabetes was nonetheless partially reversed by supplementing with vitamin
E for six months.132 Animal and preliminary human data indicate that vitamin E supplementation may protect against
diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy,133 134 serious complications of diabetes involving the eyes and kidneys,
respectively, though no long-term trials in humans have confirmed this preliminary evidence.
Glycosylation is an important measurement of diabetes; it refers to how much sugar attaches abnormally to proteins.
Excessive glycosylation appears to be one of the causes of the organ damage that occurs in diabetes. Vitamin E
supplementation has reduced the amount of glycosylation in many, 135 136 137 138 139 although not all,140 141 142 studies.
In one report, vitamin E was found to impair glucose tolerance in obese patients with diabetes.143 The reason for the
discrepancy between reports is not known.
Vitamin E appears to lower the risk of cerebral infarction, a type of stroke, in people with diabetes who smoke. A review
of a large Finnish study of smokers concluded that smokers with diabetes (or hypertension) can benefit from small
amounts of vitamin E (50 IU per day).144
Vitamin C
As with vitamin E, vitamin C may reduce glycosylation.145 Vitamin C also lowers sorbitol levels in people with
diabetes.146 Sorbitol is a sugar that can accumulate inside the cells and damage the eyes, nerves, and kidneys of
people with diabetes. Vitamin C may improve glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes, 147 148 although not every study
confirms this benefit.149 Vitamin C supplementation (500 mg twice a day for one year) has significantly reduced urinary
protein loss in people with diabetes. Urinary protein loss (also called proteinuria) is associated with poor prognosis in
diabetes.150 Many doctors suggest that people with diabetes supplement with 1 to 3 grams per day of vitamin C. Higher
amounts could be problematic, however. In one person, 4.5 grams per day was reported to increase blood sugar
One study examined antioxidant supplement intake, including both vitamins E and C, and the incidence of diabetic
retinopathy (damage to the eyes caused by diabetes).152 Surprisingly, people with extensive retinopathy had a greater

likelihood of having taken vitamin C and vitamin E supplements. The outcome of this trial, however, does not fit with
most other published data and might simply reflect the fact that sicker people are more likely to take supplements in
hopes of getting better. For the present, most doctors remain relatively unconcerned about the outcome of this isolated
B Vitamins
Many people with diabetes have low blood levels of vitamin B6.153 154 Levels are even lower in people with diabetes
who also have nerve damage (neuropathy).155 Vitamin B6 supplementation has improved glucose tolerance in women
with diabetes caused by pregnancy.156 157 Vitamin B6 supplementation is also effective for glucose intolerance induced
by birth control pills.158 In a trial that included people with type 2 diabetes, 1,800 mg per day of a special form of vitamin
B6pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarateimproved glucose tolerance dramatically. 159 Standard vitamin B6 has helped in
some,160 but not all, trials.161
A controlled trial in Africa found that supplementing with both vitamin B1 (25 mg per day) and vitamin B6 (50 mg per
day) led to significant improvement of symptoms of diabetic neuropathy after four weeks. 162 However, since this was a
trial conducted among people in a vitamin B1deficient developing country, these improvements might not occur in
other people with diabetes. Another trial found that combining vitamin B1 (in a special fat-soluble form) and vitamin B6
plus vitamin B12 in high but variable amounts led to improvement in some aspects of diabetic neuropathy in 12
weeks.163 As a result, some doctors recommend that people with diabetic neuropathy supplement with vitamin B1,
though the optimal level of intake remains unknown.
Biotin is a B vitamin needed to process glucose. When people with type 2 diabetes were given 9 mg of biotin per day
for two months, their fasting glucose levels dropped dramatically. 164 Biotin may also reduce pain from diabetic nerve
damage.165 Some doctors try 9 to 16 mg of biotin per day for a few weeks to see if blood sugar levels will fall.
Vitamin B12 is needed for normal functioning of nerve cells. Vitamin B12 taken orally has reduced symptoms of nerve
damage caused by diabetes in 39% of people studied; when given both intravenously and orally, two-thirds of people
improved.166 In a preliminary trial, people with nerve damage due to kidney disease or to diabetes plus kidney disease
received intravenous injections of 500 mcg of methylcobalamin (the main form of vitamin B12 found in the blood) three
times a day for six months in addition to kidney dialysis. Nerve pain was significantly reduced and nerve function
significantly improved in those who received the injections. 167 Oral vitamin B12 up to 500 mcg three times per day is
recommended by some practitioners.
The intake of large amounts of niacin (a form of vitamin B3), such as 2 to 3 grams per day, may impair glucose
tolerance and should be used by people with diabetes only with medical supervision. 168 169 Smaller amounts (500 to
750 mg per day for one month followed by 250 mg per day) may help some people with type 2 diabetes, 170 though this
research remains preliminary.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is needed for normal blood sugar metabolism. Animals with diabetes have been reported to
be CoQ10 deficient. People with type 2 diabetes have been found to have significantly lower blood levels of CoQ10
compared with healthy people.171 In one trial, blood sugar levels fell substantially in 31% of people with diabetes after
they supplemented with 120 mg per day of CoQ7, a substance similar to CoQ10. 172 The importance of CoQ10
supplementation for people with diabetes remains an unresolved issue, though some doctors recommend
approximately 50 mg per day as a way to protect against possible effects associated with diabetes-induced depletion.
L-carnitine is an amino acid needed to properly utilize fat for energy. When people with diabetes were given DLcarnitine (0.5 mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight), high blood levels of fatsboth cholesterol and triglycerides
dropped 25 to 39% in just ten days in one trial. 173
In a double-blind study of people with diabetic neuropathy, supplementing with acetyl-L-carnitine was significantly more
effective than a placebo in improving subjective symptoms of neuropathy and objective measures of nerve function. 174

People who received 1,000 mg of acetyl-L-carnitine three times per day tended to fare better than those who received
500 mg three times per day.
People with type 2 diabetes tend to be zinc deficient, 175 but some evidence indicates that zinc supplementation does
not improve their ability to process sugar.176 Nonetheless, many doctors recommend that people with type 2 diabetes
supplement with moderate amounts of zinc (15 to 25 mg per day) as a way to correct the deficit.
Because oxidation damage is believed to play a role in the development of diabetic retinopathy, antioxidant nutrients
might be protective. One doctor has administered a daily regimen of 500 mcg selenium, 800 IU vitamin E, 10,000 IU
vitamin A, and 1,000 mg vitamin C for several years to 20 people with diabetic retinopathy. During that time, 19 of the
20 people showed either improvement or no progression of their retinopathy. 177 People who wish to supplement with
more than 250 mcg of selenium per day should consult a healthcare practitioner.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is needed to maintain adequate blood levels of insulin. 178 Vitamin D receptors have been found in the
pancreas where insulin is made, and preliminary evidence suggests that supplementation can improve some measures
of blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes. 179 180 Not enough is known about optimal amounts of vitamin D for
people with diabetes, and high amounts of vitamin D can be toxic; therefore, people with diabetes considering vitamin
D supplementation should talk with a doctor and have their vitamin D status assessed.
Inositol is needed for normal nerve function. Diabetes can cause a type of nerve damage known as diabetic
neuropathy. This condition has been reported in some, but not all, trials to improve with inositol supplementation (500
mg taken twice per day).181
Animal studies have shown that supplementing with taurine, an amino acid found in protein-rich food, may affect insulin
secretion and action, and may have potential in protecting the eyes and nerves from diabetic complications. 182
However, a double-blind trial found no effect on insulin secretion or sensitivity when men with high risk for developing
diabetes were given 1.5 grams per day of taurine for eight weeks. 183 In another double-blind trial, taurine
supplementation (2 grams per day for 12 months) failed to improve kidney complications associated with type 2
Fish oil
Glucose tolerance improves in healthy people taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements,185 and some studies have found
that fish oil supplementation also improves glucose tolerance, 186 high triglycerides,187 and cholesterol levels in people
with type 2 diabetes.188 And in one trial, people with diabetic neuropathy and diabetic nephropathy experienced
significant improvement when given 600 mg three times per day of purified eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)one of the
two major omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplementsfor 48 weeks. 189 However, other studies have found that
type 2 diabetes worsens with fish oil supplementation. 190 191 192 193 Until this issue is resolved, people with diabetes
should feel free to eat fish, but they should consult a doctor before taking fish oil supplements.
Doctors have suggested that quercetin might help people with diabetes because of its ability to reduce levels of sorbitol
a sugar that accumulates in nerve cells, kidney cells, and cells within the eyes of people with diabetesand has
been linked to damage to those organs.194 Clinical trials have yet to explore whether quercetin actually protects people
with diabetes from neuropathy, nephropathy, or retinopathy.
Vanadyl sulfate, a form of vanadium, may improve glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes. 195 196 197 Over a sixweek period, a small group of people with type 2 diabetes were given 75 to 300 mg of vanadyl sulfate per day. 198 Only
in the groups receiving 150 mg or 300 mg was glucose metabolism improved, fasting blood sugar decreased, and

another marker for chronic high blood sugar reduced. At the 300 mg level, total cholesterol decreased, although not
without an accompanying reduction in the protective HDL cholesterol. None of the amounts improved insulin sensitivity.
Although there was no evidence of toxicity after six weeks of vanadyl sulfate supplementation, gastrointestinal side
effects were experienced by some of the participants taking 150 mg per day and by all of the participants taking 300
mg per day. The long-term safety of the large amounts of vanadium needed to help people with type 2 diabetes
(typically 100 mg per day) remains unknown. Many doctors expect that amounts this high may prove to be unsafe in
the long term.
In a preliminary trial, supplementation with fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) (8 grams per day for two weeks) significantly
lowered fasting blood-sugar levels and serum total-cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. 199 However, in
another trial, supplementing with FOS (15 grams per day) for 20 days had no effect on blood-glucose or lipid levels in
people with type 2 diabetes.200 In addition, some double-blind trials showed that supplementing with FOS or galactooligosaccharides (GOS) for eight weeks had no effect on blood-sugar levels, insulin secretion, or blood lipids in healthy
people.201 202 Because of these conflicting results, more research is needed to determine the effect of FOS on diabetes
and lipid levels.
People with diabetes may have low blood levels of manganese. 203 Animal research suggests that manganese
deficiency can contribute to glucose intolerance and may be reversed by supplementation. 204 A young adult with insulindependent diabetes who received oral manganese chloride (3 to 5 mg per day as manganese chloride) reportedly
experienced a significant fall in blood glucose, sometimes to dangerously low levels. In four other cases, manganese
supplementation had no effect on blood glucose levels. 205 People with diabetes wishing to supplement with manganese
should do so only with a doctors supervision.
Medium-chain triglycerides
Based on the results of a short-term clinical trial that found that medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) lower blood glucose
levels,206 a group of researchers investigated the use of MCT to treat people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Supplementation with MCT for an average of 17.5% of their total calorie intake for 30 days failed to improve most
measures of diabetic control.207


The Diet for Natural Health has much to offer for Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (type 1) and Non-Insulin
Dependent Diabetics (type 2). But please see your physician and share this information with him or her before putting
anything into practice.
Obesity appears to be a major contributor to Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). Generally speaking,
the cells do not efficiently use insulin to transfer glucose in NIDDM.
This type of diabetes increases appetite, causing overeating, leading to more obesity, more and larger fat cells, with
developing insulin resistance, leading to a deeper downward spiral into NIDDM.
This self-repeating cycle makes the condition progressively worse.
Weight loss is essential therapy.
The medical community suggests a diet composed of low or no fat foods and foods low on the Glycemic Index: foods
that do not spike blood glucose levels.
Avoid refined sugars and overprocessed starches. Eat fiber rich, bulking foods.

Of the 20% calories in fat allowed for this diet, increase the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (primarily Omega 3
and olive oil).
Eat more high fiber foods. High fiber foods slow the breakdown and absorption of starch into glucose, by trapping
these nutrients and delaying their exit from the stomach. Thereby preventing a blood glucose then insulin surge.
Sugar Substitutes
Sidebar: Sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, xylitol are found in sugar free dietary products. They are
not free of calories. They do however have a low glycemic response and may be better than refined sugar used to
sweeten non-dietetic foods.
Increase physical activity and improve physical fitness this will provide numerous benefits. It is known that vigorous
physical activity can delay or prevent the onset of NIDDM. Consider walking about two miles per day, 7 days per week.
Start slow. One step at a time...It may take a year or more before you reach this goal. Consult with a physician.


Bitter melon, or bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) found in Oriental supermarkets has been proven in clinical
trials to help diabetics. The active hypoglycemic chemistry is considered to be terpenoids, glucosides (charantin,
momordin) and insulin like peptides . The unripe fruit juice lowers sugar levels in blood and urine (contraindicated for
low blood sugar levels). Use in modest levels for no more than four weeks (according to Chevallier, Encyclopedia of
Medicinal Plants, Reaers Digest Pp 234, 1996). The melon can be thinly sliced and cooked with chicken breasts, lean
beef, or tofu. Typically, glucose tolerance improves when drinking the juice of this plant. I like to eat it whole (actually
the outer wrinkled skin is sliced thinly and cooked with beef or chicken in garlic and oyster sauce). Order it the next
time you are at an Chinese restaurant.
Olive oil, a monosaturated fat, and macadamia nuts, avocados, Brazil nuts, walnuts cashews and peanuts all
contain MUFA (mono-unsaturated fatty acids). Calories from these nuts instead of from carbohydrates may improve
blood sugar levels. I prefer using olive oil for its many other benefits (see culture and diet).
Tea, Camellia sinensis, in animal studies lowered blood sugar levels.
Garlic lowers blood lipids (cholesterol), lowers blood pressure, it's a blood thinner and lowers blood sugar levels. The
sulphur compounds in Alliums (onions, leeks, garlic, chives...) compete with insulin causing hypoglycemic activity.
Fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) in curry and as a spice are anti-diabetic.
Legumes, pulses, beans cause an improvement in the diabetics condition. Complex carbohydrates and fiber in beans
slow digestion of starch and slows assimilation of glucose. The haricot bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, also called the
French bean may be beaten to a powder (bean flour) and infused in boiling water to lower blood sugar levels.
Goat's rue, Galega officinalis, is used by trained medical practitioners to lower blood sugar levels. Galegine in goat's
rue strongly lowers blood sugar levels. The plant is used in an infusion. This plant may be toxic. To be used only under
the care of a trained physician.

Other beneficial foods include: stinging nettles, dandelions, raw carrots, ginseng and gonadoderma mushrooms.
Holy Basil, Ocimum sanctum, is used in a India to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
It contains the bioflavonoids apigenin, luteolin. Also used to lower blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, fever
reducing...And may inhibit sperm production. We eat at the Meuninck household. See the Cooking With Edible Flowers
video for an excellent recipe.
Jambu, Syzygium cumini, also called Java Plum, is a edible fruit from Australia and Asia. For diabetes the seeds are
powdered tinctured or infused to lower blood sugar.
Bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, contains high amounts of anthocyanidin (as do mountain ash berries, cherries,
blueberries) that may provide protection and treatment for hemorrhoids, capillary fragility and varicose veins. The
leaves of the plant have been made into tea for treating high blood sugar problems. See your holistic health care
practitioner for more information.
Native Americans have found that a return to their traditional diets of pine nuts, mesquite beans, other beans,
opuntia pads and the like have in many cases relieved symptoms of NIDDM.
Beneficial herbs include bay leaf (Laurus nobilis); cinnamon, clove and turmeric.
Aloe vera use may be useful, more research is needed.
Saltbush (Atripex halimus L.) prevents diabetes in genetically predisposed rats. Chromium, magnesium and
manganese in these plants may provide the clinical good results.
Ginseng extract studies suggest ginseng as a good candidate for anti-diabetic activity.
Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua, is also beneficial to the diabetic. Use this herb with the help of a holistic medicinal
According to Jim Duke in his book The Green Pharmacy, Rodale Press, 1997....Jackass bitters (Neurolaena lobata)
may be added to alcohol , and sipped to regulate blood sugar levels in NIDDM. For more details see the book.
Supplements May Help Prevent Adult Onset Diabetes
Soluble fiber, vitamins and minerals are essential in therapy. Most frequently recommended are Vit C, E, B6,
magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese chromium picolinate, and essential fatty acids in fish oils or seeds,
known as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
Calcium and Vitamin D may help prevent or relieve symptoms of adult onset diabetes.
Post menopausal calcium intake RDA is 1200mg...Some researchers suggest 1500 mg per day.
Amino acid chelated calcium is recommended by many. Researchers feel calcium should be taken between meals
instead of with them. Divided doses over the day may increase absorption and utilization. Calcium supplements must
dissolve to be absorbed. Test your supplement in a cup of vinegar, if it does not dissolve in half an hour, try a different
Niacin, nicotinimide, is under study as a supplemental preventative to diabetes (Behme, Nicotinamide and diabetes
prevention; Nutrition Reviews 53 (1995) 137-139).

Vitamin E an antioxidant may reduce oxidative stress of diabetes. P. 423 Whitney and Rolfes, Understanding Nutrition.
West 1996.
Gurmar: According to a handful of studies in India Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre) made into a tea may increase the
number of islets of Langerhans, the insulin producing cells on the pancreas. This product is available in health food
stores. Check with your holistic health care professional and see if this is a product that may be helpful to you (Patent
Anecdotally, I heard that Cajuns use Spanish moss from trees in Louisiana in tea to treat diabetes. I have not found
anything in the literature on this. Before experimenting find yourself a Cajun holistic health practitioner who can
demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of this therapy.
Foods listed by concentration of anti-diabetic chemistry from most to less concentrated.
chicory root, thyme leaves, a Zao shoot, Kudzu shoot, Indian fig seed, Jack Bean fruit, kudzu stem, Evening primrose
seed, Guava seed, Date palm fruit, pea plant, bell pepper ,Strawberry guava fruit, Rice

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