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1. Where are my photos, can you see _________?

a) they
b) their
c) them
d) theirs
2. This is not Susans wallet. Its _________
a) mine
b) my
c) your
d) me
3. He works _______ a sales assistant
a) b) as
c) like
d) how
4. Whats your job? ____________ an IT technician
a) My job is
b) I am
c) I work
d) I study
5. She lives on the ____________ floor
a) twenty second
b) twenty two
c) thirty
d) three
6. Can I have your __________ number? Id like to phone you after work
a) house
b) street
c) home
d) job
7. The sky (el cielo) is _______________ us
a) below
b) between
c) behind
d) above
8. Aaaargh! There are some ___________ behind the sofa!!
a) mouse
b) cat
c) tooth
d) mice
9. ___________ is the opposite of fast
a) ugly
b) quick
c) high
d) slow
10. Jons children are ___________________________
a) two very quiet kids b) a very quiet kid c) two kids very quiet d) two kids very quiets
11. I cant go to Marineda because I _____________a car
a) havent
b) havent got
c) doesnt have
d) have not
12. Id like to buy an MP3_________
a) disc
b) machine
c) camera
d) player
13. ____________house is quite big
a) Deniss
b) Denis c) Denis
d) the Deniss
14. My aunt died last year. My uncle is a _____________
a) unemployed
b) widower
c) separated
d) widower
15. ______________ do you go to the cinema? Twice a month
a) How long
b) How often
c) What usually d) How many
16. My mother was separated and she married Frank when I was 4. Frank is my _________
a) step father
b) godfather
c) father-in-law
d) single parent
17. I usually wake up ___________07:00
a) about
b) at about
c) sharp
d) it is
18. The cinema is ______________ the coffee shop (en frente de)
a) in front of
b) behind
c) opposite
d) next to
19. I usually ______________home very late
a) arrive in
b) get
c) get to
d) are
20. What time do you usually __________your office?
a) get to
b) get
c) get at
d) arrive in
21. When I finish ____________ I have a beer with my workmates
a) job b) the job
c) work
d) the work
22. I often go _____________drink with my friends at the weekend
a) to a
b) for
c) for a
d) 23. We go ____________once a week
a) swim
b) to swimming
c) swimming
d) to swimming pool
24. I never go to the cinema _________ the week (from Monday to Friday)
a) at
b) in
c) on
d) for
25. My birthday is ________ July. It is _______ 2nd July

a) in on
b) on in
c) on at
d) at - in
26. We always have dinner together _________ Christmas Eve
a) on
b) at
c) in
d) for
27. I love ____________ photos
a) take
b) taking
c) to make
d) making
28. In the UK, when they go to a disco, they say they go __________
a) to club
b) clubbing
c) to the clubs
d) to clubbing
29. I hate ____________ the shopping
a) doing
b) make
c) going d) making
30. Rigoberto._________ nice man!
a) what
b) how
c) what a
d) how a
31. What do you do ________ your free time?
a) on
b) at
c) in
d) for
32. I enjoy ___________ crime novels
a) to read
b) read
c) reading
d) to write
33. Would you like ____________ with me?
a) swimming
b) to swim
c) swim
d) to swimming
34. What __________ you like for starter?
a) do
b) would
c) can
35. Would you like a dessert? Yes, please. ___________apple pie
a) I like
b) Id like
c) Would you like
d) Can you give me
36. A hot dog (un perrito caliente) is a ___________
a) sausage
b) meat
c) jam
d) food
37. What _____________ the news?
a) come
b) is
c) are
d) has
38. Would you like ___________ sandwich?
a) a
b) c) some
d) a piece
39. Can you give me __________ advice? (2 correctas)
a) an
b) some
c) d) 3
40. The people who work with you are your ____________
a) work mates
b) neighbours
c) in-laws
d) partners
41. Your sisters son is your ____________
a) nephew
b) son-in-law
c) niece
d) cousin
42. ______________I use your computer, please? (2 correctas)
a) Would
b) Could
c) Can
d) Do
43. Im interested __________music
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) about
44. Would you like _______________a beer?
a) drink
b) to have
c) drinking
d) have
45. I hope ______________ from you soon
a) to write
b) an answer
c) to hear
d) e-mail
46. Well, that is all for now. ____________________, Susan (informal letter)
a) Love and kisses
b) Best wishes
c) Goodbye
d) Yours sincerely
47. Look at that woman. Do you know _____________?
a) his
b) c) she
d) her
48. That is ________ car. It is ___________
a) our - ours
b) mine - my
c) ours - our
d) a -my
49. I like going______________ in the park
a) walk
b) to a walk
c) in a walk
d) for a walk
50. Id like _____________ a coffee
a) have
b) having
c) to have
d) I have
51. I go ________________ twice a week
a) for run b) running
c) to the run
d) run

52. On New Years Eve I stay _____________ late

a) up
b) off
c) on
d) about
53. I live in __________________________
a) the my parents house b) my house parents c) the parents house
d) my parents house
54. They _____________________at the public library
a) study always
b) never dont study
c) always study
d) usually are
55. Are you _________________ on Saturday morning?
a) free
b) boring
c) work
d) occupy
56. I met my husband _________________
a) for 20 years
b) 20 years ago
c) in 20 years
d) ago 20 years
57. I enjoy ________________ chess
a) play
b) to play
c) playing d) to playing
58. I go to school ________________ English
a) to study
b) for to study
c) for study
d) for studying
59. I need ________________ a new pair of shoes
a) buying
b) shop
c) to buy
d) shopping
60. I love _______________
a) travel
b) to travel
c) travelling
d) the travel
61. Im sorry. The manager is not in at the moment. Would you like to ___________ [2 correctas]
a) say a message
b) take a message
c) leave a message
d) call back later
1. ______________________________________________________ ? I usually have lunch at 5
2. ______________________________________________? He goes to the gym once a week
3. ______________________________________________? He studies English because he likes it
4. _____________________________________________? These shoes? They were 120 euros
5. ______________________________________________? Im an engineer
6. ________________________________________________? No, thanks. Im just looking
7. ________________________________________________? Id like 4 tomatoes, please
8. ________________________________________________? No, Im single
9. __________________________________________________? There are 20 people in the room
10. ___________________________________________________? Its 13th York Street
11. __________________________________________________? She lives with her boyfriend
12. __________________________________________________? Hes from Scotland
13. _______________________________________________? You can get them at the clothes shop
14. _______________________________________________? He usually has cereal for breakfast
1. I was born _____ July
16. We arrived ____ home from Paris at 23:00
2. I was born ____ 1978
17. They usually go ____ at the weekend (se
3. I was born ____ July 2
van fuera, de viaje)
4. I was born ____ England, ___the summer
18. There are many shops ___ my street
5. I study _____ University
19. We go to the cinema ___ the weekend
6. We arent____ home now
20. She never watches TV _____ the morning
7. She is ill ____ hospital
21. I watch TV ________ midday
8. My sister is___ the beach
22. I dont work ___ Sundays
9. I live __ the first floor
23. They go to church ___ Sunday morning
10. I always get ___ very early
24. Did you go ___ with your friends?
11. I usually get ____ work at 09:00
25. Id like to go _____ a drink now
12. I always get _______ home late
26. I love going ______ shopping
13. I arrived ___ London at 13:30
27. I love listening ______ music
14. I arrived ___ the office at 09:45
28. Theres a table ____ the lamp (por debajo,
15. Listen ______ me! Its Sams birthday!
en un nivel inferior)

1. - Qu fecha es maana?
- 17 de diciembre
- Es mi aniversario de boda!
- Feliz aniversario!
- Gracias!!
2. -

Maana es el cumpleaos de George. Me gustara comprarle un regalo (present). qu le comprare?

Por qu no le compras un libro? Le encanta leer
Quizs pero tiene 3 libros nuevos en su mesilla
Y qu tal un DVD?
No, no creo. No le gusta ver pelculas
Entonces, por qu no le compras un CD?
Buena idea!! Le encanta la msica

3. -

Cundo haces la compra?

Hago la compra los Martes y Jueves. Por la semana no tengo tiempo para hacer la colada, as que la hago
el fin de semana.
El Sbado por la maana voy al gimnasio a hacer algo de deporte o voy a nadar. Por la noche suelo salir
con mis amigos y tomamos una copa. El Domingo doy una vuelta con mis padres. Vamos al parque o
vamos a ver tiendas (escaparates). Por la tarde no salgo. Me quedo en casa y hago algo de trabajo

4. Meg: Hola Fred. Ests libre maana?

Fred: Si, por qu?
Meg: Es el cumpleaos de mi hermana. Te apetecera cenar en un restaurante con nosotros?
Fred: Pues claro!! Dnde podramos ir?
Meg: Por qu no vamos al restaurante italiano que est cerca del centro comercial y luego vamos a bailar!
Fred: Buena idea!!
5. Buenos das. Querra reservar una habitacin
Querra una individual o doble?
Una doble
Cuntos das querra alojarse(stay)?
Cunto es la habitacin por noche?
130 euros
Est el desayuno includo?
Bien, entonces querra quedarme 5 noches
6. Buenos das. Querra reservar una mesa para comer maana
Cuntas personas?
Seremos 5 personas
Querran sentarse fuera o dentro? (outside or inside)
Dentro, por favor, pero nos podra dar una mesa al lado de la ventana?
Por supuesto.
A qu hora querran llegar?
A las 2 y media.
Buenos das. Tenemos una reserva para 5 personas
Muy bien . Me da su nombre?

7. Client: Nos trae la carta, por favor?

Waiter: Estn listos para pedir?
Client: Si. De primero tomaremos el cocktail de gambas
Waiter: Muy bien. Qu les apetece de segundo?
Client: De segundo querramos pollo asado y filete de ternera con patatas fritas
Waiter: les apetece una ensalada mixta con el segundo plato?
Client: Si, por favor
Waiter: Con aceite y limn?
Client: No. Con sal, pimienta, aceite y vinagre por favor
Waiter: Muy bien. qu querran de beber?
Client: Traiganos una bottella de vino tinto y agua
Waiter: De grifo o embotellada?
Client: Agua mineral, por favor
Waiter: Con o sin gas?
Client: Sin gas.
Waiter: Querran tomar alguna cosa de postre?
Client: Fresas con nata para mi y helado de chocolate para la seora (lady)
Client: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor?
1. What is the date tomorrow?
Its December 17th
Its my wedding anniversary!
Happy anniversary
Thank you!

Tomorrow it is Georges birthday. Id like to buy him a present. What can/ could /shall I buy him?
Why dont you buy him a book? He loves reading
Perhaps but he has(got) 3 new books on his bedside table
What about a DVD?
No, I dont think so. He doesnt like watching films
Then why dont you buy him a CD?
Good idea! He loves music
When do you do the shopping?
I do the shopping (I do it) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In the week I dont have time // I havent got time
to do the laundry, so I do it at the weekend.
On Saturday morning I go to the gym to do some sport or I go swimming.In the evening I usually go out
with my friends and we have a drink. On Sunday I go for a walk with my parents. We go to the park or
we go window shopping. In the afternoon I dont go out. I stay at home // I stay in and I do the
housework // I do some housework.

Meg: Hi Fred. Are you free tomorrow?
Fred: Yes (I am), Why?
Meg: It is my sisters birthday. Would you like to have dinner in a restaurant with us?
Fred: Of course!! Where could we go?
Meg: Why dont we go to the Italian restaurant that is near the mall? And then lets go dancing!/ clubbing!
Fred: Good idea!!
Good morning. Id like to book a room
Would you like a single(room) or a double (room)?
A double
How many days would you like to stay?
How much is the room a night? (per night)
One hundred and thirty euros
Is breakfast included?
Yes, it is.
Well, then Id like to stay for 5 nights
Good morning. Id like to book a table to have lunch tomorrow // Id like to book a table for lunch tomorrow
How many people?
Well be 5 (people)
Would you like to sit inside or outside?
Inside,please. But Could / Can we have a table // Wed like a table by (next to) the window, please
Of course // Certainly /stnl% /
What time would you like to arrive?
At half past two
Client: Can/Could we have the menu? // Wed like the menu, please
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Client: Yes. For starter well have // we would like // can/could we have the prawn cocktail.
Waiter: Very well. What would you like for the main course?
Client: For the main course well have / we would like to have // can/could we have roast chicken and
Beefsteak with chips
Waiter: Would you like a mixed salad with the main course?
Client: Yes, please
Waiter: with oil and lemon (dressing)? Dressing = aderezo, alio
Client: no. With salt, pepper, oil and vinegar, please
Waiter: Fine. What would you like to drink?
Client: wed like // Can/Could we have // Well have a bottle of red wine and water
Waiter: Tap water or bottled?
Client: Mineral water, please
Waiter: Still or sparkling?
Client: Still
Waiter: Would you like to have anything for dessert?
Client: Strawberries with cream for me and chocolate ice-cream for the lady
Client: Wed like//Can /Could we have the bill, please?


14B 15B 16A 17B
26A 27B 28B 29C
38A 39BC 40A 41A
50C 51B 52A 53D








1. What time // when do you usually have lunch?
2. How often does he go to the gym?
3. Why does he study English?
4. How much were these shoes?
5. Whats your job? // what do you do?
6. Can I help you?
7. How many tomatoes would you like? // What would you like?
8. Are you married?
9. How many people are there in the room?
10. Whats your address?
11. Who does she live with?
12. Where is he from?
13. Where can you get a dress and a pair of jeans?
14. What does he usually have for breakfast?
1. In
2. In
3. On
4. In in
5. At
6. At
7. In
8. On/ at
9. On
10. Up
11. To
13. In
14. At

15. To
17. Away
18. In
19. At / on(USA)
20. In
21. At
22. On
23. On
24. Out
25. For
27. To
28. Below


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