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By : Idzan Mustafidah (14.31.00920)

Islamic Community Development II
STAI Mathaliul Falah PATI
What do you know about the environment?
Environment is one thing that is very important to mankind and should we care well. Our
country is a very rich country. Indonesia's forests since the first has become the lungs of the world and
is the foundation of the environmental balance in the entire world. When developed countries smoke
because their industry, our country clean up the pollution with lush green forests that exist in many
In general, the natural environment can be broken into two categories: physical environment
and the biological environment. Physical environment, among others, includes soil, topography,
weather and resources - natural resources (minerals and oil). In addition, which is also included in this
category is what is commonly referred to as natural physical - agencies (such as wind, moving water),
and natural physical forces (such as gravity and radiation).
Awareness of the importance of the environment is increasing in that society needs to be
responsible for the protection and rehabilitation of the physical environment. In this study the
environment is an important component of the community, and should be included in an integrated
approach to community development. This approach applies to the natural environment and the built
However, now we have to take action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that we have to
destruction due to illegal logging and forest fires. If deforestation continues, it is not impossible if we
would lose the forests and global warming continues to increase.
Environmental conditions today is considered more worrisome. In many places, the less
productive land, even in part can not be planted again. The water is getting polluted and unfit to drink.
Increasingly polluted air was so oppressive. Its worse again, many forest to bare a result of lack of
control in the process of logging and reforestation efforts are slow.
When the forest is being weakened, I believe that we can no longer feel the fresh air and the
cool breeze during the day. Our country will turn into a hot country and excruciating. Changes in
weather that is present in this country can not be predicted and the dry season comes with longer. Are
we willing if Indonesia is losing its forests and become like that? Of course not.!



On this occasion I will describe a little about global warming.

As we know that global warming as a disaster for our country, and our world that would also
provide a serious problem for the next generation of human beings.
Global warming is also the reason why our world is getting hotter temperatures.
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are more than 90% believe that it
is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities
such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These findings are recognized by the national science
academies of all countries - the major industrial countries.
Global warming is caused by many things. The causes are divided into two groups, a manmade or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes. Natural causes are causes that are created by nature.
One natural cause is the release of methane from the Arctic tundra and wetlands. Artificial Causes may
do the most damage. There are many man-made causes. Pollution is one of the largest man-made
problem. Another major cause of man-made global warming is population. More people means more
food, and more methods of transportation, right? That means more methane because there will be more
burning of fossil fuels, and agriculture. Because CO2 contributes to global warming, an increase in
population makes the problem worse because we breathe out CO2.
There are many bad impact on our world if we do not stop the process of global warming now,
including :
First, we will lose a lot of ground and many areas of the world which is still below the sea
surface will be disturbed flood. Many people will lose their homes because no one wants to live in
dangerous places.
Second, the environment will be destroyed, weather and climate in every place to be changed
without permission. And the last one is that we are not going to breath the fresh air again. we should
stop global warming as soon as possible, how to do it by reducing the use of car emissions and must
find new alternative energy is good for our environment.
Third, we have to stop illegal logging with a large amount, because trees can reduce pollution
by releasing carbon dioxide.
Fourth, we must put the garbage in the right place, and to replant trees, each of every home in
the world should put a tree stand in their garden in the case to reduce pollution.
Pollution itself consists of three kinds, such as: air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.
Said polluted air in the event of changes in the composition of air from the normal state as a
result of the presence of certain materials or foreign substances. Similarly, the water pollution. Water
also declared contaminated if it is found in sediment, colloidal, solvents, micro-organisms, as well as
increased water environmental radioactivity. While the causes of land pollution is also not much



different from air and water pollution. Land pollution, among others, is characterized by a breakdown
and inequities of land for farming, herding and settled.
Some literature has identified several cultural sources considered creating pollution, that there
are five cultural sources, including :
The first, called "The Cornuopia View of Nature," a view that is based on the assumption that
the sprawling nature and will not run out.
Second, the belief that very laud technology (Faith in Technology). This belief is related to the
view that in this human life should not be controlled by nature, but it is people who have to master
Third, which is also called "The Growth Ethic" which is an ethic to want to go ahead.
Fourth, materialism or understand very exalts material.
Fifth, attitude and belief in individualism.
Through this discussion forum, I want to assure you that we are able to preserve their forests
properly and pass on natural resources for our children and grandchildren in the future. We were able
to make Indonesia as the world's lungs are highly admired by any nation. Indonesia's natural forests
and is a treasure.!
To protect the environment, we can start from the smallest things for example planting trees
around the house. When every person in Indonesia to plant a tree in the yard, then Indonesia will have
a very good neighborhood, five years later. Fresh air and rivers flowing course we can look back and
Indonesia will never lose the best environment.
Train yourself and teach your family, your relatives, your friends, and the whole society to love
the environment. Do not let them more interested in video games that exist in the air-conditioned room
instead of planting trees in the garden.
Make them love nature by getting them to do camping, gardening, and perform outbound as
often as possible. When they get to know nature, then they will love nature as they love themselves.
After this, I hope we all, at least can spare a moment to participate and to contribute to embed
one tree alone / person for Indonesia, and also to the world for the sake of safety. Who here can feel the
natural air back certainly healthy for our bodies and that there is also still able to enjoy the places they
Second, to get rid of any small trash bins provided. Would not it be convenient and good in
view if the environment around us looked clean. Not without rubbish, but at least can reduce the
impact there.



And the last is the fun cycling. Whose house close to campus / allowed to ride a bicycle, why
I do not want the people of Indonesia to lose consciousness to preserve the forest. Let us keep
and preserve our forests from now.
Remember !, no trees, no good!
So, my ends meet. More or less I apologize, I say thank you for your attention.



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