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By Walker

Rocks were in Earth for a long long time. There are many kinds of rocks on Earth. Do you
know all? Not even me? Do you know how they formed? I know but maybe you don’t know.

Rocks were formed long time ago. Different kinds of rocks were formed different ways.
Some rocks are formed by heat and pressure. Some rocks are formed by other rock. Some
rocks are made of leaf, little rocks and pebbles and soil together. Some rocks are formed by
dead animal remains. And some rocks are formed by cooled lava from the volcano.

Type of rock

In every day life you see rocks. They are sorted to 3 kinds. They are igneous, sedimentary,
and metamorphic. Igneous rocks were from volcano times. Sedimentary rocks were from the
shallow river and sea times.

Metamorphic Sedimentary Igneous

Marble Sandstone Granite
Quartzite Limestone pumice
Slate Shale Basalt
And More And More And More

Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks have these characteristics.

 They may have holes because the lava has bubble. (Don’t mess it up with dead coral!!)

 They may look shiny or glassy because when it is rapid cooling it causes the minerals to

make tiny crystals or glass. (Don’t mess up with metamorphic rocks!)

 It may be light because it has air hole.

 It is most dark colour. (Not all!)

You normally find igneous Rock in mountain, hill, volcano, and place close to them. You can
find them there because island is mostly made with igneous rock and mountains and hill may
be a volcano before. And volcano has lava so they have Igneous Rocks.

Igneous Rocks are formed when lava cools down then. When lava cools down it slowly forms
some kind of minerals. And slowly true into igneous rock.

Igneous rock can be inside the volcano. This picture will show.

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are not same as igneous rock.


 Most sedimentary are soft. Some it can be brake with your hand because it is in sea for a
long time so it is in soak soft.
 Sedimentary rocks can have layers.
 Fossil are in Sedimentary rock. (If you don’t know what is fossil read on to find out)


You can find sedimentary rock under the sea because it from there. Also you can find it in
places where it is land but before is sea.

Sedimentary rocks are formed when dead animal’s remains are press together in the Ocean


Fossils are marks of dead animals on sedimentary rocks. They are formed when dead animals
are pressed with the sedimentary rock then the rock gets the marks.

Metamorphic rock

Metamorphic rocks are sometimes easy to mess up with other kinds of rock.


 Very hard (can’t break by throw thing at it or just can break by machine)
 Some have stripes and bands


Your can find it mostly in underground near a volcano because in the underground they have
pressure and volcano will give heat.

It is formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks have gone through heat and pressure.

Special features of rock

There still many things about rock let learn them.


Inside every rock there are minerals. Minerals is only one thing + inorganic. Inorganic means
a thing. Never been alive. For example: metal. But oil is not inorganic because it is alive
before and oil is animal remain. Here are some examples of the minerals in a rock: gold, iron,
copper, slat, diamonds, coal, feldspar, calcium, phosphorus and more. Don’t mess up rock
and minerals because rocks are mixed minerals.

Wreathing and Erosion

Wreathing and Erosion affect landforms here we will tell you how.


Most things are wreathing for along time will become soil or sand or even slat. It is caused by
many reason here are some of them: wind, rain, plants, animals, water, ice and many more.
These things affect landforms by ice wedding, chemical action, exfoliation, temperature
changes, changes in humidity and more. The forces of wind, water and gravity break rock
down into little pieces. More surface area will have more wreathing did you know that? And
the harder the rock is, the slower weathering is.


Erosion is the movement of breakdown material. Erosion happens when rock or soils are
carried away by wind, water, ice and snow.


Landforms are natural shapes or features called landforms. These are the landforms you
normally find: mountain, valley, canyon, plain, lagoon, plateau, island, cave, lake, river,
ocean, coast, desert, volcano and more. They all are changing because of wreathing and
erosion. They are formed by wreathing and erosion too.

Amazing facts

There many amazing facts that you don’t know read on to know them.

Here are some amazing facts.

1. Pumice is the only rock that floats.
2. Rocks can grow.
3. It can decompose.


After all did you lean any things? I bet you did.

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