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God, Orion, Egypt and the End of the World: Where is the Truth?

The thing that has beenit is what will be again, and that which has been done is that which will
be done again; and there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9
We at the Barn firmly believe that God is the one who not only created all things,
but also placed the stars and constellations according to His design - to be signs for all
generations until the very end. We also believe that the enemy of all men - satan - is the
great deceiver, the copycat of God's designs and plans. He has led his minions to
corrupt the story behind God's message in the stars, and so few understand the true
message in these last days, and many are misled to believe not only one lie, but many.
What we currently see arising - talk of a New World Order, of Aliens who "seeded"
us here on Earth, of important Celestrial alignments that predict the Doom of life on Earth
- is indeed nothing "new under the sun", but only a re-emergence of an old, old corrupted
theme. I want to focus particularly on Orion - the constellation and the mythological man and trace how God's original, glorious message has been perverted, and is now being
used to set up what might be the most devious deception in all of history.
Let's begin at the beginning.

What Does The Bible Say About Stars?
1. God made the stars. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon
and the stars, which you have set in place, . . . (Psalm 8:3, NIV)
2. The stars have a purpose, both as signs and light: And God said, "Let there be lights in
the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to
mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give
light on the earth." (Gen 1:14-15).
3. God knows their number and their names. He determines the number of the stars and
calls them each by name. (Psalm 147:4). Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who
created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by
name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.
(Isaiah 40:26).
4. The stars are divided into constellations. The stars of heaven and their constellations
will not show their light. (Isaiah 13:10).
5. The Bible names some constellations: Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you
loose the cords of Orion? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead
out the Bear with its cubs? Do you know the laws of the heavens? (Job 38:31-32) See
also Amos 5:8;

6. The stars have an order or procession. Who is this that appears like the dawn, fair as the
moon, bright as the sun, majestic as the stars in procession? (Song of Solomon 6:10).

God's Purpose for the Stars

In ancient times, signs were used as a witness of a special covenant either
between God and mankind or between different peoples on the earth. In Genesis
9:12-13, God put a special sign in the sky.
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me
and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to
come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant
between me and the earth.
Observing the Sabbath was a sign of the covenant relationship between Israel and God
(Exodus 31:16-17). On several occasions, a stone was a sign or witness of a promise (see Joshua
24:25-27; 1 Samuel 7:12).
The constellations are also referred to as signs. (See Gen. 1:14-15, above.) They are
somewhat abstract in form. In other words, they don't look exactly like what they represent. For
example, the rainbow after a rain is a sign that God promises
to not destroy the world
again by water. In like manner, the constellations bring to mind God's wonderful promises
concerning the Messiah, His redeeming work, and his Bride, the Church.

What's In A Name?
The ancient constellations (48 in all) are picture prophecies of Jesus, the Word or
Logos, and are in harmony with the written Word of God. In fact, many individual star names
are recorded in the Bible as appellations or attributes of Jesus. Just to get us started, here are
a few: Arm of the Lord, Isa. 51:9,10; Chief Shepherd, 1 Pet. 5:4; Desired of all nations, Hag.
2:7; Governor, Matt. 2:6;Great shepherd of the sheep, Heb. 13:20, 27:24; King, Matt. 21:5;
Lamb, Rev.5:6,8; 6:16; 7:9,10,17; Light, John 8:12; Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rev. 5:5;
Prince, Acts 5:31; Redeemer, Isa. 59:20; Scepter, Num. 24:17; Shepherd, Mark 14:27.
These names are components of larger pictures or constellations which tell a story.

Their Meaning from Ancient Times

There are 12 major constellations. Their modern names, which tell us nothing of their
original meanings, are in parenthesis. Each major constellation has three other constellations
associated with it which modify or complete its meaning. They are called decans. Because of
space, I will list only the major signs.
The Incarnate Son (Virgo) Isaiah 7:14
The Redeemer (Libra) 1 Cor. 6:20
The Sufferer (Scorpio) 1 Cor. 15:55-56
The Conqueror (Sagittarius) Rev. 6:2
The Sacrifice (Capricornus) Romans 3:25
The Living Water (Aquarius) John 7:38
The Liberator (Pisces) Gen. 48:19; Mark 1:17
The Crowned Lamb (Aries) Rev. 5:6

The Judge (Taurus) John 5:22

The King (Gemini) Romans 1:3
The Protector (Cancer) Isaiah 4:5-6
The Victor (Leo) Rev. 5:5
As mentioned previously, the names of the stars themselves give definition to each of the
constellations. These names are preserved from the most ancient of times. In world history, we
find the major signs of the constellations are the same in the meaning of their names and their
procession in the major civilizations of the world. These 12 major constellations (or Mazzaroth,
Job 38:32 KJ) mark a continuous circle (ecliptic) or line around the earth which today is called
Zodiac, from the Greek word zoad and meaning The Way or A Path (John 14:6; Psalm 119:105).

A Closer Look
I have chosen to illustrate Orion, Taurus and Eridanus. Orion is well known and can be
identified by most people. It is visible in North America from October through March and
dominates the evening sky with its brilliance. Since Orion and Eridanus are decans of Taurus
and work as a group, we will look at all three.

Orion, The Coming Light

Orion is a mighty man with a club in his raised right hand and the skin of a slain lion in his
left hand. His left foot is crushing the enemy. He wears a girdle around his waist from
which hangs a sword. In the oldest illustrations of Orion, the hilt and handle of the sword

are drawn as the head and body of a lamb. From his raised foot flows a river (of fire).
Orion means The Coming Light (John 8:12; John 1:4-5; Isaiah 9:2). The
brilliant star in his right shoulder is Betelgeuse and means The Coming Branch (Isaiah
11:1; Jer. 23:5). The star in his left shoulder is Bellatrix and means swiftly coming or
suddenly destroying (Rev. 22:7). Rigel, the star in his raised foot means the foot that crusheth
(Psalm 91:13-15; Romans. 16:20). A star in his belt means The Wounded One (Isaiah 53:5).
Saiph, in his leg, means Bruised (Isaiah 53:5).

Taurus, The Judge

Taurus is not just a bull, it is the wild ox of long ago, a fierce, mighty and untamable
creature (Job 39:9-10). With horns lowered, he is in the act of charging the enemy. Taurus
portrays the power and glory of Christ coming as The Judge (Deut. 33:17; John 5:26-27).
The bright, reddish star in the bull's eye is Aldeberan and means The Governor (Psalm
22:28), Captain, or Leader. The bright star at the tip of the left horn is Elnath, The Wounded.
Riding on the shoulder of the wild ox is the beautiful Pleiades, a circlet of stars meaning
Congregation of the Judge (1 Cor. 6:1-3).

Eridanus, River of The Judge

Issuing from the foot of Orion, is a river of Judgment. This is an immense constellation.
Star names include the after part of the river, flowing, and bent down. It has always been
associated with fire (Daniel 7:10).

Putting It All Together

Look at the three constellations together and compare it to the following scripture:
His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise. And
his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there
was the hiding of his power. Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals
went forth at his feet. He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove
asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual
hills did bow: his ways are everlasting (Hab. 3:3-6).

The Message Corrupted

All God's creation is good. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Gen.
1:31). It is also true that anything good can be used for evil. Satan's distortion of truth is
evident through all ages. He is the Accuser and Deceiver. He has done his job well. In the
Patriarchal age, nation after nation took the shapes (or images) from the stars, reproduced them
in either stone or wood and worshipped them rather than our Creator. The Greeks corrupted
the constellations into the legends and fables of their famous Mythology. Astrology today is
another corruption of the original prophetic messages. Astrologers claim the stars influence
your future; psychics claim to know your future. All such things are condemned in the Bible
(Isaiah 47:13). There is only One who knows the future. It is not surprising that Satan is
pictured in the constellations just as he is in the written Word. He is the Serpent, The Great
Dragon, a Scorpion, a Lion, and Cetus, a horrible creature attending the fiery river of judgment.
In every picture, he is conquered by the Redeemer. (See Rev. 12:9; 1Cor. 15:56; 1 Peter 5:8.)

While helping my daughter research a report on religions of the Bronze Age (the timeframe of the
Israelite nation), I was struck by the number of idols (from many nations) that were duplicates of images
from the starry heavens. There is no doubt that the prophecies associated with the constellations

were understood by nations at some point, but had been changed into self-made religions
(idolatries). God Most High had been completely forgotten and ignored. Maybe this is why it
seemed so easy for Israel to fall back into the ways of the idolatrous nations surrounding them
(Isaiah 40:18-26).
I was intrigued to find this quotation from an ancient Egyptian scribe, Ipuwer, from
the reign of Amenemhet I (c. 1990 BC, approximately the time of Abraham). He speaks of an
even then ancient hope of a Great One:
Remember . . . , it is said he is the shepherd of all men. There
is no evil in his heart. . . . Where is he today? Does he sleep

Behold his might is not seen . . .

Yet, this same nation revered their Pharoah as a god-king and practiced all kinds of
idolatries and fornications as part of their worship. They and countless other nations
suppressed the truth that was once known from the beginning. (Romans 1:19-23).

A Christian Evidence
Scientists dig in the dirt of civilizations past, and Christians rejoice when the
archeological and scientific records confirm the Biblical record. It doesn't matter whether you
look through a microscope or a telescope, the facts of science will never disprove the Bible -nature and the Bible have the same Creator and Author. Instead, the Bible shines as a light on
the past (no matter how ancient) as well as the future. Should we be surprised that God's
signature is written across the vastness of space as well as the tiniest of atoms? The starry
evidence is circling continuously above us night after night. Not only is God's power displayed,
but his purpose, too, from before the creation of the world (1 Pet. 1:20).
My hope for writing is to encourage others to learn the truth about God's heavens.
Astrology is everywhere today -- in the newspapers, magazines whole shelves of books are
devoted to it in bookstores. It is not a science; it is an invention of men, and idolatrous to those
who put their trust in it rather than God (Matt. 22:37). How much better to point to the
nighttime sky and say, "That is Orion - this group of stars reminds us that Jesus is
the Light
of the World . . . "
Psalm 19: 1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; The skies proclaim the work of
his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; Night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the
earth, Their words to the ends of the world.
We see that God was the originator and designer of these things, and the
message was for the salvation of the people, pointing to a future Conquering King -Jesus
- who would rule the world in truth and justice.

So...where does constellation Orion turn

into a person? And why was he so important in ancient history? Finally, what in the world
do ancient myths and star constellations have to do with this modern age...and the end
of the world? Let's keep digging and find out where things got off the track.
"The origins of pharaonic civilisation have always been shrouded in
mystery. What caused dynastic culture to burst forth in the Nile valley within
such a relatively short period of time? ... There is little evidence of kingship and its
rituals very much before the beginning of the 1st Dynasty; no signs of the gradual
development of metal working, art, monumental architecture and writing the
defining criteria of early civilisation. Much of what we know about the pharaohs and
their complex culture seems to come into existence in a flash of inspiration."
David Rohl, Legend the Genesis of Civilisation, 1998, p.265

Ancient Egypt gave great attention to the constellation Orion, because it would arise in
their sight just before the flooding of the Nile River - which gave them life. This caused
them to liken Orion with their god, Osirus, who controlled all matters of life and death.
But, where did the god come from? What tore the ancient people's attention away from
the Creator? And how does a complex culture just "happen"?
The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came
unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old,
the men of renown. Genesis 6:4
The Book of Enoch elaborates on who these Nephilim were:
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were
born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw
and lusted after them, and said to one another: Come, let us choose us wives from among the
children of men and beget us children. And Semjz, who was their leader, said unto them: I
fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great
sin. And they all answered him and said: Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by
mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing. Then sware they all together
and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who
descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount
Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And
these are the names of their leaders: Samazz, their leader, Arkba, Rml, Kkabl, Tml,
Rml, Dnl, zql, Barqjl, Asl, Armrs, Batrl, Annl, Zaql, Samspl, Satarl,
Trl, Jmjl, Saril. These are their chiefs of tens. The Book of Enoch, chapter 6
In Erin's dream The Glory Dream II

God explains how these Fallen affected the world:

The angel pointed for me to focus again through the crevice on the Sea of Glass below to
the Earth. I saw Adam and Eve have offspring and multiply. From my vantage point, very
quickly, from Earths perspective, several hundred years. During this time, I saw these

fallen angels trying to find a way to get back to Heaven. They wanted to appeal to God.
Gods ears were not open to their cries. One of the angels, not satan, governed over the
area that had a larger population of the offspring of Eve. The women in this area, Eves
daughters, were beautiful in appearance, kind and joyful. This angel was attracted to one
of the daughters of Eve. I saw this beautiful angel turn his thoughts to more. Every day he
watched her. He thought to himself, If God has not allowed us back and we are to roam
this earth until the days of Gods decisions concerning our fate, then I will take this
woman as if she were created by my rib. Then I will become more like them, in which the
Lord loves! So he gathered up all 20, except satan, and said Lets take these women to
be our wives and create our own race, which the Lord too might come to love. Then the
Lord might be merciful and love both us and the children born unto us. The angels
agreed together by an oath.
Even though the snake had betrayed Eve and the Lord said that there would be conflict
between the two for eternity, they still continued to disobey God and look toward women;
when the angels did this forbidden thing, the last bit of Holiness that was upon them
left. The favor of the Lord and their ties to Heaven and Eternity were now subject to
death and severance. The angels became corrupt. They then corrupted the daughters of
Eve. I saw angels using their gifts to change the course of mankind adversarilly. The
angels in their union with women created hostility. The angels began to despise them.
Satan was not interested in women and therefore did not participate with the 20 and their
followers. His plan had the same goal just a different course.
These are the skills, or crafts that the Fallen Angels began to use so that they would be
worshiped by man as gods: The result of this was just the opposite effect of Heavenly
I saw one angel teaching Make-up, adornments, beautification. This created vanity,
envy and jealousy to destroy and eventually lust and prostitution.
I saw one showing man how to create metal and form weapons for harvesting but
mostly for war. To war against each other and destroy each other.
I saw others creating healing sources from plants, flowers and roots. This so man
could heal themselves and no longer need to cry out and depend upon the Lord for
healing! This was the beginning of Pharmaceuticals and medicine. Drugs, Addictions,
Dependence, and Death this angels gifts have eventually morphed into blood and
genetics testing, diseases and the likes.
I saw another teaching, the maps of Heaven or the Stars. This angel made the stars
into graven idols to the fallen.thus worshiping the stars, leading to worshiping deities
and then Gods or images of themselves.The Stars were another Heaven and became a
veil that humans could not see beyond to the God of Heaven who could Hear them, turn
and save them. This practice was the beginning of Astronomy (good), to Astrology the
worship of the Gods or Fallen. Then the plan of the fallen was for man to then depend on
the stars and the worship of other Gods thus no longer needing the God of All
Creation! Deceptions.
I saw another with the gift of fiber works. The ability to weave fine linens and to place
each person and separating their shamefulness with division of class according to
clothing. Destruction through class, position, pride and vanity also from this power.

Another was like a magician and could manifest things, conjure up images, creating
miracles and illusions. This created fear and the worshiping of self-governing of
miracles. This was the beginnings of witchcraft and magic. Worshiping of demigods with
the illusion or appearance of power.
Another was a builder and architect of structures. This angel had been special in
Heaven and this was a gift that God had delighted in. This angel erected a building to
edify him self and he taught the humans to worship him and began the roots of slavery.
His plan and the others were to build temples of honor to themselves where people could
travel to worship them. They would also erect tall buildings high enough that they could
reach to Heaven. By teaching the humans and the offspring of angels, then they could
overthrow Heaven. They wanted immortal shrines, so that the humans would be
distracted and go to them for worship not God.
Another was the Creator of complex government and Order, the structure of wars,
cities, states, regions, and tribes. Order and organization. This was also a part
oppression, slavery, and rule. Out of this became monetary exchange, trading, taxes and
gambling. This angel held the interest of satan the most. These two were in unison
together. Evil needed structure!
Another angel taught weights and measures, calendars, clocks and related items to
record or measure days. This angel grieved and measured the days as instructed by God
after the fall, the angel kept track of the new order of time, the measure of weeks, months,
years. The depth and height of things. This angel had the skills of mathematics and began
to record the days until the permission was granted and the Lord would begin to execute
Anther angel taught communication through language, writing of records, drawings,
symbols and codes. This angel eventually brought technology and the further and swift
decay of pornographic, the internet and the eventual access to homes without needing a
key. This angel could get inside the mind of humans and destroy them from within.
These were just some of the gifts that were taught to the humans granted to the angels by
the Lord, there were many more and each of these angels exchanged their knowledge to
others creating a web of authority and the worship of the fallen by the humans.
The women bore sons from these angels that were giants and consumed more than the
land contained. They had appetites of lust of the eyes and of blood. They were devourers
of the land and all that was in it. The angels were forbidden to share with mankind the
secrets of Heaven. Therefore with their children being an abomination to the Lord, the
advance of evil had become so pervasive that the Lord had to intervene. Everything was
dying and corrupt.
It's easy to see from these sources where men were deceived away from God,
and where the source of the "myths" of the "mighty men of old" was! It's also easy to see
how the first ancient civilizations - the Sumerians and Egyptians - "sprang" into being
with understanding of things not usually associated with ancient mankind.

These fallen angels not only had the ability to do supernatural things, their children
almost destroyed all of creation. Hence, Noah and the Flood - and God re-cleansing the
Earth. Scripture tells us these Nephilim were also present AFTER the flood. It's no
wonder the ancients "created" their gods to act and look like they did!
Soon after the flood, the Bible records the beginning of a person named Nimrod. He is
described as a 'great hunter before the Lord' - but further examination of the original
language and other texts makes it clear that he was no normal man, but rather a giant just like in the days before the flood. To the ancients he was known as:

Gilgamesh, Baal, Melqart, Adonis, Eshmun, Dumuzi, Dionysus,

Bacchus, Orion, Mithra, Apollo, Ra, Tammuz or Osiris

The Bible tells us about one of the things Nimrod did that made him famous. He
was the one who orchestrated the building of the Tower of Babel. According to the Book of
Jasher, Nimrod led a team of three camps, each with a special mission to accomplish with the
completion of the Tower. One camp intended to kill God. Another intended to strike Him with
bows and spears. The third planned to set up their false gods and worship them in Heaven. So
what we see here are the attributes of the first Anti-Christ. He wanted to kill God and set up a
One World System,with himself as God. But when God saw all that they intended to do, He
decided to do something about it.
...The first thing we must realize is that the Tower of Babel was not just a tall
building. God didn't freak out when we built the World Trade Center buildings. No. Nimrod was
building what we might call a "Stargate" today.The Tower of Babel was literally a portal
through which Nimrod intended to reach into Heaven. From that text it would seem that
Nimrod's plan was possible - at least in the sense of "reaching into Heaven." We know that we
can't build a building that is high enough to literally enter into the "Third Heaven" where God
dwells, therefore something else must be meant by this. Somehow, Nimrod and his people
created something that could "bridge" our world and that of the Heavenly realm. But God put
a stop to it. He confounded their speech and separated the people of the earth.
...Earlier, I said I wanted to focus on two names in particular; Gilgamesh and
Osiris. Let's start with Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest stories ever
written. Many people have made the connection that Gilgamesh is just one of many names
for Nimrod. David Livingston does a good job of making the Nimrod-Gilgamesh
connection, and the Internet is literally loaded with information and resources that testify
to the two names representing the same individual.
He is often depicted as a giant. We can see in the picture to the left that he is holding a
lion under his arm! The ancient text also makes the statement that he was "2/3 god and
1/3 man." This would certainly seem to support the "Nephilim genetics" case I'm making
regarding the children of Ham.
Osiris is a VERY well known character in both history and mythology. He plays a

prominent role in secret societies and even in our own government. But more than that, I
believe he is the central character we need to look at when it comes to understanding
the times we live in and what is to come in the near future.
This same author believes the import of Nimrod, Orion, etc. is even more important:
...Let's take a closer look at this "Beast." Revelation 17 confirms once and for all who the
End Time Anti-Christ is going to be. Further, I will show you what I believe to be
absolute proof, straight from the lips of Jesus that seems to confirm this theory.
Revelation 17 is where John sees the vision of the Beast with seven heads. He is confused
as to the meaning of this vision, so the angel tells him what it means.
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the
bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall
wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of
the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is
the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the
woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the
other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and
goeth into perdition.
- Revelation 17:8-11 (KJV)
[emphasis mine]
The Beast that was introduced in Revelation 13 is described here in Revelation 17 in
more detail. So here we have the "guardrails" or boundaries within which we must
stay when considering who the Anti-Christ was, is and will be.
Note that the angel describes the seven headed beast by saying first that we must have
wisdom when looking at it. In other words, we are challenged to think this through. The
angel then goes on to say that there are seven kings that we need to pay attention to. In
context, the creature described here is one with seven heads, meaning there have been
seven individuals in history that were all of one "body" - that of Anti-Christ. The angel
tells John that five have fallen, one currently is (at the time of John) and another will
come, but reign only for a short time.
Peter Goodgame believes the following individuals represent the seven "heads" of the
Beast (and I tend to agree).
1. Nimrod - without a doubt, he is the first anti-Christ figure described in the
2. The Pharaoh of Egypt (at the time of the Exodus) - again a man arose, thinking
himself to be a god and whose motives were to enslave and wipe out the children
of the One True God.
3. Sennacherib - the king of Assyria who also thought himself to be a god and who
sought to rise up against the Holy One of Israel... only to instead be humbled by
the Lord and sent home - where he was murdered by his own sons.
4. The king of Tyre - another king first described as a man who thought himself to

be a god, then described as Lucifer himself in the Bible.

5. Antiochus Epiphenes - set up an alter to Zeus in the Holy of Holies and offered
up a pig as sacrifice creating an abomination in God's Holy Temple. This of
course foreshadows what the last Anti-Christ will do in the Third Temple.
Those are arguably the most likely candidates for the "five (who) have fallen."
6. There is some debate about the one who "now is." The identity of this person
depends on when John actually wrote the Book of Revelation. It must have been
Caesar. But which Caesar was it? Nero or Domitian? The belief I hold to is that it
was Nero. He most definitely fits the description of a demon possessed madman,
hellbent on destroying God's people.
7. The one who "has not yet come" and shall reign for a short period of time, I
believe has to be Adolf Hitler. Again, he definitely fits the description of a demon
possessed, viscous world leader who blatantly stood in the face of God. Hitler
murdered millions of the Holy One of Israel's people, and he did so in the manner
of Luciferian, occult, ritualistic-like fashion - including massive human sacrifice.
If he is just a foretaste of what's to come, the last Anti-Christ will truly be a
monster, a "weapon of mass destruction" unlike anything ever seen before!
So, here we have all seven (most likely) candidates from history. These are the seven
heads of the Beast. But notice the next verse, that very few Bible scholars ever seem to
pay much attention to:
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven...
It says that the Beast that was, and is not (and yet shall be) is the EIGHTH who is OF the
SEVEN. Actually, the terminology of "was and is NOT and yet shall be" is mentioned a
few times in Revelation 17. I believe this is there for those who "have wisdom" to take
notice. First of all, it is the antithesis of the description for Jesus in the first few chapters
as the One who "was and IS and is to come." Second, it fits the numerous beliefs of the
ancient world concerning their dying and resurrecting sun god. But the fact that
Revelation 17:11 says that he is "of the seven" means the last and most (in)famous
Anti-Christ has to be one of the seven listed above... and will probably embody the traits
of all of them combined!
Now, if we look at the description of Revelation 13 again, we find that this individual had
a mortal head wound that was miraculously healed. So, looking at the list above, we need
to ask which of these had a mortal head wound?
1. Nimrod - Yes!
2. Pharaoh of Egypt - No!
3. Sennacherib (king of Assyria) - No!
4. King of Tyre - No!
5. Antiochus Epiphenes - No!
6. Nero - Yes! (sort of) It is said that he stabbed himself in the throat.
7. Hitler - Yes! (sort of) History says he shot himself in the head, but recent DNA,
forensic evidence seems to suggest otherwise.

But for the sake of argument, let's say we have 3 out of 7 who fit that description:
1. Nimrod
2. Nero
3. Hitler
Now, which of those three is an Assyrian who has any connection to Babylon? Only
one. Nimrod.
Note: While Sennacherib was indeed Assyrian, he never had a mortal wound to the head.
Even if the above list of "candidates" is not accurate, I believe a very strong case can be
made for at least the first and the last names on that list. We can debate all day long about
the rest. The bottom line is, no matter what list you put together for the seven, no
person in the recorded history of this planet fits ALL descriptions for the
Anti-Christ better than Nimrod. And if we were to apply Occam's razor, "the
simplest explanation is more likely the correct one" to this analysis, I believe the
results would speak for themselves. So, we can forget any and all notions, theories
and/or ideas regarding any current political figure walking this earth. Obama is not the
Anti-Christ. Neither is Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden, Putin, Prince William or anyone
else. No other actor on the world stage fits the part better then Nimrod.
Perhaps the biggest and most recent revelation concerning Nimrod as the
Anti-Christ is the "coincidence?" concerning his "percentages" as a god-man. My
wife and I were discussing something this morning and she kept talking about the
ratio of two-thirds. All of a sudden, another piece of the puzzle fell into place!
"This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of
the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666." - Revelation 13:18
(NIV) [emphasis mine]
Notice how the Epic of Gilgamesh states that he was 2/3 god and 1/3 man. Right there
you have two extremely important number percentages. One third is (approximately)
33.3%. In the Illuminati and in Secret Societies in general, 33 is a significant number and one we will deal with a lot more In the blog I've titled, "Jesus By The Numbers"
(coming soon). In that section, I will show the significance of the number 33 as it pertains
to the Nephilim, to Jesus as well as to the rise of the Nephilim and their Anti-Christ.
More on that later. Now, as to Nimrod/Gilgamesh's other percentage, you probably
already know where I'm going with it. Yes. Two-thirds. If we "calculate the number of
the beast" with that "insight" in mind we end up with approximately 66.6% or 666!

All right, let's bring it all together now. We've already built a case for
worldwide worship of this man by many other names. He was considered a
"god-man" by many cultures. Part god-part man? Hmmmm. Where have we
heard that before? Jesus Christ is both God and man. Both were called "the
King of kings and Lord of lords." Both have a cross as a symbol. Both are
known as a dying and resurrecting figure (though Nimrod has yet to do so).
One is the Christ. One is the Anti-Christ... whose "god-number" just so
happens to calculate out to 666.

Let's turn now to the present. The author of the above passages, Rob Skiba, concludes
his thoughts with a startling speculation. Keep in mind that this was written in 2011, and
much has happened since then!
Babylon was where the first "World Order" without God was attempted under Nimrod. Will
the first be the last? The Bible talks about it rising again. President Bush Sr. was obsessed
with the idea - especially after the first Iraq desert party was "over." After Desert Storm, it
seems like everyone was talking about a New World Order and the need to embrace it. A lot
has happened since then, and a lot more still has to happen. But ultimately, it is my strong
belief that the NWO's headquarters will be located in Babylon. So, how will it happen?
...In summary, the following is a timeline for what I believe has happened and what will
happen to usher in Babylon's rise to power once again.

On September 11, 1990, President George Bush (Sr.) announced his plan for a New
World Order

In 1999, Zahi Hawass discovered the Tomb of Osiris.

In April of 2003, archeologist digging in Iraq claimed to have found the Tomb of
Gilgamesh. A month later, the U.S. moved into Iraq under pretense of finding
"weapons of mass destruction." As everyone now knows, we did not find weaponS.
But I do believe we found A weapon of mass destruction. We found Nimrod himself!
And in case there are any doubts, consider the fact that one of the first things our
troops did when they entered Iraq was raid the museum of Baghdad. What? That's
right. We plundered a MUSEUM!
The museum was the victim of a carefully planned assault. The thieves
who took the most valuable material came prepared with equipment to
lift the heaviest objects, which the staff could not move from the
galleries, and had keys to the vaults where the most valuable items
were stored. Not since the Nazis systematically stripped the museums
of Europe has such a crime been committed.

What did they take? That is up for speculation at this point because it is classified.
But one web site brings up this juicy tidbit of information:
On June 7, 2003,U.S. authorities announced that world famous treasures of
Nimrud were recovered from a secret vault in Iraq's Central Bank.
[remember who was in charge of the whole central bank?] The artifacts
included necklaces, plates, gold earrings, finger and toe rings, bowls and
flasks. Officials said that of the 170,000 items initially believed missing, just
3,000 remained unaccounted for. And, of those, 47 were main exhibition
artifacts. [7]
[emphasis mine]
Notice how the trivial things like plates and earrings were "discovered" and returned.
Oh, aren't the Americans great!? How nice and noble of them to seek out and return
those "national treasures" to Iraq. But what about the 3,000 unaccounted for items?

All we know is cuneiform tablets were a hot commodity. My personal

theory is they were looking for anything and everything to do with the
"portal technology" that was the Tower of Babel - especially
considering that some of the items stolen were from the "world famous
treasures of Nimrud." These "blueprints" could prove incredibly
useful - especially now that they had the guy who built it!
On one of his on-line blogs, Tom Horn adds some further intrigue to this whole
scenario (especially considering what I wrote about in the first blog):
Isaiah... says, open the gates, ye ruler, ...whoever this ruler is, he opens
gates in Iraq/Babylon through which end-times giants (gibborim) return to
the surface of earth as agents of Gods wrath. Noting that Isaiah ties the
destruction of Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of gibborim in this way, we
recall how thousands of U.S. troops, on invading Iraq during the Bush
administration, admittedly filled U.S. containers with archaeological
materials, including what some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets
pointing to the location of pure-blooded Nephilim buried in underground
caves.[8] This is exactly where Enoch said the dead antediluvian Nephilim
are, and raises fascinating questions: Would agencies like Darpa have
interest in studying or cloning the extinct beings if they were, or have been,
found? Could man in his arrogance revive ancient dna, revitalizing or
blending it with other living organisms in a way similar to what the
Watchers did in making the first Nephilim? Is the factual reappearance on
earth of such legendary beings verified by Isaiah, who also foresaw
transhuman creatures such as satyrs (transgenic half-men, half-goats)
accompanying the return of giants in the end times, or why other apocryphal
books like 2 Esdras 5:8 prophesy the birth of monsters for the same period
of time?
Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the citations above, the
Bible actually describes an ultimate end-times spiritual warfare between the
mythological gods and Christ. The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he
will famish all the gods of the earth says Zephaniah 2:11. The Lord of
hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish thegods (Jeremiah
46:25). [emphasis mine]

On December 21st, 2010, on the birthday of Nimrod, his nation was "born again"
out of the ashes like a Phoenix. A blood red moon floated above Orion's shoulders
like a decapitated head above his heavenly body, to herald this event ...These are all
significant signs. And the earth shook in response!
Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:24-28?
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great
signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the
very elect. Behold, I have told you before. (In other words, PAY
ATTENTION!) Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the
desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For
as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so

shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is,
there will the eagles be gathered together."
The "carcase" of Gilgamesh may have been found in the "desert." The "secret
chamber" known as the Tomb of Osiris has been found. The United States "eagles"
are heavily entrenched and invested in the home town of Nimrod.
A lot of "signs" are pointing to December 21, 2012 as the date of a significant
event. Could that be the day the angel opens the "shaft to the bottomless pit" and
releases the spirit of Apollyon (aka Apollo) to re-inhabit its former host body? Is
this "resurrection" even possible?
The Illuminati started with Nimrod in Babylon. It has all come full circle for this
same nation to rise to global super power status, nearly over night. ... I believe
Nimrod will resurrect on December 21st, 2012 (Note: obviously this didn't happen
at that time. However, note the passage from Erin's Dream below!) and the world
will be astonished at this "Beast" of antiquity rising out of the water encompassed
"secret chamber" as the god-king, of which nearly every culture on the planet has
a memory. It may be accompanied by a significant "UFO" event. ...As I said at the
very beginning of this blog, I could be wrong about all of this. Do your own research.
I've done mine and these are the conclusions that I have come to as a result.
Watch and pray. Be ready and look up... so much the more as you see the days
The Path Dream #32
Dream begins...
His hand pulled me through the portal today. I was on the ladder but I hadnt seen the battle
conditions today. He saw that I was surprised. He had a big smile and gave me a hug.
HIM: Im glad you came to me with these questions! I take it you are ready for answers?
Me: Yes, please I need help!
HIM: Come, lets see what I can show you. He walked me over to the balustrade. As I looked
over I saw the first and second Heavens from the moons vantage point. There was earth in 3D.
The angel stood to my left with the plumb line. I saw the plumb line rotating counterclockwise. I
saw the order of the events the media has focused on. Egypt was the starting point. I saw the
ancients. I saw the deep history of the area. I saw several fallen angels fall to this point.
They erected shrines to themselves; they taught the natives of the land the deeper secrets of
Heaven. One had deep knowledge of the stars. I saw him mapping these stars with lines
and registering these as markers. I saw him marking a peculiar event.
Me: Lord he is marking the time of your birth but now. I dont understand. Why am I being
shown this?
HIM: So you understand the root of these fallen. They had wonderful talent. They had skills far
more advanced than the culture in the land could comprehend. They became self-edifying
erecting monuments to themselves therefore mocking God. My Father created them and He
was grieved by their arrogance. When my Father would no longer tolerate them, He confined

some to the pit and the others to roam to and fro throughout the land.
Me: They have changed, they are no longer beautiful!
HIM: Yes, you saw them in the beginning just now and then when My Father was no longer
going to put up with them; they became the darkest of entities. No longer from Heaven but of the
way of the earth.
Then He waved at the angel and the angel switched the direction of the plumb line. The line was
moving across the equator and to the west. I saw more temples. The Mayan, the Aztec and two
more temples were closely situated on or near the equator.
Me: Lord, help me to understand.
HIM: These were the areas they chose to claim
Me: So all of these pyramid-like structures were created by the Fallen?
HIM: Yes, to further provoke my Father, they sacrificed innocents, preformed blood rituals,
displayed perversion of every kind and they cursed the land. Further they cursed my Father!
I then saw lines drawn upon a grid pattern across the earth. These grids formed territories.
These territories were divided amongst them and they remain the rulers over these areas
ME: Why is this important now?
He then showed me this complex type of calendar and angel with a scroll stood there I saw a
different date from the 21st of December. The date was closer to Christmas. Then He
opened the veil so I could see. From all of these points evil of every kind began to unleash
punishment over the land. I saw these fallen commanding earthly armies to invade North
America. Lord is this real time?
HIM: Yes, remember the 3 day rule I taught you in the dome?
ME: Yes, but we need to be out of here. We cant be here for this. Remember when You told
me that you would not allow your bride to be bruised and battered at the wedding. Correct?
HIM: Yes, this is what I said but it doesnt mean you will be immune to the suffering of
He showed me missiles being launched in the night hours. These missiles were being launched
on a day we would be off-guard. I saw all of the perimeter cities of the North American continent
being destroyed. I saw communication knocked out and whole power grids being obliterated. I
saw darkness and cold. I saw mourning and wailing like nothing before. I saw invading armies
warring with the remnant of the armed forces inland. I saw swarms of people like locusts fleeing
to the center of the country. I saw citizens of other countries in our own cities turning away
people at gas stations and grocery stores. I saw most of the food being contaminated. It happened
so quickly. It came like a flood, like a thief, millions were gone. People were cursing God!
Me: Lord, are you coming on a different kind of cloud? Are we part of the missing millions
or so? Please Father? This is a very difficult thing to see. Am I dreaming wrong?
HIM: I will come on the clouds But, do you not see that this date was a marker?

This was a time that a certain permission had been granted to the rulers of
this earth. This was the beginning of a new time for the earth. This was

foretold and is written. The signs are also in the stars.

We do not know the form that the spirit of Nimrod/AntiChrist will

take: a man? an "alien"? We DO know this: the ONLY way to
escape the coming deception of the Anti-christ and the power of
the fallen is to place your life and your trust in the hands of the
True God and His Son, Jesus Christ! Time is very short! Today
is the day of Salvation!

Article compiled and submitted by Camfew, 7/16/2013

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