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Parashah 11: Vayigash (He

Parashah 11: Vayigash (He approached) - Genesis 44:18 to 47:27
Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Ezekiel 37:15-28.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Acts 7:9-16

Summary & Overview



44:18 | Judah Pleads for Benjamin's Release

45:1 | Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
46:1 | Jacob Brings His Whole Family to Egypt
46:28 | Jacob Settles in Goshen
47:13 | The Famine in Egypt

The Four Tests (Recap)

In the previous Torah Portion we discussed the 4 tests this week we will recap
to set the science for this weeks portion.
1. The Prison - He takes 10 brothers and put them is prison for 3 days
accusing them of being spies. The brothers were talking to one another
and they admitted guilt for what they have done to Joseph. The first test
was to see if they regretted what they have done and repented form the
sin they committed 20 years ago Joseph could understand them but they
could not understand him. This is similar to what Yshua does to us; He
brings us to a place of repentance. This is the first step that leads to
Salvation and the first message that John the Baptist and Yshua
preached; Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
2. The Hostage Simeon was taken hostage while they went back to get
Benyamin to present him before Joseph. Joseph wanted to see how
Benyamin was treated, if they treated him the same as they treated him.
Why Simeon? There are two reasons; firstly, Joseph desired to punish
Simeon for having thrown him into the pit; and secondly he wished to
separate Simeon from Levi, lest they together might destroy Egypt as
they had destroyed Shechem after their sister got raped. Later on Simeon
was the only son who only received a reprimand from Jacob and not a
3. The Table When Joseph saw Benjamin he invited them for a meal
setting the table, each one according to his birthright but gave Benjamin a
portion that was 5 times as much as the rest of them. Still they did not
realise that Joseph was their brother. The test was to see if they would be

jealous of Benjamins portion since Jacob loved him more than the rest of
them. They all passed the test and were not jealous any more.
4. The Silver Cup They were ready to leave again, Joseph ordered to
load their bags of food they bought but to place his silver cup in
Benjamins bag. Why was Benjamins bag chosen? Benjamin and Joseph
had the same mother, Rachael, Jacobs beloved wife. She took the
household gods of Laban and hid them in her saddlebags. Jacob said
that the one with the idols will die and she did. They were accused of
stealing Josephs cup for occult purposes. See the connection. The
brothers defended themselves and said the one with the cup in will be his
slave forever. When they found it in Benjamins bag they could have said
that Benjamin was just like his mother, stealing occult objects. They did
not do this and passed the test. Instead they grieved and were willing to
share in his guilt.
Last weeks Torah Portion ends on a very dark note and this portion stats with
the science where Judah approached Joseph and said that he would like to
speak a word in Josephs ears. Interesting way of approaching a leader to make
a petition, it seems like Judah chooses to whisper in the ear of Joseph.
Remember this is a very tense moment for Judah and his brothers.
Q Why the whisper, why speak softly?
If you want to appeal to someone and really want to get your message across,
you speak softly or whisper. Lower your voice and people will listen as
confirmed by the wise words of Solomon.
Ecc 9:17 The words of the wise heard in quietness are better than the
shouting of a ruler among fools.

Judah interceding for Benyamin

Judah pleaded for Benyamin and explained to Joseph why it is a very delicate
situation regarding their father Jacob. Jacob uses a very interesting way to
describe the bond between Jacob and Benyamin.
Gen 44:30 Now therefore, when I come to your servant my father, and
the lad is not with us, since his life is bound up in the lads life.
Hebrew Study Tip
There are two types of Hebrew Poetry; the one is where thoughts rhyme
and connect similar thoughts with each other, linking different passages to
get a deeper meaning and understanding. The second type of Hebrew
Poetry is what we are familiar with, when sounds rhyme. This is where you
find two words that are pronounce exactly the same but the spelling of
each word is different. These words or thoughts also connect to give a
deeper meaning or insight.
Judah uses this phrase explaining the bond between Jacob and Benyamin; His
soul is s bound up with his soul. In Hebrew it reads; Nefesh kosher nefesh.

X means to bind tightly

together and sounds the same as the word kosher XK that is used to define
clean food. This word kosher X is also used when the scarlet thread is
Nefesh is the fleshly soul and the word kosher

bound on the hand of Tamars son Zerah, whos hand came out first at the birth
of the twin sons. From a Hebraic perspective looking at the Hebrew poetry we
can compare kosher (binding tight) with kosher (clean food) and meditate on
these two concepts to get a deeper understanding of what this has to do with
the two souls of Benyamin and Jacob that are bound together.


Kosher (clean food) comes form the word kasher

that is found in 3
places in Scripture and the one in Ecc 11:6 has to do with food where it is used
in the context of sowing in the morning and not withholding your hand (yad
Yod-Dalet) in the evening.
Ecc 11:6-7 In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening withhold not
your hand (yad): for you know not whether shall prosper (kasher), either
this or that, or whether they both (shanayeem) shall be alike (Echad) good.
7 Truly the light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to behold the sun.
Q Now what has Jacob, Benyamin, Zerahs scarlet thread have to do with not
letting the hand rest when darkness comes and clean food?
Hebrew Study Tip
In the Hebrew mind, different ideas are put together and meditated upon till
you can make a connection or draw wisdom form it. It is like putting all the
thoughts in a basket, similar to put bread, fruit, meat etc. in a basket and
eat all of them together to get a combined taste experience. The
taste(thought) of the one will cause you to have an experience in relation to
the next ones taste (thought), combining these thoughts, thinking about
the one concept in relation to another, will give you the wisdom hidden
within all of them.
Q - What do we see that we can put in our Basket of thoughts?
[Thought 1]: Kosher or to bind together (Jacob & Benyamin) Echad /
[Thought 2}: Zerah has a scarlet thread bound (kosher) on his Hand as a sign.
[Thought 3]: Not withholding your Hand at evening.
[Thought 4]: Kosher or Clean food
[Thought 5]: They both shanayim (morning & evening) shall be alike Echad /
[Thought 6]: Shamayeem Heavens or Spiritual realm
[Thought 7]: Then Solomon goes on to say that the light is pleasant and sweet
for the eyes but we must remember both because the days of
darkness are many.

Meditate on these thoughts and see if you can get insight or wisdom from this. It
takes practice but this is the way the Hebrew mind works.
We see that Jacob and Benyamin are bound together (kosher) and are Echad,
in unity. Then we have the binding (kosher) of the scarlet thread on the hand in
order to identify the firstborn. This binding (kosher) brings unity and identifies.
The scarlet thread is bound to the hand. The hand also implies the things you do
and your actions. When people see you (doing these actions) they can identify
you. What you do defines you and YHVHs people are defined by their actions,
in other words the sign on their hand.
Echad or Unity is related to the word Shanayeem means two and the
number 2 is very prominent in the life story of Joseph and is about the
restoration of relationships. Shanayeem sounds like Shamayeem that means
heavens or Spiritual realm so this points to the restoration of relationship
between man (physical) and YHVH (spiritual). We read on in Ecc 11 that
Solomon says that both (shanayeem) shall be alike (echad), good. Alike is the
Hebrew word Echad and rhymes perfectly with the restoration of relationship
theme and our oneness with YHVH that is Tov or good.
This shows us that the Binding brings unity Echad, it Identifies through
Actions and Connects man with YHVH (Spiritual).
Q How does this connects with clean food or kosher?
The sign bound (kosher) to your hand (actions) is related
to the verse in Ecc 11 that mentions seed that is
planted to produce food. This links kosher (binding) to
kosher (clean food). The binding (kosher) is a sign and
that implies that eating clean food (kosher) is also a sign.
This sign on the hand (actions) prophetically pointed to
Messiah Yshua and this sign (action) of eating clean
food (kosher) binds you to Messiah Yshua as well.
This means that if you do his Commandments, having a
sign on you hand, you show that you have a restored
relationship with Him and are Echad or One with Him, just like Jacob and
Eating clean food is one of the Commandments that is a visual sign to others,
just like the scarlet thread is a sign that points to Messiah, so your actions show
that you are His Disciple.
Q - All of this in the context of Judah pleading for Benyamin, what do you think
this all means?
Judah represents the Jews and Benyamin represents the Believers in Messiah
Yshua who are learning to follow Him. The problem they face is their previous
Culture that is full of traditions that are contrary with YHVHs Word /
Commandments and Judah is standing up for His brother Benyamin to teach
him the ropes in embracing the Hebrew Culture. We as Benyamin have to
unlearn a lot of things in order to follow Yshua the way He wants us to walk.

This is where Judah comes in as a valuable resource to help us to turn back to

YHVHs ways embracing His Culture.

The Smell of Suffering

Judah begged Joseph to make him a slave and let Benyamin go. We must be
selfless and wise. The brothers nearly killed their father, whom they love dearly,
in trying to get rid of Joseph. Judah understood the impact this would have on
their father and he decided to rather become a slave in Egypt than to see their
father suffer all over again if something would happen to Benyamin. Judah loved
his father more than his own freedom. He probably thought back selling Joseph
as a slave and regretted his actions thinking that he deserve to become a slave
just like his brother Joseph.
Suffering is underrated in the good it does and overrated in the pain
involved. It takes time and suffering to bring change and Joseph
suffered the most of all his brothers and his change was the most
significant. Joseph forgave his brothers because he loved them
more than his suffering. Thats why Yshua can forgive us because
He loves us more than the suffering we brought upon Him through
our sin. When suffering comes, it is not always the Devil. In this story
we never heard Satan mentioned once. Do not give glory to Satan
when things go bad, rather see YHVH in disguise and give Him glory
in your suffering. He is closer than you think.
Smyrna is one of the 7 Churches mentioned in Revelation and they were the
only church who did not get a reproof but they were the church that was
persecuted and experienced the most suffering of all the churches. Smyrna
comes form the word myrrh and myrrh does not produce a smell unless it is

Joseph Revealed himself

After Judah spoke to Joseph and said that he would
become a slave forever in order to set Benyamin free,
Joseph could contain himself any more and revealed
himself to his brothers. Judahs act of mercy and
selflessness moved Joseph and these are the same
things that move YHVH. Show mercy and act selfless
and you will see YHVH reveal Himself to you.
Gen 45:1-5 Then Joseph could not refrain himself
before all them that stood by him; and he cried,
Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him,
while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren. 2 And he wept aloud:
and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard. 3 And Joseph said
unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren
could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence. 4 And
Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they
came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into

Egypt. 5 Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that
you sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.
Everybody was sent out of the room except his brothers before Joseph revealed
himself to his family. He told his brothers not to be angry with themselves; he
knew what they did and they knew it all the better and repented. Joseph told
them that it was all YHVHs plan to save them. He was sent ahead of time in
order to preserve life.
Prophetic Application: Yshua will one day reveal Himself to His
brothers and they will have a flash back through history and understand
exactly why they had to go through the things they did as a nation. It will be
like an instant understanding and revelation of His Salvation plan and how
they all played part in it. This is another conformation in Scripture that
proves that the Jews will be saved, not only the believers in Yshua?
Why? Because the Jews are believers in Messiah, but the veil needs to be
lifted form their eyes before they will see Yshua.

Elevation in Humility
Gen 45:9 Hurry, and go up to my father, and say unto him, This is what
your son Joseph says, God has made me lord of all Egypt: come down
unto me, tarry not:
After Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he told them to go and bring their
father to him. An interesting choice of words is used in the two phrases go up to
my father and come down to me. This highlights something and we will take
note and analyse this verse to dig a bit deeper to see what truth YHVH has
hidden in this passage.
Hebrew Study Tip
To find the deeper or real meaning of a word you need to find
the place where it is first found in Scripture and read the
story where that word is used and this will give you the true
meaning of that word within the context of that story. To get
the deeper meaning from both passages you can take these two
stories and put them next to each other, like a 3D picture the
wisdom will stand up out from the two stories or passages.
The word for go up is the Hebrew word alah that means to elevate or ascend,
and in this context, it means to ascend to the father. This word alah is first
found in Scripture in Gen 2:6 in the context of the creation of man, where a mist
went up and came down to water the whole earth. We see the principle of going
up and then come down.
Q Where else have we seen something that went up and then came down?
It was with Jacobs dream where the angels first went up and then came down
in the ladder that extended form the earth up to heaven. Reading Gen 45:9 in a
spiritual sense we see that we go up is to the Father to get closer to Him and the

water is coming down that brings the essence of life. The water represent the
Word that went forth form the Father that is also Yshua that came down to us to
bring us life.
To come down is the word yarad that is first found in Scripture in Gen 11:5
where YHVH came down to see what the children of man are doing when they
build the tower of Babel. Tower is a symbol of pride and to come down is a
sign of humility.
Q What do you need to do to draw closer to him, to ascend so to speak?
Do we need to build a tower? Some believe that to be more holy than your
brother will bring you closer to the Father but that is called spiritual pride. No,
you need to humble yourself. You need to go down (yarad) if you want to go
up (alah). Follow in Yshuas example where He humbled Himself and became
like man, leaving His Godly state and became the nourishing water that we need
to live and grow in order to connect and go up to the Father.
Q - What is another way to go down unto Him?
Water flow downwards and if you want to drink from
the water you have to go down and if you want to
wash yourself you need to go down even lower and
immerse yourself. To be cleansed by the water of
the Word is a very humbling experience and you
must be in this humble mode in order to be
changed by the Word.

Change of Garments
Gen 45:21-22 Joseph gave them carts, according to the
command of Pharaoh, and he gave them provisions for the
journey. 22 He gave to all of them, to each man, changes of
garments; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of
silver and five changes of garments.
Joseph gave all his brothers new garments. Isnt it interesting that
the object that caused jealousy in the first place is the thing that is
given to them? This shows us what Joseph received his brothers
received as well, only at a latter stage.
Q What is a garment a symbol of?
Isa 69:10 I will rejoice greatly in YHVH, My soul will exult in my
Elohim; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has
wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself
with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Rev 19:8 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and
clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

A Garment is like a skin and your skin is the border of your body that people
can see, in other words, your actions are revealed through your body and your
body is covered by skin that covers you. So if people want to know you (on the
inside) they will look at your actions that reveal the true you. A Garment is like a
second skin, something that covers and protects you. The garment will still
reveal your actions but will cover your nakedness.
The Garment YHVH gives us is a Garment that is based on His Word and all
your actions need to be made through this garment, namely, through the
Word. This helps you to hide the nakedness (sin) and reveal His righteousness.
This is why you cannot be saved by your own skin (own righteousness) and
that is why He gave us a Robe of Righteousness and a Garment of Salvation.
We saw the same concept right from the beginning after Adam and Eve sinned,
they were both naked and YHVH covered their nakedness with garments made
of animal skin and something had to die to cover for their sin (nakedness).
Yshua died for us and that is why He hands out the Garments and Joseph had
to die (sold as a slave and cast in jail) in order to hand the Garments of
Righteousness to his Brothers.
Q What else does a Garment represent?
The garments also represent your Appointment or Anointing as we have
seen with Joseph. Yshuas Garment made Him the Anointed One or better
known as the Messiah. We receive gifts from YHVH that appoints us in various
ways so that we can represent the Body of Messiah here on earth before His
Second Coming.
We normally look at mature and established spiritual people that have their stuff
together and sometimes become jealous of them because we would like to be
used by YHVH as well. We saw Joseph receiving a Garment form his father and
later on see the Brothers receiving garments form Joseph with Benyamin
receiving 5 times more than his brothers, equipping him with more Anointing to
do the work of Messiah till He comes.
Rev 3:4 But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their
garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.
This verse proves that you can soil your garment YHVH gave you or you can
keep it clean and white.
Q How do we keep our Garments clean?
By the continual washing of the water of the Word. Washing with the Word
means to learn and do His Commandments. We do this AFTER we have
received the Garments (Righteousness & Salvation) and have to keep it clean in
order to stay saved and be righteous when He comes for His Bride.

Casting the Nets

Gen 45:17-18 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, Say to your brothers, Do
this: Load your animals and depart; go to the land of Canaan.18 Bring
your father and your households and come to me; I will give you the best
of the land of Egypt, and you will eat the fat of the land.
This is an interesting passage that actually tells us that Jacob and his sons lived
in the Land of Canaan, the Land that was promised to Abraham. But YHVH is
taking them out of the Land and sends them into Egypt that depicts sin and
Q Why is YHVH doing this, sending his people into
sin and later slavery?
This is the principle of fishing, when you cast the nets
out far and wide, then you can catch many fish.
Yshua choose fisherman for that very reason
because they understood this principle very well. The
only difference is that they became fishers of men.
In Hebraic thought the sea or ocean represents the nations and if we want to
reach the nations we have to go into the nations in order to get His people out.
This is exactly what YHVH did when He, through circumstances, led His people
from the Promised Land into Egypt so that in the time of Moses, He could save
a mixed multitude through the Exodus out of Egypt (sin and bondage).
Joseph saved the people in Egypt, not the Promised Land, that is the
destination. His brothers were the nets that were cast into Egypt and they were
later removed form Egypt from under Pharaohs authority, back under the
authority of YHVH (His Word - Sinai) and that is prophetically happening with us
today. We live in the world; in the nations amongst people who do not know
YHVH and we are the nets that YHVH uses to pull these people form the sea
(nations) into the Boat (Yshua), into His Kingdom.

Benyamin - Messianic Believers

We have looked at the prophetic symbolism of who
Joseph is and who the Brothers are but we never
looked at who Benyamin represent. Remember that
Benyamin was the focus of most of the tests Joseph
gave his brothers and he is very significant in the
reconciliation between Joseph and his Brothers.
Q Who does Benyamin represent prophetically?
Benyamin represents the Messianic believer, those who believe in the Torah as
well as Yshua as the Messiah. They started out in the first century as Jews who
recognised that Yshua as the Messiah and later extended out to include Gentile
Believers through Pauls ministry. Benyamin means son of my right hand and
the right hand always represents the spiritual and we read a lot about
supernatural spiritual events in the Berit Chadasha (NT). Benyamin was the only
brother that was not involved in casting Joseph into the pit and selling him for a
slave. There were a lot of Jewish believers that did not partake in the crucifixion
of Yshua and His execution was mostly led by the Jewish leadership.

Benyamin received 5 times greater portion of food as well

as 5 times more garments than his brothers as well as a
cup that was thought of as a cup of divination.
Q - What does all of this represent?
Food in a spiritual sense always represent the Word of
YHVH and a revelation of YHVHs Plan of Salvation.
Benyamin as the Messianic believer received the
foundation of the Torah as well as revelation of who the
Messiah is. His brothers eyes were blinded not to see the
Messiah so that the nations could be reached.
Garments represent Appointment or Anointing that goes hand in hand with
Spiritual Gifts. The cup normally contains wine and wine that is a symbol of the
Blood of Messiah, the revelation of His death and resurrection, the Lamb of
God. The cup contains wine that is a symbol of His Gifts to His people. The cup
he received represents the gifts of the Spirit. It is only those who receive the
Blood of Messiah, that believe in Him which received the Gift of YHVHs Spirit.
Binyamin is only mentioned in the beginning, when he was born and then 22
years later at the end, where he met Joseph with his brothers. You only find the
Messianic believers in Scripture in the first century church, when they started,
then it all went quiet throughout history and then you read about them again in
the Book of Revelation.
Q - Who was a very prominent figure in the Berit Chadashah (NT) that was form
the tribe of Benyamin?
The Apostle Paul was from the tribe of Benyamin and he was the one that
reached out to the Gentiles, extending his Tribe. This is why Benyamin also
represents the Gentiles who believe in Messiah. Another interesting thing to
note is that Paul wrote Romans Chapter 11 with the Story of Joseph in mind;
see if you can identify some parallels:
Rom 11:1-2, 11-23,26 I say then, has God cast away His people?
Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the
tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not cast away His people whom He
foreknew. 11 I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall?
Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy,
salvation has come to the Gentiles. 12 Now if their fall is riches for the
world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their
fullness! 16 For if the first fruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the
root is holy, so are the branches. 17 And if some of the branches were
broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them,
and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive
tree, 18 do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember
that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say
then, Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in. 20 Well said.
Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not
be haughty, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, He
may not spare you either.


22 Therefore

consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell,

severity; but toward you, goodness,[f] if you continue in His goodness.
Otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 And they also, if they do not continue
in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in
again. 26 And so all Israel will be saved,[g] as it is written:
The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness
from Jacob; 27 For this is My covenant with them, When I take away their
Q - Paul talks about YHVHs People, who are they?
They are the Israelites (also known as the Jews today) and YHVH will not cast
them away. If you believe in replacement theology then this passage will be a
big stumbling block for you. Paul said that they have stumbled but are not a
fallen people just like Josephs brothers stumbled but they had the opportunity to
reconcile with their brother Joseph (Yshua). The reason for their stumbling
(blindness) was so that the Gentiles could come in.
Then Paul speaks about the branches that were broken off but can be grafted
back in again if they repent and believe. They were broken off because of their
unbelief and this was before Messiah Yshua. This faith is not what you think of
as in believing in Yshua. This faith is the word amunah that means faithful and
is an action, not a knowing. We sometimes think that salvation is based upon
knowing who the Messiah is and then believing in Him. To be faithful is found
in the story of Abraham and Isaac where Abraham obeyed the truth he
received and was faithful in that to the end. This faithfulness or faith declared
him as righteous.
Q What was the unbelief that caused Israel to be broken off?
They received truth as revealed to them through Moses known as the Torah and
they were not faithful in that truth they received and were cut off temporarily until
they became faithful again, then they will be grafted in with the Gentiles or Wild
olive tree.
Q Was Josephs brothers saved at the end?
Yes they were, they received the revelation of what YHVH did through their
brother and were saved with the Gentiles at the end of the day. This is
confirmed in verse 26 and 27 where Paul said that all of Israel will be saved and
their sins will be taken away because of His Covenant He made with their father
In Romans 11 we see the original Branches that represent the Brothers of
Joseph (Israel / Jews), as well as the Wild branches that is Benyamin
(Messianic Believers / believing Gentiles & Jews in Yshua). All of them are
grafted into the Root that represents Joseph (Messiah Yshua). This all makes
more sense if you read Romans 11 with the Story of Joseph in the back of your


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