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Jesus Entrepreneur

Jesus Entrepreneur Using Ancient Wisdom To Launch And Live Your

Dreams by Laurie Beth Jones
This book is very easy to read and entertaining as it uses the analogy of Jesus as a small
businessman to illustrate how we can conduct ourselves as entrepreneurs with a purpose.
As Christians it is often difficult to combine our entrepreneurial drive and our drive to
succeed with our Christian values. The need to be a meek and mild Christian seems to make
us look like we are pursuing un-Godly desires when we want to succeed and be prosperous.
Jesus, Entrepreneur may be the book that will help you cope with these thoughts and feelings.
In Jesus Entrepreneur Laurie Beth Jones uses the term spiritreneur, which she defines as those
who fully integrate their soul in a workplace enterprise.
The author tells of people who have left what many would call secure well paying jobs to
take on tasks that promise little if any monetary reward to follow their spiritreneurial
yearnings and have then prospered in many ways.
This is a good book for anyone that is thinking about starting a business of their own. Laurie
Beth Jones gives many personal examples of the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.
Jesus Entrepreneur is about combining your talents and gifts together spiritually to make a
difference. It is not about how to get rich; rather it is about how to be enriched.
This is one of my favorite quotes from the book What joy, what bliss we experience when
we align our will, our work, and our talents with those of our Creator. We can then be like the
stress-free lilies of the field, clothed in raiment more beautiful than Solomons.
For those that may be worried that this book is about taking advantage of religion for profit, I
include this quote from the Epilogue. Spiritreneurs do not set out to harness God in order to
make more money. Rather, spiritreneurs allow God to harness them, and in so doing
experience glory. This book has ultimately been about the process of surrender the joy, the
terror, the chaos, and calm that comes from stepping into the unknown and allowing Gods
breath to breathe through you.
This book will challenge you. Are you doing what God intended for you to do or are you in a
rut, just working for the money? If you are wondering what life has in store for you and feel
that God has a purpose for you that you are not fulfilling, then you will find Jesus
Entrepreneur very enlightening.
Jesus Entrepreneur is split up into four sections with each of these sections divided into
twelve to seventeen short chapters. The four main sections include the following.
The Launch: Heeding the Call to Spiritreneurship
The Lurch: The Early Days and Your New Identity

The Lessons: Learning Through the Wisdom and Mistakes of Others

The Love: Living the Visionary Life of the Spiritreneur

Jesus the Entrepreneur
With a successful venture playing a prominent role in Jerusalem, Jesus was naturally trained
in economics and business as much as he was philosophy and religion. As Christians we have
to recognize that our savior was an entrepreneur before he was a teacher. Doing so is
empowering and delivers a new perspective on scripture that enables us to understand Gods
heart for the marketplace. This series seeks to establish a Biblical foundation for
understanding Jesus the Entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur First, Teacher Second

We tend to view Jesus as a rabbi, but did you know that he was actually a carpenter most of
his life? This seemingly trivial truth actually can be a transformational reality when you begin
to explore Jesus the carpenter instead of Jesus the teacher. In fact by looking at Jesus the
entrepreneur first, youll have a better understanding of Jesus the rabbi and his teachings that
make up the Gospel.
Jesus was a carpenter for over 20 years before he became a teacher. In fact, Mark 6:3
indicates that people had a hard time viewing Jesus as anything but a carpenter.
Then they scoffed, Hes just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph,
Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us. They were deeply offended and
refused to believe in him. (Mark 6:3 New Living Translation)
Notice how the scripture here is spoken with a tone of skepticism; people actually took
offense at the carpenter suddenly taking on the role of a high profile teacher! They only
viewed Jesus as a business person because that was all they knew. This is important because
it hints at just how prominent of an entrepreneur Jesus was. Think about that for a minute
God could have chosen any sort of occupation for Jesus yet he purposefully chose Jesus to
be a manufacturer and salesman, not a rabbi.

Was Jesus really an entrepreneur?

Okay, so he was a carpenter. That alone doesnt guarantee Jesus necessarily knew a lot about
business. Maybe he just knew a lot about woodworking and someone else handled the
business intelligence?
In Matthew 13:55, Jesus is referred to as the carpenters son. However later in scripture
Jesus is simply referred to as the carpenter. Im not sure this change in description was an
accident instead I think God wanted to highlight the fact that at some point Jesus graduated
from apprentice to CEO. This change in scripture likely indicates that Joseph (Jesus dad)
passed away and Jesus, as the oldest son, assumed control of the family business.
As the first born son, Jesus became the senior partner once Joseph died. His brothers were
junior associates and his sisters and mother played supportive roles. This means Jesus had to
be trained in basic business and economic principles in order to see that the family business
thrived even after the original founder (Joseph) passed away. Thus, Jesus had to be
experienced in topics like calculating the cost of goods and labor, supply and demand,

competitive pricing, return on investment, and the cost of maintenance and replacement of

Questions to Consider
Everything about the life of Jesus points to the son of God being an entrepreneur. Find
confidence in this because it assures you that Jesus understands what youre going through as
an employee, manager, or owner. Hes been there before. Also find confidence in the fact that
you have been called to the marketplace just as the son of God was. As you reflect on these
truths, consider the following questions.

Do you think God intentionally chose Jesus to be a business owner?

How do you think Jesus ministry would have been different if he had never
been an entrepreneur?

How does seeing Jesus as an entrepreneur change the way you see him
and interpret the scriptures?

How To Do Business Like Jesus Christ

by Tito Philips, Jnr. 34 Comments

How Did Jesus Do Business?

What is Jesus Christ to you?
To some, hes the greatest human who ever lived.
To others, hes the saviour of the world.
To me, hes the greatest entrepreneur ever!
Because he invented SALVATION and helped mankind solve our greatest problem ever;
eternal life!
Jesus didnt just die so you can make HEAVEN. He died so you can also reign on EARTH by
building a business that matters, change the world and profit from purpose!
The 7 Business Principles Of Jesus Christ

The story of Jesus Christ is the most told story in the whole of human history. This is because
it contains so much valuable lessons that have powerful impact on people.
In the spirit of Easter, I bring you 7 unusual business lessons from the life of the greatest
entrepreneur ever -Jesus Christ!

1) PURPOSE why do you exist?

This is where it all begins in business as well as in life. Unless the end is as clear as crystal,
its impossible to achieve greatness.
Jesus had a clear purpose for coming into the world to save humanity from eternal
damnation and give eternal life.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in
him shall not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16
As entrepreneur, Jesus knew what is business was; to die so that you and I can have eternal
Great entrepreneurs begin with the end in mind. They have a clear purpose why they are in
business. As a matter of fact, they started business to fulfill that purpose.
To them, business is how they fulfill purpose. You can only build something great if you
started with something great in mind.
To discover your purpose as an entrepreneur; click here to download your copy of our FREE
manifesto; The Entrepreneurs Journey.

You will learn how to awaken the spirit of business within by discovering
your purpose.

You will learn how to start and build a business that matters.

You will learn how to change the world and profit from purpose.

Click here to grab your free copy now!

2) MESSAGE what is your gospel?

Gospel means good news.
As an entrepreneur, Jesus had a gospel [message] he really wanted people to hear. His
message was very compelling;
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added
unto you. Matt. 6:33
This is a very compelling story. The idea of going after only one thing [kingdom of heaven]
and having every other thing else is definitely a good news many people would love to hear.
As an entrepreneur, what is your message?
I talked about the importance of having a compelling message in this unusual article; The
3Ms Of Highly Effective Marketing.
Having a compelling message is crucial to your entrepreneurial success. A message is the
foundation of all your marketing and the essence of your brand. Without one, your marketing
will be ineffective.
Heres the link again, The 3Ms Of Highly Effective Marketing.

3) POSITIONING who are your target market?

No one business can single-handedly meet the needs of everyone. The whole world is not
your target market; even Jesus recognized this brutal fact.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matt. 9:13
As an entrepreneur, this is a major mistake you must avoid. Not everyone is your potential
You have to differentiate and position your business so that those who will value what you
are offering [product/service] can identify you easily.
Jesus didnt stay in the church like a pastor would; he was on the street in search of those who
were lost. The lost dont come to church, they are in the world and Jesus understood this
Positioning is about identifying your target market and going to them where they are with a
message they want to hear.
Stop trying to be everything to everyone. Be something to someone -POSITIONING!

4) DISCIPLESHIP who are your vision partners?

No great thing was ever achieved single-handedly by an individual.
Jesus didnt attempt to save the lost all by himself despite all his divine powers. He enlisted
the help of others who were gifted in diverse areas.
Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men. Matt. 4:19
Why did he do this?
The reason is so simple, but not so obvious.
Jesus realized he wasnt omnipresent being everywhere at the same time. He knew he was
going to die on the cross for the sin of mankind.
He had to raise others who would succeed him and carry on the gospel [message] while he
was gone. These were his 12 disciples.
As an entrepreneur, are you trying to go it all by yourself?
This is how many end up in the deadliest business trap ever. You must realize that you are not
going to be here forever. What you build should outlive you. The best way to do this is to
institutionalize your business by working with a team of vision partners.

While I do understand that at first you might start out alone, this is no excuse not to seek out
vision partners along the way.
Great businesses are not the result of an individual, but the collective efforts of several

5) INNOVATION where are your signs and wonders?

Being great is not by mouth.
Being great is a function of impact signs and wonders.
Great entrepreneurs are great because they make great things happen.
Jesus is the greatest entrepreneur ever because he was the most innovative ever.
Jesus healed the sick.
Jesus made the blind see.
Jesus walked on water.
Jesus turned water to wine.
Jesus rose the dead.
Jesus rose up from dead.
Above all, Jesus invented salvation, mankinds passport to life after death.
As an entrepreneur, your greatness is tied to how much great things you can make happen.
Jesus made great things happen. He performed signs and wonders. He made impossible
And heres what he has to say to you about innovation;
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and
greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12

6) PROFITABILITY how much souls/customers are you

Great entrepreneurs build profitable businesses.

As there are two kinds of business; good and great. There are also two types of profit; kind
and cash.
In Jesus case, his profit was in kind.
His profitability is measured by the number of lives he saved. His business is saving lives so
his bottom-line is measured in kind not in cash.
As an entrepreneur, part of building a business that matter is being profitable. As a matter of
fact, the more your business matters, the more profitable you become.
Businesses that matter make these two types of profit; kind and cash.
Your profit in kind is the good [impact] your goods and service is having in peoples lives.
Your profit in cash is the money you are paid in exchange for the goods and services you

Both are essential to your entrepreneurial success. In fact, your profit in cash is determined
by your profit in kind.
The origin of both types of profit is value. Its the good in your product/service that
attracts people to pay you money in exchange for it.

The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered. Prov.

7) LEGACY what will you be remembered for?

The true mark of great entrepreneurs is their ability to leave a mark in the sand of time.
Every December, we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Every April, we celebrate his death and resurrection.
This is a man who lived over 2000 years ago and yet the world hasnt ceased to remember
him year after year.
Because his legacy leaves on.

Jesus is not the only entrepreneur who has been able to achieve this feat. There are others like
him whose legacy transcends their lifetime and are remembered throughout history.
But in his case, he gave his life to fulfill the purpose of the business.
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many. Matt. 20:28
Great entrepreneurs use their lives to fight for a cause.
What are you prepared to die for?
What cause are you fighting with your life?

To do business like Jesus, you have to follow his 7 business principles;
1) PURPOSE why do you exist?
2) MESSAGE what is your gospel?
3) POSITIONING who are your target market?
4) DISCIPLESHIP who are your vision partners?
5) INNOVATION where are your signs and wonders?
6) PROFITABILITY how much souls/customers are you winning?
7) LEGACY what will you be remembered for?
Your Turn

How has the life and principles of Jesus Christ impacted how you do business?
- See more at:

Jesus: A Social Entrepreneur?

Susan J. Knowles

2013 5 May

I was visiting my friends church when I heard the pastor speaking about social
entrepreneurship during his sermon. I was pretty sure that I understood the definition, but
decided to look it up once I got home just to be sure.
One website that I searched indicated that a social entrepreneur was:
[an] individual with innovative solutions to societys most pressing social problems. A
social entrepreneur is ambitious and persistent, tackling major social issues and offering new
ideas for wide-scale change. Rather than leaving societal needs to the government or
business sectors, a social entrepreneur finds what is not working and solves the problem by
changing the system, spreading the solution, and persuading entire societies to take new
This led me to ask myself whether Jesus was a social entrepreneur.
It seems to me that Jesus life precisely followed the definition of a social entrepreneur. In
fact, He most likely invented the concept of a true social entrepreneur.
We know, according to what we read in the Bible, that Jesus certainly had to be ambitious and
persistent in introducing Christianity to the world. Prior to the birth of Jesus Christ, there
were no Christians. It was only after Jesus appointed twelve apostles and set out to teach the
world about God that Christianity came into existence. Teaching the world about a loving
Father who created all that exists, including humankind, was unheard of prior to Christs
aspiring undertaking (see the book of Genesis 1. A mission of this magnitude would also have
required persistence in an unfavorable world that predominantly worshiped idols or false
gods. Even Christs own apostles were hostile to His objective at times during the early
beginnings of Christianity, and they needed Christs resolve to convince them to follow Him.
One of Christs apostles, Paul, persecuted and killed Christians before surrendering his life to
Jesus and becoming a devout follower (Acts 9).
Additionally, Jesus tackled major social issues during His time on this earth by teaching us to
love and serve one another as He loves and served us. Jesus includes all of us who accept
Him into His loving family for eternity. He gave people then, and continues to give them
today, a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves. He inspires us to give that
same love and feeling of belonging to others. During the early days of Christianity, this new
concept of loving and serving others offered wide-ranging change but was no small feat to
accomplish. Jesus came to save the world from its sins and gave His life for us so that we
would be forgiven (John 3:16-17). Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice in a successful attempt to
change the world as it then existed. His death and resurrection caused a monumental shift in

the lives of those that chose to follow Him and continues to have that same effect on the lives
of those that choose to follow him today.
Furthermore, Jesus didnt seek the assistance of the ruling government or look to businesses
to resolve the problems that He encountered. Jesus took it upon Himself to heal the sick
(Matthew 4:23; Mark 7:30 Mark 10:45; Luke 6:6-10Matthew 15:28-30; Matthew 8:4, to bless
(Mark 10:13; Luke 18:15 Matthew 19:13), to wash the feet of his disciples (John 13:1-17) , to
raise the dead (Mark 5:21-43; John 11:1-45, to feed the masses (Matthew 14:13-21), among
other things. It was all in an attempt to bring about a positive change in a sinful world that
failed to properly serve its people.
Jesus, by paving the way and setting the example for His church to follow, was and is the
ultimate social entrepreneur. To this day, due to the profound impact that began when Jesus
walked upon this earth, the world continues to yearn to know and to follow Him. And we as
Christians continue His social entrepreneurship, or mission, by serving others and teaching
them about God.

Keys To Reaping A Financial Harvest

prevailinggrace / February 3, 2013
If giving is preached once receiving Should be preached 10x. People will give more if they
know how to receive.
You must believe that giving works. Nothing works in the kingdom by trying. You dont try
God. Believe that God will do what he said he will do. Giving also works for unbelievers
because they believe it. The proof of faith is action not just saying it. Rhema is God firing
revelation into your spirit. Revelation can change your life and story.
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please him:for he that cometh to God must believe that he
is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Luke 6:38
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and
running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal
it shall be measured to you again.
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked:for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Genesis 8:22
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease.
Sow with expectation and not just love. Expectation is the mother of manifestation. God
promised that good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men
give into your bosom. Luke 6:38
* * * Plan your harvest. Expand your goals to carry the harvest.
* * * Create a seed journal with the seed and the expected harvest.
There is financial warfare. Three most important things to the devil are souls, political power,
finance. You must bind pharaoh to let your resources go. Satan knows the power of resources.
There are demonic forces holding the angels with the breakthrough. Bind those forces.
God is my source. Men are His channels. Manage your relationships. Dont vandalize your
pipe or channel of blessings. Treat them well with integrity and trust worthiness. Connect
your channel to the altar whenever you pay tithe.


God didnt put a limit on the number of channels to bless you. Look for opportunities and
multiple streams of income. Think about owning your business. The career structure limits
God many times. Dream of your business. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob were entrepreneurs. God is
a God of entrepreneurs.
- Proverbs 14:23 In all labour there is profit:
* * start some businesses.
God gives intangible resources that you convert to cash.
6 Intangible Resources.
Business Ideas.
Capacity to solve problems.
Anointing, Utterance, Wisdom
Genuine design concepts.
The declaration of your pastor propels the release of your harvest.

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