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Monday, November 30th.

Unit 2 Lesson 1 :
Activities :

Thursday, December 3rd.

After school activities :
Will can't swim and he can't dance. He can't sing because (parce que) it's difficult. He can draw
and he can cook : he's a perfect cook.
Maya can dance but she can't swim : she's scared. She can't draw. She is shy (timide) for drama
(thtre). She can't cook but it's fun.
Steve, Maya and Will choose the cooking club.
Can :

permet de dire si on sait faire une activit

affirmatif : can / ngatif : can't ou cannot
il est suivi d'un verbe.

Friday, December 4th.

Can (suite) : Pour poser une question avec can, on inverse le sujet et le verbe :
ex : Can you swim ?
On rpond par une rponse courte : ex : Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
Monday, December 7th.
Exprimer ses capacits :

Sonia D. can play football and she can ride a quad bike but she can't climb mountains.
Unit 2 Lesson 2 : the cookery club :

Different cakes :
lemon pie : tarte au citron meringue
apple crumble : crumble : miette / apple : pomme
carrot cake : gteau avec des carottes rapes, des pices et un glaage par dessus.
Thursday, December 10th.
Recipe : apple crumble :
Cut (couper) the apples into pieces.
Put (mettre) the apples into a pan.
Add (ajouter) some sugar and cook for 2 minutes.
Put the apples into a dish.
In a bowl, mix (mlanger) the butter, flour and sugar.
Put the crumble over the apples and bake (faire cuire) for 25 minutes.
Don't break (casser) the dish !
Donner un ordre :
ordre positif : verbe l'infinitif.
Ex : Sit down. / Be quiet. / Listen.
ordre ngatif : don't + verbe l'infinitif.
Ex : Don't stand up. / Don't cut. / Don't listen !
Friday, December 11th.
Have got :
forme affirmative : I/we/you have ('ve) got
forme ngative : I/we/you have not got ou haven't got
forme interrogative : Have you got... ?
rponses courtes : Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
Ex : I have got a dog but I haven't got a cat.
Have you got a lion ? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
Monday, December 14th.
Les sons /i/ et /i:/ :

Il y a deux sons i :
/i/ : soit un i court comme dans chips ou fish
/i:/ : soit un i long comme dans cheese ou tea
Thursday, December 17th.
Questions / rponses :
Have you got the chicken ? Yes, I have.
Have you got the beef ? No, I haven't.
English recipes :
English breakfast : eggs, bacon, baked beans and toast
fish and chips : fish, chips, vinegar and salt
Sunday roast : roast potatoes, beef, peas and mushrooms
chicken curry : chicken, curry powder, rice and yoghurt.
Monday, January 4th.
2016 : twenty sixteen / two thousand and sixteen.
Exercice 3 :
1- Write the recipe in English.
2- Go to the kitchen.
3- Put the carrots in the pan.
4- Don't take (prendre) my fork.
Exercice 4 :
1- I've got flour and butter but I haven't got the curry powder.
2- I've got a new recipe to make a lemon cake but you haven't got the sugar. Where is it ?
Exercice 5 :
a- Have you got a dart board (cible de flchettes) ? No, I haven't. / Yes, I have.
b- Have you got a dog or a cat ? Yes, I have a dog.
c- Have you got a bowl ? No, I haven't.
d- Have you got a chef's hat? No, I haven't. / Yes, I have.
Bilan Unit 2 Lessons 1 and 2 :
le verbe avoir (have got)
le vocabulaire des recettes
le son i
les activits
can / cannot : savoir faire
donner un ordre.

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