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AP Biology

Midterm Review: Chapter-By-Chapter


Topic 1: Evolution in Populations/Descent with Modification

1. What were the two major points of Darwins publication The Origin of Species?

2. Define the following terms:

a. Natural selection
b. Evolutionary adaptation
c. Evolution
d. Taxonomy
3. Detail the impact/position/contribution to evolutionary theory and include a
perspective of time in the following:
a. Aristotle
b. Linnaeus
c. Cuvier
d. Lamarck
e. Malthus
f. Hutton
4. How does catastrophism relate to the ideas of gradualism?

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5. How did the Voyage of the Beagle impact Darwins research?

6. How did Alfred Wallace impact Darwin in his work?

7. What part did adaptation play in Darwins thinking?

8. What did Darwin mean by descent with modification?

9. How did the concept of artificial selection impact Darwins ideas?

10. What three word phrase summarizes Darwins mechanism of evolution?

11. Explain the evolution of Drug Resistance in bacteria in terms of natural selection.

12. Define the following terms:

a. Homologous structures
b. Vestigial structures
c. Analogous structures

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13. What is biogeography and why is it important to the study of evolution?

14. How do the fossil record and sedimentary rock provide evidence to evolution?
What is the smallest using of evolution and why is this important to understand?
15. Define the following terms:
a. Microevolution
b. Population
c. Population genetics
d. Gene pool
1 What is the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem and why does it appear to be an apparent
contradiction to evolution?

16. What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

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17. Use the blank diagram below to relate the H-W equation to a Punnett square.

18. What are the five conditions for H-W equilibrium to maintained?

19. How can the H-W equation be used to today in terms of human health?

20. What are the two broad processes that make evolution possible?

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21. What is the impact of the following:

a.Point mutation
b.Gene duplication
c.Sexual recombination

What is the relationship between mutation rates and generation span?

22. Define the following:

a.Genetic drift
b.Bottleneck effect
c.Founder effect
d.Gene flow
1 Why would we discuss adaptive evolution and what role does natural selection
23. Give examples of phenotypical variation that is not inheritable.

24. Explain the terms phenotypic polymorphism and genetic polymorphism in

common terms giving an example from your own experience. I will be looking for a
reasonable answer for this question points will be deducted if not answered.

25. How do we measure genetic variation?

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26. How can very small differences in nucleotide sequences lead to such diversity in
the human population?

27. What is geographic variation and how does the term cline relate?

28. What is different about the terms fitness and relative fitness?
29. Why is it said that evolution acts on phenotypes and not genotypes?
30. Use the diagram below to differentiate between the modes of selection.

31. Why does diploidy preserve genetic variation?

32. How does balancing natural selection relate to the term balanced polymorphism?

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33. Define and give an example of the following:
a.Heterozygote advantage
b.Frequency dependent selection
c.Neutral variation
d.Sexual dimorphism
e.Intrasexual selection
f.Intersexual selection

What are the limitations to Natural Selection?

Topic 2: Homeostasis and Systems

1. Compare and contrast diffusion in a single-celled protist to an animal with two cell

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2. Label the diagram of the internal exchange surfaces.

3. How are the tissues arranged into organs and then into organ systems? Explain
this using the digestive system as an example.

4. What is metabolic rate and how is it determined?

5. Explain the three influences on metabolic rate.

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6. Define and explain the following:
RegulatorsConformersNegative feedbackPositive feedbackThermoregulation-

7. Compare and contrast ectotherms and endotherms.

8. There are 5 categories of adaptations that help animals thermoregulate. Describe

each one and how they work in your own words.

Circulatory Adaptations-

Cooling by Evaporative Heat Loss-

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Behavioral responses-

Adjusting Metabolic Heat Production-

9. Name three of the organ systems that help with thermoregulation by complex
negative feedback mechanisms.

10. Define the following:

a. Acclimatizationb. Hibernationc. Estivationd. Daily torpor-

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11. Label the diagram below:

12. Contrast the four types of leukocytes (white blood cells).

13. Describe the process of phagocytosis by macrophages.

14. Describe the role of histamine in the inflammatory response.

15. Define the following terms:

a. Natural Killer (NK) cells

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b. Antigen
c. Epitope
d. B lymphocyte
e. T lymphocyte
1 Label the diagram below concerning antigen receptors on lymphocytes.

16. Contrast the way T cell receptors recognize and bind with antigens with the way
that B cell receptors do?

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17. Label the diagram below concerning clonal selection of B cells:

18. Contrast the primary immune response with the secondary immune response.

19. Define the following terms:

a. Humoral immune response
b. Cell-mediated immune response
c. Helper T cell

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Label the following overview of the acquired immune response:

20. Contrast active and passive immunity:

21. Describe the various compatibilities and incompatibilities of the various blood
types, including Rh factors.
22. What is a hormone?

23. What constitutes the endocrine system and what are its functions?

24. What are endocrine glands?

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25. Review the basics of negative feedback explain negative feedback using the
following terms: receptor, control center, effector, and efferent signal.
26. What are the three major classes of molecules that function as hormones in

27. How can one chemical signal cause different effects?

28. How does the hypothalamus integrate information?

29. What two hormones are released by the posterior pituitary and what are their

30. List one example of a physiological response to overproduction and

underproduction of growth hormone.

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31. Label the feedback loop for regulation of the thryroid

32. Complete the diagram below of the feedback loops concerning calcium regulation.

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Complete the diagram below you have seen this before concerning glucose

33. Compare and contrast the central and peripheral nervous systems.

34. What are the functions of the following:

a. Sensory neurons
b. Interneurons
c. Motor neurons
d. Effector cells

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1 Use the diagram below to demonstrate the activity surrounding a reflex response.

35. Label the neuron below be prepared to label this on a quiz the day that this is

36. Why are glial cells important?

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37. Label the diagram below and explain why myelin is important in nerve conduction

38. Define the following terms:

a. Membrane potential
b. Resting potential

Discuss the two types of gated ion channels below:

a. Ligand
b. Voltage

Define the following terms:

a. Hyperpolarization
b. Depolarization
c. Graded potentials
d. Threshold
e. Action potential

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Label the diagram below concerning the generation of an action potential.

39. How do the various factors affect the speed of an action potential?
a. Larger axon
b. Myelination and salutatory conduction

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Label the diagram below demonstrating the conduction of the action potential.

40. What happens at the synaptic cleft?

41. Contrast excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.

42. Discuss the neurotransmitters listed below:

a. Acetylcholine
b. Biogenic amines
i. Epinephrine and norepinephrine
ii. Dopamine
iii. Serotonin
c. Endorphins

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d. Nitrous oxide

Define the following terms:

a. Central nervous system
b. Peripheral nervous system
c. Somatic nervous system
d. Autonomic nervous system

1 What is the limbic system and what is its function?

Topic 3: Cells and Cellular Transport
1. Label the prokaryotic cell below list structure and function.

2. Why is surface area to volume such an important concept as it applies to the size
of a cell?

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3. For each of the structures below note the specific structure and the function of
the organelle or part of the organelle. The important concept is to note how the
specific structure allows for the specific function to be accomplished.
a. Nucleus
i. Nuclear envelope
ii. Nuclear lamina
iii. Chromosomes
iv. Chromatin
v. Nucleolus
b. Ribosomes
c. Endoplasmic reticulum
i. Smooth ER

ii. Rough ER

d. Golgi Apparatus

e. Lysosomes

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f. Vacuoles
i. Food
ii. Contractile
iii. Central w/tonoplast
g. Endomembrane system overall
h. Mitochondria
i. Mitochondrial matrix
ii. Cristae
i. Plastids
i. Amyloplast
ii. Chromoplast
iii. Chloroplast
1. thylakoids
2. stroma
j. peroxisomes

k. cytoskeleton pay careful attention to the details in this section

i. microtubules

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1. centrosomes and centrioles
2. cilia and flagella
3. dynein walking
ii. microfilaments
1. actin
2. myosin
3. pseudopodia
4. cytoplasmic streaming
iii. intermediate filaments

l. Cell walls
i. Primary cell wall
ii. Middle lamella
iii. Secondary cell wall

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m. Extracellular matrix
i. Collagen
ii. Proteoglycans
iii. Fibronectin
iv. Integrins
n. What are intercellular junctions and why are they important?

4. What does selective permeability mean and why is that important to cells?
5. What is an amphipathic molecule?

6. How is the fluidity of cell membranes maintained?

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7. Label the diagram below for each structure briefly list its function:

8. List the six broad functions of membrane proteins.

9. How do glycolipids and glycoproteins help in cell to cell recognition?

10. Why is membrane sidedness an important concept in cell biology?

11. How has our understanding of membrane permeability changed since the
discovery of aquaporins?

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12. What is diffusion and how does a concentration gradient relate to passive

13. Why is free water concentration the driving force in osmosis?

14. Why is water balance different for cells that have walls as compared to cells
without walls?

15. Label the diagram below:


What is the relationship between ion channels, gated channels and facilitated
diffusion write 1 -2 sentences using those terms correctly.

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16. How is ATP specifically used in active transport?
17. Define and contrast the following terms: membrane potential, electrochemical
gradient, electrogenic pump and proton pump.

18. What is cotransport and why is an advantage in living systems?

19. What is a ligand?

20. Contrast the following terms: phagocytosis, pinocytosis and receptor-mediated


Topic 4: Introduction to Enzymes and Cellular Respiration

1. Contrast the catabolic and anabolic pathways.

2. Define the following terms: these terms and concepts are critical they would be
great midterm question words.
a. Energy
b. Kinetic energy
c. Heat/thermal energy
d. Chemical energy
e. Thermodynamics

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f. First Law of Thermodynamics

g. Second Law of Thermodynamics

h. Free Energy

3. Contrast exergonic and endergonic reactions in terms of: free energy, stability,
capacity to do work.

4. How do you know if a reaction is spontaneous?

5. Can a closed system at equilibrium do work? Why or why not?

6. List and give an example of the thee main kinds of cellular work done by ATP.

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7. Label the diagram below and indicate how cellular work is done by ATP.

8. Define phosphorylated.
9. In your own works, explained the concept of coupled reactions and ATP doing

10. What is the relationship between exergonic reactions, endergonic reactions and
the use and regeneration of ATP?

11. What is activation energy?

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12. Label the diagrams below including the change in free energy.

13. Define the following terms:

a. Substrate
b. Enzyme substrate complex
c. Active site
d. Induced fit

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14. Label the following diagram:

15. How do temperate and pH (specifically) affect enzyme activity?

16. Compare and contrast competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors.

17. What is allosteric regulation and how does assist in the regulation of metabolism?

18. What is cooperativity?

19. How does feedback inhibition work?
20. Define the two catabolic pathways:
a. Fermentation
b. Cellular respiration

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1 Use the following terms correctly in a sentence: redox reactions, oxidation,
reduction, reducing agent and oxidizing agent.

21. Why is being reduced equivalent to having a greater potential energy?

22. In cellular respiration, what is being oxidized and what is being reduced?
23. Label the diagram below of the electron movement with regard to the coenzyme

24. Why are electron transport chains an advantage to living systems?

25. What are the three stages of aerobic cellular respiration?
26. What is substrate-level phosphorylation?

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27. Complete the chart below regarding glycolysis

28. What is oxidative phosphorylation?

29. What are cytochromes?

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30. Define chemiosmosis and label the diagram below.

31. Label the diagram below of the activities occurring on the ECT.

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32. Complete the summary diagram of cellular respiration. You are responsible for
these #s and locations!

33. Label the diagram of fermentation below:

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34. Does aerobic cellular respiration happen in prokaryotic organisms if yes

35. What is the overall purpose of fermentation? Why does it have to occur?
36. What is a facultative anaerobe?

37. What is the evolutionary significance of glycolysis?

38. Why do fats provide a little more than twice as many calories per gram as
compared to carbohydrates or proteins? Hint: Think of the output of the Citric Acid

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