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ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete
nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra
dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
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Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete
nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra
dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
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Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete

nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra

dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
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Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete
nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra
dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
ack, fad, impose, managerial, medieval, obsolete, peninsula, prestige, proportio
n, radical, refute, spectacular, weave
10 accountant, capitalist, contempt, dedicate, ditch, enterprise, exquisite, fin
ance, indifferent, irrigate, maximize, monetary, precaution, preliminary, satura
te, simplicity, sow, soy, spade, upcoming
11 acute, aggression, banquet, biography, boost, clap, compel, dominance, gorgeo
us, inevitable, legacy, masterpiece, multiple, narrate, notorious, outdated, ove
rall, partiality, spontaneous, virtue
12 anthropology, applaud, appoint, compatible, competence, confer, consecutive,
crude, cube, feedback, ignorance, masculine, monument, muscular, posture, situat
e, supervise, symmetry, tattoo, undergraduate

13 brook, cater, considerate, consumption, criteria, crust, degrade, entitle, es

cort, external, facility, faculty, heap, hemisphere, hound, impersonal, ornament
, pedestrian, sanctuary, spectator
14 asset, aspect, Braille, bud, coordinate, disprove, humanitarian, hypothesis,
imprint, informative, optic, premise, rack, Renaissance, revere, simultaneous, s
keptic, spatial, specify, wax
15 accessory, acquisition, adequate, cardboard, dilemma, elaborate, facilitate,
fleet, grid, import, infer, inflate, innate, marble, mast, nausea, naval, pouch,
saturated, updated
Unit Target Words Page 16 addict, archeological, archeology, brainstorm, budget,
chaotic, cite, correspond, courtyard, estate, fraud, hydrogen, integrity, knit,
outlook, parachute, prehistoric, proponent, refine, restrict 98 17 attorney, ch
ronic, discipline, donor, fellow, gossip, graduate, graffiti, guardian, implicat
e, kin, referee, sever, shaft, stab, stimulus, suspicion, terminate, theme, tuit
ion 104 18 aggressive, amnesty, arena, auditorium, captive, combat, commonplace,
compound, corps, distract, dumb, foe, hack, meditate, nick, provoke, realm, rei
gn, rust, sacred 110 19 accordingly, anchor, buoy, catastrophe, context, designa
te, distort, dock, fore, frequent, genuine, grease, intricate, offset, overlap,
precipitate, secondhand, slot, submerge, tactic 116 20 aggregate, antibiotic, ci
rcuit, complement, compress, database, equivalent, immune, input, intimate, magn
et, metabolism, microchip, phase, pinch, prevalent, quantum, ratio, spiral, vira
l 122 21 astounded, attribute, bilingual, clone, colloquial, cosmetics, dash, di
sgust, fluorescent, furious, gulf, humanities, knot, linguist, participant, plau
sible, ritual, sibling, skinny, vague 128 22 acid, administration, administrativ
e, biotechnology, cholesterol, coalition, deceptive, diabetes, eliminate, erosio
n, ethics, explicit, framework, manufacture, mechanism, minimize, nectar, notion
, prone, straightforward 134 23 astronomical, atom, breadth, circumference, come
t, crater, crescent, debris, despair, embed, fragment, galaxy, gigantic, gloom,
radiate, roam, solitary, spectrum, sphere, status 140 24 bankrupt, conform, empl
oy, expel, extension, forthcoming, furnish, hygiene, h easily readable on the mo
bile web, and provides an even better reading experience for people who download
Scribd's apps.
cantidad considerable de halos oscuros con poca materia barinica. La primera vert
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Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete

nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra

dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
aet your content indexed by Google and other search engines.
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Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete
nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra
dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in

digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,

spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
aet your content indexed by Google and other search engines.
Scribd does SEO for you. Every word of your content will be fully indexed by all
major search engines.
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cial networks.
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be social. Scribd socially optimizes all content to maximize social distributio
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ugh a simple link, and the earnings go right to your account.
Make your content readable on iPhone, iPad, Android, and other mobile devices.
Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete
nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra
dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical
4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter
s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb


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This is a community work, coordinated by arewenotmen.
This is release #28 made at 15:00 on 2nd August 2015
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----------------------Built against Script Hook V for v1.0.393.4
This is a community work, coordinated by arewenotmen.
This is release #28 made at 15:00 on 2nd August 2015
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----------------------Built against Script Hook V for v1.0.393.4
This is a community work, coordinated by arewenotmen.
This is release #28 made at 15:00 on 2nd August 2015
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et your content indexed by Google and other search engines.
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ugh a simple link, and the earnings go right to your account.
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Scribd makes all contentallot, appall, cache, convenience, dearth, deliberate, d
ire, elapse, empathy, fanciful, gripe, grueling, mundane, opt, outrage, paltry,
rectify, resourceful, sustenance, tedious
2 abbey, abundant, adjoin, ample, arid, cathedral, deprive, drought, eligible, f
ast, grumble, inland, moisture, nonetheless, oath, prairie, ragged, rugged, scar
ce, speculate
3 analytic, assert, bachelor, calculus, celestial, cognitive, collision, compete
nt, diploma, excel, geology, harness, intellect, keen, mythology, physiology, ra
dioactive, relativity, sociology, theoretical

4 administrator, affluent, audit, automate, bribe, corrupt, dispose, headquarter

s, incentive, infrastructure, legislate, legitimate, manipulate, merchandise, re
tail, revenue, rubbish, subsidy, transaction, violate
5 assess, astonish, commence, essence, extract, fabulous, haste, impulse, latter
, molecule, ongoing, pharmaceutical, precise, proximity, publicity, remedy, sign
ificance, subsequent, synthetic, terminal
6 altitude, coastline, deter, devise, expertise, fracture, impair, implement, in
digenous, insight, limb, migraine, optimism, peculiar, proficient, quest, ridge,
spouse, thrust, tolerate
38 I M P
7 aquatic, biosphere, bizarre, Celsius, coarse, companion, digest, duration, eco
logy, feat, infinite, nucleus, parasite, prominent, repetitive, reproductive, te
mperate, tolerance, undergo, vulnerable
8 adept, barren, ceramic, culinary, dense, dignity, dominate, edible, hostile, i
ntake, likewise, malnutrition, medication, misconception, obscure, oppress, peel
, prescription, respirator, strive
9 archaic, benevolent, brass, capitalism, component, dependence, diminish, drawb
ack, fad, impose, managerial, medieval, obsolete, peninsula, prestige, proportio
n, radical, refute, spectacular, weave
10 accountant, capitalist, contempt, dedicate, ditch, enterprise, exquisite, fin
ance, indifferent, irrigate, maximize, monetary, precaution, preliminary, satura
te, simplicity, sow, soy, spade, upcoming
11 acute, aggression, banquet, biography, boost, clap, compel, dominance, gorgeo
us, inevitable, legacy, masterpiece, multiple, narrate, notorious, outdated, ove
rall, partiality, spontaneous, virtue
12 anthropology, applaud, appoint, compatible, competence, confer, consecutive,
crude, cube, feedback, ignorance, masculine, monument, muscular, posture, situat
e, supervise, symmetry, tattoo, undergraduate
13 brook, cater, considerate, consumption, criteria, crust, degrade, entitle, es
cort, external, facility, faculty, heap, hemisphere, hound, impersonal, ornament
, pedestrian, sanctuary, spectator
14 asset, aspect, Braille, bud, coordinate, disprove, humanitarian, hypothesis,
imprint, informative, optic, premise, rack, Renaissance, revere, simultaneous, s
keptic, spatial, specify, wax
15 accessory, acquisition, adequate, cardboard, dilemma, elaborate, facilitate,
fleet, grid, import, infer, inflate, innate, marble, mast, nausea, naval, pouch,
saturated, updated
Unit Target Words Page 16 addict, archeological, archeology, brainstorm, budget,
chaotic, cite, correspond, courtyard, estate, fraud, hydrogen, integrity, knit,
outlook, parachute, prehistoric, proponent, refine, restrict 98 17 attorney, ch
ronic, discipline, donor, fellow, gossip, graduate, graffiti, guardian, implicat
e, kin, referee, sever, shaft, stab, stimulus, suspicion, terminate, theme, tuit
ion 104 18 aggressive, amnesty, arena, auditorium, captive, combat, commonplace,
compound, corps, distract, dumb, foe, hack, meditate, nick, provoke, realm, rei
gn, rust, sacred 110 19 accordingly, anchor, buoy, catastrophe, context, designa
te, distort, dock, fore, frequent, genuine, grease, intricate, offset, overlap,
precipitate, secondhand, slot, submerge, tactic 116 20 aggregate, antibiotic, ci
rcuit, complement, compress, database, equivalent, immune, input, intimate, magn
et, metabolism, microchip, phase, pinch, prevalent, quantum, ratio, spiral, vira

l 122 21 astounded, attribute, bilingual, clone, colloquial, cosmetics, dash, di

sgust, fluorescent, furious, gulf, humanities, knot, linguist, participant, plau
sible, ritual, sibling, skinny, vague 128 22 acid, administration, administrativ
e, biotechnology, cholesterol, coalition, deceptive, diabetes, eliminate, erosio
n, ethics, explicit, framework, manufacture, mechanism, minimize, nectar, notion
, prone, straightforward 134 23 astronomical, atom, breadth, circumference, come
t, crater, crescent, debris, despair, embed, fragment, galaxy, gigantic, gloom,
radiate, roam, solitary, spectrum, sphere, status 140 24 bankrupt, conform, empl
oy, expel, extension, forthcoming, furnish, hygiene, h easily readable on the mo
bile web, and provides an even better reading experience for people who download
Scribd's apps.
cantidad considerable de halos oscuros con poca materia barinica. La primera vert
iente la investigaremRouter Settings:
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de distintos tipos y formas de galaxias (espirales, elpticas, irregulares, etc.),
la aparicin de distintas partes de una galaxia (una galaxia espiral con disco co
n brazos, ncleo y sus cmulos globulares, etc.), los cusares, la formacin de agujeros
negros centrales, la aparicin de starbursts (galaxias con produccin estelar inten
ssima), el papel de los bariones no colapsados y su interaccin con las galaxias, e
tc., etc. Todos aspectos fascinantes con explicaciones brillantes en el marco de
l modelo cosmolgico actual, aunque tambin con lagunas, que emergen todas enmarcada
s en las lneas generales explicadas en este artculo.
Con esta base sirva esto como invitacin para el interesado a profundizar en este
tema e informarse sobre alguno de esos aspectos no tratados, ya que en el univer
so la unidad es la variedad, y la variedad en la unidad es la ley suprema.
alshain, 3 de mayo del 2005.
de distintos tipos y formasRouter Settings:
WAN Connection Type:
Dynamic IP
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Network Security Type:
Most Security (WPA2-PSK)Drag files here
from your computer.
Supported File Types: pdf, txt, ps, rtf, epub, key, odt, odp, ods, odg, odf, sxw
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Supported File Types: pdf, txt, ps, rtf, epub, key, odt, odp, ods, odg, odf, sxw
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de galaxias (espirales, elpticas, irregulares, etc.), la aparicin de distintas pa
rtes de una galaxia (una galaxia espiral con disco con brazos, ncleo y sus cmulos
globulares, etc.), los cusares, la formacin de agujeros negros centrales, la apari
cin de starbursts (galaxias con produccin estelar intenssima), el papel de los bari
ones no colapsados y su interaccin con las galaxias, etc., etc. Todos aspectos fa
scinantes con explicaciones brillantes en el marco del modelo cosmolgico actual,
aunque tambin con lagunas, que emergen todas enmarcadas en las lneas generales exp
licadas en este artculo.

Con esta base sirva esto como invitacin para el interesado a profundizar en este
tema e informarse sobre alguno de esos aspectos no tratados, ya que en el univer
so la unidad es la variedad, y la variedad en la unidad es la ley suprema.
alshain, 3 de mayo del 2005.
de distintos tipos y formas de galaxias (espirales, elpticas, irregulares, etc.),
la aparicin de distintas partes de una galaxia (una galaxia espiral con disco co
n brazos, ncleo y sus cmulos globulares, etc.), los cusares, la formacin de agujeros
negros centrales, la aparicin de starbursts (galaxias con produccin estelar inten
ssima), el papel de los bariones no colapsados y su interaccin con las galaxias, e
tc., etc. Todos aspectos fascinantes con explicaciones brillantes en el marco de
l modelo cosmolgico actual, aunque tambin con lagunas, que emergen todas enmarcada
s en las lneas generales explicadas en este artculo.
Con esta base sirva esto como invitacin para el interesado a profundizar en este
tema e informarse sobre alguno de esos aspectos no tratados, ya que en el univer
so la unidad es la variedad, y la variedad en la unidad es la ley suprema.
alshain, 3 de mayo del 2005.
todava no hemos hablado de cmo y cuando empieza la formacin estelar, que ser a despl
azamientos al rojo ms bajos).
Figura 14. Dos secuencias de colapso A y B (en dos columnas y de arriba
abajo). A1 y B1: En un halo oscuro (gris) los bariones (azul) empiezan a colapsa
r al ser su masa mayor que la de Jeans. A2 y B2: La compresin y aumento de densid
ad, as como las ondas de choque calientan los bariones (color naranja). La densid
ad y los procesos en A2 no son suficientes como para disipar eficientemente, mie
ntras que en B2 hay una emisin electromagntica disipacin eficiente. A3: Los barione
s no han disipado y no ha habido colapso. B3: Disipacin (color azul) y colapso ef
De estas condiciones va a aparecer otra masa caracterstica para la formacin de est
ructuras colapsadas. Mientras la masa de Jeans nos daba una cota mnima de masa po
r debajo de la cual el colapso era imposible, ya que la presin actuando contra el
colapso era mayor que la gravitacin generada por masas menores, ahora obtenemos
una cota mxima para el colapso, ya que a mayor masa del halo mayor gravitacin la q
ue tira de los bariones colapsndolos ms violentamente y, por tanto, concentrndolos
ms y aumentando ms su densidad, as como generando mayores ondas de choque que dan l
ugar a mayor calentamiento. Esta escala resulta ser del orden de una galaxia esp
iral tpica como las que observamos hoy. Notemos que esto no dice nada todava sobre
lo que observamos hoy, ya que nos encontramos describiendo fenmenos a desplazami
entos al rojo altos (100 < z < 1000) y las estructuras que se forman van a tener
delante de si un futuro de uniones para formar estructuras mayores.
Si uno extrapola este proceso hasta pocas recientes, entrando a desplazamientos a
l rojo menores que 30, se encuentra con un problema: Aquellas estructuras que pr
esentan las condiciones necesarias para colapsar, lo hacen de forma demasiado ef
iciente y rpida. El resultado: Un bloque de bariones colapsado, demasiado fro y de
nso, en el centro del halo. Por otro lado la extrema eficiencia lleva a que prcti
camente todos los bariones del universo acaben colapsando. La realidad es bien d
istinta: Gran parte de los bariones del universo no se encuentran en las galaxia
s, sino que estn en forma de gas en los cmulos galcticos alrededor de las galaxias
y tambin fuera de ellos en grandes nubes de gas. Las observaciones nos indican, p
or tanto, que la formacin galctica no fue tan eficiente, dejndose muchos bariones s
in colapsar.

Pero todava no hemos hablado de las otras fuentes de energa que calientan los bari
ones: Los fotones emitidos por las estrellas y los efectos de las supernovas (on
das de choque y vientos estelares). Tampoco sabemos todava cuando podemos conside
rar la accin de las estrellas ya que no hemos tratado la pregunta de cundo se form
an las primeras estrellas. Es de esperar que estos fenmenos vayan a proporcionar
la energa necesaria para solucionar este problema de enfriamiento. El problema es
que la actividad estelar (su emisin y las supernovas) son aspectos muy difciles d
e tratar en simulaciones computerizadas y es precisamente con simulaciones compu
terizadas como se han obtenido la mayora de los resultados relevantes. Los modelo
s simples que o bien no tratan la actividad estelar o bien lo hacen de forma muy
simplificada, dan lugar al problema del enfriamiento.
Las primeras estrellas comienzan a aparecer en z = 30. Antes de esto, los barion
es han colapsado y durante este proceso han ido adquiriendo giro formado un disc
o (como cuando los patinadores sobre hielo giran con los brazos abiertos y, al c
errarlos, adquieren mayor velocidad de giro). La nube puede presentar inhomogene
idades y falta de isotropa, de forma que de lugar a un colapso no perfectamente s
imtrico. Lo curioso sera lo contrario: Una nube de tamao colosal, de ms de 100.000 m
asas solares, estirada aqu y all por la gravitacin de otras nubes, de halos oscuros
, perfectamente homognea e istropa en el espacio. Bien. Cuando una nube de barione
s colapsa lo hace perdiendo energa en forma de emisin electromagntica. La compresin
con aumento de la densidad y sin aumento de temperatura (al haber prdida eficient
e de energa) hacen descender la masa de Jeans, con lo cual, la nube puedeGet your
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