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How to Avoid Back Pain For Life

I didn’t know that back pain was the number 2 neurological ailment in the U.S.
Up to 8 out of 10 folks have a disabling vertebrae disorder during their life. By age
65 only one in twenty people have NO complaints about their back.

So What

Would you spend about five minutes daily at your desk to strengthen the
vertebrae in your spine? It’s easy, takes 20 seconds to learn and is relaxing.

You don’t have to know anatomy to conclude a bad back knocks you out of
the game. Can you remember these four things about your spinal column?

a) Never sleep on your back, always on your side.

b) Soft mattresses are an invitation to back ailment – a hard surface is
good for your back.
c) Smoking reduces the blood circulation to your lower back causing
pain. Smoking also causes your spinal discs (shock absorbers) to
degenerate. Google it.
d) Lift with your Knees, not back. Pull-in your stomach with each lift.

Inquiring Minds need to know: you own 33 separate vertebrae in your spine.

a) C1-C7 cerebral vertebrae (neck)

b) T1-T12 thoracic vertebrae (middle back)
c) L1-L5 lumbar vertebrae (lower back)
d) S1-S5 sacral vertebrae (lowest back)
e) CO1-CO4 coccygeal (fused). Small tail-like bone at bottom of spine.

Oh yeah, the #1 neurological ailment for folks is the headache. On April 5, 2010
office building vacancies are at a 16 year high. It gives me back pain and a

Secret 5-Minute Strategy

1. Sit at you computer and pull back your chair.

2. Move forward and begin to ROCK back and forth gently about 6-8
inches. You are relaxing you intervertebral spinal discs (shock-
absorbers). Stop after about one-minute.
3. Now raise your arms vertically (Goal) and continue to rock back and
forth. Stop after about one-minute.
4. Now start a CIRCLING motion with your back. Sway back and forth
in a circle. Left hip forward and around to your right hip, and now
backward moving right-to-left. Roll, not rock and make an elliptical
(egg-like) orbit with your upper body. Stop after one-minute.

5. Continue Rolling your back in a left-to-right circle, but with your
arms raised straight up. Stop after about two-minutes.

Improvise and mix-and-match the Rock and Rolling back motions. Each rotation
creates flexibility in your vertebral spine and increases you protection. If you are
presently suffering back pain use your own discretion to decide if you want to
experiment. When in doubt immediately consult your medical professional.

Do You Sway Enough?

You know we specialize in learning, memory and speed reading. We tested a new
principle in long-term memory improvement. Bottom line: students and executives
reported that rocking back and forth improved their memory retrieval and speed
reading new knowledge.

Do You Care

We live in the Knowledge Economy and business changes are the currency of
success. If you suffer from Information Overload you forfeit your opportunities for
promotions in school and your career. In our private study, 80% of CEOs spend
almost half their day reading to keep up with changes in their industry and the
business world.

If you are searching for a killer position or moving from one organization to
another, how you handle knowledge is highly relevant. Major HR departments
expect you to be able to stay ahead of the inflow of information in your industry.

How to Swing and Sway for Fun and Money

Let’s be sensible, if you cannot give me a pretty good reason to sway my body
during learning, it is too ridiculous to even start, right?

Beta to Alpha

OK, after just 20 seconds of swaying (rocking) your body back and forth while
reading or preparing a presentation, your brainwave electrical rhythms (cycles per
second) Change from Beta Hz (Hertz) of 13-40 cycles per second of Alert-
Concentration (arousal) - to Alpha brainwaves of 8-13 cycles per second.

Alpha consists of deeply relaxed brainwaves. You are fully awake, but in a state of
Non-Arousal. Walking in a park, meditating, or humming a song are examples of
Alpha cps. When your mind and body are synchronized in Alpha you think clearer.

Switching from active Beta to Non-Arousal Alpha relaxes your entire body and
makes learning and remembering easier and faster. You lose all distractions and
give all your attention span and concentration to what you focus on.

Theta CPS

When you relax too much – with your eyes open, you may experience DayDreaming
and even Road-Hypnosis. Theta cps is 4-7 Hz (cycles per second). When you are
determined to learn new knowledge or put information into long-term memory, you
need Alpha, not Theta or Delta (sleep – ½ to 4 cps).

How to Sway

None of the students or executives got seasick from swaying and rocking; some
called it self-hypnosis. It does not interfere with reading after 10 seconds of
movement and in fact improves your reading speed up to 30%. Truth.

Your altered state of consciousness to deep relaxation - makes memory repetition

easy to concentrate on. It becomes like a song you heard but you find hard to get out
of your mind. Do a Mind Experiment, and be your own scientist. Our results
indicate an extraordinary improvement is probable. You be the judge, right?

Swaying (rocking) works whether you are standing or sitting. Some folks like to
stand up and read to create a variety of experiences.

Please Take Notice: swaying requires no more than a rocking motion of 2-3 inches
forward to be effective.

If you read a book and rock 9-10 inches forward you are rocking yourself into
Theta and your eyes begin to close. No good. Just a slight swaying motion back
and forth increase your learning, comprehension and memory.

Last thought: your brain generates up to 10 watts of electrical power. Why not use
swaying to Alpha cps to improve your learning skills and long-term memory. Once
you commit to practicing swaying and rocking for 7-21 days – it becomes a habit
and goes on autopilot.


first, we want to offer you a baby-easy strategy to help your back and vertebrae.
Now you own it if you choose to use it. Second, we want you to test for yourself
the relevancy of Swaying your body to improve your learning skills and memory.
Fact: change is a principle of life and life consists of change.

Would you have a competitive advantage over your peers in school and career
by reading and remembering three (3) books, articles and reports in the time
others can hardly finish one?

Contact us to grab a free speed reading report to release your learning genius.

See ya,

copyright 2010 H. Bernard Wechsler –

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