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Questioning Genesis

(adam & eve, is it possible?)

Almost everyone has heard the genesis story of creation. And most people accept it as
a parable or metaphor for the way Humans came into existence. However, some
christians take it very literally; to do so is one must either be on way too many drugs
or not enough.

God the father... or is it mother?

The first major flaw is the creator himself. Most religions before the advent of
christianity believed in a goddess/god duality. The goddess being the creator and
sustainers of life on Earth. Christianity seems to have serious problems with gender
roles. They use a masculine god (essentially male, even though most christians claim
he is genderless), who gives "birth" to Adam. Now if this isn't bad enough, Adam now
gives "birth" to Eve, by way of a very odd surgery. So somehow a man gives birth to a
man who then gives birth to a woman, hmmm... there seems to be a tiny flaw in this

I'd guess this flaw was intentional, since christianity is a very sexist religion; the bible
reminds us many times how inferior women are to men. Logic would lead us to
believe that this story was an attempt to weaken the power of the females, who were
always equal to males in the nature religions.

Original sin

The first act of disobedience to god seems to not be so much the fault of Adam or
Eve, but of god's own stupidity. Here's how the story goes: "Adam & Eve are
frolicking around in the garden and god zaps the Tree of Knowledge of God and Evil
into existence right in the centre of the damned place. He tells the two, "don't eat from
the tree or you'll die!" As far as I can tell, they were completely innocent, having
never witnessed death, hatred, violence, bigotry, good, or evil. They were completely
ignorant to, well, everything!

You can just imagine the thoughts inside their heads, "God said don't eat of the tree.
yeah, ok, why? Because we'll die! What's death? Um...beets me, maybe it's fun! Cool!
Hey don't hog it all Eve!" Then comes in big bad god, who told them earlier they'd
die, well, they didn't die. Actually now they're well informed of good and evil and are
much better equipped to live a good life.

The funny thing about this is, god didn't even realize they ate the fruit (it seemed like
an important tree, he should've watched it better huh?) until the saw they were trying
to clothe themselves. How exactly the two figured out that nakedness was sinful, is
beyond me since all the animals were running around naked too. I guess it's not a
good example for their cows to see them naked or something, go figure?
Punishing the intelligent

Maybe the reason christians today praise ignorance so much is because if it weren't
for Adam & Eve wising-up, no one would suffer. The punishment itself wasn't too fair
either. Adam, got away almost scot-free, while Eve (and the rest of women for the rest
of eternity paid dearly) child birth was made to be much longer and more painful than
it was going to be. The whole Eve getting punished thing shows even more sexism in
christianity. christians like to use the argument that since Eve listened to the serpent
(Satan), women are evil and such.

The children

Firstly, how would Adam and Eve have kids? Adam being created in the image of
god, wouldn't need any genatalia for reproduction since Eve was only an after thought
created to make Adam happy and of course god is supposed to be genderless. I guess
you can assume god fixed the problem later on after Eve's arrival.

Then comes the tricky question of where did all the women come from? The story
tells of every male born, but of no females... They somehow materialize out of
nothing as soon as the kids need a wife. unless they are simply the children of Adam
and Eve, in which case there seems to be a whole lot of incest going on in the garden.
(what a good example for our kids huh?) God must have gone into overtime to create
all these sinful Humans he seems to hate so much, go figure!

But god works in mysterious way I hear, so why should any of this mean anything?
Who am I to question god, it's people like me who cause all the trouble and suffering,
since we dislike ignorance and blind-faith!

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