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Sustainable urban development

Task 8

Environmental impact
submitted to

Done by



-: Introduction

Environmental Impact is a process of evaluating the likely

environmental impacts of a proposed project or
development, taking into account inter-related socioeconomic, cultural and human-health impacts, both
beneficial and adverse , and it is consider as a tool used to
identify the environmental, social and economic impacts
of a project prior to decision-making .
The aim of Environmental Impact Assessment is to protect
the environment by ensuring that a local planning
authority when deciding whether to grant planning
permission for a project, which is likely to have significant
effects on the environment, does so in the full knowledge
of the likely significant effects, and takes this into account
in the decision making process. The regulations set out a
procedure for identifying those projects which should be
subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment, and for
assessing, consulting and coming to a decision on those
projects which are likely to have significant environmental

Objectives of




Modifying and improving project designs.

Confirmation of the optimal use of resources.
Improve the social impact of projects.
Identify, measure the main impacts of the project and
minimize them .
Prevent any damage to the environment irreversible .

We will study the environmental impact of the project of

establishing (ALQUDS) power plant in eastern Baghdad
direct the project in 2012 and is now in its final stages, the
station is located near the Tigris River The nearest
residential area away from the project about 2 km away ,

Project impacts :The potential ecological impacts identified in the

operation of the power plant are: pollution related to disposal of domestic solid wastes
generated by the personnel and domestic
wastewater generated by the personnel .
water pollution from oil type wastes and/or spills
used for the maintenance of equipment .
noise pollution resulting from the operation of
turbines and other equipment .
air pollution resulting from the stack emissions during
energy generation.

Land use :The primary changes in land use during the construction
will be basically at the plant site which is currently
registered agricultural land However, the project site is in
the close vicinity of Baghdad Organized Industrial District
and unimproved agricultural land devoid of any
agricultural plantation Outside the project site, change in
land use will be limited to infrastructures that will be
installed to support the plant such as the road access and
storm water collection system .
The plant site is currently unimproved agricultural land,
hence the shift in land use is from unimproved land to
industrial area. Additional changes in land use may occur
as a result of the development of new industries in the
area, constructed to take advantage of local, reliable, and
oftentimes cheaper electrical power , There may be
increased local industrial development as a result of
additional power availability and reliability in the future.

Air quality :Air quality emissions problems resulting from the

construction activities will be limited to fugitive windblown
dust, internal combustion engines in heavy equipment and
onsite power generators , the impact for this power plant
like all Power plants burn fossil fuels which affects the
health of millions of people. Power plants emit mercury, a
neurotoxin that is now found in all our waterways, as well
as millions of tons of carbon dioxide, the most significant
greenhouse gas and contributor to global climate change ,
One of the main air pollutants resulting from the
combustion of the fuel used in power plant , (CO2), (SO2),
(NOx) and (CO) . As a significant source of a number of air
pollutants, the future evolution of the electricity
generation sector will have a profound effect on air

quality and climate change. In order to assess changes in

environmental quality , policy makers and the public will
need a common frame of reference as a starting point.

Flora and fauna :There are no endangered flora and fauna determined on
the project site therefore, construction should have no
adverse affects on endangered .
The plant patterns in the project site will be removed from
as a result of clearance for construction , The project site
is near the industrial zone, therefore there will be no
concerns for wild life disturbance as there is no suitable
habitat in terms of suitable natural flora cover and related
fauna. There are no endangered species present at the
project site. There will be very minor impacts on fauna due
to the construction of the plant.

Noise : Noise is perhaps one of the most undesirable by products

of modern mechanized lifestyle may not seem as insidious
or harmful as the contamination of drinking water supplies
from hazardous chemicals, but it is a problem that affects
human health and well-being and that can also contribute
to the general deterioration of environmental quality. It
can affect people at home, in their community, or at their
place of work. for this power plant the area proposed for
the construction of the power plant close to the Baghdad
Organized Industrial district , The closest residential area
is 2 km away from the plant site. Noise impacts may occur
as a result of operation of heavy equipment, pile drivers,
and onsite power generation .

Water quality : Water quality is a term used here to express the suitability
of water to sustain various uses or processes. Any
particular use will have certain requirements for the
physical, chemical or biological characteristics of water;
for example limits on the concentrations of toxic
substances for drinking water use, or restrictions on
temperature and pH ranges for water, the effects of
human activities on water quality are both widespread and
varied in the degree to which they disrupt the ecosystem
and/or restrict water use. Pollution of water by human .
Water quality issues associated with this power plant
construction are often minor. In this particular case, there
will be no liquid or solid wastes generated from the plant
which will be disposed directly to cause any adverse affect
on environment.

Soil and erosion :No significant soil disturbances for construction this
power plant and no significant impacts on local geology
since the site will not need any preparation activities such
as drilling, blasting. The whole system will be brought to
site as a compact unit requiring no heavy construction at
site. There will be minor work in the construction of the
site which will cause insignificant amount of excavation
soil .

Cultural heritage :The construction of this power plant will not have any
impact on the cultural heritage of Baghdad city. because
there are no any archaeological or heritage or cultural
areas in that part of the city. (Aldora zone ) the place or
construction of this power plant is an industrial and
residential area at the same time with the presence of
agricultural parts of the city there session .

Recommendations :A number of mitigation measures are recommended

against the adverse activities during the construction and
operation phases of the project. Measures recommended
during the construction phase include control of noise
pollutions from heavy equipment and vehicles through
proper inspection and maintenance, and use of noise
suppressors or mufflers for heavy equipment, control of air
pollution from construction works and movement of
vehicles through proper inspection and maintenance to
reduce exhaust emissions, watering of unpaved roads,
control of adverse impacts from construction debris by
proper handling and immediate removal, control of water
pollution through proper storage and handling of oil
wastes and treatment of wastewaters at site, control of
solid wastes through sanitary storage and frequent
collection for sanitary disposal. Quality of air and water
will be monitored on a regular basis where noise will be
measured periodically.

Thank you

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