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(General Information: 120 Questions: 120 Marks: Time:120mins.)

Section-A: Analytical & Arithmetical Ability-30 Questions (30 Marks)

Section-B: Communication Ability- 30 Questions (30 Marks)
Section-C: Specialization - 60 Questions (60 Marks)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section-A & Section-B: common for Test No.1 to Test No.23

Section-A: Analytical & Arithmetical Ability
30 Questions (30 Marks)
(Common for Test No.1 to Test No.23)

Data Sufficiency:
A question is given followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as ( i ) and ( ii ). If the
data given in alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct answer. If
the data given in ii alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (2) is the correct
answer. If both i and ii put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement
alone is sufficient, then choice (3) is the correct answer. If both i and ii put together are not
sufficient to answer the question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is the correct


Problem Solving

a) Sequences and Series:

Analogies of numbers and alphabet, completion of blank spaces following the pattern in a:b::c:d
relationship; odd thing out: missing number in a sequence or a series.
b) Data Analysis:
The data given in a Table, Graph, Bar diagram, Pie Chart, Venn Diagram or a Passage is to be
analyzed and the questions pertaining to the data are to be answered.
c) Coding and Decoding Problems:
A code pattern of English Alphabet is given. A given word or a group of letters are to be coded
or decoded based on the given code or codes.
d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems:

Calendar problems, clock problems, blood relationships, arrivals, departures and schedules,
seating arrangements, symbol and notation interpretation.
3.Arithmetical Ability:
Laws of indices, ratio and proportion; surds; numbers and divisibility, l.c.m. and g.c.d; Rational
numbers, Ordering.; Percentages; Profit and loss; Partnership, Pipes and cisterns, time, distance
and work problems, areas and volumes, mensuration, modular arithmetic. A question is given
followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as ( i ) and ( ii ). If the data given in i
alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct answer. If the data given
in ii alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (2) is the correct answer. If both i and
ii put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement alone is sufficient, then
choice (3) is the correct answer. If both i and ii put together are not sufficient to answer the
question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is the correct answer
4. Algebraical and Geometrical Ability
Statements, Truth tables, implication converse and inverse, Tautologies-Sets, Relations and
functions, applications - Equation of a line in different forms.
Trigonometry - Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles, (0, 30, 45, 60,
90, 180): Trigonometric identities: sample problems on heights and distances, Polynomials;
Remainder theorem and consequences; Linear equations and expressions; Progressions,Binomial
Theorem, Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative; Plane geometry - lines, Triangles,
Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate geometry-distance between points.
III. Statistical Ability:
Frequency distributions, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, simple
problems on Probability.

Section-B: Communication Ability

30 Questions (30 Marks)
(Common for Test No.1 to Test No.23)
Candidates will be assessed on the ability to:
1. Identify vocabulary used in day-to-day communication.
2. Understand the functional use of grammar in day-to-day communication as well as in business
3. Identify the basic terminology and concepts in computer and business contexts (letters,
reports, memoranda, agenda,minutes etc.).
4. Understand written text and drawing inferences.
Part 1: Vocabulary
Part 2: Business and Computer terminology
Part 3: Functional Grammar
Part 4: Reading Comprehension

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of Economist 1[PGOS] & Economist 2 [USOS]
Module-1; Theory of demand and consumer Equilibrium : Indifference curves utility
function and its existence order conditions of optimization The Slutsky Equation-Demand
functions and elasticities Engels demand functions Linear Expenditure system The
Revealed preference hypothesis
Module 2 : Theory of production and costs : The production function Isoquants and its
shape in relation to Cobb-Dauglas and CES production Functions Homogenous and
Homothetic production functions Technological change , Forms and Measurement Cost
curves and cost Functions optimizing behaviour of the Firm constrained optimization Laws
of returns and returns to scale Derivation of cost and Input Demand Functions through CobbDouglas and CES production Functions economics.
Module 3 : Market Equilibrium : The Neo-Classical theory of the Firm Price determination in
perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly and Duopoly
Approaches to the Analysis of Stability Dynamic Stability and Cobbweb Model.Theory of
Limit Pricing, Game theory and theory of Sales Maximisation.
Module 4: Input-Output Analysis : Transaction Table Input coefficient Matrix Open and
closed Input-Output Models Solution of open Input-Output Model Output Determination and
Multipliers Determination of Primary Inputs, Equilibrium Prices and Value Added Closed
Input-Output Model.
Module-5. Forecasting : Nature and Uses of Forecasts Forecasting with a Single Equation
Linear Regression Model Forecasting with a Multi Equation Econometric Model Testing the
difference between single prediction and Realization Evaluation of the Forecasting Power of a
Model Unconditional Forecasting Forecasting with Serially correlated Errors Conditional

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of Econometrician 4 [PGOS]

Module 1 : Nature of Econometrics and Economics Data : Concept of Econometrics - Steps in

Empirical Economic Analysis Econometric Model The role of Measurement in Economics
The Structure of Economic Data; Cross Section.
Module 2. Time Series and Pooled cross section Time Series Data, Panel Data. Simple
Regression Model : Two Variable Linear Regression Model Assumptions Estimation of
parameters Tests of Significance and Properties of Estimators Gauss Mark off Theorem
Three variable Linear Model OLS Estimates Partial and multiple correlation coefficients.
Module 3 : The general Linear Model : Assumptions Estimation and properties of Estimators
BLUEs and Tests of significance of Estimators R2 and Analysis of variance. Multiple
Regression Analysis and the problem of Inference.
Module 4: Problems in OLS Estimations : Multi co linearity; consequences, Detection and
Remedial Measures Auto Correlation; Nature; Tests, Consequences and Remedial Measures
Hetaroscedasticity; Nature, Tests, Consequences and Remedial Measures.
Module 5 : Simultaneous Equation Models : Exogenous and Endogenous Variables
Simultaneous Equation Bias and Inconsistency of OLS estimates Dummy Variable Regression
Models- Non Lenoir Regression Models and Qualitative Response Regression Models.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of STATISTICIAN 1 [USOS]

Probabilty and random variables : Random variable, convergence of sequence of random

variables-convergence in probability, almost surely, in the rth mean and in distribution, and their
relationships. Characteristic function, properties, inversion theorem, continuity theorem, Central
limit theorem, Lindberg-Levy, Liapunoff forms. Mathematical Expectation, Moments of random
variable, conditional expectation, problem of moments. Basic Markovs, Chebycheffs, Holders,
Minkowskis and Jensens inequalities. Law of large numbers: Chebyshevs and Khinchins
forms of WLLN. Kolmogorovs SLLN.
Distribution theory: Weibull and Laplace distributions-their m.g.f and c.f and other properties.
Compound distributions-Poisson-Binomial. Sampling distributions: Non-Central chisquare, non
central-t and non central F distributions and their properties. Distribution of quadratic forms
under normality and related distribution theory.: Multivariate normal, Bivariate normal as a
particular case, moments, characteristic function, conditional and marginal distributions.
Distributions of Order Statistics from rectangular, exponential and Normal distributions.
Empirical distribution function, distribution of correlation coefficient.
Theory of estimation: Point Estimation: Concepts of Unbiasedness, Consistency, minimum
variance unbiased estimation, Information in a sample, Cramer-Rao inequality, efficiency of an
estimator, Chapman-Robins inequality and Bhattacharya bounds, definition of CAN estimator.
: Concept of sufficiency single parameter and several parameter cases. Fisher-Neyman
Factorization, Minimal sufficient statistic, exponential families and Pitman families. Invariance
property of sufficiency under 1 1 transformation of sample space and parameter space.
Distributions admitting sufficient Statistics, , Completeness, joint sufficiency. Method of
maximum likelihood, CAN estimators for one-parameter Cramer family. Cramer-Huzurbazar
theorem, solution of likelihood equations, Method of scoring. Connection between MLEs and
efficient estimators, MLEs and sufficient estimators. Censored and truncated distributions: Type
1 and Type 2 Censoring for normal and exponential distributions and their MLEs. Interval
estimation: Confidence Intervals, using pivots; shortest expected length confidence intervals.
Sampling theory:Selection with varying probabilities, PPS sampling, Horvitz and Thompson
estimator, Yates and Grundys estimator, Midzuno -Sen Sampling Scheme. Systematic
Sampling: Estimation of population mean and its variance, Methods for populations with linear

trend: Yates end correction, Modified systematic sampling, balanced systematic sampling,
centrally located sampling. Circular systematic sampling. Cluster sampling: Estimation of
population mean and its variance, efficiency of cluster sampling. Determination of optimal
cluster size. Estimation of proportion. Cluster sampling with varying sizes.Two-stage sampling:
Two-stage sampling with equal first stage units. Estimation of mean and its variance. Optimum
allocation. Three stage sampling with equal probabilities. Two-stage-pps sampling. Ratio
estimator: Introduction, Bias and Mean square error, Estimation of variance, confidence interval,
comparisons with mean per unit estimator, Ratio estimator in stratified random sampling.
Difference estimator and Regression estimator: Introduction, Difference estimator, Difference
estimator in stratified sampling. Regression estimator, Comparison of regression estimator with
mean per unit estimator and ratio estimator. Regression estimator in stratified sampling.
Multiphase Sampling: Introduction, Double sampling for Difference estimation
Double sampling for ratio estimation. Double sampling for regression estimator, Optimum
allocation varying probability sampling. Non sampling errors: Sources and types of non
Sampling errors, Non response errors, techniques for adjustment of non response, Hansen and
Hurwitz Technique, Demings Model.
Multivariate Statistics: Definition of Wishart matrix and its properties, Mahalanobis Distance,
Null distribution of Hotellings T2 statistic. Application in tests on mean vector for one and more
multivariate normal populations and also on equality of the components of a mean vector in a
multivariate normal population. Classification and discrimination procedures for discrimination
between two multivariate normal populations, sample discriminant function, tests associated with
discriminant functions, probabilities of misclassification and their estimation, classification into
more than two multivariate normal populations. K-nearest neighbor classification. Principal
components, Dimension reduction, Canonical variables and canonical correlation -definition,
use, estimation and computation. Factor Analysis, The orthogonal factor model, Methods of
estimating factor loadings - the principal component method, principal factor method, iterated
principal factor method, maximum likelihood estimation. Factor rotation: orthogonal factor
rotation, varimax rotation , quartimax rotation, oblique rotation, criteria for determining number
of common factors. Factor scores. Cluster Analysis, Hierarchical Clustering, methods single,
complete and average linkage methods, Centroied method and Wards method. Non-Hierarchical
Methods- K-means algorithm. Multidimensional scaling.
Testing of Statistical Hypothesis: Neyman Pearson theory: Lemma using critical functions.
Uniformly most powerful tests, their relation with sufficient statistics. Monotone Likelihood
ratio and UMP tests for one-sided hypothesis, Composite hypothesis. Unbiased tests, uniformly
most powerful unbiased tests. Type A and Type A1 regions. Likelihood ratio criterion, its
asymptotic distribution, one sample, two samples and K sample problems. Linear hypothesis.
Waldss SPRT: Proof that it terminates in a finite number of steps with probability 1. O.C. and
A.S.N. functions. Examples of (i) Binomial (ii) Normal cases for testing hypothesis and 2.
Notion of Non-Parametric test, Different N-P tests; Run test, Sign test, Wilcoxon and MannWhitney test, Median test; Derivation of the mean and variance of the above test statistics when
null hypothesis is true2 test for goodness of fit, its asymptotic distribution, description of

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Tests involving Rank correlation (Kendalls Tau and Spearmans rank
Stochastic processes; classification of Stochastic processes according to state space and time
domain. Countable state Markov chains (MCs), Chapman-Kolmogorov equations; calculation of
n-step transition probability and its limit. Classification of states, period of a state. Stationary
distribution of MC. Random walk and gamblers ruin problem; Random walk in one and two
dimensions. Gamblers ruin problem, probability of ultimate ruin, expected duration of the game.
Discrete state space continuous time MC: Poisson process and its properties, birth process, death
process and birth and death process. Wiener process as a limit of random walk and some
elementary properties of Wiener process. Branching process: Galton-Watson branching
process, probability of ultimate extinction, distribution of population size. Renewal theory:
Elementary renewal theorem and applications. Study of residual and excess life times and their
distributions. Stationary process: weakly stationary and strongly stationary processes.
Design of experiments: Principles of designs, analysis of variance and analysis of Co-variance,
fixed and random effect models. Contrasts. Model Adequacy checking: Test for Normality,
Test for equality of Variances (Bartlett test, Modified Levene method) . C.R.D., R.B.D.,
Estimation of parametric functions and tests of hypothesis. Comparison of their efficiencies.
Missing plot techniques, testing the equality of subsets of block effects or treatment effects.
Multiple comparisons tests: Tukeys test, The Fisher Least significant Difference (LSD) method,
Duncans Multiple range test. L.S.D., Orthogonality in L.S.D., Missing plot technique, Analysis
of spilt plot design. Factorial Designs: Analysis of 2n and 32 designs. Estimation of factorial
effects. Testing their significance, Total and Partial confounding. Youden Square design, intra
block analysis. B.I.B.D., P.B.I.B.D., their analysis - estimation of parameters, tests of
hypothesis. Industrial 4experiments, Response surface methodology, Taguchy designs.
Time series analysis: Smoothing Methods: Averaging methods, exponential smoothing
methods, other smoothing methods, a comparison of methods, general aspects of smoothing
methods. Decomposition Methods: Trend fitting, the ratio-to-moving averages, classical
decomposition method, different types of moving averages. Models for time series data:
Autocovariance and autocorrelation functions, stationary processes, white noise processes,
Moving average (MA) processes, Auto Regressive (AR) processes, Auto Regressive and Moving
Average (ARMA) processes. Auto Regressive Integrated and Moving Average (ARIMA)
processes. Fitting of time Models, Identification, Estimation and diagnostic checking for the
models. Simulation and Monto-Carlo methods. Application of Time-Series analysis.
Applied statistics: Official statistics, Index numbers, Statistical quality control, Acceptance
sampling plans, Econometric models, Demographic measures, Data mining , pattern recognition,
Spatial data analytics, bio statistics, Geo statistics, agricultural statistics, Business statistics

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of BOTANIST 1 [LSEOS]




Algae and Fungi: Recent Trends in the classification of Algae, Thallus organization
and life history in algae; Economic importance of algae.
Recent trends in the classification of Fungi, Phylogeny of Fungi; General account of
Myxomycota; Eumycota: General account of Mastigomycotina, Zygomycotina,
Ascomycotina, Basidiomycotina and Deuteromycotina. Fungi in Industry, Medicine
and as Food. Fungal diseases in plants and humans. Mycorrihizae, Fungi as biocontrol
Bacteria: Archaea, Eubacteria, General account, Ultra structure, Nutrition and
Reproduction. Salient features and economic importance of Cyanobacteria.
Structure and transmission of plant viruses. Microbial diseases in plants fungi, bacteria
and virus. Plant microbe interaction.
Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms: Morphology, Structure,
Reproduction, Life history, Distribution and Classification of Bryophytes. General
account of Marchantiales, Jungermanniales, Anthocerotales, Sphagnales, Funariales
and Polytrichales. Economic and ecological importance of Bryophytes.
Classification of Pteridophyta. Morphology, Anatomy and Reproduction of Psilotum,
Lycopodium, Selaginella, Isoetes, Equisetum, Ophioglossum, Osmunda, Gleichenia,
Cyathea, Marselia, Adiantum, Salvinia and Azolla. General account of Fossil
Pteridophytes - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and Pteridopsida. Evolution of
Stele; Heterospory.
General account of Fossils: Types of fossil formations. Classification of Gymnosperms
and their distribution in India, General account of the families of Pteridospermales
(Lyginopteridaceae, Medullosaceae, Cycadaceae) Bennettitales (Cycadaceae),
Pentoxylales (Pentoxylaceae) and Cordaitales (Cordaitaceae). Structure and
reproduction in living Gymnosperms: Cycadales, Ginkgoales, Coniferals, Ephedrales,
Welwitschiales and Gnetales; Their economic importance.
Taxonomy and Ecology: The species concept: Taxonomic hierarchy, species, genus,
family and other categories; Principles used in assessing relationship delimitation of
taxa and attribution of rank. Salient features of the International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature. Brief analysis of the features and Evolutionary tendencies noticed in the
following groups: Ranales, Rosales, Centrospermae, Tubiflorae, Amentiferae,
Helobiales, Liliflorae, Glumiflorae. Taxonomic evidence: Embryology, Cytology,
Phytochemistry. Taxonomic tools: Biochemical and molecular techniques; computers
and GIS.
Systems of Angiosperm Classification: Phenetic versus phylogenetic system;








Cladistics in taxonomy; relative merits and demerits of major systems of classificationTakhtajan, Cronquist, Thorne. Important World and Indian Herbaria and major
Botanical gardens.
Ecology, Environment and Evolution: Theories and evidences of organic evolution;
Hardey-Weinberg law; Components of an ecosystem; Vegetation types in India;
Ecological pyramids; Biogeochemical cycles; Ecological adaptations; climatic, edaphic
and biotic factors. Ecological succession- Hydrosere and Xerosere; Natural recourses;
Biodiversity; Current environmental issues; Environmental pollution; Global warming
and climate change. Conventional and Non-conventional energy sources.
Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Bioconservation and Biological degradation of
hazardous wastes
Plant Reproduction and Anatomy: Advancements in Plant Embryological Research
with the application of modern techniques; Ultra Structure and Biochemical aspects of
Pollen and Embryo sac, Modern concepts on fertilization in Angiosperms. Tissues and
tissue systems, anomalous secondary growth and significance of anatomical characters
in phylogeny.
Plant Physiology and Metabolism: Plant Water Relations; Minerals and their role in
growth and development. The Flowering Process; Growth hormones and their role in
plant systems; Stress Physiology; Photosynthetic productivity in field crops in relation
to CO2 fixation mechanisms; Nitrogen fixation; Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, amino acids and nucleic acids; Biological oxidation and Bioenergetics.
Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Amino acids, Lipids, Vitamins.
Enzymes-classification and mode of action; Enzyme kinetics; Factors regulating
enzyme action.
Cell biology: Ultra Structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell; Structure and
Function of cell organelles; Cell division-mitosis and meiosis. Chromosome structure,
Genetics: Mendelian Principles; Gene interaction; Linkage and Crossing over;
Mutations - Genic and Chromosomal (Structural and Numerical) aberrations,
Recombination in Prokaryotes; Extra Genomic Inheritance.
Molecular Biology: DNA and RNA structure; Genome organization in Eukaryotes
and Prokaryotes; DNA replication in Pro and Eukaryotes; Transcription and
Translation in Pro and Eukaryotes; Genetic Code, Regulation of gene expression in Pro
and Eukaryotes.
Plant Biotechnology: Principles of Plant Tissue culture; Somatic Hybridization;
Production of Haploids; Production of Secondary Metabolites. Principles of
recombinant DNA technology; Molecular Vectors; Blotting techniques; PCR; DNA
sequencing; Gene Transfer methods (Physical, Chemical and Biological); Applications
of Genetic Engineering in Agriculture and Medicine.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of ENVIRONMENTALIST 2 [LSEOS]

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of FINANCIAL ANALYST 3 [USOS],

1. Management Thought, Principles & Functions Planning and Decision Making Organization Structure - Delegation & Decentralization Control - Process &
Techniques - Leadership & Motivation Managerial Communication Group Dynamics
- Organizational Change, Culture and Development Business Policy and Strategic
Management Vision, Objectives and Strategies Supply Chain Management Total
Quality management - Social Responsibility and Ethical Issues Global Challenges
2. Financial Management Nature, Scope and Objectives - Financial Planning &
Forecasting Funds Flow & Cash Analysis Ratio Analysis Capital Structure
Financial leverage - Capital Budgeting Working Capital Management Mergers and
Acquisitions - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management - Financial System in India
3. Human Resource Management Principles, Functions and Challenges HR Planning
and Procurement Training & Development Performance Appraisal - Career Planning
& Counseling - Compensation Management Employee Welfare Industrial Relations
& Trade Unions Employee Participation HR Challenges at Global level

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)



Fundamentals of Horticulture: Importance, scope and divisions of Horticulture.

Classification of Horticultural plants. Families of Horticulture importance.
Classification of soils. Orchard-Selection of site, Orchard plan, systems of planting and
establishment. Nutrition of Horticultural plants, Organic & inorganic fertilizers and
method & time of application. Identification of deficiency symptoms & remedial
measures. Soil & leaf analysis. Assessment of irrigation requirements for different
horticultural crops. Different types of irrigation methods with emphasis on
Micro-irrigation. Flower bud initiation and formation; factors affecting them;
environmental influences; chemical; nutritional management practices. Pests belonging
to the animal & Plant kingdom principles and methods of control, classification of
pesticides; formulations & methods of pesticide application; environmental safety
concern and IPM strategies. Methods of enhancing soil fertility mulching, punchgavya.
Role of botanical and biocontrol agents. Study of tools and their usage.
Plant Propagation: Introduction, principles and classification of plant propagation
methods. Sexual propagation and its importance. Seed germination, process of seed
germination. Factors affecting germination and pre-germination treatments, viability
tests. Asexual propagation and its importance Propagation of plants by cuttings, factors
affecting regeneration of plants from cuttings, types of cuttings. Propagation by
layering, factors affecting regeneration of plants by layering and methods of layering.
Propagation by grafting, importance of grafting, terminology used in grafting, factors
for successful grafting, formation and steps in graft union. Selection of rootstock and
scion. Methods of budding and grafting. Graft incompatibility, bud wood selection.
Root stocks for commercial fruit plants. Role of root stocks in fruit production.
Production of Nursery stock. Propagation by fruits - Mango, Banana, Citrus, Papaya,
Guava, Jackfruit, Annona, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Ber and Ornamental plants Jasmine, Sented rose, Crysanthemum, Marrigold, Tuberose, Hibiscus, Nerium.
Micropropagation of plants - Types of aseptic cultures, advantages and disadvantages;
Types of media, preparation of media and inoculation of explants. Hardening.
Ornamental Horticulture and Nursery Management: Description and cultivation of
herbaceous perennials, woody perennials and bulbous, tuber and corm plants. Culture
care and maintenance of Cacti, Succulents, Ferns, Palms, Grasses, Cycads. Pruning and
Training General Principles, Plant sanitation, Aesthetic, Reproductive and
physiological objectives. General guidelines for pruning. Location of Nursery.
Climatic & economic considerations. Nursery structures Nursery beds, cold frames,
lath-houses, mist chambers. Types of nursery production. Propagation media &
containers. Soil and seed treatment - seed sowing, pricking, hardening. Pinching,
Planting & transplanting, shading, potting, & Repotting. Nursery plant arrangement &




display pricing strategy, labour requirement. Nursery budgeting & maintenance of

records. Important principles and concept of production of Vegetable Crops;
solanaceous crops - Brinjal, Tomato, Chilli, Potato. Cucurbits; Cole crops - Cabbage,
Cauliflower, Knol-khol; root crops - Carrot, Beetroot, Raddish; Tuber crops - Elephant
foot yam, tapioca, sweet potato.
Ornamental Gardening and Landscape Management: Production technology of
seasonal and climbers; herbaceous borders. Selecting trees for landscape. Planting trees
and post planting care. Different tree forms & their phenology. Planting schemes for
roadsides. Various features of Garden paths, garden walls, fencing, steps, edges,
hedges, arches, pergolas, shrubbery, groups, topiary, flower beds; Lawn purposes of
lawn, establishing a lawn, plating turf grass. Turf management, turf for athletic
purpose. Informal and formal Garden styles. Garden Designing Garden environment,
basic patterns, Check list of choices. Principles of Garden Design, attracting wild life
into the Garden; Rock garden; Home garden; Water garden. Garden operations-deshooting, disbudding & defoliation, staking, mulching, dead heading. Importance and
role of indoor plants on indoor atmosphere. Effect of light, temperature and water on
indoor plants. Common problems of indoor plants and their management. Garden tools
and equipment. Maintenance of landscape & garden-watering. Fertilizing, weed
control, pruning, & disease and insect pest control. Renovation of garden features
lawn, hedge, tree, climber, shrubs, potted plants.
Landscape Designs and Ecology: Introduction to Landscape Architecture - role of
Landscape Design in architecture. Brief review of Landscape Garden Design in history
in various regions - Spanish, French, English, Japanese and Moghul, Evolution of
concepts in Landscape Design after the Industrial Revolution. Landscape Design: a)
Site analysis; b) Identification of functional requirements; c) Site development by
exploiting natural forms; d) Elements in Landscape Design, land form, water, garden
furniture, lights, paving; e) study of plant trees, shrubs and ground cover, indoor plants;
f) Study of different species of Indian plants including flowering plants and field
identification. Urban landscape: Significance of landscape in urban areas. Design of
parks, playgrounds, landscape planning of individual building projects including roof
gardens, Road and Highway; Principles and properties of deign. Landscaping of
Historical Monuments and Places of Tourist Importance. Elementary landscape
construction. Definition of ecology, concept of ecosystem and different kinds of
projects on ecosystems, Urban Hilly and Coastal areas. Study of Air, Water and Noise
pollution. Measures for prevention and mitigation. Legal provision for control of
pollution; precaution of environmental impact.
Recent Advances in Horticulture: Watershed Management objectives, approaches,
steps in watershed development. Principles of composting, Vermi-culture,
Vermicomposting & Vermi-wash, Coir pith manure. Bonsai Suitable plants for
Bonsai; Aesthetics with plant parks, classification of Bonsai, Requirements of Bonsai
pot, Training and pruning, potting & repotting, general care. Terrarium culture. Flower
arrangement Ikabana & Western trend, Principles of flower arrangement, tools &
equipment, dehydrated flowers, dehydration methods, maintenance of flower shape,
and procedure for embedding, potpourri. Computer aided Designing in Landscape
Gardening and Designing. Basic tools of CAD and AUTOCAD. Production of Spices,
Medicinal and Aromatic plants. Spices - Ginger, Turmeric, Vanilla and Black Pepper.
Production of medicinal plants - Tulasi, Aswagandha, Safed musli, Stevia, Coleus,
Asparagus, isabgol.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of COMMUNITY MOBILISER 5 [PGOS]
Definition and characteristics of social group, community, society and social institutions; social
structure and social stratification; Rural, urban and tribal communities - features and distinctions.
Human Growth and Development in the Lifespan of Individual ; Learning, Socialization and
Theories of Personality.
Emergence of Social Work as a Profession. History and impact of social reform movements.
Definition and scope of Social Work; Social Work values and ethics; generic principles of social
work; social work as profession. Social Work and Human Rights. Social case work - concept,
components and principles. Process of social case work; techniques and skills in social case
work; social group work - values, skills and principles; stages of group development, programme
planning, implementation and evaluation. Group dynamics and group work. Self help groups and
group work.
Community organization concept, objectives and principles; approaches in community
organization, community organization and community development, Social action - concept and
scope - Popular form and Elitist form, principles and strategies; net-working, conscientisation,
planning and organization. Significance of community needs assessment.
Social research and Social Work Research nature, objectives and process; Types of Research
Designs. Steps in Research - Problem Formulation, Operationalisation of Variables, types of
sampling, Tools and Techniques of Data Collection, Data Analysis and Report Writing.
Participatory research - Origin, methods and principles of Participatory Rural Appraisal. Field
work in social work - objectives , types and importance .
Social Policy in India Evolution, models and Review of Major Policies and Programmes, viz.,
Social Security, Employment, Education, Health, Environment, Family, Children, Women and
Youth Welfare, Elderly and Physically and Mentally Challenged. Social Development
Concept and Indicators. Approaches and Strategies Growth and Equity, Minimum Needs,
Quality of Life. Social Policy and Social Planning; Sustainable development, social development
and social work. Non governmental organizations and development.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of ASSOCIATE PLANNER 2 [LSP] &
Principles of landscape design and site planning; history of landscape styles; landscape
elements and materials; plant characteristics & planting design; environmental considerations
in landscape planning.
Climatology Composition of atmosphere, elements of weather and understanding various
biomes and detailed understanding of climate and microclimate and its components,
microclimatic controls.
Technical requirements Study and inspect several engineering topics such as contours and
grading, cut and fill methods, storm water runoff systems, erosion control methods, grading
terraces, road alignment basics. Grading of various areas like sports fields. Subsurface water
drainage methods. Earthwork computations. Definition of watershed areas, calculation of
surface runoff and design of swales for drainage of surface water.
Site planning process and its significance; establishing relationship between site
characteristics and design requirements.
Site Survey and Appraisal; topographic surveys and their methodology, visualising
landforms. Understanding contours and their characteristics, graphical representation,
deriving contours by interpolation.
Surface Drainage: Site planning for efficient drainage; understanding drainage pattern and
watershed area, calculation of surface runoff, determination of catchments area and discharge
rate; types of drainage systems, design of drainage elements: swales and culverts etc. Sub
surface drainage planning.
Criteria for plant selection: Planting as a design element for structuring the landscape.
Differentiation between trees, shrubs, ground cover and creepers. Planting for appearance of
form, leaf color and texture, branching habit and trunk form and their texture, color of
flowers and fruits. Spring, winter summer and autumn variation in appearance.
Visual aesthetic and functional considerations in planting design. Planting for visual effect
and accent. The role of plant material in environmental improvement, (e.g. soil conservation,
modification of microclimate). Planting for shelter, windbreaks and shelter belts. Planting in
various environments such as woodlands, forests, rural areas, urban areas, roadside planting
in urban and rural areas, industrial sites etc. Planting design for habitat such as grasslands,
woodlands, sloping areas, marshes, bogs, wetlands, waterside and aquatic planting etc

Management: Landscape management at the regional scale in relation to soil conservation,

water management, grassland management, forestry and agriculture. Management practices
related to urban ecology and urban habitats, such as urban forests, river banks, regional parks
and green belts: ecological, economic and administrative issues. Management models.
Horticulture Practice: Nursery establishment and Plant propagation. Establishment and
maintenance of grass, shrubs and trees with respect to: ground preparation, planting and
transplanting, pruning. Horticulture practice and maintenance. Common plant pests, diseases
and their control; manures and insecticides and their application. Protection of plant material.
Water Budgeting. Equipment for landscape maintenance
Legislation framework for environmental in context of India and World. Environmental
legislation dealing with town planning, forestry, national parks and sanctuaries, periphery
control legislation, legislation relation to preservation of parks of urban spaces, monuments
etc. Air, Water and Mining Acts etc. EIA-Framework, Economic aspects of the environment
and quantification of landscape values, economic significance of plants, insects and animals,
role of wild life and bio-magnification.
Professional practice Ethics, code of conduct and liabilities as landscape architects,
contracts and tenders, execution procedures, Professional fees, role of various bodies and
organizations like COA, IIA, ISOLA etc, Landscape working drawings with proper
annotations and legends and understanding the universal vocabulary for this subject,
landscape detailing, landscape specification writing V. costing and estimation and contracts
and tenders.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Remote sensing-A historic prospective, Indian remote sensing program Electro Magnetic
Radiation (EMR): EM radiation for Remote sensing, Physical Basis of Signature: Signature in
the Reflective OIR region, Thermal Infrared (TIR), Microwave region.
Atmospheric characteristics atmospheric gas composition Thermal infrared radiation
Emissivity Emittance of materials, EMR Interaction with Earth materials: Spectral signature
Classification of Remote sensor, selection of sensor parameters,spatial resolution, spectral
resolution, radiometric resolution, Temporal resolution Optical and Infrared sensors: Whisk
broom cameras. Microwave sensors, Sun synchronous and Geosynchronous satellites Land
coverage Repetitivity On track and Across track stereovision capability. IRS, LANDSAT,
SPOT, CANADA, JAPAN, EUROPEAN, satellite series.
Image Interpretation , Sensors, Data reception, Data processing & Data generation Sensors and
its specifications, Multispectral Scanner (MSS),TM,LISS, used in Landsat series satellites,,
Radiometric and Geometric corrections,Thermal Imaging: Introduction - IR region of the
Electromagnetic spectrum, Atmospheric transmission.
Microwaves for Remote sensing, Types of Microwave sensors, Real Aperture Radar (RAR),
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Geometry of Radar Imagery. data sources, Characteristics of
digital Image data, spatial data sources, Digital data acquisition, Digital Image Data formats,
Image processing system considerations.
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Geographical Information Systems: The components of geographical Information
System; Future directions and trends in GIS, Data display, Data Storage, Spatial Indexes, Data
analysis tool GIS Hardware, Software, Organizational Context Comparison of GIS and
Hardcopy Maps GIS Software available in Market.
Data Files and Data bases- Data Types Non-Spatial Data Nominal, Ordinal, interval, ratioSpatial Data Points, Lines and Polygons / Area File Types Simple lists, Ordered Sequential
Files Indexed Files Data Base Functions, Data base structures Hierarchical, Network,

Raster Data structures - Raster Data Model Creating a raster Data Quadtree data structure
Irregular Tesselations Theissen polygons, Triangulation, Delaunay triangles. Vector Data
Structure - Vector Data Model Topological Errors, Error identification, Topological Editing,
Continuous Surface Representation - Digital Elevation Models Elevation data capture,
Interpolation, DEM representation Altitude matrix, TIN structure DEM interpretation, Scale,
Visualisation, Applications. Union and Intersections of Polygons, shape measures of polygons,
buffer zones Data Transformation Change in Dimensionality, Change in position Rubber
Sheeting, Tin Sheeting Vector to Raster, Raster to Vector Conversion. Non-spatial data
analysis Structured Query Language.
Modeling Definition Spatial Modeling External Model, Conceptual Model, Logical Model,
Internal Model GIS applications in Resource Management AM / FM studies.Data Quality
Data Quality in Spatial Data Transfer Standards Lineage, Positional, Attribute accuracy,
Logical Consistency, Completeness Error Propagation.Multi Criteria Evaluation in GIS Data
capture using GPS for GIS FM studies Object Oriented Database Models. Recent trends in
GIS.Global Positioning Systems (GPS); Navigation; GPS elements space segment, user
segment and control segment; Accuracy issues; determining orthometric heights.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)


Ohms and Kirchhoffs Laws, star/delta transformation, Network theorems, Power and Energy,
Heating effects of Electric current, Magnetic effects, Electromagnetic Induction, Electrostatics,
Batteries, Types of Electrical Engineering Materials Conducting, Semi-Conducting, Magnetic,
Insulating, Di-electric Properties and Uses.
D.C. Generators: Construction, Operation, types, EMF Equation, Windings, Characteristics,
Efficiency and Parallel operation.
DC Motors: Principle of Operation, Back EMF, Torque Equation, Types, armature reaction.
Characteristics, Starters, Speed Control, Losses, Efficiency and Testing, Batteries.
Measuring Instruments: Classification, Principle of Operation of moving Coil, Moving Iron,
Dynamometer type, Induction type meters, Instrument Transformers, Induction type Energy
meter, M.D. Indicator, TRI VECTOR Meter, PF meter, Frequency meter, Measurement of
Resistance, Transducers and Sensors Types, Thermistor, Thermocouple, Pressure Transducers
and Strain gauges.
A.C. Circuits: Fundamentals, Series and parallel R-L-C Circuits, Resonant circuits, Polyphase
Circuits, Measurement of Power by 2 Wattmeters.
Transformer: Single-Phase Transformer, Construction, Operation, Equivalent circuit,
regulation, efficiency, Testing and Parallel operation, Accessories of Transformers and Cooling.
Three-phase Transformers, Auto-Transformers.
Alternators: Construction, Operation, EMF equation, regulation, testing and parallel operation.
Synchronous Motors: Operation and performance, effects of Excitation, V Curve and
inverted V Curve, methods of Starting and uses.

Three-Phase induction Motors: Construction, Principle of Operation, Torque Equation, Sliptorque characteristics, losses, efficiency, speed control, starters, double-cage motor.
Single-phase Induction Motor: Types, Principle of operation, applications. Single-phase
commutator motors: Types, Principle of operation and applications.
Generating Stations: Working, Components, Comparison of Thermal, Hydel, Nuclear and Gas
Power stations. Pollution control, Combined Working, Power Stations auxiliaries, Characteristic
Curves and Important Terms, types of tariffs, power factor correction and economy.
Power Systems Protection: Circuit Breakers Types, Principles of operation and uses, Current
Limiting reactors, Relays Classification, Principle of Operation of Induction type over current
relay, Directional and Non directional relays, differential relays and distance relays, Protection of
alternator, Transformers, Bus-bars, Transmission Lines, Lightening arrestors, neutral grounding.
Transmission and distribution: Types of supply systems, Transmission line parameters,
inductance and capacitance, performance of short and medium lines, regulation, Ferranti effect,
Corona, Basic concepts of HVDC Transmission, Advantage and disadvantages of HVDC
Components of lines, supports, conductor spacing, ground clearance and sag, insulators, voltage
distribution across the string, string efficiency, methods of improving string efficiency. Earthing
and layout of sub-stations.
Cables Classification, insulation resistance, specifications. Distribution-Radial and ring
distributors, variation of load voltage.
Electric Traction:- Systems of train electrification, Speed-time curves for different services,
Schedule speed, Tractive Effort, Specific Energy Consumption, Traction system auxiliaries,
Traction motor.
Electric Wiring :- Tools, Wires, Types of wiring, accessories, Lamp Circuits, Estimating and
costing of domestic, industrial, power, irrigation pump sets, over head lines and 11 KV Sub
Stations, Rural electrification, departmental tests, earthlings, maintenance of electrical machines.
Semi-Conductor devices:- N type & P type, Zener diode, PNP and NPN Transistors, Transistor
Configurations, Characteristics, power supplies-half and full wave rectifiers, Filters, Zener diode
regulations, Special devices-UJT,FET.LED,SCR, Opto Coupler, Photo diode, Photo Transistor,
CRO and Timers.

Amplifiers :- Types, Principles of Operation, Characteristics.

Oscillators :- Types, operation and application of each.
Digital Electronics :- Different numbering systems, inter Conversions Boolean Algebra, Logic
Families, performance of AND, OR, NOT,NOR,NAND gates, combinational logic circuits ,
Resistors and Memories, A/D and D/A Converters.
Power Electronic Devices:- Construction and working of SCR, GTOSCR, DIAC, TRIAC, Voltampere characteristics, Triggering of SCR using UJT, Protection.
Converters, AC Regulators, Choppers, Inverters and Cyclo converters:Types of converters, working of AC regulators and choppers. Types of inverters, Principles of
Working, Basic Principles of Working of Cyclo Converters.
Speed control of D.C.Motors by using converters and choppers, Speed control of induction
motor by using AC Voltage regulators-V/F Control, Switched mode power supplies (SMPS),
Micro Controllers:- Architecture of 8051, instruction set of 8051, Programming concepts,
Peripheral ICS-Function, features.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Electric Circuits and Fields: Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis,
transientresponse of dc and ac networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance, basic filter
concepts;ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenins, Nortons and Superposition and
Maximum PowerTransfer theorems, two-port networks, three phase circuits; Gauss Theorem,
electric field andpotential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions; Amperes
and Biot-Savartslaws; inductance; dielectrics; capacitance.
Signals and Systems: Representation of continuous and discrete-time signals; shifting and
scalingoperations; linear, time-invariant and causal systems; Fourier series representation of
continuousperiodic signals; sampling theorem; Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms.
Electrical Machines: Single phase transformer equivalent circuit, phasor diagram,
tests,regulation and efficiency; three phase transformers connections, parallel operation;
autotransformer;energy conversion principles; DC machines types, windings,
generatorcharacteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of
motors; threephase induction motors principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and
speedcontrol; single phase induction motors; synchronous machines performance, regulation
andparallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications; servo
andstepper motors.
Power Systems: Basic power generation concepts; transmission line models and
performance;cable performance, insulation; corona and radio interference; distribution systems;
per-unitquantities; bus impedance and admittance matrices; load flow; voltage control; power
factorcorrection; economic operation; symmetrical components; fault analysis; principles of
overcurrent,differential and distance protection; solid state relays and digital protection;
circuitbreakers; system stability concepts, swing curves and equal area criterion; HVDC
transmission andFACTS concepts.
Control Systems: Principles of feedback; transfer function; block diagrams; steady-state
errors;Routh and Niquist techniques; Bode plots; root loci; lag, lead and lead-lag compensation;
statespace model; state transition matrix, controllability and observability.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Bridges and potentiometers; PMMC, moving
iron,dynamometer and induction type instruments; measurement of voltage, current, power,
energyand power factor; instrument transformers; digital voltmeters and multimeters; phase, time
andfrequency measurement; Q-meters; oscilloscopes; potentiometric recorders; error analysis.
Power Electronics and Drives: Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs,
GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs static characteristics and principles of operation; triggering
circuits; phasecontrol rectifiers; bridge converters fully controlled and half controlled;
principles of choppersand inverters; basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of TECHNICAL OFFICER 5 [WS],

UNIT-1 : SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS-CURVES FOR DUCTILE MATERIALSMechanical properties of materials-Hookes law-lateral strain-Poissons ratio-Elastic constants
and the relation between them-Composite sections-Resilience-Strain energy-Gradual and sudden
loading-Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams for cantilever,, Simply supported, fixed,
continuous and overhanging beams subjected to Point loads and UDL
UNIT-2 : Theory of simple bending-assumptions-bending equation-bending stresses-Section
Modulus-Shear stress distribution across various sections like rectangular, circular and Isections-Torsion-solid and hollow circular shafts.
: Deflection of cantilevers and simply supported beams-Double Integration and
Macaulays methods-Mohrs theorems for slope loading-Analysis of Fixed and continuous beams
of uniform section for simple loading without sinking of supports. Columns and struts-typesslenderness ratio-Eulers and Rankines formulae for axial loading. Determination of forces in
members of statically determinate, plane and pin-jointed trusses for dead loads only. Dams and
retaining walls-conditions for stability-middle third rule-Rankines formula for active earth


UNIT-4 : Grades of concrete, characteristic strength, Modulus of Elasticity-I.S. 456-2000
Philosophy of Limit state design. Limit state of Strength and Serviceability, partial safety factordesign strength of materials and design loads-assumptions.
Analysis and Limit state design of rectangular beams-Singly, Doubly reinforced and T-beams.
Shear in RCC beams, lintels and sunshades-Development length.
Slabs-analysis and limit state design of one-way and two-way slabs as per IS : 4556-2000.
Torsion reinforcement. Design of continuous slabs and beams-Deflection check for slabs and
beams. Detailing of reinforcement in Singly reinforced and doubly reinforced simply supported
beams of rectangular section and lintels, one way and two way slabs.
UNIT-5 : Columns : Codal provisions of I.S 456-2000-short and long columns-different shapesdesign of short columns by limit state method-long columns-concept, effective length for
different end conditions. Footings-Isolated column footings-one way shear and two way shear.
Stairs-types, loads on stairs.
Working stress method of design : Bsic preinciples, neutral axis, lever arm Design and analysis
of Singly reinforced simply supported rectangular beams. Comparision of Limit State and
Working Stress Methods.
UNIT-6 : Chain surveying purpose and principle errors and corrections different
operations in chain surveying obstacles methods of calculation of area. Compass Surveying
purpose and principle bearings traversing using prismatic compass local attraction errors.
Levelling definitions component parts errors classification of leveling contouring
characteristics and methods. Theodolite principles and component parts fundamental lines
and relationship among them adjustments of theodolite measurement of horizontal and
vertical angles errors traverse computations bowditch and transit rule. Tacheometry
principle stadia tacheometry tangential tacheometry, Principle and uses of E.D.M, Electronic
Theodolite, Total Station, Global positioning System Importance, G.I.S Use and applications
in Civil Engineering.
UNIT-7 : Fluid properties-specific weight mass density-specific gravity-surface tensioncapillarity-viscosity. Atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure and absolute pressure. Fluid pressure
on plane surfaces-Centre of pressure, measurement of fluid pressure using piezometer and
manometers. Types of flows-uniform, non uniform, steady, un steady, laminar and turbulent
flows. Energies of liquid in motion-continuity equation. Bermoullis theorem Pitot tubeVenturimeter, Flow thorough small and large orifices, free orifices, submerged orifices, coefficients of orifices-Cc, Cv and Cd. Flow through internal, external, convergent and divergent
mouthpieces. Types of Notches-rectangular and triangular, flow over notches. Types of Weirs-

sharp crested and broad crested and broad crested-mathematical formulae for discharge-Francis
and Bazins
UNIT-8 : Flow through pipes-major and minor losses-Cheazys and Darcys formulae for loss of
head due to friction-HGL & TEL flow through siphon pipes. Reynolds number for laminar
aqnd turbulent flows. Flow through open channels-rectangular and trapezoidal-chezys formula
for discharge-kutters and Mannings equation for Chezys constants-Most economical sections.
Centrifugal pumps without problems. Classification of Turbines-Kaplan, Francis and Pelton
wheel without problems-use of Draft tube. Hydro-electrical installations-components and uses.
UNIT-9: Necessity 0f Irrigations Perinnial and inundation Irrigation, Flow and Lift Irrigation,
Principal crops-kharif and rabi seasons-Duty, delta and base period. Methods of Irrigation-check
flooding, basin flooding, contour bundling, furrow, sprinkler and drip Irrigations. Hydrology
Rainfall, types os Rain gauges, types of Rain gauges, types of ctchmetns-rainfall and runoff.
Measurement of velocity of low in streams-Ryves and Dickens flrmulae for computing
maximum flood discharge. Classifications of Head works component parts of diversion head
works. Weirs and Barrages. Perculation and uplift pressures. Types of Reservoirs-dead storage,
live storage and surcharge storage.
UNIT-10 : Storage Head works different types of dams-rigid and non rigid dams-gravity damslow and high dams. Elementary profile of a dam. Failures of gravity dams-drainage galleries.
Ogee and siphon spillways. Earth dams-types, failures and precautions. Phreatic lines and
drainage arrangements in earthen dams. Distribution works-classifications and alignment of
canals-typical cross section of a canal-beam and balanced depth of cutting-canal lining Laceys
silt theory. Cross drainage works types and functions.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of BUILDING INSPECTOR 6 [DC]
Sample stresses and strains : Types of stresses and strains Hooks Law, Stress-Strain
curve for mid steel working stress and factor of safety Posion ratio State of simple shear,
complementary Shear Elastic constants and their relations Compound bars Thermal stress.
Compound stresses Mohrs circle of stress Principal stresses and planes.
Shear force and bending moment diagrams. S.F.D and B.M.D for cantilevers, simply
supported beams and over hanging beams subjected to point leads and uniformly distributed
loads. Relations among load, shear force and bending moment.
Bending and shear stress. Basic equation : M/I = F/Y = E/R Distribution of bending and
shear stresses across various cross sections such as rectangular, circular, I and T sections,
Torsion of Circular shafts power transmission.
Columns and struts : Eulers theory and Rankines Theory Socant and Perry formulae
for eccentrically loaded columns.
Deflections and slopes : Slopes and deflections in cantilevers simply supported beams :
proposed beams and fixed beams subjected to point leads and uniformly distributed loads.
Timber: Different

types and species of structural timber, density moisture relationship,

strength in different directions, defects, preservations, plywood.

Bricks: Types, Indian standard classification, absorption, saturation factor, strength in masonry,
influence of mortar strength on masonry strength.
Cement: Compounds of different types, setting times strength.
Cement mortar : Ingredients, proportions, water demand, mortars for plastering and masonry.
Concrete: Importance of w/c ratio, strength, ingredients including admixtures, workability,
testing for strength, mix design methods, non-destructive testing.
Analysis of determinate structures different methods. Analysis of indeterminate skeletal frames
Moment distribution. Slope deflection. Kanis Stiffiness and force methods. Energy methods,

Muller Breslan principle and application. Plastic analysis of indeterminate beams and simple
portal frames Shape factors.
Principles of working stress method. Design of connections, Simple members, Built-up sections
and Frames. Design of industrial roofs. Principles of ultimate load design. Design of simple
Limit state design for bending. Shear, Axial compression and combined forces. Codal provision
for slabs. Beams, Columns and footings. Working stress method of design of R.C. members,
Principles of pre-stressed concrete design. Materials, Methods of pre-stressing losses. Design of
simple members and determinate structures. Design of brick masonry as per IS codes.
Bar chart, Linked bar chart, Work break down structures, Activity on arrow diagrams.
Critical path Probabilistic activity durations. Event based networks. PERT & CPM network:
Time-cost study, Crashing, Resource allocation.
Fluid statics : Hydrostatic force on a plane and curved area centre of pressure and its
applications to lockgates and dams Matacentric height.
Fluid Dynamics : Convective and local acceleration, Eulers equation of motion and its
intergration. Bemoullis equation motion and its application, flow in curved path. Free and
forced vortex.
Flow measurements : Notches and weirs, wave velocity for adiabatic and isothermal
compression, Basic equations of one-dimensional flow continuity, energy and momentum
Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes Reynolds experiment significance of
Reynolds number formulae for through circular pipes. Turbulant flow-Darcy Weisbsch
equation, friction factor and Modys diagram.
Turbines : Classification, specific speed velocity triangles, work done and efficiency
minimum starting speed, loss of head, specific speed and characteristic curves for centrifugal


Hydrological cycle, Precipitation and related data analysis. Unit hydrographs, Evaporation and
transpiration. Floods and their management, Stream gauging, Routing of floods, Capacity of
reservoirs. Multi purpose uses of water. Soil plant Water relationships, Irrigation systems.

Water demand assessment. Storages and their yields. Ground water yield and well Hydraulics.
Water logging and drainage design. Design of rigid boundary canals. Laceys and tractive force
concepts in canal design. Lining of Canals, Sediment transport in canals, Non-overflow and
overflow dams and their design, Energy dissipaters, Design of head works, Distribution works,
Falls Cross-drainage works, Outlets, river training.
a. Water Supplying Engineering: sources of supply, yields, Design of intakes and
conductors, Estimation of demand. Water quality standards, Control of water borne diseases.
Primary and secondary treatment. Conveyance and distribution systems of treated water,
Leakages and control. Rural water supply. Institutional and industrial water supply.
b. Waste water engineering: Urban rain water disposal, Systems of sewage collection and
disposal. Design of sewers and sewerage systems, Pumping Characteristics of sewage and its
treatment. Disposal of products of sewage treatment. Pumping systems. Rural and semi-urban
c. Solid Waste Management: Sources and effects of air pollution, Monitoring of air
pollution, Noise pollution, Standards, Ecological chain and balance. Environmental assessment.
Properties and classification of soil, Compaction, Permeability and Seepage, Flow nets, Inverted
filters, Compressibility and consolidation. Shearing resistance, Stresses and failure. Soil testing
in laboratories and in-situ, Earth pressure theories, Stress distribution in soils. Soil exploration,
samplers, Load tests, Penetration tests. Types of foundations, selection criteria, Bearing capacity,
Settlement, Laboratory and field tests. Types of piles and their design and layout. Foundations on
expansive soils, Swelling and its prevention, Foundation on swelling soils.
Classification of surveys, Scales, Accuracy, Measurement of distances, Direct and indirect
methods, Optical and electronic devices, Measurement of directions, Prismatic compass. Local
attraction. Theodlytes, Types, Measurement of elevations, spirit and trigonometric leveling,
Contours, Digital elevation modeling concept, Establishment of control by triangulations and
traversing, Measurement and adjustment of observations, Computation of coordinates, Field
astronomy, Concept of global positioning system, Map preparation by plane tabling and by
photogrammetry, Remote sensing concepts, Map substitutes. Planning of Highway systems,
Alignment and geometric design, Horizontal and vertical curves, Grade separation, Materials and
construction methods for different surfaces and maintenance. Principles of pavement design,
Drainage. Traffic surveys, Intersections, Signaling, Mass transit systems, Accessibility,

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of



Sample stresses and strains : Types of stresses and strains Hooks Law, Stress-Strain
curve for mid steel working stress and factor of safety Posion ratio State of simple shear,
complementary Shear Elastic constants and their relations Compound bars Thermal stress.
Compound stresses Mohrs circle of stress Principal stresses and planes.
Shear force and bending moment diagrams. S.F.D and B.M.D for cantilevers, simply
supported beams and over hanging beams subjected to point leads and uniformly distributed
loads. Relations among load, shear force and bending moment.
Bending and shear stress. Basic equation : M/I = F/Y = E/R Distribution of bending and
shear stresses across various cross sections such as rectangular, circular, I and T sections,
Torsion of Circular shafts power transmission.
Columns and struts : Eulers theory and Rankines Theory Socant and Perry formulae
for eccentrically loaded columns.
Deflections and slopes : Slopes and deflections in cantilevers simply supported beams :
proposed beams and fixed beams subjected to point leads and uniformly distributed loads.
Timber: Different

types and species of structural timber, density moisture relationship,

strength in different directions, defects, preservations, plywood.

Bricks: Types, Indian standard classification, absorption, saturation factor, strength in masonry,
influence of mortar strength on masonry strength.
Cement: Compounds of different types, setting times strength.
Cement mortar : Ingredients, proportions, water demand, mortars for plastering and masonry.
Concrete: Importance of w/c ratio, strength, ingredients including admixtures, workability,
testing for strength, mix design methods, non-destructive testing.

Analysis of determinate structures different methods. Analysis of indeterminate skeletal frames
Moment distribution. Slope deflection. Kanis Stiffiness and force methods. Energy methods,
Muller Breslar principle and application. Plastic analysis of indeterminate beams and simple
portal frames Shape factors.
Principles of working stress method. Design of connections, Simple members, Built-up sections
and Frames. Design of industrial roofs. Principles of ultimate load design. Design of simple
Limit state design for bending. Shear, Axial compression and combined forces. Codal provision
for slabs. Beams, Columns and footings. Working stress method of design of R.C. members,
Principles of pre-stressed concrete design. Materials, Methods of pre-stressing losses. Design of
simple members and determinate structures. Design of brick masonry as per IS codes.
Bar chart, Linked bar chart, Work break down structures, Activity on arrow diagrams.
Critical path Probabilistic activity durations. Event based networks. PERT & CPM network:
Time-cost study, Crashing, Resource allocation.
Fluid statics : Hydrostatic force on a plane and curved area centre of pressure and its
applications to lockgates and dams Matacentric height.
Fluid Dynamics : Convective and local acceleration, Eulers equation of motion and its
intergration. Bernoullis equation motion and its application, flow in curved path. Free and
forced vortex.
Flow measurements : Notches and weirs, wave velocity for adiabatic and isothermal
compression, Basic equations of one-dimensional flow continuity, energy and momentum
Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes Reynolds experiment significance of
Reynolds number formulae for through circular pipes. Turbulant flow-Darcy Weisbsch
equation, friction factor and Modys diagram.
Turbines : Classification, specific speed velocity triangles, work done and efficiency
minimum starting speed, loss of head, specific speed and characteristic curves for centrifugal


Hydrological cycle, Precipitation and related data analysis. Unit hydrographs, Evaporation and
transpiration. Floods and their management, Stream gauging, Routing of floods, Capacity of
reservoirs. Multi purpose uses of water. Soil plant Water relationships, Irrigation systems.
Water demand assessment. Storages and their yields. Ground water yield and well Hydraulics.
Water logging and drainage design. Design of rigid boundary canals. Laceys and tractive force
concepts in canal design. Lining of Canals, Sediment transport in canals, Non-overflow and
overflow dams and their design, Energy dissipaters, Design of head works, Distribution works,
Falls Cross-drainage works, Outlets, river training.
a. Water Supplying Engineering: sources of supply, yields, Design of intakes and
conductors, Estimation of demand. Water quality standards, Control of water borne diseases.
Primary and secondary treatment. Conveyance and distribution systems of treated water,
Leakages and control. Rural water supply. Institutional and industrial water supply.
b. Waste water engineering: Urban rain water disposal, Systems of sewage collection and
disposal. Design of sewers and sewerage systems, Pumping Characteristics of sewage and its
treatment. Disposal of products of sewage treatment. Pumping systems. Rural and semi-urban
c. Solid Waste Management: Sources and effects of air pollution, Monitoring of air
pollution, Noise pollution, Standards, Ecological chain and balance. Environmental assessment.
Properties and classification of soil, Compaction, Permeability and Seepage, Flow nets, Inverted
filters, Compressibility and consolidation. Shearing resistance, Stresses and failure. Soil testing
in laboratories and in-situ, Earth pressure theories, Stress distribution in soils. Soil exploration,
samplers, Load tests, Penetration tests. Types of foundations, selection criteria, Bearing capacity,
Settlement, Laboratory and field tests. Types of piles and their design and layout. Foundations on
expansive soils, Swelling and its prevention, Foundation on swelling soils.
Classification of surveys, Scales, Accuracy, Measurement of distances, Direct and indirect
methods, Optical and electronic devices, Measurement of directions, Prismatic compass. Local
attraction. Theodlytes, Types, Measurement of elevations, spirit and trigonometric leveling,
Contours, Digital elevation modeling concept, Establishment of control by triangulations and
traversing, Measurement and adjustment of observations, Computation of coordinates, Field
astronomy, Concept of global positioning system, Map preparation by plane tabling and by
photogrammetry, Remote sensing concepts, Map substitutes. Planning of Highway systems,
Alignment and geometric design, Horizontal and vertical curves, Grade separation, Materials and
construction methods for different surfaces and maintenance. Principles of pavement design,
Drainage. Traffic surveys, Intersections, Signaling, Mass transit systems, Accessibility,

Plane Stress and Plane Strain: Components of stress, Strain, Hookes law, Stress and strain at a
point. Plane stress, Plane strain, Equations of equilibrium, Boundary conditions, Compatibility
equations stress foundation.
Two Dimensional Problems in Rectangular Coordinates: Solution by polynomials, Saint
Vanants principle determination of displacements, Bending of cantilever loaded at the end,
Bending of a beam by uniform load.
Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs: Introduction, Short-term deflection of
beams and slabs,
Estimation of Crack width in Reinforced Concrete Members: Introduction, Factors affecting
crack width in beams, Mechanisms of flexural cracking, Calculation of crack width, Simple
empirical method, Estimation of crack width in beams by IS 456, Shrinkage and thermal

Urban transportation planning concepts systems approach to the planning

Trip generation modeling variables influencing trip generation, regression
analysis and category analysis.
Trip distribution modeling factors governing trip distribution, growth-factor
methods and gravity models, calibration of gravity models.
Modal split modeling factors influencing mode choice, discrete choice models,
route assignment traffic assignment techniques.
Transportation surveys.
Transport related land use models, urban structure, urban goods transport.


Traffic Engineering:

Introduction and scope.

Traffic stream components and characteristics.
Traffic studies.
Highway capacity and performance characteristics.
Planning and design of facilities.
Probability and statistics for traffic engineering.
Theoretical techniques for describing traffic flow.
Traffic forecasting principles and techniques.

Simulation in traffic engineering.

Traffic Management:

Transportation system management Travel demand management, Traffic

Principles of Design of Foundations, Types of shear failures in foundation soils, Types of
foundations, Design Loads, Basic Concepts of safe and allowable bearing capacity.
Bearing Capacity Analysis: Bearing capacity theories Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Skempton,
Hansen, Vesic and IS Methods, Bearing capacity evaluation from Standard Penetration test and
Plate load test.
Settlement Analysis: Uniform and Differential Settlements, Elastic and Consolidation
Settlements, Settlement analysis in cohesionless soils by Schemartmann and Hartman method,
Penetration tests; Permissible settlements as per IS 1904-1978, causes of settlement, settlement
Proportioning of footings: Isolated column footings, Strip, combined Footings and Strap
Raft Foundations: Bearing capacity of raft foundation, floating raft, Types of rafts, Beam on
Elastic foundation and Conventional methods of Design, determination of modulus of
subgrade reaction.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of DEPUTY EXECUTIVE ENGINEER 2 [STE],
1. Building Materials : Timber, Bricks, Cement, Concrete : Importance of W/C Ratio,
Strength, ingredients including admixtures, workability, testing for strength, elasticity, nondestructive testing, mix design methods.

Solid Mechanics Elastic constants, stress, plane stress, Mohrs circles of stress, strains, plane
strain, Mohrs circle of strain, combined stress; Elastic theories of failure; Simple bending,
shear; Torsion of circular and rectangular sections and simple members.


Structural Analysis of determinate structures different methods Analysis of indeterminate

skeletal frames-moment distribution, slope-deflection, stiffness and force methods, energy
methods, Muller Breslau principle and application. Plastic analysis of indeterminate
beams and simple frames shape factors.


Design of Steel Structures Principles of working stress methods. Design of connections,

simple members, Built up sections and frames, Design of Industrial roofs. Principles of
ultimate load design. Design of simple members and frames.


Design of Concrete Structures Limit state design for bending, shear, axial compression and
combined forces. Codal provisions for slabs, beams, walls and footings. Working stress
method of design of R C members. Design of simple members and determinate structures.


Construction Practice, Planning And Management Concreting Equipment

Soil Mechanics : Properties of soils, classification and interrelationship; Compaction
behaviour, methods of compaction and their choice; Permeability and seepage, flow nets,
Inverted filters; Compressibility and consolidation; Shearing resistance, stresses and
failure; soil testing in laboratory and in-situ; Stress path and applications; Earth
pressure theories, stress distribution in soil; soil exploration, samplers, load tests,
penetration tests.

Foundation Engineering :
Types of foundations, Selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement, laboratory and field
tests; Types of piles and their design and layout, Foundations on expansive soils,
swelling and its prevention, foundation of swelling soils.


Plane Stress and Plane Strain: Components of stress, Strain, Hookes law, Stress and strain at a
point. Plane stress, Plane strain, Equations of equilibrium, Boundary conditions, Compatibility
equations stress foundation.
Two Dimensional Problems in Rectangular Coordinates: Solution by polynomials, Saint
Vanants principle determination of displacements, Bending of cantilever loaded at the end,
Bending of a beam by uniform load.
Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs: Introduction, Short-term deflection of
beams and slabs,
Estimation of Crack width in Reinforced Concrete Members: Introduction, Factors affecting
crack width in beams, Mechanisms of flexural cracking, Calculation of crack width, Simple
empirical method, Estimation of crack width in beams by IS 456, Shrinkage and thermal
Introduction: A brief history of F.E.M. Need of the method, Review of basic principles of solid
mechanics, Equations of equilibrium, Boundary conditions, Compatibility, Strain displacement
relations, Constitutive relationship.
Theory relating to the formulation of the finite element method, Coordinate system (local and
global), Basic component A single element. Derivation of stiffness matrix, Assembly of
stiffness, Matrix boundary conditions All with reference to trusses under axial forces.
Concept of element, Various element shapes, Triangular element. Discretisation of a structure,
Mesh refinement Vs. Higher order element, Inter connections at nodes of displacement models
on inter element compatibility.
Introduction : Principles of Design of Foundations, Types of shear failures in foundation
soils, Types of foundations, Design Loads, Basic Concepts of safe and allowable bearing

Shallow Foundations:
Bearing capacity theories Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Skempton, Hansen, Vesic and IS Methods,
Bearing capacity evaluation from Standard Penetration test and Plate load test.
Settlement Analysis: Uniform and Differential Settlements, Elastic and Consolidation
Settlements, Settlement analysis in cohesionless soils by Schemartmann and Hartman method,
Penetration tests; Permissible settlements as per IS 1904-1978, causes of settlement, settlement
Proportioning of footings: Isolated column footings, Strip, combined Footings and Strap Footing.
Raft Foundations: Bearing capacity of raft foundation, floating raft, Types of rafts, Beam on
Elastic foundation and Conventional methods of Design, determination of modulus of subgrade

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of ASSISTANT PLANNER 4 [TTP] &
Urban Transportation Planning :

Urban transportation planning concepts systems approach to the planning

Trip generation modeling variables influencing trip generation, regression
analysis and category analysis.
Trip distribution modeling factors governing trip distribution, growth-factor
methods and gravity models, calibration of gravity models.
Modal split modeling factors influencing mode choice, discrete choice models,
route assignment traffic assignment techniques.
Transportation surveys.
Transport related land use models, urban structure, urban goods transport.

Traffic Engineering and Management :

Traffic Engineering:

Introduction and scope.

Traffic stream components and characteristics.

Traffic studies.

Highway capacity and performance characteristics.

Planning and design of facilities.

Probability and statistics for traffic engineering.

Theoretical techniques for describing traffic flow.

Traffic forecasting principles and techniques.

Simulation in traffic engineering.

Traffic Management:

Transportation system management Travel demand management, Traffic


Geometric Design of Highways

Geometric design provisions for various transportation facilities as per AASHTO,

IRC and other guidelines.

Discussion of controls governing geometric design

Route layout and selection.

Elements of design sight distances, horizontal alignment, transition curves,

super elevation and side friction.

Vertical alignment grades, crest and sag curves.

Highway cross-sectional elements and their design for rural highways, urban
street and hill roads.

Atgrade intersections, sight distance considerations and principles of design,

channelisation, mini round-abouts, layout of round-abouts.

Interchanges Major and minor interchanges, entrance and exit ramps,

acceleration and deceleration lanes, bicycle and pedestrian facility design.

Parking layout and design.

Terminal layout and design.

Analysis and Design of Pavements

Pavement types, stress distribution pavements theoretical and actual

Sub grade conditions and traffic loading.
Design principle and methods for flexible and rigid pavements.
Design of heavy duty pavements.
Concrete block pavements.

Evaluation of pavement condition, pavement instrumentation:

Types of pavement distresses, their origins and remedy.

Roughness and skid resistance.

Environmental effects and influences.

Pavement maintenance, overlays.

Pavement management systems.

Airport Planning & Design

Aircraft characteristics.
Obstruction criteria.
Air traffic control.
Runways: Orientation, length, geometric standards, capacity, configuration.
Taxiway, geometric standards, fillets, high speed exit taxiway.
Apron-gate area and circulation.
Terminal building functional areas and facilities.
The planning and site selection.
Pavement design and evaluation.
Visual aids.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Principles of Design of Foundations, Types of shear failures in foundation soils, Types of
foundations, Design Loads, Basic Concepts of safe and allowable bearing capacity.
Bearing Capacity Analysis: Bearing capacity theories Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Skempton,
Hansen, Vesic and IS Methods, Bearing capacity evaluation from Standard Penetration test and
Plate load test.
Settlement Analysis: Uniform and Differential Settlements, Elastic and Consolidation
Settlements, Settlement analysis in cohesionless soils by Schemartmann and Hartman method,
Penetration tests; Permissible settlements as per IS 1904-1978, causes of settlement, settlement
Proportioning of footings: Isolated column footings, Strip, combined Footings and Strap
Raft Foundations: Bearing capacity of raft foundation, floating raft, Types of rafts, Beam on
Elastic foundation and Conventional methods of Design, determination of modulus of subgrade
Pile Foundations: Types, load capacity- dynamic formulae, static formula; pile load testsVertical load test, lateral load test, Cyclic load test; settlement of piles and pile groups, negative
skin friction on single pile and pile groups; laterally loaded piles - Brooms Analysis, IS Code
method; Under reamed piles Load capacity, design and construction.
Well Foundations: Types, Bearing Capacity of well foundations, Construction of pneumatic
caissons, Tilts and Shifts: precautions, Remedial measures
Foundations in Expansive Solis : Introduction, Identification of expansive soils, Swell potential
and swelling pressure, Active depth, Foundation Problems, Foundation practices in expansive
soils, Soil Replacement and CNS concepts.


Reinforced Earth: Concept, Effects of Reinforcement on soils Equal Confining and Psuedo
Cohesion Concepts, Materials, Friction Coefficient Definition, Laboratory determination,
Factors affecting friction coefficient; Application of Reinforced Earth

Geosynthetics: Types, Functions, Tests on Geosynthetics, Durability aspects, Applications

Reinforced Earth Retaining Walls: Introduction, Stability Mechanisms, Design of Reinforced

Earth Retaining Wall, Advantages over conventional Retaining Walls


Theory of Vibration: Free and forced vibrations with and without damping for single mass
system with single degree freedom, Logarithmic Decrement and Damping Ratio, Principles of
Design of Vibration measuring Devices, Transmissibility of force, vibrations of Two degree
freedom system, vibrations of Systems under transient loads.
Natural frequency of foundation soil system by Barkans Method
Dynamic Soil Properties: Tests for determination of dynamic soil properties - Cyclic Plate load
test, Block vibration test, Up Hole, down Hole and Cross Hole wave Propagation tests, Hammer
Test, Resonant Column Test, Seismic Reflection and Refraction tests.
Design of Machine Foundation: Types of Machine Foundations, design criteria, Degrees of
Freedom of Block foundation
Seismology and Earth Quakes: Introduction, Seismic Hazards, seismic waves, internal
structure of earth, Continental Drift and plate tectonics, faults, elastic rebound theory, geometric
notations, location of earthquakes, size of earthquakes.

Liquefaction: Flow liquefaction, cyclic mobility, Evaluation of liquefaction hazards,

liquefaction susceptibility, Initiation of liquefaction, Effects of liquefaction, liquefaction Control


Compaction: Shallow Surface Compaction - Equipment, Placement water content, factors
affecting shallow compaction; Deep compaction: Methods - Vibrofloatation, Terra probe
method, Pounding, Blasting, Compaction piles; Compaction Control.
Vertical Drains: Sand drains, Sand wicks, Rope drains, Design of vertical drains, Stone
Stabilization: Methods of stabilization Mechanical, Cement, Lime, Bituminous, Calcium
chloride; construction methods, factors affecting stabilization of soils; Deep Mixing methods
Soil lime Columns and Cement Lime Columns
Dewatering: Methods of dewatering Interceptor ditch, Single, Multistage and Vacuum well
points, Horizontal wells, Electro-osmosis. Permanent drainage by Foundation drains and Blanket
Grouting: Objectives of grouting, Grouts and their properties, Categories of Grouting, Grouting
methods: Asending, Descending and Stage Grouting in Soils, Hydrofracture, Grouting
In-situ Reinforcement: Ground Anchors, Tiebacks and Soil Nailing, Micropiles.
Earth Pressure: Basic concepts, Rankine and Coulomb earth pressure theories, Determination
of active and passive pressures: Culmanns Graphical method, logarithmic spiral methods,
friction circle method. Consideration of surcharge, seepage, earth quack, wave effect,
stratification, type of backfill, wall friction and adhesion.
Retaining structures:
a. Uses, types, stability and design principles of retaining walls, backfill drainage,
settlement and tilting.
b. Sheet Pile Walls: Types, Design of cantilever sheet pile walls in granular and
Cohesive soils; Design of anchored sheet pile walls by free and fixed earth support
methods, Rowes theory of moment Reduction, Design of anchors.
c. Braced excavations: Types of sheeting and Bracing systems, lateral earth pressure on
sheeting in sand and clay, Design components of braced cuts.
Cellular cofferdams: Types Diaphragm and Circular type, Design by TVA method. Stability of
cellular cofferdams, cellular cofferdams in rocks and soils.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
4 [WS]
Hydraulics of ground water flow - Nonequilibrium flow, Yield estimations,
Interferences Infiltration galleries, ground water recharge- principles of water shed management
Introduction to EIA: Definition, Concepts, Types, Limitations, components of EIA
process, settings public participation, public hearing.
Methodologies: background
information, interaction matrix methodologies, network methodologies etc, environmental
setting- various factors, documentation and selection process, environmental indices and
indicators for describing affected environment.
Physical and Chemical Treatment: Screening, Grit removal, Aeration and gas transfer,
Application of Membrane Processes, Reverse Osmosis, Micro-filtration, Nano-filtration,
Ultrafiltration and Electrodyalisis Chemical precipitation, other solids removal operations,
Control of odour, Control of volatile organic compounds. Theory of Sedimentation flocculent
particle settling theory of coagulation and flocculation- zeta potential - Filtration - theory of
granular media filtration head loss cleaning of filter media - backwash hydraulics Theory of
chlorination equilibrium constants. Principles: Objectives of biological treatment significance aerobic and anaerobic treatment kinetics of biological growth - factors affecting growth
attached, suspended and Hybrid growth systems. Determination of kinetic coefficients for
organics removal Biodegradability assessment selection of process reactors batch &
continuous type
Aerobic Treatment of Wastewater: Design and construction aspects and the relevant
parameters of significance of the units: Activated Sludge Process, Trickling Filters, Aerated
Lagoons, Rotating Biological Contactors, Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR), Stabilization ponds,
Hybrid reactors for the treatment of wastewater : IFAS, MBBR, MBR, Expanded / fluidized
bed bio reactors. Anaerobic Treatment of Waste Water: Sludge handling and treatment -Sludge
digestion: theory and principles - Disposal of digested sludge, Anaerobic ponds, UASB reactors
and various modifications in UASB process and anaerobic filters. Two stage /phase reactors
biogas generation.
Introduction: Definition - Sources and classification of Air Pollutants - Photochemical
smog - Effects of air pollution on health of Human & Animals, vegetation & materials, air
quality, Global effects of air pollution. Sampling and Particulate Pollution Control Methods:
Atmospheric sampling and stack sampling methods. Air quality standards. Types of particulate

pollution control methods Settling chambers, Cyclone separators, Scrubbers, Filters and
Electrostatic precipitators, design aspects and principle of these air pollution control units.
Gaseous pollution control methods and automobile pollution: Types of gaseous pollution control
methods absorption, adsorption and combustion processes. Automobile pollution, sources of
pollution, composition of auto exhausts, Control methods. Planning for conducting Air pollution
Noise Pollution- Definitions Significance in general - sources, measurement - effects
and control measures, noise legislations
Introduction: Definition of solid waste waste generation, sources and types of solid
waste sampling and characterization Determination of composition of Municipal Solid
Waste Onsite storage and handling of solid waste. Collection and Transport of Solid Waste:
Type and methods of waste collection systems, analysis of collection system Optimization of
collection routes alternative techniques for collection system. Transfer and Transport: Need for
transfer operation, transport means and methods, transfer station types and design requirements.
Separation and Processing and Transformation of Solid Waste- Waste as a Resource Economics,
Disposable Materials, Recycling Collection, Processing, Potential for Reuse. Processing and
disposal: Unit operations used for separation and processing, Materials Recovery facilities,
Source reduction and waste minimization, Metal Separation & Recovery Waste transformation
through combustion and composting, anaerobic methods for materials recovery and treatment
Energy recovery biogas generation and cleaning Incinerators. Landfills: Site selection, design
and operation, drainage and leachate collection systems designated waste landfill remediation.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of PLANNING ASSISTANT 7 [PGOS],
4 [USOS]
Urban Economics & Sociology, Utilities & Network Planning, Planning & Management of
Informal Sector, Planning Practice, Land use Planning Zonal/sub-city level, Area
Development Planning, Development Planning & Management, Environmental Planning and
Management, Planning Legislation, Urban Development Plan, Planning Practice and Project
formulation & Appraisal.
Housing, Facilities Management, Real Estate Planning & Management, Regional Planning &
Development, Urban Finance, Metropolitan Planning, Urban Governance & Management,
Planning for Disaster Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Rural Development
and Management, Water sensitive Urban Development, and Climate Change & Cities.
Development Administration and Management: Planning laws; development control and
zoning regulations; laws relating to land acquisition; development enforcements, urban land
ceiling; land management techniques; planning and municipal administration; disaster
mitigation management; 73rd & 74th Constitutional amendments; valuation & taxation;
revenue resources and fiscal management; public participation and role of NGO & CBO;
Institutional networking & capacity building.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of PLANNING ASSISTANT 7 [PGOS],
Architectural Design: multi-storied and tall buildings health, hospitality, commercial and
retail buildings, structural aspects of building load bearing, framed, RCC, steel and
advances structures, theory of design, Place making, housing - high density and low rise
Climatology: Thermal control, global warming, thermal comfort in built envelopes, heat
gain and heat loss, U values, solar passive & active architecture. green building concepts
and rating systems, climate responsive design; energy efficient building design; thermal
comfort; environment pollution, their control & abatement.
Visual and Urban Design: Principles of visual composition; proportion, scale, rhythm,
symmetry, harmony, datum, balance, form, color, texture; sense of place and space, division
of space; barrier free design; focal point, vista, image ability, visual survey, figurebackground relationship. Site planning emerging concepts and principles, Anthropometrics,
Computer Aided Design: Application of AutoCAD in architecture and planning.
History of Architecture: Indian Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and
Mughal periods; European Egyptian, Greek, Roman, medieval and renaissance periodsconstruction and architectural styles; vernacular and traditional architecture.
Development of Contemporary Architecture: Architectural developments and impacts on
society since industrial revolution; influence of modern art on architecture; works of national
and international architects; art novuea, eclecticism, international styles, post modernism,
deconstruction in architecture.
Building Services: Water supply and sanitation, sewerage and drainage systems; sanitary
fittings and fixtures; plumbing systems, principles of internal & external drainage systems,
principles of electrification of buildings, intelligent buildings; elevators & escalators, their
standards and uses; air conditioning systems; fire fighting systems, building safety and
security systems. HVAC, Mechanical ventilation, vertical circulation systems. Principles of
lighting and styles for illumination; basic principles of architectural acoustics;

Building Construction and Management: Building construction techniques, methods and

details; building systems and prefabrication of building elements; principles of modular
coordination; estimation, specification, valuation, Advanced building construction
technology prefabrication, curtain walls, tensile structures etc. professional practice; project
management techniques e.g., PERT, CPM etc;
Materials and Structural Systems: Behavioral characteristics of all types of building
materials e.g. mud, timber, bamboo, brick, concrete, steel, glass, FRP, different polymers,
composites; principles of strength of materials; design of structural elements in wood, steel
and RCC; elastic and limit state design; complex structural systems; principles of prestressing; tall buildings; principles of disaster resistant structures.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of ASSISTANT PLANNER 4 [URP], ZONAL
Planning Techniques and Theory, Introduction to Infrastructure and Transportation Planning,
Introduction to Housing & Environmental Planning, Socio-Economic Elements for Planning,
Quantitative Methods, Graphics, Mapping Techniques, Area Appreciation, Local
Area/Neighborhood Plan and Introduction to Information systems.
Development Control Measures, Zoning, sub-division control Regulations, Asset
Management, F.S.I, FAR, TDR, Land Assembly Techniques etc.
Regional Planning, Application of Geo-informatics and Land Economics and Management,
Environmental Planning City/Town Level, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Tools,
theory of Environmental Planning & Design, Research Methods, Urban Infrastructure for
Environmental Planning & Management.
City planning: Evolution of cities; principles of city planning; types of cities & new towns;
planning regulations and building byelaws; eco-city concept; sustainable development.
Housing: Concept of housing; neighborhood concept; site planning principles; housing
typology; housing standards; housing infrastructure; housing policies, finance and
management; housing programs in India; self help housing.
Planning Theory: Regional planning; settlement system planning; history of human
settlements; growth of cities & metropolises; principles of Ekistics; rural-urban migration;
urban conservation; urban renewal; Five-year plan; structural and sect oral plan.
Techniques of Planning: Planning survey techniques; preparation of urban and regional
structure plans, development plans, action plans; site planning principles and design;
statistical methods of data analysis; application of G.I.S and remote sensing techniques in
urban and regional planning; decision making models.
Traffic and Transportation Planning: Principles of traffic engineering and transportation
planning; traffic survey methods; design of roads, intersections, grade separators and parking

areas; hierarchy of roads and levels of services; traffic and transport management in urban
areas, intelligent transportation system; mass transportation planning; Para-transits and other
modes of transportation, pedestrian & slow moving traffic planning.
Environmental Economics, Ecological footprints Analysis, Drainage and Watershed
Planning, Advances water and wastewater treatment, Environmental Planning/Impact
Assessment at Regional /District level, Environmental Law & Professional Practice,
Environmental Impact Assessment, Project Management & Finance Energy Studies,
Ecological Zoning, Ecologically sensitive areas, Coastal Zone Regulations.
Introduction to Urban Transport Planning Process, Evaluation of Urban Structures, Public
transport, Transport safety, Planning and Management of Transport System, Regional
Transport systems, Transport and Environment, Financial and Economic appraisal of
transport projects.
Infrastructure, Services and Amenities: Principles of water supply and sanitation systems;
water treatment; solid waste disposal systems; waste treatment, recycle & reuse; urban
rainwater harvesting; power supply and communication systems --- network, design &
guidelines; demography related standards at various levels of the settlements for health,
education, recreation, religious & public-semi public facilities.
Earth shape, concepts of raster and vector data, geo-referencing, projections. Remote
sensing: Introduction to satellite imageries, aerial and satellite, geostationary and geosynchronous satellites, principles of resolution, principles of electromagnetic radiations,
digital image processing, satellite data interpretation. Geographic information system:
Feature data point, line, Polygon, annotation, data creation digitization, layers, scales,
errors, topology creation, integration of attribute data, data query, data analysis overlay
functions in GIS, 3D surfaces/terrain models, printing GIS maps page setting, assigning
grids, scaling and printing. Applications: map preparation base-maps, land-use maps etc.
Development Administration and Management: Planning laws; development control and
zoning regulations; laws relating to land acquisition; development enforcements, urban land
ceiling; land management techniques; planning and municipal administration; disaster
mitigation management; 73rd & 74th Constitutional amendments; valuation & taxation;
revenue resources and fiscal management; public participation and role of NGO & CBO;
Institutional networking & capacity building.

Section-C (Specialization)
60 Questions (60 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of ASSISTANT PLANNER 4 [UD],

Brief review of the evolution of the urban design as a discipline, basic principles and
theories. Concepts of public and private realm, understanding different types and procedures
of urban design interventions their scale relationships; constrains and challenges of urban
design in democratic versus authoritarian settings.
Garden cities, city beautiful methods, precincts, super blocks, neighborhood planning,
townships, scientific towns, part cities, urban landscapes. Relationship of urban design with
economic, environmental and social sustainability, urban renewal and urban sprawl, concepts
of transit oriented development, compact city, healthy city and walkable city, institutional
arrangements for urban design control tools, including signage control and faade control.
Urban Conservation: Analysis of development proposals for conservation based on the
synthesis and finding of the investigation of a selected projects study with focus for
rehabilitation/conservation and redevelopment plans. Socio economic development and
conservation. Detailed investigations are undertaken for their economic and socio implication
for any equitable development due to conservation. Review of national and international
Heritage Management: Overview and introduction to basic concepts of Heritage
Management, Heritage Tourism and Pilgrimage Tourism & Management, World Heritage
Sites and its Management, Urban Heritage and its Management, Architectural Heritage &
Conservation Legislation: International Charters, National Policy for conservation, Review
of existing bylaws and conservation laws in the city/country, case studies of bylaws across
the world, incentives in conservation planning. Sensitive development guidelines, review of
existing laws of ASI, various agencies and their role in conservation issues related to
conservation like less properties rent control act, D.C rules, CRA etc. encounters with present
practices internationally in urban and architectural research. Architectural conservation in
practice, urban conservation in practice.

Test No.24
Section-A: Analytical Ability
35 Questions (35 Marks)
Syllabus For the Post of Administrative Asst 8 [OM]

Data Sufficiency:
A question is given followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as ( i ) and ( ii ). If the
data given in alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct answer. If
the data given in ii alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (2) is the correct
answer. If both i and ii put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement
alone is sufficient, then choice (3) is the correct answer. If both i and ii put together are not
sufficient to answer the question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is the correct


Problem Solving

a) Sequences and Series:

Analogies of numbers and alphabet, completion of blank spaces following the pattern in a:b::c:d
relationship; odd thing out: missing number in a sequence or a series.
b) Data Analysis:
The data given in a Table, Graph, Bar diagram, Pie Chart, Venn Diagram or a Passage is to be
analyzed and the questions pertaining to the data are to be answered.
c) Coding and Decoding Problems:
A code pattern of English Alphabet is given. A given word or a group of letters are to be coded
or decoded based on the given code or codes.
d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems:
Calendar problems, clock problems, blood relationships, arrivals, departures and schedules,
seating arrangements, symbol and notation interpretation.

Test No.24
Arithmetical Ability
35 Questions (35 Marks)
3.Arithmetical Ability:
Laws of indices, ratio and proportion; surds; numbers and divisibility, l.c.m. and g.c.d; Rational
numbers, Ordering.; Percentages; Profit and loss; Partnership, Pipes and cisterns, time, distance
and work problems, areas and volumes, mensuration, modular arithmetic. A question is given
followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as ( i ) and ( ii ). If the data given in i
alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct answer. If the data given
in ii alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (2) is the correct answer. If both i and
ii put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement alone is sufficient, then
choice (3) is the correct answer. If both i and ii put together are not sufficient to answer the
question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is the correct answer
4. Algebraical and Geometrical Ability
Statements, Truth tables, implication converse and inverse, Tautologies-Sets, Relations and
functions, applications - Equation of a line in different forms.
Trigonometry - Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles, (0, 30, 45, 60,
90, 180): Trigonometric identities: sample problems on heights and distances, Polynomials;
Remainder theorem and consequences; Linear equations and expressions; Progressions,Binomial
Theorem, Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative; Plane geometry - lines, Triangles,
Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate geometry-distance between points.
III. Statistical Ability:
Frequency distributions, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, simple
problems on Probability.

Test No.24
Section-C: Communication Ability
50 Questions (50 Marks)
Candidates will be assessed on the ability to:
1. Identify vocabulary used in day-to-day communication.
2. Understand the functional use of grammar in day-to-day communication as well as in business
3. Identify the basic terminology and concepts in computer and business contexts (letters,
reports, memoranda, agenda,minutes etc.).
4. Understand written text and drawing inferences.
Part 1: Vocabulary
Part 2: Business and Computer terminology
Part 3: Functional Grammar
Part 4: Reading Comprehension

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