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CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms

Student ID: MC120402396

Assignment 4
Dijkstras Algorithm
The Dijkstras Algorithm works in very smartest way, taking an example of graph
for finding the shortest path. Considering an example of there are multiple nodes
drawn from one node at an end to another at distant indirectly linked position.
Using Dijkstras Algorithm, first it visits every neighbor node & identify the distance
from starting node s to other linked nodes, & Assigns a Value or Label v to every
node that is equal to distance from starting node. The number iterations are n i.e.
unlimited. After visiting all the vertices the algorithm stops then assigns a label to
visited nodes e.g.
v (Node Value) = s (starting node value) + l (Distance)
In the next step the algorithm chooses the node which has the smallest value at its
label but it is still not final unless it reaches the targeted point. After that the
algorithm will select the neighbor nodes of smallest value node. Now again for
each neighbor node it will identify distance l from the starting node s again. Again
it will select the smallest value up to the neighbor nodes. The system will repeat
the same step n unless the neighbor nodes are visited & then algorithm will stop.

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Floyd-Warshall algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm that is used to find
the shortest paths among all pairs of nodes in a graph, it does not support any
negative length cycles. The main benefit of Floyd-Warshall algorithm is its
simplicity. It majorly used to compare multiple available options
Have an example of a graph, where vertices / nodes were numbered from 1 to n.
Notation dijk means the shortest path from i to j that also passes through

vertex/node k.
The Algorithm compares the two conditions:
1. If shortest path from i to j does not pass through the vertex k then value of
dijk will be equal to dijk-1.
2. If shortest path from i to j crosses over through the vertex k. In this case the
value of dijk will be equal to dikk-1 + dkjk-1.
The base case of this formula is the following:

Shortest Path (i, j, 0) = w( i, j) to calculate the the length of edge between vertices i and j

The recursive case of the formula is:

Shortest Path (i, j, k + 1) = min (Shortest Path (i, j, k), Shortest Path (i, k + 1, k) + Shortest
Path (k + 1, j, k))

Bellman-Ford algorithm
Bellman-Ford algorithm is an algorithm designed to search the entire shortest
paths in a graph from one source to all other vertices / nodes. In this algorithm the
graph does not support any cycles of negative length, but if it does, the algorithm
will detect it.
The algorithm works in a way that it generates multiple numbers of solution paths
from source node to destination node, after running every cycle it the array stores
that minimal distance from starting point to other vertices. After every run it
replaces the value stored in array if found less than previous value.

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