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Created by Iman Bendjedidi for www.imanshomeschool.wordpress.


Page 1

And set forth to them a parable of two men; for one of them We made two gardens of
grape vines, and We surrounded them both with palms, and in the midst of them We
made cornfields. [18:32]



Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 2

The Grateful man said


The Ungrateful man


The Ungrateful man


The Grateful man said



Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 3

The Importance of Saying

Insha Allah
And never say about anything: I will do that tomorrow
Except (by adding) InshaAllah! (If Allah wills) and remember your Lord if
you forget and say: Maybe my Lord will guide me to what is nearer to the
Saying InshaAllah helps us to remember Allah in all our plans and actions,
and helps us to understand that we dont have the power to do anything
unless Allah gives permission.

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 4

How long

Silver Coin

did they stay

in the cave?
How many
people slept
in the cave?

(Remember) when the young men fled for refuge to

Al Kahf (the Cave) [18:10]

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 5

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 6

Musa said to him (Khidr): "May I follow you so that you teach me something
of that knowledge (guidance) which you have been taught (by Allah)?"
Khidr made a hole in a ship and Musa said to
him: Have you damaged it to drown the
people? You have done a terrible thing!

Copy ayah inside flap and

decorate the outside of the
flap to look like a ship and
dont forget to add the hole.

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 7

Khidr said to Musa: I

told you that you would
not have patience with

Decorate sail

Decorate sail

Musa and Khidr met a boy and Khidr killed

him. Musa said: Have you killed an innocent
boy? You have done a very evil thing!

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 8

Khidr said to Musa: I told

you that you would not
have patience with me

Musa and Khidr travelled to a town and asked

the people of the town for some food. The
people refused.
Khidr saw a wall about to collapse so he rebuilt it.

Khidr said: Now we shall go our

separate ways and I shall explain to
you about the things I did that you
could not have patience with.

Musa told Khidr: You could have asked the

people to pay you for your work (18:77)


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Page 9

The ship belonged to some poor

fishermen and a cruel king was
stealing all the ships. Khidr damaged
the ship so that the king would not
steal it from the poor people. (18:79)

The boys parents were good people

and true believers. The boy was not a
true believer so Khidr killed him
before he caused his parents to
become disbelievers. Allah would
replace their disbelieving son with a
good son. (18:80-81)

Khidr rebuilt the wall because under the wall

was some treasure belonging to two
orphans. Their father had been a good man
and Allah planned for them to find their
treasure when they grew up. (18:81)

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 10

They said: "O Dhul-Qarnain! Verily Ya'juj and Ma'juj are doing great mischief
in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order that you might erect a
barrier between us and them?" [18:94]
Fold page under and cut out the
two mountain flaps individually.
Write ayat in each flap. Stick
bottom half of mountains down
in lapbook with space for the
wall to slot in behind

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 11

Cut out and cover front with silver foil to become the Iron Wall. Slot in place behind the
two mountains so it creates a barrier between the two. On the reverse of the wall write
the ayah 18:97-98

Fold page on the dotted

line, cut out flap and write
inside ayah 18:96

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 12

First mountain flap

Until, when he (Dhul-Qarnain) reached between two mountains,
he found near them a people who scarcely understood a word.
Second mountain flap
He said: "That in which my Lord had established me is better
(than your tribute). So help me with strength (of men), I will build
a barrier (wall) between you and them [18:95]
Smelting flap
"Give me pieces of iron;" then, when he had filled up the gap
between the two mountain-cliffs, he said: "Blow;" then when he
had made them (red as) fire, he said: "Bring me molten copper to
pour over them." [18:96]
Reverse of wall
So they [Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)] could not scale it or
dig through it.
(Dhul-Qarnain) said: "This is a mercy from my Lord, but when
the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the
ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true." [18:97-98]

Created by Iman Bendjedidi for

Page 13

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