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Welcome to the AP Biology Super Plant Challenge. Your goal is to use what you know about plant
growth and development and plant hormones to produce the best bean plant possible, starting
with seeds and ending with fruits.
1. Each group will be given 10 seeds, potting soil, pots, fertilizer, and several different plant
hormones to use. You need not use all of the seeds or all of the materials, but you must grow a
control plant.
2. You must use a plant hormone at least once during the course of the growing period,
which will end when any group produces a fruit (bean pod). You can use as many different
hormones as you like and apply them as frequently as you like.
3. You should keep detailed sketches/photos and procedures in the form of a time line,
showing where, when, and how much of whatever you do and why you did it. Your group needs to
initially produce a tentative time line / game plan, explaining what you will be doing, when, and why.
You can alter this at any point in your main observation time line.
4. BEST plant will be judged by a select panel, and will be put on display.
5. Bonus points will be given for the following:
a. longest free-standing stem
b. first to flower
c. most flowers
d. most leaves
e. first to produce a fruit

1. soak your seeds in water overnight to get them started
2. do not over water your seeds
3. any advice that you receive or tips that you look up should be documented in the appropriate
place in your procedure

Sowhat is you game plan????


Discussion Questions:
1. For each of the hormones below, describe its effects and the mechanism by which it works
(if known):
Abscisic Acid:
2. Describe the triple response that would occur if your bean seed were blocked by a rock as
it was germinating and pushing up through the soil.
3. Describe the how and why of the response of your plant to each of the following:
light shines on it from only one side, instead of from above
constant wind blowing on it
you forget to water it for several days
a caterpillar starts nibbling its leaves
4. What is the ultimate fate of each of the embryonic plant parts (radicle, hypocotyl, epicotyl,
cotyledons, endosperm) that you observed?
5. Describe the locations and general mechanism by which your plants are showing primary

6. List which tissue types are present and where they are located. List one tissue type that is
not present in your plant and where you might find it.

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