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El presente trabajo de investigacin denominado Relacin entre el nivel de

conocimiento y las actitudes sobre medidas preventivas en salud bucal en las
instituciones educativas del nivel inicial y primario del casero de Simbil en
el ao 2015 tiene por objetivo determinar la relacin entre el nivel de
conocimiento y actitudes sobre medidas preventivas en salud bucal utilizadas
por los docentes de las instituciones educativas del nivel inicial y primario del
casero de Simbil en el ao 2015. Se utiliz el diseo estadstico no
experimental y tuvo por hiptesis que existe relacin significativa entre el
nivel de conocimiento y actitudes sobre medidas preventivas en salud bucal
utilizadas en los docentes de las instituciones educativas del nivel inicial y
primario del casero de Simbil en el ao 2015.
En el primer captulo se presenta la descripcin de la realidad problemtica,
delimitacin de la investigacin, problema de investigacin, problema
principal, problema secundario, objetivo de la investigacin, objetivo general,
objetivo especfico, hiptesis de la investigacin, hiptesis general, hiptesis
secundaria, identificacin y clasificacin de variables e indicadores, diseo
de investigacin, tipo de investigacin, nivel de investigacin, mtodo,
poblacin y muestra de la investigacin, poblacin, muestra, tcnicas e
instrumentos de la recoleccin de datos, tcnicas, instrumentos, justificacin
e importancia de la investigacin.
El segundo captulo considera los antecedentes de la investigacin bases,
tericas definicin de trminos bsicos.
En el tercer captulo se presenta el anlisis e interpretacin de los resultados
y finalmente las conclusiones y recomendaciones as como as fuentes de
informacin consultadas.

The present research work named "Relationship between the level of
knowledge and attitudes about preventive oral health in the educational
institutions of the level of initial and primary of the hamlet of Simbil in the
year 2015" has by objective d identifying the relationship between the level of
knowledge and attitudes about oral health preventive measures used by
teacher of the educational institutions in the initial and primary level from the
village of Simbil in the year 2015. Non-experimental statistical design was
used and had the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between
the level of knowledge and attitudes about oral health preventive measures
used in teachers of the educational institutions in the initial and primary level
from the village of Simbil in the year 2015.
The first chapter presents the description of the problematic reality, defining
research, problem investigation, main problem, secondary problem, objective
research, general objective, purpose, hypothesis of research, general
hypotheses, secondary hypothesis, identification and classification of
variables and indicators, design research, type of research, level of research,
method, population and research, population, sample, sample data collection
tools and techniques , techniques, instruments, justification and importance of
The second chapter considers the history of research, theoretical bases
definition of basic terms.
The third chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the results and
finally the conclusions and recommendations as well as

the information

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