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December 2015
Vol. XV

Issue XII



200 Richey Road
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: 352-787-5696
Meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of Each Month at 7:00pm
Chartered January 15th, 1868

Committees for 2015

Officers for 2015

Worshipful Master
Senior Warden
Junior Warden

Bro. Ron Glover874-9504

Br. Jeff Lamb (Sherri).. 753-0277
Br. Wayne Reynolds.(Linda)407-484-0096
W Larry Duff (Brenda)..874-2164
W Hank DeBerry (Paula)....430-0238
Senior Deacon
Br. Ed Spencer...324-2134
Junior Deacon
Br. Pedro Arroyo (Marcia)386-804-2043
Senior Steward
Br. James M. Thomas.568-1554
Junior Steward
Br. Norman Novis (Alona).409-7669
WJim Angelos...255-1724
W John Haas (Tina)360-9114
Lodge Instructor
W Hank DeBerry (Paula)330-7311
Lodge Historian
W Larry Duff (Brenda)...874-2164
Trestle Board
W Hank DeBerry (Paula)330-7311
Trestle Board Printing Leesburg Printing ...787-3348
Lodge Web Mail

Board of Relief
Chairman WMRon Glover, Jeff Lamb, Wayne Reynolds
Lodge Property
Chairman Jeff Lamb, WDon McIntyre, WJim Angelos,
W John Haas, WMRon Glover
Finance - Investments & Budget
Chairman Jeff Lamb, RW Ken Graves,
WTom Russell, WLarry Duff, WJohn Haas
Chairman WJohn Haas, WBob Browning, Jeff Lamb,
Charity & Scholarships
Chairman WJohn Haas, Sec. WHank DeBerry, Ed Spencer

Past Masters
Charles Porter
G Kiser Hardaway
Jack Holloway
RWRay Richardson
William Ed Davison
Robert H. Smith
RWColin Crews
H. C. Connell
RWTheodore Jansen
Michael Dozier
John H. Meier V
Jay A. Frizzell, Jr.
Raleigh Sorenson
Don Barfield
Tom Russell
Mervyn Harris
RWKenneth Graves
RH Thomas E. Beach
Robert H. Browning
RWDennis Ricker 2005/2007^*
Roland P. Gibson
Bill Green
Richard Ecott
Donald McIntyre, Sr.
Randall Jesmok
Larry Duff
Jim Angelos
John Haas

Past Masters


MWJoseph Brearley
Henry DeBerry
Jack Delauter
Robert C. Gleckler
Robert Kennedy
Clifford Moore
Frank Peregrin
Glenn A. Reynolds*^
Edwin Robbins
Robert L. Welch
Forest Case*
Wayne Parks
Fred Lint
Raymond D Trudeau
John R. Haas
Gary Towne
^ Past District Instructor
* Past DDGM
# Past Grand Master

Chairman WHank DeBerry, WMRon Glover, Jeff Lamb

Lodge Mentors
Chairman WLarry Duff, WHank DeBerry, all Past Masters
Chairman WDon McIntyre, Sr., WBob Browning, Jeff Lamb
Petitions Investigation
Chairman WMRon Glover, WLarry Duff, W Hank DeBerry
Investigations Interviews
WM Ron Glover will appoint as needed
Chairman WJim Angelos, WBob Browning, Ed Spencer
Activities & Awards
Chairman WM Ron Glover, WJohn Haas, Jeff Lamb,
Wayne Reynolds
Officers meet at 6:00pm, first stated meeting, Committee Chairman
meet the second meeting of each month for business and planning.

18th Masonic District

District Instructor

RW Alan Heist
RH Ed Mayfield PDDGM 352-751-3532


WM Ron Glover

It is with mixed emotions that I write this last Trestle Board article. For those Brothers that have sat in the
East, you know the bittersweet feeling of ending your year as Master. As I reflect on this past year I am amazed at
how fast it has gone by and I cant help but first think of all the things I wanted to accomplish that we were not able
to do and the Brothers that weve lost. Perhaps its just human nature to focus on those people that you miss and the
things that you fail to get done, but I also choose to remember with fond memories the Brotherhood that was developed this year. I feel we raised some extraordinary Brothers this year and Im excited to see what the future holds
for them.
I would like to thank the Brothers for all their support this year. It has truly meant so much to me. Your year
as Master can be stressful, Ive got the hospital bill to prove that, but it can also be rewarding and I am proud to
have been elected to serve as Leesburgs Master in 2015. I tried to do things the right way. I tried to do what was
best for the Brothers and this Lodge, none of which would have been accomplished without the support of our
Brothers. I know Ive thanked them before, but I want to thank all the Past Masters that have offered their advice
and support. I took it to heart, I hope I lived up to your expectations and I hope we did some good for our Lodge. I
would like to thank the Line Officers for the support that they gave me this year. I relied on you heavily throughout
the year and for those that were there to lend a hand I cant thank you enough. I need to take a moment here to
thank three Brothers in particular. Our treasurer W:. Larry Duff, our secretary W:. Hank DeBerry, and our Junior
Past Master W:. John Haas. I have leaned on you three more than any others in 2015 and I could not have done it
without you. Thank you for all the hard work that you put in this year and thank you for always answering the calls
and being there for me.
You get out of Masonry what you put into it. Thats how the line goes. And its true. Its been a lot of hard
work and a lot of long hours the last few years but I wouldnt trade any of it. Masonry has given me so much in my
life. Ive met some great men and come to know the beautiful women supporting them. People that I am proud to
call friends and that I consider family. The ladies of the officers have put in some long hours as well this year. I
can never thank you enough. I also need to take a moment to thank a very special person, my lady Cindy, without
whom I would not have been able to get through this year. Thank You!
In leaving, I just want to encourage all the Brothers to show up to Lodge. Youve got some Brothers in
those chairs that love Masonry and truly care about Leesburg Lodge and theyve got some great ideas for future
events. Between our elected officers and the passion and fire I see in our new Brothers I am excited to see what the
future holds for our Lodge. All they need is the support from you and I.
Thank you Brothers and May God Bless You All,

Chaplains Corner

Brothers we were saddened at the loss of Brother Berlin Ruleman, a member of the Leesburg OES
family. He was living in South Carolina at the time and his nephew arranged for his remains to be
brought down for a Masonic Memorial in his home Lodge of Groveland. He was a Past Master of
Wildwood Lodge and a past member of Leesburg. Our deepest sympathies go out to his family. As
we come into the Christmas season let us all remember the reason we celebrate that special day. May all the
Brothers of the world unite into one body and celebrate the birth of our Savior. Joy to the World the Lord has
come, Let Earth receive his Peace! Yes they are the words of a song but also words to live by and follow.
Happy holidays to all our Brothers!

From the West

From the Secretary

Bro. Jeff Lamb

WHank DeBerry

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas on it's

way, the holiday season is upon us. The season for spending time with friends and family, being thankful, gift giving
and love, peace and joy. Kind of all the reasons we became
Masons. Brotherly love, peace in knowing we have became
a part of a group of men who will advise and support us, and
joy in the fellowship we share each time we participate in a
Masonic meeting or event.
As Masons it is nice to know that the feelings most
people have only this time of year is something we can be a
part of all year long. I want to thank all the brothers from our
Lodge, brothers of our district and through out the state for
showing me the care and compassion that only brothers can
share with each other. And make me proud to be a part of
this wonderful Fraternity. I am thankful for the moral lessons
that have been shared with me and that I have been allowed
to share with others.
So, as we travel through the rest of this year, let our
Masonic teachings reach out from us and touch our loved
ones, friends and even strangers as we hustle and bustle
about this holiday season. And as the year comes to an end
and a new one is upon us, along with our usual resolutions,
lets resolve to be more kind and caring to everyone we
come in contact with, and reach out and help others when
within the length of our cable tow.
Peace to you and your families, my Brothers.

As I sit here pondering what I want to say in

this Trestle Board and wondering if I will be able to
get it out on time once more, I have come to one
conclusion, it really wont affect the outcome of this
coming election! We will be having elections for
the 2016 Officers on Tuesday night the first day of
December and we only have three nomination forms
filled out! Thats right I said three! Can anyone
guess which three were filed with me? We have one
for Worshipful Master, one for Senior Warden and
one for Treasurer! Thats it! Out of 222 Brothers
who are listed as active members, we can only come
up with three who are willing to serve? Where does
that leave us next year when no one has the experience of coming up through the chairs and we have
the next election? We will be up the smelly creek
with no paddle to speak of and in deep stinky stuff,
thats where! My rant is finished and I hope I havent offended but I also hope I woke up some of you
who were sleeping on the sidelines. Good luck to
you Brothers you are really going to need it big
Well Brothers, this is my final article for you
as the Secretary of Leesburg Lodge No. 58. It has
been a pleasure and privilege to serve as your Secretary these past years and I will truly miss doing the
job for you. I want to thank W. Larry Duff for being
there on all the Tuesdays and Fridays with me, and I
especially want to thank my wife Paula for her tremendous support and help these past few years.
Thank you sweetheart I will be home for you more
often now and that may or may not be a good thing!
I realize that it has been difficult at times and will
likely be in the future, but whoever takes over this
spot will do the job as well or better than I have. If I
have one wish for the Brothers of this Lodge, it is
that you be kind to each other and work together to
make Leesburg Lodge a great place to meet and join
in fellowship once again. It was such a place in the
past and can be again if you try. Merry Christmas to
all the Brothers of Leesburg and all over this great
country. Happy New year and may the Great Architect grant you peace, love and happiness!

From the South


December 2015

Bro. Wayne Reynolds

The end of the year is near, and December is full of excitement. The breakfast was canceled due to the outdoor
degree on December 5th. The Sunday dinner on the 13th
will be ham, turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes with
gravy, salad and deserts. The second Stated Communication, with dinner beforehand at 6:00 PM, will have, leftovers.
I hope everyones Thanksgiving was enjoyable, with
your turkey and all the fixings, and spending time with
family and close friends. I know that my Thanksgiving
was enjoyable and, as always, I ate too much.
I hope that your Christmas is just as enjoyable, with lots
of gifts, good company, and good food.

Write a Friend Month

Dec 1 - Stated Communication -7:00 PM
Dec 1 - Lodge Officer Elections
Dec 5 - District Outdoor Degree - Drapers Farm @
9:00 AM - Coffee and Donuts @ 8:00 AM
Dec 5 - Repeal Day - Prohibition repealed by 21st
Amendment. Ill drink to that!
Dec 7 - Pearl Harbor Day
Dec 7 - Demolay Mtg - Eustis Lodge - 7:30PM
Dec 9 - Open Books/School of Instruction Tavares 6:30 PM
Dec 13 - Second Sunday Dinner 11:301:00 PM

Merry Christmas and Good Will,

Dec 14 - Rainbow Assembly 79 - Mt Dora -7:30PM

Wayne Reynolds and Family

Dec 15 - Stated Communication - 7:00 PM

Dec 16 - Masters and Wardens @ Eustis 7:30 PM
Dec 16 - Masters and Wardens Officer Elections
Dec 18 - National Make Cookies Day
Dec 24 - National Egg Nog Day
Dec 25 - Christmas Day!!!!!!
Dec 31 - New Years Eve

Once again Brothers and Sisters we ask that you please

DO NOT drive on the grass
next to the Lodge parking lot.
It is leaving ruts in the ground
and they are hard to mow
Thank You!-Yard
Maintenance Guy5

Masonic Education Worksheet

Name(s) of Those Who Attended:
Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________
Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:
Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________
Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________
Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerry
with this information at, or place them in the slot on the Secretarys door.

Name(s) of Those Who Attended:

Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________
Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:
Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________
Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________
Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerry
with this information at, or place them in the slot in the Secretarys door

Name(s) of Those Who Attended:

Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________
Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:
Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________
Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________
Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerry
with this information at, or place them in the slot in the Secretarys door

Leesburg Announcement Forms

Please Print Clearly

Date (s):__________________________ Time:_________________________
For further information contact:____________________ at ________________
Submitted by:_____________________________________________________

Leesburg Announcement Forms

Please Print Clearly

Date (s):__________________________ Time:_________________________
For further information contact:____________________ at ________________
Submitted by:_____________________________________________________


Current year or any part thereof - HELP US KEEP YOU INFORMED!
John Dean

Hank & Paula DeBerry

Larry & Brenda Duff

Jim Angelos

William & Sharen Aston

Joe Schlegal

Suzanne Mina

John & Tina Haas

Jim & Becky Campbell

Richard Follett

Ed Spencer

George A. Brown

Bob & Carolyn Browning

Ken Graves

George Shoemaker

Betsey Jordan

Bill & Sharon Staple

RW Ed Mayfield

Gary & Alberta Grimes

Dennis & Ginny Ricker

Ronald J. Glover

Ronald W. Glover

Ed Spencer

Charles and Marlene White

John E. Parfumorse

Last Month these names will be listed as sponsors for 2015.

If you would like to be a sponsor in 2016, please see the secretary with your donation. Your
donations are applied to the monthly mailing costs of the Trestle Board, we need 60 sponsors to
cover the yearly mailing costs. Sponsorship is $20.00 for the year or any part thereof. Our Goal
for this year is 60 sponsors. Please consider a sponsorship.
"You get out of Masonry only what you put in it."

No. 79 at Mt. Dora

Meeting Times & Locations
Hawthorne Masonic High Twelve No. 547 Meets at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday
of each month at Golden Corral, 1720 Citrus
Blvd. (Hwy 27/441) Leesburg, FL. Tel: 352728-3911.

Lets not forget the

young Ladies of our local
Rainbow Chapter. They
need our support.
We should also remember they are the future
of our Ladies organizations and future leaders in our
communities. Meetings are at 7:00pm on the 2nd
and 4th Mondays of each month at Mt. Dora Lodge.
Know a young Lady who might want to join,
you can contact Chapter Mom Debbie Dyer at 407908-6973 or Chapter Dad Warren Shippee at 321689-6661.
Attend a meeting and be impressed.

Tri-County Masonic High Twelve meets

10:30 a.m. 1st Wednesday of each month at La
Hacienda Recreation Center, The Villages.
Reservations for lunch due by the Thursday before the meeting, call Rita at 750-5561.

Your Friend is that man who

You cant live a perfect day

knows all about you , and

without doing something for

still likes you.

someone who will never be

-Ellbert Hubbard-

able to repay you.

- John Wooden -


Stated Communication Meetings
Leesburg No. 58
Umatilla No. 65
Clermont No. 226
Eustis No. 85
Villages No. 394
Tavares No. 234
Wildwood No. 92
Groveland No. 190
Mt. Dora No. 238

1st and 3rd Tuesday

1st and 3rd Monday
1st and 3rd Monday
2nd and 4th Monday
2nd Monday
2nd and 4th Tuesday
2nd and 4th Tuesday
2nd and 4th Thursday
1st and 3rd Thursday


Lets also not forget the young Men of our
local DeMolay Chapter.
They also need our support. We should also
remember they are the future of Masonry and future
leaders in our communities. Meetings are at 7:00pm
on the 1 and 3rd Mondays of each month at Eustis
Lodge. Know a Man who might want to join, you
can contact Granddaddy Philip Paul at 407-8328771. Attend a meeting and be impressed.

Have YOU Traveled Lately?



December Birthdays

Scottish Rite or
Ocala Scottish Rite meets the first Monday of each month,
at Ocala Scottish Rite Center, 3632 NE 7th Street, Ocala,
Orlando Scottish Rite meets at 1485 Grand Road, Winter
Park, Fla. on the 4th Friday of each month, except, November,
which is on the third Friday and dark in December, meetings at

York Rite Bodies

A Continuation of the Blue Lodge
Ocala York Rite Bodies Meetings at Belleview Lodge No. 95
Ocala Chapter No. 13 - Meets Second Wednesday of January,
March, May, September and November beginning at 7:30 PM.
Ocala Council No. 22 - R&S Masters - Meets Second
Wednesday of February, April, June, October and December beginning at 7:30 PM.
Ocala Commandry No. 19 - Knights Templar - Meets on the
fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.

Dec 7 - Richard Frazier

Dec 8 - Bobby Isler
Dec 9 - Rudolph Bennett
Dec 10 - John Haas
Dec 11 - George Wikane
Dec 15 - M.A. Choudry
Dec 15 - John OConnell
Dec 17 - Cy Stearns
Dec 20 - Don McIntyre
Dec 24 - Glenn Padgett
Dec 26 - R. O. Varnum Jr
Dec 28 - Bill Aston
Dec 28 - Willie McMillan
Dec 28 - Roger Gantner
Dec 31 - William Ed Davison IV
Dec 31 - Fred Lint

Lake/Sumter York Rite Bodies - Meetings at Leesburg Lodge

Eustis Chapter No. 33, Meets on the first Wednesday at 7:30
Golden Triangle Council No. 28Royal & Select Masters Meets first Wednesday at 7:30 PM.
Chapter and Council will alternate on who begins first.
Triangle Commandery No. 38 Knights TemplarMeets on
the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.

Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter No. 84

Lady Paula DeBerry PM Worthy Matron
W Hank DeBerry PPWorthy Patron
Lady Orrissa Maurer PMSecretary
W Robert Welch PGP Treasurer

Paula and I want to wish all our

Brothers and Sisters everywhere a
Happy Christmas and a Joyous
New Year!

Editors Note: All articles and information must be received by the editor
prior to the 23rd of the publishing
month for inclusion in the next issue.
Articles can be e-mailed to:

A Christmas Story from the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, Dec. 2011

Twas the Night before Christmas,

And down at the lodge Not a gavel was stirring,
And in the hodge podge of aprons and jewels
And chairs East and West You could savour the silence,
Most gladly divest all metal and mineral,
It mattered not, Since Christmas was nigh
And the coals were still hot
In the hearth of your home place, all Masons abed,
As visions of trestleboards Danced in their head;
When up on the roof there arose such a clatter
Our Tyler jumped up to see what was the matter!
He picked up his sword and ran fast to the door,
Three knocks shook the panels he wondered What for?
He answered the knocking with raps of his own,
And once the door opened he saw, with a moan
Of delight, it was Santa, all jolly and red
Except for one notable feature instead!
Upon his large finger he wore what we knew
Was compass and square on a background of blue!
Why Santa! he shouted and lowered his blade,
I see youre a Mason! the Tyler relayed.

He looked toward the Masters most dignified chair

And said, voice near trembling, Most Worshipful there
Is a Gentleman properly clothed at the gate!
The Master replied, Lets allow him but wait!
You tell me a Gentleman, but I dont see
His apron beneath that red suit. Can it be
Our visitor hasnt been properly raised?
Must we offer a test that is suitably phrased?
I do beg your pardon, ol Santa said quick
As he pulled up his coat and displayed not a stick
But a cane with engraving, two balls did appear
And oh, what an apron, he wore and held dear!
Adorned like the Masters, complete with a sign
Of Lodge Number One, the North Pole on one line!
Now let this man enter, the Master declared,
And once in the Lodge room, the Brethren all stared,
For Santa was wearing a jewel not seen
For many a century there in between
The fur of his coat and the splendid red collar
Gleamed two golden reindeer that shone line a dollar!
Its Donner and Blitzen, who I must confess
Are actually images brought from the West
By my Warden, a craftsman like none in the world!
And with a great laugh from his bag he unfurled

An ear of fine corn, and some oil from the East,

My friend I have plenty. Tonight we will feast
On all that is good! We are Masons, kind sir!
A murmur went throughout the Lodge, quite a stir,
As presents and promises flew from his sack!
This Santa, a Mason, showed he had a knack
For making this Christmas the best you could glean,
And soon even Deacons were laughing. Theyd seen
On this very night only happiness reigned!
This jolly Saint Nicholas quickly explained
That only a Mason could be so inclined
To make all kids happy, make all people find
A Christmas so special. Yes, Santa was right!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Clayton L. Wright


Pictures from around the Lodge

RW Forrest Case receiving his 55 year certificate from Worshipful Master

Ron Glover at the October Sunday Dinner

Leesburg Lodge No. 58
December 13, 2015
Baked Ham or Turkey
Mashed Potatoes w/gravy and green beans
Salad, Desserts both ( Sugared and Sugar free),
Drinks (Iced Tea, Coffee or Lemonade)
$8.37 + .63 tax - Adults, under 14 - $3.72 + .28 tax

11:30 AM until 1:00 PM

Please call the Lodge at 787-5696 or sign the guest list in the lobby
and provide the number attending with you,. This ensures enough food is purchased
and prepared for all.
ALL MASONS, their families and friends are invited to our Monthly
Second Sunday Dinners and First Saturday Breakfasts
Help support your Blue Lodge, IT IS where all other Masonic Bodies Begin.

Future menu suggestions are always welcome!

Introducing 2015 Chef Crew

JW Wayne Reynolds
SS James Michael Thomas
JS Norman Novis

Leesburg Masonic Lodge No. 58 F&AM

PO Box 985
Fruitland Park, Florida 34731

US Postage
Leesburg,, FL

Celebrating 147 years (1868 2015)

in Leesburg, Fla. The Lakefront City


11:30 a.m. TO 1:00 p.m.

Menu items: December 13, 2015

Baked Ham or Turkey

Mashed Potatoes w/gravy and Green Beans
Garden Salad, Desserts (Sugared & Sugar-Free)
Coffee, Iced Tea and Lemonade

$8.37 + .63 tax per person, Children under 14 years of age $3.72 + .28 tax

PLEASE call the Lodge at 787-5696, or sign the guest list in the foyer, provide

the number of guests attending with you, this ensures enough food is prepared for all. ALL MASONS,
their families and friends are invited . Menu suggestions welcomed, just fill out a comment card.

Dont forget to call or sign -up!!!

1st Saturday Monthly Coffee Klatch & Breakfast

8:00am to 10:00am

Eggs (cooked to order), Pancakes, Waffles, Bacon, Sausages

(Pattys or Links), Breakfast Potatoes, Grits, Sausage Gravy,
Biscuits, Toast
Coffee, Orange Juice $5.58 +.42 sales tax per person


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