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using namespace std;

#define NR 27

// the American alphabet(26 letters) plus blank.

typedef struct TrieNode{

bool NotLeaf;
// indicates if the TrieNode struct is a leaf o
r an intern node
TrieNode *pChildren[NR]; // a list of pointers corresponding to the used
char word[20];
// the string stored in node
//function for creating a leaf node
TrieNode *NewLeaf(char keyWord[20])
TrieNode *node;
int count;
//allocating the necessary memory
node = (TrieNode *)malloc(sizeof(TrieNode));
for(count = 0; count < 27; count++)
//the terminal nodes don
't have children
node->pChildren[count] = NULL;
node->NotLeaf = false;
// the node is a leaf
strcpy(node->word,keyWord); //store in the structure(node->word) the string
return node;
//function for creating a intern node
TrieNode *NewIntern()
TrieNode *node;
int count;
//allocating the necessary memory
node = (TrieNode *)malloc(sizeof(TrieNode));
for(count = 0; count < 27; count++)
// initial the intern node don't
have children
node->pChildren[count] = NULL;
node->NotLeaf = true;
//it isn't a leaf
node->word[0] = 0;
//so we store the null string in node
return node;
//function performs a search in the TRIE when a string or key is passed.
void Find(TrieNode *trie, char keyWord[20])

TrieNode *next, *index, *data;

int count;
next = trie; //start searching from the trie root
if(next == NULL) //trie is empty
cout << "Word not found in trie !!!!" << endl ;
index = next;// index - the current node from trie
count = 0; // start searching for the first letter of the word(index of
letter in word is 0)
while((index->NotLeaf == true) && (count < strlen(keyWord)) && (index->p
Children[keyWord[count]-'a'] != NULL))
{// .... go down with 1 level
next = index->pChildren[keyWord[count]-'a']; // the actual node
goes down with 1 level in trie following the pChildren field
// corresponding t
o the actual letter from keyWord
index = next;
count ++ ; //move right in word with 1 level (1 letter)
if(next == NULL)
cout << "Word not found in trie !!!!" << endl;
data = next;
//the string is in a leaf
cout << "Key exists --- Word found in trie !!!!" << endl
else//the string is in the blank pointer(prefix for others words
stored in trie)
if((data->pChildren[26]) && !strcmp(data->pChildren[26]>word,keyWord))
cout << "Key exists --- Word found in trie !!!!"
<< endl ;
cout << "Word not found in trie !!!!" << endl ;
//function for inserting a string into the trie
TrieNode *Insert(TrieNode *trie, char keyWord[20])
TrieNode *next, *index, *parent;
TrieNode *new_leaf, *data, *new_index;
TrieNode *oldChildren, *newWord, *intern;
int inWordIndex, prefixLenght, lenght = strlen(keyWord);
next = trie;
if(next == NULL) // if trie empty
= NewIntern();
new_leaf = NewLeaf(keyWord);

//create an empty trie

// create a leaf in which we sto

re the new word

trie->pChildren[keyWord[0]-'a'] = new_leaf; //add the leaf into
the trie in the corresponding position
return trie;

// non empty trie ..start searching

index = next;

inWordIndex = 0; //move down in trie while end of word isn't reached a

nd the pChildren branch node doesn't leads to NULL
while((inWordIndex < lenght) &&(index->NotLeaf == true)&&(index->pChildr
en[keyWord[inWordIndex]-'a'] != NULL))
// .... go down with 1 level
parent = next; //set as parent the actual node
next = index->pChildren[keyWord[inWordIndex]-'a']; // the actu
al node goes down with 1 level in trie following the pChildren field
// correspo
nding to the actual letter from keyWord
index = next;
inWordIndex++; //move right in word with 1 level (1 letter)
// if pChildren branch node points to NULL(end of prefix is reached) and
no word already inserted, simply insert the word
if((inWordIndex < lenght) && (index->pChildren[keyWord[inWordIndex]-'a']
== NULL) && (index->NotLeaf == true))
new_index = NewLeaf(keyWord);
index->pChildren[keyWord[inWordIndex]-'a'] = new_index;
return trie;
cout << "Word already exists in trie !!!" << endl;
// store in oldChildren the subtree that derived from the same pref
ix as keyWord
oldChildren = parent->pChildren[keyWord[inWordIndex-1]-'a'];
newWord = NewLeaf(keyWord);
prefixLenght= strlen(keyWord);
if(data->word[0] != '\0')
if(strlen(data->word) < prefixLenght)// determine the minimum
lenght of words
prefixLenght = strlen(data->word);
bool createIntern = false;
// Build a new subtree while the word to be inserted and the item that w
as in the leaf node have the same letters or the end of one of them is reached.
while((inWordIndex <= prefixLenght)&&(((data->word[0] != '\0' )&& (data>word[inWordIndex-1] == keyWord[inWordIndex-1])) || (data->word[0] == '\0')))

intern = NewIntern();//create a new intern node

parent->pChildren[keyWord[inWordIndex-1]-'a'] = intern; //insert
this node in the corresponding field in parent->pChildren(with respect to the l
etter index in array)
parent->NotLeaf = true;
parent = intern; // move down in tree with 1 level
inWordIndex++; // move right in word with 1 letter
createIntern = true;
//if items have a common prefix
if((inWordIndex != prefixLenght) || ((inWordIndex == prefixLenght)&&(str
len(keyWord) == strlen(data->word))))
{//store in leaves the item that was to be inserted and the item that wa
s originally in the leaf node.
parent->pChildren[data->word[inWordIndex]-'a'] = oldChildren;
= newWord;
else // one word (keyWord or an item that was originally in the leaf nod
e) represents a prefix for the other(s) item(s)
if(data->word[0] != '\0')//just a word that has as prefix the ke
yword or vice versa
// insert the items as information nodes corresponding to the pChi
ldren fields of prefixLenght and blank character
if(strlen(data->word) <= prefixLenght)
parent->pChildren[26] = oldChildren;
parent->pChildren[keyWord[prefixLenght]-'a'] = newWord;
parent->pChildren[26] = newWord;
parent->pChildren[data->word[prefixLenght]-'a'] = oldChi
else// Two or more words that have the same prefix
for (int count = 0 ; count < 27;count++)//copy the subtr
parent->pChildren[count] = oldChildren->pChildren[
parent->pChildren[26] = newWord;//newWord is the prefix(
save in blank pointer)
return trie;
//function for displaying the words stored in the trie
void DisplayTrie(TrieNode *trie, int nivel)
int count;
if (trie->NotLeaf != true) // if TrieNode is a leaf(a word is st
ored in)

// display the string at his level

for (count = 0; count <= nivel; count++)
cout << " ";
cout << trie->word << endl;

// display all the words stored through trie children
for (count = 26; count >= 0; count--)
DisplayTrie(trie->pChildren[count], nivel + 4);
void Complete(TrieNode *trie,char str[20])
int count;
if (trie->NotLeaf != true && strncmp( str ,trie -> word,strlen(s
tr) )== 0 ) // if TrieNode is a leaf(a word is stored in)
cout << trie->word << endl;
// display all the words stored through trie children with this
for (count = 26; count >= 0; count--)
Complete(trie->pChildren[count], str);
int main()
TrieNode *trie;
char UserInputWord[20], cont_insert=' ';
int option = 0; //stores the user's input(the chosen option)
char str[20] ;
trie = NULL;
while( option != 5)
//display menu
cout << endl << "
Menu: " << endl;
cout <<
"___________________________________________" <<
cout << "
1. Create tree\n
2. Insert node\n
3. Search fo
r node\n
4. Complete\n
5. Display\n
6. Exit\n";
//get user input
cout << "\n\n\nInput choice: ";
cin >> option;
switch (option)
case 1:
//Create tree
while(cont_insert != 'n')
// get user input string

cout << endl << "Insert word :";

cin >> UserInputWord;
trie = Insert(trie,UserInputWord);
cout << "\n Continue ? <y/n>";
cont_insert = getch();
case 2:

//Insert node
cout << endl << "Insert word :\n";
cin >> UserInputWord;

case 3:

//Search for node
cout << endl << "Searched word :";
cin >> UserInputWord;

case 4:

//Display tree
cout << endl << "Insert word :";
cin >> str;

case 5:
case 6:

DisplayTrie(trie ,0);

cout << "Choose from the displayed options (1-5) !!!"
goto label_menu;
}//end switch
}//end while
return 0;

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