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Keeping Good Company
Five Devil's Fruit Powers Sanji Never Had
What Kind Of Meat?
It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Getting Stuck Isn't All It's Made Out To Be
Wet Dreams drabble
Their Wedding Night
Straight Up
Story Time with Captain Usopp
The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
It's salad for dinner
4 Days in Hell
I Just Need Your honestly
Cxck and Bull Story
Saving Sanji
Bra Frenzy
Two Pair


Keeping Good Company

Author of 20 Stories 1. The Fish's Bitch2. The Cook's Ass
Rated: T - English - Humor/General - Sanji - Reviews: 15 - Updated: 01-08-10 - P
ublished: 10-17-09 - Complete - id:5449243
Where the Wild Things Are
Summary: Sanji has a secret. ...Were you talking to the fish?
Characters/Pairings: Sanji, Muriel the Fish, a parrot, Zoro, Chopper. Sort of un
willing Sanji/a fish/a parrot.
Warnings: Utter crack.
There was only one person - besides the cook himself - that knew Sanji could tal
k to animals, and they were securely tucked away on a floating restaurant in Eas
t Blue. Other than that old shitty old-man, no one else even suspected a thing.
He was very careful not to give anyone reason to think him anything but ordinary
Sanji intended to keep it that way.
After the initial oh-my-God-the-animals-are-talking stage, he had dealt with his
little gift quite well. Took it in his stride, used it to his advantage. Sure,
it meant that he felt a tad guilty when fishing, but usually Usopp took care of
that, so all was good. And when animals tried to start a conversation when he wa
s with other humans, he could just ignore them until they went away.
Until Luffy bought them a pet fish.
Turns out Muriel (Luffy had thought he was a girl when he was naming him, and by
the time Chopper had informed them that the opposite was true, the name had alr
eady stuck) was a flirtatious little thing, more libido-driven than half the Bar
atie, and it became a sort of ritual for him to use a pick-up line when Sanji wo
uld roll into the galley each morning, pushing up his sleeves and readying himse
lf for another day on the Thousand Sunny.
Today was no particular exception, and as he barged through the door, Muriel dra
wled, Baby, you look tired. You can come swim in my water any time.
Ha ha, good one, Sanji huffed, drying his hands and beginning to pull out pots and
pans. Still trying to seduce this fine piece of ass? Never.
You know you wanna break off a piece of this.
Yeah. 'Cause male fish are so my thing, he snorted. You and your scaly charm. How c
ould I have resisted you this entire time?
You didn't. You were just suppressing it, the fish winked at him, and he flicked t
he bowl in retaliation. Watch the glass, honey, or you'll be losing more money. I
t's bad enough you're sucking your Nami-swan dry for wine. You suck up to her fa
r too much you know, maybe if you toned it down a bit she'd give you a chance
The fish is trying to give me romantic advice. Oh. Oh God.
Shut up, sex-on-legs. I'll have you know I had a girl come round this very day, a
sking me for ... favours, at the cook's disbelieving look, Muriel pressed, She doe
s ask, all the time. And I wouldn't mind if she wasn't such a bumbling, insuffer
able, unnecessary twat.
I'm a ... what?
Sanji turned his head towards the sudden voice, and there was a parrot, perched
on the window ledge, her multicoloured feathers bristling angrily and tears brim
ming in her eyes.
This was Muriel's sex buddy? A parrot?
How does that even work? Sanji groaned, repeatedly smacking his head on the table.
He was ignored.
Well, I was planning on stopping by and telling you what a wonderful friend you w
ere for ... listening to my problems today. I mean, I have never had anyone take
the time to listen to what I had to say, and you were the first ones to do that
. There was a dramatic pause, and then the parrot sobbed, But I guess I was wrong
about you ... I - I wholeheartedly believed that I was special to you, Muriel! I
thought we had something!
Oh, shut up, Muriel scoffed. You talk way too much for a bird. Do you even know wha
t half those words mean? I bet you had the pelican from last night dictate the d
ictionary to you.
The parrot wailed miserably, and Sanji saw Chopper lift his head up curiously th
rough the window. Please, be quiet, he begged, I don't want them to hear. If one of
the crew were to walk in while he was arguing with a parrot and fish ...
I loved you, Muriel! the parrot cried, tears streaming out of her eyes. Muriel jus
t snorted, which only served to increase the parrot's racket ten fold.
He was not having his crew think he was a crazy person who spoke to perverted fi
Shitty-fish, just tell her you love her! Sanji snapped.
What? No!
Why the fuck not!?
I'm into male fish.
... No, no fucking way. A gay talking fish. What the fuck is next?
Hey, the talking thing is your fault, bastard! And how have you not noticed! I tr
y to get into your pants like, every day! Which I'm still waiting for you to res
pond to.
You're a fish.
And you're desperate.
The last word (accompanied by the crash of all the multiple butcher knives Sanji
through at Muriel) was followed by silence, as the cook realised that there was
no way his crew wouldn't have heard him by now, and that to their ears (minus C
hopper's) he would be yelling abuse at himself.
The quiet was broken by the parrot's disgusting voice, Are you really going to pi
ck him over me?
Muriel looked at her incredulously, Have you not seen his ass?
Sanji jumped against the counter as the parrot leaned back to get a better veiw
of his backside. Ero-fish! he snapped, flustered. Then he turned to the parrot, And
what're you trying to say about me?
The parrot sniffed. Well, you're so tall and thin. And naked.
What? Naked?
I wish, Muriel winked, and then flinched as another knive hit his bowl.
If I had known you were such a backstabbing, little animal, I would have pecked o
ut your brains months ago.
Bitch, please, Muriel rounded, puffing up angrily. You could never get me, not by m
yself, and definatly not when Sanji-chan's here. He'd never let his fuck buddy g
et hurt.
Why do you think you're sleeping with me!? Once more, Sanji was ignored.
What are you trying to say exactly? the parrot demanded.
You know exactly what I mean, sister, Muriel scoffed.
Why, you little-! Polly squeaked, feathers bristling visibly. Is that the best you
can do? Hid behind your sex toy - Sanji was not a fish's sex toy! - like a coward.
You're just bitter that I've moved onto bigger and better things, honey.
Sanji's jaw unhinged a little, and he robotically turned his head to the windows
ill. The parrot wasn't even talking anymore; instead, she was half-squawking, ha
lf-cawing now, her eyes trained unnervingly at Muriel. Are you trying to instigat
e something?
Oh, I haven't even started, sister--
OK, OK! Sanji interjected, putting up a placating hand. Shut the fuck up, you shitt
y animals! Break it up. I need everyone in this room to calm down, count to ten,
and take deep breaths. Shut your mouth, Muriel, or I swear to God I'm never coo
king shirtless again. You, too, bitchy-parrot. It's been a long day, and we don'
t need ripped feathers and gills all over the place.
The two continued to glare, but neither made a move for the other. Technically,
it was just the parrot who didn't move, since Muriel was swimming around angrily
in the confines of his glass bowl, but Sanji was still relieved. He really didn
't want to be considered insane, especially by the people on this ship. So now th
at we're all a little less angry, I think we can say something without ripping e
ach other's throats out. So stop acting like fucking Marimo's and be a bit matur
e, 'kay? He crushed his cigarette under his heel. Parrot, you go first.
She hesitated, but finally pushed through with a grudging apology that did not s
ound very apologetic. Sorry I threatened to maim and eat you.
Good enough for Sanji. He turned to Muriel expectantly.
Sorry Sanji-chan's better than you in bed.
What the - NO! Sanji yelled in shock, and at the same time, the parrot gave an ind
ignant squeak and flapped down to the bowl.
There is no way that prissy blonde can out-fuck me! she crowed, her talons scratch
ing the ends of the bowl.
He can out-fuck anyone! He can out-fuck your mum! Muriel shouted back, swimmingly
absurdly at the bottom of the bowl.
You want to fight, don't you? You're just trying to lower my confidence because y
ou're jealous!
Why would I be jealous? You're the one getting rejected and replaced here.
By the time I am done with you, you will regret leaving your mother's womb.
Too bad my mom didn't have a vagina, dumbass. Try reading a biology book once in
a while. Maybe it'll do you some good.
Ooh, I could just grab you and drop you into the toilet right now, you pompous, o
vergrown mongrel! the parrot screeched, and she rammed her body into the bowl har
d enough so that it scooted towards the edge of the desk.
Whoa, whoa! Sanji exclaimed, jumping forward to catch Muriel's bowl. Stop that, par
Out of my way, home wrecker -! did he just get called a home wrecker by a parrot?
Really? - the little fishhead deserves it. Does he not know the meaning of cordia
lity? I bet he doesn't. That pet of yours is such a disgrace, and trust me when
I say that eliminating him from this place would be doing the rest of us a servi
While that may be true ...
Sanji frowned. That's going a little too far there. The captain's fond of the ero
-fish, so I'm gonna protect him.
I knew you wanted me, really, came the sly whisper from his hand.
He's careless enough to bash me! she whined, and Sanji gave a small hiss of pain w
hen she scratched him instead. Scratched him. On his hand. His chef hand.
That was it.
Leave, now, Sanji spoke very slowly, very calmly, and watched as the parrot swallo
wed nervously. Or I swear to God I'll be serving parrot for dinner tonight.
I will as soon as you get out of my way!
Why do I need to move?
So I can get my beak around your throat easier, the parrot snarled, her eyes locki
ng on Muriel the entire time. His response was to flip a fin in her face. You bet
ter enjoy that cheater while you still can, because I believe you will be swimmi
ng in my stomach very soon.
Like hell I will! Sanji roared, waving a leg madly in her direction. Woman-parrots
were not women-women. Water was sloshing everywhere, and Muriel was looking a l
ittle green himself, but it wasn't nearly as important as ensuring that he would
n't be turned inside out by some lunatic parrot and have Luffy go balistic on so
me poor, unsuspecting parrot.
But Sanji had to admit that the parrot was a clever bird, and quickly figured ou
t that when it came to fighting, his hands were out of the picture. Between keep
ing his hands away from her claws and her beak away from Muriel in general, Sanj
i could barely graze her feathers while she pretty much used his arm as a scratc
hing post. There were a few awkward circlings, climbing on desks, and crawling u
nder beds before Sanji managed to hold Muriel far enough out of the way to get a
decent blow on the damn bird.
His foot slammed the parrot across the beak, much to her horror ( My nose! ) and Mur
iel's delight ( No one messes with my bitch. ) and watched with some satisfaction as
the bird went zooming out of the window.
Sanji-chan, look out! Muriel yelled, and Sanji looked down at the fish like he was
Look out for what, baka? Miss Parrot-Bitch has been kicked to kingdom come, the co
ok said.
Muriel hit himself with his fin. Not the parrot, Sanji-chan! And you called me ba
Shut up, shitty-fish! he shouted, gritting his teeth and mumbling about stupid ani
mals who can't keep track of what's going on as he turned round. You know, I'm ne
ver letting you have friends over again, that was just -
Almost abruptly, he cut himself off when he realized that he and Muriel weren't
alone. Stood at the doorway, eyes wide and confused, was Zoro, his mouth half-op
en from where shock had cut him off mid-yawn. Usually, Sanji would have just kic
ked the marimo out of his kitchen ('cause he stank the place up), except he was
staring at the cook like he had grown a third head, and he knew why.
Erm, marimo, he said weakly, pretending the swordsman hadn't seen anything, even t
hough he didn't fail to notice the way Zoro was alternating his stares between h
im and the fish. What do you want?
...Were you talking to the fish? Zoro asked, ignoring his question. It threw him o
ff, and his palms began to perspire as he grappled for an answer. It was always
awkward for him in this kind of situation.
Muriel looked offended. Who else would Sanji-chan be talking to? That's a dumb qu
Sanji gripped the bowl a little tighter; hopefully, the intense pressure would s
hut him up.
Uh, not really, nope, the cook finally answered in what was possibly a light-heart
ed tone. I was just ... um, singing. Yeah, singing! Muriel snorted, and Sanji gave
the bowl a terse shake.
Oh. Well, there was a bird in here a moment ago.
No shit, thanks for pointing out the obvious, stupid fish said.
Muriel was being so unhelpful today, but he couldn't say anything while Zoro was
still looking at him. Instead, he asked, Really? I didn't, uh, notice.
Marimo was openly staring now, and Sanji wanted to throw himself into a deep rav
ine. He was such a terrible liar. Well, Zoro began slowly, there was a parrot, and
it was attacking you. He looked at the cook some more, as if expecting him to exp
ound on the crazy scene. Sanji opened his mouth to lie, realized that his lying
only ever made situations worse, and shut his mouth again.
Tell him the truth, Muriel a murmured between the crook of his arm, and his fin sw
ished in the water. Tell him that we're in love and some fucking crazy parrot was
trying to eat us because she couldn't handle the truth that you're so much bett
er in the sack than her.
No, you fucking ero-fish, he muttered, glaring down at the goldfish. That's a stupi
d idea. And for the last time, we are not lovers.
What's so stupid about being honest? People should know about the raw passion bet
ween us.
I. Am. Not. Having. Sex. With - he stopped when he realized what he was doing and
looked up to find Zoro gaping with a what the fuck? expression on his face.
No no not you, shitty-swordsman, I wasn't saying I'm not having sex with you! Sanj
i yelled desperately, waving his arms about in an attempt to get across his poin
t. Then, at Zoro's steadly reddening expression, he thought about what he'd said
. Not that I want to have sex with you! he back tracked, I don't - you're not -
Muriel snorted, Just ignore him, Sanji-chan. He couldn't possibly understand out
feelings, my pretty little sex toy.
I'M NOT YOUR SEX-TOY! Sanji yelled, and then gave a yelp and slapped a hand over h
is mouth when he saw Zoro's face go from red to burning. Then the swordsman turn
ed on his heel and made a sharp exit.
Wait, marimo, I didn't mean - was all Sanji got out before there came a loud, Haha,
Zoro's face is on fire! followed by several crashes and Sanji was left alone in
the kitchen with Muriel.
Smooth, the fish muttered.
Maybe he'll drink the memory away, Sanji proffered pathetically, and Muriel made a
noise of disbelief.
Keep telling yourself that. Just set my bowl down here. I'm too tired to eat anyw
Sighing, Sanji did as told and watched as the fish wove between the fake algae. I
'll feed you tomorrow morning.
That'd be fantastic. You'd regret it if you didn't feed me. Are you sleeping here
in the kitchen tonight?
Do I have a choice? If I go anywhere near the marimo, he might try to castrate me
, he moaned, sinking down to the floor. I am so tired. I just want a bed.
Aw, poor you. A pause, and then: Well, time to hit the waves. I did so much work to
day like you would not believe. I am exhausted.
I bet you're not as exhausted as me.
Why the hell not?
Why would you? Some crazy-assed parrot didn't use your head for pecking practice!
So what? I bit her foot a couple of times when she managed to skim the surface of
the water. You can't say that doesn't count for something. The fish ignored his
look. It doesn't matter. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed. You better remember to
feed me, or else. Remember that, Sanji-chan.
Don't fucking order me about, shitty-fish.
Whatever, Muriel said, grinning cheekily. Sorry, hon, but only one person can wear
the pants in this relationship. Night, babycakes, and make sure you take a blank
et when you go on watch. It's gonna be chilly tonight.
Somewhat touched by the fish's concern, but not wanting to mention it in case Mu
riel took it as an invitation to dive into his boxers. But they're in the bunks.
So? That's your room and if the green haired oaf tries to molest you, well, I don
't really give a fuck. Unless you don't let me join in, that is.
A threesome with a marimo and a fish ...Sanji just gave up. There was no stoppin
g some animals.
You should just break into the navigator's room and get hers, then, Muriel suggest
ed instead.
She locks the door with a key and hides it.
Under the purple lamp.
How do you -
Don't ask, Muriel said with a yawn.
I still -
Gorgeous, just go to bed already. You're too damn curious for your own good. And w
ith that said, Sanji watched as the fish swam over to where Plastic Princess was
half-buried beside the treasure chest and kissed her before heading into the bl
ue underwater castle. He settled at the very bottom, where all the matching blue
rocks were, and pretty soon, Muriel was swaying gently back and forth with the
water motions. Sanji flicked his bowl a couple of times, but he didn't open his
eyes; he really was tired.
Standing up, Sanji made a face at his bowl before walking towards the lamp. Just
so you know, I'm going to switch your food so you get constipation, he sang softl
y. That's what you get for being rude and cutting off me off.
Muriel's answer floated from behind, surprising him. You do that, hon. You do tha
t, and we'll see how you feel when you clean my bowl two weeks later.
"Maybe I won't clean your bowl."
"Maybe you don't want to see me choke to death from swimming in my own wastes."
"How do you know I won't do that?"
"Because you love me way too much," he answered smugly, and Sanji huffed in anno
He had to find dumber animals to talk to.
A/N: I don't know. I just don't. Reviews are love.

Review this Story/Chapter

Keeping Good Company

Author of 20 Stories 1. The Fish's Bitch2. The Cook's Ass
Rated: T - English - Humor/General - Sanji - Reviews: 15 - Updated: 01-08-10 - P
ublished: 10-17-09 - Complete - id:5449243
Keeping Good Company II
A/n: obviously not to be taken seriously. This is pure crack, my friends.
In all seriousness, Muriel knew they were soulmates. He and Sanji. They were mea
nt to be. It was fate. What else could have led him, of all the fishes in the oc
ean, onboard this very pirate ship? They were soulmates, and not even the sea co
uld have kept them apart.
So he had gone about being suave and sexy and an all round great catch. Sanji ha
d ignored him; Muriel had been confused. Very few very immune to his charms, and
many of them were dolphins. Now, to Muriel's knowledge, Sanji was not a dolphin
, so he couldn't understand why he had yet to succumb.
He was a tease, though, oh he was. Always strutting around the kitchen, bending
over, loosening his tie with smoldering eyes and puckered lips. He did it all th
e time, trying to tempt Muriel into sweaty sex. But Muriel was strong. He resist
ed Sanji's ass and waited for Sanji to cave and come crawling to him. But fuckin
g hell, it was hard. Like now, as Muriel watched, transfixed, as Sanji placed hi
s lips around his cigarette and sucked on it thoughtfully.
"I'm know you're pretending that cigarette is me."
"Shut the fuck up before you make me physically sick," Sanji scolded him and he
pouted. Muriel didn't like scolding. Unless it was the playful kind that was fol
lowed by spanking, Hot Lips could do that anyday. Sanji was obviously thinking a
long the same lines, as he flicked back his fringe and growled, "Shitty-fish."
Muriel knew that was Sanji's pet name for him.
"Why are you fighting it, Hot Lips? You and I ... we're soulmates."
Before Muriel could get round to explaining his reasoning, Sanji tossed his ciga
rette at the fish bowl. "Keep talking like that. I'll rip off your scales."
"... is that code for something?"
Muriel pouted a bit more and contented himself to watching Sanji stretch in orde
r to reach a jar at the top of the fridge. If only he would just undo that top b
utton ... oh, yes, that was it, Hot Lips. More proof that they were soulmates: M
uriel thought about Sanji undoing his button and Sanji did it. Maybe Sanji was t
Muriel thought very, very hard about sex.
"Oi, shitty-fish, are you constipated or something?"
Sanji just rolled his eyes, and set the drink he'd been working on on a tray, be
fore twirling off to the navigator and historian. Hah. Look at him there, trying
to make Muriel jealous. No, no, Muriel had more restraint than that, and he kne
w that in the end, Sanji would always come crawling back to him. Just then the (
rather stupid looking) green haired swordsman ambled in, sake in hand and yawnin
g loudly. He glanced about. "Oi, shitty-cook, where are you?"
Muriel all but exploded. How dare that ugly marimo call for his (Muriel's, not Z
oro's, not even Sanji's) delicious sex toy. And in such an affectionate manner!
Then something occurred to the fish ... maybe this was how Sanji had learnt to f
lirt, had picked up on pet names and sultry glances disguised as glares. Maybe t
he bastard was forcing his precious Sanji into bouts of passionate sex in the cr
ow's nest. After all, Sanji was vulnerable, he was timid and only knew how to co
mmunicate through kicks. Ah! That must be it! Oh, poor, poor Hot Lips. And all t
his time he'd just been crying out to Muriel for help.
Muriel saw red.
"Trying to take my bitch away from me, eh? Trying to force him away from me? Heh
! Like that'll ever happen!" he snarled, and whacked the pebble in his fish bowl
with his tail. It soared across the kitchen and bounced off the marimo's head.
Zoro spun around, spitting with rage, only to visibly deflate when he saw that t
he kitchen was empty of everyone except him ... and a fish.
He blinked.
Muriel glared.
Sanji pushed the kitchen door open and strolled in, Chopper at his side. His eye
s went to the swordsman - oh, the pain that Muriel saw in those blue eyes, the h
orror, the torment! - and then to Muriel himself - and oh, he was so seeing some
thing else in those eyes now.
Zoro stared at him for a long moment, dumbstruck. He looked like an idiot in Mur
iel's opinion, and if Sanji's disgusted look was anything to go by, it wasn't an
opinion that he alone possessed.
Muriel grinned and allowed himself a victory ogle of Sanji. He was wearing Murie
l s favourite suit. The kind that clung to him and demonstrated that, though human
s weren't as colourful as his fellow ocean dwellers, they had other very creativ
e ways of attracting a mate. For instance, Sanji had an ass that wouldn t quit. Mu
riel wouldn t dream of firing it, so that ass could expect to have brilliant job s
"Oi, shitty-cook, did you throw something at me?" Zoro demanded.
"No, that was me, you bitch-stealing-bastard!"
Chopper spat out his hot chocolate.
Sanji fell over a chair.
The reindeer slowly turned his head, eyes fixed on Muriel. "Wha - What!?"
"You heard me, Rudolf! That green haired bastard has been after my piece of ass
ever since I got here!"
"Z - Zoro's been after you?" Chopper blanched. So did Muriel. Oh, God, just the
thought of that marimo trying anything on with him ... But what did the doctor m
ean by that, anyway? Muriel was so out of Zoro's league. Zoro couldn't even affo
rd a goldfish as brilliantly saucey as Muriel.
"No, he's been after Sanji! Who's ass, by the by, belongs to me!"
Sanji was having a very, very hard time pretending he could not her the fish, Mu
riel could tell. Poor Hot Lips. The poor boy was full of secrets: his gft, his e
ye, his hot, steamy affair with the swordsman and Goddammit, Muriel was sure he'
d seen the sniper looking at Sanji in the worng way a few times.
Chopper was blushing by this point. "Is - is that so?"
"Oi, Chopper, what's going on?" Zoro was standing over the doctor, scowling down
at him. Bastard. Muriel liked the doctor, he was all fluffy and adorable. When
he and Sanji had babies, he wanted them to be just like Chopper.
"Muriel is, uh ..."
"Spit it out!"
"Muriel is mad at you," said Chopper timidly.
"The fish? Why?"
Chopper pushed his hooves together, face red. "He says that you're ... you're tr
ying to steal Sanji from him ..."
Zoro started choking and Chopper went to see if he was okay.
Sanji stormed up to the goldfish bowl, lifting it so that they were eye level wi
th on another. Oh, he was such a romantic. Muriel knew that while to anyone else
, it would look like Sanji was glaring, he was actually trying to convey the dep
ths of his passionate love for the goldfish. Luckily Muriel knew Sanji very well
, and this meaning was not lost to him.
"What the fuck, shitty-fish?" Sanji growled.
"I don't blame you, though, honeybunch," Muriel assured Sanji. "I saw that basta
rd, oh I did, heard him, too. Seducing you. Forcing you to do all sorts of disgu
sting acts. I tried to stop him, but ..." he sighed. "I am just a goldfish."
"I did no such thing!" Zoro yelled after an appalled Chopper translated. Seeing
the doctor's expression, he picked him up by the hooves and shook him. "I did no
such thing!"
" 'Bitch, please. I think we all know that you've been spending a bit to much ti
me with your eyes glued to Hot Lips' crotch, alright?'," Chopper translated.
Then went into Heavy Point.
And punch Zoro in the face.
"Chopper!?" Sanji swayed on his feet, putting the fishbowl down, as Zoro clutche
d his bleeding nose and Chopper roared. This was too much.
Muriel noticed that Zoro looked very shocked. Not in a good 'that-cook's-ass-is-
too-good-to-be-true' kind of way, but more in a bad 'there's-a-pissed-off-goldfi
sh-telling-everyone-I-rape-the-cook-and-I'm-not-happy-about-it' kind of way. Hmm
. Good.
"How could you, Zoro!?" Chopper bawled.
" 'Don't lie, bastard. The proof is all there. You want him. You want him so bad
you can't eat, sleep, train, you can't do anything without your thoughts being
drawn to him, to the way his wonderfully kissable lips purse around a cigarette,
and his neverending legs stretching as he kicks, the way he writhes and moan as
you gently su -' I AM NOT TRANSLATING THAT!"
By this point Sanji was on all four, head bowed and scribbles of angst radiating
off of him.
Zoro's brain had imploded. He didn't know why the goldfish Luffy had found wante
d to screw the cook, nor did he know why it thought that Zoro himself wanted the
same thing, but there was a damn fish insulting him and he was not going to sta
nd for that.
"Oi, listen up, fishhead. I have never touched the cook, and even if I had, that
would be none of your business!"
"None of my ...!" Muriel was speechless. Well, for a second or two, anyway. "Tha
t 'ero-cook' you speak of is MY bitch, alright!? He belongs to me! And no one, n
ot even you, marimo, are going to TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME! HE IS TOO GOOD IN BED F
Sanji finally came to life. "I haven't slept with you, for fucks sake!" he scree
ched, pointing wildly at goldfish. Only Chopper paid him any attention, patting
him on the head and muttering about how it was all okay now, and they wouldn't l
et Zoro near him ever again, that damn rapist.
Zoro shook the fishbowl. "SANJI IS NOT YOUR BITCH!"
Usopp, who had just entered the room, turned on his heel without breaking stride
to walk back out again, whistling. Franky caught him by the collar. Zoro, Sanji
, Chopper and Muriel all froze.
"We just came to see why swordsman-bro was yelling about not raping cook-bro," t
he cyborg inform them all.
Chopper was crying again. "Z - Zoro has been sexually abusing Sanji!" he wailed.
Usopp did a double take. "Zoro has!?" He turned to the swordsman, "How could you
? First rape, now animal cruelty? What has gotten into you!?"
"Nothing's gotten into me, I -"
"I really expected better of you, swordsman-bro."
"But -!"
"Yeah, Zoro! I looked up to you and you go and do something like this! Poor Sanj
i must be heartbroken, he must be sobbing into his hammock every night, tortured
by the nightmares of all your sick little kinks!"
"I don't have -!"
"Chopper, I didn't -!"
"STOP LYING TO ME! I AM A MAN!" And with that, Chopper Heavy-Point-punched Zoro
over the head and proceeded to jam a sedative in his arm. Zoro dropped like a st
Then, flinging Zoro's limp body over one shoulder, Chopper spoke to the cook ver
y seriously, "You're safe now, Sanji. Your anal virginity cannot be restored but
your faith in mankind can! I am a man, Sanji! AND I WILL PROTECT YOU!" And off
he went.
Sanji just sort of collapsed on the table.
Franky waited for Chopper to leave the room with Zoro's body over his shoulder b
efore turning to the others and asking, "Is anyone else mildly turned on?"
Both he and Usopp raised their hands. Muriel rasied a fin.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 5 Stories 1. Monster, Part One2. Monster, Part Two3. Monster, Part Th
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 17 - Published: 02-
25-09 - Complete - id:4885834
As he lay there, arms and legs tied to the wooden table, blindfold casting his v
ision in utter darkness, pants mysteriously missing, and his shirt hanging limpl
y open from his shoulders, Sanji briefly wondered what the fuck he d accidentally
managed to create.
He supposed, if he was truly fair about all this, that it was partly his fault.
He had, after all, been dumb enough to confess to the swordsman one night when t
he booze was plentiful and the evening fairly quiet, that Sanji really got off o
n being surprised by his lover. There was something strangely kinky to him about
not knowing what was going to happen, of feeling overwhelmed, of losing control
. Of being at someone else s mercy.
Upon hearing this, Zoro merely grunted and took another sip of grog, looking pai
nfully uninterested, only tired and maybe a little buzzed. The remark was quickl
y passed over, neither one of them thinking it all that important, and they soon
picked up their tried-and-true bickering long into the early morning. The topic
of the cook s turn-on s went pretty much forgotten.
Sanji had never been gifted with much tolerance for alcohol, and had apparently
drank a bit too much that night and passed out on the kitchen table at some poin
t, because when he woke up, he was quite certain he wasn t in his hammock. Instead
, he noticed the hard, solid surface he lay on, felt the disconcerting bite of r
opes against the flesh of his wrists and knees, felt the strain of his legs forc
ibly spread open, took in the inky blackness of the world around him, the draft
against his naked legs and torso, and decided something was rather amiss.
Perhaps he should have explained himself better.
Perhaps he should have made it clear to that brain-damaged marimo that there was
a definite difference between surprise and WHAT THE FUCK!?
This was most certainly the latter.
O-oi sh-shitty-swordsman what the fuck is this? Sanji asked, hating that his voice cam
e out like a breathy whisper.
There was a low, rumbling sound in his ear, suddenly and inexplicably, and Sanji
shuddered and tried to jerk away from it.
You were the one who said they liked to be surprised, that voice murmured, quiet b
ut for the rough slide of sin across its tone.
Calloused fingers trailed lightly over his bare chest, goose bumps raising on ev
ery inch of skin, and Sanji bit his lip and tried not to gasp. Those rough digit
s never lingered, feathery and fleeting, teasing the sensitive flesh of a single
nipple, coaxing it gently into a hardened nub, blood flowing faster, not from p
anic, but from something more electric. Sanji eeked a small noise in the back of
his throat, and he hated it but couldn t help it, couldn t seem to keep his composu
re as another hand joined the other in its slow, unhurried exploration of his st
omach, and thighs and oh fuck his feet, and before he even realized it, his brea
ths were coming in quick pants, there was a desperate heat between his legs, a t
remor in his muscles, pathetic noises falling unbidden from his lips, and he d nev
er been undone this quickly before, couldn t remember feeling this helpless, never
knowing where the next touch would fall, sounds and scents surrounding him and
he couldn t get a hold on a anything but the edge of the table, couldn t help but ar
ch into it, couldn t help that he wanted more, and couldn t do anything to make Zoro
give it to him.
He growled and swore and jerked against his bindings, rolling his hips against n
othing, demanding something harder and more real.
All he got were taunting snickers and a brief slide of a wet tongue over his ear
It was too much, too much all over and not where he needed it, the heavy pulsing
of his cock burning hotter with every dance of warm fingers over his shivering
flesh, and Sanji thrashed his head back and forth, needing an escape, needing mo
re, but getting neither.
Nails scratched lightly and it was better, but not enough, and he was whimpering
now, broken calls of Zoro s name, and muttered curses, helplessly humping the air
. The wrist of one of those fleeting hands accidentally brushed his cock, and Sa
nji groaned loud, head slamming back against the table, flexing his thighs open
further and begging. Fuck, he was begging now. But he didn t care. He needed it.
A sharp slap to the side of his exposed ass, white-hot and painful, and Sanji sc
reamed this time, trembling so hard he felt his stomach churn, muscles seizing,
back arching clear off the table, demonstrating just how flexible the cook could
be, and teeth suddenly bit his neck hard, the pain pooling blood in his gut and
shooting fire through his veins, pelvis thrusting upwards, seeking some sort of
resistance, contact of any kind, nails scraping down his back, choking on sobs
of pleasure as he squeezed his eyes shut, catching the black fabric in the creas
es, feeling himself teetering on the edge, wrists rubbed raw, no blood in his lo
wer legs, and he didn t care, all of it just made him twist harder and moan louder
, and fuck oh god, he fingers gripping his ass, molding it, tongue lapping at hi
s hip bone, and a sin, perfect luscious sin whispering to him, pushing him highe
r, pushing him over, and oh, oh fuck, oh god! one last harsh slap to his thigh,
hand barely brushing the head of his oozing cock, and and
Sanji arched high enough to snap the bindings on his knees, ear-splitting scream
splintering his throat, vision flashing a fierce white before everything went s
till, and silent, and black again.

When Sanji came to, he was unsurprised to find himself alone, blindfold-less, an
d still tied to the table. He was surprised, however, to see one of his smaller
cooking knives lying on the bench just beside the table, with a little scrap of
paper fixed to the handle. The cook grabbed the knife between his toes and broug
ht his foot towards his face to read the note. That bastard s uneven scrawl was un
mistakable, arrogant even in writing:
A monster. Sanji had created a monster.
But as he gripped the knife tighter, and, thanking god for his flexibility train
ing, began sawing through the ropes binding his wrists, feeling the sticky warmt
h still wet against his stomach, Sanji sighed and realized he didn t honestly give
a shit.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 5 Stories 1. Monster, Part One2. Monster, Part Two3. Monster, Part T
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 17 - Published: 02-
25-09 - Complete - id:4885834
Sanji had never been particularly good at sharing things. Sure, he could share a
meal with a starving man, and he d sell his soul to any beautiful woman who happe
ned to be buying, but when it came down to things that really mattered, things t
hat Sanji really considered his, well
He lay curled up on the couch down in the boy s cabin, glaring into the thick dark
ness. He couldn t see the bastard, but he could hear his soft, steady footsteps as
he moved around the room, going through the well-worn routine without falter, l
ike a dance: check each corner, around the mast, tap the floorboard that squeake
d near Usopp s hammock, stamp three times, check under the throw rug, stamp once m
ore, and then issue the report. It was tried and true, and Sanji could go throug
h the steps in his sleep, he d done it so many times, but tonight was Zoro s turn.
And it was pissing him off.
He knew it shouldn t, he was old enough to not need something like that, hadn t need
ed it, in fact, since he was three or something, but fuck if that even mattered,
because right now it was late, and Sanji was tired, and he was pissed, and he d
id need it, for some weird-ass reason, but that asshat was taking his sweet-fuck
ing time, and
Sorry, a deep voice whispered low just then, and Sanji felt a warm, bare torso sli
de under the covers next to him. Chopper wanted--
I know! Sanji hissed, and promptly flipped over on the narrow couch, turning his b
ack on his green-haired lover.
There was a brief pause, where Sanji could practically feel the swordsman rollin
g his eyes at what a goddamned baby the cook was acting like, so he just hunched
his shoulders and tried not to give a shit. It wasn t really working; only pissin
g him off more.
The weight on the cushions shifted slightly, and he felt Zoro slowly wrap himsel
f around the blonde s thin frame, muscled arms holding him close as warm breath wa
fted soothingly over his neck, and he tried with every ounce of self-control he
possessed not to melt into the embrace.
What the hell are you all pissy about, idiot?
Sanji growled and elbowed the fucker hard in his firm chest. A soft grunt rustle
d the short hairs on his nape.
What the fuck, dartboard-brow! Zoro muttered, worming a hand between them to check
for damages. I haven t done a damn thing! What is your problem?
I don t have a problem! Sanji muttered into the pillow, trying hard to convince hims
elf that he wasn t fucking whining. It s late, asshole, that s all. I m tired. Now quit b
othering me and go to sleep!
With that he hunkered deeper into the couch, eyes clenched shut and determined t
o go to sleep, goddamnit!
A long silence followed, the whole room was utterly still and Sanji thought mayb
e Zoro had decided to just shrug it off and go to bed; was nearly convinced that
he had, except for the distinct lack of roaring snores all around him.
Slowly he cracked an eye open as a cooling dread sunk in. Oh no
Oh shit
Oi, cook
He could hear that goddamn smirk
You can t fall asleep if I m not in bed, can you?
Sanji made a dangerous noise in the back of his throat. Arms shook him slightly,
the fucker totally unperturbed as always about the blonde s threats, verbal or ot
Can you? that smug voice pressed.
He dug his nails into the forearm across his chest and said nothing, body tense
and trying to pull away from the swordsman s hold. He was not going to discuss thi
Zoro stilled abruptly then, and Sanji couldn t even imagine what the bastard was t
hinking now, but he knew he probably wouldn t like it, would never live it down, w
ould seem stupid and immature and weak in his eyes, and he sort of wanted to hid
e, but really it just pissed him off, because he shouldn t care what the asshole t
hought, and yet
A soft kiss just below his ear and those strong arms turned him back around like
he weighed nothing, and to Zoro, he probably didn t. Sanji withdrew further, glar
ing hard at the tanned collar bone mere inches from his nose and wishing he were
anywhere but on that couch.
Sanji blinked, brow smoothing a centimeter at the change in tone that caught him
so off guard he forgot to resist the rough fingers that gently raised his chin,
drawing his eyes up into a dark, deep gaze.
Can you?
An honest question this time, all ribbing and torment aside, and no, Sanji wasn t
going to explain it, and yes, Zoro understood anyway, and he wasn t laughing or cr
inging in disgust, so he figured he didn t need to worry about it anymore.
And, goddamnit, he was tired.
So, bringing his arms up and twining them around that gorgeous neck, Sanji whisp
ered low and secretive.
Next time Chopper wants to check the cabin for monsters, make Usopp do it. He pull
ed the grinning swordsman close, lips brushing just the faintest, and he didn t bo
ther to stop the way his own quirked at the corners.
I like my monster in my bed.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 5 Stories 1. Monster, Part One2. Monster, Part Two3. Monster, Part T
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 17 - Published: 02-
25-09 - Complete - id:4885834
Sanji sat on the infirmary table, trying not to fall asleep from sheer boredom;
it was only a few cuts, Sanji hadn t even known they were there until a breeze ble
w by and he felt the cool dampness where the blood had soaked through his shirt
sleeve. But, of course, Chopper had insisted on treating it, even though the ble
eding had already stopped, even though it didn t hurt, even though Sanji had shit
to do; anyway, he knew better than to tell the little reindeer his business. Alt
hough he d quite like a cigarette.
And being watched by a large, green-haired hawk wasn t exactly soothing on the ner
ves, either.
Zoro sat across the room from Sanji on a crate, eyes closed, and for all intents
and purposes totally unconscious except that Sanji knew better. The curve of his
broad shoulders was just a shade too tense; his brow creased almost imperceptibl
y. He was most definitely awake, and most definitely glaring at Sanji from under
his closed lids.
Asshole s such a bad actor
I know you re awake, shit-swordsman, Sanji said, gnawing on a cold cigarette til he g
ot his hand back from Chopper to light it.
A low growl, and a single, dark eye cracked open to glower in the cook s direction
Sanji sighed. The shit he had to put up with some times.
What are you so pissed about?
Zoro shifted slightly. I m not pissed.
Fuckin liar.
The next growl was slightly louder. Do you want to die, jackass?
STOP! Chopper cried suddenly, making Zoro jump a little, and Sanji nearly swallowe
d his cigarette. I know you guys are gonna fight no matter what, but -- and here
he pointed a cloven hoof in Sanji s face, and somehow managed to look intimidating
, at least save it until after I m done mending your arm. And take it outside!
Both men were suitably cowed, and stayed utterly silent for the rest of Sanji s tr
eatment. Chopper had finished the stitching, had rubbed some clear shit on the r
aw wound that made the surrounding skin go cool and numb, and was in the process
of wrapping up the cook s forearm, when the roll of bandages abruptly ran out.
Aw, the reindeer frowned, staring at the end of the wrap that was much too short t
o cover the wound. He sighed slightly. I ll go get some more. I ll be right back! So
don t do anything stupid!
Sanji and Zoro remained blank-faced and innocent under their doctor s suspicious g
aze, but the little fuzz ball eventually backed slowly out of the room, never ta
king his eyes off them until the door swung shut.
Both men let out a small breath of air. Sanji glanced over at the swordsman then
; he was staring at a spot on the wall just over the cook s shoulder. He had that
irritating frown, and the way his lip curved down just slightly he obviously had s
omething to say, but in typical Zoro-fashion, he was too fucking retarded to act
ually say anything without Sanji dragging it tooth-and-nail out of him.
Again the blonde huffed, staring cross-eyed at his cigarette and wondering if mo
ving his partially bandaged hand to light the fucker would mess the binding up e
nough for Chopper to notice when he got back.
Goddamn marimo so goddamn frustrating, I need a pack n a half to just sit in the sa
me goddamn room as him
Oi, that deep voice said, low and oddly neutral, given how bothered the dumbass lo
Sanji looked up, frowning slightly. What?
Why do you have to be so damn dumb all the time?
Sanji blinked.
He blinked some more.
Then he got pissed.
What the fuck! he exploded, cigarette sent flying across the room. Why am I so dumb
? What about you, asshole? If you got something to say, just fucking say it befo
re I come over there and rearrange your ugly fucking face!
How the hell did you let your arm get fucked up?
Sanji tched , vaguely irritated. So one of the fuckers got lucky. It happens sometim
Not to you, it doesn t.
There were about fifteen of them, the cook growled, fishing around for another cig
arette with his good hand. Plus I had groceries to worry about.
So why didn t you put them down?
What the fuck is your problem!? Sanji cried in frustration, glaring hard at Zoro,
his smoke forgotten halfway to his mouth. I told you, they got a lucky hit in! It
just happens! They were fucking nobodies!
Then why were you fighting them in the first place?
Sanji blinked, confusion deflating him somewhat. Zoro was frowning hard at him,
his dark gaze steady and unrelenting. Why was he so damn persistent? Why the fuc
k did he need to know? It wasn t any of his goddamn business! Asshole would just m
ake fun of Sanji anyway; probably already was mocking him in that shitty green h
He looked away, down at his shoes, and very firmly told himself he wasn t sulking,
Ramming the almost-forgotten-about cigarette between his lips, the cook then wen
t searching through his pockets.
the fuck are my matches ?
Not that he could use them anyway.
Oi, Sanji.
just had to get a nicotine freak-out right when I can t do shit about it
His long fingers fumbled, trying to open the box and pull out a match without dr
opping the lot of them. But even if he did manage to get one out, how the fuck w
ould he light it? He might get away with holding the match with his teeth and dr
agging it against the box s edge, but somehow he saw that ending in disaster.
Goddamn Chopper and his lack of bandages
Suddenly, large hands appeared in Sanji s vision, taking the matchbook out of his
lax grip with ease, pulling out a single stick, and lighting it with a quick fli
ck of a wrist. Those blessed hands held the blessed match up to Sanji s blessed ci
garette, and within seconds, toxic smoke was billowing into his lungs soothingly
; his mind feeling a little less frayed.
He sighed quietly in relief.
Now are you gonna answer me?
The relief was relatively short-lived.
I don t have to tell you anything, marimo.
He wasn t pouting.
Zoro snarled slightly, hands that still held the cook s matchbook reaching up to g
rip fiercely at his spiky hair.
You are so fucking frustrating! Why is it whenever I want to know something, I ve g
otta drag it out of you like a goddamn anchor!?
Sanji puffed at his smoke and went about ignoring him, scowling at his injured a
rm. The cream on the stitches was starting to dry. Where the hell was Chopper wi
th those bandages?
A low noise, more irritated than anything, and a strong hand grabbed Sanji s chin,
jerking his gaze upwards. Zoro frowned, eyes searching and severe, and Sanji wa
s really starting to get tired of how those damn eyes always made him do stupid,
embarrassing things.
Sanji, he said, quiet but firm, Why would you bother fighting so many guys if they
were nobodies?
The cook sighed, dropping the gaze, but resigning himself. For all his stubbornn
ess and resistance, Zoro would wear him down and get it out of him eventually. I
t was tiring, and just down-right stupid to make it last longer than it had to.
Why do you want to know so bad?
But he could still be difficult for a little bit longer. He was Sanji, after all
Because if that asshole had aimed a little lower, it wouldn t have been just your a
rm; he would have split your hand in two, dumbass. And you wouldn t have even stop
ped him, because, it was a lucky shot, and things just happen. The swordsman s frown d
epened, and Sanji shivered slightly at the intensity he saw in those dark eyes at
how seriously he was taking this.
As much as Sanji wanted to admit he wasn t ashamed, and however much he wanted to
deny that he wasn t fucking flattered at all, it d be a lie, and Sanji didn t fucking
lie about shit.
But it wasn t like he had to admit it to the marimo asshole.
So tell me why you did this, Zoro finished, eyes never letting up their deep scrut
Sanji sighed, a large clump of forgotten ash dropping from the end of his cigare
tte that was close to death. So he stubbed it out on the underside of his shoe a
nd started fishing out another one.
Some chump bounty hunters were looking through wanted posters near the harbor, he
said, placing a new stick between his lips. Again, Zoro struck a match and lit i
t for him, and Sanji had to ignore the pleasant warmth in his chest if he was go
nna keep talking.
Assholes came across yours in the pile, and they started talking. One of em pointe
d at the Merry and said you were probably in town, and hey, shouldn t they try and
take you on? The others guys punched him; said they d never go after your bounty
in a million years.
He took a draw on his cigarette, hating Zoro in that moment, for making him do s
uch annoying shit, but hating the embarrassed burn in his cheeks even more.
They said they d never dare, because you were a monster.
A brief moment of silence.
Sanji contemplated his shoes.
Zoro made a strange choking sound. What?
You heard me, bastard, the cook muttered, looking up into eyes that were now blank
, and slightly stunned. I got pissed and kicked their asses. That s the story. The
end. Now go fuck off.
Hold it, that doesn t make any sense, Zoro said, frowning again, but more confused t
han anything.
What s not to get, dumbass? Sanji cried, getting more pissed and more embarrassed at
having to explain his fucking explanation!
But you call me a monster all the time!
Sanji growled, unable to believe how retarded his fucking moron could be, and he
yanked the fresh cigarette out of his mouth, raising his bad arm to grab Zoro s s
hirt collar and drag the fucker into a heated, pissed-off kiss. Teeth dragged un
flinchingly over skin, Sanji forcing his tongue in the bewildered swordsman s mout
h, taking that heat and taste that made him dizzy and want, dominating the large
r man, claiming what was his, and proving once and for all that, though Sanji ir
refutably belonged to Zoro, Zoro belonged to Sanji just as much.
And just as quickly as he swooped in, Sanji pulled back, resting his forehead ag
ainst Zoro s as they panted and shared each other s breath. And when he looked up, S
anji nailed the swordsman with his own hard, blue glare.
I am the only one who calls you that. Got it?
Zoro blinked, mouth open slightly like he wanted to say something, but before he
ever got a sound out, the infirmary door swung open suddenly, and Chopper took
one look at them, and the bandaging that slowly slipped from Sanji s arm onto the
floor, and the small rivulets of blood running from some of the stitches he d torn
in his earlier fervor.
The two men swallowed in unison.

Chopper muttered murderously as he none-too-gently re-stitched the cook s gash.

Sanji puffed his cigarette and felt much less bored and irritated than he had a
few minutes ago, even if his mending procedure had started all over again from t
he beginning, and he was going to be late making dinner.
The image of his blushing monster sulking out the door as a severely pissed-off
Chopper scolded him like a damn child was more than enough to keep him entertain
ed for the next couple of days, at least.

Review this Story/Chapter

Five Devil's Fruit Powers Sanji Never Had
Author of 13 Stories
Rated: M - English - Humor/Fantasy - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 13 - Published: 11-
23-08 - Complete - id:4673698
Five Devil's Fruits Powers Sanji Never Had


Part One: Longing

He and Zoro were in mid-fight when his new powers finally asserted themselves. S
ince the day Sanji had eaten it, things had been calm aboard the Merry, no Marin
es in sight, no new enemies revealing themselves. Naturally, that bored the fuck
out of the two of them. Now they were fighting a vicious fight on the deck.
He was dodging a deadly swing when he felt something somehow change and suddenly
his feet weren't so sure anymore and he slipped, legs too short, and skidded ac
ross the deck clumsily before managing to right himself and glare at Zoro.
But Zoro wasn't glaring back or charging at him with swords at the ready. He was
staring at him, mouth agape, looking for all the world like Sanji had just got
him good in the gut.
"Zoro?" Sanji said uncertainly, not sure why he was suddenly using the marimo's
name but just feeling that that was the right thing to do somehow.
Sanji clapped his hand over his mouth at the sound of his voice, eyes widening,
as he looked down at the skinny little girl's body he suddenly inhabited. His ha
ir was black and even shorter than before, his small body covered with a boy's w
hite shirt and black shorts.
"Wha-" he started only to suddenly find himself embraced by a strong male body.
Zoro was on his knees, clutching him to his chest and Sanji couldn't bring himse
lf to say anything, feeling the desperation with which Zoro held him.
"Kuina," whispered Zoro into Sanji's black hair and Sanji could do nothing but h
old perfectly still as he took in the smell of sweat, steel, and tears, hands cl
enching and unclenching as every instinct screamed at him that this was the perf
ect moment to strike.
Sanji hated Devil's Fruits.


Part Two: Earth
What the fuck good kind of power is this, he grumbled to himself, leaning agains
t a positively ecstatic mikan tree in the ship's little grove and Nami smiled an
d said maybe he'd finally be able to get the rosemary to grow for once, did he r
ealize just how much that spice costs at port towns and Sanji Mellorined and cal
led Nami so clever and beautiful but pouted some more when she left. He wanted a
cool power, dammit.
Zoro laughed at him and called him the pretty flower princess and Sanji fumed an
d kicked him in the head but that didn't change the fact that wherever they went
the flowers would sprout from the earth and turn their faces as if to look at h
im, tree branches would twitch and creek as if longing to embrace him, and if he
ever slept on land, by morning his room and bed would be covered with ivy and c
reeping vines.
But then, on the next island he discovered the Deadly Monster Venus Fly Trap and
he learned to stop pouting so much and Zoro learned that the teeth of the Deadl
y Monster Venus Fly Trap were really fucking sharp.


Part Three: Delirium
Sanji knew his power was devastating, but only from secondhand accounts. His mem
ories of using his power were nothing more than colors and jumbled, incomprehens
ible images. He hated using it but still couldn't control it well enough to stop
himself when he saw his nakama being threatened.
Case in point: the Marine ships that suddenly attacked the Going Merry. Zoro and
Luffy told him vehemently that they could handle themselves, but suddenly an ad
miral got a lucky punch in on Luffy and Sanji, helpless against his old instinct
s and his new powers, could no longer limit himself to mere kicks.
That's when he saw saw the flowers sprout on the deck and turn into dragons and
he could tell the Marines saw it too. The braver ones attacked the flower dragon
s but the dragons grew huge and monstrous and even more beautiful and soon they
were all screaming and running as large mouths spewed silver flames that danced
and flickered over the Marine ship. Sanji laughed and clapped his hands at the p
retty shapes made by the flames and some of the Marines looked at him and looked
at the flames and sat and smiled as well and Sanji couldn't help but feel a spe
cial kinship with them even after they curled up into themselves and started gig
gling hysterically at the fairy lights on their knees. Some of the silver flames
touched the fleeing or fighting Marines and the fire turned gooey and solid and
began to cover their bodies and they screamed and scratched it to get it off bu
t it only spread over them more till they were nothing but silvery flailing appa
ritions rolling around the ship, beautiful in their own way.
Sanji smiled and picked at the buttons on his shirt for a little while, ripping
one off and watching the light dance off it. After a while, he couldn't hear the
Marines anymore, but he wasn't really paying attention.
"Idiot," said a man with the moss for hair. Sanji wanted to pet it. He cocked hi
s head at the insult, watching the words float from the man's mouth and snatchin
g at them as they burst in the air, light and bright like soap bubbles. "You don
't have to do all the work yourself."
The flower dragons did it, Sanji informed the man in all seriousness then shivered
, his clothes wet from the sea spray.
The man sighed and lifted him into his arms. Sanji allowed it, leaning his head
against strong shoulder and closing his eyes, knowing he would be taken someplac
e dark and warm.


Part Four - Angel
He was flying. Flying! The glittering blue waters stretched out into the distanc
e, the Going Merry a dark spot on the endless ocean. He could just barely make o
ut the tiny figures of his nakama on the deck as they craned their necks to look
up at him.
He laughed, the sound pure joy bubbling up out of him. He was flying! He had nev
er known such freedom, the wind blowing through his hair and ruffling the feathe
rs of the pure white wings on his back, the sun warm on his body. He dived, swoo
ping over the crew's heads and back into the blue, blue sky.
Luffy's delighted laughter and cry of "ME TOO ME TOO!!!" were his only warning b
efore he suddenly felt a rubber arm snake around his waist and he realized just
how heavy his captain really was.
As he fell toward the water, Luffy laughing shrilly in his ears, he could hear Z
oro swearing as he yelled at Usopp to help him fish those damn two idiots out of
the ocean. He couldn't help it. He laughed along with Luffy as they plunged int
o the cold, sparkling sea.


Part Five: Lust
After two awkward encounters with Usopp and Nami, the crew had more or less been
avoiding Sanji and Sanji had been doing his best to avoid them. But the ship wa
s small, and it was inevitable that he would have to actually interact with them
sooner or later, but, dammit, later would be so much better. While interesting,
the experiences of turning into Kaya, leaving Usopp stammering and incoherent,
and Robin, leaving Nami with a blush and Sanji very, very disappointed were rath
er embarrassing and he really needed to learn to control his new power before he
found out any more about his crewmates than he really wanted to know.
Naturally, when he opened the door to the kitchen, there was the stupid swordsma
n, looking around furtively as he stole into the wine cabinet. Bastard. Then he
turned and saw Sanji.
There was a deer in the headlights moment.
Sanji winced when he felt his power assert himself and wondered why the hell Zor
o couldn't stay hidden just a bit longer until he figured out exactly how to con
trol the damn thing. He heard Zoro give a little strangled gasp and reluctantly
looked down, wondering what kind of whore he'd look like.
He blinked.
Sanji was still Sanji. Those were his legs, those were his arms, that was his blo
nd hair in front of his eye.
Only his clothes were conspicuously missing. He only wore a very battered, very u
sed, very familiar white shirt that, while far too big for him, left very little
to the imagination.
He grabbed the ends of it as a stiff breeze almost showed all his assets to the
world and glared at the marimo.
"You fu-"
He froze as he got a good look at Zoro's reaction glazed eyes, drooling mouth, t
witching hands.
"Ummm ," he said intelligently, hands plucking at the white shirt.
Zoro pounced.

Review this Story/Chapter

What Kind Of Meat?
Azriel Vincettia
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Luffy & Sanji - Reviews: 13 - Published
: 06-29-08 - Complete - id:4359493
Hey there
Hey there! Still some what of a new writer here, so forgive my errors! I just re
member reading all this fanfiction and reading about how Luffy is always yelling
for meat, and how hungry he is, and it gave me an Idea. Oh how I love my evil,
wonderful, ideas.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece, other wise there would be no distribution of
it to people under 18. XD
What Kind of Meat?
Sanji was getting frustrated. No matter how many different types of meat he boug
ht and cooked, Luffy was never satisfied.
He had tried roasting, grilling, baking, everything! He just couldn t understand w
hat the boy wanted. He was so irate that he had taken to yelling at Luffy, calli
ng him names, as well.
It didn t help matters much that watching the younger boy eat dinner was pure tort
ure, quite literally. The more he denied Luffy the right meat, the more Luffy bi
tched about not getting what he wanted, the more erotically he would devour his
food. He could swear the little bastard was doing it on purpose.
Luffy had taken to sitting directly across from him, and had begun to eat at the
same pace as everyone else but Luffy eating slowly was not a good thing for Sanji
. Each bite was slowly lifted to his lips, licked oh so suggestively, and swallo
wed whole.
Sanji s mind would almost immediately fall into the pit of the gutter, imagining w
hat that mouth could do to his cock.
He had taken to making sure he was the last to leave the table now, just to make
sure no one noticed how hard he had gotten. He had been in the kitchen long aft
er dinner was over, in not much better shape than he had been at the table.
He had been staring contemplatively down at his throbbing member, not yet having
bothered to even release it from his pants.
This had been going on for two whole fucking weeks now.
He was tempted to just take his captain aside and fuck him into the nearest wall
, not much caring if everyone saw or not. Hell, it wouldn t be completely rape, ri
ght? More like molestation Suddenly hearing a sound from the mess hall, he straig
htened up in a panic.
It was nearly midnight, who the hell was awake??
His question was answered moments later by the entry of one Monkey D. Luffy into
the kitchen, clad in not much more than a small pair of shorts. Sanji could do
nothing but stare. Luffy spotted him, a grin slowly etching its way onto his fac
Sanji watched frozen, as Luffy s eyes slowly fell from his own, traveling down the
length of him and focusing on his bulging pants. A look of mischievous delight
fell into Luffy s eyes as he trailed his eyes back up, holding much more than amus
Ah, finally ready to give me what I want? I knew it was just a matter of time Luffy s
voice was low, and silky smooth.
Sanji gasped as Luffy stalked forward and grinned up at Sanji, quickly dropping
to his knees directly in front of the bulge in the blonds pants. Sanji could do
nothing but gasp, trying to find words.
You b-bastard! All that torture, you were fucking driving me nuts! He managed to g
round out, his breath coming shorter as Luffy nuzzled Sanji s crotch, licking at t
he material slightly.
Wouldn t ve had to f you da just given me what I wanted Within moments Luffy had pulled
wn Sanji s pants, the offending garment now around his knees. Now panting Sanji cr
ied out sharply as Luffy licked the tip of his cock, digging his tongue into the
sensitive slit, causing Sanji to call out. Luffy pulled back slightly and tsked
at the blond
Aw c mon Sanji, if your too loud then everyone will wake up we wouldn t want that, woul
d we? Sanji grit his teeth and glared at the grinning boy.
Luffy s grin just grew wider as he tugged the taller man down onto the floor, layi
ng him out flat. Settling himself between pale legs, he immediately relocated hi
s prize, this time taking him down to the root. Sanji couldn t help but gasp and m
oan out in delicious agony.
Luffy s mouth was so hot, his tongue much more rough than he had imagined, but so
much better. The blonds body had begun to writhe, unable to hold still as Luffy
licked and sucked at the weeping member in his mouth, delighting at the flavor o
f it, unable to hold back his hunger.
Sanji could feel Luffy s teeth scrape lightly over him every so often, causing him
to mewl in bliss, unable hold his sounds in. The rubber boy wasn t fairing much b
etter. Sanji tasted so good.
Salty and hot and delicious.
He began to suckle on Sanji s cock as if it were a sucker, incredibly good and und
eniably he wanted more.
Sanji had enough presence of mind to look down at the boy sucking on him like a
seasoned whore, and nearly lost it as he watched Luffy, eyes glazed with lust, a
nd saliva dripping down his chin, looking for all the world like he was enjoying
the experience just as much as Sanji himself, if not more.
He mewled in absolute bliss, his back arching up off the ground as Luffy started
moaning at the flavor, causing vibrations to surge down the blonds cock, deep-t
hroating Sanji with an ease that would make many a woman jealous.
Sanji could feel his insides ready to explode with the heat of it, not even both
ering to hide how close he was, or how much he appreciated Luffy s administrations
. Arching his back once more, he cursed out his release, not paying enough atten
tion at the moment to watch as Luffy swallowed as much as possible, lapping up w
hat his original swallowing had missed.
Sanji lay there, nearly boneless, still panting from the intensity of his releas
e, but finally watching the Dark haired boy sucking cum off of his fingers in on
e of the most obscene ways.
The blond man moaned at the sight, unable to look away as Luffy enjoyed his trea
t. When the boy had finished cleaning away all traces of cum, he gave a disappoi
nted growl before climbing back over Sanji, stopping only when his mouth was lev
el with the blonds ear, biting and nibbling on the appendage, before rumbling ou
t in a slow sexy voice a single sentence.
Mmm you taste so good Sanji .I want more.
This was my first lemon, so if you didn t like it, then too damn bad. Go read some
other written porn, you perv!

Review this Story/Chapter

It was only a kiss, how did it end up li
ke this?
Author of 2 Stories 1. The Mysterious Kiss2. The First Time3. Sanji's Confusion
4. Is it Love?5. Yes6. half chapter and notice
Rated: M - English - Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-01-07 -
Published: 09-22-07 - id:3797670
Anyone who reads this must review! Please? I wrote a story before, and I only go
t 2 reviews. I don t even know if more people read it or not. So, if you read, ple
ase review. Just telling me whether you thought it was good or bad is enough.
Chapter 1 (possibly the only chapter)
Sanji stood in shock, staring out the kitchen door s window at the moss moving awa
y from him. What the fuck had just happened? He and Zoro were doing the dishes a
s normal, and Luffy had barged in to tell them that some marines were attacking.
Zoro had finished drying his plate, put it away, and strolled out the door. Tha
t was what he always did. But this time, during his stroll, he stopped next to S
anji and planted a kiss on the unsuspecting cook s lips. Then he just kept walking
. Yes, Zoro had obvious relational problems, but no explanation or foreplay for
a kiss was rather pathetic. Well, Sanji would have refused all advances anyway.
The door re-opened, and Zoro returned to the kitchen. He showed no signs of batt
le damage, or emotion or even reaction about the kiss. Zoro just walked back to
his position under Sanji s gaping gaze, and continued to clean the dishes. Zoro s la
ck of reaction made Sanji start to doubt himself. Was it at all possible that he
had imagined the whole thing? No. Sanji was a chef, and as a chef, he could sti
ll detect a strange (though not displeasing) taste on his lips. For more proof,
the taste matched the smell the idiot swordsman exuded. No, the brain dead idiot
had definitely kissed him. Why? This was something he would not leave un-addres
Oi, Marimo. He voiced, Why the hell did you just kiss me?
I don t know what the fuck you re talking about ero-cook. Zoro responded, looking up f
rom his task with apparent surprise. Are you all right? If you re imagining such in
sane things, you should see Chopper. Not that I care about you. He added quickly.
Don t fuck with me, shithead! I can still taste it! Now give me a good explanation,
dammit! Sanji now was almost yelling at the swordsman, who just smiled. Zoro sta
rted to laugh. He smirked, and left Sanji alone in the kitchen to contemplate hi
s confusing thoughts.
Sanji was distracted by speculations on Zoro s mysterious kiss. He was so lost in
thought, that he accidentally burned the chicken he was making for dinner. Damn t
hat no good, fucking, shitheaded, marimo bastard! Sanji bellowed as he was forced
to toss out the poultry. By the evening, Sanji had come up with 3 possible reas
ons: 1. Zoro secretly loved him (not likely), 2. Zoro wanted a bedfellow for bet
ween ports (somewhat likely), or 3. Zoro wanted to get a rise out of Sanji (extr
emely likely). As Zoro was on watch tonight, Sanji decided to once again confron
t the man about it.
The night was cold, so Sanji was easily able to make an excuse for visiting Zoro
: He was bringing the bastard his blanket so he didn t freeze to death, or somethi
ng. Sanji climbed up to the crows nest, still besieged by confusion as he imagin
ed the outcomes for each of the possibilities. Option 3, he would kick the marim
o s ass. That was obvious enough, but when he started to think about option 2 he s
eemed to lose track of everything.
Oh fuck me Zoro he imagined
Ugh, you re so fucking tight Sanji
I m gonna c- A cold burst of wind snapped Sanji out of his daze. Sanji stopped climb
ing in horror. What the fuck?!! Why the hell did he just fantasize about Zoro?!
He was straight god dammit!! Shocking him even further was the now apparent push
against the inner part of his zipper. Sanji slapped himself a couple times to g
et rid of those horrible thoughts, and continued his climb. He didn t even dare to
imagine what the last possibility would be like.
Sanji reached the crow s and was not exactly surprised to find the swordsman aslee
Oi, Shithead. Wake up. Sanji said. Zoro didn t budge. Wake up dammit! Sanji reiterated
, a little louder. Zoro still didn t move, and just kept snoring. At least Sanji c
ould tell he was alive. Okay, If you don t wake up in the next three seconds, I m gon
na stomp on you. Sanji warned. Still no movement. One- , Zoro shifted in his sleep, T
wo- , Sanji raised his foot above the man s rising, and falling chest, Three! Sanji br
ought his foot down and expected to collide with, and maybe break some of, Zoro s
ribs. Instead, a strong large hand grabbed his ankle, pinned him back against th
e edge, and put a knee down on the other foot. Sanji was startled by the swordsm
an s agility, and effectiveness.
What the fuck are you doing here, love-cook? Zoro growled, face startlingly close
to Sanji s.
I came to bring you your blanket, shity swordsman, and to talk to you about what
happened earlier. Sanji responded
You re still thinking about that? Zoro groaned and got off of Sanji s legs, making the
cook feel both relief and grief simultaneously.
Yeah, I am. Sanji replied, stomping on Zoro s foot with his new freedom.
Ow! You fucking bastard that hurt! And, why? Zoro shouted hopping on one foot, and
cradling his other.
Why what? Why am I still thinking about it, or why did I squash your foot? Sanji a
sked coolly.
Both, you moron!
Well, if a man you didn t get along with suddenly kissed you out of the blue, would
n t you want to know why? And, I stomped on your foot for attacking me. Sanji said.
Zoro sat down again, and motioned for Sanji to continue. After some thought, I ve
come up with a couple theories. I want to run them by you for a reaction. First,
you are secretly in love with me. Zoro started laughing at this
In love with you? he chuckled, You gotta be kidding.
Yeah, I didn t think that would be it somehow. Sanji muttered, although feeling slig
htly hurt somewhere deep down. Second, you just did it to piss me off. Zoro seemed
to have gotten over his humor, and was paying a little more attention now. And,
lastly, you did it because you wanted someone to keep you a little company betwe
en ports. So, which is it? Sanji finished.
I ll leave you to figure that out. Zoro said mischievously, and he suddenly grabbed
Sanji by the collar and pulled him into a furious kiss.
Yay! I m done with the first chapter! If I get three reviews, I ll post the next one
which will start with some nice lemon. So if you want more, review! Otherwise,
you ll have to be content with just two kisses. (I ll probably post it anyway, as I m
done writing it already, but please review. I m begging you.)

Review this Story/Chapter

It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Author of 2 Stories 1. The Mysterious Kiss2. The First Time3. Sanji's Confusio
n4. Is it Love?5. Yes6. half chapter and notice
Rated: M - English - Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-01-07 -
Published: 09-22-07 - id:3797670
I m amazed! I just wrote that last chapter, and I got two reviews right off the ba
t, and 2 other people kept it on watch. That makes me really happy, but I don t ge
t why I didn t get more reviews for my other story? Maybe the hanging lemon strate
gy worked. Whatever, here s chapter two.
Chapter Two
Sanji s eyes widened in shock again, as the swordsman connected their lips for a s
econd time. He tensed and breathed deeply for a couple moments but eventually ga
ve in to the kiss. Zoro was, despite his rough appearance, quite a good kisser.
He flicked, rubbed, and explored with grace that matched his swordsmanship. Sanj
i knew however, that this was not a contest he was willing to lose. Zoro may be
good, but he was much better.
After Sanji had gotten over his shock, he kissed back with all the passion and f
orce he could muster. As his tongue wrestled with Zoro s, battling for supremacy,
the kiss shifted from a quiet, romantic expression, to a primal lust-filled batt
le. Sanji was so focused on the competition, and the pleasure, he had completely
forgotten who the competitor was. When the two finally separated to gasp in air
Sanji regained his senses and his memory.
Oh GOD!! Sanji groaned, I didn t actually just make out with you did I?
Yeah, you did. You seemed to like it too. Zoro grinned wolfishly as Sanji covered
his face with shame. So his second theory had proved correct. Zoro needed some r
elief, and had chosen Sanji as the recipient. Shit, what the hell was he doing?!
Zoro was a guy. A GUY DAMMIT! Sanji was not gay! Why did the kiss feel so good
then? Sanji was yet again confused due to a kiss from the swordsman. This was to
o weird. It must just be a dream or something.
The dream theory got disproved pretty damn fast as Zoro leaned in and nipped at
Sanji s earlobe, causing the chef to jump about ten feet in the air. Zoro caught S
anji as he came back down to earth, and began to kiss him lustfully once more. S
anji responded to the competition once more, and he realized, though denied, tha
t he was loving every second of this kiss. The pair broke apart again, and while
Sanji was gulping down air, Zoro spoke
So, you wanna just kiss some more, or do you wanna go a little further? Zoro asked
this as though Sanji would obviously not want anything else, and proceeded to r
emove his own shirt. Sanji was about to answer that he would not like to go any
further and even stop kissing, but then he got a good glimpse of Zoro s body. Thou
gh it was dark, Sanji could easily make out the lies of Zoro s defined muscle. The
perfectly shaped pecs, the slightly hardened reddish-brown nipples, the sun tan
ned skin, and the beautiful washboard abs. God Zoro was hot. After setting his e
yes on a half naked Zoro, Sanji couldn t control himself and instead whispered,
You re being the girl. Zoro looked rather pleased and amused at this response.
Fine. Zoro said grabbing Sanji yet again, and continuing to ravage the cook s mouth.
Sanji was dumbfounded at his response. He stood motionless, eyes widened in horr
or. He could feel an erection forming once more. He actually wanted this. He, th
e womanizing perverted cook, wanted to have sex with a man. Not just any man eit
her, but Zoro. Sanji remained statuesque as Zoro reached for Sanji s buttons, undo
ing them with amazing speed. Zoro slipped his hand into Sanji s shirt. Sanji felt
the frigid, calloused fingers begin to rub his chest, and fondle his nipples. Un
consciously, as though something were possessing him, Sanji reached down and unb
uttoned Zoro s pants, and pulled them free. Now fully exposed, Zoro s full magnifice
nce was revealed to Sanji. Zoro s half hardened cock was huge, and surrounding the
base was a forest of green hairs. Sanji felt completely insignificant in front
of the god like Zoro. Sanji wasn t as buff, big, or quite probably as good as Zoro
. Sanji quailed in the man s presence. He d been wrong every time he thought the swo
rdsman s ludicrous training was to compensate for a small length. Sanji couldn t hel
p but gape and even drool a bit at the sight. Zoro continued to kiss Sanji and t
hen removed the remainder of Sanji s garments.
Sanji s shock seemed to dislodge his mind from his body, he could only watch as he
kept on kissing Zoro until the swordsman s attention seemed to be turned elsewher
e. Zoro left Sanji s protesting mouth and started to trail kisses further down San
ji s chest until he reached the base of Sanji s dick. Sanji barely had time to reali
ze what was coming before he was overwhelmed with pleasure. Zoro licked up the s
ide of his length, then enclosed the chef s pale dick with his mouth. The searing
heat of Zoro s mouth combined with the overpowering pleasure seemed to fuse Sanji s
body and mind back together.
Zoro bobbed his head torturously slow, licking as he sucked. Sanji couldn t stop h
imself. He started to buck his hips forcibly speeding the pleasure. Zoro got the
point, and sped up. Sanji lay back against the side of the crow s nest, and moane
d with the sensation. Zoro must have had some experience at this, he was so good
. Sanji lost all self control, and he shrieked with the torturing pleasure. He k
new he couldn t hold on much longer.
Zoro, Sanji moaned, I m gonna come. Either Zoro didn t hear, or he didn t care. He kept
cking and bobbing as Sanji released himself, swallowing the salty ropes of come
that shot into his mouth. Zoro lapped up all the remaining come on Sanji s cock an
d resurfaced.
Zoro moved up to kiss Sanji again rapidly stroking himself. As their lips collid
ed again, Sanji knocked Zoro s hand off his dick, and began to stroke. First slowl
y, and then gaining speed. Zoro broke the kiss and started moaning just as Sanji
was. Sanji liked this feeling of superiority. He stopped abruptly, and Zoro cri
ed out,
Ah, don t stop Sanji! Sanji smirked, and continued. Zoro soon gave under the rapid m
ovements of Sanji s silky hands. Zoro shot white all over his and Sanji s chests, an
d collapsed on to the man below him.
Sanji was startled at the sudden increase of pressure on his chest, but grabbed
the back of Zoro s moss covered head to pull him into a lazy kiss. Their tongues p
layed lazily, and soon they stopped. Sanji grabbed the blanket, threw it over th
e two of them, and then lay back and rested his head on Zoro s chest. The idiot ha
d already fallen asleep, and Sanji drifted off with the calming sounds of his br
eaths. Zoro had watch for the entire night, so no one would inadvertently discov
er them. Sanji let the fatigue take control, and darkness clouded his vision bef
ore he lost consciousness.
Robin had stepped out on the deck just in time to hear Zoro call out
Don t stop Sanji. She smiled her mysterious smile and said to herself,
Goodness, it seems that I may need to keep watch tonight. Swordsman-san and cook-
san don t seem like they re going to pay much attention. She smiled once more and cro
ssed her arms Ojos Fleur! and several pairs of eyed hands sprouted from the edges
of the ship. Sleep well you two.
Okay, I tried to give some lemon right? If you want to find out what happens nex
t, you ll still have to review. I need at least three, just like before. More is b
etter though. There is still plenty of lemon and confusion to come if I get the
required reviews

Review this Story/Chapter

It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Author of 2 Stories 1. The Mysterious Kiss2. The First Time3. Sanji's Confusio
n4. Is it Love?5. Yes6. half chapter and notice
Rated: M - English - Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-01-07 -
Published: 09-22-07 - id:3797670
Yay! I beat my goal, and got four whole reviews before I started writing this. I
would like to thank everyone who reviewed, and my new goal is five reviews befo
re I continue. By the way, this fic may end up being nearly indefinite, as I m pro
bably only going to stop when I get bored of it, or don t receive anymore reviews.
Chapter Three
Sanji woke early the next morning, as was his fashion, but was actually surprise
d to find himself alone in the crow s nest. Zoro had never seemed like an early ri
ser, but the man was nonetheless was already down on the grassy deck training. S
anji gazed down at him swinging weights around in lieu of his katanas, shirt off
, sun beating down and making the sweat glisten. Sanji realized once again how p
erfect Zoro s body was. The only real blemish was the scar reaching from his left
shoulder to his right thigh. Sanji liked the scar though. He thought about how i
t made Zoro even more masculine as he watched a bead of sweat run through the sm
all rut of the scar. Damn, Zoro was hot. Wait one second! He was straight. Why t
he hell was he ogling another man s body?! Men were not hot! Yes, he had had sex w
ith him, but that was for mutual relief. Right?
Sanji shook himself out of his fixed stare at Zoro. God, he would at least need
to act normally around the man. If the other members of the crew found out anyth
ing, it would be horrible. Sanji inhaled the stench of sex. He definitely needed
a shower, and a cigarette, or a pack. Sanji re-dressed himself, his clothes wer
e evidence too, and climbed out the crow s nest and down to the deck below. Zoro a
cknowledged his presence with the usual,
Morning, love-cook.
Same to you shitty swordsman. Sanji responded and continued to walk towards his ca
bin. He was glad to find that he had no problems treating Zoro as he usually did
. Sanji almost sighed, but prevented himself at the thought of what Zoro would s
Sanji took his shower, and changed his clothes while still thinking about the pr
evious night.
God, I can t believe I did that. He repeated again and again. However, despite what
he told himself, he wasn t ashamed at all. Scared: yes, ashamed: no. Sanji had no
regrets about what he had done, and was actually hoping there might be a second
time. Sanji worked as if be muscle memory, he just entered the kitchen, and when
he finally came back to earth, pancakes, eggs, and bacon had been prepared.
Sanji set the table, lit a cigarette, took a nice long drag, and headed out to n
otify the rest of the crew. As soon as he opened the door, Luffy squeezed past a
nd began to ingest pancakes at a frightening rate.
Luffy! Get back here! Sanji yelled, surprised that Luffy had actually had the cour
tesy to wait until Sanji opened the door today. Sanji was almost tempted to let
his captain just have what he wanted, but he knew better. If Luffy had his way w
ith the food, Robin-chwan and Nami-swan wouldn t get anything to eat.
But Sanji, I m hungry! Luffy whined
Yeah, well I m sure the rest of the ship is too. Good job on waiting today, by the
way. Sanji said. Luffy puffed out his chest at the compliment. Obviously thinking
it might get him a reprieve. You ll still have to wait until everyone else has bee
n served before you can get some food, though. Sanji continued. Luffy deflated at
the words
But Sanji
No buts. Just wait until everyone is seated at lunch. Sanji gave his captain a lit
tle smile, and Luffy perked up a little bit.
Yosh! Till lunch!
Right, Sanji said stepping out the door Nami-swan, Robin-chwan! Breakfast has been
served! The rest of you can come too. He added in an unenthusiastic voice.
Upon hearing the news, the men of the crew, with the exception of Zoro, stampede
d into the kitchen. Zoro and the two women followed at a more leisurely pace, an
d seated themselves while Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Franky shoveled food into t
heir mouths as though they had not eaten for days.
Is there anything I can do for you my lovely ladies? Sanji simpered as he delicate
ly stacked pancakes on Nami s plate.
I ll have some orange juice, Sanji-kun.
And, I ll have some coffee if it isn t too much trouble cook-san.
Right away my goddesses! Sanji cried, and twirled off to meet his orders of love.
Oh, Sanji, could you get me some cola too? I m almost out after the marines yesterd
ay. Franky asked
Fine, but get it yourself next time. Sanji responded. Franky looked startled, thou
gh pleased at the response.
Thanks cook. He said.
Sanji ate his breakfast by the sink, so as to keep an eye out for anything the l
adies might need. He ate in silence, thinking once more. Every once in awhile, h
e d glance up at Zoro, who would never notice, but would just keep eating. The bre
akfast ended up being fairly uneventful. Luffy only stole twice, Usopp only told
five extravagant stories to his captive audience of Chopper, and Zoro only real
ly pissed him off once (a new record). Only after the meal, did anything get int
eresting. As the crew filed out, and Sanji picked up the dishes, he heard someth
ing that almost made his heart stop.
Zoro, do you know why Sanji was so nice today? Luffy asked
What d you mean? Zoro responded
Well, Sanji didn t get too mad at me when I started eating early, he didn t even kick
me, and he got Franky his cola. Luffy explained
Why the hell would I know? Zoro demanded
Cause Sanji kept looking at you while we were eating. Did something happen between
you two? You guys only fought once. Luffy looked curious. Sanji was worried. If
the biggest idiot of the crew had noticed something, who else had?
Cook-san? Are you alright? Sanji turned to see Robin holding some dishes he was ab
out to pick up.
I am as long as I am in your presence, my immaculate Robin-chwan! What are you do
ing here anyway? A delicate flower like you shouldn t have to help with the dishes
. Only oafs like that idiot marimo should.
I don t mind. I wanted to talk to you anyway, Sanji s eyes turned to hearts with hope,
about Zoro. Robin finished.
All right, this chapter was pretty boring. No lemon. That ll be coming again thoug
h! Review, and tell me what you think. Or else! Not really, but I am desperate f
or reviews. I finally figured out how to check the hits on my stories, and I was
disappointed that there were so many more hits than reviews. Oh well, just reme
mber that I won t write another chapter until I get at least five reviews.

Review this Story/Chapter

It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Author of 2 Stories 1. The Mysterious Kiss2. The First Time3. Sanji's Confusio
n4. Is it Love?5. Yes6. half chapter and notice
Rated: M - English - Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-01-07 -
Published: 09-22-07 - id:3797670
I keep getting reviews, so I ll keep writing. I got sick over the weekend though,
so I ll probably write a couple chapters to alleviate my bedridden boredom. I got
the five reviews, and I ll set the requirement there again, but my goal is six. If
you read this, help me reach my goal.
Chapter Four
Sanji felt his body tense up with dread at Robin s words. If Luffy had noticed som
ething different, Robin definitely would have. He d play dumb anyway.
What do you want to say about the shithead? Sanji inquired sweetly and innocently,
hoping against hope that the response would be trivial.
Well, I guess it s more about the both of you. You see I was up late last night rea
ding, Sanji paled at hearing Robin say this, had she actually heard something? Sin
ce you just got so pale I guess you know what I stumbled across. Robin finished,
and smiled in a bemused way. She crossed her arms, and made a few pairs of hands
appear and start cleaning the dishes before continuing. Don t worry, I won t tell an
yone. But, what I wanted to ask you is if you love Zoro.
Why the hell would you think that?! Sanji demanded, and then clapped his hands ove
r his mouth. He couldn t lose his temper at a woman.
You just seem so much happier today, and Luffy was right. You kept glancing at Zo
ro while he was eating. You were also extremely preoccupied. Something is very d
ifferent, and I thought that might be the answer. Robin smiled once more You don t h
ave to give me an answer; it looks like you don t know yourself. Just think about
it. Robin uncrossed her arms, turned, and walked out of the kitchen to leave Sanj
i to be even more confused than he had been.
Sanji was once again dumbfounded. Dumbfounded and angry. This was the only time
in living history that he actually was mad at a girl. He was just climbing out o
f the pit of his confusion, and she had to come and push him right back down int
o an even deeper pit than the original. The sex may have been good, but there wa
s absolutely no way he loved Zoro. He loved Nami. And Robin. And any other prett
y girl he passed. He was a ladies man dammit. Not a marimo-man. But what if she
was right? Robin was always a little too spookily accurate when it came to peopl
e. No, NO!! That wasn t even a possibility. Shit this was infuriating.
Sanji wallowed around in his confusion all day. He didn t make any special snacks.
He didn t find excuses to go fawn over the girls. He just sat in the kitchen smok
ing cigarette after cigarette when he wasn t working on a meal. The rest of the cr
ew seemed to worry about him, visiting him more than was necessary. But each tim
e someone came, Sanji would find an excuse to shoo them away. He wanted to be al
one. He wanted to think. Lunch and dinner passed uneventfully. Luffy seemed to h
ave forgotten about what he said earlier. The only thing that scared Sanji was t
hat Zoro seemed to have thought more in to Luffy s observation than the captain. T
he swordsman respected Sanji s wish for privacy, though looked up at the chef with
slight concern a few times over the meals.
Sanji cleaned up quickly and decided that some sleep would do him good. He hurri
ed to his room, changed, and got into bed. But he couldn t sleep. Sanji s mind would
n t settle, and he remained restless for what seemed like hours. Suddenly a knock
on his door broke the silence and gloom of his room.
Who the hell could that be? Sanji grumbled, and got out of bed to open the door. I
t was Zoro. What the fuck are you doing here?! Sanji asked, startled to see the ma
I came to ask you why you were so mopey after breakfast. Zoro said, pushing his wa
y into the room. Does it have anything to do with what happened last night? Sanji
closed the door, ignoring Zoro s question. Then, surprising both himself and Zoro,
he pulled Zoro into a forceful kiss. Zoro s eyes widened as Sanji lay siege to hi
s mouth, taking a moment to begin kissing back.
Sanji did not understand why he had decided to kiss Zoro. All he knew was that w
hen he was with the man, his confusion seemed to ebb away. Sanji wanted even mor
e than last night. He wanted Zoro to be inside of him. He couldn t explain the lus
t, it was just there. Sanji started to slip his hands under Zoro s shirt and lift.
Never breaking the kiss or backing down. The need for air finally overcame his
need for Zoro, and he pulled away, taking the shirt with him. Panting, Sanji tri
ed to return to Zoro s lips, but the marimo held him in place, looking sternly int
o his eyes.
Sanji, Zoro said, using the chef real name to get his attention, are you sure you w
ant to do this again? Sanji nodded and broke free of the man s hold. He wrapped his
fingers in the startlingly soft green hair, and pulled Zoro back into the kiss.
Zoro seemed to have gotten over his caution, and kissed back with the same vigo
r and passion as Sanji. Sanji felt the coarse fingers slip between the buttons o
f his night shirt, slowly and clumsily undoing each one. Finally, Zoro peeled of
f the shirt, and Sanji pulled him to the bed.
Sanji felt an erection growing, and Zoro chose that moment to grind their hips t
ogether. Sanji gasped. Zoro reached his hand down the front of the cook s spatula
adorned pajama bottoms and grabbed Sanji s hardening length. Sanji trembled at the
sudden cool contact, and responded buy doing the same to Zoro. He slipped his s
pindly fingers through the elastic at Zoro s waist, forged down through the soft h
air, and grabbed at Zoro. They started rubbing simultaneously, still battling wi
th their tongues. Both decided to remove the other s final modesties at the same t
ime, finding themselves entirely nude and hard.
Zoro finally broke their kiss, and started moving lower, kissing Sanji s neck and
chest before coming to a stop at one of the hardened pale red nipples. Sanji gro
aned as Zoro started flicking his tongue at it, and soon Zoro moved to the next.
Zoro started trailing kisses down Sanji s stomach, and then reached Sanji s dick. Z
oro skipped the tortuous foreplay this time, and went straight to bobbing and su
cking. Sanji moaned with the pleasure. He didn t think he could take much more. Sa
nji grabbed the back of Zoro s head, and pulled him back up to join lips. Zoro see
med startled by the change, but got over it and kissed back. Sanji broke the kis
s this time in order to say,
Zoro, I want to let you in me. Sanji s statement obviously shocked the swordsman, wh
ose eyes bulged.
You sure? Zoro asked. Sanji nodded. Do you have any lotion then? Sanji grinned, and
pointed to the dresser near the bed.
Upper right drawer. Sanji said, and admired the swordsman s perfectly curved ass as
he walked over to find the lotion.
Zoro found the lotion and came back to the bed, squeezing some out onto his hand
. He rubbed the slime around his fingers, and rubbed some on his cock. He bent b
ack over Sanji, and gave him a quick kiss.
This is gonna feel a little weird. Zoro warned, and slipped one cool finger inside
Sanji s hole. a little weird didn t exactly describe what the new sensation felt like
. Sanji felt like he was burning and freezing, yet he wanted more. Zoro began to
push and pull the finger, twisting slightly, and Sanji cried out. How could one
little finger feel so fucking good? Zoro paused at the cry, but then redoubled
his pace before pushing in another slicked finger. Sanji was nearly in ecstasy w
hen Zoro added his last finger and slowly turned all three around. All of a sudd
en Zoro removed the fingers, making Sanji pine.
Something else is comin now. It s probably gonna hurt, but bare with it. Zoro bent ov
er Sanji once more and connected their mouths, while Sanji felt something a good
deal bigger than the fingers force its way inside.
Sanji would have screamed at the combination of pleasure and pain coursing throu
ghout his body if Zoro hadn t been kissing him. Zoro pushed himself most of the wa
y in, and paused to let Sanji get used to the intrusion. Sanji gasped and groane
d, and Zoro began slowly. Sanji was already at the points of heaven and hell whe
n Zoro started moving, at first slowly and then with increasing tempo. The feeli
ngs of pain faded to be replaced by the increasing pleasure. Then, Zoro hit some
thing inside of him that made him wail with the pleasure overloading his senses.
Zoro hit the same spot over and over again, making Sanji writhe with the sensat
ion. It felt so good, and Sanji knew he was on the brink of release. Zoro thrust
ed a few more times, and he couldn t hold it back anymore. Sanji spilled white sem
en all over his body.
Zoro pumped in still, still filling Sanji with overwhelming pleasure before shoo
ting hot viscous liquid inside Sanji. Sanji moaned at Zoro s release, and Zoro col
lapsed on top of him once again. The stickiness between the two went ignored, an
d they kissed lazily before Zoro rolled off and got up. Sanji didn t know why, but
he didn t want Zoro to leave. It would just make him confused again.
Zoro, could you stay a little longer? Sanji asked knowing how pathetic it sounded.
But Zoro just smiled and lay back down. Sanji was overjoyed, and found it hard
not to whoop. He curled up against Zoro once more, and fell asleep, unconsciousl
y wrapping an arm around the tough man.
Okay, I wrote some lemon. I was going to save it till next chapter, but I felt l
ike throwing it in now. I actually have no clue what to write next, so there mig
ht be a fairly large time lapse. I ll try to post at least once a week though. If
I have the necessary reviews that is. Send in at least five reviews, and I ll begi
n thinking about chapter five.

Review this Story/Chapter

It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Author of 2 Stories 1. The Mysterious Kiss2. The First Time3. Sanji's Confusio
n4. Is it Love?5. Yes6. half chapter and notice
Rated: M - English - Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-01-07 -
Published: 09-22-07 - id:3797670
I m quite hurt. I thought people would review my story if I begged enough, so I wa
ited and waited for that fifth review. It never came. Now my grief may overflow
into the story, and the chance for lemon scenes (even though mine suck) could go
down. I m that sensitive! In the future, please review if you read. Even if you j
ust whack your hands on the keyboard and end up with something like ip4pnviqvlkn
gja, it ll be enough to boost my self-esteem (now perilously low) and get me to wr
ite more and slightly happier chapters. Damn, that was a freaking long author s no
Chapter Five
Sanji woke in the middle of the night to find he was naked and alone. He got out
of bed to dress, feeling rather hurt that the marimo bastard hadn t stayed. Sanji
pulled the light blue pajamas over his arms. Why had he asked Zoro to stay anyw
ay? Was he actually in love? Damn. He was confused, tired, and his ass had defia
ntly felt better. Sanji decided to head out to the deck to have a smoke. Ignorin
g the pain as best he could, he grabbed his cigarettes and his lighter and heade
d out.
The grass coated deck of the Thousand Sunny felt welcome on his tired bare feet.
Sanji walked over to a wall, leaned up against it and lit up a smoke. He let th
e calming sensation of the nicotine wash through out his body as he withdrew int
o his thoughts. To be or not to be in denial was the question. He by now had rea
lized the love he had for the shitty swordsman; he needed to decide whether to e
mbrace his feelings, or reject them for the sake of reputation. But before he ev
en could think of the answers to those, there was one other thing he couldn t unde
rstand. When had his hatred of Zoro transformed into love? Sanji inhaled another
relaxing breath laced with nicotine. The answer: never.
Sanji came to the conclusion in a feat of subconscious thought he would have nev
er thought possible. Never? That made perfect sense. Never did not mean that he
was not currently in love with Zoro, but rather always had been. Well, maybe it
hadn t been love at first sight, but counting only the time he actually knew (kind
of) the man, his love had been there. Festering beneath the surface at all time
s, the love it seemed had erupted from Zoro s rescue of Sanji s near lost dream. Zor
o s fight with Mihawk, and willingness to die rather than lose possibility for his
dream showed how much a dream could mean to someone. A dream, a true dream was
not to be lost half heartedly. Up until finding that the old fart had nearly die
d to save Sanji s life, he had lived for his dream just as Zoro had. Zoro had revi
ved Sanji s dream, and there was no way to repay that, Sanji guessed his debt had
ended up as love.
Yes, the swordsman pissed him off to no end, but Sanji had never once genuinely
hated the other man. Sanji knew that his love had built up too much for him to t
ry to ignore it now. Denial, while safe, was not a real option. Zoro had to be t
old the truth, and whatever came from that would come. Sanji s tempest of thought
settled slightly at the epiphany. He smiled and sauntered back to bed to fall as
leep, smile still covering his face.
Sanji woke later that day at his usual time, still sore, still tired, but conten
t despite it all. Today he would finally be free of his conscience s nagging. Toda
y he would reveal to Zoro what he had only recently revealed to himself. He was
scared, that was to be expected, but he was also determined. If he didn t do this
today, he may never get the courage up to try again. Zoro probably didn t love him
in return, but whatever the result, this had to be dealt with. Firstly, however
, he had to prepare breakfast.
Sanji felt as though he were walking on air as he went about his morning ritual.
He took his shower, brushed his teeth, and perfectly prepared omelets for his c
rew mates.
Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, the breakfast of love is prepared! Sanji cried, and then i
n an undertone added The rest of you louts can come too, I guess. As usual, the ch
ild-like men sprinted towards the door and began to shovel food in their mouths
while Nami and Robin came casually. Sanji held the door for them and seated them
as was his custom (usually he tried to grope something as he pushed the chairs
back in), and it was not until the hearts in his eyes had receded did he realize
d the lack of grass at the table.
Where s the shithead? Sanji asked.
Swordsman-san was napping, and said he would come when he was hungry. Robin replie
d as Sanji served her a heart shaped omelet.
That bastard! Sanji growled, He could have slept all night. Whatever, it doesn t mean
he s getting out of doing the dishes.
Sanji, seconds! Luffy called, holding out his plate expectantly.
Get it yourself! Sanji yelled back, Make sure to leave at least one for the marimo.
Sanji added when he saw Luffy stacking more and more food on his plate from the
communal platter at the center of the table.
Luffy! I want more too! Don t hog them all! Usopp whined
Yeah! Chopper and Franky agreed. Sanji ignored the ensuing carnage, and decided it
was safer just to rescue a plateful. He scooped up an omelet and ducked as Usop
p soared over his head. Nami and Robin watched with some interest, giggling occa
sionally at the absurd skirmish over the plentiful food, and Sanji escaped to de
liver the swordsman his food, hoping that the treasure wood would hold in this bra
Sanji had to search for the other man, when he discovered Zoro was not in his ca
bin. After checking the crow s nest, every corner of the deck, and even the bathro
om, Sanji finally stumbled (literally) over a leg emerging from Nami s mikan grove
. Upon further inspection Sanji verified that the leg belonged to Zoro, who was
snoring peacefully against the trunk of one of the trees. How had Robin spotted
the man amidst such perfect camouflage anyway? Sanji set the food down and reach
ed out to shake the man awake.
Oi, Marimo. I brought you some breakfast. Zoro opened his eyes slightly and saw th
e proffered plate. He blinked a couple of times and sat up a little straighter b
efore responding.
Why d you have to wake me up ero-cook? I thought I told Robin to tell you that I d co
me when I was hungry. Zoro had only a slight tinge of anger on his voice, so Sanj
i knew he didn t have to justify himself, but he did anyway.
It s not like there s an unlimited supply, baka, and Luffy was there. Does that expla
in properly? Sanji finished, feeling that this may be the best time to say what h
e needed to say. He thought he was ready for this, but talking to the man face t
o face had drained him of his courage.
Oh. Yeah, that makes sense Zoro responded, then yawned. It was now or most likely
Zoro? Sanji asked.
Hn? Zoro tried to respond with mouth full of egg.
Thanks for staying last night. It meant a lot. Sanji said, hoping Zoro would under
stand what he was getting at, and staring to turn slightly pink. Zoro swallowed,
and responded:
It s a part of sex right? Some guys want it, some don t. Zoro waved a hand dismissivel
y and took another bite of his breakfast. Sanji was more than a little set back
by the curt words. Was Zoro really that dumb? He thought it would be fairly obvi
ous that he felt for the man after saying that. God! You just couldn t be at all s
ubtle with this man.
You re so fucking stupid! Sanji chuckled, I was trying to imply more than just that. Z
oro looked confused. Look , Sanji sighed what I m trying to tell you is that I think I
The door to the galley blasted open and interrupted Sanji. Luffy, Chopper, Usopp
, and Franky all flew out followed by an irate Nami dripping with orange juice.
This outfit cost ten thousand beli! It was my favorite, and your stupid little wa
r just ruined it! Nami was screaming with narrowed eyes, You re all charged 10,000 b
eli to compensate!
But I thought that was the price of the entire outfit! Usopp wailed, Shouldn t we eac
h just be charged 2,500?
The additional 7,500 is for emotional pain and suffering. Nami explained matter-of
-factly, and all four gaped at her; Chopper had tears welling up in his eyes. Sa
nji and Zoro rolled their eyes in unison as they viewed the scene, before headin
g down to try and help sort it out. Why?! Why did this have to happen right now?
! He was actually succeeding in forcing himself to convey his emotions, and then
this had to happen. Fuck! Why the hell did he have to live on this dysfunctiona
l ship?
Alright. This chapter was really boring and it came out crappy. I have about fiv
e more chapters brainstormed, so it would be a shame if I didn t get the reviews t
o write them. I ll go back down to four, but there are at least 8 people who have
this alerted, so please just review. Please? It would mean a lot to me, and then
I could include the lemon I have set up in either the next chapter or the one a
fter. Don t you people want to know where the relationship will go?! Again, I need
at least four reviews before I start writing chapter 6, but I really want five
or six. Oh, and if you want me to stop writing, you should tell me that too. Wow
, another really freaking huge author s note.

Review this Story/Chapter

It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Author of 2 Stories 1. The Mysterious Kiss2. The First Time3. Sanji's Confusio
n4. Is it Love?5. Yes6. half chapter and notice
Rated: M - English - Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-01-07 -
Published: 09-22-07 - id:3797670
Attention readers: thanks for reading up till now, especially if you reviewed. H
owever, I wrote out what I thought up, and it came out really bad on paper, and
I m gonna start over again from here. Problem is, I can t think of new stuff to writ
e into this! So I give this half-chapter to (hopefully) tide you guys over. Sorr
P.S. please forgive the no doubt horrible French. I don t peak French, and I had t
o use a translator.
Chapter 6
Prying Nami away from the three cowering men and Chopper, took Sanji and Zoro a
good ten minutes. The difficulties of the task had been exacerbated by Sanji s uns
werving obedience to Nami s orders to
Let me go so I can kill those fucking idiots! , and the several resulting skirmishe
s of the love-blinded Sanji trying to remove Zoro from Nami. When the seven fina
lly trooped back in, the food was stone cold, and Robin was smiling bemusedly ov
er her coffee with a clean plate at her place. Nami seemed to have finally calme
d down, and was now pointedly ignoring Usopp s pleas of
Can t you just lower the price a little bit? . The crew reseated themselves, and Sanj
i began the process of reheating the food. Nami brought out her maps, brushing t
he bits of egg and ham that remained from the war, and prepared to make a statem
Listen up everyone. We should be landing at l'île de rêve du chef cuisinier today
, probably later this afternoon if the winds stay favorable. Nami started, but be
fore she could continue, Luffy interrupted her.
What s that island like? Is it the island of meat? I bet it is! Yosh! Let s go to the
island of meat! Meat! Meat!... Luffy continued ranting, his voice growing fainte
r and fainter until he collapsed on the table. His lips were still attempting to
form words, and his face was blue.
God dammit Luffy! Zoro shouted, slapping his captain on the back, You have to breat
he! Luffy took a deep breath in and started laughing. The rest of the crew fell o
ut of their chairs.
What kind of idiot forgets to breathe?! Sanji exclaimed, Is he missing part of his
Maybe he is. Chopper muttered, now in doctor mode, Luffy, was there ever an inciden
t that could have damaged part of your brain-stem?...
As I was saying, Nami cut across, we should reach l'île de rêve du chef cuisinier l
ater today. Usopp, keep lookout in the crow s nest for it.
Aww do I have t-
What is l'île de rêve du chef cuisinier anyway? Sanji asked. He knew he had heard
the name before.
It means Chef s Dream Island in French. Robin explained, L'île de rêve du chef cuisin
ier is a gathering point for the greatest chefs in the world. Kind of like how W
ater Seven was for carpenters. Mainly because it s one of the best fishing spots k
nown to man. It s said that the availability of ingredients rival those of the fab
les of All Blue. Sanji s blood pressure rose. An ingredient selection to rival All
Blue s? No wonder this island was the chef s dream. The anticipation within him cont
inued to rise almost eclipsing the importance of his task concerning Zoro. Maybe
this day wasn t so bad after all.
Okay. Sorry again. I kinda wanna take a little break from this story, and I need
to think. But, you can lower the wait by reviewing and sending me ideas for whe
re to go from here. I feel bad about doing this, I m so sorry!

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 11 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 3
Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 25 - Published
: 06-02-08 - Complete - id:4297089
This is another oldie. Warnings: Mentions of non-con and unhappy subjects. Very
dark. Don't read if you're not comfortable.

Zoro's 7 year old body thrummed with pain it wasn't sure it could tolerate any l
onger. Zoro was used to pain, physical stress, and even physical distress, but n
ever had he experienced something so... hurtful. It hurt his mind, it hurt his s
oul, and somewhere, distantly he knew, it was damaging his body pretty bad as we
The older boy moving above him was indifferent. Zoro saw with a vague (everythin
g was vague because, he realized, he was trying to pretend it wasn't happening)
sense of disgust that the boy had a look of bliss on his face. He was enjoying e
very minute of it while Zoro's body screamed at him to make it stop.
Zoro had tried to fight. They had hidden his swords, cornered him in the forest,
and held him down while they took turns.
What did I do wrong?
I'm... weak.
The boy on top of him tensed suddenly, and let out a sickeningly satisfied moan.
Zoro knew he was on the verge of passing out. So much blood. He didn't understa
nd how they allowed themselves to get so dirty just for this. They were covered
in blood too.
Suddenly the boy who had started it all, the one who had just finished with him,
grabbed his throat.
"Tell ANYONE, and sensei will never let you come back to the dojo. He won't want
some nasty little creep like you near his daughter. He'll hate you. Everyone wi
ll hate you. And then I'll kill you. Keep your dirty little trap shut, slut."
Zoro didn't remember anything after that. He passed out, like he thought he woul
d, and thought for certain he was going to die in the wretched place.
He woke up in a dark shed. He tried to sit up and promptly vomitted on the floor
next to him. He was still in the clothes he had been wearing, and the blood had
dried and caked all over his lower body. He reeked of himself, blood, and them.
He forced himself to get up and get out of that place. When he finally shoved th
e door open, he was greeted with the site of rice fields being rained on. He beg
an to recognize where he was, and started heading in the direction of the dojo.
The rain washed away some of the blood and smell, but he knew he'd have to find
a way to clean himself up before anyone saw him. He had no idea what time it was
Some of the raindrops that were sliding down his face, he realized, were warm.
I must be... crying.
Like a baby.
I'll never beat her.
He heard a clattering noise of something being dropped in front of him. He looke
d up and saw his sensei, who had just dropped his umbrella, standing a few yards
away. Zoro was numb for a moment, then remembered the other boy's words.
"Z-Zoro... what-"
Before his sensei could take another step towards him, Zoro bolted in the other
direction. Or, at least, he tried to. He got about five paces before he collapse
d in a puddle, now covered in muddy water.
His sensei had him in his arms in a flash and Zoro struggled against him with th
e few ounces of energy and sheer will he had left.
"No..." He meant to scream, but it came out as a meek plea.
"Zoro what happened to you?! Who did this?!"
"Stop it, please..." And Zoro lost consciousness again.
When he woke up this time, he was in a warm, clean place. He knew he had been ba
thed, but that thick, dirty feeling still hadn't gone away. His whole body ached
and his throat was so dry. He didn't want to move from the warm, clean, white b
lanket he was under. He wanted to crawl further under it and never, ever come ou
"How do you feel?"
He jumped slightly, not realizing his sensei was with him. He looked over to see
his sensei looking over him with a nervous look he'd only seen reserved for whe
n younger, brasher, and mostly weaker students pushed themselves to far, or lost
to a stronger opponent.
"Zoro, how do you feel?"
Zoro didn't know what to say. He didn't know what he could say. He wasn't suppos
ed to tell. But what was he supposed to say happened?
"Ha..." Was all he could managed before his voice cracked, and tears began to we
ll up again.
He didn't want to leave the dojo. He didn't want everyone to hate him. He didn't
want Kuina to hate him. He was so ashamed.
"I... I... I'm sorry sensei-" He sobbed. "Please don't make me leave! I promise
I'll never do it again!" Zoro pulled his body up and best he could and made to b
ow in front of his sensei. "I'm not bad! I didn't want to and I'm sorry!" Zoro c
ould taste his tears now and he knew he looked pathetic.
Strong arms wrapped around him and held him tightly.
"Shhhh. Zoro stop. That's enough." Zoro buried his head in his sensei's neck. Hi
s sensei's strong, gentle hands gently rubbed his back. Sobs still racked Zoro's
body as he told himself to breathe and calm down. He had to think of something
to save himself.
"Zoro... you have to tell me what happened to you." His sensei's voice was stern
but gentle. "You have to tell me the truth."
Zoro sniffed and pushed away from his sensei. "I-... I can't."
Sensei gently tipped Zoro's head up by his chin. "Look at me Zoro."
Zoro was forced to make eye contact, and was met with eyes as full as tears as h
is were. He gasped, not expecting to see that from his sensei.
He had to tell him. He couldn't lie to his sensei. He never could. He sobbed mis
erably. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want everyone to hate him. But he cou
ldn't lie.
Zoro unleashed his miserable story, sobbing through some parts, screaming throug
h others, and whispering at the end. As much as he knew he was dreading the end,
because he would be told to leave, he felt like poison was being let from his b
When he was finished he bowed deeply again, dry heaving from all the trauma to h
is lungs.
"Please sensei please I'm sorry! Don't make me go! I promise I'll never do it ag
"Zoro stop it!" His sensei barked. Zoro was so shocked he looked up. The tears w
ere still in his sensei's eyes, but so now too was such anger that he was afraid
This was it.
Sensei wasn't going to let him stay.
Everyone was going to hate him.
He flinched as sensei grabbed his arms tightly. But instead of being shoved away
or hit, he was pulled closely to his teacher once again. He almost couldn't bre
"This was not your fault, Zoro. You didn't do anything wrong. I would never make
you leave here. You're not bad, Zoro. You didn't do anything. You're not in tro
uble. They wronged you, Zoro. They hurt you. Do you understand me?"
Zoro began to cry again.
Zoro woke up on the deck of the Going Merry. He shivered, despite the warmth. Hi
s face felt moist, and he realized with horror that he had been crying in his sl
eep. He quickly wiped the moisture away and looked around to make sure nobody wa
s nearby or had heard him. That tight, painful feeling one gets when one wants t
o or has been crying still haunted Zoro's chest and he breathed, reminding himse
lf it was a dream. A memory. In the past. He looked around the deck, everything
was pristine (or as pristine as it was going to get on a pirate ship), warm, and
sunny. He shook himself and got up. He needed some water. Or booze.
He stalked to the kitchen and found Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp playing cards. He de
cided to forego alcohol, not wanting to risk getting drunk in his mildly emotion
al state. Not that it showed on his face. He had long ago trained himself not to
show emotions concerning pain, sadness, or real happiness. Those weren't safe.
He got himself down a glass and filled it with cool water from the sink. He down
ed it all and filled himself another glass.
Luffy and Usopp were arguing about each other cheating while Sanji idly smoked h
is cigarette, taking advantage of the distraction to peek at Usopp's cards.
Everything was fine.

Zoro had been slightly listless and lethargic for the rest of the day. His face
remained as passive as stone, and he just wanted to be alone. As surprising as i
t might seem, that wasn't difficult to obtain on the Going Merry. Someone was al
ways on watch, and when that wasn't Nami, she was in her room. Robin was usually
reading somewhere, and Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper usually found ways to entertai
n each other. Sanji usually remained in the kitchen, and when he wasn't, he was
near the girls. So all Zoro had to do was steer clear of Luffy and co., and the
girls to be alone.
It had been at least... two years since he had last thought or dreamt about it.
The boys had been handed over to the local police. Sensei made sure that no one
outside of himself, Zoro, those others involved, and the police knew about it. H
e had bounced right back, just glad to know he wasn't going to have to leave. Se
nsei watched over him carefully for several months afterwards, but Zoro had been
fine. He had worked even harder to become stronger, if just to make sure it wou
ld never happen again.
Then she had died. Kuina had...
Zoro shook his head. He was really going to need some booze tonight.

Dinner was good, as usual. Sanji had tried several times to bait him into arguin
g. Barking at him to get his elbows off the table, close his mouth when he chewe
d, chew his food longer, stop slurping, don't take the last tomato, it was for N
ami, he should have asked Robin if she wanted a refill on his drink before he go
t one, etc.
Zoro, for his part, was submissive and just did as he was told. He didn't really
want to talk, or argue. He just shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. He
got a slight satisfaction of knowing how it seemed to unnerve the cook how much
Zoro was behaving.
"Ne, Zoro, are you sick?" Chopper finally asked after Sanji had threatened to ki
ck his marimo head through the door for picking his teeth at the table and Zoro
had shrugged again. "Do you feel warm, does your stomach hurt? Are you-"
"I'm fine Chopper. Just kinda tired today." Zoro said, looking and Chopper and g
rinning. "Just because I don't want to fight with the love-cook tonight doesn't
mean I'm carrying a disease."
"You probably are. Who knows where you've been, you dirty-"
Zoro wasn't really aware of when he body began to move, what triggered it, and w
hy he didn't remember anything until he had grabbed Sanji by the throat and had
him up against the wall. He just knew that Nami had screamed, and Chopper was tr
ying to pull him back. The look on Sanji's face was one of pure shock and... fea
When he realized that Sanji really, truly couldn't breathe and that he was causi
ng it, he released the cook, who immediately dropped to the floor. Chopper, who
had transformed into his bigger form, popped back to chibi size and ran to Sanji
's side. Zoro still had his arm in the air, his hand still wrapped around some i
maginary neck. He blinked and dropped his hand, then looked down at Sanji who wa
s having a coughing fit and grabbing at his throat.
"Zoro!" Luffy yelled. "What did you do that for! He's your nakama!"
"Everyone out." Chopper said with quiet intensity. "Zoro, you stay until I get b
Zoro just stood there, watching as this all happened. It was kinda like slow mot
ion. He heard everything, but it was extremely quiet.
When the kitchen was empty, he slumped against the wall and slid down to the flo
or. It was either a few seconds or an eternity afterwards that the door opened s
lowly again, and Chopper poked his head back in. The small reindeer approached t
he swordsman slowly. He looked like he was trying to hold back tears. Zoro certa
inly hadn't meant to cause that.
"Z-Zoro... I have a sedative in my bag that I will use if I need to, okay?" Chop
per said, as he placed a small hoof on Zoro's arm. Zoro looked at the reindeer.
"Is he alright?" He croaked.
"He'll be okay. His voice will be strained for a few days, and he'll probably co
ugh a bit between then and now, but no serious damage... Wanna tell me what happ
"I don't know." Zoro replied. His voice was hollow. "I still don't know what's h
appening. I... wouldn't have done that. He wasn't on guard. He was just being st
upid, like he always is. I don't know why I did it. I didn't even know I was doi
ng it until after it was done."
Chopper nodded, looking Zoro over. "Have you had any black outs lately?"
"Sleep walking that you know of? Fall asleep one place, wake up in another?"
"Are you upset about something?"
Chopper looked at Zoro. "Ne... Zoro, I can't help you if you don't tell me whats
wrong. You have to tell me the truth."
You have to tell me the truth.
"I-I know Sanji was trying to get you to fight with him. Did he go to far? Eh...
he's, well, you've both said meaner things to each other and-..."
"He didn't know what he was saying, Chopper. It just reminded me of something an
d I just kinda... reacted. It won't happen again."
"What did it remind you of?"
"I don't want to talk about it, Chopper. I said it won't happen again."
"But what if he says something else that he doesn't realize will make you snap?
What if we're not around to stop you? Do you really want to hurt him? Zoro?"
"Then the stupid fuck should shut his damn mouth!" Zoro yelled and got up, stomp
ing out the door and slamming it roughly behind him. Everyone except Sanji was s
tanding around. Now they were all looking at him.
"Is there a problem here? So I fucking snapped! The pissy shit ass cook needs to
learn when to fucking knock it off! Anyone who has a problem with that can cert
ainly take it up with me!"
"But Zoro-" Nami began.
"I don't even want to fucking hear it from you! Don't take up for that asshole a
nd pretend you care! You're just using him like everyone else on this god damn s
"Hey! I didn't do anything-"
Zoro took a few steps toward her when Luffy stepped in front of him. "Zoro. That
's enough."
Zoro stopped and suddenly felt a small sting in his right arm. He looked down an
d saw Chopper looking up at him. There was a needle in his arm.
"I'm sorry Zoro. Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"What the fuck was that all about?" Sanji said horsely. Everyone was in Nami and
Robin's room. Sanji had been lying down on the couch while Chopper put bandages
on it.
"He even turned on me and I didn't do anything! He... wouldn't have done anythin
g to me, would he?" Nami said, looking very unsure and more than upset. Robin pu
t her arm around her shoulders.
"Not unless he wanted me to kill him." Sanji said darkly.
"Something is very wrong with Swordsman-san. From the beginning of dinner until
now, he hasn't looked like himself." Robin said softly.
"Ne, Chopper. You have to fix Zoro. He's the first mate, he can't act like this.
We're nakama." Luffy said sternly.
"I'll fix the bastard up all right. I'll fucking kill him. We'll find a new firs
t mate. This is bullshit-"
"Zoro isn't sick." Chopper said, sighing and finishing up his job on Sanji's nec
He hopped down from the couch and began pacing the room.
"Something like this is a mental instability-"
"So the fucker's a nut job! Kick him off the ship, we don't need-"
"Let Chopper talk Sanji!" Usopp said. "Maybe if you hadn't pushed Zoro so much t
oday than this wouldn't have happened!"
"Enough!" Chopper yelled angrily. It was an interesting effect. Everyone was qui
et and looked at him, quite startled to see such aggressiveness out of the young
"Zoro seems to be suffering from some sort of acute stress. The way he described
it to me is that he didn't know what he was doing until after it was done. He w
asn't in control of himself. He was acting strangely all though dinner, but his
appetite was okay. He doesn't have any other symptons of mental instability, but
something is obviously bothering him. Sanji, he said you said something that ma
de him remember something bad. He said that you probably didn't realize you said
it, but before he could think of what he was doing, he had already grabbed you.
So you triggered a bad memory for Zoro that made him automatically react in a v
iolent way. What did you say this time that you haven't ever said before?"
Sanji looked confused. "I always talk shit to him. That's what we do. That basta
rds just making up excuses."
"Has Zoro ever done something like this to you before?" Robin asked.
"Then I think it's probable that Swordsman-san is telling the truth. He doesn't
have a reason to hurt any of us. Swordsman-san and Cook-san aren't the best of f
riends, but I have never seen him want to truly hurt you. Nor you him. So please
try to think hard about what you said that might have been different this time.
Sanji sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "If it's for Robin-swan, of course
"Zoro should sleep through tonight and most of tomorrow morning. When he wakes u
p I want everyone to stay away from him. Don't do anything that might agitate hi
m. We might have to stop at the next island and stay there until we can get this
worked out. What do you think Luffy?"
Luffy put his hand on his hat, his face was dark. "Just fix my nakama." He left
the room.
Usopp sighed, depressed. "I'll take Zoro's watch tonight." He left the room quie
"Sanji, if you want to sleep in here tonight, you're welcome. Robin won't mind,
ne?" Robin smiled and nodded. Sanji swooned.
"That's so sweet of you ladies. But I wouldn't want to burden you. I'll be fine.
They smiled and excused themselves.
Chopper and Sanji were left alone.
"I know you're angry at Zoro, Sanji. But... people who are unseated mentally lik
e this can't be held accountable for their actions. Mothers have gone insane and
killed their children before, wake up the next day, found them dead and not rem
embered a thing of it. If something happened to Zoro in his past that is agitati
ng his subconscious right now, he really might not know what he's doing. We have
to be very careful about this. You can't take it personally. I imagine that whe
n Zoro grabbed you, he didn't even see you. He probably saw someone else."
Sanji sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "That's all fine and dandy Chopp
er, but the moment he endangers Nami or Robin, or anyone else on this ship, that
s the moment I stop caring about whether he's sane, insane, mentally unstable or
otherwise. Fixing him cannot come before keep everyone safe."
Chopper nodded.

-You... Why are you here?-

You put your hands on a innocent.

-... I did?-
Your power is not to hurt those who don't deserve it. How could you?
-I didn't mean to... I lost it...-
You are not at peace.

-I can't... I can't reconcile it. I can't.-

You can, or you'll become what you hate the most.
-It won't change what happened.-
You'll never become the best if you cannot over come this. Will you hurt another
Will you?
Will you?
Zoro woke up suddenly, dazzling sunlight filtering through the men's bunk. He wa
s on the couch, he was covered in sweat, and he felt groggy.
Chopper... sedated me.
He groaned and rubbed his face.
Crying. Again.
Fucking pansy.
Zoro got up. He felt like hell. He wanted to find Sanji. To tell him it wouldn't
happen again.
"Who know's where you've been, you dirty-..." Zoro closed his eyes and tried to
remove the memory from his mind.
He poked his head outside the door. It was probably about noon, from the looks o
f the sun. He could see Robin in the crow's nest, and Usopp was sitting on the s
tairwell fiddling with some sort of knick knack. He walked meekly out onto the d
eck to get a better look around. Usopp looked up and saw him.
"H-hey... Zoro..." The long nosed man looked like his was torn between running a
way and walking up to Zoro and hugging him.
Instead Usopp just smiled and laughed a little. "There's sandwiches in the kitch
en if you're hungry. That is, if Luffy hasn't gotten to them already."
Zoro nodded, and made his way to the kitchen. Sanji would probably be in there a
nyway. He would have to apologize to his captain too. A mixture of guilt and dre
ad plagued him.
Stupid idiot. Can't even keep calm because of some stupid memory. Had to lose co
ntrol over something like that. Choke the life out of your nakama, shit.
I probably scared the hell out of Nami.
And it was Nami he found in the kitchen with Chopper instead of Sanji. Nami was
so startled she stood up out of her chair and stepped back several paces.
Zoro had never felt worse about anything in his life.
He looked at Chopper who was looking at him nervously. "I'm alright right now. I
'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday." The little reindeer's eyes began to water.
He sniffed.
"Okay." Chopper walked up to the swordsman and put his hoof on Zoro's knee. "We
have to talk about it, when you're ready, okay?"
Zoro simply nodded. He looked at Nami again, who looked slightly panicked. Her e
yes follwed Chopper as he left the kitchen. Apparently she didn't like the idea
of being left alone with the swordsman. The table separated them.
Zoro wasn't quite sure what to say. His relationship with Nami wasn't particular
ly friendly to begin with. She was a conniving woman who had him in debt up to h
is green, spiky hair. But she was his nakama, and he begrudged her a tremendous
amount of respect, knowing what he knew about her past. She didn't deserve to ha
ve a violent hand turned towards her by someone who should be using that hand to
protecting her.
"Are you really okay?" Nami said, her hand gripping the chair in front of her ti
ghtly. Her knuckles were white.
Shame like he never knew hit him in waves.
"Nami... I don't know what happened yesterday. I have some vague reasoning, but.
.. it doesn't make it right." He kept his gaze on her hands. "I took steps towar
ds you in anger. I might have hurt you then, I don't know. But I... don't want t
o hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt the cook." He went quiet for a moment. He didn
't really know how to say what he wanted to, or if anything he could say would h
elp. "On a regular day, I would kill anyone who acted the way towards you or San
-... my nakama the way I did yesterday." He looked at and saw that Nami was look
ing at him with sadnes in her eyes.
"Zoro... what did Sanji say to make you so upset?" She released her death grip o
n the chair.
Zoro sighed. "I was just being weak." Nami took a few steps towards him and stop
ped within arm's reach. Her hand reached out to his arm.
"Zoro, you are not weak. I'm just glad to know that you weren't in your right mi
nd yesterday. I didn't know what I was going to do if that was the way you reall
y felt." She took another step towards him. "Zoro, look at me please."
If only because he owed it to her, Zoro matched her gaze. The sudden impulse to
pull his... friend into his arms was overwhelming. He wanted to hug her, tell he
r he was sorry, and promise that she would never, ever have to think about it ag
ain. She seemed to sense his tenderness and wrapped her arms around his waist. H
e sighed with relief and pulled her into his arms.
"I'm sorry, Nami." She tightened her hug.
"It's okay. I am here if you need me. You don't have to fix this by yourself, yo
u know."
Zoro nodded.
"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" They heard Luffy shout from outside. The
released each other from the embrace.
"Land?" Zoro said.
Nami nodded. "We're gonna take a break for a week or so. Restock. The place is s
upposedly a small port town called Atad. It's small enough that you shouldn't ha
ve any trouble getting lost." She grinned.
Zoro snorted. "I don't get lost."
The door to the kitchen opened and Sanji walked in. Zoro saw the bandages on his
"We need you to release the anchor. Nami, come with me." He said, holding his ha
nd out to the red head. She obeyed and nodded to Zoro. Sanji left without anothe
r word.
Zoro sighed. He released the anchor as the sailed into the harbor. Luffy greeted
him with a smile and a hard smack on the back with his rubbery hand. "Are ya hu
Are you alright?
"Not really."
I'm alright.
You had me worried.
I'm sorry.

They docked without much ado. Zoro stayed in the background, silent. The town se
emed pirate friendly. Nami was either being considerate of the situation, or fel
t particularly generous, but she purchased separate rooms for everyone at the in
n. She smiled and said she'd add it to Zoro's debt.
According to the locals, there was a festival in two days, so everyone agreed th
ey should stay for a minimum of four days. Two extra days for the hangovers they
might need to nurse.
And that was when Chopper pulled Zoro aside and told him that he was under docto
r's orders not to consume an ounce of alcohol. Zoro dropped his jaw and shouted,
"WHAT?!", but Chopper threatened him with a sedative and Zoro promptly shut his
"You and Nami seemed to have worked things out." The little doctor said, the toe
of his hoof scratching a spot in the ground.
"...Have... you spoken to Sanji?"
"I think-"
"I know. I just don't know what to say, Chopper. Sorry I tried to strangle the l
ife out of you, ero-cook?" Zoro muttered.
"Maybe." Chopper said, looking up at Zoro with bright, innocent eyes. Zoro flinc
"Talk to him before we leave. Doctor's orders." He said, stern suddenly.
"Doctor's orders my ass! You're trying to kill me!" Zoro retorted.
Chopper reached in his bag.
"Alright! Alright! Just put that damn needle away!"
Chopper smiled.
Zoro scowled.
Two days of boredom. Zoro was also under orders not to lift weights. He was allo
wed to do katas, run, jump, climb trees and anything else he might want to do, b
ut without his weights, he couldn't get in much of an exercise.
If this was Chopper's idea of theraputic, he was sorely wrong. Zoro was able to
avoid Sanji simply because the cook was obviously avoiding him. Usopp seemed to
have gotten comfortable with Zoro again, and Luffy didn't seem phased by anythin
g. Nami resumed torturing him about his debt, ordering him around, talking about
interest rates, etc. Robin gave him occasional smiles and winks. She teased him
when one of the local girls asked him if he was married.
How old was she? Five?
Zoro had stuttered and been flustered and said, "No." The girl giggled and blush
ed. He promptly ran far away.
The only thing, aside from not being able to train properly or drink that made t
his vacation of sorts miserable was the dream he had had during a nap the day of
the festival.
It hadn't been the memory of the rape this time.
It hadn't even been about the incident on the Going Merry that day.
He was sleeping next to Sanji. In a field of yellow grass that was at least a fo
ot high, the two of them were sleeping next to each other. They weren't touching
, they were bothed fully clothed. Sanji was curled next to him, facing him in hi
s sleep. It was so quiet, so peaceful, so calm. He could see himself from outsid
e his body how even and deep his breaths were. This was his peace, he remembered
thinking before he woke up.
And waking up this time hadn't been such a jostling affair. He breathed deeply a
nd opened his eyes and felt rested. No damps tears. No aching chest. He didn't n
eed to look around to know that he had woken up just where he had fallen asleep,
underneath a tree on the outskirts on the village. It was mid afternoon. It was
a very pleasant feeling.
But the more he thought about it, the more it frustrated him. His peace shouldn'
t include the fucking ero-cook.
They were supposed to meet back up at the inn before going to join in at the fes
tival. There was going to be a costume parade, food, dancing, music, story telli
ng, contests of strength, races, and all sorts of things he was sure there rest
of the crew might enjoy. But he couldn't even drink. Damn that little reindeer.
He would have just stayed in his room or not joined them at all if he didn't alr
eady know that Chopper would come running with that needle.
He needed some distraction from thinking.
Maybe if he just asked Chopper if he could stay in it wouldn't be a problem.
When he met everyone, they were all chattering loudly about what they were going
to do.
"Of course they'll want to hear about the great Captain Usopp-"
"I want to see the parade-"
They all began to file outside when Zoro stopped Chopper.
"You can stay here if you like Zoro." The doctor said, smiling knowingly.
Zoro sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Right. Thanks."
He watched them walk down the dirt street into the heart of the little town. He
walked back to his room and laid down.
I didn't want him to say that. To think I was... dirty.
Didn't want him to know I was weak.
Wanted him to... not hate me.
Maybe, yeah, I liked it when we fought.
Liked the way he looked.
Maybe I liked it more than I should have.
Maybe thats why it bothered me when he said that.
The door opened and Sanji walked in, cigarette in his mouth. He closed the door
behind him. His face was dark.
Zoro was immediately uncomfortable laying down in the other man's presence so he
stood up. Sanji just stood in front of the door. He took a deep drag on his cig
arette and blew the smoke out slowly.
"Got somethin' to say to me, shitty marimo?"
Zoro chafed at that. But he reeled in his pride, remembering that he had laid hi
s hands on this man in real, unrighteous violence. His nakama.
"I'm sorry." He said quickly and quietly, crossing his arms over his chest, feel
ing exposed and self conscious.
"Sorry 'bout what, you dumb fuck!" Sanji spat angrily. Zoro glared. He bit back
anger once again.
"I'm sorry for trying to strangle you, shit cook." Zoro ground out.
"Wrong answer." Sanji said before Zoro felt the impact of Sanji's foot slam into
his chest, pinning him against the way.
"The fuck?!" Zoro said, coughing.
"I said, WRONG ANSWER. You can beat the shit outta me all you want. I will never
forgive you for even speaking to Nami that way. We're gonna work out your fucki
ng mental issues right here and right now, because my number priority is her and
Robin's safety, you dumb ass." Sanji's foot pressed harder on Zoro's chest, and
Zoro gasped for breath. His swords were lying across the room. Even if they had
n't been, his own shame about the situation would compel him not to draw them or
even make a move in defense.
"Does... does working aaaah... out my... issues... include fuck... killing me?"
Zoro managed to get out.
"Maybe. We'll see." Sanji released Zoro from the hold and stepped back. "What th
e fuck's your problem, marimo?"
Zoro had to grip the wall behind him to stay standing. "S'nothing. Not any more
at least."
Zoro saw the side kick coming from a mile a way, but either didn't have the will
or sense to dodge it. It landed square on his temple and sent him flying into t
he opposite wall.
"Nami isn't going to be happy about these repair bills, asshole." Sanji said, an
noyed. Zoro grunted, holding his throbbing head as he tried to get back up, but
"I don't think you letting me beat the shit out of you constitutes working out y
our mental problems, marimo fuck head. Either say something, or I keep kicking."
Zoro vaguely remembered the moment of misery that occured just before he told se
nsei that he had been raped. Sure, it had all turned out for good then. But this
was a different story. He would have to tell Sanji what happened, Sanji would t
ell him it was a poor excuse, and then Sanji would know. He would fucking know.
Know he was a weak, pathetic, fucked up, dirty whore. Even if sensei told him ov
er and over again that it hadn't been his fault, that he hadn't done anything wr
ong, it still didn't change the fact that he was dirty. That they picked him, ou
t of everyone else, as fit to rape. They thought he had deserved it. And there h
ad to be something to that.
"Oi. Don't just sit there, dumb shit! Say something!"
"I wanted to forget."
Sanji blinked. "What?"
"I wanted to forget I was..." Zoro got up slowly and gingerly. He looked at Sanj
i. "You called me dirty, that morning. It's been over 10 years since I thought o
f myself that way. I thought I had forgotten about it, gotten over it, moved on,
but I hadn't. I snapped. I snapped at Nami for... other reasons, I think." Zoro
almost looked thoughtful. "Yeah... I think so. But you said it and I snapped. I
didn't realize what I was doing. I hate your fucking guts, you shit head cook,
but I never... I don't want to see you dead."
"What did you want to forget? What? Kids tease you about being a snot nosed brat
when you were a kid? Grow up, shit head! It's no reason to try and kill someone
!" Sanji snapped. "Is that what happened? You're fucking traumatised cuz' you we
re teased as a kid?"
Zoro picked a button on Sanji's jacket to stare at. "I wasn't teased."
"Then what, asshole?! What could possibly justify what you did?!"
The button was black. And shiny.
"I was..." Zoro stopped. He felt nauseated. "...7 years old when I was gang rape
d. Four times. They called me a dirty little slut. When you said it that d
ay I snapped." He laughed, but there was no humor in his eyes. "Dreamt about the
rape that very afternoon actually, so I was already a little off kilter. I hadn
't dreamt about it in so long... It's not an excuse, it's just a reason. In any
case, I already talked to Nami. If you think I'm a danger to the crew, you're go
ing to have to kill me, because I'm not leaving. Least ways not until Luffy tell
s me to." Zoro looked up from the shiny black button and felt sick again. The lo
ok on Sanji's face was hard to describe. It was somewhere west of horrified and
somewhere south of disgusted.
So now he knew.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 11 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 3
Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 25 - Published
: 06-02-08 - Complete - id:4297089
After that, Zoro walked out of the room, down the hall, out the door of the inn,
and into the now darkening night. People were everywhere. He darted through the
crowd and made his way up the road. The cook was still in his room, he supposed
, so he couldn't be there. Didn't want to be with anyone else. He followed the d
irt road as it led out of the town and up a hill, which then split off into thre
e roads; to the dock, father into the island, and to a small inlet cove that fed
a small stream that weaved through the whole of Atad. It was going to get chill
y soon, but he decided to take the road down to the cove. It was deserted as eve
ryone else was at the festival. He told himself that, as soon as the sun set com
pletely, he'd go back. Sanji would be gone by then.
Fucking doctor's orders.

Sanji watched numbly as Zoro left, leaving his swords behind.
Sanji wasn't sure he'd ever felt worse in his life. Which was how he was sure Zo
ro felt about the entire ordeal. How was he supposed to have known the swordsman
had to bear something like that? How was he supposed to feel?
He hated that it had ever happened. He was angry, at the ones who did, and at hi
mself, for causing Zoro to have to relive it.
"Who knows where you've been, you dirty-"
Sanji felt sick. He put his hand over his mouth and crouched down.
This is all my fault. What he did to me, what he nearly did to Nami... my fault.
My fault. I should be the one being punished.
He just let me kick him around like that...
What am I supposed to say to him that won't make it worse?
How could he bear it?
Sanji's breathing was getting fast and he sat down on his knees. He told himself
to calm down and not think about it too much, but images of what it might have
been like kept running through his head. How he would have dealt with it. How he
would feel, what he would have done.
7 years old.
He closed his eyes and fought off the bile rising in his throat. Unknowingly, Sa
nji had far outdone Zoro in
doing what was unjustifiable.
I just shoved it in his face-
"Sanji?" Chopper interrupted his thoughts as he poked his head through the door.
Sanji started.
"I thought it would be something like that." The little reindeer whispered sadly
"What?" Sanji said.
"Well, I thought it would be something like that. He had all the classic warning
signs that day. Zoro isn't typical, so I hadn't suspected it before now. He's v
ery strong... it's unfortunate that this is his latent reaction." Chopper said,
sitting down next to the chef. "I didn't actually mean to over hear, I just want
ed to be nearby in case Zoro lost control again. He's going to need counseling."
"Ch. He wouldn't need it if I hadn't..."
"You didn't know, Sanji. You had no idea. You can't blame yourself. But now you
know what not to say, what lines not to cross." Chopper said with wisdom that be
lied his few years. "Zoro won't appreciate being treated delicately, it's been h
ard on him these past few days, but I think that if you show some understanding,
he might react well to it. It was probably very hard for him to tell you. He le
t himself be vulnerable to you. It might have been that he thought he had nothin
g to lose, but it might also mean that he trusts you in someway, even if he does
n't know it himself... Just think for a moment how you would feel if you told Zo
ro about a time when something happened beyond your control. Something you could
do nothing to stop or prevent."
I would feel weak.
Especially if I told him.
Sanji sighed. "You won't tell everyone, will you?"
Chopper shook his head. "No. It's his decision to tell people. But I'm afraid th
at now that we know, we might be responsible for making sure this doesn't happen
again. Who knows when Usopp or Nami might accidentally slip up and say somethin
g and Zoro snaps again? This isn't his fault, he shouldn't be sent away or punis
hed for it. But I don't want to think that I'm going to have to used up my sedat
ive supply."
Sanji smiled half heartedly.
"I'll take care of the marimo-head. Just leave it to me. This is my fault anyway

Sanji wasn't a martyr. But he knew when he had made a mistake. Even if that mist
ake wasn't conscious, he knew when he should be responsible for it.
So that's what he was doing.
Being responsible.
Which was why he was carrying that stupid marimo head's swords down to the cove,
where Chopper told him Zoro's scent had trailed off.
Sure enough, there the big ape was, just standing their in front of the endless
ocean, staring off into the last oranges and purples of the sunset.
Fucking glorious view.
Sanji lit a cigarette and made sure to make plenty of noise on his walk down to
the little beach. He stopped just a few feet behind the swordsman and thrust out
the swords.
"Forgot these, dumb shit."
Zoro turned around. His face was impassive as he took the swords and attached th
em underneath his haramaki.
Sanji took a deep drag on the cigarette before throwing it into the damp sand he
was standing on and stamping it out.
"I'm the one who owes you an apology, Zoro. If you'd have fucking told me that t
o begin with, this wouldn't have been a big deal, shit-for-brains. That's rough.
I don't know what I would do. But now I know, and I won't say anything like it
He saw Zoro's shoulders stiffen more and more as he spoke.
"I'm not weak."
"Never said you were, ass hat."
"You're thinking it."
Sanji threw his hands up. "Well thanks for fuckin tellin me! Had you not, I woul
dn't have known how I feel! I don't think you're week, dumbass! If I did, I'd fe
el sorry for you! As it is, I'm just pissed at myself for being such a fuckin ja
ck ass! You were kid! Now you're like... one of the... fuckin... shit, Zoro, you
're up there with Luffy... I don't know..." Sanji ended lamely.
Zoro turned around and looked at him like he was a neurology patient.
"Was there a point to that?"
Sanji glared. "I'm just sayin, it doesn't change how I feel about... how I think
... how I see you god damn it. Shit happens to people. None of us deserve it. It
wasn't your fault, it doesn't make you weak, and I'm sorry I said what I said!
Will ya be normal now for fuck's sake?!"
It was dark now and the wind was picking up. Sanji shivered.
Zoro grunted and made to start back, but Sanji grabbed his shoulder.
"Tell me one more thing, Marimo."
"What, shit cook?"
"Why did you yell at Nami?"
Zoro had thought long and hard about that too. To begin with, he had been a litt
le insane at that point, but also very, Zoro shuddered, emotional. He figured it
had something to do with wanting to constantly pin Sanji to a wall and do thing
s to him, but Nami always had the damn love cook around her finger. Might have b
een something akin to jealousy. Or as close as he was going to get to over a lov
e sick perverted cook.
"Ah... that was nothing." He started walking again, but found his feet swept out
from underneath him. He landed hard on the sand. "The fuck asshole!?"
Once again, Sanji's foot was back on Zoro's chest. "You should know not to fuck
with me when it comes to the ladies. .?"
Zoro choked on his breath. He gasped a few times before he was able to speak. "W
hat if I told you it was just something else you'd regret hearing?"
This seemed to cause some hesitancy is Sanji.
"Doesn't matter. I already told you, ass hole, nothings going to change."
Zoro smirked. "Oh really."
"What? Don't trust me shit head? Aren't we nakama?" Sanji said, bristling at Zor
o's attitude.
"Let me up and I'll tell you." Zoro said, still smirking. Sanji didn't like what
he saw behind Zoro's eyes. There was something other than a bad attitude. Fear.
Zoro was still afraid that whatever he might say might change things. Sanji wou
ld just prove the bastard wrong. He moved his foot and offered the shit swordsma
n a hand up. Zoro accepted it and brushed the sand off him.
"Well?" Sanji said, palming another cigarette and lighting it. Zoro muttered som
ething then turned to go.
"Oi! You said you would-"
"I never said I'd tell you right here and now." Zoro said, retreating back towar
ds the village.
"You'll tell me before we leave this island if you ever want to eat again you du
mb bastard!" Sanji called after him.

The two men found their way to the festival in time to see Luffy pass out after
eating his 729th piece of meat. They townspeople had been cheering him on, heedl
ess of Usopp's 19,876th tale of the Great Captain of the Seas. Robin and Nami we
re sitting next to Chopper around a huge bonfire that had been lit in the town c
ircle. They were drinking and talking loudly along with several other villages.
Chopper kept holding his mouth to keep from laughing loudly.
Zoro wasn't sure he was ready to sit amongst all this noise and commotion, but S
anji elbowed him towards Chopper and the girls and handed him a mug of something
to drink.
"I'm not allowed-"
"It's just juice, idiot. Go siddown." Scowling, Zoro sat next to Nami, who was b
lushing madly and giggling. Apparently she was a little drunk. Robin was sportin
g a pretty little rouge as well.
"Ah, you ladies look so lovely this evening! The fire dances on your skin, your
beauty is exponentially increasing by the moment!" Sanji cooed, sitting next to
the swordsman.
"Zoro! WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING?!" Chopper said shrilly.
"It's just juice, Chopper." Zoro said calmly. He too was trying not to smile, be
cause Chopper's fur had puffed up, making him look like a fuzzball with a blue n
ose and antlers.
"Oh..." He said, embarassed.
Zoro, for his part, just tried not to think too much about anything and quietly
enjoyed the evening. He grunted every once and a while, threw an insult or two t
he stupid cook's way when it was warranted, and tried not to get himself spotted
by that overly giggly village girl who had asked about his marital status earli
er. Robin seemed to be going out of her way to get him spotted by said girl. By
4 am he had made it without incident, and he, Robin and Chopper helped Nami, San
ji, Usopp and Luffy stumble back to their rooms. It was helpful with all of Robi
n's limbs. Poor sport for him, not being drunk, but it just meant that he wouldn
't wake up with a hang over in the morning.

It took those two full extra days to get everyone back to proper health. By then
the log pose had set, and he was playing mule to some last minute shopping on S
anji and Nami's part. At least Sanji had bothered to come. Nami just sent them w
ith a list and threatened to double his debt if he made a single mistake.
He was in the middle of trying to balance a huge bag of spices on top of a heavy
box of map sheets when Sanji said, "You've got about an hour and a half to spil
l it, marimo, or you're never eating again."
"Che. Still going on about that?"
Sanji sucked on his cigarette and eyeballed some fruit. "I'm not gonna risk it a
gain, shit head. You either tell me what's going on in that pea brain of yours,
or you starve."
Zoro remained silent and sulky through the rest of the shopping. Sanji continued
to threaten him with things beyond starvation. They made it to the dock and Zor
o began unloading all the supplies on the ship.
"I'm serious Zoro. The moment we lift anchor-"
"Will you give it a fucking rest, shit cook?!" Zoro growled. "Just let me put th
is shit up and we'll talk our fucking heads off all you god damn want!" The swor
dsman stomped in the galley with the packages. In truth, Zoro had that quivery f
eeling in his stomach that made one feel kinda week and uncontrollably twitchy a
t the same time. He didn't mind lying this time, he just couldn't think of a goo
d excuse.
Zoro jerked slightly when he heard the door shut behind him. Sanji stood there w
ith the rest of the supplies, tapping his foot impatiently.
The swordsman rolled his eyes and sighed, putting his armfuls of supplies down.
"Why are you itching to know so bad anyway? Me and the she-demon are fine now. I
apologized. I already apologized." He said gruffly, crossing his arms again the
way he did that day in the inn. Sanji put down his stuff as well.
Sanji's vein above his eyebrow was starting to throb dangerously. "Do you wanna
eat, or not?" He ground out.
"I was mad at her because of the debt."
Sanji's jaw dropped. "For that... for THAT? FOR THAT YOU MADE A VIOLENT ADVANCE
Zoro shrugged. "Never said it was a good excuse."
Sanji's eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you."
Zoro made a "geh" sound and scratched the back of his head. "You don't have to b
elieve me."
Sanji advanced on Zoro. "Oh ho ho yes I do. You have to make me believe you beca
use until I'm sure Nami and Robin are safe, you-"
"Fuck that! THAT'S the god damn problem to begin with you shit head!" Zoro yelle
d, and got up in Sanji's face. "You're all fucking over that woman and she could
n't give a damn about you! Take a fucking hint, moron! She doesn't want you! May
be you should pay attention to someone that does for once!"
Sanji grabbed Zoro's collar,yelling just as loudly. "OH YEAH? LIKE WHO?"
Sanji still had a hold of Zoro's shirt. His eyes were wide in shock, astonishmen
t, or something.
"What... did you just say?"
"Told you you wouldn't want to hear it." Zoro said, waiting for that moment of r
ejection he hadn't recieved from sensei, but knew he would get here.
This time everyone really would hate him. Sanji really would think he was dirty.
He might really even kill him.
Sanji's grip got tighter. "That's not what I asked you. I asked you to tell me..
. what you just said."
Zoro looked away. "Che. I said like me, asshole."
Sanji released the swordsman with a shove. He stomped out the galley door withou
t another word.
Zoro didn't want to fall, that would be pathetic. He didn't want to move either.
So he just stood there, kind of looking at the floor. A moment later Sanji stor
med back in, a fresh cigarette in his mouth.
"You said WHAT?" He looked at Zoro expectantly.
Zoro wondered slightly is Sanji had gone off the deep end as well.
"I said-"
"I know what you said! I'm not stupid!" Sanji began pacing the galley. "Why? Why
did you say that?" He said in an accusatory manner.
Zoro gaped stupidly for a moment before managing to get out, "Because I meant it
, you ass!" Sanji stopped pacing and looked at him again. Something seemed to da
wn on the cook.
"Oh ho ho. Clever my friend. But no, that won't work. You had me there for all o
f five seconds, you shitty liar. Now tell me the truth!"
This was insulting. If Sanji was going to kill him, he better get on with it. No
more bullshitting around. But now the ero-cook was accusing him of lying about
something like this?
"You fucking son of a bitch! I'm not lying you idiot! Why would I lie about some
thing like this!? You think I'm stupid? You punk ass piece of rotten shit! I've
been in love with your shitty face since Arlong Park! You think I'm lying? Fucki
ng try me, Sanji! Just you fucking try me!"
Sanji threw his cigarette away. "Why the hell should I believe you, you shit fac
Cliches aside, Zoro closed the distance between them, fisted his hands in Sanji'
s jacket, and kissed him fiercely. He didn't even wait for a physical consent be
fore thrusting his tongue into the cook's mouth, which, he noticed, tasted like
how he thought an ashtray might taste. He slid on of his hands through Sanji's h
air and cupped the back of his head, keeping it angled at just the right positio
n to shove his tongue as far down the smug, annoying cook's throat as he could g
et. Maybe if the idiot cook believed that Zoro wasn't lying, they could get the
part over with where he was either killed, hated, or thrown off the ship by Luff

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 11 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 3
Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 25 - Published
: 06-02-08 - Complete - id:4297089
He needed the moment to come, either way.
For good or for bad.
The swordsman closed his eyes, not wanting to see the other man's reaction to hi
s action. In the split second before he told himself to let go and release the c
ook, Zoro felt intense yearning like he hadn't before. It wasn't like wanting to
get stronger. It wasn't anything like what he felt on a normal basis, hoping to
become the best, wanting to beat Kuina, or Mihawk, which ever way he chose to l
ook at it. For that split second he wanted nothing more or less than that very a
shy, spicy, warm wet taste that his tongue was experiencing right now. He wanted
to feel that body he was holding onto so tightly at that moment, feel the warmt
h radiating off the other man, washing over him in waves. He wanted that smell t
o last forever. Cologne, the smell of the kitchen, the smell of his very skin un
derneath it all.
These sensations came over him in intense waves, he squeezed his eyes shut tight
as he finally forced himself to push Sanji away roughly. His mouth nearly follo
wed Sanji as he was forced in the other direction; instead he forced himself to
bend over, feeling as though he was going to expel something from his stomach be
fore this was all over.
He wanted to reconcile how he felt about this other man with what had happened t
o him so long ago. He didn't want to feel dirty anymore. He just wanted to know
that he could get in the damn cook's pants without freaking himself out. He want
ed the fucking cook to want him to do the same.
He wanted to go back to a little over a week ago, before the dream, when none of
this was a problem. When he was fine with jerking off in the bathroom in the mi
ddle of the night while thinking about the blond shit head. Wanted to continue g
oing unnoticed as he watched Sanji move about the ship, getting himself worked u
p when the cook undid his tie, when his night shirt managed to work it's way up
Sanji's lean, muscled belly in his sleep. He wouldn't even mind the raging hard
on he suffered from after their fights.
He wondered briefly is Sanji knew about the time he had come in his pants becaus
e Sanji had managed to straddle himself across Zoro's hips during one of their h
arsher arguments. Zoro didn't even remember how they found themselves in that po
sition, but the image of it never, ever left Zoro's mind. He remembered even mor
e vividly how he had prayed to every god who's name he had ever heard uttered th
at Sanji would think it was a random sword that was digging into his-

What threw Sanji off guard wasn't the kiss, particularly, if you could call it t
hat. More like Zoro had just tried to suck his face off.
It wasn't the fact that he really, really, really enjoyed the taste that lingere
d. He was a chef, afterall. He knew how to appreciate different flavors.
It wasn't even that Zoro's smell, the one (because Zoro had varying degrees of s
cent, depending on time of day, mood, and what he was doing at the time) that wa
s warm, slightly musky, and very comfortable (this was closest to his sleeping s
cent), had caused Sanji to grow a few inches shorter and slouch into his relaxed
position without even thinking about it.
What had surprised Sanji, he supposed, was the intense... something he felt just
before Zoro pushed him away. (An abrupt and rude way to end a kiss, if he did s
ay so himself.) He had kissed women that set his lips on fire, made his body tin
gle, and made him, in general, very happy in his pants. He had kissed plenty wom
en that had made him feel many different things at many different levels. A few
guys here and there if he was feeling generous. And if he had to be honest, he d
efinitely could say he might have been expecting this sort of reaction from kiss
ing, say, Nami. And he still didn't know if she was capable of evoking that feel
ing in him or not, because he hadn't kissed her yet. But to think that the sword
sman was capable of it at all was... surprising.
To say the least.
It kind of left him feeling like he had just been seen through. A little vulnera
ble, perhaps. More than a little weak in the knees. He didn't want to use the wo
rds "soul shaking" or "powerful" because he wasn't comfortable with those partic
ular terms. He wasn't comfortable with this particular situation.
A lot of things went through Sanji's mind then.
This happens at sea sometimes-
What if this is another latent reaction-
Why would someone who had been through that want a-
Is it okay to believe him?
He didn't say anything. He wasn't capable of communication just then. He watched
as Zoro bent over, his eyes still clenched shut, as if he didn't want to see so
mething ugly he knew was about to happen. What concerned Sanji, through the fog
of his "afterglow", was Zoro's mental state. Whether he was glad or enraged at w
hat Zoro had just done wasn't his top priority. It was if what Zoro had done was
done while sane or in some other strange mental state.
It was then that the two voices battling within Sanji were interrupted by a thir
d voice, coming from somewhere much farther south than his brain and soul (he as
sumed, because he couldn't really physically locate his soul, after all).
So Sanji stood there obviously conflicted, and Zoro stood hunched over, daring o
nly now to open his eyes slowly.
Zoro was also the first to speak.
"Believe me now, shitty cook?"
Sanji truly pondered this, but his face remained what he hoped was "stony".
"Dunno. How do I know you haven't just gone off the deep end again?"
Zoro's mouth twitched. "Should I elaborate, or would you like me to spell it out
for you on paper?"
"Don't think you have the vocabulary or grammar skills for either, marimo."
The swordsman seemed to recover somewhat. He straightened himself back up and cr
ossed his arms again. "Don't know what you want. I told you why, now you know."
Sanji frowned. "I told you that you had to convince me."
Zoro scowled. "I didn't?"
"How am I supposed to judge your mental state right now?" The blonde man argued
as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "For god's sake you fucking ape, you just
told me two days ago that you were... you were..." Sanji couldn't bring himself
to say it. "...And now you're shoving your tongue down my throat, trying to pas
s off your attitude towards Nami as what, jealousy?! You really are cracked, you
idiot seaweed head!"
Zoro stiffened. "Yeah, I was raped. Doesn't mean I'm a lunatic. Though I might b
e if I, ugh..." The green haired man trailed off lamely. His gaze returned to th
e wooden paneling on the floor of the galley.
Sanji nervously searched for a cigarette, and wasn't happy to discover the barel
y there tremble in his hands. He lit the end and inhaled deeply.
"Are you really fucking serious? You're not lying or being weird?" Sanji asked w
ith suspicion.
The dead pan look on Zoro's face would have been funny.
"No, asshole. Doesn't matter anyway. If you weren't lying, it won't change a dam
n thing. Or is it gonna bother the shit out of you? S'not like I'd force myself
on you-"
"Shut up, idiot. I'm just trying to make sure you're ok- you won't go postal on
us again." Sanji looked at the floor this time. "Why though?"
Zoro looked at the floor again too. It was a mighty interestin' floor (I assume)
"Why what."
"I mean..." Sanji sighed. It was killing him to know why Zoro preferred men. Was
it because he was raped? Did he know before? Was it something he decided after?
"Why are you okay with... guys? I don't think I'd be okay with guys if that hap
pened to me. Or did you know before then..."
Zoro snorted. "I didn't know anything until two years ago, when I woke up one mo
rning and the Libido Fairy had come in the night. And I don't know why. It's jus
t what I want. Women are okay I guess. Never enjoyed it much though."
Zoro's gaze drifted carefully to Sanji's face to see where the other man was loo
king. Apparently Sanji'd had the same idea so they caught each other trying to p
eek at one another, and hurriedly returned their gazes to that amazing wooden fl
Sanji coughed and absently rubbed at his throat.
"If things are gonna change, let s just get this over with now." Zoro said suddenl
y. Sanji looked up.
"If you're gonna give me weird looks or somethin', avoid me or act weird or what
ever, one of us isn't gonna leave this room tonight. Cuz I'm not leaving but I a
in't gonna put up with that bullshit either."
Sanji listened incredulously. ""I love you Sanji", then you try to perform a fac
e transplant with your mouth, now you're threatening to kill me?"
"I never said I love-"
"Yes you did-"
"I did not, shitty cook!"
"Did too, marimo-fuck-head!"
"Shut up!"
"Don't threaten me!"
"I didn't threaten you, I was just saying-"
"Well I'm not gonna act different! I don't care! Just... don't act different and
I won't!" Sanji yelled, frustrated.
Zoro grunted.
That's more like it.
Mono-syllabic replies.
Maybe he's sane after all.

The week following was very strange for Sanji. He did his best to act like nothi
ng had happened, but that turned out to be pretty damn difficult. At any given p
oint in time he was thinking about it.
He was still slightly skeptical that Zoro wasn t nuts. A very small part of him wa
s hoping that he had meant what he said and did.
Check that. A very large part of him hoped Zoro s facilities has been functioning
properly that night. The very rational part of himself kept reminding him to fei
gn disinterest for his own sake and Zoro s, incase Zoro had been temporarily off h
is rocker.
It was frustrating. He was terrified of letting Zoro know that fuck yes he was i
nterested in doing very naughty thing with the swordsman and then finding out th
at Zoro didn t really want it, but was only mentally unstable. Very, very frustrat
ing. So frustrating that it led the cook the ask for Chopper s advice on the issue
Ne, Chopper
Chopper looked up from his grinding stone to look at Sanji, who had turned his b
ack on the dishes that were being washed for the third time in a row (just somet
hing to keep him distracted, you know.)
Do you think that baka-marimo is normal again? He reached for a cigarette. He had
been smoking like a chimney lately, mostly going at it when he was thinking abou
t what happened, which was all the time.
Did something happen? Chopper said, eyes wide.
Maa sort of. The night we left we talked some more, and he said something. But I d
on t know if I can believe him or not, cuz you know he might not have been completely
with it.
Chopper nodded and rubbed his chin with his hoof. Did he say something that sound
ed strange for him to be saying?
Mm. Sanji nodded.
Have you asked him about it since then?
No. I don t know. You know how when people are drunk, they want to do stupid things
? Things they might not normally do, like jump off bridges or swim or I dunno som
ething that might hurt them? I don t know if that s how it was with Zoro or not.
The reindeer nodded, knowingly. Abruptly he went back to grinding. You should ask
him again. If you don t feel comfortable with now, wait some more. When you feel
like he s back to normal you should ask him.
Waiting. More waiting. More time to think. More time to get himself all hot and
bothered and frustrated.

Zoro s sleep had been undisturbed for the most part. But normally he was a vivid d
reamer. He dreamed about the ocean, about swords, about Mihawk, about the Going
Merry, once he dreamt about a goat named Cecilia who granted magical wishes to a
ny green haired swordsman. But he hadn t dreamt at all since they left Atad. He fe
lt fine. Rested. Emotionally he seemed okay. He was weary of Sanji at first. But
Sanji seemed to be acting fine. It was all very anti climactic, but he was grat
eful for that in some ways. Sanji hadn t completely rejected him and obviously sti
ll thought of him as nakama.
But he had obviously not returned Zoro s interest. But he wasn t trying to deal with
that particular rejection at the moment. He was focusing on training and restor
ing balance to his energy.
But his lack of dreams disturbed him. His fear of Chopper s needle was overruled b
y the fear that there still might be something wrong with him. Sanji had said he
wasn t going to take any more chances with Zoro, and Zoro wasn t willing to take an
y more chances with himself.
Zoro stopped outside the kitchen door just in time to hear Sanji mention his nam
e. Well, it wasn t actually his name, but it was as close as Sanji got on most day
Do you think that baka-marimo is normal again?
Did something happen?
Maa sort of. The night we left we talked some more, and he said something. But I d
on t know if I can believe him or not, cuz you know he might not have been completely
with it.
Did he say something that sounded strange for him to be saying?
Zoro s heart pounded. Was the chef going to tell Chopper what he said?
Have you asked him about it since then?
No. I don t know. You know how when people are drunk, they want to do stupid things
? Things they might not normally do, like jump off bridges or swim or I dunno som
ething that might hurt them? I don t know if that s how it was with Zoro or not.
You should ask him again. If you don t feel comfortable with now, wait some more. W
hen you feel like he s back to normal you should ask him.
So that s how it was. Sanji still hadn t believed him. But Zoro supposed that if he
had been in that position, thinking rationally, as love cook obviously had been,
he might have felt the same way. And what was he doing right now? Questioning h
imself on whether or not he was okay yet. Of course the shitty cook shouldn t have
believed him, even if Zoro knew that he meant was he said and did.
Zoro waited for Sanji to leave with a tray full of drinks for the girls when he
went in to talk to Chopper.
Zoro! How are you feeling today? Chopper said, all smiles.
Good. I guess.
Chopper s smiled turned into a frown. What is it?
Zoro shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the door as precaution.
If someone was going to interrupt them, he d know it.
It s not physical. I just I always dream. Sometimes they re nightmares, sometimes they r
just crazy dreams. Everyone does that, right?
Yes Chopper said slowly.
I stopped dreaming. When we left Atad, I stopped dreaming.
All week? No dreams? No nightmares?
Chopper hmm -ed. It might just be your subconscious expressing exhaustion. It takes
a lot of brain energy to dream (I would like to insert a good joke here, but I m n
ot going to love, author) and since you ve been so mentally taxed lately, it could
just be your head taking a break.
Zoro mulled it over. That might be the case, but it was unsettling. He felt as t
hough all the events of the day, week, even month before were sorted out in his
dreams. It was good to wake up after a dream. It wasn t bad, the feeling he got af
ter not dreaming, it just wasn t normal. Like he needed to dream be really okay th
e next day. But he wasn t getting it.
What if I don t feel right about it? The swordsman said.
Do you feel okay otherwise?
Zoro nodded.
What s still going on with you and Sanji?
Zoro looked up, eyes wide. What?
This has something to do with him, ne Zoro? The poor reindeer looked rather nervou
s upon broaching the topic. He wrung his hooves together and gave a nervous smil
Zoro frowned. It probably did have something to do with the stupid love-cook, bu
t he couldn t fix that situation. He didn t want the same thing from Zoro that Zoro
wanted from him, and he was gonna have to get over it.
Maybe you should try talking to him again.
It seemed Chopper s universal remedy to all ailments mental was talking. Zoro hate
d talking. He d done too much of it in the past two weeks in his opinion. He wasn t
expressive by nature, and just the fact that he may or may not have uttered the
words I love you to a certain idiot ero-cook made him slightly ill, even if it was
He sighed and made to open the door just as Sanji was re-entering. It made for a
n awkward side to side shuffle where they both moved to get out of the other s way
but ended up moving in the same direction, thus remaining in each other s way. Th
is happened at least three times before they both got frustrated and just stood
still, waiting for one to make the move. Zoro growled and grabbed Sanji by the s
houlders, turning them in a half circle so Zoro was in the doorway and Sanji was
in the kitchen. He released the other man and stepped back.
Talk to you later Chopper. Thanks for the dance, aho-cook. Zoro said before disapp
earing. Sanji s mouth fell opened and closed, but no sound came out. He heard Chop
per s giggles from behind before kicked the door shut with a slam and stomping ove
r to the sink to re-wash the dishes. Again.

Sanji waited another week. He and Zoro were back to their normal selves, arguing
, fighting, cursing, etc with or at each other. Sanji was tempted to just forget
the whole thing. Bringing it up might screw things up again, or cause Zoro to g
o back to that unstable place he had been two weeks ago. He knew he was being se
lfish, but he felt things were unfinished as they were.
That, and Zoro s sleeping lately wasn t the same. Normally he d snore, or drool, or ev
en talk or yell in his sleep. A few very frustrating times he d heard Zoro moan in
his sleep, obviously enjoying some imaginary activity very much. But recently h
e d been dead silent. The only thing that assured Sanji that the other man was sti
ll alive was the rise and fall of his chest, which wasn t as deep as it had been b
efore. And his smell was different too. When he was sleeping, at least. It was s
tale. He d wanted say something about it, but again, he didn t want to cause the ret
urn of Zoro s beserker side.
He had been trying to think of ways to bring it up very casually, in light conve
rsation. But when did he and Zoro have light conversation? When did they talk wh
en they weren t cussing at each other?
It was midnight and he mulled things over in the crows nest, watching idly as hi
s cigarette smoke made weird shapes in the air. He heard a door shut quietly as
someone attempted to tip toe across the deck.
Probably Luffy trying to get into his stores. He looked down, prepared to throw
his coffee mug at the rubber boy s head, but instead he saw a barefoot Zoro climbi
ng the mast.
Immediately his heart started pumping.
What are you doing up? Your watch isn t for another two hours, idiot marimo! His ver
bal and mental attempts to shoo the man away obviously weren t working, as evidenc
ed by Zoro climbing into the nest next to him. Sanji moved to where he wasn t touc
hing Zoro. But he could still smell him. And it was still the stale smell.
Oi. The swordsman said, looking at the half raised mug in the chef s hand. Gonna deck
me with that thing or what?
Sanji hadn t realized he had yet to put the mug down, and blushed, setting it down
Afraid of me?
Sanji s normal reaction to a statement like that would be to kick the swordsman in
to the ocean, but he didn t like the way the green haired man said it. He could he
ar the disgust Zoro s voice. Disgust with himself.
You still caught up about that? I told you, you can kick my ass as much as you wa
nt. Not that you can even do that very well. It s the girls I care about.
Zoro laughed, the smile not reaching his eyes at all.
Are you crazy tonight or something? What s wrong with you? Sanji said, starting to g
et anxious.
Not crazy. Just gotta clear something up.
Clear what up?
I wasn t okay that night. What I said. I wouldn t have said it. I was pretty fucked u
Ah. Was all Sanji could say. Compared to the plethora of things he felt at that mo
ment, mainly disappointment and embarrassment, Ah seemed a little short.
But now I m okay. At least I m getting there. I still can t sleep right.
Oh yeah, Sanji was going to ask about that.
Yeah, what s with that? You don t smell the same- Sanji stopped too late, the words ha
d slipped out. He slapped his hand over his mouth, and then wanted to kick himse
lf for doing that. It made it obvious he had just expelled something he didn t wan
t Zoro to know, which would make Zoro focus more on what he said.
Zoro raised an eyebrow. Come again, cook?
Nothing. Sanji blurted, removing his hand and looking away. Anyway, you don t sleep l
oudly anymore. It s great for me, you being so quiet. I get a lot more sleep. It wa
s a very blatant lie. You don t snore or drool or talk in your sleep.
And apparently I don t smell the same. He said, eyebrow still raised, looking critic
ally at the cook.
I didn t mean to say that.
Freudian slip, I suppose?
Ooh, big word asshole.
Zoro grinned. As I was saying-
You mean you weren t done? Wow, I m surprised you know that many words. Sanji sniped,
hoping to distract Zoro from the embarrassing slip.
Will you shut it for a sec? Zoro snapped. Shit. Nevermind. He made to get up but San
ji stopped him.
What, idiot? It obviously took you a long time to memorize what you were gonna sa
y, I d hate for your effort to go to waste. He said, leaning back arrogantly.
Che. I wouldn t waste it on you anyway. He turned around, but Sanji kicked the back
of his knee so that he tumbled over.
Oi! What the fuck-
Still sitting down, Sanji used one foot to pin Zoro s chest against the wall of th
e crow s nest.
Don t just come up here to bother me, shit head. You obviously had a reason, now sp
ill. Thought you woulda learned what happens when you keep shit bottled up, dumb
Zoro could only glare for his part. He had come here with a slight upper hand, b
ut now he was somewhat at Sanji s mercy, at least where his pride was concerned. H
e was going to re-divulge his confession, just so the shitty cook would know tha
t he made it under his right mind, but now he was being forced to admit it. He s
ighed, not liking the idea, but thinking that maybe if he did this, and the idio
t believed him, he could dream again. He thought at that moment of the dream he d
had on Atad, in the field of yellow grass.
I was crazy that night. But I m not crazy now. I meant what I said. I just wouldn t h
ave said it had I not been fucked up. I m just tellin ya now so you don t think I go
confessing shit like that when things get weird.
Sanji blinked and slowly drew his foot back.
He blinked again.
Zoro growled. Do I gotta spell it out for you both times? You didn t seem deaf the
first time! I- Zoro cut himself off. Love was not a word he wanted to repeat to thi
s man.
Somewhere, someday he might. But at this particular moment, it wasn t something he
could handle saying again. He wanted to convey just how much he wanted to fuck
the cook into the mast right now, but he thought Sanji s head might fall off if he
said anything along a line so base. What was he supposed to say?
Why? Sanji said. Of all the things he could have said, he had to say that. Zoro sn
Doesn t matter. I didn t tell you again hoping you d change your mind. I just need to s
leep right and you-
Answer my damn question asshole! Sanji shouted, pinning Zoro with his foot again.
Zoro was shocked slightly speechless before gathering his senses enough to becom
e indignant. No! It was bad enough telling you to begin with, why the fuck would
I tell you why?!
Sanji lunged foreword, straddling Zoro s lap and grabbing his white t-shirt with b
oth hands, balling them into fists. Because if I m going to kiss your stupid mouth
right now, if after that you re going to fuck me into the mast, and if after that
we re going to continue doing like activities for as long as we can stand each oth
er, I wanna know why!! Sanji s eyes bored into Zoro s, who s were wide as saucers, then
suddenly smoldering.
Because, dumb shit, your drive me crazy. Every time we fight I wanna fuck. Every
time you undo your tie I wanna fuck, and every time your put those lips around a
fucking cigarette instead of my dick I wanna fuck. Clear? Zoro said, grabbing sa
id tie and pulling Sanji closer to his face. Their lips were barely rubbing agai
nst each other. Zoro s scent, his real scent, the one Sanji smelled when they foug
ht, rolled over Sanji in waves.
Zoro made to crush his lips against Sanji but felt a hand push against him.
Don t. Sanji said, panting.
What? Zoro snapped.
You can t do that. We need-
Don t fucking kiss me! I won t be able to stop and neither will you and goddamn it yo
u re not going to fuck me without lube! He said, trying to look pissed but blushing
madly instead, looking mussed and so much the aroused sex kitten.
You re the one that said-
I know idiot, let go! Zoro reluctantly released his hold on the cook s tie and watch
ed as Sanji jumped from the crow s nest and landed soundlessly on the desk. He ran
to the kitchen door and disappeared inside.

What if he s just running away-
What the fuck should I do?
He tasted really fucking good-
How the fuck does an ashtray taste good-
Stupid cook-
What kind of lube does he hide in the kitchen anyway?
Zoro looked at the very prominent arousal in his pants. He looked at the kitchen
door. He mourned.

Sanji flung open the kitchen door and rushed over to his cabinets.
What the fuck was he going to use? Cooking oil? Butter? Gross. He didn t actually
have actual-should-be-used-for-hot-manxman-pirate-sex lube. Damn it! The olive o
il would have to suffice. He reached for it then paused.
What the hell am I doing!?
I m about to have great sex with someone I ve wanted to nail me for a long time now.
Nailed? Who says that anymore?!
Brushing anymore rational thoughts aside, Sanji decided to kick his shoes off no
w, not wanting them in the way of their limited space in the crow s nest. He spare
d a glance at the blanket and pillow that he kept in the kitchen for late nights
, but then immediately thought of how stupid it would look climbing back up the
crows nest carrying it.
He rushed back outside and climbed the mast before he could stop himself. Upon r
eaching the top Zoro grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him in roughly, the
n pinned the chef to the ground and immediately covered Sanji s mouth with his own
. Sanji let himself be handled, putting the bottle of oil down on the other side
of the nest before he dropped it.
Zoro s hands suddenly got very busy, intermittently running themselves over Sanji s
body-anything he could reach- and undoing buttons-any he could find. Sanji was o
verwhelmed by the swordsman s attack on his mouth. Zoro completely dominated him w
ith his tongue, making sweeping searches of Sanji s warm, wet depths, leaving him
only able to barely breathe and whimper. The swordsman tasted so damn good. He t
asted like he smelled. When Zoro pulled back he instinctively tightened his grip
on the other man s arms, only to find that Zoro had redirected his attention to S
anji s jaw and lower lip, nibbling and biting.
Damn cook Zoro said, his voice thick and low. Sanji s head was spinning, but the back
of his mind kept telling to do something instead of just lying there. He rememb
ered having intentions of blowing Zoro s mind, but he wasn t going to do it by just
lying there and taking it.
That, and Zoro kept getting distracted with groping Sanji s ass to finish unbutton
ing his damn shirt. At this rate Zoro would probably fuck him with his pants sti
ll on.
Oh, but oh. Oh.
Ungh! Zoro had moved his ministrations from Sanji s jaw to his collarbone, his happy
spot. At the same time he had taken to thrusting against Sanji s hips with his ow
n, creating a delicious friction that shot lightning through his veins.
Yessss . He heard Zoro hiss. I wanna hear you
That alone made Sanji spill another moan from his kiss swollen lips.
Uh, hello?
This is your manly pride speaking.
Gonna I dunno do? Something? Maybe?
With a small cry of frustration, because really, he could have laid there and le
t Zoro ravish him all night, he pushed Zoro away and scrambled to his knees.
Shut up. Sanji said, his voice breathy and lust filled.
Zoro shut up.
Quickly, never taking his eyes off Zoro s, he undid his shirt buttons and slid his
shirt off. He reached for his tie, but Zoro stopped him by getting there first.
Let me He pulled Sanji closer to him, claiming his lips in a slow, thorough kiss an
d slowly undid the tie. The swordsman tossed it next to the shirt then went to w
ork on Sanji s belt. Sanji pulled away in protest.
Uh uh. You re not gonna fuck me with your clothes on. I wanna see you Zoro. Sanji sa
id, his cheeks flaming brilliantly at his last words, even in the dark.
Zoro grinned. Whatever you want, Sanji. With a calculated slowness, Zoro pulled hi
s shirt up over his scarred but chiseled abdomen and up over his head, tossing i
t away. He moved to untie his cloth belt, letting his trousers fall to his knees
No underwear.
Sanji had never blushed so much during sex. Then again, this was only his third
time with another man, and his first time with a man he wanted so much and knew
to this extent.
And Zoro was just as he expected him to be. Well, he was very long, but not intol
erably thick (though still satisfactorily so, he noted). And he was very, very h
ard. Sanji didn t know whether to be scared or flattered, but since neither idea s
eemed like a good one, he just silently watched as Zoro slipped his pants off th
e rest of the way. He silently thanked himself for having enough sense to find s
ome lube.
Zoro s clothes cast aside, Zoro turned his hungry gaze on the chef, who looked som
ewhat well Zoro couldn t place the look. He looked nervous. Zoro grinned.
Happy, cook? That forced Sanji to stop looking at the other man s cock and instead a
t Zoro s face, who had a smug look plastered all over it. Sanji ch -ed and quickly di
sposed of his belt and unbuttoned his trousers.
We ll see who s happy. He threw back, removing his own pants. Sanji wasn t as big as Zor
o, but he was definitely larger than normal. Besides, it isn t how big you are, it
how you use it.
If it was possible, the look on Zoro s face only got hungrier. Almost wolfish. He
licked his lips and pushed Sanji back so he would land on his rear, back against
the wall of the crow s nest. He quickly dove his head down to meet Sanji s dripping
erection, enveloping it in one gulp, coming back up to swirl his tongue around
the head. Sanji stifled a cry, putting his hand over his mouth again. Yes, it wa
s the middle of the night, and yes, it was another three or so hours until someo
ne that wasn t Sanji or Zoro was due to be out on deck, but someone still might he
ar them, come out for a bathroom trip, or a late night snack. But it was also th
e first time someone had gone down on him like they were starving for it. Zoro w
as unrelenting, stroking the base of his erection with his calloused hand, sucki
ng hard on his shaft each time he took in more and more. Sanji panted, trying no
t to come right there, but Zoro had him seeing fireworks.
Zoro, for his part, was enjoying hearing Sanji s stifled moans and quick breathing
. He was engulfed by the taste and smell of the other man, and it was driving hi
m crazy. He knew that if he started pleasuring himself he d come right there, cutt
ing the evening rather short. He distracted his hands by groping Sanji s ass, pick
ing the other man s hips up and using them to pump Sanji s length in and out of his
mouth as far as he could handle.
Sanji was slumped somewhat uncomfortable against the wall; his legs sprawled ung
racefully in the air as Zoro sucked him off. Sanji couldn t get any leverage on an
ything, and his chin was digging into his chest so he couldn t tell Zoro to stop o
r he was going to come. So when he couldn t take the hot, warm cavern sucking on h
is ragingly hard cock all he could do was yelp and wrap his legs around Zoro s nec
k, forcing Zoro to deep throat him as he came hard into the swordsman s mouth.
Zoro nearly gagged, but he forced his throat to relax and take Sanji all the way
in. His mouth and throat were filled with hot cum and he swallowed around Sanji s
cock, not wanting to waste any of it. He felt Sanji shiver at the action, and c
ontinued to tongue the cook s over sensitive manhood until he began whimpering. He
released it with a sigh and licked his chops, satisfied. He placed Sanji s ass on
his hips and pulled the other man into his embrace. Sanji moaned and languidly
pulled himself against Zoro, wrapping his legs around the swordsman s waist. The o
ther man s skin felt so good on him. Zoro pulled him into a kiss, and Sanji was en
thralled that he could still taste himself in Zoro s mouth. It was bitter. He want
ed to know if Zoro s tasted the same.
Zoro continued caressing and molding Sanji s ass.
You like that do you? Sanji muttered, his lips brushing against Zoro s as he spoke.
Zoro grinned.
Yeah, I do. I stare at it all the fucking time. It looks as good as it feels.
Look who s talking.
Sanji captured Zoro s lower lip in his mouth, sucking on it. Zoro closed his eyes
and moaned.
My turn. Sanji grinned. He made a hot, wet trail down the swordsman s neck to his
collarbone, from his collarbone to the tip of his scar. Sanji had a morbid fasci
nation with Zoro s scar. He kissed the tip of it and began licking and kissing and
trail downwards, occasionally biting into random pieces of skin, all the while
making hungry noises.
Zoro s breath hitched when Sanji reached his scar, and his grip on Sanji s shoulders
tightened almost painfully when Sanji bit down for the first time. Sanji would
have stopped if it hadn t been accompanied by a very loud, pleased groan. The cook
reached down taking Zoro s impressive erection in his grip and stroking very slow
ly. More groans and pleased sounds from the swordsman, and soon Sanji was just a
bove a patch of curly green hair. Smiling, he inhaled, content that Zoro s smell h
ad finally returned to him. He felt his limp member twitch back to life.
It wasn t fair. Zoro had gone fast. But Sanji was going so slow it was driving Zor
o insane. Suddenly Sanji took the very tip of Zoro s weeping erection between his
lips, and his hands shot up suddenly, rolling two pink, pert nipples causing Zor
o gasp and swallow a cry. He bit his lip and growled. Sanji continued torturing
Zoro in this manner, lightly bathing his erection with his tongue and playing wi
th his nipples until Zoro grabbed the back of Sanji s neck and brought him up to f
ace him.
I get your point, you shit tease. If I get blue balls your ass is going to be sor
e for two weeks. He growled.
Sanji grinned. Promise? He closed the distance in the raunchiest kiss he thought h
e was capable of giving. Zoro emitted something between a groan and a whimper, g
rabbing at Sanji s ass and pulled the other man tightly against him.
Fuck you.
Yes, mmph fuck me uungh. But oh oh oh wait! Sanji shoved Zoro away and frantically
reached for the bottle of oil. He stood saying, Sit on your knees. Zoro got a goo
d idea of what Sanji was doing. Sanji turned away so his rear was eye level with
Zoro. He made to lower himself again, but Zoro stopped him. There was a very, v
ery bad grin on his face.
What? Sanji said, feeling too vulnerable in this position.
Spread your legs.
What? No-
Do you trust me?
Sanji was quiet.
Just say so if you don t-
I do but I mean You want to?
Che, I wouldn t be doing this if I didn t want to, idiot!
Shut up! I just
You don t have to. Zoro s voice was calm and soothing, suddenly. Sanji found that he w
as trembling at the prospect of what Zoro had in mind. He had always wanted to t
ry it, but it wasn t something any of his other partners had been interested in.
Slowly he spread his legs. Zoro slid his hands up to the cook s creamy white thigh
s. Are you sure?
Sanji bit his lip and nodded. The butterflies in his stomach were uncontrollable
, and he was achingly hard again.
Zoro rubbed his thighs reassuringly, and reaching around with one hand to stroke
Sanji s renewed erection. Sanji moaned, hands gripping the mast tightly. Zoro s han
d moved from his erection to his ball sac, gentle massaging and playing with the
m. Sanji s stomach hitched and he remembered that he needed to breathe. He whimper
ed into his forearm. Zoro s hand retreated and joined his other massaging and mold
ing Sanji s pert ass. Zoro kissed one creamy globe then the other before sliding h
is tongue over the top of Sanji s cleft. As he made his way down with his tongue h
e spread Sanji s ass with his hands, giving him better access to his goal.
Sanji was nearly hiccupping now, gasping for breath as tears formed in his eyes.
Oh god oh god oh god oh god-
Unngh oh god so hot mmm oh oh shit oh god oh fuck yes-
He was glad he couldn t speak at the moment. He wasn t sure he could handle Zoro hea
ring that.
Zoro moaned, listening to Sanji s whimpers and hitched breaths. He leaned back, ad
miring the view, the tight rosy entrance he was about to violate.
Sanji He whispered before biting hard down on Sanji s left check, then bathing Sanji s
orifice with his tongue. The blonde man cried out, first at the sudden bite and
then at Zoro s prodding tongue. The swordsman moaned loudly, Sanji thought his kne
es were going to give out. Without warning, Zoro s tongue gave a hard thrust and e
ntered him. He spread Sanji as far as he could and forced his tongue in as deep
as he could go. Sanji sobbed and clawed at the mast, tears falling down his flam
ing red cheeks.
Z-zoro! Ungh! Please!
Zoro rubbed his thigh in a placating manner and thrust his tongue in harder and
faster. Sanji cried out again, pushing his rear back in return to Zoro s thrust. Z
oro s tongue bathed the walls of Sanji s entrance, not long enough to reach his pros
tate, but enough to cause amazing sensation. He cupped Sanji s balls again, feelin
g them tighten and relax. The chef s cock was dripping with pre-cum.
Satisfied, Zoro retreated, trailing wet kisses all over Sanji s ass.
Sanji whined in disappointment, but took the moment to compose himself, if that
was possible. He hiccupped and sniffed, wiping away the moisture on his face. Zo
ro gently pulled him down into his lap, rubbing the other man s belly now.
Are you okay? He murmured in Sanji s ear.
Sanji nodded.
Yes asshole! Sanji snapped.
Zoro chuckled.
Shut up!
You liked it.
Shut the fuck up! Are you going to fuck me or what? Sanji said impatiently. He was
still hard and only a moment ago had been on the brink of orgasm, only to be br
utally yanked back.
Which was nothing compared to how Zoro felt, who hadn t come yet at all.
Oh yes. I plan to. Zoro snatched the oil and hastily undid the lid with one hand,
then poured a liberal amount into his palm, sitting Sanji on his knees so he cou
ld coat his very neglected and flaming arousal with it. He groaned and bit into
Sanji s shoulder at the sensation. It wasn t going to take much to get him off, it s
eemed. Satisfied that he was properly lubed, he coated two fingers with the stuf
f and spread his knees, causing Sanji to spread his in turned.
Zoro stopped to enjoy the view. Sanji leaning naked against the mast, his ass di
splayed for Zoro, tear streaked and fully aroused. Zoro moaned before placed the
two fingers at Sanji s entrance.
Yes! Sanji said, impatiently. Zoro grinned and pushed both fingers in, a little ro
ugher than necessary. Sanji gasped and let out a strangled cry. Zoro used his ot
her hand to still Sanji s hip. He let Sanji get used to the feeling before he star
ted moving them in and out. The site was so erotic he could barely stand it. He
could feel Sanji s muscles clenching around his fingers. Oh god he wanted to bury
his cock inside of him.
When he was sure Sanji could handle two, he added another, this time reaching fo
r that spot inside of him. Sanji s fit hit the mast and his right leg kicked out b
ehind him. Zoro stopped his exploration.
Oh fuck do it again I swear to god if you don t do it again I ll- OH YES fuck that mo
re Zoro! More again YES-
Sanji had enough sense to cover his mouth at that point but didn t cease the loud
moans that rumbled from him. He actually turned around and gave Zoro a wtf?! look
when Zoro removed his fingers, but realized Zoro was about to replace them with
something bigger and better.
Zoro placed his throbbing cock at Sanji s entrance and took a deep breath. There w
as a sizeable difference between three fingers and Zoro s cock, but he planned to
go slow. Planned.
Sanji took a deep breath as Zoro s cock invaded him. It hurt. The tongue had stung
a little, the fingers had hurt a little too, but this hurt, His erection was wi
lting as he ground his teeth and closed his eyes.
Relax. You re too tight. Zoro said, his voice strained.
Easy for you to say-
Push out. Just listen to me. Push out and try to relax. Zoro uttered.
Sanji tried to calm down and did as he was told. He felt Zoro slide in a bit eas
ier, and it didn t hurt so badly. It still hurt, but it didn t feel like he was bein
g ripped apart either.
Zoro buried himself to the hilt then stopped. Sanji was so damn tight. Excellent
for him, but it was probably, no pun intended, a pain in the ass for Sanji. He
had to be careful and pay attention to Sanji s reactions, or this could turn out t
o be a very bad experience.
Sanji focused on breathing, and the fullness he felt instead of the pain. He fel
t Zoro breathing against him, the warm breath washing over his shoulder. Zoro s ha
nds were twitching slightly as they rested against Sanji s hips. His right thumb w
as rubbing soothing circles on his hip bone. He felt his shoulder and back muscl
es relax. The tension melted away from his body as he calmed down. Zoro moved on
e hand to trail lazily down Sanji s stomach and kissed his shoulder.
Don t you dare ask me if I m okay. He warned. Or he tried to, but it came out as more
of a sigh.
Mkay. Zoro said into his shoulder. He sighed and Sanji felt the movement through h
is entire body and shivered.
Mmm. He wanted to move. He wanted to feel Zoro moving inside of him. He lifted his
hips up slightly and felt Zoro s cock leaving him, and immediately sat back down,
feeling the cock fill him up again. It was such a strange feeling. He wanted mo
re of it. Now.
You don t have to tell me twice. The swordsman said, his voice husky. He lifted Sanj
i s hips with his hands and brought him back down, starting with a slow pace. Sanj
i s head fell forward and he moaned loudly. Soon Sanji was controlling the movemen
t as he impaled himself up and down Zoro s long cock
Zoro couldn t take it anymore. Seeing that Sanji was ready, he sat up off his haun
ches and pushed Sanji forward, causing him to hug the mast. He dug his fingers i
nto the other man s hips and slammed into him with a satisfied moan. Sanji cried o
ut as Zoro repeated the process, the sound of moans and flesh slapping together
filled the otherwise quiet night air. Then Zoro managed to hit that spot inside
the cook and Sanji was suddenly meeting Zoro s intense thrusts, his muscles clampi
ng down on the swordsman s cock. Both men were moaning each other s names, Zoro grip
ped every part of Sanji he could, Sanji pulling on his own cock as Zoro slammed
into him over and over again.
Zoro joined Sanji s hand in yanking on the chef s cock. Zoro bit again into Sanji s sh
oulder and the sensation went straight to Sanji s groin. He yelled Zoro s name and c
ame hard, spilling his cum onto the mast all over his and Zoro s hand. Every muscl
e in his body tightened.
Zoro felt Sanji s walls clamp down impossibly tight on him and he gripped Sanji s hi
p to slam into him as hard as he could, once, twice, three times and he came dee
p inside the other man, moaning and repeating Sanji s name.
The collapsed against each other, falling over to the floor, still connected. Sa
nji couldn t breathe at the moment, and Zoro swore he went blind for a moment. Nei
ther could move.
It was Robin who d had enough sense not to wake Sanji, but Zoro instead by gently
rubbing his forearm. The swordsman came to and looked up to see Robin poking her
head above the crow s nest.
Ah, Swordsman-san. I believe it s my watch now. You should know that Nami has gotte
n up and is working in her room. Everyone else is asleep. I ll be waiting in my ro
om until you two have gone to bed. With that she retreated with a smile.
Zoro had only registered half of what she said, but he disattached himself from
Sanji and grabbed for his clothes. Sanji had not woken up in the jostling, so he
tried poking him awake.
That didn t work, so he decided (in his very groggy state, I might remind you) tha
t kissing the other man awake was a good idea.
And it was. Sanji opened his eyes and smiled. Then his eyes went wide. He sat up
suddenly, pushing a grumpy Zoro out of the way.
What time is it!?
Shhhhhh. S almost time for Robin to start her shift. Got 10 minutes.
Sanji sighed in relief. He grabbed for his clothes and started dressing himself.
He settled for an undone tie, unbuttoned shirt and no jacket, with button pants
and he thought he might have accidentally thrown his belt overboard. As a resul
t, his pants hung low on his hips, revealing a delicious looking hip bone.
Zoro pinned Sanji to the mast and kissed him thoroughly, bodies pressed tightly
together. Sanji moaned and ran his hands through Zoro s short hair.
Gonna leave the ladies alone now? Sanji said, smirking. Still jealous?
Zoro grinned. I dunno. Gonna start bringing me fruity drinks and cake all day?
Sanji punched him playfully in the gut. Gonna give me head whenever I ask for it?
Che Zoro snorted. I suppose I d like that better than fruity drinks and cake, ero-cook
You would marimo head.
Another kiss and they made their way down the mast.
They had to sleep in seperate hammocks, still not sure of how things were going
to work out. But Sanji could smell from across the room the next morning that Zo
ro had dreamt while he slept. He was drooling too, and snoring loudly.
In his dreams, Zoro dreamt of a field of yellow grass where he was sleeping next
to Sanji.

Review this Story/Chapter

She's the Cook!
Bloody Strawberry
Author of 4 Stories 1. A Boring Day2. Cross Dresser Island
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 28 - Updated: 09-13
-08 - Published: 07-31-08 - id:4438102
Author s Note : hey! It s Sleepy here (new nickname heh! thanks daxter!). Back with
yet another story though I think I should probably work on the other two but anywa
y! This one just flew into my head after I watched a video on youtube featuring
my two fav characters from One Piece : Sanji-kwun and Zoro-swan! fan girl squeal
if u want to watch it it s called Sanji and Zoro Accidentally in Love. Guess the
story won t be that appealing at the beginning cuz I suck at that but eventually i
t will get better. Unfortunately there s not that much ZoroxSanji in this chapter
pout though there is some slight SanjixLuffy to make up for it!
I m currently married, here on FF to daxterandboxer though from time to time I m get
ting this horrible feeling that she s betraying me! I should probably contact L to
find out!
Disclaimer : One Piece and all it s characters mentioned here belong to Eiichiro O
da. I m just borrowing them though I wish Sanji, Zoro and Luffy were mine. One day
Chapter 1 : A Boring Day
It was another bright, sunny day for the Straw Hat Pirates on board the Thousand
Sunny. The sea was unnaturally calm and there was no enemy or monster in sight.
Yet Luffy s crew didn t consider this as something to be happy about. Excluding may
be Usopp and Chopper, they always loved the thrill of battle and adventure. But
to their disappointment, today was not a day for such things. So what had they l
eft to do? Nothing except laying around doing whatever they wanted.
Roronoa Zoro was a good example of this. The swordsman was spending this lovely
day in the best way he could : sleeping, with his three katanas tucked safely at
his side. His loud yet not highly annoying snores could be heard from as high a
s the crow s nest, were the quiet Nico Robin was reading an interesting looking ar
chaeology book whilst keeping a sharp lookout for any approaching enemies. Down
on the deck, Monkey D. Luffy, Tony Tony Chopper, Usopp and Franky were playing a
game of strip poker, a game which Luffy had recently discovered and was awed by
it so much that he didn t even complain once when he lost four times in a row, le
aving him wearing only his boxers. That is until Nami came over and smacked him
in the face for being so idiotic as to not realise that Usopp had been cheating.
Meanwhile Sanji, who had been talking to Nami excitedly about recent recipes he
had discovered, decided that it was time to prepare lunch for the crew.
As he made his way into the kitchen, the cook decided to serve meat today; due t
o the fact it had been quite a while since they had any thanks to their captain s
never full stomach. But fortunately he had bought a lot of meat the other day an
d was very happy about finally preparing, for his beloved Nami-swan and Robin-ch
wan a meal fit for a princess.
Jeez Luffy you lost again? Can anyone ever be as stupid as that?
For the fifth time that day Luffy had miserably lost to another card game. He di
dn t know how that could have happened. After Nami had made him realise that Usupp
was being his usual cheating self he had been extra cautious on how he and the
rest were playing but it was to no avail. He had lost again and now according to
the stupid rules of the game he had to shed his last remaining article of cloth
ing. He stood up and put his hands underneath his boxers, ready to lower them an
d show the world the future pirate king s rubber pistol. Zoro had even woken up to
witness this once in a lifetime event (probably) and even Robin seemed to be mi
ldly interested in what was happening down below but just as Luffy began pulling
his boxers down he found himself back on the floor with a very angry cook strad
dling him with his hands tightly wrapped around his neck, choking him without an
y mercy.
Sanji let go you re killing me pleaded Luffy whilst he turned red in the face. Guys p
lease help me!
Sanji-kun what the fuck are you doing? asked Nami. She wrapped her arms around one
of the cook s arms knowing well that Sanji would let go of Luffy if she did that.
As you wish Nami-swan! sang Sanji as he danced around Nami with little pink hearts
floating around him.
Who would ever understand this guy?
Zoro picked himself up from the floor along with his katanas and walked lazily t
owards the rest of the crew. This was going to be interesting.
Luffy also got up from the ground, holding his throat looking like someone who j
ust had his neck sliced in half and was trying to keep it adjoined with the rest
of his body. He was panting heavily trying to regain all the air he had lost wi
th his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?! growled Luffy angrily once he had recuperated.
Huh? Sanji had completely forgotten that only a few seconds ago he had been trying
to murder his own captain. He had been too busy fawning over Nami to remember t
he reason he had attacked Luffy.
Seriously, who could ever understand him?
But now his murderous intent to slaughter his captain like a pig came back but b
efore dirtying his hands he would try to talk reasonably with his air headed cap
Right. Listen Luffy YOU ATE ALL THE MEAT DIDN T YOU?! That said he sprang at Luffy lik
e a mad cat but luckily for Luffy, Franky and Chopper (in his human form) grabbe
d hold of Sanji s arms and didn t let go until they were sure Sanji had calmed down.
Everyone turned to face Luffy as those horrible words left Sanji s lips. The meat Lu
ffy gone! Luffy swore he could see fire dancing in their eyes.
Yes it s all gone and now I can t prepare the fabulous meal I had planned for Nami-sw
an and Robin-chwan! whined Sanji. Luffy I swear I will only give you bread for the
rest of the journey!
Luffy s jaw hit the ground and he could feel that his heart had stopped beating fo
r a second.
NO WAY! Please Sanji forgive me! Luffy sank to his knees and hugged Sanji s legs an
d rubbed his face against them trying to look cute and sincerely shaken by what
he had just told him. He even managed to put on a convincing pout that would mel
t even the cold heart of a Sea King. I promise I won t steal again for now The last pa
rt was said under his breath.
Sanji looked down into poor Luffy s miserable face and felt his two inner beings f
ighting furiously against each other, trying to win over Sanji s confused brain. Aw
w he looks so cute. Let s cuddle him! said his good, womanly side. His other side,
which he called the Zoro-ish side wasn t that keen on that idea and instead propos
ed : Kill that son of a bitch Sanji! .
The cook would have probably followed his Zoro-ish side s advice had it not been f
or the fact that when he looked down upon his captain once again he realised tha
t Luffy was wearing only his boxers! What s more they were half-way down his hips!
Sanji felt himself blush at the sight of Luffy s half exposed rubber gun and afte
r a few seconds of staring, pushed the rubber boy away from him.
You re forgiven this once Luffy but uh Sanji quickly looked for a reason to explain to
the crew why he had forgiven their captain after he had nearly made him faint wi
th fear. Yeah you better get some money to pay for the meat once we get to the next
island or else it will be pain for you. he said in a creepy voice just to make sur
e Luffy understood him.
Luffy gulped and shook his head up and down at a very fast pace and in a small v
oice answered that he would.
Good. Now that we have this all cleared up I m gonna go and cook some fish! said San
ji with a big smile and with cigarette in mouth and hands in his pockets he walk
ed away towards the kitchen.
This guy was a total mystery.
Everyone sighed and turned to glare at Luffy including Robin who during the argu
ment had descended the crow s nest to come and join the fun. They had eaten fish f
or two freakin weeks! Not that they had anything to grumble about Sanji s excellent
cooking but eating fish everyday had become sort of lame and they were eager to
taste fresh meat but now thanks to their idiotic captain they had to wait two m
ore days for there mouths to taste again some good meat, that is until they reac
h the next island.
As Sanji disappeared into the kitchen. Nami, Usopp and Franky all jumped onto Lu
ffy and an epic fight broke out which Captain Monkey D. Luffy would remember til
l the day he died as the only fight which he had lost as a man and a pirate includ
ing his boxers.
Hey Ero-cook
What the hell do you want marimo? Can t you see I m busy?! snapped Sanji with his back
to Zoro. He was cutting some vegetables and didn t enjoy the fact that Zoro was l
ooking at his behind. It made him feel uneasy in a way.
The swordsman didn t answer but just let himself fall into a chair and kept on sta
ring at Sanji without uttering a word. He had noticed something strange going on
between the cook and Luffy back on the deck, and now wanted to rub his discover
y in Mister Prince s face.
After some minutes of complete silence, Sanji lost all patience, and slammed his
cutting knife on the counter. He turned around to face Zoro, anger clear on his
face. You better have a good reason to disturb me vegetable head or I swear I ll g
onna kick your ass out of here!
Zoro stood up from the chair which a huge smirk plastered on his face. Sanji kne
w something nasty was going to come out of the swordsman s mouth. What did that ba
stard want?
You know eyebrow freak, I noticed something interesting before. You know what I m
ean? Zoro crossed his arms over his chest looking expectantly at the cook.
What the hell are you talking about marimo? Duh I knew you came here just to waste
my time. Go away!
Sanji turned his back on him, and as he picked up his knife, he heard Zoro speak
You want me to tell you what I noticed? Very well. You were definitely blushing l
ike a damn tomato when you saw Luffy wearing only his boxers. I saw you, and my
eyesight is excellent so it was no mistake.
The cook s mouth hung open in shock at his words. Damn he noticed! What could he s
ay now?
So? Speechless ero-cook? I didn t imagine you were indeed such a pervert snickered Z
You re imagining things you fucking swordsman! I know what you re thinking. That I ve s
uddenly turned homosexual huh? Ok I did blush when I saw Luffy only in his boxer
s but that was natural! I bet even you would have blushed if you d seen what I ve se
en at such a close up view ok? SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Zoro knew the cook would react in this way to his words so he wasn t fazed at all.
He had a feeling that what he would say next would shut him up for good. Someti
mes this cook was so easy to manipulate.
But Usopp, Chopper and Franky were close by too and I didn t even see a hint of a blu
sh on there faces unlike you.
He felt a gush of air next to his face and a second later he was holding a big c
utting knife between his index and middle fingers. Sanji had thrown his knife at
Uh oh you could have hurt me with this you know? said the green haired swordsman in
a mocking voice.
Sanji tried to calm down. What had gotten into him? He had just thrown a knife a
t one of his nakama! Even though he hated this brainless swordsman he was still
something like a friend to him sometimes. So the stupid marimo head wanted to insi
nuate that he was gay? Very well he would play along with it.
Correct me if I m wrong, but are you, perhaps jealous?
Zoro hadn t expected for the conversation to turn to his favour. He could already
feel his face heat up with embarrassment at the blonde s words.
Are you kidding me? Why should I be jealous? I m straight ok!
It just seemed to me that you were jealous. If not then why did you come here to
speak to me about this incident?
You re fucking wrong dartboard-eyebrow freak! I came to tease you that s all! yelled a
very flustered Zoro.
Oh really? Then let me say this. From the little I ve seen of Luffy s body I can tell
that between you two he would be the hotter one that is if I were a woman because
I am not gay!
Zoro was speechless. Luffy s body was better then his? No fucking way! He was abso
lutely certain that he was way hotter than their rubber captain. Damn love-cook.
Now please go away. I ve had enough of you and if you re hungry you d better get the he
ll out of here or else you ll get nothing understand?
The green head just grunted in response and stomped out of the door, clearly ver
y angry that he lost to Sanji. Luffy hotter then him. Never.
When he was sure that he was gone, the smoking, blonde cook turned back to slici
ng up the vegetables and muttered inaudibly. What an idiot that marimo is.

Author s note : Finally that took forever but I really enjoyed myself writing it!
After such hard work I expect anyone who reads it to be so kind as to review too
. Since this is my first One Piece fic I don t know if all the characters were in
character so pls tell me if they didn t seem so. Also the next chapter will explai
n the title of the story and summary so you d better stay tuned to know what happe
ns next. Also pls R&R my other stories. I don t feel like writing their names down
so pls go to my profile to know what they are about. Pls also review the storie
s written by daxterandboxer. They re awesome I assure you!Thanks and until next ti

Review this Story/Chapter

She's the Cook!
Bloody Strawberry
Author of 4 Stories 1. A Boring Day2. Cross Dresser Island
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 28 - Updated: 09-13
-08 - Published: 07-31-08 - id:4438102
A/N :
A/N: YES! I have finally finished the second chapter of this story! -someone app
lauds in the background- I can t believe It took me so long to get me to write it.
I wasted a whole month doing absolutely nothing! Anyway now it s here and you kno
w what? Something truly horrible is gonna happen to Sanji in this chapter (well
more than one thing actually) but before that, is a little Luffy adventure. How
and from whom did he get the money to pay Sanji back for the meat? I didn t know m
yself so I decided to include that as well XD
Plus, for those who will be so kind as to review afterwards (8 reviews for the i
st chapter. Not complaining but I would have liked more) I m soon going to start a
new Death Note story called Black Ripper. It s based on the Jack Ripper killings.
(Summary at the bottom of my profile). For those who review and also like Death
Note, could u tell me if u would be interested in reading something like Black
Ripper, I mean crime/horror. That kind of story? I would appreciate that thanks.
I also have another unfinished story here called Cursed Hero. (A DBZ/Naruto cros
sover) To make it straight I am no longer interested in continuing. But I don t ha
ve the heart to delete it cause maybe someday I might just wake up and think mmm
I have such an awesome idea for it! I must continue it immediately! but I highl
y doubt that it will happen
Disclaimer: All One Piece characters in this story (plus the Thousand Sunny) bel
ong to Eiichiro Oda. I own nothing except Angie, her dad and an old ginger haire
d man wearing a kilt (you ll know who they are once you read). Wait! Maybe I own c
ross dresser island too!

Chapter 2 : Cross Dresser Island

Two days later, Luffy was the first one to wake up. This was quite a rare event
since it was widely known that the Straw Hat Pirates captain was a heavy sleeper
and not even a whole army of Marines poking their rifles in his face could ever
hope to wake him up. But this was no mere coincidence. Monkey D. Luffy had a pla
2 hours later 7am
Luffy was sitting silently on the Sunny s head observing the still waters around t
hem when a strange noise cut through his thoughts of food and more food. At first
he was confused by what the weird noise might be but quickly enough understood w
hat it was. Luffy reached a hand into his trousers pocket and pulled out a small,
black walkie-talkie. He stared at it for a few seconds, then pressed a button a
nd answered it, bringing the small box closer to his mouth.
Meat Eater here; where are you Pinocchio?
I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT! answered an angry voice.
No way it suits you Usopp. You know you do look like Pinocchio, Admit it! retorted
Luffy, for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.
NO! I m much more better looking than that stupid fairytale puppet Pinocchio. His n
ose can t even be compared to my beautiful one. It isn t as long, as thin and as tan
ned as mine!
No way! Are you telling me you re jealous of a puppet that doesn t even exist? snigger
ed Luffy as laughter started to take over him.
N no I never said that you idiot. I m just stating the obvious. Never mind, tell me w
here are you anyway! said Usopp from his end.
But he was certain that Luffy hadn t even heard. He could now hear his captain roa
ring with laughter through the walkie-talkie.
S sorry, I got carried away. But I asked first! Where are you?
Fine. I m down here in the men s quarters. answered a frustrated Usopp. Chopper s just l
eft. He should be on deck right now so it s time to put the plan into action! Go wh
erever you are.
OK, Roger Pinocchio
LUFFY!! I ll
But Luffy didn t wait to hear what Usopp would do to him. He put the walkie-talkie
back into his pocket and quickly scanned the deck looking for a little reindeer
wearing a red top hat too large for his head. He found Chopper in the middle of
the deck, sorting some little jars containing different coloured liquids on a t
able. He immediately jumped off the Sunny s head and quietly made his way towards
the reindeer, trying to be as casual as possible.
Begin Flashback
A day after the meat incident, Luffy had accidentally overheard Chopper talking
to Nami about a small amount of gold which he had saved up till that point witho
ut telling anyone about it s existence. He had heard the little doctor tell their
navigator that he hoped to buy some new medicines once they reached the next isl
and. Now Luffy currently hadn t any money to repay Sanji for the stolen meat. He h
ad been wondering how on earth he was going to obtain enough money for the cook
until they reached the island but had come up with nothing. Fearing the blonde c
ook s wrath, Luffy decided the only solution to his problem was to take Chopper s mo
ney. He already felt bad for thinking of robbing one of his nakama, but on the o
ther hand it was for the crew s good (excluding Chopper himself who was vegetarian
) and anyway was he or was a he not going to become the Pirate King? A bit of st
ealing every now and then couldn t hurt much.
But Luffy being the simple minded idiot he was, couldn t come up with anything to
take Chopper s money without making the reindeer punch him in the face, or worse c
ause him to start crying like a baby. Here he needed to obtain Chopper s money in
a way which wouldn t make him take it by force. Then it had hit him. Another game
of strip poker! And whom better to ask for help then Usopp, the Grand Line s top l
iar and cheater?
Luffy had gone to Usopp, and surprisingly asked him in private to teach him how
to cheat in a card game. The sniper was shocked at first that their captain who
was so innocent at even seventeen years of age but as proud and strong as a fort
y year old man wanted to stoop so low as to learn how to cheat in a game of card
s, but after Luffy had explained his reasons for such a grave decision, Usopp ha
d gladly agreed.
So after having Usopp teach him how to cheat without getting caught, which aston
ishingly Luffy learned quite quickly, they had set up a plan. Both Luffy and Uso
pp were to wake up the following morning extremely early, before the rest of the
crew. For Luffy it would be a problem, but he had found a solution to that too.
Luckily the night before had been Luffy s turn to stand guard at the crow s nest. S
o he had decided that just for this once he would not fall asleep at all costs!
To make sure of that, he had spent the whole night drinking coffee, which he had
never done before and would surely never do it again. Coffee was simply disgust
ing! With Usopp s walkie-talkies they had communicated all night long, going over
the plan and just for the heck of it, used nicknames instead of their real names
, hence came the name Pinocchio much to Usopp s annoyance. Then the next morning,
Luffy would find Chopper and challenge him to another game of strip poker. At th
at point, Usopp would jump out of no where and accidentally come across Luffy and
Chopper playing. He would sit down and watch them playing and when Luffy would s
uggest that they play using money instead of shedding their clothes, Usopp would
come up with a tale he had supposedly heard that if you didn t accept the conditi
ons of a game proposed by your captain, the ghost of that same captain would com
e to haunt you till the day you die. It was a foolish story, but undoubtedly Cho
pper would believe it since he swallowed all the lies Usopp fed him. Whilst Usop
p would be distracting Chopper, Luffy would be able to cheat without the blue-no
sed reindeer noticing it and then the money would be his and Sanji would be happ
End Flashback
Just as Luffy was a few steps away from Chopper, the little doctor turned around
. He looked amazed that there was his captain on the deck at that moment. It was
so early! Luffy usually woke up around 10 or 11 am!
Wow Luffy how come you re up and about so early? It s only 7 in the morning ya know? a
sked Chopper. Are you sick or something? he said in a worried voice.
Um yeah I mean no, no I m not sick, not at all! What was he going to tell him now?
Chopper stood staring at him, obviously wanting a clear answer from Luffy who cu
rrently gaping idiotically, looking just as if he was just hit in the head by so
mething very heavy but hadn t realised how hard it had hit him yet.
Oh yeah you see, yesterday I was on guard and after a while I suddenly saw this H
UGE thing jumping out of the water! He threw his hands in the air trying to sound
convincing. And uh I didn t see what it was like you know? And it was an amazing monst
er, much bigger then the whole ship. I wanted to know what it was cause it was s
o cool so I stayed up the whole night trying to see it and then I saw it again!
It was awesome! You know how many heads it had? It had three! Three heads! And I m
pretty sure one of them had a nose like Usopp s. It s body was huge and it had a pa
ir of gigantic wings! It s teeth were so long and pointed, they each looked like o
ne of Zoro s katanas! And so I ended up not sleeping at all trying to Chopper what a
re you doing?
Luffy had just noticed that Chopper was no longer in front of him. He then saw t
he chair in front of him move a little bit sideways. He looked down towards the
wooden floor, and to his surprise saw the doctor under the table shaking from an
tler to toe. Luffy knelt down next to him and as he moved his face closer to Cho
pper s he saw tears flowing down the reindeer s cheeks. He understood what was going
Sorry Chopper. Did I scare you with uh what I saw last night? he asked gently.
Chopper slowly nodded his head and as he wiped his tears away, he got up and wen
t to sit back on the chair. Luffy now felt even more sorry for what he was about
to do after seeing his doctor in such a state but it had to be done now.
Hey Chopper he said. How about a game of strip poker to cheer you up?
Strip poker? repeated the doctor uncertainly. Luffy nodded eagerly. But you know yo
u re lousy at that game!
No I m not, I got better! whined Luffy. If you play with me I ll show you. You won t bel
eve your eyes how good at it I became!
But Luffy, I ve got a lot of work to do. How can you expect me to stop right now to
play something stupid like strip poker!
Just screw work for once Chopper! yelled Luffy as he picked up the jars of coloure
d liquid and slammed them on the floor, almost shattering them. Instead of the j
ars, he placed the pack of cards Usopp had given him yesterday. Then he got in t
he chair opposite Chopper and faced his blue nosed doctor. Now let s play! Chopper
had no other choice but to obey.
Later that afternoon : 6pm
Here you go Sanji! I think this should be enough. Said Luffy happily as he handed
the cook a small bag of gold.
As Sanji went away to count the gold and to prepare the shopping list, Luffy cre
pt up to Chopper who was sitting on the same table in the middle of the deck, on
which that very morning he had played strip poker with Luffy and lost miserably.
The plan which Usopp and Luffy had come up with worked out perfectly. Luffy and
Chopper had started playing, when along came Usopp to ruin everything, that is f
or the little doctor. Luffy had successfully managed to convince Chopper to play
all his money and with Usopp s tale and his new found cheating abilities, won the
gold in a short amount of time much to Chopper s horror.
Now Chopper was looking mutinously from Sanji (who was quite oblivious to the fa
ct that a reindeer was shooting him murderous glances), to his money to Luffy an
d repeated the sequence several times. As Luffy sat down in the chair opposite t
o him again, Chopper turned his face the other way. He was very angry with Luffy
for winning all his gold and now he couldn t buy any new medicines.
Hey Chopper? asked Luffy. Are you OK?
Look, I m really sorry about this morning but it was just a game right? I mean, wel
l, anyway I swear by the world government that I ll definitely give you all the mo
ney back OK? Chopper?
Luffy tried to give him a hug but just as he wrapped an arm around Chopper, he n
oticed that he was crying.
What s up Chopper? he demanded. Why re you crying?
The doctor sniffed loudly and tried to stop crying. But what about the medicine?
I was going to buy us some new ones with the money since ours are getting kinda
Luffy started laughing at Chopper s words.
Why on earth would we need more medicines right now? Our crew is strong! And none
are sick as far as I know.
But who knows what could happen next! exclaimed Chopper. You never know when we mig
ht need them.
You know what? said Luffy as he got up from the wooden floor and turned to face th
e island they had just arrived at. This island seems pretty big. I bet there is a
casino somewhere around here. You wanna go have a look with me? Maybe I ll win so
me money and you can buy your medicines!
Really? asked Chopper as a huge grin spread across his face.
Sure! But we ll better tell Nami first. She ll go nuts if we disappear without tellin
g her.
Chopper nodded his approval, and just at that moment they heard Nami call all th
e members of the crew over. They realised that they were the only ones left on t
he ship so they clambered down after Zoro who had just woken up from his afterno
on nap and was stretching his arms over his head and yawning loudly. Clearly he
was still feeling sleepy and wished nothing better then to go back to sleep in h
is usual spot on the deck instead of heading towards the loud, annoying voice on
the shore which was Nami.
Once everyone was assembled, they grouped around Nami to receive further instruc
tions. It was up to her to give each of them a job to do, otherwise they were su
re to disappear within seconds of their separation and undoubtedly would not ret
urn for hours and anyway they were only staying at this island till nightfall. T
here was no time to fool around.
So guys she began. Everyone turned to face her expect Zoro who was already half as
leep. On the other hand Sanji was trying to focus on looking straight into Nami s
face but found it extremely difficult to do so because the streets were packed w
ith women and he was trying to take in this beautiful sight as best as he could.
Though some of them sure looked odd, almost masculine but he shook that thought
off as a figment of his imagination. Sometimes so much feminine beauty packed i
n one place could make one feel quite dizzy.
According to the map, this island s called geez couldn t they find a better name than t
What is wrong navigator-san? inquired Robin with a sweet smile.
The stupid island s called...Cross Dresser Island! she growled disapprovingly as a s
light blush spread across her face.
Robin s mouth formed in a small o of dawning comprehension whilst the others all bur
st out laughing as loudly as they could (including Zoro), earning a couple of cu
rious glares from nearby passers by. Only two members of the strawhat crew didn t
laugh along with the rest. Sanji had his mouth open in pure shock. He was starin
g again at some women passing by, they too looked strangely masculine as the one
s which had passed before and now he understood why. It was not as he thought, h
is imagination but it was reality. This island was filled with cross dressers! S
anji slapped a hand over his eye. He would not see such people; he could not see
such people. It was not that he had something against cross dressers (even thou
gh he was afraid of them sometimes ok every time he saw one). Oh no, he was just t
oo shocked that he had mistaken them to be real women. And the place was full of
them! Surrounded by them! Oh he would rather turn blind then continue watching!
Then a sudden loud thud made the miserable cook snap out of his nightmare. Luffy
had thrown himself onto the hard gravel. His arms and legs were crossed tightly
and his head was lolling from side to side. He was wearing a thoroughly confuse
d expression on his face. He looked like he was trying to understand something b
ut wasn t quite capable of doing so. Like Sanji, he hadn t laughed at the mention of
the funny name of the island which was odd.
Hey Nami he asked suddenly. I didn t get it.
Didn t get what? she asked in return.
You said a funny word right now and every one laughed at it cross dresser what the he
ll is that?
Everyone gaped at him. Even Nico Robin seemed surprised at the news that their s
eventeen year old captain didn t know what a cross dresser was. Even Chopper knew
No one answered him so he continued. Were you laughing at that old man over there
? he demanded loudly and pointed towards an old, ginger haired man sitting outsid
e a bar across the street who was looking in their direction. He was wearing a b
right, red kilt and alongside him was a set of bagpipes. Because he s wearing a ski
rt like a girl? That s rude you know! The crew roared with laughter once again, an
d this time Sanji joined in too. Even passers by who had heard what Luffy had sa
id laughed along with them.
But apparently the man had also heard Luffy because he suddenly raised a fist th
reateningly in his direction, his face a ruby red and yelled some very colourful
swear words at him before concluding in a wheezy voice: So just because I wear a
skirt doesn t mean I m a bloody girl or -cough cough- a cross dresser you brainless
little twit! It s a kilt; men wear them and anyway, He pointed at his crotch. There s
nothing wrong with liking a nice breeze down here every now and then.
Now the whole street burst into a huge fit of laughter. The old man angrily pick
ed up his bagpipes and limped away, still muttering swear words at the straw hat
kid under his breath. It was a full five minutes before the laughter died down
and people resumed their previous activities.
Luffy still sat on the ground, awaiting his answer, but none came so he decided
to ask again.
So was that old geezer a cross dresser or what? he asked loudly to no one in parti
Robin answered first. No captain-san she said with a smile. That man was Scottish.
Scottish men wear skirt like garments sometimes, known as kilts. It s a tradition
of theirs. He was not a cross dresser.
But what is a cross dresser then?!
Robin thought about it for a moment then replied. A cross dresser is someone who
dresses as one of the opposite gender. Are you understanding me? she asked him.
Um not really
Ok, for example, cook-san here she said as she gestured at Sanji who was fawning o
ver Nami and didn t notice Robin pointing at him, is a man right?
Luffy nodded his head in agreement. Yeah
And he is obsessed with women, you know that.
He nodded again.
Now imagine that cook-san suddenly develops an infatuation for women s clothing. He
starts putting on make up, wearing wigs, skirts and dresses, puts on high heele
d shoes, and possibly fake breasts as well. Oh, and shaves his legs too. That s wh
at a cross dresser is; a man dressing up as a woman or the other way round too,
a woman dressing up as a man. Have you understood now?
Yeah thanks a lot Robin! You re awesome as always! he replied as he finally picked h
imself up from the ground.
She just smiled at him and then turned to face Nami who was calling for their at
tention again.
Come on guys, we ve got a lot of things to do and we don t have much time to do them.
She said whilst she clapped her hands together as if she was addressing a group
of misbehaving 8 year olds instead of a dangerous and respectable pirate crew. It s
already 6 and we have to leave here by 8. There s a rumour that an army of Marine
s is getting here soon. We best be out of the way before they arrive.
So, me and Robin have agreed to go shopping. I heard there are some really nice c
lothes shop around here and I want to take a look at them. Oh, and maybe we ll als
o visit a jewellery shop; I really need a new pair of diamond earrings. Is it ok
with you Robin?
Robin smiled at her. Yes navigator-san it s ok for me, thank you.
Now you, Usopp, Franky. Go and look for anything you think we might need a supply
of for the Sunny. Wood, nails, whatever. Just be sure not to take long ok?
Fine they both said, and they immediately took off down the street stopping every
now and then to stare through a shop s window.
Sanji-kun you
Yes what is it you want me to do Nami-swan! he interrupted her as he swirled aroun
d Nami with little pink hearts dancing around him. Zoro made a sort of grunting
noise obviously disapproving the cook s behaviour, but it went unnoticed by the bl
onde. I ll do anything for you. Anything!
Nami sighed. Please just go and buy us some food. You should already have prepare
d the shopping list, am I right?
Yes Nami-swan here it is! and he reached inside his trouser pocket and pulled out
a piece of paper which was so long that it almost reached the ground. Then he he
ld it up just a few inches away from her face.
Yes Sanji-kun, thank you very much. Just go along now and make sure you buy enoug
h meat ok? Then she turned to face Luffy. You gave him the money you owned him did
n t you Luffy?
Of course I did Nami! he replied in a scandalised voice as he glanced at Chopper o
ut of the corner of his eye. Geez don t you trust your captain?
Nami didn t answer but just said Just go Sanji-kun and the cook sped off down the st
Then she turned to Luffy again. And what will I do with you? There s nothing else i
mportant to do really.
Um Nami? whispered Chopper. Nami looked down at the small reindeer at her feet. Yes w
hat is it Chopper?
We were, I mean me and Luffy were thinking of trying to find a casino once arrive
d and, you know try our luck there. Luffy nodded his head frantically at Nami who
just stared at them with a confused expression on her face. Since when did Chop
per and Luffy share a passion for gambling at a casino?
Sure, why not? she finally replied and the two of them were off in an instant. That
leaves only you Zoro. Well, why don t you just guard the ship? I doubt you ll find
anything that interests you here expect if you like cross dressers. She and Robi
n laughed.
Zoro just glared coldly at Nami and went back to the ship, where he immediately
stationed himself in his favourite spot of the deck and within seconds was alrea
dy fast asleep.
An hour later, a blonde man with a curly eyebrow emerged from a crowded grocery
store laden with nine heavy plastic bags, filled to the brim with food. Sanji si
ghed in relief as he got out into the fresh air. Now the only thing he needed wa
s the meat. He would have gotten it right there, but unfortunately for him there
was none left when his turn arrived. Now he had to search for another grocery.
He had been hoping to get to his beloved Nami-swan and Robin-chwan quickly and h
ad thought just for a moment to forget the meat and go back to the ship to start
cooking but then he remembered that Nami had specifically asked him to buy the
meat and he understood that she really wanted it. He couldn t make Nami sad now co
uld he?
After making sure that the bags were not about to tear as soon as he moved, he s
tarted walking through the crowd of people, trying to catch a glimpse of a sign
that said Grocery or Food Store or even Butcher would have been enough. But no!
There wasn t even one in sight!
He walked on for 10 more minutes during which he nearly had a heart attack after
a large group of clearly male cross dressers had passed by him and winked at hi
m. Not to mention the fact that they had looked him up and down several times, w
ith greedy expressions on their faces and eyes sparkling with lust. One of them
had even tried to spank his ass but by some miracle Sanji had managed to dodge t
hat and had run down the street at full speed, the weight of nine heavy bags in
his hands forgotten. Damn, some of the cross dressers here were gay too!
Now it was starting to get dark and he hadn t found a grocery yet. He checked his
wrist watch and was appalled to see that it was already 7:30. He had only half a
n hour left to find one and get back to the ship! He desperately searched every
shop he could see and finally, just around the corner there it was! A shop calle
d Angie s Grocery. He laughed joyfully and sped into the shop. There was no one. P
erfect. It would only take him a couple of minutes to buy the meat and be off. H
e laid the bags on the floor next to the counter and rang a small, silver bell w
hich was there in front of him. Almost immediately, a young woman appeared throu
gh a back door. Sanji s cigarette dropped from his mouth onto the counter at the s
ight of her. She was beautiful! A slender figure, long dark hair which fell past
her shoulders, bright green eyes and a voluptuous chest. She was wearing a pair
of torn jeans and a white shirt that showed her midriff. It complemented her fi
gure perfectly.
What can I do for you sir? she asked in a small, sweet voice. Sanji instantly brok
e out of his trance.
I I uh I need 60kg of red meat please.
Wow that sure is a lot of meat! Are you gonna feed a whole army or what? she said
and laughed at her own joke.
He he, well my captain eats a lot so I better make sure to buy enough for everyon
Oh are you a Marine? She gasped. But you re not dressed like one! She looked him up an
d down. Sanji was wearing an orange, striped shirt and black waist coat and trou
sers along with a black tie. (A/N: I love his Water 7 outfit! ;P)
Sanji laughed. Oh no, no. I m a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Ever heard of us? h
e added hopefully.
Uh, sorry no.
Sanji sighed in evident disappointment. Doesn t matter. We re still new to these part
s anyway. By the way, tell me what is your name?
Didn t you see the sign outside? she asked looking surprised. It says : Angie s Grocer
y. I am Angie! she stated with a smile.
Sanji blushed. Oh, well I was in a hurry to get in so I didn t notice it.
But it seemed that Sanji no longer wanted to hurry up. He and Angie spent the ne
xt 10 minutes chatting and chatting and chatting on only god knew what. Sanji se
emed to grow in love with the girl more and more with each second that passed. B
ut that was quite normal for him. It happened with practically every good lookin
g woman he met.
Her smile, her laughter and even her voice, made him drool all over the place li
ke a rottweiler lying outside on a hot summer s day for hours and now the place wa
s even swarming with bright pink hearts floating around Sanji in circles, only v
isible to him. The scene could make any passer by who looked at them plain sick.
Outside, a nearby clock chimed 8 but Sanji didn t seem to notice it or maybe he si
mply didn t give it a care. He only wanted to stay in this enchanted grocery, beca
use surely, this grocery had to be a magical place for him to meet such an amazi
ng and gorgeous creature.
Perhaps the blonde cook was right about that, because a minute later another pre
tty girl entered the building. He looked at her. Big brown eyes, orange hair she d
id seem vaguely familiar but right now Sanji had only eyes, I mean, an eye for A
ngie. Only when the second woman grabbed his ear and pulled it painfully enough
to get the cook s whole, undivided attention did he remember who she was.
Ow Nami-san it hurts! whined Sanji. Let go LET GO!
his already overly stretched ear.
Nami-san I he began.
I was worried sick about you! As well as the others of course. she added quickly. T
hought you were in trouble. Zoro even mentioned that you might have been taken a
way by some Marines or something. Then me and Luffy decided to leave the ship an
d look for you, and I find you here! Chatting away without a care in the world w
ith this girl! She pointed angrily at Angie to emphasise her point.
But Nami-san listen to me and he told her everything that had happened to him since
he had left them near the Sunny. I m sorry I got you worried about me. Just lost t
rack of time! That can happen even to me. I promise to never, EVER make you worr
y about me again Nami-san. He nodded his head in agreement to what he had just s
Nami sighed for the thousandth time that day. She forgave him but only because i
t was Sanji. If it had been Luffy or Zoro in his place she would have beaten the
m up so badly that they wouldn t even be able to recognise a man from a woman.
Right. Anyway we must go now. We should have left this island already but thanks
too you she trailed off as walked slowly towards the door.
Um, Nami-san?
What is it now? She turned around and faced Sanji again.
Um you see, I still have to buy the meat but
BUY IT THEN! she yelled as her eyes popped out of their sockets and she suddenly g
rew fangs. Then her face returned to its usual beauty and she strode outside, ba
nging the door loudly behind her. Then she re-opened the door and said in a much
meeker voice, I am waiting outside. Hurry up. and went back outside.
Um then its 60kg of red meat ok? said an embarrassed, blonde cook. Do you need help c
arrying it? It s quite a heavy load.
No thanks. I have helpers in the back room. I ll be back in a sec. she replied and w
as already through the door and out of sight.
Hey dad said Angie as she closed the door behind her and caught sight of her fathe
r who was sitting, a few feet away on an enormous wooden crate with the words MA
RIJUANA written in bright red on one of its sides and was reading a newspaper. N
ext to that crate was also another, equally large one labelled: DANGEROUS RARE D
EVIL FRUITS. HANDLE WITH CAUTION. The man was a huge, with tanned skin, black ha
ir like his daughter s and a thick moustache that covered half of his face that ba
rely showed bright green eyes like Angie s. He had very muscular arms, and without
any doubt could lift a hippo or two without breaking a sweat. A bloke back there
wants about 60 kg of red meat. Can you get go and get some?
Sure answered her father, in a deep, rumbling voice and left through another door.
A couple of minutes later he was back in the room, carrying a huge bag full of
meat on his back. He didn t stop there though. He walked through the other door, l
eading to the room where Sanji was currently waiting, and dumped the meat at the
cook s feet. Sanji looked at the man with a bewildered expression on his face. Ho
w could someone as big as him fit into a tiny shop like this? Are you sure you ca
n carry that kiddo? said suddenly the big, bearded man in a booming voice (A/N: L
OL!). His eyes swept to the nine bags beside Sanji and then to the blonde s thin,
skinny figure and back to the bags again.
Sure I can buddy replied the cook coolly; as he lit a cigarette and put it in his
mouth, replacing the one he had a few seconds earlier. I m much stronger than I loo
k. With that said, he handed Angie s dad the money for the meat. The man just grunt
ed in response and made his way back to the back room just as Angie herself sidl
ed through its door, carrying a strange looking thing in her arms. It was round,
with a stem sprouting from its top. It resembled an apple but was much bigger a
nd was also a strange, pinkish colour. As she came closer, Sanji could see heart
and flower shaped designs covering its surface. It looked quite cute to tell th
e truth.
What s that thing you got there Angie-chan? asked a curious Sanji.
Angie smiled at him and placed the weird looking object into Sanji s hands.
It s for me? he said in a confused voice.
Angie nodded. A gift she said. So that you can remember me once you set off on your
voyage she added with a sweet smile on her face.
Sanji could shout with joy then and there. He was so happy that he hugged the pi
nk thing to his chest and started swirling around the place, once again with an
army of imaginary pink hearts circling him wherever he moved.
Just one thing please Sanji she added. Sanji stopped dancing around and moved clos
er to her. That fruit she said and pointed at the object in Sanji s arms. Please I wo
uld like you to share it with no one else in your crew. Just eat it alone can yo
u? she pleaded.
Er why is that? he asked, clearly confused at what the girl had just said.
It ll make me very happy to know that you ll eat it by yourself. That only you will e
njoy my present she answered in a cheerful voice, though she looked a little unco
mfortable as she said that.
Anyone else would have found her answer to be slightly suspicious but not our Sa
nji naturally. Of course Angie-chan, anything for you! he chirped.
Than put it in one of your bags so no one will see it
Ok he replied, and he shoved the fruit deep in one of the bags.
Just at that moment, Nami decided to burst into the room. Are you ready or what S
anji? she asked angrily.
Sure thing Nami-swan! He picked up all ten bags into his hands. He didn t seem to fe
el any strain at all in his happiness. Goodbye Angie-chan he called as he reached
the door. Hope to see you again some day! And he was gone. Then, out of no where A
ngie s father appeared at her side.
What was that thing you gave that kid? he inquired in a deep voice. He was sure th
at he already knew the answer but decided to ask anyway. Angie said nothing but
hopped onto the counter and crossed her legs. After a few seconds she started la
ughing madly and decided to answer her father s question.
A devil s fruit of course! she exclaimed joyfully. What an idiot he was. Didn t even re
alise what I gave him. She added.
Which one?
She snickered at the thought. The Girl Girl Fruit.
Where have you been stupid love cook? asked a certain green haired swordsman as he
got up from his afternoon nap which had now turned into a night time one just a
s Nami and Sanji had climbed aboard the Sunny and Franky had pulled up the ancho
r. Got lost or what? This earned him a kick in the head by the cook and a painful
slap from the navigator.
Be grateful that I found him or you wouldn t have been able to eat anything at all!
she snarled. Is Luffy back Robin? she asked the archaeologist, who was sitting on
a chair reading yet another book.
Yes he came back quite a long while ago. I think he is beneath deck with Chopper,
trying to hide their winnings from you. she replied calmly, not taking her eyes
off of her book.
WHAT?! she yelled furiously and in less then a second she was off to find her capt
ain, probably to strangle him too.
Winnings? asked a dazed Sanji to no one in particular.
Yeah replied Franky. Those two went to a casino and came back with five thousand be
ris each, the lucky guys.
Whatever, I m off to prepare supper said the cook, unfazed by the fact that his capt
ain was about to be murdered by the orange haired navigator, just like the rest
of the crew anyway.
Supper time: 10:30pm
Exactly an hour later Sanji, yelled at the crew that supper was finally ready. A
s soon as he said that, he glimpsed something red wearing a straw hat swooshing
past him and through the door that led to the kitchen at a very high speed. Sanj
i caught the thing by the collar of its shirt as the thing let out a loud animal
istic groan that sounded like FOOOOOOD .
Luffy struggled fruitlessly against his captor but couldn t get himself free from
the cook s tight grip on him. Finally he lost his temper and started yelling as lo
Shut up idiot, you know that Nami and Robin have to always enter first! Geez, wil
l you never learn any manners? he said more to himself then to the flailing teena
ger in his arms.
Ah Nami-swan, Robin-chwan! beamed Sanji as the two women approached them. Please ge
t in quickly before Luffy devours everything. I can t restrain him much longer. He
added. Sure enough Luffy was trying to bite his way out of Sanji s firm grip on hi
The two quickly did as they were told and as soon as they sat down on the stools
surrounding the table, he let go of Luffy who literally jumped onto the food la
den table and started to gobble up everything in sight.
Oi, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Marimo head! he called. You better get here quickly. Lu
ffy has already eaten half of your share!
In a matter of seconds, four figures swept past him and started to tackle Luffy
onto the ground, trying to take three huge pieces of meat and a carrot from his
hands. Obviously he had stolen them from his nakama s plates and apparently wasn t k
een on the idea to give them back.
Sanji just sighed and re-entered the kitchen after his crewmates. Why did every
meal here have to break out into a war? The cook made his way to the counter and
leaned on it, watching what was happening before his eyes, I mean eye. Luffy wa
s having no difficulty in keeping off of him his nakama and at the same time eat
ing away at the meat. Though Chopper had given up on the carrot, and went back t
o his seat at the table thinking that Luffy had gobbled it up already but the te
en had only stowed it in his jeans pocket to eat later. Meanwhile Franky had sur
prisingly managed to steal back his piece of meat by means of a very dirty trick
, literally. He had found out that Luffy was very sensitive around his nipple ar
ea, so he had pinched one of his nipples and the result was immediate. Luffy let
go of one piece of meat and Franky wasted no time in running off with it to the
table though as soon as he looked at it closely, he discovered that his piece o
f meat was half missing! He cursed at Luffy, ate the meat quickly, devoured the
rest of the contents on his plate and went back to join the wrestling match.
Five minutes later, the fight finished with Luffy sighing contentedly at the lar
ge amount of food he had eaten though now his face was full of large bruises inc
luding a black eye and a bloody, swollen lip. Also his nipples were sore with Fr
anky abusing them for so long.
As soon as there was not a single crumb of food left on any of the plates, Sanji
started to clean up the place whilst the rest of the crew lounged around the ki
tchen, chatting, sitting quietly or in Zoro s case lifting heavy weights in a corn
er. At a request from Nami and Usopp, Luffy and Chopper were re-telling their ex
citing adventure at the casino, whilst Franky was talking to Robin about the new
technological, appliances he had bought on the island, including some strange i
tems called a plasma screen and a dvd player. He continued to blab on about them
whilst Robin sat opposite him reading another book, though still listening inte
ntly at what he was telling her and smiling whenever Franky stopped to catch bre
At long last, after half an hour of washing and scrubbing and cleaning every sin
gle spot of dirt on every surface of the kitchen, Sanji could finally rest. He s
at down onto one of the empty stools observing the place, tired but happy that i
t shined so brightly. At least at that moment because the next morning (or that
same night, depending when Luffy got hungry next) it would be back to its normal
appearance, meaning dirty plates everywhere and a numerous amount of stains cov
ering the counter, table and floor. Sighing, the cook took out his pack of cigar
ettes from his pocket and lit another one which he placed into his mouth at once
It had been a really tough day. Cross dressers everywhere he looked, hours of wa
iting for nothing, having to carry ten extremely heavy bags which would rip off
any normal man s arms for hours, Nami s yelling into his poor ears, that marimo bast
ard s taunting, cleaning the entire kitchen, not to mention the fact that he was s
till had the picture of Luffy s partially exposed manhood stuck in his head. And n
ow he had guard duty tonight. Just great. At least one good thing happened today
. He had met another one of this world s finest creations: Angie. His thoughts wen
t back on how beautiful and sweet she was. He was practically drooling again as
he remembered how kind of her it was to give him a gift to remember her for ever
. The fruit! That s right!
He stood up suddenly, walked swiftly towards the fridge and opened the door. The
re it was. The pink fruit with the cute heart and flower designs etched into its
surface. He reached out a hand towards a cupboard and pulled out a clean plate.
He then brought out a long, sharp knife from out of the drawer. He put these on
the empty table, grabbed the fruit from inside the fridge and placed it on the
Now was the perfect opportunity to eat it without anyone disturbing him, especia
lly a certain black haired, scarred teen. He picked up the knife and was about t
o cut a piece when he had second thoughts and brought the knife back onto the ta
ble. It was a souvenir from Angie, he couldn t just eat it after only a few hours
that she had given it to him! He would leave it for a day or two and then start
to eat it slowly. But if he did that, someone would probably find it and eat it
themselves sooner or later. Every member of the crew visited the fridge daily es
pecially Franky for his beloved cola and Luffy who came at least twenty five tim
es a day looking for something tasty to eat.
No, he should probably just eat it now. After all Angie did make him promise to
make sure to eat it all by himself and he couldn t break a promise made to a woman
no matter how far away she was at the moment. So he picked up the sharp knife a
gain, cut the pink fruit in half and then cut it into smaller pieces. The cook s
elected one of the largest pieces and bit into it. Almost immediately, he let ou
t a high pitched scream of fear and surprise, in a voice unlike his own.
Zoro was lying sprawled on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, halfway between consc
iousness and the land of dreams, when suddenly he heard a scream from inside the
kitchen. He immediately sprang up, grabbed his trusted katanas and ran as fast
as he could, expecting either Nami or Robin being attacked by an enemy. He unshe
athed the katanas, placing Wado Ichimonji in his mouth whilst he gripped the oth
er two tightly in his hands. He reached the door and tried to open it but with n
o luck. It was locked from the inside so without further ado, he smashed the doo
r open with his foot. It crashed down onto the floor, breaking into little piece
s, but Zoro didn t stop to admire the mess he had made. He was ready to kick some
unfortunate asses but as he stepped inside the kitchen, his mind stopped working
completely. Wado Ichimonji fell from his mouth, which was hanging wide open, wi
th a loud clank on the wooden floor. It was followed by the other two almost imm
ediately. He couldn t believe what he saw. There was a woman there but no enemies
in sight. Much more importantly it wasn t Nami or even Robin which was standing be
fore him but a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, baby blue eyes and a swirly
eyebrow? Oh my god No! This couldn t be possible. It was Sanji!
As Zoro stood in the doorway with his mouth hanging wide open looking like a com
plete idiot, the rest of the crew arrived at the scene of the disaster. Luffy wa
s the first to arrive, screaming at the top of his lungs. AHHHH! NAMI, ROBIN. WHA
T S GOING ON? ARE YOU HURT? NAMI! ROB wait you re not Nami or Robin are you? he said as
he stopped next to Zoro and took a better look at the blonde woman.
Of course I m not Nami or Robin you shitty, little, brainless idiot! I m Sanji! growle
d the woman angrily.
Sanji? repeated Luffy looking thoroughly confused at what the blonde woman had jus
t said. Then he came up with the most intelligent explanation to what he was see
ing that he could ever EVER have come up with. Ooooh Sanji he began with a huge grin
beginning to form onto his face, which looked slightly mischievous, I never knew
you were a A CROSS DRESSER! He then started laughing maniacally and threw himself
on the ground banging his fists on the wooden floor, as if he had told them the
funniest joke that was ever created.
This joyful moment ended soon though, as suddenly he felt a great amount of pain
coming from his head. Nami had come from behind him and brought down her foot h
eavily on top of the boy s head, creating a nasty bump the size of an ostrich s egg.
OWWWWW! he moaned as tears flowed down his already bruised checks.
Nami didn t take any notice of him and instead turned to Zoro was still standing t
ransfixed on the ground, hardly moving a muscle with his mouth still hanging ope
n and eyes bulging out of their sockets. Nami slapped Zoro across the face to ge
t his attention and when he did look at her instead of the blonde woman before h
im she asked the question she was burning to know. Who the hell is she?
Are you blind or what? the swordsman asked her truly believing what he just said. C
an t you see the swirly eyebrow? It s Sanji! And his mouth fell open again as he turn
ed to face the woman that was once Sanji. This time Nami joined in too.
Seconds later, entered Franky, Chopper, Usopp and Nico Robin to witness this str
ange event. Robin looked mildly confused at what she saw whilst Franky, Chopper
and Usopp joined Zoro and Nami in the Who s mouth can open widest? contest but it wa
s unsure if it was because there was a hot blonde before their eyes or if they h
ad realised yet that the woman was Sanji.
It was a few minutes later that someone spoke again.
Is that you cook-san? inquired Robin.
The woman nodded gravely and pushed herself into one of the stools. Robin imitat
ed what she had done and went to sit next to her. (A/N: from now on I ll be referr
ing to Sanji in she form) As she did so, Sanji started crying. Robin reached out
a hand and patted her back gently trying to comfort her. Tell us what has happen
ed to you cook-san she said. Sanji nodded.
Well, I was here after I finished cleaning up, and I sat down to light a cigarett
e and rest for a while before guard duty. Then I remembered a gift a girl gave m
e this morning, when I went to by the meat. It was a weird looking, pink fruit.
There, that one she added as she pointed at a broken plate on the floor where pie
ces of pink fruit where scattered around it.
Long nose-kun said Robin suddenly.
What is it? replied Usopp.
Could you please get another plate and pick up the pieces of fruit on the floor?
I would like to examine them.
Of course. And he did just as she told him.
And doctor-san she added.
Yes Robin?
There s a book lying on my desk downstairs. Could you get it for me please? It has
a red cover so you can t mistake it with another one.
Chopper nodded and was off in a flash. Meanwhile Robin gestured for the rest of
the crew to sit down. Everyone did so expect Usopp, who was picking up the fruit
and Zoro who was still standing motionless next to the door and didn t seem to ha
ve any intention to move from there any time soon.
Continue cook-san said Robin gently.
I cut it up so I could eat it bit by bit but after the second bite, I started to
feel strange. Then a sudden pain shot through my whole body, as if my insides we
re boiling themselves and then I started to transform. My hair grew longer, my f
ace became more feminine and well she looked down at herself, still clad in black
waist coat, black trousers and striped orange shirt which were now too big for h
er you know what I mean. She felt the all the men s eyes stare at her chest which wa
s now larger than both Robin and Nami s. Even Zoro couldn t help but stare, though a
fter a quick glance he took his eyes off of her, with a light blush on his tanne
d face.
I got it Robin! yelled the little doctor as he ran as fast as he could towards the
archaeologist. After he handed over the book and received a thankful smile from
Robin, he found an empty stool next to Luffy who was still holding his throbbin
g head in his heads though there was no sign of any pain in his face, and sat ne
xt to him.
Everyone sat silently, hardly daring to breathe as they intently watched Robin s e
very move. She had picked up a piece of the fruit with her index and middle fing
ers and was looking at it closely, observing it s every tiny little detail. After
a full minute of examining it, she put it back on the plate and opened the thick
book next to her which to everyone s surprise and also sudden understanding at wh
at was going on was entitled: The Devil Fruit Encyclopaedia : Everything You Cou
ld Ever Hope To Know About Them.
For a long time Robin flitted through its pages, occasionally stopping, perhaps
because she thought she had found what she was looking for but apparently was no
t so. Finally at page 302, the placed a finger onto the book and cried Aha!
Everyone leaned in closer to see what she was looking at expect Zoro who was sti
ll next to the door and didn t show any intentions of moving closer to the others.
On the page was a large picture of a pink fruit, covered with strange designs t
hat looked very much like hearts and flowers. Sanji was staring fearfully at Rob
in, obviously dreading about the terrible things she could have found out about
that fruit.
After several long minutes she closed the book with a loud snap. She faced each
of the crew in turn and finally rested her gaze upon Sanji who returned her star
I have found out many interesting things about this fruit she started. Some are goo
d and some are well not so good.
Tell us demanded Nami.
Very well. The devil fruit that cook-san has just eaten yes unfortunately it is a d
evil fruit captain-san she added sadly as she saw the look of shock upon Luffy s fa
Is called the Girl Girl Fruit. No one said a single thing so Robin continued. It is
a very rare and strange fruit. By that I mean that it does not grant its eater
any special power, control over a natural element or the ability to transform in
to an animal, or in doctor-san s case she gestured at Chopper with her head gain hum
an characteristics.
Then what does it do? asked Luffy.
This one here she said as she looked at the fruit lying harmlessly on the table mak
es any man who eats it turn into a woman permanently.
The crew shot Sanji pitying looks which made Sanji even worse than before.
Y you mean I ll remain a w woman forever? she asked not even daring to believe what she
had just said.
Robin was about to answer but Nami interrupted her. Where did you exactly get tha
t fruit Sanji?
So Sanji told them about how she had met Angie as she went to buy the meat and h
ow she had given her the fruit, claiming it to be a gift from her.
You mean that girl at the grocery store? She gave that to you? she said angrily as
she pointed at the fruit. Sanji nodded. But I was there! Outside the door I mean
. Why didn t you show it to me?
Sanji paused for a moment before speaking in a small voice, hardly a whisper. She
told me that I should eat it alone. That I shouldn t share it with anyone else.
Nami slapped a hand onto her face. Sanji. It s so obvious that she knew she was han
ding you a devil fruit. How on earth didn t you realise that?
I m sorry was her only answered as more tears fell down his face.
There was silence for a while before Sanji spoke again. You know how I am she said
particularly to Nami. I lose my head when I see a pretty girl. I couldn t think st
raight back then, otherwise I would have realised what that thing was. And starte
d crying again.
Nami leaned over and patted the cook s shoulder gently. It s ok Sanji. I m sure that we l
l find a solution to this mess. We re the Straw Hat Pirates after all! Am I right
Robin? she asked the raven haired woman.
Yes you re quite right she answered with a bright smile. Everyone, including Nami st
ared at her in surprise. According to this book she said as she stroked its cover,
there s another fruit like the Girl Girl Fruit but with opposite power. It s called
the Guy Guy Fruit and it can turn any woman who eats it into a man, and I m sure t
hat it will work for cook-san here. That s because she s entirely a woman now. Perha
ps she will still think, act and feel like a man now but the book says that abou
t a few hours after the fruit is eaten, cook-san will change even in those aspec
ts. That also means she shot an evil looking grin at Sanji, that you ll start being a
ttracted to men soon!
WHAT! NO, NEVER! THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! yelled the cook as she stood up from the
table and slammed her hands onto the table. She looked at Luffy, Usopp, Franky a
nd finally at Zoro next to the door, (A/N: I don t think Chopper counts) who were
all staring at her or at her enormous chest really. The intensity of their gaze
made her sit back down. She didn t want them to start drooling too. That would be
completely disgusting.
There s still one big problem left objected Nami after she had slapped all the men.
(including Zoro) Where do we find this Guy Guy Fruit? Does the book say anything
about that?
Yes as a matter of fact it does replied Robin. It says that the Guy Guy fruit can o
nly be found on one island in all of the Grand Line. This island is called The arc
haeologist tried to stifle a laugh as she struggled to continue. You won t believe
what it s called navigator-san! she informed Nami.
Why, what s it called? interjected Luffy.
Manhood Island!
What s with these islands names in these parts anyway? cried Nami angrily as the rest
of the crew roared with laughter expect Luffy who didn t seem to have understood
what Robin had said. First Cross Dresser Island and now this? Who named them must
have been a real pervert!
Why? asked Luffy but nobody answered him.
Anyway continued the navigator. Luckily I have heard about this Manhood Island and I
think I have its exact location on a map somewhere. We should be able to arrive
there soon enough. A couple of days at least, sorry Sanji. She added but you must
have a little patience. I know it must be really tough to go through what you re g
oing through right now. We ll do the best we can to get you back to normal as soon
as possible ok?
Sanji nodded. Thank you Nami-san and you to Robin-chan. You really helped a lot.
I was going crazy before you arrived. The two just smiled at her.
That explained the locked door said a rough voice. Everyone turned to face Zoro wh
o hadn t moved an inch since the whole discussion had begun. The door was locked wh
en I arrived here he explained had to crash it down to enter. What were you doing
you stup I mean Sanji he said quickly.
The cook blushed. Well I I didn t want anyone to see me while I felt the changes in my
body. Everyone still seemed not to have understood so Sanji sighed and lifted her
hands to cup her breasts. Immediately, all the men had massive nosebleeds (incl
uding Zoro and Chopper) whilst Robin and Nami averted their gazes from the blond
OK everyone bellowed Nami. There s nothing more to see here. Go on, off to bed NOW! and
she pointed her finger towards the doorless exit. Franky make sure you fit in a n
ew door tomorrow ok?
Sure Nami answered the panty clad cyborg and left the room with Chopper.
Just as Usopp was going after them, Nami called him back over. What? he snarled.
Sanji has been through enough today and deserves a full night of sleep.
So he, I mean she had to be on guard duty tonight but obviously she can t so you go
instead of her.
What! Why me? Ask Zoro or Luffy here he yelled and pointed at the green head and t
he black head.
Because you re the first my eyes landed on, so go!
Fine muttered the sniper and he was off, whispering swear words under his breath a
t the orange haired navigator.
Zoro finally moved from the spot he had rooted himself into for the past minutes
. He picked up his katanas who were still lying on the ground and was off after
Usopp, but only after eying Sanji up and down for one last time that night.
Only Sanji, Nami, Robin and Luffy remained in the kitchen though nobody understo
od why the latter was still amongst them.
Now Sanji said Nami. Since you re gonna remain like that for a couple of days you nee
d some new clothes. Yours are just too big now. Sanji nodded in agreement. So I ll b
e lending you some of mine ok?
You can have some of mine too cook-san added Robin with a smile. I think you ll look
gorgeous in a skirt.
The three of them laughed.
You shouldn t worry on how the others look at you too since now you re a very attract
ive woman and any men would be mad not to drool simply by looking at you. We re us
ed to it she sighed as she looked at Robin who nodded at what the orange haired g
irl had just said. Just act normally as much as you can and everything will be fi
With that said, Nami stood up from the table together with Robin. Come on, I will
give you one of nightdresses before we go to bed. There s an empty bedroom next t
o ours which no one ever uses. You can sleep there tonight cause it would be cra
zy to let you sleep with the men not to sat dangerous too.
Together they walked over the broken bits of wood on the floor and out of the do
orway when suddenly Sanji remembered something. Nami-san isn t Luffy still there? he
I forgot! she exclaimed loudly. What the hell is he still doing in there anyway? She
went back into the kitchen to find Luffy still at the table, with an all too fa
miliar confused expression on his face, which meant that he hadn t understood some
thing and was trying to figure it out.
What is it Luffy? she sighed impatiently.
Luffy turned to look at Nami and when he had locked eyes with hers, he asked the
question which had been bothering him so much. Nami what is a manhood?
A/N: This took a hell lot of time to write out but I m really satisfied by it. I t
hink it s the longest chapter I ever wrote till now! and i'm sorry if it's too lon
g for your liking but i wanted to get done with it. So ok there wasn t much ZoroxS
anji but there was also a tiny little bit of FrankyxRobin if anyone even noticed
. I promise that in future chapters there will be much more ZoSan so stay tuned.
As always pls R&R. I expect a lot of nice little reviews after so much hard wor
k. Also any constructive criticism is always welcome. Thanks!

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Getting Stuck Isn't All It's Made Out To Be
Author of 7 Stories
Rated: M - English - General/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 6 - Published: 03-0
6-08 - Complete - id:4115222
Getting stuck isn t all it s made out to be
WHAT? Zoro stood there in shock, completely dumbfounded as to what to do.
Sanji took a long drag and blew the smoke in the baffled swordsman s face. He gave
him a look that said he thought him a brainless idiot and tapped his ashes off
into the ocean. Grunting in annoyance the cook turned and walked away.
Che, never mind. I knew you weren t up for the challenge anyway. Sanji waved over hi
s shoulder as he returned to the galley. You probably wouldn t know what to do anyw
ay and I d be stuck trying to teach your sorry ass. It wouldn t be worth it.
Oi, now hold on a minute. Zoro dropped the weights he had been holding, and stompe
d after the blonde, much resembling a spoiled child that hadn t gotten his way. Dam
n it, shitty-cook, get back here!
When the two of them had disappeared into the cook s domain, Nami started taking b
ets as to what they were doing. At the moment, the odds were in favor of them ha
ving sex.
Several crashes and a few muffled shouts later, the entire crew had pasted thems
elves at the door, trying to listen. The window had been blocked off with someth
ing, so peeping was no longer an option. After a moment they heard Zoro s annoyed
Damn it, it won t work.
Use more of that. It will make it easier.
It feels weird.
You don t care if you re covered in blood, but this bugs you?
That s different, I like blood.
Well, I can fix that if you want, but it ll ruin everything.
Che, how s this?
Better, but loosen your grip or you ll kill it. Just keep the motion steady and smo
Fucker, I can t concentrate with you breathing down my neck like this.
Well then turn around so I can talk to your face.
As if, I don t want to look at you while we do this.
Don t worry, I wont tell them. Besides, they d never believe me anyway.
I swear if you do, I ll shove this so far up your ass you ll taste it for weeks.
Ow fuck! That hurt.
Loosen up, Marimo or you ll break it.
I can t believe I m doing this with you. How does that feel?
Hey, that s pretty good. You re getting better. I guess you can be taught.
Several more crashes and grunts were heard before a loud thumping started.
Keep it quiet Marimo.
Fuck off ero-cook.
Are you done yet?
Um .
I m stuck. It wont come out.
What do you mean you re stuck?
Hey, I didn t do it on purpose ok? I guess I didn t use enough of that stuff to keep
from sticking.
Ok, we can fix this I think.
Not able to take it anymore, Nami burst into the galley and froze. There at the
table, were the ship s Cook and Swordsman, covered in flour and currently wrestlin
g to remove the mess entangle on Zoro s hands. Sanji smirked at him and taunted.
Ha! I was right! You are completely unable to do anything without using brute for
ce! I knew it! All you know is swords and that s it. It s no wonder that you re a virg
Nami and the others groaned in disappointment and shut the door, frustrated that
they all had been wrong as to what the men were doing. If only they had stuck a
round another thirty seconds.
So what if I am, at least I don t try to screw anything with a screeching voice and
How about someone with no tits and a tight ass? Sanji had finally removed most of
the dough from Zoro s hands and watched as the swordsman washed the remainder off
in the sink.
Zoro paused for a brief moment, contemplating if it was a trick or not, before t
ilting his head in Sanji s direction. Is that a challenge?
Do you plan on being gentle? Sanji retorted.
Zoro s smirk said everything and Sanji crushed their lips together in a fierce kis
s. Virgin he might be, but that didn t mean Zoro didn t know how to use his mouth. S
anji moaned into the kiss and ground their hips together, as each of them began
to tear off the other s clothing.

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Wet Dreams drabble
Author of 3 Stories
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 5 - Published: 04-0
7-08 - Complete - id:4183420
Ace I told you I don t want a welcoming party when I get to the hotel
Ace I told you I don t want a welcoming party when I get to the hotel. Ran pouring d
own on the green haired man, jeans and t-shirt soaking, with a cell phone stuck
to his ear. Ha people must think he was crazy. Ace don t send this person to see me
, I don t want them there- The phone clicked on the other end leaving only the soun
d of the dial tone. Zoro sighed walking into the tall building and up to the des
k to grab his room key.
The woman at the desk looked up at him smiling. Can I help you?
Roronoa Zoro.
Ah mister Zoro, welcome to the Sun In Hotel She said handing him the key. Your room
numbers 735, please enjoy your stay. He took the key grabbing a mint from the li
ttle glass bowl and headed to the elevator.
Zoro opened the door to his room. It was just as his manager had promised clean
and simple. He closed the door with a foot and threw his bag on the floor. Yanki
ng off his shirt and throwing it on his bag, he wandered over to the mini fridge
hoping for a beer. None Damn. A soft knock came from the door. Oh please I just
fucking got here. Zoro walked to the door and opened it.
Standing hand propped on the doorframe, one leg crossing the other and a cigaret
te dangling slightly from his mouth was the hottest thing Zoro swore he ever saw
. The plaid mini skirt the man wore almost showed his ass and his reveling shirt
didn t do much better for Zoro s now growing arousal.
The blonde man entered the room running a finger over Zoro s lower lip and smirkin
g in a taunting way. Hooking his fingers in his skirt and pulling down just enou
gh that Zoro could see inches of his pale ass he walked towards the mini fridge.
No wine, no beer, just water, Sanji frowned. Pulling a twenty from the wallet i
n his hand he headed back to Zoro and pressed the black leather to his chest. Kee
p the door unlocked I won t be long and just like that the blonde had disappeared a
s fast as he came.
Zoro glanced down at the wallet that now lay in his hand and indeed it had been
his wallet the blonde had stolen the twenty from. Zoro slowly shut the door leav
ing it unlocked as told and fell on his bed grabbing the cell phone and dialing
a number. YOU GOT ME A HOOKER?!
Yup, and a hot one at that.
WHY?! The door to Zoro s room opened as the skinny blonde walked in and shut the doo
r behind him, carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Zoro stared on second th
ought I got to go he turned the phone off and watched as Sanji climbed onto the b
ed. Snaking up Zoros legs and handing him one of the glasses, the blonde sat the
wine on the bed next to them and attacked the green haired mans ear. Zoro groan
ed as Sanji wrapped his long legs around his torso.
Soon the sheets were missing, clothes lying in a pile next to the bed, wine gone
and glasses regarded. Zoro was licking and biting down the blondes pale chest,
while Sanji lay under him moaning and running fingers over Zoro s member. Soon he
had the blonde s legs over his shoulders and pinned in a way he thought was humanl
y impossible. Shoving his huge erection into Sanji s ever so tight ass he moaned.
Pulling almost all the way out he shoved in again harder this time, which earned
him a whimper. Repeating over again the blonde, in no time, shoved back. Zoro h
eld onto Sanji s hips as he rolled onto Zoro s cock. They both moaned until Zoro gra
bbed at Sanji s cock and pumped. He was about to come they both were until
Zoro sat up in his hammock panting, pants wet. Shit Roronoa Zoro had just had a
wet dream about Sanji. He looked over at the blonde s hammock. Sighing Zoro got ou
t of his hammock grabbed a new pair of underwear and pants and walked out of the
bunkroom. Zoro defiantly did not have wet dreams about people.

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Their Wedding Night
mr redrum
Author of 49 Stories
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 2 - Published: 05-2
3-08 - Complete - id:4273185
AUTHOR: mrredrum.
PAIRING: ZoroxSanji, with a little hints of LuffyxNami in the background.
NOTES: ZoSan s wedding night. Dedicated to my wonderful beta-er kakairupowns whose
always warming up my heart with her fanfiction and pseudoshigure whose being ki
ndness enough edited one of my favorite userpic at lj. Thank you.
My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me,
That I must love a loathed enemy
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun
( From William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet )
The sound of music and the babble of talking and laughing could be heard lingeri
ng around the dark ocean that surrounded the Baratie when Blackleg Sanji, now of
ficially Roronoa Blackleg Sanji, slipped through the trapdoor of the crow s nest o
f the Thousand Sunny floating nearby. The blonde actually didn t want to be away f
rom his guests, and still wanted to entertain all of the beautiful ladies at the
party, well aware that this was his last night as a bachelor, but realized that
a certain someone wasn t down there, and that wish faded.
The one person who should be with him, and accompany him in both happy times and
sad, like the oath they just took said, was already betraying that oath by not
being there. So, why did he have to celebrate alone in the middle of the crowd,
anyway? That bastard better be in the crow s nest waiting for me and not drunk som
ewhere, or I ll fillet him for almost ruining our wedding ceremony was Sanji s last t
hought before heading towards the Sunny.
As soon as his entire body was inside the crow s nest, he was rather surprised wit
h all of the white chiffon and the mix of blue and green silk that decorated it.
It glowed even in the middle of the night.
There, in the sofa near the wide window, was his green-haired swordsman, who sat
watching the dark ocean outside, while one hand held an almost empty wine bottl
e. Sanji snorted. Hn, it figures
Zoro, though, didn t stir much and kept his eyes on the ocean outside. It used to
bug Sanji that Zoro didn t pay attention to the cook when he appeared like this, b
ecause of how the swordsman can detect and react to anything immediately. After
awhile Sanji realized that this simply happened because, for Zoro, Sanji was som
eone he was comfortable around and could act naturally with.
Slowly walking towards Zoro, he reached out to snatch the wine from his hand, an
d took a deep gulp. Then he smirked at the frowning swordsman. Your fault, asshol
e. You really shouldn t leave me alone in the middle of our party, you know. I mea
n, I thought we already said our vows to always be together, both in happiness a
nd sadness. I know that you don t believe in God and such, but you have to know th
at I didn t join in this alliance so I could mourn like a good-ole-housewife every
time you re being an idiot and almost get cut in two, Marimo.
I don t like crowds, cook. You know that. Zoro replied calmly, his deep, dark eyes l
ocked on the blonde in front of him.
Sanji sighed, and reached for the swordsman s head with one hand and tugging him t
owards him, placing a light kiss on the man s forehead.
Yeah, I ve been aware of that for a long time, bastard, Sanji answered, already pull
ing at his tie, and starting to divest of his clothes. Zoro s eyes widened.
What the heck are you doing, cook? he asked, causing Sanji to roll his eyes in exa
speration. I really hope I don t catch his stupidity after a while, cause we re now o
fficially going to be living with each other.
and I m also aware that a certain muscle-head forgot about his own wedding night, b
ut I m planning on sticking with him anyway. Huh! I can be loyal sometimes, don t yo
u think, Zoro-kun?
Che, but since you can t be loyal to one woman, maybe that s why you ended up with me
, baka-cook, Zoro smirked. His smirk faded and changed into a slight blush in his
cheeks when Sanji was completely naked.
The cook slipped his body into Zoro s lap, and after settling in so that he was po
sitioned face-to-face with the swordsman, he started to grind himself into the b
ulge that was also starting to grow in the front of Zoro s black hakama pants.
You know what? I m going to forget that you actually said those shitty-things, and
just fuck you like I ve been doing lately, shitty-Marimo! It s your shitty-duty from
now on to satisfy me, anyway Sanji began to breathe hard while talking and starte
d to suck on the swordsman s tanned neck.
Zoro, despite how he wanted to settle in and go along with the cook s actions, sti
ll sat calmly and then suddenly pulled Sanji s blonde head away from his neck. San
ji frowned.
Are you still mad because I left you alone at the party, cook? Because I can tell
that you re mad when you say shitty a lot. And don t say that when I fuck you, it s jus
t a shitty-duty that I have to do to satisfy you, dammit. I don t do it as a duty, I
only want to do it with you, and no one pays me for that, baka Oh, and if you wa
nt to know why I left you at the party, it s because I wanted to give you a chance
to say goodbye to your old life with those women, because after this you re mine
Hn, you sure talk a lot when you re mad, Marimo
Well, I guess that s something we have in common then. Zoro said sarcastically.
Sanji sighed again, and got up from the swordsman s lap, snatching up his white sh
irt, but buttoning it only partly. He didn t really care about his naked legs, and
just lit up one of his cigarettes.
So, you want me to forget all of those gorgeous and delicate ladies, Marimo? I do
n t know if I can promise you that he said. After hearing Zoro s little speech, the an
gry tension in him made him almost completely forget that he had actually alread
y thought about reducing his flirting with the ladies after he got settled in wi
th the Marimo. Tonight, after the wedding party, was supposed to be his last goo
dbye as a womanizer.
Yes. Zoro answered firmly.
What about Nami-san and Robin-chan? I can t ignore them
Well, you re going to have to. The swordsman said stubbornly.
Well, then you need to ignore Luffy, too. Can you do that, asshole? Sanji shot bac
The swordsman went quiet at that and sat there, deep in thought. That only made
old feelings of jealousy remerge within the cook towards their captain, because
he knows how important Luffy is to his Marimo.
But Sanji had already made peace with that a long time ago, after he and Zoro be
gan their secret relationship. He knows that Luffy is an important person to all
of them. Without him, Sanji might never have the chance to pay his debt to that
old-geezer Zeff. Without him, Sanji would have never met Zoro.
That, and also because he s a gentleman, anyway. And gentlemen don t bitch, thank yo
So, he just took a deep drag of his cigarette and said, Look, just stop your thin
king, Marimo. I don t want my shitty-wife aging prematurely because he keeps doing
things that he can t, like using his brain too much. See, there s a curl between yo
ur eyes that s been appearing lately. Hn, no wonder Nami-san always says that you re
face is scary
Shut up, cook! My face is not scary! And I m not your wife, I m your husband! Of cour
se, I m not the one with the curl here, that s supposedly you. Zoro s face was red with
Sanji only grinned in response. Glad to know that I can still cheer you up, Zoro.
Without even knowing why, Zoro could feel himself blushing, realizing that the c
ook was only joking with him.
Bastard was all he said, with a hint of a smile on his lips.
Your face is all red. Should I start calling you Tomato instead, Marimo ? Sanji s word
s trailed off when Zoro suddenly attacked him, which caused them both to fall do
wn onto the floor, as the swordsman began to nibble on Sanji s nipples.
I want you NOW, shit-cook the blonde could feel Zoro s heavy breathing on his chest,
causing the hairs to stand on end.
Baka. You ve had me since long ago, Zoro. He chuckled.
They rolled over, so now he was lying on Zoro s chest, and Zoro already wanted to
protest because his ministrations were cut short, but Sanji quickly placed his l
it cigarette in Zoro s mouth.
I m going to prove it to you. Meanwhile, you just need to be a good boy, and try to
relax and get used to that cigarette. Because now that we re married, we re going t
o be together twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and I have a feeling t
hat I m going to need to smoke quite a bit. So, you re going to need to adapt, Marim
o. He said firmly, before ducking down to the edge of Zoro s haramaki, and pushing
his head under.
Zoro could only grit his teeth at the sucking the cook was doing on his member.
Without even realizing it, he had thrown the still lit cigarette somewhere near
the rack his weights were usually on, though empty now because Franky insisted o
n turning the crow s nest into a honeymoon suite as his present to Swordsman-bro and
Cook-bro .
After a moment or two of torturing he swordsman with his one-man action, Sanji c
ame up again, pullig off the haramaki, and making Zoro naked from the waist down
Hn, I feel like a land lord trying to rape on of his virgin proletarians the cook s
Shut up, cook. You talk too much
At your service, asshole. And with that, Sanji impaled himself down on Zoro s alread
y hard member. Grinding onto it for a moment, he hissed at the sudden pain befor
e positioning himself better with one hand and pulling Zoro deeper. He reveled i
n the familiar mixture of pain and pleasure.
He moved himself up and down, all the while biting at his lips and completely ig
noring the lingering tears trailing down his cheeks.
Suddenly, Zoro realized that the cook hadn t lubed himself up first. Idiot! This i
s our wedding night, cook. It should be special, with tears of joy, not tears of
pain. Zoro thought. He grabbed Sanji s body to lift him up while keeping them con
nected, and before the blonde could protest, he sat up on the floor and pulled S
anji into his lap so they were face-to-face again. The cook s blue eyes shot a que
stioning look at him.
Wrap your arm around my neck firmly... It ll reduce the pain, baka, he said slowly,
while pretending not to look at Sanji s face.
Sanji, knowing that this was Zoro s way of showing he cared, only grinned a little
and did as he was told.
Wipe that stupid smile off your face, cook. You look like an idiot.
If you can see me smiling, you must not be looking somewhere else, Marimo. Stop p
retending like you are and just move, bastard.
Hn kay Was Zoro s only answer before he slipped a hand around to cup Sanji s ass and
d his hands up and down repeatedly, sliding his member deep into the cook s ass ag
ain and again. All the while he could feel Sanji s hold on his neck getting tighte
r, making their two already sweaty bodies touch and rub together.
This was all he d ever wanted in his whole life, Zoro suddenly realized.
For him to have someone that he could trust fighting back to back with, be rival
s with, understand himself with, protect their nakama with, and someone to love
him back even after knowing that Zoro was a muscle-headed lost boy that could oc
casionally turn into a devilish bloody swordsman in battle. Someone who accepted
all of his flaws and loved him anyways.
Sanji, the baka-womanizer, short-tempered, with a filthy mouth and a smart-ass a
ttitude, chain-smoking cook, of all people, was the perfect match for Zoro. Hn,
maybe this is karma for me because I don t believe in God.
But, love is love. It doesn t need to be researched intently under one of Chopper s
microscopes, it only needs to be felt and embraced.
That, and because Zoro hated to think that much, maybe.
The crow s nest window beginning to shine the morning sun rays from the east. But
Zoro, as he now being captured by the light of Sanji s golden hair, admitted deep
within his heart, that Sanji are his only one truly sun.
So that s why, after realizing that they were both nearing their edge, the swordsm
an let one hand that was cupping the cook s ass lift and slide up Sanji s bare back,
holding him tightly.
Making them one. From here to eternity.
Sanji, at the sudden warm embrace from his green-haired swordsman, only chuckled
a little, letting his hands bury themselves into that hair, burying his face de
ep in Zoro s neck. Happy to finally find someone that loves him back, just like Ze
ff said.
After a few more thrusts, Sanji reached his climax, with Zoro following after hi
m like a man in love, protecting his back and trailing behind, but at the same t
ime trusting the one he loves to guide him, so he doesn t get lost along the way.
Both breathing heavily, they locked themselves in a passionate and tender kiss.
They locked eyes when they broke for air. Deep, ocean blues meeting dark, coral,
emerald. Meshed into one big wave called Love.
I love you, Sanji Zoro broke the silence first, making Sanji chuckle.
I know, Marimo. It just never occurred to me that you would say it straightforwar
d one day. I guess I m affecting you after you being so close to me lately, don t yo
u think?
This made Zoro smirk. I don t know, maybe. I don t regret it, though. But for your in
formation, I m not going to start calling you Mellorine , cook.
Ha ha, very funny, asshole. Sanji pouted.
He wanted to kick the Marimo for saying it, when suddenly both of them could hea
r a loud shout from their captain from outside the crow s nest.
Zoro! Sanji! Are you guys up there?! If so, quick! Run! Save yourselves! The roof
of the crow s nest is on fire!
Did he just say fire ? Both men looked at each other, this time for an entirely dif
ferent reason. They quickly snatched their clothes and ran outside, almost jumpi
ng from the crow s nest trap door instead of climbing down the stairs in the run f
or their lives. On the grass deck of the Sunny, everyone was already waiting for
them with worried looks on their faces.
Zoro! Sanji! Look, the fire! Omoshiree!! Luffy said, before getting punched in the
face by their navigator.
Luffy-baka! You re supposed to be sad instead of being thrilled by it, you know.
Eeehhhh, but Namiii Franky already said that he can fix it again so it s like it used
to be. Luffy still had his attention focused on the fire, one hand rubbing the s
welling on his head.
Nami sighed. Yeah, I suppose that s true, Luffy. But I wonder how much it ll cost to
buy the new materials
Zoro! Sanji! Are you okay?! Come on, let me give you a medical check-up, especial
ly to your lungs. I need to see if you inhaled a lot of the smoke from the fire
or not. Zoro first, because, since Sanji smokes, he s more used to it than Zoro. T
hat s a bad habit you know, Sanji, and I wish you d stop. But no matter how many tim
es I tell you Chopper was already in his Heavy Point and dragged them both to the
Hn, that s almost funny, Chopper. Sanji snorted before shifting his attention to Zor
o, who was already being treated by their little reindeer doctor. I ll see you in a
second, Zoro. I need to check and see if Nami-san or Robin-chan need something
after this shitty-fire
Zoro only nodded. There was no trace of his old jealousy toward the girls on boa
rd, not after he now believes that, by the end of the day, Sanji will always com
e back to him. He was trying to learn to trust the cook about that.
Meanwhile, said cook was already on his way out of the infirmary, when the docto
r s words hit him. It made him turn around and look at the swordsman.
Marimo, where s my cigarette that I gave you up there? he asked.
I, er kinda threw it away, I think
In which direction? Sanji s voice had a distinct dark tint to it.
Er I think it went under the sofa no, under the
Never mind. My fault anyways for asking.
The hell! Shut up, cook! We still don t know for sure that it was your cancer-stick
that caused the fire or not. Besides. It s still mostly your fault for not quitti
ng that bad habit, baka-cook!
Oi! Are you trying to blame me for something you did, shitty-swordsman?! Che, tha
t s something a gentleman like me wouldn t do, and only a crude, shitty-bastard like
you would
Fuck you, cook! You wanna fight?!
Fuck you too, asshole! Bring it on!
BASTARDS! Chopper s desperate voice could be heard outside the infirmary, before s
everal crushing sounds followed.
Soon, all those sounds made everyone shift their attention away from the fire th
at was almost extinguished by their shipbuilder and sharpshooter.
The rest of the crew was standing outside the infirmary, listening to the loud b
ickering coming from within.
I wonder how they can still be fighting, especially after sex on their wedding ni
ght. Nami sighed in a mix of confusion and amusement.
Well, how come a pretty one like you knows that? Oh, and may I see your panties?
Yohohohohohohohohohoho! Brook asked, laughing.
For the last time, Brook, NO. I will not give you permission to see my panties. J
ust stop asking About how I know Zoro and Sanji-kun were having sex? It s easy to g
uess. Sanji-kun never wears his pants backwards, no matter what he was doing whe
n he got interrupted. Plus, I could see new bite marks on his neck and the top o
f his chest. Nami explained.
Those were very astute observations, Navigator-san. Robin smiled.
Nami chuckled a bit at the compliment from their historian, before answering wit
h a wave of her hand. Ah, it must have been hot enough up there to start a fire,
ne Robin fufufufu
Heeee, Zoro and Sanji caused the fire? Have they got an ability like Ace now, Nam
i? It this because of the wedding, and they can now have a new ability afterward
s? Omoshiree! Oi, Nami. Let s have a wedding too, then. I want Ace s ability too! Luf
fy s smile widened, and he didn t realize that he said something that shocked their
Lu Luffy! Don t joke about something like that! Nami s cheeks were deep pink as she blu
Robin giggled, I think we ll have a second wedding soon after this one, and not jus
t a fire may result. It might also thunderstorm, don t you think so, Navigator-san
? She gave her secret, knowing smile to Nami, who only blushed deeper.
Meanwhile, the beginnings of dawn had arrived, welcoming a new day full of new a
dventures for the Mugiwara Crew. This would especially be experienced by two nak
ama who were now a couple by law. They would soon find out that, as a married co
uple, they would need to learn a lot of new things. But that, after remembering
the fact that they are still bickering, is a story for another day
Opening all of their gifts...
Zoro: Here, try to open this one first. It s from Luffy.
Sanji: (sniffing it) I know this smell Ah! It s meat. Hn, surprise, surprise
Zoro: At least he tried, bastard. Oi, there s a note on it
Sanji: (pulls on his reading glasses) Hm, let s see For my two strongest nakama, I gi
ve you guys my biggest piece of meat, because Nami said that you ll need better st
amina after being married, and I now that eating lots of meat really boosts my s
tamina during battle! So, I think it will do the same for you guys. I wonder some
times, about our captain s logic
Zoro: Don t blame him, blame that sea-witch who planted those weird thoughts about
Sanji: Don t talk about Nami-san like that, asshole
Zoro: Okay, I won t. Now, open this one cook, it s from Usopp
Sanji: What s this? Wait, there s a card, too For Sanji, I give you my newest product f
rom Captain Usopp-sama s workshop. It s a tool that can satisfy you sexually even if
Zoro someday gets himself killed in battle, because we all know how often he co
mes close to death (looks intently at the long tool in his hand) Hm, it s a weird to
ol. Hn, that long-nose. Does he really think that I would need something like th
is to satisfy myself after you die? There are loads of ladies around, for All Bl
ue s sake!
Zoro: I think you should keep it, cook. I have a feeling you re gonna need it, any
way Although, I do wanna kill that liar since he assumed I m gonna die soon. Like h
ell! I won t die until I reach my dream.
Sanji: Yeah, sure you will. Okay, now let s open the gifts from the ladies! Ah, I
wonder what kind of beautiful gifts they gave us? They must be very delicate, so
phisticated and
Zoro: Just shut your mouth, and wipe away the drool. Open it up, already, ero-co
Sanji: (aims a kick at Zoro that he easily ducks) Fine! I m opening it Ah, a book f
rom Robin-chan, titled, Kama Sutra An old guide on how satisfying all ancient kin
gs Well, that sounds interesting enough to read and learn, Marimo.
Zoro: It looks boring. Here, let me keep the book, now open up the one from Nami
, Sanji.
Sanji: It s just a note, nothing else. For Zoro and Sanji-kun, sorry, but I don t hav
e a gift for you both, because I already spent all of my money on the new materi
als for the crow s nest. This time, I will waive the debt you owe me. Consider thi
s my gift. P.S.: Franky also mentioned that he gave you guys an amazing honeymoo
n suite to enjoy as his gift. Too bad, with you guys burning it down like that a
nyways Ah, Nami-san. So generous she is. But, I don t recall anything about an amazi
ng suite from Franky, though. Do you remember anything amazing about the crow s ne
st, Marimo?
Zoro: Between fucking you and the fire, no, I don t remember anything amazing. Oh,
the sex was amazing, does that count?
Sanji: (chuckles) All right, all right now from Chopper. A box of condoms and lube
Hn, go figure. I can t blame him, really. He s too innocent sometimes. (sighs)
Zoro: (sighs as well) Yeah
Sanji: Okay, the last one is from Brook. Oi, it s only a note too. I wonder where
everyone spent their money until they weren t able to get us expensive gifts, anyw
Zoro and Sanji: (lock eyes for a moment, before saying and sighing in unison) Fo
od supply for Luffy Right
Sanji: Well, I guess I ll just read the note then. To Zoro-san and Sanji-san. Congr
atulations on the wedding. Sanji-san, do you still remember when we had that con
versation about how similar you and Zoro-san are? Well, I would like to say that
you both will eventually need to continue your similar resolutions, since you re
married now. A married couple needs more than just similarity. They need to be w
ise as well. You both will need wisdom the most if there are problems in your ma
rriage. I m going to give you some advice: sometimes you use your emotions without
thinking clearly first, which you need to work on. I hope that you two can have
a long and happy relationship, because though I m a skeleton already, I still hav
e a happy relationship with my new nakama. There s no reason for you not to have o
ne too Wow, that was deep. That bastard really surprises me sometimes. Well, maybe
that s because of his age
Zoro: Yeah, I suppose you re right
Sanji: (grins) You know what? That was the first time today you agreed with me,
Marimo. I wonder though, would you agree with what I have to say next
Zoro: Shoot, cook.
Sanji: Wanna have another round of sex?
Zoro: Ero-bastard (chuckles) Yeah, why not?
Sanji: Hn, at your service, asshole

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapter
56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
I promised myself I wasn't going to post this story until I finished it complete
ly but that didn't happen. I will try to update at regular intervals, but don't
be surprised if that doesn't happen. I'm trying to make this fic better than all
my other sucky ones.

It was Nami's fault that the swordsman was being dragged by the hood of his blac
k sweatshirt into the shitty building in front of him. He swore he would never g
o into one of these things, but here he was, standing in line to get into a nigh
"I don't want to fucking be here," Zoro growled at the red head.
Nami, her hands on her hips and her face with a stern look, was about ready to b
ash in the swordsman's skull after saying that for the umpteenth time that night
. "I don't care Zoro. You need to get out and this is the perfect place to meet
"I don't want to meet somebody," Zoro spat. Nami just frowned and turned away fr
om him and faced the bouncer holding a clip board.
"Name?" he asked in a deep voice.
"Roronoa," she said smiling. The bouncer stepped aside and allowed the two to wa
lk past and up the dark stairs. As they ascended into the club, an aroma of alco
hol and sweat drifted around them. Different colored lights flashed around the d
ark room as music blasted from the speakers. Zoro immediately hated the place. T
here were too many people and they all danced like whores, but he figured that's
how it was supposed to be, because he had no doubt that that's what all of them
Zoro hoped he could quickly escape from the red head by making a beeline for the
bar, but it was in vain. Nami instantly spotted his spiky green hair as he dash
ed to the tall stool at the counter. Frowning, she followed him and grabbed his
hood once again.
"Look Zoro, I'm gonna hook you up with a girl okay? So just cooperate!" she yell
ed over the music. The truth was, Zoro had no intention of hooking up with a gir
l. From what he could tell, they were whiny little things that don't shut up and
get all pissy when you don't give them what they want. (Especially on certain d
ays of the month; he had no idea what any of his friends were talking about when
they said that about their girlfriends.) There was no way in hell he was about
to put up with that.
Nami, despite Zoro's stubbornness, was scanning the crowd to find a cute girl th
at knew how to dance. In a group of people, she spotted the back of the head of
a blonde haired girl who was dancing alone. She looked like she owned the place
with how well she was dancing, but she kept pushing away every person that tried
to dance on her.
It looked like it would be pretty hard to get her, she thought, looking back ove
r at Zoro, but she thought he could do it. Nami never thought he green haired fr
iend was much of a looker but there had been many times when girls had approache
d him, saying how sexy he looked. She almost gagged right there.
"Alright," she said turning back to the swordsman, "I've found someone who I thi
nk you might be able to get." She pointed into the crowd of people at the blonde
and Zoro's eyes almost popped out of his skull.
"Are you kidding? Like hell I'm going to go over to her, she's dancing like the
biggest whore here and it looks like she's not interested in anyone."
"Would you just get your ass over there you annoying oaf?" Her shrill voice cut
through the music into his ears. The red head gave Zoro a shove in the direction
of the girl, harder than she had intended, and lucky Zoro, slammed right into t
he girl's back.
The girl, who had jumped at the sudden impact, turned around to see what had hit
her. Nervously, Zoro stood there and looked her up and down. In the dark light,
he could just make out tight pants and a low cut blue shirt. She looked pretty
flat-chested though, so there wasn't much point to her shirt. The blonde just st
ared at Zoro, as if to ask what the hell his business was bumping into her and t
hen staring down her shirt.
"Uh," the swordsman started, unsure of what to say, "that was an accident..." As
he began walking away he saw Nami still standing at the bar, giving him a death
glare. He sighed and decided that it was better to just dance with the stupid b
itch and get it over with. It was better than having a black eye and a concussio
"Actually," he started, looking back at her, "would you mind if I danced with yo
u?" Zoro expected to get rejected, like all the other men who tried to dance wit
h her had, but to his surprise, she smiled. Or at least, it looked like a smile
in the dim light.
"Sure," she said, "if you can handle it."
Reluctantly, Zoro moved his body against hers and he felt her press against his
chest and begin to move her hips. They ground into him as her hands found his sh
oulders. He could feel himself starting to move, but wasn't sure what he was doi
ng. They were moving faster now and Zoro felt himself grind back and her chest w
as as close to his as it could get. Sweat started to appear on his forehead as h
e got more into the motions of the dance. If the swordsman's brain was functioni
ng at all, he would have realized that who he was dancing with didn't have the b
ody of a woman at all. Zoro felt like he was going to explode in his pants. This
chick was fucking amazing. She knew how to move her body in ways to make Zoro a
s horny as he'd ever been in his life. He would have liked nothing better than t
o grab this woman, rip off all her clothes, and bang her as hard as he could.
Breathless, the song ended and the blonde moved away from Zoro and they looked a
t each other, both with a small smirk on their faces and a certain kind of spark
le in their eyes.
"Damn... you know how to dance," the swordsman panted.
"You're not so bad," she said standing up straight again and looked at him from
the corner of her eye, that tiny smirk still on her face. "You wouldn't want to
get out of here would you?"
Even with his cock hard and horny, a little red flag went up in Zoro's brain whe
n he heard those words come from the woman's mouth. Getting out of here would le
ad obviously, to sex. Sex would lead to a possible relationship; bad idea there.
But thinking about to more, he supposed he could get away with a one night stan
d, it wouldn't be that hard even if he had never done this before.
"Hell yeah."
The two of them made their way through the crowd and to the door. Nami watched a
s they departed the club and she smiled, congratulating herself on a job well do
Sanji was swiftly making his way through the crowded dance floor to the door of
the building, smiling to himself. He'd landed a girl who knew how to dance and w
ho really seemed interested in him. Every other person who had tried to dance wi
th him was either drunk or just trying to get into his pants.
When they exited through the doors and out into the moonlight, Sanji turned arou
nd. In the club the lights were too dim to see anything very well and now he had
a chance to get a better look at her; he hoped she was sexy. When the blonde tu
rned around to see her, he almost dropped the cigarette he had just pulled from
his pocket.
In front of him stood a tall, muscular man with spiky, dyed green hair whose exp
ression matched exactly how he felt. However, Sanji was able to maintain his coo
l demeanor as he raised a lighter to his cigarette, then took a long drag on it.
"You didn't tell me you were a man," he said coolly.
The other man's jaw dropped. "I thought you were a girl!" he shouted. The swords
man ran an unsteady hand through his hair and tried not to bite off his tongue.
That damn woman had pushed him into a guy. She probably set it up just to humili
ate him; he would make sure that witch paid dearly.
It wasn't fair. Zoro was ready to fuck this woman's brains out when they got to
a hotel or whatever, and now it turned out to be a guy. Zoro caught the other ma
n's eye but looked away. Even if he was really good-looking, there was no way he
'd ever fuck a guy.
"Look," he said trying his best not to scream, "this was all a mistake. My frien
d, err, someone I know was trying to get me to dance with someone. She pushed me
into you and I thought you were a woman. So let's just forget this whole thing
never happened." It was hard to forget when you're dick wouldn't let you, Zoro t
hought as he finished his sentence.
Sanji looked up at him, his cigarette hanging from his mouth, and eyed him over.
He took the cigarette from his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke.
"That's too bad; I was really in the mood for this," The truth was Sanji was str
aight, but he'd done a few guys before in his life to get some extra cash. Tonig
ht he was exceptionally horny after dancing for two hours and he didn't care who
he fucked.
Holding back a growl, Zoro glared at the man in front of him, casually smoking,
and had just told him he wanted to screw him. He had some hell of a nerve to say
that to his face, especially after he'd just apologized to him. It was the one
time in his life where Zoro had actually tried to be considerate and got it thro
wn back in his face.
He could have given that jerk a good beaten and walked away, leaving it at that,
but something stopped him from slamming a knuckle sandwich into this guy's skul
l. It could have been the way his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing a little of his
bare chest, making him look dead-sexy. The only problem with that theory was th
at Zoro would never admit to thinking another man was dead-sexy so he went with
his second thought. The smoke from his cigarette was clouding his brain, causing
him to think more strangely than usual.
So all Zoro was able to say was, "You're an asshole," then turned and started wa
lking off with the scent of smoke following him.
Sanji watched the green head walk off and frowned at his back. Dammit, he was a
sexy one and he had let him get away. No matter, there were plenty more chicks a
nd dicks he could choose from inside the club, so he sauntered back in.
Zoro was furious. It didn't make sense that he was either. What the blonde had s
aid always even that offensive. Hell, it wasn't offensive at all.It was actually
a compliment. But just the mere thought of doing that kind of thing with a guy;
it disgusted him, which caused his nerves to tense and his brain to go into "I-
need-to-beat-the-shit-outta-something" mode. And on top of that, he was still ho
rny. He could still feel their pelvises grinding together and the body heat radi
ating from the other man as they danced like crazy. Damn Nami for shoving him in
to the best dancer in the whole fucking club.
Then Zoro stopped and realized something. He wasn't able to get home because the
y had taken Nami's car here and Nami had the keys. Shit. Now what was he suppose
d to do? Zoro sighed. He decided he would walk around for an hour or so, find so
mething to eat, then come back and see if Nami was done.
After walking around for about ten minutes, Zoro found a decent place that looke
d like he wouldn't have to wait an hour for his food and it wouldn't cost two hu
ndred dollars for a cheeseburger. He walked inside and a waiter immediately show
ed him to a table. The place was nearly empty but that wasn't a problem for him,
it meant he'd get his food quicker. He ordered two cheeseburgers, some kind of
crab thing, and a glass of beer.
As he waited there, the swordsman realized he really had to go to the bathroom.
Pulling a waiter aside, he asked where the restrooms were. He was instructed to
go up the stairs and it would be straight ahead. The green head got up from his
seat and walked up the very steep, spiraling stairs to the next floor.
Upstairs was even smaller and even emptier than downstairs. There was two doors
marked with a picture of a male and a female to tell which bathroom was for whic
h gender, and a small table with two chairs. A small, old woman sat in one of th
em. She was dressed in a long black cloak with the hood up, covering the upper h
alf of her face and leaving the lower half in shadow.
As the green head awkwardly walked towards the men's room the old woman spoke up
. How she knew he was there with her hood like that was beyond him.
"Come here young man, you seem very troubled." Her voice was shaky yet mysteriou
s, like she was smirking in the shadows of her cloak.
"I'm not troubled," he said, "I just have to go to the bathroom, lady."
"Come here for just a second, it won't take long young man," she continued.
Sighing, Zoro walked over to the table and took a seat opposite the woman. She r
aised two aged and wrinkled hands to lower her hood and underneath revealed a wr
inkled, yet friendly face of a woman maybe sixty or seventy years old. She had t
hin grey tangles of hair hanging from her head, making her appear to be some sor
t of ancient witch in a Harry Potter book.
"What seems to be the matter?" she asked in that mysterious voice of hers.
"I told you there's nothing wrong," he said trying not to glare at her. He felt
like he was going to piss his pants if he didn't get to the bathroom right now.
"Oh don't give me that," she said smiling. "I know how you youngsters are. You n
ever want to admit that something's wrong. Now tell me what the trouble is." Thi
s lady was really starting to piss of the green head. The only thing that was Zo
ro's trouble was that there was a urinal in the room ten feet from him and the o
nly thing stopping him from taking a piss was this old hag.
"Oh I know, it's a girl isn't it? That's always the problem for men like you. Ar
e you having difficulty forgetting about her? Did she dump you?" The woman gave
a howl of laughter and slapped the table top. Zoro thought she must be crazy.
"I never had a girlfriend, lady." This only made the woman laugh harder and Zoro
understood what he had just said. A small blush arose on his cheeks. "That's no
t what I meant!" he quickly added. "I mean I haven't had a girlfriend in awhile!
" He realized that he was just making things worse for himself so he decided to
just shut his mouth.
"Oh oh my, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start laughing like that. I mean nothing ag
ainst you, I promise, young man," she said after she finally calmed down.
Zoro looked confused. "Mean anything against me?"
"Yes, please don't take any offense to it. I don't have anything against men lik
e you."
"What do you mean men like me?" he snapped rather defensively.
"Well you are gay aren't you?"
Zoro stared at her in shock, his anger rising. "I am not fucking gay!" he shoute
d and sprang from his seat.
"Now, now, I told you I didn't mean anything by it. Just sit back down, young ma
"Shut up lady! Just because I never had a girlfriend means I'm a fucking homosex
ual!" He seriously had to piss now. He couldn't hold it anymore and he swore he
was gonna pee all over this god damn lady.
"Well then you are in denial," she stated casually.
What else could this hag have said to him to piss him off and humiliate him at t
he same time? He understood now why no one came into this restaurant.
The swordsman gritted his teeth together and headed for the bathroom.
"Just tell me who he is."
The green head looked back at her and glared. "He doesn't matter, witch-woman."
With that said, Zoro slammed the bathroom door shut.
She smiled. Ah, so there is a man. He reached into the pocket of her cloak and p
ulled out five red and black cards. They were all torn in various places and the
y looked like they were from the time of the dinosaurs. Carefully, the woman pla
ced each card face down on the table in a neat row and waited.
The swordsman came out of the bathroom after he'd relieved himself and didn't ev
en look at the witch who'd insulted him.
But she would not let herself go unnoticed. "Come choose one of these cards, you
ng man." He was tempted to spit a curse in her face and break her table in half
but he held his tongue. "Come now sonny, just pick up a card and you can go back
to your meal."
Zoro walked over to the stairs and descended them, ignoring the woman. When he r
eached the bottom, something strange was there, something that had not been ther
e before. A brick wall was at the bottom of the stairs that stretched from wall
to wall on either side of him and all the way up to the ceiling. In front of him
was a steel door. Zoro grabbed the doorknob and shook it violently. The door wo
uldn't budge and Zoro cursed it.
Slowly, he walked back up the spiral stairs and looked at the lady who was smili
ng at him. "Are you ready to choose?"
"When did that brick wall get down there?" he asked angrily. Without response, s
he held out her hands to the cards on the table and Zoro gave a low growl.
Reluctantly, Zoro walked over and picked up the fourth card in the row of five.
He turned it over and on the front was a picture of a nose. What the hell? How m
uch more random could you get?
The woman's grin spread wider, showing a set of yellowed, crooked teeth. The swo
rdsman put the card back on the table and glared at her. "There, you happy now?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Now how the hell am I supposed to get back down to the restaurant?" he asked he
Again, the woman reached into her pocket and this time fished out a small silver
key and handed it to the confused green head. He stared at her.
"Go back down now, you will be fine."
Zoro sighed and walked back down the stairs, knowing now that the witch was inde
ed crazy. Again, the brick wall and the door were in front of him when he reache
d the bottom of the stairs. He looked down at the doorknob and it held a keyhole
he hadn't noticed before. He shoved the key into the knob, twisted it, and the
door flung open. Relieved, Zoro walked through and was back in the restaurant.
The place was now completely empty except for a few employees wiping the tables.
The swordsman looked behind him and, shockingly, the brick wall was no longer t
here. What the hell?
"Hey buddy!" Zoro looked over his shoulder to see an annoyed waiter glaring at h
im. "Your food was ready forty-five minutes ago, where the hell were you?"
"Forty-five minutes?!" Zoro shouted. "I was only up there for five minutes!"
The waiter rolled his eyes. "Well we're closed now, take your food and get outta
The green head walked over to the table he'd been sitting at and looked down at
his now cold meal. It was probably still good if he heated it up back at his apa
Then, out of the blue, a strange feeling washed over the swordsman. He felt his
nose twitch and a sudden burst of an intense smell rose up and filled his nostri
ls. He cupped his nose with both his hands and started to cough violently. The s
mell was so strong and disgusting. What was it?
Then it hit him. It was the smell of cigarette smoke. Zoro looked around for any
one who might be smoking but there were only the waiters and not one of them had
a cigarette in their mouth. Where was it coming from?
Unable to stand it anymore, Zoro ran out of the restaurant, completely forgettin
g about his food.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it. I know it doesn't make sense right now, but I promis
e it will soon. Sorry, there was no ZoSan action in this chapter.

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
Looking around the parking lot, Nami couldn't see either of them in sight. The t
wo must have gone to a hotel or to Zoro's apartment. The little perv. She figure
d she could take her car back home if they'd driven in the woman's car. She woul
d probably drop Zoro off at his apartment in the morning.
She dug the keys to her silver Mustang out of her purse and clicked the remote t
o unlock the doors. Just as she was getting into the car she heard her name bein
g called. She got out of the car and looked up to see Zoro across the parking lo
t, holding his nose.
"Zoro? I thought you went to a hotel with that woman," she questioned, closing t
he driver door and walking over to him. Zoro was coughing violently when she rea
ched him and she looked confused. After his coughing had subsided, Zoro stood up
straight and began to explain to Nami, in a pissed-off-but-trying-to-remain-coo
l sort of tone, what had happened with the woman-who-wasn't and the witch at the
"And you," he suddenly exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Nami, "purposely threw me
into that guy just to embarrass me, didn't you?" Anger was radiating off of Zoro
as he remembered how pissed he'd been at Nami when he found out what she'd done
"Purposely?!" Nami gasped. "I didn't push you into him purposely! I thought he w
as a woman; he sure looked like one in the club. She even had guys dancing on to
p of her err, him."
"Well whatever, I still have this sickening smell of smoke in my nose that won't
go away!" Zoro said with his hand still cupped over his nose.
Nami put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at the swordsman. "Zoro I thi
nk you're just tired. There's no smoke anywhere and there's no way an old lady c
ould have possibly put smoke into your nose. Do you know how ridiculous you soun
d?" Honestly, I try to do him a favor by taking him out to a good club so he cou
ld hook up with a girl, and he goes delusional after one hour!
The two opened the doors to Nami's car and got in. She'd have to waste her gas t
o drive this moron home. How thrilled she was. The whole way home, Zoro insisted
on keeping his hand over his nose, in an attempt to block of the smell. Nami ju
st sighed.
They reached the apartment complex where Zoro lived and the red head stopped her
car in front of the building. Zoro unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the c
ar, giving Nami a last glance before turning around and walking into the buildin
g. Nami watched the swordsman's back and shook her head before pulling away.
Zoro, punching the numbers into the elevator with his right hand, felt like a co
mplete moron with his other hand over his nose. People weren't staring at him bu
t he still felt really stupid. But, still the smell would not go away. And the t
hing that bothered him most, he realized when the elevator doors closed and he w
as waiting until it reached the fifth floor, was that the smoke was a familiar s
mell. At first it had overwhelmed him and smelled like a sickening sort of acrid
smoke, but now he was beginning to get used to it and he knew he had smelled it
He stepped out of the elevator and walked down the dimly lit hallway to the last
door on the right. He pulled his keys out of his jeans pocket and unlocked the
door and stepped into his apartment. Closing the door behind him, he flicked on
the lights in the living room.
Zoro's house was everything you'd expect from a stubborn, lazy guy like him. It
was covered in dirty laundry and food wrappers. It hadn't been vacuumed in month
s and he couldn't remember the last time he'd actually used the dish washer. But
to him it was a comfortable place where he could relax and not have to deal wit
h people.
He kicked off his shoes and plopped down on his black pleather couch, grabbed th
e remote, and flicked on the TV. He decided that mind-numbing television was sur
e to make him forget about whatever annoying scent was following him and he was
probably going to fall asleep after ten minutes. Then when he awoke in the morni
ng, the bad stench would be gone and it would be like it never even happened.
Unfortunately for the swordsman, sleep didn't come so easy.
Zoro growled and threw a pillow at the wall across the room. "What the hell happ
ened? Why won't it go away?!" Realizing that his plan for sleeping wasn't going
to work, Zoro got up, pulled on a sweatshirt from the floor, grabbed his keys, a
nd stormed out the door, forgetting to turn off the TV.
After his encounter with the strange green-haired man, Sanji didn't think much o
f it when the two had parted. As he watched the other leave, he took a drag on h
is cigarette then headed back inside. His arousal had died down since the two ha
d danced, so he was ready to find somebody else to have some fun with.
Now Sanji was not a whore, far from it actually. It was true the blonde liked to
dance with at least five different people in one night when he was at the club,
but he was very particular with who he had a relationship with. Usually he didn
't just walk out of a club with a complete stranger to go to a hotel, but he'd f
elt something between him and, who he thought was a woman.
Sanji sighed and pushed the thought out of his mind, sauntering over to a group
of women.
"Hello ladies," he said giving a sexy smile. The girls turned and some smiled ba
ck and moved closer to him, clearly interested.
A brunette girl wearing short, tight jean shorts, knee-high black boots, and a b
lack, low-cut shirt to match pressed herself against the man's chest, smiling. T
he blonde found himself smiling back as the two began dancing, the other girls a
round them pouting jealously.
They danced for a good fifteen minutes until Sanji bid adieu to the woman, sayin
g he had business to attend to elsewhere. The other women who had been watching
from not too far off had suddenly surrounded Sanji, asking him to dance with the
m. He kindly declined their invitations and made his way out of the crowd and ov
er to the bar where he ordered a glass of Bordeaux wine.
He took a sip and watched the people around him dance and mingle. Over in the co
rner, he noticed a couple making out. Their hands were all over each other and t
hey seemed to be locked in a passionate kiss. It was different from everything e
lse in the club, this seemed like it was real. Every other action around the cou
ple was full of lust and dirty thoughts, while the two people in the corner shar
ed something more than that.
A wave of emotion washed over the blonde man as he sat there with the wine glass
in his hand, his eyes glazed and distant. He realized that he never had what th
ose people have right at this very moment. All his life he'd gone to nightclubs,
dancing dirty to complete strangers, and accepting drinks from men and women wh
o only wanted to get in his pants. What he suddenly had a strange carving for, w
as someone to love. Someone who would hold him through the long hours of the nig
ht and whisper sweet things in his ear; sex never even crossing their minds. Oka
y, screw that last part. It was almost impossible for humans in love to not thin
k about sex sometime.
Putting down the wine glass and sliding a tip to the bartender, Sanji got up and
walked out of the club, pulling another cigarette and a lighter from his pocket
. He lit up his cig once he was outside and the familiar sensation of nicotine f
illed his body, as intoxicating smoke filled the air.
Zoro cruised the streets in his sleek, blue Jaguar trying to forget about the sm
ell that haunted him. But for some reason as he drove farther away from his apar
tment, the smell seemed to grow stronger, and before he knew it, he was driving
right past the nightclub where he'd been only a few hours ago. He was about to d
rive right past it and continue on but something made him stop. Outside the club
, sitting on a bench sat the man he'd danced with before. Smoke filled the air a
round his head and then it hit him.
The disgusting smell Zoro couldn't seem to get rid of was the smell of that man'
s cigarettes; the smell of him.
Growling for an unknown reason, Zoro pulled into the parking lot and drove up to
where the blonde man was sitting and rolled down his window. "Oi!" he said, har
sher than he meant to.
Sanji looked up at the car to see the familiar spiky, dyed green hair. He took o
ne of his arms from hanging over the back of the bench and pulled his cigarette
from between his lips and blew out a strand of smoke. The man in the car began t
o cough violently as the smoke accumulated in the air. Sanji raised an eyebrow.
"Stop blowing out smoke you asshole!" he cursed at him.
"You seemed just fine around the smoke the last time you were here," the blonde
stated nonchalantly.
"That was before some old hag put some kind of curse on me!" he spat, realizing
how stupid it sounded as the words left his lips. The other man looked at him li
ke he was crazy, which Zoro thought, at this point, that he probably was.
"An old hag put a curse on you?" he asked.
"Never mind," he said embarrassed. "Just quit smoking okay, I can smell it where
ver I go and it's really annoying."
This statement would have assumed the blonde if he wasn't in such a 'blah' mood.
Asking him to quit smoking was like asking him to quit breathing. Sanji had bee
n smoking since god knows how long; it was basically his life source.
"And who are you to tell me when I can and cannot smoke?" he asked flatly, takin
g another drag and blowing out smoke just to piss of the marimo. Zoro ground his
teeth together and understood the hopelessness of the situation. "Or is it," Sa
nji continued, "that you really do want to sleep with me and you could only thin
k or some lame-ass excuse to come back here and talk to me because you don't hav
e the balls to tell me directly that you want to fuck me?" A smirk played on his
Completely losing his temper, Zoro got out of the car and slammed the door shut.
He grabbed the other man by the collar of his shirt (which was a little difficu
lt because his shirt was unbuttoned so low) and glared into his face. "I have no
interest in you, at all. I just came here to tell you that your fucking smoke f
ollowed me and it s getting on my fucking nerves! I can smell the damn stuff all t
he way to my apartment!"
"Are you sure it isn't some factory near your apartment building? This is a city
you know." The swordsman was mildly surprised that the other man could maintain
a straight face while being held by his collar.
"You wanna fucking check? It smells exactly like you and there isn't a factory f
or miles." Sanji wasn't sure whether this was a rhetorical question or if it was
an invitation to get a ride to his apartment. He was still in his so-so mood an
d normally he would have declined and walked off after slapping his hands away,
but there was a strange pull he felt towards this man, the same pull as when the
y were dancing.
Stepping away from the man as his hands slipped off his collar, Sanji let his ci
garette drop onto the sidewalk then crushed it with the heel of his shoe. Zoro l
ooked at him quizzically. "I have nothing better to do so why not."
Fifteen minutes later the two men were at the door of Zoro's apartment. Zoro had
n't actually intended to have this strange man over, but something inside himsel
f wouldn't let him say no. The strange man, who Zoro had learned to be named San
ji, made him extremely nervous for some reason the whole time they were in the c
Before Sanji got into the vehicle he examined the sleek blue car, seeming pretty
impressed with it even though he said nothing to the swordsman. He opened the d
oor and slid into the passenger's seat as Zoro got in on the opposite side and q
uickly turned out of the parking lot.
The two didn't have much to say at first. Without a cigarette to smoke, Sanji ha
d no choice but to stare blankly out the window and watch the buildings pass by.
His mood hadn't been up'd a whole lot by the green head's company, but it was b
etter than it had been only ten minutes ago.
"What's your name, by the way?" Sanji turned from the window, his thoughts inter
rupted, and looked up at him. He hadn't realized that they had not yet made intr
"Sanji," he replied. Zoro nodded as if to approve of his name. "And yours would
"Roronoa Zoro."
Other than that, that was the only talk the two had had up until this point. The
y were now inside the door and Sanji was surveying the messy kitchen in disgust.
Zoro closed the door and sat down on the couch, watching Sanji's disapproving e
xpression he wore every time he looked at something else in his home. It made Zo
ro feel slightly embarrassed that he hadn't cleaned it up in months.
"I don't smell anything other than month old beef and sweaty socks," Sanji concl
"How can't you smell it? It s stronger than ever now!" the swordsman exclaimed, ag
"You're probably delusional. Have you been on any drugs lately?"
Zoro glared at the blonde. "I'm not that stupid," he growled. Sanji opened his m
outh to respond but decided not to and turned away.
"Have you ever considered hiring a house keeper?" he asked.
"Why do I need one?" Zoro clearly knew the answer but asked anyway. Without answ
ering, Sanji turned on the faucet and began rinsing off the dirty plates and sil
verware that inhabited the sink. Zoro looked surprised.
"You don't have to do that you know, it's not your house," he said getting up an
d walking into the kitchen.
"I know but dirty kitchens drive me crazy." The blonde was aware of the other's
presence behind him and he could feel him getting closer. He did not protest, th
ough. The heat his body gave off was strangely warm and had a comforting feel to
Zoro, on the other hand, felt more uncomfortable with each inch he came closer t
o Sanji. Something was drawing him nearer, like the something that had allowed h
im to bring Sanji to his apartment in the first place. He soon felt himself comp
letely against the other boy's back.
Sanji's hand fell limp and the dish he'd just been washing dropped back onto the
pile with the others. He let the swordsman put his hands on his hips and slowly
move them around his waist. He remembered the feeling of those hands on his bac
k side and why he had liked them so much.
It was the smell. It was that overpowering, intoxicating smell of him, of Sanji,
that drew Zoro to the man. The scent he once found repulsive, he now thought of
as an aroma of wonder that was like a drug he couldn't get away from. Moving a
hand from around the skinny waist, Zoro brought it under his chin. He turned San
ji's head and titled it upwards. Before he could stop himself, the swordsman had
forcefully pressed their lips together.
The sudden kiss had stunned Sanji, yet drove him to kiss back. He turned his bod
y around so he was facing the marimo and wrapped his arms around his neck. The t
wo of them were soon on the floor kissing passionately and Sanji hoped it would
never end.

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
Zoro's head was pounding as he dug his fingernails deeper into the skin of his f
orehead. Dammit. DAMMIT! What had just happened? Zoro tried to hold onto the tho
ughts of what had happened only a few minutes ago. It seemed like forever.
The two men lay on the floor, tongues in each others mouths, needing to breath b
ut not daring to break apart. Zoro ran his hands roughly through the other's sil
ky blonde hair while Sanji had his hands in the larger man's shirt. It felt so g
ood. So right. They'd been on the floor for at least ten minutes now; Zoro conte
nt with just kissing the man who drove his senses wild. That overpowering smell,
it blinded him to the point where he wasn't sure if it was real or not.
Sanji could feel everything though, and he knew he was alive because he'd never
felt anything this good before. This man's body was something he never knew exis
ted. He had muscles on his muscles and they were as hard as rock. He could feel
something of a rough scar running diagonally across his chest, making him all th
e more sexy. He loved the feeling of his muscles moving under his skin, like a p
Their groins grinded once more and Sanji recognized the feeling, welcoming it wi
th a smile. Soon enough, both the men were hard and panting. Zoro's mouth travel
ed down the pale, sweaty skin of Sanji's neck, licking, kissing, and biting him.
The blonde made small noises of enjoyment and closed his eyes as the tingling s
ensation from Zoro's lips took over his body. After a minute the swordsman was a
t his collarbone, still kissing.
Unable to stop himself, Zoro continued to travel downwards to his pale, creamy c
hest. The man didn't have nearly as many muscles as the tanner man did, but he c
ould tell he was strong because of the firmness of what muscles he did have. The
ir pelvises were still rubbing together and Zoro knew he needed to stop. Stop. H
e needed to stop!
Jerking suddenly up, catching the other man by surprise, Sanji opened his eyes a
nd looked at the green-haired man getting to his feet. He got up on his elbows a
nd watched as he paced around the room cursing under his breath, steadily gettin
g louder.
"Shit, what was I thinking?!" he breathed, running his big hand through his spik
y hair. He was looking everywhere in the house except directly at Sanji. The coo
k got to his feet and smoothed out his shirt, and took a cigarette from his pock
"Don't smoke in here!" Zoro yelled at him. Slightly taken aback, Sanji remembere
d why he'd come here in the first place and quickly placed the small stick back
in his pocket. The swordsman was still throwing out a stream of curses.
"I don't see what your problem is," he said so coolly it could have frozen fire
in a second.
"How can you not see the problem?!" he growled, "I just made out with and felt y
ou up!" he threw his head back and ran a hand through his hair again, letting ou
t a huge sigh. "Dammit... I don't know what came over me..."
While Zoro was going through his crisis, Sanji was busy scrawling something on a
scrap of paper. When he finished, he set the pen back in its place and put the
post-it note on a space on the counter that wasn't occupied by stinking dishes.
"If it bothers you that much, I'll leave. It's late anyway so I have to get home
," Sanji said heading for the door and straightening out his hair as he did so.
Zoro didn't object or say anything for that matter, so Sanji took that as a sign o
f approval and walked out of his apartment.
Zoro looked at the scrap of paper on his counter. He was too far away to be able
to read what it said, so he got up and walked over to it, looking at the number
s in neat curvise. A phone number. His phone number. Did that bastard actually t
hink he was going to call him? Zoro grabbed the paper and smashed it in his hand
. He opened his fist and let it drop to the floor, than crushed it with his foot
. There, now he'd never be able to call him even if he wanted to. Not that he wo
uld want to. No, he wouldn't. Because he wasn't gay.
But why did his smell still linger?
The least the bastard could have done was offer him a ride home so he wasn't for
ced to walk ten blocks to his apartment building in the dead of night. At least
he was able to smoke now. Sanji was already halfway done his first cig when he f
elt a presence behind him. He looked to the corner of his eye but saw nothing. I
t was probably just his nerves getting the better of him, so he kept walking.
But then it came again and he was sure he heard footsteps. Sanji quickened his p
ace and tried to remain calm. He could handle whatever scum was in the asshole o
f this city. He'd beaten up jerks before, but they weren't very strong so the bl
onde had no idea what kind of guys he could and could not stand up to. Or how ma
Then he was certain somebody was following him because a trash can was knocked o
ver in an alley and there was almost inaudible whispers before the footsteps cou
ld be heard again. Sanji had only gained two blocks and had eight more to go, a
whole mile. There was a chance he could outrun them but he didn't know how fast
they could run. He took a chance anyway.
The cook took off running down the sidewalk and rounded a corner. The men follow
ing him chose that time to make themselves heard and began shouting to go after
him. Sanji turned into an alley a found himself at a dead end fence. Quickly, he
jumped onto the fence and climbed over top of it, dropping to the ground on the
other side.
Sanji could see shadows of huge figures as he ran down the alley beyond the fenc
e. There wasn't another passageway out of the alley so his only choices were to
climb back over the fence or face his attackers. But when Sanji turned around, a
thug was already at the top of the fence. Looks like his decision was made for
In an attempt to intimidate them, Sanji pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, st
anding with the poise and demeanor of a hunter. He could feel inside, though, th
at he had no idea weather he was going to sin. He pushed back his fear and looke
d up at the three ugly faces before him.
The men around him smirked and moves towards him. They were big; huge. This figh
t wasn't going to be easy, Sanji thought as one of them charged at him. He narro
wly dodged the idiot, only to be faced with the two others. The largest one grab
bed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back, causing him to yell out. He t
ried to rotate his waist to spin around and kick the bastard in his skull but th
e other man kicked him in the stomach. Before Sanji could clutch his stomach and
fall over, the last man grabbed his hair to hold him up. The man who kicked him
then started rummaging through the blonde's pockets, pulling out his wallet and
"Hey, looks like this guy's loaded!" he exclaimed, leafing through the wallet. S
anji growled and spat the butt of his cig into the man's face.
"Hey, watch it punk!" he spat and grabbed the butt off his face. One of the men
holding his arms behind him pulled out a knife and handed it to the guy in front
of him. "Anymore ideas smart guy?" he asked, holding the knife threateningly in
front of his face.
"Yeah," he said, surprised how course his voice sounded from the blow to his sto
mach, "get the hell out of my face you ugly-ass shit." And then Sanji maneuvered
his legs and waist to do a kind of back flip, and clobbered the two men in the
faces with the toes of his shoes.
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... clank!
Rrrrrrrrrr...rrrrrrrr...wawisshhh... thud!
"Oww..." Monkey D. Luffy sat up and rubbed his ass, which he'd just fallen on. S
kateboarding was obviously harder than it looked. The teen got up and picked up
his board then placed it back on the ground, putting his right foot on it and pu
shing forward with his left.
As he was rolling along the street, the boy's ears picked up the faint sound of
coughing not far from him. He stopped where he was and picked up his board and t
urned to face the direction the coughing had come from.
"Hello?" he asked into the darkness, his voice echoing off the empty walls of th
e buildings. Nobody answered so Luffy tried again. "Hellooo?" he called again, m
oving closer. The coughing had stopped but the boy still ventured in. He was sur
e there was somebody there, maybe somebody sick.
When he rounded the corner, Luffy saw a strange, blonde-haired man laying agains
t a brick wall. He was badly injured on his face. His pants had been cut and he
wasn't wearing shoes so his bloody feet were visible.
"Are you alright?" he asked, daring to step closer. The blonde man tried to spea
k but he coughed again. Instead of responding, he reached into his pocket and du
g around looking for something. He brought out his empty hand and mumbled under
his breath. Luffy walked over to him and knelt down, setting his skateboard down
and taking his pack from his shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'll help you. I always carry bandages and stuff because I always
fall on my skateboard," the boy said. Sanji looked at his legs and, true to his
word, there was a band-aid covering his entire left knee.
"Don't I need your help," Sanji said waving away the boy, "I can handle myself."
He then attempted to stand up, making a chore of the usually simple task, but n
onetheless, got to his feet. As Luffy watched him start to walk away, he saw tha
t he was limping.
"Hey, you can't go all the way home like that, your limping," he called and grab
bed his wrist. The blonde looked down at him.
"I can, and I will. Why are you trying to help me anyway?" he said coldly.
"Because you're hurt. Sit down; I'm going to help you," he said forcing him to s
it down. Sanji winced a bit when he fell onto the concrete but saw no use in arg
uing with the boy, so he resumed his positions against the brick wall and let th
e boy go to work. Sanji watched as the teen pulled out bandages and all kinds of
ointments to help heal cuts and scratches. He must not have been kidding when h
e said he fell down all the time. "What happened to you anyway?" Luffy asked as
he wiped away the blood on Sanji's feet.
"Some jerks got me. He could have handled them if there weren't three and they h
adn't cornered me. I almost had them too, until they pulled out a knife," Sanji
told him.
"Did they take anything?"
"My wallet and my shoes." He paused. "What's your name?"
"Monkey D. Luffy," he said smiling up at him. Sanji nodded.
The two said no more, except for Sanji's occasional groans and sharp intakes of
breath whenever Luffy sprayed his wound with disinfectant. Soon, all the blood w
as off of his feet and face, replaced with band-aids. They got up and Sanji than
ked the boy before they turned their separate ways.
Sanji got back to his apartment at 3:30 AM. He immediately fell onto his couch a
nd covered himself up with a warm blanket. He was out cold before his head even
hit the pillow.
Sunday morning came when the sun was up and in Zoro's eyes. He growled at the su
nlight and pulled the cover back over his head, only to be woken up again fiftee
n minutes later by a screaming alarm clock. The swordsman glared at it and almos
t gave into smashing it to pieces, but then he'd have to buy a new clock and he
didn't have enough money for that.
Rubbing his eyes, Zoro swung his legs over the side of the bed and groggily walk
ed to the bathroom. He threw his boxers he'd slept in on the floor and stepped i
nto the shower, turning on the hot water. For awhile the swordsman just stood th
ere and let the water run down his muscular body. He contemplated the events of
last night, boring holes into the shower wall as he stared at it. He remembered
how he had crushed his phone number, Sanji's phone number, thinking he would nev
er want to call it, but now...
He quickly pushed the thought away and shook his head before he decided that he
should have kept the number. Zoro threw some shampoo and conditioner onto his gr
een head and lazily scrubbed his scalp and washed it out before switching off th
e water. Dripping, he stepped out of the shower and toweled off his hair then wr
apped the cloth around his waist. Steam rolled out of the bathroom when he opene
d the door and walked back to his bedroom.
About twenty minutes later, when Zoro was dressed and about to attempt to make l
unch (he woke up at 2:00pm), the phone rang.
"What," Zoro growled into the phone.
"Zoro, I found the perfect job for you!" Nami's voice cheered from the other end
of the phone. Zoro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The woman had bee
n trying to find him a job for the past few months and every time she claimed it
was the perfect one for him, he always ended up getting fired for beating someo
ne up or destroying part or the entire establishment.
"Nami, listen to me. I told you a thousand times that all of the jobs you find a
re horrible. They never work out, so just let me find one on my own," Zoro said,
trying to do that thing he always sees women on the streets do with their cell
phones by putting it in between his shoulder and his ear with his head tilted. T
he phone dropped to the floor.
A sigh came from the receiver and Zoro picked it up in time to hear almost all o
f Nami's next sentence. " can't believe you don't trust me. I wanted to make it a
surprise but if you really want to know I'll tell you. There was an opening at a
dojo in some small town close to here. They're looking for a kendo instructor."
"What?" Zoro said blinking.
"A kendo instructor. Like, what you're good at and were completely obsessed with
all of high-school," Nami repeated, feeling like she was talking to a brick wal
"Yes!" Zoro smiled and quickly looked around for a pencil and paper. "Alright, w
hat's the number?" He quickly scratched the number down on a post-it note, and t
hen hung up with the red-haired devil that did something good for him for a chan
Walked back over to the stove, Zoro cracked an egg into the frying pan and let i
t sizzle for a few minutes before flipping it over. The green head had never bee
n able to flip an egg perfectly before but for some reason he could do it just f
ine today.
After eating his breakfast-for-lunch egg, ham, and mustard on toast, Zoro looked
around for where he laid the post-it note with the phone number on it. He saw a
yellow blur on the floor from the corner of his eye and looked down to see the
post-it note. He picked it up and unfolded it. He must have knocked it on the fl
oor by accident.
He grabbed the phone once more and punched in the numbers and not too patiently
waited for someone to pick up on the other end.
"Hello?" a voice said.
"Hi, my name is Roronoa Zoro and I wanted to ask "
"Roronoa?" the voice asked.
Zoro was confused. Did they know him already? "Uh yeah."
"You're first name is Roronoa, Zoro?" the voice chuckled. What the hell was goin
g on?
"Um, who is this?" Zoro asked, fuming as he thought of the possibility of Nami g
iving him a wrong number on purpose.
"Who the hell do you think you called?"
And suddenly, that all too familiar smell came flooding through the house and in
to Zoro's brain. He had called Sanji. His fucking idiot of a brain had called Sa
nji. It hit him then that he never actually threw the post-it note with Sanji's
number away, only thrown it on the floor. He picked up his number and called him
. How much stupider can you be?
"So what did you call me for?" he asked, sounding as cool as ever.
"I... um..." The swordsman struggled for words, desperating trying not to sound
like the stupid moron he was. "I wanted... to see you... I guess..." He made a m
ental note to shoot himself later.
At the other end of the line, in Sanji's apartment, the blonde was shocked. He n
ever thought in his wildest dreams that the marimo would say something like that
to him, let alone the very next day. Still, he managed to keep his voice calm.
"Well, whatever's fine. You can come to my apartment next week or something. I'm
busy all this week." Zoro agreed and mindlessly asked for his address.
Yell, scream, curse and hang up the phone! Do anything but ask where he lives! Z
oro's brain shouted at him so loud his ears hurt, but he stood there and wrote d
own the other man's address on the same paper as his phone number.
"Uh, see you... some... time, I guess," was all Zoro could say before he hung up
the phone.
He swore it was the damn smoke filling his brain that possessed him to be... nic
e to him. Normally, he would never have done that if he'd had his senses.
Shaking his head for the second time today, Zoro pushed away the thoughts, but w
as unsuccessful in getting rid of the smell. He grabbed the phone and the correc
t number of the dojo.

A/N: Alright, I am aware that this chapter was really OOC with Sanji's fighting
abilities because I know he could have totally taken just three guys but for the
sake of the story it has to be that way. Hope you enjoyed it
Review this Story/Chapter
Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
A/N: Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, I had a lot of stuff to do this
week and I didn't get around to finishing all of it and I didn't want to post it
The following week was completely normal in the sense of Zoro's routine. Everyda
y he would wake up at two in the afternoon and make himself a breakfast sandwich
. Then he'd work out for hours on end with his dumbbells and swords (because he
lacked the money to buy real exercise equipment), and then he would laze around
the house watching TV until he fell asleep. Exactly how it had been for him the
past year of his life. Except this week, a certain aroma wouldn't let him forget
where he was going to be in the next few days and with what person he was going
to be with. It sickened him to have to think about that blonde bastard all the
When Saturday finally arrived, Zoro didn't ever want to get out of bed. He hoped
that if he went back to sleep, the sun would go down and skip Saturday complete
ly, forgetting that the swordsman even existed. Unfortunately, though, it wasn't
going to happen. Groaning, Zoro rolled over and fluttered his eyes open and sta
red up at the ceiling. He averted his eyes over to his digital clock which lay u
pside down on the floor. It read 1:48 PM.
Zoro realized that Sanji hadn't given him a time to be there by so he decided if
he took longer getting ready, the later he'd get there and the shorter he'd hav
e to stay. Taking his good old time getting ready taking a shower, getting dressed
, making and eating lunch, training for awhile, getting his coat and shoes on took
nearly an hour and a half before he was walking out the door.
The green head sat in his car outside of the apartment complex looking from the
building, to the post-it note, and back. This was the place. Zoro sighed and par
ked his Jaguar on the side of the road. He got out and fished in his jeans' pock
et for some change to put in the meter. Trying to act nonchalant and tough, he e
ntered the building and sauntered over to the front desk.
"May I help you?" the girl who sat behind the counter asked in a giggly voice. S
he looked much too young to be working as a clerk in an apartment building. She
had dirty blonde hair tied up high in two pigtails on each side of her head. She
was smiling excitedly at the swordsman and waited for him to answer.
"Uh, what room is Sanji in?" he asked, a little disturbed by the clerk's smile.
She giggled at him. "Sanji, huh? He your friend?"
"Kinda... I guess," he muttered.
"How's it been with him?"
"What?" Zoro said cocking an eyebrow. "Why are you asking me all these questions
like you know me? I just asked where his room was what the?!" The swordsman was c
ut short when the bubbly little girl suddenly transformed into a wrinkly, old wo
man. Her hair looked ridiculous in pigtails now and her once tight clothes were
now hanging from her limbs when her body grew smaller. "You!" he shouted and poi
nted an enraged finger at her.
"How've you been young man? Came to visit your boyfriend?" she cackled and Zoro
looked around at the people to see if they had seen the girl change into a hideo
us hag.
"He's not my god damn boyfriend!" he growled between his teeth. "What the hell d
id you do to my nose?!"
"I didn't do anything to your nose, Deary. It looked fine to me."
"That's not what I mean! Ever since I met you at that restaurant last week I've
been smelling smoke all the time; everywhere I go!"
The woman didn't look up at him as she talked; she was busy fidgeting with a Rub
ik's cube. "It's your fault, not mine. You picked the card of aroma."
"What the hell does that mean?!" Zoro said irritated.
"It means you're the one who picked the card that allows you to smell your lover
from any distance. I guess your man just smells like smoke all the time. It cou
ld have been worse though, you could have picked the card of touch which allows
you to feel where your lover last touched you forever until he touches you in an
other spot."
"Lover?! That asshole isn't my lover! I barely even know the stupid prick!"
"Oh hush up, I used lover for lack of a better word."
"But what you basically told me is that you're trying to make me not be able to
forget about Sanji?"
The hag laughed about. "If you want to think of it that way, sure!"
"You little witch!" he growled at her, "So this IS all your fault!" People aroun
d the two looked over at the strange green-haired man yelling at the clerk. To t
heir eyes she was just an ordinary girl trying to do her job. "Why did you do th
is to me?! I don't want to smell his damn smoke for the rest of my life!" Then,
as if his words had triggered it, the smell in his nose changed from the familia
r smoky haze to the scent of cologne. Just a small amount of awful smelling colo
gne mixed with cigarette smoke. What the hell is that retard thinking?
"Well anyways, Sanji's room is number fifty-nine on the third floor." Zoro looke
d back at the hag, who wasn't a hag any longer. She had turned back into the hyp
er little teen she'd been five minutes ago. The swordsman blinked. "I'll call an
d let him know you're coming," she said picking up the phone and giving Zoro one
final smile.
Suddenly aware of the watching eyes around them, Zoro threw a glare back in the
clerk's direction then headed for the elevator. Angrily, he pushed the up arrow
and impatiently waited for the doors to open. When the swordsman reached the thi
rd floor he stepped out of the elevator and looked around for room fifty-nine. H
e found the door in the middle of the hall. Zoro, for some reason, was unable to
raise his hand to knock on the door.
"Where is the damn bas-" the door opened to reveal the blonde-haired man. The sm
ell of his cologne was so overpowering now that Zoro had to use every ounce of s
trength in his body not to keel over and start gagging. "Oh... there you are," h
e said and opened the door wider to welcome him in. "Come in... I guess." Usuall
y the other man was impressed with the blonde's cool attitude, but today he coul
d tell he was struggling to keep his posture.
Zoro walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked around his a
partment and as he expected, it was much neater than his, but no bigger. "Do you
have nothing better to do with your time than clean?" he asked as Sanji walked
into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.
"Actually, I'm so busy most of the time that I don't ever get to stay home and m
ess up my apartment," he said taking out two cans of beer. He handed one to the
green head and opened his own can. "So what did you want to see me for?" he aske
d, his eyes looking to the floor.
"Uh..." Quickly, he titled back the can and took a long drink, searching his min
d for something to say. Sanji couldn't help but smile in to his drink. He had a
feeling he knew what the meathead wanted, and it only made it cuter that he was
nervous about it.
"I wanted to tell you sorry." Sanji looked up at him surprised. "I'm sorry for..
. y'know... last week and stuff," he said staring out the window.
"Uh, well, it-it's okay..." he said with disappointment filling his voice. Sanji
walked out of the kitchen and into the living room and when Zoro looked up at h
im, he realized the blonde was limping slightly.
"Oi, what happened to your leg?" he asked as he followed him into the living roo
m. The cook looked down at his leg than at the swordsman.
"Nothing, I'm fine," he said and took another sip of his beer. He sat down on th
e couch and set his drink on the table to the right.
"Don't give me that bullshit, I saw you limping. Tell me what happened."
"Why do you suddenly care about me? Last week had me held by the collar," Sanji
glared and the swordsman glared back. The tension was so intense, a lightning bo
lt could almost be seen between them.
"Just tell me and I'll leave you alone, dammit," Zoro said, getting frustrated.
He finished off the beer in his can and looked at him; the other man was again t
rying to be tough and cool but was having a difficult time with it. "You probabl
y just fell or something. It's not like you got jumped." The blonde stayed quiet
. Zoro widened his eyes. "You did get jumped, didn't you?"
"Shut up! There were three of them and only one of me," he said and looked at th
e ground.
"Only three? Wow, that's pretty pathetic," Zoro smirked.
"Well if you're so tough why don't you hunt them down and kick their asses?"
"It's almost impossible to fine the exact same thugs in a city like this."
"So I guess you're telling me you're too afraid, right?" Sanji said looking up a
t him; a smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah, because I'd get my ass kicked by a bunch of pansies like you, right?" Zor
o sneered sarcastically.
"If you really just came here to act like a jerk, leave!" Sanji shouted, jumping
from his seat.
"Fine, whatever. By the way," he said looking over his shoulder as he made his w
ay over to the door, "your cologne smells like shit."
The chef blinked. "You can smell it from over there?"
"I have a good sense of smell. With that, the swordsman departed the apartment,
as always, slamming the door after him. When the marimo entered the lobby, he st
ormed past the front desk, completely forgetting about the hag woman. He didn't
even notice the Rubik's cube sitting on the counter, solved with each side havin
g only one color.
As soon as Sanji was sure he was gone, he sniffed himself and after a minute or
two of thinking, he came to agree with the green-headed man. What had he been th
inking? The cologne reeked of desperate virgin. Not that Sanji was a virgin. But
it still gave off that "Please fuck me!" scent.
Thinking that he'd actually put on cologne for Zoro in the first was completely
unbelievable now that the blonde sat on the couch staring at the empty beer can
on the table in front of him. He hoped the bastard drove his car into a ditch an
d died so he would never have to see him again. Well, he wouldn't have to see hi
m again even if he didn't die. It wasn't like he was being forced to invite Zoro
over or to go over to his apartment.
Sanji thought back to their conversation before he left. He said that he could h
ave taken down those three goons. Compared to the tanned muscleman, Sanji left l
ike a wimp. He was pale and skinny. He had soft hands and bony elbows and knees.
Zoro was a delicious tan color and his hands were big and strong. There was not
hing small and dorky about him; quite the opposite.
It was true the cook had been able to fight with his feet before he opened his o
wn restaurant and was busy with it all the time. He had no more time to practice
fighting, but he figured he should start again sometime so Zoro wouldn t think he
was a wimpy dork.
"Wait, hold on a second. Since when do I care what that idiot thinks about me?"
Sanji said aloud and got up from the couch. "I don't care what he thinks of me.
I can be whoever I want and I don't need his approval. He began pacing around th
e house, quietly talking to himself. "Yeah, I'm going to go to the gym and start
working out because I want to be stronger, not because I want Zoro to think I'm
Before he could convince himself otherwise, Sanji grabbed his coat and keys, the
n made his way out the door.

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
He'd have to thank that annoying redhead one day. Unfortunately, she was the rea
son Zoro was standing in front of the bamboo doors of the Japanese dojo where he
now worked. It was a great place, surrounded by fresh, green grass and sakura t
rees and secluded from the main city so there was tranquility for the trainers.
The smell in his nose (the smell which was unmistakably Sanji from what the old
woman had said last week) was stronger today and the marimo didn't know why. He
figured that the idiot must have been smoking more today or something. But for s
ome reason he could smell the scent of food, cooking and sizzling and it constan
tly reminded Zoro of his skipped breakfast this morning.
Ignoring his nose, Zoro pushed the doors of the dojo open and inside were kids,
around the age of twelve or thirteen, who sat cross-legged before a middle-aged
man at the front of the room. The man looked up at the intruder, but gave a frie
ndly smile. He stood up and motioned for the kids to turn and look at Zoro.
"Class, this is your new sensei." Whispers filled the room as the kids watched t
heir new teacher and quietly commented to their classmates about what they thoug
ht. Zoro didn't care, they were just kids and their opinions didn't matter to hi
One student raised his hand. "Sensei, if he's going to be our new sensei, does t
hat mean you're leaving?"
"No. I'm just going to teach a different class whose sensei retired," the man sa
id. Groans filled the room mixed together with aw's.
"But sensei, we don't want you to leave. We don't want a new sensei!" The kids s
houted out.
The man raised his hands as a signal to stop talking and when all the kids quiet
ed and had their eyes on him, he began speaking. "You're going to like you're ne
w sensei very much, I promise. And you can still see me after class when I'm out
side training, so don't worry." He walked through the swarm of teens and over to
where Zoro was standing. He leaned his head close to Zoro's ear and whispered;
"They're a bit of a handful but I think you can manage them. It just takes some
time for them to get used to you." Zoro nodded and looked over at them.
"Well class, I hope you like your new sensei. Je ne!" The man waved and walked o
ut the door, with the kids calling after him. The quickly settled down as Zoro b
egan walking through the middle of the crowd and up to where their old sensei ha
d just been. Every wide pair of curious and suspicious eyes was on Zoro and he l
ooked back at them with his usual mean face. Some of the children seemed to be s
cared of his face so he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, let it out slowly,
then opened his eyes and revealed a much calmer face.
"I am Roronoa Zoro and I will be your new sensei whether you like it or not." He
scanned the room to find the same faces with the same expressions. He continued
, "I don't expect any of you to like me, just learn from me. Now, what was the l
ast thing you were taught?" No hands went up and Zoro sat there, waiting for a b
rave soul to answer. When still no one had answered, Zoro sighed and took out Wa
do Ichimonji, his white sword at his hip, and put it in his mouth. He took the o
ther two from their sheaths and held one in each hand.
The children watched him, confused. Zoro gestured for them to back up some, and
they moved back about five feet. Getting into his stance, the greenhead closed h
is eyes and concentrated. Suddenly, as if a bolt of energy had suddenly struck h
im, Zoro began unleashing attack after attack while not hitting a single thing i
n the dojo.
All the eyes before that had been filled with confusion and suspicion were now o
verflowing with excitement and amazement as they watched their new sensei perfor
m dangerous, and spectacular fighting moves.
When he finally stopped, drops of sweat were forming on the swordsman's forehead
. He re-sheathed his swords and peered down at the kids. They sat motionless and
soundless but clearly amazed.
"Now," he said, "I can teach you how to do things like that if you cooperate. Un
derstand?" The kids nodded and loud chatter began to fill the building as questi
ons were thrown at him from every direction.
"Alright, calm down!" he shouted as he tried to push some of the kids away from
"Can I touch your swords, sensei?"
"Where did you learn all those cool attacks?"
"Why did you dye your hair green, sensei?"
"Don't you dare touch those!" Zoro yelled at a short, brown-haired boy who was a
bout to touch his white-sheathed katana. The boy's hand recoiled and he looked u
p at the greenhead with fear in his eyes. "Everyone sit back down!" he roared th
roughout the entire dojo, and, as quickly as they'd got up, ran to sit back down
in their designated spots.
The swordsman pinched the bridge of his nose. If he had known the kids were this
bad, he wouldn't have taken the job... no, he still would have since he was so
desperate for money. He lowered his hand and looked out at the kids who, once ag
ain, had the fear and suspicion in their all-too knowing eyes. It almost scared
him. Almost.
"Okay, if you want to learn the techniques I just showed you, all of you are goi
ng to have to work really, really hard. Got it?" The faces in front of him lit u
p and quietly nodded with excitement. Zoro felt relieved and knew he could do so
mething now; take control. "Alright, then I want all of you to walk outside and
we're going to meditate."
"Meditate?!" someone groaned. The new sensei wasn't able to catch who it was sin
ce he wasn't familiar with all the children yet.
"Yes, meditate. It's a very important part of learning to sword-fight. You shoul
d all know that by now. Now get up and get outside," he demanded and hurried the
m all to the door. When they were all outside, Zoro picked a nice spot near the
pond by a sakura tree and had all of them sit down crossed-legged and arms-lengt
h apart from each other. Sitting down in front of them Zoro crossed his legs, si
tuated his hands neatly in his lap, forming one circle with both of his hands, c
losed his eyes, and let out a deep breath.
"Take a deep breath and breathe out," he instructed the kids. He heard everyone
suck in air and slowly let it back out, a couple kids coughing in the process. H
e opened one eye to make sure they were okay then closed it to continue. "Clear
your mind and only think about your breathing." After a few seconds, he opened h
is eyes to narrow slits, making sure none of them were causing trouble. Surprisi
ng, they all seemed to be doing what they'd been told.
"Minamino shima wa!"
"What the...?" Zoro opened his eyes and looked around for the singing that seeme
d to be coming from nowhere. As the person continued to sing, the kids opened th
eir eyes at the strange singing.
"Atatakai, umai po-ru po-ru, atama pokapoka, aho baka!" Whoever was singing it s
ounded like a dying monkey.
"Oi, who's there?" Zoro demanded, furrowing his brow. A monkey-like giggle escap
ed from above them and the crowd of students looked up to see a black-haired boy
jump from the cherry blossom tree and land on the grass in the midst of them.
"Oi, Zoro, long time, no see!" he exclaimed and stood up to his full height as h
e repositioned the straw hat on his head. He was dressed in a short-sleeved red
t-shirt that had the number one on it, faded and ripped blue jeans, with his tra
demark tan sandals.
"Sensei, who is this weird boy?" one of the girls asked as she looked him over.
He had a grin on so wide, it spread across his face from ear to ear. Zoro couldn
't help but smile himself as he looked at him. He got up and walked over to the
black-haired guy and, unexpectedly, Zoro was attacked in a hug by the intruder.
"Senseeei, what's going oooon, aren't we supposed to be meditating?"
"Zoro I missed you so much!" the Luffy boy shouted and snuggled his face into th
e older man's chest.
"Okay, it was fun the first couple of seconds, now would you get off?! Luffy...
get the hell off! Jeez!" Zoro growled, practically prying him off his chest. "Go
d, where have you been Luffy, I haven't seen you since college!" Luffy just smil
ed as if that was his answer.
The marimo was suddenly aware of the fact that he was supposed to be teaching hi
s class of misfits. He turned around and saw them curiously wondering what the f
uck was going on. "Uh, class, this is my old friend Luffy," he said and Luffy wa
ved. The kids waved back, still mad about their meditation lesson being interrup
ted. "Stop staring at me like that and go take a lunch break."
"But sensei, it's only 10:30."
"I don't care; go take a breakfast break then." The kids dispersed, grumbled and
miffed, to go back inside the dojo to get their bentos.
"Why are you here all of a sudden, Luffy? Didn't you leave to go travel after co
llege?" Zoro asked once the class had gone.
"I was but... I didn't have enough money..." the boy said smiling. Zoro sighed.
"I heard you were working here and I came to check it out and you're awesome! Ju
st like I remembered!"
"Who told you I was working here?"
"Nami." Zoro should have known. "Let's go eat there, I'm so hungry! I have a fri
end who works there and makes the best food ever!" Luffy pointed down the road t
o a restaurant Zoro hadn t noticed existed when he drove down to the dojo. The sig
n on it read Baratie. It was strange that there would be a restaurant this far o
ut of town.
Zoro was reminded of how hungry he'd been the entire day and the nagging smell o
f food in his nose was only making it worse and a restaurant sounded really good
right now. The swordsman agreed to go, as long as Luffy was paying, so the two
walked across the street and into the building. They were seated by a tanned man
with curly black hair and a nose like Pinocchio.
"What are you doing, Luffy?" Zoro asked as he watched Luffy turn his head in all
directions and sit up on his knees to see over peoples' heads.
"I'm looking for my friend I told you who works here."
"I'm just here for some food, I'm starving." Zoro's eyes scanned the menu and ev
erything he read sounded so fancy and... weird. He had no idea what half the stu
ff on the menu was and what he understood he knew was sure to make him vomit. "G
od, why does this restaurant have to have all this weird food? Can't they have n
ormal things like cheeseburgers and fries? Besides, it's not like this place has
five stars. It's barely got three."
"Ahem!" an angry voice came from behind him. Zoro turned around and all the colo
r drained from his face.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Zoro almost shouted before he remembered to
lower his voice.
"I work here..." the tall blonde said as he stood there in a black suit with a s
triped blue undershirt.
"Hey Sanji!" Luffy called and waved his whole arm at him from across the table.
"Zoro, this is my friend, Sanji." The greenhead just groaned and hit his head on
the table and Luffy watched confused.
"Are you gonna order anything or just sit there like a drunken bastard because w
e kick drunken bastards outta here real fast," Sanji said subconsciously tapping
his foot.
"Just get me whatever doesn't have some name in Latin and isn't going to make me
throw up," Zoro said waving him away.
"I want meat!" Luffy announced bouncing up and down in his chair.
"You just ate here less than an hour ago, Luffy."
"I know but I'm hungry again!"
Sanji sighed and walked away with their orders. When he was gone Zoro immediatel
y raised his head and glared at the boy across from him. "Why didn't you tell me
that idiot worked here?" he hissed.
"I didn't know you knew him," Luffy said still smiling.
"Well now I have to deal with him again! Do you know how much I hate that guy?"
"I hate him a lot. So much that I'm going to stab my katana through his eye. His
stupid ONE eye because he never uncovers his other eye. He looks like a fucking
retard like that. And he thinks he's really cool in his fucking suit... god he
pisses me off... And y'know something else, he what are you laughing at?"
Luffy had been giggling almost through Zoro's entire rant on how much he hated S
anji. If he knew one thing about Zoro it was that he didn't rant about things he
hated. He could hate something with so much passion that he would beat up somet
hing just to get out his rage but he wouldn't ever rant about it. That's just no
t the kind of person he was.
"Nothing," Luffy said trying to stifle his giggles. It always annoyed the older
man whenever Luffy would laugh and not tell him why. It was no use trying to get
him to tell though, he never would.
About ten minutes later, Sanji came back with their meals and set it down in fro
nt of them. He muttered an "Enjoy" and was about to walk away when he heard the
front doors slam open. Everyone in the room looked up to see three men walk into
the restaurant with smirks on their faces. They wore tattered jeans and dirty s
hirts, but two of them had on nice, new jackets. The man standing in the middle
had on a pair of nice, black shoes that clashed with the rest of his wardrobe.
Instead of waiting to be seated, the three helped themselves to a table in the m
iddle of the room and demanded a waiter immediately. Sanji's face paled when he
saw them. He stared at the leader's shoes.
A large man with a bald head, big lips, and a goatee sauntered over to the men a
nd smiled friendly. "Hello there sirs, how're you today?"
"Get us something that doesn't taste like crap," the leader said and the other t
wo laughed.
The cook's smile on his face faded as he clenched his fist and raised it high in
to the air. "We don't serve crap to the likes of you!" he yelled and slammed his
fist into the man's ugly, laughing face.
"Way to go, Patty!" another cook shouted from across the room.
"B-Boss!" one of the two men said as he kneeled down next to him.
"Why you bastard! Is that how you treat a customer?" he barked at Patty who stoo
d towering over him.
"No, but that's how we treat scum like you," he exclaimed and all of the cooks s
tarted laughing. The laughter was quickly silenced when footsteps started walkin
g towards the center of the room. Patty turned around to see Sanji walking towar
ds him, his face darkened with shadow. "Oh Sanji, don't come and give us more of
your crap about them needing to be fed. There's plenty more joints for them to
go eat at in the city. They can take their ugly faces down there and "
Patty was cut off by surprise. Instead of Sanji's usual lecture of needing to fe
ed the hungry people, which he stood true to one-hundred percent, he pushed pass
ed Patty and grabbed the man by his collar. He picked him off the floor and held
him in the air.
"Hey, it's that guy!" the third man in the group shouted. Sanji averted his glar
e to him and he quickly backed off. Sanji lifted his leg and swung it behind him
then sent a painful kick into the man and he flew from Sanji's hand into the wa
ll. The whole room was left stunned as the wall crumbled.
"Wow Sanji, it's been a long time we've seen you in action!" One of the cooks sh
outed and the rest of them joined in laughing and cheering.
"B-Boss!" The two men ran over to their boss's aid. Before they could carry him
out of the restaurant, Sanji stopped them. "What else do you want with us?!" The
y shouted. The blonde pushed them aside and snatched the black shoes from the un
conscious man's feet then coolly walked into the kitchen, pulling out a cigarett
e like nothing ever happened.
"Wow Zoro, isn't Sanji amazing! He's as good as you!" Luffy exclaimed and began
digging into his food.
The greenhead just nodded. He wasn't sure if he should get up and ask him what t
hat was all about or sit there silently and eat his meal. He chose the ladder. Z
oro shoved a forkful of food into his mouth and almost fell out of his chair fro
m the taste. "Who makes his stuff?" he asked trying not to sound too eager.
"All the cooks that work here, but I asked Sanji to make my food by himself beca
use I like his food the best," he stated proudly with his cheeks full.
"Didn't you just meet him?"
"Yeah but I've been in here five times already!"
There was a feeling pulling at the back of Zoro's brain and he wasn't sure what
it was. He just knew he didn't like it.

A/N: Hey there! Sorry this was a week late, I'm trying to update this weekly. In
case you were wondering what song Luffy was singing before he jumps out of the
tree, it's his Island Song from the Skypiea arc, I love that song! I know this w
as really short (I'm a lazy writer) and really fasted-paced and sucky and I'm so
rry! Please don't kill me!

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
"Luffy, that's your fifth fucking meal in the last fifteen minutes! Are you ever
full?!" Zoro protested as he flicked meat chunks off his face. Luffy said somet
hing completely non-understandable with all the food in his mouth. Zoro sighed a
nd watched him shovel more food in his mouth than a normal human should be able
to. The green-haired man kept unconsciously looking back at the kitchen doors to
see if Sanji had come back out yet. He hadn't.
Zoro sighed and mentally cursed himself. He didn't know why he was so concerned
with the stupid guy. He was sure he could take care of himself and what he'd don
e to those customers; he knew he had his reasons. But Zoro was still unable to k
eep his eyes away from that door. Shouldn't the idiot actually be working?
"Hey Luffy, I'm going to run to the bathroom, don't eat the entire restaurant, b
aka," he told the fat mass of flesh across the table from him. The head nod gave
Zoro the sign that he wasn't dead from overstuffing himself and he guessed that
was a good thing. He pushed back his chair, got up and walked to the back of th
e establishment to where the men's room was. He looked back to make sure Luffy w
asn't watching him, then quickly changed directions and slipped into the kitchen
The first thing the swordsman noticed once inside the kitchen was the instant ch
ange in temperature. It was so much hotter in this room than it was where everyo
ne ate. Zoro realized it was naturally that way since all the hot food was being
cooked in this room. There were tons of people in white aprons and hats running
around everywhere, trying to prepare food. Zoro was shocked at how many people
it took to serve customers in such a small restaurant. The second thing Zoro not
iced was that the aroma in his nose was stronger now that he was closer to the c
ook. He looked up, and instantly, as if spotting a raven in a flock of seagulls,
saw Sanji sitting alone on a countertop, watching everyone scurry about.
No one seemed to notice Zoro's presence in the kitchen so he took the opportunit
y to saunter over to Sanji unseen. When Sanji was aware of someone hovering over
him, he looked up to see the one and only person he wished it wasn't.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you have left already?" he said in a low growl.
"With the way that guy eats, I won't be out of here for another two hours," Zoro
replied, ignoring Sanji's rude tone.
"You're not supposed to be in here," he said, his glare unwavering. Zoro was unf
azed by it.
"I know but I wanted to talk to you. What the hell did those guys do that pissed
you off so much?" Sanji didn't reply. He looked back down at the floor and laid
his hands in his lap, fidgeting with them. Zoro was confused as to why the blon
de was so nervous.
"Can we go outside? I need a smoke and I'll get my ass kicked if I smoke in here
," he said, getting up and not waiting for the other man's answer. Zoro followed
the chef out of the back doors and to the back of the restaurant where there we
re two walls that made a right angle and formed a private little area where just
the two of them stood. He was relieved by the cool air of the outside and relax
ed a bit more. Sanji stood across from the swordsman, leaning against the opposi
te wall, lighting up.
"So, you gonna explain or what?" Zoro questioned again when Sanji had taken a dr
ag on his cigarette and his shoulders loosened.
Again, the blonde didn't answer right away, but when he finally looked up at Zor
o, he showed no sign of expression at all. "Those were the bastards that took my
Ah, so that was why he'd taken those nice shoes. Zoro thought to himself. He, an
d probably every other person who'd been watching, had been wondering why he'd t
aken that guy's shoes. It seemed pretty random.
"Impossible to find the same thugs, hm?" Sanji said, putting his cigarette back
in between his lips.
"That was a coincidence," Zoro said, feeling slightly defeated. He had been sort
of hoping that he could have tracked down those idiots by manipulating his new
sense of smell and beating them to a pulp; just to show the blonde-haired prick
how easy it was to take down a band of morons.
"Is that all you wanted to talk to me about, marimo?" Sanji asked, looking kind
of annoyed. Zoro looked away from the cook and down at the ground, contemplating
if he should ask what was on his mind. He really wanted to but he was afraid Sa
nji would think he actually gave a damn about him; which he didn't.
"Well actually-" The greenhead was about to ask but was cut off by a yell from a
round the corner.
"Boss, he's here!"
"Tch, those guys again?" Sanji said then took a long drag and slowly letting the
smoke blow out of his mouth.
"Don't they know when to quit?" Zoro said, walking out of the small area and loo
king around the corner. To his surprise, there were more than just three. Along
with the original three jerks were now six more thugs who were bigger and toughe
r than the others, making a grand total of nine morons, one already beaten up.
"Where the hell did they come from?" Sanji asked successfully hiding the surpris
e in his voice. He looked over to see the green-haired man with a sword in his m
outh as he unsheathed the other two at his side. The cook raised a curly eyebrow
. "Who carries around swords with them wherever they go?" he asked.
"I do. Besides, you've got your weapons at all times." Zoro nodded his head in t
he direction of Sanji's feet. "Mine just happen to be bigger and made of metal."
Sanji realized he had a point. He was also shocked by the swordsman's ability to
speak clearly and perfectly with a katana between his teeth. It was ungodly. He
watched as the other man approached the men, some who were at least three times
his size. They smirked at him.
"Well look at this. A little man here thinks he can hurt us with his little toy
"What the hell is he gonna do with the one in his mouth? He'll end up stabbing h
imself!" The others laughed and continued to make fun of him.
As Sanji stood back in the corner of the restaurant, he stared at the swordsman'
s profile. His face was empty of any expression but his eyes were vicious. Somet
hing in Sanji's gut told him those bastards were going to get it. Images of the
night in Zoro's apartment flashed through his mind. He remembered the greenhead'
s strong body and roped muscles under slick, tan skin; his hard breathing and sw
eaty palms caressing Sanji's pale, white skin.
Quickly, Sanji shook his head and pushed the thoughts from his mind. He looked b
ack over at Zoro who was now standing in what looked like a fighting stance. His
feet were firmly planted on the ground and he crossed his arms across his chest
with his katana pointing upwards. Facing his opponents with his devil-like eyes
, he said in his deep, threatening voice, "Oni... giri!" Before Sanji could blin
k, the swordsman was on the opposite side of the parking lot. Sanji averted his
eyes to the men standing there, their chests now covered in blood.
The two smaller men fell to the ground grabbing their sides while the others gro
aned and staggered. The cook stared in disbelief. Zoro had already taken out two
men with a single move that required his eyes to move at lightning speed to kee
p up with it.
"You bastard..." one man growled at Zoro after he stopped coughing. Zoro turned
around and faced him, the same expression on his face. His face made Sanji shive
r. It was a deadly kind of sexy. A few of the men had taken out guns and had the
m pointed at the green-haired man. Oh shit, Sanji thought, there's no way in hel
l a swordsman can win against guns.
"Take this you damn piece of seaweed!" one of them shouted and pulled the trigge
r of his hand gun.
"No!" Sanji shouted and almost dove in front of the bullet until he looked over
at Zoro and saw that he wasn't running. He was holding his sword vertically righ
t down the center of his face and Sanji all but missed the bullet hitting the bl
ade head on. A faint clank was heard when the two pieces of metal connected; two
separate pieces of the bullet fell to the ground. Zoro lowered his weapon and g
ave the man a satisfied smirk.
"Why you...!" shouted the man angrily. He then began firing rapidly at the green
head. Zoro was only able to deflect a few of them before he had to start dodging
out of the way. That's when the rest of the bandits started to open fire at him
Zoro, not wanting to involve anybody else in this, steered clear of the blonde s
till standing in the small corner by the garbage cans. That was it! "Oi, cook! T
hrow me one of those trash can lids!" he yelled to Sanji standing there mindless
ly watching the swordsman blow his mind away.
"Huh? Oh!" he said and grabbed one of the lids once his brain registered what th
e other man had yelled at him. He tossed it like a frisbee and it whizzed throug
h the air a little too high for Zoro to catch. But, to the blonde's surprise, Zo
ro jumped up too high for a normal human and caught it in mid-air. What the fuck
is this guy made of? Sanji thought as he gawked at what he'd just seen. He was
also shocked that none of the bullets had hit him yet. Those morons were either
really bad at aiming or this guy was extremely lucky.
Holding the metal lid like a shield by his side, Zoro drew his white sword and h
eld it out on the other side of him as he ran through the onslaught of bullets.
He quickly changed his direction, moving his shield in front of him, and headed
towards the attackers; his swords ready to kill. Some of the men dropped their g
uns and ran for it immediately after seeing Zoro's terrifying eyes. The others s
tood their ground.
Shit, I don't know if I can do this while I'm holding this damn lid. Zoro though
t to himself as he closed the distance between himself and the attackers. Decidi
ng against it, Zoro discarded the lid and held his sword above his head with bot
h hands. "Ittouryuu..."
"What is he doing?!" Sanji screamed, "He's going to get himself killed like that
!" As frantic as he was, the blonde wasn't able to take his eyes away from Zoro
and as he watched further, he saw what he was doing.
"Sanjuuroku Pondo Hou!" In an instant, a huge flash of blue light emerged from Z
oro's blade as he swung it around, twisting his body and pulling the sword, acro
ss the air and letting go of it with his right hand. The blue light smashed into
every man standing before him and they all went soaring backwards like a set of
bowling pins. Crimson blood poured from the men's chests as the fell on the gro
und, their bodies limp and unable to move except for their heavy chests panting,
desperate for breath. Only a small cut was visible on Zoro's right cheek.
Slowly, the man regained his posture and sheathed Wado Ichimonji. Nobody on the
ground dared to get up to challenge him again. No one even spoke.
From the small corner, Sanji stared in disbelief at the sight before him. The bl
onde knew he was strong, he knew he must work out to get those muscles, but he h
ad no idea that he was capable of... this. A flash of lightning and an immediate
boom of thunder shocked the cook out of his mindless state and he realized Zoro
was speaking to him.
"Oi, what's that blank look for? Get the hell inside, it's going to rain." Still
dazed, Sanji allowed himself to be pushed by the larger man into the building.
The dramatic change of atmosphere almost made Sanji have a heart attack. He was
back inside the kitchen at the Baratie where all the cooks were expecting him to
do his job. He looked at Zoro next to him as he was walking back out into the m
ain area of the restaurant where Luffy was still sitting, waiting for him.
"H-Hey..." Sanji said, surprised that his voice sounded so meek. Zoro turned aro
und and raised an eyebrow at him. "What... what was that?"
"Me saving your ass."
"Yeah but..." but before he could finish the swordsman was walking out of the ki
tchen. It was then that it dawned on Sanji that Zoro had saved his ass. That was
supposed to be his fight! He mentally slapped himself for letting someone else
fight for him. Never once in his life had Sanji done that. But, had he actually
let the swordsman fight for him? Or did he just step up to the fight himself? If
that was it, the next question was why did the marimo defend him when he hated
his guts?
"What took you so long Zoro?" Luffy whined when the greenhead finally came back
to the table. "Your food's getting cold"
"I don't have time to eat it now, we've been here too long and I have to get bac
k to my class," Zoro said. Luffy nodded and got up. The two walked out of the re
staurant and across the street that was now flooded with water. As they walked w
ithout speaking, a million things were running through Zoro's mind. Throughout t
he entire battle, he'd forgotten about the annoying smell that haunted him. For
those few minutes it was like it had become a part of him, something that was th
ere all the time that he was used to. But now that he thought about it, the smok
e smell wasn't there. It smelt like rain. Not the fresh rain he was walking unde
r now, but the soaking wet just-came-inside-after-being-surprised-by-a-storm rai
n. He realized that the water had probably washed off the cook's normal smoky sm
He also forgot that he didn t care about the bastard in the first place so there w
as no reason for him to have saved him.
"Where did you get that cut on your face from, Zoro?" Luffy questioned and point
ed to the swordsman's cheek and at the same time interrupting his thoughts.
"Huh?" He unconsciously lifted his hand to his cheek and remembered how his swor
d grazed his face when he unleashed his finishing attack. "I cut myself on a pie
ce of glass by accident," he lied. They reached the dojo and found all the child
ren huddled in the entrance soaking wet.
"Sensei!" they all yelled as they saw him and Luffy walking towards them. "Sense
i what took you so long? It rained on our lunch!" they exclaimed.
"Alright, let me call all your parents and tell them to pick you up early. We'll
still have class tomorrow if the storm stops by then." The kids nodded and chat
ted among themselves as they impatiently waited for their parents to arrive.
Zoro walked over to the one phone in the front of the building that hung on the
wall. He picked up the clipboard sitting on a small table in the corner with all
the students' names and contact information on it. He sighed and began phoning
all the parents. A few feet away from him, Luffy lay on his belly watching Zoro
make calls. When he was finally finished, the rubber boy was asleep and half the
kids had already been picked up.
"Oi, Luffy," Zoro said shaking the boy with his foot. The teen made a strange, g
roggy noise with his mouth then rubbed his eyes and opened them. "What's for bre
akfast...?" he said lazily.
"Do you have anywhere to stay, Luffy?" He shook his head. Zoro sighed; leave it
to Luffy to travel somewhere without finding somewhere to stay and without any m
oney. "You're gonna have to stay with me then until you get an apartment or some
thing. I can't have you living in some motel and then causing some kind of explo
sion or something and getting thrown out and fined."
"Well... actually..." Luffy said laughing nervously but then shut up under Zoro'
s dark glare. When the last of the children were picked up by their mothers, Zor
o motioned for Luffy to follow him outside to his car. They both got in and Zoro
started the car.
As they drove through the rainy streets, they would never know that someone had
been watching them from a distance. The blonde cook was smoking away on a cigare
tte as he followed the blue Jaguar with his eyes until it disappeared. When it w
as completely gone he dropped the white stick and crushed it with his foot and t
urned back into the building.
"Get back to work, Sanji, you're slacking off today!" he heard some of the other
cooks yell. The blonde ignored them and walked somberly back into the kitchen.
He tried to concentrate on cooking, the one thing that had always made sense to
him and could cheer him up no matter what, but today it didn't seem to help.
"What's the matter with you, Eggplant?"
Sanji looked up at the owner of the familiar voice. It was the head chef and own
er of the Baratie, Zeff. Sanji sneered at him. Zeff was Sanji's uncle and had kn
own him his whole life. He was more of a father to Sanji than his own father was
. The two teased and picked on each other all the time but they both knew the ot
her didn't hate them at all. As much as they hated to admit it, they loved each
other and they were all the other one had. Sanji had helped Zeff start this rest
aurant his senior year in high school and he'd been working here ever since.
"Shut up you old fart, there's nothing wrong with me."
"Then why do I have customers complaining about their food? The only one that ma
kes shitty food here is you." Sanji pretended not to hear him. He knew Zeff didn
't think his cooking was shitty. There was a time, though, one April Fool's Day
that Zeff and the others had pretended to be revolted by his soup and threatened
to beat him it tasted so bad. Sanji nearly lashed out and kicked every single o
ne of them in their guts until Zeff laughed and shouted, "Can't you take a joke,
Eggplant?!" He wanted to kill him that day.
"C'mon tell me what's wrong or you're fired," Zeff said.
Sanji sighed loudly. "There's nothing wrong. Jeez, how many times do I have to t
ell you that?"
"I don't believe you because I know you're lying. Does this involve a girl?"
Sanji glared at him. "You know I don't have any trouble with the ladies. They fa
ll all over me."
"Don't get too cocky, you'll jinx yourself. Besides, you can still have a proble
m involving a girl. Who is it?"
"There is no girl, Zeff!"
"It's a man then?" Sanji gritted his teeth but soon stopped. He didn't want to g
et into another fight, especially not with Zeff again. Zeff raised his eyebrow a
nd tugged at his extremely long mustache. "Well, I don't know how to help you wi
th this problem."
"I didn't say anything about a man," Sanji muttered and was tempted to pull out
another cigarette but knew better than to smoke around Zeff.
"You didn't say it wasn't." Sanji stayed silent. "You might want to ask your gra
ndmother about it. She works in the restaurant by that club you used to go to."
Zeff had been trying to get his nephew to stop going to clubs for years and had
never succeeded. He began denying the fact that Sanji goes to clubs now for awhi
le, hoping that the stupid boy would see it his way.
The blonde groaned. "But Zeff, she's a creepy old lady and I don't want to talk
to her."
"Too bad, you get your ass over there or I'm calling her and making her come ove
r here." Grabbing him by the arm, Zeff hauled Sanji over to the door and kicked
him out of the kitchen.
"Oi, bastard, let me back in there or I'll kick your ass!" he shouted as he slam
med on the door with his fist. After a few minutes of knocking and not getting i
n, Sanji decided to just go and get it over with. He walked out of the restauran
t, ran to his car, and got it. There was no way of escaping now. Zeff would call
her and make sure he got there. She may be a psycho, but damn can she fuck up y
our mind with some crazy shit. He'd had personal experience with that before and
that was the last thing he needed right now. More brain ninjas to screw with hi
s mind.

Sorry about the wait for the update. I've been getting lazy again -sweatdrop- I
tried to make this chapter longer but I don't think that worked out.
And for Zoro finishing attack, ittouryuu means one sword style and sanjuuroku po
ndo hou means thirty-six pound cannon. Stole that from the Zoro vs. Braham battl
e in Skypiea. -smile-
Hope you liked it!

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
The thunderstorm had gotten worse by the time Sanji reached the restaurant by hi
s usual club. Sighing, he unlocked the driver door and got out of his car. He ra
n quickly to the door and slipped inside before the rain could ruin his good sui
t. After shaking off the rain droplets from his pants and jacket, Sanji looked u
p and examined his surroundings. The place was half full of people talking quiet
ly and soothing music was playing in the background. It gave the room a hint of
mystery due to the dark sky outside and the obnoxiously loud thunderstorm. It wa
s not an overly fancy restaurant with women in cocktail dresses and men clad in
striped suits, but it also wasn't a ratty burger joint.
"Are you waiting to be seated, sir?" came a voice behind the blonde. Sanji spun
around to find a heavy black-haired man wearing what looked to be a waiter's uni
form. He was smiling and waiting for an answer from the cook.
"No, thank you. I was just here to meet somebody," the blonde replied. The waite
r gave Sanji a confused look. "Do you know, perhaps, where I can find the fortun
e teller that works here?" he questioned.
"Oh, of course, sir, right this way." Sanji followed the heavy man across the ro
om, weaving between the tables, to a spiral staircase leading to the next floor.
"She is upstairs sitting at a table by the restrooms." Sanji thanked him and pr
oceeded to ascend the staircase. It wasn't a long staircase by any means but to
the blonde, it seemed to go on forever as he climbed with his head spinning. Doz
ens of questions ran through his mind and he just wanted to get this over with.
Finally, when he reached the top of the stairs, the room was empty except for a
small table with two chairs and one old woman occupying one of them. Sanji took
a deep breath and approached the table. He sat down and looked up at the old wom
an with the cloak and hood that hid after of her face. The only part of her skin
he could see besides her old, wrinkly hands was the bottom half of her face, re
vealing a smirk on her lips.
The blonde leaned back in his chair and pulled out a cigarette and brought it to
his lips after he lit it. It was better to stay as calm as he could when he sat
before this woman. He averted his eyes to look at her and said, "Hey old hag, l
ong time no see."
Luffy bounced out of the car when Zoro came to a stop. "Wow, you live here?!" th
e boy exclaimed as he stared up at the tall building.
"It's not that impressive. Only an apartment building," Zoro said as he walked t
owards the doors with Luffy following along behind him.
The two entered the building and went up to Zoro's apartment using the elevator.
Luffy wanted to go say hi to the secretary at the front desk but Zoro pulled hi
m away before he could so much as wave. The swordsman had been avoiding any woma
n sitting at a desk in any building ever since his second encounter with the old
hag at Sanji's apartment building. When Zoro opened the door to his apartment,
Luffy ran in and immediately oo'd and ah'd at everything in sight, despite how m
essy the place was.
"Jeez, settle down, will ya? You're acting like this is the White House or somet
hing," Zoro said and gave the teen a glare. Luffy didn't notice it and walked ov
er to Zoro's dumbbells and started gaping all over again. Zoro sighed. "You want
something to eat?" he asked quickly before Luffy picked one of them up and ende
d up destroying it somehow.
"Yeah!" That instantly got the black-haired boy's attention away from his surrou
ndings. He dashed to the small table in the middle of the kitchen and eagerly aw
aited whatever Zoro put in front of him. God knows he'd eat whatever it was, eve
n with Zoro's horrible cooking skills.
"Well just wait a minute until I get a shower and then I'll make you something,
okay?" Zoro said and stared at the boy a few seconds longer to make sure he wasn
't going to move and touch anything. He averted his gaze from the raven-haired b
oy and walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the tub.
Luffy sat at the kitchen table, trying to find something to do while he waited f
or Zoro. He kicked his legs under the table and looked around at Zoro's messy ap
artment. His stomach grumbled and he clenched it, wishing Zoro would hurry up; i
t was so lonely and boring without someone else in this empty place.
Finally the water stopped and Luffy's face lit up. A few minutes later, Zoro ste
pped out of the bathroom in a pair of sweatpants and without a shirt, rubbing hi
s hair dry with a towel. Luffy bounced in his seat, obviously wanting food now t
hat the greenhead was no longer covered in blood. The swordsman threw the towel
aside on the floor and walked into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator.
Examining the shelves of his refrigerator, Zoro decided he'd have to go to the g
rocery store sometime. After grabbing a few slices of cheese, he closed the door
and plucked a bag of bread from the counter top and pulled out four slices. Gri
lled cheese was one of the only things the swordsman knew how to make even if he
couldn't make it well.
"Don't you ever get lonely living in this place by yourself, Zoro?" Luffy sudden
ly asked as his friend was spreading butter on the slices of bread.
"Not really. I go to the dojo..." Zoro said but didn't finish the thought when h
e realized that to him, little kids didn't really count as company. "Nami drags
me to clubs and restaurants sometimes too..." Zoro wanted to smack himself from
reminding himself of a certain someone he didn't want to think about, and thus r
eminding him that he couldn't smell the frying bread, butter, and cheese in the
pan on the stove; only that overpowering scent of cologne and smoke.
"Well, I mean when you're sitting by yourself in here, don't you feel lonely the
n? Like you want someone to be with you to cheer you up?" Luffy asked.
Zoro hadn't really thought about it like that. He saw it more as time alone, awa
y from an annoying redhead and the entire outside world. It was like an escape,
not a prison of solitude. "Not really..." Zoro admitted but he was cut off befor
e he could even finish.
"How about I live with you Zoro? That way you won't be lonely!" Luffy announced
as a huge smile appeared on his face.
Zoro inwardly cringed. He couldn't imagine sharing his apartment with someone el
se, even if it was Luffy. It was already messy enough as it was, and he knew Luf
fy wouldn't make things better. But on the other hand, if Luffy did manage to ge
t a job, Zoro would only have to pay half the rent.
"Are you working anywhere, Luffy?" Zoro asked, flipping a sandwich in the pan.
Luffy tilted his head at the sudden change of subject. "No, I just got here."
"Are you going to find a job sometime soon?"
"Yeah, sure. I wanted to work in that restaurant we were just at!"
"But Luffy, you can't cook for shit."
Luffy pouted and crossed his arms at the insult, though he knew full well it was
true. "That doesn't mean I can't be a waiter, though," he said.
"Waiters don't make very good money, Luffy," Zoro sighed and flipped the sandwic
hes onto two plates. He turned off the burner and grabbed the plates and set one
in front of the boy and the other at a seat opposite from him. Zoro sat down an
d took a big bite out of his sandwich, as did Luffy.
"So what? It'll be fun and I can get free food!"
"No you can't. At the least, probably discounted or something."
Luffy frowned and glared at his friend. He didn't like the idea of working at a
restaurant and not getting free food. "I'd get free food if I lived here with yo
u, right Zoro?" he asked.
Zoro sighed, figuring it was useless and just said, "Yeah Luffy." The boy beamed
again and continued eating his free sandwich.
Sanji's hands were deep in his pockets and his teeth were bit down hard on his c
igarette as he stalked through the streets contemplating on what the old woman h
ad told him.
"Is there a problem that you have come to see me for?" the lady asked knowing fu
ll well that her grandson would never come to see him for a problem of his own a
ccord. It was her son, his uncle, Zeff who had sent him to see her. It always wa
"There's nothing wrong, that old geezer just sent me here to get rid of me for a
while," Sanji said, blowing smoke out of his mouth as coolly as he could.
"Don't lie to me," she said, her grin widening. "Why don't you tell your grandmo
ther everything that's troubling you?"
There was no way that Sanji was going to be able to get through this unscathed.
He'd have to say it sometime, or else she'd do horrible things to his mind with
her creepy magic. He looked up at her wicked grin. She looked like something out
of a fairy tale, like the evil witch or something. But that's how she liked to
portray herself.
"I started going to the gym," he said hoping to beat around the bush for just a
few more minutes so he would be able to say things how he wanted to and not just
blurt them out in a mush.
"I know." Now that was kinda creepy. "Is there a reason why you started going? Y
ou never have before. Isn't fighting Zeff enough of a work out for you?"
"That old man's been getting older and weaker by the day. He's no match for me a
nymore," he said knowing it wasn't true. He knew she knew as well. It would be a
nother decade before that stubborn old man got even a little bit weaker.
"Tell me, Sanji, why exactly has my son sent you here?"
Sanji looked away, trying to avoid her eyes that he knew she was going to unleas
h at any time. "I, uh, I..." Shit, I'm losing my cool... Sanji thought, trying t
o keep under control. "...fell in love..." Big mistake. Very big mistake.
"Isn't this a good thing?"
"Yeah... I guess..."
"Or don't they feel the same way?"
"Not exactly..."
"I think he thinks about you more than you think he does, Deary."
"Yeah I doubt that. He hates my guts." Sanji was a little surprised that she kne
w it was a he but he decided not to say anything about it since she seemed to kn
ow everything anyway.
"Then why would he save you?"
"Because... I don't know. He's a jerk."
"Believe me, Deary, he thinks about you whether he wants to or not. He just does
n't have the confidence to say anything to you." With this, she reached into her
sleeve and pulled out a deck of cards. At first it looked like a deck of cards
but Sanji soon saw that it was only four when she fanned them out. "Choose one o
f these cards, Sanji," she said in an amused voice. Shit, that was a bad sign. S
anji knew what was coming and he didn't like it at all. But he knew if he were t
o refuse her request, only worse things would happen.
Carefully, Sanji lifted a hand and let it hover over the four cards, the backs f
acing him. He had no idea what to except so he chose the second one on the left
and slowly pulled it from between her fingers. He looked up at her as he pulled
it out and he swore she lifted her face just the slightest bit higher to reveal
a pair of amused, dancing green eyes.
The blonde quickly torn his gaze from her eyes and looked down at the card. The
back was a deep redish brown with nothing else. He turned the card over to revea
l a single eyeball staring up at him.
"What does this mean..." he asked, his voice a little shaky. He prayed that it w
as just a joke and not something terrifyingly horrible.
"You may go back to work now," she said, slipping the remaining three cards back
into her sleeve.
"But aren't you going to tell me what this means?" he said, turning back to her
and his voice getting louder with frustration and fear.
"Back to work with you, sonny. Zeff will be worried if you don't get back to wor
k." Sanji knew there was no use fighting. He slowly got up from the chair and sl
ipped the card into his pocket and made his way back downstairs.
It wasn't until now that Sanji had realized he had been so angry and scared that
he stormed out of the restaurant and started walking through the pouring rain w
ithout even remembering about his car. He turned around and started back towards
the restaurant, feeling like an idiot.
On the way back, Sanji began to feel like there was someone watching him. He kne
w it was probably just an after-feeling of the creepiness left behind from his e
ncounter with his horrible grandmother and the feeling of dread that poured over
him from not knowing what the card was, but somehow, in the back of his mind, h
e wanted to turn around and make sure he wasn't being stalked by those thugs aga
He stopped in his tracks, still feeling eyes on his back and slowly looked over
his shoulder. To his surprise, and relief, there was no one there. It was all in
his mind. He continued walking again.
By this time, almost nobody was walking on the sidewalks anymore since the weath
er had gotten so bad. Lightning flashed every few minutes followed by a growl of
thunder. Sanji's car was now in sight and he kept his eyes focused on it. Anoth
er flash of lightning appeared and something strange happened when it hit.
Sanji stared at his car in disbelief, and then rubbed his eyes. No... it was all
in his imagination. He was seeing things. There was no way Zoro could have been
leaning against his car the moment the lightning flashed and then be gone the v
ery next second. He was hallucinating from the fear.
He quickly widened his strides and got to his car just before another lightning
bolt struck. He climbed in and slammed the door shut, jammed his key into the ig
nition and started up the car.
The whole ride home Sanji could think of nothing except that moment. It looked e
xactly like a real person, exactly like Zoro. Every little detail about him was
perfect. Maybe he was hallucinating Zoro not being there. But then, wouldn't he
have said something to him when he approached the car?
He then remembered what the old hag had said about Zoro not having the confidenc
e to speak to him. It only made sense. It still freaked him out though.
As the blonde's thoughts continued on and on, a sleeping swordsman was snoring a
way in his bed at his apartment, with a certain black-haired boy cuddled up besi
de him.

Review this Story/Chapter

Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
Zoro tried to focus his mind on the breathing exercises he was instructing his c
lass to do. Normally he would have been walking around, making sure each of them
was doing it properly, but today he felt like he needed to do the
Straight Up
Author of 12 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 9
Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Sanji - Reviews: 22 - Updated: 08-31-08
- Published: 04-15-08 - id:4199632
This chapter is actually pretty long for me. I was going to finish it tomorrow b
ecause I was so tired tonight but I couldn't sleep so I just decided to write be
cause I knew this needed updated. I've already planned out the ending and expect
about two or three more chapters to come... and an epilogue -smile-

Zoro didn't look up when he heard the door to the apartment open, slam shut, and
then a boyish mass of giggles jump onto the nearest bed. The green-haired man w
as busy attempting to make a salad for dinner. He'd woken up late and skipped br
eakfast, so the entire day Zoro was starving. When he got back from the dojo jus
t after lunch, he was distressed to find that he didn't have any money since he ha
dn't gotten paid yet and spent the next hour trying to find something he could mak
e without burning it and salad was the only option available.
"Where were you Luffy?" Zoro asked when his roommate had finally calmed down. He
looked over at him to see he had wiggled himself underneath the sheets on Zoro'
s bed. Zoro frowned, knowing that he was hyper for God-knows-what-reason.
"I was over at the Baratie," he said and laid his head on Zoro's pillow, closing
his eyes and smiling dreamily.
So he'd just been fed. The lucky twerp. If he went out to eat, why didn't he ask
me to go with him? Zoro wondered as he watched the younger boy. "Oi Luffy, sinc
e when do you have money? Or were you there to ask for a job?"
Luffy shook his head and opened his eyes again and sat up. "I went there to eat
but Sanji wouldn't feed me because I didn't have any money."
"How long were you there for? When I got home an hour ago you weren't here."
"Umm... about three hours," he said smiling innocently.
"Three hours? What the hell for?" Luffy started giggling again as soon as the qu
estion came out of the other man's mouth. Zoro sighed and took his poor-looking
salad to the table and sat down. He picked up his fork and stared at the unappet
izing meal for a minute, before shrugging and digging in. Food was food anyway.
"I kept talking to this new waiter there, he's so cool! You should meet him Zoro
!" Luffy exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he spoke. "He says he's been a pirat
e with over eight-thousand followers!"
Zoro only grunted in reply, not at all impressed and slightly surprised that Luf
fy was that stupid. Luffy stopped during his rambling when his stomach gave a ra
ther ferocious growl and the boy clutched his stomach and whined. "Zoro... I'm s
o hungry... give me some of whatever you're eating."
"Get your own food. I only have salad and it's not big enough for two people."
"But Zorooo..." the teen whined again, falling back onto the sheets.
"If you'd get a job you'd have money for food." Zoro scolded. He looked over and
saw that Luffy was no longer paying attention to him or his hunger issue. He wa
s once again lost in a dreamland where only his new friend existed. Zoro's brow
furrowed as he watched his roommate smile as he drifted off without realizing it
. In a way Zoro felt a little jealous of the boy; he'd found someone he liked an
d he knew exactly how he felt about them. There wasn't enough room in the boy's
tiny head for more than one emotion at a time.
By the time the raven-haired boy awoke it was already dark. Rubbing his eyes, he
sat up and found Zoro sitting on the couch flipping through the channels, looki
ng disgusted at every show.
"Mmm... Zoro... what time is it? I'm so hungry..."
"Go see what's in the fridge," the marimo replied.
Obeying, Luffy stood up and walked into the kitchen, still in a bit of a daze fr
om his nap. He opened it, only to be disappointed by the lack of snack food that
didn t have to be cooked. His hunger was so overpowering that he had no choice bu
t to pull out a box of noodle soup from the pantry and fill up a pot of water to
make soup.
While waiting for the water to boil, Luffy plopped down next to Zoro and stared
at the TV for a moment until something in his brain sparked, causing him to reme
mber earlier in the day.
"Oh! Zoro, did I tell you about Usopp, the new waiter at the Baratie?" he said s
miling hugely. Zoro sighed, irritated.
"Yes Luffy, you wouldn't stop talking about him when I got home until you fell a
sleep. If you like him so much why don't you go back down there and see him so I
don't have to hear you whine about him."
"That's a great idea Zoro! Can you drive me?" Zoro mentally slapped himself in t
he face for suggesting the idea in the first place.
"God dammit, Luffy, you're so annoying. The Baratie's probably closed anyway."
The teen glanced over at the clock and smiled happily. "Not uh, it closes at ele
ven and it's only 10:45! Please take me!" Luffy pleaded only to be interrupted b
y his own stomach pleading with him.
Zoro was afraid to look down at the boy, knowing he would give into those big, b
lue eyes like he always did. He was unable to hold his gaze on the TV screen lon
g enough for Luffy to back down and ended up cracking. "Alright fine!" Luffy che
ered and jumped on the sofa. "But!" Zoro said, stopping the boy in mid-cheer, "e
at your soup first so you don't embarrass yourself with your annoying stomach."
It was five minutes until closing and Usopp was one of the last waiters to leave
. He'd wanted to impress his boss by staying until the very end to help wipe up
the tables. It had only earned him a grunt from the mustached man and shrug. The
tanned-boy boy sighed as he took off the apron around his waist and hung it on
the rack with the others in the kitchen before walking to the front and out the
He was just about to get into his car when bright lights came speeding down the
road and turned sharply into the restaurant's parking lot. As soon as the vehicl
e came to stop, the passenger side door flung open and a boy jumped out of the c
ar. Usopp had to shield his eyes from the offending lights to be able to see who
it was, and once he stepped a little closer, he instantly recognized him.
"Luffy? What are you doing here?" Usopp asked in a tone of surprise. He hadn't m
eant for it to come out as the kind of surprise like he didn't want him to be he
re, because really, as soon as he saw who it was, he felt his heart skip a beat.
Smiling as big as ever, Luffy remembered what Zoro had told him to say and did s
o perfectly, without it sounding at all like it'd been rehearsed to death on the
way over in the car in front of a mirror. "I know this is a bad time but... I w
as wondering if you want to go see a movie?" Luffy stood there with his hands fi
dgeting behind his back as he anxiously awaited his answer.
Usopp couldn't help but chuckle and Luffy wasn't sure whether he should take tha
t as a good or bad sign. Although he'd only met him this afternoon, Usopp felt l
ike this was the kind of person he was; a spontaneous guy who'd end up doing som
ething very sweet right out of the blue for an almost complete stranger. "I was
uh, just about to head home, but a movie sounds great," Usopp said feeling his h
ands sweat.
"Awesome!" Luffy yelled and ran over to hug the other teen. "Hold on just one se
cond." Luffy let go and ran back to the car where Zoro sat in the front seat, Us
opp left with a growing blush on his face.
"He said yes, hand over the money!" Luffy demanded.
Zoro reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and slapped it
into the friend's hand. "You're lucky Nami was home before we drove over here an
d she had cash on her. You're the one who's going to be paying the interest thou
gh, so I suggest you hurry up and get your ass a job, lover-boy!" Zoro smirked a
nd earned himself a punch on the shoulder before Luffy bounced back over to Usop
The greenhead watched as the two got into the tanned-boy's car and drove out of
sight. When he was sure they were gone he shifted into drive and headed back to
his apartment.
It was a Friday night and Sanji had taken off from work early to do this. So why
did he feel so miserable? It had been entirely too long since the blonde spent
an evening out to do something for himself, Standing in front of the full-length
mirror behind his door, the cook turned to view himself from every angle to mak
e sure his wardrobe looked sexy enough. He wore a tight pair of zebra print pant
s decorated with a black belt and big silver belt buckle in the middle above his
fly. Feeling slightly daring that night, he decided to go shirtless and just we
ar his purple knee-length coat with the cream-colored fur on the bottom, sleeves
, and running from the neckline down the front to the ends, over top of his pale
, muscled chest. He slipped over his head a silver necklace with a cross danglin
g down over his pecs, as well as a black choker necklace. To finally complete th
e ensemble, he put on a pair of light purple shaded sunglasses and two silver ri
ngs on his right hand.
Sanji took a deep breath as he did a final check in the mirror then turned away
and grabbed his car keys. As he drove through the busy city, his mind was comple
tely outside of the car and preoccupied with a different matter. He knew the onl
y reason he'd decided to go out tonight was to avoid having to confront Zoro. If
he'd turned as red as a tomato and his heart beat one million times a second wh
en he'd seen just a hallucination of the swordsman, he'd hate to have to think h
ow much worse it would be if he went and faced the real Zoro.
Ever since Sanji had witnessed that muscular body in action, his heart burst fro
m his chest at the merest glimpse of that man. Which was exactly why he wasn't s
eeing him tonight. Maybe not ever again. He was going out for himself... and may
be just one more tiny reason.
Upon arrival at the blonde's regular club (the same place where he'd meet you-kn
ow-who), he was greeted by cheers and hollers from lots of his friends he'd not
seen since the last time he was here.
"Hey Sanji, where've you been, bro?" the bouncer at the door said as he slapped
him on the back.
"Hey Franky. Just been around, y'know? Haven't had enough time to get here latel
y," Sanji replied giving his best non-nervous smile.
"Not enough time?" the blue-haired man asked in faux shock, "There's always enou
gh time to party!" He laughed and struck a strange pose with his huge popeye-lik
e arms held together above his head, making the two tattoos on either of his for
earms come together to create a star. Sanji couldn't help but smile at him as he
slipped inside. He was met by all the familiar sounds and smells of the club an
d for a second he was relieved that he had decided to come. Making his way throu
gh the crowd, people greeted him, friendly punched his shoulder, smacked his ass
, and occasionally pulled him aside to dance but he politely refused. There was
someone he wanted to see.
The blonde was relieved when he saw a butch looking bald man in a white apron st
anding behind the counter of the bar serving drinks to the customers sitting aro
und him. Sanji took a sit and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Shut the hell up and wait your turn!" came his immediate response. "I'm busy he
re ya stupid octopus!" The large man turned around and his face turned from rage
to surprise. "Oh, it's just you," he said feeling a bit embarrassed when he saw
it was Sanji. "Haven't seen you here in awhile, where you been?"
"I don't have time for chit-chat Patty, I have to talk to you about something im
portant," Sanji said, allowing his voice to drop as quietly as possible while st
ill able to be heard among the noise.
"Important? What's that?" the larger man asked as he cleaned out a glass and beg
an mixing assorted alcohol in it.
"I know you've been hiding from the cops for awhile now and I also know you've d
one time before," Sanji said looking sideways to ensure no one was eavesdropping
"Look man, I really don't want to talk about it right now, it was a long time ag
o!" Patty said defensively.
"No, I don't care what you did, Patty, I just want to know how you've managed no
t to get caught for so long."
The bartender served the finished drink to a waiting customer and began on anoth
er, contemplating on his friend's question. "Well first off, Patty's not my real
name." Sanji quirked an eyebrow. It was true he didn't know much about his stra
nge friend other than the rumors in this club, but he never would have guessed t
hat he'd lie about his own name. "It's really the only way to avoid a run-in wit
h the pigs when you've done something like I have. I also had longer hair and a
beard before I worked here. Why do you want to know anyway? You do something stu
pid again?
"Well... not really me so much as a friend of mine."
"Well tell him good luck because prison is one mean bitch if you get booked."
Feeling slightly nauseated and not any better than before, Sanji moved back acro
ss the dance floor and out the door.
"What's the matter bro, you sick or something?" Franky asked when he saw Sanji w
alking down the sidewalk.
"Nah, just came out for a light," Sanji replied and held up the "a-okay" symbol
with his fingers. Once Franky turned his attention back to the people in line, S
anji disappeared behind the corner and slumped down against the cold, brick wall
, holding his face in his hands.
What had he been thinking? Sanji wasn't supposed to be at this club right now an
d he knew it. What Patty had said back at the bar was so freighting that the col
or had drained from the blonde's face. He had to warn Zoro. He had to tell him t
hat he was being hunted and that his life might have to change; permanently. Eve
n knowing this, Sanji couldn't bring himself to stand up and leave. He was scare
d of either option he had. Why wasn't there an option C?
Sanji dug his hand into his pocket, searching furiously for his pack of cigarett
es. He pulled one out and brought it to his lips and lit up. He took a second to
relax his muscles and let the nicotine pour through his body so he would be abl
e to think more clearly.
If he didn't talk to Zoro soon there would be far worse consequences than embarr
assing himself in front of the marimo. Consequences that would haunt him for the
rest of his life. He really didn't want that.
After sitting there, staring into the parking lot, watching as more and more peo
ple parked and got in the now ridiculously large line, he finally made up his mi
nd and got up from the wall and started walking back to his car. He got in and s
tarted the engine before he had another chance to change his mind.
The blonde drove at least ten miles over the speed limit, determined to go throu
gh with his decision, until about halfway there, Sanji remembered what he was we
"Oh shit!" he cursed as he slammed on the brakes right before running through a
red light. The person in the car behind him began to honk furiously at him but S
anji took no notice; instead he was looking down at his club attire and cursing
himself for feeling sexy enough to wear it that night. There wasn't any time to
go home and change; he was already headed in the opposite direction of his apart
ment building anyway.
He took a deep breath as he lurched forward when the light changed to green. He
was just going to have to deal with it. It wasn't going there to impress him any
way or so he tried to convince himself but to give him very valuable information and
that was all that mattered.
It was about 11 o'clock when Sanji arrived at Zoro's apartment building. Standin
g at his door, he held his coat shut so as not to expose his bare chest and clos
ed his eyes tightly before forcing himself to ring the doorbell. He heard the ch
ime inside the house and listened for footsteps. A minute passed and the door wa
s still closed. Sanji opened his eye cautiously and stared at the door. Wasn't h
e home? Well it was Friday night and of course a handsome guy like Zoro obviousl
y had something to do tonight. How could he have overlooked that detail and jump
ed right to the conclusion that he was home?
"Looking for someone?"
The cook nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the voice from behind him a
nd instantly recognized its owner. He spun around and as soon as his face came i
nto view, Sanji's heart began racing.
"What are you doing here, shit-cook?" came his rude remark along with a slight..
. was that a smirk? on his lips.
"Uh, I, have something I need to tell you..." came Sanji's less than confident a
Zoro's face turned to confusion as he stared at the blonde man, unsure if he was
serious or joking. His face looked pretty damn serious if not scared. "Well wha
t is it?" he asked moving to unlock his door.
"Uh, wait..." Zoro stopped and looked at him again. "Do you think we could go ou
tside and talk? You know just walk for a little bit?" Sanji suggested, hoping he
would agree. He needed air to keep his brain from clouding and shutting down co
Zoro didn't need more than a moment to decide that the blonde standing behind hi
m looked genuinely worried about whatever he wanted to tell him and that it woul
d probably be best that they went outside so he agreed, much to Sanji's relief.
He re-pocketed his keys and started towards the elevator again with the cook fol
lowing behind.
The elevator ride was awkward on both their parts; more so for the blonde. The s
ilence was deafening but neither of them took the chance to say anything. Sanji
still kept a firm grip on the fur of his coat to keep his chest covered and mayb
e even in an attempt to calm his rapidly beating heart. He was sure Zoro could h
ear it with how loud it was pounding in his ears. Once or twice he stole a look
at the greenhead to make sure he wasn't looking at him strangely and fortunately
he was looking down at the floor.
When they finally reached the main lobby they both exited the small elevator as
quickly as they could without bumping into each other on the way out and creatin
g another awkward situation. They walked outside and Sanji breathed in the cool
night air, thankful that it was dark around him once again so the sweat on his f
orehead couldn't be seen.
Sanji looked up at Zoro and found that he was staring at him, expecting him to s
ay what he'd dragged him out here to say. Sanji imagined that Zoro was mentally
rolling his eyes at him and he suddenly felt stupid.
"Um, anyway... do you remember those thugs you beat up with your swords?" Sanji
said and let his lungs fill with smoke from his cigarette after he finished his
"How could I forget them?" Zoro smirked.
"Well, the police found out about it somehow and they're after the guy who did i
t; which would be you, obviously," Sanji said trying to avoid eye contact with h
There was silence from the other man and Sanji was worried that Zoro might have
thought he was stupid for worrying about it so much. Maybe he was a criminal who
did stuff like this all the time and was already hiding from the law. Sanji ima
gined Zoro would laugh in his face then spit on him and walk away, leaving him i
n the dark all alone feeling like a miserable idiot.
To his relief, though, Zoro spoke and it wasn't to make fun of him. "Shit I knew
I should have just taken them down without the swords..." Zoro said more to him
self than to Sanji. They walked in silence for awhile longer while Zoro took the
whole situation in, cursing himself mentally at least ten times.
Sanji wondered if Zoro was going to blame it on him and then turn him into the p
olice. Every scenario possible crept itself into the blonde's mind as the silenc
e rolled on, threatening to make him scream despite that they were walking on a
sidewalk with hundreds of other people in a city.
"I think I know what to do," Zoro suddenly said. Sanji let out a breath he didn'
t know he was holding.
"What's that?" Zoro looked down at the blonde and even through the darkness Sanj
i could still perfectly make out his piercing green eyes. They almost made him m
elt on the spot.
"I'm going to quit my job at the dojo before they come in there and start asking
questions. That way they won't have any leads. I'll just stay low for awhile an
d not get another job and go out as rarely as possible so nobody who may have se
en the incident spots and reports me. I'll have to force Luffy to get a job so w
e have some way of paying the bills and eating."
The blonde's heart sank. This was exactly what Sanji had feared. He didn't want
Zoro to have to hide like this. Although it seemed like it would solve the chef'
s problem of seeing the marimo all the time, after facing him tonight and being
with him like this... he really liked being near him and work was the one place
he could occasionally see him and the hallucinations didn't count. "And what about
me?" Sanji asked, not letting his fears show through.
"You keep your job at the Baratie so nothing's suspicious. They're obviously goi
ng to come back and if they investigate further into the people working there an
d find out you quit just recently after their first visit they'll think somethin
g's up. Besides, you weren't the one who really beat them up. You're not in trou
ble. I am."
Sanji nodded even though he didn't agree with this one bit. Zoro shouldn't have
to do this. It was the thugs that provoked him and deserved what they got. He fe
lt rage welling up inside the pit of his stomach.
"Oi cook."
"Thanks for telling me. I'd be screwed in a few days if it wasn't for you," Zoro
said but couldn't bring himself to look at the blonde as he thanked him.
The rage Sanji had felt not only a moment ago was suddenly gone and replaced wit
h a fluttering heart. He smiled to himself and nodded, sucking on his cigarette
before speaking. "Don't worry about it."
They turned around and headed back in the direction of the apartment building, o
nce again in silence, but this time not awkward at all; at least not on the cook
's part. To him, it was like everyone around them weren't really there at all an
d it was only the two of them walking side by side.
Sanji didn't want to leave when they reached his car but he had to as he watched
the green-haired man walk up the steps and disappear into the building. His sad
ness was only temporary, because as soon as he got into his car, his hallucinati
ons decided this would be the perfect time to kick in and this time Sanji had no
problems with it.
He drove the whole way home with a silent marimo in the passenger seat beside hi

Yay for angsting!Sanji then happy!Sanji! -dance-
Comments are nice, you know. -wink-

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - General/Hurt/Comfort - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 6 - Publishe
d: 01-19-10 - Complete - id:5680613
The cook was getting weaker.
It took a few days for Zoro to actually take notice. At first, during a fight ag
ainst a marine vessel an easy fight really. He had only needed to draw one of hi
s swords, which was great since he still needed practice in wielding Shuusui he
saw the idiot react too slowly a couple of times and block hits with his legs he
would normally dodge easily, earning a few cuts in the process. Zoro would have
ignored it, one can't be in perfect shape every day; even he had had bad days w
here his strength was only at 98%. But this was suspicious. Even if the cook was
hangover and recovering from injuries, which he was not at the time, the gap of
strength between them never was this big before.
The second clue came the following day, when Sanji didn't call everyone to say d
inner was ready. When Luffy and Usopp went to investigate due to hunger making i
tself known, they found the cook napping at the galley table and the food not re
ady yet. Dinner was late that day, the first time it happened since... Ever, Zor
o thought. And they had to endure the idiot Love-cook apologizing to the ladies
during the whole mealtime. The swordsman hoped it wouldn't happen again but the
dark circles under Sanji's eyes weren't reassuring.
And then there were their fights, which the cook had been avoiding and that was
beyond strange. He didn't come to him even once to finish that scuffle they had
started a few days before, that had been interrupted by Nami (just when it was g
etting good too!). The cook usually didn't like leaving those unfinished, especi
ally since that time he didn't get to land a single kick and Zoro had been able
to make him bleed a little.
In a way, no fighting was suiting Zoro just fine. He was starting to finally rea
lly recover from that ordeal on Thriller Bark and his training had picked up aga
in. Because of that Chopper had been all over him too, not wanting the swordsman
to push himself too hard. All that didn't give him much time to wonder about th
e shitty cook.
And when Zoro did find a moment to confront him about it, well... Could he reall
y be blamed if holding a civil conversation with the asshole was impossible?
More days passed and now it was becoming clear to everyone that something was wr
ong with the cook. He was looking permanently exhausted and taking naps more oft
en than the swordsman. Chopper had even stopped worrying about him and his sudde
n good health and started hovering around Sanji instead. But he's not sick and t
he little doctor doesn't have any other explanation. Predictably, the blond was
just shrugging it off, saying it'll pass, and has started doing everything possi
ble to escape more examinations by the reindeer.
It's one afternoon, while Zoro was training and well on his way to breaking his
personal record in one-handed push-ups (with weights on his back), that he reali
zes the cook's mysterious fatigue is closely linked to his recent astounding rec
One moment he was starting to feel the strain in his muscles and the next he was
suddenly feeling good enough for a few thousand more reps, as if he was only st
arting his training session. Weird.
Before he could try to figure out what was happening with his body, Chopper's cr
ies for a doctor sounded from below. Zoro looked through the crow's nest window
to the deck and saw the cook sprawled on the lawn. He appeared to be unconscious
; a food tray and snacks dropped carelessly next to him, Chopper on the other si
Zoro entered the galley and the cook was there alone, preparing dinner. He was w
orking very slowly compared to the other times Zoro had seen him cooking. It was
no wonder, seeing how weak and fragile and tired he looked right now. How he ma
naged to get the little doctor off his back after what happened a mere hour ago,
the swordsman couldn't begin to imagine. He pushed away the ridiculous idea of
asking tips from Sanji, of all people, and instead went for the real important m
"You look like shit."
The cook spun to face him, annoyance at his presence clear in his eye. Okay, may
be that hadn't been the best choice of words to start a conversation.
Sanji looked him up and down and smirked. "And you look better, marimo."
Now Zoro had expected something more along the lines of 'Get the fuck out', so t
his... Wait, what? "You mean you noticed what's happening? That you're getting w
eaker because I'm getting stronger?"
"Of course I noticed, dumbass! And it's the other way around. You're recovering
because I'm losing my strength."
"How the hell is that different?!"
"It is!"
"So it's your fault?
"You think I'd give you my strength willingly?! Ah, shit..." The blond man sudde
nly leaned heavily on the counter behind him, his free hand coming up to press a
gainst his temple. His legs were shaky and he looked about to collapse. Again.
Zoro ignored the pleasant prickle in his body (such a wrong feeling when associa
ted with the pain of a nakama) and crossed the distance between him and Sanji, r
eady to catch him if need be. "Oi. Stop that."
The cook flinched at the invasion of his personal space, making Zoro wonder if w
hatever was happening to them was worse when they were closer. It would explain
why the cook had been avoiding him.
"I told you it's not my fault, idiot! I don't know what's causing it... Only tha
t it started about a week ago." He raised tired mocking eyes to the swordsman. "
I'm surprised you only just noticed."
"Chopper didn't make that big a deal out of my recovery, and he's the doctor." Z
oro said in his defense, even if he knew it was a lame excuse.
"Obviously, since everyone on this ship expects you to be stupidly strong and re
cover in record time." Sanji pushed himself away from the counter and tried to s
tep past Zoro, mumbling, "Shit, I gotta sit down a minute." Zoro caught him firm
ly by the arm, making the cook hiss in pain but he didn't try to struggle free.
Zoro's eyes widened a little at the blatant display of weakness that was so out
of character for the cook, especially in front of him. "Why didn't you say anyth
ing before, idiot-cook?"
Sanji just shot him a look, his expression strained a little but his eyes clearl
y saying 'don't play dumb'. With no intent to free himself (Zoro's hand on his a
rm was probably the only thing holding him upright at the moment), he took out a
cigarette from his pants' pocket and put it between his lips before patting his
jacket for his lighter, not looking at Zoro.
An image of the idiot standing between him and Kuma on Thriller Bark came unbidd
en in his mind. Damn him and his sacrificial nature. "Tch. Stupid cook, I don't
need your help."
"Well you had it anyway, you ungrateful bastard." His lighter found, he brought
it up to light his cigarette and took a long drag. "If I knew how to take it bac
k, I would." That was a lie and they both knew it.
"Just stop it then. I don't need your strength anymore, might even be more the o
ther way around... now... Hey, what's up with your arm?" Zoro opened his hand, r
evealing that the cook's sleeve underneath was stained with fresh blood.
Sanji swayed a little, but was able to remain on his feet and looked at his arm.
"Shit, it s opened again. Chopper's gonna be pissed."
The pleasant prickling sensation was back in Zoro's hand and he looked at it jus
t in time to see Sanji's blood being absorbed into his palm.
Oh. Shit.
Suddenly, all the explanations they needed crashed into his mind at the same tim
e, under one name. His eyes strayed a moment to the red sword at his hip.
"Eh? What's with that face, marimo, looks like you saw a ghost."
"That wound, it's the scratch I gave you with Sandai Kitetsu when we last sparre
d, right?"
"Yeah, it is, but... Oi! Where're you going, shitty-marimo?!"
Zoro left the confused cook alone in the galley and headed for the crow's nest,
but not before telling Chopper about Sanji's reopened wound. It may look small b
ut there was no way the swordsman was going to take Kitetsu's curse lightly, esp
ecially since he wasn't the only one affected by it.
Despite Zoro's original plan of finding a solution all by himself (because it wa
s his sword and he wanted to be certain he wouldn't endanger other crewmates), h
e found himself sitting at the galley table with all the others after dinner. Al
l except the cook, who was now resting in the infirmary under doctor's orders.
The crew learned about the details of the situation fast enough, when Chopper pr
oclaimed that the cook wasn't in condition to be cooking dinner and the captain
had demanded an explanation.
Sandai Kitetsu was now at the center of the table, and also at the center of att
ention (and probably enjoying it, bastard that he was). The crew was babbling ab
out various ways to fight a curse, mostly based on superstitions. Usopp had even
taken out his garlic necklace and silver cross again. Nothing worth his attenti
on for now.
Instead Zoro was still trying to figure out why the curse manifested itself so s
uddenly. It wasn t like it was the first time he d touched the cook with this katana
either... He stared at the blade silently, expecting it to give away its secret
. Unfortunately, all he was feeling when he concentrated really hard, was waves
of unsatisfied hunger for blood and that was nothing new when it came to Kitetsu
... Except...
Zoro's eyebrows raised in realization.
Except it wasn't exactly the same as usual. It felt somewhat stronger than befor
e. Before what exactly...?
"Zoro! Are you listening?!"
"What do you want now?!" Damn the witch for interrupting his thoughts when he wa
s about to figure out something.
"This is about your stupid sword. Pay attention, idiot!"
"It's Sandai Kitetsu, not a stupid sword."
"As I was saying, we should dump it overboard."
"WHAT?! You can't throw it in the sea!"
"The further away it is from Sanji-kun and the rest of us, the better. Right, ev
From the other side of the table, Usopp and Chopper nodded fervently. They looke
d positively scared. They probably wouldn't ever try to play with his swords any
more, which was a good thing. Luffy was looking like he was agreeing too but did
n't look too enthusiastic about it. At least his captain knew that his swords, a
ll of them and not only Wadou, were important to him.
Zoro tried to protest when it was suggested that distancing themselves from the
cursed blade might not be enough, and that destroying it might be more effective
. Franky declaring that he had just the thing in his workshop to melt metal, mad
e Zoro grip his sword protectively and pull it closer to him. There HAD to be an
other way to save the stupid cook. He hoped. Wasn't there at least another perso
n on his side?
As if on cue, Robin's calm voice silenced the others. "I don't think that gettin
g rid of it is a good idea."
"Rooobiiiiiiin! You're supposed to be on my side!"
The archeologist ignored Nami's pleading and continued her argument. "Curses are
delicate matters. There are many old stories where such objects were broken and
those who did it got cursed afterward. Sometimes they even mysteriously died."
"AH! That's bad! No destroying the mysterious sword!"
Zoro sighed in relief, taking mental note to thank Robin later for saving Kitets
"Alright Zoro," Nami huffed, "you can keep your stupid sword for now but if you
can't stop it soon, we'll have to get rid of it." Then she smiled the kind of sm
ile Zoro hated so very much and added in a too-sweet voice, "I'll even lend you
money for a new one if you need it." Witch.
"I-I agree with Nami!" Everyone turned to the little doctor and he continued ner
vously. "I'm very worried for Sanji, if he keeps on getting weaker like that, in
three or four days his life will really be in danger!"
That was just unfair! Zoro was weak to Chopper's puppy eyes! He grunted in agree
ment and the reindeer beamed. If it was what he had do to make everyone happy (a
nd save the shitty-cook), then he'd do it.
"Oi, shithead."
Everyone's attention was drawn to the infirmary's open door, where the cook was
leaning against the doorframe in what could only be called an imitation of casua
"Sanji!" The small doctor ran to his patient, frowning disapprovingly. "You're s
upposed to rest!"
"It's alright Chopper, I'm not feeling too tired now." The cook smiled at him an
d patted his hat. The reindeer pouted slightly but didn't protest more.
The cook leveled a smirk at Zoro, the dark circles under his eyes barely ruining
the effect. "You're not thinking of getting rid of Kitetsu, are you? You'd be u
seless with only two swords, marimo."
"Tch. Who's useless now, curly-brow?"
"Not for long. I won't loose to a shitty-sword, so don't you dare throw it overb
Zoro smirked in return. Cook was strong (not that he'd admit it) so he couldn't
be worried for him, but he'd find a way to beat the curse before Sanji found one
The next day, in the late afternoon, Zoro still hadn't figured out anything new
about the situation. Well, that wasn't exactly true. It had taken him hours of s
itting with his swords in his lap, trying to tune in to Kitetsu's (more than usu
al) chaotic and bloodthirsty spirit, trying to find out why the sword could sudd
enly try to kill someone other than its wielder without resorting to slicing.
He'd have found it sooner without the crew breaking his concentration all the ti
me. Chopper with his worries, the witch with her constant threats to his 'stupid
sword' and Robin with interrogations, that made more or less sense to him. He t
ried his best to answer them but more often than not he had no idea what to tell
Sandai Kitetsu's cursed spirit hadn't actually become stronger in the last weeks
, which relieved Zoro immensely. It was only that Shuusui, who he had not master
ed the use of yet, wasn't balancing its negative energy like Yubashiri did. Now,
at least, the swordsman knew to be careful until he could control the black bla
de perfectly and, as a result, could regain some sort of authority over Kitetsu.
Of course that wasn't all the explanation. There was still the mystery of why th
e shit-cook and not any other enemy. Zoro dearly hoped that it wasn't because th
e cursed sword had decided to make him suffer by harming nakama.
But now he was starting to get a headache trying to get into Kitetsu's psyche an
d he had yet to find anything resembling a solution. That meant it was time for
some booze.
What he didn't expect to find was a certain cook in the galley, standing between
him and his booze.
"What the hell are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be resting?" He was p
retty sure Chopper had been clear with his 'no cooking' order yesterday.
"I already slept through breakfast and lunch. I can make dinner."
"You look like you're dying, love-cook." Zoro said, deadpanned.
"Shut up, I'm not." The swordsman thought that was seriously lacking in repartee
coming from the chef and that really didn't help the image he was giving. Weak
and fragile was bad enough, but if he was to lose his witty tongue too Zoro, wou
ld start to seriously doubt his boasting from the night before.
"Yeah, right. How did you get past Chopper anyway?"
The blond man faced him with a cocky smirk (that he was not relieved to see on h
is too-pale face). "Wouldn't you like to know~"
"Tch." Zoro grabbed a bottle of cheap sake from the wine rack, ignoring Sanji's
usual protests, and uncorked it with his teeth before putting it to his lips, hi
ding a faint smile as he drank.
The cook returned to his work, trying to not pay attention to the swordsman stan
ding a few feet from him and doing his best to pretend his presence wasn't affec
ting him. Seeing as his hands were betraying him by being unsteady, he was faili
ng at it.
Zoro knew he should probably leave the galley now. He d gotten his booze and he st
ill had a curse to figure out. It would also be best to put more distance betwee
n Kitetsu and the already weak enough cook and to get Chopper to force the stubb
orn idiot to rest, instead of trying to start more banter but...
"I thought you weren't going to loose to my sword. Doesn't look like you're winn
ing to me." He really couldn't help it.
Sanji sighed, setting aside the knife he was working with before answering with
a snarl. "'S'not like I'm not trying. You're not the one having his strength suc
ked out of him by a dumbass swordsman."
Zoro opened his mouth to retort with more teasing, as was expected of him but in
stead: "What is it like?" Okay that was a weird thing to ask and the surprise in
the cook's eyes was telling him the same thing. He shrugged. "Just want to know
more about my katana's curse." It could help him fight it. Especially since it
didn't seem likely that the cook would ever be able to save himself.
The blond probably understood that unsaid part too. "I can feel it feeding on me
kind of. It's a weird sensation but something I could have fought back easily on
e week ago." What he didn't say, was that he wasn't strong enough to drive back
Kitetsu's strange assaults now. "Is it always hungry like that?" he asked as an
"Hn." Stupid dartboard-eyebrow! Did he let the cursed blade feed itself on him j
ust because it was hungry?! Because he's a cook and it's his job?! Even he could
n't be this idiotic. Right?
Except Sanji didn't know it was Kitetsu's fault before yesterday. He d believed it
was only Zoro taking his energy, assumed he'd been 'feeding' a nakama. But it h
ad been unneeded help really, and the swordsman could feel the anger building in
side him again at the thought that cook felt it necessary to suffer for his sake
The cook had resumed making dinner, hands still trembling and attempting to igno
re him. Did he really think he could do anything in this state?
Maybe it was time to leave the galley. A fight wouldn't be the best of ideas rig
ht now.
"You're a dumbass, cook." Since when did he listen to common sense though?
"What was that?"
"You obviously bit off more than you could chew, taking all this on yourself lik
e that. Chopper was right, in a couple of days I'll probably have to get rid of
Kitetsu because of you."
Sanji faced him, instantly pissed and eyes alight. "More than... You're one to t
alk, Mister I-Take-All-Of-Luffy's-Pain! 'Nothing happened' my ass! I could take
it, no problem, but your shitty sharp stick decided it wouldn't fucking stop try
ing to suck me dry even after you were back on your feet!"
For a second, Zoro thought that anger made him look almost healthy. Maybe that w
as what the cook needed to overcome the curse? The beginning of a smirk tugged a
t Zoro's lips. If it was necessary then...
He didn't have the time to finish that thought. That prickle of vitality was sud
denly coursing through his body and Sanji was collapsing and he had to rush forw
ard to catch him.
"O-oi cook!" He awkwardly pulled the unconscious man upright against him, shakin
g him a little. "You better not die on me there!"
A soft groan escaped pale lips and the blond head lolled to the side.
So stupid! Both of them!
Sanji, for letting himself get this weak and willingly too. Never even asking Zo
ro if he was okay with it. And he wasn't! He was fine recovering on his own, tha
nk you very much.
And Zoro too, for pissing off the cook like nothing was wrong. What was he think
ing?! Of course Kitetsu would happily feed on the cook's bad temper and fighting
Also, he shouldn't have brought the cursed sword in the galley with him. He move
d the cook a bit so he could support him with only his left arm, then took Kitet
su from its resting place at his hip with his free hand and threw it across the
room. It hit the floor with a clatter but for once, he couldn't bring himself to
He gave one more shake to the limp body in his arms, not getting any answer. "At
least you're resting now." Zoro muttered gruffly.
The sound of the galley door closing caught his attention and he turned his head
to see who had entered without him noticing. Ah, Robin, of course. She was carr
ying one of her innumerable old books in her arms and wearing her eternal enigma
tic smile. He hated it, almost as much as Nami's I'll-take-all-your-money smile.
"Is it a bad moment?" She asked, and he could swear there was amusement in her v
oice as she looked at them.
The swordsman realized, a bit belatedly, that he was still holding onto the unre
sponsive cook, and that it probably looked like he was... hugging... Sanji... Oh
. He tried his best to ignore the warm feeling in his face and act like nothing
was out of the ordinary. "Stupid idiot passed out again." He explained lamely.
"Would you like me to get Chopper?"
"Nah, not really necessary, he just needs to lie down and rest. Chopper can chec
k on him later." Zoro gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back for how casual
he was able to sound.
"If you say so," she conceded, smile still lingering in her voice, before crossi
ng her arms in front of her. "Let me help with this."
Before he had time to answer, a flurry of arms appeared and gently stole the coo
k from him and transported him to the couch on the other side of the galley. Rob
in followed and sat down, depositing her book at her side and taking the cook's
head in her lap. Zoro hoped he wouldn't wake soon or else he'd pass out again fr
om a bloody nose.
Robin motioned for the swordsman to come closer. "I believe I found some very in
teresting information about cursed swords in this book," she said, fingers brush
ing the cover of said book. "You said there was no other instance before where i
t happened, this draining of an opponent's life force, yes?"
Zoro moved to stand in front of the archeologist and the sleeping cook. "Hm." He
nodded firmly. A short silence followed, her gaze fixed on him, as if she knew
he had more to say about the matter. He exhaled. "I think it's because my other
swords usually help me control it unconsciously." No use hiding anything from he
r, so after some hesitation he added, "I'll regain control over Sandai Kitetsu e
ventually. I just need time but we don't have it right now, so if you have an id
ea, say it."
"This control you lost, was it because of the injuries you sustained on Thriller
"Wha No! It's because of my sword!" Zoro clarified, bristling and putting a hand
on Shuusui's hilt for emphasis. "I'm not completely used to this new sword yet,"
he finished, muttering.
"Understood, Zoro." And there was that smile again, making him wonder how much s
he really knew about the happenings in Thriller Bark. "Now about what I found ou
t..." She continued, taking the book she had brought and handing it to the sword
sman. He took it and immediately an arm sprouted from his chest, startling him,
to open it and flip to the page she wanted before disappearing in a few petals.
There was a drawing of a sword and writings in a language he didn't recognize.
"This book mentions many cursed swords but one in particular caught my attention
. It's named Shodai Kitetsu. Perhaps you heard that name before?"
He nodded, still fixated on the page with the sword. Indeed the sword illustrate
d there was eerily similar to Sandai Kitetsu. "It's kind of my sword's big broth
er, I suppose..."
"It says that this sword fed on enemy blood: that people cut by it, and no matte
r the importance of the wound that was inflicted, always bled to death. Many of
its wielders died of simple carelessness apparently. From what is happening to o
ur cook, I believe your sword possesses a similar curse." Her fingers gently tou
ched Sanji's right upper arm, drawing attention to the wound that wasn't healing
properly. "It needs a certain quantity of blood from its opponents to be satisf
ied and it hasn't gotten it from him."
The cook flinched in his sleep and Zoro snapped the book shut, startling Robin i
n to removing her hand from Sanji's arm.
She recovered quickly, her little knowing smile curving her lips and her eyes lo
oking much too amused for the situation.
Zoro cleared his throat. "So, if what you say is right, Kitetsu is draining the
idiot-cook's strength from the scratch I gave him. Because it wants more of his
blood?" The archeologist nodded. "And I'm getting that strength because...?"
A shrug. "A sword can only take so much of a human's life force. It's logical th
at any more than it can absorb, goes to you since you're its wielder."
And with how strong the cook usually was that made a lot of energy for him to ha
ve, Zoro completed in his mind. But...
"That... doesn't really make sense."
"Curses are mysterious matters."
"Oi." Who did she take him for, Luffy? He shook his head. "Anyway, knowing all t
hat doesn't get us any closer to stopping the curse. Tch. I thought you had some
thing; you're just wasting my time now."
"On the contrary, understanding the workings of a curse can help in fighting it.
In the case that interests us, it is fairly simple."
"It is?"
"Feeding it enough blood to satisfy it temporarily should stop it from weakening
Sanji. Anyone's would do."
Zoro's eyes strayed to Sanji, still seeming to be peacefully asleep. That he had
n't woken up for all of his conversation with Robin, was telling volumes on how
exhausted he was. The cook wasn't that much of a deep sleeper usually. Maybe he
was able to fool even Chopper but Zoro knew that time was running short and he h
ad to do something soon. What the archeologist suggested was worth a try but...
"Are you sure Kitetsu doesn't want his in particular?"
"It is a possibility, but wounding Sanji again in his present state might kill h
im. Would you risk it?"
It was a mystery to the swordsman how Robin could keep an emotionless tone while
saying such things. He shook his head, then walked to the corner of the galley
where he had thrown Sandai Kitetsu earlier.
"Let's hope that I am right then. Are you going to wait until an encounter with
marines or pirates?"
He picked up the cursed blade, unsheathing it. "No time for that." He swapped th
e sword from one hand to the other a few times. "I'll just feed it now." Even if
it irked him to the highest point that it meant he was giving in to Kitetsu's d
esires. Felt like losing.
Robin stood slowly, careful not to move the cook too much. "Are you certain abou
t this?"
"You said anyone's. Blood is blood, so it better be happy with mine."
"I'll get Chopper then, I assume he'll be needed soon." She grabbed her book tha
t Zoro had left on the table and then left the galley, closing the door behind h
The swordsman stared at his sword for a moment, unmoving. It was all well and go
od that he'd feed it with his own blood but he didn't want any lasting injury if
he could help it, and with Kitetsu that meant he should be extra-careful and th
ere was no way he'd ask Chopper to do that. He let out a soft sigh; he should do
it fast though, while he was still alone. Well, not exactly alone. "Oi, still s
leeping, cook?"
No response. Zoro approached the sleeping man, observing him intently and cursin
g him again mentally. He found his eyes constantly drawn to Sanji's right upper
arm, where an unhealing wound was hidden under a blue pinstriped shirt. Chopper
had said that it would probably leave a scar because it stayed like a fresh woun
d for a too long time. Zoro figured it was just fair if he got a scar from this
too. It would be there to remind him that he d lost to Sandai Kitetsu once and tha
t he mustn't let himself be this weak again.
His thoughts were interrupted by one more wave of the cook's stolen life force c
oursing through him. Shit, this had no right to feel so good! He noticed that Sa
nji's features had suddenly tensed too, his ridiculously curled eyebrow furrowed
in pain. He should have acted minutes ago!
Zoro hastily untied his bandana from his left arm and pulled up his sleeve. The
blade sliced his flesh easily and deeply and a ludicrous thought crossed his min
d that Kitetsu could have taken his arm if he hadn't been holding it with an iro
n grip. He pressed the flat of the blade just below the cut, pulling it open wid
er and letting his blood run over the metal and down his arm. Some of it was bou
nd to end up on the floor and he was glad the shit-cook was unconscious so he co
uldn't bitch about him soiling his precious galley.
He didn't flinch at first, at the sting of the cut; he could easily withstand mu
ch greater pains. Then he noticed that most of his blood didn't reach the floor
but was instead absorbed directly by the blade, like when Sanji's blood was suck
ed into his hand. That made his right hand twitch and want to remove the sword f
rom where it was touching his skin. He was still glad to have Kitetsu in his pos
session the cursed sword was a formidable asset in battle but it really was cree
Fortunately, it only took a few moments before Kitetsu apparently had had enough
and most of his blood dripped to the floor instead of being absorbed. Predictab
ly that was the moment the cook chose to wake up, too. He groaned, pushing himse
lf up on his elbows and looked around, disoriented until his eyes landed on Zoro
. And the blood. And the sword.
"W-what the hell are you doing, shitty-swordsman?!"
Zoro rolled his eyes and removed Kitetsu from his arm. "Tch, go back to sleep co
ok." Not like he expected him to listen...
As a matter of fact Sanji had his eyes fixated on the swordsman's self-inflicted
wound. "Are you trying to chop off your arm?! Your feet weren't enough?!"
He dropped the sword carelessly to the floor it may be petty but Kitetsu didn't
deserve proper respect for as long as it was disobeying him and clamped his hand
on the wound to slow the bleeding. "That's not it, idiot. This is supposed to m
ake you feel better."
"Better? Better?! By hurting yourself and undoing all I've done?! What kind of f
ucked up logic is that?!"
"I won't die from a scratch like that! Unlike you..."
Sanji's eye narrowed. Then he caught sight of something much more offensive than
any insult to his strength and his gaze turned murderous. "YOU'RE DRIBBLING BLO
And again Zoro thought he appeared healthier when angry. He hoped it wasn't a fa
lse assumption like earlier. He didn't want to have to catch the stupid cook if
he yelled himself into unconsciousness again. "So are you feeling better now?" Z
oro asked, ignoring Sanji's rage completely.
"Of course I am!"
"I mean, Kitetsu isn't feeding on you anymore?" Zoro pressed.
That made the cook pause for a moment and take the time to actually process the
question. He glanced at the blade, scrutinizing it with a thoughtful eye and the
n nodding once. "You're right, it stopped..." He conceded reluctantly. "Whose st
upid idea was it anyway?"
"Robin's." Well, maybe not exactly but there was no need to go into details anyw
ay, and it was worth it for the idiot's face and his little "Oh." when he realiz
ed he couldn't complain about said idea anymore.
A short silence followed. Sanji was looking damn uncomfortable, like he was tryi
ng to gather up the guts to say something very unpleasant. The swordsman, well..
. He was feeling slightly lightheaded. Maybe it was more blood than he d thought,
that Sandai Kitetsu took to be satisfied, and without the usual adrenaline rush
of a battle he was already feeling the effects of blood loss. Coupled with the f
act that Chopper would be there any instant now, he didn't think it was time for
any kind of talk and he tried to reflect this thought in his expression.
His frown must not have been persuasive enough though.
"Zoro "
The rest was cut off because, as if on cue, the galley door slammed open to reve
al the small doctor who looked like he d already worked himself into a panic.
"ZORO! AAH! SANJI! What are you doing up?!"
The cook sat up straighter and smiled reassuringly. "I'm alright Chopper, really
"It's true, I stopped the curse."
"You did, Zoro?!" He turned to the swordsman, eyes widening. "Why are you bleedi
"Shithead did it to himself." The cook provided.
"What?! Really Zoro?"
"Bastard!" Now he was stuck with Chopper looking at him disapprovingly. Not that
it was intimidating or anything. "I had a good reason; it was to save the cook'
s ass." Zoro grumbled. "And it worked. See? He's already back to his annoying se
The small reindeer looked back and forth between the two for a moment, finally s
ettling on Sanji for confirmation. The blond ran a hand through his hair and mut
tered something that may have sounded like an affirmation, that Zoro had saved h
is life by cutting himself. Chopper immediately turned back to Zoro with star-fi
lled eyes.
"THAT'S SO COOL ZORO! I knew you wouldn't let Sanji die!"
Zoro smiled, patting the top of Chopper's hat, content that the little doctor no
w attached to his leg could stop worrying himself.
Of course idiot-brow had to interrupt. "Oi Chopper, shouldn't you tend to marimo
's wound?" Zoro could hear the smugness dripping from his annoying voice.
"Oh! That's right! And I'm the doctor!" He remembered, and then started to push
the protesting swordsman toward the infirmary. It was just a scratch, really! An
d didn't the cook need a doctor check up or something? He had been passed out on
ly minutes ago after all. Not that his arguments were even taken into considerat
ion, and he was hearing the traitor chuckling in the background. Seriously, Sanj
i must have a trick to keep the doctor at bay...
When the infirmary door was about to close on him and Chopper, he remembered abo
ut Kitetsu, which was still on the galley's floor. He leaned back through the op
ening, getting the attention of the asshole who was now standing, albeit a bit s
hakily (probably about to flee so Chopper couldn t get him after having finished w
ith Zoro). "Oi cook." He pointed to the discarded sword, dripping some more bloo
d on Sanji's precious floor in the process. Oops. "Could you pick it up? You kno
w, just to make sure no one gets cut accidentally. And be careful not to cut you
rself on it again too!"
Sanji nodded, slightly wide-eyed and then the door closed.
That... had sounded much more mocking in his head. Dammit.
The following day, everything was mostly back to normal. The cook was recovering
fast, as if a good night's sleep had been all he'd needed. Chopper had explaine
d that it was due to Sanji not sustaining any physical damage because of the cur
se, not counting the original scratch, of course. Which itself had started heali
ng normally too but would leave a scar just as Chopper had predicted. As would Z
oro's self-inflicted wound.
Usopp had tried once to call said scars 'matching'. He would not try again soon.
Both the cook and the swordsman were back to their usual routine. Or almost usua
l. Sanji was cooking like a fiend to make up for the missed meals, to the great
joy of their captain and the small doctor wasn't even looking over him to make s
ure he didn't overexert himself. Not like Zoro should have been surprised of tha
t, not anymore anyway, but he was still annoyed by this secret skill of Sanji s.
Especially since that meant Chopper was now looking over him instead, to make su
re he wasn't training too hard. Seriously, he was fine now. He had to admit, eve
n if only to himself, that all the damage he d received on Thriller Bark, and mayb
e even some from before that, was now entirely and completely gone. He felt good
. Great. Healthy.
And he had Sanji to thank for that. Even if curly-brow still insisted that he ha
dn t almost given his life for Zoro willingly and the swordsman very much doubted
that he couldn't deny that with his recovery sped up like that, he now had less
chance of dying in the next battle. Not that there was much chance of that in th
e first place! But... Maybe that would be the small significant difference he'd
need to win next time.
Not going to think about those 'maybe permanent damages' that Chopper had been s
o worried about just after Thriller Bark, that had miraculously healed along wit
h the rest of his injuries. Nope. Only a sped up recovery. No need for the cook
to know about details like that.
Kitetsu was right now in the bunk room, in his locker more precisely. He almost
felt stupid, punishing it like this but before the problem child could become a
spoiled child, Zoro would have to get back his authority. He could almost feel i
t sulking now, at the idea of maybe missing the next chance to fight and this wa
s amusing to no end to the swordsman. He would not let the cursed blade do as it
pleased ever again.
Zoro set down the huge barbell he was training with, hoping he could get Chopper
to leave him alone so he could continue his reps in peace but instead of seeing
the small reindeer when he turned around, his eyes met those of the cook. Who w
as holding out a drink for him. That looked very refreshing.
"I'm not gonna tell you to go easy or whatever, shitty-swordsman, just... don't
ever need miracle healing ever again."
Zoro thought the cook sucked immensely at hiding his worries. Same as him the da
y before.
"I won't." He answered sincerely, his eyes softening, and took the offered drink
. "Thank you, Sanji."
The blond man shrugged, breaking eye contact.
"So..." Zoro continued, "How did you make Chopper go away?"
The End

Review this Story/Chapter

Story Time with Captain

Princess Darkcloud
Author of 8 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 8 - Published: 01
-20-10 - Complete - id:5683216
Happy Holidays kakashinightroad. This one s for you! Sorry it s almost a month late

Story Time With Captain Usopp
The Straw Hat Pirates had just loaded the last of their supplies onto the Thousa
nd Sunny. They were completely ready to disembark; now only if they could.
Neh, Luffy. Chopper was draped over the railing with his tongue hanging out.
Na~ni? Luffy whined. He was splayed across the lawn deck and had been complaining
about an empty stomach and a missing cook until Chopper had piped up.
Do you think they re alright, Zoro and Sanji?
A~hn ny~ahn~ Luffy groaned, the gururu of his stomach at an audible level. Chopper t
urned to Usopp, looking for a more intelligible answer.
Usopp saw this as the perfect opportunity to enlighten Chopper with his psychic a
You re a psychic Usopp? You re so cool~ Chopper and the miraculously revived Luffy bea
He-hee, Usopp chuckled smugly, I was once known as Captain Usopp: The All Knowing~ He
added with an air of fantastical mystery.
Ho ho hooo~ Luffy laughed, Neh, neh, Usopp, can you see Sanji?
And Zoro? The doctor added with hopeful glee.
Proudly placing a thoughtful hand under his chin, Usopp nodded to himself, Indeed
I can. He cracked an eye open, I can even tell you what they re doing right now.
Tell us Usopp! Tell us! Luffy and Chopper began a chant of Tell us! Tell us! And Uso
pp obliged, but not without dramatic gestures and unintelligible gibberish he la
ter claimed were spiritual chants.
Ah yes~ I can see them now
Sanji was walking idly down the market streets, poking his head around every cor
ner and checking every dead end in town.
Where d that marimo-bastard go ?
Hey there, Nii-chan! An older man called out to him.
Hm? Sanji turned around and stuffed a hand in his pocket. You need something, Ossan
You re looking for someone right?
Yeah: muscular, green hair, and a scary, ugly mug that can make kids cry. Seen im?
The man looked taken aback for a moment and started to stutter, but he regained
his composure and scratched his chin, Hmm I seem to recall a man with green hair, h
e was headed up the mountain about an hour ago.
That baka-marimo. Thanks, Ossan!
Don t mention it!
When Zoro awoke, he was sitting against the trunk of a particularly large tree,
perched near the edge of a cliff. Before he had fallen asleep, he had been takin
g in the view of the island in its entirety: the village, the market, the harbor
, and the vast sea beyond it. He had somehow managed to find himself at the top
of the mountain instead of at the bottom, where he had intended his final destin
ation to be, and was sure that, after taking a much-needed break, he would event
ually wind up where he was supposed to be. He inhaled and released a deep breath
of air before standing up and stretching, getting ready to begin his journey ba
ck to the ship, a goal he d probably accomplish after a few tries.
Should go find the others, they re probably lost or somethin by now He mumbled, his mi
nd still half asleep from the nap he just took. The bushes behind him started to
rustle and a string of curses flew forth from their leafy boughs. Now fully awa
ke at the possibility of an enemy, he placed his hand on Wadou; not sure who was
behind him, but whoever it was, they had an incredibly foul mouth.
Oi oi, I come in peace baka-marimo. Sanji poked his blonde head through the shrubb
ery and the rest of him followed clumsily behind. How the hell did you get up her
e ? He mumbled, straightening his clothes before taking a drag at his cigarette.
What are you doing here aho love-cook? How d you find me? Zoro scowled at Sanji for
having to, once again, find him and drag his sorry ass home.
Sanji ignored his question and walked over to the edge of the cliff. This is prob
ably one of the better places I ve had to come pick you up from. You at least mana
ged to pick a decent spot to get lost. Sanji sat down and continued to smoke.
Zoro stared at his back, What re you doing?
I m enjoying the view and a smoke. Got a problem with that?
Zoro grunted. He turned to walk off on his own, but was stopped when Sanji piped
up again.
I wouldn t do that if I were you, Zoro. You ll just get even more lost.
Zoro s eyebrow twitched at the remark. Ehh? What was that, dartboard-brow?
Sanji released a waft of smoke and snubbed his cigarette into the dirt. It takes
skill to traverse up a mountain when you intended to go down. How freakin stupid
are you?
What was that, bastard?
Oh, I said that out loud? Sanji commented offhandedly.
Che, screw you, I m going. And with that, Zoro stepped into the brush and out of San
ji s sight. He sat at the cliff admiring the same view Zoro had been before he wan
dered off.
Nyaaaah~ Your story s boring Usopp. Luffy complained, pursing his 17 year old lips i
nto a 3 year old pout.
Chopper blew a raspberry before pouting as well, Boo~ Boring!
Do not blame me if what you seek is not what you want~! I m just telling you what I
see~! He wiggled his fingers, trying to preserve his image of a highly revered p
But what you see is stuuupid! Tell us a more interesting story! Luffy was flailing
his limbs like a child denied sweets in a candy store, Chopper taking after his
There wasn t even any BL in it.
Wah, Nami! When d you start listening? Usopp jumped in surprise. Nami had her head i
n her hand with her elbows perched on the railing above the three boys heads.
It s not like I was eavesdropping. You talk so damn loud we can hear you all over t
he ship. So, She slammed her hands down on the railing she had been resting again
st, where s the BL?
B Usopp started.
L ? Chopper finished.
Neh, Nami, what s BL? Luffy questioned, the other two looking up at her as well.
Nami clasped her hands together and a faint blush crossed her cheeks, Boy Love.
NANI!? Her three younger male crewmates exclaimed, N-Nami!? Y-Y-You re a yaoi fan!?
Nami completely ignored their exclamation, So Usopp, can you continue the story,
but throw some BL in there, but don t make it all lame and sappy. That doesn t suit
the characters.
Characters? Chopper thought, many possibilities for Nami s illness running through h
is head, though he didn t believe it was one he could cure. Maybe a variant of Sanj
i s ailment. He concluded.
Nami continued to stare at Usopp, expectantly awaiting the continuation of the s
You re not gonna let this go are you? Usopp asked, the beginnings of a sweat drop on
his upper brow.
Nope! She beamed. She jogged down the stairs and sat next to Usopp, the gleam in h
er eye still present.
The sweat drop fell full force, and Usopp signed in resignation. Alright then, wh
ere was I? Let s see
Sanji stared out into the ocean, waiting for Zoro s terrible sense of direction to
lead him right back to where he was but a moment ago.
And he waited.
And waited.
Maybe he won t come back. Sanji thought with an air of disappointment. He snubbed ou
t his 6th cigarette and turned to head back through the dense jungle. He reached
a hand out towards the bushes to part them so he could squeeze through, but som
ething obstructed his nonexistent path, something with hair greener than the gra
ss beneath Sanji s feet.
Zoro was looking particularly frustrated at that moment. He was entangled with v
ines that were covered in big, beautiful, soft looking flowers. Sanji stepped ba
ck and allowed him to step fully into the cliff-side clearing.
Stupid .plants dammit. Zoro started to pull at the blossoms until he had a bunch of th
em clasped in his hands like a slightly mangled bouquet.
How sweet, Marimo. You went out and got me flowers. Given how Zoro had been holdin
g the flowers he looked like nothing short of a young child who had gone out and
picked wildflowers for his mother.
As if, baka cook. Sanji smiled at Zoro s half-hearted retort and took the bouquet fr
om his hands. He stared at them a moment before looking up at Zoro and then back
down at the flowers. He removed one of the larger blooms and placed it behind Z
oro s ear, kissing him just below the corner of his mouth. Zoro s reason for allowin
g it to be placed whether it was the flower or the kiss, both were a mystery was pro
bably one even he didn t know of.
Sanji s rare, warm smile turned into a much more familiar, mischievous smirk. The s
hitty field seems to have grown a flower.
Bastard I ll
What are my little bros and sis up to? The largest of the Straw Hat crew called fr
om the upper deck to his much younger nakama, interrupting the story.
Ah! Franky! Luffy greeted.
Yo! He replied, waving one of his gigantic, steel hands.
Usopp is telling us a story!
A story huh? Sounded like some cheap, crappy romance to me. The Cyborg hopped down
onto the grass lawn. You should put more action into it. He sat down to the right
of Luffy and Chopper, getting comfortable against the wall behind him
Usopp sighed, I was originally just supposed to be telling you guys where Sanji a
nd Zoro were, and what they were up to, you know. The rest of the crew pretended
like they hadn t heard him and just stared, waiting to hear the rest of his story.
He sighed, Alright, Alright. He cleared his throat for good measure, As soon as th
e taunt left his lips, Sanji bolted into the forest
Sanji was running at breakneck speed, but not so fast that Zoro would lose sight
of him and get lost again. He turned around to gloat only to see that Zoro was
catching up with him, the flower long gone.
Quit running, dartboard! I m gonna kill you! Sanji smirked, increased his speed, and
hugged the flowers closer to his chest so they wouldn t get blown away. He made a
sharp turn and almost ran smack dab into a brick wall. He d come across a dead en
d; something his beloved enemy was famous for.
Ahh, I feel like a certain shitty bastard.
Who s a shitty bastard? Sanji turned around to see his favorite counterpart standing
in the only obvious outlet. You lost, Sanji.
Ho? Sanji reciprocated Zoro s overconfident smirk and prepared himself for another r
ound of cat and mouse when something seemed off. He looked passed Zoro and caught
a glimmer of something out of the corner of his eye. His eyes widened, Get down! H
e ran forward and lunged at Zoro, dropping the flowers, and bringing them both o
nto the ground, sliding a little.
Oi, what was that for!? The fiery trail of a projectile whizzed passed them, and w
ould have gone through both their heads had they not gotten out of the way. The
wall Sanji had encountered during their little game was soon to be no longer when
a blast of white fire exploded not far from where they d landed, sending various s
izes of shrapnel flying, some hitting the explosive s original target. Sanji had f
allen on Zoro s chest so he had taken most of the blow.
Consider that my thanks for the flowers. Sanji crawled off Zoro with only minor di
scomfort and offered him a hand up. Zoro took it and was instantly dragged away
from the scene.
They re still after us. Sanji commented as they ran, still hand in hand with Zoro.
Yeah, I can see them now. A group of about 20 masked men where running along the r
oofs of the houses and various stores, shooting at them with all sorts of weird
We ve got to get out of here or the whole town will be destroyed. Sanji cut in front
of Zoro, making a sharp right turn down an alley.
Don t tell me what to do. Zoro pulled back on the hand, trying to get Sanji to follo
w him instead of allowing himself to be lead like a lost pup.
Sanji growled and pulled back just as hard. I ll tell you to do whatever the hell I
want until we re out of this mess. It s your fault for getting lost in the first pl
ace. But I guess that s like that s like trying to put blame on the fire for being h
ot when you burn yourself.
Zoro scoffed. We could ve gotten away if you hadn t gone back for those stupid flower
s, since when have you always been such flimsy romantic, huh? Zoro squeezed Sanji s
hand tighter. Even though his words said one thing, the simple gesture clearly
expressed that he was, though grudgingly, somewhat touched, but he insisted that
the flowers had been an accident.
I ve always been a romantic. Sanji countered as he whipped Zoro around yet another c
orner, I m The Prince, or have you forgotten?
Tche, I apologize Ouji-sama. Zoro snorted a single bark of laughter, How could I fo
rget that you re the Prince of Retardia.
Sanji was about to bite back, but he thought of something better, If I m the Prince
of Retardia, then you must be my damsel in distress. Right, Zoro-chan?
Sanji sniggered when Zoro reacted as he predicted; he visibly bristled at the co
mment and flushed a light red. When Zoro ducked to avoid yet another flaming exp
losive, he took the opportunity to scoop Sanji up in his arms. They had reached
a dead end, but Zoro didn t stop. He leapt onto the roof, but was quickly fired at
As if I d ever, Zoro bent his legs, preparing to jump.
Oi, Oi, shitty Marimo, there s a cliff on the other side! What the hell are you
Be, a missile was zinging towards them and Zoro made a heroic leap off the rooftop
s, your woman, The missile exploded and the pair was backlit with a massive explos
ion, you bastard-curlicue!
My, my. I never knew Kenshi-san was such a romantic hero.
Robin! Nami called, Come join us!
Robin chuckled, Alright then. She made her way down the stairs and sat down next t
o Franky and graced him with a small smile. Maybe you should give your story a mo
re dark and mysterious tone Nagahana-kun.
You mean, like twists and horrible unimaginable happenings?
You make it sound so dramatic. What if Cook-san and Kenshi-san just ran into a li
ttle trouble? Robin s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glimmer that you d only be able
to catch if you knew the woman for while, even still you might not have caught i
But Usopp knew that glimmer and he gulped audibly. A-Ah, ok then. This story is a
lready way out of whack anyway. Oi, Brooke! You wanna join us!?
Oh, I would be delighted to, Usopp-san! I shall be down momentarily, yoho! Brooke
jumped down from the observation deck and landed softly in the center of the cir
cle that had formed during Usopp s story telling. He took two long strides so he w
as standing behind Luffy and Chopper, delicately sipping on a cup of tea.
Alright, now that everyone s comfy, I ll continue. This time, with a dark and mysteri
ous tone~
And more boy love!
Usopp sighed, Yes yes, now back to story-time.
Sanji and Zoro were free falling; the only thing beneath them was thick foliage,
not a comfortable landing. The two had started a mid-air battle; they had time
before they hit ground.
Why the hell did you jump, bastard!
What was I supposed to do!? It was a dead end!
We could have turned around and fought!
I had you in my arms, you would ve just gotten shot you ungrateful aho love-cook! Th
e two grasped the collars of each other s shirts simultaneously, seeming to comple
tely disregard the fact that they were still falling.
I never asked you to hold me, baka! The two growled at each other before they both
broke out in uncharacteristic smiles. There was something about impending doom
that just seemed to enhance romance. With these two at least, anyone else would
have been much too distracted with thoughts of death. Sanji slid a hand behind Z
oro s head and brought his lips down upon Zoro s. Don t think you get to be the only he
ro here. I get to save your ass too.
Yeah, yeah. Zoro said without any thought in his words. His only thought was of re
joining his lips with Sanji s, and did so without fail. He moved his mouth back an
d forth, rubbing the smaller pair of lips above him gently.
Sanji sighed and rolled his eyes before closing them, deciding to just enjoy one
of their rare prolonged kisses.
He was rudely brought down from his blissful moment when Zoro pulled away, right
when Sanji had planned on taking the kiss one step further. Hey, Curlicue.
Stupid, shitty, unromantic swordsman, don t go ruining the moment just because you
want to insult me. Sanji leaned forward to start kissing Zoro again, but was bloc
ked by a big calloused. What!? A vein pulsed on his forehead.
Don t let your libido get in the way of your common sense love-cook. Zoro snarled be
fore asking, Shouldn t we have hit ground by now?
Hm? Sanji looked past Zoro s empty, marimo-head Oi! to see that the ground was still a
s off. Huh? he repositioned himself and was now straddling Zoro s stomach Zoro was lyi
ng down in midair so he could look up at the cliff they had jumped off. They had o
nly fallen about 200 feet, but the wind was still rushing passed them. What the h
ell s going on? And as if someone heard Sanji s question, the speed of the wind surro
unding them suddenly intensified and they were blown back up, now parallel with
the cliff s edge, but still about 20 feet away from it.
Hn hn hn A smug laugh came from the air around them, Do you like my Kaze-Kaze no mi?
I think it s rather fun being a wind man Suddenly, a gust of wind separated Zoro and
Sanji and swirled around them individually, sill keeping them afloat.
Sanji and Zoro started to writhe about in midair. Hn, useless! Do you really thin
k you can escape from air? Are you both idiots? The man started to materialize at
the edge of the cliff. He had tan skin and hair white as snow that twisted and
swirled about him; his eyes sharp, smug.
Put me down you shitty wind-man! Sanji glared daggers at his captor, only to recei
ve a look of pleasant surprise.
Oh? I seem to have caught quite the cutey. The man used his ability to bring Sanji
closer for inspection.
Sanji s temper flared while Zoro laughed with a hint of unease that only his close
st nakama could detect.
Shut up! Marimo bastard! Sanji clutched the flowers to his chest again, subconscio
usly protecting them from the mystery man s wind. He whipped his head around and b
arked at the stranger, And who the hell are you!?
Ah, my apologies, sweet heart, Sanji gurgled out obscenities and incoherent babble
at the pet name, his face growing even redder with rage. My name is Yamagata Sat
o. A pleasure. Sato tipped an imaginary hat and smiled.
Oi, Zoro! Get us out of here!
What the hell am I supposed to do!?
I dunno, think of something, then again that s not really your strong point is it?
Oh ho! What is this? Do I detect a lovers quarrel ?
Shut up!
Fuck off!
Ahh, I see~ well then, if I m going to have this adorable blonde all to myself, the
n I can t possible let his boyfriend live! Boys! Prepare my bride!
Right away! Sato-sama! Sato s wind shredded Sanji s clothes until he was in nothing bu
t his boxers. Zoro turned away for modesty s sake.
Bastard! This is no time for your shitty modesty! Suddenly, two of Sato s men, or wh
om they presumed to be, given the circumstance, jumped off the cliff with a puff
y, white dress that glimmered in the sunlight.
No NONONONONO! I SWORE that I would never wear a dress after Kamabakka Island!
Several minutes later, Sanji was, once again, in a knee length white dress again
st his will. I m going to kill you, shitty-marimo.
How the hell is this my fault, aho-cook!? Zoro growled out, trying to hide any chu
ckles that happened to bubble to the surface.
Now now, you don t want the last words you share to be pointless squabble, do you?
Last words ?
Come here, my dear. Sanji ground his teeth into the end of his cigarette as Sato b
rought him forward once again. Now watch, as I control the air pressure around yo
ur darling and squash him like the insignificant louse he is, hn hn! Sato extende
d a hand and slowly began to close it, adding drama to his technique. Let s start w
ith the legs, shall we? We ll work our way up~
O-Oi! Zoro! Baka, what s the matter with you!? Zoro was clenching his jaw in pain; S
anji could hear the familiar snapping sound of breaking bones and winced. He cou
ld see blood pooling under the skin.
Hn hn hn hn now that your legs are totally useless~ Let s see what happens when I do
that to your torso, hm?
Zoro could feel the wind travel up his body, teasing him, letting him know he wa
s completely helpless in his current situation. Then, the crushing pressure bega
n. His insides were twisting and writhing about, compressing and rearranging, tr
ying to avoid the
Waaaah~ stop it Usopp~!
I agree, it s much too scary, Usopp-san! Chopper was crying his innocent little eyes
out while Brooke clasped his head in horror at the thought of the swordsman s bod
y getting compressed to the point of bursting.
Oh? I thought it was getting rather interesting. I wonder what would ve happened. Ro
bin let out a mildly disappointed sigh, followed by a slight chuckle at her comp
anion s horrified expressions.
You re one twisted babe, Nico Robin. Franky voiced the thoughts of everyone in the s
torytelling circle; but no one openly agreed.
She laughed pleasantly, Perhaps.
Hey, Brooke! You re the only one who hasn t anything to the story yet! Luffy exclaimed
Hey, you re right. Nami agreed.
What do you want me to add, Brooke? Something normal perhap
Oh, I know just the thing. Brooke spun around with his signature yohoho before con
tinuing, Perhaps something fantasical, Usopp-san? And not quite as morbid, yoho! B
rooke added with a shudder.
Alright everyone, listen closer!
No one moved.
C mon, don t be shy, come closer! Usopp encouraged with the wiggle of a finger. We re ab
ut to reach the climax of the story! And the conclusion as well thank god. Usopp on
ly thought the last sentence in his head as everyone leaned in a smidgeon closer
Now, listen closely
Ahhrgh..Nnn UWAH! Zoro moaned and cried out in pain, and Sanji was barely able to
Well, enough teasing, let s say we end this
Usopp! You said no more scary thiiings~ Chopper cried.
Hold on Chopper you ve barely let me start!
let s say we end this, shall we? Sato was about to deal the finishing blow when an ea
r splitting shriek bombarded everyone s ears. What in the hell was that!? Sato cried
, momentarily forgetting about his captives.
Sanji took advantage of the temporary distraction, Oi, Zoro. You alright?
Tche this is Zoro s sentence was interrupted by a labored gasp and a soft moan, nothin
, Curlicue. I m just glad ngh it wasn t you.
Sanji was touched by Zoro s sentiment until he went and kept on talking. Cause if y
ou d ruined your legs you d be about gasp as useful as a sand bag, he smirked, or worse.
Sanji was mad at first, but then he remembered when he had said that exact same
thing to Zoro and smiled. Shitty bastard.
Huh, Sato murmured after not being able to locate the source of the shriek. Anyway,
shall I continue with the " whatever he said after went unheard even by Sato hims
elf. The shriek they had heard before was sounded again, this time it was louder
, and appeared to be getting closer. What the hell is going on!?
A harsh wind practically blew everyone off their feet, if they were not already
floating in midair.
Sato-sama! Please control your anger, you ve just sent some of our men flying off t
he cli
That wasn t me, you dipshit! Another quick burst of wind.
It s like we re being fanned by some humongous thing. Zoro commented, always the observa
nt intellect.
Sanji didn t even bother with a retort, but stared curiously at the man in front o
f him. Sato s face was paled and his eyes wide with surprise or something akin to
fear. Sanji craned his neck to look behind him and instantly copied Sato s express
ion, Wha wha wha wh-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?
What are you babbling about co Zoro turned around and was practically face-to-face
with a large sea-foam green dragon, it s wings, each twice the size of Sunny s main
sail, flapping, creating the monstrosity of a wind they had felt earlier. Its sl
ender, pink tongue slithered out and tickled Zoro s face. What s going on!? The dragon
reared back its head and roared another ear piercing roar, the vibrations could
be felt in ever bone, broken or not, of Zoro s body. He was afraid his ears might
start bleeding.
Sato fell back on his ass, his expression shifting into one of helplessness, the
face he always took pleasure seeing on his victims before their innards explode
d at his whim an ironic situation. But as Sato fell, he forgot to maintain the gus
ts of wind that were supporting both Sanji and Zoro, so they began to fall, once
again on their way to the ground they were supposed to have hit about 20 minute
s ago.
The dragon breathed a massive ball of fire, expressing her fury towards the man
who had dropped her green haired comrade, well, if by comrade you mean he had th
e same color hair as her scales.
She left Sato s charred body and swooped down, the green haired man already in the
arms of some blonde person. That must be my comrade s friend. I shall help him too
. The dragon tucked in her wings even further, bringing her into a nosedive at br
eakneck speeds. She unfurled her wings and caught Zoro and Sanji in one fluid mo
Sanji looked at the back of the head of his and Zoro s savior. He was holding Zoro
bridal style, ironically enough, and almost lost his balance when the dragon to
ok an unexpected and sudden turn, veering off towards the right.
Ah, thanks dragon. Appreciate your help back there. Sanji looked down at the now s
leeping man in his arms. Baka marimo, going and getting hurt again aho..shitty-swor
sman mumble. The dragon suddenly shrieked with surprise and dove back down towards
the ground, catching Sanji by surprise. He wrapped one arm around Zoro s waist as
he grabbed one of the dragon s long horns with the other hand. Oi, Oi! What gives!
I m sorry, but it seems that we have trouble!
Huh?" Sanji shook his head, trying to convince himself that he hadn't heard a voi
ce. "Am I hearing things?
No, it is I, my name is Veiva. You re riding on my back, dummy.
Sanji blinked at the dragon, then down at Zoro who was obviously not asleep anym
ore, though he pretended like he was, and sighed. Ah well, nothing can surprise me
A pool of light suddenly appeared in front of the trio and Veiva stopped and hov
ered. Oi, Veiva, what s this?
A dark wizard s portal! We must flee from here!
A man shrouded by a brown cloak slowly fazed through the shimmering light. I ve com
e here, he said, ominously but without hesitation, in search of a dragon.
He He couldn t mean !
What? What!? Oi, dragon! Tell me what s going on!
He s in search for the legendary Dragon of Neveroth! A dark and
Don t care, just get me back to my Nakama. Sanji abruptly interrupted before it beca
me a pointless ramble.
Hmph, fine! Ungrateful human The dragon swooped around and left the wizard floating
midair. Well, fine then, I ll find him on my own. And with that, the nameless wizar
d disappeared.
Where is your ship?
Just on the other side of that mountain.
Alrighty then. Veiva flapped her wings with extra vigor, lifting her lithe, nimble
body skyward. But then, a puff of black smoke erupted from the mountain and Vei
va stopped dead in her tracks.
Oi, what s going on? You can fly around this can t you?
That s not the problem! Look!
Suddenly, a large, dark purple dragon appeared from behind the center of the smo
ke cloud; its roar, greater than the ones they d heard before, rocked the island w
ith incredible force and
Hey, Usopp, did you hear that? Nami asked, her attention suddenly drawn away from
the story.
This island is rumored to be a dormant volcano, but there is still the possibilit
y it could erupt. Robin added her own gloomy view on the subject, If it were to ex
plode, many of the citizens would undoubtedly suffer a most painful death if the
y were unable to escape the lava in time.
There you go with your morbid ideas again, Robin. Honestly! Nami exclaimed, but no
t altogether doubting her. She looked up at the mountain, Look! A smoke cloud! Fra
nky and Robin exchanged a look.
Hey, can you hear that!? Everyone strained their ears.
Ay? Chopper repeated with uncertainty.
eehhhh aaaaaaiii
No no, not it s saying eh, ay! Usopp corrected.
Nagahana-kun, have you ever been tested for possessing psychic abilities?
N-No w
seeeeeet saaaaaaaaiiiiiilll The tiny voice cried. The entire crew looked above them, a
giant green lizard thing was headed straight for them.
No way Nami whispered, everyone turned towards Usopp, who had one of his lenses pul
led down over an eye.
They all simultaneously turned their heads towards the volcano, there was a musc
ular, dark purple dragon perched on the volcano s rim. Then they all fell to the g
round, as if hey were puppets who d had their strings cut.
Robin was the first to recover, and when she did she looked up, only to hit the
deck again in a duck. Veiva came swooping down, dumping Sanji and Zoro unceremon
iously onto the grassy deck, smack dab in the middle of Usopp s, now completely de
stroyed, story circle. All of the Straw Hats surrounded them immediately.
Big and thoroughly mangled flowers fell from Sanji's arms as he got up onto his
hands and knees, the dress falling to just above the backs of hie knees, We have
to set sail immediately! There s some crazy wizard guy!
Zoro propped himself up on his elbows, his legs too far gone to move at the mome
nt, And dragons!
Sanji turned on him, NOW you wake up!? What the hell were you doing for the past
10 minutes, hunh!?
Shut up! You said you wanted to be able to save me!
When the hell did I say that, did that wind-man crush your brain as well!?
You wanna fight, pretty eyebrows!?
As if you could baka-marimo! The pair stopped fighting, as if just remembering tha
t the rest of the crew was staring at them in disbelief. Ah, that s right! You re pro
bably wondering about why we re like this
The group shared a look and burst out laughing, much to Sanji and Zoro s surprise.
Not at all cook-san, not at all. Was all Rabin could manage through her fit of gig
See, Usopp s pride and smug attitude restored, I told you I was a psychic.


Author s Note
Well, the ending was a little rushed and it got kinda stupid towards the end, bu
t overall it wasn t too terrible. Probably some errors so I m sorry.

Review this Story/Chapter

plz stop the pain
Author of 1 Story
Rated: M - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 5 - Published: 01
-17-10 - id:5674350
Disclaimer: not mine. . . or the hot guys would all sooooo be together.
This is the first thing I've ever written, plz be nice
this is Yaoi, not Shounen-ai there is very little storyline, and even less emoti
onal value. . . just so u no
Seme - Zoro
"2 days" Nami yells down at them as they disembark "2 days is all the time you g
"Yes, Nami - SSSWWAANN" Sanji cried happily at her as she stood on the deck, fac
ing them.
"I still don't get why I have to go" Zoro grumbled under his breath. Unfortunate
ly, he didn't grumble quietly enough.
"Sanji, he is going to carry whatever you buy, so that you won't be distracted,
and will be able to buy the best of everything." Nami says a few moments later,
fist still clenched at her side, with Zoro hauling himself back onto his feet, a
goose egg rising on the side of his head.
"Nami-SSWWAANN is sooo beautiful" Sanji began eagerly "When she's so wonderfully
controlling, she's - ARG" he was cut off as Zoro grabbed the back of his shirt
collar, and begins dragging him away.
- *End of the day* -------------------------------------------------------------
After a hard day of shopping and flirting with every attractive woman in town (a
nd dealing with the men who were with some of those women, who didn't aprove of
his groundless flirtations) Sanji was fairlt tired.
He and Zoro had worked their way throught the entire town, and had ended up acro
ss town from their ship, so they decided to get a hotel room -with 2 beds of cou
Sanji is still off in his own little world, thinking about the women he's met th
at day, his cheek still stinging slightly from the numerous slaps he's recieved
for his attentions, when suddenly, he's forced from his reveries by a pair of Ve
ry strong arms turning him, pressing him against the door with lips pressed to h
im and a demanding tongue starting to force its way into his mouth.
He pressed his head back slightly, failing to suppress the moan that rises into
his throat at the feeling of Zoro's leg pressed between his, and the feeling of
his hard thigh pressed against Sanji's growing arousal. His moan gave Zoro the o
pportunity he was looking for, and he felt a tongue pressing past his lips, and
into his mouth, pulling at his tongue, making them move together.
Sanji loved it when Zoro did that. He loved it when Zoro pressed against him so
forcefully. A groan managed to escape the confines of his throat, as he ground h
is, now prominent, arousal into Zoro, knowing that he was humping his leg like a
bitch in heat, but he didn't care, he needed more friction than he was getting.
"Eager, aren't we" Zoro asked teasingly. Sanji moaned again, grabbed Zoro by the
hips, and rubbed their clothed arousals against each other. Hard. That movement
cause Zoro to let out a moan, which Sanji quickly took advantage of to deepen t
heir kiss further.
Zoro pressed his hips back into Sanji's and grabbed his ass, smacking it once be
fore gripping his cheeks tightly through his pants. Sanji groaned, loving the fe
eling of Zoro's large, strong hands, cupping his ass so firmly, and melted into
the kiss.
Zoro slid his mouth down slowly, nipping along Sanji's jaw line, moving up sligh
tly to nibble at the shell of his ear, giving it gentle sucks, encouraging moans
from his willing uke. while meanwhile, Zoro's hands were moving slowly across S
anji's chest, freeing him easily from the confines of his shirt, and quickly eas
ing it off his shoulders.
Sanji shivered slightly at the feeling of the cool wooden door against his naked
back. Zoro noticed his shiver, wrapping his arms around Sanji's waist, he lifte
d him him easily. Sanji automatically tightened his grip around Zoro's shoulders
and wrapped him legs around his hips, they both moaned at the feeling of their
covered erections rubbing together. Zoro quickly moved them over to the bed, lay
ing Sanji down, and laying on top of him to pin him with the weight from his own
body, his hands moved to Sanji's hips, his hands ghosting over Sanji obvious ar
ousal to undo the front of his pants. Sanji moaned deeply and bucked his hips, s
earching for more of that delicious friction.
Sanji moaned and whimpered slightly at the feeling of cool air caressing his too
hot arousal.
"Z-Zoro" he managed to stutter out between his desperate moans. Zoro smiled gent
ly at him, and then began kissing his way slowly down his gorgeous uke's chest,
deviating slightly to pull one of Sanji's taught nipples into the heat of his mo
uth, brushing his teeth lightly across his pert, pink bud. Sanji moaned loudly a
t the feeling, feeling more like a whore with every sound that escaped his mouth
, and arched his back into the touch, slightly ashamed of his incessant need.
Sanji dropped his head slightly to look through lust clouded eyes, to see above
him an, as of yet, fully clothed Zoro.
"you're. . . wearing too much" Sanji managed to stutter out as he began tugging
at Zoro's clothes. Zoro let out a deep chuckle, that Sanji felt through where th
eir chest were touching, rather than actually heard, and he pulled himself away
to strip himself to the waist. Sanji moaned, unsure weather he was moaning in lo
st of Zoro's heat, or in appreciation muscled, and harshly scared, torso. Zoro l
eant back over to kiss Sanji deeply, before pressing three fingers to his lips.
"Suck." Zoro demanded harshly, lust deepening his voice, and making it rough. Sa
nji let out an appreciative moan for how sexy Zoro's voice sounded as he opened
his mouth willingly to let in Zoro's waiting fingers. Playing his tongue over ea
ch finger gently, he marveled slightly at the way Zoro moaned so obscenely at th
e feeling of Sanji's tongue.
Zoro pulled his fingers back quickly, worried that Sanji's sinfully talented ton
gue would make him come before he even got to the best part. Zoro pressed Sanji'
s let apart, using light pressure from his thighs, to part Sanji's, oh so willin
g, legs. He leaned forward to bring Sanji's lips into a deep, sensual, lingering
kiss, as his lubed hand made it's way quickly down Sanji's body.
Sanji shivered lightly from the light caresses Zoro's hand left on his naked fle
sh. He moaned as he felt Zoro's finger circling his entrance, and he bucked his
hips slightly, silently asking for more. When he felt on of Zoro's fingers quick
ly breach him out ring of muscles to press deeply inside him, he let out a surpr
ised gasp, which Zoro used to force his tongue deeper him to Sanji's mouth.
Sanji tried to relax his muscles as he felt Zoro's finger move inside of him. Zo
ro, trying to distract his pained little uke, drew his unoccupied hand towards S
anji's almost painfully engorged member. Sanji's head jerked back, and he let ou
t a gasping moan, Zoro quickly moved his head down to mark the wonderfully, as o
f yet, unmarked skin of Sanji's neck. Sanji moaned as his senses were over loade
d, and Zoro used his lover's distraction as a chance to slip another finger past
the tight ring of muscles, into the tempting heat beyond.
Sanji yelped slightly at the sudden enlargement of his sphincter(sp?) and bucked
his hips, forcing Zoro's large fingers deeper into him. Zoro lowered his head t
o continue attacking his sinfully tempting nipples. Meanwhile, Sanji's trying to
force Zoro's fingers deeper, and the hand on his cock to stroke faster, while t
rying to arch his chest towards Zoro's skilled tongue. Zoro, sensing his lover w
as enjoying this waayy too much, quickly slipped in a third finger into Sanji's
already stretched hole.
"AAHHHH!!!" A surprised Sanji let out, finally being pushed over the edge, spill
ing his seed into Zoro's waiting hand. Sanji moaned as Zoro's hand stilled on hi
s cock, and how he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of him through his
pleasure, and whipered at the feeling of loss aas he pulled them out soon after
, his erection still going strong despite his climax.
Zoro knelt away from Sanji, and quickly flipped him onto his knees, legs spread
temptingly, his hands pressed against the head board of the bed, and his head pi
llowed in his arms, ass sticking out. Yummy. His mouth was open slightly as he p
anted for breath, tongue hanging out smexily*. Zoro stood quickly and slipped ou
t of his pants, his impressive manhood springing free of it's confines. Sanji mo
aned louder upon seeing it.
He didn't want to see it. He didn't want to be able to. He wanted to feel it. Fe
el Zoro buried deeply inside of him, and he wanted it Now.
"Zoroooo. . . Ung" Thrusting his hips back, a slilent plea in his eye as he look
ed up into Zoro's face.
"God, Sanji . . . Bent over like that, moaning my name, you look like a little s
lut, willing to take anyone." Zoro said in a sultry voice, giving Sanji a firm,
possessive smack on the ass, turning the heated arguments he had on the tip of h
is tongue into yet another passionate moan.
"God. . . Z-Zoro I - "Sanji started, only to lose the ability of speech, and tho
ught for that matter, as he felt Zoro's shaft sliding into the clef of his ass.
"If you want it so much. . . " Zoro whispered in a low, sultry voice, murmuring
into Sanji's ear, sending silent shivers down his spine ". . .Beg." That one wor
d sent waves of pleasure shouting though Sanji's body, strait to his already ove
r heated groin. He couldn't, didn't want to, hold back to slutty moan that follo
wed Zoro's order.
He knew what Zoro wanted him to do, he wanted him to talk dirty. He wondered wha
t he'd done, he knew Zoro liked it when he talked dirty, but Zoro knew how uncom
fortable it made him, and that after he did it, he avoided his demanding seme fo
r days. So Zoro only made him talk dirty for special occasions(which he knew tod
ay was not) and as a punishment. Sanji darted his gaze around a few times, tryin
g to find a way out of this, until he felt Zoro spank him again.
"Now" Zoro murmured after Sanji's moaning lessened.
"Oh God. . . please Zoro, I-I need it"
"please what" Oh God, Zoro sounded absolutely evil.
"Fuck me" Sanji murmured, blushing hugely.
"Fuck you?" Zoro asked mockingly "tell me how you want it. . . Sanji." Sanji moa
ned at the feeling of Zoro's breath caressing the back of his neck as Zoro murmu
red his name, almost as an after thought. At that point, Sanji completely lost c
"Ung. . . Zoro, God Zoro" He groaned desperately, feeling Zoro's slick shaft bru
sh over his hot entrance over and over again.
"Fuck me hard!! I want to feel you ram yourself balls deep inside of me again an
d again. Fuck me into the fucking mattress. Please. I want you to pound hard int
o my ass until you spill your hot cum all over my insides. Please Zoro. Touch me
. Fuck me. Do something!!" He was practically screaming in desperate need by the
e time he finished. Silently hoping that that would be enough.
Zoro pulled himself away from the clef of Sanji's as, listening to Sanji grumble
at the loss.
"Please Zoro, oh please. . . I want it. I want you. Please." Sanji started beggi
ng again, only to be quickly silenced at the feel of Zoro's head nudging at his
"Sanji." Zoro murmured low. "Breathe" before leaning back to watch as he thrust
his entire length into the eager hole of his now screaming uke. Later. Sanji wou
ld be embarrassed by the feminine screams and moans of pleasure and pain that es
caped as he was so roughly penetrated. But not now. Now all he felt was pleasure
wracking through his body as Zoro pounded his cock ruthlessly into his prostate
. He marveled slightly at the way Zoro held himself still once he was deep insid
e of him, when Sanji could practically feel his cock pulsing with need and lust.
Sanji moaned and pressed his hips back forcing Zoro deeper, and telling him to m
ove. Zoro leant down so his lips brushed against Sanji's ear and whispered "I'm
going to do exactly what you told me to, I'm gonna fuck your tight ass right int
o this mattress." Sanji moaned and pressed his hips back more at the thought of
Zoro pounding into him so hard.
Zoro leant back and pulled out quickly, till only his head remained inside, and
eaited several seconds, before thrusting himself back into his lover, right to t
he hilt. Sanji through his head back and all but screamed in pleasure at the fee
ling of Zoro hitting his spot head on.
"Z-Zoro. . . Ung" Sanji managed to stutter out, followed by a long stream of "Oh
God yes. . . Yes, Zoro. . . Ung, harder - Right there - Please. . . Zoro." As Z
oro continued to pound into his, hitting his spot harder with every thrust. Sanj
i's arms were pressed to the headboard of the bed, the only thing stopping him f
rom being fucked right through the wall. And he loved it. He loved the bruising
grip that Zoro's strong calloused hands had on his hips. He loved how hard and f
ast he felt Zoro pistoning in and out of him. Loved hearing those almost held ba
ck, gasping pants that Zoro let out behind him, and soon, it all became too much
"Z-Zoro. . . I - I'm c- God, I'm cum- UNG. . .Zoro!!" Sanji yelled as he came al
l over the blankets that had bunched up underneath him. Zoro felt Sanji's back a
rch up towards his chest, and his walls tighten, vice like, around his aching me
mber. But what finally pushed him over the edge, was the sound of Sanji's voice,
yelling his name as he came. Zoro couldn't hold it any longer, he managed a few
more erratic thrusts, before burying himself balls deep inside Sanji, and comin
g all over his, hot, pulsing insides.
"Sanji. . . " Zoro moaned quietly as he collapsed to his side, pulling Sanji dow
n with him, spooning him from behind, his softening member still buried inside h
is tired lover.
"So," Sanji said, calmly after a few minutes spent regaining his breath. "May i
ask what i didd to deserve such rough treatment?"
"You loved it." Zoro mumbled smugly against his back.
"Not the point" Sanji said quickly, glad his back was to his lover so that the o
ther couldn't see the blush staining his cheeks. "You made me beg. what'd I do?"
". . . Those women. . ." Zoro mumbled awkwardly.
"Huh??" Sanji asked, slightly confused by his lover's antics.
"You were flirting with all those women." Zoro said, this time just loudly enoug
h for Sanji to hear him clearly.
"You - " Sanji started, only to be cut off as Zoro pulled himself out of his gor
geous lover quickly.
"Ung." Sanji moaned as Zoro's penis (hehe penis) brushed over his sensitive, and
over stimulated nerves.
"I'm taking a bath" Zoro said, bfore trying to scurry off. Sanji lunged to his f
eet and managed to catch Zoro by the arm before he made his escape.
"You were jealous" He stated simply.
"I- I mean- i just. . . No" Muttered a heavily Blushing Zoro.
"Zoro" Sanji murmured quietly as Zoro avoided meeting his gaze. Sanji caught him
by the chin, and tilted his head up slightly, before kissing him gently. Sanji
wrapped his hands around Zoro's shoulder, as he rested his head into the crook o
f his neck. "Thank you" Mumbled a now heavily blushing Sanji into Zoro's shoulde
r. Zoro wrapped his arms around Sanji's hips, and pulled them tightly together.
"Care for a bath?" Zoro said, still not releasing Sanji from his embrace.
"Yea, I think I'd like that." Sanji said, pulling his head up slowly to look int
o his lover's face. Zoro smiled gently, and brought one hand up to cup the back
of Sanji's neck, and began to kiss him intimately. Sanji flexed his arms tighter
around Zoro's shoulders, moaning slightly into the kiss as Zoro used the hand o
n his hips, to bring their growing erections together.
-Maybe we'll bathe later- Sanji thought, already looking forward to a round 2.
*yess, it is a word!!!

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without l
ove3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5.
Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so muc
h puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome scr
eam13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: He did it
Theme: Beginning
Warnings/Notes: Insert favorite Sanji pairing by his side. No real warnings.
He had found All Blue.
His nakama were all still alive and safe.
He found someone to really, truly, and honestly love him in return and they were
there next to him, squeezing his arm at this big moment.
But now the dream is over it s a little sad, isn t it Sanji?
The cook shook his head.
He still had a dream simple maybe but he wanted to enjoy the fruits of the journey a
nd completion of his dream with his loved ones for as long as possible.
As far as that dream was concerned it was only the beginning.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: Devils are just Angels without someone Protecting them
Theme: #2 Promise
Words: 1,034
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Violence a little
She was a thief and a liar and worst of all she had broken his friends heart.
In short Sanji hated this woman and had no regrets being the first one to attack
her with his newly learned kick even as she threw herself on the ground and pre
tended to cry. It would have connected too if the shitty old man hadn t plucked hi
m out of the air mid-flight.
It s not your place boy. I caught her before she poisoned the food and took our Bel
i we could easily give her to the marines for that.
Sanji huffed and spit at the ground by the woman s feet.
That s too easy! Look at what she did to Patcho!! The boy pointed exaggeratedly towa
rd the bloody and badly slashed man that crewmates were still trying to find clo
thes for until they could get him properly looked at and stitched up.
The Baratie had only been open a year but it was already famous for its off colo
r clientele and staff and the excellent food. Sanji didn t let himself get pushed
around by anyone except the old man and that as only because he as stronger (and
he did owe him after all). Friends were nonexistent a long time as most staff t
alked down to him or were too stupid to be worthy of his time. Then Patcho came
and he could truly say was his first friend on board.
Patcho seemed so much more refined then everyone else. He was maybe twenty with
dark shoulder length but well-kept hair and he always wore a suit. He somehow go
t Sanji talking about All Blue one day and didn t make fun of him at all. He would
talk to the blond boy several years his junior about what he was trying to cook
that day and of several romantic exploits he had with almost every kind of woma
Just wait Sanji, He would say behind a smirk. You ll know what I mean when you get ol
der! A woman is like a heavenly comfort! She is everything good in the world and
when you hold one you feel a little bit of your soul come home.
Sanji would promptly tell him Bullshit, now go back to the part about why you put
chocolate in the Chili. But would smile at the man s excitement over such a thing
That Patcho, his friend, had fallen in love and been seduced by a pretty woman t
hat arrived earlier that day. He walked her to her ship, and she knocked him out
, tied him up, and cut him until he told her where the old man s safe was. She lef
t him to bleed to death, but Sanji had found him instead (when he saw the lady g
et back on the Baratie without Patcho and came looking).
Zeff found the lady adding poison to the staffs meal for that night.
She deserves a lot worse! The small cook repeated it again looking the woman squar
e in the face as he sneered.
Exactly. The one who was captured, bound, tortured, and pride stolen from him sho
uld be the one to exact his justice. Zeff looked to the woman whose tears were be
ginning to look much more real. We may not have to call the marines after all dep
ending on what he decides.
Patcho came forward. He looked broken to the boy and that just made him madder.
But after a moment he clenched his fist and hit the woman square across the face
. Then again.
No please! I needed the money! I can explain! She begged.
I could accept my own stupidity, but trying to kill my friends and steal their mo
ney? I can t forgive you! Messing with food on a ship at sea is the worst crime th
is boat could imagine. He continued to hit her as he cried out each word.
At some point she stopped making noise and some of the more built waiters dragge
d the body to the railing and threw it overboard. Patcho was taken away for stit
ches and treatment for the blood loss and newly fractured right hand. Sanji expe
cted a lecture from Zeff despite not needing one, and was happily pleased when a
ll he got was an appraising look and a harrumph from the old man.
The Baratie went back into operation. Everything was normal again until the next
day when a search of the woman s boat produced two small girls hiding under a bed a
nd a baby boy crying in a makeshift crib.
She didn t look or act like a mother. He said to Patcho later, who was devastated af
ter finding out and quite frankly Sanji felt bad about it too. Not that I would k
now what that is like.
They won t know either now the kids.
Sure they will. Someone is going to raise them whoever that is will be like a paren
t to them.
Like Zeff? Patcho asked and then smiled as the blond stubbornly refused to acknowl
edge the question. Thanks Sanji. I think you helped me make up my mind.
Mind for what?
I ll adopt them and make amends that way. I should be the one to explain what happe
ned to their mother when they are old enough and make sure they don t suffer in th
e mean time for not having one.
Sanji suddenly became preoccupied with his shoe laces. His friend was leaving.
Sanji. Make me a promise. I never should have hurt that woman. No matter what a w
oman does, there is always a reason and we don t have to understand it. Our job is
to protect them and make sure they don t have to go to such lengths in order to sur
vive. The world would be a happier place. My pride isn t worth her dying isn t worth a
nything if I can t protect one woman even from myself. I m serious Sanji promise me th
at you won t hurt a woman, no matter what.
Only if you promise to take good care of them and yourself too! He bite out just man
aging to swallow the tears back.
Patcho grinned and ruffled the boys hair .which he hated .but didn t mind this time an
d held out his hand and the boy took it with a strong shake.
It s a promise between men!
That s right!

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: It Separates a Cook from a Novice
Theme: AXE
The knife was held correctly, tip angled into the cutting board right in front o
f and in between the lobsters small beady black eyes.
Zeff waited.
The boy s knuckles began to turn white.
The lobster began to furiously scratch its puny legs over the board, as if sensin
g it may be a good time to escape, before the knife came down. Futile effort as
the boy held it flush to the table.
Zeff waited.
Sanji took a breath and then another.
The older cook could tell the boy was remembering something unpleasant.
This isn t the first thing you killed other than fish, is it?
No Coq au vin .
At first Zeff thought he had misheard it that dish was way too advanced for someon
e his age to have tried. The boy took another breath and tried again in an annoy
ed rush.
Coq au vin requires an old hen or rooster, killed, plucked, and drained of blood bu
t you have to keep several cups of the blood for the recipe. Lots of children li
ke me wanted that job on the Orbit and head chef said he would take the person who
could prep the most complicated dish. I knew Coq au vine was hard and it sounded
more exotic then the recipes the other kids knew, and
And? He prompted.
And I had a pet chicken and an axe.
"You missed?
She was still partially alive .for a while. It was sad.
Zeff sighed.
Oi brat! What are you?
A cook!
And what makes you a cook now? Why are you not just a prep cook and dish washer l
ike the Orbit?!
Sanji opened his mouth to speak then shut it again as the answers he thought of we
re shot down by the shitty old man in his brain. Wasn t hard work, he worked just
as hard back then. Wasn t that it would be easier for the geezer; he wouldn t just l
et someone become a chef they had to have something more.
Zeff slammed his wooden leg to the floor.
TRAINING! Back then you had nothing but guts, determination, a chicken, and an ax
e. You didn t know how to humanely kill, clean, and butcher an animal. That s what w
e are doing now! You ve learned the basics of knife technique. The only time a coo
k should use an axe now is for firewood! SO! Are you a cook or not?!
Sanji began to prepare the bisected lobster on the sheet pan.
Shut up old geezer, I m trying to cook here.
Zeff smiled and walked out on to the deck. The baby eggplant was a quick study i

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: The feeling must be this
Theme: Mother
Words: 471
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Underage smoking is bad, Mmmkay?
He was sick. AGAIN.
He actually had a very hardy immune system but the young cook figured you could
only expect so much from your body without consequence. Fifteen year olds are pr
obably not meant to steal smoke breaks in blizzard conditions on the open sea in c
otton pajamas.
At times like this he wonders what having a mother would be like.
Not that he had firm information on those types of things but he had gotten the im
pression that mothers were soft and warm and would bring soup and tissues when y
ou were sick. And hugs.
He had no memory of ever being hugged but there was one time when a lady custome
r had almost tripped and clung to him to right herself. It had sent tingles down
his spine. Women really are something special.
Mothers were supposed to be the pinnacle of that. A great comfort. A source of w
armth and love.
Zeff came in without knocking.
Shitty geezer!! Ever...heard of..Kno he found he was too tired to continue and ended
up needing to scramble for the tissue box by his pillow just in time to catch a
Shut up! People fool enough to get sick when we have customers have no right to c
omplain! Bad for your throat anyway the older chef muttered as he placed a tray of
steaming orange soup and hot tea on the bed table within the boys reach.
Sanji looked at it and back to the chef.
We ll I m not going to let you starve. The sooner you get better the sooner you stop
being a useless pain in the ass.
The large man tossed a heavier quilt that had been earlier discarded back onto t
he bed with a snort.
Even the blankets smell of your shitty smokes. I can t wait to be rid of you.
Tough luck old man! You won t ever be getting rid of me!
If you don t get better soon, I ll be forced to throw you overboard and get someone e
lse who can actually cook worth a damn.
I ll be fine tomorrow! You ll see! Sanji shouted hoarsely after the man as he left. He
threw a pillow at the door in emphasis.
He took the tray and lifted the spoon of soup to his mouth and moaned as the fla
vor and heat spread over his tongue and down his throat.
For the first time since he had been sick did he finally taste something. Zeff h
ad made a squash soup with enough kick that not only could the young man taste i
t but he felt his sinuses clear and heat zing through his senses pleasantly.
Hot and spicy soup made by the best chef in the world. The steam seamed to waft
around him in caring embrace.
Zeff was no mom but with this soup Sanji thought that maybe he came kinda close.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title:A drink and a bounty
Theme: wanted
Words: 344
The woman sat next to Sanji at the bar without a word. She had a drink in her ha
nds less then a minute later via his generosity.
She looked him over and asked him his name, which he foolishly provided. They ch
atted as she finished their drinks, her laughing and touching his arm every so o
I want come with me. She purred into his ear. The chef took her hand and
floated out the door next to her, big smile on his face.
She flirted, flattered, and led him along the village paths to a Navy outpost. W
aited till she had sailors within arms reach of her date and pulled herself loos
e from his loving grasp.
This man is Blackleg Sanji, former cook to the king of pirates! I am here to coll
ect on his bounty.
She expected him to fight or yell or do something the sucker just kept mooning ove
r her, saying how clever she was.
Whatever. Papers were signed. She was handed over several heavy bags of Beri and
left the outpost feeling quite content with the days work.
Do you want me to carry those for you, sweetie-chan? They look awfully heavy!
She froze as her eyes darted to the familiar suited figure to her left.
Sanji?!! How!!?
The cook shrugged.
They were so weak; it took some effort not to hurt them too badly.
She frowned and handed over the reward money to him.
So where to now? Back to the bar? To sweetie-chans apartment perhaps? He asked hop
You got your money please don t hurt me.
Sanji clicked his tongue at how little this girl knew him.
I love being wanted even if it isn t by you, the marines wanting me allowed you to ea
rn some money right? I m just carrying it for you.
Really? Did you know that s what I was after from the beginning?
Of course. If picking up girls were that easy, Nami-san would be my wife by now. T
he cook grinned. Maybe you want to buy me a drink anyway?
She smiled back before nodding.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title:A move made for him
Words: 111
The Slingshot
The move went like this
1. You run at your enemy in ¾ speed in red leg style and launch yourself at thei
r head.
2. You grab the sides of the persons head.
3. Clasp their center of gravity with the insoles of your feet.
4. Use your momentum to swing your feet (their waist) over your head in a back f
5. Bring insoles of shoes in to execute a stomp with heels to the pelvis area wh
ile slamming it into ground.
6. Use momentum to spring back toward starting position.
Since he caught Usopp using his fine china for slingshot target practice he though
t it was entirely appropriate.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: not so much puppy love
Words: 216
Warnings:naughty language
Sanji looked at his emergency food supply with a pout.
What? I already gave you some fish. You have plenty of water.
What? You do realize that if you become a nuisance Zeff will force me to cook you
early no matter how good at catching mice you might be.
Mreow? The small orange kitten nuzzled against the blond cooks leg. Sanji bent dow
n and pet the small cat and smiled as it purred and leaned into him.
You just want some attention? No one gets praise or attention here without workin
g for it you know, shitty kitten.
A small pink tongue ran softly across the chefs thumb in protest. Sanjis cheeks t
urned red and he nearly shook from the cuteness.
Aww .
Sanjis' head whipped toward the door where Patty and Carne were already snickeri
ng at his expense.
I always knew the brat would grow up to love pussy, but to start so young!
Hehe Sanji I think she might be a little young for you.
Shut up Assholes!! The kick to door didn t close it as much as throw it off it s hinge
s and slam both men against the hallway wall. Sanji sat in a huff but found it imp
ossible to stay mad as a kitten stumbled up into his lap and promptly fell aslee
p purring.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: Realization
Theme: loyalty
A puny, clumsy, choreboy was asking him to leave his home. Leave the old geezer.
Of course there was no way in hell. It wasn t like one kid in a strawhat was going
to convince him. Not after what that man did. Not just the saving him from drow
ning, not the giving him all the available food, and not for forgiving him when
he later attacked him. What bonded him to that shitty old chef was the fact for
the first time in his life someone validated his dream.
All Blue wasn t his dream alone anymore and that made it more real than it had ever
been. Zeff believed him and believed in All Blue. Believed and still decided to
eat his own foot and let Sanji survive.
He was going to stick to the old man until he died. Make sure that Zeffs newer d
ream named Baratie panned out for good and he would protect it with his life.
It was called loyalty and Sanji had it over abundance.
So why a few hours later did his loyalty feel suddenly shaky?
First a green haired companion of the choreboy made him feel like he was more of
a coward for putting his dreams aside instead of it being the just and noble sa
crifice he had always considered it.
Then when the place was going to shit that kid Luffy he destroyed part of his home
and told him straight out that the old man hadn t saved him just to watch him giv
e his life for him. It implied that he was actually doing the geezer a disservic
As he pulled the captain from the sea he couldn t help but wonder. Krieg was beate
n by this man. Maybe he could really go for his dream to be king of the pirates.
And he wanted Sanji to go with him.
But Sanji was loyal to Zeff and Baratie and the past there.
By the end of the day he was leaning against a door listening to the closest thing
he had to a father ask Luffy to take Sanji with him. The kid had been right the o
ld man was best paid back by following his no their dream.
He ended up leaving after all with an idiot captain. Strangely he didn t feel at a
ll bad about it.
You can be loyal to more than one thing at once. You can be loyal to your past a
nd still be loyal to a new captain, to new nakama, to your dreams, and your futu
re. Although he just realized this, it sounded like a perfect fit to the cook.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: Laughing is not cool
Sanji didn t consider himself much of a laugher.
He liked providing the laughs within reason a fast quip, a witty comment, or an oc
casional amusing story were all great. Being made fun of? No.
He wanted to be cool. Rather, he WAS cool and he wanted everyone to see that abo
ut him.
That means being calm and in control.
Anything above the sly smile, smirk, or light chuckle was out of control. Unattrac
tive. Just not cool. Not Sanji.
But that was blown away but the fucking marimo (figures, that bastard always a p
ain in the ass) and HELL he was laughing so hard he didn t even care anymore.
To watch him on the ground .he had been concerned at first.
I m sorry I was ever born.
It wasn t for a few minutes until he realized the wrongness of that scene.
It started out as a chuckle perfectly in control. But the bastards face has reacte
d so strongly and his face was getting red.
Oh Sorry He started knowing how much it must kill Zoro the embarrassment. Maybe he sh
ould cut the man a break. I m sorry I was ever born. He finished with a barely contr
olled laugh.
Giving each other mercy wasn t something they did. Would be an insult if he didn t r
evel in the idiots humiliation a little bit.
But he hadn t counted on the bastards face to be SO red and twist in such a funny
way. His line was so perfect too. The hilarity swept the cook away like a tsunam
i that he couldn t escape couldn t even breathe.
Just laugh and laugh.
Maybe it was worth looking like an idiot to laugh at one.
This would have to be a one-time exception.
Well, until the next time.
Underestimating the idiots sometimes hilarious idiocy did seem foolish indeed.
Review this Story/Chapter
The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title:Live the dream again
Theme: price
Traveling with the Strawhats no being a Strawhat pirate was the best time of his lif
e so far.
He had laughed, cried, fought, protected, and adventured after their dreams toge
ther with everyone. His other family. His nakama.
Three days at the small dot of land floating in All Blue and the crew was shovin
g off.
All Blue was his dream. The old mans dream. Three days was not enough to really
sink his feet into the sand, throw a fishing line into the sea, or cook anything
on the scale of his dreams. Not enough to feel like he was truly here.
Letting the crew leave without him would be the price he would have to pay in orde
r to get his fill.
He had found it. He knew where it was now. Knew it existed.
Letting them go was too high a price.
He would come back when he was ready. For now his home and dream was with them.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: Sleepless Night
Theme: Sheep
Sanji? You still awake? Chopper whispered in concern. The tossing and turning abov
e him had woken him up.
A long sigh came from the dark above the little deer.
Yeah sorry Chopper, just can t get to sleep.
Your wounds okay? The stitches open or anything? Feeling any pain?
No everything is okay.
With all the fighting today you should be passed out like all the others something
must be wrong. Should I check you out really fast?
No I am actually exhausted, but my brain doesn t want to turn off.
Chopper pulled up the covers to his mouth in a giggle.
Thinking about how we saved the village?
Ha no. Actually I m trying to figure out what to make for the big banquet tomorrow.
But aren t they cooking for us?
I m sure they are excellent cooks but from the size of the village, it is all farms,
no hotels, no restaurants, they probably aren t used to cooking for more people th
en maybe thirty at a time.
Chopper opened his mouth but Sanji anticipated the next question and cut him off
There may not be more than thirty people in the village, Chopper, but we have Luf
fy. Also I think Luffy, the entire crew, and whole village really deserves a fir
st class banquet that could feed everyone. Don t you?
MmmHmm! Chopper nodded excitedly despite Sanji being unable to see it. I m sure you ll
come up with something Sanji! Want a sleeping pill?
Thanks but no I need to wake up early to start A frustrated stream of curses ensued b
efore the chef caught himself. WHATEVER the hell I decide to make. Any other thou
Well meditation is a good way to clear your thoughts and relax. Just empty your m
ind of thought and let unconsciousness take you.
Well that certainly explains why the brainless marimo is always sleeping, but if
I could empty my mind I wouldn t need any shitty meditation, would I?
Ah! How about this then! You can count sheep! Imagine fluffy white sheep, like th
e ones I got directions from this morning on our way to the caves, jumping over
a fence. That might help.
Sheep ? Hmm. Thanks Chopper that might just work.
Oh good now you can get some sleep.
Yes I think those sheep would be plenty and I saw plenty of wild mint too. Very versa
tile I could barbeque it if I don t have time for enough roasts.
Sheep is a perfect idea Chopper! We cooks like to call them lamb or mutton though
depending on the age The blond chef let out a big yawn and continued sleepily. Tha
nks they ll be delicious. See you in the morning.
Uh night Sanji.
Chopper pictured that nice herd of sheep that cheerily gave him directions earli
er and found he couldn t sleep a wink. No matter how many sheep he counted.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: They make some laugh..some scream
Theme: Clown
Warnings: Kind of unenlighted viewpoint of our dear cook.
Sanji hates clowns.
It may not look it but the blond cook puts a lot of effort in looking trim, groo
med, and polished. His outfit matching and coordinated and fitted to his slender
frame handsomely.
Clowns seem to go out of their way to be garishly ugly, wear unnatural make up,
and dress in the most unflattering garments the cook would ever imagine.
They think they are happy bastions of joy.
The cook is not amused.
Worst of all they force those around them to participate in their antics. A cool s
uave demeanor could easily be blown to smithereens in their presence as they dra
w you in and fool you.
You re one of us! They chanted after him even as he ran.
He would never be a clown willingly
Even if they weren t technically clowns.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: A Pavlov effect
Theme: tangerine
Rating: Nc-17ish..maybe R
Warnings: Swears and masturbation. Sanji is well above age in this (and really o
nly hurting himself).
He had gotten an unfortunate side effect.
It was just something that men needed to do sometimes.
He loved Nami-swan and had sometimes pictured her doing ahem things to him or sometime
s just stripping slowly for the proper inspiration. No big deal.
He closes his eyes and pictures the arousing scene, imagining the sweet smell of
tangerine on her skin and hair, her lovely smile and he would take cock in hand a
nd stroke in a nice comfortable rhythm until release found him.
He supposed he didn t notice the problem at first since he was always a little bit
aroused around Nami-san.
No, the problem had smacked him in the face all at once.
He had been washing dishes zoning out as each plate was clean. Suddenly he became
aware that he was getting hard for apparently no reason, his erection pressing p
ainfully into the cabinetry.
An arm wrapped around his waist and the weight of a head was felt against his ba
ck. His arousal throbbed as it became clear the smell of tangerines.
Sanjiiii I m hungry! Luffy whined as the hug tightened. The cook tossed the captain ou
t, shut the door, and locked it, so fast Luffy was dizzy on the deck still quest
ioning what had happened.
Inside the galley the cook was breathing hard and pressing painfully against his
shitty bastard of a betraying penis in abject horror. BEGGING it to go down.
About ten minutes later it deflated and he rinsed his face off in the since.
A fluke. The rubber bastard must have been playing in Nami-swans trees again or
something. He finished the dishes in peace while mulling over his concern at suc
h a strong physical reaction from just a whiff of tangerine.
Later on deck the shitty swordsman had decided to sleep right in the middle of t
he fucking way to the crows nest, and Sanji felt it was his duty to kick the bas
tard at least four feet to the left if not wake him for the inconvenience of hav
ing to go around him.
A fight had started in earnest same old, same old. He was holding the bastards swo
rd aloft with his shoe and sneered as he liked to do when they had moments of st
alemate, when he felt the telltale throb from his groin. Up came the smell of po
tent tangerine, noticeable this time, and ZING Sanji felt his blood rush to his
dick so fast he felt his face flush.
Zoro noticed something wrong and eased off slightly as if to ask if something wa
s wrong. The cook quickly disengaged and spun around, limping back to the galley
and tossing something about starting dinner over his shoulder.
He actually jacked off this time right there in the locked kitchen. He cursed the
whole time hating that somehow the shitty captain and now the fucking marimo were
right there each time the smell had come and triggered the fucking embarrassing
The worst part was he still could smell the tangerine like marimo had been sweati
ng it and somehow he had gotten it on him, intensifying everything.
He was livid that the moment he came he had been thinking about Zoro potentially
smelling like sweet tangerines.
Dinner time. The crew filed in and Sanji served them all before taking a seat hi
Like a brick wall arousal hit him again. Worst it had been yet. He hid the tenti
ng in his pants with his napkin and tried not to give in the urge to touch himse
lf across the table from his goddess and rest of the crew.
Thanks Nami! It worked really well! Luffy called between complimenting the food an
d stuffing his face with a pork loin.
The navigator smiled as she swallowed a small bite herself.
Oh you all will be buying me more and paying a 15% convenience fee but it s going to
be a while till the next island and we can go shopping. I d rather you all use my
body wash than stink up the place.
Sanji tried to pay attention to the conversation, he really did but he had long lo
st the battle with himself and prayed no one noticed his hand down his pants.
He couldn t really pay attention to anything at the moment he just needed relief and p
rayed the phantom tangerines would give him relief soon.

Review this Story/Chapter

The Cook Files vol 1: Sanji
Author of 1 Story 1. Beginning: He did it2. Promise:Devils are Angels without
love3. Axe: It Separates a Cook from a Novice4. Mother:The feeling must be this5
. Wanted: A drink and a bounty6. Slingshot: A move made for him7. Cat: Not so mu
ch puppy love8. Loyalty: Realization9. Laugh:Laughing is not cool10. Price: Live
the dream again11. Sheep: Sleepless Night12. Clown: They make some laughsome sc
ream13. Tangerine: A Pavlov effect14. Lies: Part of the job
Rated: M - English - General - Sanji - Published: 01-16-10 - id:5671127
Title: Part of the job
Theme: lies
Luffy was drooling and his fingers wiggled with excitement as they reached out f
or the first perfectly seared and stuffed steak. It was in his mouth under a sec
ond later.
It s good! SanjI! What s in it?
A kick came to the back of the captains head, sending some of the partially chew
ed contents spewing out of the open mouth and back on to Luffy s plate.
Close your mouth, chew, swallow, and then speak! The cook punctuated for emphasis.
Luffy stuffed the rest of his fallen dinner back into his mouth and finished in
one gulp. Sanji eyebrow twitched in frustrated concession. Good enough he suppos
What was in the middle? Luffy tried again.
You liked it right? The captain nodded excitedly as he reached for another, half e
xpecting the chef to stop him from the task but grinned even wider when he broug
ht another slice of stuffed meat to his mouth. Sanji joined him in the smile. It s
no wonder it is just more of the tougher meat ground with fragrant herbs till they
took on their fresh green pesto appearance.
The cook didn t care that Luffy was no longer listening. He just enjoyed the sight
of his fellow crew enjoying his meal.
Later while washing he was confronted while washing dishes. Usopp clicked his to
ngue confidently like he had the perfect blackmail material.
Liar. That was totally some kind of shredded salad. The cook continued on to start
washing the next dish.
Not just any salad that was a certain creation of mine that is particularly high fi
ber and nutrition.
So you admit it?
My job Usopp, is not to cater to what you guys want. It is to provide you all wit
h the right nutrition. I doubt Luffy cares but if it makes it even a little easi
er for him to eat properly I m going to lie. It s part of the job.
It s wrong to lie. Usopp said in mock innocence.
Like I want to hear that from you, asshole. Sanji chuckled. Besides you should be
more concerned about the other lies.
Other lies?
You might eat all the vegetables Usopp but when the meat runs low, you would be sur
prised at what delicacies of brain and entrails you have already eaten on this s
hip. Sanji gave him an evil grin. And asked for seconds of.
Sanji smiled even wider as Usopp paled at the information.
Of course I could be lying now so you don t question your cooks food, right?
If you did it would just be part of the job. The sniper laughed back.
I always knew you were one of the smart ones. The cook replied as he returned his
attention to the dishes.

Review this Story/Chapter

Title: Diner
by magique
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing(s): Gin/Sanji
Genre/Rating: Romance, General/M
Word Count: 867
Summary: Sanji does naughty things with his feet under tables in crummy diners.
AU. Established relationship.
Warnings: Smutty fluff. Adult themes, coarse language, and, I guess, foot (which
, yes, is a sexual situation).
Notes: Set in a modern alternate universe in which Sanji is a model and Gin a hi
tman. (Comes from an unposted Ginji fic I'm currently working on.)
This is for a challenge that I gave myself using a song as inspiration. The song
was Diner by Martin Sexton.
Feedback welcome!
The diner is small and damp and smells faintly of dead rats. Its décor is cheap
and far too bright, and the booth they re sitting in is cracked and so full of hol
es stuffing is falling out and gathering on the floor. There is a mound of dust
in the corner and he is sure he can count at least five cockroaches in it.
But Sanji is across from him, leaning back and smiling and blowing smoke rings t
owards the greying ceiling, and he s happy. Honest to God happy that he s here and d
oing this. Because, no matter how he looks at it, Sanji s with him and he s going ho
He s so completely glad Sanji put his foot down and demanded that this happen beca
use it is so rare to get time alone together what with Sanji s array of absolutely
mental friends and journalists and the confusion with that whole meant-to-be-ki
lling-you-not-fucking-you thing. And it feels wonderful to just sit here and not
have to worry about any of that.
He s only just beginning to realise how much he missed his hometown. It was the wo
rst eighteen years of his life, but that place somehow remains significant, symb
olic, something. It is so completely necessary. If his youth hadn t been so trauma
tic, he d still be stuck there now.
He isn t particularly sentimental, not usually, but that's begun to change of late
and maybe it s Sanji. Sanji always seems to bring out the best and the worst in h
im. With the way his lips curve into that delicious smirk around his cigarette o
r how it always feels like he s flirting with every single woman in his presence.
Sanji has dredged out and introduced him to aspects of himself he didn t even know
existed. Maybe it s a good thing and maybe it isn t.
The way Sanji is eying the waitress now as she places their (stone cold) meals o
n the plastic tabletop makes him think that, no; no, it really isn t. Because he n
ever used to care enough for something like that to affect him and the niggling
anger and hurt that mesh into hot jealousy in his chest still isn t something he s u
sed to.
But then Sanji looks at him and laughs and two long legs curl around his underne
ath the table and he knows Sanji s seen right through him again. And a suddenly sh
oeless foot has snuck up his calf and begun rubbing circles along his inner-thig
He can t bring himself to mind so much that Sanji can trick him so easily and for
fun since, really, he s starting to realise that having someone who just gets him
is worth it. Sanji is worth every hour, minute, second of it. And he s sure that,
now he s had a taste, he couldn t go back to how things were. He would miss those sm
iles and the sex and the smell of cigarettes. Hell, he d probably even miss the sw
earing and the snide remarks Sanji is so given to making.
Sanji s face is one of sneaky innocence and, ohJesus, it should be illegal for som
eone so pretty to be such a tease. He can feel warmth beginning to pool in his g
roin and coherent thoughts are beginning to be entirely replaced by words like n
eed and fuck and nownownow. He will never understand how Sanji can seem so relax
ed when he s giving someone foot under the table.
God, that sounds strange but he can t think what else to call it and that thought
has disappeared as quickly as it arrived anyway because Sanji s toes are curling a
nd uncurling against the tip of his cock and that s another thing he doesn t underst
They re in a grungy little diner with food that s probably three years past its used
-by-date and it s just a foot, but Sanji s making this sexy.
He can t help an almost inaudible groan when he reaches the edge and crashes over
it and Sanji s foot has retreated and his expression is wicked and self-satisfied
even though half of it s hidden behind blonde hair. He stands and mutters somethin
g, anything, an excuse and can hear Sanji snickering as he escapes to the toilet
There s a sticky, uncomfortable patch in the front of his trousers, but there s noth
ing he can do about it and at least it s not visible. He scowls into the mirror an
d it s thanks to Sanji that he s in this situation so he promises to get revenge for
it later.
His face is warm and his ears are pink but he can t help noticing the bags under h
is eyes are barely visible and he s looking healthier than he has in well, ever. A
nd that s thanks to Sanji too.
Which probably makes vengeance little uncharitable, considering.
So he leans forward and splashes his face with cold water, letting the droplets
leak into the neckline of his T-shirt and stares into the mirror some more.
Then he smiles. Because it doesn t matter how many times Sanji does something stup
id or rude or utterly infuriating because Sanji just did something forbidden and
incredibly hot to him under the table in a diner in the middle of fucking nowhe
Because Sanji s here and now and he makes Gin unspeakably happy. And that s what mat

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It's salad for dinner
Author of 62 Stories
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 9 - Updated: 08-19-
07 - Published: 07-26-07 - Complete - id:3683471
Sanji s POV
I can see him now, leaning on the rail of the Going Merry, staring lazily into t
he distance.
Lucky bastard.
He drew ship duty, and was able to stay aboard instead of having to trek through
the markets and shops in the sweltering heat, buying supplies and doing whateve
r else the rest of the crew do on their time on land.
The heat is suppressing, uncomfortable. I can feel the sheen of sweat on my uppe
r lip and my forehead, but I can reach to wipe it off since my hands are full of
bags of food.
He, however, is enjoying a light breeze that has swept across the sea from his h
igher position on the deck.
As I board the ship he comes over, and takes the bags off me. The weight he can
carry still surprises me sometimes. Not that I was struggling with the bags, but
he just carries them as if they were nothing, which to him they probably are.
You were quick, he comments as we walk through to the galley.
It s too hot to stay out there too long.
He nods in agreement and puts the bags down onto the table. He stretches his arm
s out, and I wince at the audible crack as his elbows pop. For once, he doesn t le
ave immediately, but settles himself down at the table.
Slightly unnerved by this, I busy myself putting the food away.
I can t remember when our daily fighting grew less frequent, I really can t. It happ
ened sometime after I realised that it was uncomfortable to be so physically clo
se to him, as I began to have feelings that I could only just hide, at least unt
il I was alone.
It wasn t just that, though. After a while, I grew tired of the fleeting glares of
disgust shot to me after a fight.
They got to me more than I would ever let on.
It soon got to where I was the one backing down from fights, but it wasn t long be
fore he stopped challenging me entirely.
I know I started backing down just before I realised that I didn t actually care i
f Nami and Robin never look my way, because they weren t really what I wanted.
Did you see where the others went? he asks in his low-pitched, bored voice.
Chopper dragged Usopp into the apocratherapy, on the promise that they ll go somewh
ere where Usopp can buy paint next. Luffy found an all you can eat offer at some
local place. We won t see them for hours. Nami dragged Robin shopping, so they ll b
e even longer.
He nods, closes his eyes, and tilts his head back.
Why are you in here, anyway? I thought you preferred the deck to sleep on.
He opens his eyes and stares at me. He smirks.
Am I making you uncomfortable?
I blush, and turn around.
Don t be a fucking idiot,
But I m lying. I can help but want to go over there and make some of my more x-rat
ed dreams come true. The kind of dreams you get being stuck on a ship with the o
ne person who you just can t seem to resist anymore. Is it any wonder it s so hard,
knowing that the object of your lust can never be more that a few metres away fr
om you, sleeping within a foot of you, and working out within immediate eyesight
So we ve got the ship to ourselves then? does he sound pleased, or is that just my i
Zolo s POV
Hmm. An afternoon with the cook- this might prove to be interesting, especially
as my presence seems to be distracting him more that usual.
Did he think I didn t notice him watching me train every morning? I m the only one w
ho really knows why he is so distracted at breakfast, although I think Robin may
guess soon. She is far too intelligent for her own good, that one.
I stare at his back, wondering how to antagonise him next.
Don t get me wrong, I just like how red his face goes when he s annoyed and slightly
I stand, and silently walk up behind him. Leaning close to his ear, I breathe in
to it and whisper.
And just why am I so distracting, cook?
He jumped with shock, and spun around, colliding with me. His cheeks were flushe
d red, even darker now that he noticed just how close I had come. He is smaller
than me, and I look down at his face, smirking at how near it is.
G ge get away from me, fucking marimo!
I smirk, glad that I ve got him as wound up as I have. I place both of my hands fl
at against the wall, on each side of his blonde head, and lean in slightly.
Today I ll do it. I ll do it today. I ve been watching him long enough to be sure that
he feels similar, unless I ve badly misinterpreted the lingering, longing glances
he sends my way when he thinks I m not watching.
He s staring up at me, still blushing hard and looking very perplexed.
Sanji s POV
How did he get so close without me noticing? I can t focus on anything when he is
this close to me. But why is he so close? I can feel the warmth of his breath on
my face and I know there is no way I can resist any longer.
So I don t.
I push myself up against his body, feeling the tautness of his muscles through o
ur clothes. His palms stay flat on the wall as I turn my face towards his and he
turns his towards mine. I smirk up at him, and slowly lick my bottom lip. His e
yes widen at that, but after that momentary shock he smirks down at my flushed f
I gasp with pleasure as he leans in to kiss me, and he takes advantage of my sli
ghtly open mouth. I respond eagerly, and soon our tongues are playing a running
game of dominance, as my hands run up and down his body. He uses his hands on th
e wall as balance as he presses down harder, and I squirm with delight, enjoying
the deeper kiss this new force provides.
I push him away, and now it is my chance to smirk up at his bewildered face.
You ll have to wait, marimo. I need to start dinner.
He stares at me, insulted, before pulling me back into another kiss, his arms wr
apped this time around my waist. I melt into him, and soon his hands are running
across my ass, my back, the top of my legs, with one arm constantly returns to
my waist, as a constant reminder that I m his now.
I m feeling rather ungracious to the others and the fact that they have to eat, be
cause they ll be expecting a feast and to do that I ll need to break away pretty soo
As his hand finds the hem of my shirt, and his fingers stroke the skin on the sm
all of my back underneath the fabric, I suddenly decide, with absolute certainty
, that the others will have to live with it, because there is a salad I can make
in ten minutes, and there is a source of green that seems much more appetising
to me this minute.

Review this Story/Chapter

4 Days in Hell
Author of 6 Stories 1. An impatient pervert and his promise2. A forced bitch an
d his works3. A wonderful man and his greatness4. A blushing stupid and his weir
d feeling5. confused swordsman & last day of control
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 52 - Updated: 07-09
-07 - Published: 05-18-07 - Complete - id:3544619
Title: 4 Days in Hell
Pairing: ZoSan
Genre: Romance/General
Summary: Robin's birthday would be 4 days later. Sanji has prepared her a bracel
et with the kanji letter of "RO" for Robin on it, but Zoro took it from him teas
ingly. Of course Sanji would do anything to get it back before Robin's birthday,
but Zoro wanted Sanji to obey his 2 commands. First, to not make him mad. Secon
d, to seduce him until he feel satisfy with the blond, so Sanji can get what he
wanted before the time limit... ZoSan, Lemon, Thanks.
Note: It's my first fanfic...It's my first lemony fanfic too.
Chapter 1: An impatient pervert and his promise
Zoro opened his eyes and met the blue sky above him. 'That was a perfect nap,' h
e thought. Yeah, what could Zoro do on the Going Merry instead of sleeping and w
orking out to reach his ambition to be the greatest swordsman in the world or wh
atever it is called? Hell, he could feel his member throbbing under his pants, a
gain. It has been some weeks since it often throb like that. Zoro didn t even know
why, but he would stroke it hard every time he took a shower. Actually, as a gr
eat hard-working swordsman, he could control his inner energy to stop something
trembling inside his body (man, don t take it that serious, cause I don t even know
about swordsmen), but he couldn t do anything about this case. Suddenly, he felt a
nother growl inside him, now it s his stomach. 'Shit...,' he thought again. He wal
ked to the kitchen as he smelled yummy scent of food from it. The door cracked o
"Hey shitty-cook! What are you...? Zoro didn't continue it because he could see t
hat the certain cook wasn't paying attention and cooking something so Zoro could
only see his back.
"It's Saturday! Today is Saturday! And the next Wednesday is Robin-chan's birthd
ay it ll be 4 days later! Hope she like what I've bought for her from the last isla
nd... then she'll say, 'Thanks cook-san, I love you so much...!' Love you too Rob
in-chan Ahh, what an amazing and romantic scene!"
"Hmmm... you mean you'll give her this?" Zoro took a heart-shaped box at the kit
chen table. He could see a bracelet inside and there was a kanji letter of "Ro"
on the bracelet. Sanji had decorated it with heart-colored paper, but Zoro had j
ust torn it easily and took the bracelet out.
"Yeah, marimo-chwan... it's so cool and will look great for a girl like Robin-ch
an What? Wait! Is it you, marimo-head ?" Sanji turned back and saw Zoro sat on the
table, with the torn papers beside him. Sanji s jaw opened and he shouted,
"What have I done?" Zoro asked him back, with the word 'innocent' written on his
"Don t wear that mask of innocence ! I've wrapped it for 5 hours and you've just ruin
ed everything! How dare you!" Sanji shouted on Zoro's face. Beside, since when di
d you arrive at my adorable kitchen?!
Oi, oi, I thought you knew already that I m here since you called me with that awfu
l name!
What awful name ?!
Marimo-chan! Don t act like you don t know it!
Ew When did I call you with that awful name?!
You stupid curly eyebrow crap-cook!
You baka swordsman with one cell of brain! Stop drabbling with me and give it bac
k to me! You re not cool or beauty enough likes Robin-chan to touch it! Sanji swung
his long leg onto Zoro s head, but Zoro pushed it back with his hand, without eve
n get down from the table. It was because he already knew that the cook would do
something like this.
Hey, crap-cook, it won t be that easy for you to get what you want from me Zoro smirk
ed evilly, caused Sanji to feel something dangerous is coming to him. They kept
in silence for some seconds.
W-what d ya mean, shitty swordsman?! Don t you ever dare to think that you can tease
me or make me beg on you or even kiss your stinky foot to get what I want! Sanji
walked backwards for some steps because of the dangerous aura around Zoro.
Hey, relax, ya crap-cook! I m not saying something that you have to obey! Yet.
F-fuck you! Sanji showed his middle finger. I- I said give it back to me! Sanji move
d his leg up again, but to no avail, again. Zoro grabbed it tightly, and then th
rew it.
I haven t said anything! Calm down and let me talk, can t you? Zoro glared at him in a
Sanji stared in suspicion, Just the hell is this. Quickly tell me what you actuall
y want, marimo! he glared back.
Hmm let me think then Zoro tilted his head a bit, still grabbed the RO bracelet tight
y, afraid if Sanji would take it back. He tried to find something to do with thi
s chance, rare chance.
The time limit is the next Wednesday, in the morning! You have to give it back to
me before the time limit if I can do what you want! Sanji said.
Zoro tilted his head to the reverse angle from before. Suddenly he remembered ab
out what he has needed for a quite long time, a lot. A naughty smile came across
his handsome face.
W-what?! Sanji asked him in fear.
Okay maybe I can give this back to you less then 3 days from now, Zoro hadn t finishe
d his words.
Really?! What should I do for you, big-famous-swordsman? Sanji smiled to him in ha
It s easy, love-cook. I think you can do my commands easily, another smirk on Zoro s f
Okay! Wait, commands? With s on it? More than one? asked Sanji stupidly.
Yeah, stupid. So, the first command: you can t call me with those bad names or curs
e me with any curse words. In another way, I don t want you to make me mad since n
ow until the time limit, said Zoro.
Just that simple?? Okay, marim-o uh, I mean, Zoro. So what s the next command? asked
Sanji happily. He thought Zoro won t make any complicated command since Zoro only
has one cell of brain to think.
Zoro smirked widely, as his member was throbbing again. His adventurous eyes sto
pped between Sanji s legs. He licked his top lip, as his cock was throbbing harder
and started to hurt, begging for more attention from him. Sanji s smile changed t
o a frown. He felt something bad was going to happen.
Yeah, ya know crap It has been begging for attention since some weeks ago, so yeah Zo
ro said as he got down from the table and walked a few steps closer to Sanji. Sa
nji also walked backwards until his back touched the wall behind him.
W-what is it ? H-hey Zoro, what do you mean by it ? Who has been begging for attention
since some weeks ago? Sanji asked him, tried to hide his trembling body. Zoro s smi
rking face was just some inches from his face. Sanji could feel that his cold sw
eat was flowing on his cheek. The next second, he felt a large hand has held one
of his thin wrists and was moving it to a part of its body. Sanji s eyes looked d
own in unbelief to see his own palm was rubbing against Zoro s crotch. Zoro s hand w
as the one who has moved his palm back and forth. Zoro moaned a bit at the sensa
tion of Sanji s palm on his crotch.
it is what I mean by it Zoro whispered on Sanji s ear. Sanji froze in shock. He didn
n move his still moving palm on Zoro. Zoro let his tongue licked Sanji s earlobe t
easingly. It sent shiver down Sanji s body. Sanji gasped as Zoro s teeth softly bit
his earlobe. Now it was his member s turn to throb. Zoro unzipped his pants and sl
id his hand in.
St-stop it Stop it Zoro! Ahh I-Ahh I said stop it! Sanji bit his bottom lip to keep hi
s moan in his throat as Zoro played with his balls for a few times. Finally, his
long moan escaped from his mouth. Zoro smirked and stopped all his activities.
He he you like it, huh? Zoro sat back on the table like there was nothing happened
between them.
You asshole! Why do I have to like it?! HELL NO! Sanji said as his hands were grabb
ing Zoro s collar. His face was blushing.
Well I take that as Hell yeah Zoro, I beg you to do it more! Am I correct? Zoro smirk
ed and tried to keep himself on the table as Sanji pulled his collar tighter.
You re wrong, absolutely, definitely, surely, of-course-ly wrong!!! Sanji shouted as
his face blushed more.
Big stupid liar. Still remember about the bracelet? Zoro asked as he took the RO bra
celet from the table.
Sanji let go off Zoro s collar. Damn it. So what s the second command actually, basta
You forget about the first one, eh?
Aw, shit! Y-yeah, yeah, I m sorry. Now quickly tell me the next one, please, Sanji bo
wed his head.
Man, don t look such pity like that okay I ll tell you then. The second command: you h
ave to err seduce me and satisfy my desire. I guess ya know what kind of desire t
hat I mean. I ve just showed you one simple example right? When I think you ve satis
fied me enough, I ll give this RO bracelet back to you, even if it hasn t the time lim
it yet. You can do it everytime and everywhere, even in front of our friends, bu
t you know, I won t help you if they think you re a crazy homo pervert, Zoro said cle
arly with a satisfied smile on his face.
W-what?! Hey, I won t do anything suspicious with you in front of them, especially
Robin-chwan and Nami-swan! It s better if you pick a time for me to come to your b
edroom or such! You are really per uh, I mean smart, actually he was going to say pe
rvert .
Zoro thought for some seconds before finally smiled at Sanji. Well, your idea isn t
that bad at all. Then, you have to come to my bedroom on 9 o clock every night. I
t s about an hour after we finish our dinner, right? Great, it s a perfect idea. Sin
ce it can t wait to long anymore, this will start from tonight, Zoro said with anothe
r satisfied smile.
Okay Sanji said weakly.
Hey, don t be so sad . How can you seduce me with those frown on your face?! As a rea
l man, of course I won t escape from my promise, and I ve promised to give it back t
o you. So, don t be afraid if I won t give it back to you since I don t even like this
bracelet, Zoro got down from the table and walked to the kitchen door.
Don t ever dare to forget your own words to me! I ll count on you, I swear! You re not
a man if you don t do your promise to me! Sanji shouted to him as Zoro kept walking
out of the door, waved his hand.
Another fine weather to take a nap, Zoro thought. He lied on the deck and started
to close his eyes in bliss. Suddenly, Ow shit he thought as his stomach growled har
der this time. He opened his eyes in irritation and forced himself to walk to th
e kitchen again, as slow as he can.
, it s the lunch time pretty girls said Sanji.
I m on time, huh? Zoro thought as he continued to walk towards the kitchen.
END of chapter 1.
How is it? Is my first fanfic so bad? If you don't think so, give me a review, o

Review this Story/Chapter

4 Days in Hell
Author of 6 Stories 1. An impatient pervert and his promise2. A forced bitch a
nd his works3. A wonderful man and his greatness4. A blushing stupid and his wei
rd feeling5. confused swordsman & last day of control
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 52 - Updated: 07-09
-07 - Published: 05-18-07 - Complete - id:3544619
Title: 4 Days in Hell
Pairing: ZoSan
Genre: Romance/General
Summary: Robin's birthday would be 4 days later. Sanji has prepared her a bracel
et with the kanji letter of "RO" for Robin on it, but Zoro took it from him teas
ingly. Of course Sanji would do anything to get it back before Robin's birthday,
but Zoro wanted Sanji to obey his 2 commands. First, to not make him mad. Secon
d, to play with him until he feel satisfy with the blond, so Sanji can get what he
wanted before the time limit... ZoSan, Lemon, Thanks.
Chapter 2: A forced bitch and his works
You are a fucking, shitty, pervert, bastard, annoying, crazy etc, etc swordsman! W
hy do I have to stop calling you with those suitable names for you??? Sanji thoug
ht as he was washing dishes in the sink from the Saturday lunch. And hell start fr
om tonight until Tuesday night, he ll be a completely annoying shit! Why do I have
to do such thing for him ?!
Yeah, it s 1:30 PM already on the Saturday afternoon. Sanji was still grunting and
mumbling curse words towards the swordsman if he was not near Sanji. Everytime
he tried to curse the swordsman, Zoro would just simply pout his pocket, where t
he RO bracelet was. Then Sanji just simply shut his mouth.
I don t want to fuck or even be fucked by you! I don t want it, shitty pervert! But,
actually I really want it so much, sexy pervert with big penis! Sanji didn t realiz
e what he just said before, still washing the dishes. Wh-what the heck did I say??
? I
You ve just said that you really want to fuck me or be fucked by my big penis, I gu
A gruff voice came into Sanji s ears. He quickly turned back and saw the most he-d
idn t-want-to-see person in the ship right now, Roronoa Zoro. Ahh! Since when did y
ou arrive here?! Sanji jumped backward in shock.
Hey, you don t have to be that shock. I ve been here since you said the words you are
a blahblah Zoro said.
Gaaah!!! You you- Sanji lost his words as wet lips pressed against his and a warm t
ongue slid into his mouth before he could do anything, explored it lustfully. Fi
nally, Sanji felt Zoro pulled his tongue back. Those lips weren t touch anymore.
I what? Zoro asked him with his dark voice.
Shit , said Sanji, still panting heavily.
Hey, hey, I ve told you not to make me unhappy right?
, Sanji glared at him in hate, yeah, you ve said it.
I ve also told you to do what I want right?
, another glare from the blond, yeah, you ve said it too.
Then I need something right now, you know said him, pointed at the floor (actually, i
t was not the floor, you know).
You huh! Sanji slowly knelt under Zoro. He started to unzip Zoro s zipper. He was jus
t going to pull down Zoro s underwear when suddenly their rubber captain pushed th
e kitchen door.
I M HUNGRY!!! Eh? What are you two doing? said Luffy.
Sanji quickly got up and shrugged. He was blushing. Uhm I I m picking a fork that fel
l under Zoro. Here is it! Sanji took a fork from the table behind him. Zoro tried
to not burst into laugh.
Luffy s confused face changed into a familiar big smile of him. May I get some food
Fortunately, Luffy was stupid, really stupid. He didn t realize about Zoro s zipper.
No way, Luffy. You have just eaten 1 hour and 30 minutes and 29 seconds ago, said
Uuh Sanji is so stingy! Zoro, say something! It is captain s order! Luffy pointed at
No, it s not! I can t take it as an order! Zoro said, and then he walked toward the do
or. I want to sleep in my bedroom.
Zoro didn t do captain s order! Zoro is a bad crew and a bad boy! Luffy shouted, point
ed at Zoro s back.
Okay, okay. Sanji, don t ever dare to not to obey someone who can control you. Is t
hat enough, Luffy? Zoro said, pouted his pocket with a naughty smile on his face.
Of course Sanji know who was Zoro mean actually, himself. He frowned and cursed
under his breath.
Nah, heard it? Give me something to eat now! Luffy ordered.
No, said Sanji, then he walked to his room in frustration.
Gaaah!!! You re the stingiest man on this ship! Uwaa! shouted Luffy behind him.
Sanji just ignored his stupid captain and walked in his own room. He was thinkin
g of, what he should do in Zoro s room. Eww he thought in his mind. He was still imag
ining about that until he fell asleep, and dreamed about it.
When Sanji woke up, it s 7 PM already. He felt his underwear was so wet, and when
he looked at it, there was white liquid in it. What the fuck! How could I dream a
bout it until my... Oh man dinner This is the first time I hate to cook , Sanji said
to himself.
The dinner was going just the same as usual. Everything was going usual, except
Sanji. He glared at Zoro for a few times, and suddenly blushed. That s why Zoro s fo
od trapped in his throat and made him coughed.
And now the dinner was over, Sanji s nightmare. Everybody left the kitchen and walk
ed to their rooms, except Zoro and Sanji.
C mon, love-cook, let s do it in my room, said Zoro as he griped Sanji s thin waist from
okay. But hey, why it must be in your room?! Sanji asked.
Because I don t want anyone to think that I rape you by get into your room at night
, said Zoro easily.
Sanji said nothing. They walked to Zoro s room.
Where do you want to play, crap-cook? Zoro asked in his gruff voice.
It s up to you. On the bed, maybe. Sanji said.
Hmm okay, said Zoro, Do what you have to do.
Sanji understood that, perfectly. He started to unbutton Zoro s shirt, and then th
rew it to the floor.
Oi Sanji, if you want the bracelet, you have to do what he wants, right? Just do
it!!! It s for Robin-chwan! Sanji thought. Then he kneeled, unzipped Zoro s pants, an
d pulled it down.
Suddenly Zoro pulled his arms, and kissed him in a passionate kiss until Sanji f
ell on the bed. Sanji was having trouble in breathing now.
Oi Zo Sanji gasped.
Still in the kiss, Zoro took off Sanji s clothes, all of his clothes. He smirked.
Sanji couldn t hold his moan, as Zoro licked, bit, and sucked on his neck. There w
as a red mark on his left part of neck. Zoro smiled before licked it once again.
Then he moved his hand to Sanji s crotch. He stroke Sanji s member softly. Sanji bi
t his lower lip. Zoro changed it into a hard one, so Sanji moaned lustfully.
Fuck I can t hold this moan Sanji thought. Hey just tell me where the hell do you hid
Zoro didn t answer. He stopped it, because he found another good thing to do. He m
oved another hand to rub Sanji s chest, to touch his nipple, squeezed it hard. San
ji let out another long moan at the sensation.
Great I like the way you moan Zoro whispered to Sanji s ear as he thumbed Sanji s nippl
s. Zoro started to move his head to Sanji s chest, licked one of his nipples, and
then pushed his lips against it. Sanji tried to hide that he was shivering when
Zoro did that, but Zoro realized it, so he sucked it hard. There was another moa
n of pleasure from Sanji.
Holyshit I love this so much I can t hide that I want more but , Sanji thought and sai
asked you once again, where s it?
Don t ask me, Zoro said as he did the same to another nipple.
Zoro stopped what he was doing to watch Sanji s reaction. Ahh Do it again Sanji whispe
red. He didn t even think that he would say such thing. Zoro smirked. You little ba
stard beg on me and I ll do it again, Zoro said. Sanji didn t do that, because he didn t
want Zoro to know that he really like it.
Next, Zoro moved his head down, faced Sanji s dick. He smiled like a pervert, and
started to lick his own fingers. Then Zoro wetted Sanji s hairy penis with his fin
gers and played with the big balls. Sanji moaned, again, as he felt his penis wa
s very wet. It made him shiver. Zoro thumbed the tip and squeeze it softly. Sanj
i moaned and panted again. And then Zoro rested his head back on the pillow besi
de Sanji. Why didn t ya suck me? Sanji asked, still panting. Because I know you want
it so much. Hey, you re my bitch that s why you re the one who have to do that! Zoro sa
id teasingly.
Will you tell me where it is if I do that? Sanji asked.
I don t know Zoro teased him.
Sanji just moved his body and got on Zoro s crotch. He pulled down Zoro s underwear.
He froze for a second. Hey, what are you doing? Zoro asked. You Sanji said, still lo
oked on Zoro s penis. What? I have a big, sexy, juicy, and hairy one, huh? Zoro whis
pered. Sanji nodded and smirked, couldn t hide his lust anymore. He quickly threw
the underwear away, and sucked Zoro like mad, as hard as he can. He enjoyed it s
o much when Zoro moaned his name.
Oh Sanji you re so great at this ahh I m at my limit now unghh ! Zoro said. He could
me liquid was flowing down from him to Sanji s warm mouth. Sanji swallowed it all
in satisfaction. Then he kissed Zoro with his still wet lips. Zoro felt really n
ice to lick for his own liquid inside Sanji s mouth.
Hey, just fuck me now okay ? Sanji said, still panting heavily.
You want it so badly, huh? What kind of it do you want? A fast one or a hard one?
Zoro said teasingly, rubbing his penis against Sanji s.
Sanji moaned. Both of them Just do it now, can t you? Sanji said.
But I won t give what you want since you never give me what I want before, Zoro said
with a smirk on his face, It is 4 AM already now. You can get out of my room now
or somebody will find you here in my room, trying to rape me, cook, Zoro said.
Shit he s playing with me. He knows that I want it Fuck! Sanji thought. Okay, bye. See
ya next morning.
Sanji left the room. Hell, I want it so much, but I won t let him get what he wants
easily Beside, I felt something like...I don't want somebody find him here in my
room, trying to rape me, because they'll think bad about him. But why should I
CARE if they think so?! This is a weird feeling... Zoro thought, he licked his fi
ngers and pushed them into his own hole, moaned.
End of chapter 2.
That was the first time I typed something like 'that' Review if you like, okay?

Review this Story/Chapter

4 Days in Hell
Author of 6 Stories 1. An impatient pervert and his promise2. A forced bitch a
nd his works3. A wonderful man and his greatness4. A blushing stupid and his wei
rd feeling5. confused swordsman & last day of control
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 52 - Updated: 07-09
-07 - Published: 05-18-07 - Complete - id:3544619
4 Days in Hell
Note: I m so sorry if I make you wait too long for this chapter. I ve just finished
my school exams a few days ago.

Chapter 3: A wonderful man and his greatness
Sunday morning, up with the lark, I think I ll take a walk in the park. Hey, hey, h
ey, it s a beautiful day
Sanji was singing along in his kitchen as he was making breakfast. Just like the
song Beautiful Sunday that Sanji was singing (I hope you know the song), it was S
unday. But of course Sanji wasn t really going to walk in a park. He continued the
next part of the song.
I ve got someone waiting for me, when I see him I know that he ll say,
(Actually, it should be her and she ll , not him and he ll .)
Hey, hey, hey, it s a beautiful day That wasn t Sanji who sang that part, but someone e
lse who got in the kitchen and watched at Sanji since he started to sing the son
Sanji turned back to see someone who he had just been with on the last night, th
e swordsman. He wore a black shirt with a red dragon all around it.
You since when are you here?! Sanji asked furiously.
Since you sang that song, cook. Your voice isn t really bad at all, even mine is be
tter, I guess. Are you thinking about me this whole morning? Zoro asked him with
a smile on his face. He yawned.
N-no! What makes you say so? Sanji replied with the word LIAR written on his face.
Because you sang when I see him I know that he ll say . Of course it should be when I s
ee her I know that she'll say . Who could you thinking of instead of me, huh? Zoro
sat on the table.
You bastardmmh Sanji hadn t finished his words. Zoro pulled him on his collar and kiss
ed him gently, right on the mouth. That was a sweet kiss.
I what? Zoro whispered on his ear.
Shit he kissed me really gently that was a very romantic kiss, so sweet Sanji thought
. Then Sanji felt like he was losing his mind, and he leaned his face slowly to
kiss Zoro back with the same kiss. Before their lips touch, Sanji quickly got hi
s body control and pulled his head back. What the fuck did I do?! he thought. He s
aid nothing and awkwardly turned back to his stove, busied himself with the pan
and tried to hide his blushing face.
Zoro smiled. He got down from the table and hugged Sanji from behind, made the c
ook s face reddened more.
You re really bad in lying to me, Sanji. You can t lie to me. Just stop hiding everyt
hing from me, can t you? His lips caressed Sanji s ear while he was whispering to him
Damn swordsman Can t you stop playing with me? I don t know what your TRUE reason behi
nd all of these is, but you ve made me feel something weird about you! You re right,
I ve been thinking about you all this morning, since the last night, to be correct
. I don t even know why Sanji thought.
Hey, why are you saying nothing? Zoro asked.
Nnn let go of me! Why you have to do all of these?! What s your purpose? Why don t you
just give me the bracelet? Sanji asked, pushed Zoro s hands away.
Zoro sat back on the table and crossed his arms. What do you mean by those questi
ons? Do you think I really like you or something? Hell no, crap-cook!
Sanji felt something hurt in his chest when Zoro said his last sentence. He didn t
know what was it actually, but he felt like those words had knocked his chest,
hurt him. He looked at Zoro and he thought Zoro had changed to someone else. The
person in front of him was not the same as the person who just told him to stop
hiding everything from him. Sanji suddenly blushed.
I-I didn t say so! Who need your fucking love?! I just want the bracelet! Sanji shou
ted on him.
And I just want to use this chance to tease you since you always tease me before.
Beside, my I.T. has needed something too. Of course you knew it already, Zoro smir
Just get out of my kitchen and let me make the breakfast! Sanji said.
Forget about the first command, huh? Zoro pouted his pocket.
Ow hell can you get out of my kitchen please? Sanji asked, glared at him.
Yes, I can, shit, Zoro said, walked towards the door with a smirk.
Sanji saw the kitchen door closed by Zoro.
You re really bad in lying to me, Sanji. You can t lie to me. Just stop hiding everyt
hing from me, can t you?
He blushed at the memory.
What do you mean by those questions? Do you think I really like you or something?
Hell no, crap-cook!
Those words and Zoro s expression while he was saying it appeared on the cook s mind
. He picked a knife and threw it to the floor. Stupid! Stupid! Why was my chest s
o hurt when he said it?!?
Meanwhile, as Sanji continued his cooking, Zoro was laying on the deck. He was t
he only one there. His hands were under his head. He tried to sleep but
Nnn let go of me! Why you have to do all of these?! What s your purpose? Why don t you
just give me the bracelet?
He smiled. I ve succeed in teasing him, right? That s why he asked me such questions B
And I just want to use this chance to tease you since you always tease me before.
Beside, my I.T has needed something too. Of course you knew it already,
Is that really my only TRUE purpose of doing all of these? What am I thinking abo
ut? Of course it is!
He didn t know why, but that morning felt so hot, so he undone his shirt s buttons,
revealed his green haramaki. Finally, he felt asleep as usual.
Back to Sanji, he was placing those foods on the 7 plates on the table. His mind
was still thinking about You-Know-Who. Zoro s words still making him confuse.
What the fuck am I thinking about?! Why do I care about him or his words?! I neve
r feel something like this before. Is this ??? AAAH! I m stupid!!!
Is Sanji calling us? asked Nami to Robin who was reading an archaeology book.
Yeah, I think so. Even though he didn t call both of us with his usual love words, R
obin replied, put her book and walked with Nami to the kitchen.
The foods were tasty, but not as perfectly delicious as usual. And he didn t flirt
with Nami or Robin, or even Zoro (just kidding guys). He tried to wear his usua
l face but still, everybody could see that he was somewhat different. Finally, ev
erybody finished their breakfast.
Thanks for today another delicious breakfast, Sanji. Are you okay? asked Nami conf
Yeah, of course I am Nami-swan! I m so flattered that you like my cooking, said Sanj
Maybe he s just okay, Nami smiled. Then everybody left the kitchen except Zoro, who
pretended to walk lazily, so he could still be in the room when everybody had le
ft it. He closed the door behind him and sat on the table like usual, looked at
Sanji s back.
Why are you still here? Sanji asked him without turn to him.
Oi, what happened to you, cook? asked him.
I m okay, don t need your care. Just take a nap like what you do everyday like a stup
id shi-, err, forget it, said Sanji, walked to the cupboard beside the sink to pu
t the plates.
Zoro quickly pulled his arm and kissed him. Those plates fell down from Sanji s ha
nd and got broken. It made a loud sound. Sanji placed his hands on Zoro s chest, g
rabbed the material of Zoro s shirt. After some seconds felt comfort with Zoro s gen
tle kiss, he suddenly tried to push Zoro s body. Zoro still didn t want to pull hims
elf. Sanji punched and slapped Zoro s chest, but Zoro held his hands.
Sanji! You ve broken some plates, eh?! Zoro quickly let go off Sanji s hands and lips
when both of them heard Usopp s voice from behind the door. Zoro panted and glared
at Sanji s eyes. Sanji did the same.
Yeah, but it s okay! We still have so many plates here! Sanji answered him as he tri
ed to turn his face from Zoro s glare.
Hey, I have a new good thing for you! Super power glue, that can fix every kind o
f material, includes ceramic! Do you want some??? Usopp said happily.
No, Usopp. I ve told you that we still have so many plates here, right? Sanji replie
d him.
yeah but Usopp was still trying to promote his new product.
No buts, Usopp, said Sanji.
They heard Usopp s steps. There was another awkward silence inside the kitchen. Zo
ro s face turned red.
I, I just, I just think you look so weird when you didn t flirt with those girls or
dance like a stupid across this kitchen. It looks like, not you, the stupid bas
tard cook on this ship. Just don t forget to do what you have to do, cook, said him,
with a forced smirk on his face. Then he walked outside the kitchen. When Zoro
had disappeared from the kitchen, Sanji sat on the table and cursed some curse w
ords under his breath.
The time passed. It was 5 PM now. Sanji didn t know what to do because he didn t hav
e any cooking mood, or flirting mood, or another mood. Zoro s last kiss couldn t let
go off his head. He couldn t stop his feet, to walk to Zoro s bedroom. When he arri
ved there, Zoro was taking a shower. Zoro put all his clothes on the bed and he
didn t close the bathroom door, but he didn t realize that Sanji was in his room. Zo
ro stroked his member just like usual.
Aahh shit Ahh Ah! Okay Ungh!
Sanji blushed when he heard those voices of Zoro from the bathroom. Finally Zoro
put his blanket on his shoulders and walked out from the bathroom, only to find
Sanji was lying there, on his bed, with all naked, separated his legs widely in
front of Zoro s eyes. His face was really red with sweat all over his body. Zoro
blushed too.
Sa-Sanji, i-it s not 9 PM now. W-what are you doing here? Zoro tried to looks usual b
ut he was not really success at all.
Sanji moved his body. He knelt on the bed an inch from where Zoro was standing a
nd held his stomach. Zoro blushed at the sensation of Sanji s sweaty body on his s
I know it s not, Zoro. And you don t like to see me here when it s not 9 PM, huh? asked
No, I don t mean it. I just Zoro put his arms around Sanji s shoulders, a bit shock.
it ll be okay if you want to, he smirked.
But, you ve just finished clean your body
It s okay. I don t mind if I have to clean my body again, plus yours.
And with that, Zoro pushed Sanji s shoulders to his bed. He kissed Sanji s lips, spu
n his tongue in it. Then he licked Sanji s neck, down to his chest. Sanji moaned w
hen Zoro thumbed his nipples and suck on it. Zoro bit one of his nipples.
AAAH!! Zoro, that s hurt so much! ZORO!!! he whimpered, as he felt some blood and sa
liva trickle down from his nipple.
Ooops I m so sorry, Sanji. Are you okay? Sorry, sorry, said Zoro, licked those liquid
from Sanji s stomach. Then he bit softly on Sanji s another nipple.
Aah Sanji moaned.
Zoro didn t want to hurt him so he just licked it softly. Suddenly Sanji changed t
he position; he was on top of Zoro.
Hey, it s pay back time, Zoro. Deal with it, Sanji said. He moved down to Zoro s dick.
Zoro smirked. Sanji could smell a nice scent of Zoro s soap on his hairs down the
re. He started to lick it, from the front until the underside, made Zoro moaned.
He put the tip of his lips, kissed it gently and licked it a bit, tickling Zoro
. Zoro moved a bit because it was ticklish. Sanji smiled and bit Zoro s dick.
Sanji!! That s really good Zoro said.
Sanji started to move his head back and forth as Zoro s dick was still in his mout
h. Zoro moaned, a lot. Sanji s hand squeezed his balls hard, and he sucked it hard
SANJI!!! Zoro screamed as his semen was filling Sanji s mouth. It s too much for Sanji
so he pulled his head and let Zoro s semen spread all over his face.
You really taste so good, Zoro. May I have more? asked Sanji evilly.
Hah- You may, hah- hah- Zoro panted and smiled.
Sanji smirked again. He took Zoro s length in his mouth again, made it wetter with
his saliva. Zoro s dick was way too big and too long for him, so he almost coughs
when Zoro s dick reached his throat. Zoro s legs were trying to push Sanji s head.
AH! Zoro moaned. He had just cum again on Sanji s mouth. Sanji swallowed them all.
Nah, it s time for the main event, Zoro, Sanji said, lying himself on the bed beside
As you wish, with that, Zoro moved on Sanji s top. He pumped Sanji s dick hard, made S
anji moaned so load lustfully. Finally Sanji spilled his semen all over Zoro s han
d. Zoro used them to lubricate his fingers and his member. He put 2 fingers at f
irst. After Sanji could breathe again, he put 3. And finally, Zoro couldn t hold i
t anymore and thrust all his length into Sanji hard.
AAAHHH!!! ZORO!!! Sanji moaned so loud.
Ahh Sorry Sanji, I can t hold it anymore You re so thigh, and I like it, Zoro said, gav
him another strong thrust. Not long after, they ve created their rhythm. Sanji gr
abbed on each side of his pillow strongly, so he had just torn Zoro s pillow. His
eyes full with tears, also his face.
UNGH!!! Sanji whimpered again when he felt Zoro s juice in him. Just the same as bef
ore, the juice always too much for him and now they flowed from the edge of his
hole. He could feel his own juice spread all over Zoro s abdomen. Both of them pan
ted heavily. Zoro gave him the last strong thrust and then laid beside him.
Zoro wiped Sanji s tears and smiled, Did I hurt you that much?
No I m okay, Zoro. I m okay May I lean to your chest, please Zoro? Sanji said, still pa
ted heavily, and caressed Zoro s chest.
Of course you may. I m so sorry if I really hurt you so much, Zoro said as he caress
ed Sanji s head on his chest.
I don t know what is he thinking about me right now But, I m really happy to be here w
ith him, on his warm and sweaty chest. Who care about the dinner tonight ? Sanji th
I really don t know why he came to me today, seduce me, and then beg me to do this W
hatever! I don t care what his true reason is, I just feel happy to have him with m
e, beg on me, screamed my name. I don t know why Hey, he hasn t even asked me about t
he bracelet Zoro thought.
End of Chapter 3

Sorry if this chapter is too long. Keep on reviewing if you like!

Review this Story/Chapter

4 Days in Hell
Author of 6 Stories 1. An impatient pervert and his promise2. A forced bitch a
nd his works3. A wonderful man and his greatness4. A blushing stupid and his wei
rd feeling5. confused swordsman & last day of control
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 52 - Updated: 07-09
-07 - Published: 05-18-07 - Complete - id:3544619
4 Days in Hell

Chapter 4: A blushing stupid and his weird feeling
Sanji opened his eyes and found himself on Zoro s chest, in Zoro s room. He moved hi
s body to get up.
You ve woken up, eh? A familiar voice came to his ears.
Sanji looked up and he found that Zoro had woken up before him.
Y-Yeah. I ve got to make the breakfast now.
Sanji blushed and got down from the bed. He wore his clothes and walked to the d
oor quickly, without turning to Zoro. Zoro sat up and looked at the door and the
n he took a shower.
It was Monday now. Everybody walked to the kitchen as they heard Sanji shouted, B
REAKFAST IS READY!!! Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, breakfast is ready now !
Good morning Sanji! Nami said.
Good morning my lovely Nami-swan! Sanji s eye turned into heart.
You look so happy today
Suddenly Sanji blushed and looked at Zoro. Zoro looked at him too as he scooped
his pancake with syrup on it.
Cook-san? Are you okay? You re face looks red Robin said as she used her extra hand to
touch Sanji s forehead.
Oh! I m okay, Robin-chwan! Sanji smiled.
Everybody finished their breakfast and went to their places, except Zoro. He sat
on the table like usual, again.
Why are you still here, Zoro? Sanji walked toward him, placed his hands on the tabl
e, beside Zoro s legs.
Zoro smirked when he saw where Sanji put his hands, You may not throw me out of y
our kitchen since you still have my commands on you
When did I tell you that I will do that? Sanji leaned forward. Their lips were onl
y an inch far now.
Zoro smirked and let his tongue appeared from between his lips. He licked Sanji s
smiling lips.
You taste so sweet It must be because of the syrup and the pancake Zoro smiled before
licked it again. He let his tongue and lips caressed Sanji s lips, chin, cheeks,
forehead, tip of nose and back to the syrup flavored lips. Sanji s tongue touched
Zoro s. They moved their heads so the wet tongues twisted easily. Not long after,
Zoro closed the gaps between their lips and continued the tongue-twisting inside
their mouths. The kiss was really passionate. Some liquid trickled down from th
eir lips edge. Finally they pulled back slowly so the saliva wetted all over the
ir lips. Both of them smiled and licked the saliva around their own mouth.
Sanji s hand moved slowly from the table to Zoro s crotch. He tickled the bulge with
his delicate fingers. Zoro bit his lower lip as Sanji pushed his fingers to sque
eze his member. Sanji smirked.
You like it, huh? Sanji whispered on Zoro s ear. He kissed and licked the earlobe.
Ahh I do Zoro whispered, trailed kisses on Sanji s neck.
Sanji looked down to Zoro s crotch and started to unzipped the zipper. He pulled t
he pants down to Zoro s knees. He found that Zoro didn t wear another layer of cloth
es inside when he saw the erection popped out with the green hairs. Zoro smirked
bitch, Zoro said, smirked so wide.
I am, Sanji turned to him.
Sanji knelt on the floor and put the fully erect dick in his mouth. He played wi
th the balls, kissed the underside and licked it all lustfully. Zoro moaned a lo
t. Finally he sucked on it.
Ah!!! Zoro moaned when his juice trickled down. Sanji tasted it and swallowed it ev
en some of it managed to spread out from his lips. He let go off Zoro s dick and l
icked his wet lips. Zoro smirked and pulled up Sanji s arms. He kissed Sanji lustf
ully. Sanji gasped and Zoro stopped the kiss. Sanji breathed heavily.
Take off your pants now Zoro commanded. Sanji got down from the table and did like Zor
o want. He threw the pants to the floor and got on the table again. He encircled
his legs around Zoro s abdomen tightly.
I ll do whatever you want Zoro Sanji whispered on his ears.
Good, Zoro replied.
Sanji put his arms around Zoro s neck and he held Sanji s body with one hand. Anothe
r one started to unbuttoned Sanji s shirt. After he finished the last button, he s
lid his hands in and thumbed Sanji s hardened nipple. Sanji whimpered when Zoro bi
t and licked it. He did the same to another one. Then he pushed his fingers in S
Ahh Sanji moaned.
Zoro pulled him up and was just going to put him on his dick when they heard a v
Sanji! I m hungry!!! Luffy shouted from outside the kitchen, fortunately.
Zoro quickly got down from the table with Sanji. Sanji buttoned his shirt quickl
y. Luffy s paces could be heard from the kitchen now, so Sanji quickly sat on the
nearest chair, without wearing his pants. Zoro quickly crawled under the table a
nd pull the tablecloth so Luffy wouldn t see him when he arrived at the door. He k
nelt under Sanji. The door opened with a loud sound when Luffy pushed it.
Sanji, give me something to eat! Luffy smiled widely like usual.
A, err, yes, I mean no, Luffy! No food for you now, Sanji said panicky.
Oh c mon, stingy man Luffy frowned.
Ahhh ! Sanji suddenly moaned and kicked Zoro under him. Zoro had just licked his dic
k. Fortunately, Zoro didn t come out from the tablecloth so Luffy still didn t see h
Eh? What s wrong, Sanji? Luffy asked stupidly.
nothing. Shit!!! Sanji shouted again when Zoro pumped his dick.
Ehh??? Luffy became more confused, What s wrong??? You really don t want to give me any
food, huh ?!
Yeah! I won t give you anything, shit!!! Actually he didn t want to shout like that to
Luffy but Zoro bit his dick.
okay I know Sanji hate me Luffy walked out from the kitchen sadly.
O, oi, Luffy ! Luffy, I m sorry, Lu !
The door closed soundly by Luffy.
Zoro, are you crazy?! Sanji looked down to Zoro.
I m sorry Sanji I didn t mean it He chuckled as he was licking his own hand. His face a
d hand was full with white liquid. It was Sanji s semen. Sanji blushed. Let s continu
e that, Sanji, Zoro said and smirked.
No! You bastard Do you know what will Luffy do when he knows about this?! Sanji sho
Hey, hey I ve said sorry, Sanji Forgive me. Let s continue that
No! I don t have such mood anymore! Sanji wore his pants.
Hey remember about the bracelet, okay? And Luffy doesn t know anything so your preci
ous Nami-swan and Robin-chwan won t leave you, Sanji Zoro chuckled.
No, it s not about the bracelet or about them, Zoro! Who take a shit about it Sanji h
adn t finished his words.
What? You don t? Zoro stood up.
Sanji quickly put his hand on his mouth. He never thought he would say that he d
idn t care about the bracelet and about the 2 girls. He quickly stood up and ran t
o his room.
Hey! Sanji! Zoro shouted confusedly and saw the door closed by Sanji, he s strange He
oesn t care about those things?
Zoro walked out to the front deck and just took a nap under the sun.
Meanwhile, in Sanji s room, he was sitting on his bed. His hands ran on his hair.
How could I be so stupid?! Why did I say that? Of course I do care about the brac
elet ! That bracelet is my purpose of seducing him, right ? I I never want to do this
if it s not because of Robin-chwan s bracelet, right???
Sanji laid himself on his bed and closed his eyes.
This is weird But it s not something impossible like love, right? Sanji thought about
at all the morning. When he felt bore in his room, he walked out to the front de
Zoro was training there when Sanji arrived. Sanji blushed and pretended to look
at the sea, but he was not really success at all because he still turned to Zoro
He s really handsome and cool. I never thought about it before but he really is. He
has a very nice muscled body with nice color. Even if I always laugh at his green
hair, but it looks really good, actually. When he s sweaty like now he really make
s me horny What?! I m so stupid!!! Sanji thought.
It was 11 AM already so Sanji quickly walked to the kitchen, tried to ignore Zor
o. He made the lunch and served it. Then he called his friends, EVERYBODY GET DOW
N HERE! Pretty girls, lunch is ready!
Everybody came to the kitchen and had their lunch. Everything was going usual, e
xcept Sanji. He looked at Zoro for so many times and suddenly blushed. Zoro pret
ended like he didn t know about that and let Sanji stared at him. Finally the lunc
h was over and everybody left the kitchen, except Zoro, again.
Why did you stare at me like that in the lunch? Zoro finally asked him.
Eh?! Did I??? Sanji really felt shock. He didn t realize it.
You did.
But I Sanji hadn t finished his words.
Zoro kissed him ferociously. He blushed and encircled Zoro s neck. Zoro held his t
hin waist and carried him with his muscled arms.
Ah Zoro! Sanji blushed when Zoro brought him out of the kitchen, to Zoro s room. He
laid Sanji on his bed and threw all his clothes.
Zoro Sanji whispered softly.
Shut up Zoro smirked and unzipped his own pants. He pushed Sanji s legs and thrust in
Ahh! Ahh! Zoro Ahh! Sanji moaned.
Their pace became faster and faster.
Zoro! Sanji moaned when Zoro s juice filled him, Harder please ! Ahh!
Zoro smirked before did like Sanji want. Sanji moaned louder. Finally Zoro stopp
ed it with a last strong thrust and laid beside Sanji. Both of them were sweaty
and panted heavily.
Just sleep now, cook, Zoro pulled the cover and held Sanji s body.
Mmm Sanji nodded and held him back.
Zoro woke up when it was around 3 PM. Zoro kissed Sanji s forehead and decided to
continue his training. Sanji woke up when it was 5.30 PM. He found that he was a
lone in Zoro s room. He quickly walked out and found Zoro there, did his usual tra
ining on the front deck. He blushed at Zoro s sweaty body, Which one will make him s
weatier, training or having sex with me ? He blushed at his own thought.
Suddenly he smiled as he was watching Zoro, I know it. I really know it. I can t lie
to myself that I love this guy
Zoro suddenly realized who was there and turned to Sanji. Sanji smiled to him. H
e blushed. Never thought he will smile to me like that He smiled back to Sanji and
continued his training.

Please keep read and review my fic, okay? And prepare yourself for the last chap
ter of this fic!
Btw, thanks for everyone for reviewing! I m so happy about that!!!
For Some Girl101 Thanks but, It will be better if you know that song I ll sing for
you, Sunday morning lalala
For The Wandering Swordsman keep read this fic and you ll find that they would sti
ll have sex Ah! That s spoiler! Thanks!
For Hime-klaus Thank you so much! Never thought someone will tell me that. And t
hanks for telling me 4 days in paradise, maybe I can make another ZoSan fic with
that title (It s the dirty mind attack!!!)
For Zo-zemonkeySan Wahh! I m not a silly goose --; And thanks for your reviews at I J
ust Need Your Honesty too and yeah I admit that I m not really good in speaking Engl
ish Anyway, thanks!
For loupy-mad-rocker I will!!! If I can Thank you!
For YaoiFanLady 2 Hey, hey, if you dream about this story and find the same thin
g as what Sanji found in the 2nd chapter, it s not my fault right? Btw, thanks!
For Vampiress Writer Yes, yes, I know they re stupid Thanks for remembering me abou
t their stupidities!
For Kami Takai Thank you so much! Even though I don t really understand about a rea
sonable explanation for the sex , thanks once again!
For ShiKamiKa Thanks I will write more ZoSan, of course
For ASOTA I m happy to know that you want more! Thanks!
For Blizzardrake Thank you so much for reviewing my fics (this one and I Just Nee
d You Honesty )!!! Hope you like my next fics !

Review this Story/Chapter

4 Days in Hell

Chapter 5: A confused swordsman and his last day of control
It was Tuesday. Zoro woke up and yawned. He turned his face to find his calendar
Tuesday Maybe I can say it s my last day of control Whatever, he thought. You know who
was he thinking about right?
Zoro shook his head and got down from his bed. He walked to the bathroom and unz
ipped his pants. He didn t wear any clothes inside, so he just let his urine trick
le down. As it flows, he caressed his balls and the hairs. He smiled blissfully
and moaned when his semen came out after his urine.
O yeah that s great, he mumbled.
Then he took a shower. He washed his green hairs and his other green hairs. Just
like usual, he pumped his member. The white liquid came out once again.
Ahh !!! Ungh he moaned.
Zoro licked them on his hand and smiled. Suddenly he heard a voice from behind h
You always do that while you re taking a shower, huh?
He turned and found the blond cook there, standing beside the bathtub.
Oi! Since when did ya arrive there ? he asked as he cleaned his body.
Since you put the shampoo on your head I came here only to tell you that the lunch
is ready. Please finish this quicklymmh Sanji hadn t finished his sentence when Zor
o pulled his collar and kissed him. He opened his lips and let the wet tongue sl
ipped in.
You never come to me when you want to tell me such thing before Zoro said and ran h
is hands on Sanji s shirt.
Don t talk with such an innocent face when your hands are doing this kind of thing San
ji smirked.
Zoro unbuttoned all of Sanji s shirt buttons and started to lick the hardened nipp
les lustfully. His saliva wetted the chest.
Zoro you ve made me wet Sanji put his hands on Zoro s back.
But you like it, right? Or Is this your actual purpose of coming to my bathroom wh
en I m taking a shower? Zoro asked teasingly.
No I ve told you that I m coming to Ah! Sanji moaned when Zoro bit his nipple.
Liar. But it s okay. Just get out and I ll finish this, Zoro bit his neck.
Uh-hm, he walked to the door as he buttoned his shirt, Actually I came here to remin
d you that today s your last day of control
Sanji smirked and walked out of Zoro s room. Zoro finished it and said to himself,
I know it is.
Now Zoro arrived in the kitchen. Everybody was eating like usual. He took his se
at and started to eat too. He found that Sanji s shirt was a bit wet.
Oi Zoro, you miss your breakfast so I ve eaten them! Shishishishi!!! Luffy announced
What?! Crap-cook, you shouldn t let him get it!!! Zoro said.
It was your entire fault Why didn t you wake up on the breakfast time?! Sanji replied
Che! Zoro ate his lunch.
By the way, Sanji-kun, why is your shirt wet like that? Nami asked.
Zoro suddenly coughed and Sanji glanced at him.
No, Nami-swan. I was so careless while I was washing dishes, Sanji smiled and his
eye turned into heart.
But I don t think I saw it until you came from calling Zoro Nami said.
err I don t know. Oi shitty-swordsman! Have you finished your lunch? You eat so slowl
y! Sanji said.
Zoro coughed once again and said, Oh, yeah. Almost done.
Finally everyone finished their lunch earlier than Zoro. Sanji started to wash t
he dishes as everyone left him, except Zoro, who was still eating.
Oi, marimo, quickly finish it! I want to clean the plates so I can go shopping on
this island, Sanji declared.
Zoro finished it and brought the plates to Sanji. He put them in the sink and th
en held Sanji s thin waist from behind.
He whispered, No you re not going anywhere because you re gonna stay with me on the sh
ip, as everyone leave us.
What?! Sanji turned to Zoro, But I have to buy some food or everyone will blame me
for not doing my jobmmh!! Mmmh!!! Zommmh!!
Zoro kissed him ferociously. He didn t want to open his lips but Zoro put more for
ce in that kiss so finally he couldn t help but let Zoro twisted his tongue inside
. He encircles Zoro s neck. Sanji gasped for air but Zoro didn t let him stop the ki
Zo mmh!
Zoro sto-mmhh!!!
Finally Zoro ended it and breathed heavily, I m not going to let you go anywhere!
Umm okay Since today is your last day of control, I ll let you do anything Sanji answ
d. Of course I will he thought.
Good. When will everyone go to the island? Zoro asked.
Suddenly Sanji pushed Zoro down and kicked him under the table. Sanji hid him un
der the tablecloth. Zoro was just going to get out and say, What the fuck! when th
e kitchen door suddenly opened.
Sanji-kun, don t forget to buy food supplies! Nami said.
Oh, mm, I can t Nami-san. I think I ve got some headache, Sanji lied.
Okay I ll tell Luffy, Usopp and Chopper to buy them. Take a rest, Sanji-kun, Nami sai
d and closed the door.
Zoro came out from under the table, Oi! Don t kick me like that!
You kicked my chest strongly! Zoro pointed to his chest.
Really?! Sanji quickly walked to him and touched Zoro s chest in worries. Zoro sudde
nly embraced him tightly, That s a lie. Does that mean everyone has left the ship?
big liar. But I think that is, Sanji answered him.
Zoro pulled up Sanji s legs with one hand and another one grabbed his shoulder tig
htly. Then he kicked the kitchen door open and carried Sanji out of the kitchen,
to his room. He threw all Sanji s clothes away. Then he started to kiss Sanji fro
m the lips to the chest.
Ahh Zoro !!! Sanji moaned as Zoro pumped his dick until he spilled his liquid, Ahh !!!
Zoro licked the liquid on his hand. Then he moved to Sanji s dick and licked it. H
e kissed the tip, the underside and every part of it. And then he put it in his
mouth and moved his head back and forth.
Ahh! Zoro!!! Zo, Zoro !!!! Sanji moaned again and again until his juice spilled agai
n. Zoro swallowed them all.
Zoro smirked while Sanji was still breathing heavily. He crawled on Sanji and ki
ssed him again.
Sanji grabbed the green hairs and whispered, Zoro, I lo- , he stopped it.
No Just continue it, Sanji replied back.
okay. Now I need something too he announced between their lips.
Sanji understood what that means perfectly. He pushed Zoro down on the bed. He t
railed kisses on Zoro s neck, chest, stomach, and the holy part. First, he made Zo
ro moaned when he bit it. Then he licked the tip teasingly and caressed the thic
k hairs with his delicate fingers.
Quickly Sanji don t tease me like that
Sanji chuckled and put the fully erect dick in his mouth slowly with his tongue
licked the underside. Zoro couldn t hold it and grabbed Sanji s head. He moved Sanji s
head back and forth quickly. Sanji gasped for air and that was when Zoro spille
d his juice all over his face.
Zoro! He cried.
heh good, cook Zoro smile with satisfaction.
Zoro pulled him up. Sanji put his hands on Zoro s chest. Zoro licked for his own j
uice on the cook s face as Sanji tweaked his nipples.
Ah! Sanji you naughty bitch Zoro commented.
Sanji smirked and moved his body to Zoro s member. He grabbed the erection and pus
hed himself on it.
Ah!!! he moaned.
He let it in him for a while until he could breathe calmly again. Then he starte
d to move up and down. Not long after, Zoro grabbed his waist and moved it faste
r and stronger.
Zoro!!! Sanji whimpered.
Sanji s face reddened and his body became sweatier. Zoro realized that he was not
that quick to become like that. He pulled Sanji from his dick and faced him, Hey,
shitty cook, what happened to you ?
Hah hah I m okay Just continue it Zoro Sanji replied.
No you usually Oi! Oi! Sanji! Zoro shook his body when Sanji started to close his ey
es and laid on his shoulder. Zoro touched his forehead and found that Sanji had
caught a cold, stupid. How can you please me when you re sick like this ?
He put Sanji beside him before added, I haven t spilled my semen on you at all
Zoro looked at his face a while, before moved his eyes to the body. Sanji was al
l wet and red. What shall I do? he asked to himself.
Suddenly the cook opened his eyes again and said, Uhm sorry Zoro
Baka just sleep for now. We can continue it later.
No if I let myself fall asleep now, I m sure I won t wake up before tomorrow, and that
means you ve lost your last day of control heh heh he chuckled.
If that s what you want, then let me do it in my own, Zoro said before he flipped San
ji s body and placed himself on it. He continued the last thing they did until he
filled the hole with white liquid.
Ah Zoro!!! Sanji shouted.
oh okay that s enough Zoro whispered and laid himself beside Sanji. He looked at the
aty face and smiled. He caressed the blond hair gently. The blond closed his eye
s and smiled in bliss, Zoro I m sorry I shouldn t let you do it by yourself that s not i
my today schedule of seducing you
What a stupid You should check your body condition before make that kind of schedu
le of seducing me Zoro chuckled and kissed his forehead.
Sanji placed his head on Zoro s wet chest. Zoro put one his hand on Sanji s head and
another one on his back. He kissed Sanji s cheek, neck and shoulder again. Then h
e found that the blond had fallen asleep. He sighed, and got down from the bed.
He wore all his clothes and took Sanji s. He wore them on Sanji too after cleaned
the body. He carried the blond to his own room.
have a nice rest Zoro said. Then he headed to the door. And before he pushed the doo
rknob, he turned to Sanji again and walked toward him. He kissed the dry lips so
ftly for the last one before finally left the room and took a nap on the front d
On 6.30 PM, everyone came back to the ship.
Oi Zoro! Oi!!! If you don t want to wake up now, Luffy will eat all your dinner!
That s right Zoro That s not good for your health
He opened his eyes and shook his head. Usopp and Chopper were standing there. Uh,
yeah. I won t let him How about Sanji?! he suddenly remembered about him.
Sanji? He s alright. What s wrong Zoro? Chopper asked confusedly.
He s eating the dinner with everybody. Oi, remember about what can Luffy do! Usopp p
ointed to the kitchen.
Sanji has cooked the food? Zoro asked.
Yup, Usopp and Chopper said in unison.
Zoro stood up and was just going to go to the kitchen with Usopp and Chopper whe
n he stepped on something. He found a cigarette there. That cook What did he do to
me when I was sleeping? he thought.
Zoro and Sanji didn t do anything anymore that night. The next day, of course it w
as Wednesday. In the morning, Zoro came to Sanji s room and put the Ro bracelet besi
de him. He was just going to go out from the room when he heard a voice, Oi marim
Sanji sat up on the bed and took the bracelet. He walked to Zoro, pulled Zoro s ha
nd and put the bracelet on his palm.
Why? Zoro asked.
Because To think of it, you ll look better with this bracelet around your wrist . Sanji
Oi! You re going to give this for Robin right?!? Zoro asked again.
err nope Sanji started to blush uncontrollably, Beside, you have the word Ro too in
name, right?
What happened to this guy ? Why is he blushing now? Zoro thought. Okay To think of it,
this bracelet is not bad at all Thanks for buying me such an expensive thing.
Yeah how will you thank me now? Sanji chuckled. Suddenly Zoro held his body.
Zoro I mmmh he never finished his words. Zoro kissed him with his kiss a familiar kiss
for Sanji. Sanji encircled the neck in front of him and Zoro held the waist. The
kiss became more passionate until finally they stopped that kiss because of the
lack of oxygen.
They breathed heavily and looked at each other. Zoro leaned forward and let his
tongue out to lick the lips in front of him. Sanji bit the tongue.
Och! Hon hite he hike hat!!! (Translation: Ouch! Don t bite me like that!!!) Zoro he
ld his waist stronger.
Sanji let go of the tongue and gave him a sweet kiss.
Now what will we do now? Sanji asked teasingly.
You know the answer, right? Hope you ll always ready for this kind of thing for the
next times too, Zoro said.
Next times? Sanji asked in confusion and blushed, We will still have next times?
Guess it by yourself! Zoro leaned forward and gave him another kiss, before pushed
him to the bed (Oi! It was still morning!)
-End of Chapter 5, (yes, sadly) End of 4 Days in Hell-

THANK YOU ALL!!! Please give me at least a review if you like this fic ! oo
Thanks for everyone who has given me review too!!!
Oi, I m planning for a sequel. What do you think? Tell me your opinion by reviewin
g, please.

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I Just Need Your Honesty
Author of 6 Stories 1. Why do you always lie to me?2. I want you
Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 06-23
-07 - Published: 06-22-07 - Complete - id:3609824
I Just Need Your Honesty

Chapter 1: Why do you always lie to me?
I hate him I hope that I really hate him! But my heart still says that I love him
too much But why he never admits his feeling on me?! That swordsman loves me I kno
w it! I still remember how he tried to comfort me when Vivi broke up with me. Th
at time, when I was crying in the kitchen
--- flashback
The kitchen door cracked open... Zoro stopped at the sight. He looked at Sanji w
ho was sitting on the floor, body shivering, not looking at him. Zoro saw a pape
r on the table and walked toward it.
W-What are you doing here?! Get out of my kitchen! Sanji shouted to him, still not
looking at him. His voice was different from usual because of the sobs.
Zoro took the paper and Sanji quickly stood up to take it back. And that was whe
n Zoro saw his tears on his cheeks. Zoro grabbed the paper tightly and tried to
read it as Sanji was still trying to get it back, pulled Zoro s hands but to no av
Zoro! Give it back to me! I said give it back! Sanji shouted and sobbed.
Sanji-kun, I m so happy to be your girl since we were in Arabasta, but I m sorry, I t
hink our relationship is far enough now. I ve decided to break up with you. Don t wo
rry about me; I m Kohza s girl now and I m going to marry him. Don t reply this letter b
ecause I don t want Kohza to know about our relationship. Thanks for all. Vivi.
Zoro kept in silence. He still stared at the letter and his mouth opened a bit.
Sanji had stopped trying to pull the letter from him and he fell down to the flo
or again, knelt, covered his face with his hands and cried.
What the fuck ?! Zoro whispered sharply under his breathe.
Zoro tore the letter into parts and threw them to the floor angrily. Sanji just
glared at it, wiped his tears. Then Zoro started to kneel beside Sanji on one of
his legs. Sanji turned his face away and sobbed.
Just laugh at me if you want. Just do anything that you want! I know you ll Sanji neve
finished his words. Zoro held his thin body in his muscled arms.
Shut up I won t do such things, Zoro said calmingly yet gently, tightened his grip on
Sanji s shoulders.
The next second, Sanji started to hit Zoro s chest with his hands desperately, You D
on t act like you care about this! Don t act like you know how my feeling is! Don t ac
t like
Zoro held his thin wrists.
Sanji !
Zoro Let go off me ! I said let go off me!!! he shouted on Zoro s face. His cheeks cov
d by his own tears.
Finally he bowed his head and rested it on Zoro s chest weakly and cried again. Zo
ro sighed, held his body tighter than before. Sanji s sobs became louder and loude
r, he almost screamed. He couldn t hold his sadness and angriness anymore and he j
ust moved his hands to hold Zoro s back. Zoro blushed.
I do care, Sanji. I do know about your feeling, Zoro started to caress Sanji s blond
hair gently. He closed his eyes softly with his hand still moving.
After sat on that position for almost an hour, Sanji finally stopped sobbing. Th
ere s an awkward silence between them, until finally Sanji broke the silence with
his whisper.
Why did you do this? Why do you have to cheer me?
Err I he blushed, We re all nakama, right?
Only that ?
Zoro blushed more, Y-Yeah How are you?
Sanji moved to let go off Zoro s hug, I m okay. Thanks. He still grabbed the material
of Zoro shirt tightly.
Sanji I hope you re really okay Zoro whispered and leaned forward. He touched Sanji s f
rehead with his lips. Both of them blushed. Zoro quickly leaned backwards.
I I m sorry if you Zoro hadn t finished his words when he felt Sanji s wet lips presse
inst his left cheek, near his lips. He blushed even more, Sanji did too.
Err it s okay, Zoro Sanji blushed, Now I I just need to take a rest now. I m gonna sl
n my room before our dinner time.
Oh, okay. Zoro let go off Sanji s body and stood up awkwardly. He pulled Sanji s hand
to help him stand up.
Sanji said nothing but he just smiled, and then walked to his room.
end flashback-----
Zoro still glares at me with his blushing face everytime we meet But he s always avo
iding me when Luffy is being near us That swordsman, he knew that Luffy loves me
so he tries to keep his feeling on me by himself, in his deepest heart. Does he
think I m that stupid so I can t see it?! Why doesn t he try to understand my feeling
on him too ? Why doesn t he think about his own happiness too ?
Hi Sanji, somebody came to the kitchen.
Hi Luffy, want me to help with anything? Sanji asked him back.
No, I just want to know, do you have any plan to do on this island?
No, what s wrong?
I If you don t have any plan, why don t we walk around the town tonight? Luffy blushed.
Ah yes! I have to buy some new food ingredients for our stock, so, you can ask Uso
pp or others, Sanji replied him, of course he lied.
Mmm, okay. I ll go ask Usopp and Chopper, Luffy walked out weakly.
My captain, why don t you realize what s going on here? he thought. A puff of smoke ca
me out from his mouth.
That night, everybody spent their time in the town. Nami and Robin walked throug
h cafes and shopping centers. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Franky bought some rand
om stupid items like Indian Drums (no offense to the Indians, really), Explosive
Bubble Gum, and some Farting Pillows.
I wonder where Sanji is now Where are the markets? Luffy thought.
Back to the Thousand Sunny, Sanji was washing all plates and cups after their di
nner. Then he walked out from the kitchen, only to found Zoro was sitting on the
deck, looking at the sea.
Che He s there What should I do now? Where are the others? Ah yes, spending their tim
e in the town So, it s only him and me here Finally Sanji decided to walk to him.
Hey, shitty-swordsman, why don t you go to the town likes the others? Sanji asked, s
at beside him.
How about you? Didn t Luffy ask you to go anywhere with him? Zoro replied, still loo
king at the sea.
He did. But I rejected him, Sanji remembered about how he lied to Luffy, I told him
that I want to buy some new food ingredients.
So why are you still here now if you want to buy Zoro hadn t finished his words.
I lied to him, stupid.
Because I don t want to have a walk with him, only with him,
Why? Zoro finally turned his face to him.
Why do I have to? I m not his boyfriend, at all! Sanji answered him, tried to make h
im realize everything.
Zoro turned away, I know you re not. But, I think Luffy Zoro never finished his word
You think Luffy has a feeling on me and want to be my boy, huh?! Then why don t you
think about my feeling too?! I don t have such feeling at him! Sanji still tried t
o make Zoro know what was happening around them.
Why don t you try to reply his feeling on you? You knew already that he loves you th
en you can just try to feel the same, right??? Zoro looked at him and blushed, wi
thout even realized it.
Because I love someone else, stupid! Sanji shouted on him. He knew that his face w
as really red at the time, but he didn t care.
They froze for a second.
!!! Zoro looked away.
Hey, look at me! Why are you afraid to know the next sentence of mine??? Sanji shou
ted and pulled Zoro s shoulder so they faced again. Zoro blushed even more before
he turned his look away.
You you re a coward! Face the fact, can t you?! Let me continue my sentence, the one th
at I love is
SANJI!!! I don t I don t want to know about that! he squeezed his eyes close and blushe
d harder.
you, Sanji said softly, almost heard as a whisper, I do love you, stupid.
Sanji, Zoro shove Sanji s hand away from his shoulder, Believe me, Luffy is really seri
ous about his feeling on you.
Then I m serious about mine too!!! Do you think I m not ? Sanji bowed his head weakly.
I Sorry, I don t have such feeling on you, so you d better just accept Luffy s love. He
really serious
I can t!!! And I know you re lying to me! Why don t you just admit your true feeling ho
nestly??? Sanji shouted again, but not looking at him.
I m not! I m telling you the truth! Zoro shouted back to him, grabbed his collar.
I know Luffy is a good guy! I know he s the one who has made us all together! I kno
w he has introduced us to a true friendship! I know he has be a good friend for
you, and for me, and for all of us! It s okay if you want to see him happy, I thin
k everyone does, including me. But you still have to admit your own true feeling
! You still have to think about yourself! Sanji shouted back as he was trying to
not let his tears fall.
Zoro let go off Sanji s collar slowly and looked away again, What do you mean?
I know you do love me even if you ll never say it, Sanji said softly.
Sanji, I Zoro never finished his words.
I think you just try to do anything as long as it can make him happy, right? Altho
ugh you have to sacrifice your own feeling, your own love!!! Think about my feel
ing too, can t you?! Sanji shouted to him again, turned his face away and wiped his
tears that he couldn t take anymore.
I can t have a love relationship with someone that I don t love, but I can have one w
ith someone that I love and loves me!!! And you know it s you, liar! Sanji grabbed
his collar and hit his chest. He couldn t hold all his tears anymore, and he didn t
care if Zoro see it.
For how many times do you want me to tell you that I don t?!
Then why did you have to cheer me when I was sad?!? Why did your face always blus
h everytime we met?!? Why did you always look at me when we ate together?!? Why
did you always worry about me so much when I came from a fight?!? Why did you kis
s me ?
OKAY!!! Let me prove you, my only reason to do all of them is only lust!!!
Zoro suddenly stood up and grabbed Sanji s wrist roughly.
Zoro!!! Sanji screamed as Zoro s nails pressed hard against his skin. Zoro dragged h
im strongly and roughly to the nearest room, kitchen. Sanji tried to let go off
Zoro s grab, but he was too strong. When they arrived, Zoro quickly slam the door
behind him. Sanji tried to stand up but Zoro pushed his shoulders and pinned him
down on the hard floor.
Zoro, you
Zoro kissed him lustfully, pushed his tongue forcefully. Sanji s eye widened, gasp
ed. Finally, Zoro ended that kiss and breathed heavily. Sanji looked down and re
alized their position. He blushed.
Zoro, what do you want???
Zoro didn t say anything. He moved his upper body so he was kneeling now, and he s
tarted to take off his white shirt so fast that some of the buttons popped. Afte
r threw his shirt away, he went to Sanji s tie, jacket and shirt.
Zoro! Sanji tried to push Zoro s hands but to no avail, Zoro was too much stronger t
han him. His shirt s collar tore when Zoro took off his shirt without opening his
buttons first and threw it away. Then his hands went to Sanji s buckle, and finall
y unzipped his pants.
Zoro gave him another lustful kiss that made Sanji s head couldn t move as he pulled
Sanji s pants down to his knees and undone his own pants. Zoro ended that kiss.
Zoro, you AAAAHHH !!! Sanji felt a pain between his legs as Zoro gave him a really st
rong thrust.
This is what you want, huh??? You want ah prove, right?!
ZORO!!! Ahh Zoro!! Ahh !!! Stop it- AHH !! Sanji screamed. He could feel his tears flow
ed from his eyes. It was too hurtful for him. First, Zoro did it without any pre
paration or lubrication. Second, Zoro s dick was too big for him. Third, Sanji was
a virgin.
Ahh shit! Zoro cursed under his breathe. ZORO!!! Sanji felt some warm liquid in him.
The next second, Sanji felt better, even though it was still so hurt. Zoro grabb
ed Sanji s arms stronger on the hard wooden floor and thrust into him rougher. His
thrusts became faster and faster, increased the hurt for Sanji. More liquid fil
led Sanji. Sanji wondered was that Zoro s semen, or his own blood? The only sounds
in that room were Sanji s screams and Zoro s breathes. Now, he could feel some liqu
id was spreading all over the floor.
Sanji thought they have been doing it for so long time even though he was not su
re about it exactly. He wondered why the others hadn t come back yet. Finally Zoro
stopped it all. He let go off Sanji s arms. He breathed heavily near Sanji s ear an
d his body was full with sweat. Sanji was sweaty and breathed heavily as well. H
is light colored body and face were reddened. There were tears all over Sanji s ch
eeks and sides.
Hah That s it, Sanji My only feeling on you is lust, not love ! Hah hah Zoro s chest
ly hurt when he saw that Sanji was crying. He stood up and wore his clothes afte
r cleaned his body with a blanket in the kitchen. Then he glanced at Sanji who w
as still sobbing before left him alone in the kitchen, slammed the door behind h
im. Sanji saw the dark night sky outside the kitchen before the door closed and
the only thing that Sanji could hear was his own sobs now.
Bastard Liar Sanji whispered weakly to the empty room. That stupid swordsman It hurts
o much ! But it s not what he has done to me that made me hurt I feel hurt because he
still didn t want to admit his true feeling Zoro, do you even know how hurt my hea
rt is?!
At the same time, Zoro was sitting on the floor outside the kitchen, leaning his
back and head on the kitchen door. One of his hands was running through his gre
en hair and another one was stroking his dick strongly.
Shit! That hurts too much for even me! Did I do it too much so Sanji can t stop cry
ing ? Shit! I m so bad I m sorry Sanji I do love you Do you even know how hurt my heart
End of Chapter 1.


A cliffhanger, huh? Review if you like, please!

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I Just Need Your Honesty
Author of 6 Stories 1. Why do you always lie to me?2. I want you
Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 06-23
-07 - Published: 06-22-07 - Complete - id:3609824
I Just Need Your Honesty

Chapter 2: I want you.
Sanji couldn t move his body easily. When he tried to sit, his lower body felt so
hurt, especially between his legs. He crawled slowly to the door, locked it. He
didn t want anybody to find him there, in that condition; naked, sweaty, couldn t mo
ve properly, and all wet. He sat in the corner of the room, tears flowed on his
cheeks. He couldn t stop it, he couldn t stop those tears to flow as Zoro s words repe
ated in his head again and again.
Cried, cried and cried. Was there anything he can do instead of crying? He was s
till naked. The cold air started to attack his thin body. He tried to sleep, but
he couldn t because his tears still flowing through his eyes.
It was 1:30 AM now. Everybody had come back to the ship and was sleeping peacefu
lly. But Sanji was still crying at the dark and cold corner of his own kitchen a
nd Zoro was still sitting there, on the front deck, looking at the dark sea. He
could hear the night breeze moved near his ears, the sea moved the ship side by
side and the crying sobs still hadn t stopped. He couldn t take it anymore. It hurts
him from inside out, it made him can t even leave it. He stood up and walked to t
he kitchen. He pushed the doorknob but it didn t want to open, locked from inside.
Zoro sighed.
Sanji I , he sighed again, open the door, please Sanji.
No replied, instead of sobs. A thing came to his mind, Sanji wouldn t open the doo
r for someone who had hurt him so badly and then just left him alone for more th
an 4 hours. He took a deep breathe and pushed the door forcefully and the door o
pened. Fortunately, the door was okay, it was only its doorknob that broken. Zor
o closed it again as he looked at Sanji that finally he found after looked throu
gh every part of the kitchen.
Sanji ! You ll catch a cold, stupid! He shouted before took Sanji s clothes and brought
hem to Sanji quickly, but Sanji didn t even turn his face. When he knelt to wear t
hem on Sanji, he realized that he had torn all Sanji s clothes so badly. He put th
em on the floor and then quickly took off his own shirt. He touched Sanji s should
er to wear him the shirt, but Sanji shoved his hand away. He tried again, but st
ill no avail.
Sanji Please
Shut up! You said that you don t love me. Then don t act like you care about my condi
tion, because you don t! Sanji cried.
Zoro kept in silence, I love you. Please, Sanji, don t make your own body worse Zor
d softly.
I can t hear you he said. More tears flowed down now.
, Sanji smiled between his sobs. Then he hugged Zoro. Zoro held him back tightly an
d found that Sanji s body was really cold and shivering.
Stupid, wear this! Zoro commanded and wore his own white shirt on Sanji.
I m so happy, Zoro Nothing can describe my feeling now Sanji smiled wider. His tears
lowed again, but it was not sadness. Zoro smiled too as he held Sanji s thin body
tighter, to make it warmer.
Is that mean you ve forgive me? Zoro asked.
I haven t.
Then, what do you want me to do now ?! Zoro asked him back.
Do you know that it was my first time ? Sanji blushed.
Zoro let go off Sanji, but still grabbed his shoulders tightly, What?! Y-You re a v
irgin ? After all girls that you ve He hadn t finished his words.
I was a virgin, until you did that.
Sanji nodded.
Then what do you actually want?
I I want you to teach me the correct one Sanji blushed.
Teach you ? A smile came on Zoro s face.
Yup Show me, to be correct.
Too easy. I hope everyone has slept.
Zoro took off his remain clothes. He smirked evilly and then crawled on Sanji ag
You really want this? Zoro asked. His finger caressed Sanji s chest seductively.
Stupid Why do you have to ask me if your hand has started to work? Sanji smiled wea
Okay then Zoro threw the white shirt away from Sanji.
Zoro leaned forward and licked Sanji s lips. Sanji opened his mouth so Zoro s tongue
could get it and taste everything inside.
Mmm You should stop smoking Zoro mumbled in the kiss.
I won t, Sanji replied.
Then the swordsman deepened the kiss so it changed into a passionate one. He clo
sed every gap between their lips. Sanji learned it quickly. He moved his tongue
too in Zoro s mouth. Zoro tasted good and a bit sweet. Zoro felt a flavor of chall
enge, so he chased Sanji s wild tongue. The kiss was really passionate, but they h
ad to end it because of the lack of oxygen.
I m serious about that, Zoro said, still breathing heavily.
And me too , Sanji replied.
Then Zoro smirked. He kissed Sanji on his neck. He licked it and Sanji started t
o moan. Then he sucked at Sanji s Adam s apple.
Zoro Ahh
He started to kissed and licked Sanji s chest, down to his nipples. He put his ton
gue on the right nipple, and spun it around the nub.
Zoro !
What? It feels good, right? Zoro smirked.
Sanji blushed. Then Zoro kissed it softly before sucked on it. Sanji started to
moan uncontrollably when Zoro did it. When Zoro stopped doing it, Sanji had just
wanted to take breathe but Zoro bit it, made him moaned again and again.
That hurts, Zoro ! Sanji whimpered.
Okay, okay. You ll get used with it quickly, he smirked against the chest, before mo
ved to the left nipple and did the same, gained another moans from Sanji.
Zoro trailed kisses and licks on Sanji s chest, down to his stomach, and to his me
mber. Sanji blushed again. Zoro licked the tip of it and put it all in his mouth
, moved his head back and forth. Sanji moaned lustfully again.
Kyaaah!!! Zoro!!! Sanji spilled his semen in Zoro s mouth. Zoro swallowed them all.
Taste it by yourself Zoro moved up and kissed Sanji deeply. Sanji moved his tongue
and tasted himself in Zoro s wet mouth. He licked for more and more, but it seemed
Zoro had swallowed most of it.
Mmm he mumbled.
Go try mine, Sanji
Zoro held Sanji s body in his arms and flipped their position, Sanji on top. Then
he pushed Sanji downwards. Sanji moved down. He blushed when he saw the big dick
in front of him.
I never thought your dick is really sexy before Sanji whispered.
He kissed every part of it lustfully. Zoro moaned his name. He licked its tip an
d sucked a bit.
Oh Sanji Don t play with it like that, just ahh suck it
As you wish Sanji smirked.
Sanji bit it a bit, made Zoro moaned so loud. Then he took it all as he could in
his mouth. His hands started to squeeze Zoro s balls, softly at first, but then h
e could make Zoro whimpered so loud like crazy.
Sanji! Zoro moaned when he felt his juice came out. Sanji swallowed it, but some o
f them spilled on the edge of Sanji s lips. Zoro couldn t hold himself so he put his
hand on Sanji s head and forced him to move back and forth. Sanji felt a bit shoc
k at first. The long and big dick reached his throat and made him want to cough,
but he couldn t of course. Zoro moved Sanji head quicker and forcefully. His juic
e dropped again, more than the last one. Sanji couldn t take it all so most of the
juice came out from his mouth, lubricated Zoro s dick. Finally Zoro stopped it an
d Sanji could breathe again.
Yours really tastes good Sanji breathed heavily.
huh enough for now I m going to do more he smirked.
Then Zoro held Sanji s stomach to pull him up. Now he could kiss Sanji s lips again
and tasted himself in it. As they kissed, Zoro s hand moved down and down, caresse
d Sanji softly.
ah Zoro, that s ticklish Sanji blushed. Then Zoro caught his lips again.
Zoro leaned his back on the kitchen wall as he pulled Sanji with him. They both
moaned when their dicks met. Zoro took his fingers in his mouth and wetted it wi
th his saliva. Then he moved them down from Sanji s back. Sanji moaned and grabbed
Zoro s hair when Zoro pushed his 2 fingers in. Zoro waited for Sanji to be calmer
before continue it because he didn t want to hurt him anymore. After Sanji could
breathe easier than before when Zoro moved his fingers back and forth, Zoro pull
ed all of them out.
Are you okay if I continue this ? Zoro asked.
yeah. Just do it, Zoro Sanji said.
After got that permission, Zoro moved Sanji s thin body up easily and put him righ
t on his member. He pulled Sanji slowly at first, and then let the head got in f
Hhh ! Sanji whispered.
Hold it, Sanji
Sanji grabbed the broad shoulders in front of him and held it tightly. Zoro move
d his hands up and caressed Sanji s back gently and kissed his neck before started
to move Sanji s body again. The pace was slow at first, but Zoro speeded it up as
he felt the hands on his back and head stopped shivering. Sanji moaned so loud
for more that once, especially when Zoro spilled his semen in him. Finally Zoro
stopped it all and put Sanji on his lap again. He kissed him softly.
Was that hurt so much? Zoro asked when he saw Sanji s tears.
No, Zoro. It was so much better than before Sanji smiled and blushed.
Sanji rested his head on the warm chest and held the muscled body. Zoro held him
tightly too. He saw his shirt on the floor and he put it on Sanji s bare back. He
caressed the blond hair.
What happen?
Will you tell everyone about us?
Zoro kept in silence.
Hey, you will, right? Especially Luffy, you must tell him. Quicker is better Sanji
No but! You don t want to see him hoping too much from me, right ? Sanji moved his hea
d and leaned his forehead on Zoro s.
Yeah. Of course I ll tell him. On the morning, Zoro smiled and sighed, I will.
thanks Sanji placed his head on the chest again, I love you, Zoro.
me too, more then you ve ever thought. Zoro held him tighter. They fell asleep.
The next morning, when Sanji woke up, he saw that Zoro had woken up quicker than
him. Zoro caressed his head and he looked at the door.
Morning, Zoro, Sanji kissed him.
it s afternoon.
..hnn okay, he smiled before he remembered something, Hey, how about the breakfast?!
He knew it already.
Sanji looked at him, who do you mean ?
Luffy has known about this
How come?
He came to this room in the morning to see you and he saw us. I woke up and yeah I ve
told him everything and he has forgiven me , Zoro smiled and blushed, He said, he ju
st wants to see you happy.
How about the others? Sanji smiled and blushed.
Luffy told them to have a breakfast in the town, so they won t see us. Luffy and th
ey haven t came back to the ship until now
I m happy, Zoro. So, let s get up before they come! Sanji stood up. When he was going t
o walk, Zoro pulled his wrist so he fell down again and Zoro kissed him.
I love you, Zoro said.
Sanji only smiled. Then he pulled Zoro s hands to stand up and faced the new day,
the new start of everything on the ship.
-The End-

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Cxck and Bull Story
Saber ShadowKitten
Author of 41 Stories
Rated: M - English - Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 17 - Published: 06-23-07 -
Complete - id:3611563
Title: Cock and Bull Story
Author: Saber ShadowKitten
Pairing: Sanji x Zoro
Rated: M (the only M-OP story that isn't too naughty to post on FFN. See those n
aughty bits at sabershadowkat . com)

Notes: Pre-Water 7. Also, I don't think Zoro is this brainless, but I'd written
an angsty vigin!Zoro already and wanted to write a humor one.
Summary: "I'm never gonna let anyone do sex to me!"

Dark clouds rolled in like the tide across the full moon. The scent of the comin
g storm hung heavily in the air. The Going Merry bobbed with the roughening sea.
Zoro dropped his raingear at the base of the mainmast and nodded to Robin as sh
e passed, guiding a staggering Nami across the deck.
"Zo-hic-ro!" Nami hiccoughed, swinging her arms broadly "Schtormsh comin'. Secur
e th'shails!"
"He will, Miss Navigator," Robin said, leading her into the girls' cabin.
"Good, 's'important. Don' wanna loosh " The door closed, cutting off Nami's drunke
n words. They had been celebrating surviving a vicious battle with a slimy dicta
tor and his army, who'd been holding a small island captive. The natives had sho
wed their gratitude for freeing them from the bastard's torturous regime by load
ing the Merry's deck with casks of sake, all of which were now empty.
Zoro lashed the sails before heading down the gangplank. A bonfire lit the strip
of beach and remnants of the Straw Hat's feast littered the sand. Sanji sat nea
r the fire, his tie loose and his shirt cuffs folded, his pale toes digging into
the paler sand. An empty mug lay discarded beside him. He stared intently at th
e flames, with his elbow propped on his bent knee and his chin resting on his cl
osed fist. The orange glow highlighted the drunken flush of his cheeks and a sec
retive smile played over his lips.
"Oi, target-brow, get back to the ship," Zoro said, as he began cleaning up. He
downed a half-full mug of sake and dumped the mug into the carrying crate by his
feet. Since he was on night watch, he hadn't gotten drunk like the others (thou
gh there wasn't nearly enough sake to get him tipsy, let alone drunk). He'd carr
ied a passed-out Luffy and Chopper onboard already, with Usopp stumbling after h
The wind picked up, sending sparks from the fire dancing in the air. Tiny dustde
vils rose from the sand. Zoro snagged a fresh fish wrapper before it blew away.
He felt Sanji's eyes on him. "Did you hear me?"
"Hn." Zoro heard the soft shift of sand, indicating Sanji was getting up. Lightn
ing streaked under the roiling black clouds. Zoro collected the discarded dinner
bowls and stacked them in the crate.
Sanji's empty mug dropped past his ear, landing with a clatter on the bowls. "Ca
reful, stupid."
Drunken moron, Zoro scoffed at the idiotic response. He cleaned up the last of t
he feast's remains and grabbed the sides of the crate, preparing to pick it up.
He grunted when Sanji draped suddenly over his back. "Get off me, shit cook."
"You know, you have a very fuckable ass," Sanji breathed hotly against his neck.
"OI!" Zoro dropped the crate and leapt in shock, drawing his katana. Holding the
blade defensively, he stared at Sanji incredulously from several feet away. "Wh
at did you say?!"
Sanji slid his hands into his pockets and smiled lazily. "I said you have a very
fuckable ass."
"You- you- you ," Zoro sputtered, agog. His hand tightened around the hilt of his
katana, his mind awhirl. "Why?"
"Because it's true. It's taut," Sanji's heady gaze traced down Zoro's torso,"and
muscular," he licked his lips, "and fuckable."
An odd heat bloomed in Zoro's gut. He chalked it up to rage. "Stop saying that!"
Sanji's teeth gleamed in the firelight. "I want to fuck you." He took a step tow
ards Zoro. "I've wanted to fuck you for a long, long time." He took another step
. "I'm going to strip you down, bend you over, and fu-UCK!" Sanji yelped, grabbe
d his foot, and jumped up and down in pain, from kicking the crate. "Ow, fucking
hell piece of shit crate, fuck, shit, ow."
The instinct to fight or flee gripped Zoro. His heart hammered loudly and his pa
lms sweated. His mouth ran dry. He watched as Sanji lost his balance and tumbled
to the ground. More cursing floated past his ears.
"You're drunk," Zoro croaked. The tip of his blade trembled from tension. "You d
on't know what you're saying."
" evil fucking crate. Where are my shoes, damn it? I'll show you for hurting me. Y
ou're name will be 'splinters' when I'm done with you "
Zoro backed towards the ship, keeping his katana raised. Sanji kept up his strea
m of curses, not paying any attention to Zoro anymore. The bonfire flames snappe
d sharply. Zoro's heel hit the gangplank, and he spun and sprinted aboard the Me
rry. He sheathed his katana, snagged his raingear, and scurried up the mast to t
he crow's nest. Lightning flashed in the distance. He dropped the raingear to th
e weathered floorboards, fell back against the mast, and covered his gaping mout
h with his hand. Thunder rumbled across the sea.
Sanji wanted to do that. To him!
"Shit." Freaked, Zoro started drawing his katana defensively again. Sex wasn't s
omething anyone had wanted with him before, and he sure as hell didn't want it.
He didn't know who would.
"Sensei, what's sex?" Zoro demanded to know. He rubbed at a bloody scratch on hi
s cheek, from the stupid blonde cat that had taken up residence in his practice
tree. "Atsushi-senpai said he did it with Mio-san. Teach me to do it, too."
Sensei chuckled and patted Zoro's head. Zoro hated it. He was twelve, not a kid.
"Go and watch the bull in the field. He will show you what sex means."
Zoro obeyed his sensei. Outside, the warming weather had brought the blooms of s
pring. Zoro picked a tall blade of grass and chewed on its end, as he climbed th
e fence surrounding the field. He straddled the top fence post and squinted in t
he sun. A speckled cow stood at the far end of the open field, chewing cud. Four
farmers, in roughspun tunics and trousers the colors of dirt and sand, gathered
near the gate. A hulking black bull snorted and pawed the ground, trapped in th
e run on the other side of the gate. The great curving horns gleamed ivory in th
e sunlight and splinters flew from the fencing when the bull swung his head. He
bashed at the gate, making it quake on its hinges.
Zoro noticed the red gleam in the bull's eyes and the quiver of his flanks. He r
ecognized the warning signs of a predator preparing to strike. He opened his mou
th to call out a warning, but it was too late. The bull slammed his head against
the gate, breaking it open. The farmers cried out in alarm. The bull charged in
to the field, smoke expelling from his nostrils. He trampled two of the farmers
to death and gored a third with his horns. Blood spewed from the farmer's mouth
with his gurgled scream, as he hung impaled on one curved horn.
The blade of grass fell from Zoro's gaping mouth, as he watched in horror as the
fourth farmer tried fleeing. The bull stampeded and the last farmer's head crun
ched under a powerful hoof. The bull spun, the impaled farmer's legs swinging li
ke ribbons tied to the bull's horn. Gleaming red eyes spotted Zoro and the bull
bellowed a roar.
"AHH!" Zoro tumbled headfirst into the dirt on the far side of the fence in his
hurry to escape. The ground shook with the thunder of the bull's hooves. Zoro sc
rabbled backwards, his heart hammering in fear. The bull slammed into the fence
where he'd been sitting, and the fence bowed outward until it touched Zoro's nos
e. Zoro's breath caught in his throat, as he stared directly into the bull's wil
d, hungry eyes.
The bull snorted, the hot breath ruffling Zoro's hair. Then, abruptly, the bull
turned away, the fence snapping back into shape. He shook his head hard and the
impaled farmer went flying. The dead man landed near Zoro in a sprawl of limbs a
nd blood. Choking on a cry, Zoro scrambled to his feet and ran. The last thing h
e witnessed was the bull charging the defenseless cow, before the field was out
of sight.
Panting, Zoro kicked off his sandals as he entered the dojo and rushed to his se
nsei. "Sensei, the bull- he- then- and- with-," Zoro sputtered, arms flailing, b
efore he managed clearly, "He's attacking the cow!"
Sensei laughed. "That's sex, Zoro. The bull isn't attacking, he's loving."
Zoro's eyes bulged. "That's what sex is? "
"In its most primitive form, yes," Sensei said. He knelt, putting him at eye-lev
el with Zoro, and placed his hands on Zoro's shoulders. "Sex is something two pe
ople do to show affection."
"People do that?!" Zoro exclaimed, horrified. He pictured Atsushi-senpai trampli
ng and goring Mio-san and his stomach churned in nausea. "I'm never gonna let an
yone do sex to me!"
Sensei laughed again and squeezed Zoro's shoulders. "You'll change your mind, on
ce you're older."
Zoro was older, now, and hadn't changed his mind. He'd seen Yosaku and Johnny sp
orting bruises, walking funny, and being in pain during his travels with them. Z
oro may like danger and violence, but he had some sense of self-preservation.
A commotion on the deck drew his attention. Zoro peered cautiously over the wall
of the crow's nest. Sanji wove unsteadily below, carrying the crate. He banged
into the stair-rail leading up to the galley. Zoro's stomach flipped and his kat
ana came an inch out of her sheath. Sanji wanted sex with him. Well, too bad. Th
ere was no way he was going to do that!

Zoro couldn't stop thinking about sex with Sanji.
Any time he let his mind drift, thoughts of Sanji with a red gleam in his eyes w
ould appear. He'd chase Zoro around the Merry until Zoro was cornered in the hol
d, or the bathroom, or the galley. Zoro would try defending himself with his swo
rds, only to be disarmed by powerful kicks. But Zoro wouldn't give in, and he'd
throw himself at Sanji, and they'd go down and roll around on the floor, fightin
g tooth and nail, Sanji's long, hard body bucking, rubbing, and pinning his own,
until the bite of Zoro's trouser seam against his hardened cock would snap him
out of the daydream, horrified with himself.
He wasn t naïve. He'd finished puberty and the constant erections that came with i
t. A hardened cock now meant he liked it. He'd get an erection after every spect
acular battle. He'd get one when he touched himself in the privacy of the bathro
om. Sometimes, he'd get one while polishing his swords. He'd never, ever gotten
one while thinking about Sanji.
(Although, he did remember getting one or two, or maybe five, or seventeen, but
that was it watching Sanji fight, but he'd chalked it up to the beauty of the ba
ttle. Maybe he'd been wrong.)
Zoro banged the dumbbell in his hand against his forehead. Shirtless, he stood o
n the upper deck, working through his training routine. The hot sun beat on his
bare shoulders and sweat trickled along his spine. The Merry sailed at a snail's
pace with the scant breeze. Luffy's laughter rang in the air, his body being us
ed as a jump rope. Gripping the mainmast, he was stretched to the rail, arms twi
sting as Usopp turned the 'rope' by the feet and Chopper jumped in time with Uso
pp's song. "One pirate, two pirates, three pirates, four. Sailing on a ship with
plunder galore "
"Mellorine!" Zoro tensed at Sanji's warble. Since that night on the beach, Sanji
hadn't said anything about wanting sex. Zoro knew, though, that it was just a m
atter of time before Sanji attacked.
From the corner of his eye, Zoro watched Sanji trip over his own feet as he brou
ght drinks to the girls, hearts in his eyes and floating overhead. Robin and Nam
i sat reading under the shade of the umbrella near the bow. "Thank you, Cook-san
," Robin said, as Sanji set the glasses on the table.
"Is there anything else I may get for you, Robin-chwan? A hand to hold? My undyi
ng devotion?" Sanji cooed.
"Sanji! Where's mine?"
"Luffy, wait!"
Luffy let go of the mast, to grab for the remaining glasses on the tray. With th
e release of his hold, his body untwisted at blurring speed. "Woah-a-woah-a-woah
-a-woah-a-ha-ha-ha!" His stretched body snapped back to normal, sending Usopp an
d him over the rail of the ship.
"Ahhh! Luffy! Usopp!" Chopper yelled, clapping his hooves to his cheeks.
Two female hands appeared from over the rail, holding Luffy and Usopp by the sea
t of their pants, and deposited the boys back onto the deck.
"Nice catch," Nami said to Robin. Robin uncrossed her arms and smiled.
"Robin-chwaaaaan, you are the most spectacular woman in the world," Sanji walked
backwards towards the boys, as he laid more smarmy commentary, "besides my darl
ing Nami-swan, who is also most spectacular."
Zoro sneered in disgust and curled his weights.
"Thank you, Sanji!" Chopper said, taking a drink from the tray, when Sanji reach
ed the three. He gulped some down and smacked his lips. "Ah. It hits the spot."
"Good," Sanji said, as Luffy and Usopp also took glasses. Sanji raised the tray
when Luffy tried grabbing a second glass. "You have yours. The last two are for
me and that shitty swordsman."
"Awww, but it's good!" Luffy said.
"I'll make more later."
Zoro swallowed nervously when Sanji started in his direction. He curled his weig
hts faster, tension ratcheting with each of Sanji's loose-hipped steps. His brea
thing quickened and heart trip-hammered in his chest. Sanji would be within touc
hing distance in a second, but Zoro could feel the sex vibes radiating from him
already. Zoro wanted to throw a dumbbell at him and flee.
"Here, seaweed "
"Don't touch me," Zoro barked, jumped back, and hit the side of the upper cabin.
One of the dumbbells slipped from his sweaty hands and landed on his foot.
Standing at the top step, Sanji stared at him like he'd lost his mind. "Why the
fuck would I touch you?"
"Uh- ow!" Zoro dropped the other dumbbell to the upper deck with a clank, grabbe
d his foot, and hopped in place. He wasn't hurt he'd barely even felt the impact
of the other dumbbell hitting him but he had to get away. "I need you urgh shut up
, stupid cook. Chopper!"
"Eh?" Chopper glanced up from the glass tower Luffy was building and gasped. "Zo
ro, what's wrong?!"
"I need a doctor." Zoro kept his back pressed to the outer galley wall and hop-s
lid away from Sanji. His face reddened with discomfiture. Everyone's eyes were o
n him now. He was going to kill Sanji, once he'd escaped from the sex fiend.
"A doctor?!" Chopper jumped to his feet and waved his arms in the air in a panic
. "Oh, no! Someone, Zoro's hurt! Call a doctor!"
"You are a doctor," Usopp pointed out.
"Oh, yeah. Eh-heh-heh." Chopper hurried up the steps, past a stupefied Sanji, an
d herded Zoro into the galley. The door closed behind them. "Sit down. What happ
Zoro collapsed onto the bench at the table and wiped his damp palms on his trous
ers. His racing blood pounded in his ears. It was stifling in the galley. The me
tal stove, sink, and counter gleamed in the sunlight pouring through the porthol
es. The sides of the icebox sweated. Chopper retrieved his bag from the cabinet
Usopp had built into the corner, to hold Chopper's medical supplies.
"Zoro?" Chopper said, setting the bag beside Zoro on the bench.
Zoro jerked his eyes from the galley door, where he half-expected to see Sanji c
hasing after him. "Oh, um, I hurt my foot," he said, extending his leg.
Chopper pulled off Zoro's boot. Bending closer, he poked and prodded at the bare
d foot. "I don't see any bruising, and it doesn't feel broken "
Zoro stared at the top hat on Chopper's bent head, a thought forming. Chopper wa
s a doctor. Maybe there was some pill or something that would stop Sanji from wa
nting sex with him. "Say, Chopper?"
"Hmm?" Chopper put Zoro's foot down and dug through his bag.
"Do you have anything for, uh ," Zoro rubbed his neck awkwardly, "for, um, stoppin
g sex?"
"Sex?" Chopper squeaked, staring wide-eyed at Zoro.
"Never mind," Zoro said quickly, shoving his foot into his boot and pushing to h
is feet, humiliation burning through him. "Just forget I said anything."
"No, wait!" Chopper grabbed his pant-leg, to stop him from leaving. "I'm a docto
r. You can talk to me about sex. I've read all about it as part of my medical tr
Zoro wished for the ship to sink right about now. "Forget it."
"You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't want my help," Chopper said earne
Zoro really didn't want to talk about it. But then he'd have to leave the galley
and Sanji and his sex vibes were out there. Zoro wanted things to go back to no
rmal, where he despised Sanji and Sanji despised him in return. He kind of misse
d being kicked in the head and retaliating with his swords, since he'd been avoi
ding the cook as much as possible. "Uh "
"Do you need to know about making babies? Or not making them?" Chopper said. "Or
eh-heh-heh do I need to explain what an erection is?"
Zoro choked on his tongue. Coughing, he sank onto the bench and buried his face
in his hands. What the hell was he doing? He should cut commit seppuku and be do
ne with it.
"Zoro?" Chopper patted his back. "Are you all right?"
"Fine," Zoro wheezed.
Chopper was quiet a moment, before saying sympathetically, "If you really don't
want to talk about it, it's okay."
Great, now Chopper thought he was a wuss. Zoro cleared his throat and lowered hi
s hands. He didn't look at Chopper, though. "I he " Zoro clenched his fists and forc
ed it out. " Sanji wants sex with me."
"Sanji?" Chopper sounded incredulous and his jaw thumped on the floor.
"Yeah, him." Zoro's shoulders scrunched in tension as he glanced anxiously at th
e galley door. "I don't know what to do, and it's driving me insane. Stupid, shi
tty, aho-cook."
"I oh. Okay. You and Sanji. Eh-heh-heh."
Zoro's blunt fingernails dug into his palms at Chopper's laughter. He should've
kept his mouth shut. "Never mind. I knew this was a dumb idea."
"No, it's okay. I just never thought you and Sanji would be together that way,"
Chopper said, rummaging through the cabinet.
"Neither did I," Zoro muttered.
"Here." Chopper came back with a fat, sealed jar and handed it to Zoro. "You'll
want to use this. Coat your fingers first and stretch the sphincter with them, b
ecause it's a muscle, too. Then smear some on your penis, as well, before engagi
ng in intercourse."
"Do what?" Zoro felt like he'd lost a step. He looked at the jar in his hand. Wo
uld this stop Sanji from wanting sex with him?
"Eh-heh-heh. Sorry. The book Doctorine had me read about seafarers' sex was tech
nical," Chopper said. "Your sphincter is a muscle at the opening of your anus th
at's your asshole. Fingers should be used first to stretch it before sex." Chopp
er blushed suddenly and pulled at his hat. "Does that explain enough?"
Zoro didn't get it. Why would you stick your fingers up your ass before being tr
ampled and gored to death? He wasn't going to ask, though. He felt stupid enough
and wanted the conversation over with. "Yeah. Thanks."
"I don't want your thanks, you jerk," Chopper said, dancing in place and clappin
g his hooves. "I don't appreciate it at all."
"Right." Zoro snorted softly and rubbed the back of his neck again. He looked at
the jar in his hand, as Chopper put away his medical bag. It was mortifying tha
t it'd come this far, that he had to ask for help. If anyone found out, he'd nev
er live it down. "Don't say anything to anyone about this."
"I won't," Chopper promised. "No one would believe me, anyway."

Zoro couldn't take it anymore. Every time he turned, Sanji was right there, smok
e coming out his nose and with a gleam in his eyes. The caravel shrunk more and
more as the days passed. Zoro felt trapped, like the farmer at the gate with the
bull in the run, pawing at the ground. Any second, Sanji would break through th
at gate and sex Zoro to death.
Death would be a welcome break from the constant stress. Zoro was so on edge, he
had drawn his katanas on Luffy when the captain had come up behind him. That wa
s unacceptable. He had to do something before he injured his nakama. He wouldn't
be able to forgive himself if that happened.
"Oi, shithead." Zoro stood in the doorway of the hold, his bandana tied tightly
around his head. Crates, boxes, and barrels piled the dank room at the aft of th
e ship. Perched on a fresh water cask, the lantern cast long shadows against the
curved hull. Sanji held a large bowl in the crook of an arm, selecting vegetabl
es from the stock. Smoke curled from the cigarette in his mouth. His yellow dres
s shirt was buttoned at the collar and black tie knotted neatly. Twin sparks of
fire reflected in his eyes when he glanced up. Zoro gulped, but stood his ground
"What do you want?" Sanji said, a puff of smoke escaping from between his lips.
"Sex," Zoro said quickly, before he changed his mind. "You can do it." He closed
his eyes, clenched his fists, and braced for impact. He'd survived being struck
by bullets and gutted with blades, he should be able to withstand sex, too. He
had brought that jar of cream Chopper had given him, though, tucked in his haram
aki, if he wanted to stop. He'd practiced using it a several times in the bathro
om before seeking Sanji out. His ass was slippery, and he felt like a fool using
it (actually, it felt kind of good weird, but good when he'd used it), but it w
as better to have it on hand, just in case.
Silence stretched like a taut wire, and Zoro cracked open an eyelid when Sanji d
idn't attack. Sanji stared unblinkingly at Zoro, with his mouth agape. The cigar
ette smoldered on the floor by his foot. Irritation and nervousness tightened Zo
ro's lips. "Come on, already. I want to get this over with."
Sanji's mouth closed, opened, closed, opened, and finally snapped shut. He blink
ed twice and then pinched his opposite arm. "Ow, fuck." He blinked again. "Shit,
this isn't a nightmare."
"The fuck it isn't!" Zoro unclenched and re-clenched his fists. "Do you think I
want sex?"
"What you just came on to me!" Sanji tugged violently at his tie and unbuttoned t
he collar of his shirt, as if he couldn't breathe. "What the hell makes you thin
k that I'd want sex with you?"
"Because you jumped me at the beach that one time! And ever since then, sex is a
ll I can think about and it's making me crazy, and I want things to go back to n
ormal between us. You wanted to fuck me, so do it already and let me have some f
ucking peace!"
"Beach? What beach? I don't remember " Sanji stopped speaking abruptly, as memory
appeared to surface. He blinked again. "I was drunk!"
"Yeah, and? That doesn't mean you want it any less, you dartboard-headed bull,"
Zoro said, crossing his arms.
"So, what? You're offering yourself as a pity-fuck?" Sanji banged the bowl of ve
getables down on a crate. "I'm not that desperate. I'd never be that desperate."
"Well, I am!" Zoro stalked into the cramped hold, vibrating with anger and emoti
on. Suddenly, he knew how the bull felt. He wanted to seize Sanji and do violenc
e to him.
A solid kick to the chest sent Zoro flying backwards. He crashed into a stack of
wooden boxes by the door. A broken slat scratched his face. Sanji stood with hi
s fists balled and his chin tilted in angry confrontation.
Zoro rubbed the blood from his cheek with the back of his hand and smiled wolfis
hly. This was more like it. He climbed to his feet, broke the seal on Wadou's sh
eath, and lunged.
Sanji pivoted instantly, blocking the blade with his foot. He aimed a second kic
k at Zoro's chest. Zoro drove the hilt of his katana downward, knocking the kick
off-course. He struck overhand. Sanji curved in a backbend out of range.
The packed hold left little room for maneuvering. Sanji blocked or dodged every
swing of Zoro's blade, bending and contorting his body as if he were boneless. T
he strength of his truncated kicks reverberated along Zoro's sword arm. Crates t
ottered and crashed as they smacked into them. The bowl of vegetables clattered
to the floor, spilling tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, and red and green peppers u
nder foot. Zoro slipped on a zucchini and fell into a kick to the jaw. He shook
off the flash of pain and cleaved the air where Sanji's neck had been.
"Hey!" Zoro sliced through a head of broccoli as it was kicked up at him. Two re
d peppers and a green one left seeds on Wadou when they followed. Sanji used the
distraction to hook Zoro's knees and send him sprawling onto his back, but Zoro
's hand snaked out and snagged Sanji's tie before he went down.
Sanji landed heavily on top of Zoro with an oomf. "Fuck, what do you have under
your haramaki?" he said. Broken crates and a tipped barrel hemmed them in on eit
her side.
Zoro's mind was screaming "Dumb, dumb, dumb!" for pulling Sanji down with him. H
e was now in a position just like his daydreams and any minute he'd get an erect
ion. "Get off me," he gurgled in panic.
"You're the one who pulled me on top of you." Sanji pushed up on his hands and s
topped abruptly. "I can't move if you don't let go of my tie."
Zoro let go of the tie, dropped Wadou, and shoved Sanji upwards by the shoulders
. His heart raced and his face began burning. "Get off!"
"All right, all right." Sanji knelt back on his heels, between Zoro's legs. Zoro
sat up swiftly, grabbed the jar from his haramaki, and fumbled with the cap. He
wanted the sex to stop.
"Shit, you're serious," Sanji said with amazement and disbelief. He took the jar
from Zoro's clumsy hands, to Zoro's alarm. Opening the jar easily, Sanji peered
at its contents. "I never imagined well, no, I did. You're marginally attractive
, in a dumb caveman kind of way, and it's a long time between ports... Oh, what
the hell." Sanji grasped the back of Zoro's neck, yanked him forward, and mashed
their mouths together.
Zoro made a strangled noise. What the hell was Sanji doing? He jerked away. "Wha
t the hell are you doing?"
"Kissing you." Sanji frowned. "You're not one of those guys who thinks kissing's
too intimate, are you?"
Zoro's lips felt trampled upon. He touched his mouth, his eyes widening. "It's a
part of sex," he realized in dismay. He always knew there was something strange
about it.
"Good," Sanji said, setting the jar aside. He abruptly yanked Zoro's shirt up an
d over his head. The bandana came off, as well. Not expecting it, Zoro didn't ha
ve a chance to stop him, but before he could protest after-the-fact, Sanji was d
oing that kissing thing again and Zoro's mind skittered off course.
Sanji shoved Zoro onto his back, ending the kissing. Reeling, Zoro tried forming
words and failed. Sanji unknotted his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and flexed lim
berly to kick the hold door shut. In the lantern light, deep shadows cut lines o
n Sanji's pale torso, defining the muscle normally obscured by his leanness. San
ji tossed his shirt and tie aside, curled his fingers in the material of Zoro's
haramaki, and pulled it and Zoro's pants down. Zoro found his voice immediately.
"Hey!" he exclaimed, scrabbling for his katanas, going down with his clothes. "W
hy are you taking my pants off?"
Sanji's curled eyebrow arched quizzically. "It's a little uncomfortable to have
sex with them on."
Sex. Oh, fuck. Sanji really was going to do it. Sweat broke out on Zoro's brow a
nd his heart sped up in distress. He grabbed the open jar, stuck two fingers in
the oily off-white cream, and half-turned on his side to stick his fingers up hi
s ass.
Sanji's eyebrow lifted higher. "Didn't picture you for a bumboy, but it's fine w
ith me," he said, unbuckling his belt.
Chopper's anti-sex cream was working. Sanji stopped touching Zoro and trying to
remove his pants. Instead, he pushed down his own, and Zoro swallowed his tongue
. "You- you- you ," Zoro sputtered, as Sanji took the cream and spread some on his
cock. "You- you're hard!"
"Shut up, shithead. It's not you, it's the thought of sex that has given me wood
." Sanji climbed over Zoro's leg and pushed his bare hip. "Let's fuck already, b
efore the others come searching for us."
Zoro's brain jibbered as he ended up on his stomach, one of his arms trapped ben
eath him. The cream hadn't worked. Sanji still wanted sex. Dread squeezed like a
band around Zoro's chest. The fingers up his ass were pulled away and he felt t
he cool buckle of Sanji's belt against his bare thigh. Then, something blunt pre
ssed into his asshole and he seized in pain.
"FUCK!" It felt like someone had shoved a blade up Zoro's ass and another in his
lower back. Zoro gurgled and clawed at the wood floor. He was being gored!
"Ow, fuck, relax, you idiot," Sanji said, leaning over Zoro's back. "You're goin
g to break the tip of my dick off."
It was Sanji's cock that was causing such pain? Fuck, shit. Zoro should've known
. Where else was a person's horn?
"Zoro, shit," Sanji's breath was hot against Zoro's bare back, "you need to rela
x. Haven't you done this before?"
"No," Zoro garbled, his eyelids squeezed shut. He pressed his forehead hard agai
nst the floor slats. "Why would I want sex?"
Sanji made a strange noise. "You're a virgin?!"
"Shit," Sanji breathed, sounding stunned. Then, he smacked Zoro upside the head.
"You big, dumb ox." Sanji shifted back and started massaging around Zoro's assh
ole with his thumbs. "You should've said something. Stupid, moronic, idiot sword
sman. I would've prepared you better."
"I know what sex is," Zoro grunted. "I saw the bull."
Sanji snorted. "Figures you'd learn by watching animals mate." His massage made
Zoro's body slowly respond, and he pulled his cock free. "Ow. Ah, that's better.
Zoro's ass throbbed and his lower back continued aching. Sex was as horrible as
he'd feared.
Sanji's hand slid along his back, cupped his shoulder, and tugged lightly. "Turn
"Because I refuse to be branded a bad lover."
Sanji tugged at his shoulder again and Zoro moved reluctantly. He hissed at the
sharp pain when he attempted sitting up and lay right down again. Being on his b
ack didn't hurt as much, so long as he kept his hips lifted slightly.
Sanji flicked his temple. "You are such an idiot."
"Shut up." Zoro had a difficult time not looking at Sanji's cock, which was stil
l hard and curving from the thatch of blonde pubic hair. Sanji blocked his stare
by pulling up his boxers and pants, scooted on his knees to Zoro's feet, and re
moved his boots. "Hey, what are you "
"You came to me for sex and you're going to get it." Sanji yanked off Zoro's pan
ts and haramaki, swords going, too. "And you're going to enjoy it, marimo-head.
My reputation is at stake. When did you last bathe?"
Zoro was thrown by the question. "I swam this morning. What does that have to do
with anything? And how the hell can anyone enjoy sex?"
Sanji crawled up between Zoro's knees, with a shark's smile. "You're about to fi
nd out."

"And then our addle-pated swordsman surrendered to Sanji's skilled hands and lea
rned that sex had nothing to do with trampling or goring unless he and Sanji are
in the mood for that sort of thing," Usopp finished with a flourish of his hand
"Poor Zoro." Luffy shook his head. He sat beside Usopp, leaning against the clos
ed hold door. "At least Sanji was nice enough to teach him."
The door yanked open suddenly, Luffy and Usopp fell backwards, and lantern light
spilled into the short hall. "That's not what happened!" Zoro exclaimed. Shirtl
ess, barefoot, and without his swords, he glowered down at Usopp. "Stop telling
stupid stories."
"Hn, I don't know." Cigarette smoke curling from his mouth, Sanji groped Zoro's
ass as he stepped over Luffy and Usopp and slipped out of the hold, with his hai
r mussed and hickeys on his neck. "It sounded like a true cock-and-bull story to

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Break
ing Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNEDI
TED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspen
ding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VER
SION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: This is not a sequel...However, it will be (hopefully...eventual
ly...maybe...) YAOI!!! If you don't like yaoi, please do not read. Find somethin
g else...with fluffy bunnies and rainbow roses, please. Thank you.
This is dedicated to Eileen-san, Zo-zemonkeySan, Lady Geuna and Verum (of course
)! Why? Because Eileen-san wanted a sequel to the last two sequels (but I couldn
't think of one. I'm so sorry, Eileen-san!), and Verum, Zo-zemonkeySan and Lady
Geuna were crazy enough to read and review the last two stores!
So, to my crazy fans! I dedicate this next story to them! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
WARNING: Ahoy! This contains foul language and mature themes! HOWEVER, there is
by implied adult situations such as rape, please DO NOT READ THIS!!! Again , ple
ase go and find a story with fluffy bunnies and rainbow won't find t
hat here.
I'm not going to write anything that you couldn't see in prime-time television.
(But, I realize your imaginations can be much WORSE than that...!!!)
Now, unto the story...
Chapter 1: Missing Sanji
"Oi, Ero-Kokku!" The green haired swordsman called out as he swung the two large
sacks full of provisions on to the ship's deck.
As each member of the Mugiwara crew's heads appeared over the side of the Going
Merry, it was quite evident that the various shopping excursions had gone rather
well. The little blue-nosed reindeer had found the rare herbs and minerals that
he had long been looking for, Usopp had located a vial of a new chemical compou
nd that promised to provide an entertaining light spectacle along with a rather
loud explosion, Robin had discovered a book that told of the history of that isl
and and the various types of inhabitants found within it, Luffy looked rather st
uffed from whatever foods he had ingested earlier that day, and Nami and Zoro ha
d found all the fresh food that had been on Sanji's list--at a reasonable price,
to boot!
As the swordsman half-dragged, half-carried, the two sacks into the kitchen, he
continued to yell. "Hey, Asshole! You want these supplies, or not?"
Green eyes swept across the kitchen, no cook. However, the stew on the stove sti
ll seemed to be simmering, and there was an empty plate sitting on the kitchen t
able. Had the Kuso-Kokku eaten and gone off somewhere? One of the green eyes twi
tched, partly from the annoyance that Dartboard Eyebrow wasn't guarding the ship
as he was supposed to be doing, and partly because that same eyebrow was attach
ed to someone who would feed himself before the rest of the crew and disappear.
"Let's leave him behind," growled the swordsman as he abandoned his load on the
Walking back onto the ship's deck, the orange haired navigator had a strange fee
ling that something was not quite right.
"Sanji-kun?!" Shouted Nami, waiting to hear the cook's usual love calls.
Only the sounds of the rest of the crew's chatter and pounding surf replied to h
er question.
"Sanji-kun?! Where are you?!"
"Nami?" Asked the red vested captain, "What's wrong?"
"I don't know...but something's...wrong?..."
Suddenly a loud screech for help came from the sniper, and all hands quickly ran
towards the source of the sound in the men's quarters.
Standing in the middle of the room was Usopp, surrounded by what could only have
been the result of a tornado whipping through the room. Hammocks torn and hangi
ng, a couch and table thrown across the room, personal belongings strewn everywh
"This is not good," stated the swordsman, concern finally entering his voice.
"We have to find Sanji!" Shouted Luffy as he punched his fist into his hand. "An
d we have to find him NOW!"
"Great," exclaimed a worried Nami, "and how exactly do we do that?"
Deep within the dark bowels of a ship, the blonde haired cook slowly awoke. Whit
e stars seemed to explode behind his eyes, as pain ripped through his head and b
ody. Attempting to stand, the cook discovered that his hands and feet were bound
, leaving him totally helpless.
"Oi!" Sanji tried to yell, only to hear his shout muffled by the gag tied around
his mouth.
"Throw him in with the rest of them," a grating voice ordered.
"Aren't you going to untie him?" Asked a voice next to Sanji.
"Are you kidding me? After what he did to us?" Responded the grating voice.
"But the Captain said..."
"Shut up and do as you're told!"
Hands roughly grabbed the cook and threw him down an opening in the floor.
Landing with a thud on the wood below, Sanji felt his existing injuries increase
in severity as his back absorbed the shock of the six-foot free fall.
Looking around, the blonde discovered that there was very little light in the st
ockade that he had been thrust into. However, even with that small amount of lig
ht, he could see that he was surrounded by grizzled men who appeared to have bee
n there for a very long time.
"Is it a woman?" Asked a man somewhere in the back of the room.
"Do you really think they would throw a woman in here?" Replied an agitated voic
e somewhere closer.
"Don't care," stated another voice, "he looks pretty enough."
Pulling on his bonds, Sanji tried desperately to tear them off. Grimacing as the
ropes cut into his wrists and ankles, making them bleed.
"Likes pain, dontcha boy?" Laughed a particularly odorous man with yellow rotted
Grabbing a handful of the blonde's soft hair, the man pulled the cook's head to
the side and bit him on his exposed neck.
Eyes wide with shock and anger, the cook pulled his tied legs towards his chest
and kicked his attacker across the room and into the surrounding onlookers.
Laughing at the spectacle, the other men in the stockade tentatively advanced fo
rward. All trying not to be come victims of the cook's long legs, while attempti
ng to subdue him.
Without warning a large muscular behemoth was on Sanji, flipping the cook over o
nto his stomach and pressing his full weight upon the slender blonde's back.
"Now we get to have some fun," the behemoth whispered into the blonde's ear. The
n with a sinister gleeful laugh he added, "and I get to go first..."
Author's Note: Loved it? Hated it? I hope you guys at least enjoyed it...
Sanji: Oi! I thought Zoro was going to get it?
Zoro: You wish!

KS: Who said that he wouldn't GET IT? (sinister smirk)

Zoro: Oi!
So, stick around for the next installment. (Which unfortunately won't be for a w
hile...I have other things to attend to here. Sorry...) Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Note: Yes, I know. It was supposed to take longer than this for the nex
t chapter...but something funny happened. I had to wait for two repair people to
show up today. One for our water heater...and as a result we are getting a new
one, hooray! And the other was the cable guy...and I know it's a cliche, but gue
ss who DIDN'T show! Anyway, I ended up writing while waiting...and waiting...and
Anyway...this chapter is dedicated to, Verum (Oh, behave!), Lady Geuna (One of t
he two, and yes...they need to!), Sheri-chan (Sanji: "Thank you, Sheri-chan!", Z
oro: "Leave him hanging there, he deserves it!"), Devlinn Reiko-sama (Sanji: "Oi
! You like me treated that way?", Zoro: "Better you than me!"), SpyralMoon (I th
ink he's laughing in the corner) and Blizzardrake (Thank you, Blizzardrake-san!
I'm glad that you like it!)! Thank you everyone, for the reviews! (Hey, Eileen-s
an and Zo-zemonkeySan, where are you? LOL! I hope you guys are reading this!)
And now, our story continues...
Chapter 2: Deceiving Sanji
A loud crash tore through the rest of the ship, as several sets of footsteps cou
ld be heard running for the stockade.
"What the hell is going on?" Yelled a man with long flowing black hair, as he lo
oked to see what was going on through the slats of the floor below.
In the dim light, the raven haired man could see the blonde haired cook standing
to one side of the stockade, while the rest of inhabitants were either unconsci
ous or clutching various parts of their anatomy at the other end of the room. Pe
ering even more carefully, the man dressed in a long royal blue coat could see t
he absolute outrage in the blonde's eyes, as he glared across the room at the ot
her men while trying to hold up the back of his undone pants with hands that wer
e still tied behind his back.
"I ordered his bonds cut before being thrown in the brig!" Shouted the black hai
red man. "Who disobeyed my orders?"
"Captain, we were afraid of him," squeaked the grating voice from somewhere in t
he darkness.
"Really?" Growled the black haired man, "More afraid of me?"
Yanking open the door, the Captain descended the ladder into the prison below. C
asting a quick glare at the men who remained standing, only the blonde remained
where he stood while the other men withdrew against the walls of the cell.
Turning back towards the enraged cook, the man in the long blue coat began to sp
eak, his voice low and soft.
"It's going to be all right," repeatedly droned the Captain as he slowly walked
towards the angry cook.
Shooting daggers with his exposed right-eye, the blonde raised one of his legs,
ready to strike out at the approaching man.
"It's okay," continued the long haired Captain, slowly reaching for the knot tha
t held the piece of cloth that was impeding the cook's ability to speak. "It's g
oing to be okay."
Still prepared to kick if he needed to, Sanji waited for the gag to fall away be
fore letting loose a furious torrent of words.
"Who the fuck are you? I fed you because you said you were starving for fuck's s
ake! You lousy son-of-a-bitch! Untie me you bastard!"
Face turning a crimson red, the foul mouthed cook continued to spew insults as t
he Captain gently placed his palm against the blonde's cheek, immediately calmin
g the man. "Shhhhh..."
"What are you?" Whispered Sanji, eyes filled with a mixture of amazement and fea
r at what had just occurred.
"I'm Captain of this vessel," the man stated as he tossed his flowing mane back.
Even in the darkened room, the cook could see the pale delicate features of the
man before him, full lips, clear green eyes, appearance that even seemed to exc
eed the blonde's good looks.
"And that vessel would be?"
"The Siren."
"Strange choice of name..."
Looking a bit hurt, the man answered, "It was specially commissioned for me."
Too preoccupied with the his conversation with the Captain, Sanji failed to noti
ce when the ropes around his wrists fell away.
Spotting the bloodied wrists and ankles, the green eyes of the Captain flared as
he turned at the crew member who had been responsible for leaving the cook tied
-up and helpless.
"Why wasn't my orders carried out?" Seethed the Captain.
"I'm sorry, Sir. We were afraid..."
"Off my ship."
"But Sir..."
"Get-off-my-ship." Stated the Captain as his voice spoke each word calmly and de
"Yes, Sir." Whispered the man with the grating voice as he left the room.
Within a matter of minutes, the crew heard the sound of something hitting the wa
ter over the side of the ship.
"I'm sorry about what has happened," the Captain sadly stated. "Please, will you
follow me?"
Hurriedly buttoning and zipping up his pants, the cook climbed up the ladder aft
er that ship's Captain, not bothering with buckling his belt until he was out of
that hellish pit.
"Let me show you your new home," smiled the full lips as he motioned Sanji to fo
llow, "my Prince of Cooks..."
As the Going Merry made it's way into open water, the crew moved faster to work
the sails, seeing that they were now short of one pair of sea worthy hands.
From information that they had garnered on the docks, a large marine ship, carry
ing the name 'the Siren,' had just left port shortly before the Mugiwara crew ha
d returned to the Merry. Just prior to that, people had seen a dirt covered, lon
g-haired man in tattered clothes, asking for food. While most of the workmen wer
e used to beggars and shooed the vagabond away, they were surprised when the blo
nde haired pirate offered to feed the man without asking for any form of compens
"Stupid, fricking Ero-Kokku!" Had been Zoro's response when he realized what had
happened. "After Don Krieg, I thought he would have learned his lesson!"
"Who's Don Krieg?" Asked the furry reindeer, before the sniper began his story o
f the valiant fight between the courageous Captain Usopp and the notoriously mur
derous Don Krieg and his henchman Gin. With a few side notes about Zoro's fight
with Mihawk thrown in, after he noticed the aggravated looks that the swordsman
had been firing his way.
Concentrating on following in the direction that the dockworkers had seen the ma
rines leave, the Straw Hat crew didn't hear the approach of the cannonball until
it hit just off the starboard side of the ship.
Scrambling to see where the shot had come from, the Mugiwaras watched as a marin
e ship three-time the size of the Going Merry steamed towards them.
Grabbing his three swords, Zoro waited for Luffy to punch his arm towards the on
coming marine ship so that he could attack.
"Damn Cook!" Growled the green-haired swordsman as he watched Luffy's arm stretc
hing towards it's goal, "Of all the times not to have you watching my back..."
As Luffy did his best to bounce back the flying cannonballs from the direction w
hence they came, and all hands took their part in the fight. Every one of them s
till wished that the cook with the 'Black Leg' was by their side at this moment.
Authors Note: More to come...soon... Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Note: Hi Sheri-chan! Yep, that chapter had a quick turn around time. Ho
wever, this one is going up even faster because it's so short.
Chapter 3: Working Sanji
Walking into the kitchen of the Siren was like walking into a chef's dream. Whil
e the maneuvering and working space of the room was only about doubled the size
of the kitchen on the Going Merry, the ovens and stoves were massive, the pantry
and refrigerator were equally huge and filled with every spice and ingredient t
hat the cook had ever heard of...and then some.
"Welcome to your new home." The Marine Captain's words sounded bitterly sweet to
the blonde haired cook at he eyed the massive pots and pans hanging from the ce
"Thank you," came the steady reply from the cook, not hinting at the awe that he
felt being in such a place, "but I have a home. And, it's on the Going Merry wi
th my Nakama."
"I'm sorry about that," the captain's voice now sounded quiet and reserved, "but
by now your friends have been captured and taken prisoner by my fellow marines.
"A marine ship had been called to capture your crew. I thought, since my cook ha
d been lost due to...unfortunately circumstances...and since I heard that you ha
d such wonderful credentials, that you would be an excellent addition to our shi
"You're lying..."
"I don't lie."
"Then you don't know my nakama..."
"And you don't know my brother..."
Sanji felt an icy stab of panic as he remembered what he had seen happen in the
"Please be safe," a silent prayer went through the cook's thoughts as he thought
of his nakama, and a certain green-haired swordsman that had always fought by h
is side.
Slicing through body after body, the katanas of the swordsman smoothly flowed, f
inding their targets shortly after the green-eyes spotted them.
"Stop." A voice simply stated, and the swordsman found himself halting and looki
ng around in confusion, before settling on a man in a blood red coat, long black
hair and fine chiseled features.
Unable to force himself to continue fighting, Zoro could only wait for the inevi
table to happen.
Roaring with laughter at the swordsman's vulnerability, the marines did not noti
ce the movement of their Captain's mouth as he tried to issue orders, or the sli
ght twitching of the swordsman's arms as they began to move.
"SHUT UP!" Stormed the red coated Captain, as he finally shouted his command.
Seeing the green-haired man rushing towards him, the Captain opened his mouth to
speak, just as razor steel swords split the air.
Author's Note: Another chapter to follow soon...that one is going to be a doozy!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Note: Wow! More reviews! THANK YOU!!! This chapter goes out to Verum (S
anji: "Really? Where is this 'damsel?' Mellorine...Mellorine...", Zoro: "Heh-heh
-heh..."), Lady Geuna (Oh, did I do a writing faux pas? Sorry. Both brothers use
their voices. However, the Siren's Captain is just a 'touchy-feely' kind of guy
. Sanji: (coughing into his fist) "Hentai!", KS: "Exactly...", Zoro: "Oi! I didn
't miss him! I'm not the one writing this garbage!", KS: (clamping a hand over Z
oro's mouth) "Oh, if only I had that captain's powers..."), SpyralMoon (Hahahaha
haha!!! Yes...and no...!!! Sanji: "Ah, SpyralMoon-chan is so sweet!", Zoro (smir
king): "You're missing the point, Dartboard Eyebrow. She wouldn't be reading thi
s, unless she wanted to see you suffer..."), Blizzardrake (IMPLIED! Explicit get
s me into big trouble...implied, on the other hand..., Sanji: "OI!!! YOU WANT TO
SEE ME IN A WHAT KIND OF SCENE?!?!, Zoro: (laughing hysterically) "That's what
you get for being a pervert!", KS and SANJI: "OI!!!"), Devlinn Reiko-sama (I can
understand, I kind of liked him...until..., Sanji: (glaring at KS)...KS (exitin
g stage right))...
Gomen nasai, the site won't let me access the newest reviews. (I don't know why.
So, I have to read them later. Sorry!)
Now for our next chapter...
Chapter 4: Breaking Sanji
Standing at the ship's rail, in his striped blue dress shirt and black suit, the
blonde man stared off into the pitch black night over the ocean. Never had he f
elt so alone. Not even on those days and nights that he had spent on that God fo
rsaken rock, with a man who would rather eat his own leg ('manga version') than
deprive the starving child, that Sanji was, of a morsel of food.
Not even one of his cigarettes, that had been secured in his pocket with his tru
sty lighter, could give him any comfort. He just allowed it to dangle from his l
ips as he breathed in the cold night air.
Hearing the unmistakable sound of a ringing Den Den Mushi ('snail phone') coming
from the ship's bridge, Sanji made his way over to the door.
"Yes, Sir...Yes, I understand, Sir...Successfully engaged the Mugiwara Pirates..
.Pirate Hunter boarded the ship...Captain...stopped him...," Sanji felt his bloo
d turn to ice as he was unable to hear the rest of the conversation, except for
the last words, "All hands lost..."
Half stumbling, half running away from where he had heard the awful news, the bl
onde fled until he found a dark quiet corner of the ship. Tears flowing from his
blue-eyes, the cook thought about jumping from the ship, and thereby joining hi
s nakama in the afterworld.
However, his beloved Captain's words came back to him, as he looked into the vas
t darkness.
"...Giving up everything is no way to repay a debt! Chef Zeff saved your life fo
r a reason. If you throw it away now, all his sacrifices will have been for noth
Burying his face in his arms, the cook continued to cry. No matter how hard this
life may get, no matter how lonely he may be, he had to live. Not only to repay
Chef Zeff...but now to repay his Captain and crew.
"I will live," Sanji forced the words through with ragged breaths as he stood up
and walked to the ship's railing. "I'll do it, Luffy!" The cook shouted at the
top of his lungs into the pounding waves of the ocean below. "I'll do it Nami-sw
an, Robin-chwan, Ussop, Chopper...Do you hear me you shitty swordsman, I'LL LIVE
Collapsing to the floor of the ship's deck, the blonde haired man sobbed until h
e grew still.
As the waves continued to rock the ship upon it's dark seas, the moon silently s
lipped away from the clouds that had been hiding it, to shine on the sleeping co
ok below.
It had been a long and arduous battle, but when all was said and done, only one
ship was left afloat, and only one crew was intact...although they had been a bi
t scathed.
"Where is Sanji?" Demanded the Straw Hat Captain from the long-haired man. "Wher
e is our cook?"
"Hmph..." Replied the Marine Captain, who had three sets of Robin's hands secure
ly clamped over his mouth.
"Write it." Growled the swordsman, who had two of his swords drawn in case of an
y trouble.
Scribbling on the paper, the Marine Captain wrote what the Mugiwaras had already
determined. Sanji was on the Marine ship, the Siren.
"What does it say?" Asked Zoro as Nami read the answer.
"It just says he is on the Siren."
"Where is it going?" Continued the swordsman.
More scribbling.
"It's headed east." Answered Nami.
"Then we are going east!" Shouted Luffy, as he leapt to his feet.
"Give him this," stated Chopper as he handed a cup to Robin, "he must be thirsty
"Oi!" Began the swordsman, but he was too late.
Holding the Marine Captain's nose closed with one hand pair of hands, Robin pull
ed away the other hands from the man's mouth and quickly poured the liquid in.
Sputtering, the Marine Captain hissed, "get away from me."
Everyone moved away from the long haired man. Laughing, the Marine Captain opene
d his mouth again to issue a command, only to have a squeak erupt from his throa
Smiling, the little reindeer looked at the swordsman.
"How long?" Asked the green-haired man.
"Oh...two weeks," chimed the furry doctor, "maybe three."
"Chopper-san is so very knowledgeable and intelligent," complemented the raven h
aired woman.
"Shut up, idiot!" Scolded Chopper as he smiled and seemingly danced with delight
, "I won't be happy even if you say such things about me."
Shaking his head, the green-haired swordsman knocked the Marine Captain unconsci
ous with the hilt of one of his katana. He wasn't taking any chances of that man
causing any more problems, especially now that they had a clue as to where they
could find their cook.
"Come on," shouted Luffy as he headed for the kitchen door, "we have to save our
And Zoro couldn't have agreed any more...
Author's Note: Sorry guys, I had to end the first scene with Sanji sleeping on d
eck under a shining moon. He just wouldn't stop singing that song! (Sanji: (sing
ing) "...Oyasumi...Oya-sumi...", Zoro: "Wuss", Sanji: Oi!, KS: (clamps a hand ov
er Zoro's mouth))...Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Note: Once again, THANK YOU FOR READING AND REVIEWING!!! And this chapt
er is dedicated to...Verum (Yes, he does present a pretty picture in that scene.
So vulnerable, so innocent...unlike his mouth..., Sanji: "Thank you, Verum-chan
!", Zoro: "I liked the earlier scene with him running and crying. Heh-heh-heh...
", Sanji: (pokes Zoro with a sharp stick that he found)), Dirge-Gaurdian (Yeah,
I love that song, too! However, it does sound better coming from a 'young' Sanji
, than from an older one. Sanji: "Oi! I still have an excellent singing voice!",
Zoro: "But now you sound like a pervert." Sanji: (pokes Zoro with the sharp sti
ck), Zoro: (takes away the sharp stick and hits Sanji over the head with it)), D
evlinn Reiko-sama (Thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying the story. And yes,
Chopper is much more intelligent than he's given credit for.), Lady Geuna (Don'
t tempt him. He sings...a lot. Zoro: "Yes! Wait, I thought we were talking about
those marines. Children? Yes, they won't be having children. (smirks)", Sanji:
"Oh, Lady Geuna-chan, I can't be sad with you talking to me...Mellorine...Mellor
ine!...Um...'REAL news?'...What news?...Ah, about the kidnapping. That was very
embarasing. I fed what I thought was a starving man a meal, but spilt some stew
on my shirt. When I went to change my clothes, I was ambushed in the men's quart
ers by some of his men. So embarasing! And, about the brothers. I thought if one
brother was part siren, then the other would also be part siren. However, about
the brother that ambushed my nakama, I never...(KS clamps hand over Sanji's mou
th)", KS: "Too much information!", Sanji: "Gomen nasai."), and Blizzardrake (Tha
nk you for the kind words, and...)
Now onto the next chapter of our story...
Chapter 5: Dreaming Sanji
The blonde-haired cook moved through the Siren's kitchen like a phantom. Never u
ttering a word, or command, to the other kitchen workers. Pouring over each dish
as if it were his last. Keeping his mind preoccupied with his cooking and prepa
rations, so that he didn't have to think about life alone, without his nakama.
The slender cook had not even noticed when the Siren's Captain entered the kitch
en, and watched the blonde with lingering stares.
"So, how's my Prince of Cooks?" Asked the low voice of the long haired Captain.
Caught off guard, the blonde's eyes glanced up, no shining gleam to them. Just a
dull acknowledgment that the other man had addressed him.
"You really should learn to use your kitchen help," the captain nodded towards t
he other men in the kitchen, "then you wouldn't be so exhausted."
"I'm fine," replied the cook, returning to his work.
"Yes, you are," smiled the Captain as he walked behind the cook, placing a hand
gently on the blonde's shoulder. "You certainly are...and that's why I chose you
Sanji felt a cold chill run up his back, as he tried to shrug off the unwanted t
"Tell the others how to finish up," the Captain whispered into the cook's ear.
Unable to control his actions or voice, the blonde haired cook explained to the
other workers how to finish the dishes, to the exact detail. When he completed t
he instructions, the long haired Captain returned to his side and ordered, "Come
with me."
As his legs, his one set of weapons that served him so well in battle, betrayed
him, the cook could do nothing to stop himself from following the blue-coated ma
It had now been ten long days as the Going Merry sped along it's path, trying de
sperately to catch up to it's kidnapped crew member.
Nami watched the changes in the weather and wind patterns night and day, trying
to take advantage of every small change in the wind currents. Chopper listened t
o the birds and water creatures, gathering any information that might help Nami
decide on their course of travels. Luffy, Usopp and Zoro worked the sail and rud
der, ready to change course at a drop of a hat. And, Robin took over kitchen dut
ies, since the men of the crew currently on board could not produce any food tha
t was deemed edible.
While the newest mute addition to the crew was kept chained in the kitchen, only
being allowed to go to the bathroom when one of the men could personally escort
him to the head.
Occasionally, the swordsman, like the rest of the crew, would doze off, grabbing
some moments of shut-eye here and there. However, when the swordsman did fall a
sleep, he would be flooded with dreams of the blonde haired cook. Dreams of Sanj
i staring into a vast empty chasm, waiting to jump. Dreams of shadowed figures h
overing over the blonde man, waiting to pounce. Dreams of empty blue eyes starin
g into oblivion, void of all soul and feeling.
"Merry, hurry..." Was the silent prayer that repeated over and over in the sword
sman's mind, "please hurry..."
Author's Notes: Sorry. I know, it's a short chapter. See you at the next chapter

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to all those who have been reading and wr
iting reviews for this story!!! It's been a lot of fun...and the last two chapte
rs will be coming up shortly. (Since chapter 8 is just an epilog, I'm hoping to
put them up in the same session...)
Devlinn Reiko-sama (Thank you! But it's so short..., Zoro: "Shorter means faster
. Which means I can go back to sleep. Which is good!")
Note to readers: I will be posting TWO VERSIONS of CHAPTER 7. First will be the
'regular' version, and the second will be the UNEDITED version. The UNEDITED VER
SION is intended for MATURE readers, only!!! While it's not overly graphic, some
may find it VERY DISTURBING. Please, DO NOT read the UNEDITED version if you ha
ve a problem with issues such as RAPE, YAOI or SEX. After much debate (with myse
lf), I decided to include the UNEDITED version because I feel it explains more..
. IF you do choose the UNEDITED version...Please read the WARNING first. Thank y
Now, onto...
Chapter 6: Finding Sanji
It had been twelve days. Twelve long days since the cook had seen dry land.
So when the call, "Land ho!" echoed through the ship, the blonde man perked up,
watching fervently as the mass in the distance grew larger.
"Land!" Screamed the cook's brain, "I can escape!" Thoughts of returning to the
Baratie ran through the blonde man's mind, "at least it's almost like
"All non-essential hands below deck!" Came the Captain's order.
Sanji looked off into the distance. "So, close," thought the cook, "Just a littl
e further...then I can jump ship...just a little closer..."
"That includes you," whispered the long-haired Captain as he placed his hand on
the blonde's shoulder, pointing him in the direction of one of the ship's many d
oors. "Now, go and wait for me in my quarters."
Again, those two appendages betrayed him, forcing him in the opposite direction
of where he wanted to go. One step followed by another.
"...Giving up everything is no way to repay a debt!..." the small dying flame of
Luffy's voice kept echoing in his mind, "...I'm not letting you throw your life
away! ..." Sanji tried to grasp onto that voice as tight as possible, but a dar
ker voice was beginning to eclipse his Captain's was a ominous voice
that he had not heard in a long while.
Listless blue orbs stared ahead, empty and missing any signs of hope. And now, t
hey were filling with a new feeling, a bleak coldness that was growing within th
"Some debts are never able to be paid," the voice hissed through his thoughts, "
sometimes you just need to know when to pack up and leave..."
"Nami," the sniper's voice cut into the navigator's line of thoughts, "we have t
o pick up supplies."
"But we can't stop now," Nami looked up from her maps, "we don't know how far th
ey are still ahead of us, they could just be right over..."
"Nami, if we can't keep up our strength, how will we be able to save Sanji? Espe
cially if we have to fight another ship full of marines?"
Begrudgingly, the orange-haired navigator knew that the sniper was correct. They
needed food and water, and the faster that they could get supplies, the faster
they could get back to looking for the Siren.
"We'll head there," said the orange-haired woman as she pointed to a lone island
on the map. "It's the only place for miles, and they should have everything we
As the Going Merry faithfully sped along for the next few hours, Luffy's loud vo
ice finally boomed across the ship, "LAND HO!!!"
"Now remember, we have to hurry!" Reminded the navigator as the island seemed to
race towards them.
"Wait!" Shouted the little reindeer, his little blue nose twitching. "I smell...
I smell HIM!!! I CAN SMELL SANJI!!!"
"Chopper, are you sure?" Asked Luffy, swinging down from the crow's nest.
"I know what he smells like," cried the furry doctor with growing excitement, "a
nd THAT'S HIM!!!"
Author's Notes: All right people. Everything is about to hit the fan! Blizzardra
ke: You might want to read the next comes closest to 'that scene!.'
(Sanji: "OI!!!", Zorro and KS: (holding Sanji down)). Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: It's been fun, everyone, but now it's time to start to wind up o
AND REVIEW THIS PIECE!!! I had a lot of fun writing it, and even more fun readi
ng and responding to people's reviews! THANK YOU to everyone who took (and takes
) the time out of their busy schedule to read (and/or review) this story!!! ARIG
VERUM: Thank you for sticking around through all of the stories! Thank you! And
yes, "Thank god" for that little blue nose of Tony Tony Chopper's! (Sanji: "See
Marimo Head, Verum-chan cares!", KS: (showing Sanji the computer screen), Sanji:
"Oh no, Verum-chan! Stay safe and away from airplanes that blow up!", Zoro: "Wo
man screaming in my ear?...I'd want the plane to crash faster." Little grey mech
anical guest holding a pig running in from who knows where: "Taco, taco, taco, t
aco, taco, taco, taco, taco, taco..." (and runs out), Zoro and Sanji: "What the.
..", KS: "Don't ask.")
LADY GEUNA: Thank you for staying with this story! And for being so perceptive!
Do you have a crystal ball somewhere? LOL! I think you'll understand why, when y
ou read this next chapter! (Sanji: (not saying anything), KS and Zoro: (looking
at each other then responding) "Castration!", KS: (slapping forehead with palm)
"Thank you. I have to remember that next time!") And one more thing...I agree, L
UPIN ROCKS!!! (And I'm not talking about the anime, either.)
BLIZZARDRAKE: This chapter (well, actually the UNEDITED VERSION) is for you! Tha
nk you for reading and reviewing this story! (Sanji: "Blizzardrake-chan! WHYYYYY
YYYYYY?", Zoro: "I like this woman.", KS: (showing Zoro the computer screen), Zo
ro: "OI! Hentai! I would NEVER dream of this Kuso-Kokku!", KS: (tapping foot and
staring at Zoro) "Never? What about that dream where you eviscerated...", Sanji
: (glaring at Zoro) "OI!!!")
DEVLINN REIKO-SAMA: Thank you for the reviews! I'm glad that you weren't disappo
inted by the short chapters! (Zoro: "Shorter chapters. Faster I get to sleep.")
And one more thing, GOTTA LOVE HUGH LAURIE!!! (Just sucks that it took so long f
or him to get his own American television series...)
DIRGE-GAURDIAN: Thank you for the reviews, too! (KS: (showing the computer scree
n to Sanji and Zoro), Sanji, Zoro and KS: (looking worried), All Three: "Please,
read the WARNING at the beginning of the UNEDITED VERSION if you go there!!!")
Love videogames, too...Just wish they didn't cost so much...
SHERI-CHAN and SPYRALMOON: Thank you for reading and reviewing the story...I hop
e you guys are still reading... (KS, Sanji and Zoro: (running to the side of the
ship and looking over the railing), Sanji: " one overboard...", All Thre
e: (sigh with relief), KS: (showing the computer screen to Sanji and Zoro), All
Three: "SpyralMoon, please read the WARNING at the beginning of the UNEDITED VER
SION if you go there!!!", KS: (showing another web page to Sanji and Zoro), Sanj
i and Zoro: "OI!!!", Zoro: (eye twitching) "Sheri-chan, I would NEVER have heart
s in my eyes!", KS: "But that wasn't you, it was Sanji", Zoro and Sanji: (look a
t each other and grimace)).
To whomever left review #27, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REVIEW!!!...But, I'm sorr
y, the site is really slow and won't let me access it. And, I really need to pos
t the final installments... GOMEN NASAI!!!
Now, the story continues with...
Chapter 7: Killing Sanji
"Live as some pervert's slave," the cook's quiet words echoed in the large capta
in's chambers, "or die and be free."
Tightly gripping the wakizashi that had been mounted on the chamber's wall, the
cook yanked at the short sword until it was freed.
"Spent all that time avoiding getting sliced by that marimo head," the cook laug
hed bitterly, "only to be stabbed by my own hand." Moving the blade to his throa
t, the blonde thought, "cut here and I'll bleed out in a few minutes." Then movi
ng the blade over his heart, "cut here and it's over even faster...but it has to
go through..."
Closing his eyes, the blonde haired cook thought of his nakama. His straw hat we
aring captain with a huge grin on his face, the beautiful Nami-swan eyes full of
life, Robin-chwan with her soft and comforting smile, Usopp with his amazing vo
ice that drew anyone into his stories, Chopper and his all too cute reactions to
everything around him, and Zoro...a brother, an adversary, and a true friend wh
en needed.
"I'm coming," the cook mouthed the words as he spoke to his friends in his mind.
Pulling the wakizashi away from his body, the cook prepared to plunge it into hi
s breaking heart.
"Drop that weapon," a voice, that the blonde had become all too familiar with, o
As his mind screamed, "NO!" Over and over again, the cook found that he could no
t resist the voice. He had to obey as he was commanded.
"Don't tell me I have to put you under a twenty-four hour guard," sighed the blu
e-coated Captain as he stroked the blonde cook's cheek.
Frustration and anger built within the cook until tears spilt down his face.
"Stop that," ordered the Siren's Captain as he reached down, unbuttoning the blo
nde man's shirt. "I don't like seeing such a pretty face crying."
Unable to even control his own ability to 'express' his own feelings, the blonde
felt the tears stop.
Knowing what was coming next, Sanji withdrew deep into his own mind. Pulling far
away from everyone and everything.
Too far away to be reached, Sanji neither flinched nor blinked when the sound of
explosions came from outside on the ship's deck.
Firing one bomb after another, the Mugiwara's resident sniper shot at each of th
e Siren's masts, blowing the wood and sails to smithereens.
Katanas drawn and ready to exact some revenge, the green-haired swordsman grinne
d like a maniac, leaping from the deck of the Going Merry onto the Siren as thei
r ship came alongside the marine vessel...followed shortly by the sniper and the
ir Captain.
Tearing through the vast numbers of marines as if they were paper dolls, the swo
rdsman made his way into the kitchen. Green eyes searched the room, not locating
what they sought.
"Where is he?" Hissed the swordsman, eyes sweeping every face in the room.
"Where is who?" Asked a small chore boy in the corner towards the back.
"The blonde cook!" Snapped Zoro, growing impatient with any delays. "Where is th
e cook?"
Swallowing hard, the chore boy responded, "I think he was ordered to the Captain
's Quarters."
Running from the kitchen, blades slashing in all directions, Zoro made his way i
nto the ship...
"Zoro, where are you going?" Called the sniper as he ran after the swordsman.
"Captain's Quarters!" Yelled the swordsman as he charged downwards towards the b
owels of the ship.
"Not down there!" Shouted Usopp as he grabbed the swordsman's shoulder and pulle
d him towards one of the higher levels at the front of the ship. "THERE!"
Breaking through the wooden door, the swordsman and the sniper barreled into the
"How dare you!" Shouted the blue-coated Captain as he turned away from the blond
e cook, who was left standing half-naked in the middle of the room.
Before the Captain of the Siren could utter another word, the sniper shot a pill
straight into the other man's mouth and down his throat. Gagging and trying to
speak, the blue-coated Captain could only squeak and squawk his words.
Green-eyes took in the scene. The blonde member of his nakama stood there silent
ly, shirt open, pants around his ankles, cheeks still glistening with tears. Gro
wling with anger, the swordsman advanced towards the blue-coated kidnapper. Stee
l struck steel as the long-haired Captain responded with his katana, but when th
e battle was over, the Captain's sword laid broken on the floor, next to the fal
len body of it's owner.
"Zoro," Usopp quietly spoke to the incensed swordsman, who was still standing ov
er the dead Captain's body. "Somethings wrong with Sanji..."
Standing in the same spot, hands at his sides, the blonde cook seemed to be slig
htly rocking back and forth, quietly mouthing words to himself.
"Oi, Ero-Kokku..." the green-haired swordsman gently called the blonde, reaching
out to place a hand on the other man's shoulder.
Letting loose with an ungodly scream, the cook collapsed to the floor, scooping
up the wakizashi in the process and holding out the point towards the unknown ph
antoms that were surrounding him.
"Obake!" Screamed the cook, as his darkened eyes stared at something in the dist
ance. "You're not real!...You're all dead!..."
Motioning towards the door, the swordsman urgently spoke. "Get Luffy, NOW!"
Quickly retreating out of the door, the sniper hastened to retrieve their Captai
"Sanji," Zoro's low soothing voice tried to make a connection with the blonde wi
elding the sword, "put that down..."
"See," laughed the cook, "you can't be real. Marimo doesn't call me that..."
"All right," the swordsman's voice grew agitated, "Kuso-Kokku, I want you to dro
p that wakizashi right now! Oi! Are you listening to me, Dartboard Eyebrow?"
An empty laugh seemed to come out of the blonde as he turned the sword on himsel
f. "Almost sounds real...almost. But don't worry...I'll be with you, soon..."
"Sanji," a soft plaintive voice called out from the doorway, "what are you doing
Looking up at his Captain, pain etched all over his pale face, the cook spoke. "
I'm so sorry, Luffy. I tried to repay my debt, I tried to live...but I can't. Yo
u're gone...all gone."
"But I'm right here," laughed Luffy. "We came to rescue you."
"Rescue me?"
"Yes," smiled Luffy as he slowly walked towards the cook. Slowly reaching for th
e wakizashi still clutched in the blonde's hands, the Mugiwara's Captain pulled
the sword away and tossed it out of both of their reach. "Sanji," Luffy spoke as
he wrapped his arms around his friend and hugged him, "I'm hungry...please make
me something to eat."
Finally registering that his crew was really alive, and that he was finally safe
, the cook's emotions fully surfaced. Laughing with relief, crying from frustrat
ion and pent up anger, Sanji clutched at the man holding him.
Soon, another pair of arms was around the cook. A strong pair, that lifted both
the cook and his human security blanket, and carried them back to the Going Merr
y. Not releasing either until he had them settled back on board, in the men's qu
"Sanji," whispered the Captain, "I really am hungry."
"Baka!" Growled the swordsman, as he knocked the younger man over the head.
Face visibly relaxed, the blonde haired man had fallen asleep, still holding tig
htly to the straw-hat wearing Captain.
"Oi, Zoro," sulked Luffy, unable to escape Sanji's hold, "I'm hungry. Can you br
ing me something to eat?"
Grinning from ear to ear, the swordsman just quietly laughed and said, "Go to sl
eep. He can make you something in the morning."
Quietly grumbling, the Mugiwara Captain just sulked until he too fell asleep...
Author's Note: (Zoro sitting with his mouth open and eyes wide, hands clamped se
curely over Sanji's eyes). Um...Okay guys, what did you think? Good? Bad? Okay?.
..(Not even a sound of a pin dropping)...Um...All right...The epilog will be pos
ted shortly?! Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes and Comment: Are on the other version's page. (I thought it would
be inappropriate to post them here...Sorry.)
WARNING!!! THIS VERSION CONTAINS GRAPHIC SCENES!!! (Not as graphic as it could h
I really had to debate with myself about putting this version of the chapter up
for reading. However, I think it has more impact regarding why Sanji does what h
e does later in the chapter...
HOWEVER, THIS VERSION IS VERY DISTURBING...and I would rather give this version
an "M" rating. (So, even though this is something that could POSSIBLY air on SOM
E PRIME-TIME DRAMAS. I would feel better if the readers treated this as an "M" R
ATED chapter). THANK YOU!!!
PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS!!! Please find another story!!!
So, onto the UNEDITED VERSION of...
Chapter 7: Killing Sanji
"Live as some pervert's slave," the cook's quiet words echoed in the large capta
in's chambers, "or die and be free."
Tightly gripping the wakizashi that had been mounted on the chamber's wall, the
cook yanked at the short sword until it was freed.
"Spent all that time avoiding getting sliced by that marimo head," the cook laug
hed bitterly, "only to be stabbed by my own hand." Moving the blade to his throa
t, the blonde thought, "cut here and I'll bleed out in a few minutes." Then movi
ng the blade over his heart, "cut here and it's over even faster...but it has to
go through..."
Closing his eyes, the blonde haired cook thought of his nakama. His straw hat we
aring captain with a huge grin on his face, the beautiful Nami-swan eyes full of
life, Robin-chwan with her soft and comforting smile, Usopp with his amazing vo
ice that drew anyone into his stories, Chopper and his all too cute reactions to
everything around him, and Zoro...a brother, an adversary, and a true friend wh
en needed.
"I'm coming," the cook mouthed the words as he spoke to his friends in his mind.
Pulling the wakizashi away from his body, the cook prepared to plunge it into hi
s breaking heart.
"Drop that weapon," a voice, that the blonde had become all too familiar with, o
As his mind screamed, "NO!" Over and over again, the cook found that he could no
t resist the voice. He had to obey as he was commanded.
"Don't tell me I have to put you under a twenty-four hour guard," sighed the blu
e-coated Captain as he stroked the blonde cook's cheek.
Frustration and anger built within the cook until tears spilt down his face.
"Stop that," ordered the Siren's Captain as he reached down, unbuttoning the blo
nde man's shirt. "I don't like seeing such a pretty face crying."
Unable to even control his own ability to 'express' his own feelings, the blonde
felt the tears stop.
Green eyes lingering over the exposed chest of the blonde cook, the long haired
Captain leaned in and trailed his lips down the neck of his captured trophy.
Hands rising up to push away the unwelcome kisses, Sanji could only obey when th
e Captain purred, "Don't know you want to..."
As the Captain's soft tongue trailed down his chest, flickering across a nipple
before continuing downward, the blonde cook wanted to run and hide. He wanted to
get away as far as he could, but his feet wouldn't budge. Instead, his body cou
ld only sway back and forth, caught between the wishes of it's owner and the ord
ers of a monster.
Hot breath against his stomach, the cook could feel hands undoing his belt, tugg
ing open the fly of his pants, and slowly pulling his trousers down around his a
The light brush of lips against his crotch sent an involuntary impulse through h
is groin, and the blonde could feel his body tighten in response to the Captain'
s touch.
The cook knew that he couldn't fight his body's responses, all he could do was s
ubmit. He had tried to fight the first time the Captain had his way with him, an
d the second and third, but each time it happened, the results was the same. The
Siren's Captain would have his pleasure, and Sanji would be in pain.
Standing up, the long haired man made his way behind the cook.
Feeling the warmth of the Captain against his back, the blonde felt fingers grop
ing him, making their way inside his briefs. Edging lower and lower...
Knowing what was coming next, Sanji withdrew deep into his own mind. Pulling far
away from everyone and everything.
Too far away to be reached, Sanji neither flinched nor blinked when the sound of
explosions came from outside on the ship's deck.
Firing one bomb after another, the Mugiwara's resident sniper shot at each of th
e Siren's masts, blowing the wood and sails to smithereens.
Katanas drawn and ready to exact some revenge, the green-haired swordsman grinne
d like a maniac, leaping from the deck of the Going Merry onto the Siren as thei
r ship came alongside the marine vessel...followed shortly by the sniper and the
ir Captain.
Tearing through the vast numbers of marines as if they were paper dolls, the swo
rdsman made his way into the kitchen. Green eyes searched the room, not locating
what they sought.
"Where is he?" Hissed the swordsman, eyes sweeping every face in the room.
"Where is who?" Asked a small chore boy in the corner towards the back.
"The blonde cook!" Snapped Zoro, growing impatient with any delays. "Where is th
e cook?"
Swallowing hard, the chore boy responded, "I think he was ordered to the Captain
's Quarters."
Running from the kitchen, blades slashing in all directions, Zoro made his way i
nto the ship...
"Zoro, where are you going?" Called the sniper as he ran after the swordsman.
"Captain's Quarters!" Yelled the swordsman as he charged downwards towards the b
owels of the ship.
"Not down there!" Shouted Usopp as he grabbed the swordsman's shoulder and pulle
d him towards one of the higher levels at the front of the ship. "THERE!"
Breaking through the wooden door, the swordsman and the sniper barreled into the
"How dare you!" Shouted the blue-coated Captain as he turned away from the blond
e cook, who was left standing half-naked in the middle of the room.
Before the Captain of the Siren could utter another word, the sniper shot a pill
straight into the other man's mouth and down his throat. Gagging and trying to
speak, the blue-coated Captain could only squeak and squawk his words.
Zoro's green-eyes took in the scene. The blonde member of his nakama stood there
silently, shirt open, pants around his ankles, cheeks still glistening with tea
rs. While the Siren's Captain smirked at the scowling swordsman, closing the ope
n fly of his pants. Growling with anger, the green-haired swordsman advanced tow
ards the blue-coated kidnapper. Steel struck steel as the long-haired Captain re
sponded with his katana, but when the battle was over, the Captain's sword laid
broken on the floor, next to the fallen body of it's owner.
"Zoro," Usopp quietly spoke to the incensed swordsman, who was still standing ov
er the dead Captain's body. "Sanji..."
Standing in the same spot, hands at his sides, the blonde cook seemed to be slig
htly rocking back and forth, quietly mouthing words to himself.
"Oi, Ero-Kokku..." the green-haired swordsman gently called the blonde, reaching
out to place a hand on the other man's shoulder.
Letting loose with an ungodly scream, the cook collapsed to the floor, scooping
up the wakizashi in the process and holding out the point towards the unknown ph
antoms that were surrounding him.
"Obake!" Screamed the cook, as his darkened eyes stared at something in the dist
ance. "You're not real!...You're all dead!..."
Motioning towards the door, the swordsman urgently spoke. "Get Luffy, NOW!"
Quickly retreating out of the door, the sniper hastened to retrieve their Captai
"Sanji," Zoro's low soothing voice tried to make a connection with the blonde wi
elding the sword, "put that down..."
"See," laughed the cook, "you can't be real. Marimo doesn't call me that..."
"All right," the swordsman's voice grew agitated, "Kuso-Kokku, I want you to dro
p that wakizashi right now! Oi! Are you listening to me, Dartboard Eyebrow?"
An empty laugh seemed to come out of the blonde as he turned the sword on himsel
f. "Almost sounds real...almost. But don't worry...I'll be with you, soon..."
"Sanji," a soft plaintive voice called out from the doorway, "what are you doing
Looking up at his Captain, pain etched all over his pale face, the cook spoke. "
I'm so sorry, Luffy. I tried to repay my debt, I tried to live...but I can't. Yo
u're gone...all gone."
"But I'm right here," laughed Luffy. "We came to rescue you."
"Rescue me?"
"Yes," smiled Luffy as he slowly walked towards the cook. Slowly reaching for th
e wakizashi still clutched in the blonde's hands, the Mugiwara's Captain pulled
the sword away and tossed it out of both of their reach. "Sanji," Luffy spoke as
he wrapped his arms around his friend and hugged him, "I'm hungry...please make
me something to eat."
Finally registering that his crew was really alive, and that he was finally safe
, the cook's emotions fully surfaced. Laughing with relief, crying from frustrat
ion and pent up anger, Sanji clutched at the man holding him.
Soon, another pair of arms was around the cook. A strong pair, that lifted both
the cook and his human security blanket, and carried them back to the Going Merr
y. Not releasing either until he had them settled back on board, in the men's qu
"Sanji," whispered the Captain, "I really am hungry."
"Baka!" Growled the swordsman, as he knocked the younger man over the head.
Face visibly relaxed, the blonde haired man had fallen asleep, still holding tig
htly to the straw-hat wearing Captain.
"Oi, Zoro," sulked Luffy, unable to escape Sanji's hold, "I'm hungry. Can you br
ing me something to eat?"
Grinning from ear to ear, the swordsman just quietly laughed and said, "Go to sl
eep. He can make you something in the morning."
Quietly grumbling, the Mugiwara Captain just sulked until he too fell asleep...
Author's Note: Thank you everyone for reading and/or reviewing!!! The epilog wil
l be posted shortly! Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Okay, I hinted about this in the NAMELESS thread, so here it is.
The continuation of the story Saving Sanji.
First, let me thank all those who read and reviewed the first part! THANK YOU VE
RY MUCH!!! If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't be continuing the
riously. Because this story took so many 'hits,' and reviews (I know a lot of pe
ople have more, but it was a LOT for any one of my stories), I decided to extend
it. (Well, that...and the fact that they wouldn't be quiet. Yakamashi! LOL!) So
Lady Geuna: THANK YOU!!! Good observation! Hm...maybe the Siren's Captain was a
vampire as well, and will be back? (KS: (looking at Zoro and a worried Sanji), Z
oro: "Baka! He's dead!", KS: "Are you sure? Hahahahahaha!!!") Nah, just kidding.
..he's dead. Although, I think Zoro would have LOVED to have snipped that guy's
bud! AND, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! (And, right! That is the power of Luffy!!!)
Blizzardrake: THANK YOU!!! (Sanji: (frowning and looking at Blizzardrake) "OI!!!
"). LOL! Those scenes? I'm reserving them for my Drabbles from the Sea: the Matu
re Edition! LOL!!!
Verum: THANK YOU!!! And, I'm happy that your happy...and sorry that your sad. So
, I guess I'm, 'haporry?' (Sanji: (glaring at KS) "No more smut!", Zoro: "Better
you than me!", KS: (looking at both) "Um...guys...I should tell
!") And, thanks for the confetti!!!
Devlinn Reiko-sama: THANK YOU!!! This story may take a while, though. There's a
few bugs I have to work out of it...and time-wise, it's really rough trying to w
rite and do what I have to do around here. (KS: (running around trying to stop S
anji and Zoro from escaping). Also, gotta love Hugh Laurie! Been a fan of Stephe
n Fry and him for the longest time!
SpyralMoon: THANK YOU!!! I'm so sorry!!! (Sanji: "SpyralMoon-chwan! Don't cry! I
love you! (looking at KS and Zoro) You love me, too?", KS and Zoro: (looking at
each other, then at the readers) "Next question!")
Sheri-chan: WOW!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! (Sanji and Zoro: "NO!!!," Sanji: (to K
S) "Write more happy stories!", Zoro: "Or more of these stories WITHOUT me in th
em!", KS: (rubbing hands together) Hahahahahaha!!!). Thank you very much for the
kind words and the HUGE compliment, Sheri-chan!!!
ForeverWithering: THANK YOU!!! I hope that you like this one, too! (Sanji: (look
ing at KS) "WHY?!", KS: "Because they want it...")
Bishieluv: THANK YOU!!! And, it's funny you should ask...because...
Here's the new chapter!!!...
Chapter 9: Luring Sanji
There had been good days and bad days.
However, today was one of the few days when the cook was so absorbed in his miss
ion, that he couldn't concentrate on anything else. So, it was a very good day.
Turning down one of the back alleys, the tall blonde looked for the final stop o
n his shopping list, the little herbal shop that one of the villagers had told h
im about.
"They specialize in rare herbs," the old man had told him, "freshest in town and
all through the island."
Walking further down the alley, the curly eyebrow lifted in confusion as he turn
ed right into an brick wall, thus abruptly ending his quest.
"Well, well, well...," said the low, gravelly voice behind him, "I wondered when
I would finally catch up to you."
Slowly turning around to face the owner of the voice, the blonde's cool exterior
crumbled and the packages he had been carrying slipped out of his hands.
Standing a few feet away, the long-black haired man stood. Though this man's fac
e was not of someone he had met before, with it's fine chiseled features, the co
at was unmistakable. It was identical to a blue coat, whose owner had been haunt
ing his dreams almost every night for the past year.
Blue eye frantically searching for a way out, the blonde finally decided to try
his only possible option of escape.
Without warning, the cook charged forward, striking out with his legs as hard as
possible, hoping that he could incapacitate the red-coated man before he could
utter a word...
"Stop," the man simply stated, and the cook's feet instantly lost momentum and d
ropped to the ground.
Walking over to the blonde, the red-coated man placed a hand on the cook's cheek
. "I can see why Kanaye wanted to keep you so badly. He did have excellent taste
Then, without warning, the red-coated man slapped the cook, leaving a bright red
imprint on the blonde's pale face. "However, you will find that I'm not as comp
assionate as my brother," scowled the man as he grabbed a fistful of the cook's
golden hair, pulling the blonde's face to his. "I will get revenge for what you
and that swordsman did to Kanaye...and I will have a lot of fun doing it."
Waiting on the deck of the Going Merry, an orange-haired woman watched as a gree
n-haired man armed with three katana and a little reindeer sporting a pink hat,
returned carrying sacks of supplies.
"Zoro. Chopper." The woman called to the two, "have you seen Sanji? It's getting
late and he hasn't returned yet."
"He said he was going to look for herbs," answered the little reindeer. "One of
the villagers told him about a shop that dealt with rare herbs..."
"I'm just getting a bit worried," the orange-headed navigator replied as she loo
ked up, watching the sky darken. He promised me that he would meet us back here
on time. This isn't like him."
"Stupid Ero-Kokku," muttered the green-haired man, "probably off chasing after s
ome woman."
Choosing to ignore the swordsman's words, the navigator turned to Chopper.
"Chopper, do you know where the shop is?"
Thinking, the little reindeer slowly nodded his furry head and started down the
street, with his two crewmates in tow.
"Strange place for a herb shop," said the navigator as they walked down the alle
"Feels wrong," stated the swordsman, hand ready to pull out a sword at a moments
As the three members of the Mugiwara crew took the final right turn, they stoppe
d in their tracks. Abandoned on the ground, in front of a brick wall, were a sma
ll pile of packages.
"Not good," scowled the swordsman as he looked around for possible signs of an a
Leaning over the packages, the orange-haired woman knelt down to pick up somethi
ng sitting on the bundles.
"Oh no...," came the gasp from the navigator's lips.
Neatly folded on top of the packages was the cook's familiar black jacket, wrapp
ed around two halves of a broken sword.
Taking the damaged katana from the woman's hands, the swordsman recognized it im
mediately upon examining it.
Author's Notes: Well, you know what they say. You can't keep a 'good' bad guy do
wn. I know, lousy joke. Okay, it MAY be a longer break than usual before the nex
t chapter goes up. So, I'll just leave it with be continued!!!
Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all who are reading, and writing reviews,
for this story! ( I know, this story is being updated faster than I intended, b
ut all's the better for the reader. Right? LOL!!!)
Blizzardrake: Thank you!!! Yes, the torture of the cliffhangers can be incredibl
y painful. (Oh, you meant for the reader?...) (Zoro: (trying to attack KS) "Come
back here!", Sanji: (glaring at Zoro) "Oi! Marimo! Stop that!", Zoro: (showing
Sanji something written in a future chapter), Sanji: (looking at KS) "OI!!!!!")
Devlinn Reiko-sama: Thank you!!! Well, he's destined to be --answer edited due t
o possible spoilers-- and that's just for starters. (Sanji and Zoro: (still glar
ing at KS))
Verum: Thank you!!! (Ominous music playing in the background) Hahahahahahahaha!!
! Well, like I was telling Devlinn Reiko-sama, --answer edited due to possible s, some things are bound to happen. (Sanji: "Verum-swan!!! Stop!!!
Don't encourage the story!!!, Zoro: (eyeing the readers with a threatening glanc
e), Sanji: (kicking Zoro) "Oi! I told you, you don't do that to women!!!", Sanji
and Zoro: (fighting), KS: (rolling eyes) "Next!")
Sheri-chan: Thank you!!! Yes, Poor Sanji just keeps finding himself in certain p
ositions...doesn't he? (Sanji: "Sheri-chwan!!! See Zoro, Sheri-chwan worries abo
ut me...", Zoro: (shaking head) "Baka! Did you read the ending of what she wrote
?", Sanji: (hurt expression on his face) "Sheri-chwwaaannnnn? Why?????")
Lady Geuna: Thank you!!! Yes, Poor, POOR Sanji... (Zoro: (laughing) "The only br
eak he deserves is an arm or a leg!", Sanji and Zoro: (fighting...again))
Emerald raven: Thank you!!! Yeah, he is? Isn't he? (Sanji: "Emerald raven-chwan!
!! You think I'm 'pretty?'", Zoro: "Yeah...'pretty' stupid!", KS: (watching Sanj
i and Zoro fighting) "Oi...Some things never change...")
SpyralMoon: Thank you!!! While I hope he does, I cannot make any guarantees. (Sa
nji: "OI!!! NANI?!?!", Zoro: (laughing hysterically), KS: "Don't laugh Cabbage H
ead! If you don't rescue him, where do you think YOU are?", Zoro: (glaring at KS
And now, onto the next chapter...
Chapter 10: Shivering Sanji
Sanji was shivering.
However, whether or not it was due to the coldness of the stockade's floor benea
th him, that was another question.
The surrounding was all too familiar to the blonde. The same dimly lit room. The
ladder leading up to the closed trapdoor above. And, the lingering stares and a
nxious snickering of the other occupants of the dank cell.
Except there was one huge difference. This time, the cook was curled up on the f
loor, naked.
Captain Kano, as the cook had come to discover, had become the Captain of the Si
ren after escaping from the Going Merry. With only a third of it's original crew
surviving the fight with the Mugiwaras, the ship was barely operational, with o
nly a patch job holding it's damaged outer shell and masts together.
That was their punishment for losing against the Straw-Hat crew. That, and the l
oss of their Captain, Kanaye, whose name was only now known to the cook, despite
the amount of time he had spent as that bastard's plaything.
Added to that was the loss of Captain Kano's original ship and crew, making his
name a huge embarrassment throughout the entire marine fleet.
The angry red-coated Captain decided that the only way for he, and the remains o
f his brother's crew, to regain their reputation was to get rid of the two respo
nsible for their loss of face..."Black Leg" Sanji and "Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zo
And, Captain Kano was going to take deep pleasure in making the cook's and sword
sman's last moments on earth a living hell.
"If he makes an attempt to escape," the Captain had told the rest of the men in
the hold, "do with him whatever you like." Then, as he closed the trapdoor he ha
d added, "that includes if you even think he is trying to escape..."
Without his shoes, or a shred of clothes between himself and the sexually depriv
ed men in the hold, the cook stayed where he perfectly still as possibl
Sitting in the Captain's Quarters of the Siren, Captain Kano stared at the blood
stain where his brother had fallen only a year ago.
Laughing, the Captain talked to the empty space in the room.
"Kanaye," Spoke the Captain as he shook an index finger at the spot, "I told you
that keeping pretty pets on board your ship would have dangerous consequences,
but you never did listen to me, did you? No, you would just do whatever you want
ed, and I would have to clean up your messes. After all, what else is an older b
rother supposed to do?"
After a few more chuckles, the red-coated man grew somber and quiet as he looked
at the ceiling.
"But these two are different. They took everything away from me...and you. These
two pirates. They need to be taught a lesson." Then casting his eyes back on th
e stained floor, he continued talking. "Oh, don't worry. When it's over I'll sen
d your blonde pet to you...and the swordsman? You can take out your revenge on h
im when he gets there, too."
Growing angry, the red-coated man concluded, "As for me, I know the best revenge
that I can extract from those two. And it's going to be absolutely glorious wat
ching them pay..."
"I knew Chopper should have cut out his vocal chords," growled the swordsman as
he read the note that the orange-haired navigator had found in the cook's jacket
Roronoa Zoro,
Come to the Northern side of the island, tomorrow at noon.
If you do not, the cook will be executed immediately.
Captain Kano
A simple, straightforward note. No elaborate words. No elaborate threats. Just s
traight and to the point.
"It's a trap," thought the swordsman as he read the note once more.
"So, what are you going to do?" Asked Nami, as she watched the unreadable expres
sion on the green-haired man's face.
"The only thing I can do..." Answered the swordsman as he left the orange-haired
woman alone in the ship's candlelit kitchen.
"Save him..."
Author's Notes: Once again, thank you very much for reading and reviewing this s
tory. I really hope you guys are liking it. Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all the readers and/or reviewers out ther
e!!! THANK YOU!!! Your comments are always greatly appreciated!!!
(Trying hard to keep Sanji and Zoro away from the computer keyboard)
Blizzardrake: Thank you!!! I love Sanji and Zoro, both equally...although Sanji
does have a special place on my computer screen. LOL!!! (Sanji: "OI!!! What kind
of scene?!?! Blizzardrake-chwan?!?! WHY?!?!", Zoro: (trying to run out the door
), KS: (holding the key to the door))
Sheri-chan: Thank you!!! And, I think Sanji is 'gorgeous' too! I'll try to updat
e as fast as possible! (Sanji: (waving) "Thank you, Sheri-chwan!!!", Zoro: (grow
ling) "Why do I have to rescue him all the time?")
Now, onto the next (albeit short) chapter...
Chapter 11: Suspending Sanji
"Ussop, are you sure you can do it?"
If he was walking into a trap for that Kuso-Kokku, the swordsman wanted to make
sure that they would have a way out.
If Usopp couldn't get his device up and running, he would be committing suicide.
..and sentencing that Ero-Kokku to death. And, that just would not do. After all
, he was going to be the World's Greatest Swordsman, and the cook had fulfill hi
s dream of reaching All Blue.
Nodding, the sniper answered, "I can do it, but it won't be ready for at least a
nother two hours."
"We don't have two hours!" Stormed the swordsman. "I have to go meet this asshol
e in an hour! Sanji and I could be dead by then!"
"Don't pressure me!" Screeched Usopp, as he poured over the pieces of his soon-t
o-be newest invention. "I'm doing the best that I can!"
"Then do better than your best!" Growled the swordsman, handing his beloved swor
ds to the sniper. "And remember, bring my katana when you come. If I take them w
ith me now, that bastard will only take it away from me."
Walking outside onto the deck of the Going Merry, the swordsman started out on h
is trek.
Having spent the night on the solid floor, curled up and afraid to move, half of
the cook's body was now stiff and throbbing with a dull pain.
Moving as slowly as possible, the blonde attempted to move the arm and leg that
the rest of his body weight had been resting against. At first there was a tingl
ing numbness, then sharp needles seemed to tear through those two appendages, fo
rcing the cook to involuntarily roll over on his back, gasping in pain.
Immediately he heard the a rumble spreading across the cell.
Unable to move the arm and leg that he had been sleeping on, the cook drew back
his only usable leg and prepared to go down fighting.
"Bastards!" Hissed the cook, waiting to strike out at the first man to advance t
owards him.
Suddenly, the trapdoor swung open as the red-coated Captain's voice boomed from
"Bring him up and prepare him," ordered the Captain.
Only slightly relieved that he was leaving that hellish stockade, the blonde dro
pped his leg as a burly marine descended down the ladder.
Swinging the cook over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the hulking marine
carried the blonde back up through the trapdoor. Through a corridor, up a set of
stairs, and through another corridor until he came to the Captain's Quarters, t
he marine dumped the naked cook onto the wooden floor.
In the middle of the room was the visible blood stained spot where the blue-coat
ed Kanaye had died. To each corner of the spot was a steel peg driven into the f
loor, each attached to an iron cuff, and forming a perfect square.
"Secure him," commanded the Captain as he entered the room.
Watching as the burly man approached him, the cook lashed out with his usable fo
ot, only to have his shoeless foot knocked aside.
Unable to adequately fight back, the blonde was soon cuffed to the pegs on the f
loor, spread eagle on his back, with his wrists and ankles suspended about a foo
t-and-a-half in the air above him.
"Worried I'll have my way with you?" Asked the Captain as he hovered over the co
ok, gleefully taunting him. "Don't worry. I have something much better planned f
or you and that bastard of a swordsman."
Kicking the blonde in his unprotected groin, the Captain laughed.
"In fact, let me tell you exactly what is going to happen..."
Author's Note: Um. Hope you like the story so far...? Actually, I just hope I ha
ven't scared away any readers. This red-coated Captain Kano is evil personified.
(Just a warning to you guys. So, please don't freak out with the next few chapt
ers, okay). Also, chapter 13 is going to be another '2 version' chapter--warning
you guys ahead of time. Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all the READERS and/or REVIEW
ERS for this story!!! It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Verum: Thank you!!! (KS: (looking at the two), Sanji: "Hi, Verum-swan!!! And, ha
i! It does!", Zoro: (glaring) "I am NOT obvious! I just call things how I see th
em.", KS: (laughing) "Obviously...")
Lady Geuna: Thank you!!! But you don't know how sick this guy really is...but yo
u'll be finding out really soon. (Sanji: "Hi, Lady Geuna-swan!!! Yes! Dull woode
n spoon, or a rusty sashimi knife!")
Blizzardrake: Thank you!!! (Sanji: (running to the door and barricading it from
the inside), Zoro: (blocking KS from opening the door), KS: (to Blizzardrake) "S
Oh, and just a reminder, Chapter 13 will be in TWO forms. One for the younger se
t, and one for the mature readers!!! PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS!!! THANK YOU!!!
Now, onto the next installment...
Chapter 12: Ransoming Sanji
"Almost noon," thought Zoro as he ran down an ill trampled path away from where
he hoped the Going Merry had been.
After two ten minute walks that led him back to the Going Merry, one fifteen min
ute jaunt that led him to the west side of the island, one twenty minute hustle
that ended on the east side of the island, he was now running at top speed for w
hat he hoped was the north side of the island.
Sprinting towards the beach, the swordsman finally saw the ship bobbing up and d
own in the water.
Even though the green-haired man had set out an hour in advance, on a trek that
should have taken less than half of the time he had taken, he still had arrived
later than he had expected.
It was only a couple of minutes to noon, and he still had quite a distance to co
Running towards the small group of men surrounding a dingy, the swordsman waved
his arms for them to see.
As he reached the men, the swordsman slowed down, sucking down air, trying to ca
tch his breath.
"I' of air)...not...late..."
"Exactly on time," said the red-coated Captain, who was standing in the middle o
f the group, in case the Mugiwara crew had decided to ambush him. Then feigning
disappointment, the Captain waved to his men on the ship. "Too bad. Guess we can
't kill your friend...Well, not yet, anyway."
"Asshole..." Muttered the swordsman, still breathing heavily.
Climbing into the boat with the rest of his men, the Captain simply smirked and
ordered, "get in."
Unable to fight the command, the swordsman walked into the surf and boarded the
dingy, before it set off back towards the ship.
Once on board, the Captain simply said, "Follow me, Zoro." And the swordsman hee
led at the Captain's commands, like a dog on an invisible leash.
Into the ship, up a set of stairs, down a corridor, until the two men were at th
e door of a familiar room. The Captain's Quarters.
"I have a surprise for you," smirked the Captain, "go in."
Opening the door and entering the room, the swordsman was shocked to see a sheet
covering something lying on the floor.
"What the h--," said the swordsman before being interrupted by the red-coated ma
"Wait right there," laughed the Captain as he walked over and bent down, grabbin
g a corner of the sheet.
Yanking at the cloth, the Captain revealed the naked blonde lying on the floor.
Wrists and ankles shackled and slick with blood, indicated to the swordsman that
the cook had tried to break free.
"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Shouted the swordsman as his hands automatically reache
d for the swords that were no longer there.
"Oh come now..." Scolded the Captain, "You can do better than name calling...or
can you?"
Filled with rage, the swordsman started to make a move towards the Captain.
"Stop where you are," ordered the Captain, abruptly bringing the swordsman's mov
ements to a screeching halt. "Well, I guess you can't." Mocked the Captain.
Green-eyes then looked down towards his chained nakama. With a blue-eye staring
wildly back at the swordsman, the cook's chest rose and fell with each ragged br
eath, as the man continued to yank at his bonds. The blonde's look seemed to ind
icate that the cook needed to scream something to Zoro, but despite everything,
he wasn't moving his mouth or uttering a sound.
"What did you do to him?" Growled the swordsman.
"Nothing yet," answered the Captain as a wide grin appeared on his face, "I just
told him a secret...and not to say a word about it, until it's over..."
Author's Notes: Um...guys. Okay, I have to warn you. The next chapter gets prett
y...well...disturbing. I just want you to remember, this guy is pretty much 'evi
l' personified. So, it may get a bit gut wrenching. Sorry.
Gotta run! Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all the readers and/or reviewers who are
sticking with this story!!! THANK YOU!!!
scenes of YAOI, RAPE and /or VIOLENCE...PLEASE STOP READING!!! This is the 'clea
n' (or 'tamer') version of this chapter; however, it is still a disturbing chapt
er. Please be aware of this before proceeding. Thank you.
SpyralMoon: Thank you!!! And, thank you for the offer of candy. However, I'm mor
e of a miso soup type of person. LOL!
ForeverWithering: Thank you!!! It'll be up in a sec. LOL!
Lady Geuna: Thank you!!! You are one very scary woman! (checking under the bed f
or listening devices, and checking my computer for spyware) LOL!!! (Sanji and Zo
ro: (checking their clothes for 'bugs', too))
Verum: Thank you!!! And...I...hate...cliffhangers...too... Unfortunately, the ch
apters just seem to naturally break that way. Sorry... LOL!!! However, I do have
to say...Where is the next chapter of Games People Play??? (More, please!!!)
(KS: sulking because when one has to write, one doesn't get a chance to read all
the wonderful stories out there...bummer.)
Okay, and now for Chapter 13...
Chapter 13: Punishing Sanji
"So this was your plan?" Hissed the swordsman as he felt his foot connecting wit
h Sanji's side, over and over again.
As the blonde grimaced in pain, he didn't moan or cry out. He only glared at the
Captain who was watching with an amused smile on his face.
There was a loud crunching sound as the cook's eyes shut tight, and tears appear
ed in the corners of his eyes.
"I guess you can stop now," the Captain finally spoke. "Unless you want to conti
Zoro's foot fell to the floor, as his eyes narrowed on the Captain.
"What?" Questioned the Captain with an expression of innocence on his face, "You
two killed my brother. Did you expect to get away with that?"
"Your brother was a fricking pervert!" Shouted the swordsman, "he deserved what
he got!"
"So, my brother had a few faults," conceded the Captain as he walked over to, an
d looked down at, the blonde's face, "including an 'appreciation' for pretty thi
ngs..." Then kicking the cook hard on the side of his face, he continued, "but t
hat didn't give you the right to kill him..."
Staring at the darkening mark on the side of the cook's face, the swordsman spat
, "You both deserve to die."
"And I think you two deserve so much more," returned the Captain with an equal a
mount of venom.
The swordsman looked at the cook, who was once more yanking at the shackles tryi
ng to break free. A desperate look on the blonde's face pleaded to him to do som
ething, but the green-haired man didn't know what.
"Kneel down next to him," commanded the Captain as he stood on the opposite side
of the cook from the swordsman.
Kneeling down next to the cook, the swordsman watched as the cook shut his eye a
s tight as he could.
"Oh, that won't do," scolded the Captain. "You, Sanji...Open your eyes. I want y
ou to watch the swordsman."
Obediently, the cook's blue-eye opened, filled with fear.
"Zoro, why don't you show how much you care for your friend here. Kiss him."
Struggling not to obey, the swordsman leaned forward until his lips were pressed
harshly against the other man's mouth. Pulling away, the swordsman's eyes were
murderous as they glared at the Captain.
"Now, drop your pants."
"I'm going to kill you," seethed the swordsman, his face turned red with anger a
nd humiliation, as his pants dropped down to his knees.
Smiling, the Captain teased, "I don't think so. However, I could have you two ki
ll each other. Wouldn't that be fitting?" Then looking back at the cook he state
d, "but that has to come later. I don't think you two have suffered enough."
A tight knot began to form in the swordsman's stomach as he watched the cook's f
ace. Like a trapped animal, Sanji's expression of complete horror told the sword
sman what was coming next.
"Enter him." The command confused the swordsman who did not understand what it m
"You are so thick," the Captain shook his head as he squatted down to the swords
man's level and softly whispered something into his ear.
"No!" Yelled the swordsman as his body moved itself, climbing between the cook's
legs. Trying not to put any weight on the cook's broken rib, the swordsman lean
ed over the blonde.
Unable to stop himself, the swordsman tried to cover the cook's eyes, trying to
spare him the sight of what he was being forced to do to the cook's body.
"Look into each other's eyes as you do it!" The Captain's anger momentarily surf
aced, before he laughed and added, "Don't be stupid, Zoro. He was your damsel in
distress. This is the least that he owes you."
Staring into each other's eyes, Zoro remembered the look that he had seen on the
cook's face that day. How the blonde was ready to end it all because of what he
had endured at the hands of the blue-coated Captain.
And now, the swordsman was afraid that this final act would push the cook perman
ently over the edge.
Without any preparation, the swordsman found the opening between the cook's wide
spread legs, and pushed deep within him.
The blue-orb that the swordsman had been watching seemed to scream with pain, as
it continued to stare desperately back at Zoro. For a moment, the cook's body s
eemed to seize up and stop breathing. After a long while, the cook's chest began
to rise and fall once more, but with uneven gasps as his body began to shake.
"Sanji..." The swordsman started to speak, not able to find the words to continu
"Do it!" Ordered the Captain.
The swordsman's body began to move violently back and forth, as he felt himself
pulling back, then violently thrusting forward.
Unable to break eye-contact with each other, the swordsman watched the cook's ey
e as it glazed over in shock and pain, until it had a completely dead look of a
doll's eye...lifeless and empty.
Once it was over, the swordsman pulled on his pants and knelt down next to the h
is friend.
"Sanji?" The swordsman's sad voice tried to reach the cook, who had gone somewhe
re away from the hideously cruel scene.
"Don't you have something to tell him?" The Captain taunted.
Without a pause of hesitation, or a hint of emotion, the cook simply said, "I lo
ve you, Zoro."
Closing his eyes tightly, the swordsman could hear the Captain's booming laughte
r ringing throughout the room.
"Isn't that sweet? A lover's declaration."
Opening his eyes, the swordsman stared directly at the red-coated freak.
"I promise you...I will kill you before this day is over."
"Don't promise things that you can never deliver," snapped the Captain as he sto
od up and walked away from the pair. "Too bad you are so arrogant, Zoro. If you
weren't, I would just kill you both right now, and both of your suffering would
be over. However, since you are so stubborn...I think I need to try another way
to knock that cockiness out of you."
Closing his eyes, the swordsman could feel the burning rage within his chest. An
anger so deep, that it surpassed any he had ever felt in his life.
"I swear to you that I will kill him, Sanji." The swordsman silently promised hi
s friend. "I swear it..."
Author's Notes: Again, I hope I didn't make anyone sick. Thank you for reading!!
! And if you decide to review this, thank you for that, too!!! Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all the readers and/or reviewers who are
sticking with this story!!! THANK YOU!!! (The 'response comments' are on the oth
er version. Due to the nature of this version, I didn't post the 'response comme
nts' here... Sorry.)
Added Note: I'm not fond of writing these kinds of scenes, because it's pretty g
ut-wrenching to write. In other words, you suffer along side the characters. How
ever, it was important for the story...because without it, you wouldn't know how
evil this guy is.

scenes of YAOI, RAPE and /or VIOLENCE...PLEASE STOP READING!!! This chapter does
not pull any punches!!! Please be aware of this warning if you choose to procee
d!!! Thank you!!!
THIS CHAPTER IS RATED "M" FOR 'MATURE' READERS ONLY'!!! You have thus been warne
Chapter 13: Punishing Sanji
"So this was your plan?" Hissed the swordsman as he felt his foot connecting wit
h Sanji's side, over and over again.
As the blonde grimaced in pain, he didn't moan or cry out. He only glared at the
Captain who was watching with an amused smile on his face.
There was a loud crunching sound as the cook's eyes shut tight, and tears appear
ed in the corners of his eyes.
"I guess you can stop now," the Captain finally spoke. "Unless you want to conti
Zoro's foot fell to the floor, as his eyes narrowed on the Captain.
"What?" Questioned the Captain with an expression of innocence on his face, "You
two killed my brother. Did you expect to get away with that?"
"Your brother was a fricking pervert!" Shouted the swordsman, "he deserved what
he got!"
"So, my brother had a few faults," conceded the Captain as he walked over to, an
d looked down at, the blonde's face, "including an 'appreciation' for pretty thi
ngs..." Then kicking the cook hard on the side of his face, he continued, "but t
hat didn't give you the right to kill him..."
Staring at the darkening mark on the side of the cook's face, the swordsman spat
, "You both deserve to die."
"And I think you two deserve so much more," returned the Captain with an equal a
mount of venom.
The swordsman looked at the cook, who was once more yanking at the shackles tryi
ng to break free. A desperate look on the blonde's face pleaded to him to do som
ething, but the green-haired man didn't know what.
"Kneel down next to him," commanded the Captain as he stood on the opposite side
of the cook from the swordsman.
Kneeling down next to the cook, the swordsman watched as the cook shut his eye a
s tight as he could.
"Oh, that won't do," scolded the Captain. "You, Sanji...Open your eyes. I want y
ou to watch the swordsman."
Obediently, the cook's blue-eye opened, filled with fear.
"Zoro, why don't you show how much you care for your friend here. Kiss him."
Struggling not to obey, the swordsman leaned forward until his lips were pressed
harshly against the other man's mouth. Pulling away, the swordsman's eyes were
murderous as they glared at the Captain.
"Now, drop your pants."
"I'm going to kill you," seethed the swordsman, his face turned red with anger a
nd humiliation, as his pants dropped down to his knees exposing his genitals.
Smiling, the Captain teased, "I don't think so. However, I could have you two ki
ll each other. Wouldn't that be fitting?" Then looking back at the cook he state
d, "but that has to come later. I don't think you two have suffered enough."
A tight knot began to form in the swordsman's stomach as he watched the cook's f
ace. Like a trapped animal, Sanji's expression of complete horror told the sword
sman what was coming next.
"Enter him." The command confused the swordsman who did not understand what it m
"You are so thick," the Captain shook his head as he squatted down to the swords
man's level and softly ordered, "Fuck him."
"No!" Yelled the swordsman as his body moved itself, climbing between the cook's
legs. Trying not to put any weight on the cook's broken rib, the swordsman lean
ed over the blonde, his member beginning to harden as it rubbed against the othe
r man's inner thigh.
Unable to stop himself, the swordsman tried to cover the cook's eyes, trying to
spare him the sight of what he was being forced to do to the cook's body.
"Look into each other's eyes as you do it!" The Captain's anger momentarily surf
aced, before he laughed and added, "Don't be stupid, Zoro. He was your damsel in
distress. This is the least that he owes you."
Staring into each other's eyes, Zoro remembered the look that he had seen on the
cook's face that day. How the blonde was ready to end it all because of what he
had endured at the hands of the blue-coated Captain.
And now, the swordsman was afraid that this final act would push the cook perman
ently over the edge.
Leering, as he leaned forward, the red-coated Captain spoke into the swordsman's
ear. "I said, FUCK HIM."
Without any preparation, the swordsman felt his hardened member find the opening
between the cook's widespread legs, and push deep within him.
The blue-orb that the swordsman had been watching seemed to scream with pain, as
it continued to stare desperately back at Zoro. For a moment, the cook's body s
eemed to seize up and stop breathing. After a long while, the cook's chest began
to rise and fall once more, but with uneven gasps as his body began to shake.
"Sanji..." The swordsman started to speak, not able to find the words to continu
"Did I say 'make love' to him?" Asked the Captain in a mocking tone, "No. I said
, 'FUCK HIM!'"
The swordsman's body began to move violently back and forth, as he felt himself
pulling back, then violently thrusting deep within the naked blonde.
Unable to break eye-contact with each other, the swordsman watched the cook's ey
e as it glazed over in shock and pain, until it had a completely dead look of a
doll's eye...lifeless and empty.
While the swordsman could not control the growing tightening in his crotch, he c
ould feel something warm and slippery beginning to coat his member. And when he
finally came, the swordsman fell spent and exhausted on the cook's slender frame
before completely pulling out of the cook.
Horrified to find that the wetness that he had felt earlier was blood from somew
here deep inside the blonde, the swordsman pulled on his pants and knelt down ne
xt to the his friend.
"Sanji?" The swordsman's sad voice tried to reach the cook, who had gone somewhe
re away from the hideously cruel scene.
"Don't you have something to tell him?" The Captain taunted.
Without a pause of hesitation, or a hint of emotion, the cook simply said, "I lo
ve you, Zoro."
Closing his eyes tightly, the swordsman could hear the Captain's booming laughte
r ringing throughout the room.
"Isn't that sweet? A lover's declaration."
Opening his eyes, the swordsman stared directly at the red-coated freak.
"I promise you...I will kill you before this day is over."
"Don't promise things that you can never deliver," snapped the Captain as he sto
od up and walked away from the pair. "Too bad you are so arrogant, Zoro. If you
weren't, I would just kill you both right now, and both of your suffering would
be over. However, since you are so stubborn...I think I need to try another way
to knock that cockiness out of you."
Closing his eyes, the swordsman could feel the burning rage within his chest. An
anger so deep, that it surpassed any he had ever felt in his life.
"I swear to you that I will kill him, Sanji." The swordsman silently promised hi
s friend. "I swear it..."
Author's Notes: Thank you for reading! And if you review this, thank you for rev
iewing! Also, sorry if this made anyone sick. Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all those who are still reading and revie
wing this story!!! (Despite the really horrific Chapter 13). Thank you!!!
Added Note: A member of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to An
ime Characters (ASPCAC) was on hand during creation of all chapters. Stunt repla
cements were used for certain scenes of this story. (The real Sanji and Zoro hav
e not been harmed during the creation of any scenes). Thank you!
Devlinn Reiko-sama: Thank you!!! I'm glad that you like the story so far (and I
mean the 'reading'...not what happened to Sanji in the last chapter). And yes...
'Poor Sanji.' (Sanji: (enjoying getting petted) "Devlinn Reiko-swan!!! Pet me so
me more!!!", Zoro: "Oi! What about Poor Zoro?", KS: (bonks Zoro on the head))
Blizzardrake: Thank you!!! But 'me'? 'Cruel?' (batting 'innocent' eyelashes) And
, I think the red-coated Captain's butt pretty much belongs to Zoro. (Sanji: (hu
gging Blizzardrake back) "Mellorine! Mellorine!", Zoro: (trying to escape gettin
g hugged) "Oi!", KS: "I did mention that I used 'stunt doubles' right?")
Sheri-chan: Thank you!!! I am so sorry that I made you cry! Reading that made me
cry! Sorry. (Sanji: "Don't cry Sheri-chwan!!! I'm okay!", Zoro: (chuckling) "If
you want, I can make that Kuso-Kokku cry...", KS: (bonks Zoro on the head, agai
SpyralMoon: Thank you!!! And, I'm so sorry if the chapter upset you. That is why
I tried to warn people way before hand that it would be 'gut wrenching'...belie
ve me, it was probably harder to write it, than it was for others to read it. Ho
wever, I tried to be true to the characters--and when someone is out for revenge
on that level, they can be pretty twisted. (Sanji and Zoro: (looking at KS, lau
ghing), KS: (looking at an empty bowl, sadly sighing))
And, onto the next chapter...
Chapter 14: Conversing Sanji
"Are you sure you want to hear this?"
It was late at night, and while the rest of the crew had gone to bed, the cook a
nd the swordsman sat at the kitchen table, talking.
"I told you 'whenever you want to talk.'"
While their relationship usually consisted of name calling and constant battles,
their rivalry also allowed both to talk honestly to one another. Beneath the fi
ghting there had always been a deep rooted respect and understanding, and a trus
t that could only be shared by comrades who had fought side-by-side in the battl
And now one of the comrades was in pain, and needed to talk.
As the night rolled on, the cook began to recall his horrifying ordeal on the Si
ren. From his time tied-up in the stockade, to the moment that he thought his en
tire nakama were dead, to the days and nights of being raped and sodomized by th
e blue-coated Captain.
Being constantly told how beautiful he was, while being subjected to one of the
ugliest treatments known to man.
The swordsman quietly sat and listened as the cook told him how sometimes he had
to tell himself that 'this' (being with his nakama back on the Going Merry) was
not a dream.
And, when the blonde divulged that he was still having constant nightmares about
the blue-coated Captain, the swordsman gave him his shoulder to lean on and tol
d him that all that was over, and that everything would be okay from now on.
But it wasn't fact, it was far from being over...
"However," thought the swordsman as he watched the pale face of his friend, blan
k and staring, "if we have to die, maybe it's best if he never snaps out of it."
"Hurry up, Usopp!" Called the orange-haired navigator from the shoreline.
In the distance, anchored away from the reef, the Siren bobbed up and down in th
e surf.
Emerging from the trail, the long-nosed sniper arrived followed by the reindeer
in his Heavy Point (human-like) form, carrying an incredibly large parabolic dev
Placing it on the ground, the sniper quickly ran around the device, aiming it to
wards the ship in the distance.
"It's all ready!" Shouted the sniper.
At that moment, the Going Merry also appeared in the distance, quickly advancing
towards the Siren.
Loud explosions could be heard, as the three crewmates could only watch as canno
nballs started to fly from the Siren towards the Going Merry.
"Okay, Usopp! Let her rip!!!" Shouted the orange-haired navigator.
Throwing the 'on' switch, a loud hum began to emanate from the device...
Author's Notes: Thank you for those who are still reading and reviewing this sto
ry. This chapter is more benign (especially since the last one), so I hope that
you guys are okay with this one. Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all those who read and wrote reviews for
this story!!! (Whether you liked it or not, it's always good to hear what people
think). Thank you!
Added Note: To avoid confusion in the future. Please, if you guys want a 'RAPE'
story from me...unfortunately, this is the result. :( However, if you want a 'BO
NDAGE' story...that is more in the vein of the Drabbles from the Sea: The Mature
Edition stories. To me, rape is a really horrendous action that is neither abou
t sex nor tends to be about power and control. However, bondage is mor
e about an act involving a dominant and submissive person...that TENDS to be con
sensual. (In my Someone's in the Kitchen with Sanji story, if he really wanted t
o, he could have escaped). Hope this helps. :)

Lady Geuna: Thank you!!! And seriously, I need to find that listening device. :)
(Sanji and Zoro: (looking at each other, then running to search the restroom fo
r cameras)) Love your analysis of the brothers. Yep, they are definitely a coupl
e of very screwed up people...I would hate to have met their family. And, thank
you for the info on vampires. (I definitely don't think Kanaye would have been a
vampire. In fact, I think they would have risen up to kill him. Too impetuous a
nd greedy). (KS: (trying to check his blood pressure and iron count) "Come back
here!!!", Zoro: (runs away)). (KS: (handing a rusty knife to Lady Geuna, and hol
ding down Kano) "GO FOR IT!!!")
SpyralMoon: Thank you!!! And, again, I am SO VERY SORRY that Chapter 13 upset yo
u. :( But don't worry...there's good news ahead...Well, kind of... (Zoro: (gulpi
ng down the miso) "Arigatou.", Sanji: (bonking Zoro on the head) "Say it properl
y! (waving) "Hi, SpyralMoon-chwan!", Zoro: (rubbing lump on his head, and grumbl
ing) "Arigatou gozaimasu.")
Blizzardrake: Thank you!!! (Sanji: "Hi, Blizzardrake-chwan!!!" (running over and
hugging Blizzardrake a bit too much), Zoro: "OI!!! Stop that you Ero-Kokku!!!",
Sanji: (look of innocence) "Jealous?", (fighting resumes))
Eileen-san: Thank you!!! (Sanji: (whimpering) "Eileen-swan!!! Why?!?, Zoro: (lau
ghing), KS: (bonks Zoro on the head))
And now...
Chapter 15: Silencing Sanji
Dropping the dagger in front of the swordsman, the red-coated Captain allowed th
e blade to strike and stick in the wooden floor.
"Take it," ordered the Captain.
All too eager to find a way to get at the red-coated monster, the swordsman grab
bed the weapon in his left hand and immediately moved to try and strike at the C
"Stop," stated the Captain, and the swordsman's body obeyed. "It's a shame that
you keep trying my patience," said the red-coated man, his voice sounding mildly
disappointed, "but I guess you are forcing me to take drastic measures."
Frozen in his position, the swordsman could only grit his teeth and glare at the
"Maybe I should have you stab your friend in the stomach? It won't kill him imme
diately, and he would suffer quite a bit. Or maybe I should have you plunge that
dagger in his heart? Oh, but I guess that's just me being a romantic. You stabb
ing your loved one through the heart... Or, how about you slitting his throat op
en? Watching him bleed all over the floor, just like my brother!"
The swordsman could feel a wave of nausea rising up within him.
"But that would just be over in a flash. Not much of a punishment for you, is it
Walking over to a nearby chair, the Captain sat down on the soft velvet cushion.
"Oh, I know," smiled the red-coated man as a smirk broke across his face, "since
he is your damsel in distress. I think it would only be fitting if you cut..."
The swordsman shut his eyes, afraid of what the next command would be.
However, the command never came.
Eyes snapping open, the swordsman was surprised to see the wide-eyed Captain try
ing to yell out commands as he stood up, drawing the sword on his left hip.
Leaping at the red-coated Captain, fueled by anger and rage, the swordsman used
the dagger to knock the sword aside. In one swift movement, Zoro grabbed the Cap
tain's forearm with his right hand and cut deep into the flesh of Captain Kano's
elbow crease.
Screaming in pain, the red-coated monster dropped the sword as his arm was rende
red useless.
Diving for the sword, the Mugiwara's swordsman was soon on his feet, eyes ablaze
and a horrible grin plastered across his face.
Knowing that Captain Kano would not be able to hear what he was saying. The swor
dsman slowly mouthed the words so that the Captain could see quite clearly what
he was saying.
And as the Captain's eyes widened, Zoro plunged the sword into Kano's groin, bla
de facing the ceiling, and swung the blade upwards with all his might.
When the fight was over, the red-coated Kano lay on the floor of the Captain's Q
uarters, split in two, creating his own blood stained puddle on the ship's floor
Finding the keys on one of the halves of the Captain's dead body, the swordsman
undid the cuffs, freeing the cook from his bonds. Then, grabbing the white sheet
, he carefully wrapped it around the exposed man.
Looking into the blonde's eye, the green-haired man gently held the cook in his
Unable to retrieve his friend from the place that he had fled to, the swordsman
felt an unfamiliar sensation trickling down his cheeks...
Holding the blonde to his chest, and rocking him slowly, the swordsman kept repe
ating the same statement, over and over into the cook's ear.
Words that Sanji could never hear.
Fists rapidly flying, the Mugiwara's Captain fired fist after fist at the Siren.
Marines flew off the deck, landing silently in the water, while wooden shards fr
om broken masts and planks scattered in the wake of Luffy's attack.
Hands appeared around the Siren's cannons, turning the weapons straight up into
the air. Causing the cannon balls to fall back towards the ship, quietly destroy
ing the weapons that had fired them.
When the battle was over, the entire crew of the Siren was either dead, or had a
bandoned ship.
As the Going Merry pulled alongside the listing Siren, the Mugiwara Captain and
the raven haired Robin saw a lone figure standing on the remains of the other sh
ip's deck.
Carrying the white bundled cook in his arms, blonde head resting against his sho
ulder, the green-haired man waited to bring his friend back home to the Going Me
Author's Notes: Thank you very much to all those who read and reviews this story
!!! (Final Chapter is coming up...) Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Saving Sanji
Author of 12 Stories 1. Missing Sanji2. Deceiving Sanji3. Working Sanji4. Brea
king Sanji5. Dreaming Sanji6. Finding Sanji7. Killing Sanji8. Killing Sanji UNED
ITED VERSION9. For the Love of Sanji10. Luring Sanji11. Shivering Sanji12. Suspe
nding Sanji13. Ransoming Sanji14. Punishing Sanji15. Punishing Sanji UNEDITED VE
RSION16. Conversing Sanji17. Silencing Sanji18. A Sacrifice for Sanji
Rated: M - English - General/Angst - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 100 - Updated: 05-2
3-07 - Published: 05-10-07 - Complete - id:3531567
RY!!! Once more, sorry for those 'disturbing scenes' in Chapter 13!!! THANK YOU!
Devlinn Reiko-sama: Thank you!!! (Sanji: (waving) "Hi, Devlinn Reiko-swan!!!") I
hope you like this ending. It won't be everyone's ideal. However, after running
many different scenarios through my head, this is the one that I was most satis
fied with...for now.
Which also means that this line of story may be reopened (hopefully much later i
n the future)...but, I / they / and all of you, won't be going through this type
of trauma again. It will be a whole different type...
And so this brings us to the final chapter...
Chapter 16: A Sacrifice for Sanji
"OI, KUSO-KOKKU!!!" Shouted the swordsman as he yanked the blonde out of his ham
Lying on the floor of the Men's Quarters, the cook stared up at the swordsman. E
yes wide and blank.
Then slowly he blinked.
Bending down so that his face was only inches away from the cook's, Zoro smirked
. "It's noon already and you haven't even made breakfast yet."
Staring at the swordsman as if the man was speaking in an unknown language, the
cook slowly began to get up. Only to realize that there was a tearing pain in hi
s side. Grabbing at it, the cook let out a yelp.
Carefully helping the blonde to his feet, the grin momentarily fell away from th
e swordsman's face.
"You better have Chopper take a look at that...Sorry, I guess I hit you a bit to
o hard yesterday."
"Nani?" The cook finally spoke.
Searching the top of the blonde head, the swordsman laughed and teased, "When we
were fighting? Yesterday? Don't you remember anything?"
"You were unconscious all night. I guess I finally won one..."
Face turning red, the cook began to shout. "Shitty Swordsman! You couldn't win o
ne if I tied one of my feet to the floor and my hands behind my back!"
"You keep telling yourself that, Dartboard Eyebrow!" Taunted the swordsman as he
walked out of the room, waving with the back of a hand at the blonde.
Once on the deck, the swordsman waited until the cook came flying out of the Men
's Quarters.
"Don't worry, my precious Nami-swan and Robin-chwan won't starve!" Yelled the co
ok at the top of his voice as he disappeared into the kitchen.
Dropping the phony smile, the swordsman stood on the deck of the Going Merry, ne
xt to a bundle that was resting on the rail.
After a week of trying to 'awaken' the semi-conscious blonde from his shock indu
ced coma, Zoro had decided to take drastic measures. If shock had put him in tha
t state, the green-haired man decided to use shock to get him out of it.
And, if the man had sometimes thought that his being on the Going Merry after hi
s last rescue was a dream, then why couldn't the swordsman make him think that w
hat had occurred with Captain Kano was just another nightmare?
Taking a deep breath, the swordsman looked out across the vast ocean.
He had told the rest of the crew of what he planned to do, and made them swear t
o take the truth of what happened to their graves.
While part of him screamed out against carrying out such a dishonest act, it was
something that the swordsman would do to save and protect his beloved nakama. E
specially when the alternative would literally kill his friend.
Gripping the rail tightly enough to leave imprints in the wood, the swordsman sh
ook in anger. Unlike the cook, he couldn't hide from his thoughts, and he couldn
't pretend that it had been just an ugly dream. He remembered every little taunt
and jibe, every action and sensation, and the complete helplessness of being un
able to control his own body.
And that look...that look in Sanji's eye...
However, unlike the cook, there was no one that he could talk to.
Gritting his teeth, the swordsman told himself that it was worth it. After every
thing that Sanji had endured, he would carry this burden for as long as either o
f them lived.
Turning his attention to the bundle on the railing, the swordsman picked up the
white sheet wrapped around two halves of a broken sword. The last remnants of th
e whole awful incident.
And with a simple push, it was gone...
Author's Notes: And with that, so does this whole awful part of the story end as
well. Thank you for those who read and reviewed this. Now, I'm going to go back
and write about something a bit less...'traumatic.' LOL!!! (At least for now).
Mahalo and Aloha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Bra Frenzy
The Wandering Swordsman
Author of 30 Stories
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 22 - Published: 03-
25-07 - Complete - id:3458939
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. Yup.
Another random!!! Yeay!!! This idea came up when I was taking my bra off after s
chool. Yes, I am a girl. Enjoy.


Sanji held out a paper bag in front of Zoro. Zoro stared at the bag and stepped
back few steps; thinking it was a bomb or something. After he took enough steps
that they were almost 6 feet apart, he called, "What is that?"
"A paper bag."
"Well I know that! That's in the bag!?"
Sanji lifted the paper bag higher, "Look in it to find out." He threw the bag up
in the air, and Zoro caught it. Zoro sighed in relief and separated the handles
of the bag and peered inside. A weird and confused impression swept across his
face and pulled out a bra with his fingertips. The bra was white and had lace se
wn all over the cup area. "What the heck is this!?"
"A bra."
Zoro scowled, "Sanji, can you stop acting like a smart alic and tell me why are
you giving me a bra!?" Using both fingers, he spread the bra apart and even star
ed in confusion. The bra was too small to fit Nami and Robin. Zoro asked again a
nd threw back the bra over to Sanji, "This doesn't look like it will fit Nami an
d Robin."
Sanji caught it, but threw it back to Zoro. "It's not supposed to fit on Nami-sa
n and Robin-chan."
Zoro snatched it and tossed it back. "Then who!? Do you like someone else who ha
s an...A cup breast!?"
Sanji twirled it and launched it on Zoro's head. "...yeah..."
Zoro ripped it off of his head and tilted his head to the side. They never lande
d on an island yet, and they didn't meet any NAVY girls or pirates anywhere, so
he knew at once that Sanji was lying. Zoro frowned and chucked it at his face. "
You liar."
Sanji rubbed his face and hurled it at Zoro. "I'm not lying."
Zoro caught it and kicked it back at Sanji. "Then who huh!?"
Sanji squished the soft area of the bra and blushed. He tossed it at him and whi
spered, ""
Zoro missed the throw. The bra fell to the ground like a feather. "W-what...?" S
anji looked away from him and Zoro looked down at the bra. He scooped it up and
held it in front of Sanji. "You want me to wear this!?" Sanji nodded. Zoro's mou
th gaped open and threw it at the ground. "Heck no, I'm not going to wear that!!
Sanji glared at Zoro, "Why!? I bought that for you, at least wear it once!!"
"NO. I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR GIRL UNDERGARNMENTS!!!!" Zoro was about to step the
bra, but Sanji kicked his leg, causing him to lose balance and fall to the groun
Sanji stepped on Zoro's chest and kicked up the bra with his other foot. "If you
don't want to wear it, I'll force you to."
"OH GOD NO!!!" Zoro grabbed for his swords, but Sanji was quicker. Sanji kneed o
ff the swords off of Zoro's hands and started to rip Zoro's shirt in half. "YOU
Sanji narrowed his eyes. "No I won't. Now, let me see...How does this bra work?"
Sanji clipped off the bra so it was open and swiftly wrapped it around Zoro's c
hest. Zoro scowled and tired to squirm away from Sanji. He yelled, "Stop squirmi
ng under me. It's hard to adjust the bra."
Zoro suddenly yelled in pain. Sanji flinched and quickly readjusting the bra str
ap. "Sorry, clipped on the tighter strap. You okay?" Zoro snarled, but remained
silent. He still squirmed a little though, he didn't want a bra on himself. WHY
DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME!? As if Sanji read his mind, he answered, "Because, I like
you." Zoro froze. Zoro stared at Sanji with embarrasement. "W-what...?"
"Do I have to repeat myself? I like you."
Zoro blushed into a redder color. He like me!? Me? I thought he likes...What!? "
"What!?" Zoro stared down at his own bare chest to find the bra firmly hugging i
tself around him. "Oh god-"
"It looks nice on you." Zoro glared up, but to find Sanji smiling. He broke his
glare into a warm gaze. He poked the lacey part of the bra and sighed. "Thanks..

It was short huh!? I wanted to write Zoro in a bra.

Review this Story/Chapter

Two Pair
Author of 23 Stories
Rated: M - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 13 - Published: 0
2-18-07 - Complete - id:3401124
Two Pair
846 Words
It s a scorching night aboard the Going Merry, and Zoro is having difficultly slee
ping. After tossing and turning for some time, the swordsman finally gives up hi
s search for sleep and rolls off his cot, careful not to bump Usopp or Luffy or
Chopper, all of them snoring loudly. Unfortunately, the air on deck is just as h
eavy and as stifling as the air below deck; Zoro eyes the light coming from the
kitchen hesitantly only for a moment.
Sanji is still awake, which comes as no surprise to the green haired man. His to
rso is bare and droplets of sweat shine at his temples; he is by the table perch
ed bird-like on a stool, an mashed and unlit cigarette hanging from his lips; he
concentrates on the worn cards in front of him, halfway finished with a game of
solitaire. I need the nine of spades. He grunts when Zoro sits across from him, r
olling the cigarette to the other side of his mouth. I could win if I could just
get the goddamn card.
But the nine of spades is trapped between a four of hearts and the queen of diam
onds. Sanji gnaws distractedly on the end of his cancer stick and glares at the
queen as though wishing it would burst into flame. Zoro could laugh at the murde
rous expression, but it s too hot to laugh. The love cook eventually gathers up th
e cards in defeat and shuffles the deck expertly.
Gin rummy or poker? The blonde asks. Water or beer?
Poker. Zoro replies. And some beer.
Sanji deals their hands and then fills two glasses with alcohol. It s better than
the stuff they usually drink and he knocks it back with a satisfied gulp. It bur
ns on the way down, and he wins the first round with a straight.
Three drinks later, Sanji is winning. He has drunk less than Zoro but his pale c
heeks are pink and his blue eyes are abnormally bright; he lays down a flush and
all but giggles as Zoro swears and throws his hand down on the table. You re cheat
ing, love cook. He accuses. You re fucking cheating.
You re just a bad poker player. The blond smirks, though his lips are sloppy. His fi
ngers stumble a bit as he picks up the cards and shuffles for their next hand. It s
a good thing we re not playing for money or you d be in my debt, swordsman.
Zoro snorts and picks up his hand, which needs a jack of clubs to become a full
house. I bet that I can win this hand. He boasts and he might be a bit drunk; the
lines of Sanji s shoulders have become increasingly attractive and he wonders if S
anji would hold him between his lips like that cigarette, if he asked. Zoro know
s that somehow this has been brewing since Luffy assembled his ragtag crew and h
e word vomits, I bet you a kiss that I ll win.
Sanji raises an eyebrow, but is either too drunk to care or understands that the
re's more to it than the alcohol or the heat. Alright. The blond agrees. His hand
is a mess when he lays it on the table two turns later, and the pair of nines a s
pade and a heart- are no match for the full house Zoro has. Zoro opens his mouth
to tell Sanji that he was joking about the bet, even though he really hadn t been
, but the words are drowned by the sensation of a soft mouth on his own.
I m not so drunk that I don t know what I m doing. Sanji tells him when he pulls away. H
is body is stretched awkwardly across the table and his hands are tangled in Zor
o s short, sweat-slicked hair. And it s not Nami I m in love with.
It s not too hot for Zoro to reply, but words are too cumbersome on his slurred to
ngue so he has to improvise. Sanji will yell at him later for using the last of
the olive oil to aid his confession, but he doesn t feel guilty about it since sai
d love cook has his legs wrapped around his waist and his nails are scratching l
ines down his back that will be difficult to explain. Still, Zoro can t bring hims
elf to care, especially when Sanji tenses in his arms and brokenly moans his nam
e into the hot air, and even more so when Zoro follows. The strength leaves his
arms and legs, and they crash in a breathless heap to the floor.
It s good that you re better at this than you are at playing poker. Sanji teases him o
nce they ve caught their breath. He brushes the sweat from Zoro s forehead away and
runs his fingertips over his cheekbones, down his jaw, along the line of his thr
oat. I was gambling when I threw my hand, you know.
The swordsman glares at the blond. See if I ever play poker with you again. He say
s, and Sanji kisses his frowning mouth.
Zoro figures that it s too hot to stay angry with him, and kisses him back.
Disclaimer: One Piece © Oda Eiichiro
Author s Notes: That nine of spades gets Sanji laid in the end and I m still shaky w
ith my endings. (dies) Beta please?

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Author of 6 Stories
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 18 - Published: 02-
16-08 - Complete - id:4077417
Title: Craving
Rating: M
Author: EudaimonArisornae
Disclaimer: I don t own One Piece.
WARNING: SPOILERS past Enies Lobby arc (mainly regarding the ship)
This was written for a challenge from cptnshinigami on the onepieceyaoi communit
y on livejournal. I just couldn t get this fic idea out of my head, so I finally w
ent ahead and wrote it. Thanks for the challenge!

Zoro wearily sat upright and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. With a loud yawn, h
e pulled himself to his feet.
He peered beyond the windows of the crow s nest. Only a thin mist was visible on t
he deck of the Thousand Sunny. Dammit, I slept through dinner, he realized with
Although Zoro was never adept at judging time based on the night sky, he guessed
that it was still a couple of hours before sunrise, which meant even longer unt
il breakfast.
Briefly, he entertained the idea of wandering into the kitchen and attempting to
find something to eat, but he decided it was too much trouble. Anything that co
uld be eaten without being prepared was probably locked away so Luffy couldn t get
to it.
Hunger is nothing a little bit of exercise won t fix, he decided abruptly. After t
urning on a couple of lights, he turned his attention to a heavily loaded barbel
l. As he lifted the large set of weights, Zoro quickly lost track of time.
One thousand eight-hundred forty one he counted aloud, focusing on the slow, burnin
g pain in his arms.
Two thousand seventy-three he continued, beginning to feel a slight strain in his
upper body. Just a couple hundred more, he thought to himself. He could feel bea
ds of sweat trickling down his face and neck, despite the chill of the evening a
Two thousand two-hundred fifty-five he grunted. For a moment, he thought he heard a
noise from below deck, but it was still pitch-black outside. No one would be aw
ake yet.
Two thousand four-hundred twelve The swordsman clenched his jaw suddenly, realizing
that someone was entering the crow s nest. Who the hell could it be? Still concen
trating on his weights, he glanced back just as a blonde head appeared through t
he open doorway.
What the hell are you doing up here, you damn cook? Zoro asked, his voice a mixtur
e of anger and surprise.
Sanji wordlessly pulled himself up through the entrance of the crow s nest. A near
ly-burned out cigarette dangled carelessly from between his lips.
The two men glowered at each other for a moment. Reluctantly, Zoro broke the icy
stare to set the barbell down off to the side of the room. Then he abruptly tur
ned his attention back toward the unwanted cook.
Sanji took his cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it out the door just as he
was swinging it closed.
Here, you shitty marimo, Sanji called out, tossing a small box to the swordsman.
What the hell are you giving me? He asked suspiciously.
Idiot, he scowled, brushing a stray hair from his eye. You can t tell?
Zoro carefully opened the small box, and a delicious aroma wafted out and filled
his nostrils. Bentou, he murmured without thinking. His mouth instantly began to
water, and he suddenly became aware of the ache of hunger in his stomach.
Sanji nodded slowly. He sauntered to the side of the room and casually took a se
at against the wall.
The swordsman ungracefully set himself on the floor, and he quickly began shovel
ing tasty morsels of food into his mouth. Why does that shitty cook s food have to
taste so good? Zoro thought with annoyance.
After swallowing a few hasty bites, he realized the oddness of the situation. He
glanced up at Sanji. Why did you bring me food? he asked suspiciously.
The blonde man shrugged, resting his head back against the wall. I saw the light
was on up here. I figured that since you slept through dinner, you might have a
craving for something.
Zoro narrowed his eyes at the slender man, trying to figure out if there was an
insult in his words. Unable to find anything wrong, he swallowed another large b
ite. Thanks, he mumbled reluctantly.
Sanji nodded, the corner of his lip turned up in a mocking smile. As the ship s coo
k, I have to make sure no one goes hungry. I know you re not capable of feeding yo
urself without me.
What did you say, you stupid ero-cook? Zoro shouted, slamming the bentou on the gr
ound with a loud clack.
The cook shook his head and pulled a box of cigarettes out of his pocket. Just ea
t it, you can fight with me later.
Zoro glanced at Sanji suspiciously while he placed an unlit cigarette in between
his lips. The cook was definitely acting strangely. Zoro picked up the bentou a
nd began zealously stuffing bites into his mouth again, still wary of the blonde
-haired man. So why the hell are you up right now, anyway?
Sanji lit the new cigarette, inhaling deeply. I had a craving of my own, he answer
ed slowly.
Huh? Zoro mumbled through a mouthful of food. With dismay, he realized he only had
a couple of bites left. Where s yours, then? he asked, gesturing toward the bentou.
The cook puffed away at his cigarette for a few months, staring into space thoug
htfully. It s a different kind of craving, Sanji replied finally.
At first, the comment went over Zoro s head. He stuffed the last bite of food into
his mouth and chewed slowly, considering the response.
Suddenly, his jaw dropped and he gaped at Sanji in horror. Say again? he blurted,
hastily swallowing the last of his food.
Sanji smirked, the cigarette carelessly dangling from his lips. Zoro realized wi
th dismay that he was paying excessively close attention to his lips. The corner
s of his mouth turned up again in a handsome smile, and Sanji carefully plucked
the cigarette out of his mouth.
You heard me, you shitty marimo, the cook replied calmly.
Before Zoro knew what was happening, his lips were being hungrily crushed agains
t Sanji s. He wasn t even sure who made the first move, but the two men had closed t
he gap between them in what felt like a nanosecond.
The taste of nicotine filled his mouth as his tongue swirled against his lips an
d mouth. He felt the cook s fingernails rake his arm painfully.
Zoro crushed his lips against Sanji s once again, and slammed the slender man agai
nst the wall, desperate to feel his hard body against his.
Fucking cook, Zoro cursed, stepping back a few inches as Sanji hungrily tore off h
is shirt.
Shitty swordsman, Sanji replied automatically, rubbing his hands against Zoro s tone
d chest.
What the hell makes you think I m okay with this? The green-haired man spat, impatie
ntly undoing the buttons on the front of Sanji s shirt.
The cook s nimble hands slid down to Zoro s pants, and began swiftly unfastening the
buttons. Because I made you a bentou, asshole, he grinned.
That s a stupid reason to think I d do this why the hell are there so many buttons on y
our shirt? Zoro yelled in frustration.
Here, Sanji said, quickly pulling Zoro s mouth to his own in another steamy kiss. Th
e cook nimbly finished unbuttoning his shirt and let it slide to the floor as he
rolled his tongue around in the swordsman s mouth.
Sanji violently shoved him against the wall, and Zoro felt something hard and pa
inful poke him in the back, but he ignored it as the cook began sliding off his
All of your clothes are so goddamn hard to take off, a male voice called out, foll
owed by the soft crackling of static. The voice sounded very distant.
Nami slowly sat up in bed and looked around in confusion. She noticed that Robin
was also sitting up.
They re not hard to take off, I just can t slide right out of them like your old rags
. More faint static.
Where is that coming from? Nami asked groggily as she pulled herself to her feet.
I believe it s the intercom, Robin replied, glancing up at the ceiling
Faint moans started to echo over the loudspeaker.
Maybe we can hear it better outside, Nami said, briskly heading toward the front d
oor. She started to ask Robin if she was coming, but the tall woman was already
following her.
Oh, shit, keep doing that, a low voice rumbled. It was definitely significantly lo
uder outside of the bedroom.
Zoro mercilessly sunk his teeth into Sanji s flesh, raking them across his neck, a
nd sucking his flesh aggressively. The response from the cook was more than favo
rable; the blonde man could hardly contain his moans.
The swordsman crushed his mouth against Sanji s and began angrily sucking at his t
ongue. He usually did not care for the taste of cigarettes, but for some reason
the cook s nicotine-coated mouth was turning him on.
Zoro could feel his pants sliding down against his will, since Sanji had undone
all of his buttons.
Sanji s insistent tongue flicked in and out of Zoro s mouth provocatively, and the t
wo men continued to kiss, their lips firmly locked together. Without realizing i
t, Zoro slammed Sanji into some nearby workout equipment, and it fell with a lou
d crash.
Stupid marimo, Sanji moaned, his lips still faintly pressed against Zoro s. You ll wake
up the whole damn ship.
What the hell are you talking about, damn ero-cook? Nobody is awake right now.
The blonde man chuckled faintly. Annoyed, Zoro shoved him and slammed him on the
ground. A moment later, he aggressively dropped down on top of the slender man
and started yanking his pants off.
Nami and Robin, now standing on the main deck of the Thousand Sunny, looked at e
ach other in shock. More moans could be heard over the intercom, accompanied by
an unidentified rustling noise.
Marimo? Ero-cook? Nami said in disbelief. Is that is that really those two?
The raven-haired woman nodded thoughtfully, her expression unreadable. It s undenia
ble that it s them.
Oi! You re up too! Luffy called out loudly from the direction of the men s quarters, w
ith Franky and Usopp in tow.
Have you guys been listening to this? Nami exclaimed.
Somebody must have turned on the intercom in the crow s nest, Franky replied, glanci
ng up at the mast.
Yes, but did you realize who s up there? she said, earnestly gesturing at the crow s n
Well, it s gotta be Zoro and Sanji.. It sounds nothing like Chopper, and the rest o
f us are here Usopp trailed off.
The crew silently listened to the provocative moans coming over the intercom. Us
opp s jaw dropped in horror, and Franky s eyes darted back and forth at the rest of
the crew in disbelief.
Oi, what do you think you re doing, bastard? Zoro said.
Maybe it s not what it sounds like, Usopp said hopefully.
It s lubrication. It s going to hurt like hell if we don t use it.
The crew looked at Usopp doubtfully. But what else could it be, talking about som
ething like that? Franky said to Usopp.
I m sure our questions will be answered if we keep listening, Robin replied, crossin
g her arms in front of her.
Yeah but why the hell are you assuming I m going to be on the bottom?
Nami covered her mouth with her hands.
It s not like we can t do it again. Unless you can t get it up twice in one evening
Luffy looked around at everyone in confusion.
What the hell did you just say, you bastard?
I don t get it, Luffy said finally. What are they doing?
Loud, scuffling noises sounded over the loudspeaker again, along with grunts tha
t sounded like the two men might have been fighting.
Well, that sounds like fighting Nami said carefully.
I don t think that s all they re going to be doing, though, Robin mused.
Moans began to echo across the ship again.
You shitty marimo, Sanji murmured.
Shut up and put it in already, stupid ero-cook, the other man moaned.
Alright, Luffy said loudly, cracking his knuckles. I better break this up. He abrupt
ly stretched his arms out toward the mast, and quickly sent himself flying into
the air in the direction of the crow s nest.
Grab him, quick! Nami shrieked.
Franky jumped out and tried to catch Luffy, but the captain had moved too quickl
Unngh! Zoro and Sanji cried out in unison, followed by heavy pants and erotic moan
Alright, I m going in! Luffy yelled a moment later, his voice coming from the direct
ion of the crow s nest.
Usopp s eyed widened in shock. This is bad, this is really, really bad he muttered fr
Luffy, get back down here! Don t go in there! Nami screamed at him, shaking her fist
s in the air.
Robin shook her head slowly. I think our Captain might learn an important lesson
today, she said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
It might be a lesson he needs to learn, since he couldn t figure out what was going
on up there, Franky winced.
Alright, I m going in!
Sanji and Zoro both froze and looked at each other in horror.
Was that from right outside? Zoro asked.
Impossible, no one was awake a little while ago. Even if someone had awaken, they
wouldn t come up here.
It sounds like Luffy, though.
Suddenly, the two men scrambled to break apart from each other. Zoro was straddl
ing the cook s lap, and Sanji had just slid inside of him a few moments before.
Shit, Sanji gasped, a wave of pleasure passing over him as he started sliding out.
Don t move so fast
The door to the crow s nest flew open, and Luffy burst through the doors. Alright,
you guys, it s time to
Luffy stopped in mid-sentence and gaped at the two naked men. Zoro and Sanji sta
red back at him speechlessly.
Oh, you guys aren t fighting, Luffy said finally.
Zoro felt his face grow hot with embarrassment. He started to slide back again,
eliciting another gasp from Sanji.
Luffy burst out laughing, slapping his leg in amusement. No way! he shouted. That s w
hat you guys have been doing up here? Man, when I heard your conversation, I tho
ught you were fighting!
What do you mean, heard our conversation? Sanji asked nervously.
Luffy pointed at the controls for the intercom system. You guys turned on the lou
dspeaker. We ve all been listening to you for the past few minutes. He started crac
king up again.
Zoro and Sanji looked at each other in horror again.
You guys are never going to live this one down! Luffy laughed, shaking his head at
the two dumbstruck men. Now come on, Sanji, get dressed and make us all some bre

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