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ffrrom CALD 3rrd Ed.. and Grran Diicciionarriio Oxfforrd 3rrd Ed..

BACKLASH A countable (adverse reaction) reaccin violenta; there are fears of a Christian backlash se
teme una violenta reaccin por parte de los cristianos
B (Mechanical Engineering) 1 countable (recoil) contragolpe 2 uncountable (excessive play) juego excesivo

BACKWASH noun uncountable estela the backwash of the coup las secuelas or las repercusiones del


1 (failure of car, machine) avera; (of service, communications) interrupcin; ( of

negotiations) fracaso, ruptura; the system suffered a complete breakdown (Computing) el sistema colaps;
electrical breakdown fallo elctrico; a breakdown in traditional values un desmoronamiento de los valores
tradicionales; (before noun) breakdown service servicio de asistencia en carretera; breakdown truck gra
2 (nervous breakdown) crisis nerviosa; you're going to give me a nervous breakdown vas a hacer que
me d un ataque or que me vuelva loca

BREAKTHROUGH 1 (significant progress) gran avance, gran adelanto; a major breakthrough un avance or
adelanto importantsimo

2 (Sport) tanto (or gol etc) decisivo 3 (Military) penetracin

BREAK-IN robo (con escalamiento); they had a break-in next door entraron a robar or entraron ladrones en la
casa de al lado

BREAK-OUT breakout 1 (from prison) fuga

2 (by army): they attempted a breakout intentaron romper el cerco

BREAK-UP breakup 1 (of family) desintegracin; (of empire, company) desmembramiento; (of political party)
disolucin (of talks) fracaso; the breakup of their marriage su separacin or ruptura
2 (of physical structure) desintegracin

BYSTANDER a bystander helped him to his feet un transente or alguien que estaba all lo ayud a
levantarse; they opened fire, killing innocent bystanders abrieron fuego y mataron a varias personas
inocentes or a varios transentes; bystanders looked on in amazement quienes estaban all miraban

CLOSING-DOWN closing-down sale (BrE) closing-up sale (American English) liquidacin de cierre
COVER-UP noun: there has been a cover-up ha habido una maniobra para encubrir el asunto; they are
looking into the Ecesa cover-up estn investigando el encubrimiento de actividades ilcitas en Ecesa

CUT-OFF A cutoff (point) lmite; (before noun) cutoff date fecha lmite or tope
B (Electricity) corte; (before noun) frequency/voltage de corte; cutoff switch conmutador, interruptor de corte,
C (shortcut) (American English) atajo
D cutoffs plural shorts, vaqueros

CRACKDOWN (on something/somebody) ofensiva or campaa (contra algo/alguien), medidas enrgicas

(contra algo/alguien)

DOWNPOUR aguacero, chaparrn

DRAWBACK inconveniente, desventaja
DRESSING-DOWN uncountable (no plural) reprimenda, rapapolvo (Spain colloquial)
FALLOUT 1 uncountable (Nuclear Physics) lluvia or precipitacin radiactiva; (before noun) fallout shelter
refugio antinuclear or antiatmico
2 uncountable/countable (side effect) secuela

GET-OUT (colloquial) excusa, pretexto; (before noun) getout clause clusula de escape

HAND-ME-DOWN: prenda usada o heredada; she was always dressed in her sister's hand-me-downs
siempre iba vestida con ropa heredada de su hermana

INPUT 1 (of resources) aportacin, a large financial input una gran aportacin financiera
2 (contribution) aportacin
B uncountable/countable (Computing) entrada; (before noun) unit/data/statement de entrada
C (Electricity) 1 uncountable/countable (of power) entrada

INCOME uncountable/countable ingresos; (unearned) rentas, ingresos; I live within my income vivo de
acuerdo con mis ingresos; they're living beyond their income gastan ms de lo que ganan, llevan un tren de
vida que no se pueden costear; taxable income renta gravable or imponible; annual income ingresos anuales;
an important source of income una importante fuente de ingresos; (before noun) income bracket banda
salarial; lower/upper income groups grupos de altos/bajos ingresos; income level nivel de ingresos

INTAKE A (of water, air) entrada; (of calories, protein) consumo; a sharp intake of breath una inhalacin
B (Technology) (pipe, vent) toma (de aire, agua etc)
C (of trainees, students) (BrE) (+ singular or plural verb): an intake of 600 una matrcula de 600; this
year's intake are very bright los que entraron este ao son muy buenos

KNOCK-DOWN1 adjective (before noun) 1(reduced): at a knockdown price a precio de ganga

2 (in boxing) blow demoledor, fulminante
3 furniture desmontable, desarmable
KNOCKDOWN2 noun (in boxing) cada

LIFT-OFF (Aerospace) despegue; we have lift-off hemos completado el despegue

OFFSPRING (plural offspring) 1 (animal) cra
2 (humorous) (child) hijo, -ja, cro, cra (colloquial), vstago (literary or humorous); (children) prole (colloquial &
humorous), cros (colloquial)

ONLOOKER espectador the accident drew a crowd of onlookers el accidente atrajo un montn de curiosos
ONSET (of winter, rains) llegada, comienzo; (of disease) aparicin
OPENING-UP aparicin
OUTBREAK (of war) estallido; (of hostilities) comienzo; (of cholera, influenza) brote; at the outbreak of the
strike al declararse or al estallar la huelga ; there were outbreaks of violence/protest hubo brotes de

OUTBURST (of emotion) arrebato, arranque; an angry outburst un arrebato or arranque de ira; I apologize for
my outburst perdonen que perdiera los estribos; there was a sudden outburst of shouting/applause de
repente se oyeron unos gritos/el pblico prorrumpi en aplausos

OUTCAST paria; a social outcast un marginado de la sociedad; (before noun) family/tribe/nation marginado
OUTCOME (result) resultado; (consequences) consecuencias
OUTCRY uncountable/countable (plural -cries) protesta (enrgica); there was a public outcry hubo protestas
generalizadas; pressure groups raised an outcry about the planned development grupos de presin
manifestaron su indignacin ante las obras planeadas

OUTGOINGS (especially British English) gastos, salidas

OUTPUT uncountable/countable A 1 (of factory) produccin; (of worker, machine) rendimiento; to increase
industrial output incrementar la produccin industrial
2 (literary, artistic) produccin
3 (Computing) salida; (before noun) output device dispositivo or unidad de salida
B 1 (Electricity) salida; power output potencia de salida; (before noun) output socket toma de salida
2 (of engine) potencia feminine

OUTSET from the outset desde el principio or comienzo, de entrada; she got married at the outset of her
career se cas cuando su carrera estaba empezando

PAY-OUT payout pago

PHONE-IN programa de radio o TV en el que el pblico participa por telfono
PICK-ME-UP (colloquial) estimulante; I had a brandy as a pick-me-up me tom un cognac para levantarme el

PILE-UP pileup choque mltiple or en cadena

PRINTOUT uncountable/countable listado
PUT-UP adjective (colloquial) (before noun) amaado (colloquial), arreglado, the whole thing was a put-up job
era todo un montaje

RIP-OFF (colloquial) 1 (con) timo, estafa; (theft) robo (copy) plagio

SETBACK revs, contratiempo; our plans have suffered a major setback nuestros planes han sufrido un gran

SETTING-UP creacin, apertura, fundacin

SHOOT-OUT tiroteo
STAND-IN suplente, sustituto; (Cinema) doble
STAND-UP standup adjective (before noun): I don't like standup meals no me gusta comer de pie; a
standup comic un cmico de micrfono; a standup argument una discusin violenta; it turned into a
standup fight se fueron a las manos

TAKEAWAY (BrE) 1 (restaurant) restaurante de comida para llevar


(meal) comida preparada; we had a takeaway compramos comida para llevar

TAKEOVER 1 (Government) toma del poder; military takeover golpe militar

2 (Business) absorcin, adquisicin (de una empresa por otra); (before noun) takeover bid oferta pblica de
adquisicin or de compra, OPA

TELLING-OFF (colloquial) (no plural) reprimenda, regaina; to give somebody a telling-off regaar a alguien
THROWAWAY adjective (before noun) 1 (disposable) cup/container desechable, de usar y tirar

(casual) remark hecho como de pasada

TURNOUT A (at election) nmero de votantes; (at public spectacle) nmero de asistentes; there was a high/low
turnout vot/asisti mucha/poca gente
B (appearance) aspecto (personal); (dress) atuendo
C (American English Transport) apartadero
D (clearout) (BrE) (no plural) limpieza general; we had a turnout hicimos limpieza general
E (American English) (junction road) cruce; ( railroad) cruce, empalme, entronque
F (passing place) (American English) apartadero

TURN-UP turnup A (Clothing) 1 (hem) dobladillo (on trousers) (BrE) vuelta

B (surprise) (colloquial): now there's a turnup for the books! qu sorpresa!, no lo puedo creer!

UNDERPASS (for traffic) paso inferior; pedestrian underpass pasaje subterrneo

WALK-OUT 1 (from talks, meeting) retirada en seal de protesta
2 (strike) abandono del trabajo como medida reivindicatoria

WHIP-ROUND (BrE colloquial) colecta; to have a whip-round hacer una colecta

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