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18 a 21 de Maio 2014
May 18th to 21st 2014




Considerations Regarding Electrically Close Static Var Compensators with

Adaptive Controllers Joint Operation and Performance

Manfredo Correia Lima (*)


Per-Emil Eliasson

Claes Brisby

Static Var Compensators (SVCs) have been used successfully in Brazilian electric power system since
the early 1980s for voltage control and power grid dynamic stability improvement purposes. The first
SVCs installed in Brazil had purely analog control, non-adaptive systems and used fixed gains in their
main control loops [1]. This way, coordinated operation of SVCs operating electrically close could be
achieved by setting appropriate values for their gains and slopes defined through dynamic studies.
Digital control systems technological evolution made viable the replacement of analogue control
systems by digital and adaptive ones using automatic gain controllers, introducing significant
advantages such as reduced costs and maintenance requirements, as well as incresased levels of
availability and reliability when compared to the former analog systems [1]. By the use of this control
strategy, SVC gain main control loop can be adjusted automatically, keeping this equipment
performance parameters inside the range defined by specifications considering its operation inside the
short circuit level (SCL) range measured at the coupling common point with the electric power grid
specified during design stages.
The automatic gain calculation strategy is usually implemented applying a small step in SVC control
voltage and measuring the corresponding change on its output reactive power.
This strategy requires, however, special atention in case of two or more SVCs using automatic gain
calculation schemes operating electrically close, due to potential interactions between their respective
control loops, specially the one dedicated to automatic gain calculation.
In addition, there are practical issues associated to electrically close SVCs operation belonging to
different transmition utilities and supplied by different manufacturers, as difficulties in technical
information exchange for detailed simulations performing, due to confidentiality clauses included in
contracts for models supply.
In this paper, a real case associated with SVCs operating electrically close belonging to different
utilities installed in Brazilian National Interconnected System (SIN) is presented, highlighting
proposed solutions to overcome the challenges that involve their coordinated operation.
Real-time digital simulator (RTDS) tests results considering the operation of two SVCs operating
electrically close are presented. Solutions to overcome the difficulties inherent to each case are
analyzed, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the analysed
situations, aiming to achieve the coordinated operation between such equipment.
(*) Rua Delmiro Gouveia, n 333 Bongi CEP 50.761-901 Recife, PE Brasil
Tel: (+55 81) 3229-2539 Fax: (+55 81) 3229-2488 Email:

Adaptive Controllers, Joint Operation, Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS), Static Var Compensators
(SVCs), Step Response, Strong Disturbances.

1. Introduction
The Brazilian Government Energy Research and Planning Authority (EPE) transmission expansion
program defined for Brazilian North region the installation of Tucuru-Macap-Manaus
interconnection, covering 1490km of 500kV transmission lines connecting Tucuru to Manaus
(Lechuga), with four intermediate substations (Xingu, Jurupari, Oriximin and Silves) and 339km of
230kV lines from Jurupari to Macap, with an intermediate substation in Laranjal using AC double
circuit structures. This interconnection allows the integration to the National Interconnected System
(SIN) of the Brazilian Amazon region, formerly operating isolated and mainly supplied by thermal
generation based on gas and oil.
For ANEEL 004/2008 auction purposes, the transmission system associated to Tucuru - Macap
Manaus interconnection was divided into three lots (Figure 1). Lot C consists of Oriximin - Silves
and Silves - Lechuga transmission lines together with 500/138kV Silves and 500/230kV Lechuga
substations. This auction had as winner Manaus Transmissora de Energia (MTE) Consortium, formed
by Abengoa, Chesf and Eletronorte. It was defined also for this lot the installation of fixed series
capacitors (FSC) with 70% compensation degree in all 500kV lines sections and a Static Var
Compensator (SVC) with ratings (-200 to +300 Mvar, 500kV) in Silves substation. The presence of
Oriximin (-200 to +300 Mvar, 500kV) and Jurupari, ( 200Mvar, 500kV) SVCs, part of Lot B,
requires special attention due to their electrical proximity to Silves SVC.
To analyze Silves SVC performance in the presence of effects such as high degree of series
compensation and electrical proximity of other SVCs, RTDS tests were performed. At this stage, a
representation of the power grid from Jurupari, where a Thvenin 60Hz equivalent source was
connected, to Lechuga (Figure 2), was used. Under these conditions, application of small and large
disturbance tests were performed.
The study results are analyzed and discussed, with emphasis on the interactions between electrically
close SVCs as well as on the actions to ensure satisfactory joint operation among these equipment.

Figure 1: Tucuru-Macap-Manaus Interconnection.

Figure 2: Electric Network Modeling for RTDS Tests.

2. Silves Static Var Compensator

Silves SVC is formed by the following elements, according to Figure 3.

500/20kV, 300MVA step-down transformer, single phase units, grounded star / delta.
Two thyristor controlled reactors (TCRs) of 148Mvar each.
Two thyristor switched capacitors (TSCs) of 139Mvar each.

Two single tunned 5th harmonic filters of 37Mvar each.

500 kV

300 MVA
ek = 15%

Included in ABBs scope of supply

20 kV

147.6 Mvar

129.4 Mvar

129.4 Mvar

147.6 Mvar

5th Harmonic
Filter 36.8 Mvar

5th Harmonic
Filter 36.8 Mvar

Figure 3: Silves Static Var Compensator (SVC).


Gain Optimizer and Gain Stabilizer Functions Short Description

As described in [2], Silves SVC main control loop is based on an integral strategy, designed to control
its 500kV terminal voltage based on its positive sequence component measurement through SVC
output susceptance variation. This parameter is determined based on the short-circuit level measured at
the point of common couplig with the AC network. According to the specification, this parameter
should be changed to ensure compliance with the specified performance parameters when the short
circuit levels varies. To ensure stable performance even under operating conditions not originally
foreseen, a Gain Stabilizer scheme is implemented in Silves SVC. This scheme detects oscillations in
SVC output susceptance and reduces the gain until such oscillations are adequately damped.
After Gain Stabilizer operation, SVC gain is determined by Gain Optimizer, whose function is to
define a gain value that provides stable operation fulfilling the specified performance parameters. As
above mentioned, Gain Optimizer operation is implemented by applying small steps in SVC reference
voltage. Based on SVC response, the gain is increased or decreased [2].


Adjacent SVCs Influence on Silves SVC Performance

According to Figure 2, Oriximin SVC (-200 / +300 Mvar, 500kV), part of Lot B, was represented
during RTDS studies presented in this paper. In the actual system, a third SVC is installed in Jurupari
substation (200Mvar, 500kV), part of Lot B. However, due to RTDS limitations, Jurupari SVC was
not represented in this study.
Oriximin SVC represents an independent electrically controlled susceptance operating close to Silves
SVC and this influences the sensitivity coefficient between voltage and reactive power calculation at
Silves 500kV busbar. When Oriximin SVC operates in manual mode, Silves SVC Gain Optimizer
presents a satisfactoy behavior, but when this equipment operates in automatic mode, Silves SVC has
its performance affected. This effect is clearly identified during Silves SVC step response tests
performed with Gain Optimizer active and becomes more critical in weak system network conditions.
This interaction is expected due to electrical proximity between Oriximin and Silves SVCs.


Scheme to Consider other SVCs Influence on Silves SVC Performance

An additional control loop that takes into account the influence of other SVCs operating close to
Silves SVC was proposed during such equipment factory acceptance tests (FAT) [3]. The test results
indicate that the gain calculated by Gain Optimizer should be slightly reduced if other SVCs are
operating in automatic mode close to Silves SVC. This effect is particularly relevant during weak
system network configurations. To avoid control oscillations, this function should not influence the
gain if this parameter is determined by Gain Stabilizer action. It was also considered the possibility of
activating this function through Silves SVC Human Machine Interface (HMI).
The corrected gain (RG_adj) is calculated as follows, where RG represents the gain originally
calculated by Gain Optimizer and k1, k2 and k3 are parameters to be determined during RTDS tests,
taking into account the range of short-circuit levels in Silves 500kV busbar defined in design stages
and how many SVCs in automatic mode are in operation close to Silves SVC:

The influence of this special function over Silves SVC automatic gain calculation process will be
discussed throughout this paper, using step response test results.

3. Gain Optimizer Operation Considering Two SVCs Operating Eletrically

To operate two SVCs installed eletrically close in an way to fulfill Silves SVC specification
requirements, their control system gains should be set dynamically. This means that network strenght
(short circuit level) measurements should be performed to define optimized gain values for these
equipment. As mentioned on item 2.1, this procedure is implemented by a control loop known as Gain
Optimizer. The strenght network measurement is based on the injection by the SVC on the power grid
of a susceptance pulse and the corresponding voltage or reactive power change. However, if another
SVC is operating eletrically close to the one whose Gain Optimizer is active, the network voltage
response will be influenced and the measurement performed by this control loop should not be
accurate. The principles of an alternative to solve this problem based on a fast telecom link between
both SVCs that can inhibit the Gain Optimizer control loop of the SVC that is not performing the
power system strenght measurement is proposed in this item [4].
This could be done by forcing the SVC that is not performing the system strenght measurement (called
here the passive SVC) to operate in manual mode during a short time interval. This scheme should be
implemented as follows. A deadband is applied to the passive SVC just before the measurement pulse
is injected by the active SVC into the power network. This deadband should be large enough to let the
measurement pulse be applied without any reaction from the passive SVC. As soon as the pulse is
finished, the deadband is removed and the passive SVC turns into normal automatic mode. On the
other hand, if a strong disturbance outside the deadbands range is applied, this limitation is removed
immediately, without waiting for the measurement pulse end, enabling the passive SVC to contribute
to voltage control. The above mentioned scheme should be implemented as follows.

A signal is sent from the active SVC to the passive one indicating that the first equipment is going
to apply a measurement pulse.

When the passive SVC receives this signal, the deadband is applied and it replies to the active
SVC that the measurement pulse can be applied.

The active SVC receives from the passive one the information that the measurement pulse can be
applied and applies this signal.

When the measurement pulse is finished, the active SVC informs the passive one the deadband
can be disabled.

The passive SVC receives this information, disables the deadband and returns to normal operation.

The selected algorithm performs power system strenght measurements and holds the pulses until
at least three measurements give consistent results. A single faulty measurement for which the
deadband is turned off will be disregarded and not used for system strenght network evaluatin

4. Equal SVCs: A Special Case

Silves (Lot C) and Oriximin (Lot B) SVCs have the same ratings and this makes joint operation
coordination easier. In this case, a synchronized operation can be used to assure that both SVCs
control systems react with more or less the same speed and in the same way. To confirm that this is
possible, digital simulations considering the above mentioned SVCs operation should be performed.
Accurate models of these equipment should also be available.
To get the same reaction speed, both SVCs gain settings should be synchronized. For this, only one
SVC performs the power system strenght measurement and determines the gain value that is applied
also to the second SVC. Voltage reference and slope values should also be determined by dynamic
studies to achieve a coordinated joint operation between the two SVCs. This way, the probability of
having negative interactions between these equipment becomes really low.
When the SVC defined to be the gain master completes the system strenght measurement, the gain
value determined is transfered to the second one. This could be made using SAGE or via a direct

connection between both equipment. The use of this scheme for three SVCs is possible in principle,
but digital studies with SVCs detailed modeling should be performed for this purpose.

5. RTDS Tests: Silves SVC Step Response


Oriximin SVC in Manual Mode

This section presents the results of RTDS step response tests performed to verify Silves SVC
compliance with the specified performance parameters. These tests were performed after the
conclusion of Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) first stage, were all SVC protection and control
functions were tested [2]. Two different power grid configurations were analysed, as indicated in
Table I, where the parameter Rel_gain (SVC gain calculated by Gain Optimizer) is expressed as a
percentage of maximum Silves SVC gain value of 4900s-1 [2].
Table I Silves SVC Gain x Silves 500kV Short Circuit Levels
System Configuration

S 3 (GVA)

Rel_gain (%)

Strong System



Weak System



The power flows used in the tests performed in strong and weak system configurations (Table I) were
based respectively in years 2015 (heavy load) and 2012 (light load). Oriximin SVC was represented
using a built-in model available at RTDS library.
A 2% slope was used together with the relative gain values (Rel_gain) of Table II for Silves SVC.
The tests presented in this section were performed with Oriximin SVC in manual mode, 0Mvar.
Figure 4 presents the signals corresponding to a 2% step test for Silves SVC, strong system, 93%
relative gain value.
Table II Silves SVC Step Response Performance Parameters (Oriximin SVC in Manual)

Specified Value

Strong System

Weak System

Rise Time 10 90% (ms)




Percentual Overshoot (%)




Settling Time 5% (ms)




The following signals for Silves SVC are plotted in Figure 4:

V RESP [pu]: Main SVC Controller Output Signal.

B REF [pu]: Silves SVC Equivalent Susceptance.

ITCR22_AB, BV, VA [kA]: TCR22 delta winding currents.

Based on Silves SVC step tests results, one can say that the compliance with the specification
requirements is achieved , although the settling time is slightly higher than 100ms for strong system
conditions test (Table II). The ripple present in the signal Vresp is due to the strong presence of fixed
series capacitors in 500kV transmission lines close to Silves SVC, also associated to the resonances
mentioned in [1] and [5].

File: CNT AKEU_S1P1CNTB1 1 20110519 04;33;23_973000.CFG

VRESP [pu]
















Time [s]



BREF [pu]



ITCR22_AB [kA]
ITCR22_BV [kA]
ITCR22_VA [kA]




Figure 4: Silves SVC Step Response, Strong System.


Oriximin SVC in Automatic Mode

RTDS tests results show that the presence of Oriximin SVC in automatic mode is responsible for
an increase in Silves SVC relative gain (Rel_gain), as this equipment tries to compensate the small
pulses applied on Silves SVC reference voltage by its Gain Optimizer during the gain adjustment
process. This increase in relative gain impacts Silves SVC step response, which in this case
presents higher overshoot values if compared to the tests performed with Oriximin SVC in manual
mode. This effect seems to be more pronounced for weak system conditions.
According to section 2.3, a special function to consider the influence of other SVCs operating
electrically close was implemented in Silves SVC. With this function enabled, the relative gain
value is adjusted by Silves SVC Gain Optimizer in a lower value, resulting in a more conservative
performance for such equipment. Based on the step test results, Oriximin SVC gain was set to
75% of the value addopted for Silves SVC and a 5% slope was used for this equipment.
Step tests of 3.5% were performed for Silves SVC in weak and strong system configurations. Two
gain sets were considered for weak system conditions, as summarized in Tables III and IV,
identified as Tests 1 and 2. Silves SVC step tests results considering Oriximin SVC in automatic
mode are summarized in Table V.
Table III: SVCs Settings (Test 1- Weak System)

Table IV: SVCs Settings (Test 2 - Weak System)

Step 1

Rel_gain (%)

Slope (%)

Step 2 2

Rel_gain (%)

Slope (%)

Silves SVC



Silves SVC



Oriximin SVC



Oriximin SVC



Table V Silves SVC Step Response with Oriximin SVC in em Automatic Mode


Strong System

Weak System 1

Weak System 2

Rise Time 10 90 (ms)





Percentual Overshoot (%)





Settling Time (ms)





The step response test for the case considering two SVCs operating electrically close should be
analysed in a special way, in view of the presence of two voltage controllers trying to follow different
reference voltage values and operating electrically close. In this scenario, the step test is not an actual
disturbance for these equipment, but provides relevant information about the degree of the influence of
an SVC over the other one.
For strong system conditions, the test results present similar behavior with Oriximin SVC operating
in manual mode.
Fore weak system condition 1, the same gain value for Silves SVC used considering Oriximin SVC
in manual mode (Rel_gain = 15%) was adopted. This corresponds to the section 2.3 special function
and the Gain Optimizer actives, with both SVCs in automatic.
In weak system condition 2, Silves SVC step response with a relative gain of 19% is analysed, which
corresponds to the gain value calculated by its Gain Optimizer considering the section 2.3 special
function inhibited.
Table V results indicate a degraded step response for Silves SVC, not matching the specified
performance parameters, considering Oriximin SVC in automatic mode for weak system 1 and 2
conditions. It should be noted, however, that the special function presence reduces the overshoot from
45.6% to 18.1% and the settling time from 1498.0 ms to 274.0 ms for Silves SVC.
Based on the step response tests here presented, one can conclude that if Oriximin SVC influence in
automatic mode is considered, it is not possible to achieve Silves SVC specified performance
parameters, regardless of the settings used for their control system. Additionally, Jurupari SVC, not
modeled in this study, should influence Oriximin and Silves SVCs performance and vice versa,
highlighting the need to perform aditional studies taking into account the three SVCs detailed
modeling to get accurate results.

6. Fault Cases in 500kV Lines Close to Silves SVC

In this section, Silves SVC performance is analyzed during 1 and 3-G faults application and
clearing in 500kV transmission lines. The tests performed in strong system conditions are summarized
in Table VI. In both cases, 100% gain value corresponds to 4900 s-1.
Table VI Fault Cases Close to Silves SVC in Strong System Conditions
Case Number

Fault Type

Silves SVC

Oriximin SVC

UBS Active (*)

Switched off


UBS Active

Switched off


UBS Inhibited

Switched off

UBS Inhibited


3-G with reclosing

UBS Inhibited


(*) UBS = Silves SVC Undervoltage Blocking Scheme [2]

SVCs settings for the fault cases in strong system conditions are:

Silves SVC: Rel_gain = 93% and Slope = 2%.

Oriximin SVC: Rel_gain = 0.75x93% and Slope = 5%.

In all studied cases, the faults are applied in one of Oriximin- Silves 500kV transmission lines, Silves
terminal and cleared with line opening after 100 ms. In cases number 5 (strong system) and 6 (weak
system), the fault is cleared with line reclosing after 800 ms.The studied cases for weak system
conditions are summarized in Table VII. SVCs settings for the fault cases in weak system conditions
Silves SVC: Rel_gain = 15% and Slope = 2%.
Oriximin SVC: Rel_gain = 0.75x15% and Slope = 5%.

Table VII - Fault Cases Close to Silves SVC in Weak System Conditions
Fault Number

Fault Type

Silves SVC

Oriximin SVC

UBS Active (*)

Switched off

UBS Inhibited

Switched off

UBS Active (*)



UBS Active (*)



UBS Active (*) High Rel_gain


3-G with reclosing

UBS Active (*)


(*) UBS = Silves SVC Undervoltage Blocking Scheme [2]

Figure 5 presents Table VII case n 4 results (weak system) that represents a 3-G fault in Silves
500kV busbar cleared in 500ms by opening one of the Oriximin - Silves 500kV transmission lines.
The undervoltage blocking scheme is active for both SVCs and the following signals are plotted:

Silves 500kV AC voltages in per unit.

Silves SVC 500kV currents in kA.
V RESP [pu]: Silves SVC main controller output signal.
B REF [pu]: Silves SVC reference susceptance.
Rel_gain (%): Silves SVC relative gain.
V resp [pu]: Oriximin SVC main controller output signal.
B prim [pu]: Oriximin SVC reference susceptance.

After fault application, Silves SVC UBS is activated, forcing this equipment to operate at 0Mvar. At
fault clearing, Silves SVC control voltage overshoot is about 19%. Due to the presence of oscillations
in this equipment reference susceptance after fault clearing, Gain Supervisor control loop is activated
in t = 0.47 s, reducing Rel_gain to its minimum value (3%). Due to this control loop action, these
oscillations are satisfactorily damped and B REF signal moves smoothly towards a new steady state
post-fault operation point. It should be noted that the strong reduction in Silves SVC relative gain
observed in this case is partly due to the non-representation of Oriximin SVC Gain Supervisor.
Additional RTDS tests considering the complete network modeling in weak system conditions
indicated the presence of poorly damped subsynchronous oscillations due to interactions among Silves
SVC and the series fixed capacitor installed in Lot C 500kV transmission lines, beeing this phenomena
also reported in [5]. Additional studies are underway to define measures to provide adequate damping
of such oscillations.

7. Conclusions

In the simulations presented in this paper, Silves SVC step response is strongly influenced by
Oriximin SVC presence in automatic mode in weak system conditions. This effect is due partly
to the influence of Oriximin SVC in Silves SVC gain calculation process, but also because
Oriximin SVC tries to compensate the step applied in Silves SVC.

It is necessary to perform studies considering detailed Silves, Oriximin and Jurupari SVCs
modeling together with a more expanded power network representation, to analyse the interactions
among their different control schemes and to define a strategy that assures a coordinated joint
operation for these equipment.

The special function proposed to correct Silves SVC gain value calculated by Gain Optimizer due
to the presence of other SVCs operating electrically close presents a satisfactory behavior based
on the simulations reported in this paper.

In case of multiple SVCs operation, if they are supplied by different manufacturers and belong to
distinct transmission utilities, as the case here reported, it is of great importance to define an
integrator, which will make it possible models and data sharing, necessary to perform the studies
to define the desired coordinated operation strategies.
UP1-A [pu]
UP1-B [pu]
UP1-C [pu]





































IP1-A [kA]
IP1-B [kA]
IP1-C [kA]


VRESP [pu]


BREF [pu]




Vresp [pu]


Bprim [pu]



Figure 5: Test 4 RTDS Signals: Oriximin Silves 500kV Transmission Line 3-G Fault, Silves Terminal.

[1] Manfredo Correia Lima, Um Painel da Evoluo Tecnolgica da Compensao Reativa Esttica
Controlada entre os Sculos XX e XXI em uma Transmissora Brasileira de Energia Eltrica, X
Conferencia Brasileira sobre Qualidade da Energia Eltrica (CBQEE), Arax-MG, Brazil, July
2013, Procedures in CD-ROM (in Portuguese).
[2] M. Correia Lima, A. Calazans, M. Oliveira, M. berg, R. Ellstrom-Jonforsen, Anlise do
Desempenho de Equipamentos FACTS atravs de Testes em Simulador Digital em Tempo Real
(RTDS): O Exemplo do Compensador Esttico de Silves, XXI Seminrio Nacional de Produo
e Transmisso de Energia Eltrica (SNPTEE), Florianpolis, Brazil, October 2011, Procedures in
CD-ROM (in Portuguese).
[3] P. E. Eliasson, Gain Optimizer for Silves SVC, ABB Memorandum 11FA0024 Rev.01, January
24th 2012.
[4] C. Brisby, Parallel Operation Tucuru Manaus Lot C, 1JNS012647D28802 ABB PS FACTS /
Control Design, October, 2013.
[5] E. G. Lajoie, G. Scott, S. Breault, E. V. Larsen, D. H. Baker, A. F. Imece, Hydro-Quebec
Multiple SVC Application Control Stability Study, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
Vol.5, No. 3, July 1990, pp. 1533-1550.

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