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Other works by Linda Lazarides

Principles of Nutritional Therapy
The Nutritional Health Bible
The Waterfall Diet
Treat Yourself with Nutritional Therapy
The Amino Acid Report
The Big Healthy Soup Diet
Linda’s Flat Stomach Secrets

About the Author

Linda Lazarides is one of Britain's most respected natural health
experts, and author of eight titles on health and nutrition. In 1996 she
helped the University of Westminster to set up the UK's first course in
Nutritional Therapy. She is founder of the British Association for
Nutritional Therapy, former nutrition editor of the International Journal
of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, and for several years
worked as a complementary practitioner for the British National Health

©Linda Lazarides 2010

BCM Waterfall
London WC1N 3XX
United Kingdom

Linda Lazarides asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of

this work.

This publication may not be transmitted, in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the publisher.

This book is intended to provide information on the subject of
naturopathy. The information presented herein is not intended as a
substitute for medical training or advice, but every effort has been
made to ensure accuracy. The book is sold on the understanding that
the publisher and author are not liable for any misconception or misuse
of the information provided and shall have neither liability nor
responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage
or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the
said information.

Part I: Basic Naturopathic Principles
Chapter I: Digestion—The Foundation Of Good Health ..............................Page 8
The Stomach. Vitamin B12. Acid burning. Treatments for hypochlorhydria. The
pancreas. The gall bladder. Gall-stones and gall-bladder pain. Increasing bile
production and flow. The small intestine. Schematic representation of intestinal
absorption. The colon. Substances which aid digestion (table). Digestive treatment
Chapter 2: Dysbiosis ...................................................................................Page 19
Dysbiosis is a vicious circle. Triggers of intestinal inflammation. Antibiotics and
fungal infestations. Candidiasis. Parasitic infections. Common parasites, bacteria
and fungi found in the gut, and their health effects (table). Therapeutic agents
recommended by Genova Diagnostics. Natural anti-microbials used in the treatment
of dysbiosis. Natural agents used for intestinal healing. Anti-dysbiosis, anti-
parasitic and intestinal healing programme.
Chapter 3: Metabolic Sediment ...................................................................Page 36
Middle-age spread.. Degenerative diseases. Chronic inflammation. Auto-immune
diseases. Can the body eliminate metabolic sediment? Macrophages.
Chapter 4: pH Imbalance .............................................................................Page 42
Acid-forming foods. Toxins and liver metabolism. Lactic acidosis. What causes
chronic oxygen starvation? Compensatory mechanisms. Measuring acidity levels.
Treatment of hyperacidity. Gut pH. Acetaldehyde.
Chapter 5: The Circulation ..........................................................................Page 48
Problems with the macrocirculation. Angina. Heart attacks. What causes
atherosclerosis? Homocysteine. Heart disease and nutrient deficiencies. Some
important research studies. Diet or supplements? Linus Pauling’s theory. Cytokines.
Abnormal heart rhythms. Congestive heart failure (CHF). The microcirculation.
Capillary permeability. Water retention. Lymphatic drainage. Red cell rigidity and
microclots. Treatments for the macrocirculation. Treatments for the
Chapter 6: The Liver And Detoxification....................................................Page 61
Toxins. Ammonia and ketones. Environmental medicine. Chemical sensitivity.
Toxic intermediates. Free radicals. Epoxides. Aldehydes. Chloral hydrate and
Valium-like compounds. Fasting. Popular detox diets. Liver rejuvenation
programme. Liver biotransformation (diagram).


Part II: Nutrition & Physiology

Chapter 7: Energy and Blood Sugar .................................................................... 72
Glucose metabolism and energy production (diagram). Electron transport chain.
Mitochondria. Nervous system degeneration. Cold bath or shower treatments.
Blood sugar. Causes of insulin resistance. Controlling insulin. Glutathione.
Chapter 8: The Cell Membrane............................................................................ 78
Phospholipids. Components of the cell membrane (diagram). Sodium-potassium
pump. Free radical damage. Effects of magnesium deficiency. Stabilizing cell
membranes. Eicosanoids. Arachidonic acid. Chronic inflammation. Fish oil.
Chapter 9: The Brain and Nervous System.......................................................... 84
Neurotransmitters. Calcium and magnesium. Other important nutrients. The
circulation. Development of the brain in children. Behaviour. Mood. Blood-brain
and blood-nerve barrier. Memory and ageing. Phosopholipids. Phosphatidylcholine.
Phosphatidylserine. Sage.
Chapter 10: The Immune System......................................................................... 90
Vitamin A deficiency. Zinc deficiency. Vitamin B6 deficiency. AIDS. Garlic and
immunity. The elderly. Overactive immune system.
Chapter 11: The Adrenal and Sex Glands ............................................................ 97
Underfunctioning adrenals. Effects of high cortisol. Nutritional deficiencies.
Congenital hypoadrenia. Menopause. The ovaries. Oestrogen excess. Reducing
oestrogen. Lack of oestrogen and progesterone. The testes. Hyperfunction.
Treatment (BPH). Hypofunction.
Chapter 12: The Kidneys ................................................................................... 105
Protein in urine. Progressive kidney failure. Frequent urination. Kidney function.
Sugar. Heavy metal poisoning. Selenium deficiency. Fish oil supplements. Kidney
Stones. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Sugar and insulin. Nephrotic syndrome.
Polycystic kidney disease.
Chapter 13: The Muscles ................................................................................... 112
The fabric of the muscles. Sugar is not a good carbohydrate for muscles. Age-
associated muscle loss. Muscle use and bone growth. Important nutrients for muscle
function. Selenium. Myasthenia gravis. Toxicity. Bladder muscle control. Popular
sports supplement.
Chapter 14: The Senses ...................................................................................... 118
Eyesight. Myopia and presbyopia. Dark adaptation and bilberries. Cataracts.


Glaucoma. Macular degeneration. Hearing. Importance of healthy blood vessels.

Can nutrition affect hearing?. Does fat cause hearing problems? Tinnitus. Excessive
ear wax. Itching inside ears. Strategies to improve hearing ability. Taste and smell.
Multiple chemical sensitivity.
Chapter 15: The Skin ..........................................................................................128
Vitamin A. Silicon and sulphur. Ageing of the skin. Sun ‘allergy’. Sunlight and
vitamin D. Risks of skincare product ingredients. Water. Acne. Eczema. Psoriasis.
Skin cancers. Herpes simplex. Wounds and trauma.
Chapter 16: Bones and Cartilage ........................................................................135
Vitamins D and K. Fluoride. Collagen-forming nutrients. Oestrogen. Bone
demineralization. Cartilage. Osteoarthritis. Foods to avoid. Foods and drinks to
consume. Anti-arthritic supplements. Glucosamine sulphate. Natural pain-killers.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
Chapter 17: Pineal, Pituitary & Hypothalamus Glands ......................................143
Hypofunction. Hyperfunction. Treatment. Anterior pituitary hormones (table).
Pituitary and hypothalamus. Useful herbs
Chapter 18: The Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands..............................................149
Phosphorus. Hyperparathyroidism. Thyroid Gland. Thyroid and breast cancer.
Autoimmune thyroiditis. Testing procedures. Treatment. Selenium. Coconut oil.
Radish treatment and raphanin.
Chapter 19: Growth and Repair..........................................................................158
Gestation and infancy. Zinc. Selenium. Essential fatty acids. Obesity. Smoking and
alcohol. Calories. Adolescence. Growing pains. Wound healing.

Part III: Factors Which Contribute To Pathology

Chapter 20: Assimilation ....................................................................................166
Vitamin dependency. Symptoms and signs of nutritional deficiencies. What causes
poor assimilation? Malnutrition damages assimilation mechanisms. Treating
assimilation problems. Water retention.
Chapter 21: Food Intolerance .............................................................................174
Problem foods. Testing for food intolerances. Chemical Sensitivity.
Chapter 22: Air Pollution ...................................................................................178
Pollution makes you more allergic. Chest infections. Ozone levels and the common
cold. Cancers. Benzene. Laboratory studies. Vehicle pollution health effects (table).

Risks to filling station attendants. Industrial air pollutants.

Chapter 23: Pesticides, PCBs, Dioxins .............................................................. 183
Health effects of pesticides. Chemical oestrogens.
Chapter 24: Heavy metals .................................................................................. 188
Mercury. Sulphur intolerance. Lead. Aluminium. Arsenic. Testing for heavy metals.
Removing heavy metals. Chlorella.
Chapter 25: Pollution In The Office And Home ................................................ 195
Air conditioning. Sick buildings. Common chemical pollutants in the home.
Scented products. House dust mites.
Chapter 26: Food Safety .................................................................................... 202
Bacterial food poisoning. Moulds and mycotoxins. Aflatoxins. Natural plant toxins.
Chapter 27: Protein Excess ................................................................................ 207
Over-Acidity. Bone Loss. Kidney Disease. Ammonia. Gut amines.
Chapter 28: Peroxidation of Fats ....................................................................... 213
Cancers. Which fats? Antioxidants. Oil uptake by fried foods.
Chapter 29: Gluten and Casein .......................................................................... 218
Food intolerances. Coeliac disease. Dr Nadya Coates. Oats. Autism. Gluten.
Chapter 30: Vaccinations ................................................................................... 224
Is vaccination effective? Are vaccines safe?. Why vaccinate against childhood
diseases? Autism and brain damage. Gulf War syndrome. France and hepatitis B
vaccinations. Advice to parents.

Part IV: Special Health Issues

Chapter 31: Fertility ........................................................................................... 236
Synthetic oestrogens. Oestrogenic pollutants. Fertility problems in wildlife.
Mutations and anti-mutagens. Alcohol and beverages. Nutritional deficiencies.
Treating infertile couples.
Chapter 32: Infant Nutrition............................................................................... 243
Breast is Best. Probiotics. Infant formulae. Sugary drinks. Fluid. Salt. Growth.
Weaning. Foods to avoid when weaning. Fats. Fibre. Additional vitamins.
Chapter 33: The Elderly ..................................................................................... 250
Nutritional Deficiency. Immunity. Functional capacity. Life expectancy. Mental


function. Arthritis. Diabetes. Heart disease. Osteoporosis.

Chapter 34: Food Aversions and Addictions......................................................257
Chapter 35: Degenerative Disease......................................................................263
Cancers and Otto Warburg. Natural cancer therapies. Chilli peppers. Osteoarthritis.
Autoimmune diseases.
Chapter 36: Mental Health .................................................................................270
Adrenal hormone effects on mood. Amino acid trials. Nutritional deficiencies.
Depression and low blood sugar. Nutrition and schizophrenia. Dr Abram Hoffer.
Heavy metal toxicity. Dr Carl Pfeiffer. Anxiety.
Chapter 37: Infection ..........................................................................................279
Germ theories. Béchamps. Enderlein. Naturopathic treatment of infectious diseases.
Chapter 38: Low Blood Pressure ........................................................................286
Depression. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic fatigue. Anaphylactic
shock. Vitamin deficiencies. Dehydration. Underactive adrenals.
Chapter 39: Surgical Issues ................................................................................293
Gastrectomy. Intestinal surgery. Cholecystectomy.
Chapter 40: Menière’s Disease and Tinnitus......................................................298
Aspartame. Allergy. Tinnitus. TMJ. Toxicity. Nutrient deficiencies. Ginkgo biloba.
Chapter 41: Vitiligo ............................................................................................304

Part V: Appendices
Appendix I: Clinical Tests ..................................................................................310
Adrenals, atherosclerosis, fitness, cholesterol, collagen, fertility, kidneys, liver,
lymphatics, menopause, ovaries, prostate, thyroid, urine pH.
Appendix II: Avoidance and Challenge Test for Food Intolerances ..................315
Appendix III: Laboratory Tests for Nutritional Deficiencies .............................319
Appendix IV: Drug-Nutrient Interactions ..........................................................322
Appendix V: Fasting ..........................................................................................328
Degenerative diseases. Types of fast. Metabolism. Detoxification.
Appendix VI: Ayurvedic Medicine ....................................................................330
The Healthy Plate .................................................................................................35


About This Book

A Textbook of Modern Naturopathy is intended to cover succinctly a wide variety of
important lecture topics in the naturopathic or natural medicine curriculum. It is
based on the many articles and factsheets I have written for students and
practitioners since 1995.
Many research studies are referred to in natural medicine training, but their
significance as part of the bigger picture is not always clear. Apart from aiming to
complement the many excellent publications which are already used as course-
books, it is hoped that A Textbook of Modern Naturopathy will also play a holistic
teaching role—helping to bridge some of the gaps in understanding disease
processes and helping the student practitioner to see each problem and each research
study in relation to the bigger picture.
Two more books are planned for the near future as companion volumes for this
text. One will be a set of practical protocols for use with many different health
conditions. Each protocol will guide the student through the first consultation and
each subsequent follow-up.
The second companion volume will be a reference book covering foods,
supplements, therapeutic diets, hormones, important enzymes and other useful
My deepest gratitude and admiration go to all the people whose writings and
research are mentioned in this book. People like Dr Jeffrey Bland, the late Linus
Pauling and Abram Hoffer, Dr William Rea, Dr Jean Monro, Dr Damien Downing
and many, many others in the US, UK, Canada and worldwide are or were people of
extraordinary dedication.
Likewise the early naturopaths, who also sought something better than the toxic
allopathic treatments of their time, deserve our honour and respect. Science is
finally catching up with them as every day new discoveries are made which show
that they were so often right.
If you have suggestions or contributions for future editions of this book you are
welcome to get in touch with me via my website

Linda Lazarides

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