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Report on Faculty Development Programme organized and

conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras, Chennai

From 24 August to 26 August
FDP program has inaugurated by Dr A Prasad and handed over to Dr Rajeev
Session 1
Interacted on Teaching Vs Learning
During 1950, the learning material was not available to the student and the
learning material is only with the teacher. Therefore the student has to depend on
the information given by the teacher in the class. Then the result is teacher is
delivering the information [active state] and the student receives the information by
listening to the teacher. But today the scenario is different; the learning material is
available to the student via Internet and other sources. Therefore the role of the
teacher has changed from information giving to students learning.
Now the goal/duty/responsibility of the teacher is to make the student learn.
Context is as important as Content
Content is sub-set of Context. Mindset and Methodologies are important for
Context. Mindset is sub-set of Methodologies
Tips for student learning
1. In covering the course syllabus, learner should be given opportunity.
2. Learning Content should be transformed /converted to learners Friendly
3. Focus should be made on To whom our learning process is. (UG, PG,
Research scholar)
Problem: Given solution to the problem of Teacher teaching orally and Learner
learn by writing.
Solution: the solution is there should be fine balance between
Oral Communication
Written Communication
while teaching.
The speaker has given the following tips

Give importance to Body language [He tell about attention posture.]

Use simple English
Scroll your eyes on each student
Asking question by random pick is a very good practice to attract attention of
the student.

Session 2

Learning Life Cycle

Learning outcomes are developed for the course.

Learning outcomes benefits both learner and the teacher
There are two levels of learning
Lower level of learning
Higher level of learning
Learning outcomes must be delivered to the student on day-one of the semester.
Blooms Taxonomy helps in writing and classifying the learning outcomes of the
Divide the course contents
Write outcome for each content
Classify the content whether it belong to lower or higher level of learning
There is no compulsion that the contents of the course must belong to
Higher level of learning
There should be clear match between Learning outcomes, assessment level and
teaching content.

It is best to have learning outcomes for each class.

Session 3
The purpose of learning assessment is to improve learning
Learning assessment helps in reaching learning outcomes of the course.
Learning assessment is a process which helps both learner and teacher.
Grading Vs Assessment
Grading is a subset/part of Assessment.
Learning Assessment also tells whether we have developed wrong Learning
Learning assessment is of two types

Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment
It is done during the semester
The periodicity of the Formative Assessment may be
o At the end of/during the class
o Every week
o Every fifteen days
o Every month
Examples of formative assessment
o Minute paper
o Assignments
o Asking questions
o Asking students to give seminars etc
Formative Assessment helps in reaching the learning outcomes
Formative Assessment also helps in checking whether the teacher is reaching the
learning outcomes or not.

Summative Assessment
It is done at the end of the semester
Examples of Summative assessment
o Result Analysis
Summative Assessment helps to evaluate student learning.
There should be fine balance between the time allotted for learning assessment
and time allotted for course preparation.[spending less time on assessment tools
and more time on course preparation is not always good.]

Session 4
The learner must be active and there should be cooperation between learners and
the teacher.
How to make the learner active during the class?
The average attention span of an individual is 10 minutes and the duration of the
class is 50 minutes. So there is high chance that a learner is not active every
minute during the class. One solution to the above problem is Book Ends of a
Class Section

Avoid continuous teaching in the class. Introduce an activity in between.


[PIGS Face]
5. Face-to-Face (Promotive Interaction)

Session 5
MOTIVATION by Dr Ajith Kumar Kollar
It is a feel to make up the mind.
Teaching to a student without motivation is a tough job
Learning from a teacher without motivation is Frustrating.
So for learning to happen both teacher and student must be motivated and it is
mutual beneficiary.
Motivation is of two types
Intrinsic motivation (self)
Extrinsic motivation (outside)
Extrinsic-to-Intrinsic motivation
Student gets motivation from the knowledge and personality of a teacher.
Brain _______ Cognitive
Mind ________ Effective
Body ________ psychomotor
Role of motivation for Active Learning
1. The teacher must motivate the learner by telling application areas of the concept.
2. Make the student to solve the mathematical problems on the course.
3. Motivate the student to take running notes during the class work.
4. Preparing a power point presentation on the content of the course is the best
Motivation Graph:
Motivation graph tells how the retention varies from the starting of the class to the
end of the class.
Advice from speaker
1. To conduct a Avadhanam program to show the strength of retention
2. The students must be motivated first before instructing the course.

3. Teacher has a major role in motivating the student.

Eg: APJ Abdul Kalam etc
4. Learning must be effective, efficient and enjoyable too.
Student gets motivation by the attitude and behavior of the teacher.

Teaching is a sacred pursuit.

Session 6
e-LEARNING by Dr Gandam Phani Kumar
LMS [Learning Management Systems]
Example of Learning Management Systems is
LMS will create a Role for the teacher in the Ekalavya Model of Learning
The objective of the LMS is
It connects with the student even when the student is outside the class
It reinforces class room activities.
It harness skill set to make learning effective.
It saves time
Using Learning Management Systems, like,
We can host
Course Notes
Videos ,ppts etc
Course information
Assessment can be done

With LMS, the student who misses the class work can also learn the course
content which is hosted.
He has advised to access
He also has advised to participate in Distance learning Programs at IITM, which are
certificate programs.

Session 7
REFLECTION by Dr Admana Prasad
The Teacher must stick to the learning outcomes.
Flipped class work is one idea to make learner active.

The idea of Flipped class room is

Class work at Home
Home work in the class room
Reflection helps in Improve our teaching
To improve our teaching continuously four steps are to be followed

Action (act on the course contents)

Feedback (feedback from the student)
Reflection (change in the teaching practice after feedback)
Planning (plan for the future)

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