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Memorandum oe November 3, 2015 -» Honorable Members of the Quit f Life & Enizonment Commitee: Sandy Greyson (Chi), " Tin A Young (Vice Chain, Fickey O. Calahan, Mark Cayton, Phi T. Kington, 8. Adam M:Gough ‘ssscr Memo from Councimember Adar Medrano, Chair ofthe LGBT Taskforce itn) CITY OF DALLAS ‘nfl accord with Resolution No, 14-0477, passed by the cty council on March 5, 2014, see the attached ‘memo from Councimember Medrano, Chair of the LGBT Taskiorc. Ds Warren MS. Emst City Attorney enti Mayers Cty Cae (gD Kenn iy Abr os A lw Oy Soret Din Sal Ait ae jon Ear Fit asa Cy race feo cameo Att Cy Mange “A ern, PE, Aan Cy Magee itera ase Cy Mange ‘boy ap try Hage ‘fate Opprist Frarcel Oia Soyer ante nomaton Or Banca, ist oe iy Manage Myer Core Memorandum wy one November 3, 2015, CITY OF DALLAS, so Honorable Members ofthe Quality of Life & Environment Committe: Sandy Greyson (Chak), Tifinni A. Young (Vice Chai), Rickey D. Calahan, Mark Cayton, Php T. Kingston, B. Adam McGough swnecr Amendment to Chapter 46, Unlawful Discriminatory Practices Relating to Sexual Orientation” ‘On March 5, 204, the cty council passed Resolution No. 14.0477, which stated that the cy iin ful favor ‘of equal rights for iesban, gay, tisoxual, and transgender (LGBT) employees of he oly of Daas, cizens wahin the cy of Dal, and vistors tothe cty of Dallas. On September 26,2014, the city counci amended Chapter 34, "Personnel Rules" of the Dallas City Code to address the disparate treatment of LGBT ‘employees and thec families as requred by Resolution No. 14-0477. The recommended changes, which ‘would amend Chapter 46, the ciy’sant-cscrimintion ordinance, address the dsparate treatment of LGBT ciizens within the cty of Dalas and LGBT visors tothe cy of Dalas. These recommendatons reflect input from and concems ofthe ciy’s LGBT Taskorce, ‘The proposed changes woul adress the dsparatetetent of LGBT cizens ofthe ciy and visitors to the cly by: (1) amending the tie of the Chapter to cay thatthe Chapter adcesses the “gts of ‘ranogendered indvduals as well s gay, lesbian, and bsowal inal; (2) docking that the cy ‘encourages al ens within he city, even those ene tal are excoped fom the requirements ofthe ‘Chapter, to recognize the rights ofl indvidvals; (3) carling the disincion between sexual ofentation ‘and gender identy and exoresion so tat the defitios ofthese ters gn with the dotntions in Chapter 34, Personnel Rules” ofthe Calas City Coe; (4 providing that a person's genders determined by the person's own perception of her gender; (6) roving an excepton thal aloned discrimination in ‘xian housing facies; and (6 establishing a deadine forth acinar to notly a complahant ater

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