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Tangent Planes







In ~ b previous
unit we discusscd a very commonly round thrce-dimensional object. In lhis
tinit we look at two more common1y found three-dimensional objects, namdy, a cone and a
cylinder. But, what you will see in this unit may surprise you-whal people usually call a
cone or a cylinder are only portions of very particular cases of what mathematicians rcfcr to
as a cone or a cylinder.
We shall start our discussion on cones by defining them, and deriving their equations. Then
wc shall concentrate on cones whose vertices are the origin. In particular, we will obtain the
langent planes of such cones.

The other surface that we will discuss in lhis unit is a cylindcr. We shall define a general
cylindcr, and then focus on a right circular cylinder.

'The contcnts in this unit are of malhematicnl intercst, of coursc. But, they arc also of intercst
to astronomers, physicists, engineers and architects, among otl~crs.This is because of the
many applications that cones and cylinders have in various ficlds of science and enginecr1ng.
The surfaces that you will study in this unit are particular cascs of conicoids, which you will
study in thc ncxl block. So if you go through Lhis unit carefully and ensure h a t you achieve
llie I'ollowing objectives, you will find the next block msicr lo undcrslanti.

Altcr sludying this unit you should be able Lo

obtain h e equation of a conc if you know its vertex and base curve;
prove and use the fact that a sccond degree equation in 3 variables represents a cone
with vertex at the origin i1 it is homogeneous;

obtain the tangent planes to a conc;

oblain the equation of a right circular cylinder if you know ils axis and base curve.

Let us now see what a cone is.

The Sphere, Cone and


When you see an ice-cream cone, do you ever think that it is a set of lines? That is exactly
what it is, as you will see in this section.
Definition: A cone is a set of lines hat intersect a given curve and pass through a fixed
point which is not in ~ h plane
of the curve. The fixed point is called the vertex of the cone,
and the curve is called the base curve (or directrix) of the cone.
Each line that makes up a cone is called a generator of the cone.
Thus, we can also define a cone in the following way.
Definition: A cone is a surface generated by a line that intersects a given curve and passes
through a fixed point which doesn't lie in the plane of the curve.
For example, in Fig. I (a), we give the cone generated by a line passing through the point P,
and intersecting the circlc C. The basc curves of the concs in Fig. 1 (b) and Fig. 1 (c) are an
ellipse and a parabola, rcspcctively.

Fig.! : (a) A circular coac, (b) an dliptic cone, (c) a parvbnlic cone.

At this point we would like to make an important rcmark.

Remark 1: A cone is a.set of lines passing through its vertex ind base curve. Thus, it
cxtcnds beyond the vertex and the base curve. So the concs in our diagrams arc only a
portion ,of the irctual concs.

Now let us inlroduce some new terms.

Definitions: A cone who'sc base curve is a circle is called a circular cone. The line joining
the vemx of a circular cone to the centre of ils base curve is called the axis of the cone. If
the axis of a circular cone is perpendicular ~o the plane of the basc curve, then the cone is
called a right circular cone,

Thus, the cone in Fig. 1 (a) is a right circular cone, while the one in Fig. 2 is not.
i:ig. 2: A circular cunc which is not
right ctrcular.

Cones were given great imporlance by the ancient Greeks who were studying the problem of
doubling the cube. A teacher of Alexander the Great, Menaechrnus, is supposed to have
geomeuically proved the following result. This result is the reason for the continuing
importance of cones.
Theorem 1: Every planar section of a cone is a conic.

Cones a n d Cylinders

This theorem is tlle reason for an ellipse, parabola or hyperbola to be called a conic section
(see Fig. 1 of Unit 3). It was proved by the Greek astronoiner Appolonius (approximately
200 B.C.). We will not give the proof here.
according to Theorem 1 would you call a pair of intersecting lines a conic? If you cut
a right circular cone by a plane that contains its axis, what will the resulting curve be? Sec

Fig. 3.
LCL us now see how we can represent a cone algebraically. We shall first talk about a right
circular cone, which we'shall refer to as an r.c. cone.

So, let us mke an r.c. cone. Let us assume that its vemx is at the origin, and is axis ishe -.
z-axis (see Fig. 4). Then the base cuke, which is.a circle of radius r (say), lies in.a.plane
.. . that
. .,
is parallel to the XY-plane. Let this plane be z = k, where k is a constant. Then, any
gcnerator will intersect this curve in a point (a, b, k), for.somca, b E. R. So the angle'
between the generator and the axis of the cone will be 9= tan-'

, which is a conslant.

1'1~.3: A pair of lnterstctlng lin&

Is n conic scctlon.

This is true for any generator of the conc.

Thus, cvery line that makes up the cone makes a fixed angle 0 with the axis of the cone. l l i s
angle is called the semi-vertical angle (or generating angle) of the cone.
Wc can now define an r.c. cone in thc following way.
Definition: A right circular cone is a,surfacegenerated by a line which passes through a
fixed point (its vcrtex), and makes a constant angle with a fixcd line through the fixed point.

Lct us obtain the equation of an r.c. cone in terns sf iu scmi-vcrtical angle. Let us assume
[hat thc vertex of the cone is 0 (0,0,0) and axis is the z-axis. (We can always choose ow
coordinate system in this manner.) Now take any point P (x, y, z) on the cone (see Fig. 5).
Then, the direction ratios of OP are x, y, z, and of the conc's axis are 0,0, 1. Thus, from
Equation (9) of Unit 4, we get
cos 0



Pig. 4: A right rircvlar conc wllh

vertex st the origin and brzw
c w r v c ~ ~ + ~ ' =z=k.

~ h u sx2+y2+~Z
i? S ~ 9C ~
+ x ~ = z2+ tan~e. ~
(1) is called the standard form of the equation ofa right circular cone.
Now, why don't you try the following cxercist?s?

x- a = y - b
Show that the equation of thc r.c, cot~ewith vertex at (a, b, c), axis 01
- ---and semi-vertical angle 8 is

[a(x-a) +P(y-11) + y (z-c)] "a2i-B2-ky2) ((x-a)"

(y-b)? + (z-c)" ccos28...... (2)


Can you deduce (1) from (2) ?


Find :lie equation of the r.c. cone whose axis is the x-axis, vertex is the origin and
semi-vertical angle is,

Let us now look at a cone whose vertex is the origin. In this situation we have the following


Iiip. 5: x~ y~ = z1


Theorem 2: The cquatibnof a cone whose base curve is a conic and whose vertex is
(O,O,O)is a homogencouscquation of degrcc 2 in 3 variablcs.

An equation is h o m o g e ~ ~ c o of
llcgrcc 2 i f cnch 01 ils Lcrrns is of
tlcgrce 2.

Proof: Lct us assumc that thc basc curvc is lhc conic

ax2+ 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 , z = k.

The Sphere, Cone and

Any gcncralor of the cone passes through (0, 0,b). Thus, it is or the rorm



P Y'
This line intcrsccts thc plane z = k at the point



This poinl should lic on the conic. Thus,

Eliminating a,P, yfro~nthis quation and (3), we gct

This is the cquation of thc conc. As you can scc, it is homogeneous or dcgrec 2 in the 3
variablcs x, y and z.
x2 y2
For cxamplc, thc equation of the conc whose base curve is Llic cllipse - + - = 1 in the
plane z = 5 , and whosc vcrlcx is tlic origin, is

Do you sce apattcm in thc way we obtain thc ccjuation of the cone rrom the equation of the
base curve? The following remark is about his.

Remark 2: To find thc cquation or thc cone with vcrtcx al(O,O, 0) and basc curve in the
planc Ax + By + Cz = D', D f 0, wc simply Iiomogenise the equation or the curve, as
follows. Wc multiply ~ h lincar
terms by
, and thc c o n s ~ ntcrni


)"; and wc lwve the quadratic terms as thcy are. The equation that wc get

by his process is al~o~nogeneouseqi~ation

of degrec 2, and is the equation of the conc.
Let us look at a fcw exarnplcs or concs with their vcrticcs at Ulc origin.
Example 1: Show that thc crluatiori ol the cone with the axes as generators is
fyz + gzx + hxy = 0,where T, g, h E R.
Solution: By Thcorcm 2, thc equation of the conc is
+ 2gzx + 2hxy = 0, for solnc a,b, c, f, g, h E R .
Since the x-axis is a gcncrator, (1,0,O) lies on it. Therefore, a = 0. Similarly, as it passcs
through (O,1,0) and (0,(!,
I), b = c = 0. So the equation becomes Tyz + gzx + hxy = 0.
Example 2: Find thc cquation of the cone with vertex at the origin, and whose base curve is
the c i r c ~ e ' x ~ + ~ Id,
~ + x+2y+2z
= 9.

Cones and Cylinders

Sulution : On holnogenising the cquation 01' thc sphere, we gct

This is a second degree homogeneous equation in x, y, z and passes Lhrough the circle.
Hcnce, it is the required equation of the cone.
Thc following excrciscs will give you somc practice in homogenising equations.


Find Lhe equation of the cone with vertex at thc origin and base curve
a) the parabola y2 = 4ax, z = 3,



b) the ellipse - + - = 1, x = -2.

3 5
Find the equation of the conc passing Lhrough 2x2 + 3y2+ 4z2= 1 and x + y + z = 1.
and with vertex at the origin.

Let us go back to Theorem 2 now Do you think its converse is true? Consider the following
l'heorem 3: A homogeneous equation of the second dcgrec in 3 variables represents a cone
whose vertex is at thc origin.
Prook Lct the given cquation be
ax2+ by2 + cz2 + 2tyz + 2gzx + 2hxy = 0.

..... .(4)

Lct P ( a , p, y) be a point on this surface and 0 the origin. Thcn OP is given by the equations
-x= - =y - = z r (say).

a P Y

So any poiat on OP is (ra, rp, ry). Sincc P lics on (4),

acx2+ bp2+c f + 2fpy + 2gy a + 2hap = 0.
Mul~iplying(5) lhroughout by r2, we get


a(m)' + b (rp12+ c(ry12+ 2f(rp) (ry) + 2g (ry) (ra) + 2h (m) (rp) = 0.

Thus, (m, rp, ry) also lies on (4), for any r E R. In particular, 0 lics on(4). So, the line OP
lies on lhc surface given by (4). In othcr words, OP is a gcncrator of (4). Thus, thc surface
(4) is generated by lines through thc origin. Eqch of hese lines will also pass through any
curvc obtained by intersecting (4) by a plane, and any' of thcse cuwcs can be treatcd as a
base curve. Thus, (4) represents a conc with the origin as vertex.
So, from what you have seen so far in this scclion; whcnevcr you come across a
homogeneous cquation in 3 variables ~f degree2, you know that it represents a cone.

Remark3: If



= 0, then (4) can bc writtcn as a product of two lincar

expressions. Thus, in his casc (4) reprrscnls a pair of planes containing the origin. We shall
consider this case as a degenerate cone, and any point on h c linc of intcrscction ofthe two
planes can be considered as its vertcx.

Using Thcorem 3, we can show Lhat if a,P, y E R,then q hornogcneous equation in x - a,

Y - p, z - y represcnis a cone wilh vcrtcx at (a, p, y). (We shall discuss this kind of shifting
in dctail in Unit 7.)

Why don't you uy some exercises now?

'I'he Sphere, Cone and



If = - = - is a generator of the cone given by the homogeneous equation (4), then

P- Y

show that(a,p, y) lies on (4).


Which of the following equations represents a cone?





uL vL w L
+ - + -= d, show that ax2+ by2+ cz2+ 2ux + 2vy + 2wz + d = 0 represents

a cone.
Let us now go back to Example 1. This is an example of a cone with three mutually
perpendicular generators. Itc equation has no term containing x2, or z'. Does this mean
i h a whenever
a cone has thrce mutually perpendicular generators, its equation must have no
term with x2, Y2 or z2?The following theorem helps us to answcr this question.
Theorem 4: If the cone ax 2+ by2+ cz2+ 2fyx + 2gzx + 2hxy = 0 has 3 mutually
perpendicular generalors, hen a + b + c = 0.

ProoT: Let the direction cosines of Lhe three. mutually perpendicular generators be li, mi,Q,
where i = 1,2,3. Since they are mutually pcrpcndicular, we can rotate our coordinate system
so that these lines become the new coordinate axes.
Then he direction cosines of the previous coordinate axes with respect to the ncw axes are
1,. 12, 13; ml,m2, m3and n,,n2, n3, respectively.
So Unit 4 (Equations (3).and (10)) lell us that
lI2+ 122 + 1; = 1
r n 1 2 + m ~ + m 3 12 =

Further, since the perpendicular lines arc generators of the cone, using E6 we get

Adding these e~uations,and using (6), we gel a + b + c = 0.

Actually, the converse of ibis rcsult is also true. The proof uses a fact that you have already
scen in Fig. 3 in the case of an r.c. cone, namcly,

If the lines of interseaion of a cone

and a plane through thc cone's vertex
are imaginary, the intersection
rcduccs to a single point, namely, the
cone's vertex (as in Fig. l{e) of
Unit 3).

any plane through the vertex of a cone intersects the cone in two lines,
which may or may not be distinct.
The following result, which wc shall not prove, tells us about the angle bctween the lines of
Theorem 5: The angle between the two lines in which the plane ux + vy + wz = 0 intersects
the cone C(x, y, z) = ax2 + by2 + cz2+2fyz+ 2gzx + 2hxy = 0 is

Cones and Cylinders


whcrc p2=

Looking at (7), can you give the condition under which the angle will be n,2?
Thc lincs of intersection of the plane and the cone will be perpendicular iff

Lct us usc (8) LO solvc h e following example, which includes the converse of Theorem 4.
Example 3: Show chat i l a + b + c = 0, lhen [he conc

C(x, y, Z) =ax


b y Z + cz2+ 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy = O

has infinitely many s a s of three mutually perpendicular gcncralors.


Solution: Let - = - = - be any generator of [lie conc. Thcn, by E6, we know that

a P Y

C (a,(1, y) = 0. Therefore, using thc fact that a+b+c = 0 and (8),we sce [hat he plane
ax + $y + y z = 0 intcrscc~~
thc cone in two mutually pcrpendicular gencralors, say Land L'.

X = Y = 5 is normal to h c planc ax + py + y z = 0. Thus, it is perpendicular to both L

a P Y

and I.'. 'Thus, thcsc thrcc lines form a scl ol'lhrcc mulually pcrpendicular gencralors of he

x y z
Nolc that wc chosc - = - = - arbitrarily. 'fhus, for each generiltor chosen we get n set of

lliree nnutually pcrpendicular generalors. Hcnce, thc conc has infinitely many such sets of
Why don'l you try somc cxcrciscs now?

Find the anglc bctwccn thc lincs of intzrscction of


ElO) Prove that ax

+ by + cz = 0, whcrc abc ;t 0 , cuts the conc yz + zx + xy = 0 in

1 1
pcrpcndicular lincs ifl' -1 + + - = O.
a 13 c

El 1

Provc chat if a right circular cone has threc mutually pcq~endiculxgenerators, its
semi-vertical anglc is tan-' \IZ

Lct us now discuss thc intcrscclion of a line and a cone.


In thc prcvious unit you saw h a i a line can intersect a sphere in at mosl two poinls. What do
you C X ~ ? C Lin
' ~ ~11c
case of he inlcrscctiors of a line and a cone? Let's see.
Let thc cquadon of Lhe cone be (4), that is, ax2 + by% cc2 + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy = 0.

'fhe Sphere, Cone and


Note that, I)y shifting thc origin i f ncccssnry, wc can always assunx this cqualion as thc
conc's ccluation.
For convcnicncc, we will wrilc C (x, y, z).= ax 2 + b y Z + cz 2+ 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy.
Now consider Lhc line ?!.! = X'=
Any point on Lhis lint is given by


(x, + ra, yl + rp, zl + I-/),

for some r E R. Thus, the line will intersect Lhe conc, if this point
lics on thc conc for some r E R.
This happens if
a (xl+ ra)'+b (y + rp)'+c (zI + r y12+2f (Y1+ rp) ( L ~+ r y) + 2g (zl + r y) (xl + ra) +
2h (xl + ra) (y + rp) = 0.
H ?C

(a,P, y) + 2 r ( a (ax, + hyl + gzl) + (hxl+ by1 + fzl) + y ( g x ~ + f y+~c ~ I ) )

Now, if(xl,yl, z,) docsn't lie on the conc, thcn (9) is a quadratic in r, and hcnce has two
roots. Each root corresponds to a point of interscction of the line and the cone. Thus, wc
havc just proved the following result.
Theorem 6: A straight line, passing thhugh a point not on cone, mecls thc cone in at most
two points.

x-Xl y-y1 = 2 - 2 1 is a kngcnt to the cone (4) a1 (xl, yl, zl).

Now suppose that ~ h linc
c - -CY

Thcn, since (xl, yI , zl) lies on Lhc conc, C (xl, y zl) = 0. So (9) bc'comes

This cquation must havc coincitlcnt roots, sincc'thc line is a tangcnt to thc conc at
(XI, yll

zl). Thc condition Ijr thisis

a (axl + hyl + gzl)+ P (hx, + byl + fq) + y (gxl + fy, + cxl) =.0.


So, (10) is Lllc condition for 1
= Y = z - %I

LO be


langcnt to the cone

N o t that (1 0) is satisfied by infinitely Inany values of a , P, y. Thus,

at each point of a cone we can draw inl'initely mimy tangents to tlie cone.
Now, from S e c . 4.3.3, you know ha1 (I 0) ~cllsus hat etch of thcsc lincs is perpcndicular to
thc linc with direction ratios
axl+ hyl+gzl,hxl+ byl+l'zl,gxl+fyl+czl.
Thus, thc sct of all thc Langcnt lines at (x,, y z,) is thc plwc

.(x - X I )(axl + hyl + gxl) + (y- yl) (hxl + byl+ Szl)+ (z-zl) (gxl + fyl -t czl) = 0

* x (axl + hyl+ gzl)+ p (hx~+ by1 + fzl)+


(gxl + fyl + cz,) = 0,


since C(x I , y 1, zl) = 0.

This plane is defined to bc thc tilngent plane to the cone at (xl, y l , z,).
Thus, (I 1) is the cquation of thc langcnt planc at (xl, y zl) to thc cone
~ 2gzx + 2hxy = 0.
ax 2+ by2+ cz2+ 2 f y +
Thcrc is a very simple working rulc for writing (11).

Rule of thun~b:To write [he equation of the tangent planearl any point(a,P, y) on Lhe cone

(41, rcplacc x2 by a x , y2 by py, z2 by yz, 2yz by yy +

PL,2zx by c c +~ y x and 2xy by

px+*y .
For cxamplc, thc tangcnt plane to the cone 2x2+ y2- 2x2 = o at (I, O , I )is 2x (I)*+y (01
- (x + z) = 0, that is, x = z.
So far wc havc only found the tangent plane lo a cone whose vertcx is at the origin. What
about a gcneral cone? The following remark is about this.
Remark 4: We can find h e Langcnl plane lo a cone with vemx at (a, b, c) in the sanhe
manner as above. All wc nccd lo do is Lo shift Ihe origin Lo (a, b, c) and find the tangent
planc in thc ncw coordinate system. And then wc can shift back to h e old coordinate
systcm. making the rcquircd transformations in thc cquation of the plane. This will give us
thc rcquircd equation.

Now, if y5u look closcly at (1 I), you will notice that (0.0.0) satisfies it. Thus, the tangent
plane to a cone passes through the vertex of the cane.

Tllerefore, the tangent plane at I-'(x,,J.,, z,) contains P as well as the veltex 0 of the cone.
I-Ience, it contains the generator OP of the cone. Thus,
thc tangcnt plane to a conc touches [he conc along thc gcncrator passing
through thc point of contact.
This gcncrator is callcd h e generator of contact of thc plane. In Fig. 6 OP is the gcncrator
of conlac1of thc rangent planc T.
You can try somc exercises now.

El?) Find thc equation of the wngcnt plsnc at the point

1,1) to thc cone
7 4

5yz - 8zx - 3xy = 0.

E13) Usc Theorem 5 to obtain thc condition untlcr which a given plane is langent to a
If,you'vcsolved El 3, you would havc secn that thc condition for uxcvycwz = 0 to bc
tangcnt to the cone (4). that is, ax2 + by2 + ca 2+ 2hxy + 2fyz + 2gzx = 0 is







= 0, that is,

Thus, the line -.=
-Y = -,
which is h e normal at (O,O,O) Lo thc tangent planc, is a generau v w
lor of the cone Ax2+ B~~+ ez2+ 2Hxy + 2Fyz + 2Gzx = 0.

Thus, (12) is the cone generated by tho nonnals to the langcnt plailles at the vcrlex (0,0,0)
of the cone (4). Since it is homogeneous, its vertex is also (0.0.0).
Note that (12) is nothing but the de~rrninantequation

Fig. 6: T Is the tangent plane to

the cone at P.

'Fhe Sphere, Cone and





= 0.

Now, if we considere
!t surface generated by the normals at (0, 0, 0) to the tangent planes to
(121, what do we get? On calculating, you will get a surprise! The cone is (4), because

h' g
b f

A = h

Because of this relationship between (4) and (12) we call them reciprocal cones.
Actually, the following example shows why the name is appropriate.
Exampie 4: Show that the cones ax Z+ by2 + cz2 = 0 and

yZ z
+ - + - = 0 are reciprocal.

(Here abc # 0 .)

Solution: The reciprocal cone of ax2+ by2+ cz2 = O is given by the deeminant equation

x2 . Y2 z2
a - + - + = 0, dividing throughout by abc,
a b c
This is the required equation.

Now you can do h e following exercises. This will help you to undersmnd reciprocal cones
- --

E14) Find the cone on which the perpendicularsdrawn from the origin to rangent planes to
thecone 19x2+ 1 ly 2 + 3z2+ 6yz - lOzx - 26xy = 0 lie.
E15) Prove that the cone (4) has three mutually perpendicular tangent planes iff
b ~ + c a + a b = f ' + ~h2~. +
And now let us shift our attention to another surface that is gcneratcd by lines.



You must have come across several examples of the surface that we are going to discuss in
this section, For instance, a drain pipe is cylindrical in shape, and so is a pencil. Bu\for us,
the pencil will not be a cylinder, only its surface will, according to the followingdefinition.

Cones and Cylinders

Definition: A cylinder is the set of all lines which intersect a given curve and which are
to a fixed line which does not lie in the plane of the curve. The fixed line is called
he axis of the cylinder and the curve is called the base curve (or directrix) of the cylinder.
~ l thel figures in Fig. 7 represenl portions of cylinders.


Fig. 7: a) A elrcular cylinder, b) an clliptic cylinder, c) a parabolic cylinder.

In Fig. 7 (b) the cylinder's base curve is an ellipse, while il is a parabola in Fig. 7 (c).
Fig. 7 (a) is an example of a right circular cylinder according to the following definilion.
Ilefinitiun: A cylinder whose base curve is a circle, and whose axis passos through the
cenlrc of the base curve and is perpendicular LO he plane of he base curve, i.scalled a right
circular cylinder.

As you can see, in common parlance when people lalk of a cylinder, hey mean a portion of
a right circular cylinder.
Henceforth, in this section, by a cylinder we shall mean a right circular cylinder.


Lcl us now find the equation of a cybnder. We shall first assume that its axis is the z-axis,
and its basc curve is the circle xZ+ Y2 = ?, z = O (see Fig. 8).
Let P (xl, yl, 21)be any point on the cylinder. Lei the generator ~11rough
P intersect the plane
of the base curve (that is, the XY -plane) in M. Then the perpendicular distance of P from the
axis is O M


Fig. 8: The cylinder x2 + yi = ra.

Bul this is also r. Thus,

r Z = x f cy.:
This equation is true for every point P (x,, y,, zl) on the cylinder. Thus, the equation 6f the
cylinder is

x Z t yZ = 2.


You may wonder why z is not figuring in the equation. This is because whatever value of z
you take, the equation of the cylinder remains x 2 + y2 = 8.
What does this mean georneirically? It says that whatever plane parallel to the XY-plane you
take, say z = t, and take its intersection with the cylinder, you will always get the circle
Thus, in a sense, the cylinder is made up of infinitely many cii-cles,each piled up on the

The radius of a cylinder is h e

radius of its base cslrve.

'I'he Sphere, Cone and


Note hat thc plane z = t is perpendicular to Ihe axis of Ihe cylindcr x 2 + g= 2.

Also note that the length of the perpendicular from any point on a cylinder to its axis is
equal to its radius.
Using this fact, let us find the equation of a cylinder of radius rand whose axis is
x- a =y- b=z - c (see Fig. 9).

Fig. 9: A right clrmlrr cyllnder with r x b AM.

Let P (x,, yl, 2,) be any point on the cylinder. Let A bc the paint (a, b, c), which lies on the
axis, and M be the foot of tlie perpendicular fro111P onto the axis. Then PM = r.
Also, AM = AP cos 8, where 8 is the angle between the lines AM and AP.

Since AMP is a right-angled Lriangle, we

AP' = AM'

+ M P ~.

This equation holds for any point (xl, yl, zl) on Ihecylindcr.

x - a =y- bThus, the equalion of the right circular cylindcr with radius rand axis - z- c

i s ( ( x - a ) 2 + 0 , - b ) Z + ( z - ~ ~ 2 - ~ ) ( a 2 + ~ 2 + y 2 ) = ( ( x - a ) a + 0 , - b ) ~ + ( z - ~ ) y...(
) 214)
Let us look at an cxample.
Example 5: Find Ihe equation of he cylinder having for i!.s base the circle X'+~~+Z'
= 9,
Solution : The centre of the sphere is (0,Q, 0). and radius 3. The distance between (O,O, 0 )
and Ihe p l a ~x~-: y + z = 3 is
So the radius of h e base circle is
= 6 (see Fig. 10).


Flg. 10.


The axis of Ihe cylindcr is perpendicular tp the planc x - y + z = 3 and passes through (O,0,0).
x y z
So ils quations are - = -= I -I

Cones and Cylinders

Thus, using (14), we get the required equation as

~ ( X ~ + ~ ~ + Z ~ - ~ ) = ( X - ~ + Z ) ~
*X2+ y2+z2+xy+ Y ~ - % x - 9 = o .
Why don't you try an exercisc now'?
E16) Find the equation of thc cylinder

a) whose axis is x = 2y = -z and radius is 4,

x - 1 -y =,
b) whose axis is and radius is 2.

We shall end our discussion on cylinders here. Let us now briefly review what wc have
covered in this unit



In this unit we have discussed thc following pints.


A cone is a surface gencrateci by a line passing through a fixed point (its vertex) and ,
intersecting a given curve (its base curve), such that the vertex docs not lie in the plane
of the base curve.


A cone whose basc curve is a circle, and for which the linc joining ils vertex to the
centre of thc base curve is perpendicular to the planc of the base curve, is called u right
cccular cone. -


A planar sccrion of a conc is a conic.


The equation ofa right circnlar conc with scmi-vcrtical angle 8 is r 2 + g a x2 tan2 0.


A second dcgrce cquation in x, y, s! rcpresenls a conc with vcrtex at LhC origin if it is

homogeneous. .

6) The cone w2+hy2+cx2+2fyx+2gzx+2hxy= 0 has 3 mumally pcrpcgdicubr gcncratars

iFa+b+c= 0,

- *

Any plane through the vertex of a cow intcrrrects ihc cone in two divlincl w coincident
oblaincd by intersecting ux+vy+wz = O wilh
lincs. Thc angle betwcen ~ h lincs

C (x, y, z) = ax Z + by2 + ci2+ 21'yz+ 2gzx + 2hxy = 0 is



Thus, the plane is tangent to the cone iff p2 = 0.


The equation of the langent planc to thc cone ax2.+by2 + cz2+2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy = 0
at the point P (xl, yl, z,) is
(a1+ hy, + gz,) x + (hxl + byl + lzI) y + ( p l + fyI+ C Z ~z=
) 0.
This contains the linc OP, wherc 0 is the vertex of thc cone.

The Sphere, Cane and



The cone formed by the normals to the tangent planes to a given cone at its vertex is
the reciprocal of the given cone. The reciprocal cone of the cone ax2+ b y 2 + cz2+ 2fyz
+ 2gm + 2hxy = 0 is given by

h b f
f c

l x Y


10) A cylinder is a surface generated by a line which is parallel to a fixed line (its axis)
and which cuts a given curve (its base curve), such that the line and curve are not in
the same plane.
11) A right circular cylinder is a cylinder whose base curve is a circle and axis is the line
through the centre of the circle and perpendicular to its plane.
12) The equation of a right circular cylinder wilh base c w e a circle of radius r and centre
(0,0,O) in the plane z = 0 is x2 e y2 = r2.

x- a y- b z- c
The equation of a right circular cylinder of radius r and axis -= -= -is

And, now, you may like to go back $0Sec. 6.1 to see if you have achieved the objectives
listed there. You must have solved the exercises as you came to them in the unit. In the next
section wc have given our answers to the exercises. You may like to h ~ v ae look at them.


Let P (x, y, z) be any point on h e cone. Since V (a, b, c) is its vertex, the direction
ratios of PV are x -a, y - b, z - c. Also, the direction ratios of the axis of the cone
are a , P, y.

Hence, we get (2).


Yes. Just take a = 0 = P, y = 1, a = b = c = 0 in (2), and you will get (1).


The direction ratios of h e axis are 1,0,0, and the vertex is (0, 0,O). If (x, y, z) is any
point on the cone, ttien
a x.l+y.O+z.O



* x 2+ y 2 + z 2 = 4 ~ ,
which is the required equation.


H x + 2y2f 3z2-2xy - 2yz -2zx = 0.

x y '2
U) Let-=-=-=


say. Then putting x = m,y = I$,z = ry in (4), and dividing

a P v
throughwt by 3,we get

aa2+ bp2+ C* + 2fpy + 2 g p + 2h txp = 0.

:. (pl, p, y) lies on (4).

Cones and Cylinders


Only 3 (x2 + y2+ z2)= xy.


Subsliluling the value of d in lhe cquillion, we can write it as

which is a hornogcneous ctlualion of dcgrcc 2 iq x + -, y + -, 'z + -.

Thus, il is a conc will1 vertcx a1




The required anglc is

where P' =


EIO) I n lhis silualion (8) tells us Lhat Llic lincs will bc pcrl)cndiculariff
bc + ca + ab = 0.

El I)

Lcl ils scmi-vcrlical anglc bc 0.

Thcn ~ h qualion
ol' ~ l i cconc is (I), Lllat is, x 2 + y2= z2 lani 0.
Sirlcc this has lhrcc rn~~lually
pcrpcndicular gcncralors, Tllcorcm 4 lclls us Lllal

E12) Tllc rcquircd cquaiion is

E13) A tnngcnl planc musl touch L I I conc

along n gcncralor. Thus, the two lincs rrl'
inlcfscclior?,o l Ll~eplane and Lhe conc musl coincidc. Thus, Ihc angle bclwccn ~hese
1i11csmust be 0 .
Thus, Iiom Thcorcm 5, wc sw lhal ux+vy+wz = 0 is a ungcnl lo ~licconc C (x, y, z) = 0
e P = 0 (since u2+ v2+ w2 ;t 0.)

= 0.

'The Sphere, Cone and


E14) The required cone is Ihc reciprocal of the given cone. Thus its equation is
19 -13 -5
3 . 3
e 3x2+4y2+5z2+ 2yz + 4 z x + 6xy = 0.
E15) The cone will have three mutually perpendicular tangent planes iff the reciprocal
cone has three mutually perpendicular generators. Using Thcorem 4 and its converse,
we see that this happens iff in (12): A + B + C = 0, that is,
iff (bc - f2) + (ca - g2)+ (ab - h2) = 0, that is
i f f b c + c a + a b = c ~ + h2~. ~ +
E16) a) The equation is (x2 + y2+ z2.- 16) (1+ -+I) = (x + 1 - z12


The required equation is

= (2(~-1)+3y+(z-3)}~
14 ((x-112+ )2+(~-33)~-4]
10x2+5y2+13z2-~',xy-6yz-4xz-8x+ 30y-71z+ 5 9 = 0 .


(This section is optional)
In this section we have gathered some problems related to the contenls of this block. You
may like to do them toget a better understanding of these contents. Our solutions to the
questionsfollow the list of problems, in case you'd like to counter-check your answers.


Find the equations to the planes through the line

= Y-3 = -- , which are

parallel to the coordinate axes.


Find thc equation of the plane passing through

x + l y- 3 2+2
= -= -and the point

2- y z + 2
(0,7, -7). Also check i l x = -- =- lics in this plane.


x y z
The plane - + - + - = 1 mccts the axes in the poinls A,B and C. Find the
a b- c
equations dclermining the circumcircle of the uiangle ABC (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1


Prove that if every planar section of a surlace given by a quadratic equation is a circle,
the surface must be a sphcrc.


Find an equation of the set of points which are twice as far from the origin as from
(-1 1, 1).


If he sphere x2 + y2 + z2+ 2ux + 2vy + 2wz + d = 0 cuts x 2 + y2 + z2 + 2u'x + 2v'y

2w'z + d' = 0 in a great circlc, then show that
2 (uu' + vv' + ww') - (d + d') = 2r12,where r' is the radius ol the second sphere.


Find the equation of thc sphere inscribed in the tetrahedron whose faces are
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, x + y + z = 1 (see Fig. 2).


Show that the sum of thc squares of thc intercepts nladc by a given sphere on any three
mutually perpendicular lines through a fixed point is constant.
(Hint: Take the fixed point Lo bc the origin.)


Find the cquations to the lines in which the plane 2x + y - z = 0 cuts the cone 4x2 - y2
+ 3z2= 0.
= z represents one out of a sct of three mutually perpendicular generiitors of
thYe cone 11yz + 6zx - 14xy = 0,find the equations of the other two.
(Hint: Take a plane through the given line, and apply the condition for the lines of
inlcrsection o l this plane and the cone to be perpendicular.)

10) If x =

1 1 ) Find the equation of the right circular cone with vertex (1,1,3), axis parallel to the
X =Y =Z
line and with one of i 8 generators having direction ratios 2, 1, -1.
1 2 2

12) Find themuation of the cone which passes through the common gcneratorsof the
cones x2+ 2y2+32' = 0 and 5xy - yz + 5x2 = 0 and Lhe line with direction ratios
l , O , 1.
(Hint: The cone passing through the common gcnerators of h e cone C1= 0 and C2= 0
is C1+kC2= Q,where k E R.)

Fig. 2

The Sphere, Cone and


13) Find the equa~iopof the right circular cylinder that is generated by lines which are

parallel to 5 = 1= 2 , and which are tangent to the sphere x +3+z2= 3 (see Fig. 3).
a b c
(Note: Such a cylinder is called the enveloping tylinder of the sphere.)
x y + l 2-1
14) The axis of a cylinder of radius 3 has equations 3 = 7
=1 . Find the equation

of the cylinder.
15) Provc that for a cylinder the tangent plane at any point is pmllel to its axis
(see Fig. 4).


The equation lo any plane through the given line is

a(x-2)+ b(y-3)+c(z-4)=O,where2a+4b+5c=O
Ifthis is parallel to the x-axis, we nlust have
Thus, the equation of such a plane is 5y - 42 + 1 = 0:
Similarly, you can c h ~ that
k the planes pafallel .to h. e y and z axes are 5x - 22 - 2 = 0
and 2x - y - 1 = 0, respectively.


,.... .(2)
where -3a + 2b + c = 0.
Since (0,7,-7) lies on it, we have
a+4b-5c =O.
Eliminating a, b and c from (2) and (3), we get
- c
a b c
-=-=-*-=-=-10-4 1-15 -12-2 1 1 1'
:. (I) becomes 1(x + 1) + l(y - 3) + l(z + 2) = 0
3x+y+z=O. x =y - 2 =2 + 2 will lie on this plane, if it is parallel to the plane and any
The linc 1
point on it lies on the plane. Since 1 (1) + (-3) (1) + 2 (1) = 0, the line is parallel to the
plane. Also, (0,2, -2) is a common point. Thus, !he line lies in the plane.


The circurncircle will bc the intersection of the given plane with any sphere passing
lfirough A, B and C;So, let us take the sphere through 0,A, B and C. The coordinates
of these points are (0,0,O), (a, 0, O), (0, b, 0) and (O,O, c). You can check that the
z ~ - ~ x
equation is x ~ + ~ ~ + -by-cz=0.
Thus. the equations that give the circurncircle are

fig. 3: The cylinder cnvelops the


Pig. 4: The plane Is tanfent to the



Let Ihe equation of the surrace bc

ax2 + by2 + cz2 + 2hxy'+ 2gzx + 2fyz + 2ux + 2vy + 2wz + d = 0.
It intersects z = 0 in the conic

ax 2 +b y 2 +2hx y +2ux+2v y +d=0.

This will be a circle ilf a = b and h = 0.

Similarly, on intersecting with x = 0 and y = 0 we will get a = b = c and f = 0= g = h.

Thus, Ihe equation of the surface reduces to
~ ( X ~ + ~ ~ + Z ~ ) + ~ U X + ~ V ~ + ~ W Z + ~ = O ;

which rcpresenls a sphere.


La (x, y, z) be any point in h e set Then

If the lwo spheres are S = 0 and S = 0, then (-ul,-v', -wf) lies on S - S, = 0,that is,




2(u - u')


+ 2(v - v') V' + 2(w - W ~ W =' d - d'.

A ~ ( u u ' + v v ' + w w ~ - ~ + ~ ' = ~ ( ~ ~ + v ' ~ + w ~ ) = ~ ~ + ~ ~ '



2 (uu' + vv'

+ ww) - (d + d') = 2r".

Let the equation be


Since the given plarlcs are tangent to il, the distance of (-u, -v, -w) from these planes



Solving these equations, we gel r = -.
Thus, the equation of [he spherc is

Let us assume that the fixed point is (O,0, 0) and the lhree lines are thc axes. Thcn let
thc spherc be given by x2 + y2 + z2 + 2ux + 2vy + 2wz + d = 0.


Its intercept on the x -axis, that is, y = 0 = z, is 2 d z .

Similarly, the other inlcrccpls ore 2-,/=
Now, (

~ + ()


and 2dW2_d.

~ + ( 2~. ~ = ) 7~ =

4 (u2+ v2+ w2- 12d).

which is a constant, since the sphere is a given one.

Let a linc of intersection bc


y z
-x1 = = -. Then 21 + m - n= 0 and u12- m + 3n2 = 0.
nt n

Solving these equations, we get


Thus, thc two lines are

10) 2x - y + k (y - 22) = 0,k E R, gives any plane through the given line. This will cul the
given cone in perpendicular lines if
11 ( k - 1 ) ( - 2 k ) + 6 ( - 2 k ) ( 2 ) - 1 4 ( 2 ) ( k - l ) = O ~ k = - 2 , 7 / 1 1 .
Thus,theplanesare2x-3y+4z=Onnd llx-2y-7z=0.

Now, 2x - 3y + 42 = 0 intcrsccts Ule cone in two perpendicular lines of which one is

the given one which lies in the plane. Therefore, he olhcr one has to bc h c normal to

the plane at (0,O.O). This is - =

= -. So this will be another of the requircd set of
2 -3 4
rnutual!y perpendicular gchcrators.

Similarly, the third genenitor will be the normal to 1lx - 2y - 72 = 0 at (0, 0, 0), that

11) If 9 is its semi-vertical angle, then

Also, the axis is given by

y - I =z--3
2 .


The Sphere, Cone and


Thus, the equation of the r.c. cone is

((x- 1) +2(y-1)

+ 2 (z-3))'=

9 ((x- 1)2+

I)'+ ( z - 3 ) ' ) ~

+ 1 0 ~ ' e10z2+12xy + 24yzat 12x2-50x- l a y - 9 6 2

+ 221 =0.

12) Let the cone be (x2 + 2y2 c 3z2)+ k (5xy - yz + 5x2) = 0,where k E R.Since the line
with direction ratios I,@,1 lies on it, (1,0, 1) must satisfy it. This gives us k = -5
Thus, the required cone is
5 (x2+ 2y2c3z2)- 4 (5xy - yz c 5x2) = 0.

P, y) be any point on the cylind,er.A gcnerator through this will be given by

13) Let (a,
x- a y - p
This line intersects the sphcre in (ak + a,bk + P,cki- y), wl~crek is given by
(ak + a)2+ (bk + P12 + (ck + y)2= 2.
This quadratic equation in k gives two values of k, which correspond to two points of
intersection. Thus, the generator will be a tangent to the sphere if thcse points
coincide, that is, ilf
(aa+ bp +cy12=(a2+ b2+c2)(a2+p2+*-?),
Thus, the locus of (a,
P, y), which is the equation of thc cnvcloping cylindcr, is
(ax + by + cz12= (a2 c b2 + c2) (x2 + y2 + z2- r2).
15) We can always assume thc equation of Ule cylindcr to be x2 + $ = ?.
Its axis is the z-axis, that is, x = 0, y = 0.
As in the case of a cone, you can show that its tangent plane at a point (xl, y,, zl) is
XXl + yy1=?.
This is parallel to the z- axis. Hence, the result.



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