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Why Cleanse?

It is amazing how quickly people respond to a simple and effective

cleanse program. The number one report we hear is that people have
more energy. The second most common testimony has been a freedom
from negative thoughts and feelings - particularly, people report
feeling "closer to God". It is common to feel an increased sense of wellbeing, greater mental clarity, release from pains and many diseased
symptoms. The testimonies reflect a broad spectrum of benefits
ranging from basic through profound, and may include: skin, hair and
eye improvement, all the way to resolving chronic pain and serious life
threatening conditions.
The internal body cleanse process is far more than just a colon cleanse;
it begins by promoting the cleansing of the entire small intestine, then
the colon, and the stomach. As the cleanse works it's "magic," toxic
accumulations are eliminated from the alimentary canal and then toxic
overloads start releasing from the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic
system. This allows the entire body to detoxify and function more
The liver is one of the main keys to good health and vitality. There are
over 500 known functions of the liver, many of which are essential for
life, all of which are essential for good health and vitality. It is almost
impossible for any disease condition to develop until the liver becomes
sluggish and weak. But long before the liver begins to weaken, the
bowel can become excessively toxic and sluggish. One of the greatest
health needs in the world today is for doctors and their patients to
learn that the liver plays an essential part in all health and disease
conditions and that the two primary causes of liver problems are the
overload of toxins from the bowel and suppressed negative emotions.
Until the bowel is cleansed it is almost impossible to cleanse, purify,
and strengthen the liver, and until the liver has been cleansed and
strengthened, overcoming disease can be difficult.
The good news however, is that it is relatively easy for the average
person to cleanse the bowels which automatically releases toxic
overloads from the liver. Dr. Anderson has explained in his new books;
Cleanse & Purify Thyself Book One and Cleanse & Purify Thyself Book
Two, that: "The digestive system is the hub of the entire body. It feeds
all our glands, organs and in fact, every single cell. When the digestive
system become sluggish, over-acid, and toxic it becomes less and less
efficient. After the bowel becomes unnaturally acidic, it attempts to
protect itself by secreting a glycoprotein substance that lines the entire
intestinal wall, "mucoid plaque." Indeed, this condition can occur
anywhere in the digestive tract where over acidity arises, including the

esophagus, the stomach, the entire small intestine and colon. Once
this develops, proper digestion becomes more and more dysfunctional.
Then one problem occurs after another, and the bowel becomes a toxic
sewer system. Once the bowel becomes toxic, the blood becomes
toxic, for all the blood coming from the bowel, carrying the necessary
nutrients to feed the heart, lungs, brain, muscles, etc. goes to the liver
- nowhere else. Then the liver must deal with the toxic blood. After
years of relentless toxicity from the bowel, the liver becomes more and
more sluggish. After a while it no longer functions efficiently and toxic
overloads begin to go to other parts of the body, such as the kidneys,
heart, brain, joints, skin, Iymph, etc. Disease manifests where the
toxins settle. For when there is toxic settlement, there is lack of
circulation, lack of oxygen and nutrients."
Dr. Anderson points out that, "There are only four primary causes of
disease: suppressed negative emotions, lack of nutrients, toxins, and
congestion." Generally, all four of these conditions are present in
almost every disease, and are reflected in the acid/alkaline balance of
the digestive system. This is easily measured with a simple "pH" test,
as described in the "The Cleanse Cookbook" and the Cleanse & Purify
Thyself Book One and Cleanse & Purify Thyself Book Two. A vast
majority of people today test over-acid, and have developed significant
layers of "mucoid plaque." Some test over-alkaline, which may reflect
Candida and even more serious health deterioration, a further
progression from long-standing over-acidity.
Most people no longer eat enough fresh and raw fruits and vegetables
grown in nutrient-rich soil, without added toxic chemicals and
fertilizers. The lack of nutritious foods in the diet is only one cause of
deficiencies. Research indicates it is the mucoid plaque that can line
the entire alimentary canal which may establish chronic malnutrition
(see Dr. Rich Anderson's books, Cleanse & Purify Thyself Book One and
Cleanse & Purify Thyself Book Two, for the complete research on
mucoid plaque). For even a thin layer of this mucoid plaque prevents
proper digestion of food. And incomplete digestion creates further
toxicity, resulting in increasing layers of mucoid plaque. Even many of
the nutrients that are provided by such compromised diet and
digestion are then prevented from entering the blood stream by this
formidable buildup of mucoid plaque. Therefore, a large percentage of
people are suffering from malnutrition no matter how much they eat,
or how nutritious the food is. Ironically, the heavier a person is, the
more likely he or she is suffering from poor digestion, although a
person who is thin or normal weight may also be malnourished. Dr.
Anderson is convinced that malnutrition is a pre-requisite necessary for
cancer, AIDS, heart disease, and many other diseases. In addition, with
every disease, toxins settle in congested areas. Therefore, before any

disease can be permanently overcome, these toxins and congestion

must be removed, and nutritional reserves replenished. However, in
order to effectively accomplish this, it is essential to remove
accumulated mucoid plaque from the bowel, and toxic congestion from
the liver, and then rebuild these two vital lifegiving organs.
According to Dr. Anderson, It is estimated that only 5-8% of people in
the U.S. today do not have mucoid plaque. They are generally healthier
than average, but even they can still benefit highly from cleansing. The
average person can release pounds of toxic mucoid plaque while
cleansing. Along with this amazing removal of toxic mucoid plaque is
the disappearance of "toxic" emotions. Cleansing can release and
facilitate transformation of disease causing emotions. See Spiritual
Healing for more information.

Spiritual Healing and Transformation

Levels of Cleansing
I have discovered that there are many levels of cleansing that can
happen during the internal cleanse and detoxification process. The
releasing of toxins and the healing of the physical body are the most
obvious levels of cleansing. Many of my cleanse customers and I have
experienced healing on the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels as
During my first 40-day cleanse program, I re-experienced many old
memories, feelings, and sensations. Sometimes it was a passing
thought, other times it was a memory with a feeling attached. I even
experienced sensations and vague memories of my tonsillectomy at 10
years old. Some of these experiences were pleasant and some were
not. I perceived these experiences to be repressed and stored at a
cellular level in my body.
As I cleansed my physical body, I also seemed to cleanse my mind,
emotions, and entire being simultaneously. I felt lighter as the cleanse
process went on. My energy increased, my attitude became more
positive, and my self-image improved. I let go of a lot of old emotional
"stuff" that I no longer needed. It felt like a purging of my mind, body,
emotions, and entire being. I call this "spiritual healing and
transformation" because it includes the entire being, not just the
physical body.

Growing up as the oldest of 5 children in a very dysfunctional family

environment, I was not allowed to express any dissension, pain, anger,
or frustration. I was taught, by example, to stuff these feelings down,
by covering them with "comfort foods" (foods that tend to alter moods,
such as sugar, chocolate, caffeine, pastries, ice cream, etc.). As I
started letting go of my attachment to these comfort foods during my
cleanse process, old memories, sensations, and feelings began to
emerge into my consciousness - experiences that I perceived as having
been stuffed down with comfort foods years before. I allowed these
suppressed experiences to surface. I fully experienced them, resulting
in healing, release, completion, and a feeling of freedom.
Since my first cleanse, I have continued to do a great deal of cleansing,
releasing, and healing on all levels of my being. I have found this
process to be truly transforming. I feel better than ever before about
myself and others. I am finding peace, joy, love, and even ecstasy
inside myself. I believe these qualities are our natural state and we
only need to uncover ourselves from all the layers of "stuff" to find our
true, harmonious, and loving nature. I see it as sort of a treasure hunt
inside ourselves. I believe the most valuable treasures are all buried

Benefits of a Balanced pH Level and Diet

By Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH & author of "The Cleanse
The evolution of our modern-day lifestyle continues to bring more
challenges to our health and well-being. Most of our diets include so
many refined, processed foods and sugar. Not to mention having to
deal with the chemical pollutants in the air we breathe and the food we
eat. I believe these factors and excessive stress, are the main reasons
that the occurrence of disease continues to escalate.
The Evolution of Disease
Disease is our bodys way of telling us that something is out of
balance. It is a cry for help. I believe that our bodies are capable of
healing themselves when given the right tools, care and attention. The
problem in our society is that we tend to address the symptoms of the
imbalances, instead of treating the causes.
An example would be the overworked, stressed-out manager, plagued
with afternoon fatigue (maybe due to depleted adrenal glands,

hypoglycemia or candida), who rushes off for the sugar fix of a candy
bar or coffee to keep going.
This is like putting a band-aid ? on a volcano. It may create a shortterm remedy, but in the long run it makes matters worse. What started
off as a small annoyance tends to escalate over time, requiring more
drastic band-aids to quiet the uncomfortable symptoms. Eventually a
small, annoying symptom can grow to become a chronic problem or
So What Causes These Imbalances?
One of the major causes of an imbalanced system is the food in our
pantries and refrigerators. The amount of processed and refined foods
we consume has continued to increase over the last several decades ?
including foods treated with preservatives, chemicals, pesticides and
hormones. Not only are the chemicals creating havoc and toxicity in
our systems, but the continual consumption of the processed and
refined foods are also throwing off the delicate pH balance of our
What Is the pH Balance of the Body?
The pH level is one of the most important balance systems of the body.
The pH level is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, on a scale of zero to
fourteen, with zero being most acid, fourteen being most alkaline and
seven being mid-range. You may have seen shampoos advertised as
pH balanced. These are shampoos designed to match the pH level of
the hair. The pH levels of our bodies vary from one organ or system to
the next.
For example, the stomach pH is much more acid than the intestinal pH
because the stomach needs an acid environment (hydrochloric acid) to
break down food for digestion. Whereas, the flora (good bacteria) of
the intestine need a more alkaline environment to assimilate and
process the nutrients from the foods digested by the stomach.
How Does Eating Affect Our pH Level?
In my book, The Cleanse Cookbook, I write about the importance of
maintaining a balanced pH level. In order to do this, we need to eat at
least 75% alkaline-forming foods. The average all-American diet
consists of about 80% acid-forming foods! Because processed and
refined foods are extremely acidic to our systems, the body creates a
buffering system (a chemical process to protect the body from being
harmed by the acids). This buffering process requires the use of many

nutrients from the body, including electrolyte minerals (organic

potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, to name a few). Electrolyte
minerals are not minerals from the ground. They minerals from plant
sources that have gone through the process of photosynthesis.
Why are Electrolyte Minerals Important for our Bodies?
Electrolyte minerals are vital to the metabolic functions of our body
systems. When we have a sufficient reserve of electrolyte minerals, the
buffering process (the cushioning and removing of unwanted acids
from our systems), is not a problem. When we are young, we usually
have sufficient reserves. Over time, the electrolyte mineral reserves
can become depleted by ingesting too many processed and refined
acid-forming foods, or from excessive mental or emotional stress.
When we run short of electrolyte minerals, our body is no longer able
to maintain an efficient homeostasis (a state of equilibrium).
The body has a hierarchy of priorities for survival. Second only to
breathing and sustaining our heartbeat, the most important metabolic
function that our bodies perform is maintaining a specific pH. The most
important pH level that the body must regulate is the bloods pH level.
The bodys blood pH level must be maintained at 7.4 (slightly alkaline).
If it varies more than a point, death can result from a coma or a
seizure. In order to maintain the bloods critical pH balance, the body
will compromise less important functions. Once the electrolyte reserves
become depleted, the body begins to rob these electrolytes from the
various organs and systems of the body to maintain the bloods pH
level. This is where the imbalance begins. The following are examples
of altered pH levels and the resulting imbalanced internal body system:
If the bowels and intestines are robbed of electrolyte minerals, the pH
level becomes altered. This creates an imbalance in the bacterial
environment, which can leave the bowels and intestines open to
pathogens (including candida and parasites), irritations and
disturbances. Have you ever heard of irritable bowel syndrome or leaky
gut syndrome?
Also, when the body becomes depleted of organic sodium (an essential
electrolyte mineral, not table salt), the body may not be able to
manufacture enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This can create
an imbalanced digestive system, where foods are not being digested
These imbalances can be aggravated further because our body
systems will generally deplete electrolytes from the weakest areas
first. So if someone already has a weakened body system, the further

depletion of electrolyte minerals will cause a greater imbalance and

more dysfunction. When our bodies become too depleted, overall
functioning becomes weakened, affecting the immune system and the
bodys ability to fight off bacterial and viral infections.
The Good News
We can begin to reverse this depletion process by replenishing the
electrolyte minerals in our bodies. By eating more pH-alkaline forming
foods (fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh juices, sprouted seeds,
alkaline grains), we can begin to replenish our reserve supply of
electrolyte minerals. In my book, The Cleanse Cookbook," I explain
this process in detail.
pH Testing Tools
Also in The Cleanse Cookbook," I introduce an amazing tool to
measure our pH levels; its called pH papers. pH papers are yellowcolored papers that come on a roll or in strips that you may have seen
in your high school or college chemistry classes. You can use them to
measure the saliva and urine pH levels of your body. Three of these
tests are explained in my book. They measure not only your pH levels,
but can determine if you are deficient in electrolyte minerals.
The pH papers are a powerful tool for monitoring our pH balance
system. pH testing also provides us with a way to take a more
proactive role in our health. We can detect and correct the pH
imbalances and electrolyte deficiencies in our systems before they
manifest as symptoms of disease. As a cleanse coach, I have seen
dramatic health improvements in so many people who simply get their
pH levels balanced and their electrolytes replenished. The pH tests are
easy and quick. All you need are pH papers and the instructions for
interpreting your results. Both the pH papers and The Cleanse
Cookbook," are available on this web site
If you are interested in more information about the internal pH system
or internal body cleansing, I recommend reading not only The Cleanse
Cookbook," but also Cleanse & Purify Thyself Book One and Cleanse &
Purify Thyself Book Two, written by Dr. Rich Anderson. Also available
through me. Both books are great resources for understanding the pH
balance of our bodies and the importance of internal body cleansing.
These are excerpts of correspondence received by Christine Dreher about
the outstanding results achieved by happy and healthy customers.

These are not made up. These are actual correspondence received by
From Michelle T. about "The Cleanse Cookbook," October 2005
I really love your book, "The Cleanse Cookbook". You have been such an
inspiration to me. May God be with you and keep blessing you.
Michelle T.
From Lynne B. about Primal Defense, OmegaZyme and RM-10, August
I am writing to let you know something wonderful about RM-10. As I have
told a couple of you, I am a survivor of stage IV Metastasized Melanoma.
My complete recovery, I believe was aided (how much we don't know) by
3 Garden of Life products sent to me by an old friend; Primal Defense,
OmegaZyme and RM-10. I started taking these when I started chemo.
This was my second round of treatments; the first being 4 sessions of
Interleuken (High dose). The odds of my beating this were 20 to 1 against
success. Needless to say my MD's at Dartmouth were amazed and
I have a friend who has been fighting CLL; Chronic Lymphomic Leukemia
for four years. Last Feb she met with a Doctor in NYC. He is an oncologist
of incredible depth and understanding who is holistic in approach. My
friend has been in chemo since March and is doing better than believed
possible. Last month when she saw her doctor in NY, he said she was to
continue with another 6 months of chemo and he wanted her to start
taking RM-10 !!!
What validation for us all.
I still take "the big 3" that I started with a couple of years ago and now
my husband and I have added the Living Multi, Calcium and C. I have no
intention of discontinuing these supplements. My hope is that the
wonderful discounts now offered by you dear ladies will continue so that I
can afford to continue taking these most beneficial products.
To your Health!
Lynne B.
From Carla Johnston about Primal Defense, July 2005

My son has Crohn's. It was so bad, he bled, he walked bent double while
moaning, he lived on Boca burgers and bread or Boost drink, when he
COULD eat. He was getting fat from the diet and from being a couch
potato. He quit riding his bike, which we both gave up when he couldn't
ride. The expensive Pentasa drug (at least $400 per month) was doing
NOTHING for him.
My husband found out about your Primal Defense (caplets) and ordered
some. We got them one afternoon in March, and my son took one pill,
right before I went to church to pray ... I was home in about 45 minutes.
He was giddy, he felt so good, and told me to poke his tummy with my
finger, which I dared not do, so he demonstrated for me himself! He
begged for peanut butter, and salad, and about a dozen other things to
eat. I made him proceed cautiously, trying one thing at a time, working up
to hot sauce and pickles in about two weeks! He can eat anything now! I
expected maybe we'd see some improvement after a few weeks, but got
instant results! I don't know if this is typical, but I think it was a miracle!
He only gets diarrhea if he forgets his Primal Defense caplet, but is now
eating properly, we ride bikes 2-3 hours daily and he's getting trim and
fit!! (One caplet a day is less than $10 per month!!)
Thank you, and thanks, God!
Carla Johnston
From C.R. about Our Service, July 2005
I just wanted to thank you for your prompt and professional service. Every
time I have ordered from you, I have been pleased with your service and
generosity. Thank you for the gift of "The Maker's Diet".
God Bless You,
From Cory about RM-10 and Primal Defense, June 2005
The Garden Of Life products have been a true blessing for me. And as
long as I am breathing I want to always have the Primal Defense and RM10 in my cabinets. I was usually sick 4 to 5 times a year, and after taking
small doses of the RM-10 and Primal Defense and Perfect Food super
green powder I have only had one sinus infection in 13 months. And with
our fast pace life I never can get time to eat the right healthy foods and
these products help me to get the nutrition my body needs without taking

the necessary time to prepare meals. Your website is the cheapest and
easiest way to get my vitamins. I only wish more people would try all of
the different products that are available.
Thank You very much,
Satisfied Customer
From Curtis about RM-10 for Hepatitis, May 2005
Hi, my name is Curtis. Two years ago, I was diagnosis with Hepatitis C 1-A.
The regular treatment did not make it go away. Then I tried RM-10, Feed
your Immune System from Garden of Life products, and at my last check
up I had no signs of the Hepatitis in my system.
Thank you
From D.M. about CapraFlex for OsteoArthritis, February 2005
Im a 65 year old man who has suffered from osteoarthritis off and on
since 1990. My first attack occurred after several weeks of post Loma
Prieta house reinforcement carpentry. It took about a year for the swollen
finger joints to heal. This good effect may have been aided by my
becoming a health fanatic (no: alcohol, coffee, white sugar, trans fats,
chlorinated/fluoridated water, junk food, overprocessed salt, etc. Lots of
complex carbs, high fiber foods, raw fruit, Omega 3 fatty acid rich deep
sea fish, ionic trace minerals, and many beneficial supplements, plus
daily exercise (now including a daily short Yoga/Chi Gung program)). Right
wrist and shoulder soreness returned 2 years ago when I started a weight
training program. Daily glucosamine sulfate and MSM helped until I
increased the weight levels past a certain point. I then read Joran Rubins
Patient Heal Thyself and , in Oct.04 decided to try CapraFlex. That was
a fortunate decision. The inflammation went away within a week and I
restarted my weight training program, and, unless I do something stupid
like solo lifting an awkward 130 lbs. Generator in and out of a truck the
soreness hasnt returned. Yea CapraFlex! My goal is to stay fit as long as
possible. CapraFlex will help me achieve this goal. I highly recommend it
to osteo arthritis sufferers.
Yours truly,

D. M.
From J.T. about "The Cleanse Cookbook," and Cleansing, March 2003
Hi Christine, Received the cleansing program package and am very
pleased with it. A great big THANK YOU for the wonderful "Cleanse
Cookbook". It is excellent. I read cookbooks like novels and truly enjoyed
reviewing it. I will share the recipes with my daughter as she is also a
vegan and health conscious. Also I intend to show it to my health food
store and strongly encourage them to stock it. I know the book with be so
helpful during the cleanse. Also, another THANKS for the other book,
Patient Heal Thyself. I will dive into it during the cleanse and it looks like
great reading material. AND another thanks for all of the flyers and
newsletters you included in the box. I know I will be placing another order
with you as I am very impressed with some of the products... Peace and
blessings to you, Christine, for helping others and reaching out to them
through you knowledge and love. Another thank you for that!!! Here is to
good health for all.
J. T.
From R.S. . about Primal Defense and Fungal Defense, February 2003
Primal Defense and Fungal Defense:
I have found the Primal Defense and Fungal Defense cleanse products to
be just amazing in the short time I have been using them. I am 54 years
young and now feel more like that also.
I had and maybe have still a very high candida yeast count, 686, which
can bring about a lot of negative side effects no matter what conventional
doctors say. I have had sinus problems for years, asthma from a young
age, slight skin problems. I have always eaten a fairly healthy diet and
have been very athletic so these two things have probably saved me. The
foods we get today must be so lacking in what the body really needs.
Recently my heel became sore and wouldn't go away. I thought it was
from running so I gave that up temporarily. A couple years ago I started
developing some red lumps here and there on my skin. Doctor's didn't
know what they were and thought I should be tested for cancer. That
wasn't it but could have lead to it if untreated I think.

The reason I went to a holistic doctor to find out about yeast was that I
had an irritable bowel and painful stomach, intestines at times when I ate.
She said you must not be feeling too well. I said how did you guess. So I
made all kinds of diet changes and that helped a bit and six months later
got tested again and the yeast count was down to 500, still not good. So a
little frustrated went back to old ways and got worse again.
Along comes Primal Defense. Within a week of taking the homeostatic soil
organisms I started feeling a bit better. Then I started the Fungal Defense.
I've been on it for 8 days now and the pains are gone, eating is easier and
bowel is much better. The pain in my heel is going away, my other foot is
feeling really good and the red spots on my skin are drying up and going
away. This is pretty amazing stuff.
I will keep you posted as other changes occur. This might be the fountain
of youth or at least a reprieve from old age.
From J.F. about Primal Defense, December 2002
The Primal Defense product has almost completely cleared me of a very
bad case of irritalble bowel. I am so thankful for it. I'm sure that after 90
days, I will be back to normal or better.
Thanks! J.F.
From M.R. about Primal Defense, November 2002
Primal Defense has done wonders for me!! I had ordered Primal Defense 3
months ago and I have been taking it ever since and I wanted to tell
SOMEBODY how great this product is! I have noticed a huge difference in
my crohn's symptoms especially when I was into it the second month. I
can't say enough how this product has benefited me! I have normal bowel
movements now after 7 years of dealing with crohn's disease. I am off all
medication and doing very well! Someone needs to get the word out that
this stuff does great things for the digestive system! I am planning to
continue taking it as long as I can get it! Right now I am beginning my 4th
month on it and I am planning to cut back to 6 a day instead of 8 and will
most likely stay on that dosage for a long time. Primal Defense has done
wonders for me, and I hope others will find out about this wonderful

Thanks. M.R.
From John about Acid Defense, November 2002
. . . I wanted to let you know since I sent you this request for info on acid
defense, I have been able to give acid defense a try. IT IS AN EXCELLENT
PRODUCT!!! It really works! I have had doctors to put me on Nexium, etc.
in the past. This is the first natural product I have found that really does
have an impact in a short period of time. Also, not only does it help with
acid, but if taken over a prolonged period will actually help to adjust the
total PH of the body. Just wanted to relay this to you to let you in on how
well this product works. I believe it could so many people that have this
problem. In fact, every time that Jordan Rubin (maker of Acid Defense) is
on the Doug Kaufman health show, the show is inundated with calls from
people all over the United States.
Thanks again for your help, John
From L.P. about Primal Defense, November 2002
Dear Christine:
I was so surprised to find my Primal Defense waiting for me today,
Monday. I ordered them on Saturday the 28th. That is the fastest service I
have ever had anywhere! thanks so much. My husband has been using
the probiotics for about a month. He is a real skeptic. He has had VERY
swollen glands in his neck for over a year. Two doctors want them
biopsied, but in the past few weeks, they have reduced size by 50% on
one side and 90% on the other. He is very pleased. My daughter is also
taking Primal Defense and I gave your phone number to a friend today
who has a daughter that has salmonella and her doctor wants her to take
acidophilus. When I find a good thing, I tell lots of people about it.
Thanks for your help, L.P.
From S.G. about Primal Defense and Perfect Food, October 2002
...I started taking Primal Defense and the Perfect Food tablets in March
2002 to address parasites, severe PMS, poor digestion, depression and to
improve overall health. I also gave the same to my children in powder
form to improve their over all health and strengthen their immune
systems. This was a particularly important for my Autistic 6 year old. Well,

I am happy to report that I am parasite free, PMS has dramatically

improved, I no longer use Advil or Ibuprofen for the first time EVER! (I
have relied upon them for the past 16 years!) My digestion is normal (I
also suffered from constipation all of my life) and depression is diminished
(I feel better with each passing month!) No more allergies!! And most
dramatically, I DO NOT GET SICK!!! Since May, I have had ONE very, and I
mean VERY slight cold, in which I felt a bit tired for a few days! I have
seen absolutely no green or yellow phlegm since MAY! Pardon my
excitement but, this is a first, I was a very sickly child with, allergies,
chronic sinus problems and nose bleeds, and while in school often suffer
from colds, flu, sore throats and that nasty green or yellow phlegm YUCK!!
It is just so exciting!! I have seen the same in my kids, they rarely if ever
get sick!! I don't fear the flu and cold season anymore, nor am I afraid
when they are around people who are sick!! I have saved a lot of money
in doctor bills this year thanks to Primal Defense and Perfect Food, they
are my secret weapon against illness!! Lastly, by far the greatest blessing
we have witnessed from these amazing supplements is in my child with
Autism. My special child was on a totally wheat free and dairy free diet
that was restrictive and very hard to follow and quite isolating. My son
now can tolerate wheat and some dairy in moderation...and he has put on
weight, is rarely, if ever sick and doing well in a regular kinder garden
class with an aide!!!!! Awesome!!!!!

From K.S. - Regarding Primal Defense, October 2002

I have psoriatic arthritis (mimics rheumatoid arthritis), and haven't
responded to any medication including Remicade, since I was diagnosed
over a year and a half ago. I honestly didn't think I would see any relief
from the Primal Defense for at least 90 days. For the first time since
diagnoses, I'm not in constant pain and I've cut the Prednisone down from
10mg/day to 4mg/day and plan to continue in this direction. Thank you so
much for giving me relief and hope to one day feel normal again.

Primal Defense Success with I.B.D. Pet, August 2002

Dear Christine:
I wanted to write you and tell you of my success with Primal Defense. I
have a 7 year old German Shepherd that has the type of Inflammatory
Bowel Disease which is similar to Crohn's disease in humans. He also has
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency which requires him to take a special
enzyme but because of this problem he has always had a veracious
appetite. Despite this appetite, in May of this year he started losing
weight and ended up losing 20 pounds which for a dog is a lot. After many
trips to the vets, I was told there was not much that could be done for
him. I felt like I was watching my boy waste away to nothing and had
even talked to my vet about putting him down because I could not stand
to watch him suffer so much. Because I could not find anything natural for
dogs with IBD I started scanning the web sites for humans with IBD. I
came across the Primal Defense and thought I would give it a try as we
had nothing to lose.
After finishing one bottle of Primal Defense my boy started putting eight
on and today I am happy to say that he has gained back his 20 pounds
and than some. He continues to get 3 tablets a day and will get this for
the rest of his life. My vet was so impressed with the results that he now
has Primal Defense in his clinic. I am on a canine IBD list through the
Internet and several of the people on the list have ordered the Primal
Defense for their dogs after hearing of my success story. So to the makers
of Primal Defense and to you I would like to extend a big "THANK YOU". I
believe that because of Primal Defense my boy is still with me today.
Yours truly,

From Lisa, July 2002, Regarding Primal Defense and Candida

...From my own experience, I found Primal Defense to be one of most
potent probiotics I have ever use. I started Primal Defense around
Thanksgiving 2001. I had such die off problems, I had to keep cutting
back on my dosage and it has taken me over 8 months to reach 11
tablets a day. I found I could not increase my dosage more than one
tablet a month. I should reach my 12th tablet by next month and will take
that amount for the next three months. I'm writing this e-mail for anyone
in my similar situation. Hang in there. Take it slow. But KEEP moving
forward. Recovery is a slow slow hard process. Remember it did not take a
day to get in the condition you are in. Stick with it. If you experience die
off while taking your Primal Defense, don't give up but just go slower and

endure. You will improve and you will get well. It may take you a year or
more. It is taking me about a year to get through the program for
someone who needs the therapeutic level of treatment. Hang in there and
just remember on those bad days when you want to give up, don't give
up and keep plugging along. If you have a set back, take it in stride and
try to increase your dosage next month. You will never regret it if you
keep hanging in there. If you don't, you will regret it for the rest of your
life. Have a GREAT day because things will get better.
Thanks for reading my story.
(History of Health conditions: ) Although I have tried several probiotic
products over the years, I found one that I thought was good and it seem
to serve it's purpose. I used that product steadily for over five years. I had
chronic sinusitis and some other problems which developed into an
extreme disability about two years ago that manifested itself into extreme
abdominal pain and discomfort with extreme weight loss. I was out of
work for over 6 months and could not find a cure, let alone a diagnosis. I
saw every medical doctor that my doctor could send me to, but still no
results. You name the speciality, I saw them all. I was prescribed several
rounds of different antibiotics and other medication, and no improvement.
I tried the holistic approach and still no results. I returned to work quite ill,
and appeared so per my co-workers' comments. I found a nutritionist who
diagnosed me with a systemic yeast infection. Per his suggestions, I
started a starch free diet and have kept to that religiously, along with
caprylic acid. I became aware of Primal Defense when I heard the founder
discuss his case history on the radio show "Healthy, Wealthy & Wise." I
had nothing to lose so I got myself a bottle the rest I describe in the
paragraph above.

Primal Defense for Psoriasis: June 2002

I've been on the Primal Defense for about 2-2.5 months now (6/day). I got
on this to try to help my psoriasis and it has been the best product I've
tried yet. In this time most of my plaques have gone away and not
returned. I'm down to one more spot and it is diminishing gradually and
I'm confident it will be history in another month or two. This has plagued
me for 6 years and this seems like it is the cure for me. I also used to
break out bad on my legs due to over toxification and that has also gone
away. The cause of Psoriasis is also originated in the intestine. Skin is
looking good and I'm sure feeling good.

Thx! Oh happy day!


Dear Christine,
Christine, Again, thanks so much for everything - the cleanse support
really helped me to keep up with this. Everyday I'm amazed at how good I
feel. My attitude has improved so much and my stress level is lower than I
remember it to be for many years...nothing upsets me! I love it! I can't
wait for the "final" results. My husband asked me how long I plan to be on
"this diet" and I was happy to tell him that "I'm not on a diet, I'm getting
healthy and the weight loss is a side-benefit. I plan to be healthy the rest
of my life and you can expect to see natural and healthy foods in the
house from now on". He looked surprised and gave me such a nice
hug. :-) I look forward to the liver cleanse and I believe cleansing will be a
big part of my life from now on.

Dear Christine,
Thank you! I am so grateful for the Primal Defense products. Both Primal
Defense and Perfect Food are really helping me manage my Crohn's
Disease symptoms.
My best,
E.C. in Atlanta, GA

About Primal Defense, Cleanse Diet and Clearing Candida: March, 2002
...I am so thankful there is a product on the market that works with the
cleansing diet to promote "happy bacteria" and a healthy body. I have
been on the cleansing diet since January 22nd. I can not believe the
changes I have experienced already; that is what keeps me motivated to

stay on the diet (even though I don't stick with it 100 %). My husband
says I don't snore anymore, and I don't have awful bad breath in the
mornings. I had several concerns on my agenda. One was removing the
bloated feeling I have and being hungry for a change. I have not been
bloated since I started (not even during my period) and yes, I am REALLY
hungry again, something I have not experienced in years! I can also
finish my meal and not feel "stuffed", just satisfied. I am not craving
sweets or carbs, although once in a while I must have a taste. I must
confess I do put skim milk on my oatmeal and real dressing on my salads
(I just use a sparing amount). Another concern was to clear my stuffed
nose. I can not believe it! Starving the candida worked! It is not
completely gone, but I am much better. I can smell again! We drove by a
chicken restaurant and I could smell the fried chicken, or I walked down
the baking isle in the grocery store, I never knew those odors were
present. I can smell myself again and that is good. I never thought I got
stinky. I don't need Flonase nasal spray anymore because my passages
are opening up again. I am going to call all my doctors this week and tell
them what was wrong with me. And this is after 2 1/2 weeks! I am still
waiting for the memory to kick in but I see signs of more energy and
better clarity of thought. I know it can only get better. Thanks for your
website and all the info I have been able to retrieve. I can't understand
how the medical community can not see this problem. It makes so much
sense. I am very thankful my daughter's doctor, who had the
wisdom to see this serious illness for what it was and get her started on
the road to recovery. My daughter was gaining weight just by looking at
food. She is in college so I can't keep up with her as when she was home
but I am praying she will stick to this regime as best she can and that she,
too, will soon see the results.
M. E.
Denton, Texas

Colitis and Primal Defense: March 2002

I want to take this time to thank you for your wonderful Primal Defense
capsules. I have been suffering with colitis for over three years. I suffered
with constant cramping a frequent runny bowel movements. My doctor
prescribed Asocol, an anti-inflamatory. My nutritionist had me on a
impossibly bland diet. Between the two of them, my symptoms were still
present though less severe. I found your cleanse products while surfing
the web. I tried it in desperation not believing it would work. After all,
both my doctor and nutritionist said my condition was chronic and would

never improve. In fact, my doctor alerted me to the possibility of radical

surgery as this condition only worsens with age. He told me of the high
frequency of colon cancer and various other consequences.
I started the cleanse products as soon as it arrived. Within a week, the
cramps and frequent bowel movements were over. My sense of wellness
returned. I have more energy and am more willing to avail myself towards
social situations not worrying about a sudden cramp and the availability
of a toilet. In fact during a recent company physical when I listed colitis as
an existing condition, I was told after examination that I didn't have
I will use your product religiously. My doctor tells me it is in my head. I see
the results every day when I visit the bathroom only once a day and pass
stool normally.
Thanks again. A customer for life. Ken G.

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