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Essential for CS:GO:

A. Gaming mice
B. Huge mousepad
C. Headset that has mic
II. Settings:
A. Game Settings: Enable developer console (~) to "Yes"
1. Gameinstructor_enable 0 <-- Put it on console
2. cl_autowepswitch 0 <-- Put it on console
B. Keyboard / Mouse:
1. m_rawinput 1 <-- Put it on console
2. m_customaccel 0 <-- Put it on console
C. Video Settings:
1. Brightness 1.6
2. Aspect Ratio: Pros and Cons
a. 4:3 - Helps to see enemy better, but enemy moves quicker on the screen (Be
st for Rifler) *Most pros use this ratio*
b. 16:9 - See wider view on the screen, but spotting the enemy is harder (Bes
t for Sniper)
3. Global shadow quality - Low
4. Model/ texture detail - Medium (You can put it low if you want)
5. Effect detail - Low
6. Shader detail - Medium (You can put it low if you want)
D. Hud Settings: (Put everything on console)
1. cl_hud_background_alpha .5
2. cl_hud_color 9
3. cl_hud_playercount_showcount 1
4. cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15
5. cl_radar_icon_scale_min .6
6. cl_radar_always_centered 0
7. cl_radar_rotate 1
8. cl_radar_scale 0.3
III. How to be Pro with Rifles or Aim:
* It's best to find the sensitivity that is comfortable for you, however, it's
also a good choice to make the sensitivity low.
A. Always place your crosshair on the head level (Don't walk around with your c
rosshair aiming towards ground or sky)
B. Learn how to tap 1~2 bullet with rifles (Practice doing headshots)
C. Master how to control (As you shoot the rifle, hold down your mouse) 5 bulle
t sprays with rifles (Usually, 4 bullets to the body with any rifles can kill th
e enemy. However, 5 can surely kill the enemy)
D. Master how to strafe shoot using taps and 5 bullet sprays with rifles
E. Practice more in "Death match"
IV. Competitive Guide:
A. Be as upredictable as possible on CT.
B. If you are CT and enemies know where you are, they have the advantage in the
game, however, mid on every map is exception.
C. If you are CT, play the angle where enemy can't expect where you are every r
ound. The reason being is to keep them guess as they push.
D. Learn to read the map. If you force to memorize the map, you will dominate t
he game.
E. Shift walking is generally pointless with multiple enemies.
F. If enemies get early information where 3 people are on the map, most likely,
you will lose that round because enemies will rotate and stack themselves as yo
ur team pushes.
G. If you are T and no one died on your team, shift walking late in the round t
o the site is simply stupid. The reason being is, CT's will have mental checklis
t of, "Enemy's not here, not there... maybe only there", and rotate already.

H. If you are T, it is always best to have 2 lurkers and 3 people pushing sites
. The reason being is that if CT pushes to get information to where the enemy is
, lurkers can take out CT and CT might make miss call, however, if 3 people who
pushes gets caught by enemies who are lurking, just rush in the site before enem
y rotates.
I. Best player on your team can't be the lurker, it's a terrible choice, best p
layer needs to entry frag the site and get the kills.

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