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1. Dietitians now consider that diet is a major weapon against cancer.

US National Cancer Institute estimates that about one third of all cancers are
linked (berhubungan) to diet, and recent research indicates (menunjukkan)
that what you eat may help to significantly reduce your risk ( risiko ).
2.Cancer develops (tumbuh) over a long time, which means that you have
years- typically decades In which to hinder (mencegah) or promo it.
Researchers are finding that what you eat may interfere with cancer growth
at various stages. For example, certain foods can block (menghambat) the
chemicals that initiate (Memulai) cancer. Antioxidants, found in some vitamins
and minerals, can snuf out (menghilangkan) oxygen free radicals, substances
that are thought to make celss more susceptible (peka) to cancer, and they
can even repair some of the cellular damage (kerusakan) that has been done.
And some food wheat bran in particular- has been shown to shrink precancer
us cells.
3. A recent review of 170 studies from 17 nations reveals (menunjukkan)
that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables have about half the
cancer rates of those who eat the least. That include cancers of the lung,
colon, breast, cervix, esophagus, oral cavity, stomach, bladder, pancreas and
ovary. In fact , some research suggest that frequent consumption of fruits and
vegetables can cut the risk of lung cancer even in smokers.
4. On of the most studied antioxidants in vegetables and fruits thought to
protect against cancer is betacarotene, concentrated in deep green (hijau
pekat, seperti kangkung, daun singkong, daun pepaya), yellow and orange
vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes ( ubi rambat) and spinach
(bayam). Here are some of the foods that contain cancer-fighting chemicals.
5. Tomatoes: One of the compoundsin tomatoesthat is thought to reduce
(mengurangi) the risk of cancer is lycopene, the pigment (warna) that makes
tomatoes red.
Watermelons: Watermelons also contains lycopone which can help fight
pancreatic cancer. Green Vegetables, a study showed that dark green leafy
vegetables ( sayur berdaun lebat dan hijau pekat ) such as spinach, broccoli,
and dark green lettuces ( sawi sawian hijau ) are full of antioxidants
including beta carotene, folate and lutein. The rule is the darker the
vegetable, the more antioxidants it contains.
6. Pungent preventives. Allium vegetables such as garlic, onions (bawang
merah) and scallions (daun bawang) contain cancer- inhibting (pencegah)

7.Citrus fruit such as oranges, grapefruits (jeruk bali), lemons (jeruk lemon),
and limes (jeruk nipis), are all-around cancer- inhibiting package. These fruits
will reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Soybeans contains at least five compounds believed to inhibit cancer.


Explain the expression :One third of all cancers are linked to diet.
meaning of the sentence one-third of all cancers are linked to diet is what

we eat can prevent cancers.

2. What are antioxidants ?
Antioxidants, a few vitamins and minerals, can be put out (eliminate)
oxygen free radicals, substances that are thought to make celss more
susceptible (sensitive) to cancer, and they can even repair some of the
damage cells (damage) that has been done.
3. Why are some cells more susceptible to cancer ?
because protein and minerals that too much growth hormone makes the
proliferation of cancer cells also takes place quickly.
4. What are cancers of the colon, cervix and esophagus ?
- colon cancer is colorectal cancer, including cancer cell growth in the

colon, anal and appendix.

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cervix or cervical
area of the bottom area of the uterus that connects the uterus and

Esophageal cancer is a cancer refers to any piece in the esophagus
tissue cells, dysplasia occurs with the formation of malignant disease,
is one of the common malignant tumors of the digestive system, then

susceptible to systemic abuse and proliferation.

5. Why dark green vegetables good for the prevention of cancer ?
because it contains antioxidants and chlorophyll
6. What are allium vegetables ? Can you name some that are not mentioned
in the text ?
Allium vegetables are very rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. such as
sunflower seeds (kuaci).
7. Are these cancer inhibiting vegetables available in indonesia ?
8. What do you know about alternative cures of cancer in our country ?
cancer treatment in the country of Indonesia using traditional ingredients
like mangosteen skin as the main ingredient for natural ways to treat
cervical cancer has remarkable properties and efficacy in curing cancer.
Skin mangosteen contains xanthones named capable of acting as an

anticancer and also has properties as an anti-proliferation which is able to

destroy and inhibit the growth of cancer-causing cells.
9. In you opinion, why is this factor not widely known in our country ?
because the lack of public knowledge about the disease and how to cure
10.What do you know about alternative cures (penyembuhan) of cancer in
our country ?
cancer treatment in the country of Indonesia using traditional materials
such as mangosteen peel and buah mahkota dewa, can be consumed by
11.Do you really believe in alternative medicine ?
yes I believe, because I have read the research and knowledge of public
12.Name some alternative methods of curing disease that you know of .
Treating cancer using herbal way is to use the Womb using Maxs Ace.
1. Jelaskan ungkapan: "Satu - sepertiga dari seluruh kanker terkait dengan
2. Apakah antioksidan?
3. Mengapa beberapa sel lebih rentan terhadap kanker?
4. Apa kanker usus besar, leher rahim dan kerongkongan?
5. Mengapa gelap - sayuran hijau baik untuk pencegahan kanker?
6. Apa sayuran allium? Dapatkah Anda menyebutkan beberapa yang tidak
disebutkan dalam teks?
7. Apakah kanker ini - sayuran menghambat tersedia di Indonesia?
8. Apa yang Anda tahu tentang pengobatan alternatif kanker di negara
9. Dalam pendapat Anda, mengapa faktor ini tidak diketahui secara luas di
negara kita?
10. Apa yang Anda tahu tentang pengobatan alternatif (Penyembuhan)
kanker di negara kita?
11. Apakah Anda benar-benar percaya pada pengobatan alternatif?
12. Sebutkan beberapa metode alternatif menyembuhkan penyakit yang
Anda tahu.

1. Ahli gizi sekarang mempertimbangkan bahwa diet adalah senjata utama melawan
kanker. The US National Cancer Institute memperkirakan bahwa sekitar sepertiga dari
semua jenis kanker terkait (berhubungan) untuk diet, dan penelitian terbaru
mengindikasikan (menunjukkan) bahwa apa yang Anda makan dapat membantu
secara signifikan mengurangi risiko Anda (RISIKO).
2. Kanker berkembang (Tumbuh) selama waktu yang lama, yang berarti
bahwa Anda memiliki tahun-biasanya dekade - Di mana untuk
menghalangi (* Mencegah) atau promo itu. Para peneliti menemukan
bahwa apa yang Anda makan dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan kanker
pada berbagai tahap. Misalnya, makanan tertentu dapat memblokir
(menghambat) bahan kimia yang memulai (Memulai) kanker. Antioksidan,
ditemukan di beberapa vitamin dan mineral, dapat snuf keluar
(menghilangkan) radikal bebas oksigen, zat yang berpikir untuk membuat
celss lebih rentan (peka) terhadap kanker, dan mereka bahkan dapat
memperbaiki beberapa kerusakan sel (kerusakan) yang telah dilakukan.
Dan beberapa dedak gandum makanan-khususnya-telah ditunjukkan
untuk mengecilkan prakanker - sel kita.
3. . Sebuah studi terkini tentang 170 studi dari 17 negara mengungkapkan
(menunjukkan) taht orang yang makan sebagian besar buah dan sayuran
memiliki sekitar setengah tingkat kanker dari mereka yang makan sedikit.
Itu termasuk kanker paru-paru, usus besar, payudara, leher rahim,
kerongkongan, rongga mulut, perut, kandung kemih, pankreas dan
ovarium. Bahkan, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi
sering buah-buahan dan sayuran dapat mengurangi risiko kanker paruparu bahkan pada perokok.
4. Pada satu antioksidan yang paling banyak dipelajari dalam sayuran dan
buah-buahan berpikir untuk melindungi terhadap kanker betakaroten,
terkonsentrasi di dalam hijau (Hijau Pekat, seperti kangkung, daun
singkong, daun pepaya), sayuran kuning dan oranye seperti wortel, ubi
jalar (ubi rambat) dan bayam (bayam). Berikut adalah beberapa makanan
yang mengandung bahan kimia pelawan kanker.
5. Tomat: Salah satu compoundsin tomatoesthat diperkirakan mengurangi (*
Mengurangi) risiko kanker adalah lycopene, pigmen (Warna) yang
membuat tomat berwarna merah.
Semangka: Semangka juga mengandung lycopone yang dapat
membantu melawan kanker pankreas. Sayuran hijau, sebuah penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa sayuran berdaun hijau gelap (sayur berdaun Lebat
Dan Hijau Pekat) seperti bayam, brokoli, dan gelap - selada hijau (sawi sawian Hijau) penuh dengan antioksidan termasuk beta - karoten, folat

dan lutein. Aturannya adalah gelap sayuran, semakin antioksidan yang

6. Preventives tajam. Sayuran allium seperti bawang putih, bawang merah
(bawang merah) dan bawang (daun bawang) mengandung kankermenghambat (pencegah) properti.
7. Buah jeruk seperti jeruk, grapefruits (jeruk bali), lemon (jeruk lemon), dan
limau (jeruk nipis), semua-sekitar paket kanker menghambat. Buahbuahan ini akan mengurangi risiko kanker pankreas.
Kedelai mengandung setidaknya lima senyawa diyakini menghambat

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