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Plan Lesson 02 (20.10.

Speaking activity: What Are They Talking About?
Prepare an "out of context" sentence, and write the sentence on the
Sample Sentences:
Oh man! Well never get it back now!
Its here! But now its too late.
1. Put the students in pairs.
2. Direct the students' attention to the sentence on the board. Explain
that the sentence is out of context, and that the pair of students must
create the context for the sentence. Encourage students to use their
3. Give the pairs around five minutes to create a conversation using
the sentence on the board.
4. Ask each pair of students to stand up and present their conversation
to the class.

9.50 Review Present simple and Present Continuous.

10:00 Past simple
- Finished period of time
Messi scored 4 goals (in the match, the match is finished).
How many scores did he score.
He didnt score any goals.
Murphys exercises 15m
10.25 Review exercise Dont, doesnt, didnt. 15m
10.35 Past Continuous

Future simple
Going to
- Planned future events (intention is premeditated): Were going to
spend a few days in the mountain.
- Predictions based on present or past evidence. Its going to rain.

Speaking activity: Follow up questions.

1. Form groups. 1 person keeps scores.
2. Give students a topic.
Sample Topics:
Food, Vacation, Movies, Music, Free time
3. The students task is to practice follow up questions in their group.
Explain that a conversation does not have to stop after a question is
answered. Another question can be asked about the same general
topic to continue the conversation.
4. Give the students 2 minutes to have a conversation about the
topic. Each time a student asks a follow up question, he or she gets a
point. The follow up question must be relevant according to the group
5. After 2 minutes, change topics and continue asking follow up
questions and answering.
6. The winner is the student in each group with the most points.

Speaking activity: What Are They Talking About?

Prepare an "out of context" sentence, and write the sentence on the
Sample Sentences:
Oh man! Well never get it back now!
Its here! But now its too late.

1. Put the students in pairs.

2. Direct the students' attention to the sentence on the board. Explain
that the sentence is out of context, and that the pair of students must
create the context for the sentence. Encourage students to use their
3. Give the pairs around five minutes to create a conversation using
the sentence on the board.
4. Ask each pair of students to stand up and present their conversation
to the class.
Speaking activity: My Best Experience
Students get to know each other by asking and answering wh
questions about a memorable or best experience.
Write the following words on the board.
Who, When, Where, Why, What , How.
1. Give one piece of paper to each student.
2. Ask the students to think of their most memorable or best
experience, and draw a simple sketch on the paper outlining the
3. Assign groups of 4 to 5 people.
4. The first person in the group shows his or her picture to everyone in
the group. He or she can only answer questions. The other students in
the group must ask wh questions to find out more information about
the picture.
5. When the first person is finished, the next person shows his or her
6. Continue until each person in the group has answered questions
about his or her picture.

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