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Angelica C.



Pre-marital sex

Pre-marital sex is simply defines as "sex before marriage". It is an activity that

involves a sexual intimacy practiced by two persons who are not yet married or
unmarried. Last 2014, a study or reseaarch of Pew on global morality concluded
that premarital sex was considered unacceptable in "predominantly Muslim
nations" such as the following countries: Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistam and Egypt,
each having of 90% unapproval. While many of the Western Europeans
approved on it with having less 10% disapproval.

Health professionals recommended people who have premarital sex are

recommended to take precautions to protect themselves against sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV/AIDS. There is also a risk of an
unplanned pregnancy in heterosexual relationships. Around the world, sex
education programs are run to teach school students about reproductive health,
safer sex practices, sexual abstinence and birth control.

In avoiding this, you may do the following: sexual sins start with the mind so, fill it
with God's words. Focus on the this that will make you busy. Don't ever go out
alone with a person you know will tempt you or easily give in to sexual sin. Stay
away from sexually suggestive books, magazines, photos, or Web sites that will
stir up sexual desires. Make up your mind. Never retreat. Let every new friend
you meet know you are committed to sexual purity.

Premarital sex is forbidden in the modern society but, people are still doing it
resulting into bad results in their lives. People can only be threaten by the law.
The most effective ways to avoid it is to spread awareness of the healthy
sexuality among children. Educate and train them to socialize with opposite sex

in a mature way. Inspire them with mutual respect between man and woman.
From the very childhood itself a baby should learn to accept people as men and
women, the equal partners of life on earth; not as objects to fulfill lusty wishes
and ambitions.

Early Pregnancy

Early pregnancy is also known as "teenage pregnancy" for most of the teenagers
nowadays are involved in this kind of issue. Mostly, female teenagers under the
age of 20 ends up being a pregnant. A pregnancy can take place after the start of
the puberty before first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of

This is very risky in the teenagers with the following ages: additional medical
concerns for mothers aged under 15. For mothers aged 1519, risks are
associated more with socioeconomic factors than with the biological effects of
age. Rsks of low birth weight, premature labor, anemia, and pre-eclampsia are
connected to the biological age itself, as it was observed in teen births even after
controlling for other risk factors (such as utilization of antenatal care etc.).

Teenage pregnancy is caused by the following: premarital sex, role of drug and
alcohol use, lack of contraceptions, age discrepancy in relationships, sexual
abuse, socio-economic factors, dating violence, childhood environment, and
media influence.

Teenage pregnancies appear to be preventable by comprehensive sex education

and access to birth control. These are the following solutions for it: education,
public policy, and knowing the consequence of it and your future. Abstinence-only
sex education does not appear to be effective.


Homosexuality is defined as the sexual attraction between two people with the same sex
or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional,
romantic, and/or sexual attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. It
"also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors,
and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Most of them are
called lesbian for females and gay for males, though gay is also used to refer generally
to both homosexual males and females.

It is caused by the evolutionary perspectives or consequences of same-sex sexual

behaviour, rather than only looking into origins of such behaviour. Women gave various
reasons for preferring sexual relations with women to sexual relations with men,
including finding women more sensitive to other people's needs. Sexual orientation
change efforts work to change a person's sexual orientation. Fluidity in bisexual,
unlabeled, and lesbian women's attractions, behaviors, and identities. Women's sexual
desire is less rigidly directed toward a particular sex, as compared with men's, and it's
more changeable over time.

Homosexuality is treatable in adulthood and parents can prevent homosexuality from

developing in their children by changing their parenting methods, starting quite early in
their children's life. These are some of the preventions: Opposing equal rights and
protections for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and same-sex couples. Persuading bisexuals
decide to enter into relationships only with members of the opposite sex. Persuading
gays and lesbians to decide to choose celibacy.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction can also be called a substance dependence or chemical dependency, a

disease that is characterized by a destructive pattern of drug abuse that leads to
significant problems involving tolerance to or withdrawal from the substance. Substance
abuse or dependence unfortunately occurs quite commonly in people who also have
severe mental illness. Individuals with dual diagnosis are also at higher risk of being
noncompliant with treatment.

Here are some of the types of illegal drugs inhabited by some people: alcohol, although
legal, alcohol is a toxic substance. Amphetamines, this group of drugs comes in many
forms that can result in seizure and death. Caffeine, while it is consumed by many,
coffee, tea and soda drinkers, when consumed in excess this substance can be habit

forming and produce palpitations, insomnia, tremors, and significant anxiety. Cocaine, a
drug that tends to stimulate the nervous system. Ecstasy, can increase body
temperature to the point of being fatal. Hallucinogens, may perceive danger where there
is none and to think that situations that are truly dangerous are not. Those
misperceptions can result in dangerous behaviors. Inhalants, can result to brain
damage, even to the point of death. Sedative, hypnotic, or antianxiety drugs, who either
uses these drugs in overdose or who mixes one or more of these drugs with another
nervous system depressant drug (like alcohol, another sedative drug, or an opiate).

People use drugs because of the following: Biology. The genes that people are born
with, in combination with environmental influences. Additionally, gender, ethnicity, and
the presence of other mental disorders may influence risk for drug abuse and addiction.
Environment. A person's environment includes many different influences, from family and
friends to socioeconomic status and quality of life, in general. Development. Genetic and
environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person's life to
affect addiction vulnerability, and adolescents experience a double challenge.

Drug addiction is a preventable disease. Research has shown that prevention programs
that involve the family, schools, communities, and the media are effective in reducing
drug abuse. Although many events and cultural factors affect drug abuse trends, when
youths perceive drug abuse as harmful, they reduce their drug taking. It is necessary,
therefore, to help youth and the general public to understand the risks of drug abuse and
for teachers, parents, and health care professionals to keep sending the message that
drug addiction can be prevented if a person never abuses drugs.

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