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The Trail of Tears includes the relocation of the Cherokee, Creek, Semniole, and

Chotaw native americans. Many of the Indians sufferered from hunger and sickness
while on the trail from their native land into Indian Territory (Eastern Sections of
In 1831, the Choctawn were the first to be removed and they became the model for the
other tribes moving.
The Seminole Indian Tribe were moved in 1832.
The Creek Indian Tribe were moved in 1834.
The Chicksaw Tribe got moved in 1837.
The Choctaw Indians are from the present states of Alabama, Mississippi, and
Louisiana. The Choctaw indians were one of the few tribes to be move voluntarily, even
though around 6000 of them still remained in Mississippi after the initial moving efforts.
The Seminole Tribe, Located in some parts of florida, were one of the only indian tribes
to take the US to war, over relocating them. After, the war, which ended after a full
decade of fighting, the US gave up trying to relocate them. Many of the indians were
exiled to the Creek lands to the west of the Mississippi, while some went into the
The Creek Tribe, were forcefully removed from Georgia through a series of treaties by
Andrew Jackson.
The Chicksaw Indians instead of receiving Land for Land, wanted money instead. The
USA payed the Chicksaw $10,564,667 in present day money for the western part of
their land. After they crossed the Mississippi on the common route for the Trail of Tears
they merged with the Choctaw tribe.
The Cherokee is one of the most remembered tribes of the Indian Removal Act. They
were forcibly removed and relocated into Oklahoma, or back then , it was called In
Indian Country. When the Cherokee were removed and were on the Trail of Tears, they
lost 4,000 members of their tribe. Many of them died from sickness, hunger, or the
Americans killed them.
Mexican American War
The War was the cause of Texas becoming an independent territory, making Mexico
losing most of it;'s land. Also, Mexico has a dispute with America because they believe
two different rivers were the boundary of texas. America believed that the Rio grande
river was the border, but Mexico thought that the Nueces River was. The war ended
from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. America gave Mexico 15 million dollars
for it, from it though, we got 525,000 miles of land.
An important event that happened was the Alamo, in San Antonio Texas. There were
250 Americans and around 2,400 Mexicans. They surrounded the Americans in the
Alamo and after two weeks, all of the Americans were killed.
The Indian Removal act was an act signed by President Andrew Jackson that forcefully
removed indians from their home which was also known as the Trail of Tears.

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